Binding of books with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions for beginners. Book Binding (Make yourself)

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Independent manufacture of books, albums and notebooks in a hardcover is not the most common occupation. However, the ability to make a bookcover can be useful, for example, if you want to save and place a printed book. We suggest try making classic books of books quickly and simply do it yourself according to the step-by-step instructions below.

Learning to make high-quality books of books with your own hands in the master class

Required materials and tools:
  • two small smooth boards;
  • two clamps;
  • thin mill for working on metal;
  • durable white threads;
  • gauze;
  • high density cardboard (you can use a thin cardboard glued in 2-3 layers);
  • roller for a bookpore (instead you can use braid);
  • color dense paper for the design of the cover;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • brush for glue;
  • stationery knife.

Books are sewn and glued. An independent firmware of the book is a very time-consuming occupation for fulfilling at home. Therefore, we offer the master class on the manufacture of binding for a glued book.

Print the book on the printer that we plan to intertwine. Align the resulting paper foot along the edge, carefully tapping it with ends about the flat surface of the table. It is necessary to approach the process with maximum responsibility, since the appearance of the future book will depend on it.

The design of the root.

Carefully put a stack of paper on the table with a root to myself so that the edge of the stacks slightly beyond the borders of the table top, and put enough heavy cargo on top. With the help of a brush to the surface, dense PVA glue and leave to dry for a couple of minutes. Then we remove the load and move the stack of sheets a little further from the edge of the table. From above very gently put the board and clamp the resulting design with clamps.

After 3-4 hours, we remove the clamps and move the stack of sheets together with the board in such a way that they go beyond the surface of the table about 2-3 mm. With the help of a pencil, we make transverse markers on the end of the stacks of sheets with the same intervals (in our case 2 cm). Then, according to the marks obtained using a metal pink, we make cuts depth of about 1 mm. It is necessary to ensure that they are strictly perpendicular to sheets of paper.

We prepare gauze and special rollers for the root. We determine the gauze so that its length is about 1 cm less than the root length, and the width is about 4 cm more (2 cm on each side). In the same way, we cut two rollers, but their width must accurately match the width of the root. The edges of the rollers neatly lubricate glue.

Similarly, we make a blank of a strip of paper that will be stuck on the root. Its width must be equal to the width of the root, and the length is 7-8 mm less.

Binding process.

The root of the book is abundantly lubricating PVA so that the glue fell into each made propyl. Insert the thread moistened with glue glue so that their ends are sticking to 2-3 cm on each side. Again, lubricate the spine with threads with glue and on top fix the gauze blank, then the rollers and the last line the paper strip, the maximum tightly pressing each layer with your fingers. The resulting design is left to dry by 8-12 hours.

After drying the glue, we remove the clamps, cut the extra parts of the ropes.

Next, proceed to the manufacture of beads. We will do them from thick paper type Watman (white or color). We make blanks in the size of the future book. The outer edge of the moon must be short enough to be comfortable to glue it.

Lubricate the strip of the strip in the fold (approximately 3-4 mm) and glue the forboat on the sheet block. Then we turn the blank of the book and in the same way to glue another forcedation. We put the design under the press for a while.

Cover design.

We cut three details from the cardboard: the root and two crusts. Corks should be 8 mm longer than the glued book blank, and in width are equal to it. The root must be in height equal to crusts, and in width - the thickness of the block.

Then choose the paper suitable on the color and the shafts of the workpiece as follows:

  • the width of one detail is equal to the width of the root + 8 mm on both sides;
  • the width of other two parts is equal to the width of the crusts + 2-3 cm on both sides.

We glue the resulting design and cut the corners diagonally. We wist the edge of the paper, bend and glue them to the cardboard, especially carefully pressing the corner of the cover.

To make the cover, you can use a ready-made dust cover, apply an inscription using a stencil or print and paste paper with the necessary information at your discretion. It is widely used in the design of book covers such a technology as scrapbooking: decoration of products with cut or chopped decor elements, paper with unusual ornaments and openwork edges.

Glue the internal unit and cover. We pre-try both details and only after that begin to glue. An error admitted at this stage will be fixed almost impossible.

Lubricate one edge of gauze with glue and press to the surface of the moon. Then Majm PVA is the entire forzatc with gauze. I turn over the book with an empty mowing down and mount the atmosphere to the cover, starting with its edges. Lubricate the gauze glue on the upper side and glue to the muddle, then with the smear of the second boat and glue it in the same way. In order for the surplus of the adhesive not staining the book, it should be laid by unnecessary paper larger. When gluing each workpiece must be monitored so that air bubbles and folds are not formed.

Binding books ready! After the manufacture, it is advisable to put a book for a night under the press.

Much simplifies the process of the manufacture of binding, if the gluing of parts occurs with the help of a thermal oil. In this case, you need to purchase a special typewriter for the thermoclast and actually the thermocons. All outproed workpieces (cover, the root of the book and the mousets) together with the printed paper unit are inserted into the machine and crimped with it. The cover is then glued manually. However, if you do not plan to constantly work with book products, buying a machine will not be appropriate.

Video on the topic

For those who mastered the classic binding of books in a step-by-step lesson with their own hands and wants to continue working with books, the following videos are offered with detailed binding lessons.

Take a cut of binding adhesive tape by 5 cm longer than the height of your book. Adhesive tape can be color or usual. It must be strong enough to securely fasten the pages. Refuse paint or transparent scotch. Buy linen or cotton adhesive tape to achieve the necessary strength.

Put the segment of the tape on a flat surface, then attach to her binding of your book. So it will be easier for you to achieve an even result than when you try to stick a tape on the book. Make sure that the root of the book lay down in the middle of the binding tape, since its second edge must be wrapped on the opposite side of the book.

  • If you have a thick big book, leave a bigger stock to ensure that you have enough ribbon widths to smoke the root and turn a little tape on the opposite side of the book.
  • Wrap the binding tape around the root of the book. Fingers wrap the binding tape in such a way that it sticks to the root of the book. Next, wrap the ribbon until the very end so that it fixes the root of the book, and its edges stuck a little on the first and last pages of the book.

    Strengthen the binding of a thick book by several layers of adhesive tape. If in your book there are many pages or it consists of several blocks, it can be used to get a few layers of binding tape. Repeat the gluing process several times until the binding becomes quite strong.

    Cut the extra ends of the ribbon. Since initially you used longer binding tape segments, their ends will hang over and below your binding. Take the scissors or a knife for crafts and cut the excess ribbons as close as possible to the pages of the book.

    • All unnecessary should be cut. Do not attempt to complete the excess tape, so your book will be harder to open.

    Creating binding with hole punch and tape

    Creating a firmware binding

    1. Bend the sheets in half. Promote the place of folding the edge of the ruler or a nail. Bending sheets can be beaten individually or groups (depending on their quantity).

      Using the ruler, measure the height of the future book. If you initially know the size of the sheets, then there is no need to measure them. Otherwise, or when using non-standard paper, draw accurate measurements.

      Divide the measure of six. This binding method will require you to make five holes on the fold line of the crosslinkable sheets. They must be at the same distance from each other, but this distance will depend on the size of the paper itself.

      • For example, if you used standard A4 paper for printers, the height of the book will be equal to 21 cm, and if it is divided into six, it turns out 3.5 cm.
    2. Make a pencil five points along the fold line of sheets. Do it on the inside of the bend. Use the line so that everything is for sure. The first point should be located at the bottom of the bend, and the fifth - in the top.

      • For example, if you work with Paper A4, the first point will be located 3.5 cm from the lower edge of the bend. Each subsequent point should also be located 3.5 cm from the previous one. The fifth point at the same time will be 3.5 cm from the top edge of the bend.
    3. Take the selection of the hole in the outlined points. Shilo is a special tool that create small holes in various materials, ranging from paper and ending with leather and wood. Make sure that the seer you used is designed for paper. If you do not have sewn, you can use a big needle.

      Spend a needle with a thread through a third hole in the direction of from the inside of the bend outward. First pull over the needle only about 5 cm thread. The rest of the end of the thread hold the other hand to accidentally do not miss it.

      • Threads can be any color, just remember that they will remain in sight!
    4. Swipe needle with thread through the fourth hole. Now the needle with the thread will again be on the inside of the bend. Release the non-working end of the thread and pull it out for the needle as required.

      Spend a needle with a thread through the fifth hole and back through the fourth. The thread should get out of the fifth hole and loop back to the fourth hole, again being inside the bend.

  • I decided to somehow try myself in Forex, I downloaded a bunch of e-books, I stopped on one very good and sufficiently volumetric number of sheets (400 pages).

    I decided to print an e-book and make a hardcover.
    E-book I was in format.Dejvu

    The most important thing to print pages as it is necessary.

    Print Settings:

    printing 2 pages on one side of the A4 sheet is a format A5.

    We make the necessary fields in order to be able to sew. I also made a markup - a vertical line between sheets, for the convenience of cutting a sheet A4 in half.

    Print sheets from two sides. But before I experimented a little, to print everything as it should be printed. Each sheet I fed to the printer in manual mode. I left for it somewhere 20-30 minutes.

    We cut the sheets on and we sort on the pages.

    Less stack of sheets. We got everything separately (not notebooks).

    We proceed to bonding sheets among themselves in the book block.

    For this we will need a small, naturally, homemade press and PVA glue.

    The press, as you see, I made 2 pieces of floorboards and 2-spree (from the car), in general from what was at hand.

    It looks like as shown in the photo.

    Stack of sheets align and clamp in the press. The side, which is to be crosslinking abundantly, we wash the plow glue several times and give adhesion to completely dry. This is done to initially braid sheets and easier worked with the block. After the sickness, it takes some time drying.

    We take our workpiece of the book, and where the first time was sicked, we make feeds to a depth of 3-4 mm.

    I absolutely impregnated with PVA glue and pushed tightly into the cuts.

    After it finished with threads, it was richly missed this surface with glue. Fabric imposed on adhesive and pressed tightly. The fabric on top wrapped with glue.

    In this form, I all laid in a warm place.

    It remains to make bells and the cover.

    Since I do not have a book and clean for myself, I decided not to bother with a solid cover, but I used the cover from the old book of a suitable size.

    After drying, the outer edge of the book block must be trimmed to pour sheets, make the mourning and glue the cover.

    The edge of the book is cut without removing from the press, laying a piece of plywood for stiffness.

    Forsets I did, again, from what was at hand - from dense trendy paper (where the business cards were printed :)) - 2 sheets A4. You can from Watman.

    Rolling the sheets of paper in half, I glued them like this: the first turn with one side in the first sheet of the book (and the second side is for gluing to the cover, it is gliding a little later). I did the same with the latest reversal of the book.

    What was printed on the visit paper - went inside, so not visible all this disgrace :).

    We are waiting for a bit when the glue will dry off, after which we stick the cover.

    The root along with the first turn of the book is glued to the cover.

    After all these manipulations, I put a book for several hours for a big stack of other books.

    Dried! The book is ready!

    Footscape stuck well, smoothly.

    Today we will share with you a secret to how to make a book cover yourself. So, for a start, we prepare the sheets of the desired size. We will make a book from 48 sheets. Therefore, we need to cook 24 sheets of paper, folding them in half. Consequently, we should have 2 stacks of 12 folded sheets.
    The next step will make holes in all your sheets of paper.
    In order to make sure that the holes are built evenly, we made a template in order not to measure and celebrate each sheet separately.
    Take a piece of paper as long as your pages, and fold it in half. Then mark along the folds of the 6 holes along the folds.
    Take each of the cooked sheet beams, and place the template inside them, in the center of the fold.Using awl, make a hole through the harvested pattern.This hole is used as a sewing guide hole.
    Now it is necessary to sew sheets. First one block of 12 sheets, then the second.

    The next step is to cross and glue your blocks.With the help of a soft brush, apply glue along the entire length of the "spine" of sheets in generous quantities, making sure that the glue penetrates and in the place of stitching. And then remove the extra glue.
    Leave the sheets clamped or under the light weight so that they dry.

    Each book needs two bandages on the "vertebrae", one for the top and one for the bottom of the book.Measure as much as you need depending on the latitude of your book and glue them to PVA glue.

    For the cover of pages is used tight cardboard and fabric. Measure the size of our pages and cut out. And for the "spine" of the books, too, cut out a separate piece of cardboard.
    Well glue cloth. And let her be good to dry for several hours.

    The last step is to connect all together. Both blocks of pages and the cover must be dry.
    To attach them to apply a thin and smooth layer of glue on the front page of the booklet and on the last page of the booklet. Now carefully place a book on the inside of the cover and pushing heavy weight. You do not need to smoke the "spine" of the book.
    That's it! Notebook book is ready!

    In this article, I will show my master class on how to make your own hands ... Hard hardest binding for the photo album in the technique of scrapbooking.

    Scrapbooking has long been fascinated me, all sorts of boxes, caskets, etc. can be done. And in scrapbooking you can make wonderful family photo albums ... For this, we will need solid binding. And how to make bindings with your own hands, let's learn:

    Let's start with the fact that we will prepare such a strip, 30 by 2.5 cm for binding. They are made of paper for screaming 200g.

    Inside, we rall so that we have 4 mm on the volume. Those inside, there will be a 4mm gap between the pages.

    I spend the needles on them ... In order to bend, we were comfortable.

    Now bend our billets in this way.

    Now we take over the sheets themselves ... I have 2mm cardboard from me, I cut it onto the sheets 30 on 30 and the edges stuck. Corners rounded.

    Now we start to glue our billets to sheets. It is not even difficult to make binding with your own hands. We take the workpiece and glue to the sheet on one side, then put the sheet on the table, we glue the workpiece on top of the workpiece already, stroke ... Rugging it to the top, and we will stick to the top, and we will stick to the top one! Eye sheet, only 4mm. Ours, on the volume ... Remember? Everything will be clear when you start doing yourself, with your own hands binding.

    Here it is better visible.

    And continue this step. Carefully ... Scrapbooking generally requires accuracy in work.

    Then we give me to dry and bending the other way ... and also under the press.

    That's what happened in us in the end. Make sure that during the gluing sheets, you all had smoothly without distortion!

    That's how exactly it should be.

    Now we will make the root, we need it so that our homemade binding does not fall apart. We take a bandage or gauze and put it on binding from the end and well-miss the glue times or titanium. Titan I liked more.

    I fasted a plow from above and dry everything well.

    Now we make a cover. I took a cloth for the cover. We glue to the fabric, cut out. In the middle, under the root I took not a cardboard, but Kraftbumaga, it is softer and better for bend.

    Before gluing the cover, you need to do small stripes from the end of the album, so that the edge is beautiful, like here:

    Then we glue the same way with our blanks to the album our crust and binding for the album with your own hands is ready!

    Attention! Fur not glue !!!

    Here is my album in the finished form,

    Talten ... 10 sheets ... 7.5 cm Thickness ... I plucked out 200 photos!

    If something is incomprehensible, ask in the comments I will answer all the questions of course. Thanks for attention!

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