How to visually enlarge a window inside a room. Small space: how to visually enlarge the room? Using a mirror and glass in the interior of a small room

The buildings 29.08.2019
The buildings
January 4, 2018
Specialization: facade decoration, interior decoration, construction of summer cottages, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. He also has experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

Small rooms require a competent approach to the choice of finishing materials so that they can visually hide their lack. Therefore, I propose to further familiarize yourself with some of the wallpaper options that will help solve the task - to visually increase the space. Of course, this will not help to turn Khrushchev into royal chrome, but it will be quite possible to somewhat mask the lack of space and get rid of the "squeezing" sensation.

Wallpaper options

So, you can use the following wallpaper for a small room:

  1. Photo wallpaper;
  2. Striped wallpaper;
  3. Wallpaper with patterns and textures.

Option 1: photo wallpaper

Wall murals are one of the most effective ways expanding space. The only thing is important to choose the right plot. If a large object is depicted on the photo wallpaper, for example, a flower, then the room will only visually become smaller.

Therefore, it is necessary to use only plots that visually increase the space, i.e. with a perspective. They, as it were, erase the boundary of the room or move it.

I must say that in addition to choosing a subject, it is also necessary to correctly position the photographic image in the room. In order not to be mistaken with the choice of a wall, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • The wall must be free... It is advisable that there is no furniture near the wall with photo wallpaper, since in this case the effect will be reduced. Furniture located along the wall with the image visually marks the border of the room;

  • Place the wallpaper on long wall. If the room is not symmetrical, it is necessary to glue the wall-paper that expands the space on a long wall, otherwise the narrow room will seem even narrower than it really is.

An even greater effect can be achieved with the help of the so-called 3D photo wallpaper. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the picture appears three-dimensional and, as a result, even more natural. This effect is achieved by modern photo printing technologies.

For very small rooms, it makes no sense to use three-dimensional photographs on the walls. The fact is that the effect of volume occurs only if you look at the image from a certain distance.

Also, do not forget that wallpaper, although it is a large photograph, does not cease to be wallpaper, i.e. are a finishing material that must match the interior of the room. Therefore, it is desirable that their color scheme intersects and harmonizes with the color scheme of the interior.

Option 2: striped

Stripes can affect the perception of space no less than photowall-paper. The only thing is that they do not shift the boundaries, like a photographic image, but expand or narrow the walls.

In order to achieve the desired result with the help of striped wallpaper, it is necessary to select and place it correctly. When choosing the type of canvases, first of all, consider the following points:

  • Horizontal stripes expand the wall. Horizontal stripes are great for short walls. However, keep in mind that they not only expand them, but also reduce the height of the ceiling;

  • Vertical stripes increase the height of the ceiling. Therefore, it makes sense to use vertical stripes when it is necessary to visually make the room higher. True, the effect will be achieved at the expense of the length of the wall.

I must say that striped wallpaper can have a very different design, so when choosing, be sure to focus on the style of the interior and, of course, color range.

Option 3: with patterns or textures

Photo wallpaper can be used only on one of the walls, in extreme cases on two adjacent walls. Therefore, the rest of the walls will have to be pasted over with ordinary tapestries. But what colors of wallpaper make a room bigger and how to choose the right pattern?

In fact, everything is quite simple, the main thing is to remember the following rules:

  • Light tones increase the space, while dark tones make it smaller. This does not mean that all surfaces must be finished in white. An excellent solution is the use of pastel colors, which will make the home not only light, but also cozy;

  • Tapestries with large patterns bring the wall closer. Therefore, in small rooms, it is better to give preference to canvases with small patterns. The only thing, if the room is not symmetrical, in order to visually correct the situation, you can stick tapestries with larger patterns on short walls, and on long ones with small ones;

  • Embossed surfaces increase the space. The more voluminous the relief of the trellis, the more spacious the room seems, which is due to the play of shadows.

Hence it follows that in our case the best solution are light wallpapers with small patterns. For example, white canvases with colored floral patterns are perfect for a small kitchen.

For the bedroom, you can use pastel tapestries with classic patterns (ornaments, rosettes) or abstraction, depending on the style of the interior. They will go well with photo wallpapers that can be glued at the head of the bed.

For the living room, silk-screened wallpaper is a win-win option. The fact is that the gloss that they possess also contributes to the visual expansion of the volume of the room. Of course, if you like gloss, you can also use silk-screen printing in the bedroom.

When choosing trellises, be sure to focus on the illumination of the room. If the apartment is located on the south side and there is enough natural light in the windows, give up cold tones, otherwise the room will be uncomfortable. If there is not enough natural light, it is better, on the contrary, to use more cold shades.

When choosing a color, be guided by your own preferences and furniture that will stand in the room. All colors used within one room must be in harmony with each other - this is the main rule for choosing any finishing materials.

Here, perhaps, are all the wallpapers that visually increase the space, which I wanted to tell you about.


Now you know which tapestries to buy in order to visually expand the space of the room. If you are in doubt with the choice, please contact me in the comments, and I will be happy to help you with advice.

January 4, 2018

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Date: 05/03/2017

Personal territory is important for every living being, and especially for humans. Dwelling modern man not always happy with enough square meters, but modern designers have come up with many tricks that can visually increase the area of ​​the room. If the repair has already been completed, but suddenly the thought came to my mind that it would be nice to increase living space, wall murals expanding the space will cope with this task.

These pictures glued to the wall will visually enlarge even the smallest room, make it brighter and more comfortable. Such a finishing material is made using modern technologies. They are durable, decorate the room and make it unique. Benefits when using them:

  • ease of care;
  • do not fade;
  • fit perfectly into the style of the room and visually increase the space.

Wall mural expanding space - long corridor with columns

Photowall-paper of the pier, in the interior of the dining room.

Wall Murals - city streets

Color is most important

To visually enlarge a room, take into account the colors prevailing in it. Shades should be light and light.

The choice of panoramic wallpapers is taken seriously, because they have a psychological effect on the residents. It is assumed how a particular image affects the mood of people. They take into account in which room the wallpaper is planned to be glued.

It is important to consider how much daylight enters this room. If it is sufficiently illuminated by sunlight, then space-expanding photowall-paper is selected, which consists of warm colors. The room looks cozy, but this will not give a significant expansion of space. Bright sunlight will act as a distraction.

Cold shades visually expand the room. Panoramic or photopanel options are good.

If the room is small, it is better to choose a picture where there is a horizon line, a seascape, or an image of open doors, from which a river or forest is visible.

Volumetric wall murals - interior

Photo wallpaper - interior idea

Wall mural expanding the space for the kitchen

In this case, you can still dream up with flowers: draw attention to where something beautiful is located, and distract from what should not be emphasized. For this purpose, choose bright, eye-catching photowall-paper.

If pastel shades prevail on the finishing material, this will expand the space and bring a spring atmosphere into the room. Striped wallpaper gives a positive result: both horizontal and vertical lines will do. Here you need to take into account that horizontal stripes make the room wider, and vertical stripes make the room taller.

Subjects in the image appear closer if their colors are white, red, or orange. Gray, black and blue objects will have the opposite effect.

Interior idea 2017: volumetric wallpaper

Photo wallpaper with a light blue tint will make the atmosphere in the room light and airy. Furniture pieces complemented by transparent legs will only complement this style.

For the living room, calmer shades are recommended. A rich green will do. It has long been known for its beneficial effect on nervous system... This color relaxes, distracts from everyday problems, tones the body. This room is perfect for dining with guests and for family watching your favorite movies.

Advice! Too saturated and dark colors it is not advisable to use, they will reduce the space and emphasize the small dimensions of the room.

Wall mural expanding space: something about texture

The image and texture of this type of finish play an important role. There are three types of textures used for photowall-paper, designed to visually increase the quadrature. A good finishing material with a "linen" - texture, it suits landscapes.

Photo wallpaper interior 2017

Interior idea with photo wallpaper

The dust texture makes the images bright, and the architecture and flowers look great on the canvas, especially when combined with the image of a path that slips into the distance, sea, mountain or ocean.

It is better to refuse pictures depicting closely spaced objects, they visually compress the space. If the items in the image are too large, they will outgrow everything else in the room, resulting in a small feel.

In order for the room to visually increase, you need to combine the photo wallpaper with the background wallpaper. If the "decoration" of the walls light colors, and on the ceiling - dark, the room will look wide, but rather low. If the owners are satisfied with this, then you can easily bring this option to life.

Important! Photomurals with perspective are distinguished by the horizon line.

Expanding rooms

Photomurals 3D, with skillful use, will visually make the home more spacious. They are used in any room, it is important to choose the right image so that it looks well-done and matches the style of this room.

Wall murals that visually enlarge the room

Bamboo trees - wall murals

Rectangular rooms are corrected by gluing a wallpaper-picture on a narrow wall. The space will visually expand, but if you do the opposite, it will narrow and you will get an elongated corridor. Rectangular room should look square, this will make it more spacious.

Advice! Wallpaper with an image, if properly selected, is able to correct a geometrically irregular room.

Decorating with photographs is appropriate even in the kitchen: because of its expanding capabilities, moisture resistance and long service life. She is not afraid of temperature changes, humidity, she does not need special care.

If the kitchen is large, then you can use this finish on the entire wall, but it is not advisable to cover it with furniture. If it is small, then you can expand the space using small photo... For visual deception in order to enlarge the kitchen, you need to design an apron aesthetically. This will show that the corner furniture is slightly deeper than it actually is.

Wall murals for the kitchen expanding the space

Photo wallpaper in the living room

Wall murals in a small studio room will expand the space. Even with a small size, such a room with a photo panel looks great.

Wallpaper with a photo will even fit the corridor, they will visually make it wider. The tips above are effective here.

With a large area of ​​the room, you can choose a brighter wallpaper, but only if the rest of the color scheme is calm. Then only photomurals will attract attention.

Black and white images are spectacular. They look harmonious in the interior, such photos attract the eye.

In no case should the plot be overlooked. But you don't need to dwell on a special meaning either. The main thing is that they are neutral and driven into their usual boundaries. They choose a sunset or a narrow street of an ancient city to their taste. It is important that this plot distracts from everyday life and relaxes.

Wall murals with a plot

How to choose a wallpaper with perspective

Wallpaper with a photo in 3D format with a perspective, in addition to its main task - to expand the space, will give the room a unique character. But to the choice of such finishing material approach with all caution, it is important to be able to match the depicted objects with the real ones in this room.

Urban landscapes, in addition to originality, have a strong magnifying effect. To do this, use open door, from which there is a path to the garden, as well as an open terrace, lake or sea shore. One has only to connect imagination, and you can get a good design of the room, which also expands the space.

The picture itself matters. A tall and narrow pillar on the wallpaper will make the room look taller. A long and narrow bridge across the river will shorten the walls.

Photo wallpaper with columns to increase the space

Balconies and verandas will visually expand the space, opening a view of Big city, sea or any natural landscape. The room will be brighter with photo wallpaper imitating windows. They can go anywhere - in the yard, on the seashore or in the garden. The main thing is the illusion of the window.

Aboutpay attention! The picture may be dark or bright. In both cases, the window illusion will make the space wider.

Where to buy wall murals to expand your space

Finishing materials with a photo are ordered from printing companies specializing in the production of such wallpapers. In retail outlets, such products are rare, because each consumer strives for originality and uniqueness. You can find such an offer on the Internet. There are images here that can be changed at the request of the client.

Wall Murals - lavender field

Wallpaper design idea

Expanding space

Drawings and photos are combined with objects in the interior of the room. Statues in the antique style, paintings of ancient palaces are suitable for the classic image.

Advice! Naturalistic photos are the best option for expanding the space of the room.

Designers propose to implement one trick to make the interior look harmonious. If trees are depicted on the wallpaper, then plants are placed nearby, if flowers, then pots with flowers will be appropriate near, if the sea or a river, then an aquarium. An additional effect of enlarging the room can be obtained by hanging mirrors next to the wallpaper-paintings.

For the nursery, bold decisions are needed. For an energetic boy, a racing car is suitable, which with the help of 3D technologies "breaks out" from the wall. The fairytale castle on the wall of her room, soaring in the clouds, will suit the young dreamer. All fantasies and dreams of a child can be reflected on the photo wallpaper.

Wallpaper for little princesses

Wallpaper for children

It is better to choose neutral images that suit the design. The owner can redo the repair, buy new furniture, it is important that this picture blends harmoniously with another interior. It is difficult to do this, but the efforts will not be in vain, because wall murals are expensive and changing them every year is expensive. There are many ideas for expanding the space with the help of photowall-paper, what to choose is up to the owner himself.

Before starting work, you need to buy glue and the necessary tools. Before pasting the room with photo wallpaper, you need to completely free the wall from foreign objects that interfere with work. It is necessary to remove everything that overlaps the image. If you do everything diligently and correctly, you can get a result that exceeds all expectations.

Wall mural expanding space: video

Wallpaper expanding space: 40 photo ideas

It would seem that it is not the simplest question of how to enlarge a room, there are a lot of solutions. Playing with color, texture and lighting, you can significantly increase the lack of space in the room. These techniques are especially relevant in standard city apartments and Khrushchev buildings. Most suitable for decorating a compact apartment Scandinavian style, minimalism, hi-tech.

What colors increase the space?

To all known fact that the lighter the shade, the larger the object appears. The same technique works in interior solutions. In order to visually increase the area of ​​the room, it is worth using the decoration in light colors: white and cold pastel shades. Furniture should also be used in a light color, but different in tonality from the walls, ceiling and floor. For example, it can be a delicate pastel palette.

On the picture compact kitchen in Khrushchev. In order to visually increase the area, the room was decorated in light colors.

How to decorate the walls?

What wallpapers enlarge the room

Using some finishing tricks, you can expand the boundaries of the room and visually enlarge the room.

  • Vertical stripes stretch the space, making it taller;

  • Wallpaper with horizontal stripes will increase the width of the room;

In the photo, the wall is decorated with wallpaper with horizontal stripes, given view finishing visually increases the width of the room.

  • One of the walls can be pasted over with wallpaper with a pattern or ornament, this technique will make a long room more proportional;

  • Flashy bright colors should be avoided;
  • Walls can be decorated with wallpaper with a shiny surface;

On the picture accent wall the bedroom is decorated with golden wallpaper with a shiny surface.

  • You can use wallpaper with a small pattern or a discreet pattern, they will increase the volume.

What drawings enlarge the room

Seemingly simple drawings and geometric figures miraculously affect our perception. The same pattern for different color, scale or location drastically change appearance premises.

  • Volumetric drawing on one of the walls (photo 1). A large drawing shortens the room, visually bringing closer the wall on which it is located. Similar type finishes fit for long, narrow spaces. The image will shorten the length and expand the space.
  • Small patterns (photo 2). A small drawing of a light shade, on the contrary, visually enlarges the space, making it voluminous.
  • Horizontal stripes (photo 3). Transverse stripes can increase the width and stretch the walls. However, a low ceiling effect may occur. In the case of wallpaper with horizontal stripes on only one wall, the room will appear shorter.
  • Vertical stripes (photo 4). In contrast, vertical stripes stretch the space, making it taller. The thickness of the stripes enhances this effect.
  • Horizontal stripes on the floor (photo 5). As with wallpaper, horizontal stripes make the room wider but shorter. This finishing method is suitable for disproportionate rooms.
  • Longitudinal stripes (photo 6). Vertical stripes deepen the room, making it longer. As with wallpaper, the width of the stripes enhances the effect.

Wall murals enlarging the room

The image can enlarge or vice versa reduce the area of ​​the room.

  • Wall murals with an image going into the distance will make the room larger;
  • An unpromising image will reduce the area of ​​the room;
  • Wall murals with images of different textures will allow you to create a play of light, which will also add volume;
  • Wallpaper with a shiny surface will increase the area due to its reflective properties;
  • Wall murals with an image moving from a dark to a light shade will make the room taller;
  • You should not paste over all the walls of the room with photo wallpapers, they will have the opposite result, one or two will be enough.

Methods for increasing due to the ceiling

The easiest and most popular way to increase a room with a ceiling is to do tension structure with a glossy surface. The mirror material doubles the space due to its reflective properties. An interesting solution would be a combined ceiling, a combination of matte and glossy materials can create an unusual composition, increasing the precious square meters.

In the photo, the ceiling in the living room is decorated with a tension structure with a glossy surface.

A disproportionate room can be leveled by combining colors. A strip of a darker shade across the elongated room will make it wider. The same effect can be achieved ceiling beams, several straight lines wooden beams will be sufficient.

Another way to increase the space is to photograph the sky.

Choice of flooring

Flooring, like other surfaces, are performed mainly in light shades. For the living room, you can use laminate, linoleum or carpet, it is better to choose a single color or with a small discreet pattern.

Laminate and parquet flooring can be laid out diagonally or in the herringbone pattern, thus the room looks more spacious.

The already familiar stripes are also used, the direction in any of the sides will enlarge the room in the desired direction.

In the photo, horizontal stripes make the narrow kitchen visually wider.

A self-leveling floor with a reflective effect will double the space.

How to increase the height of the room?

There are several ways to make the room higher. One of them is wall decoration. Vertical stripes or wallpaper patterns will "stretch" the wall. It can be wallpaper, paint, or hand-painted.

Wall murals with a perspective image, such as a receding path in the forest or a high waterfall, will have the same result.

In the photo there is a wallpaper with a perspective image (receding pier), which helps to visually increase the height of a small bedroom.

You can increase the height of the room with the help of high door and window openings. Curtains or tulle in a straight cut from ceiling to floor will also contribute to this.

Mirrors are a stylish way to significantly increase the area, for example, a tall mirror on the wall or a composition of small mirrors on the ceiling.

How to visually expand a narrow room?

Expand narrow room can be pretty by simple means without resorting to construction works... What if you got a room of imperfect proportions? It is necessary to start “fixing” them already at the stage of repair and finishing.

  • Visually expanding a narrow room will help elements, guiding the look "across" space. Floor covering with pronounced stripes, such as laminate or patterned linoleum, is best directed along the short wall or at an angle. Such coverings laid along a long wall will further narrow the room. Another option is to use a single-color coating, for example, carpet, linoleum without a pattern, cork.
  • Covering the walls will also help expand a narrow room. Feel free to use horizontal strip on end surfaces... Wide stripes and skillfully selected colors help enhance the broadening effect.
  • Alternatively, try paint short walls bright, rich colors, and long ones - in neutral ones, or use wallpaper with an inconspicuous pattern on them. This technique will help to "squeeze" the room in the right direction, it will become more "square".
  • Ceiling beams parallel to the short sides of the room will also help to perceive it differently, visually expand the narrow room. They can be purely decorative, made of drywall. Such a solution is very appropriate in the popular today Mediterranean style registration of housing.
  • Try it abandon the standard rectangular space... For example, suspended ceiling non-standard form can change the look and expand a narrow room. Painting the walls not with planes, but with curly elements will support this effect. But such complex options it is better to entrust the design to professional designers.

If you do not plan to do repairs, but you want to visually expand the narrow room, you can use simple and accessible techniques for everyone.

  • If possible, remove furniture from long walls, do not be afraid to put furnishings across, for example, a wardrobe at the end of a short wall or place furniture against a wall with a window - you can put desk, it is functionally convenient and allows you to visually expand a narrow room.
  • Divide the total volume into functional areas using a rack that is open on both sides and placed perpendicular to the long wall - this technique will allow you to fragment the space and correct unfavorable proportions.
  • Play with light. It is better to refuse a standard chandelier in the center of the ceiling. Spotlights placed in the center of the ceiling will help to expand the narrow room, if their light is directed to the walls.
  • Hang a picture, a spectacular poster or a large decorative element (for example, a clock with a large dial) on the end wall, this will attract attention, the rest of the walls should be in neutral colors.

Make the room bigger with mirrors and glass

Reflective surfaces are the most common and efficient way to increase the boundaries of space. With the help of mirrors, even the smallest room will seem spacious.

In the photo, the accent wall is decorated with mirror canvases, which make the bedroom visually more spacious.

A tall mirror starting from the floor itself will add volume to the room, forming a passage to another room without any obstacles. It should be borne in mind that covering more than one wall with mirrors is not the best good option, instead of a stylish living room or bedroom, you will get a real ballet studio, devoid of comfort and home atmosphere.

Mirrors can have different shape and framing, with unusual frames, they will also play the function of a decorative element of the apartment. Curly mirrors can make an unusual composition on the wall or ceiling, they will unobtrusively increase the volume.

Another common way to increase space is a stretch ceiling with a glossy surface.

An excellent solution would be to install mirror or glossy furniture.

A false fireplace with a mirror on the inner wall will become interesting design solution... Such decoration takes up a minimum amount of space, while creating the illusion of a passage to another room.

If it is necessary to separate rooms, the wall function will be performed glass partition... It will not create the impression of a confined space, but will divide the room into zones.

Photo of compact furniture and decor

When choosing furniture for a small room, you should give your preference to low items. For example, instead of high bar stools, put a stool or ottoman, a bed without a high headboard or a sofa with a low back.

Weightless transparent furniture performs its direct functions, while not overloading the space, it can be plastic chairs and a table with a glass surface.

The photo shows a transparent dining group in the interior of a small kitchen.

Furniture items should be placed along the walls so that the central part of the room remains free.

Interior details and accessories are best used in a vertical shape. Such techniques will help to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

As for decorative elements, there should not be a lot of them, otherwise you can get a feeling of clutter.

Choice of curtains

Window decoration plays an important role in apartment design. The selected material and cut will fill the room with space or, on the contrary, overload it.

  • Tulle white from ceiling to floor will visually enlarge the windows, accordingly fill the room with light and stretch the space;

  • Light textile curtains with small patterns are suitable for decorating living room and nursery windows;

  • Roller blinds or roman blinds will save space and become ideal option for the kitchen or nursery;

  • Some styles allow you not to use curtains at all, for example: minimalism, loft, Scandinavian.

Choosing the right lighting

In conditions small apartment it is worth using diffused light. Bright chandeliers with transparent shades or open light are not suitable for small room... It is more appropriate to use lamps and chandeliers with frosted glass shades or a light shade.

To increase the width of the room, a point lighting system is used along the entire perimeter.

An interesting effect will be given by backlighting from an LED strip. A tape recessed in a two-tiered structure will give the impression of a floating ceiling.

Same way led strip furniture items can be finished.

In the photo, the bed in the children's room is highlighted with an LED strip.

How to make a bigger bathroom visually?

In a small bath best idea will be wall and floor decoration tiles light shades. White tiles will fill the bathroom with light as much as possible and visually increase the area.

By combining two colors, good option there will be a horizontal line of a brighter shade, this will expand the walls.

Ceiling trim with mirror-finish metal panels will increase the space.

A large mirror above the sink will also play a role.

On the picture white tiles fills the bathroom with light, the mirror above the sink visually enlarges its area.

It is worth choosing as lighting Spotlights and mirror illumination.

Furniture plays an important role, such as shelves recessed into the wall and a narrow sink. You can save usable space by placing washing machine under the sink.

Even the most compact apartment can be made comfortable by placing everything you need for life. Modern technologies allow you to create miniature appliances and mobile furniture that preserve maximum amount free space... And repair in correct shades will increase the space and make the home cozy.

Anyone who is engaged in the design of their house or apartment should pay attention to the photo wallpaper that expands the space. They allow not only to correct inaccuracies and flaws in the layout, but also to give the interior a zest, to ensure that the apartment is full of new ones, interesting solutions... When choosing, it is important to take into account not only the pattern and texture, but also the ability to visually change the area.

In the bedroom

The article is conventionally divided into three parts:

  • In the first part, you will learn how to choose the right texture and proportions for your photo wallpaper.
  • The second chapter is devoted to the selection of directly types of photowall-paper that will increase the space.
  • In conclusion, let's talk about what to look at when gluing, find out how to further increase the visual area.

Choice of texture and pattern

Texture, if not the most important, then one of the most significant factors in choosing a wallpaper. The texture of the canvas can visually increase the coverage of the room, or reduce it, therefore the most used for covering are canvas, dust and linen.

Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  • Canvas. Used primarily in architecture illustrations;
  • Dust. An excellent solution for a canvas with photos of large and bright drawings.
  • Linen. A texture that blends perfectly with nature paintings and exotic landscapes.

The correct proportions of wallpaper in the interior

Using wallpaper in your interior that increases the space for a small room, take into account the following rules:

  1. if the room is in dire need of visual expansion, it is recommended to take photo wallpaper with a glossy surface. Objects reflecting from them will create additional visual space;
  2. wallpaper with vertical stripes is pulled in height, and horizontal - in width;
  3. illustrations open windows and doors - the perfect solution. It creates the illusion that there is additional space behind the wall that visually enlarges the room;

For each a separate room choose the right size and shape of the canvases, which are rectangular, square, narrow vertical. The big picture consists of many panels (up to 16 pieces), and the more of them, the more voluminous the picture and the higher the price. Standard sizes photo wallpapers are:

  • 190x135 (2 panels);
  • 295x135 (3 panels);
  • 280x270 (8 panels).

There are single-panelcoatings that visually increase the area. Theybecome an excellent solution for small area ... The largest size is 3-3.5 meters.

Photo wallpaper that expands the space in the interior - photos of great ideas

Solutions with abstraction, photos of big cities, animals, flora, beautiful landscapes are considered optimal. We'll talk about photowall-paper that expands the space in the interior further.

In addition to photo wallpaper, you are free to apply and decorative plaster which will visually resize. A popular type is, features and rules of use in the corresponding article at the link.

Big city

Urban landscapes on photo wallpapers are an excellent solution that creates an amazing, diverse effect. Their use is doomed to success, but it is important to choose the technique used:

Beautiful landscapes

Gorgeous view of the waterfall, light smell of the sea beach, alluring mighty mountains, flat and bright plain. It is pleasant to imagine all these landscapes in the head, and being there is one pleasure. A canvas for a small kitchen, visually enlarging the space with beautiful landscapes, will allow you to feel the effect of full presence in the alluring, wild nature.

Choosing a photo wallpaper with beautiful landscapes for your home, you will provide a visual increase in size: a person is in the center of the surrounding wildlife, therefore a small area will seem larger than its actual size.

Flora and fauna

Nature is what surrounds us every day, what we admire, praise in poetry and reflect in pictures. Panoramic pictures contain both pictures of animals, birds, underwater inhabitants, and a forest, lake, river, garden and more. Experts recommend taking photowall-paper in light colors. An excellent solution is a picture with a road going into the distance: it allows you to visually stretch the room.

Photo wallpaper expanding the space 3d - abstraction

Abstraction is not a holistic image, but a collection of symbols that create the effect of avoiding the real world... Choosing wallpaper that expands the 3D space with abstract paintings, a person emphasizes his own individuality, shows his special thinking. It is the choice of adventurers and thinkers with a multifaceted personality.

Abstraction that visually enlarges the territory

Abstraction creates a unique mood, expressed in sloppy brush strokes, colorful lines, circles and stripes. It is not for nothing that abstraction is called a bold experiment, a flight of fantasy. it chic option, highlighting the house from the gray mass, giving a special brightness.

Tips for the correct gluing of photowall-paper on the wall

Wallpaper for a small room, visually increasing the space, or 4 more ways

In addition to wallpaper for visual magnification square, you can resort to the following ideas:

Photo wallpaper expanding the space in the interior

Wall murals are non-standard solution, allowing you to create a beautiful design in the smallest room. They play a special role in private homes.

Kitchen photomurals that expand the space - 10 ideas

By sticking wallpaper in the kitchen, you will achieve truly great results.

  • First, it's practical. Most kitchen models are made on the basis of non-woven or vinyl, which allows the surface to be washed. H, read the corresponding article at the link.
  • Secondly, security. Kitchen is a place with high humidity and air temperature. Special wallpaper is made of materials that do not emit at increased temperature conditions harmful substances and are poorly flammable.

Below is a gallery of the most colorful options for photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen.

In combination with decorative trim

Flowers on stones

Using photo wallpaper in a small kitchen

Wallpaper for a small kitchen, visually increasing the space

Empire state buildings

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Visual enlargement of rooms is a fairly common technique that helps to live in comfortable conditions, while spending a minimum of money.

Correctly selected wallpaper helps to visually enlarge the space

The presence of a small room in an apartment may be the result of poor planning, but all this can be fixed. In this article, we will show everyone how to visually enlarge a room and turn it into a comfortable, functional living space.

First, let's talk about how to visually enlarge a small room and equip it.

In this case, you need to adhere to these tips:

  1. choose the right color: the space visually increases in the case of correct selection the colors of the walls, ceiling, which should be light shades;
  2. skillfully place curtains. In the case of large windows in small room, it is recommended to hang them along the edges, since then the window cuts will appear even larger. Curtains should have the same color scheme as the walls;
  3. use multifunctional furniture. It cannot be understood literally so that the acquired bed must, when it is lifted, turn into beautiful wall... The most common way to save space is a sofa bed, which is comfortable to sleep on, and during the day it is pleasant for guests to sit on it;
  4. apply a large number of transparent surfaces.

Also, you need to try to maintain order in the room, so as not to place unnecessary things here.

Use multifunctional furniture and reflective surfaces in your interior

Plus to this, remember that the space visually expands with the help of a large number natural and artificial light.

How to visually enlarge a room with color?

With the help of an optical illusion, we ourselves will be able to enlarge the space of even the smallest rooms and give an exhaustive answer to the question: "How to visually enlarge a room with the help of color?"

To do this, you need to remember that:

  1. a light dwelling will become visually wider and taller, if there is a colored floor in it;
  2. need to be painted in bright color ceiling, then the room will seem wider, but slightly lower;
  3. it is desirable to give the back wall and ceiling one color, then the dwelling will expand, but its depth will decrease;
  4. if only the back wall is highlighted in color, then the side ones will also move apart;
  5. when paint is applied only to the side walls, the width of the room will decrease, and the depth will increase;
  6. if there is a problem low ceilings, then you need to paint the far and side walls, which will significantly reduce the width of the dwelling.

To enlarge the space, they use white, beige, bluish, light green colors. For painting ceilings, for example, they use white paint or a tension structure of the same color. By the way, you need to know what color visually enhances the bathroom, kitchen, nursery and other rooms. The conclusion is obvious: it is best to use a white shade.

How to visually enlarge a room with curtains?

If you choose the right curtains, they will visually expand the area of ​​a small room, raise the ceiling, and divert attention from other possible design flaws.

Therefore, curtains that visually enlarge the room should be:

  1. monochromatic, since the absence of drawings and ornaments does not attract attention;
  2. simple in form. The fact is that complex structures "eat up" the area;
  3. with a horizontal or diagonal stripe. Thanks to this decorative element, the room visually becomes wider.

It is better that the curtains are monochromatic and match the color of the walls.

In addition, there are things that are undesirable to use in a small room.

So, it is impossible for the curtains to be different:

  • large or too variegated pattern, complex ornamentation. Such decorative elements they take up a lot of space, because they are constantly in the spotlight;
  • a lot of folds, since such a load on small windows will make them even smaller;
  • vertical stripes, because from this decorative element a small dwelling will become even narrower;
  • layering, since this not only reduces the total area, but also makes the room even darker and smaller.

How to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper?

Now we will tell you how to visually enlarge a room using wallpaper for this. Today, they are increasingly being used to decorate walls and ceilings in residential premises. They not only decorate the interior, but also visually enlarge the dwelling.

To do this, use wallpaper in light shades. The presence and the very meaning of the picture also has a great influence on the general perception: large images make the space narrower, and small ones increase the volume.

It should be noted that thanks to:

  1. to a large drawing, the surface is approaching, which, as a result, reduces the dwelling;
  2. small drawing on the background light colors, an optical illusion of an increase in the area of ​​the room is created;
  3. vertical stripes, the ceiling height increases significantly.

Transverse stripes push the walls apart, and the ceiling becomes lower at the same time

How to visually enlarge a narrow room?

So, for this you must:

  • as far as possible, do not use bright and contrasting colors. In order for a narrow room to seem larger, you need to use paints, curtains, pastel (light green, light blue, cream, apricot) and white wallpaper;
  • according to the decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling, also select furniture. Note that contrast between furniture, such as walls, reduces space;
  • try to add light as much as possible, since lighting is a key moment in revealing a space, while making it clear, large;

Use pastel and cool colors to expand the room.

  • throw out unnecessary things that create the effect of limited volume. Golden Rule: less things - more room;
  • apply mirrors and mirror tiles that contributes to the enlargement of the volume;
  • put an object that will attract the attention of those entering, in the farthest corner. In this case, the gaze will immediately fall on this thing, for example, a beautiful floor lamp, which will help create a sense of perspective.

By performing these little tricks, you will know not only how to visually increase the size of the room, but at the same time your home will be filled with air and will become much more spacious.

What is the best way to arrange furniture in a small room?

As you can see, you can visually increase the space of the room different ways, including - with the help of furniture. At the same time, it is very important to place it correctly.

It should be noted that:

  • it is best to use furniture with elements of mirrors or glass: transparent glass table, coffee table;
  • you need to select options so that some elements are open type that will facilitate the free penetration of air, as well as light into the home;

Place furniture along walls to make the space appear larger

  • it is best to store things, clothes in upright cabinets;
  • you need to use lower furniture - stools, stands, ottomans;
  • it would be nice if the furniture was placed in the corners, which will help free up space in the center of the room.

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