Pink facade of the house. What color of the roof and facade to choose

Engineering systems 26.06.2020
Engineering systems

Have you noticed that our private buildings, in addition to architectural monotony, are also the same in color, something between a delicate “peach” and an unripe “olive”? However, this is neither good nor bad, as they say, the taste and color of felt-tip pens are different. Another thing is whether the chosen color scheme of the walls, basement and roof suits the house. Let us consider in more detail the relevance of different groups of colors for a private house.

Burnout resistance

The choice of color palette for the design of the facade gives the appearance of the building an aesthetic value and a certain semantic significance. Color is able to enlarge and reduce an object, to bring it closer and further away, to make it look up or down to earth, to bring together disparate parts or completely destroy integrity.


The richer and brighter the color, the faster it fades. Black, for example, ranks first in terms of burnout rate. On light and pastel colors, the degree of burnout will be less noticeable. But pure white, despite all the elegance that it gives to the facade, quickly turns yellow in the sun. A practical option is gray, it will not turn yellow, dust settling on gray paint is invisible, the shade of gray will change over time, but not significantly.

Visual effects and form

Light colors make the building visually large in size. Therefore, the main color of classical architecture is white. Cream and light beige shades can look faded on their own, so it is better to add darker accents to them in the exterior decoration.


Those who have been to the Scandinavian countries could not help but note how great the saturated bright red, yellow, orange facades of their houses look. On closer examination, one can also see that the buildings themselves have simple architectural forms, without any small details.


For houses with complex architectural volumes, with many different details, it is better to use calmer light colors. You need to use a rich color palette with caution - cheap facade paint quickly fades and after a couple of years a bright red house can become faded pink.

It is noticed that on a light background the colors darken, on a dark background they brighten. The lighter the tone, the more voluminous the object looks, the darker, the smaller. Warm colors are protruding, bring the object closer, cold colors are receding, away. The most prominent color is open red, the most receding is open blue. Blue under artificial light may change to green. The more colors differ from each other in terms of basic characteristics, the more difficult it is to harmonize them.



Not all color combinations look harmonious. For example, it is hard to imagine a house with orange walls and a green roof. Today, there are many techniques that describe the rules for combining colors. One of them, according to the method of psychologist Luscher from Sweden, will allow you to choose the most successful color combinations. The following table is based on his recommendations.

2 - colors do not match, 3 - poor match, 4 - medium match, 5 - good match

Designers and architects often use the color wheel according to Johannes Itten when designing the exterior of a house.

In the circle of Itten, the basis is three colors: blue, red and yellow. The six remaining colors are formed by mixing the colors of the first and second order: red-violet, red-orange, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-orange, yellow-green.

Itten Circle Photo:

It is common for a person to use natural colors for his home: brown, beige, green, yellow, light blue. As a rule, they are well combined with each other. For example, a house with a “sandy” facade, with dark wooden (or painted brown) windows and doors, looks presentable and cozy. Natural combinations of shades convey subtle nuanced color relationships. Brightness in colors creates contrast - the relationship of colors. They are also called complementary ("complementary"). Love for complementary colors is strong in South Asia (India, Pakistan, etc.).

When choosing a general color solution, it is important not to miss the opportunity to diversify the facade using architectural details: columns, arches, decorated architraves for windows and doors, floral and geometric ornaments, and so on. And color organizes and arranges it all. Photo:

Complementary (complementary) colors are located in the Itten circle opposite each other and form a contrast. The most famous complementary pairs: yellow - purple; Red Green; blue - orange. Such color variations can become more complex: blue-green - red-orange; yellow-orange - blue-violet. Such combinations are characterized by maximum brightness.


For example, in a pair of blue - orange, blue enhances and emphasizes orange, and orange reveals the fullness and saturation of blue. When working with more complex and approximate colors (natural), it is much easier to achieve harmony. Bright open contrasting colors are more difficult to combine, but this color combination looks extremely impressive. True, for European perception, the contrast may be too bright and incomprehensible.


White color is considered universal and harmonizes with absolutely all colors. Gray is an excellent background for the bright elements of the building - spotlights, windows, doors, gutters. Both the white and gray colors of the façade go well with the red roof.


Pure red is rarely used for the facade. Most often you can see a brick shade due to the use of clinker tiles in the lining.


Blue facades look very interesting in combination with shades of gray, beige and white. Like a cherry on a cake - a gray roof.


The bold choice is black, “rusty”, purple or dark blue facades. However, architecture should also match these colors - high-tech styles, cubism.

Classics of the genre


Dark top, light bottom. The most common combination. With this option, the light-colored walls contrast in tone with the roof. The house will look even more attractive if it also has other contrasting details, such as windows or a plinth.


Tone to tone. When both the roof and the facade practically form one whole, the house looks monolithic and harmonious. Many will say it's boring.


Light top, dark bottom. In this case, the walls dominate, draw attention to themselves. The roof seems to be falling apart. In this scheme, it is important that the roof is supported in color by gutters, windows and doors.

Material Compatibility

The harmonious appearance of the house also lies in the compatibility of the materials of the walls and roof. For example, natural roofing materials are ideal for a wooden frame - shingles, reeds, natural tiles. Terracotta shades will also be appropriate - there are models that successfully imitate shingles. Compromise options - modular and composite metal tiles, seam roofing. But the combination of budgetary metal tiles and wooden walls causes a toothache for aesthetes.


Roofs made of natural tiles are best combined with brickwork: dark brown, gray, green or burgundy. Metal tile, bituminous, and copper roofing will look quite harmonious. If the walls are finished with dark clinker, then a light gray seam roof will look good.

Stucco facades will suit roofing from any material that is harmoniously combined in color and style.

Before you take on a paint brush, you should at least use special programs that allow you to “try on” different colors of the roof and walls on the house template.

During the construction of a private house, it is important to pay attention not only to its reliability and durability, but also to its appearance. According to many, the exterior of a private house is a reflection of the sense of taste and wealth of the owner of the home, so it needs to be given special attention. In addition to the roofing material, it is necessary to choose materials for facade cladding, as well as finishing the facade of the building, while they must be in harmony with each other, complementing each other. How to do it right? Let's figure it out.

Of course, the selection of colors can be entrusted to professionals and experienced designers, but this is a very costly way that not everyone can afford. The classic method will come to the rescue - the use of a color wheel. For the first time, such a concept was used by the well-known physicist Newton from school, who suggested that color is only an element of light and nothing more. At the moment, this scheme is actively used by both homeowners and experienced designers.

How to choose the right color for finishing the basement and facade?

The color palette of the circle has 12 colors, of which 3 are primary, three are composite, and the rest are tertiary. All other shades are their derivatives obtained by mixing colors. Each group is a certain color of paints. The primary group includes blue, yellow and red. Compounds are green, orange and purple (shades that are obtained by mixing primary colors). Tertiary - colors that are obtained by mixing the primary and secondary colors of the circle.
In order to choose the right colors for the facade cladding and the plinth of a private house, it is necessary to choose a duet, while it is important to remember that colors differ both in saturation and in their temperature. All known colors are divided into two main categories: cold (blue, cyan) and warm (yellow, red). Also, colors can be divided into other categories - bright and pale, light and dark. Colors located in a circle opposite each other are called complementary, and when they are mixed, neutral tones are obtained - beige, gray.

At the same time, it must be remembered that each color has its own psychological impact on the human subconscious, so this factor must be taken into account when choosing a color palette. For example, yellow calls for activity, green relaxes and pacifies, red excites and calls for action, and purple tires.

Choosing color combinations

Facing a private house with one color is the easiest option, but it is not profitable, as it looks boring and dull. A much more interesting solution will be when several colors are used, while it is necessary that they combine well with each other, complementing each other.

  • Achromatic - black, white and all shades of gray.
  • Monochromatic - colors of the same shade.
  • Nuance - for this, three colors are used, located next to each other in Newton's circle.
  • Disharmonious - for this, the main color and the adjacent color are selected.
  • Contrasting - two additional colors or three primary colors are used, forming a symmetrical figure on Newton's circle.

When choosing colors, you need to remember that they all affect the psychological and moral state of a person, and some of them will completely irritate the psyche. The use of disharmonious or contrasting colors is rarely justified, it often quickly becomes annoying and stressful. Such a combination will be an ideal solution for young people or temperamental personalities.
When facing the facade and plinth, it is better to give preference to mixed and pale colors that have a calming effect. Neutral tones will attract attention, require careful contemplation and will appeal to people with a high level of cultural development. The most unusual and original solution, which is suitable only for brave people, is a combination of purple, black and yellow.

Climate-specific accents and color schemes

To create an attractive external appearance of a private house, it is important to pay attention not only to the choice of color for its cladding, but also to the accents that need to be placed correctly. For example, walls, a facade, door and window openings, and a roof surface are distinguished with different colors. At the same time, it is important to achieve a common perception so that the house does not look like a circus tent, but is original and thought out to the smallest detail.

The rules to be followed when choosing a color scheme for the facade of a private house and its other elements:

  • When choosing a color scheme for painting the facade of a private house, it is necessary to choose something in between the color of the roofing material and the basement part of the building in terms of brightness and saturation.
  • For lining the basement, it is best to use dark colors, since this part of the building is constantly and most polluted during operation. As for the roof, it is better to give preference to lighter shades, while the facade can be contrasting, the main thing is that the chosen color goes well with the roof and basement.
  • When coloring the edging elements, it is necessary to choose a color adjacent to the one chosen for the facade cladding.
  • All protruding elements should be painted in lighter colors so that they become accentuated and more noticeable. In this case, the surface of the walls should be slightly darker, and the plinth should be closer to black.
  • All additional elements of the building (drainage systems, communications and blinds must be of the same color).

At the same time, when choosing the colors used, it is important to take into account the climatic features of the region where the house is located. If there is a lot of light here, then you need to choose shades that are resistant to ultraviolet sunlight, etc.

Experts distinguish two types of pigments:

  • Organic - bright yellows, reds and purples. The main disadvantage is that they are susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and quickly fade, therefore they are not used in the southern regions of the country.
  • Inorganic - dark tones that do not fade in the sun. At the same time, they are also not without a drawback, attracting the sun's rays, because of which the facade can overheat in summer. The optimal solution is to use colors that can reflect the sun's rays by at least 50%.

It is quite difficult to decide what combination of colors in the exterior of the building will be the most successful. The result is influenced by many factors, such as the compatibility of color shades, the location of the house, and even the features of architectural solutions.

At the beginning of the path of creating a color scheme for the facades of your house, you should decide exactly what you want from it. In order for the house to fit comfortably into the existing landscape, as if merging with its surroundings, it is worth choosing a green-brown range of natural shades. If there is a desire to play on the contrast of the house with nature, you can, for example, implement the original design of the house by making a red roof that will look spectacular against the blue sky.

We decided to consider in this article the relevance of using some combinations of shades in the exterior decoration of private houses, so that you have a competent idea of ​​how not to cross the line of common sense.

Beautiful facades of one-story houses and two-story cottages: emphasize cannot be hidden

The coloristic decision in the external design of a private house is a much more important factor than one might imagine. It is with the help of color that you can both hide some of the shortcomings of the architecture of the building, and highlight its strengths, change the visual perception of the form and even provide a decrease or increase in the degree of natural lighting in the premises. The latter factor is especially relevant for construction in latitudes where the climate is different from temperate. So, what can we expect from different shades?

Basic properties of colors

1. Degree of light absorption

Everyone knows from school that dark colors absorb heat best and light colors less. Therefore, if you, for example, are located in the northern latitudes and decide to build a two-story residential building, the project should include dark colors for the exterior. For residents of southern climatic zones, it is better to choose light shades for finishing the roof and facades of their cottages.

2.Fade resistance

The same physical laws determine the fastest burnout of saturated and bright colors. Topping the list is the burnout leader - black. Hence the conclusion: the degree of burnout will be less visible on lighter and pastel colors. Modern houses (you can see the photo in any architecture magazine) are often painted white, which is not very practical. It is this shade that inevitably turns yellow under the influence of solar energy. The most practical color in this regard is the calmest gray. If you decide to paint your house in this color, it will not only emphasize its style, but also get rid of yellowness, paint fading. In addition, settled dust on the walls of this color is not noticeable. Time can only slightly change the shade of gray.

3.Visual characteristics

Light colors can create a sense of visual enlargement of the object being painted. So classical architecture, striking with the grandeur of its creations, loves white. Light beige and cream shades look no less noble. But a building painted in pastel colors will look faded. Dark shades in the exterior of the house will place the necessary color accents.

4.Alliance of colors and shapes

The use of bright colors of high saturation in the decoration is advisable only in combination with simple architectural forms, characterized by the absence of an abundance of small architectural details. If you like, for example, beautiful two-story houses (photos, projects are located in our catalog), which have intricate shapes, you should opt for calm light shades.

Color matching examples

Harmony in color is achieved through the mutual combination of colors that are close to each other in the color spectrum. In the modern world, there are many methods for combining them, but the most successful, in our opinion, is the method of Luscher, a psychologist from Sweden, who developed a whole color diagnostic system. The following table is based on his recommendations.

Roof/ Walls








pearl gray

light green


light blue

2 colors don't match

3-poor compatibility,

4-medium compatibility,

5-good compatibility.

What colors are best for walls?

There is a tendency to choose natural natural shades in painting the facades of residential buildings. These are brown, and beige, and green tones that perfectly complement each other. For example, a one-story house with an attic, the walls of which are painted yellow, and the windows and doors are selected in a shade of dark wood, will look not only presentable, but also very comfortable.

Often the walls of houses are painted gray or white. At the same time, the former is an excellent companion for bright color accents (doors, gutters, windows), while the latter is truly versatile and can be combined with any color. A striking example of living classics are the combinations of both of these colors with a red roof.

Blue walls are a fashion trend and work great in alliance with grays, whites and beiges. The cottage, whose walls are painted blue, the roof is gray, and the doors and windows are white, is very elegant.

If you like high-tech or cubist homes, you can take a chance by using purple, black and navy blue for the walls. They will work effectively only when building a house in the northern regions and choosing modern directions of architecture. It is worth noting that the rest of the details of such cottages should be left light.

The best shades for roofing

The color solutions of the roof are more conservative than the design of the facades. A modest palette of colors for the roof is green, red, terracotta, blue, gray and brown. The color of the roof that, for example, two-story brick houses will receive (photo and visualization projects in our catalog) depends to a greater extent on the type of roofing. So soft roll materials are rarely painted in silver or copper shades, and natural tiles in bright blue colors.

Verified Schemas

1.Light bottom, dark top

In the photo of beautiful houses made of brick or other material, there is often just such a method of painting, which is the most familiar, since it corresponds to the traditions of architecture. Light walls are pleasing to the eye, a large area of ​​​​which is shaded by a roof of dark shades. A greater effect can be achieved by adding other bright details to the house in the form of windows or a plinth.

2.Tone on tone

In this case, the house looks like a single whole. This creates the impression of harmony, solidity, but a somewhat boring look.

3. Light roof and dark walls.

The walls draw attention to themselves, and the roof is so airy that it is ready to dissolve in the clouds. In addition to the light roof, doors and windows of the same color are installed. This is a rather extravagant option that will be to the taste of experimenters.

What determines the color of a house?

When choosing a color solution, you need to be guided not only by the mutual combination of colors. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the environment and the buildings on the site. When studying the exterior of the cottage, you can find more than one element of the building that does not require painting. Railings, windows, doors, steps retain their natural colors, so they should be taken into account in the overall color scheme, which include the latest house designs with or without an attic.

The perception of color schemes of the facades and roofs of the house is greatly changed by some factors, the main of which are the nature of the surface and the type of its lighting. Professionals advise trying to paint a small part of the facade before purchasing finishing materials in full. For test painting or plastering, about 0.5-1 m2 of wall surface is enough.

IMPORTANT! The evaluation of the staining result must be carried out in several stages, changing the time of the test and the illumination of the test. This is because samples of the same color when applied to the south and north walls of the building, when assessed on sunny and cloudy days, will look completely different.

It is worth evaluating the compliance of the selected color with your expectations with variable natural light. The ideal option would be to perform several variants of samples of different colors.

Finally, I would like to note that the perception of colors is strictly individual. To choose the best color for your own home, you should listen to your feelings and trust your eyes, and not the names invented by the manufacturers. Any color name, be it fresh fuchsia, Sicilian sand or ripe orange, is just a marketing ploy to increase sales. No matter how exotic the names of flowers are, they should not play a decisive role in the choice.

The appearance of your house is a reflection of yourself, your wealth and your level, so it is extremely important that the colors of the facade and roof are not only beautiful, but also combined with each other. If the facade of your house will have a bright shade, then it is wrong to cover the roof with a moderate color and vice versa.

For brick buildings, the most suitable roofing color would be brown or dark green. Also, for a brick building, a roofing covering made of metal tiles should be used. Thus, you will achieve the most harmonious combination of facade color and roofing.

For a wooden structure, light shades are more suitable, which will emphasize the expressiveness of individual elements of the building and give it a respectable look.
How not to make a mistake when choosing a roof color

Of course, it would be best to contact the designer, but there is a possibility that you will not like his solution. In this case, you can get started on your own. There are several factors to consider when choosing a roof color:

· Compatibility of color of a roof with color scale of a facade;

· Climatic features;

Consider the location of the building in a particular area;

· Take into account the color characteristics near the lying buildings.

If you stick to these settings, you will naturally get the desired result.

The most common roof colors

The most common roofing colors are:

· Black;

· Brown;


· Dark green.

These colors are most often and clearly combined with different types and colors of facades.

Natural materials are harmoniously combined with green: wood, brown or yellow clinker, natural stone. Which facade to choose if the roof is gray or graphite? Walls in a full range of colors - from white to brown - go well with such a roof. A variety of facing materials, such as clinker or wood, are also well suited. Graphite color allows bold color solutions, so it is quite often used in modern architecture. How is the white facade combined with the brown roof? In traditional.
In this case, it is better to use ceramic tiles than shingles or seam roofing. What roofing material and color is best suited for a wooden house? In the case of a stylized house, I suggest a beautiful shade of green, for example, the color of moss. In the case of local construction, for example, in the mountains, black shingles or metal tiles sprinkled with stone chips are better. In modern houses with a facade trimmed with wood, a dark roof is harmoniously combined - graphite or various shades of gray. Which houses are suitable for rooftop decorations? Ceramic figurines - cockerels, storks - are increasingly appearing on the roofs of houses.

How to choose the color of the chimney? In this regard, several solutions can be proposed. Often choose a color that harmonizes with the groan of the facade: this is a good choice in case of small, inconspicuous chimneys. If the chimney is high and wide, it most likely spoils the overall impression - in this case, I propose to match its color to the tone of the roof, so that it “dissolves” into the plane of the slope. The third way out of the situation is the contrast with both the color of the roof and the facade. Then I recommend using a stone finish that echoes the tiling of the house, or another color that should appear on the facade, for example.

The appropriate combination of the color of the roof and facade largely determines the appearance of the house as a whole. The remaining elements of decoration only give the house the finishing touch. There are many solutions, so making a choice is not easy. In this regard, many questions arise.

Can a landscaping plan strictly define the color of a roof? Why?

The site development plan is governed by local law, which may require us to apply a specific roof color scheme. That is why it is necessary to get acquainted with it in advance, even before the planned construction. The requirement to design roofs of a similar color is dictated by the need to preserve the harmonious organization of space, to capture and emphasize the unique character of the area.

In this regard, it is worth citing the example of French cities. The characteristic red-orange ceramic tiles used in Provence have inspired many artists. Today, it would be difficult to find roofs that are uniform in color: after all, we have so many manufacturers, so many different building materials, and they don’t argue about tastes. Local authorities limit themselves most often to what they call an acceptable color palette, while eliminating atypical, eye-catching tones, such as blue. It would seem that frame houses using Canadian technology are a simple matter. And quality materials combined with professional work will do the trick. However, not all so simple! In any construction, not only technical, but also aesthetic parameters are important, because the future building should look beautiful and harmonious, causing the delight of its owner.

The choice of the color palette of the facade and roof plays an important role in the final result. It is thanks to the right shade that the Canadian house gets the finishing touch in the composition of stylish and luxurious buildings.

What color do you prefer? What properties do colors have? How to combine them correctly?! Let's take a look at all these questions...

Choosing the color of the roof and facade

In order to decide on the shades of the building being built, ask yourself - how do you see your Canadian house?! Do you like it when a building fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, as if dissolving in it, without attracting attention?! Then you should turn your attention to the traditional brown-green scale. For expressive natures, bolder tint solutions are suitable: purple, yellow, blue, red.

Particular attention should be paid to the combination of warm and cold tones of the roof and walls of the house. In no case should walls of cold shades be combined with warm colors of the roof and vice versa (for example, a blue facade will certainly not be decorated with a brown roof). White and gray walls are considered universal options - any color of the roofing material is suitable for them.

Classic schemes for combining the colors of the facade and roof:

Light walls with a dark roof - a traditional home design option, suitable for conservative individuals and all connoisseurs of already established architectural standards.

· Walls and roof in the same tone - in this color scheme the building looks quite interesting and stylish, like a solid canvas of the artist. However, many today such unity seems somewhat boring and monotonous.

· Dark walls with a light roof - an extraordinary look at frame houses using Canadian technology (when the building seems to dissolve in the clouds). This is a great combination for bold, extravagant people who are used to standing out from others.

Instructional video on the selection of a combination of colors for the roof and facade:

Color properties

Not many today know that each group of colors has its own unique properties that can change the shape of a building, hide flaws and emphasize winning sides.

Muted dark colors actively attract light and heat up, so they are most often preferred by residents of the northern regions. But the light shades of the facades not only visually expand the building, but also protect it from direct sunlight.

A bright and saturated background fades much faster and loses its original appearance. However, some muted light shades may develop unattractive yellow spots over time.

Helpful Hint: Flashy and frilly colors are appropriate if the Canadian home has a simple form with a minimal set of "exterior details".

Shades that are produced from the same color are ideally combined with each other (the most advantageous option).

· The use of colors of the surrounding landscape (brown, green, terracotta) in the decoration of the house will give the building a strict classic look.

· Light colors do not “get boring” so quickly, their use is associated with less risk of miscalculating with a combination of wall and roof colors.

If you are in doubt between two similar shades, it is better to choose a less intense one.

· Gutters and other additional exterior elements should also be designed to match the facade or roof.

· Study your surroundings. Frame houses based on Canadian technology located in the immediate vicinity of the reservoir will look great in any shades of blue and blue, but chestnut colors will emphasize the “forest area”.

· If you want to use several colors for walls and roof at once, then the maximum combination of tones should not be more than three (otherwise it may give the impression of excessive variegation).

What should be the order of decisions when choosing the color of the house?

It is established by the construction process itself: the roof is laid even before the facades are finished. Choosing a roof color is a very important decision. The tiles have not been changed for decades, and the walls of the house are painted every few years (bold color schemes are possible).

Can the color of the roof affect the temperature inside the attic?

If hydro- and thermal insulation is carried out appropriately, then the color of the roof, in principle, should not have any effect on the temperature of the attic spaces. But reality makes its own adjustments: in fact, the dark roof heats up a little more. We will feel the heat given off by such a roof more strongly when opening the roof windows on a hot summer day. Roofing material is also important in this regard: the problem of heating and heat transfer by the roof concerns primarily residents of houses whose roofs are covered with bituminous tiles or seam roofing.

Is the shape of the roof taken into account when choosing a color?

Basically, it doesn't matter. If, however, the slope of the roof is more than usual, or the roof is relatively large and has a complex shape (for example, a mansard or multi-pitched), then its color will be dominant, and sometimes overwhelming, especially in the case of dark tones.

How does the choice of roofing material relate to color?

Some roofing materials impose their colors on us. This applies primarily to natural materials that have a natural color: if the shingles (wooden piece material), then black, if the tiles are brick-colored. Meanwhile, manufacturers of bituminous and metal tiles offer a rich range of colors. From here, for example, blue roofs appear more and more often, which, standing out sharply against the background of the natural landscape, disfigure its general appearance. The color of the house, including the roof, should resonate with the natural environment, so I personally advise using a natural palette. It is worth studying the specifics of the material well, checking how it looks in one color or another. Therefore, it is better to choose it directly in the store or where you can see a fragment of the roof with your own eyes. I do not advise you to choose the color of the roof from the catalog or the company's website!

What roof color would be best for a tree house?

A beautiful garden should inspire us with an interesting color scheme. In this case, natural tones and materials fit best into the natural environment. Among the possible combinations, too harsh tones, such as pure red or blue, should be avoided. In the process of building a house, sooner or later everyone is faced with the need to select the shade of the roof and walls, but this process is not so simple. An experienced designer will be able to offer you the most unusual and diverse combinations of roof and facade colors, arguing your choice for various reasons. But what are experts based on? How not to "miss" in the issue of color exterior - we will discuss in our article.

Some useful tips on the principles of color selection
If dark and saturated colors are used for the roof, then it is desirable to make the shade of the facade light.
For a house in a classic, English, Russian and Provence style, natural earthy shades are better suited - for example, beige, brown, alder, etc.
For lovers of modernity and minimalism, choose combinations in bright colors (blue, black, white). Preferably nothing "intermediate" like beige, gray, etc.
For those who revere Byzantine architecture, you should choose the most calm shades of light (beige, yellow, white).
Flashy and bright colors tend to irritate quickly, so if possible, it is better to choose calmer colors, but the same palette.
For the facade, do not use more than 2 different shades, and for the roof - more than 1.
Bright reds and blacks should not be used as dominant colors - they are good in details.
Look around: what is the atmosphere around the house? For example, brown and green shades blend perfectly with the natural environment. On the other hand, a red roof will stand out against a blue sky. Thus, you can either "hide" or "highlight" the structure.
Do not forget that the image of your site as a whole will seem more complete if shades close in tone also prevail near the building.

Harmonious combinations: designer tips

In order to choose the right combination of colors for the facade of the house and the roof, you need to know some principles of "harmony" of shades, we note some of them:
The light yellow, white or gray façade goes well with the green roof - a great addition to the surrounding natural beauty.

The yellow, cream and beige facade is perfect for the roof of brown shades - it turns out simple, but tasteful.
White, gray, blue, green walls will suit the black and gray roof (such combinations are very rare) - it reminds of winter coolness, such combinations look noble and rich.
Red roofs are combined with brown and gray - a bright solution, but one of the ways to stand out "from the crowd" and emphasize your worth.
The gray and white façade is also suitable for the roof of blue shades - such combinations do not strain the eyes, they are associated with cleanliness and airy coolness.

Another point worth mentioning is the breadth of the modern choice of materials. So, if modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of various colors for the facade, then the roof is presented in a narrow range. However, to make the selection of shades faster and easier, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a visual scheme of color combinations.
Psychological approach in choosing shades

It is no secret that each shade in its own way affects the psyche and mood of a person. This applies to the clothes we wear, the surrounding interior and even the shades of the walls of the house in which we live. For this good reason, some psychologists advise paying special attention to your character and even lifestyle when choosing the right colors!
For example, it is better for conservative natures to choose a dark roof / light facade. This combination is traditional, it is most common. The decision will become a kind of "calming" for the owner and will help him feel relaxed and calm within the walls of his own home.

Calm individuals should choose options when both the roof and the facade are monophonic - a combination of colors (a photo of such buildings looks quite attractive) of a similar plan does not change the foundations of a person and does not irritate him. To add brightness to the overall exterior, you can add small decorative elements in the form of rusticated stones, original window sills, etc.
Light roof / dark facade - for bold personalities, innovators by nature. Such houses are a rarity, the buildings seem to “dissolve” in the clouds, everything is incredibly harmonious, calm, and comfortable. Just what you need daring and stubborn by nature people.

Finding the perfect combination of colors for the roof and facade of the house (photos can be viewed in various sources) is troublesome and not as simple as it seems at first glance - you can’t do without recommendations. But, of course, the tips outlined in the article are not strict instructions for action, no matter what shade of roof you choose - the solution must be unique and appeal to you.

Color harmony is a combination of two or more colors. There are a large number of different rules for arranging colors and their compatibility with each other. Everything in the house should be beautiful and well designed. This rule does not bypass the task of choosing a color scheme for the appearance of the building. The combination of facade and roof colors is an interesting topic that should be approached carefully. Classic color combination


If you want not to stand out from the architectural ensemble and the landscape surrounding the house, the main things to pay attention to when choosing the color of the roof and facades are neighboring houses and natural areas. Is your house on the seafront? Feel free to choose coral, blue, white, beige or turquoise for decoration. If the building is surrounded by a rich forest area or there is a picturesque pond, a park area and the like next to it, you can experiment and choose a good combination of roof and facade in brown and green shades. Even a small flower bed outside the window can inspire an unusual design. Don't forget the neighbors' houses. It will not be superfluous to take into account the color scheme of the surrounding buildings and use them in the decoration of your home to support the overall color scheme of nearby buildings. This moment should be observed both in the case of choosing a style that is the same as neighboring buildings, and in the case when you want to stand out from their background. Advice! Do not forget that the love of color and its understanding is individual. Therefore, when you have a palette or photo of various colors and textures in front of you, base your choice on an inner feeling, and not on fashionable novelties. All flashy names are good for advertising, they shouldn't guide your decision. Examples of profitable and beautiful combinations


If your house has any obvious flaws, they can be easily hidden with the help of a successful combination of colors in the facade of the house and highlight all its advantages. If the building has a complex shape, you should not use bright colors in the decoration. They will only emphasize and pervert all its curves. It would be better to use calm tones with dark accents in the decoration of windows, doors and decor. White or light color makes the building larger. It is often used in architecture precisely because of this property. Therefore, if you want a small house to look rich and luxurious, decorate it in white. However, in any case, do not forget about interesting accents and details. If your house is located in the south, you should pay attention to light shades that will attract less light.

Conversely, a house located in the north should be made darker. When choosing a facade finish, you should be interested not only in the price, but also in all the characteristics of a particular finishing material for the facade. Choose fade-resistant colors. As you know, bright shades are more prone to fading than others. The most practical color is gray. Dust does not sit on it, it does not turn yellow and does not fade over time. Advice! Before you begin to match the color of the roof and facade, determine for yourself what result you want to achieve. In order for the house to successfully fit into the landscape surrounding it, use natural colors in the exterior decoration - blue, brown, green, and so on. To create a contrast with the sky and surrounding vegetation, choose brighter colors. An example of contrast is a red roof against a blue sky


Choose combinations of shades of the same color. Use natural colors in exterior decoration. Choose two or three colors for the roof and facades and use them in the decoration. Use contrasting colors. For example, the roof is bright, the facade is calm and dark small details.


The choice of a large number of different colors and the excessive use of various decorative elements. Selection of sharp, strongly contrasting colors that do not blend well with each other. Choosing a color that is too bright for the main background. Use in the decoration of only one color. Advice! When you are unsure of your abilities and do not want to choose color combinations with your own hands, it is better to entrust the color design of your home to a specialist. You can also pre-select colors on paper or in a computer program, and see how certain colors will look together. This will make it easier to choose the right option. The combination of colors and types of color schemes for the roof


When choosing a combination of colors for the facade and roof of the house, try to consider the chosen color under different lighting conditions. The texture or material should be evaluated several times throughout the day in order to understand how it will look at different times of the day and under one or another lighting. Keep in mind that the same material will look different on the south and north side of the house. To be sure to find the right color, pay attention to several different samples. If possible, watch some videos of cottage facade design examples where you can see how light affects color and texture. TRADITIONAL COLORS FOR HOUSES

One color for the whole house, including its various variations. In this case, the combination of the color of the facade and the roof form a single whole. This solution creates harmony and a sense of solidity of the whole house. However, such a building looks rather inconspicuous. Light bottom combined with a dark top. Pretty traditional combination of colors in the facade of the house. The large walls are favorably emphasized by the roof of a contrasting color. In addition to the roofing, the facades may have small details in the same contrasting color. Dark bottom and light top. A rarer combination of facade and roof. A feature of this design is the roof, which seems to dissolve in the sky. Attention is drawn to the walls of the house. Harmony is created by light decor elements matched to the tone of the roof, doors and windows. Advice! You can hide elements that are undesirable for the eye, such as gutters, by painting them in the same color as the facades. Black, gray and white are perfect for accents. For example, black railings, white shutters on the windows, white cornices and the like. This combination of colors on the facade of the house will make it more interesting and beautiful. Successful combination of facade and roof colors Making a private house attractive with a beautiful facade is not at all difficult. The main thing is that there is a good instruction, and there is knowledge of the basic rules for the design of facades and roofs.

To what extent does the stylization of the house, following certain patterns, influence the choice of material and color of the roof?

A house designed in a certain style requires appropriate proportions, material and decor. The choice of the desired roofing material (and hence the color) is also associated with the style. Stylized houses are usually covered with traditional materials, that is, shingles or straw, or they use a special, similar to traditional, metal tile.

I dream of a green roof. What color of the facade will be the most suitable?

Warm colors like beige or yellow are best, but white walls also work well with a green roof. In this case, it would be possible to decorate the facade with other green details, for example, window frames or shutters. Green color harmoniously combines natural materials: wood, brown or yellow clinker, natural stone.

Which facade to choose if the roof is gray or graphite?

Walls in a full range of colors - white to brown - go well with such a roof. A variety of facing materials, such as clinker or wood, are also well suited. Graphite color allows bold color schemes, so it is often used in modern architecture.

How does a white facade match a brown roof?

In traditional architecture, a white wall and dark, even ebony, were a typical combination - just remember the half-timbered technique (half-timbered - a frame system consisting of interconnected racks, beams and braces; plays a constructive and decorative role, visually dismembering the facade). Such a sharp contrast, however, requires careful finishing. So, when choosing a white facade (which may be dictated by financial considerations as well), we should think about the wooden elements of the external decor, that is, shutters, balustrades, and finishing of the truss structure. At the same time, the wooden parts can be dark brown, but this is not necessary: ​​to soften the contrast, it is good to choose other combinations - mahogany (or red), with light, almost white wood, saving tones, for example, blue or green shades (to for example, shutters).

If you still refuse the ubiquitous white color, I suggest cream, yellowish, beige tones for facade cladding, from light to darker (this applies to both plaster and ceramic cladding). The warm colors of the walls make the building as a whole more "warm" - that's why I recommend the recently fashionable beige tones.

What roof color goes best with a white and cream facade?

Both white and cream (slightly yellowish) walls look good in such combinations, for example, with a red or brick-colored roof. With white walls, wooden framing and decor should be used, which “insulate” such a facade. Cream walls, as less contrasting, go well with white trim and framing of openings. Which colors suit the green color of the roof. In white color, in addition, graphite and brown colors are harmoniously combined.

Which roofing material is most suitable for ceramic facade cladding? Should the color of the roof be the same as the color of the facade, or can they be different? When is the best time to use ceramic tiles?

Clinker has a rich palette. In addition to the most typical shades of red, warm tones of yellow and brown are also available for sale. If the ceramic cladding is red, it is unlikely that it will go well with red tiles. The best color solution in this case would be the graphite color of the roof (it goes well with almost all shades of clinker), dark brown is also allowed. If the cladding is made in warm colors - yellow or brown - then the best choice would be brown or green tiles.

Using high-quality finishing materials, which include ceramic cladding, it is necessary to select the appropriate material for the roof. In this case, it is better to use ceramic tiles than shingles or seam roofing.

What roofing material and color is best suited for a wooden house?

In the case of a stylized house, I suggest a beautiful shade of green, for example, the color of moss. In the case of local construction, for example, in the mountains, black shingles or metal tiles sprinkled with stone chips are better. In modern houses with a facade trimmed with wood, a dark roof is harmoniously combined - graphite or various shades of gray.

Which houses are suitable for rooftop decorations?

Ceramic figurines appear more and more often on the roofs of houses - cockerels, storks ... Sometimes they delight, but sometimes they cause ridicule. This type of decoration is suitable primarily for stylized, traditional or very simple houses, rectangular in plan, with a gable roof.

How to choose the color of the chimney?

In this regard, several solutions can be proposed. Often choose a color that harmonizes with the groan of the facade: this is a good choice in case of small, inconspicuous chimneys. If the chimney is high and wide, it most likely spoils the overall impression - in this case, I propose to match its color to the tone of the roof, due to which it will “dissolve”, as it were, disappear into the plane of the slope. The third way out of the situation is the contrast with both the color of the roof and the facade. Then I recommend using a stone finish that echoes the tiling of the house, or another color that should appear on the facade, for example, in the frame of window openings.

Is it necessary to select the filing of cornices to match the roof?

The filing of eaves and gable overhangs does not always have to exactly match the color of the roof, you can choose a contrasting one. In the case of wooden paneling, it is worth using a full natural palette, that is, all shades of brown: light red tones to dark ones, up to black. White filing made of wood or siding is very popular. If the cornice overhang is large, then thanks to such filing, the interior becomes lighter and more illuminated.

What color is most suitable for gutters, valleys and other finishing elements?

Gutters, roof parts, components can be made in different colors. The standard solution is to match them to the color of the roof, while applying, for example, different shades. Less often, more original color solutions are used, when the finish of gutters and gutters echoes the color of the facade.

The sharp contrast of white walls and dark brown roof requires careful finishing, skillful selection of decorative details.

Facade color and roof color
Most often, the facade is yellow. This color seems neutral and at the same time warmer compared to the once popular white, which gets dirty faster. Under the color of the facade you need to choose the color of the roof.

People who do not trust their own artistic imagination can entrust the implementation of a color scheme project to professionals. This is done by architectural bureaus, sometimes also by design studios cooperating with manufacturers of facade materials. The service may also include visualization of the color concept proposed by the customer. But it should be borne in mind that in the electronic version, a much more accurate display of colors is obtained than when using watercolors and crayons. In addition, the colors of the facade and the colors of the roof, which we will see on a computer screen, will be closer to real ones than those that we will receive on a printout from a conventional inkjet printer.

The brown-beige details of the window frames, gray window frames and gutter system, as well as the fence are matched to the main color combination - a gray roof and beige walls. Together they create an integral architectural and artistic composition.

Template and sample. How to do without a project? It is necessary to check in advance whether the facade colors selected according to the sample will look good on the large plane of the facade and whether they are in harmony with each other. In this matter, the implementation of a template that will allow you to “try on” colors can help. To do this, you need a drawing of the facade (a photocopy of the project) or a picture of an unfinished house (as less artistic, “flat”, facades converted into a plane as possible).

Then you need to cut out these fields and elements that will be painted, and stick the rest on a transparent film or tracing paper. The template prepared in this way can be superimposed on the colorful color layout of the manufacturer of paints and plasters.

It's also good to use swatches that show colors on larger formats.
Great help in choosing the color of the roof and the color of the facade of the house can be provided by special computer programs that allow you to check a large number of options for color solutions in a short time.

Test on the wall. The perception of the color of the facade and the color of the roof is influenced by many factors, first of all, the type of lighting and surface texture. Therefore, before ordering materials for the entire facade, it is advisable to apply a test on the surface of the wall that is not covered by scaffolding. The execution of the test consists in plastering or painting approximately 0.5–1 m2 of the wall. Color evaluation should be carried out repeatedly, at different times of the day, under different lighting conditions. Identical samples on the north and south wall, evaluated on a sunny and cloudy day, will look different. We need to check whether the chosen color suits us under changing natural light. It is best to run and compare two or three different samples of preselected color sets.

Tips for the cautious. To avoid mistakes when choosing the color of the roof and the color of the facade, you should remember the following rules.
Shades derived from one primary color will always be in harmony with each other.
The combination of natural colors, earth colors (ocher, beige, brown) gives the house a classic look.
The use of light, pastel colors is associated with less risk than intense ones. Dark and saturated colors get bored faster than neutral ones.
If there are doubts about the choice of paints for large surfaces of the facade among similar colors, it is recommended to choose the least intense one.
Without risk, you can apply dark and saturated colors on smaller planes or in combination with lighter tones.
Using different colors on the facade (for example, dark plinth and main color of the wall margins, combined with lighter frames around the windows and inside the slopes) will help to diversify and give personality. In this case, it is best to limit the number of facade colors to two or three. If there are more of them, the impression of variegation may be created.
Composition of many elements

In the end, you will need to choose colors for other elements that affect the look of the house: window frames, plinth, garage doors, fences, drainpipes, stairs, platforms ...

It is a real art to ensure that all the details are in harmony with the shade of the walls, which we have chosen or which - to our surprise - "turned out" on the facade.
Since color perception is very subjective, trust your own eyes first of all. Do not follow the stereotypes: yellow is always combined with brown. Remember also that advertising terms invented by marketers (Sicilian orange, wet asphalt or ripe cherry) are just words. They should not influence your choice. It is better to choose suitable solutions and color combinations for yourself on the example of completed houses.
Yellow, but what?

The number of shades of yellow is large, therefore, having settled on this color of the facade, we are still faced with the problem of choice. For the cautious, sand, cream, vanilla shades are suitable; sunny, but not very saturated. For the brave - more intense. In addition to warm, there is also a lemon color - colder, it attracts the eye less and can emphasize the distance in relation to the environment.
The active colors of the facade indicate that the house is newly built and well maintained, so painting the "cottage" of the 60s in the color of a bright canary yellow often changes it beyond recognition. Such a house is visible from afar and attracts attention.
It should be noted that the rich color of the facade justifies itself the more, the simpler the shape of the house and the less small architectural elements in it. That is why these colors are most often found in houses with a modern architectural solution. If the architecture is more traditional and rich in decorative details, then the calm color of the walls will be the appropriate background for them.

The color of the facade can give the house a completely different look: after the reconstruction and modernization, the gray walls were painted yellow

Facade color in a cool palette: yellow walls contrasting with a dark roof and cold clinker details. This effect was achieved, among other things, thanks to the choice of dark brown window frames. This house looks presentable

The color of the façade is in warm colors: yellow, sunny walls and a traditional red tiled roof are united by a warm orange tone. White elements, such as windows, garage doors, shutters, emphasize the cleanliness of the house and give it a cheerful character.
Walls and roof

The choice of color for the facade is always associated with the color of the roof. Roof coatings are presented in a narrower color palette compared to facade paints. When choosing a coating, we always have in mind a specific product.

Depending on whether it is a seam metal roof, metal tiles, ceramic, cement or bituminous tiles, there are different, but often limited options for choosing the color of the roof. Therefore, before choosing the most important combination of colors for the appearance of the house - the roof and walls, it is better to familiarize yourself with the offers of roofing material manufacturers. Be aware that the color of the roof in sunlight may look different than indoors.

For those who want the house to have an impeccable style, it is worth considering how to choose the right shade for the roof.

What color is suitable in this or that case depends primarily on the goals of the owner of the house: do you need to “hide” the building among the trees or highlight it, express individuality?

There are several basic rules, following which, you can achieve an excellent visual effect.

  • be combined with the rest of the building;
  • harmonize with the surrounding landscape;
  • match the architectural style of the house.

Surrounding buildings can also be included in the concept of "surrounding landscape". If they are made in the same style, turning your home into a strikingly different building, a kind of white crow, is not always appropriate - with rare exceptions.

Sometimes the desired with the real is very difficult to combine. This thesis is also true in the choice

If the metal tile is rich, then, for example, with all its excellent performance, it cannot provide such a choice. Therefore, the choice of color largely depends on the diversity of the assortment range of roofing.

Of course, you can find a way out of any situation: for example, slate - paint or use instead, which has a rich tint palette, or you can also paint, besides, this will extend the coverage.

Theoretical basics:

  • cold tones are blue;
  • neutral - this is a green gamma;
  • warm - from yellow to scarlet.

It should be noted that this division is very conditional. And intense carmine red is perceived as warm compared to blue, and colder compared to orange.

So, bright colors fade faster, and a light roof is more likely to stand for a long time in its original form.

And yet - dark roofs heat up more.

Those who doubt their choice will be helped by special computer programs, with which you can change the roofs, walls and facade elements on a three-dimensional model, and choose the best combination. Such programs already include a tint palette of one or another roofing, various types of finishing materials for the facade, including.

However, before purchasing roofing and finishing materials in an online store, it is worth seeing how the chosen shade meets expectations in reality - since the monitor distorts the real picture to some extent.

In such an important matter as color matching, there are no trifles. Even the time of inspection matters, because under artificial and natural lighting, the same tone of a metal tile will be perceived in completely different ways.

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