How beautiful to glue ceiling tiles. Styrofoam ceiling tiles: how to stick, dimensions, features

Decor elements 03.03.2020
Decor elements

Styrofoam has long been used as one of the easiest to work, inexpensive materials. Ceiling repair with foam tiles will become budget option at home, in the country. Foam square panels are very easy to use, they are not afraid of moisture, they are even suitable for the bathroom, they are safe for human health. Before gluing the ceiling tiles, it is necessary to determine the material, prepare the ceiling, and only then proceed with the installation.

Varieties of tiles

Styrofoam tiles are sold in every hardware store. Exists great amount options - with different patterns, colors, in the shape of a square, rectangular. They even make tiles under a tree, under a coffered ceiling - with square recesses. To make the coating look beautiful, you should purchase a plinth to match the base material, glue it around the perimeter. To imitate plaster molding, the tiles are coated with water-based paint from above.

The choice of tiles is rich, it differs in density, smoothness, service life. There are three main types of products:

  1. extruded boards. Made from expanded polystyrene. The thickness is no more than 3 mm, the density is good, there is no graininess, the variety of colors is high. It will not work to paint such material - the paint simply rolls off.
  2. injection plates. For the manufacture of expanded polystyrene baked in a special way. The product has an engraved pattern. Such material can be painted after gluing.
  3. Stamped plates. The cheapest, brittle, the surface is loose, granular. Due to the friability, the pores are clogged with dirt, so it is advisable to paint the material immediately after pasting the ceiling.

Usually the plates have equal length and width - 50 cm, but rectangular options are also found. On sale there are beautiful products with a piping that form a seam at the joints, and seamless material is also sold. Such tiles are seamless, their edges are even or wavy. All corners of square products must be straight - otherwise the laying quality will suffer.

What to glue tiles on - materials

To glue the ceiling tiles, you need to purchase. It is not necessary to buy glue for ceramic tiles, because polystyrene is a much lighter material. However, for long term services to choose quality formulations. Here are the main types of products on which you can glue the plates:

  • on the water based- consist of cellulose, water, a number of additives, environmentally friendly, but have a minus - fungi and bacteria can multiply under the coating;
  • with solvents - they dry very quickly, in order to paste over the ceiling, you will have to work without delay;
  • on the epoxy resins- expensive, but very high-quality adhesives, it is most advisable to use them for tiles;
  • liquid nails - a good option, cheaper than the previous one, will hold the material even on an uneven ceiling.

Among the popular brands of adhesives, you can specify Titan, Moment, Eco-naset. You will have to hold the material with your hands for no more than 3-5 seconds. What is the best tile to stick on if the ceiling is uneven? For this, ready-made paste (mastic) is sold, which closes up small surface defects, smoothes out height differences.

Calculation of the need for tiles

In order to correctly, qualitatively glue the plates to the ceiling, before starting work, you should calculate the amount of material required per room. If the size of the plates is standard, then 4 pieces will go per square meter. It is enough to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by 4, the approximate number of tiles will be obtained. Of course, the figure should then be rounded up to an even number, to make a margin. This is necessary, because some products may break, crumble, others will have to be cut. For a stock, they usually take 10-20% of the total.

Ceiling preparation

Before gluing the plates, it is necessary to make a quality preparation of the base. The old whitewash will have to be removed, it is better to wash it off right to the concrete. Otherwise, the glue will fall off along with the remaining lime. For washing, a soapy solution is used, a brush, a spatula are used. It is also possible to eliminate dry whitewash, but this leads to the appearance a large number dust. After cleaning the whitewash, allow the ceiling to dry. To do this, you need to open all windows or (in winter time) turn on the heater.

It is also recommended to remove other types of paint, in extreme cases, remove all swollen areas with a spatula. Water emulsion is easier to remove than other paints. To do this, water is plentifully sprayed onto the ceiling, a draft is created in the room, after half an hour the coating is easily removed with a spatula. Also, do not glue the foam tiles on the wallpaper - this type of ceiling covering must also be removed.

The resulting pits, large defects should be repaired with a starting putty. The finished smooth ceiling should be coated with a primer using deep penetrating agents. Priming is also necessary if you glue the plates on drywall. Only after complete drying can the tiles be glued.

Placement and layout

There is different ways how to paste the material. The tiles are glued with a rhombus, diagonally, traditionally (in stripes). In any case, before starting work, you should clarify the scheme, make markup. First, the center of the ceiling is determined - for many, a chandelier hangs in this place. To accurately identify the center, there is a simple method: you need to mark the middle on each wall, draw lines. In the center of the room, the lines will intersect.

From the center it is convenient to glue the tiles traditional way- regular lines. Tiles can be glued in offset rows - when next row shifted ½ from the previous one. For diagonal markings, you also need to correctly mark the ceiling. Lines are drawn from the center at an angle of 45 degrees, which will divide all 4 segments of the ceiling in half.

Diamond Placement

For gluing plates with a rhombus, the center of the first will be located exactly at the intersection of the axes. This is done if there is a chandelier, otherwise the drawing will be spoiled. Next, the ceiling is finished in different directions, as a result, the desired pattern will be obtained.

Diagonal placement

This option is not much different from the previous one. It is the tiles laid diagonally that will hide all the irregularities of the coating in the best way. Each cell is glued from the four central ones along the drawn diagonal lines. The sticker process goes from the center to the perimeter. Thus, in the previous version, one tile is central, in this one there are four. Both methods are more suitable for spacious rooms.

Sticking material

Before gluing the plates, you can watch a video on how to do it yourself. But usually the process is not difficult even for a novice master. To work, you will need a minimum of tools and consumables:

  • pencil or cord for marking;
  • sharp construction knife;
  • ruler;
  • glue, if necessary - a glue gun;
  • level.

Problems during operation may arise due to discrepancies in the size of the plates. Poor-quality products may have a slight discrepancy in size, which on the ceiling will result in a big nuisance. This is especially true for tiles with a pattern that needs to be customized.

It is better to measure all the material yourself in advance, cut off the extra millimeters with a knife. This should be done along the line, putting it on a sheet of corrugated cardboard. The gaps between the walls and the edge plates should not be more than 1.5 cm, so they can easily be closed with a plinth.

Beginning of work

Where to start the process of pasting the ceiling? This can be done from different places, which will depend on the chosen method of fastening products. If you decide to paste over with simple stripes, you can pick up any place (near the wall, door, etc.), fix the first tile strictly parallel to the wall. Next, the rest of the squares are attached, the evenness of the lines is determined by the level or by the lines drawn in advance. How to start gluing if you decide to create a complex pattern? For pasting with diamonds or diagonally, work starts from the center of the room.

Attaching to a flat ceiling

Pasting a flat ceiling with tiles is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, take glue, apply a strip around the perimeter, along the diagonals, on the back of the square. Close to the edges, the material should not be lubricated, as the glue may protrude from under the seam. Next, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • hold the tile in the air for about a minute to weather the glue;
  • attach the square to the right place;
  • smooth out by hand;
  • hold a little for the initial fixation;
  • do the same with the second square.

It is important that in the end you get the right drawing. To do this, you do not need to lay tiles on tiles, allowing overlapping edges. You should not leave gaps, make squares end-to-end. Docking is carried out accurately, neatly and beautifully, aligning the edges to the millimeter. The slabs that are farthest from the wall most often have to be cut.

Bonding on uneven surfaces

For uneven surface the use of ordinary glue will not be enough. For this purpose, they purchase glue for drywall or work with putty. After diluting the mixture according to the instructions, it is taken on a spatula, a layer is formed on the ceiling. It is advisable to apply a small amount of mass, but this will depend on the curvature of the ceiling.

The composition is applied to an area for about 4 tiles, glue them, then repeat with others. The edges are adjusted in level, knocking out the squares that have come out.

Cleaning and sealing seams

Often the glue remains in the form of spots on the front side of the material. It is important to remove stains immediately, before solidification. To do this, use a cloth, sponge, water. For operational work these materials should always be at hand.

Small seams between the squares can be sealed with mastic, putty, sealant, choosing a mass of the desired color. The excess is removed with a spatula. Additional processing of gaps will give more beautiful view, should not be neglected. It is important to do this stage of work after the glue has completely dried.

Seamless tile

The procedure for gluing such material will be similar. First, markup is made, the center is identified, then they proceed to gluing. You can do this both diagonally and parallel to the wall. It is better to start gluing with a seamless material from the wall opposite the window. So the seams between the squares will be less noticeable. It is better to smooth softer seamless products not with your hands, but with a cloth.

Tile ceiling maintenance

In order for the ceiling to always look beautiful, you will have to properly care for it. If dust has accumulated on the ceiling, you need to clean it. Dry cleaning will help, usually done as needed with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner (neatly).

Once every 2 months, you can wash the tiles with a mop, but do not use aggressive detergents. Soap or dish soap is sufficient. Spots are washed with a sponge and soapy water. Moisture from the surface of the tiles must be removed with napkins.

Ceiling tile painting

Paint is bad for seamless tile- the joints will darken, the material will look unaesthetic. All other types of slabs can be painted, however, to create perfect coverage it is better to apply paint in 2 layers. It is advisable to choose acrylic or water-based formulations that are safe for humans.

Many who have not experienced finishing work, it seems that all the talk about how to glue a ceiling plinth is a simple waste of time, because this process is not difficult. But one has only to face, and it turns out that the work requires increased attention. It is impossible to install fillets if their features are not taken into account, there is no clear action plan, and the composition for fixing is not defined. If all this is not taken into account, then the consequences will be very sad: fragments will begin to fall off, cracks will appear in the joints, incorrectly formed corners will spoil the whole appearance.

Do-it-yourself installation of a ceiling plinth should begin with the choice of a fillet. There are many types of products that have significant differences.

First of all, you need to know that baguettes differ in shape. So, it is customary to distinguish:

  1. Details with grooves, clearly visible longitudinal recesses - this is an extruded version.
  2. Elements with a well-convex, highly embossed surface are an injection type.
  3. A variety that has a very smooth finish refers to the laminated look.

But the differences in the material of manufacture are much more pronounced. It is this feature that determines the final characteristics of the product, gives the best idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to properly glue the fillets into place.

This option is considered the most versatile and very practical. It has a lot of advantages:

  • Thanks to high strength, the profile has a long service life.
  • Does not lose its external properties even if it is exposed to direct sunlight.
  • There is a variety that is flexible, which simplifies work on complex geometric structures.
  • It is not affected by moisture, which makes it possible to use not only in bathrooms and shower rooms, but also in rooms that constantly differ high humidity: swimming pools, saunas, baths.
  • It has a wide range of colors and textures.

Polyurethane profile is the only option that can be used on highly curved structures

Polyurethane baguettes are glued to the ceiling using special adhesives that do not react with the material and have a good degree of fixation. Mounting such a profile is quite simple, it will require minimum set tools.

For all its merits, given material has some very significant drawbacks. They conclude that its cost is far superior to other options, especially when it comes to the flexible variety. It is also taken into account that the elements are quite heavy, which limits their use together with stretch ceilings.

foam profile

Foam fillets are rightfully considered the most popular, because they are available to the majority of the population, while endowed with excellent qualities and appearance. In addition, they have a number of other advantages:

  • They have a low weight, which allows them to be used for stretch ceilings, as well as to perform work without the involvement of additional forces.
  • Easy to process, which reduces the time required for installation.
  • If required, the surface can be repeatedly painted, and this creates endless possibilities for design solutions.

Also, we must not forget that this type of fillet has negative qualities, which are associated with the fact that the products have increased fragility and are easily damaged.

In addition, it is this option that has the most restrictions on the use of fixing compounds. When deciding how to glue the foam skirting board to the ceiling, take into account that the adhesive solutions used should not contain any solvents in their composition. The fact is that their presence is a direct path to the complete deformation of parts that literally dissolve from the impact of this substance.

PVC profile

This type of fillet is a product that is made of polyvinyl chloride. And to put it simply, it's just plastic. PVC profile most often used in the case of wall cladding plastic panels. But this is an optional condition.

Polyvinyl chloride fillets have the following advantages:

  • Quite cheap, although this parameter is much higher than that of foam products.
  • They have an abundance of colors and imitations. If necessary, you can pick up details that will repeat the natural cut of wood or stone.
  • Immune to moisture. According to this indicator, they are superior to polyurethane.

For gluing, universal adhesives are used, which are marked as suitable for PVC. Although plastic has impressive qualities, it cannot be stained, which is an important consideration.

wooden profile

The widespread use of wooden fillets is on the wane. It contributes to:

  1. The cost of the material. At the same time, we are not talking about rare breeds; even widespread species have a high cost. Of course, in specialized hardware stores you can also find inexpensive wood baguettes, but they are of very low quality.
  2. Not the easiest procedure. To perfectly fit the parts, they must be laid on a flat surface, and trimming must be done very carefully. The resulting defects are very difficult to hide under a layer of putty.
  3. Installation is a series of labor-intensive procedures. Before gluing the ceiling plinth, you should decide whether this will happen through putty or glue. The first option is often preferred. Further, additional fixation measures are carried out - on self-tapping screws, dowels or nails, the choice of fasteners depends on the base.

Of course, a wooden fillet is a real luxury. It is she who is able to give the room a certain aristocratic look. It is important to consider that walls lined with clapboard, wood panels cannot look good without such an element. Attempts to replace the profile modern version will lead to the fact that the interior will lose its appearance.

On a note! Gypsum varieties are also becoming less popular. They have an unsurpassed appearance. But this feature began to copy many synthetic products. In addition, stucco stickers are only possible on a gypsum solution.

Sticking according to product width

It is impossible to talk about how to glue a ceiling plinth with your own hands with high quality, if you do not take into account its width. This indicator directly affects the sticker technology and general form premises. The following features are taken into account:

  • Wide details are great for rooms with high ceilings, because they visually reduce their height. To obtain a secure fixation, the composition is applied along the entire wrong side, this will prevent the glued elements from falling off.
  • Fillets that are small in width are an excellent solution when ceilings need to be visually raised. Fastening is carried out pointwise if light products are used.
  • Fragments of medium width are considered the most acceptable; they are used everywhere. It is possible to glue ceiling skirting boards of this size by all known methods.

On a note! The appearance of the product is of great importance during installation. So, fully processed, painted, textured elements need a very careful application of adhesives. The fact is that their contact with the front side can lead to the fact that the fillet will be irrevocably damaged.

Sticking with design

Particular attention must be paid external features fillets. Thus, the color of the elements can visually change the perception of the room. For example, if the shades of decorative details and walls match, then the room will seem much smaller.

But then how to stick the ceiling plinth correctly, given the shape of the product? For this, there are a number of simple recommendations:

  1. The drawing should be selected taking into account what style will dominate the interior. So, classic variations suggest that baguettes will have a complex texture, patterns that resemble stucco. Modern minimalism strives for simplicity, therefore thin fillets are suitable for it, the ornament on which is absent or has a clear geometry.
  2. with three-dimensional figures it is better to use for plain surfaces. This option greatly aggravates the atmosphere, so it is categorically not suitable for small rooms.
  3. To achieve harmony, the pattern must be combined with the walls or ceiling. This will make the transition the smoothest.

You can create the most harmonious interior by combining the fillet pattern with walls or ceiling

On a note! When working with baguettes that have a complex shape and texture, they take into account that these details are very difficult to adjust in the corners. Therefore, it is better for them to purchase special corner pads.

Basic mounting methods

Exist various ways, which are used when gluing ceiling plinths. So it is customary to distinguish two main technologies that allow you to mount the most popular product options: polyurethane and foam.

Method One - Using Putty

This option is great for situations in which wallpapering has not yet been completed. Many masters rightly consider this method the most acceptable. The fact is that the untreated surface allows you to achieve the best grip.


To work, you will need the following set of materials:

  • Fillet directly. It is very convenient that this method is universal practical for all varieties.
  • Putty. For the process, the most common mixture is used, which is widely sold in stores, you can use the remnants of a previous repair. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date and integrity of the substance. If the material does not have friability, then it is rejected.

    On a note! Can be selected to work gypsum composition. But it has one big minus - a quick setting. This limits the time of use of the solution, and also does not make it possible to correct the defects that have arisen.

  • Priming. It is applied to increase adhesion of surfaces. It is better to choose compositions with deep penetration.

For gluing the ceiling plinth, the necessary set of tools is selected:

  1. Trimming of parts is carried out using an ordinary hacksaw for metal. You need to use a clerical knife only when the width of the elements does not exceed two centimeters, otherwise the quality will not be as it was intended.
  2. To form an angle, they resort to the services of a primitive, but very effective device - a miter box.
  3. For applying putty, a spatula of medium width is suitable - 8-10 cm.
  4. It often happens that the surface of the fillets has a very noticeable roughness, which prevents quality work. It is removed with sandpaper.

Before fixing the plinth, the presence of all materials and tools is checked. Work is much more efficient when there is no need to search necessary devices in the course of its implementation.


Fillets are glued according to a certain scheme, which consists of several stages. It should be borne in mind that when performing work, all actions are adapted to a specific situation.

Stage one:

  • It all starts with an inspection of the area where the baguette will be installed. Happens often, especially after doing finishing that small defects, irregularities remain on the surface. To remove them, sandpaper is used, which is fixed on a special bar. Of course, it is better to do such preparatory work in advance.
  • Walls and ceiling are treated with a primer. It is important to consider that even this composition needs preparation. The simplest option is conventional mixing, but if a concentrate is used, it must be properly diluted. Further procedures can be carried out only after the surface has completely dried.
  • Marking is required. The easiest way is that the part is applied to the right place. A line is drawn exactly along the edge, which will serve as a guide.

Wall surface marking
  • Many craftsmen advise measuring the length of fillets in advance. That is, measurements of all sections are taken, fragments are calculated. It is much more convenient to draw a diagram on a piece of paper. It is possible to skip this step, in which case the markup will have to be done on a per-element basis when committing directly.
  • Parts are trimmed. This process can cause many problems. Especially carefully you need to work with foam, which easily crumbles from improper exposure. To form corners - use a miter box. It is better to practice a little to determine the correct location of the products in this tool.

Cutting skirting at an angle

Stage two:

  • The installation of the ceiling plinth begins with the preparation of the putty mixture. It should be noted that it is kneaded immediately before work in order to prevent loss of properties. ready solution. This process is quite simple: a dry substance is poured into a container, which is diluted the right amount water. You should get a thick and well-mixed composition.

Advice! It is important to exclude the appearance of lumps or dry residue in the mixture. Therefore, it is recommended to add water first, and then add putty. Each manufacturer places instructions on the label that must be strictly followed.

  • Now comes the most crucial moment - fixation. To do this, using a spatula, a small amount of the prepared solution is collected. It is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the baguette, which will directly interact with the ceiling and walls. This procedure is not complicated, but care must be taken that the excess does not fall on the front.

  • Installation starts from one of the corners. It is believed that it is better to choose for this area, which is in the field of constant visibility. But before sticking the ceiling plinth, check that the applied mixture is not too much. Otherwise, there will be too many residues that will be difficult to handle.
  • The part is pressed to a given place. Exactly at this moment those lines that were previously applied will come in handy. They verify the correct installation. There is no need to press too hard, fresh mortar allows you to fix the element very quickly. In any case, excess mixture will appear from under the edges. While the solution is not frozen - it is removed.

Advice! Removing excess is not always advisable. It often happens that there are minor irregularities on the surface, in which case the putty fills them perfectly. Thus, the edges of the fillet are formed, which do not have any defects.

  • When attaching the second fragment, a natural question arises: how to dock the ceiling plinth correctly? Many admit typical mistake- forget to apply the solution directly to the end part. The mixture requires a small amount so that the excess is completely absent or minimal. The product is pressed into place, combined with the first element. It is important to achieve a perfect match, because any distortions will be evident.

Each glued part must be installed clearly along the line. It takes time for the material to adhere well and dry completely. This takes about a day. Further work is that possible flaws caused by the remnants of the mixture are cleaned. If necessary, the fillets are primed and coated with paint. To avoid staining adjacent surfaces, masking tape is glued along the edges of the ceiling plinth.

On a note! When work is carried out with fillets, which are highly fragile, pressing is carried out with the back of the hand, without a point stop. This will help avoid dents.

Method two - the use of glue

This option is usually used when you need to glue the ceiling plinth on the wallpaper. Although this does not mean that it cannot be used on bare walls. An important condition in this case, the wallpaper must be glued very securely, because you can diligently and carefully install the fillets, but due to defects in the main coating, they will begin to lag behind the wall.

Installation of a ceiling plinth with glue can be done on top of the finish: painting or wallpapering

Adhesive selection

Before gluing skirting boards, you need to make a choice adhesive composition. Currently, there are many options that are suitable for such a task. So, among the whole variety, the following stand out:

  1. Universal Substances. This category includes solutions that have a very viscous and transparent mass, which hardens for a very long time. The most popular options are called "Titan". These products are recommended for working with polystyrene and its varieties, suitable for any foam materials. But using them is quite inconvenient: they are applied to the surface for a long time, while the fixation is not always of high quality, you have to hold the parts for several minutes.
  2. Liquid Nails. These are very convenient compositions, to which many masters give an unconditional palm. Produced in tubes for a construction pistol. But when choosing this option, it must be borne in mind that the composition must have an inscription confirming that it can be used with polystyrene foam products.
  3. acrylic sealant. Enough original solution, which helps to find a way out when it is not possible to purchase one of the above materials. But in this case, it is very important to choose proven formulations.


Now you need to figure out how to properly glue the ceiling plinth on the glue. The instruction is:

  • The surface is being prepared. It must be carefully inspected for any irregularities or defects. If there are any, then they are completely eliminated. This is required so that the strips are pressed tightly, and also there are no strong distortions.
  • Marking is carried out, details are prepared. It is better not to neglect this procedure, it allows you to work better.
  • Next, proceed to the application of the adhesive composition. It is most convenient to distribute it in the center of areas adjacent to the surface.

  • Details are applied to a given area and pressed. It is important to follow the instructions that each glue has. So, different types compositions require a different approach: retention, tearing off and new gluing. It is better to strictly adhere to the specified scheme.

    Advice! It is these parameters that you should pay attention to before buying. They help to understand how to glue the ceiling plinth most quickly.

  • The remaining elements are stacked. After that, the fillets are left until complete fixation. Given time determined by the composition used. If there are gaps, then they are covered with sealant. Joints are also sealed, which are not always possible to fit closely.

Eliminate gaps with sealant
  • When it is necessary to correct a large number of defects, it is better to carry out subsequent staining. It will help hide conspicuous flaws.

Indeed, glue helps to significantly reduce the time it takes to work, but it is important to take into account the characteristics of each composition.

Currently, many popular solutions have similar names, but differ in manufacturer. Therefore, the manufacturer is the main indicator of quality.

Correct formation of corner and intermediate joints

It is this procedure that causes the most problems: it is enough to make a little mistake to irrevocably spoil the workpiece. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about how to properly glue skirting boards on the ceiling if there is no concept of the formation of joints.

So here are a few tips to help you in this situation:

  1. For such work, a miter box is used, which has a set of stencils at different angles. To make a 90-degree angle, you need to trim two parts at 45-degree angles.
  2. The inner corner is obtained if the fillet is placed pressed against the bottom and side of the miter box. In this case, the surface of the part that will be adjacent to the ceiling should be located on the bottom of the tool.
  3. To get the left angle vector - the element is located on the same side, and the knife must enter the stencil from right to left. If you need to get the right vector, then everything is done the other way around.
  4. But how to glue the plinth on the ceiling when you want to get an external corner? In such a situation, the cut must be directed differently. That is, to obtain the right vector, you need to position the knife from right to left.

If there is no miter box at hand, you can resort to creating a stencil with your own hands. To do this, the baguette is placed on the table, on which two lines are marked corresponding to its width. So, for example, with a fillet width of 80 mm, both lines will be located at exactly this distance. A square is drawn between them, which should have all sides of 80 mm. It has diagonals. They will form an angle of 45 degrees. Now it remains only to attach the part to the desired side and cut it off. This option is bad because the fragments are difficult to fix, any shift can lead to the fact that the angle will turn out to be uneven.

Fixing the ceiling plinth is complicated by intermediate joints. There are several recommendations:

  • Plaster and foam baguettes are best laid at right angles, especially when using putty. It should be noted that a thin layer of solution is applied to the joint of the second (next) element.
  • Trouble may arise if the edges are damaged. Then it is necessary to cut the part so that it is possible to form a complete pattern in two fragments.
  • Polyurethane products need more attention, they have a better joint when made at an angle. The bias seam will be less conspicuous.

Indeed, trimming corners is not the easiest task that requires concentration and care. To better understand the whole process, we suggest watching the video below.

Features of gluing on different ceiling surfaces

Difficulties also arise when there is no proper idea of ​​​​how to glue baguettes on a ceiling made of different materials. It is wrong to assume that different surfaces need exactly the same approach.

Stretch ceiling

This option is very popular. This is easy to explain, because it is possible very quickly and without much effort to get a flat surface, which can have various design. It is important to consider one feature when choosing a fillet for such a coating: the side of the part that will face the ceiling remains without adhesive. That is, fixing is carried out directly on the wall. Therefore, products must have the following qualities:

  1. Light weight. AT this case Styrofoam, polystyrene foam, plastic and some types of polyurethane are suitable. At the same time, we glue the ceiling plinth onto compounds that have a quick and reliable fixation.
  2. The side facing the ceiling should be smaller than the side facing the wall.
  3. To install wooden baguettes, you will need additional support points. It can be: dowels, hidden anchors.

Designers advise choosing PVC products, they are best in harmony with tension structures.

GKL ceilings

How to glue a skirting board on a drywall surface? This is a fairly simple procedure, because the base is almost perfect. A little attention should be paid to the joints of the GCR boards, because they may contain remnants of putty. Any irregularities can be easily removed with sandpaper.

On a note! Any fillets are suitable for such surfaces. But it should be borne in mind that the use of drywall leads to the fact that the size of the room is reduced, especially when mounted on a frame. So the designers came up with perfect solution- place the wider side of the baguettes on the ceiling, which visually enlarges the room.

plastered ceilings

Such surfaces have their drawbacks. Therefore, before installing the ceiling plinth on a plastered ceiling or wall, their evenness is checked. If the defects are small, then there is no need to eliminate them. For this case, fillets with soft edges can be used, which will not create very noticeable irregularities.

Summarizing the above, it becomes extremely clear that the installation of baguettes requires a proper attitude. All the talk about how to quickly glue the skirting boards to the ceiling, but maintain the quality, does not make sense, since this is a guarantee that the desired effect will not be achieved.

A beautifully hand-made ceiling made of ceiling tiles makes the interior of the room original and unusual. At the same time, financial costs will be insignificant, and it will take a minimum of time to transform the room.

Foundation preparation

Before you start gluing ceiling tiles, you must carefully prepare for the repair work. High-quality preparation of the base in the future will eliminate the difficulties associated with the installation of the finishing material.

To get a lasting result, you should follow certain rules:

  1. If there is old whitewash, plaster, cladding, paint, wallpaper on the ceiling, they should be removed so that nothing prevents the tile from holding on.
  2. When the ceiling surface is cleaned, irregularities, cracks, depressions and other defects often become visible. To fix them, putty is used, ideal for leveling the base under the tile and for grouting various damage.
  3. After the putty has dried, which takes up to 12 hours, the ceiling is primed. The composition is applied at intervals in several layers. The primer helps to improve adhesion and then the tile keeps stronger.
  4. There are cases when the ceiling surface is not cleaned of whitewash, but immediately begins to be primed, but for this the lime layer must be in good condition. This method, how to stick tiles on the ceiling, does not give a durable result, but as a quick option cosmetic repairs it can be used.

Calculating the area of ​​the ceiling surface

Before you glue the ceiling tiles with your own hands, determine the area that needs to be repaired. This is easy to do. First of all, using a tape measure, you should measure its width and length and multiply the resulting values. The described calculation method can be applied if the room has the shape of an even rectangle.

But rooms rarely have such a configuration, they have cut corners or an L-shaped arrangement. To measure the area of ​​​​a non-standard ceiling, it is necessary to draw a plan on a piece of paper indicating all sides.

Next, the drawing must be divided into even rectangles and for each of them find out the area. The results obtained are summarized and find out the total surface area on which it is planned to stick ceiling tiles with your own hands.

For example: measurements were taken of the ceiling, the length of which was 6 meters, and the width was 4 meters. Its area is equal to: 6x4 = 24 sq.m.

Calculation of the amount of material needed

Before you glue the ceilings with ceiling tiles, you need to decide on the amount of building materials to be purchased. First you need to find out the area of ​​​​one tile. The calculation is carried out in the same way as it was done with the ceiling.

Most often, tiles have standard parameters - 50x50 centimeters. These values ​​​​must be multiplied: 0.5x0.5 \u003d 0.25 sq.m. Since the ceiling area is 24 sq.m., and one tile is 0.25 sq.m., 96 pieces will be required (24: 0.25 = 96). As a result, it turns out that for a room measuring 24 "squares" 96 ceiling tiles are needed.

But do not rush to buy them. The fact is that when finishing the ceiling surface, errors can occur, as a result of which several tiles will break. For this reason, it is necessary to purchase this material for decorating the ceiling with a 10% margin.

Ways to place tiles on the ceiling

There are several options for the location of tiles on the ceiling surface. For example, square-shaped products are placed in a checkerboard pattern, diagonally, by combining elements of different colors or creating a geometric figure.

There are many laying methods, but each of them requires precise marking. They usually start work from the middle of the surface, with the exception of rooms with small area, where the installation is carried out from the corners. First determine the center point of the ceiling.

To do this, using threads, diagonals are laid from opposite corners. Then perpendicular lines are drawn through the center. This method of marking when gluing ceiling tiles is considered universal and helps to arrange products by any method.

The main options for laying ceiling trim elements are:

  1. Diagonal. This method is suitable for rooms for various purposes. The available lines allow you to control the laying of tiles in a diagonal direction. The result is smooth and beautiful.
  2. Chess order. This is a method on how to glue ceiling tiles beautifully. To get the effect of a chess field, you need to use products of two colors. They begin to be glued from the central point of the surface so that the edges are parallel to the walls. The arrangement of tiles in this order allows you to hide the imperfection of the ceiling.
  3. snake. In this case, gluing ceiling tiles involves the use of two matching or contrasting shades of building material. Work begins to be done from the central point, creating the appearance of a snake that has twisted into a spiral.

Features of laying tiles

There are a number of nuances on how to properly glue the tiles on the ceiling:

  1. It is unacceptable to stick the material on the whitewash. The fact is that over time, the lime layers peel off along with the tiles. Prior to installation, the surface should be cleaned of chalk and then primed.
  2. Glue products start from the center of the ceiling or from the location of the chandelier. It is necessary that the rows close to the walls be of the same width.
  3. Tiles should be bought with a margin. When there are protrusions of different heights on the ceiling, an additional number of products will be required. During the laying process, tiles can be easily damaged or damaged. See also: "How to properly glue ceiling tiles - a step by step guide".

Mounting and gluing process

When completed preparatory stage start the installation work. The appearance of the entire room depends on how clearly the instructions are followed on how to properly glue the ceiling tiles.

Installation is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. Take several tiles and carefully examine each of them to make sure there are no burrs on the edges. They need to be trimmed so that the joints are minimal.
  2. Glue is applied to the material. It is distributed around the perimeter of the tile, retreating one centimeter from its edge. Several stripes are placed in the center. Give 1 - 2 minutes for the glue to thicken.
  3. The first tile is applied to the ceiling, focusing on the diagonal and horizontal marks. For better bonding use a rag to smooth.
  4. The next tiles are glued side by side, creating a central square. To stick the rest, they are guided by the laid elements.
  5. Approaching the edge of the surface, they begin to trim the products. Before gluing the tiles to the ceiling, they try on, and only then cut them off. They try to make it so that the gap between its edge and the wall is minimal. The gap is then closed with a plinth.
  6. After completing the installation, allow the glue to dry.

Seam elimination

Sometimes it is not possible to follow the rules exactly how to glue the ceiling tiles, and then the ceiling is visible between the joints of the tiles. You can eliminate errors with the help of white sealant, which is sold in cans equipped with an elongated nozzle. You will also need a gun to work. The white composition is squeezed out evenly between the joints. The sealant will not only close the gaps, but also strengthen the tiles on the ceiling.

Painting tiles on the ceiling

After correcting the defects that have arisen with the seams, if you wish to decorate the surface, you can paint the tiles.

For this, for example, water-based composition based on latex or acrylic, which has the advantages of:

  • does not have a pungent odor;
  • it is resistant to wet cleaning.

Before painting, a primer is applied to the surface of the tile. It is advisable to use a roller with a foam surface. To keep the composition firmly, you need to apply at least two coats of paint. The result is a unique pattern, striking in its originality.

Tiled ceiling maintenance

It is clear to every housewife that you need to not only know how to tile the ceiling, but also be able to keep it in good condition. Such a surface requires regular maintenance, which will allow it to retain its original appearance for a long time. During operation on tiled ceiling dust collects, and if the neighbors flood it, in the event that emergency measures are not taken, difficult-to-remove rust spots will appear on it.

To avoid such problems and not re-glue the tiles, you should:

  1. Once a month, dry clean with a vacuum cleaner or a fluffy brush.
  2. Using a special mop, do a wet cleaning every two months.
  3. Do not use solutions containing caustic ingredients. It is better to use dishwashing detergents.
  4. Areas where there are patterns, clean with a sponge or soft cloth moistened with a solution.

After wet cleaning moisture remains in hard-to-reach recesses on the tile, which is convenient to get wet with paper napkins. The surface and patterns must be wiped so that there are no wet stains.

Working with tiles is easy and simple. Even a beginner or someone who has minimal experience can cope with this task, but on condition that he knows how to glue ceiling tiles quickly and correctly.

Styrofoam ceiling tiles are the most common, affordable way to upgrade a ceiling. Everyone tries to approach this responsibly and individually. Before gluing the ceiling tiles, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work so that a beautiful ceiling covering, with original finish pleasing to the eye for many years. Choosing a finishing option, everyone tries to approach this responsibly and individually. He tries to get acquainted with the varieties of this material, the rules for calculating the required amount, what glue to glue, as well as some of the nuances of combining tiles with the interior of the room.

Types of ceiling tiles

On the construction market ceiling tiles are represented by the following varieties, differing in the methods of their production:

  1. Pressed ceiling tiles are made by stamping from polystyrene blocks. Thickness finished product min - 6 mm, max - 8 mm.
  2. Extruded blocks are made from polystyrene strip by pressing. They have a shiny smooth surface. The plates can be structured to look like a marble slab, a cut of a tree trunk and other natural materials.
  3. For the manufacture of injection tiles for the ceiling, a method is used in which the raw material is sintered. As a result, the product has a regular shape with a deep pattern. Its thickness is from 9, but not more than 14 mm.

The choice of ceiling tiles according to physical parameters

In order to properly glue the tiles for the ceiling, at the time of purchase it is necessary Special attention pay attention to the geometry of the product. If a tile is selected with squares, then all its angles must correspond to the required parameters, that is, equal to 90º. The slightest deviation in the future will lead to the formation of uneven seams. The corners of the ceiling tiles must not be rounded or crumpled.

Another indicator when choosing a ceiling tile is the material from which it is made. When buying polystyrene tiles, you need to make sure that the edges do not crumble, and that all grains are the same size. Better quality is considered to be one in which the grain size is especially small. Styrofoam plates should not break under their own weight, if it is held at any of the corners in weight. The selected ceiling tile should have a clear pattern. No flaws are allowed, any minor inaccuracy or dent will immediately attract attention.

Calculation of the required amount of material and the choice of adhesive

After choosing the type of ceiling tile according to its physical parameters and external design, it is necessary to determine how many tiles will be required for the entire ceiling area. More experienced owners immediately buy 10-15% more, in case of culling due to broken corners or a mistake during trimming. In general, the calculation is not difficult. You need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling and the size of each element. Typically, ceiling tiles are produced with side faces of 50-50 cm. If the dimensions of the ceiling are not a multiple of the length of the side of the tile, then gaps will remain along the edges of the ceiling during finishing. Therefore, when calculating this nuance, it is necessary to take into account.

Expert Advice: if you want to save on glue, instead of liquid nails it is better to use transparent glue with a more liquid “rubber” base. Its consumption is significantly lower. But for a strong fixation, be sure to dry the glue already applied to the tile a little.

Calculating required amount tiles, you need to decide what kind of glue to glue. A lot of people use "Titan", "Econaset", "Liquid Nails", "Moment". They adhere well to any surface and dry quickly. After gluing, the tile is firmly held. Only for this it is necessary to press it against the ceiling for a few seconds.

Work order

Many owners of apartments and private houses prefer to stick ceiling tiles with their own hands. Therefore, it is important for them to know that work must begin with marking the center of the finishing area. To do this, from diagonally located corners, it is necessary to stretch two threads. Their intersection is the desired center. If a chandelier hangs in the room, then you can start work from this point. At the same time, the joining angles at the lamp wire are slightly cut off. As a result, they will be closed by the figured glass of the chandelier rod.

Many begin work from one of the walls and lay tiles row by row. This option is the easiest and fastest. But here there is a small nuance. It is better to lay the first row from the wall opposite the window or front door. Then the gaps that are closed by partial fragments will not be so noticeable.

Before proceeding with the sticker, the ebb along the edges of the product must be carefully cut off. In this case, the surface of the ceiling will be perfectly flat, without seams. It is also necessary to strictly observe the symmetry of the pattern at the joints of the tiles. The slightest deviation violates the integrity and beauty of the finish.

There are relatively many options for the location of ceiling tiles relative to the walls of the room. The most common are parallel and diagonal with respect to the edges of the intersection of walls and ceiling. You can choose plain, colored and combined tiles. Of the combined styling options, the following are most often practiced:

  • alternating or intersecting diagonals,
  • in checkerboard pattern,
  • snake,
  • along the perimeter of the ceiling or in its center, etc.

At the end of the work, skirting boards are installed around the entire perimeter. They are glued with the same glue as the tile itself.

Options for gluing ceiling tiles to whitewash

We will glue directly on the whitewash, so you should choose one of two methods:

  • The first is that a primer is applied over the old whitewash. It is absorbed into the layer of the old coating and seizes with the main surface of the ceiling. Then you need to wait for the primer to dry completely and proceed to the finish.
  • The second method involves partial scraping of the falling whitewashed layer with a spatula. Subsequently, a thicker layer of glue is applied to the wrong side of the tile, and it is pressed for several minutes to the place of gluing. The adhesive is absorbed through the thin layer of whitewash remaining on the ceiling and sets to the ceiling.

How to glue ceiling tiles with your own hands: video instruction

Updating the ceiling covering is a laborious and costly business. In addition to tiles, you can arrange stretch and suspended structures, mirror panels of various configurations and sizes. Everything here is decided by the financial possibilities and fantasies of the owner.

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Good advice, helped especially about whitewashing. When I was gluing tiles with my dad, we first tried to scrape off the whitewash, but then we got tired and decided to stick it like that ... we tried to glue it for two days, you glue it, it falls off along with the whitewash ... They tried to apply the primer and then glued it in a couple of hours.

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Ceiling cladding with Styrofoam boards is a cheap way to update the ceiling surface and give it a beautiful appearance. The richness of patterns and patterns and colors allow you to choose best option which suits you.

What you need to consider when choosing a material and how to properly glue the ceiling tiles, you will learn by reading the material to the end.

Types of foam materials

There are three types of tiles to consider when choosing. They have a different texture and differ not only in price, but also in surface quality.


Made of expanded polystyrene, it is characterized by high density and strength. There is big choice, including in terms of color, there are imitations of wood or marble. So even so cheap facing material may look rich and interesting.

It does not make sense to paint additionally such plates, moreover, the surface does not absorb paint due to high density. The paint just "rolls off". The thickness is only 2-3 mm.


Large porosity, graininess is visible and looks more loose. Strength is achieved due to the thickness of 6-12 mm. Under pressure, a relief pattern is applied to the foam sheet. Low price is the advantage of the material, which determines its popularity.


It has a clear pattern, there is a wide choice. It is baked in a special form, that is, you can choose an interesting relief. Good value for money makes injection material a popular cladding.

What is taken into account when choosing?

  • Correct product geometry. Make sure all corners are 90 degrees, there are no ripples at the edges, and the pattern is clearly visible. Remember: the miser pays twice, so don't try to save money on such a cheap cladding option.
  • The material from which the board is made. It should not break under its own weight. If you took it around the corner, then the plate should not crack in your hands. Increased porosity and fragility are the negative properties of the future lining. It will be hard to work with it, besides, the lining will not last long.
  • A product with a smaller grain size is considered to be of higher quality, because it has a greater density and, consequently, strength.

How to calculate how much is needed?

  • Measure the area of ​​the ceiling. To do this, the width of the room must be multiplied by the length, so you get the number square meters that need to be lined.
  • Decide on the format of the tile, the most commonly used size is 50x50. You can see what size suits you to avoid a lot of unnecessary trimming.
  • Material is always taken with a small margin for trimming and in cases of defective fragments or force majeure. Take 10% more.
  • If you want to combine two or more shades or textures of foam boards, you can calculate how many tiles you need per piece. Draw a laying pattern on paper and you will find out how many shades you need.

Choosing glue

  1. There are special adhesives for working with ceiling tiles from foam. They are sold in small buckets in the form of mastic. Practical and economical option with low consumption. In addition, installation is simplified, and the foam quickly adheres to the base.
  2. Also popular are "liquid nails", superglue "Moment", as well as "Titan" and "Econaset". Using "liquid nails", be prepared for the fact that you will need to stand with outstretched arms for several minutes and hold the plates so that they firmly adhere and fix in correct position. The "Moment" is the fastest to seize.
  3. If the ceiling is uneven and there are differences of more than a centimeter, of course, a plaster screed is required. Buy putty on plaster base, for example, Perfilks glue. Installation of foam will be carried out on a small layer of putty.

Foundation preparation

How to glue tiles on the ceiling? Where to begin? Before starting work, you need to prepare the ceiling, on which the durable ceiling cladding and ease of installation depend.

If there is a thick layer of whitewash on the ceiling, it is better to remove it. Styrofoam slabs weigh a little, but if the whitewash itself is already poorly held, then over time everything can fall off. You can clean off the whitewash layer with a small spatula or brush, after wetting the surface with water first.

The surface to be clad with expanded polystyrene boards must be relatively flat, clean and primed. Priming is mandatory to improve adhesion and further strengthen the base if it is loose. In this case, deep penetration primers are suitable.

If the whitewash holds well, you can prime it with a deep penetration primer, which will strengthen the base. After that, you can install the tiles on old whitewash which will save time.

Marking and choosing the method of placing tiles on the ceiling

The most common options for how to stick ceiling tiles are gluing in rows or diagonally. The sticker parallel to the walls is faster, a beautiful and regular geometry is created.

The right advice: how to properly glue ceiling tiles without seams - video

Diagonal sticker requires more pruning, but the seams are more difficult to see, and the pattern turns out to be intricate and interesting.

How to markup:

  1. You need to find the center of the room. To do this, take diagonally opposite corners and beat off the line. After that, repeat the procedure with another pair of corners. The intersection point of the corners will be the center of the room. If you plan to mount the slabs diagonally, then you already have guide lines. If you need lines for mounting in rows, beat off the line between opposite walls through the center of the room.
  2. Often the laying of plates starts from the chandelier. The corners of the plates are cut to make room for the wire, then the cut will hide the chandelier socket.
  3. Visually how to make markup is shown in the photo below.

You can choose not only plain tiles for the entire ceiling, but also combine several colors. Among the combined options are popular:

  • chess order;
  • snake;
  • alternating or intersecting diagonals;
  • darker shades of tiles are used around the perimeter of the ceiling.

It is worth noting that the installation of the combined version is no different from the installation of plain tiles. It only takes a little attention so as not to confuse anything, as well as pre-calculate how much of which tile will be needed.

How to glue boards

Laying tiles on the ceiling is possible in two main ways. It all depends on the surface, on how smooth it is. Such a ceiling cladding is designed cheaply and angrily, to hide surface defects.

About the types of marriage or what to look for when buying - video

Often foam lining is considered as a temporary measure, and then you can easily remove it and make a more expensive and beautiful stretch ceiling, for example. Depending on the differences, the method of fastening depends.

On a flat surface

In this case, adhesives for foam or polystyrene foam boards are used, we wrote more about possible materials for gluing above.

The technology of how to glue ceiling tiles with your own hands is as follows:

  • Glue is applied along the perimeter of the plate and diagonally. A thin layer is enough, no slippers are needed, no need to apply glue to the entire surface.
  • The tile is mounted in the right place, after which it must be held for several minutes until the glue “grabs”. Depending on the adhesive that you have chosen, you need to hold the tile from a few seconds to a minute or more.
  • We mount the next part of the cladding in the same way: we apply it to the right place on the ceiling, and then hold it so that it is securely fixed. You need to make sure that the pictures match. The result should be a solid picture, so make sure that there are no gaps and gaps between the tiles, and the pattern matches.
  • If there is a need for trimming, use a pencil and a paint knife for this. Mark with a pencil the dimensions you want to cut. Do not cut on the fly, but lay the tile on a level surface.


If it becomes necessary to touch up an already glued board, use a small wooden plank. Gently press it against the edge of the stove and try to move it to desired distance. Do not do this by hand, because the foam materials are fragile and brittle, so you can easily break off a corner or the plate will crack.

On an uneven ceiling

Mounting on liquid nails or foam adhesive on a ceiling with visible irregularities will not work. There will be too much consumption, and these materials are not intended for leveling uneven bases.

In this case, putty mixtures can be used, which one depends on the magnitude of the differences. If they are within 5-7 mm, you can use finishing putty, if more - use starting rough mixes.

Video tips for pasting the ceiling with foam tiles with your own hands

How to glue ceiling tiles on an uneven ceiling:

  • Dilute the putty to the consistency of sour cream.
  • Apply the solution to the ceiling, using a notched trowel, remove excess. Notched trowel will save glue consumption and minimize the layer thickness. The solution is applied to the area of ​​​​several fragments, after which laying begins.

    Do not apply too much solution at once, so that it is comfortable to work with, and it does not have time to set and dry.

  • Lay the first tile on the applied mortar, press it down to make sure it is fixed on the surface.
  • Align the edges of adjacent plates so that there are no gaps, check that the pattern matches.
  • You can check on the plane of the plate building level. With gentle movements, you can press the tile, which frankly protrudes. If this fails, remove the tile and remove the excess layer of putty underneath.

If the surface of the foam plates is embossed, then visually the differences will not be so noticeable. But still, watch the joints and check the plane with a level.

The advantage of this fastening method is that the cladding adheres immediately, so that the tile does not need to be pressed and held, and then wait for it to fix.


Do not lay tiles on a putty layer anymore maximum indicator otherwise everything can collapse.


Ceiling tiles are laid by applying glue or putty to the front surface of the cladding. Immediately remove all remnants of adhesive mixtures, dried glue will be much more difficult to remove.

Fresh mortar is removed with a fiber, sponge or soft cloth. Pre-check the rag for the absence of lint and inability to shed. If it turns out that, despite your efforts, gaps have formed between the plates, they should be repaired.

Use putty that may have remained for this, or white acrylic sealant. Gently apply sealant to the seam, and remove excess with a wet finger or sponge. Acrylic will mask the gaps well, besides, it is in excellent contact with the foam.

Styrofoam ceiling covering is an inexpensive but practical option if you need to improve the interior quickly and inexpensively. There are a lot of tips on how to stick tiles on the ceiling, we have given only some of them, you have the right to choose an interesting option and implement it on your own.

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