Original ceiling finish with your own hands. Features of the ceiling design in the living room

The buildings 03.03.2020
The buildings

Today, for design designers and those who perform the decoration of the premises on their own, such a variety of finishing materials is presented, which is sometimes not so easy to make a choice. It is necessary to take into account not only their own views on the design of space and preference, but also financial capabilities, features of the room and the feasibility of using a specific coating.

Decorative materials for finishing the ceiling must be selected taking into account all the requirements. Only then will fully allow enjoying successfully made facing.

What nuances need to take into account when choosing a ceiling coating

By studying the aesthetic and performance characteristics of different types of finishes, it is important to provide features of the displaced spaces and the coatings themselves.

  • Of course, the ceiling surface decor should not join the dysonance with the total style of design of the room and the materials used in its finishing.
  • The dimensions of the decorated room, which largely determine the form of the finish. For rooms with low ceilings it is better to choose a coating that will minimally damage their height.
  • The condition of the ceiling base, as well as the presence of a desire or ability to engage in a thorough preparation.
  • The need for masking for a decorative ceiling of any communications or the placement of the insulation.

  • The purpose of the decorated room, the parameters of the microclimate in it. For facing the ceilings in the bathrooms it is necessary to select materials resistant to moisture, alternating temperature indicators inside and the formation of microorganisms.
  • The ability to restrain water leaks from neighbors is also not completely unnecessary. The kitchen finishes should easily withstand wet cleaning, exposure to elevated temperatures and steam.
  • If direct sun rays fall into the room, the coating requires steady to carry their impact, without losing appearance over a long service life.
  • Materials should be practical, environmentally friendly, aesthetically looking.
  • Little to purchase suitable material. It is necessary to correctly install it, following the technology. Only in this case will the coverage will attractively look and long delight the owners with its appearance.

It is important to choose the right to choose the shade of finishing materials.

Tips for choosing a color solution:

  • Pastel shades Create a visual impression of the spaciousness of the room.
  • Light glossy ceilings, by virtue of the reflective effect, enhance the illumination of the room. Such a coating is recommended to use where there is little sunlight.

  • You can add a comfort in a low-vigorous room by applying warm tones in the design of paint.
  • On the contrary, if the light stream enters the excess, the cold shades of coatings are appropriate.
  • In rooms with very high ceilings it is best to choose a light color solution for floors and dark - for the ceiling. In low rooms, on the contrary, the floor should be darker the ceiling surface (as in the photo).
  • Do not finish the ceiling with one color with the rest of the interior. This design can create a pressure effect and not too comfortable atmosphere.

When choosing a coating for decorating different premises, it is impossible not to take into account the nuances of the influence of shades on the psyche:

  • White ceilings Soothe, create a complacent mood, add strength.
  • Red shades Expressive effects can accelerate heartbeat and activate muscle activity.
  • Blue ceiling It will help to calm the nerves before bedtime.
  • Blue - Add ease, help relieve fatigue at the end of the day.
  • Yellow In the decoration raises self-esteem, stimulates mental activity.
  • Shades of green Soothe, help cope with emotional and visual overloads.

Important! Dark green color is able to cause depression, and even depressive state.

  • Orange The interior liberates, burte and creates a good mood.
  • Pink ceiling, makes romantic notes in the situation and mood.
  • Brown ceilings - cozy and warm. They personify stability, reliability and security.

How to separate the ceiling

Facing options are a set. From the video in this article you can learn about it more.

Stretch coatings

Recently, the ceiling lined with tensioned material (film or tissue) is becoming increasingly demand. This is explained by the diversity of textures of cloths (matte, glossy, satin, with the imitation of the starry sky, etc.) and functionality.

What are the good stretch ceilings:

  • perfectly smooth surface;
  • lack of need for careful preparation of a rough base, as the web is stretched at some distance from the surface (this also allows the coating of engineering communications and a layer of thermal insulation);
  • quick installation;
  • long service life, which prove long time warranty for products;
  • practicality;
  • the possibility of installation in any premises;

Important! When choosing a model, it is necessary to take into account some differences in the properties of the fabric and PVC films. For example, woven canvases absorb smells well and cannot be resistive to water exposed for a long time. But they are vapor permeable and when they are installed there is no need to use a heat gun.

  • relatively small indentation from the base, which allows the use of such structures and in rooms with low ceilings;
  • resistance to temperature effects, chemicals, sunlight, fire, environmental safety.
  • the possibility of creating various forms on the ceiling, including multi-level;
  • combination with other facing materials;
  • ease of placement on such coatings of any lighting devices (with the exception of heated heating);

  • affordable.

Dropped ceilings

The designs consist of a frame that is attached to the rough base of the ceiling and walls, and cladding. It can be performed using plasterboard covering (followed by applying a coating) or modules are used: cassettes, rails, Grilyato panels.

Suspended systems allow, as well as stretch, disguise surface defects and padded wiring. Cassette ceilings look luxurious and stylish. They are created from modules 0.6 x 0.6 m or 0.6 x 1.2 m.

Filling material can be:

  • glass (including mirror);
  • tree or wood-containing products;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • fiberglass.

Grilyato is more often established in public and commercial premises. These lattices, having a different cell size, are popular at the expense of a modern appearance, the ability to create an unusual design and durability.

The installation of rush ceilings (from plastic or metal planks) is used mainly in the premises of bathrooms and in the kitchen.

In high and spacious rooms you can install a caissional ceiling. It is a design of beams, niches and cells. Create a luxury decor can be made of drywall, MDF, polyurethane foam, wood, etc.


Lovers of natural products actively use this type of decoration. Especially - for finishing country buildings.

In the interiors, where the tree is not given the last role, the lining will organically fit and will delight the eye with its beautiful texture for a long time, and the wood is to fill the air with a pleasant aroma.

Several options for the sections of the boards are produced: the calm, euro, landscape, American, with imitation under the bar and others. Different types of lining onto the appearance, profile, favors, fixation methods.

Ceiling tile

Material refers to the budget category. Plastic and polystyrene tiles are most often used for lining of bathrooms, corridors and kitchens.

With the help of gluing such coatings, you can hide minor base defects. Their installation does not lead to the loss of the height of the ceilings, and each can fix the slabs with their own hands.

It cannot be said that this decor will last long, but at the expense of its economy, neat appearance and ease of installation, it has the right to exist.

Painting and whitewash

Classic ways to facing the base of the ceiling. The main advantage of such a finish is economy, but the labor needed to arrange the perfect surface before applying the compositions (and otherwise it is impossible) and time will have to spend a lot. In addition, a large amount of dirt and dust is provided.

Ploils are performed by the composition based on chalk or lime.

Internal finishing works are most often used acrylic paints. They are well characterized in terms of functionality. If the coating requires elevated antiseptic properties, silicate compositions will be suitable.

Silicone coatings have increased elasticity and shelterness, painted with them surfaces look great. But the price of such LX does not all like it. Before purchasing the composition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its characteristics that contain instructions so that they correspond to the appointment of the premises.

It is not necessary to paint the ceiling one-time. You can create an original design using various techniques: starting from the application of contrasting bars on the base, and ending with a full surface painting.


Decorative compositions for finishing the internal bases in the premises are represented by a large variety of options. With their help, it is possible to create not only a relief surface, but also the real works of art.

For example, using Venetian plaster, work with which requires high professionalism, you can get a truly luxurious ceiling.


Wallpaper today is used much less frequently than another thirty years ago, when there was no such selection of finishing materials. The advantages of such a method of decorating can be attributed to the relative simplicity of work, and the cost of coating is not too angry.

Wallpaper types are produced so much that it is not possible to choose the material suitable for the rest of the design. You can glue the usual vinyl or phlizelin coatings.

Great textile models or made from other natural materials, such as bamboo, decorate the surface. With the help of liquid wallpapers that have an interesting texture, some defects can be masked on the basis. However, you should not use them in wet rooms.

Non-standard design

You can give the interior of originality using a decorative coating, such as a plug.

The use of stucco will add grace and aristocradism to the interior.

In the room with high ceilings, you can decorate the ceiling with wooden beams of different geometric shapes and colors.

Used when decorating the ceiling and tissue. Someone may like the air textile canvas hanging from the ceiling.

A fairly modern solution is the lack of decor on the ceiling in the usual understanding. It became fashionable to emphasize the raw surfaces of surfaces, such as concrete. This technique is actively used in the interiors decorated in the Loft style.

However, in order for the premises to look, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. Recording the ceiling with decorative or rolled concrete of different shades, plates or special types of plaster, you can create a conceptual and stylish space.

Rural motives can be put in the room by finishing the ordinary board. Moreover, the use of materials of different breeds and textures will add special stylish.

The variety of finishing materials and solutions allows you to implement any designer ideas. Using various decorative materials for cladding ceiling, you can create interesting and modern designs.

The ceiling plays a big role in the overall impression of the room, although it seems that we do not look at it. When repairing it, it is better to pay special attention, the methods of ceiling make up a lot: from the most minimalistic to very decorative and complex in implementation.

The ceiling finishes are several types:

  • Those that are applied directly to the ceiling
  • Suspended ceilings - structures on hard frame, forming a second ceiling layer under the real.

We will talk about the second type separately in the next part of the article: suspended ceilings are a large variety, there is from what to choose and what to think about.

And the first type is cheaper, but there are your pitfalls here: for this method, the base ceiling must be aligned and specially prepare for trim.

What can be done with the ceiling to stay within the budget?

Flow design: whitewas

The whits are a special chalk or lime solution, such a material will be very cheap. If the finish is planned to be made directly on the base ceiling, especially in old houses, it must be aligned. Plaster will make the ceiling smooth, hobs small disadvantages and cracks. If there are no irregularities, you can do without it. Then the ceiling must be covered with primer and putty and only after it. The white ceiling looks simple, but neat. Of the main minuses - the short-life, the risk of cracking and, if there were yellow spots from moisture on the ceiling, the yellowness fits through any layer of whitewash.

This solution is suitable for styles such as minimalism, Scandinavian, and styles in which the key is a keyboarding: Shebbi Chic, Provence, Vintage, Country. Do not use indoors with high humidity. With modern technologies, this method of finishing is trying to refuse to benefit more efficient and beautiful.


Unlike whitening, paint can be of any color and applied with different textures. It is inexpensive in paint, but before applying the ceiling, you also need to prepare, and this is a laborious process. Of the minuses - the risk of cracks and short-life, especially with poor-quality prerequisites.

The waterproof paint is suitable for the ceiling in the bathroom and in the kitchen, while it is easy to wash. Depending on the color, it will fit into a variety of interiors. A bright ceiling is a non-standard solution that can become a "chip" of the entire interior. Remember that cold and bright shades will make the ceiling above, and warm and dark - below. More photos of colored ceilings.

How beautiful to make a ceiling? - Clear wallpaper!

Wallpaper on the ceiling by many will seem a strange solution. However, he has a large decorative potential for a variety of interior styles, and when using special types of wallpaper, a long service life is enough. At the same time, the price does not bite, and the decoration of the ceiling by wallpaper can be carried out independently. For the ceiling, dense, such as fliseline, wallpapers or even glass windows, which have increased strength and durability are suitable. You can apply to the ceiling and liquid wallpaper, it will be a compromise option between wallpaper and painting. And anyway, be prepared for the fact that the wallpaper will have to lolidate or even update, and the seams will look inactively. Not stable this type of finishing and to high humidity.

Stick ceiling tiles

This method is also called the "adhesive ceiling". Easy polystyrene foam tiles paste directly to the base ceiling with a PVA or a specialized adhesive composition. At the same time, the ceiling can be aligned not perfect, the tile will hide disadvantages. The ceiling tile has different colors and with different patterns, including volumetric. There are good solutions for styles with classic elements or, for example, a tree finish for a rustic charm.

The ceiling design is the first stage of finishing work. To date, there are various types of ceilings in an apartment or a private house, each of which is characterized by the materials used and the methods of applying or mounting them. In addition, the available options for finishing the ceilings are available at the cost and complexity of work.

The design of the ceilings with paint is the easiest and most affordable way. Most often, water-dispersion formulations are used for this purpose. Their cost is relatively low. In addition, such materials demonstrate excellent water resistance, temperature differences. For drying, paint will need only a few hours. Water dispersion formulations do not distinguish harmful substances, and their range allows you to choose a shade that will be harmonized with the interior of the room. You can apply material on any surfaces, except for metal, due to the risk of corrosion.

The main disadvantage of this method of finishing the ceilings is the need to complete the removal of an old coating, for example, whitewings or plastering layer. It will also require high-quality preliminary alignment, since all defects on the painted surface will be visible. Colorful coating regularly requires updates, that is, it will have to twist annually. This is especially true of the ceilings in the kitchens, where fat will be stacked during cooking.


Ceiling design by plastering mixtures is also a fairly popular procedure. With this material, you can not just decorate the surface, but also align it. In addition, plastering formulations are not lit and do not support burning, do not release toxic substances, are relatively inexpensive.

Important! Such work requires the presence of two people, as well as some experience - the novice home master will be difficult to do everything perfectly smoothly.

The decoration of the ceilings in the apartment with the help of plaster is impossible when the ceiling is larger than 5 cm. Too large material layer may noticeably reduce the operation of the coating. In addition, the plaster slightly "steals" the height of the walls.

Earlier, the ceiling in the house was finished only with the help of blissing, but now there were other better ceiling coatings and their views. Nevertheless, this option is still in demand due to its versatility. White surface will fit into any interior. In addition, the price of whitewash is the lowest of all finishing materials. The finishing process itself is also very simple, so you can save on the services of specialists. Of the shortcomings it is worth noting the need for careful surface preparation. Also, the whirlwinds have a property constantly turning, so the surface must be regularly updated.

There are different options for finishing the ceilings in the apartment, but the wallpaper still did not lose their popularity. Almost any type of this material is relatively cheap, and even a novice master will be able to cook the lingerie cloth.

Paper wallpaper

This type of material is extremely rare. The ceiling brushed to paper walls will last long, but a lot of strength and time will go to its arrangement. Currently, such types of wallpapers are used to design children's rooms and other premises where regular cosmetic repairs are required. This coating hides insignificant ceiling defects, it is inexpensive and does not "steal" excess space. Of the disadvantages: short life, the need to careful surface preparation.

Liquid options

Such types of ceiling finishes are more preferred in the modern world. Liquid wallpaper quickly frozen, easily applied, do not fade under the influence of ultraviolet and differ wear-resistance. In addition, it is possible to replace the damaged area without removing the entire coating. It is important to remember that all these qualities relate only to materials made on a clear technology. Handicraft wallpapers may not have them. The main drawback is the high cost. Also bad tolerate the impact of moisture.


What can be separated the ceiling so that it is not like everyone else? For lovers of the whole original, there are the following options for finishing the ceiling: pasting with seats, flax, silk, tapestry and special furniture fabrics. Also, burlap is suitable for the ceiling surface. Such methods of finishing the ceilings will fall to taste creative people who will independently select combinations, colors, drawings and so on. If you connect to the case of professionals, the cost of the project can be very high. The main advantage is an exclusive appearance, disadvantages - short life and fragility of the coating.

The ceiling finishes in the apartment can also be made using products from textiles or PVC, which are stretched on installed baguettes. The main advantage of such designs is a wide range: the market offers matte and glossy coatings, monophonic and with various pictures, drawings, photos. Such ceilings serve an average of 10 years.

Another advantage of this decoration is the lack of need for careful alignment. The fact is that the products are attached to the wall with an indent, so irregularities will not be visible. Mounting material can be independently.

On a note! The ceiling, the finish of which occurred with the help of the PVC film, protect the apartment in the event of flooding neighbors or the roof flowing, which is especially important for tenants on the upper floors.

From the disadvantages it should be noted the need for the preliminary arrangement of the lighting system, which may not be at the power of the home master. In the summer, due to the strong heat, the coating can be saved, and in the winter weave. In addition, a similar design is easily punctured with sharp objects and slightly reduces the height of the ceiling.

Dropped ceilings

These options for finishing the ceiling won popularity due to a simple installation system. Suspended types of ceiling finishes are attached to the profiles, fixed on the walls and the ceiling surface. Therefore, preliminary alignment is not required, and work is relatively clean.


This is the most common appearance of the ceilings in the apartment. With the help of the GLC plates, you can make not only the usual ceiling, but also a multi-level design or niche. The plasticity of the material allows you to create bizarre forms for various interior options. Of the advantages it should be noted the simplicity of installation - even an inexperienced master will be able to take the ceiling by plasterboard. In addition, the material is relatively inexpensive.

From the disadvantages you can allocate the "fear of water". Under the influence of moisture, the product is very quickly destroyed. Before covering the ceiling in the apartment of plasterboard, you need to consider the lighting system and thermal insulation layer. Another disadvantage is the need for subsequent finishing of coverage with putty and paints.


This option is considered one of the most affordable ceiling. For this reason, it is used in hospitals, office premises and other buildings, where primarily needed practicality, and an attractive appearance is completely optional.

The installation of the material is in this way: the main coating is fixed from the mesh, on which the sheets of mineral fiber are fixed in various shapes.

The main advantage of this type of ceiling finishing in the apartment is the ability to disguise engineering communications under the plates. In addition, the product is easy to replace in case of damage. Tiles are produced in a wide range, so it's quite simple to find the desired color and texture.

Of the disadvantages it should be noted not the most attractive appearance and fragility of the material. Like any other suspension design, tile - reduces the height of the walls, so in small-sized apartments, the presented version of the ceilings is rarely used.


This type of ceiling finish is similar to the previous one. Only instead of fragile mineral sheets use durable cassettes made of metal or plastic. The advantage is that there is a heater between metal sheets, so that the entire process of installation lasts long. The disadvantage of this type of ceiling is the high cost.


If a dilemma arose, from which make the ceilings in the bathroom and the kitchen, it is recommended to pay attention to this option. In this case, no tiles are installed on the frame, but long slats from plastic, galvanized aluminum or wood. As a result, it turns out the imitation of the lining, although it is worth such a finish much cheaper. Another advantage is quick dismantling and easy repair material. Of the disadvantages, you can note a relatively short life of the coating - an average of 5 years.


Modern designers typically use several design options when creating a project for home. Very often combine suspended and stretch ceilings, but any options are allowed. Sometimes a mirror is installed in the niche of the plasterboard design or use the suspended ceiling as a border, and the main area is aligned with plaster and paint.

Glued ceilings

In this case, we are talking about the ceiling, which is covered with tiles with one adhesive side. Such products are easily mounted and possess moisture resistance, therefore, they gained popularity from the domestic user. Also using adhesive tiles can be saved on expensive stucco. The main disadvantage of this option is the need for careful leveling of the coating, in addition, the tile itself is very fragile.

Ceilings from natural materials

Natural versions of the ceiling recently are gaining increasing popularity. The fact is that annually invent new ways of processing and impregnating products that increase its operational qualities.


Wooden lining is thin wooden boards or MDF plates. They are attached to the frame with the help of self-tapping screws, nails or kleimers. The main advantage of such materials is environmentally friendly, attractive appearance, durability and durability. Of the disadvantages - the need to use impregnates for wood and limited color gamut.


This type of ceiling is suitable for a cottage or country house. In the apartment, he will look inappropriate, although some lovers of all natural find the use of it here. The bar has all the features of the lining, but serves longer and is distinguished by strength. Disadvantages: Complex installation, the need for ventilation arrangement. Before separating the ceiling in an apartment or house, this material will have to sleep for a long time with special compositions.

Cork ceilings were not widely used, but such material has some advantages: the presence of a wax coating protects the surface from water and sedimentation of dust, and also improves the life of products. Of the disadvantages, you can note a rather complicated installation and high cost.

Solving how to separate the ceiling on the balcony, it is recommended to pay attention to PVC lining. The resulting coating will be durable, durable, under it you can hide engineering communications and thermal insulation layer. In addition, the material is produced in a wide range, it is resistant to the development of bacteria, fungi and mold, ultraviolet and so on. In this case, such a ceiling is rather fragile, it is easy to damage even with a light mechanical effect. A few days after installation in the room will be a specific smell.

Multi-level structures

Such a ceiling can be decorated with any of the above finishing material. It differs only on the installation technology. In this case, we are talking about suspended structures, which will be installed at different distances from the ceiling surface, drywall niches, multi-level stretch ceilings and their combinations with paints, plaster and so on.

Beautiful ceiling - a dream of anyone who loves and appreciates their home. It is not so difficult to make it as difficult as it may seem at first glance, and many will be able to cope with the task of personally. The methods of making decorative ceilings there are plenty, but most of them are only a few.

Let us try to find out how to make a decorative ceiling with your own hands, and what methods should be used.

Suspended elements - the ceiling finish with their own hands

Traditional ceiling decoration methods

Ceiling decoration with decorative plaster

This is one of the several most popular options for decorating the ceiling.

Decorative plaster for ceiling are two types:

  • Structural - represents, as a rule, ready to use a white mass, which is subject to further tinting to the required shade.
    It is applied to the surface with a smooth layer, and then with the help of special spatulas, scallops and rollers form the necessary relief. Here, naturally, without proper experience it will be difficult to achieve good results.

  • Inspection - unlike the first option, the relief on the surface of the plaster of this type is formed by independently without the need for subsequent intervention.
    The only thing that, most likely, will be needed to be done, so it is necessary to make the necessary color and dried texture surface, painting it.

In the absence of experience in painting and finishing business, making the ceiling decorative with their own hands, use texture plaster. The relief or pattern of the surface of the ceiling is selected at the stage of purchasing a plaster mixture with a set of fractions.

The decorative ceiling decoration will be more environmentally friendly when using water-based plaster. Painting the ceiling is recommended for dispersion paint.

Imitation of stucco ceiling

If the interior in the room is made in the Gothic or antique style, you can decorate, only not plaster, but polyurethane - easier by weight and easy to install.

In addition, unlike gypsum, polyurethane stucco moisture resistant, has the ability to bend, does not shine over time if it is not painted.

Ceiling decoration with stucco elements

The following stucco decorative elements for the ceiling are available on sale:

  • Moldings - With the help of them, the ceiling joints are decorated with walls. This is perhaps the most popular type of polyurethane stucco.
  • Sockets - Serve to design places of fastening of chandeliers and other suspended ceiling lights.
  • Borders.
  • Cornis.
  • Other ornamental and floral compositions of various shapes, styles and sizes.

Liquid nails or special glue use to fasten the stucco elements from polyurethane to the ceiling. The reservoir process itself is quite simple and will not take a lot of time and effort.

If the decorative decoration of ceilings and walls by polyurethane stucco is not suitable, the stucco elements can be tried to make themselves using alabaster, which is divorced by water with the addition of a small amount of PVA glue.
The finished mixture is poured into the forms with the desired pattern, it is rambling and remains to dry.
After that, it can be slightly polished and used for its intended purpose.

Multi-level and curly ceilings

So-called decorative suspended ceilings require more time and funds for their manufacture, however, both options are quite simple in manufacturing with their own hands.

They are created using a metal-powered frame, which form the structure of the future suspended ceiling - levels and shape, after which the frame is trimmed with drywall, which, in turn, is then subject to putty and the finish finish most often with simple staining.

Ceiling decoration using original methods

Now consider how to perform decorative design of ceilings through other, more original ways:

  • Appliques. Modern applications are most often performed using ready-made vinyl stickers stickers. Moreover, they are suitable not only for decorating ceilings, but also to mask cracks or stains, through which it is possible to temporarily avoid large-scale repairs.

Original ceiling applique from vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers are good in that they can be pasted several times in different places, without leaving traces in previous places of their deployment.

As you can see ways to make with the decor really enough, it is only necessary to show creative fiction and masterfully implement it. In any business, you need a competent phased approach, so do not rush, plan each item, and everything will succeed!

The question of which ceilings it is better to do in the apartment, arises like the owners of comfortable private houses and the owners of the city housing, who decided to engage in the improvement of their possessions. Choosing a material for such a finish, it is necessary to consider the features of each of the premises.

For example, the bathroom has a specific humid microclimate. And in order to finish the ceiling in this room, it has come to complete disrepair in a couple of years, it must have appropriate characteristics. The kitchen also has its own characteristics, and not every facing material is suitable for it, as the ceiling will require regular care. For ceilings in residential premises, the most important quality is the ecological cleanliness of the finish, of course, along with decorative attractiveness.

If not so long ago common The types of ceiling finishes were whitewashed or staining with oil paint, today there are a very wide selection of a variety of materials in construction stores. And many of them are quite suitable for use in both wet rooms and in residential rooms with a normal microclimate.

Criteria for choosing materials for ceilings Apartments

So, materials that can be applied to finishing the ceilings of apartments, must meet certain requirements. Only by accepting these features into the calculation, you can get high-quality, durable, fully corresponding to a specific ceiling room.

Speaking, for example, the bathroom, the impact on the ceiling surface of constant wet evaporation is taken into account, the likelihood of direct drops of water is not forgotten. In addition, it is impossible to exclude a certain risk that your bathroom can flood the neighbors living in the floor above. Another feature of this room is often alternating temperature changes, which also adversely affect many finishing materials.

The decoration of the kitchen ceiling must be rack not only to moisture, but also evaporation with the content of fat and oils, as well as to elevated temperatures.

For other premises can be their own features.

It is best to immediately try to formulate some of the requirements that the ceilings in the room facilities should have.

  • Moisture resistance - this quality is necessary for the bathroom and kitchen room. The ceiling finish should not be drinking moisture, steadyly withstand the effect of hot steam, not splashing and not deformed.
  • The material must correspond to sanitary and hygienic standards, that is, not to be a nutrient medium for various bacteria, mold, fungus. The finish should not be allocated to the surrounding air toxic substances. The ceiling should not become a source of dust propagation. This rule must be respected in any premises of an apartment or residential building.
  • Durable finishing, i.e., the material should not be quickly age, subject to chemical or biological decomposition, destructuringcorrosion. This quality is important for all types of ceilings, but it takes particular importance to indoors with a specific microclimate - in the bathroom or kitchen.
  • The surface of the material should be milded moist or dry cleaning in residential premises and regular washing using household chemicals in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • Some materials of the ceiling finish have leakage containment abilities or quick dismantling capabilities during emergency situations. These qualities are especially useful for the bath finishes of the bathrooms and the kitchen. However, it is optional and they will be for the rest of the rooms, since, unfortunately, breakthroughs of pipes can happen in the heating system. And such emergencies are able to spoil any repairs.
  • Aesthetic qualities. The finish should have a neat and attractive appearance and harmonize with wall decoration. These qualities Many apartment owners consider the main. It should be noted that they are really important, as the appearance of the entire design design of the premises depends on them. Big, but not always determining ...

To determine the choice of material for finishing the ceilings in the rooms of the apartment, it makes sense to consider the characteristics of the most popular modern materials used for this purpose.

Main types of ceilkov

The varieties of ceilings can be divided by their base structures and for the material used for their manufacture and finish. So, the ceilings may have suspended and tension, past or painted different materials.

  • For stretch ceilings, plastic material is used in the form of large cloths. Its installation is made using special equipment.
  • Suspended ceilings are a metal or wooden design - the framework, which is fixed or the different material is fixed - it can be plastic, metal or wooden lining, polymer panels, artificial glass, chipboard, plasterboard and other materials.

Suspended ceilings can be single-level or multi-level. In addition, ceiling surfaces that have several levels can be combined with tension structures.

  • Wallpapers, polystyrene foam tiles, fabrics, natural original coatings, such as a plug are used for the surface of the surface of the smooth ceiling.

Today, the most popular in designer developments can be called drywall ceilings, including multi-tiered with original backlit, and stretching surfaces. As the first and the second option, it is very difficult to mount yourself without having special skills and special equipment.

Bathrooms are most popular with plastic panels and stretched fabrics.

Ceiling height in the apartment

To select the material for finishing the ceiling in any of the rooms, it is necessary to calculate its height, and take into account the fact that some designs suggest its significant decrease. Therefore, in apartments with low ceilings, the arrangement of suspended systems becomes always appropriate, as such ceilings will create a grapple impression.

The standard of ceiling height in the apartments of the Soviet era is most often 2400 ÷ 2500 mm, in modern new buildings this parameter is sometimes increased to 3000 mm.

If the apartment has low ceilings, and they must be made visually higher, then it is worth choosing materials having a small thickness and fixed directly to the surface of the overlap, or those that have a reflective effect, for example, light stretch.

If the ceiling height is sufficiently high, it allows you to accommodate between the trim and overlapping heat or (s) soundproof material, disguise in this area, engineering communications - electrical wiring or ventilation channels.

Color design is also of great importance in order to visually lift the ceiling. There are several design techniques for this purpose:

Prices for stretch ceilings

stretch ceiling

  • You can smooth the wall of the joint wall and the ceiling, picking up the materials of the corresponding shades, that is, to separate the ceiling and walls in one color.
  • Another option is to fade the ceiling with reflective material.

  • A good effect gives a stretch ceiling with a spatial 3D pattern, for example, the sky with clouds.

We now turn to a more detailed consideration of the varieties of ceilings. This will make it much easier to determine the choice for specific apartments.

Dropped ceilings

As mentioned above, one from the most popular options for cladding ceilings In various premises of the apartment in recent years, various types of suspended structures have become. With high-quality performance, they look quite well, and have a considerable amount of advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of suspended ceiling structures

TO winning qualities Ceiling trim having a suspended structure can be attributed to the following:

  • With the help of suspended structures, you can easily align the surface and hide the numerous flaws, which are abused even on the concrete slabs of overlaps.
  • Under the elements of the suspended ceiling, various communications can be hidden. Thanks to this possibility, there is no need to stick walls or overlaps.
  • Many designs are characterized by simplicity of installation work.
  • In some cases, it remains to dismantle the cladding if it is necessary to repair or replace some fragments of finishing
  • Not bad indicators of durability.
  • Such ceilings have a very aesthetic appearance.
  • Extensive installation options for various lighting systems are provided.
  • A variety of materials used for cladding ceiling allows you to consider several options and make the optimal choice.

There are suspended ceilings and their own limitations who also need to know by stopping their choice on one of these options:

  • When installing the suspended design, the ceiling in the room becomes below. This is especially noticeable in apartments, where it happens in this regard.
  • Some types of suspended structures are able to skip steam into space between finishing and overlapping. In the absence of proper ventilation in this space, condensate may form, creating favorable conditions for the occurrence and reproduction of the colonies of mold, from which it will be quite difficult to get rid.
  • The suspended ceiling is not able to protect the places from leaks that may occur during emergency situations.
  • When performing self-installation, high accuracy of calculations and assembly work will be required.
  • Some types of suspended ceilings will cost the owners very expensive.

Varieties of suspended structures

Suspended ceilings can be made from different materials and their design can be somewhat different with each other:

  • Rush ceilings and coatings of plastic or natural lining.
  • Cassette or modular design.
  • Solid suspended ceiling.

Suspended Ceiling Type and Lining

This design consists of panels made in the form of long panels or lining, which can be made of plastic, wood, steel or aluminum. The panels are secured or with the necessary lumen on a metal or wooden frame, fixable to the capital ceiling or (and) walls.

The frame can be fixed directly to the overlap or omitted for a certain distance from it. The last option is often chosen in cases where it is necessary to place communication under decorative cladding, or it is planned to install embedded luminaires.

Prices for plasterboard


The framework parts, installed around the perimeter of the walls, are very often at the same time are decorative elements, as they give a neat appearance of the joint line.

As mentioned above, the rails or lining for cladding the ceiling are made from different material. In addition, they can be interconnected differently. Thus, an absolutely smooth overall surface can be formed with barely noticeable (and often - and not noticeable) Socket lines. Another option is a embossed lining with deepening along the entire length that other coloring is sometimes attached. And finally, the racked installation of panels is also practiced.

  • Plastic panels Most often, today is used to clamp the ceilings of bathrooms, as they have the qualities corresponding to the microclimate of this room, they find their use in corridors or hallways.

Plastic lining is distinguished by the following characteristics:

- high resistance to moisture;

- resistance to temperature changes;

- a small weight of a material that simplifies its installation;

- Easy to care for decoration;

- safety of material;

- long service life;

- finishing does not require additional coating with decorative materials throughout the entire period of operation;

- Affordable price price, allowing, if desired, change the finish without dismantling the frame structure.

Plastic panels produced different widths and with different surface structure. It can be matte, glossy, with an embossed pattern or metallized.

This material can be combined by color execution on the entire surface of the ceiling, or to highlight a specific color area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Frequently often in plastic monochrome lining gaps along the jacks decorated with a molding having a steel or gold color.

How to mount the ceiling from plastic panels

If, the choice fell on the plastic ceiling, then this work can be considered quite sat and for independent execution. You will need instructions for carrying out installation work, it is necessary to find in the article of our portal.

  • Wooden lining. Some owners of apartments and houses, preferring the so-called ecosil, choose wooden lining rooms for decoration. Moreover It is assembled not only on the surface of the walls, but also on the ceiling.

As you know, wood has numerous advantages, the main of which is the ecological purity of the material, aesthetic appearance, long service life, resistance to temperature change.

The disadvantage of this material is its hygroscopicity, therefore, if it is decided to decorate the natural lining bathroom, it will require reliable protection against moisture. For this purpose, the wooden panels are impregnated with antiseptic, natural oils or coated with special thermal wax. Such substances have moisture-repellent properties, and, creating a film on wood surface, reliably protect it from steam penetration.

A wooden board and a bedroom and a corridor will be a good option. In the bedroom, wood, due to its natural properties, will create a favorable microclimate and will allow the walls to "breathe". Especially such a ceiling will be appropriate in these rooms if the walls are also facing with natural wood.

  • Metal Rack ceilings. The panels for it are made of steel with an anti-corrosion coating or aluminum, a thickness of 0.4 dollars 1.0 mm. Width of metal rails can reach up to 300 mm, which significantly speeds up the installation of the finish on the frame. But there are products and other widths, for example 80 ÷ 120 mm, so that there is a choice of choice - as who likes. The length of the panels may vary from 2000 to 6000 mm.

The external coating of such a metal facing can be embossed or smooth, solid or perforated. Most often all types of metal panels, except for those that have perforations are used to clamp the ceiling of the bathroom. The perforated panels will not fit both for the bathroom and for the kitchen, as various evaporation will be collected in space between facing and overlapping, as a result of which an unpleasant smell appears in the room.

This material is well suitable for the ceiling of the hallway. Less often apply metallic material for residential rooms. But it is not excluded if such styles are chosen for their design design, such as High Tech.

Metallic finish option can have a different exterior coating - glossy, matte, polymer colored spraying, a mirror or imitating factory and wood color.

This material almost fully complies with the requirements for the decoration used in wet rooms:

- He absolutely does not absorb moisture and even repels it, so it will not be a nutrient medium for various bacteria.

- The metal does not secrete toxic substances into the environment, so the facing is quite clean, it is quite clean.

- material racks to temperature changes.

- Facing is calculated for a long service life, since the qualitatively manufactured panels changes its initial "commodity" appearance.

- The surface is easy to care for the surface, it can be wet cleaning with the use of household chemicals.

The disadvantage of steel panels is the need for mandatory processing of cutting of the rivers with an anti-corrosion composition, otherwise corrosion is capable of extending further. Aluminum products - have a fairly high cost.

Prices for plastic ceiling panels

plastic ceiling panels

Modular suspension design

This type of ceiling is a suspension design from panels made from different materials. It can be a matte or mirror glass, metal, plastic, hypusoloconne Lightweight plates or even moisture-resistant plasterboard. A fundamental difference - these panels (tiles) are stacked in cells of a suspended metal frame of a special design.

The framework of the modular ceiling is different in what is open. That is, his profiles are not designed to securing on they are panels with a fastener, and on the laying on top in formed Cells. This option of the suspended ceiling is much easier to mount, and repair, since any panel can always be replaced with a new one.

Frame guides under the modular ceiling is made of electric-channel steel or aluminum with a thickness of 0.4 ÷ 0.8 mm. Facial, that is, facing the surface of the metal profiles are covered with a protective-decorative polymer layer of different shades or a metallized paint composition. This makes it possible to pick up the colors of the frame and panels - the guides become a neat frame for decorative plates.

The classic example of such a design is the popular ceiling systems of Armstrong

This type of design can be applied to any of the rooms, if it matches its design solution.

  • The panels from compressed mineral and cellulose fibers. They are not at all difficult, although often the surface is very similar With finishing plaster. However, surface texture in such plates can very seriously differ.

Such panels give the ceiling underlined accuracy. In addition, many of them have perforation or special surface texture, which gives them a property of very effective noise insulation.

The cost of such panels will not call, and they are quite suitable for the category nude available metrics.

  • Metal panels The modular ceiling has the same characteristics as the metal version. These advantages include a wide selection of shades, ease of installation.

  • Mirror panelscan be made of water-repellent glass or polished metal. Therefore, such elements of the suspended ceiling perfectly oppose moisture and a hot pair.

The reflecting surface of the mirror ceiling visually expands the space of a small room of a bath or hallway. In addition, the mirrored panels reflect the light, from lighting devices located on the walls of the room, significantly increasing their glow.

Panels of mirror ceilings are produced in different sizes and colors. They can be perfectly smooth or have various textures on their surface.

  • "Glass" modular ceilings.In this embodiment, the role of panels perform acrylic translucent plates on which a matte coating is applied. It can be white or color. The surface of such pseudo-glass Panels are often decorated with large or small patterns, which makes special originality in the interior design. If it is selected to install a matte "glass" ceiling, the backlight immediately provides for it. With its competent placement, it will not only create a brighter room lighting, but also allocate ornaments on the glass.

This velocity of the ceiling finish does not absorb moisture, it is easy to clean and retains its appearance for many years. Similar "glass" ceilings can be installed in the bathroom, hallway, and sometimes even in the living room.

Prices on the suspended ceiling

suspended ceiling

Due to the fact that matte pseudo-glass Panels are made of acrylic, they have a very low weight, so they can be easily mounted independently and without fear. In addition, the acrylic ceiling is absolutely safe to operate - even when the panel falls from height, the panel will not disarm and will not cause serious injury. Smooth "glasses" are easy to clean, and they are resistant to various domestic hygienicExcept with the abrasive additives containing abrasive additives.

Dot lamps are embedded in cassette hanging films. In addition, manufacturers provide for the production of special lighting devices (luminous panels or fluorescent lamps), the dimensions of which exactly coincide with the sizes of the frame cells.

Solid suspension suspension ceiling

A solid ceiling cover is usually made in cases where it is necessary to level the surface of the main surface. At the same time, in the lumen between the overlapping and the facing, it is possible to put the insulating or sound insulation material.

A solid trim can be applied in any room apartment or at home. However, if it is installed in a wet room, that is, in the bathroom, bathroom or in the kitchen, then any of the facing materials used will need to be treated with antiseptic and primer compositions.

Such a design of the ceiling implies the presence of a frame that is attached to the overlap and most often made from a wooden bar or special galvanized metal profiles. For trim use glass magnets Sheets, Phaneur, Chipboard, OSP, but the greatest popularity in recent decades has conquered drywall.

This option of the ceiling is practically requires additional finishes. It will include sealing seams between sheets, impregnating primer compositions, and then painting or pasting with wallpaper.

Multi-tiered structures can be created on the ceiling on the ceiling, allowing you to place inside the wiring and backlight of any species. However, to mount this ceiling - not at all simply, and without any experience, the ability to work not only with plasterboard, but also with metal profiles, as well as without a predetermined project composed of the project, it is not worth it for this. Qualitatively cope with this work under the power of specialists. But if it is still decided to try your own capabilities, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the technology of performing such installation work. We can provide informational support in this matter.

Want to try your hand in design and mounting the suspended multi-level ceiling of plasterboard?

If so, at first it is necessary to pass a brief theoretical course. Well, then, in work, strictly follow technological instructions. Both you will find in very detailed, literally to the smallest detail, publishing our portal.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are especially well suitable for apartments with low rooms. They reduce the height of the room with only 40 ÷ 50 mm, thanks to the installation of special profiles on the walls around the perimeter of the room, to which the elastic or tissue canvas will be stretched.

Stretch ceilings can be fabric or made of PVC films. To determine which of them will seem better, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the features of both options.

Stretch ceilings out PVC films

This version of stretch ceilings can be divided into several subspecies according to the structure of the surface being created:

  • Glossy films have a reflective effect and quite pronounced glitter.
  • The semi-brass ceilings are reminded by matte glass in their texture.
  • Matte stretch ceilings do not have a reflective effect, and their appearance is difficult to distinguish them from a smoothly plastered surface.

  • Pearl films create spectacular soft overflows of colors.
  • The canvas that imitating a suede surface have a velvety texture, thanks to which the lighting of the room is muted and evenly distributed throughout the room. This option is perfect for the bedroom or the living room.
  • Satin coating options have the properties to reflect the light stream falling on them from the natural light source, that is, windows, as well as from lighting devices.

  • Popular ceilings with a 3D image of a star or cloud sky.

TO positive qualities PVC films

  • The elasticity of the film allows you to create various forms on the ceiling surfaces.
  • The material is environmentally friendly, non-empty toxic substances that do not attract and not accumulating dust. These qualities allow you to use PVC films For cladding the ceiling in children's rooms and bedrooms.
  • A wide range of color and decoration allows you to choose the material to any designer style of the room.
  • Width of the canvas may vary from 1200 to 3200 mm, which allows the use of material for cladding ceilings in modern standard planning apartments.
  • The canvas perfectly hides all the flaws of the overhaul of the capital ceiling, and the installation of it is made in the shortest possible time.
  • The material is resistant to chemicals, to the effects of elevated temperatures.
  • PVC does not absorb odors, so such a ceiling can be mounted in the kitchen room.
  • The surface of the ceiling is easy to clean, so it is easy to care for it.

  • The canvas maintains the load to 100 kg / m², so when the leakage occurs from the top floor, water will remain in ceiling material that It is able to stretch under its weight. After removing water, the ceiling can be restored.
  • The design allows you to hide under the web necessary communications.
  • The canvas does not change its appearance during operation.
  • More affordable price than tissue stretch ceilings.

However, it is impossible not to mention disadvantages PVC-cauldons, which include the following points:

  • The design cannot be installed independently, due to the need to use special equipment.
  • Stretch ceiling PVC films It is undesirable to plan to install in rooms where the temperature can drop to +5 degrees and less.
  • The film in the stretched state is unstable to mechanical damage, and it is easy to damage the sharp object.
  • If you have to connect two canvas with a weld, then it remains a bit noticeable on the surface of the ceiling.
  • Polyvinyl chloride is not a "breathable" material, which is why the natural air exchange in the rooms of the apartment is disturbed.
  • With severe heating, the canvas can be deformed, so it is not recommended to embed powerful lighting devices.

Stretch fabric ceilings

Not many of the owners of apartments or houses know that, in addition to polyvinyl chloride stretch ceilings, there are fabric cloths. Moreover Manufacturers represent in the construction market wide enough Selection of these materials. This option is different from its PVC "fellow" with a number of operational characteristics.

Tissue canvases are divided into two types on the structure of their surfaces:

  • The factory option has in its structure a relief embossing of the tissue. The canvas consists of two layers, which form the protruding drawing.

  • Satin canvas has a polymer base and structural pattern of genuine satin fabric. Thanks to a fine-grained structure, the stretched tissue acquires a pearl effect, and enhances its correctly installed lighting.

Tissue tension cloths possess the following positive qualities :

  • High strength characteristics.
  • Stability of material to low temperatures. Tissue canvases retain their operational characteristics when the temperature decreases, even up to - 40 degrees.
  • The material is not deformed, not crackdown when changing the humidity and temperature characteristics of the air.
  • Fabric canvas can be painted. To do this, use special acrylic-based paints. Repaint the surface of the material without losing it operating Opportunities can be up to five times. In addition to ordinary smooth staining, the ceilings of this type can be painted with various ornaments, which expands the possibility of their use in different style design rooms.
  • Unlike polyvinyl chloride, fabric canvas breathers, so during their operation in the premises, natural air exchange is not disturbed.
  • Unconditional dignity is the aesthetic attractiveness of the material. The structural structure of the surface of the canvas makes the design of the room richer, adding respectability to it.
  • The width of the tissue canvases reaches 5000 mm, which allows it to be used in fairly wide or long rooms without any connecting seams.
  • The refractory quality material is purchased by them thanks to a special impregnation.
  • Environmental cleanliness of cloths. Fissure ceilings made of natural materials that do not have in their composition toxic substances are manufactured.
  • Long service life, which in any case should be more than 10 years.
  • Fabric ceilings are installed with a "cold" way, unlike PVC beverages, which involves the use of special powerful heating equipment. Installation work on the installation may well be spent alone.

Disadvantages Fabric ceilings can be considered the following features:

  • Not so large, compared to PVC (at least - bye) the choice of colors and ornaments.
  • The complexity of staining material.
  • The fabric version of the stretch ceilings, unlike PVC, is not able to hold water during emergency situations, so this finish will not save the room from the flood. At the same time, the canvas are able to hold in their structure moisture up to 48 hours. An exception for this characteristic is Cerutti products, which has good moisture resistance.
  • The fabric canvas absorb well and hold the smell in their structure, so it is not recommended to use this type of finishing material in the kitchen.
  • Dust attracting and holding - this quality reduces the scope of tissue ceilings. They are not recommended to use in apartments where people have a predisposition to allergic reactions. For this quality, the fabric option loses PVC to the canvases.
  • Re-installation of dismantled tissue webs is impossible.
  • High price for tissue ceilings, which is explained by the naturalness of raw materials used for their production.
  • The lack of due elasticity of the material does not allow it to apply it to design the ceilings of incorrect or "lecture" forms.

Finishing the ceilings directly on the surface of the overlap

Plastering ceiling

This method of alignment and finishing the ceilings can be called traditional, as it is always used in the apartments of multi-storey houses - apply today. The appearance of innovative materials for surface preparation and finish plaster solutions has significantly simplified this task.

Plastering the ceiling is a very complex and time-consuming process that requires high skills. Therefore, in the absence of experience - it is unlikely to succeed. On the contrary, you can only thoroughly spoil the surface, so that it is extremely difficult to correct something.

To equalize the ceiling, putty and plaster mixtures based on plaster or cement are used. Gypsum plaster and putty are supplied manufacturers special additives that It prolongs the hardened mixtures from 5 ÷ 7 to 30 ÷ 45 minutes, which allows the experienced plaster to perform a qualitative work.

The result of properly carried out works on finishing, in compliance with all the requirements of the technology, should be the perfectly even and smooth ceiling. Further, a decorative finish is applied to its surface - it may be whiten, paint, wallpaper or other similar material.

Non-easy task for plastering the ceiling

If it still "itching independent creativity" is insurmountable, and it was decided to try your strength in this difficult business, then before proceeding to work, we recommend carefully read the articles of our portal.

TO "Pluses" the plastering of the ceiling can be attributed the following points:

  • The ceiling practically does not change its height.
  • For the finish finish, several different types of materials can be used.
  • In an emergency, high-quality ceiling coating will save its evenness and smoothness. The only thing you need to do is dry the ceiling and replace the decorative finish.
  • Relatively affordable price for materials and performance.

"Minuses" stucco finishes, too, a lot. These include:

  • When holding plaster works in the room there will be a large amount of dirt and dust, so the room will have to be released in advance from all furniture items.
  • To hide communications in the ceiling surface, before plastering, you will have to hold a sticking, while when installing suspended or stretch ceilings, this process will not need.
  • Shuttering surfaces is non-long enough Process, since it is necessary to wait for the embossed of each applied layer. Therefore, the apartment repairs will delay for a longer period.

In addition to leveling, special plastering decorative mixtures are applied to the ceiling finish, which are applied to the surface after alignment. This process can be called art without much exaggeration, so only professionals can cope with it. It should be noted that not every plaster has the ability to properly apply this material on the walls and the ceiling. Therefore, choosing the wizard, will be quite logical to familiarize yourself with his portfolio, view previous works.

Decorative plaster in the apartment - from the discharge of an exclusive finish

It is difficult to say whether it is worth it for the independent conduct of such work. So that you can imagine how species look like they are, and how difficult is the process of applying, it is worth contacting the profile article of our portal.

Stowing on the ceiling of wallpaper

Despite the fact that many consider the decoration of the ceiling surfaces with uniform, long-lasted option, it is successfully used in designer art today. Thanks to innovative developments, Russian and foreign manufacturers make many types of wallpapers that have a real opportunity to transform the ceiling surface literally beyond recognition.

So, today on sale you can find fliseline, vinyl, paper, liquid wallpapers, as well as glass and even more exotic options. Some of them are designed for staining and are designed to carry out this process several times.

Wallpapers can be divided by the type of drawing - it can be applied in the correct order with a certain step or have a chaotic location. To simplify the task of the ceiling salary, the best option will be wallpapers in which you do not have to pick up the drawing, as it will be quite difficult to do it.

How not to get confused in the variety of wallpapers?

The range of these finishing materials in our time is extremely wide. And the inexperienced consumer, who oriented when weedly, only on decorative qualities of cloths, it is difficult to choose the really necessary option. In the question, the reader should help a special publication of our portal.

So, if the surface of the ceiling fairly smoothYou can save it with one of the types of wallpaper. Such a finish will cost relatively inexpensively and it can be performed independently. With the calculation of the future, you can choose wallpaper for painting, that is, when changing the room, the room can be repainted in another color.

Wallpaper for staining may have a pronounced embossed pattern, and with a neat salary, the joints between the canvases will be practically imperceptible.

Prices for flieslinic wallpaper

fliselinova wallpaper

TO advantages Woodwork ceiling finishes include the following:

  • A large range of wallpaper selection both by manufacturing material and decorative execution.
  • Fully affordable price compared to many other types of ceiling finishes.
  • Work on pasting is carried out in one or two days, that is, there will be no big delay in the harmony of repair.
  • Wallpapers can be applied in any style, which is selected for the design of the room.
  • Among the existing types of manufacturing material, you can choose environmentally friendly options for cloths, it can be attributed to paper, flieslinic, liquid or glassy.
  • Flislinic wallpapers having relief drawing and quite large Thick, perfectly masked small flaws on the ceiling surface.
  • Wallpaper on the ceiling gives the room a special comfort and comfort.

TO negative moments associated with the ceiling finishing with wallpaper, the following can be attributed:

  • Some types of wallpapers are unstable to the effects of ultraviolet, that is, they have a flavor property. On the ceiling, though, the straight sun rays can get it, but nevertheless.
  • Wallpapers are not suitable for finishing ceiling surfaces in rooms with high humidity, as they will start peeling and bubble with time.
  • This finish, as a rule, does not differ in large durability. True, it is always easy to change it.
  • The wallpaper of almost all types are capable of attracting dust and absorb odors.

Polystyrene foam plates

But this is the option, if you do not chat, really can be attributed to the "materials of yesterday". Nevertheless, the high price accessibility of such separation still keeps it among the very popular, so I will stop and on it.

The polystyrene filling ceiling plates are made by punching or extrusion. They can be completely thin or have a thickness of up to 12 ÷ 14 mm, if you consider this parameter along with the height of the relief pattern located on the surface.

Extrusive material is better quality, so it has a higher cost. If the pores of the polystyrene are clearly viewed on the surface of the stamped tile, then products made by extrusion, absolutely smooth and more durable.

To choose a high-quality finishing material, when purchasing it, it is worth a thorough visual inspection of products. They must have smooth straight corners, which will be the key to their fast and high-quality installation on the surface.

It is worth producing another experiment to control the quality of the material. To check the selected version of the tile, you must take over its angle and slightly shaking down-up raise. The product should not break or cooled. Of course, this material has low strength on the break, but the load from such an experiment tile is still required to withstand.

Today in specialized construction stores you can find various options for polystyrene foam tiles according to surface characteristics:

  • Smooth or relief, and the relief can have a different depth.
  • Color options for tiles are diverse - it is a white or monophonic one color, or a few shades that smoothly move one to another.

  • Plates may have a square or rectangular shape. Square products are most often produced with dimensions of 400 × 400, 500 × 500 and 600 × 600 mm. Rectangular plates can have dimensions of 600 × 300, 700 × 300, 700 × 400 mm.

The framing of the lined polystyrene foam surface is made by special plinths from the same material that are also produced with different embossed patterns or in a smooth version. In addition, special angles and sockets that imitate stucco elements are used to design the angles or the area of \u200b\u200blocation of the lighting devices.

This material, as, however, is all the rest, not only a number of advantages, but also its very significant disadvantages.

TO advantages the following features of the material can be attributed:

  • A completely minor weight of products and quite compact dimensions make it easy to glue them to the ceiling, and this process will not make a lot of work. The only thing that is recommended to simplify the installation process is to produce accurate ceiling markup, ranging from its middle or from the lighting device, which is located with one or another offset in one or the other side of the center of the ceiling surface.

  • Affordable price for products that allows you to purchase such a finish to even families with a low level of income.
  • Opportunity for a short time to create neat and completely at first aesthetic ceiling design - the installation of products can be made in one day.

disadvantages The ceiling finishes with polystyrene plates are very significant, and it must be borne in mind.

  • Polystyrene foam can not be called an environmentally friendly material. In addition, when heated and thus combustion, it highlights the environment extremely dangerous volatile compounds that can cause toxic damage to the respiratory and central nervous system. It is for this reason that in very many countries expanded polystyrene foaming is strictly forbidden to use as decoration and insulation in residential and public buildings, in vehicles.
  • Plates of combustion, and when exposed to open fire, the material begins to melt and spread. Together with the fluid mass, fire and poisonous smoke spreads, whose danger has already been said.
  • Quite difficult Care coating, as it must be done very carefully, in order to avoid damage to the facing surface.
  • The tile, located around the lighting devices, can overcome, can not get rid of such manifestations. However, yellowing can begin on other sections of the ceiling - large resistance to external influences and the durability of polystyrene foam is no different.
  • When the temperature drops, the tile can be flawed from the surface.
  • The material has a porous structure, so the various odors, fatty evaporation, nicotine resins are well absorbed. Remove these substances from polystyrene foam - not possible. In addition, the plates attract dust, and if they have a deep relief, it is clogged into it. If the dust is dry, then it can be removed using a vacuum cleaner, and if fat, then get rid of it is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, this material is not recommended to use kitchen and bathroom ceilings.

In addition, except for the available price and ease of installation, it cannot boast such a finish. Recommend it to use - the language does not turn.

So, finished consideration of the main types of ceiling finishes available to premises in the apartment. In summing up, you can once again emphasize that, choosing material, it is necessary to take into account several factors that will directly affect the optimal solution:

  • Financial opportunities. The most affordable finishing option is the surface pasting with wallpaper or polystyrene foam plates. But cheap is still very rarely becoming high quality and durable.
  • Furious ceiling. If the ceiling is uneven and requires overhaul, then plastering with further decorative layer is suitable for its finish. An excellent solution will be a suspension or stretch ceiling. These options are able to align any surface.
  • Ceiling height. If the ceiling is low and besides, it is uneven, then bringing it to order is possible only with plastering. Then the surface can be painted or saked by one of the selected materials.
  • If the ceiling is high, then the most optimal There will be one of the options for the suspended ceiling.

Now, knowing the basic technologies that are used in our time to finish the ceilings, you can weigh their advantages and disadvantages, assess the quality of the ceiling surfaces of the apartment, as well as their financial capabilities. After that, it makes sense to work on the project (even if even in the simplest execution), make calculations, and then go to a specialized store for the purchase of all the necessary.

At the end of the publication, we offer to see the video with an overview of the possible options for the ceilings for the apartment.

Video: Recommendations for the choice of ceiling for premises in the apartment

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