MDF film: how glued at the factory and how to glue yourself. Rules for amusement of furniture self-adhesive film, Recommendations Is it possible to cross the facade of furniture

The buildings 17.06.2019
The buildings

Greetings dear readers of this blog. As part of the repair course, I will tell you how film MDF Facades are manufactured in industrial environments and how the facades can be performed by itself.

I will not particularly argue that it is better painted or film MDF, and immediately I will say that behind facades, the future of the film. The fact is that such components are much more careful than more careful and, importantly, it is cheaper in production than MDF painted or MDF enamel indoor.

Choosing a painted MDF or film for assembly kitchen headset Remember that even high-quality enamel with time will wait or get out, while the film coating resource can have decades without the need for repair.

Self-stick for furniture: what to buy

It is important to understand that it is not all the film to stick to the slab materials. If accidentally selected self-tech from the bazaar to the furniture and sticks, then the surface is likely to be imperfectly smooth, and in the corners the coating will turn around and will go away after a while.

Solutions to the problem two, namely, to buy an industrially made facade that will not fit and look great. The second option is the purchase of a good film, which is characterized by high adhesion to various surfaces, Including wood.

Such materials, for example, can be purchased in such stores as Lerua Merlin at a price of 125 to 900 rubles. per . The standard high-quality coating length with a thickness of 0.3-0.5 mm in a roll is 2 meters with a width of 45 cm.

The difference in the cost is due to the material thickness and the quality of the adhesive layer. That is, the price of the film is higher, the better.

How is industrial facing of furniture facades

Industrial production of MDF facades and their subsequent decoration of the film is performed as follows:

  • In accordance with the specification of products, cutting plates with a thickness of 6 to 32 mm thick on separate parts;

  • Crawled blanks are sent to the milling workshop, where the required configuration is given on special equipment;
  • The end of the workpiece is processed manual milling, after which the manufacture of the facade can be considered completed;

  • In the next stage, the part enters the glue shop, where special thermoclates are applied to the surface, which is activated at elevated temperatures;

  • The detail prepared in this way enters the MEMBRAND-Vacuum pressing shop, where with the help of special equipment is delayed with a hot film that comes into contact with the thermoclaim;

  • After the film cools, its excess is trimmed and the product is ready for packaging.

Most of the production process is automated, so the outlet products are obtained by high-quality neat and relatively inexpensive.

So, I said, what is the instruction of manufacturing furniture facades of the vinyl film by vinyl film.

Unfortunately, all the stages of the production process for understandable reasons cannot be realized with their own hands at home. However, there is a way to restore or update the furniture using PVC films.

Furniture facade pasting at home

Now I will tell you how to glue the film MDF facade on a flat surface.

To perform planned work, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • PVC film;
  • White Spirit;
  • Soft challenging rag;
  • New Wide Plastering Spatula;
  • Acute stationery knife;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Household hair dryer.

The spatula must be really new, since the used tool can have low-rise irregularities that will scratch the film when smoothing.

The upcoming work consists of the following steps.

Despite the fact that the film sticking instruction on the MDF is simple, the quality of the finished result will depend on how accurately you follow it.

  • At the initial stage, we carefully rub the decorated surface with a rag moistened in White Spirit;

  • We measure the perimeter of the surface of the surface and according to these measurements we cut the self-keys with a margin of 1-2 cm on each side;

  • We turn the self-keys into the roll roll to the top;
  • Apply the edge of self-keys to the edge of the facade and separate the edge of the substrate;

  • Next, gradually turn the roll, separating the substrate;

  • Spatula wrapped in fabric, smoothing self-keys so that bubbles did not appear on it;

  • After the film is evenly punctured over the entire surface, excess self-keys are cut across the entire perimeter;

  • The perimeter of the facade is heated by a household hair dryer and is additionally smoothed by a spatula wrapped into a fabric;
  • Similar method apply if there are bubbles on the surface of the product.

If all the points of the instructions are correct, the result will be almost indistinguishable from the furniture facades of factory manufacture.

A feature of PVC adhesive films is a small thickness.
As a result, each dusting or irregularity on the surface of the surface will be noticeable with a naked eye.
Therefore, carefully rub the facade with a wet ragine and check the presence of dust under the lamp or a bright lantern.

Casting table top film under the tree

With pasting furniture facades you have already got acquainted, now I will tell you how he finished kitchen countertop. The main stages of the work done do not differ much from the previous way, so I simply lay out your photos with explanations.

At first, the table top was glad, changing the gritness of the sandpaper in the grinders from the average to the shallow. The need for grinding was caused by the presence of scratches and chips in both the facial surface and the end.

The depressions and large scratches have treated with putty, after which it finally stumbled the workpiece and a rubber flushing with a cloth moistened in White-Spirit.

I applied self-keys, gradually removing the waist and accelerating irregularities around. When the main surface was saved, the self-keys bent over the ends.

In the corners, the cuts made a sharp stationery knife and fled the bottom piece of the film under the top. Film at the end rushed rag.

The remaining folds heat the hairdryer and already in the heated state aligned with a cloth. After complete cooling, the film is pulled out and the ends look perfectly smooth.

For your information!
The described technology can be applied not only for pasting furniture facades and countertops, but also for decorating furniture, large household appliances etc.

Basic information about film facades

Finally, I will still talk about what is the film facades, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Film facades are a popular solution for making furniture mainly for kitchens and bathrooms.

The scope of applying furniture made of such material is not accidental, since the MDF plate is filled with PVC film, resistant to excessive humidity. That is, if the hood is not installed in the kitchen, and there is no in the bathroom effective system Ventilation you purchased furniture will last for many years.

Is it possible to say the same about furniture independently covered with vinyl self-taking? Unfortunately, independently lined facades are not as reliable as factory analogues.

Self-tech, as it were, it was not qualitatively used to be crucified, cannot guarantee the absolute tightness of the coating. Factory facades do not have open sections of gluing, and therefore wet air can not have any impact on MDF.

Comparing what better film or enamel or plastic for

Furniture manufacturers are constantly wondering what furniture is to buy to buy it? On the other hand, the consumer is looking for a manufacturer who will make furniture to order satisfying it to tastes. As a rule, the cost, appearance And the attractiveness of cabinet furniture determines its facade. Therefore, both the manufacturer and the buyer to reach a compromise must answer main question - What facade is better suitable for this product Furniture.

According to marketing research, the most popular among domestic consumers (from the range of offers) has won the following types of furniture facades:

1. LDSP, including post-forming and software;

2. Facades from MDF, including PVC and painted films;

3. Facades of wood and veneer array;

4. Frame facades from MDF;

6. Other types of facades.

To determine which facade is better, an analogy should be carried out with their value indicators, or rather try to identify the relationship between the market price of the furniture facade and its popularity. The rating of price groups of furniture facades is as follows (in descending order of value):

The most huge dignity painted facades MDF is a variety of color gamut of paints used, which can be selected by self-taking. In addition, LKM manufacturers offer big choice Special effects covering: metallic, chameleon, pearls, marble, space, mother of pearl and much more. On the other hand, the positive characteristics of the MDF plate (strength, environmental friendliness, moisture resistance) significantly affect the position in the quality rating of furniture facades, and the increased thermal resistance of the paint-layer lift it up above.

However, in fact, all technological stages of manufacturing painted facades of MDF are based on manual work (priming, grinding, staining, patination, polishing), which significantly affects the cost of the final product and practically puts it in one price row with products from the array of natural wood species.

Facades from a wood array

Furniture facades from a wood array most often find approval from respectable people, antiques and natural fans natural materials. Furniture made of array, made in a classic style combines not only aristocratic nobility and grace, but also sensual warmth, weightlessness and harmony of home comfort.

In addition, the facades from the array natural tree are the most environmentally safe, always stay in fashion and proper care Lost time will serve. As you agrees, they are easy to restore. Yes, and the facades of the wood array are beautifully beautiful.

For the manufacture of facades are used valuable breeds Tree, like beech, oak, alder, pine, acacia ... Often, to reduce the product and strengthening resistance to the deformation of the facade design, veneer and chipboard (or MDF) are covered with veneer, including birch, cherries, chestnut, nut, maple, as well as exotic breeds: Wenge, Tika, Zebrano, Macore, Anegri and others.

The technology of manufacturing furniture facades from the array includes a long process drying wood, as well as cutting, milling, grinding and assembling a large number small details Facade frames and panels, coating paint and varnish materials. Almost all stages of production use manual labor, therefore the price of the furniture facade from the array is so high.

Despite its advantages, wood furniture has its drawbacks: increased sensitivity to humidity, temperature, sunlight, Special requirements for facades, the ability to absorb smells, moisture and change your color over time.

Frame facades from MDF profile

Frame facades MDF are a design made from a special MDF profile with insertion of glass insertion (including mirrors), MDF, LDSP or plastic shield. The profile can be straight or decorative milling, usually lined with PVC film (less often with melamine paper) with a textural pattern under a tree, metal, and so on. The special advantage of the frame facades is the ability to combine various contrasting colors of the MDF profile and internal filling.

Buy inexpensive equipment and master the manufacture of frame facades is capable even a small furniture enterprise. In addition, it is possible to get away from the standard sizes of furniture facades and work with individual orders.

The disadvantages of the MDF frame facades are, first of all, open suture compounds that let moisture when washing. Covered film PVC profile It does not withstand high temperatures. The prefabricated design can overcome and prick.

Frame facades from aluminum profile

Dealing in questions what facades for furniture and which facade is better, it is impossible not to affect the topic of frame facades from aluminum profilewhich are an aluminum frame with inserting fillings from a variety of materials: MDF, glass, plastic and others. Best application The facades are the manufacture of furniture in the modern style of modern or Hi-Tech. Especially the facades with filling from various glasses with decorative films, stained glass, with engraving, textured or mirroring. Most often, the facades from the aluminum profile are used in combination with others. furniture facadesWeathered in the same style.

Basic information about film facades

Finally, I will still talk about what is the film facades, what are their advantages and disadvantages.

Film facades are a popular solution for making furniture mainly for kitchens and bathrooms.

The scope of applying furniture made of such material is not accidental, since the MDF plate is filled with PVC film, resistant to excessive humidity. That is, if the hood is not installed in the kitchen, and there is no efficient ventilation system in the bathroom, the furniture purchased by you will last for many years.

Is it possible to say the same about furniture independently covered with vinyl self-taking? Unfortunately, independently lined facades are not as reliable as factory analogues.

Self-tech, as it were, it was not qualitatively used to be crucified, cannot guarantee the absolute tightness of the coating. Factory facades do not have open sections of gluing, and therefore wet air can not have any impact on MDF.

Comparing that there is a better film or enamel or plastic for MDF, I note that all coatings have certain flaws that need to be considered when choosing furniture. But, U. film facades The lack of one is the impossibility of restoration during damage to the film. However, the price of these facades is acceptable and if necessary, they can be updated entirely.


This time you learned how the film facades were made in industrial conditions and how to make the semblance of the factory facade at home. Have any questions left? Specify them in the comments to the read, I will answer everything. By the way, I recommend watching the video in this article.

It's no secret that the kitchen is the center of any house. And our task with you is not only competently planned - in order to spend the minimum of strength and time when cooking - but also to exploit it in order for its freight look at us and households for many years. Most often, the consumer stops its choice on chipboard furniture with MDF facades covered with PVC film. This choice is explained primarily by a relatively inexpensive price, as well as the presence of a wide selection of configurations and color Gamma.. That is, there is a possibility to satisfy almost anyone, even very demanding, taste.

Care rules

So, here your beltenious and long-awaited cuisine was brought and set, or you, long Corps over the project, gathered it for themselves. What you need to do or what is not necessary, in order not to experience disappointment in a couple of months. After all, the production of such facades, unfortunately, is not the best way to reflect on their wear resistance: a film with time can start peeling, especially around the perimeter. We voice several simple rules of operation concerning the facades of MDF coated with PVC film.

  1. You can wash the kitchen only "soft" washing agents. In no case do not apply cleaning powders containing abrasive substances. Well for this, various sprays for surfaces are suitable (you can for glasses) and a soft sponge, a napkin.
  2. Do not allow strong temperature differences. Try to maintain from +10 to +35 degrees. Lower or high temperature may result in flaking film. The same result will sooner or later there will be an open oven, closely located a warm-up plate, too intense ventilation (especially in winter), heaters.

Features of operation

Think, because the PVC film is glued at a temperature of 120 - 180 degrees, and if your oven gives out at least 60 -100 degrees, it already creates a threat to cabinets located nearby.

Install the thermal insulation bar. It protects the cabinet head from heating the slab and avoids the separation of the edge. Installation it is made to the ends of the cabinet. In care, it is very unpretentious: to remove contaminants it is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth, but any cleaning agents are not recommended.

  1. Avoid big humidity. If you still have doubt, put a hood or not, then I think now your choice is obvious. Couples from a saucepan, fat from the pan will also not be the best way to affect your furniture.
  2. Water is an enemy of any furniture. Watch it to do not get on the facades.
  3. Close the doors and switch the boxes carefully, avoiding sharp movements. Do not expose them to mechanical exposure (contact with acute objects, friction, collision).
  4. Close location lighting devices It may lead to excessive heating of the facade and, as a result, the deformation of the film, as well as to the change in the color of the facing coating. The lamp and the facade should not be closer to each other than 15 cm.

Repair facade MDF do it yourself

What to do if you noticed that the PVC film is dugs. First of all, if the kitchen is still under warranty, report this unpleasant incident to the seller. He is simply obliged to replace the defective kitchen facades on new ones. Perhaps marriage is associated with the quality of glue, which is glued with a film, or its insufficient number. Simply put, the manufacturer saved you. However, the seller may ask how much you exploited furniture

If the warranty has already ended, you can try to correct the defect yourself. Type in the medical syringe glue PVA or superchalter type "Moments", you can also use " liquid nails"And neatly skid under the film. However, this method can be used if the film simply drank. If she "squeezed", which most often happens as a result of overheating, then there is already little that can be done. Try to disguise with suitable masses. But, despite all your efforts to restore furniture in this case, I can not guarantee a good result. The best way out will be to order new facades, but note that they need to be ordered either immediately to order, since the manufacturers of film facades do not guarantee the exact coincidence of the color of the films from different parties; Or open the designer and "play" with the colors of the facades. Suppose if your kitchen is light green, you can order facades for cabinets, on which they need to be replaced, yellow.

PVC film sponge on the edges can manifest itself both immediately after the manufacture of facades and during operation under the influence external factors (Temperatures, moisture) or time.

The reasons for the dug and raise the film on the facades of MDF:

1. Ability to glue. When manually applying glue, it is easy to shortfall and skip one part of the part, especially if the glue is transparent. For elimination this shortage Many manufacturers use glue with the addition of dyes.

2. PVC film glue. For example, when using two-component polyurethane glue, the share of the hardener in the adhesive composition was incorrectly calculated.

Self-adhesive film is dug.

It is also possible when applying glue with an expired shelf life. As a rule, this defect manifests itself immediately, but after some time. At the same time, the PVC film is shrouded from the facade along the entire surface.

3. Cool did not activate and did not react with the PVC film due to insufficient temperature at the connection site. Here are the following factors here:

  • underwrought the PVC film itself;
  • fast vacuum supply;
  • too thin glue layer;
  • cold billets of facades MDF;
  • low air temperature in the room and desktop press;
  • insufficient vacuum in the process of facing the Facade of MDF, which did not provide sufficient force of the clamping film to the adhesive layer;
  • the glue does not suit this press according to its technological parameters (the activation temperature is higher than the provided technology).

4. Empty conditions of operation of film facades MDF: Location near heat sources, hot steam and moisture. When purchasing furniture with facades in the PVC film, the buyer must carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations on operating conditions, the maximum permissible temperatures, air humidity, resistance to household chemicals etc.

Methods of elimination

In the absence or lack of glue, it should be carefully applied to the edge of the MDF facade, and then apply one of the following ways:

Using silicone membrane

It is necessary for all the rules to lay out the details of the facades on the linings on the desktop and close their membrane. Then turn on the vacuum. After the membrane covers the facades, you should make sure that the tightness should be ensured (no folds, pick on the entire surface of the film). Next, it is necessary to warm the facades to the glue activation temperature. As a rule, under the silicone membrane, the warm-up temperature should be slightly higher than with the usual facing process. Attention! For the facades of MDF with a milled surface, such a technique is unacceptable, as it can lead to a turning of the film in the milling cavity.

With the help of heating devices

This may be an ordinary household electric iron or any other tool preheated, for example, with the help of an industrial hair dryer. The tool initially be heatled to a temperature at which the film begins to "lead", but do not melt. It is best to first test on the trimming of the film, or invisible areas of the facades in the PVC film. Then, tightly pressing the tool to the uncrossed edge of the facade for 1-2 seconds, perform a movement, as if stretching and fascinating the film on the inside of the facade. At the same time, the glue on the place of the clutch must warm up, and the film itself will slightly stretch and act over the plane of the back side of the part. After all parts of the facade are sampled, the protruding excess films can be cut off the stationery knife.

Uncoopted internal angles Frame facades can be applied in the same way with the help of a heated metal bar commensurate with the radius of the used cutter when sampling the framework.

Attention! Do not warm the film directly with a hairdryer, as it starts to shrink and roll. It will only aggravate the situation.

Plotting film by friction

The way is interesting in that it does not require any devices and devices. Through the roll of the rag with a large finger, a plot of the non-sticking film PVC is rubbed. In this friction, pressure and temperature is created sufficient to activate glue. The disadvantages of such a technique include the high probability of the edge of the edge of the Facade of MDF and damage to the friction of the decorative layer directly the PVC film itself.

Reclosure film using second glue

When operating film facades MDF, the film is often observed next to heating devices or hot steam sources. In such cases, it should not be delayed with the elimination of a defect, since with time the film can deform so much that it will be impossible to restore the facade. To put the PVC film, quick-drying second adhesive, such as "SuperMent" or similar to it. At the same time, the gluing place should be missed so that the glue falls not only in inside, but also partially on the film itself and on the barbed sites of MDF, thus ensure the strength and protection of the facade from the influence of external factors during further operation.

Tregging facades MDF.

The extreme case when the PVC film hovers over the entire surface of the facade of MDF. The old film is moving away with the use of a hair dryer, after which the facade is thoroughly cleaned from the remnants of poor-quality glue. The process, despite its simplicity, quite laborious and requires a great patience, as the old glue quickly scores all the grinding means. It is possible even re-milling the facade of MDF.

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The film was dugged on the facade of the kitchen than to glue

With the beginning of the use of self-adhesive film, designers received a flexible and powerful tool for implementing their bold fantasies. So, a similar film is fully safe for health, it is waterproof, not afraid of high temperatures. In addition, it is durable and rather cheap.

A self-adhesive film can be saved bathroom, kitchen walls, as well as the surface of other rooms. Self-adhesive film can be updated old furniture.

  • detergent for washing dishes;
  • hand hairdryer;
  • glue for wallpaper;
  • knife or scissors;
  • primer;
  • line.

Work process

  1. Prepare the surface properly: it must be smooth, clean. The surface must be deguted and clean from dust. For degreasing, you need to use the dishwashing agent. If very deep spots failed to eliminate the detergent for dishes, then you need to use for cleaning with an alkaline solution. Smooth surfaces (for example, plastics, metal, glass) need to be slightly moistened before watering with water with additives. Porous and rough surfaces (plywood, cork, wood, fabric, plaster, ceramic tile) must be dry. For the greatest clutch strength wooden surfaceswhich are deprived of a lacquer coating, it is necessary to predict the wallpaper methyl glue, soil or polyester glue. Silver bases, as well as surfaces with irregularities, need to be aligned with putty.

    Defects of film facades MDF. Retaining (raising) film

    After such operation, processed places are grinding emery paper and covered with acrylic primer.

  2. Cut the film to the size of the sidelines. A centimeter grid (scale) facilitates cutting film. This mesh is typically applied to the opposite direction (paper) self-adhesive film. If you cut long and smooth pieces of film, then it is better to cut a knife, focusing along the ruler. Cutting is carried out with a reserve of 20-30 mm. If you want to correctly combine the pattern of the film, which is applied to the front side, then you need to cut such a film, focusing on the front side.
  3. Now you can stick pieces of film. Separate paper from the film about 50 mm. Attach the film to the target surface and stick the separated edge. Now you need to slowly and evenly pull the paper with one hand, freeing the remaining part of the self-adhesive film from it. Another hand smoothed the film, using a soft towel. Incover the film is necessary from the central region to the edges. So you will avoid the formation of air "pockets". If the formation of bubbles failed to avoid, then you need to pierce these bubbles with a needle and carefully squeeze the air.
  4. Corners. To wet the rounded edge, it is necessary to heat the film by a regular manual thermofine. After such manipulation, the film is very easily bent and glued. If you are sticking edge and smooth angles (for example, process book binders), then you need to cut the speakers at an angle of 45 degrees. Now such angles can be beaten and glued.
  5. Compilation of several casualties of self-adhesive film. Make a pouring cloth for 15 mm - superimpose the cloths on each other. Then flush both layers of films with a sharp knife (you can use the stationery knife). Such a closure is carried out according to the ruler. Sliced \u200b\u200bstripes are removed. After that, you need to close the edges of the film. The joints of the joints can be hidden by borders that are glued on top.
  6. Coating large surfaces. The film will be perfectly held on the surfaces of the surfaces, if they absorb moisture quite well. Cover the surface looping glue. While the glue is not dry, you need to glue the film and fit it into the right place. Now you can press the film and smooth it with a clean dry towel. If the film sticks very quickly to the surface, then such a surface should be sprinkled with talc or powder. These substances slow down gluing, and you can correctly combine several pieces of films with each other.

Self-adhesive film is not endowed with sufficient wear resistance. Therefore, it must be carefully applied when finishing flooring.

disposal of film

Melting (lamination) MDF facades can significantly reduce the cost of their manufacture, as it costs to buy a laminated MDF slab costs an enterprise more than 2 times more expensive than punctured the paper uncovered stove.

Kashing (lamination) MDF facades - This is the process of coating a rough, unprocessed surface of the workpieces of MDF parts with facing paper or film to improve the appearance of the inside of the facades or table tops. This method is used if the production of facades MDF uses non-laminated MDF panels to reduce cost finished product.

Mascination (lamination) MDF parts is performed, as a rule, the most efficient and simple wayusing available tools. In this case best equipment To compact MDF facades, this is an existing membrane-vacuum press.

Using a roller from a foam rubber on the surface of the product, glue type PVA. From the roof of the facing paper, a piece is cut down the size of 1-2 cm wider the part itself. The mdnt facades are wrapped on the paper on paper on the work surface of the press and the silicone membrane is covered.

After turning on the vacuum, the excess glue is extruded, which contributes to its rapid grasp. To accelerate the gluing process, you can turn on the heating and maintain a temperature of 40-50 ° C on the surface of the press. It should be borne in mind that excessive overheating can deform the parts.

Depending on which glue is selected for stitching, the bookmark process time can take from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

After removing parts, excess paper or film for lamination MDF is cut. For this, the corner of the glued edge is carried out a stupid side of the knife so as to enjoy the paper. Then, at the place of bend, it is cut off with a sharp knife, and slightly cleaned the cut sandpaper.

If other facing materials or adhesives will be used during the coating process (lamination) of the MDF, then, in order to avoid deformation or pledges, it should be remembered that the PVC film coating will continue to be accompanied by heating parts.

Film MDF panels

Film MDF panels can be compared with an expensive rare car, which remains stylish and demanded for a long time. They deserve their popularity due to positive qualitiesTime proven to be possessed. Facades coated from PVC Wire-resistant film, durable and practical in operation. Perfectly endure the impact of moisture and other malicious factors present in everyday life.

More data of the facades are known for their diversity. color solutions. Film You can give any shade or color, it perfectly imitates the colors natural materials, complemening it with stylish glossy glitter. Film can be matte, if designer requires a designer.

Naturally the above advantages include all film facades. Much depends on the good faith of the manufacturer. To make high-quality film MDF panels, you need to have modern equipment and own technology.

Production of film facade MDF:

Initially produced MDF panelwhich serves as the basis of the facade. MDF - dry extruded fine chips, which is a departure from the processing of natural wood. After that, the plate is covered with PVC film. To secure the film, manufacturers use glue on water based. The film is mounted by the method of vacuum pressing, which eliminates the appearance of air bubbles and provides a perfectly smooth surface. Next, the workpiece is milling and processed on special equipment.

It is the equipment that plays an important role in the manufacture of facades and affects their quality. Its cost is very high, therefore, not all manufacturers can afford its acquisition. This equipment allows you to get the facades of the required form.

The technology of manufacturing MDF panels with PVC film is quite simple and known to everyone. But without special equipment, it is impossible to perform a qualitative work. The result of the right production is a reliable, high-quality and inexpensive film facade, imitating facades from natural expensive materials.

Unfortunately, it is very often possible to encounter poor-quality facades. Their film coating quickly peels or loses its original appearance. The disruption of the sealing of the coating lowers the moisture resistance of the MDF panel, and it will bulk over time.

It would seem that with such a simple technology it is impossible to spoil the product, but excessive savings of manufacturers often leads to this. Non-quality film facades are obtained due to the use of low-quality raw materials or equipment.

How not to make a mistake with the choice and buy a high-quality film facade?

After that, it is necessary to ask what film was used in production. Chinese materials are cheaper, but thin. The more densely the film, the longer the product last.

The highest quality raw material produces Italy or Germany. Their film has a thickness of 0.5 millimeters.

Even with visual inspection, it is possible to determine the quality of the product. On the surface of the facades there should not be air bubbles. The layer of the film should lie at exactly, without reference and curvature. All the ends of the product must be securely protected.

All of course individually, you have to see where and how the film was dug.

If around the facade, then most likely this is a factory marriage, such a facade must be returned to the seller, it is possible to put down at home, but completely glued the film is unlikely to succeed.

Before you start, you need to know that the PVC film is glued to the FACADE MDF under pressure and under the temperature, it is possible to start with similar methods.

The easiest way (by the way, he helped me, as it was not surprising, lined the facade of the kitchen) it's a rag of dry and progressive movements "there and here" to start as if to rub the dug place, these most you will create a temperature of friction and pressure, temperature Lights dried glue under the film in the working condition.

Work without fanaticism with stops, too much effort is not needed here.

three and look at the result.

If this method does not help, proceed to the plan "b".

We take in the hands of the hairdryer, you can normal, but it is better industrial (construction) and warming up the place where the film is behind, the glue "melts" further as if "rubbing" the film in the facade, towards the edges.

The following method is similar, but instead of a hair dryer we use the iron and a cloth, "stroke" the surface, activate the glue, then press the film.

If nothing helped, then we turn to the last plan "C".

We buy quick-drying glue, such as "super-moment"

and apply it both on the facade and on inner side Films, then pressing the "rubbing" film into the facade.

Something, yes should help, but in general it is necessary to remember that PVC film is afraid of high temperatures and if your film has moved to the kitchen facade in the oven area, or gas stove, then you need to think about how to isolate the facade and stove, the film will go forever, if this is not done.

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Instructions how to glue PVC panels and MDF to the wall

PVC panels

One of the popular facing materials For internal use, the MDF and PVC panels are panels. This cladding has an attractive appearance, a wide selection of forms, textures and shades.

Thanks to a wide range, consumers have the opportunity to choose the most suitable option For lining walls in the apartment. But besides the successful purchase of materials you need to know how to lock the panels to the surface of the walls.

On the advantages and scope of application

The main difference between PVC from MDF panels is the feedstock. In the first case, plastic uses, in the second - wood fibers. Both types of material are durable and practical. Decorative panels are used to clamp walls and ceilings, which allows them to give them attractiveness. The advantages of both types of facing are almost identical.

MDF panels

They are as follows:

  • Beautiful design.
  • Strength.
  • Efficiency.
  • Easy installation.
  • Ease of transportation.

The MDF panels are not suitable for lining of bathrooms, pools and other rooms with high humidity. In such rooms it is recommended to use PVC Material. It easily tolerates increased humidity and temperature differences. Both options can be used for wall cladding and ceiling in the kitchen, balcony, loggia, hallway, corridor.

Methods of installation

Facing panels MDF and PVC can be mounted for walls in two ways:

  • On the crate with the help of self-sustaining.
  • Directly on the wall with the help of adhesive compositions.

Frame on the wall

The first method involves the initial mounting of the frame on the wall. As the basis, pick metal, plastic or wooden profile. The profile is attached to the wall using self-tapping and nails.

At the same time, the distance between the planks should be at least 60 cm.

What to do - PVC film dies from MDF facades?

In places of increased probability of damage, the step between profiles is reduced to 40 cm. After creating the crate to the wall, decorative panels are attached.

Using adhesive compositions

Panels on the walls

Much simple and no less practical is the second installation method. You can glue the PVC panels on the bathroom with liquid nails. Similarly, using the lining of residential premises with decorative MDF panels.

As an adhesive agent, not only liquid nails can be used. Experts argue that building glue moment gives not the worst result in the process of mounting the decorative lining of the walls.

Surface preparation

MDF panels in the interior

Some argue that before gluing panels, you do not need to prepare walls and ceiling. But if you want to do the work qualitatively, it is better not to skip the preparation stage. So, the old coating should be removed before facing. Clear dust, fungus. If necessary, take cracks. Waving to dry out the putty, proceed to the processing of the walls of the primer. What is it for?

In the old coating can dwell insect pests, disputes of fungi and a large number of Perennial dust. All this will not allow working efficiently. In addition, if you do not process and not align the walls, the PVC panels will not be properly pressed. The primer will ensure reliable adhesion of glue with the existing purified surface.

Getting Started

Installation of MDF panels

To glue the plastic panels to the wall, it is necessary to apply liquid nails on the back of the same. For installation MDF. Panels use the method of chess application of adhesive composition. The distance between the adhesive dots should be at least 20 mm.

After applying glue over the entire surface of the panel neatly secure the sheet to the wall. The panel is pressed, closed and removes from the surface. This is necessary for the easy tempering of liquid nails. 5-7 minutes later decorative cladding Fastened on the surface finally. The evenness and correctness of the attachment is tested using a construction level.

Trim corners and sockets

PVC panels in the interior

To beautifully and high-qualityly glue the panel in the kitchen to the wall, it is necessary to correct the corners and outlets in the process. For decorative trim, the corners use a separate element - plastic corner. It can be purchased in a construction store, picking up in color and texture to the main finish. Plastic corners are suitable for both MDF and PVC facing.

At the time of the wall finishes, where the switch and socket is located, you must carefully cut into the hole in the panel necessary element. Subsequently, sections can also be separated by plastic corners. Since these elements do not have grooves, installation can be made using silicone. At the very last moment of decoration of walls in the kitchen, it is glued or a suspension of plinths.

In detail, stepwise instructions for gluing MDF and PVC panels are presented on video.


The process of cladding walls by plastic or wood panels is not complicated. Be sure to clean the walls from the former coating, remove the wallpaper, plaster. If necessary, the surface is aligned, ground. Then the decorative panels are fixed to the wall using liquid nails or the construction glue. Simplicity mounting work Allows you to make a facing to any home master.

PVC film sprung at the edges can manifest itself both immediately after the manufacture of facades and during operation under the influence of external factors (temperature, moisture) or time.

The reasons for the dug and raise the film on the facades of MDF:

1. Ability to glue. When manually applying glue, it is easy to shortfall and skip one part of the part, especially if the glue is transparent. To eliminate this shortage, many manufacturers use glue with the addition of dyes.

2. PVC film glue. For example, when using two-component polyurethane glue, the share of the hardener in the adhesive composition was incorrectly calculated. It is also possible when applying glue with an expired shelf life. As a rule, this defect manifests itself immediately, but after some time. At the same time, the PVC film is shrouded from the facade along the entire surface.

3. Cool did not activate and did not react with the PVC film due to insufficient temperature at the connection site. Here are the following factors here:

· Nedogeneration of PVC film itself;

· Fast vacuum supply;

· Too thin adhesive layer;

· Cold billets of MDF facades;

· Low air temperature in the room and desktop press;

· Insufficient vacuum in the process of facing the MDF facade, which did not provide sufficient pressure of the film to the adhesive layer;

· The glue does not suit this press in its technological parameters (the activation temperature is higher than the provided technology).

4. Empty conditions of operation of film facades MDF: Location near heat sources, hot steam and moisture. When acquiring furniture with facades in the PVC film, the buyer must carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations on operating conditions, maximum permissible temperatures, air humidity, consignability of household chemicals, etc.

Methods of elimination

In the absence or lack of glue, it should be carefully applied to the edge of the MDF facade, and then apply one of the following ways:

Using silicone membrane

It is necessary for all the rules to lay out the details of the facades on the linings on the desktop and close their membrane. Then turn on the vacuum. After the membrane covers the facades, you should make sure that the tightness should be ensured (no folds, pick on the entire surface of the film). Next, it is necessary to warm the facades to the glue activation temperature. As a rule, under the silicone membrane, the warm-up temperature should be slightly higher than with the usual facing process. Attention! For the facades of MDF with a milled surface, such a technique is unacceptable, as it can lead to a turning of the film in the milling cavity.

With the help of heating devices

This may be an ordinary household electric iron or any other tool preheated, for example, with the help of an industrial hair dryer. The tool initially be heatled to a temperature at which the film begins to "lead", but do not melt. It is best to first test on the trimming of the film, or invisible areas of the facades in the PVC film. Then, tightly pressing the tool to the uncrossed edge of the facade for 1-2 seconds, perform a movement, as if stretching and fascinating the film on the inside of the facade. At the same time, the glue on the place of the clutch must warm up, and the film itself will slightly stretch and act over the plane of the back side of the part. After all parts of the facade are sampled, the protruding excess films can be cut off the stationery knife.

Uncovered internal angles of frame facades can be applied in the same way with a heated metal bar commensurate with a radius of the used cutter when sampling the framework.

Attention! Do not warm the film directly with a hairdryer, as it starts to shrink and roll. It will only aggravate the situation.

Plotting film by friction

The way is interesting in that it does not require any devices and devices.

PVC film is dugs from kitchen facades MDF! What to do?

Through the roll of the rag with a large finger, a plot of the non-sticking film PVC is rubbed. In this friction, pressure and temperature is created sufficient to activate glue. The disadvantages of such a technique include the high probability of the edge of the edge of the Facade of MDF and damage to the friction of the decorative layer directly the PVC film itself.

Reclosure film using second glue

When operating film facades MDF, the film is often observed next to heating devices or hot steam sources. In such cases, it should not be delayed with the elimination of a defect, since with time the film can deform so much that it will be impossible to restore the facade. To put the PVC film, quick-drying second adhesive, such as "SuperMent" or similar to it. At the same time, the gluing place should be missed so that the glue falls not only in inside, but also partially on the film itself and on the barbed sites of MDF, thus ensure the strength and protection of the facade from the influence of external factors during further operation.

Tregging facades MDF.

The extreme case when the PVC film hovers over the entire surface of the facade of MDF. The old film is moving away with the use of a hair dryer, after which the facade is thoroughly cleaned from the remnants of poor-quality glue. The process, despite its simplicity, quite laborious and requires a great patience, as the old glue quickly scores all the grinding means. It is possible even re-milling the facade of MDF.

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How to choose a good PVC film

When conducting cosmetic repair can be used different materials. The most popular today is PVC film, as it is convenient, reliable and easy to install. This species The films are made from polyvinyl chloride, which has a high indicator of waterproof, which is its main advantage. In addition, it is presented in a large assortment: various colors, texture, etc. Therefore, it is perfect for the arrangement of any room.

Select the glue for the film

How to glue PVC Film: Process Features

Glue PVC film is easy, but it is important to observe certain rules. Otherwise, not avoid bugs and bubbles. Thus, the surface on which the film is pasted will have an unsightly appearance. When complying with the rules of the wall will be an attractive long time.

To perform this work, you can refer to the specialists. They have all the necessary knowledge, skills and experience solving such tasks. But, as experience shows, it can be done with your own hands. Thus save money to pay the work by the master. Moreover, the result will be no worse.

In order to glue PVC film, special equipment or tools are required. It is enough to have a roll of decorative film, a putty or other material that will help to focus on the walls, indoor water temperature, detergent, plumb, scissors, napkin.

How to glue PVC film: stages of work

The surface of the PVC surface is to perform a number of works:

  • Preparation of the surface to which film will be glued. At this stage, it is necessary to clean the wall from old wallpapers, paints and other things. Then she align and remove all irregularities. To do this, you can use different methods;
  • Degreasing the wall. In this process, warm water with detergent will help;
  • Drying the working surface. In order for the film to keep tight and securely, it is necessary to glue it on a completely dry wall;

  • Cutting film. For this, sharp scissors will be required. They will allow it to do it accurately and carefully. When measuring the band, it is necessary to consider that shrinkage is possible. Therefore, cut off stands slightly more than the real wall size;
  • Sticking the film. It is performed from top to bottom and using a plumb. Thus, the film sticks as soon as possible;
  • Will smoothing. It is carried out with a sponge or napkin from the center to the edges of the canvas. Moreover this work requires maximum accuracy so as not to damage the material. If it is not fulfilled, then there will be a tubercle. They indicate that air remained under the film.

Film stripes should be a mustache, since after gluing they can disperse. In addition, you should not allow the formation of wrinkles and other things that spoil the view of the canvas.

Glue for PVC Film: Features

Depending on which surface is used PVC film, this type and glue is selected. It is characterized by its composition and characteristics. This will allow it to be fixed firmly and securely.

Thus, the glue for the PVC film for facades should have special adhesion properties. In addition, its composition provides a quick reaction and corresponds to the membrane-vacuum pressing technology. In this case, it allows you to connect various surfaces.

What if the PVC film from the MDF facades is dugs?

They may differ in their chemical and physically indicators.

As for the use of soils and primers, they are not mandatory. This significantly reduces the cost of the entire process.

Memrane-vacuum pressing has a number of features that it is important to take into account, since its conduct requires compliance with certain temperature conditions. When they are disrupted to uneven material separation on the facade, it will lead to the formation of folds and so on.

Another important requirement that is presented to the glue concerns its heat-resistant properties. It should not be affected by high temperatures that are inevitable during the operation of the film. If a this indicator It will be low, it will simply begin to spike or deform. It rules the view of the wall.

Glue for PVC film for facades MDF: Views

PVC film adhesive for facades MDF happens different species. They differ mainly in their composition. So, there is one and two-component. The first is applied less often, since it includes a hardener, which is added when the mixture is prepared. It reduces the period of operation of the cooked solution.

Glue for the PVC Furniture Obcomponent Furniture (shown in the photo). It differs significantly from the previous one. Despite the fact that a hardener also includes a hardener, but it is added in the production of glue. Therefore, on the storage time of the prepared solution, it does not affect. Thus, it can be used for a long time. In this case, its properties remain unchanged.

When using this glue, it is important to consider several parameters. These include the condition of the surface and the degree of moisture in the room. The film is glued in the same way as on other surfaces. Furniture must be pre-cleaned from contamination and degreased.

PVC Film Glue for Pool

Thanks to its properties, the PVC film is widely used. It is especially popular with the settings of pools, bathrooms. As you know, these are specific premises. They are pressing enough when choosing finishing materials. Because the increased humidity prevails in them, which can adversely affect them.

PVC film has a high indicator of moisture resistance. Therefore, it can be used in pools. In this case, the glue must have similar properties. Only so you can get durable and reliable wallFilm PVC film. At the same time, it is used at the stage of processing of seams and provides additional sealing. This mixture must dry up under the influence of air, but remain elastic. Such adhesive remains visible on the surface, so it should be chosen under the color of the film.

It's no secret that the kitchen is the center of any house. And our task with you is not only competently planned - in order to spend the minimum of strength and time when cooking - but also to exploit it in order for its freight look at us and households for many years. Most often, the consumer stops its choice on chipboard furniture with MDF facades covered with PVC film. This choice is explained, first of all, a relatively inexpensive price, as well as the presence of a wide selection of configurations and color gamut. That is, there is a possibility to satisfy almost anyone, even very demanding, taste.

Care rules

So, here your beltenious and long-awaited cuisine was brought and set, or you, long Corps over the project, gathered it for themselves. What you need to do or what is not necessary, in order not to experience disappointment in a couple of months. After all, the production of such facades, unfortunately, is not the best way to reflect on their wear resistance: a film with time can start peeling, especially around the perimeter. We voice several simple rules of operation concerning the facades of MDF coated with PVC film.

  1. You can wash the kitchen only with "soft" detergents. In no case do not apply cleaning powders containing abrasive substances. Well for this, various sprays for surfaces are suitable (you can for glasses) and a soft sponge, a napkin.
  2. Do not allow strong temperature differences. Try to maintain from +10 to +35 degrees. Lower or high temperature may result in flaking film. The same result will sooner or later there will be an open oven, closely located a warm-up plate, too intense ventilation (especially in winter), heaters.

Features of operation

Think, because the PVC film is glued at a temperature of 120 - 180 degrees, and if your oven gives out at least 60 -100 degrees, it already creates a threat to cabinets located nearby.

Install the thermal insulation bar. It protects the cabinet head from heating the slab and avoids the separation of the edge. Installation it is made to the ends of the cabinet. In care, it is very unpretentious: to remove contaminants it is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth, but any cleaning agents are not recommended.

  1. Avoid big humidity. If you still have doubt, put a hood or not, then I think now your choice is obvious. Couples from a saucepan, fat from the pan will also not be the best way to affect your furniture.
  2. Water is an enemy of any furniture.

    Watch it to do not get on the facades.

  3. Close the doors and switch the boxes carefully, avoiding sharp movements. Do not expose them to mechanical exposure (contact with sharp objects, friction, collision).
  4. The close arrangement of lighting devices can lead to excessive heating of the facade and, as a result, the deformation of the film, as well as to the change in the color of the facing coating. The lamp and the facade should not be closer to each other than 15 cm.

Repair facade MDF do it yourself

What to do if you noticed that the PVC film is dugs.

Defects of film facades MDF. Retaining (raising) film

First of all, if the kitchen is still under warranty, report this unpleasant incident to the seller. He is simply obliged to replace the defective kitchen facades to new ones. Perhaps marriage is associated with the quality of glue, which is glued with a film, or its insufficient number. Simply put, the manufacturer saved you. However, the seller may ask how much you exploited furniture

If the warranty has already ended, you can try to correct the defect yourself. Type in a medical syringe glue PVA or superchalter type "Moments", you can also use "liquid nails" and gently proceed under the film. However, this method can be used if the film simply drank. If she "squeezed", which most often happens as a result of overheating, then there is already little that can be done. Try to disguise with suitable masses. But, despite all your efforts to restore furniture in this case, I can not guarantee a good result. The best way out will be to order new facades, but note that they need to be ordered either immediately to order, since the manufacturers of film facades do not guarantee the exact coincidence of the color of the films from different parties; Or open the designer and "play" with the colors of the facades. Suppose if your kitchen is light green, you can order facades for cabinets, on which they need to be replaced, yellow.

After the workpiece is laid on the membrane-vacuum press and the PVC film is stretched, the most responsible and, perhaps, the most intriguing moment of everything technological process Production of facades from MDF. However, before turning on the press, you should study several important indicators.

Characteristics of PVC film for crimping MDF facades.

· PVC film thickness. Varies from 0.2 to 0.55 mm. It depends on it the maximum possible and minimum necessary temperature of heating the surface of the film.

When overheated, the polyvinyl chloride base melts, which will lead to the formation of melted holes and violation of vacuum tightness. On some types of films, glossy spots are formed due to such "toasting", which negatively affects the appearance of the finished product from MDF.

At low heating temperature, the film will not reach its elasticity properties necessary for the successful tightening of the bends of parts and the adhesive reaction.

Repeated heating of the film to the required temperature reduces its quality.

· Color PVC film. It also affects the temperature indicators in the process of manufacturing facades from MDF. Dark heat shrink films acquire their technological properties at temperatures from 45 to 60 ° C. Light and especially glossy films are able to heat up to 120-135 ° C.

· PVC film glue. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that some adhesive compositions are activated only by reaching a certain temperature.

· Indoor temperature and temperature of the membrane-vacuum press. In the hot season, as a rule, the heating process is faster, so the overheating of the film should be watched.

After studying all the above factors and making the appropriate conclusions, you can proceed directly to the process of tosing the facades of MDF PVC film.

Covering MDF facades PVC film.

After turning on the heating, the PVC film in the machine begins to "move". At this point it is to fear the formation of large folds, which can continue to stay on the facades of the MDF. However, when he saw the fold at the beginning of the heating stage, it is not necessary to panic. The fact is that the first sign of "readiness" of the film is its tension. At a certain temperature, all its folds are aligned, and it is drawn up "in the string" above the surface of the press desk.

PVC film from MDF facades

By this time, the vacuum pump must be launched.

The second feature that the vacuum can be included is the appearance of light hassle over the surface of the film. This means that the maximum possible temperature is achieved, and it is time to start the process of tight. At this time, you must slightly open a vacuum crane and turn off the heating for 2-3 seconds, and then turn on again. PVC film will begin to settle on the horizontal surfaces of the facades of MDF. In places of contact with the film with the surface of the details, it begins to cool, so it almost does not face overheating.

After the PVC film is tightly lying on the surface of the parts of the MDF facades and starts to go through their sides, vacuum cranes should be opened a little more.

Vacuum formation also has properties to absorb heat. Therefore, the heating should continue until the PVC facing film does not cover all the flax curves on the surface of the MDF facade and its side parts, which slightly turns on the lower edge. Then you can turn off the heating, but the vacuum pump should still work a little, for the case if the press somewhere passes the air.

It is worth remembering that PVC films have the most permissible temperatures Heating, excess of which leads to melting and burnout. It is necessary to be afraid to bring the process to such temperatures. In cases where maximum temperature Heating is achieved, and the facades were not fully covered, or crawls appeared somewhere, it is possible to repeat the process of facing re-on.

To do this, give the machine to cool, opening the taps to turn off the vacuum, and re-heat the Facade tab of MDF. The not glued areas of the film will stretch from heating, after which it will be possible to turn on the vacuum again and continue the pressing process.

Also, do not forget that the glue for PVC film has a property to enter into the reaction only at a certain temperature. Therefore, if the shrinkage of the film was successful, it is not a fact that glue composition Activated, and it is necessary, without turning off vacuum, warm up the facades of MDF in the PVC film to the required temperature for 2-3 minutes.

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