Pest enterprise analysis is a ready-made example. SWOT and PEST analysis in the enterprise

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Even Ogilvy strongly emphasized the need for research for successful promotion in the market. Knowledge about what is happening in the company and around it, of course, facilitates the path to the top of the market. One of classical ways analysis external environment company is PEST-analysis (sometimes also called STEP-analysis).

This technology allows you to evaluate the environment in four different aspects: political, economic, socio-cultural and technological. This allows you to look at the situation from different angles and analyze what is happening more deeply.

It should be remembered that when conducting an analysis, it is necessary to take into account not only the current situation on the market, but also its forecast for the next three to five years, this will allow you to adjust the company's development strategy.

So, in conducting a PEST analysis, the following stages can be distinguished:

1. Identification of factors influencing the company's activities, especially those related to making a profit

2. Collection of information about these factors and a forecast for their change

3. Identification of the significance of each factor

4. Compiling a PEST analysis table

To get the most complete picture, go beyond your own opinion, find out what experts think about what is happening on the market, clarify the opinion of those who work directly with clients, find out what experts in related fields think about the situation. Carefully study the available publications in the press, perhaps foreign experience will be useful.

After identifying the factors that affect your business, categorize them into four groups. Political factors include factors related to both external and internal politics countries, as well as various legal acts directly or indirectly regulating your activities. It is necessary to consider whether the legislation will change in the near future, and what impact this will have on the company's activities. For example, the recently imposed sanctions, which affected many sectors of the economy at once, can be attributed to political factors.

You should also consider:

  • degree of government intervention in your industry
  • level of corrupt officials.
  • the persistence of the power of the existing government
  • major policy trends.

The next group of factors is economic. In this group of factors, it is necessary to single out macro- and microeconomic factors.

It is necessary to assess the general situation in the market, for this it is necessary to answer the following questions:

  • expected crisis or growth?
  • how high is the unemployment rate?
  • How do exchange rates change?
  • what is the average per capita income?
  • how high is the inflation rate?
  • what are the trends in banking?

Socio-cultural factors have no less impact on the work of the company. They reflect not only socio-demographic characteristics, but also the mood in society, traditions and cultural characteristics of consumers.

In this field, select:

  • how the population size, racial composition, sex and age characteristics change.
  • cultural characteristics
  • the level of education of the population and trends towards its change
  • social structure of society
  • fashion trends in various fields, popular "memes", etc.

The last group of factors is technological. Device modern world largely determined by the speed of technological progress. If you do not keep pace with him, then it is quite possible to be out of work. Of course, some industries are more technologically advanced than others, but everyone experiences this influence.

In this group, you need to pay attention to:

  • the impact of mobile technology on the industry
  • Internet influence on the market
  • innovations in the field, new technologies and materials.
  • development of other information technologies
  • the rate of development of scientific and technological progress in the country.

After determining the factors and entering them into the appropriate cell of the table, it is necessary to evaluate their strength of influence on a scale from 1 to 3.

1 - low impact, practically no impact on the company's activities

2 - only significant changes in the factor affect the company's profit

3 - high degree of impact, any changes have an impact on the company.

This assessment is subjective. Factors that do not affect the company are not included in the table.

After that, it is necessary to obtain an expert assessment of the probability of changing the factor. As experts, you need to invite several people with direct experience in this industry. The probability of change is assessed on a five-point scale, after receiving expert estimates, an average score is calculated. After that, you need to calculate the total average score by adding up all the average marks.

Next, the weight-adjusted factor score is computed. To do this, the average expert assessment is multiplied by the degree of influence of the factor, and the result is divided by the sum of the average points of expert assessments. The higher the coefficient obtained, the more influence must be given to this factor. Next, a summary table of the PEST analysis is filled in, in which the factors are indicated in descending order of weight.

After that, it is necessary to prescribe the consequences of the change in the factor and the actions that the company will take in this case in order to minimize the damage.

There are various modifications of PEST analysis, the most popular of which are PESTEL, PESTELI, STEEP and LONGPEST. Usually, such an extended version of the analysis allows you to analyze other aspects of the brand environment. So PESTEL, in addition to the standard ones, also analyzes environmental (Environmental / Ecological) and legal (Legal) factors. PESTELI adds industry aspects of the market to the previous version. STEEP analysis is suitable for companies that want to analyze the ethnic (Ethical) aspects of the external environment. LONGPEST allows you to evaluate the influence of factors at the local (Local), national (National) and global (Global) levels.

PEST analysis allows not only to assess the current situation around the company and predict future changes. A well-executed PEST analysis is the basis for a company's anti-crisis plan.

The external environment needs constant monitoring. This statement is true for businesses of all sizes. You can approach its description in different ways, but the most optimal is PEST analysis (or its other name STEP analysis). Since, the balance of the factors given in it covers almost all aspects of the life of any organization, both commercial and non-commercial.

You can meet the opinion that STEP analysis is more of a marketing tool, but we think that the factors taken into account in it are more relevant for strategic analysis. So let's list them:

factors pest analysis

Political factors
In this case, it is necessary to take into account elections, changes in laws, regulation of the state, changes in the vector of political development. Political relations between countries should not be discounted either.

Economic forces
Inflation, exchange rates, key rate, and other macroeconomic parameters.

Social factors
The attitude of the media, demographic indicators, various religious moods strongly influence, let's add what exactly social factors can generally put an end to any business

Technological factors
New technologies, inventions, patents. When analyzing these factors, one should pay attention to trends in the field of science (for example, it will be interesting to look through the files of scientific publications from the necessary departments of universities and institutes in a region or country).

drawing PEST analysis. click to enlarge.

enterprise PEST analysis example

Please note that the table is given in a very abbreviated version with changed names!
An example is given for the mentioned MK - the basis that produces and sells metal structures.

Factors affecting the enterprise.

Description of the current situation


Political Due to the political situation, customers give preference to domestic manufacturers. The policy also affects personnel, the outflow of valuable specialists to the military-industrial complex plants increases.…… A big trend is an increase in orders from the military-industrial complex, as large factories producing sophisticated equipment"loaded" for a long time and
study simple designs they don't have time.………
Economic Tax incentives for small businesses are being introduced.……… As in the political quadrant, we note a strong increase in orders from the military-industrial complex, and according to the plans of our government, this trend
Social Consumers and especially individuals always emphasize that their choice is due to the fact that we are producers ourselves, and not just
The main trend that will affect the market for the next 10 years is increased loyalty to the domestic manufacturer.……
Technological There are new technologies for working with metal……… The number of studies with metals from group X in the field of their properties during heat treatment will increase.……

For the best use of this tool, it is necessary to highlight trends over several years for each of the factors related to the enterprise under study. They can provide additional direction in developing a strategy.


It has become fashionable to single out legal and environmental factors, some suggest considering geographic ones as well. Such an extension makes sense depending on the type of business. If an enterprise of the wholesale trade of book products is analyzed, then the environmental factor will not be as important as if a paper production plant was analyzed, with emissions of harmful production waste.

When you can apply individual techniques.

Discussion: 2 comments

    The analysis is carried out according to the "factor - enterprise" scheme. The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a matrix, the subject of which are the factors of the macro environment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, estimated in points, ranks and other units of measurement. The results of the PEST analysis make it possible to assess the external economic situation in the sphere of production and commercial activities.

    Lack of approval and misunderstanding. The lack of approval for conducting an environmental analysis arises from a lack of understanding by senior management of its value; difficulties to encourage line managers to participate in the analysis and use its results; resistance to changing forecasting methods.

To date, it can be accurately stated that a transition has taken place from the main market, where empty niches were required to be filled, and those enterprises that managed to ensure the sale of products faster than others, to a competitive market, won in it. For success and prosperity here is no longer important the right approach to the arrangement of product groups, it is important to learn how to competently promote it, ahead of competitors. In the face of fierce competition, it became impossible to use traditional methods financial research, it became necessary to act from a practical point of view, to conduct research of a new type, which takes into account many factors of external and internal conditions for the production of an enterprise.

In the marketing sphere of the enterprise, Pest-analysis tools are used, which reveal the political, economic, social, technological dependence of the enterprise on external influences on the conduct of a successful business.
  • Studying the political situation is useful for influencing the authorities, since the transfer of the necessary resources for the company's activities will depend on them.
  • When analyzing the economic situation on the market, it turns out how the distribution of basic resources is going on at the state level, the successful operation of the company largely depends on this.
  • The most important consumer preferences can be identified using Pest analysis, which examines the company's technological solutions. The analysis considers the directions of use modern technologies, their dependence on the development in general, the entire enterprise. Analytical actions not carried out in time can lead to losses in the field of product sales.

How is Pest-analysis of the external environment carried out?

Analytical studies are carried out according to a certain scheme, where the pest analysis matrix is ​​displayed, in a schematic form, the matrix is ​​depicted as a fraction, where the macroenvironment factors are displayed in the numerator, and their influence on the production process is displayed in the denominator. The result is displayed in points, ranks or other units of measurement

At the end of the study, it is possible to establish possible threats to the enterprise on, it will be the main strategy for planning activities for several years, and the analysis data should be updated.

The main factors of pest-analysis

If we take into account that when conducting a pest analysis, environmental factors are used that affect the production process of an enterprise, then the distribution looks like this:

  • Macroenvironment. It implies the activities of the government, the state of the social-democratic sphere, the development of scientific and technological progress, and the action of natural phenomena.
  • Microenvironment. This refers to information about resource providers, purchasers, competitors, creditors, trade unions.

Basically, when conducting a pest analysis, only the macro environment is analyzed, which includes many factors. And the analysis is carried out according to the main factors, consisting of:

  • Analysis of the political situation (P). This factor affects the regulation of the rotation mechanism money supply, and other components of the profitability of the enterprise and satisfaction in resources. These analytical activities are aimed at the concept of state activity in the distribution of the main resources of the enterprise. It is necessary to analyze the political stability of the state, changes in tax legislation. Take into account anti-monopoly rights, foreign economic legislation, laws on the conservation of nature and the regulation of the employment of citizens. The concepts of the state on the activity of the industry are clarified, as it relates to foreign investment. The analysis makes it possible to understand the intentions of the state in relation to development social order and what means it will use to achieve its goals.

Purpose of pest analysis

Revealing external factors, affecting the production process of the enterprise, consisting of:

  • Economic Analysis (E). This is one of the important articles of analytics, since the economics of an enterprise is an important part of its successful operation. This fact of macroeconomics will affect the living standards of citizens, their ability to pay for goods. This information is necessary to make forecasts of the demand of the population for a particular product, to find out the pricing policy and profit of the enterprise. The data of economic analysis make it possible to understand the formation and distribution of economic resources at the state level. When analyzing the economy, data on the gross income of the enterprise, investment policy are used, the degree of unemployment and inflation is taken into account. It is important to analyze changes in the exchange rate, pricing and wages, how it has changed in terms of profitability, what amount of money is in circulation. It is important to take into account the pricing policy of energy resources, the budget deficit and the tax rate. This section determines the general level of development of the economy in the market area, the competitiveness of the enterprise.
  • Social Analysis (S). This section of the analysis is aimed at studying the formation of consumer preferences, the dynamics of changes, and the demand of the population is predicted. It is important to take into account the active position of the consumer, his demographic structure, find out the standard of living, study the customs of the population, its habits, how it relates to labor activity to understand the social security of all segments of the population.
  • Analysis of new technological solutions (T). This section monitors the dynamics in technological solutions, and if this is not done, then you can lose the sales market if you do not follow changes in the production processes of the enterprise. The analytics of changes will allow the enterprise to carry out the reconstruction of technological lines in time, and to implement products that are more modern in terms of technological solution, abandoning the old methods of its production. Here it is important to make an analysis on the protection of intellectual property, not to use solutions aimed at its discrimination. It is important to take into account the legislative norms for its protection. To study how developments in related fields affect the work of the enterprise, to analyze new technological solutions and apply them to the production of products at the enterprise. Find out whether it is necessary to modernize technological lines, whether there are new scientific discoveries, patents that have appeared on your market. Find solutions to improve, automate everything technological production and understand how to get the information you need.

Any enterprise cannot but be in unity with the external environment, it largely affects all its activities. Because it is a consequence of obtaining all the resources necessary for successful activity. An enterprise cannot do without the supply of energy resources, employees, the extraction of the necessary information, which it receives from the external environment, then the enterprise turns these resources into services and goods that enter the external environment. Constant interaction with the external environment helps the enterprise to exist and develop.

The impact of the external environment on the enterprise is enormous, it can be expressed in various factors, provide favorable conditions for successful work the entire enterprise, or vice versa, pose a threat to its existence. The conditions for the actions of the external environment are diverse, it consists of many components that have different effects on the prosperity of the enterprise.

It is impossible for an enterprise to be isolated from the external environment, it should be in constant contact with it. A variety of components of the external environment to a large extent have an impact on enterprises, each in its degree and frequency. And for successful development, it is necessary to conduct research on the factors affecting the prosperity of the enterprise. To carry out this action, use Pest analysis.

It is a kind of macroeconomic model, which reflects the assessment of the impact of the external environment on the activities of the enterprise. It is mainly used in the release of new products on the market of similar products.

When performing Pest analysis, the main indicators of external factors that have the greatest impact on doing business are used. Media can be a source of information

Steps for conducting a pest analysis

When analyzing factors, you should answer the main questions of production:

Can currents in culture, economy, technology change, which will affect the increase in demand and the state of the market competitiveness? Consider options if this could happen.

It is recommended to carry out pest analysis regularly, and analyze the obtained results with earlier ones:

  • The changes that have taken place in the legislative framework can affect the favorable situation in conquering the sales market, and significantly expand the scope of the enterprise
  • With the change of an influential party in the government, it will be possible to gain a foothold in the market, which will have a beneficial effect on the work of the entire enterprise
  • Tracking possible terrorist actions, because in this case, the company will suffer great damage
  • Tracking natural and geographical factors will help the enterprise prevent the consequences natural Disasters, in time to protect your production from destruction

Problems and features of pest-analysis in the enterprise

  • Interpretation. For many company specialists, it is sometimes difficult to determine the essence of the macro environment and identify the boundaries for its activities. This refers to the structuring of significant research data, the actions of the financial mechanism, while achieving the synthesis of all the results obtained, identifying shortcomings in them from refusing to involve top managers of the enterprise. There is a real difficulty in identifying the possibility of an enterprise in future production, finding the necessary resources so that the analysis is more accurate.
  • Wrong orientation of the enterprise: not all enterprises allocate sufficient funds for macro-environment analytics, justifying this by the difficulty of production and marketing of products. But this is a wrong position, in order to overcome all production difficulties, it is precisely what is necessary to carry out analytical actions to improve the enterprise. Those who analyze the environment at any time for the enterprise will benefit.
  • In the absence of approval and understanding on the part of management, there may be difficulties in stimulating management to engage in analysis, the inability to apply them to real events, they may show resistance to changing requirements to make a forward-looking forecast.
  • Many enterprises that work with several domestic or foreign companies present great difficulty in compiling analytical reviews of external components. To spend qualitative analysis one should resort to generalizing the dynamic values ​​of the macro environment in different states and organizations

When compiling a pest analysis, one should rely on the following theses :

  1. When developing a strategic analysis of each component of the environment, conduct it systematically, since they all depend on each other, there is a close relationship between them.
  2. Pay attention to life situations, and connect them with the activities of the enterprise, life is diverse and every day can change
  3. One type of analysis cannot be recommended for all enterprises; each of them may have its own specific key factors.

After the analytics of the pest analysis, a political, economic, social and technological indicator of the external environment is revealed, these data are needed to select an enterprise action strategy to achieve the greatest well-being. Its result will be the substantiation of factors that may pose a threat to the activities of the entire enterprise in the future.

When compiling an analysis of the internal macro-environment of an enterprise, all companies dependent on the enterprise are examined, their activities are studied for the benefit of the main enterprise. They represent a separate force that affects the well-being of the entire enterprise. For its implementation, it is necessary to select the most significant factors that will influence the activities of the enterprise.

Over the past period, marketers have developed dozens of methods for assessing the prospects for business development. Applied economics has gone from primitive thinking that for success it is necessary to reduce the cost of a product and improve its quality, to the art of making a person buy even things he does not need. SWOT and PEST analyzes, which are universal tools of any modern marketer, helped create the so-called consumer society.

Enterprise Marketing Methodology: SWOT and PEST Analysis

The history of marketing as a science has almost two hundred years. The theory of commodity circulation has no official birthday. But already in the 30s of the XIX century, philosophers and economists came to grips with the issue of selling goods and services.

By the middle of the twentieth century, the first marketing methods for assessing the competitiveness of a business, SWOT and PEST (or STEP), arose. These concepts have much in common. Swot and pest analysis work on the principle of a matrix with selective analysis according to the method of Fritz Zwicky.

Sounds defiant. In fact, everything is based on elementary logic, the ability to compare and draw conclusions. Both methods contain a significant amount of subjectivity. The main difficulty for a marketer of a consulting company is not to conduct an analysis, but to be able to sell it correctly. For this reason, examples of the application of market analyzes and enterprise competitiveness often contain beautiful, but completely uninformative pictures and graphs.

In practice, the compilation of an analysis consists of certain stages:

  • collection and processing of primary information;
  • placing the results in a matrix (in a simple table specific to each method);
  • direct or cross analysis of matrix postulates;
  • conclusion on the state of the business and recommendations for its further development;
  • development of a strategy and step-by-step implementation of the developed ideas into practice.

Common to all types of marketing analysis (including swot and pest analysis) is only the collection of primary information. The difference lies in its methods:

  • official information from the accounting and tax reports of the company. This is the most accessible and easy way to get information;
  • oral survey of employees. The method is laborious and unreliable;
  • open sources on competing companies (publications, reports, surveys of employees of companies with a similar work profile);
  • use of own database (database of a consulting company);
  • questioning (survey) of consumers of the company's products;
  • survey of managers of companies - suppliers and contractors;
  • analysis of periodicals and the Internet;
  • obtaining information in an operational way: confirmed rumors, reports of informants in competitors' companies, etc.;
  • it is advisable to collect information by a group of specialists, and it is better to compile a list of influential factors alone.

The further procedure can be considered using the swot and pest analysis methods as an example.

PEST (STEP) - the concept and basics of the method

"Step" is translated from in English like "step". And "pestle" can be translated as "pest" or "something terribly annoying." In this case, the translation and interpretation of the name indicate a scrupulous step-by-step research algorithm.

The name of the method is an abbreviation for English words: "Political, Economic, Social, Technological". Translated into Russian - political, economic, public (social) and technological analyses. All this is about the areas of society in which the company under study operates. And the rearrangement of letters and concepts in this word does not change the meaning and content, so experienced marketers do not distinguish between the “step” and “pest” methods.

Sometimes two more letters are added to the name of the method - E and L (PESTEL). Accordingly, they also explore environmental (ecology-environmental) and legislative (law - legislative) factors of influence on doing business. It is advisable to study these indicators if there is their impact on the business. For example: the activities of environmental organizations, mining enterprises and factories with hazardous production, entering the business during reforms, etc.

PEST - this method allows you to evaluate key trends in the industry. Impact on the business of factors independent of the company's actions. (The fact of the possibility of lobbying is not taken into account at the moment). The PEST method can be considered both independent and basic for SWOT analysis.

The collected primary information is posted in a table of four columns with the names P-E-S-T. Such a scheme was drawn up for Russia several years ago.

Analysis of the influence of the parameters of the further external environment

This analysis is useful when a business enters new territories. A pivot table should not be overloaded with redundant information that does not affect a particular business. It is best to consider swot and pest analysis using the example of an enterprise.

Let's say we decide to mine gold in Ghana. Then we collect information on external factors and compile summary tables.

PEST assessment of the attractiveness of gold mining in Ghana

Table: Factors Affecting Ghana's Economic Growth

Various conclusions follow from this:

  1. (Politics-corruption) the cost of entering the country will exceed the official estimate by 2–2.5 times.
  2. Weak supply of highly qualified specialists and excess work force involves a contractual organization of labor for invited specialists.
  3. A business partner from a local company is needed.
  4. Pre-entry with a small project to build relationships with the local community.
  5. Trade duties and developed infrastructure require the purchase of locally produced equipment.
  6. The financial sector is favorable for entry.
  7. The main risks are associated with a change in the political system.
  8. There may be environmental problems with cocoa bean producers.

Some experts suggest giving a numerical assessment of the influence of each factor.

Table: Digital Evaluation of a Gold Mining Business Project in Ghana

Based on the values ​​obtained, reflected in the column " Specific gravity factor", you can build visual graphs and diagrams.

Based on the analysis, the company's strategy for entering the gold mining market in the Republic of Ghana is drawn up. This will be the apotheosis of PEST (STEP) analysis. Some analysts consider the PEST method one of the most underestimated types of external factors analysis.

SWOT - strategic analysis method

What is the difference between step and swot analysis? Like PEST, SWOT is an acronym for the analyzed factors that influence the business strategy of the company under study. Strengths - strengths (sides), weaknesses - weaknesses (sides), opportunities - opportunities, threats - threats. The method itself was proposed by Kenneth Andrews in 1963. The main difference between pest and swot analysis: PEST method analyzes the external impact on the business, SWOT studies the company's position in the market. The SWOT analysis matrix consists of four cells.

Table: SWOT Analysis Matrix

The geometry of the matrix is ​​simple: the S-O horizontal characterizes the strengths of your business in the market, and the W-T horizontal characterizes weaknesses and risks.

Vertically: S-W characterizes the company, and the O-T column characterizes market conditions. For the market, you can use data obtained from PEST - studies.

The procedure for collecting initial data for swot and pest analysis is the same. The approach to their distribution is as follows:

  • what we can influence is the company;
  • which we cannot directly influence, characterizes the market.

Example: a company is a manufacturer of building materials.

Pest and swot analysis on the example of an enterprise. SWOT analysis for a building materials company

Criteria, as always, are determined by the whole team, and one person is engaged in their layout. No need to strive to point out all the strengths of the company. If not only you, but also your competitors have something, then this is not your forte.

The next step is pairwise grouping of influence factors. S-O and W-T. Since it is these pairs that have the maximum impact on the market and the company. For example, a pair of W-T (weaknesses of the company with a threat from the market) doubles the threat to the enterprise. Vertical and diagonal pairs are less interesting. They can be analyzed only with a very detailed study of the issue of strategy. It is important to group all possible options from the selected pairs. For example, it looks like this:

Pest and swot analysis of the enterprise: assessment of influence factors for a manufacturer of building materials

The table is not completely filled and gives room for imagination. The interpretation of the results obtained may differ depending on the availability of additional or clarifying data. In SWOT, it is also possible to numerically express the influence of individual factors and their pairs on competitiveness. Actions similar to those described earlier in the PEST analysis lead to comparable results. As a result of the work, such a diagram may be born.

An example of a SWOT analysis on a chart

The duration of a strategy based on a SWOT analysis is usually 2–3 years for a large company and 1 year for a small company. Provided that there is no global economic crisis.

The two matrix analyzes, despite their external similarity, differ in their scope of application and, with a certain degree of detail, can complement each other. STEP is convenient to use when new markets expand or competitive conditions change, for example, during a crisis. And SWOT gives a more complete vision of the company's position and allows you to understand the business opportunities at a certain point in time.

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Strategic analysis occupies an important place in the process of preparing and making managerial decisions and is an integral part of planning the economic activities of enterprises of all forms of ownership. For the reason that under the conditions market economy business leaders, chief accountants and managers different levels should pay more attention to solving strategic problems. Here they come to the aid of strategic analysis, which is based on materials from other economic disciplines and its purpose is to master the knowledge and methods and techniques of analytical research, identify opportunities to improve production efficiency, financial and investment activities.

Strategic analysis is of great importance for evaluating performance and changing the strategic plan of the enterprise or its implementation.

Enterprise management in a market economy is impossible without business planning at all levels: strategic, tactical and operational. The most important is the strategic level, at which the vital for the further development of the enterprise are taken management decisions. The strategic level of management is highest level, which provides a function of strategic analysis.

Exploring the essence of strategic analysis, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this term, as well as some other terms (strategic vision, strategic goals, strategic management, etc.), was created from the word strategy. Therefore, in order to determine the features of strategic analysis, it is necessary to dwell on what a strategy is and what significance it has for an enterprise.

A strategy is a comprehensive plan of an enterprise's activities, which is developed on the basis of a creative scientifically based approach and is assigned to achieve the long-term global goals of the enterprise.

Thus, strategic analysis is a complex study of positive and negative factors that can affect the economic condition of the enterprise in the future, as well as ways to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise.

The purpose of the work is to perform a PEST analysis of the JSC "Gazprom" enterprise, to offer its own method for analyzing the external environment of the enterprise, to draw a conclusion.

1. The influence of the external environment on the activities of the enterprise

The concept of the external environment of the enterprise is of paramount importance in strategic management enterprise. It has appeared in management practice quite recently. F. Kotler gives the following definition of the external environment:

The external environment of the firm is a set of active actors and forces operating outside the firm and influencing the ability of management to establish and maintain successful collaborative relationships with target customers.

Thus, almost everything that exists outside the enterprise can be included in its external environment, but only if all these elements can influence it.

From the point of view of the enterprise, the external environment of the enterprise can be characterized by two features: the breadth, the mechanism of influence on the enterprise.

These characteristics can be used to divide the external environment into:

1. The environment of the nearest environment or the microenvironment of the enterprise.

2. Remote (common) environment or macro environment.

Accordingly, changes in the external environment affecting the activities of firms can be divided into two groups: macro- and micro-changes. Changes in the macro environment are determined by external forces that affect all markets at once. These include major economic, demographic, political, technological and cultural shifts. Changes in the macro-environment of the enterprise do not have a direct impact on it.

Changes in the microenvironment are specific events that affect the industry in which the company operates: changes in the needs and behavior of its customers, competitors, intermediaries and suppliers. Through micro-changes, the impact of changes at the macro level on a particular industry occurs. Thus, a direct impact on the activities of the enterprise has its microenvironment, which should be the main focus.

Analysis of the external environment of the enterprise: allows you to identify factors that contribute to or hinder the commercial success of the enterprise. As the dynamism of the external environment increases, such analysis becomes a vital factor for the enterprise that determines its survival. Not all elements of the external environment are of equal importance to the enterprise, so an important part of the analysis is to identify those that play an important and significant role.

Thus, the analysis of the external environment makes it possible to identify both opportunities and threats for the enterprise, as well as the causes of instability and uncertainty in production. Let's define the above terms:

Opportunity - the prospect of development of the organization, taking into account the fulfillment of certain conditions.

Threat-actions and factors, the presence of which can harm the enterprise, with the possibility of bankruptcy.

Instability - the state of the system, characterized by the heterogeneity and diversity of each of the ongoing processes and all changes in general.

Uncertainty is the absence or lack of definition of something. Usually occurs due to the lack of necessary information.

At the moment, the most common systems for analyzing the external environment of an enterprise are PEST and SWOT analysis.

The analysis is carried out according to the "factor - enterprise" scheme. The results of the analysis are drawn up in the form of a matrix, the subject of which are the factors of the macro environment, the predicate is the strength of their influence, estimated in points, ranks and other units of measurement.

The results of the PEST analysis make it possible to assess the external economic situation in the sphere of production and commercial activities.

SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the factors and phenomena that affect a project or enterprise. All factors fall into four categories: s trends (strengths), w eaknesses (weaknesses), o pportunities (opportunities) and t hreats (threats). The method includes defining the goal of the project and identifying internal and external factors that contribute to its achievement or complicate it.

PEST analysis (sometimes referred to as STEP) is a marketing tool designed to identify political ( P olitical), economic ( E conomic), social ( S social) and technological ( T echnological) aspects of the external environment that affect the company's business.

Politics is studied because it regulates power, which in turn determines the company's environment and the acquisition of key resources for its operations. The main reason for studying economics is to create a picture of the distribution of resources at the state level, which is essential condition enterprise activities.

No less important consumer preferences are determined using the social component of PEST analysis. The last factor is the technological component. The purpose of his research is considered to be the identification of trends in technological development, which are often the causes of changes and market losses, as well as the emergence of new products.

2. Analysis of the state of the internal and external environment in OAO "Gazprom"

2.1 Brief description of the organization

Open Joint Stock Company "Gazprom" is one of the most important participants in the world energy markets, capable of making a significant contribution to their stabilization and ensuring global energy security, which is one of the main components of its development strategy.

In the world ranking of oil and gas companies, Gazprom ranks first in natural gas production. In terms of oil production and refining, Gazprom is one of the five largest Russian oil companies and one of the twenty world leaders in the oil business.

The term OAO "Gazprom" refers to the parent company of the Gazprom Group - Open Joint Stock Company "Gazprom". Under the Gazprom Group, it is necessary to understand the totality of companies, consisting of OAO "Gazprom" and its subsidiaries.

The Group's role in the global energy markets is not limited to its export potential and reputation as a reliable and stable supplier of energy resources. The specifics of Gazprom lies in the fact that it is both a producer and a supplier of energy resources, having a powerful resource base and an extensive gas transportation infrastructure. Thanks to geographic location In Russia, Gazprom has the opportunity to become an energy bridge between the markets of Europe and Asia, supplying its own gas and providing services for the transit of gas from other producers.

The Gazprom Group has a fairly complex and broad organizational structure. Total number of these companies with various shareholdings of OAO "Gazprom" exceeds 150 units.

The Group has one of the largest gas pipeline systems in the world and provides the bulk of natural gas production and transportation through pipelines high pressure In Russian federation. It is also the largest exporter of natural gas to European countries, it produces oil and produces oil products.

The Group's main business activities are: exploration and production of gas, transportation of gas, sale of gas, production of oil and gas condensate, refining of oil, gas condensate and other hydrocarbons and sale of refined products.

Other types of financial and economic activities include mainly construction, electricity and heat generation and asset management. This organization belongs to the gas industry.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a joint-stock company is recognized as a company whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares; members joint-stock company(shareholders) are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company, within the value of their shares. In the event that its participants can alienate their shares without the consent of other shareholders, then such a company is recognized as an open joint-stock company. It has the right to conduct an open subscription for shares issued by it and a free sale on the terms established by law and other legal acts. Authorized capital of a joint-stock company is made up of the nominal value of the company's shares acquired by the shareholders. At this point in time OAO "Gazprom" by the size of the organization belongs to the class of "big" business.

The current state of the facility and the control system can be characterized as solid and stable. Gazprom looks to the future with confidence. Every year Gazprom improves its management structure. The reform is aimed at improving the efficiency of Gazprom as a vertically integrated company. The creation of subsidiaries by types of activity, such as underground gas storage, underground repair, processing of hydrocarbons, oil production.

Along with the strong position of the organization, there are problems that are both strategic and financial in nature:

Increasing interdependence of markets, which in the era of globalization leads to the synchronization of the economies of countries and to the possibility of a rapid transfer of recessions or crises from one country to another;

The problem of international regulation of the industry. Regulation of the energy industry is carried out in various directions. The most important areas are liberalization, customs and tax legislation, environmental legislation and energy security.

The issue of ensuring energy security is to stimulate the efficient use of energy, as well as reduce dependence on energy imports from a single source;

Geographic conditions and climate. A significant share of Gazprom's gas production is in Western Siberia, where the harsh climate complicates production and increases the cost of natural gas;

Changes in exchange rates and inflation. A significant part of Gazprom's revenues is denominated in dollars or euros, while most of the costs are denominated in rubles. In this regard, the results of financial and economic activities are significantly affected by changes in inflation rates and exchange rates.

These problems arise in the development path of almost any large structure, however, Gazprom is confidently looking forward, strengthening its position in the global energy market, helping to increase the company's authority and influence in the global community, as well as ensuring long-term growth in its value.

2.2 Mission and main goals of the organization

OJSC "Gazprom" is the largest gas company in the world. The main activities are exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas and other hydrocarbons. The state is the owner of a controlling stake in Gazprom - 50.002%.

Gazprom sees its mission in the most efficient and balanced gas supply to consumers in the Russian Federation, fulfilling long-term gas export contracts with a high degree of reliability.

The following main goals of Gazprom can be singled out:

1. Increasing gas production volumes. Gazprom has the richest natural gas reserves in the world. Its share in world gas reserves is 17%, in Russian - 60%. Gazprom accounts for about 20% of the world and about 85% of Russian gas production. Priority direction activities of Gazprom is the development of gas resources of the Yamal Peninsula, the Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

2. Timely delivery of gas to Russian and foreign consumers. Gazprom owns the world's largest gas transportation system - the Unified Gas Supply System of Russia. Its length is 156.9 thousand km. Gazprom exports gas to 32 CIS and non-CIS countries and continues to strengthen its positions in traditional foreign markets.

3. Diversification of markets and products. Gazprom is implementing a phased strategy to increase its presence in the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market. This allows you to expand the geography of the company. The development of the oil business is one of Gazprom's strategic goals on the way to becoming a global energy company. One of Gazprom's core areas of product diversification is the electric power industry, the combination of which with the gas business is a global trend and provides a significant synergistic effect.

4. Social significance of OAO "Gazprom". The most important principles in the activities of the Gazprom Group are to be attentive to the interests of society, to fully promote the socio-economic development of Russian regions, create a favorable business climate in them, maintain decent working conditions, social and spiritual well-being of people.

In this regard, the Company strives to ensure the sustainable development of its business, paying increased attention not only to the economic, but also to the social component. Gazprom consistently follows the principles of social responsibility, which are: gasification of the country's regions, creation of new jobs, implementation of social programs for personnel, sponsorship and charity, environmental and educational campaigns, payment of taxes, etc.

Particular attention is still paid to support for disabled children, orphans and children from orphanages. The Company annually allocates funds for the construction of residential buildings, kindergartens, clinics, etc.

The company strictly adheres to its tax liability, daily bringing the Russian budget about 1 billion rubles.

In its sponsorship and charitable activities, the Company is focused on supporting such areas of public life as culture, sports, education, science, participates in major projects aimed at reviving national, preserving artistic and historical values, increasing best traditions national stage and theatrical art.

Among long-term partners of Gazprom in the field of strengthening and development cultural heritage- State Tretyakov Gallery, State Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin Museum, the State Hermitage Museum, the State Academic Mariinsky Theatre, and other centers of Russian culture.

For many years, fruitful cooperation between Gazprom and the Russian Orthodox Church and other confessions, aimed at the revival of spiritual and religious traditions.

Gazprom actively supports the development of domestic science, is the founder of many Russian scientific public organizations and funds, including the Supreme Engineering Council of the Russian Federation, the Non-Governmental Environmental Fund named after. IN AND. Vernadsky and others.

Gazprom provides traditional support to our country's Olympic teams, is the general sponsor of the Russian football club Zenit, is a partner of the All-Russian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation, supports various national sports federations, sports teams and individual (both established and beginner) athletes.

Traditionally paying special attention to supporting children and youth, the Company launched the Gazprom to Children program aimed at supporting the physical and spiritual potential of the younger generation.

Gazprom is not only one of the most important participants in the world energy markets, capable of making a significant contribution to their stabilization and ensuring global energy security, but also an organization whose activities are of great importance. social significance for a huge number of people.

2.3 Analysis of environmental factors

The current economic situation in the global energy market:

Oil acts as an energy carrier of global importance, gas - mainly regional, coal - local;

A sharp increase in hydrocarbon consumption, which will not be replaced in the foreseeable future alternative sources energy;

The sharp increase in the need for developing Asian countries in energy resources, taking into account the ongoing economic growth, rapid population growth and extremely high energy intensity of national economies;

Widening gap between consumption volumes (growing) and production volumes (decreasing) of hydrocarbons in developed countries;

Limited opportunities for additional growth in production increase the risks associated with a possible destabilization of the market;

The level of provision of the world economy with oil and gas reserves is decreasing;

Lack of (temporary) refining and transportation capacity and limited additional oil production capacity;

The interest of industrialized consumers to the problems of development of alternative energy is indicated;

The importance of projects for the production and supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) is growing;

There is a renewed interest in nuclear power in a number of countries;

Assets for mergers and acquisitions are becoming less and less, so in last years the main mergers occur exclusively within the framework of one country or a common geopolitical space;

Growth of political risks in the regions richest in hydrocarbons.

The main factors hindering the development of the gas industry (on the example of Gazprom) in Russia:

The policy of "Gazprom", for which it is unprofitable in the conditions of existing internal gas tariffs to develop the domestic market;

Lagging of production growth rates from gas consumption growth rates;

The need to invest heavily in the development of new deposits;

Bet on purchasing Central Asian gas instead of investing in upstream projects;

The policy pursued at the state level to prevent foreign companies from being operators of the development of the most promising objects (Yamal, the Shtokman field);

The critical state of the existing oil export infrastructure and the problem of modernizing the existing system of main gas pipelines;

The monopolistic nature of the Russian gas industry.

The main consumers of energy resources in the domestic market include the electric power industry, metallurgy, agrochemistry, the cement industry, the population, households and others. The main consumers of Gazprom's products on the foreign market are the Far Abroad, the CIS and the Baltic States.

For a more illustrative example, in Tables 1 and 2, we will conduct a PEST analysis of the JSC "Gazprom" enterprise.

Table 1. "Environmental factors"

Political and legal factors

1. Imperfect and complex tax system, leading to the establishment of high prices for services and the washing out of the working capital of the enterprise;

Economic forces

Sociocultural factors

2. Preferences of end users of services.

Technological factors

1. Use of new equipment and technologies in the practice of oil and gas production.

The next stage of the analysis is the analysis of the impact of the above factors on the activities of OAO "Gazprom".

Table 2. Influence of PEST factors on the activities of JSC "Gazprom"

Possible impact on Gazprom's activities

Political and legal factors

1. Imperfect and complex tax system, leading to the establishment of high prices for services and the washing out of the working capital of the enterprise.

2. Governmental support small business.

1. An increase in the tax for monopolists leads to an increase in the costs of the enterprise, as well as the unprofitability of the development of the Russian domestic market due to lower rates for raw materials.

2. This factor is not applicable to the enterprise "Gazprom"

Economic forces

1. Abolition of 5% sales tax and change in the value added tax rate to 18%.

2. Increasing the tariffs of natural monopolies.

1. Forcing to export oil and gas products abroad, this is justified by an increased rate on resources.

2. An increase in production costs and a rise in the price of the services offered.

Sociocultural factors

1. The level of education of the population of the country.

2. Preferences of final consumers of products.

1. OAO "Gazprom" employs highly qualified personnel, the management does not spend much time on personnel training.

2. Change in Gazprom's approach to the end consumer. It is necessary to make changes regarding the services offered in terms of quality, service, price.

Technological factors

1. Use in practice of new production and transportation technologies

1. Gazprom needs more modernized equipment in order to reduce costs. To achieve this goal, capital is attracted to the development of science and technology of the company.

Based on the analysis carried out, appropriate conclusions can be drawn. Gazprom is not only one of the most important participants in the world energy markets, capable of making a significant contribution to their stabilization and ensuring global energy security, but also an organization whose activities are of great social importance for a huge number of people.

There are a number of problems associated with Gazprom's entry into the foreign market. Among them are such as: the problem of modernizing the existing system of main gas pipelines, lack of investment in mining projects, lagging behind in the level of use of the most promising technologies, limited opportunities oil pipeline supplies to Europe, the persistence of transit risks, the unsettledness of many issues within the EU and the virtual absence of a unified point of view on the way to ensure energy security.

In this regard, the following can be singled out as priority measures to change the current situation: increased attention, both at the state level and from the largest oil and gas companies, to the domestic sector of gas and oil production; stimulation of investments in the reproduction of the mineral resource base and the development of deposits; investing in national mining projects in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, Sakhalin, the northern shelf, etc.; maintaining and expanding the presence of Russian companies in the fuel and energy complex of Iraq, Iran, and other states of the region; special attention should be paid to LNG production projects as the most promising in terms of the future of the global fuel and energy complex; improving the technological safety and efficiency of energy transport networks; expanding the supply of hydrocarbons to markets in Europe through the construction of additional energy transport routes (to Northern and Southern Europe and the Balkans) and gaining a foothold in the Asia-Pacific market; for Russian oil and gas companies, it is necessary to use a favorable external environment for the reconstruction of production facilities using modern technologies, and for the development of a distribution network, which will reduce production costs and offer a more competitive product to foreign markets.

Nevertheless, whatever the existing barriers, every year Gazprom improves its position in the global energy market, focuses on seriously strengthening its competitive position in the European and global hydrocarbon markets, which allows us to confidently speak of our country as one of the world energy leaders.

3. An innovative method for analyzing the external environment of the enterprise "Gazprom"

The Russian energy market is not attractive for such a monopolist as "Gazprom" because the antimonopoly services constantly limit price growth. Therefore, the company is trying to enter the foreign market with the main volumes of raw materials, where this raw material is highly valued. After the analysis of the enterprise and its activities, the following can be proposed:

The main sections in the PEST analysis play an important role, but this analysis does not take into account:

- trends in the level of partner countries;

- the rapid abolition of the technology used;

- the processing of raw materials in Russia does not meet EU standards, which forces oil companies to sell untreated oil, thereby reducing its cost;

- the different standard of living of Russians and Europeans negatively affects the policy of the company, this is justified by the fact that it is more profitable to supply raw materials to Europe than to sell them in Russia;

- the state does not support monopolists. Those. having a controlling stake, the state does not invest in the modernization of the enterprise, knowing about the prospects of this industry.

On the basis of these "minuses" we will draw up an approximate plan for analyzing the external environment of OAO "Gazprom":

· Definition of the main task of the energy strategy.

· Analysis of the global presence strategy.

· Marketing strategy in domestic and foreign markets.

· Strategy in the field of electric power industry.

· Ability to diversify production.

· The level of development of oil and gas processing.

· Development of the gas transportation system.

State support is not tangible, only taxes on the organization's profits are growing, given the fact that this industry is promising, the state does not take significant measures to modernize it. If the state invested in the modernization of Gazprom, this would allow the company to reach a new level, thereby increasing its profits and the profits of investors.

The development of technologies for the extraction of raw materials will allow the company to take a leading position in the world and establish itself not only as a reliable partner, but also as a supplier of high-quality raw materials. In addition, the modernization of oil refining technology will allow the production of gasoline European level, this will allow us to capture an even greater market share not only in Europe, but throughout the world. The distribution of high-quality gasoline in the domestic market will allow attracting more customers in Russia, thereby increasing its own revenue and pushing competitors into the background. In Russia, there are a lot of foreign-made cars that require high-quality fuel in order to avoid unnecessary costs that may arise due to a vehicle breakdown.

In fact, the better the gasoline, the longer the engine will run, this will attract car enthusiasts who are ready to overpay for high-quality fuel, this scheme is used by the Lukoil company, this company provides European-quality gasoline at a high price, and thus has managed to establish itself as a reliable partner with many customers positive feedback on the quality of services provided. Therefore, if the company proceeds from the parameters proposed above, then it will see the whole picture that is emerging around the company, this will allow it to more flexibly respond to changes in market requirements, as well as maintain a leading position in the world.


The external environment in strategic management is considered as a combination of two relatively independent subsystems: the macro environment and the immediate environment.

Macroenvironment creates general terms and Conditions organization's environment. The analysis of legal regulation, which involves the study of laws and other regulations that establish legal norms and frameworks for relations, gives the organization the opportunity to determine for itself the permissible boundaries of actions in relations with other subjects of law and acceptable methods of defending their interests.

The political component of the macro-environment must be studied in order to have a clear idea of ​​the intentions of the state authorities regarding the development of society and the means by which the state intends to implement its policies.

The study of the political component should focus on finding out what programs the various party structures are trying to put into practice. external environment analysis strategic

The study of the social component of the macro environment is aimed at understanding the impact on business of such social phenomena and processes, as the attitude of people to work and quality of life.

Analysis technological component allows you to see in a timely manner the opportunities that the development of science and technology opens up for the production of new products, for improving products and for modernizing the technology of manufacturing and marketing products.

The analysis of suppliers is aimed at identifying those aspects in the activities of entities that supply the organization with various raw materials, semi-finished products, energy and information resources, finance, on which the efficiency of the organization depends.


1. Efremov V.S. Business strategy: Concepts and methods of planning.

2. Zabelin P.V., Moiseeva N.K. Fundamentals of strategic management.

3. Markova V.D., Kuznetsova S.A. Strategic management: a course of lectures.

4. Thompson A.A. Strickland A. J. Strategic Management: The Art of Strategy Development and Implementation.

5. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomantina Management of the organization: a textbook.







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