Glue from flour for wallpaper recipe. How to cook wallpaper glue at home

Landscape design and layout 15.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

Also for the preparation of a cooling agent, you can use starch, but today I will tell you about the flour.

So how to cook the hubber from flour for wallpaper recipe. First we need sieve and flour. The flour is great for the first grade, as it is more rude, which is very well affected on the quality of our glue. Be sure to push the flour, so that there are no lumps left. Flour we need 250 grams for 1 liters, or the proportion is one to three.

How to cook aleas independently

First fall asleep flour into glass dishes and, pouring a glass of cold water, carefully stirred by a wedge or a fork before receiving a homogeneous mass.

After that, we spend the mixture into a saucepan, and add the rest of the water and mix well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. We turn on the tile on the slow fire and put the cooking of our mixture at least for 10 minutes and at the same time be sure to move continuously, for this we use a long wooden or plastic spoon.

After that, we can say that your hobster is almost ready. It remains to wait until it gets completely cool, and very important moment Do not put the glue into the refrigerator, so that it cooled faster. He must cool by itself. And only then you can proceed to wallpaper pasting. A very important point, after cooling, use glue not more than 2 hours, as after 2 hours and more it loses its adhesive properties. Therefore, prepare it before pasting.

Pleaster for wallpaper with your own hands (video)

Advantages and disadvantages of home glue

Below in the table below you can see all the plus and minus of such homemade glue for wallpaper pasting. After reading, you can conclude them for yourself.

As you can see, pluses are much more. Therefore, still stop your choice on Cleaster will be on your hand. Since such glue is at a price, it turns out much cheaper by branded shop glue, so you will save family budget.

Application of homemade glue for wallpaper

You have already learned how to make a hitch for wallpaper. Now let's talk about its application. Since nowadays, a huge selection of branded adhesives, the use of alee is not very popular. Many are afraid to use it, but it is not fully justified. I would like to note the fact that such house glue is perfect for most existing wallpaper. This can be as ordinary paper so more durable species, based on vinyl, phlizelin and even photo wallpapers and glass.

Before starting the wallpaper, you need to take care of the instrument. Here is the required list:

  • Bucket for storing adhesive mixture
  • McList or roller
  • Some small rags
  • Canvas
  • Roulette and pencil

Many say that glue is applied only on the wall. But this is not the case, some types of wallpapers begin to swell and cover with bubbles of the canvas, so I recommend you glue be sure to apply on the wall and on the wallpaper. Next steps Do not differ from the use of shop glue.

  • Wallpaper glue from flour with their own hands (photo and video)
  • Photo instructions How to cook home glue with your own hands.
  • I fall asleep flour into a bowl.
  • Pour a glass of water and stir.

After receiving a homogeneous mass, we put cooking on fire for 10 minutes, pour the rest of the water. Your Clauster is ready, be sure to cool it out. Visual video allowance on how the Clauster is boiled by the share of wallpaper here.

Photo gallery of finished work

What is a holter and how can you cook glue for flour wallpaper?

If you started a small redecorating, then you will come up with advice, how to cook aleas. After all, in order to refresh the room and give the apartment the new kind, it is necessary quite a bit - wallpaper and glue. Sometimes you just need to change a few stripes or put the lagging edge of the canvas. Special glue for wallpaper purchased in the era of the last repair may not be enough for these purposes, or he will end the shelf life. Here the leaf comes to the rescue, made with your own hands. What is this glue like this and how to make a good tighter for wallpaper?

What is Cleaster?

Pleaster is glue homemade cookingWith the help of which the paper is easily glued to almost any surface. It is made of starch or flour by diluting these products in water, then the resulting suspension is brewed with boiling water. Depending on the type of work and the characteristics of the glued surfaces, the glue is boiled in thickness - the ratio of flour and water can be from 1: 2 to 1: 8. The greatest gluing ability of the Cubist from corn starch, followed by a hubber from wheat flour, and the latter along the harvesting ability is the composition of potato starch.

Still half a century ago repair work With paper was performed using alee. Glue from flour, cooked with her own hands, was very accessible and most consistent with the price-quality criterion. With it, the wallpaper was glued, insulated on the winter with paper stripes and made various crafts from paper and cardboard. To date, workers of kindergartens and circles children's creativity You can tell you how to cook with your own hands, - it is widely used when working with papier-mache. This glue is used for some painting work, in landscape design and for restoration of books. In some cases, professionals prefer it to other types of glue when sticking paper wallpaper on the walls.

Why a holter remains popular, despite all the novelties construction market and achievements household chemicals? The answer to this question can be obtained if you consider the advantages and disadvantages of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages

The glue from flour or starch has enough benefits before other compositions.

  • Clayaster is the cheapest glue from now well-known compositions. For its preparation, only flour and water is required, and this is a dear pen. Using Cleaster, you can not be afraid for the family budget, and saving on an expensive glue, to invest in better wallpaper.
  • Very significant advantage of flour glue lies in its good hitch with surfaces treated oil paint or Olifa. Most of the purchased adhesives do not cope with such a task, and the compositions based on cyancriad (superlocks) are very expensive, badly smell and not recommended for use in children's and bedrooms.
  • Pleaster is very carefully affected by paper. Due to its mucous membrane, it does not cause illuminations even very thin wallpaper. This fact reduces the likelihood of damage damage in the process of sticking it to the wall.
  • The composition is colorless and after drying does not leave absolutely no spots. You can safely smear the walking and glue wallpaper in the most inconvenient and hard-to-reach places. Also disappears the need to carefully monitor the excessions of the glue at the joints and constantly wipe them with a rag.
  • Since glue is made of flour, it is ecologically pure Material. It can even eat without any damage to health. It does not cause allergies in the process of use, nor then, after sticking the wallpaper.
  • He has no specific smell, and if you dirty, it is easy to wash off from clothes and bodies.
  • Wallpapers glued on the hubble, easy to dismantle with subsequent repair. It is enough to wet the strip with warm water - and tightly lags behind the wall.
  • Flour glue is suitable for all types of wallpaper, except for very severe, requiring special conditions (for example, glass).
  • Frozen adhesive for durability is not inferior to industrial compositions.

Now let's talk about the lack of aleas.

  • The main problem is that this composition is unstable to moisture. Therefore, it is impossible to use it in the wet premises.
  • The glue must be prepared in small portions, because it quickly thickens. Optimal adhesive properties The composition exhibits in a warm form at a temperature of about 40 ° C. The shelf life of the composition is no more than a day, otherwise it can spoil and lose its adhesive abilities.

To give glue greater moisture resistance, experts are recommended to add a stainary or polyvinyl acetate adhesive in the amount of 100 g per 5 liters of water.

Now details on how to make it possible to cook from the flour Cleastern at home.

Cleaster from flour

The process of cooking alert is quite simple, but you need to follow some rules to get a quality composition.

Here step-by-step technology process.

  1. The classic proportion of the composition is as follows: one part of the flour and three or four parts of the water. Thus, to obtain one liter of glue it is necessary to take 250 g of wheat flour. Rye flour also ensures good adhesive properties of the composition. Use coarse grinding - the flour of the first grade.
  2. Flour sieved through fine sieve. This must be done to remove all lumps and extraneous inclusions.
  3. A small amount of water is poured to flour and thoroughly stirred before the formation of a uniform suspension. It is possible to do this in any metal saucepan or a bucket of more than one liter. Make sure that there are no lumps in the mixture.
  4. Put the saucepan on the fire and pour boiling water to the thin ridge before obtaining the required volume (one liter). The liquid is constantly stirred, not allowing the formation of lumps.

So that the Clauster did not burn and warm up more evenly, it is better to make it in a water bath.

  • Conduct the composition to boil - bubbles should appear on the surface. At the same time, do not forget to constantly stir up so that the glue is not burned to the bottom of the pan.
  • If you want to cook a hub from flour with greater moisture resistance, then add a little carbon black glue into a saucepan or PVA glue in the amount of half a glass.
  • The thickness of the composition at home can be adjusted to the eyes: if the holter turned out to be very thick, add a few hot water into it.
  • After let the Clastier cool a little. The thick film that appears on the surface is collected and thrown out. If luxury lumps appeared in the liquid, then strain the plumbing through the gauze.
  • Cleaster is ready for use. As noted above, it is better to use it in a warm form.

    How to glue wallpaper with the help of alee?

    Pleaster prepared with her own hands is quite useful for the priming of walls and other surfaces. It is more convenient to apply it with a wide brushes. If small lumps remain on the wall, then dilute the composition with warm water.

    For the priming of the surface, use hot holter, whereas for paper wallpapers are recommended composition with a temperature of about 30 ° C.

    As for the sticking of wallpaper, the process itself does not differ from that when using the purchase glue. Here are some recommendations that will make it easier to make the walls of the walls and improve the quality of the final result.

    • Cleaster is applied to paper wallpaper evenly and sufficiently thick. The surface is missing once.
    • When the walls are saved, vinyl wallpapers apply glue and lanes, and on the walls. Wallpaper must be missed evenly, sometimes it is necessary to go through the brush again, especially along the edges of the strip.
    • After spreading, give heavy wallpaper for some time (3-5 min) to absorb the composition in the paper basis.
    • When sticking textile and flieslinic wallpapers, the Cleaster is applied only on the wall. At the same time, the width is 1-2 lanes. Before sticking wallpaper on the wall, they are preferably smoapped by water, so that air bubbles are not stuck under the blade.

    So, using a hub, cooked from flour and water at home, you can easily shove the wallpaper on the surface treated with oil paint or olifa. In this case, the glue does not make any smell, it is easily washed away from the hands and clothes and does not cause allergies. The only flaw in the braid is low resistance to a wet environment, so it cannot be used in the bathroom or other rooms with high humidity air. But the composition does not leave stains on the wallpaper and is the most economical option for the family budget.

    What if you can see the joints on the wallpaper, how to remove them?

    How to glue wallpaper on plasterboard: to put out or not?

    Let's talk about how to glue the wallpaper with your own hands. The first thing that will be discovered is not the difficulty in sticking. Much more time and strength takes the choice of materials, their measurements and cutting, careful treatment of walls.

    It is better to buy wallpaper from one party. In this case, it will be possible to avoid the mismatch of the shade. Carefully check all rolls, prepare the stripes of the desired length and tool.

    How to choose wallpaper glue

    On September 26, 1876, Fritz Henkel created Henkel & Cie in the German city of Aachen. Since then, the history of one of the largest global manufacturers of household chemicals and bulk glue began.

    In 1953 was developed wallpaper glue Methilan, with which today is familiar with almost everyone who has ever done repairs. Under the line Methilan is produced big choice Glue for working with different types of wallpaper.

    Hermetic and moistureproof packaging with high barrier and protective properties Secily retains the properties of the glue until its opening. Additionally, holographic logos are applied on the package, which is easily distinguished by the original from the fake.

    Also for russian market It was released a lines of glue under the brand "moment". In its own laboratory, glue properties are thoroughly tested, as well as its packaging. The company's specialists constantly work on the improvement of the formula and the qualities of the compositions.

    For any types of wallpapers in the assortment of Henkel, there is a quality reliable glue.

    In stores you can purchase:

    • For all types of paper wallpapers - the moment of the classic (cooking time is only 3 minutes, it is even divorced in cold water without lumps and smell).
    • For any vinyl wallpaper - a moment of vinyl with a new reinforced formula, which will help achieve a long effect of sticking.
    • For felt, tuffing and textile wallpaper - The moment of extra (due to enhanced additives in the composition can be used to stick any kinds of heavy wallpaper).
    • For fliseline - special glue Moment Flizelin (applied immediately on the wall and removed dry).

    Before using the composition, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions and divorce the mixture according to the recommendations specified.

    One person glue the wallpaper is quite difficult. It is advisable to attract an assistant to the process.

    The room is best released as much as possible. Ensure in the lack of drafts to the room.

    We divor the glue, cut off and apply


    1. It is possible to obtain a qualitative result when sticking wallpaper, if the walls are carefully prepared. Carefully inspect them and remove all unnecessary, cracks and detachals are closed with putty.
    2. Be sure to remove the old coating, turn all the surfaces with a damp sponge. It is necessary to clean them from dust and traces of old glue.
    3. After drying on the walls, wallpaper glue or special primer is applied.
    4. The next stage is cutting wallpaper. It is better to prepare all the bands immediately, numbered them from the inside so as not to confuse the drawing.
    5. Each type of rolled materials is glued in their own way. If the web needs to soak, speake time - it should be approximately the same. Otherwise, they can be blown and, as a result, break.
    6. Paper Wallpaper glue with their own hands As follows: the bands are stacked on the floor with an outbreak, with the help of a roller and brush, glue composition is applied on them, edges are especially careful. For impregnation, the top and bottom of the canvas are attracted to the middle and fold.
    7. Regardless, glue phlizelin wallpaper with their own hands Or any other, on the wall you need to make vertical marking. It will help to glue the first cloth as much as possible. As a rule, wallpaper glued from the window, in this case the joints are not as noticeable. The stripes attached to the wall are neatly smoothed by a dry cloth or roller.
    8. Glue vinyl wallpapers do it yourselfBut the tool is only professional. For joints, a small roller is provided, which is processed by the place of possible detachment. If small wrinkles appeared in the pasting process, they do not need to correct, they will disappear when dried. But air bubbles must be removed. It is done like this: the cloth neatly breaks off, sticks again and carefully smoothed. Strips are applied to jack or brass with the first.


    Glue with your own hands

    A modern range of products for wallpapers will delight any hostess of the future apartment or at home. Today for everyone rolled material There is own glue. But there are situations where the factory glue is simply not enough. Output one - prepare glue with your own hands.

    Most affordable option - Pleaster from starch and flour with the addition of joinery glue, which provides better strength.


    Wallpaper adhesive made from flour is most often used when finishing the walls. It will help if the store is over, and you need to glue a few more strips. And one of the main advantages of such adhesive is the absence of components capable of harming their health.

    The ingredients necessary for its preparation will be found in every home.

    Glue Recipe With Your Hands

    For the preparation of adhesive needed:

    • water,
    • 2-3 tablespoons flour,
    • capacity,
    • corn.

    We prepare as follows:

    1. Pour some water into the tank and pour flour.
    2. Mix well with a whisk. Komkov should not.
    3. We put the container on a small fire and constantly stir.
    4. When the mass thickens, remove from the fire and cool.

    One liter of adhesive composition is enough for two or three rolls of wallpaper.

    Ready glue should be similar to thick jelly. To improve adhesive properties to solution, you can add carpenter or PVA glue.

    Make glue from flour

    Cleaster has long been used as a wallpaper glue. And even with the advent of modern adhesive compositionsMany prefer this simple tool. Moreover, the main reason for such adherence to the Clays is not even cheap of its preparation.

    What is Cleaster?

    To begin with, we will understand what is Cleaster. This is glue homemade manufacture. With it, paper and wallpaper are easily fixed almost on any surface.

    Cleeter - natural glue Home Origin

    Clauster is prepared from flour or starch with the addition of water and with brewing in boiling water. The largest gluing ability has a hubber from corn starch. Behind him goes home glue from wheat flour, in the last place - a hubber from potato starch.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The fact is that all the most modern adhesive compositions have one big drawback - they do not work well on surfaces covered with old oil paint or engineered olphoua. On such surfaces, it is ideally able to cope with its function, only the usual, cooked from flour or starch, Clauster is capable of.

    Only its instability to moisture can be called the only lack of aleas. However, you can cope with this disadvantage, using various additives when cooking.

    The advantages of the Cleighter mass:

    • Properly welded and profilted Cleaster leaves no traces even with not too accurate operation.
    • It grips perfectly with any surface.
    • His durability is not at all inferior to the most modern adhesive composition.
    • Also, the advantages of the Clays can be attributed to the fact that the wallpapers that are pasted with its use are very easily removed.
    1. Water is poured into the container in the amount of 2/3 from the planned volume and boils.
    2. Then B. hot water Flour falls asleep. It is necessary to do this gradually, and the solution should be thoroughly mixed. Flour will need approximately 1/3 volume.
    3. The solution should be brought to the density of very liquid dough (cook for 5 minutes).
    4. After the kleister cools up to 30-40 degrees, it should be strained through the gauze, after which it can be applied by appointment.

    Hotucer is better not to use. From temperature, the embossed pattern or paint on the wallpaper can be deformed, and come into disrepair.

    Method number 2.

    In this recipe, the ratio of flour and water is obtained 1: 3.

    Remember that ready-made mass should be similar to liquid dough

    1. I fall asleep flour into the container. Fill with water.
    2. We put the container on the stove and cook, constantly stirring, on low heat, until the mass becomes homogeneous.
    3. After the water boils, remove it from the fire, fix it through gauze or sieve, cool.

    How to cook from starch do it yourself

    The advantage of the starch from the starch in front of the cube from flour can be called its transparency. Although the Kleuister from the flour almost does not leave the traces, but the hubber from the starch is still preferable for pasting walls and light wallpaper.

    Pleaster for dumping walls is characterized by a higher adhesive ability

    Clays recipe from starch for ordinary walls

    1. 750 g of potato starch knead in 200 ml of wood alcohol.
    2. 1.5 liters of water are added to the resulting mass, mixed thoroughly.
    3. The next step is the addition of 8-9 liters of boiling water and bring the entire mixture to a boil.
    4. Separately from the mixture to 0.3 liters of water dissolved 100 g of almas.
    5. The resulting solution is poured into a boiled mixture and stirred to one-photon mass.
    6. The composition is cooled and filter.

    How to cook home glue for dumped walls

    1. In 600 ml of water, 40 g of calcium chloride is dissolved, the mixture is placed on fire and bring to a boil.
    2. In addition, 400 ml of water and 400 g of potato or corn starch are mixed separately;
    3. The mixture is added to the mixture from the first item. Stir, heated and add 4-5 liters of water.
    4. The resulting mash is boiled for another 2-3 minutes and remove from the fire.

    Do not forget to periodically remove the film, which is formed after cooling the cooling agent from starch.

    • Any hub is preferably used immediately after filtration, or at least the same day. After a day, the adhesive quality of the chaliest is significantly reduced.
    • Make a holter in small portions to prevent fast cooling and frozen mixture.
    • Store unused mixture is best in the dishes with a lid, in the refrigerator.
    • If the glue hit the skin or furniture, it is enough to wipe the contaminated place with a wet warm cloth.
    • If we talk about additives to Cleastern, then besides the PVA glue, you can use joiner adhesive, which is added in the same amounts as PVA glue (1 part of glue to 1 chasing water). At the same time, it should be noted that carbon black can leave reddish stains on the wallpaper, and it is not recommended to use such an additive when it is not recommended.

    Pleaster with the addition of joinery glue is perfect for the brand of the surface of the walls and the ceiling before sticking the wallpaper. And for these purposes, it should be used hot.

    Video: How to cook alert from flour for plating wallpaper, papier-mache, etc.

    It seems that modern worldwhere store shelves are filled with hundreds of types of glue, the need for cookie cooking automatically disappears, but this is not quite so - for several reasons. In the editorial office of "Hydoboe" decided to figure out how to cook a hubber from flour for wallpaper and why it is still relevant.

    Why cook boxes in general?

    Understandable thing that in soviet time Cleaster did the absence of other options, but why use it now, when glue can be bought for any purpose and on any wallet? There may be several reasons for this, but the main after all the same three.

    • With large volumes of sticking, the hubber from the flour creates a significant difference in costs. Yes, buying the glue packaging in a construction store for 200-300 rubles is not so sorry, but if they need 10 or 20, the will of the inclusions begin to think about more economical alternatives. And in general, for classic recipe No need nothing but flour and water - it is possible to meet in the amount of up to 100 rubles!
    • Now there is a lot of noise around Flizelin and Vinyl - they say, they are not eco-friendly enough - and in fashion again, paper wallpapers, only more dense and with modern design. But for some reason, few people think about the fact that, since the issue of naturalness is so acute, it would be nice to use natural glue. Flour glue for wallpaper - the best way In this context, because it is so safe that it is used even in kindergartens to create crafts!
    • Well, another important fact. Perhaps making repairs in the apartment, where the last time wallpaper was glued at the Soviet power, you noticed how hard it is to tear the cloth from the wall. We do not know what is the reason, but many factory adhesive compositions are not well kept well to the canvas, while properly welded Clayster makes the wall and wallpaper with almost one whole. Yes, it may be a minus, if you often change the design, but the surprises in the form of "fallen" wallpapers will not definitely.

    With all these advantages, the classic Cleaster is mixed without additives once or twice: the process, of course, is a bit more complicated than the breeding of powder glue, but if you at least once cooked soup, you will definitely succeed!

    Contrary to popular belief, such a hub can be used not only for light paper wallpapers, but also for fliseline and even vinyl. Just the harder canvas, the thick should be the composition, well, to improve it with the help of additives is also not rebored.

    What makes you cook?

    Watching wallpaper can be welded not only from flour, but also flour for these purposes can be used different species. If you are not sure what basis you are suitable, you can choose from this list in accordance with the qualities of each of the products.

    • Wheat flour - the most popular and convenient option To create a coolness at home. It is easiest to find, unlike oatmeal or corn flour, it is cheap, and somehow you have to work with it. Surely you want to take high Sort for better qualityBut in the case of sticking wallpaper here everything is exactly the opposite: the smaller the flour is treated, the greater the bran particles, which means that the gluten, which is the basis of the braid. So it is worth take the 2nd grade or even wholegrain flour.
    • If you have access to cheap rye flourYou can use it. Just keep in mind that the mixture is not a milky white, but brownish, which can become a problem for light and thin wallpaper. But it is the opinion that this option holds the cloth even better than the previous one, since the gluten in it is greater than the default.
    • Often, potato starch was used for the Clays instead of flour: it was pulp it, and it was just below, but the glue was obtained practically transparent, which brought it as much as possible to look at the factory adhesives. For the wallpaper of average density, the recipe on the starch is quite suitable, but it may not be reliable for heavy.

    You can close the thick shitters and cracks, like a putty, and liquid - grind the walls for better clutch.

    In fact, any flour and any starch can act as the basis, just our goal, including and save, and oatmeal and corn starch are still more expensive.

    How to cook Kleister.

    So, let's start cooking! Do not worry: To cook a hubbleman for wallpaper, you do not need to have some special skills. Everything you need for a base recipe is flour or starch, water, a glass and a saucepan. Surely all this already has at home.

    Basic option

    Do not think that glue for wallpaper from flour or starch and water is too simple to cope with its task. In most cases, it is enough to glue the wallpaper for the century. And you can cook it with your own hands in half an hour.

    1. Divide 200 g of flour in 200 ml of water so that there are fewer lumps.
    2. Bring 800 ml of water in a saucepan to a boil.
    3. Pour the first fluid to the second and bring to a boil, constantly stirring.
    4. Remove from the stove, if necessary, express and cool down.

    That's all! Kleister is ready. True, this recipe can be modified depending on your needs and situations.

    The readiness of the adhesive can be checked by compressing a drop between the fingers. They should be discussed a little difficult due to the stickiness of the mixture.


    To improve the formula or adjust it to your needs, you can use the following variations.

    • If the wallpaper is heavy, the amount of flour need to increase: the thick of the Clauster, the stronger it will hold. That is, on 1 liter of water you may not need 200, and 300, 400 or even 500 g of flour.
    • For liquid primer celasting, you can take, on the contrary, less flour, approximately 100 g, and add 1 g of copper mosper to the mixture of antiseptic properties to the mixture. In general, it would be nice to add to any Cleaster, otherwise all insects may be watched.
    • Cooking a hubber from flour can also be with the addition of ethyl alcohol or denature for better consolidation. Preceptory recipe with alum or calcium chloride was popular: first 100 grams of flour with 50 ml of denaturate and 200 ml of water were mixed, then this solution was poured into 1 liter of boiling water, and then a solution of 15 g of quasans or 30 g of calcium was added to this mixture 40 ml of water. Although even with one alcohol, the mixture is very strong.
    • Even in glue from flour for wallpaper, you can add turpidar, it also increases the stickiness: for 200 g of flour in basic recipe You need about 120 ml of turpentine.
    • To make a plug more convenient to use, you can add glycerin and gelatin to it. These same substances make clutch even stronger. The glue on which it is possible to plant even a small tile, prepare for such a recipe: 150 g of flour stirred in 200 ml of water and a 200 ml of ethyl alcohol and 4 g of glycerin are added there; In the pan in the water bath heated 800 ml of water with 5 g gelatin; Both mixtures are stirred, adjusted to boil and get cold. Super solution is ready!

    As you can see, Clauster is relevant and now, but it's not so difficult to make it. The main thing is to remember that the use of a freshly brewed party is needed in 2-4 hours, as the composition has a property to stick, and it is possible to store it for no more than 10 days, otherwise it risks to be covered with mold. Easy and economical repair!

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