Application of pine nut shell. Dimensions of a cedar cabin, room Useful properties of a nut shell

landscaping 15.06.2019

Mother nature surrounded people's lives with numerous trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs. Among them there are no unnecessary, but many plants are edible, useful. For example, the famous cedar pine growing in Siberia has been feeding and treating local residents with delicious small nuts for many centuries. Not only squirrels love the nut seed, but the pine nut shell, the use of which does not leave the list of useful medical advice, is in the same great demand.

Useful properties of the nut shell

Pine nuts have long been considered a real treasure of the northern forest. Hiding in the scales of dense cones, they are filled with useful substances, patiently choose who to give health, good mood, extraordinary taste. Small grains click during a leisurely conversation. They make cedar oil, decoctions, tinctures. But with any processing, up to 60% of the nut mass of the useful shell remains. In ancient times, it was considered a valuable raw material recommended for the preparation of potions according to traditional medicine recipes.

Usage modern methods research has made it possible to study chemical composition shells. In many respects, it differs from the list of incoming elements and their quantity contained in nuts. The main percentage belongs to fiber. This is almost 70% of the mass fraction of a specific amount of shell. About 25% of various tannins, the so-called pentosans, 2% of proteins are almost as many fats. A small amount remains in the shell essential oils, trace elements, vitamins. A person could not simply throw away such wealth. Therefore, new technologies for the waste-free use of this unique gift of the forest have always been developed, allowing to preserve the following useful elements:

  1. Tannins tannins. They are responsible for the appearance of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties, which speed up the healing process of purulent wounds. These compounds form a protective film on the damaged surface. Under it, the process of tissue repair is actively taking place. Healthy cells appear. The wound heals quickly. Phenomena of inflammation, bleeding do not appear.
  2. High calcium content. Its shell contains almost twice as much as in the mass of cake left after obtaining oil from nuts. This fact makes it possible to use it for the treatment of complex diseases of the skeletal system and joints.
  3. Vitamin C. The active participation of the vitamin in most biochemical processes of living organisms, for example, synthesis nucleic acids, the hematopoietic process, the production of collagen, steroid hormones, suggests that it is not superfluous. This is one of the reasons to save, use the vitamin accumulated in the hard shell of the nut. What's more, there's a lot of it left.
  4. The content of various trace elements in the nucleus is high. Not everyone stays in the shell. There is no need to look for iodine, strontium, cobalt, boron, which are found only in nuts.


Use in traditional medicine

Decoctions, tinctures, containing pine nut shells, the use of which has long been known in small Siberian settlements, helped with many diseases. It:

  1. Respiratory diseases, deafness, colds. Prolonged course of tonsillitis, rhinitis, prolonged runny nose. Chronic cough, asthma attacks.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system.
  3. Women's diseases. Uterine fibroids, relief of pain in a severe menopause, difficult childbirth, uterine bleeding.
  4. Diseases of the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Shell tinctures improve the ability of the necessary blood clotting, which is important during the treatment of leukemia, anemia.
  5. Prevention of atherosclerosis. A large percentage of calcium in the shell, combined with vitamin C, lowers the percentage of dangerous cholesterol, well strengthens the walls of plaque-damaged vessels, small capillaries.
  6. Joint diseases. With regular use of tinctures, water-salt processes are normalized. Bone tissue is effectively saturated with calcium, which alleviates attacks of gout, rheumatism of the joints, osteoporosis. Rubbing with tincture of alcohol is recommended for painful lumbago, sciatica. Baths are considered useful, in the water of which a decoction is added.
  7. Disorders of the digestive system. The astringent, analgesic property of decoctions helps to detect peptic ulcer, dysbacteriosis, changes in the normal functioning of the intestine.
  8. Prevention of the appearance of gallstone disease. Shell extract has a strong choleretic effect. This makes it possible to use it for cholecystitis, diseases of the liver, gallbladder.

Cosmetic Recipes

Usage folk ways treatment of various skin diseases, cosmetic problems with the use of the shell has long been known. Lotions in the form of bandages, compresses soaked in decoction, tincture help during the activation of herpes, exacerbation of eczema, abscesses, boils, diaper rash in babies, and other troubles. It is useful to use them in the following cases:

  1. Treatment of lichen, burns, eczema. Three tablespoons, small shells, pour 300 ml of vodka or a 40% alcohol solution. After nine days, strain the tincture, make lotions, rinses. The same tincture is suitable for nail strengthening sessions.
  2. Scrub for effective cleaning skin. It is easy to prepare it at home as follows. Take oatmeal, add shells crushed in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water, bringing to a creamy paste. Scrub is applied to the face, hands, aged for 20 minutes. The effect on the skin increases after the bath. Done once every week.
  3. A decoction of cedar shells. The old method of destruction extra hair on the surface of the legs, arms and is now considered a method that is not inferior in effect modern ways mechanical epilation. It is necessary to pour three tablespoons of small shells with boiling water, boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Use hot. While bathing a child, a decoction can be added to the water to eliminate diaper rash and irritation on his skin.

Other uses of the shell

Use in gardening, landscape design

The small size of the plots does not allow growing a wonderful Siberian cedar pine tree. Yes and climatic conditions are not always suitable for this. Moreover, as shown Scientific research recent years, the chemical composition of nuts brought from the northernmost places where the tree grows is different. They accumulate more useful elements. But gardeners landscape designers, passionate about their work, have long been using the nut shell for their useful deeds. First of all it is:

  1. Mulch. Original appearance, quality protective properties, a real bouquet of macro, microelements, useful for plants, made this type of mulch the most convenient, useful. Mulch is distinguished not only by its decorative qualities, but also prevents the soil from weeds, erosion, moisture loss, salinization, and the formation of a harmful crust. It can be placed in flower beds, in trunk circles garden trees, bushes. In winter, it plays the role of a protective material against deep freezing of the soil.
  2. biologically active system. The pine nut shell not only protects against excessive evaporation of moisture, weeds, temperature fluctuations, but also protects useful plants from fungal diseases, harmful insects. Included in the chemical composition, lignin, phytoncides, flavanoids, create a special bactericidal microclimate around plants, which is absent in other types of mulch. Using this type of mulch, they stimulate the effective appearance of earthworms, the creation of beneficial microflora at the root system. At the same time, useful properties are not lost for several years. During this time, just pour a little fresh chopped shell.
  3. Coating garden paths. To do this, they dig a trench, partially fill it with gravel, and then lay a 10 cm layer of shell and ram it. During the rains, a beautiful shine and a unique smell of cedar appear. It is very pleasant to walk along such paths.

Every year experts offer new technological options creating materials from any part of the cedar pine. This is a quality raw material for the manufacture of, for example, acetic acid, wood alcohol, special paint for leather, acetone, but also modern composite material cedroplast. Cone waste, together with the shell, combined with environmentally friendly cedar resin, turns into beautiful tiles used in construction, furniture production instead of chipboard, fiberboard, created using harmful formaldehyde resins. Cedroplast plates help increase efficiency, reduce fatigue, purify the air of harmful bacteria, protect against computer radiation, and provide many other benefits to a person. An analogue of this material in terms of a positive effect on human body no.

Peeling pine nuts

A small nut and a dash, I would like to say about the fruits of the cedar pine. The sizes of large specimens are only 10 mm, while small ones do not even reach 6 mm. From any of them you need to get valuable content. And preferably before use. Nuts peeled under production conditions should not be stored for a long time, although they can be bought and easily eaten, while losing the sacrament of the cleaning process during an interesting evening conversation. At the same time, you can enjoy the taste of a nut, collect a healthy shell, listen to the ancient customs of collecting a unique gift from the forest. For example, that cones are used only by those that themselves fall from the tree during the wind. Children collect them kind people. To get the nuts out of the cone, you need to rub it with your hands, knock on a hard object and the ripe fruits will easily fall out without much effort. In mass production conditions, special cone crushers and peelers are used. The cone crusher can be manual, mechanical. Most often, the device consists of a rotating drum, with fixed metal pins. The bumps are located between the wall and the pin. During rotation, nuts are quickly removed from them. The device of the peeler is quite simple. It consists of a fixed part and a special grater, which is simply hit on the bump.

The process of removing the shell from a small grain is not so easy, simple, especially at home. Dentists do not recommend working with teeth. If teeth are used, then experts advise taking the nut by the top, and pressing on the weakest spot located in the middle of the nut. Tips to make shelling pine nuts easier:

  1. Soaking in water. They should lie in it for about 20 hours. At the same time, the shell softens and is easier to remove from the nut even with teeth.
  2. Scalding with boiling water. The procedure takes about 10 minutes.
  3. Freezing. Cold nuts should be put in a bag or napkin and crushed with a hard object, such as a rolling pin.
  4. Roasting. You can do this in the oven, in a frying pan for three minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees.
  5. Smash with a hammer or use a garlic maker

In industry, the shell is removed using a cone crusher. Pre-heated nuts, slightly dried. During the cleaning process, the fruit kernels are sorted.

Scientific research does not allow us to say exactly when and from where this amazing cedar pine tree came into our world. What was it called different peoples. But the fact that healing properties all its parts were known, used in nutrition, treatment even in the days of the Sumerian kingdom is known, proven. A bowl with cedar resin, used in ancient rituals of initiation of kings, needles, nuts, cones, shells are of great value today.

How to choose pine nuts, see the video

Kedroplast is a new, natural, health-improving material. Today, there are no analogues of this material in the world. It does not contain artificial components that can harm human health, it restores, strengthens and maintains the biological field and activity of the body. The unique, elite material has biological energy, which is similar to the energy of human cells, organs and the entire body system. This elite material is able to convey its entire atmosphere, healing properties and smell to a person. That is why he is so popular.

What is cedroplast - presentation

Everyone knows about the healing qualities of cedar. Therefore, cedroplast is not only an amazing facing material, but also a pantry of healing properties. Due to this, decorative tiles are able to withstand various diseases. This material includes in its composition the shell of a pine nut and the husk of a pine cone, which itself fell from the tree. Those cones that fall to the ground on their own have the maximum number properties that have a positive effect on human health. The tile is covered with a varnish made from cedar resin. Often, to protect products, a layer of wax is applied.

Production of cedroplast

AT modern world, a huge selection of this unique, elite material is provided, including a separate tile, decorative panel, facing material for office furniture and residential premises. Firm RosKedr offers everyone who wants to purchase a wonderful tile that will complement the interior of a residential, office space and, at the same time, will provide a lot of positive effects.

Galileo's Cedroplast Program

Such products are very often used as a worthy piece of furniture, such as: a beautiful plate on the wall. Also, cedroplast is used to absorb radiation that adversely affects the human body, which comes from household appliances. If this material is used as a lining of the walls of a room, then one can notice a significant increase in a person’s working capacity, an increase in mood, a decrease in fatigue, functional disorders, and more. Doctors strongly recommend using cedar plastic tiles in various types premises.

Kedroplast can be used in hospitals, health-improving institutions, children's rooms, office various types fatigue, irritability, functional disorders of organs and systems, asthmatic problems, various allergenic symptoms.

Cedar plastic tiles

It's ecological pure material from a cedar cone. The tile is made from the husk of a fresh harvest cedar cone, pressed at a certain temperature using a patented technology. Kedroplast is sold in tiles with dimensions of 200*250*5 mm.

The Global Group company is a manufacturer.

Our company offers to become a partner or simply purchase this wonderful natural material at manufacturer's prices, delivery is carried out to all points of the planet. To contact a Kedroplat consultant, fill out the feedback form.

Our company also offers to become our cedroplast dealer in your region, city or country. We guarantee that our cedroplast is made according to the patented technology of the creator of this wonderful material.

Kedroplast was invented in the city of Kemerovo, in the 90s of the last century. This material is successfully sold to Europe and America, in Asian countries and on the territory of Russia.

Our company also offers to expand your product line with cedar plastic or open your own business "Cedar Room".

More and more popular service becomes an offer to buy cedroplast in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. This material, first created in the nineties of the last century, is widely used for the treatment and prevention of diseases. The basis of its positive impact on the body is the natural components that are contained in the cedar rock.

Additional savings can be achieved by contacting a supplier who offers the sale of cedroplast in bulk from the manufacturer. Then you will not have to overpay intermediaries, and the arrangement of the cedar room will become the most profitable project.

Buy a cedar cabin in the SPA. Devices and cost

In what cases is cedroplast demanded? First of all, when it comes to health care. An excellent choice is a cedar cabin in a spa from a manufacturing company. The beneficial effect of cedar on the body, which was previously used in traditional medicine, now combined with the latest technology.

Sanatoriums, dispensaries and recreation centers are institutions where people can also recover from diseases and prevent their further development. It is enough to order the production of a cedar room for a recreation center to a professional contractor.

Cedar cabin dimensions, rooms

The equipment used for the production of cedroplast at the plant allows the production of cabins of various dimensions. The customer can tell the manufacturer what kind of room will be equipped in order to obtain equipment with the desired parameters.

The equipment has its own dimensions and is selected based on the size of the cedar room. The larger its area, the more powerful and productive equipment will be required.

Production and sale of cedroplast

When ordering the manufacture of cedroplast for business, you should make a choice in favor of a trusted supplier. This will allow:

  • receive guaranteed quality material that meets the standard;
  • order optional equipment and accessories with suitable parameters;
  • without overpaying for mediation, buy a cedar cabin at the best possible price.

Owners big business will appreciate the opportunity to order wholesale appliances for the cedar room. This allows additional savings without losses by equipping chambers for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Characteristics and price of cedroplast

The cost of equipment for a cedar room depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the power of the equipment, additional features. The manufacturer provides the customer with the opportunity to independently choose suitable devices and purchase the required batch of goods.

In terms of price and characteristics, cedroplast, produced according to the standard, successfully competes with any analogues. Depending on the conditions of the order, the price of a cedar plastic room, cabin can vary significantly, so you should choose a professional contractor.

Kedroplast is the working name of the new finishing material made from waste remaining from the processing of cedar cones. The product itself looks like an ordinary decorative facing tile, but, according to Anatoly Khromov, the inventor of cedroplast, it has a unique healing effect.

The appearance of cedroplast will please those who prefer to surround themselves with objects made from natural materials. Of course, mass production, and, consequently, the widespread use of cedroplast is not yet expected. Anatoly Khromov, like any nugget enthusiast, has to develop his business in dramatic collisions.

“If we describe the technology itself,” says the inventor, “it is quite simple. After peeling the pine nut, the husk of the cone remains, which is pressed under the influence of temperature. In this case, a tile is obtained that retains all the healing properties of the Siberian cedar resin. When I started to conduct the first experiments on obtaining material, I tried to use pine and spruce cones, but it was cedar that showed the best results.

In 1996 I managed to write specifications necessary for the manufacture of tiles, and in 1998 a patent was registered for new material. He equipped the first production site in Novosibirsk, then moved to Berdsk. But familiar biologists advised to organize a workshop in the immediate vicinity of the place where raw materials were obtained, that is, closer to the cedar forest.

At first, the case, according to Khromov, went rather quickly. The program to launch the production of new material was presented to the head of the Yashkinsky district and approved by him. Translated into modern language this meant one thing: the head promised not to interfere. At his own expense, Khromov restored the building of an unfinished boiler house, installed equipment, launched the production of cedroplast, taking work local population. At the same time, in the nearest cedar forest, he organized an ecological tourism base - Moscow clerks came to Yashkino to breathe the taiga air and collected cones for Khromov.

Then, as usual, small and large troubles began. They began to try to copy Khromov's technology. Somewhere in Sheregesh, a competing company appeared, which began to produce cedroplast, of course, in violation of technology. Like any Russian entrepreneur, Khromov sued, went bankrupt and even burned. But he always found the strength to start over. At home, Khromov is also known as a major civil activist and a member of the Public Ecological Post, an organization dedicated to the multiplication and conservation of Russian cedar forests.

Today, on the basis of the technology created by Khromov, small-scale production of cedroplast has been established. It is produced as a tile for decoration. interior spaces, as well as in the form of small decorative panels, which can be hung on the wall or placed near radiating household appliances.

There is a technology for coating tiles and panels with environmentally friendly wax or resin (based on cedar resin) varnishes.

Khromov's product portfolio also includes therapeutic and prophylactic cabins made entirely of cedar plastic tiles. At the beginning of the year, Khromov's company managed to acquire its own showroom in Moscow - it is located in the Health Center pavilion at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The inventor himself can also be found there. He will be happy to talk about the healing properties of the material.

“A lot has been said about the merits of cedar pine even without me,” Khromov comments, “but less and less is said about the fact that this wealth must be preserved. In the old days, children were punished for trampling grass in a cedar forest ahead of time set by nature. The cedar cone was collected only when it fell from the wind - carrion. Dry cedar or wood after the windblow was used.

Khromov also uses fallen cones in his production. Cedroplast invented by him is a composite wood material, which includes pine nut shell, pine cone husk and cedar resin as a binding element.

According to the manufacturer, when facing dry walls, without high humidity, rooms with cedroplast tiles (at the rate of 1 sq. M tiles per 10 cubic meters of air in the room) increase efficiency, improve clarity of consciousness, reduce functional disorders of the body and fatigue. In addition, the amount of harmful bacteria in the surrounding air is reduced.

The invention relates to the production of decorative pressed products from tree waste. How to obtain decorative items from the waste of cedar cones by pressing under heating under pressure with exposure and fixing the surfaces of the product at room temperature. Pressing is performed by heating 120-130°C under a pressure of 100-125 kg/cm 2 . Surfaces are fixed under a load of 10-20 kg/m 2 for about 30 days. EFFECT: invention makes it possible to obtain decorative products with health-improving effect and high strength characteristics.

The invention relates to the production of decorative products from tree waste, and can be used in the technology of manufacturing facing tiles for cedar plastic cabins, for the manufacture of art panels and other decorative products of various geometric shapes.

A known method of obtaining decorative products from cone waste coniferous trees(RF patent No. 2235023, V44C 1/24, publ. 27.08.2004), which provides for preliminary stabilization of the waste in terms of moisture content at the level of 5-6%, the introduction of a polymer binder into them - a polyvinyl acetate dispersion in an amount of 12-15% of the dry weight of the base. The mixture obtained is subjected to drying at 80-90°C for 30 min and pressing is carried out when heated to 140-150°C under a pressure of 80-100 kg/cm 2 . The disadvantages of this method include the need for pre-treatment of waste before pressing and the introduction of a polyvinyl acetate dispersion into their composition as a binder. The use of chemical ingredients in the composition of the product impairs the beneficial properties of facing tiles created by a natural product.

A known method for producing decorative items from waste cones of coniferous trees, (RF patent No. 2121925, V44C 1/24, publ. 11/20/1998), which consists in the fact that the husk of cedar cones is placed in a metal matrix and pressing is carried out when heated to 60-75 ° C under pressure 30-50 kg/cm 2 with exposure under pressure 8-12 min. After pressing, the front and back surfaces of the product are fixed without pressure and kept for 20-24 hours at room temperature.

The disadvantage of this method is the production of finished products with low performance, such as strength, water resistance, durability, because. the structure of the products is loose, with air inclusions, and the finished products are subject to deformation and rather rapid destruction.

There is a known method for producing decorative items from waste cones of coniferous trees (RF patent No. 2229389, V44C 1/24, publ. wt.% in relation to the mass of raw materials. After drying, the resulting mass is poured into a metal matrix and pressed when heated at 150-170°C under a pressure of 20-40 kg/cm 2 with exposure to a pressure of 1.1-1.7 min/mm of the product thickness. Next, the products are kept for 12 hours under a load of 100-150 kg/m 2 at room temperature. The method allows to obtain products with increased strength and water resistance.

The main disadvantage of this technology is the achievement of the strength properties of the obtained products due to the use of polymer compounds - polyvinyl acetate or its derivatives as a hardener, the processing of natural raw materials with which and their presence in the composition of the products negatively affect the healing properties of the product from cedar cones - cedroplast.

The objective of the invention is to obtain decorative products with a healing effect, with high strength and performance characteristics.

The problem is solved by the fact that when performing a method for obtaining decorative products from the waste of cedar cones by pressing when heated under pressure with exposure and fixing the front and back surfaces of the product at room temperature, it is proposed to perform pressing when heated to 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg /m 2 and fix surfaces under a load of 10-20 kg/m 2 for about 30 days.

As noted by experts (for example, patent of the Russian Federation No. 2235023), the content of natural resin (resin) in the waste of coniferous cones is a difficultly adjustable parameter, which "rules out the possibility of optimizing the quantitative ratio of the binder in relation to the dry base." Those. The task of finding the conditions under which a natural binder would be sufficient to obtain high-quality products is quite complex and non-obvious.

The technology according to the proposed method solves this problem.

The essential difference of the method is the production of decorative products - plates or tiles of cedroplast - with a healing effect, which is not possessed by analogues of the proposed technology.

The technology makes it possible to produce material - "cedar plast", the composition of which includes only cedar components: cedar cone husk, pine nut shell, cone cores pressed in cedar resin - resin. All these elements of the composition emit a pronounced aroma of Siberian cedar. Cedroplast products create an increased concentration of phytoncides, flavonoids, bornyl acetates and other aromatic oils and resins that have a beneficial effect on human health.

To achieve the required qualities of the resulting products, pressing is carried out at lower temperatures and high blood pressure, sufficient to highlight required amount binder - resin.

The proposed mode of pressing when heated to 120-130°C under a pressure of 100-125 kg/m 2 is optimal to achieve the required quality of products. The low temperature (120-130°C) of the impact on the raw material is sufficient for its molding and at the same time does not have a hard effect that worsens the protective and health-improving properties of the cedar, i.e. does not destroy the ability to release phytoncides, flavonoids, and other aromatic substances in a significant concentration, creating a healing effect. At a lower temperature and pressure, the structure is loose, not strong enough, with increased water absorption during operation. The use of higher temperatures and pressures can adversely affect the preservation of the natural properties of cedar.

Also, to preserve the natural properties of cedar and increase strength characteristics long-term fixation of the product surfaces is carried out - for about one month under a pressure of 10-20 kg/m 2 , during which the structure of the product is finally ordered and the required surface shape is fixed.

In addition, to relieve internal stresses in the product, the back side during pressing is formed in the form of a cellular structure, for example, by placing a grid with a honeycomb pattern on a metal matrix, on which the product is pressed. Without the use of such a mesh in the product, the formation of bulges and bends that reduce its quality is possible.

To increase moisture resistance and improve the appearance of products, they are coated with wax or varnish, which is made from cedar resin by dissolving it in a steam bath to a liquid state at a temperature of 50 ° C for 2 hours, mixing with alcohol in a ratio of 3: 1 and adding rosin in an amount of about 5% for crystallization and shine. Waxing or varnishing products protects them from moisture and other external influences, improves their appearance and performance properties.

The decorative qualities of products are improved by making drawings or ornaments on the front surface of products using various materials from cedar, such as wood chips, pieces of wood, nut shells and others, which are applied to the surface by application, inlay, relief pattern.

For the manufacture of facing tiles rectangular shape 200×250×10 mm in size, cone husks and pine nut shells were used as starting materials in the amount of 300-350 g. The sifted mass of raw materials is poured into a metal matrix, in which a metal mesh with a cellular pattern is placed. Thermopressing is carried out at 120-130°C under a pressure of 100-125 kg/m 2 with a small exposure under pressure - 3-5 minutes. To relieve the emerging stresses after pressing, the product is kept under pressure of 10-20 kg/m 2 for about 1 month. Finished goods covered with rosin varnish or wax. Get tiles with a smooth shiny surface Brown color various shades, which consist only of cedar components, which give the product the healing properties of cedar. Tiles can be easily machined and can be used for lining health-improving cedar-plastic cabins and other interiors. In a similar way, decorative tiles for the manufacture of wall panels, products of various geometric shapes, such as pyramids, caskets, etc.

A method for producing decorative items from the waste of cedar cones by pressing under heating under pressure with exposure and fixing the surfaces of the product at room temperature, characterized in that the pressing is performed when heated at 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg/cm 2 and the fixing of the surfaces is carried out under load 10-20 kg/m 2 for about 30 days.

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