Advantages of a house made of glued beams. Pros and cons of a glued beam house: characteristics and

reservoirs 20.06.2020

Today, houses made of glued laminated timber are becoming more and more popular due to the ease of construction, strength and reliability of the material. Glued laminated timber allows you to build cottages in just 3-4 months and immediately after the completion of all work, move to finished housing without waiting for shrinkage. This material is not subject to shrinkage, which is due to the absence of excess moisture in the wood.

For the production of glued laminated timber, mainly coniferous wood is used. In houses made of such material, a comfortable microclimate and a healthy atmosphere are always observed. This is due to the fact that pine laminated timber retains all the advantages of wood. Walls made of such material "breathe", eliminating the formation of dampness and mold in the house, maintaining a high level of oxygen in the air. In addition, wood contains many useful resins and substances that fill the house with a pleasant, healing aroma.

One of the main advantages of this material is its aesthetic appeal. Glued laminated timber is very carefully polished in production, so the walls built from it do not need to be sheathed either from the outside or from the inside.

The principle of construction of buildings from glued beams is very simple. This material has precise geometry, perfectly even and smooth planes. There is no need to cut or adjust anything during the assembly process. Each part is installed tightly, so there are no gaps in the walls. This eliminates the need for caulking walls and partitions. A tape seal made of felt or synthetic fiber is laid between the crowns, thanks to which the structures are as warm and windproof as possible.

Due to the minimum level of moisture, glued laminated timber is highly resistant to cracking, as well as endurance to the effects of microorganisms. It rots much less intensively compared to a solid bar of natural moisture.

There are absolutely no internal stresses in glued timber, so it does not deform, as happens with a solid log or timber.

It should be noted that cottages made of such material do not need thermal insulation, since glued wood itself has excellent thermal insulation properties, and the high density of all joints prevents the formation of “cold bridges”. Due to the minimum heat loss, a house made of glued laminated timber allows you to save significant funds during the heating season.

Houses made of this material can be found in almost any cottage village, but they all look different from each other, as there are many ready-made projects, as well as the opportunity to order the development of an individual project for the construction of a cottage.

When choosing a company to build your house, you need to make sure that it has its own production of glued laminated timber. In this case, the contractor will be able to guarantee the quality of the material provided.

It is important to approach the choice of material for the construction of your home with all responsibility. Today, there are a lot of options on the market, each of which has both advantages and certain disadvantages. Today we will consider all the pros and cons of such material as glued beams. Representative Valery Ivanov told us about all its features.

Houses from glued laminated timber

Construction of country houses

Production of glued beams

Assembly of glued laminated timber

House cladding materials

The history of glued laminated timber dates back about half a century, and it has been present on the Russian market for more than 15 years. Every year this material is becoming more and more popular, due to a number of reasons.

Perhaps one of the most important benefits glued laminated timber is the ability to carry out its installation in a matter of days and almost immediately call in for living in the house. Only a few are ready to wait six months until the log house "settles down" and settles in order to continue construction.

Here someone will object that, like wood, glued beams also shrink. It really is. However, in solid wood materials, natural shrinkage is so pronounced that it does not allow you to move into the house for at least 6 months. Whereas glued beams can be laid on an area of ​​200 squares in just 4-5 days, after which they can immediately call in to live in a new house. In the case of glued beams, the adjustment is performed once, approximately 2 months after construction is completed.

Another feature of glued beams is the appearance of minor cracks. Since this material is a tree, its behavior cannot be completely changed. Despite the fact that barely noticeable gaps and cracks do not affect the thermal insulation of the house, they may seem unaesthetic to some. In this case, it is worth choosing artificial materials for building a house. However, then you will sacrifice environmental friendliness and a healthy microclimate of the home.

Are there materials in which cracks and cracks do not appear over time? Undoubtedly. This is plaster and plastic siding. However, these materials are not environmentally friendly. If you still want to give preference to natural, environmentally friendly material and at the same time minimize the negative effects of wooden housing construction, then glued beams will be the best choice.

"The Finns are generally absolutely tolerant of this. For them, cracks in wood are an absolutely natural process. After all, this is a living material that reacts in its own way to temperature changes and exposure to the sun. This is the so-called breathing of a tree. By the way, such microcracks do not affect thermal conductivity and do not go more than to the depth of the lamella. And this is extremely rare," said Valery Ivanov.

It should be noted that buildings made of glued beams have high thermal conductivity. Therefore, the use of such building materials reduces the cost of heating housing in the winter. In such houses, only the roof and floor are insulated. In addition, glued laminated timber has high strength, is not prone to deformation and easily withstands temperature changes. It is also resistant to moisture.

Perhaps it is worth talking about the process of manufacturing glued laminated timber

To begin with, the logs are sawn into separate boards - lamellas - 50 mm thick and 100-200 mm wide. They are planed to a smooth state on all four sides, after which, using a powerful hydraulic press, the boards are glued together in a certain way and sent for drying. Next, a profile is applied to the beam - these are the grooves that allow you to articulate the lamellas with each other like a designer.

Such building material has very precise geometric shapes. Therefore, during the construction process, it will not be necessary to optimize its shape. All this significantly speeds up the process of building a wooden house.

When gluing the timber, natural glue is used. Its use does not reduce the environmental friendliness of the material. The bar does not contain substances harmful to health. It is absolutely harmless to humans. Moreover, such wood is not only safe, but also acts as an antiseptic.

The best time for laying glued laminated timber is the winter period, when it is frosty and dry outside. But after completion of work with the onset of heat, it is necessary to cover the timber with paint. This will protect it from ultraviolet radiation and external influences and significantly extend its durability.

Speaking of durability..

Numerous laboratory studies have shown that the longevity of glued beams with a pessimistic forecast is 100 years, and with an optimistic forecast - 400. "History shows that during earthquakes and other natural disasters everything was demolished, but the tree remained standing. That is why in seismically unstable zones wood is a particularly high demand," said Valery Ivanov.

fire hazard

It's time to dispel the myth about the high fire hazard of wood. The conducted tests allow us to assert that this is nothing more than an established stereotype that has nothing to do with reality.

During the experiments, it was not possible to set fire to the wall of glued laminated timber even with the use of gasoline. This is due to the lack of oxygen in the dense wall, as well as the complete absence of oxygen in the tree itself. After drying, the wood in its qualities becomes like a brick. It is also popular for large spans, as it retains its strength characteristics better when exposed to high temperatures. By the way, the floors of the Moscow Manege were built from wood.

About cons

Like any other material, glued beams also have disadvantages. And in this case, this is precisely the price, sometimes exceeding 20 thousand rubles per cubic meter. Glued laminated timber belongs to the category of elite materials. However, now there are many ways to optimize everything in the best possible way and offer customers really good prices.

When using glued beams, the issue of finishing also disappears - after the assembly of the material is completed, it remains only to paint it. All this causes the ever-increasing popularity of this material.

by the most negative properties any wood has always been warping and cracking, as well as susceptibility to fungus. This undoubtedly affects the quality of construction, when its operational and structural properties no longer meet the accepted standards. It is not surprising that manufacturers offer technological innovations that improve the quality of wooden products.

General information

Among these materials one of the leading places in wooden housing construction takes glued laminated timber(international designation - BSH). The essence of its production is gluing lamella packs that are pre-sorted and prepared. Used as preparations coniferous wood. The boards are pre-treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting solutions. Splicing of parts for a common beam occurs with mini spikes, while texture is taken into account. Even though at the same time glued laminated timber has pros and cons, this did not prevent him from entering the top three most popular wood materials. Thanks to this material construction processes got rid of three main problems, which are typical for solid wood buildings:

  • shrinkage;
  • cracks;
  • geometry change.

In appearance, glued timber divided into two types:

  • usual;
  • profiled.

the option has, depending on the profile, grooves, locks or combs. During installation, this solution allows you to reduce the time of work, as well as get rid of gaps.

Sometimes the material is assembled from several types of wood in order to give additional strength.

Considering pros and cons of profiled glued beams, when choosing, you need to know what factories produce several types of it. Each of them is based on bonding technology:

  • horizontal- two parts connected in a horizontal plane;
  • vertical- two parts glued vertically, where solid rock forms the surface of the beam;
  • saloon beam- contains six equal elements, used for the construction of multi-storey buildings.

The use of glued beams for construction

Logs made by gluing lamellas, practically not subjected to deformation processes. The profiled beam provides a snug fit and increases the thermal insulation performance. These factors make it possible to say that such a 200 mm wide wooden wall is equivalent to a 500 mm brickwork. However, you do not need to completely believe the manufacturer, who convinces that a house with 200 mm walls does not need to be insulated. If you familiarize yourself with modern heat-saving standards, you can find out such a detail - a house made of glued laminated timber must have a thickness of at least 400 mm. But this is practically impossible, and therefore, it will be necessary to insulate. In order not to sew up the entire texture of the log, the factories set up the production of material with extruded polystyrene located inside the product. For those who do not have the opportunity to purchase such materials, do not despair - a 200 mm wooden wall is much warmer than standard panel boards. At the same time, one should not forget that energy resources are growing in price.

Comparing pros and cons of glued timber, an important factor is foundation. To build a house from logs, it is enough to equip lightweight types of foundations, for example, pile-grillage or tape with a shallow depth. Thus, all processes are reduced in time construction, in 8-10 weeks it is possible to organize the main contour of the building, and in 3-4 months the house will be completely ready.

Of course, timber is not a cheap product, the price of one cubic meter reaches 15-16 thousand rubles, which is twice as expensive as a traditional log. However, in terms of heat-saving parameters, conventional material is 1.5 times less efficient. This fact will certainly affect the operating costs.

The main pros and cons of profiled glued beams in the construction of houses

Advantages the use of the described material is as follows:

  • high quality lumber;
  • stable preservation of geometric dimensions;
  • high strength;
  • small amounts of shrinkage;
  • compliance with thermal standards;
  • does not need finishing;
  • assembly manufacturability.

Dwellings can be carried out independently, without the involvement of highly qualified carpenters. Pay attention to pros and cons of profiled timber, do not forget about this fact - saving has not hurt anyone yet. The installation of almost any electrical wiring is quite simple - during the installation process, special strobes for the cable are made in the connecting ends. glued beams are in the following points:

  • high price;
  • dishonesty of manufacturers;
  • low level of environmental performance;
  • the presence of shrinkage phenomena in the building.

In spite of manufacturer's assurances about the absolute absence of shrinkage, it should be borne in mind that this is, to put it mildly, a delusion. In fact, even European factories indicate that possible shrinkage of 20 mm per meter of array within two years.

The environmental friendliness of products is also questionable due to applications in the composition of adhesive solutions of polyvinyl acetate emulsion and other chemical compounds with carcinogenic properties. If we take into account that the glue is most often made in China and its composition is not subjected to sufficient control, then the picture will become even more aggravated.

With regard to vapor permeability, it can be said that only one type of glued beam does not "breathe" - vertically oriented, the rest are quite consistent with the norms.

Some convince that there is no need to insulate the grooves - this is also not true, the use of gasket material is mandatory. When choosing a wooden beam, you should take into account the features of each type and purchase only after familiarizing yourself with the parameters. Don't skimp on the comfort and safety of your home.

Despite the abundance of modern building materials, wood continues to be in constant demand among developers who decide to build a private house for themselves. Builders often offer cottages to be built from glued beams instead of logs. It practically does not shrink, does not crack and is durable. But how good is this lumber? Reviews on a beam of glued lamellas are rather ambiguous. Some owners of country houses scold him, while others extol him.

What is glued timber

Glued laminated timber is a high-tech structural material made of wood. It is made from several layers of wooden lamellas (fragments, boards), which are first folded into packages of the desired thickness, and then glued together under pressure. During the final processing, it is ground and profiled on machines.

This lumber is intended for the construction of low-rise cottages and other buildings on a personal plot. It is used both in the construction of load-bearing walls, and in the construction of rafter systems for the roof and log for the floor. Not only houses are built from it, but also gazebos, garages and utility yards. It is also used in the manufacture of stairs, furniture, doors, windows and other joinery.

In the production of glued beams for private housing construction, Russian factories mainly use wood of the following species:

  • Larch.

Production process

The manufacture of this timber involves a deep and complex processing of wood raw materials. All scraps left after sawing the trunk are used. At the same time, at the sorting stage, lamellas with defects are completely rejected or unusable areas are simply cut out of them. The gluing technology allows the use of fragments that are not too large in size.

As a result, only high-quality lamellas that are not damaged get under the press. Before they begin to be glued into a bar, all lumber undergoes preliminary drying in the chamber. The resulting lumber product, by definition, does not warp after laying in a log house. It has a minimum of moisture, there is simply nothing to evaporate naturally under the sun.

In comparison with the profiled analogue, this type of material during manufacture is more durable and even. It does not warp during storage and operation. After drying in the chamber, the lamellas have a moisture content in the region of 8–16%. As part of the product, they are no longer deformed.

Shrinkage of the walls of a house made of glued laminated timber is practically excluded. For a maximum of a year, they will settle by 1%. For comparison, a structure made of a profiled solid analogue or a rounded log of natural moisture will shrink by 10–15% in the same time.

The high structural strength of the sawn timber under consideration is due to the fact that the ends of the lamellas are milled before applying the glue. The surfaces to be glued acquire a serrated profile, which guarantees a stronger bending connection of the individual boards.

Types of glued beams

All glued timber according to its intended purpose is divided into:



    Carrier (reference).

From the first make the walls of the house. The second is used for the manufacture of windows, doors and furniture. And the third type of glued laminated timber is intended for the installation of load-bearing supports, roof frames and stairs, interfloor ceiling beams, etc. The edges of lumber for walls are even and with spikes for a stronger connection. The other two options are always made square or rectangular in section without any cutouts.

By profile

According to the profile of the working sides, the two most common types of wall glued beams for the house are comb and Finnish (Scandinavian). The first option above and below the beam has small rectangular teeth. When laying, these spikes provide a secure connection. But if the lumber is of poor quality, then the teeth on the stacked “logs” may not coincide with each other. And then their adjustment takes a lot of time.

Connection types

In the Scandinavian timber, instead of a comb, a tongue-and-groove joint with a recess in the middle is made during profiling. Such a profile allows you to lay a heater in the existing recess, which is invisible from the outside. As a result, a Scandinavian-style glued laminated timber house is warmer. It has less caulking, which greatly speeds up the process of building walls.

By type of construction

According to the internal structure, glued beams for assembling the walls of a wooden structure can be purchased:

    Cheap uninsulated.

    More expensive insulated.

    Curved for arches and curved railings.

Insulated version

The insulated version already has a layer of heat-insulating material. When using it, you do not have to additionally use a heater for the walls of a wooden house. However, standard uninsulated lumber is cheaper. And if the thickness of the beam allows you to do without an additional layer of heat insulator, then it is more profitable to buy it.

The bent version costs 50–100% more than a conventional analogue of the same section. But without it, it is difficult to create curved shapes in the interior of the house. On the one hand, it is largely a decorative beam, and on the other hand, due to its strength, it remains a reliable structural material. Stairs, arches and other interior structures with curves are made from it.

The load-bearing glued timber in the cross section can reach up to 300 millimeters. The product for windows has a thickness and width in the range of 80-90 mm, and for doors - up to 120 mm. Wall without insulation has dimensions in section from 100 to 180 mm. And the thickness of the insulated type reaches 270 mm.

How to choose material for the house

When choosing a timber from glued boards for a house, the main attention should be paid to:

    The absence of wane (bark) on the lamellas, uneven cuts and saw cuts;

    The quality of drying and gluing boards;

    Correct geometry - all planes of the profiled timber must be smooth and polished, otherwise the building may turn out to be crooked;

    The type of construction - wall and supporting products have a fundamentally different purpose.

The thinner the lamellas used for gluing, the higher the strength characteristics of the glued beam will be and the more durable the house will be. Water should not be terrible for this lumber. Moisture is harmful to wood, but the adhesive layer between the timber boards has no right to collapse. If there was a delamination of the lamellas, then the manufacturer released the marriage using unsuitable glue.

In Russia, in the manufacture of lumber for houses from glued beams, adhesives based on melamine or polyurethane are used. By definition, they do not contain phenol, and if there is formaldehyde, then in minimal quantities. Fear for the health of the family, which is often written on the forums, is not worth it.

The source of formaldehyde and phenolic fumes must be sought elsewhere. There are always plenty of various finishing materials in log houses. It is they who most likely exude harmful substances. Linoleums, non-woven wallpaper, paintwork materials - you need to look for the cause of pungent odors in them.

But all this applies to exceptionally high-quality material. Before purchasing glued laminated timber, you must ask the seller for a certificate indicating all the characteristics of the product. This building material should be purchased only from manufacturers who use high-quality glue in production. This will guarantee the absence of phenol in a private cottage, and marriage in lumber.

Pros and cons of timber

The advantages of glued profiled timber include:

    Low shrinkage of lumber and the log house as a whole;

    The ability to enter the building for finishing immediately after laying the walls;

    Ease of installation work;

    High speed of construction of a timber cottage;

    Increased characteristics for strength, moisture resistance and thermal insulation;

    Light weight of the finished product made of glued wooden lamellae.

The assembly of a house from glued laminated timber can be done manually without the involvement of special equipment by a couple of people. And this is a significant savings. The material for the walls will cost a considerable amount, but it will be possible to save money on a team of builders. Everything will work out without problems to do it yourself.

Among the minuses of this beam, it is worth mentioning:

    The high price of lumber;

    Unpresentable appearance (you can’t do without finishing);

    Lack of natural circulation of steam and air through glued timber walls.

Cracks during shrinkage

The considered building material and the house from it can only be called absolutely environmentally friendly. Synthetic glue in glued laminated timber is present, albeit in minimal quantities, but it is. By definition, it cannot bring serious harm to health.

Owner reviews - pros and cons

In the photo, cottages made of glued wood look great. But he is undeservedly credited with many minuses. The main one, according to the reviews of the owners of such housing, is the excess of the MPC for formaldehyde and phenol. There are fumes from the glue used in the manufacture of this lumber. But they are not phenol-formaldehyde. Here, the source of odors must be sought in the decoration or furniture.

The main mistake of all dissatisfied house owners from a bar made by gluing individual boards is the lack of forced ventilation in the dwelling. The walls of this building material were not originally designed for air passage. In the West, in such cottages, a forced ventilation system is always equipped, and in Russia they are used to natural ventilation in living rooms. Hence the imaginary problems.

Positive reviews

    I have a house made of timber near me, it was built 4 years ago, I never regretted that it was built from wood, and not from brick, for example, in terms of money, such construction turned out to be much more profitable. They also made foam insulation outside, they thought to do it with foamed polyethylene, but a friend of the builder nevertheless advised foam, a really very comfortable atmosphere, warm in winter, not hot in summer. © Mikhail Kohorin,

    We have a house made of glued beams. Outside, sheathed with siding, and inside with aquapanels. When finishing, be sure to remember that the material is alive. And it breathes great! It is very warm in winter and pleasantly cool in summer. There is only one significant drawback for me - the tree gives a lot of dust. I'm allergic to it. For this reason, the floor and preferably furniture should be chosen light and cleaned more often. © anastasiya.volkova,

    I have a house made of glued beams. The truth is not yet completed, so I did not have time to live. Why chose him? Because only you can immediately enter it, and not wait for shrinkage for a whole year. And it does not crack and it will not twist and lead. But most importantly, you need to carefully choose a company so that the timber is of high quality. And you can not insulate it, if you take a thickness of 180-200 mm. And it is this material that is more durable, it does not rot or mold. So far I have not experienced it all myself, but I hope we will move this summer, we need to put pressure on it in order to finish the construction as soon as possible. © ILMAN,

    A house made of glued laminated timber must be ordered from a company that produces it itself. In Moscow, by the way, there are several such companies that have their own production and good quality material. You can even drive up to the workshop and see the production. When they chose a company, my relatives went and looked and only then ordered a building, where they liked it more. And they also asked those who were ready to show if the construction office builds thoroughly, without deceit, it has nothing to hide. © Moth,

    In fact, glued laminated timber is the best of all wooden materials, albeit the most expensive. It was correctly written above that it does not rot, does not crack, and you can move in immediately, without waiting for shrinkage.

    And another big plus of glued laminated timber houses is that it does not require finishing. It is enough to paint it and that's it, and it will always look great.

    © HramzVal,

Negative Feedback

    About the "beauty" of glued beams - well, this is the business of the owner. Personally, I don't like it at all. Gives back to industry. In fact, not only have to finish, but also to bring to mind. All the same, you will have to caulk (or rather, cover up the cracks), as it will lead for sure.

    Now in Moscow only wild brigades are building from a solid (planed) timber. Natural moisture, shrinkage, the need for caulking and other "charms". Firms do not undertake such construction. Since it is cheaper for them to assemble a “designer” from glued laminated timber.


    When building from glued beams or from planed chamber drying (now rare), according to modern concepts, only SUMMER COTTAGES are built. The whole question is how the crowns are laid. With "thorns" - profiled timber - this is only a house with corner joints "with the remainder". They DO NOT WARM! So the author, if he doesn’t change his mind, then let him know that he will receive only the SUMMER HOUSE.© Inmar,

    But tell me, are you ready to live permanently in a wooden house? Being a guest is one thing, living permanently is quite another. To understand the seriousness of intentions, you need to live at least a few months. My relatives, for example, after about a year of living in a house made of wood, decided to make an interior finish over the wooden walls and sheathed all the internal walls with plasterboard, so they got tired of the eco-friendly wooden walls in a year and they felt uncomfortable.

    In terms of cost, by the way, a cottage with a wooden interior requires no less financial costs than any other material. In terms of the speed of construction, a house made of glued laminated timber is built faster than, for example, made of stone, because. like the walls do not require complex interior decoration, you can quickly call in. © Selyanych,

    Yes, indeed, a cottage made of glued laminated timber is the most expensive. Any other material will be cheaper. If you build a house from that de aerated concrete, for example, then the price will be almost 2 times lower. So why waste so much money on this expensive material, it will be no less breathable and environmentally friendly from aerated concrete. It must be remembered that money will still be needed for finishing, engineering, furniture, so the walls from the turnkey glued version with finishing and furniture can generally cost ten lamas. © nezloba,

    I have been living in a cottage made of glued laminated timber for 2 years. Everything was fine. On June 4, it rained very heavily, almost sideways, for a day. From the inside, as in the photo, water began to penetrate from the outer grooves, in some places up to 3 meters long. I have 2 knots as in the photo, water flowed in all 4 walls. Especially the water was on 1 and 2 grooves. Bar with 7 poses. If the rain was normal, as always, then there would be no problem. How to solve this problem? Maybe someone has been in this situation. © Antonov,

    A house built from profiled or rounded logs will, I think, be two times cheaper than one built from glued beams. © Goshek,

Photos of projects

It is as comfortable to live in it from glued beams as in one built from a log or a solid log analogue. With the same thickness of wooden walls, it will even be warmer in winter. This is due to the low ability of the wall building material to pass air through itself. A layer of glue between the boards prevents steam from seeping through. On the one hand, this interferes with natural air exchange, but on the other hand, it reduces heating costs. However, forced ventilation in such housing should be taken care of at the design stage.

Timber walls

Painted in gray

Neat wooden cottage made of glued beams

Painted white

Option with an open veranda

Modern version

And this is what the interior looks like. No finishing required

Such a house is assembled very quickly, and it is not necessary to wait for shrinkage for 1-2 years to move in

Wooden houses are becoming popular not only in Russia, which is famous for its natural wealth, but throughout the world. The main role in this is played by the environmental component. No other building material can compare with wood in many ways. Below we will tell you in more detail about what glued laminated timber is, the advantages and disadvantages of which are being discussed today.

Pictured is a wooden house with a veranda

Wooden houses are built from:

  1. logs;
  2. timber, including:
  • ordinary;
  • profiled;
  • glued;

The main characteristics of glued beams

One of the most interesting lumber today is considered to be glued laminated timber. It appeared with us relatively recently, a little over 20 years ago, but quickly became in demand among developers.

Glued laminated timber, as it turned out, almost does not have the disadvantages that profiled timber and rounded logs, made from a single tree trunk, sin.

Before delivery to the construction site, it is dried in the factory to a moisture content of 8-12%. Of course, this does not completely eliminate shrinkage, since after laying the timber “dries out” in natural conditions by another 3-5%, but this is significantly lower than that of a log or profiled ordinary timber.

Lumber is made from lamellas, parts of wood, which are glued together under pressure according to the developed calculations. To increase the resistance of the material to heavy loads, the directions of the fibers of adjacent panels do not match. This makes it possible to increase resistance by almost 70%.


  • Light weight (about 700 kg/m 3 ), what "yes It is possible to build buildings on shallow and light foundations. Thus, the cost of construction is significantly reduced.
  • Ecological cleanliness of lumber. The tree has long been known for its healing properties, such as "conditioning" indoor air. Due to the unique structure, it promotes natural air exchange, which makes it possible to maintain a comfortable atmosphere in summer and winter.

Wood also has anti-toxic and antiseptic substances that remove toxins and other human waste products from the premises. It has a low natural radiation background, has a beneficial effect on our body.

  • Short construction time. One of the most significant points. The technology allows you to collect an area of ​​200 m 2 in about one week, and the whole project from idea to delivery of the object will not take even 9 months. Moreover, this does not depend on the time of year, and the attached instructions allow you to do this at minimal cost.
  • Geometrical stability. Over time, glued laminated timber changes its dimensions by about 1, which is 10 times less than conventional lumber from a single piece of wood. The building turns out to be monolithic, in which there are no internal stresses.

  • There are no external cracks.This is due to technology, since the lamellas are located with the core out. Therefore, if microcracks occur, they will only be inside the product.
  • High beam strength.This allows you to increase the size of load-bearing structures, such as spans.
  • Resistant to moisture, fungus and other biological degradation.All this became possible due to the absence of cracks and crevices. In addition, the material undergoes antiseptic treatment at the factory.
  • No exterior or interior decoration required. . The naturalness of wood is emphasized by a smooth surface.

  • Fire resistance. This is due to the absence of cracks and crevices where air can enter. In the event of a fire, the beam burns to the ground, but the structure is not destroyed.
  • Durability. Home care will not cause trouble for the owners.


Like any material, glued beams cannot be perfect.

Therefore, it has its drawbacks, which every consumer should be aware of.

  • The appearance of cracks at the ends. Rarely, but such a phenomenon can occur, although it does not affect anything. Usually this happens due to the active sun and long construction.

Tip: when assembling, it is necessary to treat the ends with a special composition, then such disadvantages of glued laminated timber do not appear.

  • Shrinkage. It really can be, although not the same as in a bar or rounded log with natural moisture. But, nevertheless, shrinkage is not so critical, therefore it makes it possible to move into the house after construction is completed.

  • Heat. The effectiveness of this component of comfortable living primarily depends on the number of windows in the house, ceilings and a properly made roof. Walls play a secondary role here.
  • Durability. In fact, this is a fairly new type of wooden products, so there is no need to talk about the timing of its use.
  • Environmental friendliness. It is a stretch to call glued laminated timber an environmentally friendly material. Although its main component is wood, it also uses an adhesive base, which in many cases is far from perfect. These shortcomings of a house made of glued laminated timber are practically leveled today.

Tip: When ordering, check with the lumber manufacturer for the glue certificate. Today, the industry is gradually phasing out harmful components, such as formaldehyde.

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