Crimea (Crimean Peninsula). Geography

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What is Crimea for a person who grew up in the Soviet and post-Soviet space? The Black Sea, pebbles, red wine, an abundance of fruits, pies sellers on the beaches, student hikes in the mountains, children's sanatoriums. Surprisingly, Crimea has changed little in this sense.

But besides this, the peninsula, more like an island, boasts many hidden gems that are sure to open to an inquisitive traveler. In addition to objects of mass tourism, there is something truly precious here, and this “something” is the Crimean nature. For such a relatively small area, it is surprisingly diverse. On the peninsula great amount caves, gorges, forests and meadows, rivers and lakes.

How to get to Crimea

The resorts of the southern coast of Crimea gained worldwide fame in the middle of the 19th century, becoming a place of treatment for the royal family.

Central Crimea is an ideal start for thematic routes to get acquainted with the history of Crimea and its culture.

Central Crimea is steppe expanses, fields, orchards, vineyards and mountains covered with greenery. In this part there are the "gates" of Crimea - the city of Simferopol, as well as the unique city of Bakhchisarai and many places associated with the history of Crimea and its rich cultural heritage. The Kerch Peninsula is the least developed in terms of tourism. This region is well developed only by "wild" tourists, surfers, nudists and music lovers, who regularly gathered at the Kazantip Music Festival.


The Crimean peninsula is permeated with a network of transport arteries - buses, minibuses and electric trains run between resort towns and villages. The fare for them on urban routes is 10-50 RUB, on suburban routes - from 20 RUB. Among Vehicle there are also unusual ones. For example, an intercity trolleybus line, which stretches for 86 km and connects Simferopol with the South Bank. The longest trip on it, between Simferopol airport and Yalta, will cost no more than 100 RUB. Prices on the page are for July 2018.

At the peak of the season, it is sometimes more convenient to get by train. True, the carriages are from Soviet times and instead of air conditioners, open windows, but there are no traffic jams and crushes like at bus stations.

There is a railway connection between the major Crimean cities. Trains are convenient to move between Sevastopol, Simferopol and Feodosia. Taxis are ubiquitous - both private traders and taxi companies are engaged in transportation. A trip around the city will cost an average of 150 RUB, a transfer from Simferopol to the southern coastal resorts - from 800 to 2500 RUB.

In Yalta, the city cableway "Yalta - Gorka" operates. The lower station is located at the hotel "Tavrida" in the city center, and the upper one is on the Darsan hill. Rise time - 12 minutes, fare in both directions - 250 RUB. The second cable car connects Miskhor and Ai-Petri year-round and has an intermediate station - Sosnovy Bor. Rise time - 15 minutes, one way fare - 200 RUB.

From the Yalta sea port on a pleasure boat you can ride to the Swallow's Nest, Miskhor, Alupka and Alushta. There are flights to Sevastopol, Evpatoria and Feodosia.

Rent a Car

Active travelers who want to get as many impressions as possible and see all the beauty of the Crimea should rent a car. Many car rental companies have located their offices at the Simferopol airport so that their services can be used immediately upon arrival. In the parking lot near the arrival hall there is a station of the international operator Hertz, offering rental services from 1800 RUB per day, however, in high season this amount can be higher by 40-50%. On the company's website, you can only pre-order a car, the exact rental amount will be known after the fact. Also, a deposit must be left for the car (on average, from 10,000 to 30,000 RUB, depending on the class of the car).

Local companies also provide car rental services. Small companies do not have a wide choice of cars, but they are usually cheaper: a deposit of 6,000 RUB and 1,500 RUB per rental day. Large firms have a more varied choice, but rent is also more expensive - 1800-3500 RUB per day.

The rental service is very popular among tourists - by renting a car and spending several hours on the road, you can see all the diversity of Crimea and even swim in two seas - the Azov and the Black. True, the comfort of car travel still leaves much to be desired - in the season there is a problem of parking, and the roads have not yet been repaired everywhere.

Guest card of Crimea and Sevastopol

Tourist "Crimea and Sevastopol Guest Card" is aimed at those who are actively going to get acquainted with the sights of the peninsula. It allows you to visit 65 of the most popular tourist sites of Crimea for free, including the Livadia Palace, the panorama "Defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855." , Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Gallery. I. K. Aivazovsky in Feodosia, the palace Alexander III in Massandra, wineries "Massandra" and "New World". WITH complete list objects can be found at the office. website. There are three categories of cards:

  • "Guest Card No. 1" allows you to visit the places included in the program for free during the day. The countdown of grace time starts at the moment of entering the first object and ends exactly 24 hours later. The cost of a daily card for adults / children is 2000/1000 RUB.
  • "Guest Card No. 2" is designed for three days of free admission. It can be used in a row or divided into parts of 24 hours with a break between them of any duration. The only condition is to meet within 31 days from the date of activation. Price: 5400/2700 RUB.
  • "Guest Card No. 3" is the most expensive - 10 800/5400 RUB: 6 days of free acquaintance with Crimean hits. Time can also be divided into segments of 24 hours plus the 31-day rule.

Attractions included in the map program can be visited free of charge only once.

In addition, the "Guest Card" of any category allows you to get 5-25% discounts when paying bills and entrance tickets to 250 tourist infrastructure facilities - restaurants, cafes, amusement parks, water parks, hotels and guest houses. The validity of this option is 31 days from the moment of the first presentation of the card at any facility included in the program.

Discounts on any object can be used repeatedly.

The card can be bought in Moscow and Crimea or ordered and paid online at the office. website, and then exchange the voucher received by e-mail for a plastic card at any of the points of sale. Their addresses are on a special page of the site.

Crimean beaches

The total length of the Crimean beaches is 517 km. On the eastern coast of the peninsula, they are sandy-pebbly and pebbly. The beaches of the Novy Svet village are located on the territory of the state reserve, and the Golubaya, Sinyaya and Zelenaya bays are considered the most beautiful and romantic. Right under the Genoese fortress in Sudak there is a small-pebble beach 2 km long. Feodosia owns the largest beach strip on the peninsula, its width is 35 m, and its length is 15 km. These are mostly sandy, well-maintained beaches suitable for families with children. Feodosia Golden Beach, so named for the special golden yellow color of the sand, is one of the most visited Crimean beaches.

There are wild beaches on any coast. Nudist "branches" are also found everywhere: they arise spontaneously away from the "civilized" beaches. The most famous stronghold of naturists is Koktebel.

The beaches of the South Coast are mostly pebble and small-pebble, but there are also rocky ones. Big Yalta has a very picturesque beach strip with bays, rocks, clear water and a steep bottom slope. Lush subtropical and coniferous vegetation comes close to the sea, pleasing to the eye and saturating the air with phytoncides. Due to the decent depth, the water in this area warms up more slowly than in other regions, but in autumn it retains heat longer. In the village of Miskhor, the warmest place in the Crimea is located - the swimming season here lasts until the end of October. The beach areas of this resort are organically combined with park complexes - Forossky, Alupkinsky, Miskhorsky, Livadia, Massandrovsky. The best beaches on the South Coast are considered "Mermaid" in Miskhor, "Golden Beach" in Oreanda, "Massandra Beaches" and the beach in the Professor's Corner of Alushta. The beach of the hotel complex "Yalta-Intourist" owns the hallmark of the European Ecological Association - the Blue Flag.

The West Bank has predominantly sandy beaches with a gently sloping seabed. One of the shallowest and most quickly warmed up areas for swimming is located in the village of Chernomorskoye. Golden sandy beaches stretch for tens of kilometers along the coast of Kalamitsky Bay. Sevastopol itself has a wide variety of beach areas - from sandy and pebbly to concrete. The best beaches of this resort are the beaches in Saki, Zaozerny and in the vicinity of Sevastopol on Cape Fiolent.

Treatment in Crimea

Local sweets are brought from the Crimea - rose petal jam, honey, halva, pishmaniye, nougat, sherbet and candied almonds. A good gift would be purple "pigtails" from the famous Yalta bow. It is very juicy and sweet - completely devoid of any bitterness.

Entertainment and attractions of Crimea

Crimea is a place where many nationalities coexist. Their history and beliefs are reflected in religious buildings of different faiths - the Church of the Resurrection of the Lord in Foros, the Khan Uzbek Mosque, the Armenian Church in Yalta, the temple cave of Iograph, the Egia-Kapaya synagogue, the lighthouse of St. Nicholas.

The rich past of Crimea lies in its historical and cultural sights. Tauric Chersonese in Sevastopol is an open-air museum of world significance. The royal burial mound in Kerch is an ancient tomb built in the 4th century BC. e. The only monument of Crimean Tatar architecture in the world is the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai. The Livadia residence of Tsar Nicholas II is the most beautiful Crimean palace and the place where Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill decided the fate of the post-war world. A cult place for admirers of the talent of A.P. Chekhov is the Yalta house of the writer "Belaya Dacha". Ancient estates Alushta, houses and dachas of prominent figures still keep the spirit of a bygone era. The Swallow's Nest Castle in Yalta is the hallmark of the entire peninsula.

No less interesting are the natural sights of Crimea. The stone chaos of Demerdzhi and the bizarre rocks of the Valley of Ghosts amaze tourists. A miracle of nature, created by the power of wind and water, the monuments of glory in Sevastopol and the Glade of Fairy Tales are filled with fairy-tale characters created by different craftsmen from wood, stone and metal. Nearby is the Yalta zoo "Fairy Tale", which contains animals from all over the world. The continuation of the "fairy tale" is the Belogorsk lion safari park "Taigan" - the largest lion park in Europe.

There are water parks in Yalta, Alushta, Sevastopol, Sudak and Evpatoria. Shows of dolphins, beluga whales and fur seals can be seen in the dolphinariums in Livadia, Feodosia, Koktebel, Sevastopol, Evpatoria and Alushta. But you can get acquainted with the inhabitants of the seas and oceans by visiting the Sevastopol Marine Aquarium Museum, Alushta Aquarium Terrarium, Yalta Aquarium "Cube", Evpatoria Aquarium "Shark" and the Aquarium "Chernomorsky" in the village of Nikolaevka. In Yalta, you can even see crocodiles; a crocodile aquarium was built there especially for them.

Young thrill-seekers can test themselves in the rope parks of Sevastopol, Alushta and Stary Krym. There is a Spy Academy in Sevastopol, where visitors are invited to plunge into the atmosphere of espionage passions and try themselves as superheroes.

List of the largest cities of Crimea: we briefly tell what the cities are remarkable for and what sights you can see there.

Now on the Crimean peninsula, only 18 settlements have received the status of a city, the largest of them in terms of occupied area are Sevastopol, Sudak, Yalta, Evpatoria, Kerch and Simferopol.

Sevastopol is the largest city in Crimea

A large sea and commercial port, the largest city of Crimea, which has a special status and has received the rights of a separate subject of the Russian Federation. According to 2015 data, the population was 398.97 thousand people - this is also the largest city in Crimea in terms of population.

A huge number of attractions are concentrated here: the ruins of the ancient Greek settlement of Chersonesos, monuments of military eras ( Russian-Turkish war, Great Patriotic War) and museums, a magnificent embankment, an Aquarium. Not far from the city is the cave monastery of Inkerman and Balaklava, the place where submarines were based. Sevastopol has a large number of picturesque bays.

Photo © mr. Wood/

Once here was the capital of the Scythian state, later destroyed by the Goths. Simferopol is located in the central part of the peninsula, has no access to the sea. The Salgir River flows here.

Simferopol is the second largest city in Crimea in terms of population after Sevastopol, with a population of 332.6 thousand people. Tourists are attracted to Simferopol by local attractions: the ancient settlement of Scythian Naples, the Vorontsov Palace, the Ethnographic Museum, the Central Museum of Taurida, the Kebir-Jami Cathedral Mosque, the Weeping Rock, the Chokurcha Cave, the Red Cave (Kizil-Koba).

The third in the list of the largest cities of Crimea and the easternmost city of the peninsula, is located on the shores of the Kerch Bay. The local population is about 148 thousand people. The richest history of the city has more than 2.5 thousand years, there are a huge number of monuments of the Bosporan and Scythian kingdoms, Tmutarakan, Byzantine villages. Kerch is a great hero city that has perpetuated the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War in numerous monuments and memorials.

Photo © Alexxx1979 /

An ancient city in the west of Crimea, the population is just over 106 thousand. Evpatoria is one of the largest cities in Crimea, it stands on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay, there are wonderful sandy beaches and a warm, shallow sea. There are many in Evpatoria entertainment centers, water parks, attractions, the Juma-Jami mosque, the abode of dervishes, an ancient water supply system, Turkish baths, ancient temples. Nearby is the city with therapeutic mud Saki, which has a large number of health facilities.

Photo © Yuriy Kuzin /

The most popular resort of the South Coast with a population of 78.2 thousand people is also the largest city on this coast of Crimea. There are many hotels and rest houses in the city, there is a beautiful embankment, monuments, alleys, a local history museum, Chekhov's house-museum, the Yalta Zoo "Fairy Tale", "Glade of Fairy Tales", the Uchan-Su waterfall, the Massandra Palace, the famous Massandra winery, not far from Yalta - the Livadia Palace and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Photo © B. Rad /

Theodosius is an ancient city located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, founded by Greek colonists. Now about 70 thousand people live here, which makes this settlement one of the largest in terms of population in Crimea. There are few ancient buildings here, the excavations that have begun make it difficult for residential areas, so the main architectural monuments have been preserved from the Middle Ages: the remains of the citadel of the Genoese fortress, the walls of Hayots-berd, Armenian temples and the Armenian fountain, the Mufti-Jami mosque. Art connoisseurs will like the Alexander Grin Literary Memorial Museum, the National Art Gallery of the famous marine painter I. K. Aivazovsky.

Photo © naiv.super1 /


An important railway junction in the northern part of the peninsula. According to the latest data, the population was about 39 thousand people. Shallow rivers flow in Dzhankoy, there is no access to the sea. The city is not rich in sights: the landscape park-reserve "Kalinovskiy", where more than 100 species of birds live, a mosque, Svyato-Pokrovskaya Orthodox Church and local history museum.


A well-known resort city on the southern coast of Crimea, the population is about 30 thousand people, which is much less than in Yalta, but nevertheless Alushta is one of the largest cities in Crimea. There are many beaches and attractions in Alushta, an aquarium, a dolphinarium, a museum of nature and an arboretum, not far from the city (near the village of Luchistoye) Mount Demerdzhi and the famous Valley of Ghosts.

Photo © lazy_lizzy /


Former capital of the Crimean Khanate. The city with a population of just over 27 thousand people is located in the steppe zone of Crimea in the foothills. The main attraction is the Khansaray Khan's Palace, no less interesting for tourists are the Fountain of Tears, sung by A. S. Pushkin, mosques and the cave city of Chufut-Kale.


The industrial city of Crimea (specializes in chemical production), with a population of just over 26 thousand people. It is located in the southern part of the Perekop Isthmus, next to the North Crimean Canal.

Translated from the Turkic, the modern name of the Crimean peninsula is translated as “shaft” or “wall”. In former times (until the 1920s) the peninsula was called Tauris. The Crimean peninsula is located in the southwestern part of Russia, on its territory there is a part of the Kherson region (), the city and the Republic of Crimea.

Crimea - video

The southern and western coasts of Crimea are washed by the waters of the Black Sea, the eastern coast - Sea of ​​Azov. In the northern part, the peninsula is connected to the mainland by the Perekop Isthmus, the width of which does not exceed 8 kilometers. In the southern part of Crimea there are quite young Crimean mountains, the rest of the peninsula is flat. The total area of ​​the Crimean peninsula is approximately 27 thousand square kilometers.

The climate of the Crimean peninsula is quite diverse: in the north it is temperate continental, in the south - subtropical. The central part of the peninsula is in the zone of influence temperate climate. The average temperature of the hottest summer month is +25 °C, while the coldest winter month ranges from -2 to +4 degrees. The average annual rainfall is 300-500 mm, in mountainous areas - up to 1,200 mm.

Approximately 2 million people live on the territory of the Crimean peninsula, of which Russians make up 58.3%, Ukrainians - 24.3%, Crimean Tatars- 12.1%, Belarusians - 1.4%, Armenians - 0.4%, Jews, Poles, Moldovans, Azerbaijanis - 0.2% each, Uzbeks, Koreans, Greeks, Germans, Mordovians, Chuvashs, Gypsies, Bulgarians, Georgians and Mari - 0.1% each. There are also Karaites, Krymchaks and other national minorities here.

Most of the Crimean population in religious terms are Orthodox Christians, among the rest of the population one can distinguish supporters of Islam, Jews, Protestants and Catholics.

Among the major cities of the Crimean peninsula, Simferopol and Kerch can be distinguished - they own the first three places in terms of population. About 390 thousand people, 340 thousand people and 150 thousand people live here, respectively.

The most developed economic spheres of the peninsula are industrial, commercial, construction, healthcare and agricultural industries.

The transport of the peninsula is represented by railway, bus and trolleybus intercity routes. In the city of Evpatoria, one of the types of municipal transport is a tram, and in Sevastopol, boats plying from the southern part of the city to the north are considered urban transport. In 2010, the presidents signed an agreement (the so-called "Kharkov agreements"), according to which a bridge of international importance will be built between Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory of Russia. Since March 2014, most of the Crimean peninsula has been the subject of territorial disputes between Russia and Ukraine.

Sights of Crimea

Ai-Petri mountain is the symbol of Crimea, whose name is translated from Greek as Mount St. Peter. The top of Ai-Petri is located at an altitude of about 1,236 meters above sea level. The mountain is part of the mountain range, at the beginning of which is the Swallow's Nest, and at the end of the famous white teeth up to 15 meters high. From the top of Mount St. Peter, beautiful landscapes of Greater Yalta open up. Separately, it is worth noting Yayla Ai-Petri - this is a place popular among lovers of skiing and downhill skiing. Snow here is up to 1.5 meters and it lies until late spring.

Kara-Dag or "Black" mountain is a large volcano that has not been active for about 150 million years. In the late 80s of the last century, Kara-Dag acquired the status of a state reserve, which includes 4 mountain ranges and part of the sea, which is adjacent to the slopes of the volcano. The total area of ​​the reserve is approximately 22 square kilometers. In the reserve you can find some plant species that are not found anywhere else in the world. The rarest species of fish and animals listed in the Red Book live here. On the territory of the reserve is located founded by the doctor of medical sciences T.I. Vyazemsky biological station - branch of the Institute of the Academy southern seas and Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

On the southern coast of Crimea there are many palaces - Livadia, Vorontsovsky, Massandrovsky and others. Livadia Palace built by architect Krasnov. The palace with the adjoining park is an outstanding historical monument. Here, during World War II, the famous Yalta Conference was held, at which Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill met. Vorontsov Palace combined English Gothic and Oriental architecture. The park area adjacent to the palace covers an area of ​​about 40 hectares. Massandra Palace built at the foot of the mountain on a site surrounded by forest plantations. The palace was intended for leisure activities, so there are no large halls for official receptions.

Livadia Palace:

Vorontsov Palace:

Massandra Palace:

In addition to the listed attractions, pay attention to the Nikitinsky Botanical Garden, Marble Caves, grand canyon, Red Cave, Bakhchisaray and others.

1. Citizens of Switzerland, Japan, the USA, the European Union can apply for tourist visas at the consulate dealing with this issue. The consulate is located in the city of Simferopol. In order to obtain a group visa, it is necessary to submit a list of people who are part of the group, indicating their passport details, citizenship, as well as a letter from the travel company and a document confirming the hotel reservation.

2. Tourists entering Crimea with children under 12 years of age should take into account that children need to have a certificate from a doctor stating that the child has not been sick recently viral diseases and vaccinated with all mandatory vaccinations (especially against diphtheria).

3. In hotels and inns of the Crimea, payment for rooms is made at the estimated time. If for some reason it was not indicated to you, then 8 am is taken as the estimated time.

4. If you booked a hotel room and did not arrive on time, then the reservation is canceled and your expenses are not compensated.

5. In the event of the arrival of more tourists than indicated in the ticket or receipt for the reservation, the hotel administration can provide them with places to stay, subject to availability, for a fee.

6. When planning a trip to Crimea, you should take care of first aid supplies, necessary medical preparations, as well as sunscreens. If the hotel provides you with food, then the administration of this institution is responsible for its quality.

7. Protect documents, money, valuables, photo and video equipment from prying eyes. There are known cases of theft in hotels, beaches, train stations, airports and other public places.

8. In the event of a traffic accident involving you or any conflict situation you must contact local law enforcement or the embassy of your country.

9. Take into account that the cost of comfortable rooms in hotels with quality food in the Crimean resort towns is somewhat higher than in similar establishments or in Bulgaria.

The territory of the Crimean peninsula is famous for its abundance of attractions and a very rich history, full of important events associated with various states. For this priceless territory from a geographical point of view, interstate wars and conflicts have been repeatedly fomented. What is there to hide, who just did not want to own the Black Sea "pearl".

Informally, Crimea is called "an open-air museum". The unique combination of climatic conditions, topography, flora and fauna confirm this. The Crimean peninsula is very popular among immigrants from the countries of the former USSR, they strive here in pursuit of indelible impressions from the unique architectural ensemble, beautiful nature, various palaces, museums and historical monuments. The wealth of attractions creates the feeling that even eternity is not enough to visit them all, so it would not be superfluous to first familiarize yourself with the description of the most famous and main of them.

A large number of palaces on the southern coast of the peninsula are of great tourist value; these architectural objects remember Count Shuvalov, the Romanov dynasty, Count Vorontsov and other historical figures. The palaces, once the property of the Crimean aristocrats, are museum complexes, attracting many guests with the mystery of entire generations.

Vorontsov Palace in Alushta

The Vorontsov Palace, located in Alushta (resort city), is included in the register of architectural monuments and adorns the foot of Mount Ai-Petri. Built in the first half of the 19th century (1848), the palace was the summer residence of Count Vorontsov, where three generations of the count's family lived. Today it is a museum-reserve with the famous Alupinsky Park in the composition.

Massandra Palace

The Massandra Palace of Emperor Alexander III, which adorns the village of Upper Massandra, has repeatedly changed its owners in its history, including: Emperor Nicholas II, Alexander III, the Vorontsov family. Many guests of the palace were famous people Soviet political arena, such as Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. Guests of the complex can look at original interior and furnishings of the period. The palace was built in late XIX century and is a branch of the Alupka Museum Complex.

swallow's Nest

The swallow's nest is a kind of architectural emblem of the peninsula; its image can often be seen on souvenir items. The Gothic style of the building makes it look like medieval castle, and the location on the edge of the cliff offers unique views of the south coast. Due to its small height, which is only 12 meters, this piece of architecture is recognized as the smallest castle in the world. The initiator of the construction was the German P.L. Steigel, who was inspired by the appearance of the castle, located on the banks of the Rhine River.

Kichkine Palace

The Kichkine Palace, built in 1913, was the property of Dmitry Konstantinovich Romanov. The attraction was made in unusual style with pronounced oriental "notes". A beautiful park, stairs to the sea and grottoes for vacationers catch your eye.

Suuk-su Palace

The Suuk-Su Palace is located in the village of Gurzuf, near the international children's center"Artek". The building is considered a cultural heritage and is included in the lists of architectural monuments. Suuk-su received its elite status thanks to the reception of eminent guests, attracting them with hydrotherapy procedures, cozy hotels and the presence of electricity. In 1942, the attraction was damaged by fire, but fortunately, after a while, the palace and the unique environment were restored.

Khan's Palace

The Khan's Palace, located in Bakhchisarai, symbolizes the Tatars' idea of ​​an earthly paradise. The palace was built in the 16th century and was once the khan's residence. Three generations of the Gireev family lived here, each of which left an imprint on the appearance of the landmark, which, unfortunately, was lost as a result of a fire and restructuring in the 18th-19th centuries. Only in the 20th century the building was restored, and the unique interior images were restored.

Livadia Palace

The Livadia Palace is the basis of the palace complex with unique parks and a unique landscape, located in the village of Livadia. The appearance of the first buildings of the complex dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. Purchased in 1861 royal family and served them for dacha purposes. The terrible consequences of the Second World War, the palace with the park were turned into ruins, but in 1945 they were restored.

Museums and exhibitions of Crimea

The Crimean peninsula has more than three hundred museums, including twenty state ones. As a rule, they are located in large cities such as Sevastopol, Feodosia, Simferopol and others. By the way, tourists will not be bored, because the museum complexes are very rich in the number of exhibits on various topics.

Art Gallery named after I.A. Aivazovsky in Crimea

Art Gallery named after I.A. Aivazovsky presents to the guests a collection of works, which includes more than four hundred works of the great creator. Here you can also see things that belonged to the artist's family and learn more about the history of the gallery. In the thirtieth year of the 20th century, a monument to the artist was erected near the gallery building, on which the inscription flaunts: “Feodosia to Aivazovsky”.

Adzhimushai quarries

The Adzhimushai quarries are of great commemorative significance; in 1942, local residents and soldiers of the Soviet army resisted the Nazis here for six months. Of the 13,000 resisters, only 48 survived. In memory of the dead, a memorial was erected. The heroic defense made a huge contribution to the victory of the Red Army, tying up the significant forces of the enemy.

Object 825 GTS

Object 825 GTS, sometimes referred to as the "Museum cold war"- the main attraction of Sevastopol. Tourists have a unique opportunity to look at the former strategic, secret object of the Cold War. Engineers managed to create a structure with special characteristics in a short time. The design is an underground "parking" of submarines, capable of protecting against a direct nuclear strike.

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol"

Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol" is a famous monument in the hero city. Dedicated to the defenders of the city from the assault of the British and French in 1856. The enemy wanted to push Russia out of the Black Sea. The city held the defense for almost a year, after which it was taken.

Alexander Grin Museum

The Alexander Grin Museum is a building with rooms that look like ship cabins. It tells about the history of the famous author, also, the guests see the world of heroes from the works of the writer. The museum began its existence in 1970 and is very popular among tourists; creative meetings of writers are often organized here.

Kerch Art Gallery

The Kerch Art Gallery is known for its richness of exhibits; more than two thousand paintings have been collected under one roof. The beginning of the existence of the exhibition dates back to 1985. The building itself, which is included in the registers of architectural monuments, has great cultural significance.

Monument to the Scuttled Ships

The Monument to the Scuttled Ships is an object of monumental art, completely surrounded by water. The memorial is a commemorative sign of the events of the 19th century, when the Russian fleet sank their own ships in the bay of Sevastopol in order to close the approach to the ships of the French and British.

Ancient settlements in Crimea

City of Chufut-Kale

The city of Chufut-Kale is a fortress city, which is located on a high-altitude plain near Bakhchisaray. It is an ancient cave-type settlement, founded in the 5th-6th centuries AD, presumably played the role of a fortification. The road to it runs through the territory of the rocky Holy Dormition Monastery. In the XIII-XIV centuries, the attraction was the "heart" of a small principality, which was under the influence of the Golden Horde, in that era the people of the Karaites lived here. In the 19th century, the remaining settlers left here.

Chersonese Tauride

Tauric Chersonesus is a part of Greek history, the policy, whose existence dates back to the 5th century BC, was the center of the Greek colony. In the II century BC was under the influence of the Bosporan kingdom, and later became a Roman vassal. Chersonese has a great value of a religious nature, because it was on this land that the Russian prince Vladimir was baptized, and the first Christians appeared on this territory in the 1st century of our era.

Genoese fortresses

Genoese fortresses are located in three cities of the peninsula: Sudak, Balaklava, Feodosia. In the Middle Ages, the forts served as a shield, protecting the Genoese from raids from the sea. In the 16th century, all three fortifications were at the disposal of the Ottoman Empire.

Religious sites of the peninsula

Sunday Church (Foros)

The Sunday Church (Foros), built in 1882 in the village of Foros, is located on a cliff, revealing the grandeur of beauty to Tourists. surrounding nature. The sanctuary was erected by order of Alexander III in memory of the train accident, in which the imperial family miraculously survived. In the post-revolutionary years, a restaurant was opened here, which ceased to exist in the seventies. During the Great Patriotic War, the landmark served as a refuge for the Foros border guards, who courageously repulsed the onslaught of the German invaders.

Holy Dormition Cave Monastery

The Holy Assumption Cave Monastery has a very deep history and is an active men's temple. The monastery began its existence in the 8th century, its founders were Byzantine monks. According to legend, the Crimean Khan himself came to honor the local shrines during the period of Ottoman rule. In 1927, the sanctuary was destroyed by an earthquake, the beginning of restoration activities dates back only to 1993.

Sights of the Crimean nature

In addition to man-made attractions, the peninsula is rich in conspicuous and colorful creations of Mother Nature herself.

Ak-Kaya or White rock

Ak-Kaya or White Rock is a vertical rocky wall that attracts attention from afar due to its white color. It is located near the village of White Rock above the Biyuk-Karasu valley. Many tourists come to see the splendor of this miracle of nature and take a photo as a keepsake.

Ghost Valley in Crimea

The Valley of Ghosts is located in the Alushta region of Crimea, it is a rocky formation of a bizarre shape. The attraction is located on the territory of a natural monument, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 20 hectares. The peculiar shape of the shadows, formed from stone forms, gives this place a "note" of mystery and mystery.

Balaklava Bay

Balaklava Bay is the consequences of lithological processes, forming a peculiarly rugged relief of the coast, where one of the three Genoese fortresses is located. The development of the territory by the first settlers began in the VIII-VI centuries BC. During the Crimean War, the base of the English fleet was located here, and under the Soviet regime - a secret submarine base.

Pushkin rock

Pushkin Rock is a wonderful corner of nature, named after the great poet, a place better fit to protect yourself from the growing hustle and bustle of modern times and enjoy a calm, moderate atmosphere of relaxation. The "pearl" of nature is located in the village of Gurzuf, on the southern coast of the peninsula.

Mount Ayu-Dag

Ayu-Dag is a mountain between Big Yalta and Big Alushta, sometimes called the Bear Mountain. The height of the mountain range is 570 meters above sea level and has a ledge into the sea basin by almost 2500 meters. The natural complex is included in the lists of natural monuments, many old legends and stories are associated with this place.

solar path

The Sunny Trail is a favorite route for tourists. Sometimes it is called the royal path, apparently because it runs from the children's sanatorium in the village of Gaspra to the Livadia Palace. The path is decorated with a variety of sculptures and rare, unique vegetation. Almost 7 kilometers of the miracle (the length of the trail) will not leave indifferent any tourist, the presence of observation platforms opens up unique panoramas of the southern coast.

Adalary Islands

Adalary - two islands of rocky origin in the south of the Crimean coast. Appearance reminiscent of medieval gothic castles. According to ancient legend, these are two brothers punished in this way by the gods for their misdeeds. The attraction is important for tourism, once a rocky path led to the islands, which has not survived to this day under the influence of the sea.

Red Caves (Kizil-Koba)

Red Caves (Kizil-Koba) is a large system consisting of several caves aged 2.5 million years, located in the mountains of Crimea. The name is not accidental, because the color of the rocky sights is red-red, the reason for this is the iron oxides in the composition of the rocks. The brainchild of nature is in the register of natural monuments, the explored length of cavernous formations is 25 kilometers in the form of underground labyrinths.

Waterfalls of Crimea

It is worth noting that the peninsula is also rich in the presence of water sources (about two thousand), and lovers of waterfall spectacles certainly will not be left behind, there are many wonderful waterfalls on the Crimean land: Su-Uchkhan, Lower and Upper Yazluar, the waterfall of the Three Saints and many others . All of them are beautiful in their own way, form photogenic views and definitely deserve the attention of travelers!

Waterfall Dzhur-Dzhur

Dzhur-Dzhur is considered the most full-flowing waterfall of the peninsula, the column of falling water is fifteen meters high, and the width of the channel reaches five meters. The water temperature even in summer is not higher than 10 degrees Celsius. The spectacle is really beautiful, because every second the flow of water is almost three hundred liters, exciting, right?


Ai-Petri is a mountain peak on the southern coast of the peninsula, part of the Yalta mountain and forest reserve. History mentions a Greek monastery once located here. The attraction is famous for its cable car, which is recognized as the longest in Europe (about three kilometers). When climbing to the top, visitors can see colorful panoramas from a height of up to 1300 meters above sea level.

Cape Fiolent

Fiolent is a cape located 15 kilometers from Sevastopol and famous for its magnificent landscape, unique flora and fauna. Here is St. George's Monastery and the famous Jasper Beach, which are connected by a multi-stage staircase. The cape is considered a favorite place for diving enthusiasts, due to the fact that ships do not go here and visibility under water is very good.

Golitsyn trail

The Golitsyn trail is a three-kilometer-long mountain trail, cut down on the initiative of Prince Golitsyn. It was timed to coincide with the arrival of Nicholas II. Nowadays, it is important for tourism and recreation; the location of the attraction has equipped observation platforms along walking routes. located along coastline and mountain ranges, has a length of more than five kilometers.

Nikitinsky Botanical Garden

Nikitinsky Botanical Garden is located near Yalta. This is a kind of scientific complex with an area of ​​tens of hectares, various scientific researches are carried out on its territory (mainly in the botanical direction). Founded in early XIX century thanks to the support of Count Vorontsov and the assistance of the botanist Bieberstein. The first leader of the complex was the famous naturalist Steven, who managed to adapt about 500 different plants to local climate conditions in 12 years of his work. The abundance of colorful flower ensembles touches the most hidden “strings of the soul”, and the peaceful paradise atmosphere makes many tourists come back here again and again.

Reserves and entertainers of Crimea

The richness of the fauna and flora of the peninsula in the era of progressive evolutionary processes of a technogenic nature needs reliable protection from their impact. Various reserves and sanctuaries have been coping with this for a long time. There are thirteen nature protection complexes on the territory, the main of which can be distinguished: Karadag and Crimean nature reserves, Cape Martyan and the aforementioned Cape Fiolent.

Karadag Reserve

The Karadag nature reserve is the property of not only the peninsula, but of the whole of Russia, located between Sudak and Feodosia and is of scientific value. The peculiarity of this "pearl" can be noted that on its territory there is an ancient, destroyed volcano.

Cape Martyan

Cape Martyan is the smallest nature reserve in Crimea, its area is 240 hectares, but despite this, its “shoulders” are tasked with preserving a special relic sub-Mediterranean forest, some of which trees are six centuries old.

Crimean nature reserve

The Crimean Nature Reserve is one of the oldest reserves on the peninsula; forests and representatives of the animal world living in them are protected on its territory.

Attractions in Crimea for children's leisure

The richness of the sights of the Crimea may be of interest to the young category of tourists. It will be interesting for children to visit such places as the Livadia Palace, visit the cable car in Yalta, various waterfalls, the Khan's Palace and the famous Crimean Puppet Theater.
While in Yalta, children can be taken to the zoo or crocodile. The Alushta Aquarium will be of interest to schoolchildren; there are also excursions to a small zoo and a terrarium. It will not be superfluous to visit museums, by the way, there are many children's museum complexes on the territory of the peninsula.
Be sure to include in the program of visits the Museum of Fairy Tales, where young tourists will be able to see the characters of various works, a similar complex is in the Museum of brownies (city of Alushta). When visiting Evpatoria, you can pay attention to the Museum of the Black Sea Pirates and the Museum of Water Disasters, where children will be told about historical facts navigation. V big cities peninsulas have entertainment water parks, in Alushta, for example, there is a wonderful dolphinarium, and the benefits of children's contact with the kindest aquatic inhabitants have long been known. Here the kids will be able to express themselves in various competitions and attractions.

The Crimean land is a storehouse of sights, here even the most demanding traveler will be able to satisfy his tourist needs.

Travelers planning to visit the magnificent Crimea for the first time should get an idea of ​​what awaits them here in advance. Useful information will allow you to choose the right place for recreation, to understand the specifics of the resorts. We bring to your attention a detailed guide to the Crimean peninsula.

Where is Crimea located?

The peninsula is located in Eastern Europe. Ukraine adjoins it from the north, and continental Russia from the east. The western, southern and southeastern shores are washed by the Black Sea, and the eastern -.

Crimea on the world map

Open map

General information

The Crimean Peninsula is part of the Russian Federation. It has two whole regions of the country - Sevastopol and, in fact, the Republic of Crimea.

The area of ​​the region is 27 thousand square meters. m., and the population - 2 million 284.4 thousand people. In terms of ethnic composition, there are most of all Russians - 65.3%, Ukrainians - 15.1%, Crimean Tatars - 10.2%. Tatars and Belarusians, Armenians and Jews, Moldavians and Greeks, Poles and Gypsies, Germans and Bulgarians also live here. In terms of religious composition, most of the Crimeans are Orthodox Christians, much less Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, Catholics, Protestants and Jews. official languages in Tauris, Russian, Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian are considered.

Geographically, Crimea is divided into 14 administrative districts, 11 cities of republican significance and 1 city of federal significance with a special status.

Short story

Thanks to its favorable geographical position at the crossroads of sea routes, nature itself has prepared for Taurida the fate of an important trade and logistics center. The magnificent climate has attracted people here since ancient times. According to archaeologists, they appeared on the promised land about 150 thousand years ago. fertile soils, rich in game forests, and an abundance of fish in the coastal surface contributed to the rapid growth of the population.

In different eras, Crimea was inhabited by Taurians, Greeks and Scythians, Romans and barbarian tribes. Slavs, Mongols, Khazars, Turks and Tatars lived here. It was owned by the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Golden Horde, and part of the land was even bought in the XIV century by the Genoese. In the middle of the 15th century, the Crimean Khanate, which was part of the Ottoman Empire, was formed here.

Vacationers with children and those who wish to improve their health in the magnificent mud baths of Sak and should pay attention to the West Coast. The entrance to the water on the local sandy beaches is gentle, the tourist infrastructure is up to standard. The East Coast is suitable for romantic pastimes for couples and lovers of an active lifestyle. , Sudak, and Kerch are ready to provide a lot of entertainment.

According to the ratings and reviews of experienced travelers, Evpatoria is the best place for family leisure. Koktebel and Alushta are ideal for young people. Lovers of maximum comfort should go to, Gurzuf and. A measured, romantic vacation without undue fuss for couples and the elderly is offered by the villages,. Finally, the most economical vacation option is provided to tourists in Olenevka, and.

How to get to Crimea?


Travelers coming to Crimea will not have any problems with accommodation. In the largest resort clusters of Yalta, Evpatoria, Feodosia, Kerch,
Sevastopol has created an excellent hotel infrastructure. In hotels of category from 3 * to new guests are always welcome.

Tourists who prefer a more relaxing holiday will be able to stay in mini-hotels and hotels in small resort villages. Here it is quite possible to find options based on financial capabilities. Economy class services are provided by guest houses, and hostels provide absolutely budget accommodation.

The private sector will please with a variety of offers: from luxury villas and cottages to modest and cheap apartments, houses or cottages. Prices are quite affordable due to the absence of intermediaries. Would you like to spend your holiday in communion with? Pay attention to campsites and camp sites.

Where and what beaches in Crimea?

Crimea, washed by two seas at once, having a unique nature and microclimate, and not inferior to the French Riviera in the number of sunny days, can be considered the promised land for lovers of relaxation. its different parts have characteristic features.

If you prefer to sunbathe on the fine golden sand, you should go to the ZBK. The best coated edges are in the area. No less attractive are the recreations of the villages of Chernomorskoye, Lazurnoye and Olenevka.
In cozy shallow coves and estuaries, the water warms up by mid-May.

The South Coast is famous for its cozy coves, stretching in a string between Capes Ai-Todor and. Local beach areas, like their counterparts in Yalta, Alushta and are covered with pebbles. Breezes reign here, carrying freshness. Hot air from the central part of Taurida is not passed by mountain ranges.

On the section between Sudak and Alushta there is wonderful places with mixed coverage, where mountain streams flow into the Black Sea. Recreations in the vicinity and Sudak are popular with vacationers. The cozy coves of Koktebel have long been chosen. Complete relaxation is guaranteed on a stretch of 15 km, starting right from Feodosia. The depth of the water here rises gradually, so it is comfortable to relax with children.

The East is washed by two seas. The best for swimming and sunbathing in the Black Sea part of the water area, limited, is considered recreation at the foot. The Azov shores, stretching for almost 100 km, attract with a sandy coating and a gentle entrance to the sea. The most famous of them is. Reef and Bulganak bays are in demand (near which there are). Quite a lot of holidaymakers are attracted to recreation in the Shchelkino area and.

Most of the coastal zones have a fairly developed infrastructure. Vacationers are offered a variety of entertainment: from traditional bananas to. In specialized points it is easy to rent a jet ski, a catamaran, rent diving equipment, everything you need for classes water sports sports.

Iconic landmarks

Travelers seeking to combine a beach and educational vacation are waiting for numerous man-made sights of the Crimea. Among them, it is worth highlighting a number of iconic places that are the hallmarks of the Crimean peninsula:

  1. . An elegant castle in the Gothic style, built in 1912 on top of a sheer cliff, is the most recognizable architectural monument of Taurida. A miniature stone miracle in the village of Gaspra is a must-see.
  2. . The citadel in Sudak, the construction of which ended in the middle of the 15th century, Genoese architects spent about 70 years, has been perfectly preserved. The crenellated towers of the fortress, the barbican and the walls more than once became the backdrop for the filming of historical films.
  3. . A unique complex of five large museum objects is dedicated to one of the most heroic pages of Russia's military glory - the defense of the city from the armies of the Anglo-French-Turkish coalition during. Here you will see the famous brush of Franz Roubaud.
  4. . The ancient city, founded by Greek colonists in the 5th century BC, which was part of the Bosporan Kingdom, the Roman Empire and Byzantium, existed until 1399, until it was destroyed by nomads from the Golden Horde. Today, here you can see fragments of colonnades, ruins of an amphitheater, baths, Zeno's towers and other artifacts.
  5. . The complex of buildings that served as a residence for the khans was erected in the 16th-17th centuries. in characteristic Ottoman architectural style. The splendor of the palaces, whose facades are decorated with arcades with columns, elegant stone carvings and inscriptions in Arabic script, can be admired endlessly. By the way, it is here that the famous fountain, sung by Pushkin, is located.

Excursions around the Crimean peninsula

All Crimean resorts have tour desks that offer vacationers exciting trips along a variety of routes. They can be one-day or lasting several days, by bus, on horseback or on foot. Excursions around are extremely interesting. They start from Alushta and last one day. The route includes a visit to the Livadia and palaces, the Swallow's Nest. There are tours that also include inspection, where Stalin liked to relax.

It causes no less interest among tourists. Here you have to visit Alupka, Miskhor and. Vacationers will be able to walk along and,
see other iconic monuments of architectural and park art.

Participants of the hiking tour to the Karabi mountain range will have a great opportunity to admire the stunning surroundings and feel unity with the pristine nature. For four days of walking, starting in the village. Generalskoye, passing through the protected places and the Tirke-yayly plateau, you will see with your own eyes the magnificent, enjoy the unique lunar landscapes from the Kara-Tau mountain, explore the Terpi-Koba cave.

Fans of extreme recreation are offered a fascinating journey through the wild grottoes on. Accompanied by speleologists, you will be able to descend into the Buzluk cave cavity, where at a depth of 20 m you will find permafrost, frozen waterfalls and rock petroglyphs left by ancient people. Following the route further, tourists will have to visit Terpi-Koba and climb the mountain, which has a height of 1220 m.

Yes, this is only a small part of the many amazing excursions, which are not difficult to become participants while relaxing in the Crimea. Experienced guides will organize tours for you to ancient Chersonese, the famous hero city, romantic, trips to extinct volcanoes and. Among this variety, it is not difficult to choose a route to your taste.

picturesque nature

It amazes with the variety and magnificence of landscapes. The peninsula has everything: endless Little Russian steppes, beautiful mountain ranges with alpine valleys, a picturesque coast washed by the warm sea. Here you can see various types of vegetation - up to tropical palms. There are many animals in the forests, and the seaside is chosen by birds. When visiting Crimea, do not miss the following natural attractions:

  • . The mountain, which is part of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains, which is considered the main symbol of the South Coast, rises above Alupka. It has three peaks, and the main peak rises 1,246 km above the sea level. The highlight of the top, consisting of limestone rocks, are considered to be stunning rocky teeth, formed due to the weathering of the stone. They are stretched on them today.
  • Jur-Jur . This waterfall is formed by the Ulu-Uzen River, which flows through a picturesque gorge, the waters of which create a series of cascades, falling from a limestone ledge located at a height of 15 m. The height of the main waterfall is 5 m. At its foot, which does not dry out in summer and rarely freezes in winter, there are natural rock baths.
  • . The most picturesque place, limited by capes and Aya, is located between Sevastopol and Yalta. Due to the fact that the ridges protect the bay from northern winds, a unique microclimate is created here, favorable for exotic vegetation, in particular, tree ferns. The water is crystal clear and the scenery is just gorgeous.
  • . It is located in the region of the lower plateau of the Chatyr-Dag massif and is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. You can get into it through the entrance, located at an altitude of 920 m. Inside there are several halls and galleries, the natural decoration of which are stunning stalactites and stalagmites.
  • . Beautiful and mysterious, spread out at the foot, she is familiar to many from the frames of the famous one, who was filmed here. The memo is also interesting thanks to the “stone chaos” - blocks of rock that have taken on the most bizarre shapes over the centuries under the influence of wind and rain. The landscapes here are simply amazing.

Recovery and treatment

Crimea is rightfully considered a great health resort. There are many excellent ones here, where a number of diseases are successfully treated. They can be divided into three main groups:

  • Balneological, where the healing effect of mineral waters is based on their external and internal use
  • Mud baths specializing in procedures using sulfide and peat mud, lake brine.
  • Climatic, where the therapeutic effect is achieved through a combination of unique natural factors.

Sanatoriums are equipped with modern medical equipment. Various procedures are used for treatment: traditional physiotherapy, healing showers and baths, speleotherapy in salt caves, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy, herbal medicine and even dolphin therapy. Cities of the South Coast specialize in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, respiratory organs, tuberculosis. The best sanatoriums are located in Foros and Alushta.

Resort recreations of the coastal steppe zone are concentrated in Evpatoria, Feodosia and Saki. Here, with the help of healing mud and mineral waters, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, intestines are effectively treated, problems in the field of gynecology, urology, and dermatology are solved. In addition to specialized sanatoriums, there are many multidisciplinary health centers in Crimea. You can take a course of treatment in them either on a voucher, or by buying only a course.

Active holidays in summer

Crimea opens up great prospects for lovers of active pastime. Tourists who adore the water element will have the opportunity to go in for water skiing, make an exciting trip along the coast in a kayak or take part in a small yacht cruise. For those who wish, sea, river and lake fishing is organized.

Vacationers who prefer to feel under their feet solid ground, will offer hiking, or tours to beautiful places. Avid motorists will certainly want to take part in a safari on off-road vehicles provided for rent through the hard-to-reach corners of the peninsula.

They have been popular lately. In this festive period, life in the resorts comes to life. For tourists, colorful entertainment events are organized in hotels. Many interesting surprises are being prepared by the administration of resort towns. On their streets, festivities, theatrical performances are held, and in the evenings, the sky is painted in bright colors by fireworks.

Significant events

Holidays and festivals in the Crimea love and know how to organize. On a special scale, Victory Day, February 23, is celebrated here, when mass festivities and stunning fireworks are organized in the largest cities, and in Sevastopol, the celebration of the Navy Day is accompanied by a grandiose naval parade.

Many colorful events are celebrated by the Crimean Tatars. At the beginning of May, Hydirlez comes, when a loaf is rolled down a hill, determining, according to a long tradition, whether the coming year will be fruitful or not. A particularly colorful holiday is the September Derviza, when festivities, fairs, and national wrestling competitions are held. And, of course, Muslims treat Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha with special reverence.

From the festival series held throughout the peninsula throughout the year, it is worth highlighting several events that are especially popular:

  • In early August, the picturesque Balaklava Valley hosts a show in which the best Russian pop artists take part.
  • At the end of the month, jazz lovers and the best performers from many countries of the world come to Koktebel for the Koktebel Jazz Party.
  • In the same August, a colorful festival of historical reconstruction is held in Sudak. In an ancient Genoese fortress, a large Knight Tournament, many colorful events.
  • The last week of July is marked by the grandiose international forum "EXTREME Crimea". In Olenevka, masters of extreme sports compete with each other and share their experience, battles are held between parkourists and dance groups.

Of course, this is not a complete list of festivities on the peninsula. Many are attracted by the traditional "Tulip Parade" in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The Pir Fest is also worthy of attention, where you can taste the most interesting dishes. And what are the celebrations on the occasion of the Days of cities worth?!

Crimean cuisine

It is a unique mixture of Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar gastronomic traditions. Culinary here is extremely multifaceted and varied, contains a variety of vegetable and meat dishes, their seafood dishes.

Gourmets are recommended to try imam-bayaldy stuffed eggplants, sarma (the Crimean analogue of dolma) and authentic chir-chir chebureks. Russian cuisine will please you with magnificent pies with fish, meat or mushrooms cooked according to old recipes.

Admirers of Ukrainian gastronomy will be offered to treat themselves to excellent borscht or cabbage soup, wonderful donuts and amazingly delicious potato pancakes. Be sure to try uzvar - a cold berry drink with honey.

What to buy colorful as a keepsake?

From any trip, you want to bring something other than traditional magnets and T-shirts with authentic logos. Excellent about the rest in the Crimea and the present will be acquaintances:

  • Plates, spatulas, bowls, boxes, caskets made of juniper wood exuding a delicate coniferous aroma.
  • Onyx crafts - from diverse amulets and candlesticks to elegant chess and sets of glasses.
  • Handmade soap and locally produced natural cosmetics based on medicinal plants.
  • Aged collection, cognacs and champagnes of famous wineries and factories.
  • Gorgeous herbal teas, which have a tonic and healing effect and are collected in ecologically clean areas.


Being in Tavrida, it is easy to use the mobile services of the main Russian operators. However, there is one caveat. Fearing sanctions, operators use the network of the local provider K-Telecom, so telephony and Internet access will have to pay a little more.

"Megafon" offers a special tariff "Crimea" with a monthly fee of 15 rubles. per day. At the same time, for a minute of communication with a subscriber in the Russian Federation, you will have to pay 5 rubles for free incoming calls, and for SMS - 3 rubles. A megabyte of mobile Internet will cost 9.9.

Tariffs from VimpelCom are much steeper and more attractive. Incoming and outgoing calls will cost 9.95 rubles. per minute, and SMS - 4.5. For 1 MB of traffic, Beeline requires the same 9.95. There are no preferential tariffs for the peninsula.

The MTS company took much better care of its subscribers. By subscribing to the "Everywhere at home" tariff, you will be able to make outgoing calls to Russia, paying 3 rubles per minute. Incoming calls are free, and the subscription fee will be 7 rubles. per day. It also offers the most profitable mobile Internet.

Tele-2 subscribers do not need to worry about too much high costs to mobile communications. By choosing the option "It's like being at home in Crimea", communicate with Russia by paying 5 rubles. per minute, with free incoming calls. The subscription fee will be equal to 6 rubles per day. Internet traffic is provided at a price of 5 rubles. per MB, which is only slightly more expensive than the offer from MTS.

The medicine

Russian citizens vacationing in the Crimea, if necessary, will receive a full package of free medical services provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. To do this, you only need to have a valid insurance policy with you. Medical assistance is provided regardless of the region in which it was issued.

Hospitals and polyclinics of the peninsula are equipped with modern equipment, staffed by specialists of various medical specialties. An ambulance is called by phone 03. If you are relaxing at the resort, doctors of first-aid posts will provide emergency assistance. In numerous pharmacies, it is not difficult to purchase all kinds of medicines.


Since the main source of replenishment of the Crimean budget is income from tourism, the authorities are trying to do everything to maintain law and order in high level. Crimeans treat visitors favorably, and vacationers who have taken too much alcohol often act as troublemakers. However, the police act very quickly, stopping bursts of aggressiveness in the bud.

It is much more common to meet various types scams: from attempts by intrusive taxi drivers to charge you an astronomical amount for a trip that can be made on a regular bus, to exotic offers to exchange rubles for a separate currency allegedly walking here.

Often, gullible travelers are trying to cheat when renting out housing. Before you pay money, make sure that you are going to transfer it to the owner of the apartment or house, ask the neighbors.

Trade in resort towns and petty thieves. To avoid becoming a victim, do not take valuables with you to the beach, which may not be there when you get out of the water. It is better to keep cameras and video cameras in your hands during excursions. Excessive, at first glance, caution never hurts.

Among the dangers of a natural nature, the greatest is the possible heat stroke. When sunbathing, be careful not to overheat. Soberly assess the forces and do not swim too far into the sea.

Of all the representatives of the fauna living in Tauris, only the steppe viper, karakurts,

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