Adhesive for outdoor tile masonry. The best tile glue: features and selection criteria

Reservoirs 25.06.2019

Marble tile or porcelain stonewares used as outdoor decorationmay completely change exterior appearance building. Tile coating durable: does not attract dirt like plastic, it is environmentally safe and does not require special care. The main lack of tile is quite heavy weight, therefore, special binding coatings are needed for its attachment.

What to pay attention to when choosing glue, what leading manufacturers are presented in the building materials market? You will receive answers to these questions by reading the article.

Tile Glue Types

A wide selection of adhesive blends can be confused by any non-professional: several dozen producers, various forms and volumes of products. In order not to be confused in this manifold, first of all, familiarize yourself with the types of adhesive compositions.

Main types of glue:

Class with 1 (universal)

Suitable for inner and outer decoration with tiles and porcelain stoneware. It is used for laying products whose size does not exceed 300x300 mm.

Class C 2 (reinforced)

For external and internal works. Moisture-resistant, frost-resistant. The main feature is an increased force of clutch with a substrate, which allows the tile as a finish large sizes or natural stone. Withstands large dynamic and static loads.

Specialized adhesive mixtures (heat-resistant, frost and waterproof, for transparent material)

Waterproof mixes are suitable for cladding pools, car wash, bathrooms - any surfaces that are actively contacting with water. Some adhesives have been added to some adhesives, overwhelming the development of fungi and mold.

For transparent finishing material - Products from this series are recommended for gluing mosaic, marble and translucent tiles. Made from white cement, which greatly simplifies the grout process.

Frost-resistant - such adhesive mixtures are perfectly withstanding not one freezing / defrost cycle, resistant to ultraviolet and other atmospheric phenomena.

The heat-resistant compositions are ideal for facing fireplaces and furnaces.

Important! Each type of glue is represented by different manufacturers. Therefore, if you decide what kind of glue is suitable for you, pay attention to the packaging - it must be all the necessary information:

  • structure;
  • application area;
  • proportions;
  • setting time;
  • adhesion values;
  • material for the base;
  • application thickness;
  • type of tiles for work.

High-quality product manufacturers always provide full information

Famous manufacturers of frost-resistant glue for outdoor work

As an example, consider several types of adhesive mixtures of various manufacturers.

Ceresit cm 14 Extra (Universal) - glue for ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware and artificial facing stone.

Main characteristics:

  • Frost and moisture resistant, so it is possible to use for outdoor work
  • The maximum size of the facing material should not exceed the size of 45x45 cm
  • It is allowed to use in the bathrooms and even in heated floors
  • High clutch power with base
  • Easily applied and does not give a tile from horizontal surfaces.
  • For stacking porcelain stoneware indoors

Perfekta Multifix (Winter Series) - glue for porcelain stoneware, ceramic tiles and natural stone.

Main characteristics:

  • Increased resistance to low temperatures and high humidity
  • Application for complex bases: surfaces with color, old tiles, aerated concrete and other
  • High level of adhesion (0.8)

Knauf Fliesenkleber. - Dry adhesive mixture. It is used for outdoor and internal facing work with ceramic tiles and natural stone.

Main characteristics:

  • Glue is resistant to an aggressive environment: humidity, cold, heat.
  • Wide range of applications: from terraces and balconies to a warm floor.
  • Requires a special adhesive supplement KNAUF to locate a solution.
  • The level of adhesion is 0.5 MPa.
  • Increased elasticity of the mixture due to additives and fine sand.

Kreisel Schnell-Fix 106 - Fast solid glue for wall and floor tiles of any kind. Suitable for gluing ordinary tile On the wall outside the building.

Main characteristics:

  • High dried speed - wall seams can already after 3 hours
  • Clutch level with base - 0.5 MPa
  • Cerambulanits can be glued only indoors
  • After drying, it moves well and reduced temperatures
  • Not intended for laying tiles for a warm floor
  • It is well holding a tile on concrete, cement-concrete bases covered with cement-limestone plaster.

Polymin P-12 - Standard glue for tiles. It is used for laying the tile, the size of which does not exceed 300x300 mm.

Main characteristics:

  • High frost resistance (up to - 30 c), but only on smooth surfaces, pre-plastered and treated deep penetration
  • Not suitable for porcelain stoneware and other facing materials, as well as for laying tiles for a warm floor
  • Tile displacement
  • The finished mixture should be used for an hour.

Buying glue, pay attention to the date of manufacture and shelf life! The fresh manufacturing date - the better: firstly, it is not known that the conditions for the storage and transportation of products are unknown, and secondly, the remaining dry mixture can be stored and used as needed.

Today, much attention is paid not only inland decoration at home. Exterior facade - how business card The hosts, to create a noble respectable appearance of the structure, natural marble or artificial porcelain stoneware is often used. Such a tile coating is durable, it is easy for it to care, with the help of it you can seek a stunning aesthetic effect. The lack of tile one is the high weight of each product. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase steady or frost-resistant tile glue for its attachment. Such materials on sale are represented by several species: a wide range is able to confuse any unreleased buyer, so the question of which glue is better, for many consumers is very relevant. This article discovers the advantages and disadvantages of each composition, about manufacturers who can be trusted.

So, on sale today you can find several compositions that can be used for tiles for outdoor work.

  • Universal adhesives. They can be used for cladding inland walls at home and for facade workBut you can only glue only tiles in size no more than 30x30 cm.
  • Reinforced adhesives. In its composition, they have components capable of providing high adhesion with the substrate. Use reinforced mixtures for internal and for external work. It is advisable to purchase them if natural stone is used as a finishing material or any other tiled material capable of withstanding high static and dynamic loads. Best basis For such adhesives - Paul. With the help of them, cladding is easily created that can well withstand and high dynamic loads, and pressure of heavy items. Strengthened compositions perfectly carry the temperature differences and high humidity threshold.
  • Specialized mixtures. We will talk about them in more detail.

Specialized mixes

Specialized mixtures are represented by several adhesive compositions: heat-resistant, frost-resistant, moisture resistant and adhesives for materials with a transparent texture. As you can see, they are distinguished by the scope of application.

For example, moisture-resistant adhesives are used to cladding the surface constantly in contact with water. It can be a street pool, a toilet, car wash. In the compositions of such adhesives, there are necessarily additives, overwhelming mold and pathogenic fungi. The basis of moisture-resistant mixtures is most often used white cement, so such compositions can be used to stick the transparent tiles on the street or translucent mosaic.

Any frost-resistant glue for tiles calmly maintains several cycles of freezing and defrosting. It easily opposes complex atmospheric loads, resistant to sunlight. At the heart of frost-resistant compositions, additives are necessarily present, which make mixtures resistant to sharp temperature differences. The described material provides a reliable tile clutch with a base, protects the tile material from deformation and detachment. It is possible to make stacking tiles with frost-resistant mixtures even at -15 degrees Celsius. The glue lies perfectly on concrete and brick surface. It is applied to the tile material with a thin layer, so the consumption of glue is small. This circumstance is relevant for external cladding.

The use of heat-resistant adhesives is obvious. They are used for cladding of street fireplace or furnace equipment.

Note! Each type of glue is available on sale by different manufacturers, each product brand has its advantages and disadvantages, they need to be considered, selecting the compositions for each specific case.

You can buy the packing of the tile glue, if the composition of the mixture is described in detail in detail, the scope of the application is described, the recipe for the preparation of the composition is described in detail, the setting time and the thickness of the application are designated. Also on the package, adhesion values \u200b\u200bare noted, the material is described, which can be used as the basis (concrete, plaster, brick, for example). Some manufacturers provide recommendations for selecting tiles for each specific composition. You can trust this to the manufacturer who does not hide anything and provides complete information about the material being sold.

Rating the best marks

Only experienced masters, those who specialize in the implementation of external finishing works are capable of drawing up the rating of the best frost-resistant adhesives. They are among other assortments they allocate three brands of adhesives: "Ceresit" (Ceresit) CM 17. "Ceresit" (Cerezit) CM 117. "Unis" (UNIS) 2000.
They have proven themselves well, these compositions successfully oppose the complex conditions of the Russian climate.

  • Ceresit (Ceresit) CM 17 is able to boast of high adhesion and beautiful elasticity. It can be used to lay tiles on the street in winter time of the year. His frost resistance is about a hundred cycles. Such a composition is well suited for work with artificial porcelain. It is possible to work with such glue at temperatures from -50 to +70 degrees.
  • Ceresit (Ceresit) CM 117 is used to work with any exterior facing material (except for heavy marble). With the help of it, it is possible to glue a tile material for a cement basis, to concrete and limestone base. In addition, experienced tile tires often use mixtures of such a trademark for lining of open outdoor pools. Frost resistance - more than one hundred cycles.
  • "UNIS" (UNIS) 2000 in its technical characteristics is close to the two previous compositions. The difference is only one: frost resistance of total forty cycles, the reserve of time for adjustment is only 10 minutes. It is possible to work with such glue at temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees.

Note! For external work, it is necessary to acquire adhesives whose technical characteristics correspond to the technical characteristics of the three compositions given above.

Buying one or another glue compositionIt is necessary to pay attention to the date of manufacture and the expiration date.

How is the laying on the solution?

You need to work with frost-resistant glue. Choose for facing external walls Frost-resistant adhesives are necessary, taking into account the region of Russia. Where the climate is less severe, and the temperature in winter is rarely lowered to

10 degrees, a cement-sandy solution can be used, but it always makes sense to be reinforced and preferred to special frost-resistant compositions. And all because the climate is able to change dramatically and sometimes surprise with its impermanence.
It is very important to correctly use frost-resistant glue.

  • It is divorced according to the instructions published on the package, then the gear spatula is applied to the base of the wall or floor.
  • Previously, it is important to clean from dirt, make it even and handle the primer.
  • The top layer of glue experienced tilers always "rails" - sprinkle before placing a tile or cement stoneware. Cement helps to bind particles of water, which is necessarily formed at the time of the tapping of the rubber hammer on the tile. So the masters are achieved uniform distribution glue throughout the surface of the tile. In the cold, the excess water will be freezed and will not allow the facing material to stick.
  • Before laying, it is also useful to splash the back of the plow tile glue. If there is no PVA at hand, the same cement will be used. The tile from the back is wetted with water, then cement sprinkled over the wet tile.

Further algorithms for the external cladding of the building coincides with the algorithm of inner cladding. If you do everything competently and responsibly, the exterior finish will delight the eyes of their owners.

Generalization on the topic

As you can see, any frost-resistant glue is a unique material, it allows you to make facing work at low negative weather temperatures, and do not worry about the fact that the tile laid under such extreme indicators falls off. When choosing a composition, it is important to take into account some of its technical features: Temperature limitations, quality of base and adhesive glue properties.

The simplest solution for laying tiles and stone is a cement-sand mixture, which is used as a universal solution for masonry of natural and artificial stone, and for plastering, works on the device outdoor screeds.

If we talk about the cement-sandy composition, prepared by traditional technologies, then such a solution for the tile is the cheapest, but at the same time it has a meager plasticity, which is why it is very difficult to work with it.

In addition, the adhesion with a facing and a wall (adhesion) is much lower than that of modern adhesive compositions, so it is applied to today only as a masonry laying solution facing bricks and stone. IN this case, or if you decide to save on the tiled glue, in the article "" there is information on the most cement-sandy solution.

In this article, we will consider which types of adhesive compositions depending on the type of facing product, the surface that is subjected to cladding and climatic loads on the future facing surface.

The first thing that is worth paying close attention is to the surface that is planned to be facing. Of course, it should be prepared: cleaned from dust, dirt, fungus and other microorganisms.

In addition, it must be primed, but also about the composition of the tiled adhesive also do not forget and choose it, depending on its (surface) of the species.

Of course, primary preparation is important, without which it is impossible to start the process of cladding, but it is also important to know that there are various properties and composition adhesive mixeswhich are divided into criteria on the surface:

  • glue for stable surfaces;
  • adhesive for unstable surfaces;
  • adhesive for especially complex in facing of surfaces (wood, metal, glass).

It is important to know that there are universal glue compositions for tiles. For example, there is COP-3 glue, on the bank of which you can find inscriptions that it is designed for cladding with a ceramic tiled on a tree, as well as for parquet and work on laying linoleum.

Also called Tile Glue Standard and it is intended for a facing device on ordinary, mineral surfaces as concrete plate Unwritten block, brick, stone or plastered surface.

but an important nuance relatively plastered surfaces - not all types of standard adhesives are designed for lime cladding and gypsum plaster. To use this type of glue, it is still necessary that the surface is moderately absorbing moisture, it is grounded to one or two receptions (this also applies to the new brick and foam block).

Otherwise, called as tile glue for complex surfaces, is used in some cases when the mineral surface of concrete, blocks or bricks are subject to temperature drops, vibrations, cracking.

The preferred application is the lining of old surfaces, as well as plastering plaster and lime surfaces, intended originally for painting finishes (putty, painting). In addition, special use - plasterboard cladding with built-in acoustic systems (Sound electrical columns) that produce vibrations.

It is a special mixture with ultra-high adhesion (clutch with a surface) whose varieties are somewhat.

For example, there is a tile glue for wooden surfaceswhich consists of polymer binders. It is able to glue to the tree facing materialswhat is impossible to achieve with the standard tiled glue on cement basis.

There is also a glue on a polymer-cement-binding basis, which allows you to put the tile on plastic, glass and even old lined (provided that it is firmly held) the surface.

In second place after examination of the surface, the composition of the tile glue is chosen, taking into account the product itself, which will be facing the surface.

The products themselves are set and they differ not only by dimensions and weights that fall as a colossal load on the adhesive layer, but also material.

In this case, the material has a certain porosity and roughness, which determines its water absorption and adhesion (clutch), along which the selection of one or another adhesive composition also occurs. For these all properties of facing materials / products, such types of adhesives have been developed for laying:

  • standard (primary) tile glue;
  • reinforced tile glue;
  • super durable tile glue
  • glue for transparent facing products.

As a rule, all these types of cladding compositions are made on the basis of a polymer-cement binder with an admixture of selected fine-grained filler, as well as playing a special role in their composition modifiers.

, it is a tiled adhesive standard, designed for cladding small products In the form of a simple tile with dimensions up to 30x30 cm.

The greatest application has glue for tile tile When lining the walls indoors, it is not recommended for floors.

There are many kinds of varieties, but the most popular brands are polimin (in Ukraine), Ceresit, Kreisel. Compositions for cladding "Standard" can also be used for concrete fine tiles, but not all are designed for frost resistance and other qualities, they are all very different.

Designed for cladding with products having large sizes and pretty big weightlike porcelain and concrete tile Small sizes, as well as ceramic tiles with dimensions of over 30x30 cm.

The most popular is the glue for tile porcelain stoneware, which refers to enhanced.

Also used in most for laying floors and walls inside and outside the premises. It differs from the previous greater degree of clutch with the surface, strength after grasp and is mainly frost-resistant, which determines its use in the facade facing with small and medium-sized products.

It is a solution for laying tiles, including glue for mosaic tiles, as well as facing blocks made of glass.

In addition, he in itself is a polymer / polymer-cement composition of the highest adhesion, it also has a homogeneous color (there is a wide choice color Gamma.) caused by the presence of pigment in its composition.

Its decorative property (homogeneous color) is clearly visible through the glass, so difficulty when working with it lies in the uniform application of the layer, and this is the case of a plasticity of the solution. Due to this property, it is also used as a composition for grouting seams.

Designed for cladding with large-sized products made of artificial or natural materialshaving a lot of weight.

Most bright things An example is a solution for laying a stone that has taken into large plates, as well as a solution for laying a natural stone for mounting small memos (monuments, obeliskov, balusin and other architectural products, etc.).

This composition has the greatest indicators of strength and clutch with facing, they can be styling ceramic, concrete, porcelain and stone products of any size and weight. Floor facing of large sizes in public hollows is carried out necessarily with the use of such a composition.

In addition to the above aspects, there is (really not always) another - special, specific loads on the facing layer and / or the entire lined surface of the whole.

Of course, it does not apply to ordinary bathrooms or floors and walls in the kitchen / bathroom or passing.

There is a separate class of varieties of special tile adhesives - glue for paving tilewhich is not designed for clutch as the impact of particularly powerful and frequent mechanical and vibratory loads. Otherwise, the overall list of special adhesive tile compositions looks like this:

  • adhesive for high temperatures;
  • glue for low temperatures (frost-resistant);
  • adhesive for special hydraulic loads;
  • glue with thermal insulation effect.

Such adhesive compositions can be obtained by indulging with special modifiers of the traditional cement-sand mixture for cladding. However, all the same, such a composition will give up ready-made dry construction mixtures.

It is used when cladding the fireplaces of traditional and electronic heated, different types of furnaces, and there is also a separate look - glue for tiles Warm floor, which is designed for smaller, but still high temperatures.

The compositions for highly high temperatures contain refractory components, and the tile glue for the warm floor is only limited to the modifiers in its composition, with which a special crystalline mesh is formed, resistant to temperature deformations.

, It is a frost-resistant glue for tile, it is used mainly for facing facades of buildings, as well as for refrigeration chambers of storage and other cases accompanied by low temperatures.

It may be a universal glue, and high / especially high strength glue.

Moreover, it does not necessarily mean that it can be used at negative temperatures, it can be used for laying during the freezing period, and frost resistance appears after its total grasp and release of moisture.

- This is basically adhesive for ceramic tiles and mosaic used for cladding pools.

Such adhesive I used for cladding a mosaic of a unique product -, also me, with the subsequent grouting of the seams with a special waterproof mixture.

Such glue withstands not only water, but also a tremendous load, pressure from it. For example, the water cube weighs a ton, and in a simple, modest pool can be a dozen cubes.

He speaks for itself, but this effect is achieved by the presence in its composition of fine-grained filler.

Most often use ground perlite - the most common filler for today for plaster compositions with increased thermal insulation properties.

This composition makes it yourself, in it there is a significant drawback - porosity. The fact is that the solution for laying ceramic tiles and other materials is beginning to deteriorate from the seams, through the microcracks in the grout of which, the water begins to be selected, and when this solution has a high porosity, it is like a sponge drinks water, dampness, microorganisms are formed, etc. d.

So it is necessary to pay special attention to the seams, it is advisable to apply for their sealing silicone sealantSince it is elastic and does not crack, therefore more durable.

Tile glue today is one of the most sought-after building materials. With it, traditional ceramics or porcelain stoneware is stacked, a transparent mosaic is mounted, a marble or natural stone finish is made. Adhesive compositions differ in purpose, price, color and other specifications. In order for the usual consumer to pick up an optimal mixture for repairing an apartment or at home, you should pay attention to several important parameters.

  • The plasticity of the adhesive allows you to quickly carry out the finish, it does not strate in and does not spread during operation.
  • After solidification of the adhesive seam, should remain elastic to resist the deformation loads and vibrations.
  • Primary quality for tiler will be the speed of primary drying. The more this gap, the longer the possibility of making changes to the tile position remains.
  • Good adhesion allows you to mount the tile on different bases without additional processing and training. At the same time, the tile is securely held and spontaneously crashes.

Our review fell the best adhesive compositions for different types of finishes. When selecting, in addition to technical specifications, expert opinions and consumer reviews were also taken into account.

Best Universal Tile Glue

If finishes are used tile materials Small sizes (within 100x100 - 150x300 mm) can be used by universal adhesive compositions. Among them are the most available productsAs well as high-quality professional mixtures. Such adhesive is suitable for interior design, which does not need to solve ultra-fold.

3 Bergauf Keramik Pro

High elasticity of seam
Average price: 270 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.6

Bergauf Keramik Pro securely holds reliably. Its distinctive feature is the high elasticity of the seam after drying. The composition is able to hold for many years, both standard ceramic tiles and a fashionable clinker, natural or artificial stone. The glue retains its qualities in a wide range of temperatures (-50 ... + 70 ° C), which allows it to use it for external work or facing the warm floor. It feels comfortable with dried seam in the conditions of wet premises, so it will also suit the shower or bathroom.

In user feedback, both the advantages of glue and its disadvantages are indicated. If the majority of consumers are satisfied with the cost, elasticity, versatility, the masters express a number of discontent. First of all, it concerns the complexity of working with a thick layer, while the lifetime ready solution limited to 20 minutes.

2 Volma Ceramics

Best price
Country Russia
The average price: 175 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.9

A well-known domestic producer of dry construction mixes The wave was able to create the most affordable tile glue. Product with the title Ceramics has in full better qualities Cement composition. Professional tilers highlight the viability of the solution, it is possible to use the cooked glue for 3 hours. At the same time, the tile position can be corrected for 10 minutes. It is not bad composition with different seam thicknesses (2-5 mm), if the work is carried out with a standard ceramic tile. The mixture is suitable for styling small porcelain stoneware. Frost resistance of glue (F35) allows you to perform outdoor work, it is not afraid of dried seams and conditions of wet rooms.

Users in reviews report the cost-effectiveness of the composition, affordable price, fast stirring, convenient for the safety of the consistency. By cons: only limited species composition of tiles can be attributed.

1 Litokol Litoflex K80

Selection of professionals
Country: Italy
The average price: 595 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the best tiled adhesives for universal application It is the composition of Litoflex K80 Italian company Litokol. They enjoy Russian finishes when you have to lay different types of tiled materials. The glue can cope not only with the fixation of the tiles indoors, with its help you can conduct outdoor work. The mixture is made on a cement basis, but due to the addition of synthetic resins, the manufacturer managed to achieve high seam elasticity. Experts celebrate high adhesion, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness. The scope of application of the product wide, these are walls and floors indoors, stairs, terraces, balconies and facades. The glue penetrates deep into the base, therefore suitable for concrete, cement-sand, drywall bases, as well as for a warm floor.

Users praise Italian glue for the minimum amount of dust when working, high quality material. The minus is a high price and deficit in the trading network.

Best reinforced tile glue

A large tile is a serious weight. Therefore, for laying ceramics or porcelain stoneware, concrete or stone plates, it is recommended to use reinforced tile glue. It has an increased adhesion ability, static and dynamic load resistance.

3 unis plus

Most popular tiled glue
Country Russia
Average price: 280 rub. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.5

One of the most popular compositions for gluing tile has recently become the domestic glue Unis Plus. This can be judged by the number of requests in Vordstat, as well as by the number of purchases on the holes. The secret of popularity lies in combination of an acceptable price and excellent technical parameters. When laying heavy tile materials (porcelain stoneware, stone, clinker tiles), you can vary the seam thickness from 2 to 15 mm. Builders note convenience in working with the composition, for 3 hours, the prepared solution retains its viability. And you can make adjustments to the tile position for 20 minutes.

Along with the set positive feedback From users coming signals about poor-quality products. Some bind it to the deterioration of technological discipline in the enterprise, others are confident in the mass fake of the popular glue.


The most frost-resistant glue
Country: France (produced in Russia)
The average price: 620 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.8

When to lay the tile comes from negative temperature, the best choice There will be glue WEBER ULTRA FIX WINTER. Even at -10 ° C, it is possible to perform high-quality external work. Few of competitors can boast of frost resistance (over 150 cycles). Such unique abilities highly appreciated Russian tilers, they recommend to customers to buy this composition for decoration with tiled materials of ramps, terraces, balconies and stairs. The advantage of the mixture is high adhesion to different bases, including waterproofing materials. Exception is only bituminous coatings. As for the species composition of the tile, the seam can withstand large-format porcelain stoneware, ceramics, artificial and natural stone.

In feedback, users express satisfaction with frost resistance, plasticity and glue strength. The lack of composition is the high stickiness of the prepared solution.

1 Ceresit cm 17 Super Flex

Resistance to deformation
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
The average price: 1 054 rub. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.9

With any kind of mineral tiles, Ceresit CM 17 Super Flex can cope. The product is enhanced by Fiber Force microfiber, which make seam elastic and durable. The reinforcing mesh allows the use of glue composition on the most complex bases that are subjected to vibrations or mechanical exposure. High adhesion abilities significantly expand the scope, starting from concrete surfaces and ending with plasterboard. Since the main adhesive is cement, then the composition can be used when performing outdoor work. The temperature range of operation (-50 ... + 70 ° C) is suitable for almost all regions of Russia.

In the reviews of domestic consumers, such epithets in the address of glue are prevailing, as "excellent glue", "Ceresit CM 17 is the best", "most reliable." Tile tires also admire the advantages of the product. But the high price becomes a stumbling block for many Russian housing owners.

Best moisture-proof tile glue

In premises with high humidity requires special glue. It should not only be immune to water, but also to be inert to chemical and biological influence. Therefore, additives that prevent molds or fungus are added to such compositions.

3 UNIS 2000.

High adhesion and drying speed
Country Russia
The average price: 230 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.6

Russian AIS 2000 glue is designed to lay tiles in dry and wet rooms. Strong sides The product is high adhesive ability and rapid drying. After a day, it is possible to walk on the tile, and the remnants of dried glue in intercutric seams will not need to be removed without specialized. Experts note the resistance of the prepared solution (3 hours), sufficient time to adjust the tile (20 min), as well as a wide range of thicknesses (2-15 mm). Therefore B. skillful hands Ceramics, porcelain stoneware, stone will continue even to unprepared surfaces.

User reviews are not distinguished by monotony. Many praise the composition for the speed of drying, good grip with the basis, moisture resistance and strength. In addition, the product is widely represented in the trading network. Of the negative points, high consumption is allocated, also glue seams after drying crumbs.

2 Ceresit cm 11 plus

Best moisture resistance
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)

Rating (2019): 4.9

In the most wet premises for laying a tile, specialists use Ceresit Clees CM 11 plus glue. His amazing moisture resistance allows you to separate small closed pools with tile materials. Thanks to the introduction of a special elastifier, the composition is perfectly held for the deformable bases (drywall, warm floor), for ceramic claddingFor young concrete, for cellular blocks. The master should knead such a volume of the solution so that for 2 hours it was able to work out it. You can edit the tile in the first 20 minutes, after installation. The optimal thickness of the plate layer is considered 7-8 mm.

In consumer reviews, positive estimates of glue properties prevail. The composition is highly manufactured, it is convenient for applying, quickly grasps, withstands high humidity. The disadvantage of users consider a small shelf life of the mixture in the open packet.

1 Knauf Fliesen.

The most convenient glue in application
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
The average price: 250 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Many flattering words from domestic tilers can be found on construction forums to Knauf Fliesen glue. One of the main advantages of the product, according to experts, is ease of use. The composition is made on a cement basis, it is perfectly mixed, after cooking it turns out plastic and obedient. Possessing moisture resistance and crashing, the glue is considered the best for laying tiles on the facades, walls of bathrooms and shower rooms. The mixture is suitable for mounting ceramics, porcelain stoneware and other tiled materials. The prepared solution must be developed for 3 hours, and adjustments to the tile position is allowed no later than 10 minutes.

Consumers appreciate Knauf Fliesen glue for environmental friendliness, frost resistance and fast kneading. It is high quality and available at a price. Special complaints about the composition in reviews are not marked.

Best tiled glue for mosaic and marble

Beautiful facing is obtained from mosaic or marble. But not to spoil her chic appearance, White tiled glue is required. It will emphasize the beauty of transparent and translucent tiles, the germ of marble or natural stone.


Glue for heavy mosaic
Country: Italy
The average price: 490 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.7

To lay heavy mosaic cladding on the ceiling, floor or walls should be preferred by Mapei Kerabond T glue. It is shipped in the form of cement composition of white and gray. High adhesive ability allows you to mount tile materials, both horizontal and vertical surfaces. At the same time, experts note the lack of slipping or falling. The mixture has a high moisture resistance, which is especially relevant when laying the tile in the bath. The product is distinguished by long-term viability (8 h), the possibility of use for a warm floor. To adjust the master can for 45 minutes after gluing tiles.

On the forums, hot spores arise about the preparation of the working solution. One tiler is good to work on the water, others recommend using the ISOLASTIC additive. The composition is not suitable for use on deformable bases (drywall, asbatement).

2 Litokol Litoplus K55

Increased thixotropy
Country: Italy
The average price: 775 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.9

Dry glue composition Litokol Litoplus K55 is made on the basis of white cement. Thanks to such a formula, it is perfect for gluing natural white stone, transparent and color mosaic. A distinctive feature Product Specialists consider high thixotropy, due to which the tile materials are not slipped on vertical bases. With the help of glue, it is possible to carry out and outdoor work, since the temperature limit is -30 ... + 90 ° C. The mixture is suitable for styling tiles on a warm floor. You can walk on a new tile a day later, and full-fledged operation is possible after 14 days of exposure.

Users noted in reviews that glue has all the necessary qualities for laying a transparent tile or mosaic. The solution can be used for 8 hours, and you can adjust the position of the tile up to 40 minutes. White seam quickly freezes and reliably holds facing.

1 Ceresit cm 115

Perfect white color
Country: Germany (produced in Russia)
The average price: 806 rubles. (25 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.9

The best tiled glue for marble or mosaic facing Many masters consider the composition Ceresit cm 115. It becomes the perfect white seam color after drying. Therefore, the mixture is not dirty plates from light rocks of stone, marble or transparent mosaic. In addition, the properties of experts identify such positive ashes of glue as environmental friendliness, the possibility of mounting on a warm floor, use for external work, resistance to moisture. The prepared solution retains its viability for 2 hours, and the primary setting occurs after 25 minutes. Thickness adhesive seam It should be from 4 to 10 mm, then the tile will not crawl during the vertical mounting.

In response, users mark the perfect white seam color, its strength and moisture resistance. But it is not recommended to work with adhesive adhesive. In addition, it is necessary to pre-carefully prepare the foundation for lining.

Main advantages:

- Atmospheric frost-resistant.

Application area:

Preparation of the foundation:

Preparation of the solution:


Solo life lifetime

not less than 120 minutes

Temperature application

from + 5 ° C to + 30 ° С

The thickness of the layer of application

from 3 mm to 15 mm

6x6 mm gear spatula

not more than 400 g / 100 cm²

Open time

at least 10 minutes

Tile correction time

at least 10 minutes

Shutkish seams

after 24 hours

after 36 hours

after 3 days

Adhesion K. concrete base

not less than 0.5 MPa

Compressive strength

not less than 10.0 MPa

Bending Strength

not less than 3.0 MPa

Frost resistance

no less f35

Operating temperature

from -40 ° С to + 70 ° С

Packing and storage:



Adhesive tile magma "Standard" It is a dry mixture based on portland cement, mineral fillers, fractionated sand and a complex of modifying additives.

Main advantages:

High clutch strength with base;
- plastic mortar mix;
- optimal time of laying and correction of tiles;
- Atmospheric frost-resistant.

Application area:

The dry mixture is used for laying ceramic tiles weighing up to 400 g / 100 cm2 on horizontal and vertical plastered, concrete, brick, gas and foam concrete bases. Recommended for internal works in rooms with normal and high humidity (Bathrooms, balconies, etc.) and outdoor buildings. The mixture can be used as a masonry solution, as well as for correction of small irregularities.

Preparation of the foundation:

Before use of the mortar mixture, careful preparation of the base is required. The base should be dry and durable, with a sufficient bearing capacity, purified from dust, dirt, oil spots, residues of mineral and organic adhesives, oil and emulsion paints and other substances capable of weakening the tensile strength of the material with the base. A depth of 3 mm available on the surface of irregularities should be previously aligned with plastering. The purified and aligned surface must be treated with primer and work should be performed after its complete drying. Heavily absorbing, weak parts of the base are treated with primer twice.

Preparation of the solution:

The mortar mixture is prepared at the place of production of work. To obtain a ready-made solution, the dry mixture is stirred with clean water room temperature (25 kg of dry mixture by 4.5 - 5.0 liters of water). Water overdose is not allowed, because Reduces the strength of the resulting coating, which leads to further cracking. The addition of other components to a dry mixture is excluded, except for water, and only clean containers and the tool must be used.
The mixing of the mixture is carried out until a homogeneous mass is obtained throughout the volume of the kneading mixer or a drill with a special nozzle. The mixture after stirring must be withstanding for 5 minutes to ripen the solution, and then stirred again. The resulting solution should be consumed for 120 minutes.

The work and operation of the coating during the day are produced at ambient air temperature from +5 to + 30 ° C. Finished to use the mortar mixture is applied on the base with a smooth side of the grater with a thickness of 3-15 mm and is evenly distributed by its toothed side or a spatula at an angle of 45-60 °. The tile is placed on the applied solution and pressed. It is excluded in front of the lining to make tiles with water. The adjustment of the tile position must be carried out within 10 minutes after laying. In the production of work and during the hardening of the mortar mixture during the day, drafts and direct sunlights should be avoided in order to avoid fast drying. The drying time of the mortar mixture depends on the layer thickness, as well as from the temperature and humid regime in the room. The subsequent grout of intercutric seams is allowed 24 hours after laying. When cladding floors, moving along the resulting surface is possible after 36 hours. Complete operational load tile coating may be subject to 3 days after work.


Maximum grain size of the aggregate

Solo life lifetime

not less than 120 minutes

Temperature application

from + 5 ° C to + 30 ° С

The thickness of the layer of application

from 3 mm to 15 mm

Dry mixture consumption for 1 m² when used

6x6 mm gear spatula

Maximum weight of the held tile

not more than 400 g / 100 cm²

Open time

at least 10 minutes

Tile correction time

at least 10 minutes

Shutkish seams

after 24 hours

Tile surface movement

after 36 hours

after 3 days

Adhesion to concrete base

not less than 0.5 MPa

Compressive strength

not less than 10.0 MPa

Bending Strength

not less than 3.0 MPa

Frost resistance

no less f35

Operating temperature

from -40 ° С to + 70 ° С

Packing and storage:

Available in bags of 25 kg.
The expiration date in the intact original packaging under all the conditions of storage - 6 months from the date of manufacture. There should be stored in a packaged form in a packaged form in conditions that do not allow them to moisturize and ensure the preservation of packaging, in covered warehouses with relative air humidity not more than 60%.


When stirring with water, the product gives an alkaline reaction. To prevent skin irritation to avoid the solution to open areas of the body. When working to protect hands to use latex gloves. In the event of a mixture on the mucous membrane of the eyes, the place of contact was washed large quantity flowing water And consult a doctor. With a strong dusting of the room, it is recommended to use a respirator and other personal protective equipment.

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