Eco-veneer or pvc film which is better. Which doors are better: PVC or eco-veneer

Landscaping and planning 03.03.2020
Landscaping and planning

Modern market doors is distinguished by a wide variety of offers. Such an abundance of goods does not significantly complicate the selection process. And this applies not only to beginners, but also to experienced people who have been dealing with this issue for a long time. After all, doors are structures that are installed once every few years, at least. And in some cases once in a lifetime. Because this work is painstaking and costly. Few people do it every year. Even the person who follows new trends is not ready to change doors often.

If you choose the right product, then this will not have to be done. Because it will match modern requirements, have an attractive appearance and will ideally fit into any interior of the room. Also, it is worth noting the degree of functionality. It must be at a high level.

What kind of doors are there?

Doors are an important part of any room. Therefore, their choice must be approached responsibly and carefully. A rather erroneous opinion is that they are all the same and there is no difference between the canvases. In fact, both the openings and the materials from which the doors are made differ.

Therefore, you should not be guided only by price when choosing them. Since cheap products are of poor quality and short service life. As practice shows, even the most expensive doors are not a dream come true. Undoubtedly, their aesthetic component and the degree of exclusivity will be better, but the price is many times higher, which is also not acceptable to everyone.

Since the main task of this design is to separate the premises, it is important from what material they are made. Because it is fundamental to their longevity. At the same time, so that their appearance remains pristine for a long time.

As a canvas for the production and lining of doors use different materials. The most popular designs are veneered, laminated, eco-veneer, coated with PVC film. Each of these products has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Therefore, before choosing one of these options, you should familiarize yourself with their characteristics. This will allow you to decide which option is best for your case or pvc doors or eco-veneer, which is better.

Which doors are better eco-veneer or PVC: features of eco-veneer doors

The question of which doors is better than eco-veneer or PVC is the first one that many buyers have. Since not everyone knows how they differ. To answer it, let's look at each of them separately.

Today, veneer doors are becoming more and more popular. And this is not at all surprising. After all, such designs are an excellent alternative to solid wood doors. Externally, they are very similar to them. But at the same time they have less weight, which simplifies their transportation and installation. And their price is acceptable for many buyers.

The basis of these doors is a material called veneer. It is obtained by cutting trees and special processing. To fix the result, the product is opened with varnish. Thus, it becomes resistant to moisture and other unpleasant environmental factors.

It is worth noting that the veneer is presented in two versions: natural and artificial. They differ in their external data and characteristic features, as shown in the photo. Thus, the first variant has the structure noble wood which has a luxurious and sophisticated look. At the same time, thanks to varnishing, they are resistant to high humidity in the room. Therefore, they are often used for arranging a bathroom.

As for artificial veneer, it is quite durable and practical. It allows you to experiment with decor, which allows you to choose it for any interior space. Since it is made from inexpensive breeds wood, then the cost of the structure itself is not high.

If we talk about the advantages of eco-veneer doors, then they distinguish big choice colors, textures and tree species. They also have a high level of environmental friendliness. Thus, such doors are safe for human health and the environment. Therefore, they can be installed in rooms intended for children.

But, like any other product, it has its drawbacks. There are few of them and the main one is that it is necessary to provide a stable microclimate in the room. Only in this way they will serve for a long time and with high quality.

PVC interior doors or eco-veneer: characteristic features of PVC doors

This type of door is no less popular. This is explained by a number of advantages that are inherent in it. For example, resistance to moisture, temperature extremes. At the same time, such impacts are quite impact-resistant. They are easy to care for and have an attractive appearance.

Their cost is low, which is what makes them so popular. They are perfect for arranging rooms such as a bathroom, kitchen, balcony or loggia. They can be presented in various shades. That allows them to pick up to any interior.

Which interior doors are better than PVC or eco-veneer?

If we talk about which interior doors better pvc or eco-veneer, it's hard to say for sure. Because every product has its own customer. Both types have both advantages and disadvantages. It's just that when choosing them, it is important to familiarize yourself with them. This will allow you to decide which doors are best for your particular case.

Even experienced people will not clearly say which is better. Because each is good in its own way. They can only determine what is best for a particular situation. You need to know about this.

Experts recommend taking into account when choosing doors in which room they will be installed. Will they fit well with the interior that will be in the room. Determine the period of operation that you expect from the doors. It is also worth assessing your financial abilities. This will allow you to choose the most suitable option door structure.

Eco-veneer and PVC doors have many similarities. And for those who have encountered these materials for the first time, it will most likely be quite problematic to choose the most suitable option on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the features of each coating.

Eco-veneer and PVC are artificial materials that are similar in their functional characteristics, but completely different in structure. PVC film is a film polymer coating, while eco-veneer is a material that is made from wood fibers and a synthetic binder.

The main advantage of eco-veneer is its environmental friendliness, since such doors consist only of natural components and are absolutely safe for health. PVC products are more dangerous in terms of technology due to the presence of chloride, but you should not be afraid of this, since these doors comply with all sanitary standards. Besides, plastic windows PVC are now in almost every apartment.

In terms of cost, interior doors made of PVC and eco-veneer do not differ much, they have a rather low price tag, thereby ensuring a great demand for these coatings in the modern market.

Interior doors made of PVC film have a wider color palette, are presented in absolutely any colors, even photo printing is possible, and eco-veneer doors imitate natural veneer, that is, they resemble a real tree.

Both types of doors are impact resistant external factors, they are not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, the doors do not burn out under the influence sun rays well suited for rooms with high humidity. In fact, these doors can be called durable, but still do not forget that these are interior doors and you do not need to install them in places with extreme temperatures and humidity over 70%.

Another positive criterion for interior doors made of PVC and eco-veneer is ease of maintenance, these types of doors do not require expensive detergents, they are not afraid of wet cleaning.

Significant disadvantages of doors lined with PVC film are dissimilarity with natural wood (doors will be out of place in an exclusive interior), and if severe damage is received, the door will be impossible to repair, as well as eco-veneer doors are unrepairable door leaf with severe mechanical damage.

PVC film doors are an excellent option for non-residential premises such as offices, shopping centers, administrative and entertainment establishments and other public places. Also, these doors can become part of the decor when creating original interior in the apartment, since each element or side of the door can be decorated in different colors. And eco-veneer doors, due to their environmental friendliness, will be an excellent option both for the home (this is a children's room, and a bathroom, and a kitchen), and for various institutions, including children's.

The modern market for interior doors is saturated with supply. You can find a model of any shape, design, color and size, satisfying the most sophisticated demand. The material of products is also presented in a wide range. In addition to traditional wood and wood-based materials, synthetic raw materials are used for production.

PVC and eco-veneer doors are popular due to the availability a large number benefits. They are related by the fact that it is used for manufacturing polymer materials, however, there is a difference. Therefore, many consumers are interested in the question: which is better, PVC doors or eco-veneer?

Pros and cons of PVC coating

These products are produced as follows: the prepared frame is pasted over with plates and covered with a film of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Coating thickness 0.2-0.5 mm. The film can be applied to partially or completely cover the canvas. At its core, a PVC model is a laminated product that has the following advantages:

  1. Do not require special care, practical to use.
  2. The surface is resistant to acids and alkalis, detergents.
  3. Provide good soundproofing qualities.
  4. Stop heat transfer.
  5. They are resistant to changes in temperature and humidity, do not deform.
  6. Versatile, organically fit into almost any interior.
  7. Wide range of colors and styles.
  8. They have a small weight, which prolongs the life of the box, the hinge and makes the door safe to use.
  9. The interior PVC door is easy to install, which makes it possible to install it yourself.
  10. Long service life no loss in geometry.
  11. Possibility of use as interior, balcony, office, vestibule and entrance doors.
  12. Affordable price.

Availability a large number advantages brought the PVC door covering to the leading positions. However, laminated canvases are not without drawbacks. The disadvantages of products include:

  • look unrespectable, out of place in luxurious interiors;
  • there is a possibility of cracking of the PVC film at the junction and the appearance of blisters on the surface of the web;
  • products with light weight filler and lightweight frame have low mechanical strength;
  • from the coating and impregnation of the product under the influence elevated temperatures and sunlight phenol, aldehydes and chlorine are released.
  • repair is almost impossible.

PVC products can be deaf and have glass, metal and veneer inserts.

Thus, PVC interior doors are practical, aesthetic and inexpensive, but there are a number of restrictions on their use. When thinking about which doors are better than PVC or eco-veneer, be sure to consider the location of the product in the house. Do not install them in areas with a high traumatic factor, as well as in a place with direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Advantages and disadvantages of eco-veneer

The term "eco-veneer" appeared relatively recently. It means the material obtained as a result of the fusion of waste from the woodworking industry ( natural material) with polypropylene. As a result of mixing and pressing the layers, a film is obtained that imitates the color and texture of wood. A decorative film is pasted over with a base made of solid wood or glued laminated timber, upholstered MDF panels. The result is a product with good consumer qualities. Making a choice PVC material or eco-veneer, you should consider strengths everyone. The advantages of eco-veneer models include:

  1. Wear resistance. Wood fiber, glued with a polymer composition, is resistant to stress and damage, withstands a long service life.
  2. Presented in a wide range. You can choose a product of any color, texture, design.
  3. A light weight. Can be installed on thin interior partitions.
  4. Resistance to UV radiation, to the effects of chemically aggressive substances. Ecoveneer under the influence of sunlight does not fade, does not deform and does not emit toxic compounds.
  5. Aesthetic and respectable appearance, repeating the unique structure of the tree valuable breeds.
  6. Affordable price with a spectacular appearance and good consumer qualities.
  7. Resistant to changes in ambient temperature and humidity.
  8. Safety. There are no toxic compounds hazardous to health in the structure of the material.
  9. Practicality. The product is easy to care for with water and detergents. The structure of the material does not absorb dirt.
  10. Versatility. Eco-veneer doors fit perfectly into any interior.

They are practical to use, affordable and look aesthetically pleasing. But when deciding what is best for interior doors, consider the disadvantages of eco-veneer:

  • are lightweight, which reduces impact resistance;
  • there is no possibility of repairing a damaged product;
  • bad soundproofing.

In terms of their consumer qualities, interior doors made of eco-veneer are inferior only to solid wood products. In the mass market segment for interior products, they occupy a leading position. Models can be blind panel, finished with metal moldings or glass inserts.

How to make the right choice?

Can be held comparative characteristic PVC doors and eco-veneer coated doors in the form of a table and evaluate their difference.


PVC coated doors

Eco-veneered doors

Durability, wear resistance

High strength, but poorly withstands a strong direct point impact

Increased strength, but does not withstand a strong direct point impact poorly

Heat and sound insulation

Good sound and heat insulation

Poor sound insulation

Practicality in care

Easy to wash and care

Easy to wash and care

Resistant to fluctuations in temperature and humidity

Resistant to fluctuations in humidity and temperature without deformation

UV resistance

When exposed to UV rays, it begins to release toxic compounds

Resistant to UV rays, do not fade, do not deform, do not emit toxic compounds

Have an affordable price



Possibility of repair after damage

Repair impossible

Repair impossible

Environmental friendliness and safety

Under the influence of sunlight can release chlorine, formaldehyde, phenol

Eco-friendly and safe

Easy installation

Easy to install

Easy to install

Versatility, combination with the interior

Compatible with all styles except luxury

Compatible with all styles

Respectable appearance

Look "simple"

Look respectable

Having carefully studied the characteristics of the products, you can objectively evaluate the difference between PVC doors and eco-veneer.


If you are considering which doors to choose PVC or eco-veneer, then preference should be given to the latter. They have great strength, although they do not withstand a direct point impact. In addition, models with imitation veneer fully meet safety requirements - they do not emit toxic substances into environment. Eco-veneer coating is more resistant to sunlight. Even with prolonged contact with ultraviolet light, this coating does not lose color.

The difference between eco-veneer and PVC doors is also in appearance. Eco-friendly veneer has a more presentable appearance, because it completely imitates precious wood (oak, wenge, beech, walnut). Therefore, such products are bought in the case when a respectable look is needed at a "budget" cost. However, due to design features models with imitation veneer are characterized by poor sound insulation. These are the main differences between PVC doors and eco-veneer. They are related by synthetic origin, light weight and ease of installation. In addition, both types of products cannot be repaired after a breakdown. That's why key moment in choosing a door - its quality, compliance with standards.

If you choose between modern coatings, eco-veneered doors are perfect solution for any home. Doors consist of several layers and the decisive role in choosing this product in most cases is played by outer coating. Usually, if we are not talking about a whole wooden door, consider such types of materials: veneer, eco-veneer and PVC film. Artificial surfaces are gaining more and more popularity. Doors lined with PVC or eco-veneer: which is better? This question interests a lot of people today.

Eco-veneered doors are a great alternative to natural wood

What is eco-veneer

Relatively new material in the market of door and furniture coatings is eco-veneer. Despite its name, it has little to do with veneer, it is artificial material, which is made on the basis of a polypropylene film, it imitates the structure of a tree, its relief can be determined by touch.

Doors covered with eco-veneer - what is it? in most cases, it is a wooden or MDF frame, hollow inside, in order for it to have an aesthetic appearance and fit into the interior, it is applied with a thin layer of coating, in this case- eco-veneer.

The modern consumer has the opportunity to choose the desired model of eco-veneered doors due to the huge range

Eco-veneer advantages:

  • aesthetics;
  • imitates natural wood;
  • less expensive alternative to natural veneer;
  • increased moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • does not contain chloride.

It is thanks to the latter feature that this material has earned the prefix "eco" in the name, since, unlike other artificial surfaces ecoveneer is absolutely safe and environmentally friendly.

PVC film coating

According to their characteristics, PVC doors have the greatest similarity with eco-veneer, but which one is better? In terms of environmental friendliness, polyvinyl chloride, of course, is inferior to the previous version, otherwise the difference is small. Due to the fact that the door leaf is covered with PVC film, the color palette of such doors is much wider than that of other materials. This is a great option for furnishing modern interior, because you can pick up almost any shade, apply a unique pattern, make photo printing or combine several films on one canvas. In addition, the film is not afraid of changes in humidity, but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight so that the appearance does not become faded.

PVC film can be selected in almost any shade

Advantages of doors with PVC film:

  • strength;
  • low cost;
  • a variety of colors and the possibility of combining them;
  • moisture resistance.


  • contains chloride;
  • fades over time;
  • may delaminate;
  • looks less respectable.

That is, if we compare eco-veneer and PVC for door cladding, the film wins in terms of cost. This option is ideal if in the next 5-7 years it is planned to re-replace the canvas. In terms of durability and appearance most buyers prefer eco-veneer, it remotely resembles natural material, which in itself looks more expensive.

Comparison with veneer

To better understand the essence of the presented coatings, one should also mention such material as natural veneer. If we compare doors lined with veneer and eco-veneer, a certain similarity of the latter with PVC film becomes obvious, but there is only some visual similarity between these materials, otherwise veneer has many differences. Firstly, the wood structure is more clearly visible, and secondly, the veneer is a thin layer of natural wood coated with varnish, so it is less moisture resistant than artificial materials.

Compared to natural veneer ecoveneer looks very attractive

Which doors are better - veneered or eco-veneer? Both materials look very attractive and can last for many years. If you prefer natural material, then veneer is what you need. If you plan to install doors in a room where the humidity regime is not observed, it is better to give preference artificial veneer. At the same time, PVC will be the cheapest of the presented options, so you need to make the final decision based on the available budget.

Subject to the production technology and normal conditions operation of doors with any coating will last a very long time.

There are much more options for interior doors than entrance doors, this is explained by the higher aesthetic requirements that are imposed on them, and their lower strength. How do some models differ from others?

Laminated doors

This option is the most controversial, since different materials can serve as the base for the door leaf. And even worse: lamination means finishing the product with some kind of film, and such films are produced in a mass and of very different quality, so there is plenty to choose from.

material for laminated door may be:

  • Chipboard - chipboard of different density. This is the most a budget option and not too decorative, since the material cannot be milled. Not too resistant to moisture and prone to deformation. However, it is quite suitable for dry rooms;
  • plywood - a much more durable and waterproof option, moreover, it is easier to process;
  • MDF - fibreboard is much more high density and water resistance. More expensive models made from solid board. Cheaper ones are a frame lined with MDF.

The film for lamination is also used very different:

  • paper - decorative paper impregnated with some organic compound. It is very cheap to manufacture and has low quality: it peels off easily, does not tolerate moisture and dampness, and wears out quickly. Such doors are the least durable;
  • the melamine finish is stronger by impregnating the laminated paper with melamine resin. The latter provides greater resistance to wear and ultraviolet;
  • fiberglass - has a much higher cost. However, the sash laminated by it, judging by the reviews, demonstrates excellent wear resistance and insensitivity to moisture;

two-chrome - less resistant to scratches, but not afraid of moisture, temperatures and more affordable.

PVC film lamination

In fact, this is the same laminated sash, where polyvinyl chloride is used as a finish. AT separate category variant is distinguished due to its high prevalence. The question: which interior doors are better - PVC or eco-veneer, arises much more often than the question of the difference between a model with a fiberglass finish and a melamine-coated sash.

PVC film has the following characteristics:

  • the widest range of colors - the coating reproduces not only any shades, but also imitates any wood, stone, leather, fabric, etc.;
  • the film has a negligible weight, so that such a cladding of the sash will not be a load;
  • PVC film is insensitive to moisture and will not cause damage to the product;
  • affordable cost makes the coating the most popular, eco-veneer, in any case, it overtakes so far;
  • however, the film does not have high wear resistance, peels off over time;
  • the door laminated with film is afraid of direct sunlight and burns out.

Eco-veneer for finishing

To find out which doors are better - PVC or eco-veneer, you need to understand what is their difference. Ecoveneer is a kind of combination of wood material with organic filler. It is made from crushed wood fibers with the addition of organic resins, and then applied to products by pressing. This technology, judging by the reviews of experts, provides a number of advantages.

PVC doors or eco-veneer: which is better?

The first option is resistant to mechanical damage: scratches, chips, delaminations are almost guaranteed here. The coating is much more stable and exhibits excellent wear resistance.

  • The material does not fade under the sun, because the technology used simply does not allow this.

  • Coating imitates natural wood with much more persuasiveness. Moreover, imitation includes not only color and structure, but also sensation.

  • Compared to a product lined with natural veneer, a leaf finished with eco-veneer costs much less. However, laminated with polyvinyl chloride is even less expensive.
  • Lamination allows the repair of an interior door - pasting with a film or veneer. Eco-veneer coating is not subject to restoration. This is the most serious shortcoming as the reviews say.

Which interior doors to choose - from PVC and eco-veneer, depends on the significance of the listed factors. In the photo - samples of valves.

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