How to get rid of excess hair on the body and face of a woman. How to get rid of excess weight quickly and permanently

garden equipment 30.09.2019
garden equipment

How to prioritize work and personal life: 3 rules

This helps you eat less. Is it possible to learn to eat "in French"? Muscovite Anna, the heroine of our story about cunning tricks in the fight against appetite, managed to solve this problem, albeit with great difficulty. In one year, the girl got rid of almost 60 kilograms excess weight. She says that the most difficult thing was to stop the process of uncontrolled overeating. “I noticed behind myself that as soon as I turn on the TV or music, I begin to lose the feeling that I am eating,” Anya recalls. - I can eat three times as much, I can eat anything, if it lies nearby. Unconsciously, mechanically, my hand reaches for food by itself ... Secret one: eat in silence Science confirms that loud ...

Some files, after using the uninstall utility built into them, leave memory about themselves and, as a result, turn into a pile of rubbish. It also includes your uncleaned browsing history and all files created by the operating system. Cleaning a laptop from unnecessary files without installing unnecessary programs and without registering What are unnecessary files on your laptop and why you need to get rid of them, we have already figured out. Now we will tell you how to clean your computer of garbage and speed up its work without installing unnecessary programs. How to clean your computer: removing programs Cleaning a laptop from unnecessary garbage is done by removing programs. To do this, run "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove Programs" - "Add / Remove Programs" (Windows ...

Why does excess fluid accumulate in the body?

It will probably seem like an impossible leap into the unknown to stop trying to control your child's nutrition, especially if he is overweight. Perhaps Michelle's story will help you make sure that this is possible. How to get rid of excess weight: the story of Michelle About ten years ago, I received a call from the parents of an eight-year-old girl. They needed help in the fight against overeating in a child. They were concerned about her weight and worried about possible consequences for good health. The parents said that they are both supporters of diets, but they know that the diet is not good for the child. They were not ready to change their own habits, but despite this, they said that they would do everything possible for their daughter. Pe...

How to lose weight at home and remove fat on the stomach and sides: advice from Dr. Agapkin

Now put those four hours into your daily schedule. Keep track of how long it takes you to complete these tasks because it can vary. Perhaps it changes depending on the time of year or a particular month/year/quarter. How to get rid of unnecessary tasks You need to get rid of tasks that do not pass through the filter. To do this, you just need to learn how to say "no". To clarify, saying “no” is polite. One of my online course participants recently wrote to me about how he said “no” and how happy he felt: “I was able to refuse a three-hour ...
...How to train the skill of saying "no" politely? Choose five ways to say “no” that work for you. Try to use each of them at least once during the day. How to get rid of those who waste your time: 4 ways For the duration of the vacation, write an automatic mailing letter with the following content: “I'm going on vacation and will be absent until (date). Therefore, contact me only after my return.” (Life is too short to look through hundreds emails, most of which will be out of date by the time you return...

How to lose weight in problem areas and get rid of cellulite

We turn sports into a pleasure and a necessity


I agree, you need to eat right and still exercise. At least elementary exercises for 15 minutes a day. The main thing is to do them correctly. I myself am engaged in the May Body Love program. Of course, not everyone is given the same shape after childbirth as before. But you have to do your best for yourself!

Shelf-by-Shelf Method: Organize or Throw Away?


I also quite easily part with things, if some kind of long time, then you can part with it without problems, which means it is not needed.

Once every half a year I get rid of things, etc. (usually I take them to the trash cans in bags where the size of shoes / clothes is written) they quickly take them away. people are taking. But damn it's so pitiful to part with every little thing)))))))))))) it seems to me - from this you can do something, then cut it off there to sew / alter)))))))))))) ) I noticed one thing --- when I unload it becomes easier to breathe NOOOO immediately thinking in my head --- well, now you can buy something else, the place is free!))))))))))))))) And more. ....... maniacal spontaneous purchases are all the fucking world of consumption... We are forced to throw away things (although they will serve us for a long time) and buy more and more..... Be vigilant comrades!!! It's hard but... hold on!

16.10.2016 12:02:16, elit.tigra1

9 tasks to deal with trash: how to throw away the excess and conveniently arrange the necessary?

Self-defense classes, Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques and other methods


Interesting article, I'll take your advice.

The first article about child cruelty is generally a nightmare! What stress this girl suffered, humiliation and all that. I don't know what I would have done with my child if he was one of those juvenile degenerates who drove the poor girl!!!


You have such a facial expression in both photos that weight does not matter.
If a frozen face and an empty look without emotion.

04/07/2014 17:20:11, indifference

Such stories once again convince me that a person can do anything! The main desire!! Bravo to the author!! And further success in achieving your goal!

04/05/2014 10:00:56, Lena Sh...

And do not forget to wash the things you are going to give. As with towels, it does not hurt to set quantitative standards for the rest of the things in the bathroom. For example, it is unlikely that you need seven hair brushes. Let's say you regularly use a comb, round and flat brushes. In this case, get rid of the extra ones, and buy new ones only to replace the existing ones. Another item that you can stock up on beyond measure is toilet paper. It is often sold at a discount on promotions, so there is a temptation to buy and buy. But I have a rule at home: never buy more toilet paper than can fit in the designated compartment in the bathroom. And this is 24 rolls....

Such things do not belong in boxes in the basement or in the attic, where they collect many years of dust. Why keep something that you can't take with you to a new wonderful life for which you started all this? Excesses in the fight against trash Starting to master the fight against trash, I wanted to clear my life of everything superfluous in one fell swoop. So I took the shortcut and threw away a few boxes filled with sentimental junk without even opening them or looking at the contents. Since I had not looked into them for several years, I believed that there was nothing I needed in my new wonderful life. It was a very big mistake. One discarded box turned out to be one of those...


So once in a hurry I threw away an old bag, and in it was my gold ring. I was so offended, so I was looking for him at home until the end, and then I suddenly remembered that the ring was in this bag in the pocket. Everything happened so spontaneously, everything flew forward into the trash, and even it ....

The mentality is probably still different: in the article, a person did not need a passport for several years, but here they can stop us at any moment, compare age, nationality, gender ... I was jarred by the advice about my grandmother's service - leave only a cup with a saucer .. I will store trash. It also warms my soul.

How to defeat yourself in the fight against excess weight?

How to get rid of trash in the house?

Let me start off by saying that I have always been such a bun. Since birth. I was born already in 4100, and this did not bode well. Mom, dad, grandparents struggled with being overweight all their lives.

And what is especially important for you during the period when you are losing weight? I strive to ensure that weight loss is not a temporary period, but in general, the lifestyle has become such that it does not get fat)). I can even single out some rules that help me not only lose weight, but also maintain weight. - No strict prohibitions in products. If you really want, then you can, but better in the morning. So I mentally felt more relaxed. You can, I want to eat, I don’t want to eat.) Usually willpower won.) - Do not scold yourself ...


Stimulus. Motivation.
Now for myself, I can’t find anything to cling to. I'm trying to pull this motivation by the ears.
6 years ago, also in autumn, I had an argument with a friend. Being ambitious - it was an incentive. But the goal was ridiculous: to lose 6 kg in 6 months. It was difficult to step over NG without a strong set. Won! But I'm stubborn as hell.
About their further weight loss - a separate topic, because. there were other reasons.

03.11.2017 07:33:23, Trumpet

rules: a glass of water in the morning, but it's been a long time.
I never add sugar to drinks, but this is in the 8th grade.
Everything I ate I write down in FatSecret. If the daily norm is over, then there is nothing more. Analyze the menu for the presence of proteins-fats-carbohydrates.
There are no forbidden foods. But when you know the calorie content, for example, sweets, and a kilo of tomatoes, the choice is obvious ...

How to get rid of old, unnecessary things? Well, hoarding is not in my nature, but things are piling up. Maybe someone knows the phone numbers of some charitable organizations, etc.?


Can be given to children in orphanages. My comrades and I go to the orphanages in Rybinsk (there are 6 of them), we also carry such given things, toys that are no longer needed (in good condition). The next trip, I think, will be this month. Write. Let's agree.

In the house of each person there are things that he does not need at all. It can be books, CDs, souvenirs, clothes, cosmetics, dishes and much more. People who have lived through years of scarcity or deprivation are accustomed to storing old things for a rainy day, with the idea that they will come in handy someday. As a rule, this does not happen, and things that accumulate in a house, office, garage or country house simply absorb the life resource of their owners. In this article, we will learn how to get rid of junk and unnecessary things, and find out why it is important to do this as quickly as possible.

Why are old things bad?

When there is too much in the house, it is very difficult to put things in order in it. Moreover, no matter how much you clean, a house littered with old things will not be clean, since all this rubbish will collect a lot of dust. At the same time, to find something really necessary, you have to spend a lot of time. Clutter has an amazing ability to grow on its own.

In a room that's crowded unnecessary things, it is difficult to concentrate and relax, as they all constantly appear before our eyes and fall under the arm. Feng Shui adherents believe that the accumulation and clutter of unnecessary things in the room prevents the free circulation of energy, disrupts the positive life processes of households and depletes their lives. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of trash in the house as quickly as possible. Everything old closes us from the new. This problem is especially felt in small apartments and houses.

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that living in a spacious, bright room filled with only pleasant things is much better. So let's figure out how to force yourself to get rid of the trash and thereby make your life much easier.

Strategies for getting rid of unnecessary things

In Europe and America, companies have been operating for more than ten years that specialize in getting rid of unnecessary things and streamlining the necessary ones. In our latitudes, such a business is not yet common, but this is not a problem, because everything can be done independently. When the premises are cleared of rubbish, people, as a rule, begin to experience some excitement and can no longer stop. So the main thing here is to start.

It is advisable to get rid of the trash as quickly as possible, but if time is short, this activity should be given at least 2 hours a week. Cleaning should be carried out systematically, dividing the house into several problem areas. An example of such a zone would be a closet filled with trash.

Unnecessary things found during the cleaning process can be divided into several categories:

  1. Those that need to be thrown away or disposed of. These are morally or physically obsolete things that do not carry material or emotional value. They should be sent to a landfill or recycling without remorse.
  2. Those that can be given to other people. This category includes things that are in good condition, but are of no value to the owner. For example, toys can be donated to Orphanage and books to the library. Charity is a good option for those who feel guilty about throwing away good but unnecessary things. What is junk for one may be treasure for another, so before you send something to the landfill, consider whether it would be useful to someone else.
  3. The ones that can be sold. This includes things that you do not need, but still have material value. There are many convenient services for selling such things on the Internet. In order for the sale to take place, the owner of the thing will need to post a photo of it, receive calls from buyers and deal with the delivery of the sold goods. If all these efforts are justified, then why not? In addition, in many cities there are so-called "flea markets" where you can sell everything you don't need for a small fee. And in some cities, so-called garage sales are gaining popularity, which can bring good income.
  4. The ones that can be fixed. This includes broken items that may still be usable. When deciding to leave such a thing, you need to ask yourself the period for which it is worth repairing. If nothing changes over time, then you need to get rid of this rubbish as quickly as possible.
  5. Those about which there are doubts. All things about which it is difficult to make a quick decision should be collected in one package and postponed for a certain period, for example, for a year. If after a year this package remains intact, you can safely throw it away without even looking inside.

By getting rid of the trash in the apartment according to the strategy given above, you can largely unload your home. It remains only to organize the remaining things in a practical way and enjoy the space. But that's not all. Everyone has things that, while not having practical value, are endowed with great spiritual value. If you store them indiscriminately, then you can force the whole house. We'll talk about this below.

Dear soul, but unnecessary things

Each house has items that remind the owner of a particular period of his life, some important person, achievement, and so on. For example, men keep a soldier's tunic, and girls keep a bridesmaid's dress. It can also be gifts that a person does not throw out of a sense of duty to the one who gave them. Such examples can be given great amount, but the point is not this, but the fact that some of these things must certainly be got rid of.

It is natural to cherish things that cause a sentimental mood. Especially when they are associated with especially important people, any memory of which can cause pleasant feelings. However, it is impossible to keep everything that reminds of the happy moments of life. The collection of such things requires too much space, time and energy. Getting rid of such rubbish, as a rule, is the most difficult thing. However, you don't have to throw everything away. You can leave the most expensive, and arrange everything else using one of the above methods.

Photo for memory

As a rule, the image of an object has the same emotional charge as the object itself. Therefore, to make it easier to throw away, you just need to take a picture of it and save this photo on your computer. In this case, it is desirable to write with which person or event it is associated given subject when it was purchased and so on. To prevent especially important photos and files from being lost in the event of a computer breakdown, it is worth copying them to an additional hard drive.

Leave the best

There is no need to leave too many symbolic things, it is enough to select the best of them, and quickly get rid of the rubbish. This is especially true if you have a large number of approximately the same things, for example, inherited from my grandmother. Leaving one cup out of it, you can largely unload the space, while retaining pleasant memories.


If the house has accumulated a lot of paper relics and photographs, they can simply be scanned and stored digitally. Agree, it is much easier to have a folder on your computer than a box on the cabinet, which only does what it collects dust. If you don't have time to do it yourself, just find a company to do it. this work fast and relatively inexpensive.

After scanning photographs, letters and other paper values, you can send them to people who are directly related to them. It's much nicer than just throwing things away. Most likely, the addressee will get acquainted with it, smile, remember the past and throw the thing away, because it has not been kept in his house and soul all this time. It will be easier for him to say goodbye to her, and this should be used.


If a thing is not used for its intended purpose, then this does not mean that it is time to put an end to it. By changing the purpose of items to a more practical one, you can unload the house and important points leave in memory. For example, you can make a blanket out of old clothes that the owner wore on especially important days. This duvet will not only keep you warm. cold winter, but also serve as an original decor item. If expensive clothes are not enough, you can make a pillow out of it.

Help a friend

American scientists have found that by touching an object, even the most extraordinary and ordinary, a person enters into an emotional connection with it. This is especially pronounced in the representatives of the weaker sex. As this item is stored, the bond grows stronger. If you do not want to part with something, but understand that it needs to be done, ask a friend to take this item to you for a while. Over time, you will wean yourself from this thing and will be able to throw it away with a clear conscience.

Giving gifts

Gifts are a special category of things. When a person gets rid of old rubbish, they are almost main problem. With his present, the donor tries with all his heart to please his dear person. Therefore, gifts always carry great emotional value and occupy a special place in the house. However, most of them have no practical value, but only litter the house, from time to time reminding themselves of themselves with another layer of dust. To get rid of such a thing without a twinge of conscience, you can give it to another person or donate it to charity. Most likely, the donor, if he has a sense of tact, will never ask you about the fate of the thing presented to him. And if he asks, then you can always carefully avoid the question.

Don't hesitate

If you decide to get rid of the trash in the apartment, you should implement your plan as soon as possible. This is especially true of things that cause sentimental emotions. As long as a person knows that a thing that was once dear to him lies in a garbage bag and claims to be thrown away, he can change his mind.

Remaining things

Everything that you decide to keep in your home after getting rid of excess trash should be in plain sight and used regularly. Such things do not belong in a box in a closet or attic. If the things claiming such storage remain, then the cleaning was of poor quality. Don't keep things in your house that you can't take with you. new life, for which, in fact, people are wondering how to get rid of excess trash in an apartment or house.

You need to know the measure

Wanting to change their lives and throw out everything unnecessary from it in order to open themselves to new purchases and emotions, many flirt and throw everything away. Then it turns out that among the discarded rubbish there was something really important, for example, some kind of document. For example, the wife got rid of the old trash and did not notice that among it were things that were important for her husband, or vice versa. This often happens to those who use boxes when moving from one house to another. Even if you remember that a certain box contains really unnecessary things, and that you have not looked into it for several years, it is still recommended to check the contents before throwing it away!

Computer cleaning

Speaking about how to get rid of junk and unnecessary things, many people forget that the computer also needs regular cleaning. “Why not fill your computer with unnecessary files if it doesn’t increase in volume?” - a thought that one day comes to most users. Indeed, you can easily store thousands of files on your computer with the confidence that if they come in handy, they will always be at hand. But, as a rule, only dozens of files are of real value. A cluttered computer works slower and at the most inopportune moment can fail, as a result of which the user risks losing what is really valuable to him (photos of loved ones, electronic documents And so on). Therefore, cleaning the computer should be treated as responsibly as cleaning the house. Clutter in a computer is just as much a hindrance to our productivity as clutter in a room.

It is especially not recommended to leave on the computer everything that can be found on the Internet or downloaded at any time. Also, it will not be superfluous to get rid of programs that are not used in Everyday life but take up a lot of space. It is recommended to store the most important files in two copies: one on the computer, and the second on removable media.


Today we have learned how to get rid of trash in your home and make the surrounding space more conducive to work and leisure. Extra things not only take up a lot of space and create discomfort, but also accumulate energy. Thus, they close a person from everything new and unknown. Therefore, from time to time it is worth reconsidering the expediency of finding certain things in your home. For residents of a private house, it would also be useful to get rid of trash on the site.

Dr. Dukan has been involved in weight loss issues for almost 30 years. Tens of thousands of overweight people visited his office. Helping them to find a dream figure, the French doctor developed a special "mode" of weight loss. He never tires of repeating: you can get rid of extra pounds and be full at the same time - after all, you can eat as much as you want.

It is conditionally divided into four stages, for each of which the nutritionist has developed a special menu.


The first stage is called the Attack Stage. To attack a losing weight person needs excess fat in his body. Kilograms during this period should leave very quickly, and the stage can last from 2 to 10 days. The duration depends on how much excess weight you have. If it is less than 5 kg, the "attack" will only last 2 days. If from 5 to 10 kg - this stage will take from 2 to 5 days. More than 10 kg - from 5 to 7 days. More than 30 kg - 10 days.

The basic principle of this stage: you can eat at any time of the day or night, without limiting portion sizes, but only protein foods:

Any lean meat: veal, beef, rabbit ... You need to cook them without oil. Pork and lamb are not to be eaten.

A bird, except for a goose and a duck, - of course, without skin.

Offal: tongue, liver, kidneys, heart.

Any fish, including fatty, smoked or cooked in its own juice, as well as seafood.

Dairy products with zero fat content and without fruit additives.

Eggs. Proteins can be eaten without restrictions, yolks - no more than 2 per day.

As a condiment, the diet allows small amounts of lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, cumin, parsley, onion, soy sauce, mustard and salt.

A mandatory part of the program is the consumption of at least 2 liters of water per day. This volume also includes tea and coffee without sugar, you can sweeten them with zero-calorie sweeteners. And the doctor prescribes to include in the diet 1.5 tbsp. spoons of oat bran - for good digestion. And be sure to walk or exercise at least 20 minutes a day.

Thanks to all these activities, you can lose up to 6 kg in a fairly short period (of course, if the excess weight is large). Got less? It's okay - go to the second stage anyway. You should not “sit” on pure protein for more than 10 days - this can negatively affect metabolism.

It's time for the road

The second stage of the diet is called "Cruise". The weight loss journey should continue until you reach your desired weight. Usually it takes from 2 to 6 months: about a kilogram is spent every week.

The basic principle of this stage is the alternation of protein dishes with vegetables. One day you eat the same as at the “attack stage”, the next you add cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes or other fruits to the menu, then again a day on protein ... You can alternate protein and protein-vegetable days according to the scheme 2⁄2, 3 ⁄3 or even 5⁄5, but the daily change is most easily tolerated by the body.

Vegetables can be eaten fresh, steamed or boiled. But - not all: fruits with high content starch during the "cruise" are unacceptable.

Prohibited: beans (in the form of beans), peas, lentils, corn, potatoes, olives and black olives, all cereals, avocados.

Allowed: tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, radish, green beans, pumpkin, soy, celery, spinach, all types of lettuce, onion, zucchini and eggplant. You can eat carrots and beets, but little by little and not every day: they contain a lot of natural sugars.

refuel vegetable salads fat-free sauces are allowed. You can also afford 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ketchup and a glass of fat-free yogurt with fruit. Bran intake should be increased to 2 tbsp. spoons a day. And walks "stretch" at least up to 30 minutes.

Stability first

The next phase of the diet is called Consolidation. Her the main objective- to make the result of weight loss stable. To begin with, it is worth calculating how long this stage should last. Take 10 days to "fix" each kilogram previously lost. If you lost 5 kg, "consolidation" will last 50 days, if you lost 35 kg - almost a year.

The basis of the diet at this time should continue to be protein foods and vegetables, and the amount of bran increases to 2.5 tbsp. spoons. To all this you need to add 2 slices of whole grain bread, 40 g of hard cheese not higher than 40% fat and 1 serving of fruit. A serving means 1 apple, or 1 orange, or 200 g of berries. And at the same time, he advises avoiding bananas, grapes, figs and cherries - they are too sweet.

Once a week, at the third stage, pork or other fatty meats can be included in the menu.

The list of permitted also includes products containing starch: pasta, cereals, legumes, rice and potatoes. However, you can't eat them every day. Divide the time allotted for the “consolidation” phase in half. In the first half, eat one starchy meal per week, in the second - two. A serving of pasta, cereals (including brown rice) and legumes should weigh an average of about 200 g. A serving of potatoes and white rice- no more than 125 g. Of course, it is impossible to fry cereals and potatoes - only boil or bake in foil without oil.

Another nice innovation of the third stage is the ability to periodically arrange a "holiday of the soul". So Pierre Dukan calls meals during which you can afford everything you want - any soup, second course and even dessert. In the first half of the "consolidation" phase, such a feast can be arranged once a week, in the second - twice. But the holiday should not stretch for the whole day: limit yourself to only one meal. At the same time, you can’t pamper yourself for two days in a row, just like taking a supplement.

And finally, especially important detail: in the third phase, there must be 1 day during which you will eat only protein (as in the first stage). Dr. Dukan recommends doing this on a Thursday: mid-week restrictions are best tolerated.

New life

The fourth stage "Stabilization" is the longest: ideally, it should last a lifetime. During it, you can afford any products you want. But - do not rush for hamburgers and chocolates. Before indulging in excesses, it is necessary to follow all the rules of the third stage. Eat vegetables and protein in unlimited quantities, fruit - one per day, cheese - a little, two slices of whole grain bread, 3 tablespoons of bran, starchy meals - a couple of times a week. Thursday, again, should be exclusively protein - this will help keep the metabolism in good shape and remove excess water from the body in a timely manner. Most likely, observing all these conditions, you will not eat a lot of high-calorie foods. And if it did happen during some holiday, Dr. Dukan recommends instead of one unloading day spend two on protein products - and the figure will be in order.

Beware of contraindications!

To date, adhere to people in almost a hundred countries around the world. However, not so long ago, representatives of the British Dietetic Association said that this diet can be harmful to health. Those who managed to lose weight “with Dukan” (and these are not even thousands, but millions of people), only smile ironically in response: weight loss did not worsen, but improved their well-being. However, the diet does have a number of contraindications.

Any kidney problems. Protein food, on which the main bet is made in the diet, greatly increases the load on this organ.

Hypertension or high cholesterol levels in the blood. Most of protein products in - animal origin. They always contain fat, which is dangerous for blood vessels and, if used frequently, can lead to atherosclerosis.

Tendency to depression or very high intellectual loads. Our brain feeds on glucose, which enters the body only with carbohydrate foods. At the first two stages of the program, its content in the menu is reduced to a minimum. Because of this, performance may decrease and mood deteriorate. If you feel a lack of energy, the diet should be abandoned.

In the article you will learn:

Hello friends! When I once again cleaned up the house, I caught myself thinking that I was wasting a lot of time on unnecessary things. Therefore, today the topic of the article will be about how to get rid of unnecessary things in the apartment.

Well, judge for yourself: for some reason we keep old clothes that are no longer fashionable or the wrong size. Or, for some reason, we save up a bunch of chargers from old phones, some gadgets, all sorts of little things that are simply rubbish in the house!

Many housewives do not throw away all these things simply because they might come in handy someday. Well suddenly! But honestly, how many times has all this junk come in handy in life? Well, maybe two or three times at most, but how much effort it took to save all this!

To build a new one, we tear down the old one

Another motivation to get rid of unnecessary things in the house for me was the fact that I had to often move from apartment to apartment, and life taught me that you need to live light. Moreover, I go to many places, travel, bring some little things, interesting things that also need a place.

Therefore, I came to the conclusion that you need to live not in the old and the past, but in the new and present! Nothing bad will happen if I throw away an old dress that is not enough for me. And if it suddenly happens that I need clothes a couple of sizes smaller or larger, then I'd rather buy new, fashionable and even more beautiful!

Japanese cleanliness

According to the recommendations of Marie Kondo, a Japanese specialist in cleanliness, you need to get rid of those things that do not please and do not bring benefits. I organized in the process of cleaning the apartment: I allocated two baskets. In one I put what was later sent to the trash can, and in the second what I handed over to organizations in need: charitable foundations, orphanages, shelters, etc.

Thus, I parted with my old toys. True, I left some of the most beloved and significant for me as a memory. She also took a critical look through the rows of clothes and removed all the excesses from there.

True, I left those little things that cost a lot of money and those for which I had doubts about what to do with them. I'll be back in six months and decide their fate.

But it’s amazing how much everything turned out to be superfluous! This is not a closet, but some kind of bottomless box. However, I found a few new blouses that I just forgot under a pile of all this rags. Another plus for my idea! Now I will do this periodically. I decided that once a quarter - for sure.

At the same time, I reorganized the space where my clothes are stored. I bought various fabric and plastic containers in the store and distributed all sorts of accessories, small items of clothing in them. Now even if I want to make a mess, I can hardly do it :)

Instructions: how to get rid of technology and gadgets

While I was rushing around the house in a fury in the process of getting rid of everything superfluous, I discovered that there are household items and gadgets that I don’t use at all. They became more items interior, but they don’t evoke any emotions in me. In general, another extra rubbish.

This is an old mixer that has been replaced with a more modern one. And electronic book, which is working, but quickly discharged. I also bought myself game console, but she soon got tired of me, lying around doing nothing. What to do with it? It's a shame to throw it out.

In such cases, I now do the following: give something to friends, give to parents, or sell through electronic bulletin boards. I sell, of course, for 30-50% of the cost, depending on the condition. With this approach to the price, everything is sold out quickly. Very efficient and profitable.

And with the proceeds, I buy something more necessary or go to a cafe. Why wait for it to come in handy someday. The world of technology is changing so rapidly now that it is not known how it will be in a couple of years. Or maybe I will become rich and be able to afford everything I want! According to the psychologist, you need to think positively

How to choose and buy: simplifying life

To get rid of the excess in the apartment and not to accumulate useless things, you should think in advance about their acquisition and distribution in your living space. When I was at a very young age, I loved to buy a lot of all kinds of cosmetics, jewelry, etc.

My bathroom shelf was filled with jars, tubes and bottles. Even though I didn't even use half of it. Ah, it's time to grow up. Now I'm more conscious about shopping:

  1. I strive to buy only what I really need, without which I cannot do without.
  2. If I buy a thing that is not the most necessary, but pleasant to me, then I take the one that I really like and do not raise doubts.
  3. If I doubt the need for a particular thing for me, then I conduct a test drive: I ask friends or acquaintances for the same for a while, or I rent it. This is also useful because as a result I know what exactly I need, how to choose and with what parameters.
  4. I stopped doing something and buying out of habit. For example, when I used to visit the supermarket, I threw everything that I liked to look into the basket. And often the refrigerator was full of unnecessary products that disappeared and were eventually thrown away. This is also rubbish in life. Now, before I go to the store, I roughly estimate what we will eat in the next few days and take exemplary set products. Very comfortably.
  5. Most best buys take place in good mood. So for me, shopping is a special day. I make sure to wake up slowly and take a shopping promenade when I don't have to rush anywhere, make sure to take a cake break and continue my search. Such a day usually goes well, and the things bought please for a long time!

How to plan space in an apartment

In addition to the order in the closet, I reorganized the space in all rooms. I placed the laundry basket, hangers and shelves where it is faster and more convenient to put and get the necessary things.

On my cosmetic table, I divided all makeup accessories into everyday and not so. The essentials are always at hand. Everything else is hidden from view. The same applies to keys, chargers, combs, calendars, all these little things littered the apartment. Now they have special boxes and drawers. I also redesigned the kitchen and hallway.

Live in the present, not the past! June was with you.

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On the body and face, you can use the usual cosmetic procedures that do not take much time and money, or more expensive and effective methods, including laser, photoepilators or hormones. Different in complexity, availability and price, methods can make the skin smooth by removing unwanted hair from it.

How to get rid of excess hair on the body and face

  1. Plucking

This method consists in pulling out individual hairs at the root with tweezers. It is most suitable for small areas, such as on the face. The result can last up to 3 weeks. Before and after each procedure, clean the tweezers with alcohol to reduce the chance of infection. A possible side effect of this method can be broken and ingrown hairs, which sometimes lead to inflammation and pimples.

Conventional electric epilators also work on the principle of hair pulling. The most common result of their use is a large number of ingrown hairs, as well as spots and scars after them.

  1. Shaving

A regular or electric razor cuts the hairs very close to the skin, allowing you to get rid of them for a while. For vellus blond hair, as well as facial hair, this method is not suitable. To remove excess body hair with a razor, you can use a special shaving cream or regular shower gel. The effectiveness of this method usually does not exceed 1–3 days. To avoid ingrown hairs and acne after the procedure (especially in the bikini area), it is important to always change the blade on time.

  1. Depilation

Usually, this method means special creams and mousses that help remove excess hair at home. They dissolve the visible part of the hair on the surface of the body, usually leaving the roots intact.

This method is best suited for thin hair, such as for example on the hands. Depilatory creams usually do not cope with stiff bristles in the armpits or in the bikini area. There are also special more gentle facial depilators that remove excess hair above the upper lip.

The effect of smoothness from the procedure is usually enough for 5-10 days. A possible side effect can be skin damage if the skin is too sensitive or irritated, or if the product has been aged for longer than the instructions say.

  1. Laser and photoepilation

Called the most effective way to get rid of excess hair, reducing their growth and quantity. Both laser and photoepilation (including IPL) destroy the roots with a strong beam of light. This method works equally well on all parts of the body. The best result after the course laser hair removal light-skinned women with dark hair can notice. However, modern devices for photoepilation allow you to remove unwanted vegetation even on dark skin, and some of them work well against blond and gray hair.

To achieve visible lasting results and remove unwanted hair for a long time, a woman may need from 6 to 12 procedures. Additional repeat treatments may be needed every 6 to 12 months to maintain skin smoothness. The main disadvantage of this method is the high cost.

To possible side effects Salon hair removal includes redness and swelling of the treated area. If the procedure is not performed correctly, burns, pigmentation and scars can occur.

  1. Electrolysis (electrolysis)

According to some reviews, this method is able to remove excess hair forever. Electrolysis is not related to conventional home electric epilators. For this method, a special device is used, for example, "Bumblebee", with the help of which a tiny needle is inserted into each hair follicle and a current is applied, due to which the root is destroyed.

This method of removing excess vegetation takes a very long time, since each hair must be processed separately, and is more suitable for small areas on the body and face: upper lip, chin, armpits. In addition, it will not work on your own to process hard-to-reach areas (for example, a deep bikini). It is also difficult to remove thin light hairs by electrolysis.

Usually treatments are done every 1-2 weeks until the hair disappears.

  1. Waxing

Wax helps to get rid of excess hair on the body and face on a relatively a long period. A warm sticky mass is applied with a spatula or a roller cartridge to the skin, then this area is covered with a fabric strip, and after drying, it is removed along with the hair. Ready-made wax strips are also sold, which are more convenient to use, but more expensive and less effective.

The result after waxing can last up to two weeks. Side effects include irritation, redness, and pimples after the procedure. As with any other method that involves pulling or plucking, hair can grow under the skin after waxing.

Another disadvantage is that for the procedure, the hair must grow at least a little so that the wax can capture it, so it needs to be grown for some time before waxing.

  1. Prescription creams

Vaniqa and Eflora are creams containing an active ingredient called eflornithine hydrochloride, which helps slow down hair growth and also makes it thinner and softer. Completely get rid of excess hair on the face and body with the help of one cream alone will not work. It is best used in conjunction with a laser or other hair removal method to extend the time between epilation sessions.

  1. Hormones

Sometimes menopause or, for example, can cause additional hair growth in girls. In such cases, the doctor may prescribe a woman oral contraceptives or. They help to reduce hormones that affect, however, after discontinuation of the drug, it may return or even intensify.

  1. Sugaring

This is an old method of removing unwanted hair that is very similar to waxing. However, it is less traumatic and complicated, since sugar paste is used instead of wax, which you can cook yourself or buy at ready-made. Pasta sold in cartridges must first be heated. Sugar paste or sugaring resin, which is sold in jars, can be used without heating. During the procedure, you can use a spatula or apply the paste with your fingers.

Sugaring can even get rid of coarse hair in the bikini area. At correct technique almost all hairs are pulled out from the root, and the skin is additionally peeled. Unlike wax, which is difficult to remove, sugar paste residue can simply be washed off the skin with water.

Hair after the procedure may not grow for 1-2 weeks. Of the disadvantages of the method, the main ones are the possibility of ingrown hairs and irritation on sensitive skin.


Some homemade folk remedies help to make unwanted hair on the face and body lighter and less noticeable. It will not be possible to completely get rid of excess vegetation by such methods, but over time it can become thinner and softer. Particularly well natural methods of epilation are suitable for removing facial hair and other small areas body.

How to get rid of facial and body hair naturally

  • papaya and turmeric

Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which destroys follicles, preventing hair growth. Applying papaya paste can slow down their growth above the upper lip and on the chin. And the addition of turmeric will make the remedy even more effective. Instead of fresh plants, you can use essential oil turmeric and papain.

  • egg white mask
  • Lentils and potatoes

This Ayurvedic remedy has been used in India for centuries and is considered one of the most effective ways get rid of facial and body hair at home.

For hair removal, you will need yellow mung lentils, which must be soaked in water overnight. In the morning, it should be kneaded to a thick paste. Next, add the juice from three potatoes, a tablespoon of honey and four tablespoons of lemon juice. Stir until a paste is formed.

The paste should be applied to areas with unwanted hair. It should dry out after about 20 minutes. When the paste is completely dry, it must be removed by rubbing and, as it were, scrubbing the skin. When the lentil mass is washed off the skin, there should be no hair left. Additionally, potato juice will serve as a bleaching agent.

  • Basil and onion paste

This tool will require thin membranes (from two bulbs) that are between the layers of the onion. To them you need to add 10-12 fresh basil leaves. All this must be kneaded with a pestle until a paste is formed. The resulting mass must be applied to areas with unwanted vegetation and kept for up to 20 minutes. If you feel a burning sensation, the paste should be washed off. This remedy must be used several times a week. After about a month, unwanted hair should disappear.

  • Gelatin

A gelatin face mask is similar in action to protein. She also removes facial hair. Additionally, you can add lemon juice to it, which has a whitening effect.

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