Turkish clove seeds. Oriental luxury - growing Turkish cloves from A to Z

reservoirs 14.06.2019

Turkish Carnation is a perennial plant. with straight and strong stems, which are crowned with umbrellas of flowers of various colors: white, red, pink, cream. The shape of the flowers is also different: simple, terry, semi-double.

The height of the plant depends on the variety and can vary from 20 cm to 60 cm. When purchasing a new variety, pay attention to the height of the bush in order to find its proper place in the garden.

Growing from seeds is not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to certain rules for growing and subsequent care of seedlings.

Preparing for landing

The soil can be purchased ready in a specialized store for seedlings, it will already have all the necessary elements.

But if necessary you can make it yourself, taking everything in equal proportions of sand and leafy soil.

The soil is sifted in order to remove everything unnecessary and superfluous (pebbles, twigs), and calcined in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Sowing seeds is carried out in early March on the growing moon and you need the following tools:

  • priming;
  • landing capacity;
  • ruler;
  • seeds;
  • expanded clay;
  • manganese.

The container can be any - plastic or glass - it does not matter. Drainage holes are important through which excess water will flow after watering.

We sow the seeds of Turkish cloves for seedlings:

How to plant in open ground

Seeds are sown in open ground in early May.. For this purpose, a warm sunny area is selected and dug onto a shovel bayonet. Mineral and organic fertilizers are applied.

Then they make depressions in the soil and sow the seeds of Carnation. The earth is well moistened from a watering can so as not to wash the seeds and covered with a film to create greenhouse conditions so that the seeds germinate together without loss.

It is important to remove the shelter when warm weather sets in., otherwise the seedlings under it will be able to rot.

How to sow seeds in containers

Expanded clay is poured at the bottom of the tank, then nutrient soil, and moisten it with the help of bottom watering with warm water. Manganese must be diluted in water to Pink colour, since the soil is disinfected with the help of manganese potassium.

With the help of a ruler in moist soil, we make not deep recesses and seeds are sown in such rows. In a row, the distance between seeds should be 2 cm.

In order for seedlings to be friendly, moist soil with sown seeds is covered with glass and kept at a temperature of 17 degrees Celsius.

When most of the seeds have germinated, the glass or other cover is removed., and further care for seedlings consists of timely watering and turning in relation to the sun.

Turning seedlings towards the sun different sides, seedlings grow more even and stocky.

Care and requirements for watering, temperature, light, top dressing

When friendly shoots appear, a container with seedlings of Turkish Carnation should be move to a bright place, but without direct sunlight. Direct sun can burn young shoots.

The temperature in the room should be at the level of 13 degrees Celsius. Such conditions will enable the seedlings to grow not high and viable.

If there is too little sun in early spring, then the seedlings should be given additional lighting so that they do not stretch out.

Watering is done as the soil mixture dries out. with a tablespoon, so as not to wash the seedlings that have not grown stronger from the soil.

When the bulk of seedlings will have two sheet plates, they dive in separate 200 gr. cups.

Top dressing in the purchased land is not necessary, but if the mixture was composed by yourself, then the seedlings are fed twice in half the dose with nitrogen fertilizer.

Seedlings are planted in a flower bed, after hardening and when the threat of frost has passed. In the southern regions of Russia, this is the beginning of May, in the Moscow region, the beginning of June.

Vegetative propagation

This Carnation has a remarkable ability to propagate vegetatively. The procedure is carried out in early August.

We bend a healthy shoot of the desired color to the ground and fix it with a wire bent in the form of a hairpin (you can also use it if the shoot is not vigorous).

In early September, it will no longer be a stalk, but separate from the parent plant. At this point, they are seated in a permanent place where they will grow next year.

When transplanting young bushes, it is good to shed the soil with warm water.

Diseases and pests

In the open field, Turkish Carnation is very rarely sick. But if it is planted within the boundaries of an industrial city, then some complications may arise.

Fusarium- destroys the plant from the inside. Sick bushes are urgently removed from the flower bed and destroyed outside the site. The place where it grew is treated with any fungicide twice with an interval of 15 days.

Rust- rusty convex spots on the back of the leaf plate. This disease manifests itself at high humidity and at the same time overfeeding with nitrogen fertilizers.

At the same time, plants are treated with HOM, and diseased leaves are removed mechanically.

The pests for this plant are bears., which, living in the soil, damage the root mass of the plant. But you can fight these insects only by collecting them manually when digging.

Turkish carnation diseases - rust and fusarium, pests - bear

Varieties and their features

Turkish Carnation has many varieties that differ in flower shape and color. The most popular are varieties with double flowers.

Turkish terry carnation

This species has many well-known varieties, including:

Macarena F1

A popular mixture with double flowers of various colors: Fuchsian, White, Burgundy. The flowers are bicolor with a contrasting border. The height of the bush with optimal care is 70 cm.

Dynasty F1

Terry flowers are collected in inflorescences resembling a ball. The colors are varied in all shades of red. The height of the bushes is not large, only 40 cm. At the same time, the variety has excellent winter hardiness in middle lane Russia.

Moulin rouge

The variety of Turkish Carnation Moulin Rouge has an unforgettable aroma, reminiscent of the southern shores of the sea. Beautiful flowers of various colors seem to spin in a delightful dance.

Flowering lasts a very long time. The bush grows to a height of 20 cm.

How to collect seeds

it bright plant looks good planted near the curb and on the alpine slides. But in order not to buy new bags of seeds from year to year, it is worth taking care of collecting seeds from your own flowers.

To collect their seeds, they pick up a healthy flowering sprout, mark it so as not to remove dried buds when cutting.

When the bud is almost dry, it is cut off. in dry weather and put to dry on a white sheet of paper.

The place for drying is selected so that there are no sun rays and there is good air circulation. In this form, the seeds are dried until completely dry for two weeks.

When putting the seeds in a paper bag for storage, you must sign the year the seeds were collected.

How to grow seedlings in the garden

Seeds in the garden can also be sown in October, but this is done with dry seeds and in dry land. For the winter, such crops are covered with slate so that they do not freeze out.

Planting Carnation for seedlings in the fall, the first shoots will appear only in the spring of next year.

Spring planting provides shelter from return frosts with any covering material that allows air to pass through. The grown strong seedlings are seated at a distance of 15 cm from each other.

Further care is timely watering, loosening, removal of weeds.

What is the difference between growing seedlings at home and in the garden

There is no difference in the technology of planting Turkish Carnation for seedlings at home and in the garden. The difference is that, growing seedlings in the garden significantly saves space on the southern windowsills.

In open ground, seedlings are strong, stocky and do not get sick with "black leg" and other diseases that occur when growing seedlings at home.

This wonderful delicate flower deserves its attention. to plant it in a flower bed, creating a unique southern flavor in your backyard.

When planting it, one must take into account that it can self-seed and therefore the site is selected for a long period of time.

The origin, properties of Turkish cloves (Dianthus barbatus) are surrounded by many legends, beliefs different peoples. After all, it grows in the mountains of southern Europe, in many places in Asia in the wild. Beginning in the 16th century, the Turkish carnation spread widely as garden plant and in Europe. Compared with wild plants cultivated varieties surpass them in their multicolor and decorative effect.

The flower of the gods, divine - this is how the name of the carnation is translated from Latin. And it is also called the flower of Zeus - the highest deity of ancient Greek mythology. For the inhabitants of ancient Hellas, the carnation symbolized a particle of the human heart, love, fidelity, constancy, kindness, justice. They believed that the carnation brings victory in battles. Christian legend says that during the execution of Jesus Christ, the tears of the Virgin Mary falling to the ground began to grow in marvelous flowers.

The Russian name "carnation" comes from the Polish word "carnation". The last name is borrowed from the German language, which reflected its aroma, reminiscent of the smell of oriental spices - dried clove buds.

The British call this species Sweet William for the sweet taste of the inflorescences. In France in the 18th century, the carnation became the flower of the revolution, and those sentenced to death held it close to their hearts even on the scaffold. In the USA, this is the main gift for Mother's Day, the embodiment of fiery maternal love. In many countries, these multi-colored flowers are considered healing, talismans of travelers.

Dianthus barbatus is a species of the clove family and loves temperate climate. Unlike Chinese carnation (Dianthus chinensis), Turkish carnation is a frequent inhabitant of flower beds, front gardens of garden plots.

She, like her Chinese relative, in the first year of life forms only bushes with rosettes of leaves. From the second, it begins to simultaneously throw out flower stalks and additional rosettes of leaves. This allows her to bloom in all its glory up to 4 years. However, flower growers, summer residents, residents of private houses often grow these cultural garden varieties like biennials.

Small-sized flowers form umbrellas with lush fragrant bright inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter. They are located on each stem. The flowers have 4 bracts with a beard-like shaggy border around the edges. They gave her the name "bearded".

Turkish carnation has a huge variety of colors of single and double flowers. They can be red, crimson, burgundy, pink, white or variegated with different shades, patterns in the form of borders, spots, strokes. Inflorescences with a very delicate aroma resemble large caps on stems with leaves that can also be painted in different colors. Probably, this bright color scheme of the petals is also associated with the ornament on Turkish carpets…

Species and varieties with photos

Around 400 grow worldwide. different types carnations with inflorescences of different complexity. There are about a hundred garden forms alone. The conditional criterion for determining the variety is the height of the stem, namely:

  1. Low-growing - up to 20 cm. Most often used as ground cover, balcony plants. Look great in rock gardens, bouquets.
  2. Tall - up to 80 cm. Due to their strong stems, they are often used for growing in beds and storing as cut flowers.

Among the tall Turkish carnations, the following varieties are very popular:

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, new varieties are also appearing, hybrids with variegated colors and plain ones. Among them, it is worth noting the Scarlet Queen, Bayerre, the White Queen, Vice Reisen, the Red Monarch, Kupferrot, Summer Beauty, Mirage, Newport Pink, Color Pattern, etc.

Growing turkish cloves from seeds

Breeding these flowers is not difficult, especially compared to the joy of contemplation in your beds or at home. It is grown, most often, with the help of seedlings. The main thing here is to choose the right soil mixture and a place for planting seedlings. We suggest that you first get acquainted with the main points of preparing the soil for growing seedlings and providing care for it before planting in a permanent place of "residence".

For repeated, more radical steaming, a grate with frozen and still wrapped soil is hung over a bucket of water put on fire. This procedure takes at least one and a half hours. After the contents of the bag have completely cooled down, you can start using it.

This simple process is almost similar to sowing the seeds of many crops. For planting, a container with holes at the bottom is prepared in advance, where a drainage layer of fine gravel or river sand is laid. After that, the soil is placed in a container, slightly moistened, seeds are sown in rows. They are deepened into the ground by no more than 1 cm. The distance between them in the row-spacing should be 15-20 cm.

The entire planting is lightly sprinkled with sand, sprayed with water at room temperature and placed under a film or any non-woven material. The optimal period for this is March-April in the evening.

Sowing clove seeds for seedlings: video

Successful cultivation of Turkish carnation seedlings involves the following sequence of work:

  • Place a container with future seedlings in a semi-shady warm place (up to + 18 ° C).
  • Moderate watering.
  • Moving the container to a brighter and cooler place (up to +12 ° C) when the first shoots appear after 10-14 days. If necessary, until mid-March, additional uniform lighting should be provided.
  • Dive when the first pair of true leaves appear in separate containers. If growing seedlings in a container continues, then the distance between seedlings should be at least 7 cm, and between rows - 15 cm. This is done about 20 days after planting the seeds in dim light, on a cloudy day or in the evening. After picking, the seedlings are covered again with the same materials as when planting seeds.
  • Pinching at the point of growth of seedlings in the presence of 5 "adult" leaves.
  • Hardening of seedlings from mid-April (periodic placement in the fresh air in the absence of frost and drafts).
  • Planting strengthened seedlings from the end of May on beds with a distance of up to 30 cm from each other.

It is interesting to know that seeds that can tolerate winter well can be planted even in winter. The plants grown at this time are stored in separate pots, and in the spring they are transplanted into open ground at the right time.

For transplantation, sunny or shaded areas with fertile soil are selected. Super sandy or loamy soil is fertilized with rotted humus, compost, ash, etc. This is done on the eve of digging to a depth of about 20 cm a couple of weeks before the seedlings are “relocated”. After that, it is loosened, leveled, watered and covered with a dense plastic wrap 14 days prior to planting.

There is a classic for Turkish carnation planting pattern between plants and rows: 20x35. It allows the bushes to take root in the first year of life even before the cold weather, and after the onset of heat, to grow evenly and luxuriantly. Neglect of this scheme can provoke the death of plants and not see them bloom in the second year of life.

In order to admire this beauty, it is also very important to properly care for the plant during summer development, wintering and in the second year of its life.

To achieve the desired results, it is important to follow several rules of agricultural technology for Turkish cloves, namely:

  • Watering carried out no more than 2 times a week. After all, carnations of all kinds do not tolerate waterlogging, stagnant water. During a drought, however, you should increase the frequency of moisture, checking the condition of the soil. Watering is done not from above, but only under the root. When moisture gets on the leaves, the inflorescences can fade in the sun, irrevocably wither.
  • loosening should be regular after each wetting to avoid the formation of a crust, cracking of the earth
  • Weeding and weeding important for full development young plants. They are carried out both during loosening, and in the intervals between them when unnecessary vegetation is found. This is especially true during the initial growth of the bushes. As they grow, the carnation, creating its dense carpet on the soil, will be able to restrain the development of weeds.
  • top dressing held 3 times per season. The first in the form of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is necessary in the spring for the active growth of young shoots. The second with the help of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is needed during budding. The last top dressing is required at the end of flowering.

Growing Turkish cloves: video

Despite its unpretentiousness, Turkish cloves, like others horticultural crops, exposed to unwanted external pests and inhabitants of the soil.

From early spring, a young flower is at risk of becoming prey to rodents, and in summer it may suffer from root-knot nematodes. In the latter case, the lesion is accompanied by fading, deformation of the leaves, and stunting of the entire plant. This problem is eliminated by destroying the affected bushes, disinfecting the earth.

Untimely fight against fusarium leads to the defeat of the carnation, starting with the withering and death of the stems, up to its complete destruction. This disease, which can be caused by fresh manure, cannot be cured. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to disinfect the soil three times a season with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The formation of yellow pads on the shoots, leaves indicates a fungal disease - rust. Soil treatment with lime or hominium solutions helps to cure it.

For insect control spider mite, gorakovy elephant, aphids), which gnaw through the leaves and suck the juices from the stems, use folk remedies. To process the plant, infusions of onion peel, potato tops with the addition of liquid soap are often used.

Variety of flowers with stems different heights allows you to "play" with these features when creating landscape design. Undersized Turkish carnation is widely used in the design of bright spectacular borders, alpine slides, sidewalks, garden paths. Decorate with tall flowers retaining walls. Variegated flowers with single-color scarlet geraniums bring variety to landscape compositions.

Variations of the combination of a low divine carnation with other colors are also interesting. For example, its bright pink, red tones look elegant together with graceful gypsophila, prickly cleoma, girlish feverfew. And the light colors of undersized carnations are in harmony with sage, Carpathian bell, Damascus nigella.

Diverse in color, tall varieties seem to set off the tenderness of escholzia, scarlet lychnis, lupine.

flower arrangements Turkish carnations of different sizes look very impressive surrounded by other hydrangeas, nasturtiums, and marigolds rich in inflorescences and colors. However, the neighborhood with dahlias, gladioli, tulips is less suitable for this beauty.

However, the use of Turkish carnations in the design of living space can only be limited by your imagination. And comprehending the basics of its cultivation will help to feel the taste for this creativity.

For many centuries, carnation has been very popular with flower growers in various countries. It attracts not only beautiful appearance, but also the smell: during flowering, an aroma emanates from the culture, reminiscent of the one that thins the buds of the clove tree, which are used in cooking as a spice. This explains the name of this plant.

The origin of the name carnation is quite interesting: in Greek it means "divine flower" or "flower of Zeus". Therefore, the desire of many flower lovers to plant a carnation in their flower garden is quite understandable. However, the success of this event largely depends on the grower's awareness of the rules for growing, caring for and propagating this crop in the open field.

Description of Turkish clove

This plant can often be seen in flower beds. It was able to attract attention back in the 16th century, when it interested flower growers with its bright flowering hats. To date, many varieties of cloves have been bred, which are rich in colors.

If desired, you can find plain white and different shades of red hybrids. Many sophisticated flower growers grow two- and three-color plants, the petals of which are decorated with original patterns. Moreover, this feature gives them a special appeal and originality, because such patterns can be very diverse, looking like a border, peephole and intricate figures. Carnation petals look no less original. In stores you can buy varieties with five petals, as well as hybrids with double flowers. The first carnation flowers bloom in the first weeks of summer and delight for a month.

To achieve the most beautiful flowering of Turkish carnation, you need to choose the right site for planting, where should be fertile soil. Well-lit areas are a suitable place for growing, although it will not be a mistake to plant it in partial shade. In the absence of other options, Turkish cloves can be grown on sandy and loamy soils, but first you will have to fertilize them. The soil is fertilized immediately before planting, using compost or humus, ash, mineral fertilizers.

When digging a site for planting a Turkish carnation, it is enough to penetrate 25-30 cm deep. After that, the bed must be leveled and watered, if necessary. Then a dense fabric is laid over the beds and left in this state for two weeks. Next, you can start planting flowers.

Sow the seeds of Turkish cloves need in furrows up to 1.5 cm deep. Furrows should be made no closer than 15 cm from each other. After sowing, the furrows need to be watered and sprinkled on top with a layer of soil. Next, the earth needs to be lightly tamped. Additional watering is not required, you can limit yourself to a shelter made of dense fabric, which is kept until the first shoots appear.

You can sow clove seeds in spring or autumn. Moreover, in each case, the sowing of seeds is carried out according to the same scheme.

Turkish clove care

Let us recall once again that it is recommended to grow cloves in well-lit areas where there is fertile soil. However, this plant can easily die from the winter cold. First of all, it is dangerous for young plants. In addition, a serious danger to Turkish cloves is waterlogging and stagnant water.

Plants experience the greatest stress in early spring, since temperature fluctuations are often observed at this time of the year, since during the daytime temperatures can reach summer levels, and frosts often occur at night. To protect the carnation during this period, it is necessary to use a shelter made of spruce branches. The need for it disappears at the moment when the last wave of frosts has passed.

At the end of flowering, it is necessary to prune the stems and fertilize the soil. Such events trigger the formation of new shoots, which will allow wait for secondary bloom cloves, but this happens only in certain varieties. If you strictly follow the rules for growing Turkish cloves, then it will be able to delight with its bright buds for 6 years. Neglecting the rules for care can lead to the fact that after three years, and possibly even earlier, you will have to look for a replacement for her.

So that the plant does not feel the need for moisture, watering should be carried out at least 1-2 times a week. In dry years, the amount of watering is increased. It is necessary to water the carnation on the ground, avoiding drops of water on the flower. Otherwise, it will result in burns.

Fertilizer and top dressing Turkish cloves

Growing from Turkish clove seeds involves regular feeding.

  • for the first time, fertilizers are applied at the moment when the plant reaches a height of 10 cm. For these purposes, a special solution is used, for the preparation of which it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of warm water. l. nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. l. "Agricola Forward";
  • in the phase of bud formation, a second top dressing is carried out. As a fertilizer, a solution is used, for the preparation of which it is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate;
  • the third time fertilizers are applied at the flowering stage of the carnation. For this, the following solution is prepared: you need to take 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer "Agricola for flowering plants" and diluted in 10 liters of water.

Plant propagation

The main methods of propagation of this perennial plant is sowing seeds and using cuttings. In the latter case, the event can be successfully completed provided that a certain procedure is followed exactly:

You can get new Turkish carnation bushes cutting method. To do this, choose shoots on which inflorescences did not have time to form in the current season.

You can also plant bushes that have grown in open ground as a result of self-seeding. In this case, it will not be necessary to hold special events, since it will be enough to choose a suitable place. But you need to keep in mind that self-sowing carnation seedlings usually do not retain the properties of the mother plant.

Diseases and pests of Turkish cloves

Want Turkish cloves and have such a useful quality as disease resistance, some varieties can be affected by diseases spread by sucking insects. This risk is highest in the southern regions of the cultivation of this plant. The first signs of infection of this perennial plant are slow growth, the presence of mosaic color on the leaves, as well as their subsequent deformation. They fight these diseases by completely destroying infected bushes, which must be done in order to avoid the spread of the disease to neighboring bushes.


Certain types of garden carnations can also be affected by heterosporiosis. Fungi cause this disease, as a result, small gray spots can be seen on the leaves and stems. In some cases, a red border may be present. Gradually, the spots acquire a lighter color, begin to merge.

Where clusters of spots, the flowers begin to thin, over time the leaves turn yellow and die. Given the high survivability of the fungus, even after the complete death of the plant, it is necessary to remove all residues, then spray neighboring bushes with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

Spider mites and aphids

When grown outdoors from seeds, carnations can be attacked by pests such as spider mites and aphids.

  • for its preparation, you will need 1 kg of potato tops, which must be poured with 10 liters of water;
  • then the mixture is infused for 1.5 days;
  • before direct use in the tincture you need to add one tablespoon of liquid soap.

Carnation in combination with other plants

When growing carnations in flower beds, other ornamental plants can be added to it. However, it is best to choose as neighbors sun-loving perennials. Turkish carnation will feel good together with Alpine aster, Carpathian bell and rudbeckia. What unites these perennials is that they have the same soil requirements, watering and lighting.


Growing a carnation is not a problem, because for last years specialists were able to accumulate a lot of knowledge about the features of its cultivation and care in the open field. And despite the fact that she does not deliver special trouble gardener, still need to consider certain rules and follow them. First of all, you need to prepare a suitable place for planting, because carnation grows well only on fertile soil.

Place for cloves should be well lit, and after planting, it is necessary to provide it with regular watering. In the process of growth, you need to constantly monitor the state of the carnation, because at the most unexpected moment it can be attacked by pests. Therefore, it is important here to quickly notice the changes and immediately begin to carry out the necessary measures.

  1. Properly selected conditions will help them reproduce by self-seeding.
  2. They are cold hardy.
  3. strong seedlings and nice flowers from seeds can be grown not only in open ground, but also in balcony flowerpots.
  4. Unpretentious.
  5. Virtually no need for moisture.
  6. Undemanding.

Reproduction by seeds

Soil preparation is a crucial moment on which the rate of emergence of sprouts depends. It is necessary to take care of the land for seeds about a week or a half before sowing, for which it must be dug up and covered with plastic wrap. After a day, you can remove the polyethylene and start sowing seeds.

The optimal time for planting is chosen depending on the climatic features of your region - it can be the last month of spring or the first days of summer. It is better to choose a non-hot day for this business, but if one is not expected during the specified period, then sow the seeds in the morning or evening. Growing Turkish cloves from seeds should be carried out in partial shade, especially if it will grow constantly in this place.

Landing features

There are several rules for planting Turkish carnations, which should be followed in order to obtain high-quality seedlings and magnificent plants in the future. Here they are:

  • between two adjacent bushes should be at least 3 cm;
  • between rows of at least 15 cm;
  • planting depth - 1 cm.

Before planting seeds in the soil, it should be slightly moistened with warm water. It can be water at room temperature. When the seeds are in the ground, cover it all with any non-woven material that can be purchased at any specialized store. After waiting only 10 days, you can see the first shoots, which are reflected in the photo of the Turkish carnation.

You can dive seedlings on the 20th day after planting the seeds. When leaving some sprouts in a container, do not forget about the recommended distance between them, equal to 6-7 cm. For transplanting seedlings, it is best to choose the evening when the sun is not so warm, or on a cloudy day. After picking, we cover all the seedlings again with non-woven material.

In the first year, the Turkish carnation only throws out leaves, so you should not torment yourself or look for errors in the planting process. Flowers on the plant will appear only in the second season. Around the middle of August, the seedlings should be transplanted to “their” place, that is, where it will grow constantly, leaving 15 cm between neighboring bushes. If you cannot transplant the plant at the recommended time, then you can postpone this business until the beginning of autumn.

Growing seedlings

Turkish cloves can be grown at home on a window, and no special conditions are required. Prepared land (the process is described above) must be treated with diluted potassium permanganate.

Planting seeds is best done in March, but if difficulties arise, it can be transferred to the first days of April. The flower will not particularly suffer from these manipulations, and the cultivation of Turkish carnations from seeds will proceed without any changes.


Growing any plant requires regular watering, and our beauty is no exception. In dry weather, water should be brought to the plant at least 2 times a week. You also need to know how to water a flower. Irrigation features can be seen in the photo of Turkish cloves. Do not forget that only the root system needs moisture, but it will only harm the leaves and inflorescences, attracting all kinds of diseases.

With heavy rains, the soil becomes excessively moist, which contributes to the appearance of putrefactive processes. It is worth examining not only the root system, but also the vegetative part. Water may remain in the rosettes of leaves, and a dangerous disease can appear from it - root rot.

Timely treatment of the plant with special preparations and regular loosening of the soil will help prevent the appearance of root rot and other diseases. If you have chosen chemicals to fight diseases, then you should carefully read the enclosed instructions, since it is in it that the manufacturer indicates the optimal amount of additional substances and the recommended amount of solution per square meter. m. area.

top dressing

If the soil in your area is not too rich in minerals, you should help the plant by feeding it with an organic solution or special fertilizers. You should start no earlier than the Turkish carnation grows by 10 cm.

The process of fertilizing has its own characteristics, which we will discuss further. The first recharge should be in the spring, because at this time the Turkish carnations, planting and caring for which took so long, are only gaining strength after a long rest.

The next dose of fertilizer will be needed by the plant during the setting of flower buds, because at this time additional forces will not interfere with the flower. The last time the Turkish carnation is fed during the flowering period. To feed the soil, you can use superphosphate, potassium sulfate or special fertilizers from stores.

Preparing for winter

Turkish cloves are cold hardy, but not worth the risk. Cover the plant with spruce branches to protect it from frost. For the same purposes, you can take any moisture-permeable fabric.

In regions with severe winters, care should be taken to additionally protect the Turkish carnation by covering the root system with peat, which should be covered with a layer of at least 10 cm. With the arrival of spring and heat, do not rush to remove the protective layer, because under it the plant is still “sleeping”, and a sharp change temperatures can harm it.

Since ancient times, carnation has been a favorite of flower growers in many countries. The smell of a flowering culture is similar to the aroma of the buds of a clove tree - a well-known spice. Hence the name of this flower. But from the Greek language, the name of the plant is translated as "divine flower" or "flower of Zeus."

If you decide to plant a carnation in your flower garden, then you need to know some rules for growing, caring for and propagating this flower in the open field. Numerous photos of these wonderful plants will help you choose a variety.

Medium-sized, but catchy Turkish carnation flowers will look great in any flower bed.

Description of Turkish clove

Turkish cloves are one of the most common types of flower-grown crops. She fell in love with gardeners back in the 16th century for her bright flowering hats. it ornamental plant comes in different shades. There are both monochromatic white and various shades of red, and two- and even three-color with various patterns on the petals of medium-sized (1–1.5 cm in diameter) flowers. The designs range from petal borders to eyes and intricate shapes. Yes, and the petals of the carnation themselves are very diverse. There are also five-petal varieties, and varieties with double flowers. Carnations bloom from the beginning of summer for a month.

Planting a carnation

The most beautiful Turkish carnation grows on fertile soil. It blooms well in open sunny areas, but will grow in partial shade. If fertilizers are added to sandy and loamy soils, then they are quite suitable for Turkish cloves. Before planting, compost or humus, ash, mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil when digging.

It is not necessary to dig the future bed too deeply, 25-30 cm is enough. Then the bed is leveled and moistened if the soil is dry. The prepared area is covered with a dense cloth for two weeks. When the time has passed, you can start planting flowers.

If the soil is fertile enough - the flowering of the carnation will be long and lush.

Seeds are sown in furrows up to 1.5 cm deep. Between the furrows, the gaps must be at least 15 cm. Seeds are sown in the furrows, watered and sprinkled with earth. The soil needs to be lightly compacted. Watering is no longer needed, you just need to cover the bed with a thick cloth until the first shoots.

You can plant carnations both in spring and autumn. It is performed using the same technology.

Attention. During autumn planting, both seeds and furrows should be dry.

Turkish clove care

As already noted, carnations feel best in sunny areas in fertile soils. These flowers are very sensitive to winter temperature fluctuations. This is especially true for young plants. Turkish cloves do not tolerate waterlogging and stagnant water.

Plants are most at risk in early spring, when temperature fluctuations are especially great, because during the day the plants heat up in the sun, and it freezes at night. So that the plants do not die during this period, non-frost-resistant varieties should be covered with spruce branches. You can remove the shelter only when the likelihood of returning frosts disappears.

Protect Turkish Cloves from Frost

When the carnation fades, the stems must be cut and fertilized in the soil. Thus, in a month the plant will already grow new stems, and some varieties will bloom again. Turkish carnation, which is cultivated according to all the rules, lives up to six years, while poor conditions reduce its residence time in the flower garden to three years.

Carnations need to be watered once or twice a week. And if the summer is dry, then the amount of watering needs to be increased. Water the plant on the ground, because if drops of water fall on the flower, it can burn out in the sun.

Attention. Carnation does not tolerate waterlogging.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Turkish carnation, planting and caring for which were described above, also needs to be fed. When growing cloves in open ground, the first feeding of the plant is done when it has reached a height of 10 cm. 1 tbsp is used as a fertilizer. l. nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. l. "Agricola Forward", diluted in 10 liters of warm water.

Feed the crop several times per season

When your flowers began to acquire buds, you need to carry out a second top dressing. This time you need to use 1 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate, also diluted in 10 liters of water.

The third top dressing is applied directly during the flowering period of the carnation for 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. l. fertilizer "Agricola for flowering plants".

Attention. Feeding consumption should be 10 liters per 5 square meters. m.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of Turkish cloves is most often carried out by seeds or layering. In order to propagate cloves by layering, you need to follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • in July or August, the shoots must be tilted to the ground, fixed and sprinkled with soil;
  • tie the stem to the peg, keeping it upright;
  • take care of the shoots that will appear in a few weeks;
  • in autumn, new shoots must be cut off and planted in open ground.

Turkish Clove Seeds

Another way to propagate Turkish cloves is cuttings. To do this, I most often use shoots that have not formed inflorescences this year.

You can also use as seedlings bushes that have grown in open ground as a result of self-seeding of cloves. They just need to be transplanted to the place you need. However, it is worth remembering that self-sowing often loses the distinctive features of varieties.

Diseases and pests of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation is a disease-resistant plant, but occasionally, mainly in the southern regions, it can get sick viral disease which is spread by sucking insects. It manifests itself in the inhibition of flower growth, the appearance of a mosaic color on the leaves with their subsequent deformation. In this case, the diseased plant must be immediately destroyed, preventing infection of other bushes.

spider mite

Also occasionally found in Turkish carnation heterosporiosis. This fungal disease appears on the leaves and stems as small gray spots. Sometimes the spots have a red border. Subsequently, the spots brighten and merge with each other. In this case, the flower becomes fragile in the place of accumulation of spots, the leaves turn yellow and die. The fungus lives on the plant even after it has died, therefore, in case of infection, all remnants of the diseased flower must be carefully removed, and the plants surrounding it must be treated with Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

Of the pests, Turkish cloves planted in open ground can be attacked spider mites and aphids.

Turkish carnation in a flower bed

The simplest and most reliable means of confronting these pests is considered to be tincture of potato tops. To do this, for 10 liters of water, you need 1 kg of potato tops, infused for a day and a half. Before spraying in the tincture, add 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap.

Advice. Spray cloves in cool mornings or evenings.

Turkish carnation in combination with other plants

In flower beds, carnations are recommended to be planted with the same perennial sunflowers. For example, Turkish carnations will perfectly combine with Alpine aster, Carpathian bell and rudbeckia. All of these perennial flowers have the same soil, watering requirements and thrive in open sunny areas.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

In landscape design, Turkish carnation is used quite often. A big role in this is played by the ease of care for this flower, combined with its incredible beauty. Carnations are used to create spectacular borders. Can carnations in landscape design and play the role of a lawn and serve as ground cover plants. Bright hats between pavement tiles, framed by steps, and decorating retaining walls will look great.

Turkish carnation in landscape design

This flower is often used to decorate alpine slides. Except colorful flower beds you can diversify landscape design and original monophonic duets, for example, in a combination of red varieties of carnations with blood-red geraniums.

In addition, this flower can be planted in pots and decorate terraces and rooms with small flower beds.

This flower also looks great in cut flowers in bouquets, both as a solo plant and in combination with other flowers.

It all depends on your imagination. And if you lack inspiration - look at the photos with these beautiful flowers, perhaps they will help determine the best place for carnations in the flower garden.

Turkish carnation is one of the most unpretentious care garden flower, which pleases with its bright rich beauty any, even the most capricious grower.

Turkish carnation care: video

Turkish carnation: photo

Carnation Turkish or bearded - beautiful flower with a rich, pleasant aroma. The Greek word Dianthus, from which the carnation genus derives its name, means "divine flower". It has about 300 species of herbaceous annual and perennial plants and, in addition, an infinite number of valuable varieties and hybrids. decorative flowers, common both for the bright beauty of fragrant inflorescences, and for the ease of breeding.

Since ancient times, the carnation has been associated with victory in bloody battles. In America, she is considered a symbol of motherly love. According to Christian legend, during the execution of Jesus Christ, where the tears of the Virgin Mary fell, these unusual flowers appeared.

Turkish carnation is now extremely valued among gardeners for its lush, long-lasting, abundant flowering, a varied palette of colors, unpretentiousness, a subtle charming smell.

Description of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus) is a perennial plant, but is used as a biennial due to the fact that many specimens disappear in the third year of growth. Another name for this carnation is bearded - each flower has bracts. The English call it Sweet William, they eat the flowers. Growing in the foothills of southern Europe and Asia, the Turkish carnation was cultivated by man many centuries ago and spread to many countries as a garden flower. The herbaceous plant consists of a knotty stem, hay-green linear leaves and many flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences.

In the first year of life, a rosette of leaves is formed, in the second year the plant blooms and forms seeds. The flower consists of 5 petals and a long nail. The petals have a horizontal plate of white, pink or lavender. On one plant, several inflorescences with 30 flowers each can bloom at the same time - the flower itself looks like a fluffy bouquet. The fruit of the clove is an oblong capsule with one nest containing black seeds.

Cultivated and garden forms surpass their wild relatives in decorativeness and diversity. Various colors and various shape flowers - terry and simple - is amazing. There are monochromatic flowers, variegated, two-color, with a border, with strokes, evoking association with Turkish ornaments. The color ranges from white to crimson and dark cherry, with new varieties appearing every year with new colors.
There are tall varieties up to 90 cm and short ones - below 35 cm.

Conditions for growing garden perennial carnations

  • Turkish cloves are planted in slightly fertilized soil or in soil consisting of a mixture of humus, decaying leaves and fine sand, taken equally.
  • The best results can be obtained if the plants are placed in an open sunny position, watered regularly, without overdoing it.
  • Cloves tolerate short-term lack of moisture well.
  • In the period from April to June, once a week, add a liquid complex fertilizer to the water for irrigation - Turkish cloves are very responsive to top dressing.

Faded flower stalks are pruned to cause a second wave of flowering.

Planting Turkish cloves in open ground with seeds

Turkish clove seeds photo

When to plant Turkish clove seeds? These are completely unpretentious flowers, not afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, you can safely sow the beauty directly into the ground at the first opportunity to go “into the field”: when the earth is ripe, since the end of April.

  • Prepare shallow furrows, because the seeds are very small and should not be buried too deep. 1 cm is enough.
  • Leave the distance between adjacent rows sufficient, do not spare space: you need at least 15-20 cm so that the bushes do not clog each other.
  • In a row, 15 cm is also left between plants, simply breaking through extra seedlings. You can leave 5-7 cm between seedlings and when they reach a height of 8-10 cm, simply transplant extra copies to another place.

Seeds germinate for a long time, so do not worry: friendly shoots will definitely appear, after which do not forget to break through them so that there is no strong thickening. Turkish carnation is bred with seeds without any problems even with the onset of summer, the bushes quite manage to take shape in order to winter well and delight with bright flowering next year.

When sown in early June on a seedling bed, the seeds, as rarely as possible, are laid out along the grooves spilled with water, lightly sprinkled with earth. After the emergence of seedlings, care consists in timely watering and weeding from weeds. Well-developed rosettes form at the end of summer.

They can be transplanted to another place with a distance of 15-25 cm from each other. If you intend to leave the seedlings where they grew, then you should thin them out to the required interval, transplanting the extra ones to another place.

If young plants have released flower stalks, then it is better to remove them. so that the bushes are well rooted and do not leave weakened before winter. Next year, already with the onset of summer, Turkish carnation will delight you with lush and abundant flowering.

There is another option for sowing Turkish cloves - dry seeds before winter. Seeds are sown before the onset of stable cold weather directly on the bed without watering. Shoots will appear with the onset of spring - such plants will bloom a little later.

Sowing in protected ground, in a greenhouse

Turkish carnation seedlings photo Planting Turkish carnation seedlings

  • Choose a well-lit place for seed germination, maintaining the temperature there at least 13 degrees.
  • To accelerate growth, cover the bed with glass or film.
  • Sprouts appear together, about 2-3 weeks after sowing.
  • When the seedlings grow up, do not forget to thin them out or plant them in another bed.
  • Before transferring the seedlings to the garden, feed them with nitrogen fertilizer - it is used as an anti-stress drug.
  • Carnations can be planted in a flower bed at a distance of 25 cm from each other when the weather is warm.

If you grow seedlings and thus prolong the growing season, you can not cut the flowers, and enjoy flowering this year.

Turkish carnation from seeds at home Sowing for seedlings

Turkish carnation growing from seed when to plant photo

Bearded carnations are sown for seedlings with the onset of February in special soil.

  • The seeds are small, but it is quite possible to spend a little more time and plant a seed in a separate cup. So you save yourself from the picking procedure.
  • Deepen not much, by 0.5-1 cm.
  • Watering needs moderate, be sure to have a drainage hole in the container to prevent stagnant water.
  • Seedlings are placed on a sunny windowsill, where caring for it comes down to watering every two to three days.
  • Shortly before planting, the seedlings are hardened by placing them outside in a place without strong drafts - first for an hour or two, gradually increasing the time to a full day.
  • Seedlings can be planted from the end of April, but only when the threat of night frost has passed.

How the picking of Turkish cloves is made, the video will tell:

If you have sown the seeds in a common container quite thickly, you should make a pick. Plants are transplanted into separate containers, while trying to damage the roots as little as possible.

Reproduction by layering

The variety you like can be propagated by layering:

  • To do this, take the stem, press it to the ground, pinning it with a v-shaped wire at the top.
  • The peduncle should be removed.
  • The stem is sprinkled with moist soil.
  • After a month, rooting will occur, layering can be planted in a permanent place.
  • Such reproduction completely copies the mother variety.

Reproduction by cuttings

They are cut from a stem taken from a plant of the second year of life, planted in loose, moist soil, creating a light shade. After about 3 weeks, the seedlings will begin to grow - this can be determined by the appearance of new leaves. They are transplanted in August. They will bloom next year. If you carry out this operation in a greenhouse or greenhouse, then the cuttings will take root much faster. This method is used if you want to keep your favorite variety.

Turkish carnation is capable of self-seeding. Of course, there will be much fewer plants, but they will still delight you with magnificent flowering.

Diseases and pests

Carnation garden Turkish planting and care photo

These flowers love sunny places, they need to be watered periodically, it is good to loosen the soil after each watering, which will prevent the appearance of root rot.

Against thrips and green aphids, which cause the appearance of white dots on the petals, use the appropriate insecticide.
When watering and fertilizing, try not to get liquid on the flowers.

The variety of varieties and the extraordinary unpretentiousness of the Turkish carnation can satisfy the desires of any grower. Low-growing varieties look great in rock gardens or rockeries, decorate an inconspicuous garden area as a ground cover plant, planted in pots or containers will fill a balcony or veranda with aroma and colors.

Tall forms planted on lawns among shrubs fit perfectly in natural style gardens. Fragrant picturesque flowers attract butterflies, bees, birds. Cut flowers last about two weeks in a vase. This unusual flower will decorate any site.

04 03 2017 Olya No comments yet

Carnation has been a favorite of many peoples of Europe for many centuries. There are many species, among which Turkish cloves can be distinguished, the inflorescences of which are simple or terry. Perennial Turkish garden carnation, planting and care, photos - today we'll talk about this in more detail.

A bit of history

AT ancient greece and in Rome, the carnation was a symbol of victory, but in America it is customary to give it on Mother's Day, and in Russia during the Great Revolution, it was a symbol of the common people. Often in old films one could observe village boys who attached a carnation bud to their headdress.

See also how to make a bright sun in your garden: gaillardia, planting and care, how to grow in a garden.

It attracts with its original inflorescence, color scheme, it can be two or three colors, with an intricate pattern and a border of unique beauty. Small flowers are collected in one bush. During flowering, an amazing aroma emanates from the flower, reminiscent of the smell of a clove tree. In all likelihood, this is where its name comes from. Its height is from 15 to 80 cm, dense inflorescences can have up to 30 flowers. The peculiarity of this species lies in the combination of different shades in one inflorescence. The colors are very diverse, from the most delicate white and pink prudes, to red and burgundy bright beauties. Turkish or bearded carnation is unpretentious, but still some knowledge of how to care for it is necessary.

Reproduction of perennial garden carnation

Turkish carnation can grow both in sunny areas and in partial shade. It grows on fertile land, but if fertilizers are applied to loamy soil, it will also grow beautifully and delight you with its beauty and aroma. It is also unique in that it can be planted in different time and by any means.

They plant it in even rows with an interval of 15 cm. As the carnation grows, it comes out of the ground, so weeding is carried out. The wells must be watered before sowing.

Reproduction by layering

A very popular and not complicated method of propagation by layering. To do this, one shoot is pressed to the ground, fixed (you can with a pin) and sprinkled with earth. The stem must be kept in a vertical position, for this they use a small wooden post driven in side by side, and fix it for it. After a couple of weeks, in the place where the layers were bent and sprinkled with earth, roots will appear, and later new shoots and leaves. In autumn, the baby is separated from the mother's bush and transplanted to another place.

Planting seeds in spring

Seeds of garden perennial cloves are planted directly in open ground in late May, early June, having prepared the soil in advance. The earth is shallowly dug up, 20-25 cm is enough, leveled and watered. Then the beds or plot are covered with a cloth or plastic wrap for two weeks. Small grooves (1-1.5 cm) are made, which are placed after 20 cm. Sow the seeds, lightly slap the ground and cover, after spilling warm water. If the land is not fertile, then before planting seeds, it is necessary to apply mineral fertilizers, compost or ash. The first year will give only juicy bright greens, but in the second year it will delight you with its flowers.

Planting carnation seeds in autumn

Dry seeds can be sown in dry soil in autumn. it hardy plant, but it is more reliable to mulch the soil, a small layer of humus is best. The seed will successfully overwinter the winter, in the spring it will give the first shoots and in the summer it will delight you with flowering.

seedling method

At the end of March, the seeds are sown in fertile soil, in special containers for seedlings. Seeds are stuck into the soil to a depth of one centimeter, at a distance of 2-3 cm. Watered with settled warm water and covered. After 10-12 days, the first shoots will appear, the temperature is maintained at 18-20 degrees, but before transplanting it is lowered to harden the seedlings. They are transplanted at the end of spring, the soil, both for planting seedlings and for sowing seeds, must be dry, water the soil after planting.

See also: garden hibiscus, care - how to grow, how to save for the winter.

Watering Turkish cloves

Carnation does not like excessive moisture and is watered 2-3 times a week, with the exception of dry summer days. Try to water as low as possible to the roots, so as not to pour over the flowering plant. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water and waterlogging.

top dressing

The first dressing is usually carried out in the spring. The plant needs to be helped to get stronger, especially if the soil is not very fertile. During planting, mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil, boron or zinc is added. The second top dressing is carried out during flowering and subsequent after pruning of faded buds. Perfect for this "Agricola". Superphosphate and potassium sulfate are also used, diluted in five liters of water in half a tablespoon.

Winterizing Perennial Carnations

Carnation is a frost-resistant plant, but it is still necessary to take care of protection, especially when it comes to northern regions. It is best to use peat, which is covered root system, you can also use a moisture-permeable fabric, cover with spruce branches. In the spring, there is no need to rush to immediately open the carnation, you need to wait until a stable temperature is established so that sharp night and day temperature drops do not destroy it.

Diseases and protection against them

  • Turkish cloves are exposed to diseases and pests. The most common enemy is aphids and spider mites. Many gardeners spray bushes with infusion of potato tops.
  • In the event of stagnant water, rotting of the roots and sockets may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to loosen the soil more often, remove damaged and diseased shoots.
  • During the inception of the bud, caterpillars can often attack the carnation. They usually appear in the evening, then they are collected by hand or sprayed on the plant.
  • To protect the clove bushes from diseases, it is recommended to water the soil with a solution of manganese two to three times a month.
  • Heavily damaged plants are best removed and burned to prevent the disease from spreading throughout the garden.
  • Mice also do not remain indifferent to our beauty, so it is necessary to arrange mousetraps or sprinkle poison near the bushes.
  • AT winter period it is necessary to trample the ground around the bushes, especially during the thaw.
    Yellow spots-pads are formed on the leaves and shoots - this is rust, a fungal disease. To avoid this unpleasant disease, the soil is treated with lime.
  • The gorak elephant gnaws holes in the leaves, onion peel will help fight it. Two large handfuls of husks are steamed with boiling water and infused for several days.

Rules for the care of Turkish cloves

In autumn, when the carnation fades, cut off the heads, shorten the stems
- weeding
- loosening the soil
- watering
- top dressing

If you properly care for the perennial Turkish carnation, it will grow for more than 6 years and delight you with its flowering. Due to its unpretentiousness, it can be planted in any corner of the garden, you can grow undersized carnations in pots in the apartment, which will create comfort and decorate your home with bright tones of small inflorescences.

Today I want to tell you about another beautiful, but not at all whimsical plant. The plant is a Turkish carnation and in this article you will learn how to plant, what kind of care this wonderful flower needs. After reading the article, you will understand that there is nothing complicated here. Once again, the plant is unpretentious, but still you need to know some features.

Probably, before writing about how planting and care are carried out, a few words need to be said about the varieties of Turkish cloves. There are a lot of varieties, but I will write a few lines only about a few.

The first grade is a mixture of colors. The variety is distinguished by its resistance to cold and frost. This variety of Turkish carnation prefers sunny places, although it can tolerate light partial shade. As for the soil, for abundant flowering, you need to take care of its fertility. In the first year of planting, the Turkish carnation of the “Mix of Colors” variety produces basal leaves by autumn, which give abundant flowering the next year. As the name "mixture of colors" implies, flowers have different colors.

Turkish carnation planting, growing and care

The Turkish carnation of the Heimatland variety is distinguished by beautiful, dark red and large flowers. The peak of flowering is in May-June.

No less beautiful and large flowers have a Turkish carnation of the Lahskenigin variety. Only the color of the flowers is salmon-pink.

Lovers of white flowers can purchase the Schnebbel variety.

Turkish carnation planting and care

Before you start planting a Turkish carnation, you need to take care of the place where the carnation will grow. Like all beautiful flowering plants, turkish carnation loves when sunlight a lot, and it is desirable to grow it in soil rich in nutrients. If the soil is rich in various nutrients, then the plant will delight you with abundant flowering, which will not be on poor soils. It's okay if the carnation will grow in light partial shade.

Before you start planting cloves, you need to prepare the site: dig and apply the necessary fertilizers, such as humus or compost, and some more wood ash and mineral fertilizers. Of the mineral fertilizers, it is better to choose for flowering plants; along with them, potassium sulfate and nitrophoska are added to the soil. How much fertilizer should be applied to the soil, the instructions will tell.

Turkish carnation planting, growing and care

The soil for planting Turkish cloves is dug up to a depth of 25 cm. Then, it is leveled with a rake, and if the soil is dry, then it must be moistened. Prepared beds are covered with oilcloth, or any other covering material. Two weeks after the land is prepared, you can start planting Turkish carnation seeds.

When to plant Turkish cloves

The Turkish carnation is considered a biennial plant and is mostly planted in June or July. You can plant seeds before winter around the end of October. During the autumn planting, the seeds of Turkish cloves can neither be watered nor soaked, as they say, a dry planting is carried out.

Before planting seeds, grooves are made in the garden with a depth of 1 cm. The grooves are made at a distance of 15 cm from each other. When planting seeds in the summer, water is poured into the grooves, then the seeds are sown and covered with earth, lightly tamping it down. Plantings no longer need to be watered until shoots appear.

Carnation Turkish cultivation and care

When growing Turkish cloves, care is mainly weeding, watering, loosening the soil and removing weeds. In general, the plant likes to drink a lot of water, therefore, it is recommended to water it at least once a week, if the weather is hot and dry, then watering is carried out 2 times a week.

Turkish carnation planting, growing and care

During watering, you need to try so that water does not fall on flowering plants. Despite the fact that the carnation is a real water drink, it is also not worth pouring it. With excessive moisture, the carnation is affected by root rot and the plant dies. For the same reason, you should not grow Turkish cloves in wet and low-lying places.

In the spring, when the snow has completely melted, it is advisable to cover the area with Turkish cloves with a covering material. This is necessary first of all in order to protect the seedlings from sunburn. Do not remove the covering material until the flowers start to grow.

Turkish carnation, care and feeding

Turkish carnation flowers are responsive to various top dressings. For the season you need to spend 2-3 top dressing.

The first top dressing is carried out when the plants reach a height of 10 cm. Nitrophoska and any other complex fertilizer are used for this top dressing.

The second feeding is carried out when the buds begin to form. For this top dressing, fertilizers for flowering plants are used, or potassium sulfate and superphosphate can be purchased.

Turkish carnation planting, growing and care

Well, the third top dressing is carried out when abundant flowering occurs. For the third top dressing, fertilizers for flowering plants are used.

After each watering and top dressing, it is necessary to loosen the ground around the flowers.

Turkish carnation after flowering

Caring for Turkish cloves after flowering is not at all difficult. When the plant has faded, the bushes are pruned. After pruning, planting, you need to water, remove weeds and loosen the ground.

About a month later, new sprouts appear, which in the fall can give a slight flowering.

Caring for Turkish Carnations in Autumn: Preparing for Winter.

Despite the fact that Turkish carnation is considered a frost-resistant plant, it is still better to cover it for the winter. As a covering material, you can use spruce paws, or a peat mixture. When the snow melts, the shelter should not be removed immediately. Firstly, in the spring the danger of night frosts is still great. And secondly, I already wrote above, the shelter protects young plants from burns.

Turkish carnation planting, growing and care

Wait until the plant begins to grow, during this period you can remove the covering material, but you still need to shade the young seedlings.

Despite the fact that snow protects plants from frost, in spring it can pose a threat to Turkish cloves. The plant does not tolerate excessive moisture, and during the melting of snow this is exactly what happens (waterlogging of the soil). In this case, it is better to remove the snow from the landings and make small grooves along which excess moisture will drain.

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