Ladoga lake how much. Wonderful places of Russia - Ladoga

Garden technique 13.10.2019
Garden technique

Lake Lake is one of the largest fresh reservoirs in Europe. In our article, we want to talk about where is the nature and climate on his coast. It has sufficient interesting features. Nature here is distinguished by special beauty.

Lake location

Partially it is located in Karelia (East and Northern Beach) and in the Leningrad Region (South, Southeast, Western). On its shores there are cities such as New Ladoga, Priozersk, Schlisselburg, Sortavala, Lachdenproke, Pitkyaranta.

Lake Lake on the map is located at the same time in the Leningrad region, and in Karelia. It is large enough. In addition, it also has the islands. Ladoga Lake Square is 17.9 square kilometers excluding island sites. It extends from north to south on two hundred nineteen kilometers. His wide place is one hundred and thirty-eight kilometers. Agree, the dimensions are impressive. This parameters can be assessed, what is the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ladoga.

The depth of the reservoir in the Northern region ranges from seventy to two hundred and thirty meters, and in the southern part of twenty to seventy meters. As we see, the depth of Ladoga of the lake is very inhomogeneous, and has the greatest value in the northern part of the reservoir. And the volume of water is nine hundred and eight meters of cubic.

River Ladoga Lake and Islands

Thirty-five rivers fall in the reservoir. But only one - Neva takes out of it. There are three large bays on the southern coast of the lake: Volkhovskaya, Svirkaya and Shlisselburg lip.

The largest river flowing into a laugh is a switter. She brings in it the water of Onega Lake. Still in the reservoir, such rivers, as an avg, sea, turbulent, ayraioki, vidnitz, lzhanka, squeezing, Olonka and others.

It must be said that in Ladoga Lake, the water level is not a constant value. He constantly fluctuates, and it is remarkably visible on white stripes on the rocks that go under water.

Ladoga Lake Islands are quite numerous. They are about 660. Their area is four hundred thirty-five kilometers square. It must be said that more than five hundred islands are located in the northern part of the reservoir. This is a shatter area.

The largest islands:

  1. Riekcalansaries - 55.3 km. sq.
  2. Mantseinsaari - 39.4 km. sq.
  3. Kilple - 32.1 km. sq.
  4. Tulolysari - 30.3 km. sq.
  5. Valaam - 27.8 km. sq.

The most famous on the lake are Valaam Islands. They are an archipelago of fifty islands with a total area of \u200b\u200babout thirty six kilometers square. They became famous thanks to the Valaam Monastery, located on the main island, and the Christmas-Virgin Moon on the island of Konevets.

The history of the appearance of the lake

Lake Ladoga is located in a hood that has a glacial tectonic origin. Three hundred and four hundred million years ago, the whole territory of the lake and its pool was covered with the sea.

The modern relief was formed as a result of the activity of the glacier. The main factor was the change in the level of the ocean, the sushi rise occurred. After the glacier retreated, the Baltic Fresh Ice Lake was formed. Later water of this reservoir went to the territory of modern Switzerland. And there formed by the Aloldiye Sea.

Nine and a half thousand years ago, an anchor lake appeared due to the raising sushi. On the Karelian Isthmus it is connected with the help of a strait with Lake Lake. And eight and a half thousand years ago, the continuing tectonic processes opened the Danish sheds, and the Latio Sea was formed. This, in turn, led to the emergence of the Karelian Isthmus and, actually, the formation of Lake Ladoga. Over the past two and a half thousand years, relief has not changed in these places.

The northern part of the lake is located on the South - on the Eastern European Platform. It is at the junction of these surfaces that the greatest depth of Lake Ladoga is observed.

Climatic conditions

Lake Ladoga has a temperate climate, as if a transitional form from a moderate-marine to moderately continental. Such climatic conditions are explained very simple. The geographical position of the Lake Ladoga and the atmospheric circulation of this region led to such a climate.

I must say that in these places there are not so many sunny days a year. So, the amount of solar heat entering the ground is not so great. Therefore, the moisture evaporates extremely slowly. For 12 months there can be only sixty-two sunny day. Most of the year in this region, days with cloudy, cloud weather, scattered lighting prevail.

Rest in Ladoga Lake is better to schedule from the twenty-fifth of May to the seventeenth of July, then here you can watch white nights. These days the sun does not fall over the horizon, the morning and evening twilight merge into a single whole. In general, white nights last about fifty days.

It should be noted that the lake of Lake Ladoga also affects the local climate, smoothing the extreme characteristics. Throughout the year, the southwestern and western winds are dominated here. Quiet and windless weather is extremely rare. Sometimes winds have storm indicators.

On the entire coast, breeze in summer days and nights are observed. They begin at about nine in the morning and continue up to eight in the evening. Bristi penetrate sushi deep into fifteen kilometers. The fogs are observed most often in the spring, autumn and summer.

Coastline of Lake

Ladoga coastline is more than a thousand kilometers. The northern shores are rocks, strongly cut, forming a variety of peninsulas and narrow bays, as well as small islets separated by straits.

The southern coastline is low. It is less rolled and is frequented by waters. The coast will always have stony reefs, banks, mongs. Volkhovskaya, Swirkaya and Shlisselburg lips are the largest bays of Lake Ladoga.

Eastern shores are completely cut completely. There are two bays: vinegar and lunculaklachti. It is in this part that there are wide beautiful sand beaches.

The western shore of the reservoir is even less ruined. It is completely praised by thick mixed forests and shrubs that came close to water. The shore is littered with wipers of the Valuns. Stone ridges sometimes go far deep into the lake, forming hazardous melons.

Lake Lake Relief

As we have noted earlier, the relief of the bottom of the lake is heterogeneous and has an explicit increase in the depth of the south to the north. It can be said that the average depth of the reservoir is about fifty meters, and the greatest one - two hundred and thirty-three meters (towards the north from the island of Valaam). Lake Ladoga in the northern part has a very uneven bottom. It is completely grazed by depressions. And in the southern region, the bottom is more smoothed and even. Lake Lake is in the eighth place the most profound lakes of Russia.

Transparency of lake water is different from various shores. The smallest of its indicators are observed in the Bay of the Volkhov Lip, and the greatest - in the west direction from the Valaam Islands.

During a strong storm water in the lake, which is called, boils and boils, it is completely covered with foam.

Only the central part of the reservoir can be covered with ice and only in a very harsh winter. The long-term cold period leads to strong cooling of water, for this reason the water in the lake remains cold even in the summer. She managed to warm only in a thin top layer and a narrow coastal strip. The maximum temperature of surface waters in August, when it is twenty-four degrees. Water in the lake is fresh and, in principle, quite clean, except those sites, where there is a place to stock pollution by industrial waste.

Economic importance of the lake

The place where Lake Lake is located, has led his serious economic importance to the country. The fact is that the lake is shipping, which is important for the region. It is considered one of the parts of the water highway, which is part of the Volga-Baltic path, as well as the White Sea-Baltic Channel.

The most shipping is the southern part of the Ladoga from the Neva and to Sviri. Since the reservoir has serious sizes, then there are often a storm, especially in the fall. At such periods, all shipping stops for the safety of passenger ships.

From the time of the founding of St. Petersburg, the lake was part of the Unified Water Transport System of Northern Russia. An oldwall canal was laid for safe swimming along the southern coast. As soon as it was not enough, they also laid a new one hundred and sixty-nine kilometers long.

Ekoladozhsky Channel is currently practically completely powerful. And the second channel to this day is shipping. For the year on the lake transported up to eight million tone of cargo. Petroleum products, chemical raw materials, building materials, forests are transported to the Baltic from the Volga. In addition, tens of thousands of passengers are transported annually on Ladog.

From Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities are made cruises (tourist) on Konevets and Valaam Islands. Ships go to pass through the central water area of \u200b\u200bthe lake, where it is not visible on the banks. And with strong winds you can feel a significant swing.

There are no regular passenger traffic in Ladoga. However, twice a day for individual destinations in the navigation periods there are motorboats of the tourist destination.

Fish inhabiting in the waters of the lake

Fish Ladoga Lake has an industrial value. Ten species are caught, among which Ryapushka, Koryushka, Ripus is most popular. Sudican and sings are found quite a lot in the lake.

Holidays in Ladoga

Despite the fact that the water in the Lake Ladoga remains cold even in the summer, it attracts a large number of vacationers. As we said earlier, there are beautiful sandy beaches on the coast. North Islands are especially popular among tourists. The best period for walking on a kayak on the lake - June and July. A little closer to the autumn begin the storm, in which the excitement of water, like in the sea.

Here on the lake there is a Lowervir nature reserve. It is located on the right bank of the protected area - the wetlands of international importance. They are interesting because they are the place of nesting of aquatic and migratory birds. 256 different types of birds were registered on this territory.

Special interest enjoys tourists Island Valaam. It is completely covered with a coniferous forest. There is an old men's monastery on the island, which was founded in the ninth-eleventh centuries.

Also holidaymakers love to visit Konevsky Island, on which there is a monastery. This name is the island received from the boulder horse-stone located here. Until the late nineteenth century, this stone was a place of sacrifices. The main attraction is the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located on the territory of the monastery.

Historical excursion

The Novgorod residents had a military and trading fleet in Ladoga in Ladoga. Geographical information fell to Western Cardographers and in those days. Lake Lake on the map of the Moscow state appeared back in 1544. She was made by the German scientist Sebastian Münster.

And in 1600 the drawing of Rus Fyodorum Godunov was compiled. On it, the lake was applied with quite great accuracy. In the middle of the eighteenth century, a map of not only the Lake Lake himself, but also an artificial canal was made.

New Ladoga

New Ladoga is one of the towns on the shore of Ladoga. It is located on the left side of the Volkhov River in the place where it flows into the lake. The city was founded in 1704 by the emperor by Peter first. Here, a large number of historical architectural monuments have been preserved, which can be interesting to guests and tourists.


The city is located on the shore of Ladoga. It was founded by the prince of Novgorod in 1323, which on the island of nuts laid a wooden fortress. Later she was captured by the Swedes renamed her to Noteburg. And in 1702 the fortress was dismissed by Peter first. He gave her the current name. The city also has its own attractions: Staroladozhsky Channel, Oreshk Fortress, Petra Monument to the First, Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, Nikolskaya Church.


At this place, the Karelian settlement lived in the twelfth century. And in 1310, the Novgorod, the capital fortress, called the Korela, was built in the mouth. Later, she won the Swedes. But in 1710, she again moved to the Russian Empire.

Lake Ladoga and its surroundings are quite interesting places for tourists. Here, not only can be admired by the beauty of nature, take water walks, visit the islands, but also to see the historical monuments that have survived to our time.

Lake Lake (historical name Nevo) - Lake in Karelia and the Leningrad region, the largest freshwater lake in Europe.

Location Leningrad Region, Karelia

Height above sea level 4 m
Length 219 km
Width 138 km
Area 18 135 km.kv.
Volume 908 km. Cube.
The greatest depth of 260 m
Average depth 70 m
The area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment is 276,000 km.kv.
Plugging River Svir, Volkhov, Vuoks, Lucky, Nasi, etc.
Forky river Neva
On the coasts of the Ladoga - the ancient low coastal shafts with gentle slopes, dressed in a dry boron, and between them are wide wetlands and bent hollows. Along the shore itself - Zaroshi Yves, sulfur alder, a melanchie on wetlands, lowest diesel swamps, swampy meadows with Russian and horsetail. The chain of the dunes, part of the movable, part of the attached throats. In coastal shallow water - the reeds and reeds are overgrown.


The lake is fueled through the River Spear from Lake Onega, and through the Volkhov River - from Lake Ilmen. The rivers of Vuoks are also falling into it, as well as, Nazi and others. Neva is the only river arising from the Lake Ladoga.
Swamps and complex lake systems of the pool regulate stock into the lake Lake and its water mode. The rivers passing through intermediate lakes, leave in them a lot of weaving weighted mineral particles and reach the ladogs with noticeably clarified water. River floods are molded on lakes.

Water balance

Approximately 85% of the arrival part of the water balance gives the inflow of river water, 13% - atmospheric precipitation and 2% - groundwater inflow. About 92% of the expenditure part of the balance goes to the launch of the Neva, 8% - to evaporate from the water surface.

In Lake Ladoga and its shores, the sediments often drop out: the number of days with precipitation of the year reaches 200. In autumn and winter (November-February), sediments are more often, in spring and summer (April-June) less often.


In Lake Lake, about 660 islands with a total area of \u200b\u200b435 km.kv., most of them are concentrated in the northern part of the lake, in the so-called scholar area, as well as as part of Valaam (approx. 50 islands), Western archipelagos and group of Mantsinsari Islands (OK. 40 islands). The largest islands - riekkalansaries, Mantsinsari, Kilple, Tulolansari, Valaam, Konevets.

The most famous in Ladoga Lake Valaam Islands - Archipelago of about 50 islands of about 36 km?, Thanks to the location on the main island of the Balaam Monastery archipelago. Also known is the island of Konevets, on which the monastery is also located.

Animal world

Now there are 58 species and varieties of fish in Lake Ladoga and rivers. Most of the species live in a lake constantly, and only some of them, such as Baltic Ostr, Baltic Salmon, Nevskaya Midhog, Sea Acne, at times enter the lady from the Baltic and Finnish Bay. In the past in Ladoga, the lake met a sterling, now it is not. In recent years, new fish appeared in the lake and Sazan and Pel'l. Sazan penetrated Lake Ilmen, where he was released in 1952-1953., And the peel - from the Lakes of the Karelian Isthmus, where it is bred since 1958

From the most valuable fishing fishes in the Lake Ladoga, Salmon, Trout, Palia, Siga, Rapushka, Ripus, Sudak and Bream are found. To less valuable include Ersh, perch, roach, pike, guster, hustling, stained, Koryushka, etc.

Local lake salmon - exclusively valuable fish. Its weight reaches 10 kg. From May to September, it goes to spawning in the river, most of all in Svir, Stormy, Vliusitz and Tul. Young salmon spends 2-3 years in rivers, and then rolled into the lake. The best seats of fishing salmon are in the northern part of the lake. However, fishing since 1960 It is forbidden, since the flock of salmon is restored very slowly. The reason for slow resumption is a sharp deterioration in spawning conditions; The rivers are clogged with looster, Vuoksa is dirty, poachers are applied on a turbulent damn, the switches are overclosed by dams of hydroelectric power plants.

At the bottom of the Lake Lake, 385 kinds of invertebrates live, therefore, the fauna is quite diverse. Most of all species in the littoral (about 290). Much less - in the deep sea part (about 80).

Lake Lake is the largest freshwater lake in Europe. Located on the territory of Karelia and the Leningrad region.

The first name of the lake was different. In the ancient Russian chronicles, it was called Nevo. Scientists believe that the name happened from the Finnish word "swamp, quagm." In the treaties concluded with Hanseatic cities and in the Scandinavian sagas, he is called Aldog, from the Finnish "Wave". The current name is in use only since the beginning of the 13th century. The lake began to call Ladoga, forming the name from the name of the city of Ladoga.

Scientists have proven that the Ladoga Lake Lake of Ice and Tectonic Origin. In the Epoch of Paleozoic, the water of the ancient sea splashed here, later the glacier was formed in this place, in many respects, formed a modern relief of the reservoir and surroundings. The area of \u200b\u200bthe lake is 18,400 square kilometers. Its length from the south to the north is about 219 km. The maximum width of the reservoir (from the west to the East) is 138 km.

Due to its origin, Ladoga is distinguished by uneven depths. The most "small" part of the lake is South. Local depths do not exceed 70 m. But in the northern part, the average depth of Lake Lake is about 100 m. There are places where the water thickness reaches 260 m.

The Lake Ladoga is notable for regularity: the coagher, the greater depths of them are located. The highest and steep shores in the north, directly at Schächer. In the south, they are more gentle and depth there are small.

By the way, the peculiarity of the Ladoga is an uneven water level. In the old days they said that he grows seven years and falls seven years. On average, the water reserves of the lake make up 908 cubic kilometers. For comparison, Baikal - 24,000 km³.

There are 32 rivers in Lake Lake, and only one - Neva flows out of it. Many rivers connect a palogue with other lakes. Through Volkhov, it is connected to the Lake Ilmen, through the Spear River - with Onega, through the Vidditsy - with the Vedotozer, through Tullema - with Tulmboser.

Sunset on Sviri. The River Svir binds Ladoga and Onega Lakes.

Lake is rich in the islands. Most of them are in the north. These are famous Ladoga Schhers, a beautiful necklace of islands, which are divided among themselves by a whimsical labyrinth of the straits. Composite part of Ladoga Schker is the most famous Valaam archipelago, where the old Savior Transfiguration Monastery is located.

Lunculansaari, Konevets, Mantinsaari, Dresinceari and others are among the large northern islands. In the southern part of the reservoir of the islands, it is very small and all of them are small: poultry in the Volkhovsky lip and Zelents in Shlisselburg.

On the shore of Lake Lake.

The unique inhabitant of the lake is Ladoga Nerpe. This is the only appearance of marine mammals, which has adapted to life in a fresh reservoir. Their rookers on the Islands of the Valaam archipelago are under special protection.

Since the end of the eighth century, Slavic settlements appear on the shore of the lake: the city of Ladoga, later - Korela, current Priozersk. At the beginning of the 14th century, the root of the Neva built the fortress of the nut, the current Shlisselburg. Famous monasteries on Valaam and Konevech were founded a little later.

Lake Ladoga shore.

At the end of the 17th century, the southern, northern and west coast of Ladoga Lake moved to Swedish Ingermanland. Swedes rename the Russian nuts and Korela to Noteburg and Kexholm, based on the settlement of Sortavala. With the beginning of the Northern War, Lake Lake is becoming a host of hostilities. The most famous battles of that period became the battle of ships under Kexholm and the capture of the Noteburg. In 1721, the Ladoga coast was again Russian.

Lake Lake is rich in the most interesting places:

Ladoga Schhers.

Schhers are the rocky islands separated by narrow straits and ducts. They occupy a significant part of the northern part of the lake. Schhers stretched by semicircle from the city of Pitkyarant to the village of Berezovo. In the whole world, they are amazingly beautiful, however, the most majestic landscapes begin to the northeast of the island of Coinsaary, who closes the Ladoga Turly from the expanses.

On the northern coast of Ladoga Lake is the amazing city of Sortavala. It is obliged to three states in his own historical and cultural appearance: Finland, Sweden and Russia, which at different times was located. This is a beautiful Karelian city, surprising by its unusual architecture.

Oriental beaches

The east coast of Ladoga is famous for its clean sandy beaches. The shallow water is well warmed, especially if June and May were treated warm. These beaches are considered an ideal place to relax.

Lake Lake in these places seems endless, and on the coast in some places you can see sand dunes. There are also near the village of Vidlitsy. The old settlement was spread in the mouth of the river of the same name. In the village you can admire the church of the Great Martyr George. The vicinity of Vidnitsy attracts incredibly beautiful nature.

Beach in the area of \u200b\u200bVidnitsy.


The ancient Korela, modern Priozersk, applies to the number of ancient Russian cities with an unusually interesting story. This is a beautiful town where the ancient Orthodox churches and the majestic Lutheran Kirya are preserved. There is a unique ancient fortress here. The pearls of architecture are surrounded by beautiful scenery with picturesque rivers and dense northern forests.

Fortress Oreshk

The Schlisselburg Fortress Oreshk is considered to be a monument of history and architecture. Lined at the beginning of the 14th century on a nut island. She served as the outpost on the Swedish border. The citadel has repeatedly withstood fierce storms, fully justifying their name. Later the fortress was the "Russian Bastilia", where they sent the most dangerous criminals. Today, a museum, which works, despite restoration work, which has been continuing since 1966.


Archipelago, consisting of fifty islands, the largest of which is Valaam. This is one of the most important shrines of Orthodoxy, North Athos, as it is called. Here is the oldest Men's monastery in Russia. The history of his origin goes in the 1st century, when Valaam visited Andrei Varozvannaya. Almost a thousand years ago, the first buildings came from Novgorod to the island. Valaam is a unique place. Here is a circle of wildlife, practically not changed from the moment of mastering the island by a person.

Stormy waves of Lake Lake, which in windy weather looks like the sea, incredible sunsets and sunsets, sheer rocks Schher and sand dunes of the eastern beaches. All this remains forever in the heart of everyone who at least once saw these magnificent landscapes. It's worth come here, because harsh laid is not only a living story, but also one of the most beautiful places in Russia.

Ladoga lake on the map.

  1. Ladoga Schhers;
  2. Sorted;
  3. Priozersk;
  4. Balaam;
  5. Fortress nut;
  6. Beaches on the eastern shore of the lake;
  7. The mouth of the river Svir.

Petrozavodsk, Kivach, Martial Waters, North Ladoga, Russian Waterfalls, Valaam and more. Car and pedestrian travel for every taste - Choose, and Karelia will dream of you for a very long time!

In the European part of Russia, in the Republic of Karelia and the Leningrad region.

The ancient name of the lake - Lake Nevo (Nestorova Chronicle of the XII century), and in the old Scandinavian sagas and contracts with Hansean cities, the lake call Aldog. The modern name of the lake appeared at the beginning of the XIII century, there are several versions of his origin, but none of them are unequivocally confirmed.

Ladoga is the largest freshwater lake in Europe, the largest lake of Karelia and the Leningrad region and the 3rd lake of Russia (after the Caspian Sea and Baikal) on the area of \u200b\u200bthe water mirror. Ladoga Square with Islands 18.3 thousand km 2, water surface 17.9 thousand km 2, the volume of 838 km 3, length 219 km, the maximum width is 125 km, the length of the coastline is 1570 km, the maximum depth of 230 m in the northern part Basins between the Valaam and Western Islands Archipelago, the height of the water surface above the sea level of 5.1 m. The lake Lake was formed about 10 thousand years ago, after filling out from the North-West to the southeast of the ice shield of the melting edge of the glacial shield. Its northern shores are composed of crystalline rocks, high and strongly dissected; The peninsula continues with chains of the islands, forming a schoker style. By the south, the coast becomes low-lying and smooth, bordered narrow beaches with boulders, in small bays overgrown with incoming vegetation. The southern part of the coast consists of three large shallow bays: the Svir Guba and the Volkhov Lip, which flows the largest tributaries, and the Bay of Petrolness with the source of the Neva. In Lake Lake, more than 660 islands, the largest - Riekcalansari (55 km 2), Mantinsari (39 km 2), Kilple (32 km 2), Tulolysari (30 km 2) and Valaam (28 km 2). Lake Lake is the main reservoir of the European system of the Great Lakes, including Lake Saima (Finland), Onega and Ilmen. The water of this system flows through the Neva to the Finnish Baltic Sea Bay. The area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment area of \u200b\u200bthe Lake Lake 282.7 thousand km 2, including the catchments of these three lakes and more small, with a small degree of waterborne, equal to 48.3 thousand km 2 (17%).

Every year, the lake in Lake enters an average of 83 km 3 of water, 70% of which are lake aqueous masses flowing through the p. Sviri from Onega Oz., By r. Vuoksa from Oz. Saima and p. Volkhov from Oz. Ilmen. The drain of each of them is regulated by hydroeers HPP and is about 20 km 3 / year. Another 16% is a flow of 16 small rivers and 14% - precipitation falling on the pond. 9% of the water of the water balance expenditure part evaporates, the rest of the water - stock r. Not you. The time of water exchange is about 10 years. The average range of intra-cost changes in the water level in Lake Ladoga is 69 cm (from 21 in low-water 1940 to 126 cm in a multi-fashioned 1962).

The main tributaries of the Lake Ladoga (large and medium rivers)

InfluxLength Pool area (km 2)
Svir 220 83200
Volkhov 224 80200
Vuoksa 156 68700
As well 260 7330
Yanisyoki 70 3900
Olonka 87 2620

In the spring, after purifying the ice of the ice of the South Coast Bays at the end of April - the first half of May there is an intensive heating of coastal shallow twisted air and solar radiation, as well as a relatively warm water of the flood of small rivers. The temperature of the water in the southern area of \u200b\u200bthe water area usually becomes above 4 ° C, and on the surface of the deep-water region of 2.5-3 ° C. A thermal bar arises between warm and cold water masses. With the further heat of the water, the thermobar moves to the center slowly along the northern steep slope (0.05-0.1 km / day) and faster over the southern germination slope at a speed of 1.3-1.5 km / day. It prevents the mixing of river aquatic masses with the actual water mass itself. Therefore, the Volkhov waters are flooded and the swirl waters move to the north along the eastern shore, and the least mineralized Symen waters from the mouth of the river. Vuoksus along the western shore to the south and further to the Neva. The thermobar disappears at the end of June - the first decade of July near the Valaam archipelago, when the surface layer of water with a thickness of 20-40 m is heated to 10-15 ° C. Under the temperature of the temperature jump, the water in the summer from the depth of 30-40 m and to the bottom is heated only to 5 ° C. With autumn cooling, the upper layer cools it, the layer of temperature jump is immersed until October, and then disappears at temperatures close to 4 ° C. The disappearance time of the thermobar is changeable, because when the summer windwater occurs, the drift flows and the excitement are stirred in the upper layer of river aquatic masses and the main lake, updating its chemical composition and equalizing the plankton distribution along the water area. In summer, this aqueous mass dominates the Neva in the drain, and during the leaving period, the most mineralized Volkhov waters are added to it. Under the wind, 18 m / s At the Valaam Islands, the wave height reached 5.8 m, the arrivals on the cooked sections are raised by 0.2-0.5 m. The shallow water is freezed in October, and the edge of the ice cover is gradually shifted to the most deep-water Central District Until mid-January, when the frosty winter comes a complete ice station, which is continuing until the end of February. In the winter with frequent thaws, the lake freezes partially, and 20-40% of its surface above the greatest depths remain open. In such winter, the thermal mass of the main water mass is minimal, and its spring-summer heating is longer.

Mineralization of the main water mass of small (64 mg / l), Svirkaya - even less, Voicey - twice as smaller, and Volkhovskaya - 1.5 times more. Over the past 30 years of the XX century. The mineralization of the water of the lake increased by 16% due to natural causes and pollution by wastewater. The composition of water is hydrocarbonic sulfate-calcium, the water is transparent, thanks to which the development of plankton is possible to a depth of 8-12 m. In the Volkhov bay, the transparency of polluted water is twice as smaller. The oxygen content in the Ladoga water is high, and in its surface layer, even the oxygen is observed in the oxygen released during the reproduction of microalgae. The self-cleaning of the aquatic masses contribute to the coastal thickets of higher water vegetation (more than 100 species), preferably reeds, occupying about 5% of the Slakovody Square. In total, about 600 species of aquatic plants and 400 species of aquatic animals were found in Ladoga Lake, among which many feed on phytoplankton, bacteria and other organic particles polluting water. The ichthyofauna is very diverse (53 species and varieties), consists of salmon, lake trout, lake ciga, ward, pike perch, ripushki, etc., the total biomass is estimated at 140 kg / ha. The Atlantic Axistracy and Volkhov Sig are listed in the Red Book of Russia. The most fish products of the shallow water to the depth of 10-15 m of the South District, where the fishery is underway, and the least fish products are the northern schkers. Deeper than 40-50 m fish clusters no fish.

Lake Lake serves as a source of water supply St. Petersburg, water to the White Sea-Baltic and Volga-Baltic shipping channels. In 1976-1983 Anthropogenic impact on the lake increased dramatically due to the development of industry and agriculture in the territory of its own catchment of Lake Lake and its coast. In order to reduce pollution of lake waters in 1986 to the north of the mouth of the r. Vuoksus is closed by a major subway pulp and paper mill, after which there was a tendency to reduce the content of polluting organic substances and phosphorus in water, causing water flowering - the reproduction of blue-green algae. Started in 1957 regular studies of the water regime, the chemical composition of the water and the ecological state of lake aquatic masses are conducted.

On the shores of Ladoga Lake are the city of Priozersk, the new Ladoga, Shlisselburg in the Leningrad Region, Sortavala, Pitkyaranta, Lacdenprookh in the Republic of Karelia.

The problem of the history of the development of Lake Lake and Education r. Neva Currently, in many aspects remains a discussion. At the moment, fundamental generalizations made by teams of authors 1 leave a number of important issues requiring further scientific studies and solutions. The main ones are the time of the r. Neva and direction of runoff from Ladoga to education r. Not you.

The Ladoga Lake Basin began to fill with water as the destruction and melting of the glacier of the last Valdai glaciation. According to recent research on the problem of the deglaciation of the Ladoga and Onega Lakes, using warrochronological, radio-carbon and paleomagnetic tape clay tests, it was found that the Lake Lake was released from ice in the interval of 14,000-12500 calendar years (11800-10300 14 from years ago) ( Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Stages of the deglaciation of the Lake Lake Ladoga

Within the Ladoga Lake Basin, there was a deep-water cold oligotrophic relegation (Fig. 2), which was the eastern Plove of the Baltic Ice Lake 2, in which a powerful stratum of lake-glacial belt clay 3 was formed for 2000 years.

Fig. 2-a. The position of the edge of the glacier and the Baltic Ice Lake adjacent to it is 10300 14 from the years ago or 11500 calendar years ago before it is descent after the departure of the edge of the glacier from the city of Billingen in Central Sweden. The dotted line shows the current position of the Baltic Sea coastline 7.
Fig. 2-b. Lake Lake was part of a large proportionate lake. Water levels reached 50-60m. The northern part of the Karelian Isthmus was flooded

A characteristic feature of ribbon clay is their distinct gradation lamination. In the cuts of ribbon clays there is an alternation of layers of two genera: clay, relatively thin and painted in darker tones, and more coarse, aeuritic or sandy, high power and light-colored.

The first is called winter, second - summer layers. Ribbon clays were formed from the glacial muta - the product of the alternation of the moraine, which brought the flow of melt water into the waterial reservoir (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Photo of ribbon clays, formed in the conditions of the Note Lake. One layer corresponds to one year.

Deposition at the bottom of the lake lake a larger debris material in a spring-summer period and a more subtle material in suspension - in the autumn-winter season - led to the formation of ribbon clays. In the conditions of a cold, sharply continental climate of late glacier, the productivity of the lake and ground ecosystems was low, which was reflected in a very low content of organic matter in tape clays.

The powerful thickness of the Lake-glacial sediments of Floj will leave almost all the bottom of the Lake Ladoga, and their capacity reaches 20-30m 4. The deposits of the Baltic Ice Lake are encountered in the cuts of the bottom sediments of many lakes located in the northern lowland part of the Karelian Isthmus 5.

Above the cut ribbon clay, there is a gradual refinement of the layers up to their complete disappearance: tape-eyed clays are replaced by microsloral and homogeneous clays (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. A consolidated section of the bottom sediments of the Lake Lake and Paleogeographic Reconstruction 12. The change in the structure of the bottom sediments of the Lake Lake in time from glacial deposits (moraine) to lake-glacial (belt clay) and to lakes (homogeneous clays and iba) are shown. P.P.P. - Losses in calculating the samples of bottom sediments, the indicator of changes in the content of an organic matter, which in turn, in turn, by an index of the bioproductivity of the reservoir and changes in the temperature regime. The maximum content of the organic matter in bottom sediments relates to the optimum of Golocene.

This facial transition from one type of clay to others was associated with the gradual degradation of the glacier, the retreat of its edge from the waterboance of the lake and, accordingly, with a decrease in the receipt of debris material and the deposition of a predominantly suspended substance.

According to existing ideas, the last reduction in the Baltic Ice Shield occurred unevenly, as well as the isostatic raising of the territory followed. It is believed that about 10300 14 from years ago in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern G. Billingen in Central Sweden (Fig. 2) The decay of the glacial blade led to the liberation of straits, a sharp decrease in the drainage threshold and the drop in the level of the Baltic Ice Lake (BLO), which caused the release of Under the waters of a huge territory from the Baltic to the White Sea, adjacent to the edge of the glacial shield.

The descent of Blo was catastrophic and short-term. The sea waters of the World Ocean penetrate the Baltikin, forming the solonic water conditions of the stage of the Ioldi Sea (Fig. 5). Lake Lake from this point in time is separated from the Baltic.

Fig. 5-a. The position of the edge of the glacier and the outlines of the Ioldi Sea, connecting with the ocean through the straits in Central Sweden 13.
Fig. 5 B. Lake Lake connected with the Ioldi Sea in the northern part of the Karelian Isthmus. The stroke lines are shown the southern border of the lakes to the Lake in the Ioldi Stage.

The reduction in the BLO level was accompanied by strong processes of deanudition and erosion of the naked parts of the bottom, as a result of which in the cuts of the bottom sediments of most lakes of the Northern part of the Karelian Isthmus, there is a sandy as a contact of the clay and overlying ils or a sharp boundary between them, testifying to break in sedimentation. In the structure of precipitation, the lakes located within the Karelian Isthmus - the Heinoioksky Strait, which connected the Lake Lake and the Baltic Sea, are found in the sand baffles with a capacity of up to 0.5 m 6, overlapping tape clay. Above the cuts of sand baffles are overlapped with organic-mineral lake sediments (sapropeli) and swamp peat.

In early Holocene (10300-9500 years ago), due to the significant warming of the climate in the northern hemisphere, the rapid destruction of the Baltic glacial shield, the descent of the Baltic Ice Lake, and, as a result, the insulation of the lake Ladoga, there was a shift in the lake of the Lake-glacier type. sedimentation of lakes (Fig. 4). Characteristic low-power gray homogeneous clays are formed (0.2-0.8m).

In the second half of the prepeditious time there was a rise in the level of Ladoga to 18-20m marks. This was the consequence of the anti-transgression of the Baltic (Fig. 6) about 9,200 years ago, led to the binding of the runoff of the Ladoga and, as a result, to the rise of the water level in the lake (Fig. 7). During the maximum of anti-transgression, the southern shallow towns of Lake Lakes to modern will be uptown of about 20m (Fig. 6) took place.

Fig. 6. An Anchil Stage of the Baltic Sea during the maximum of transgression associated with the closure of straits in Central Sweden due to the isostatic raising of the territories liberated from-under-ice.
Fig. 7. Reconstruction of changes in the levels of Lake Lake and the Baltic Sea in late and postlegdnik.

About 9500/9000 years ago, approximately at the turn of Boreala and Boreala, lake deposits are beginning to accumulate in the Ladoga of Ladoga - Yers (Fig. 4). Due to the fact that the water area of \u200b\u200bthe lake in Holocene has repeatedly decreased, the full and most powerful sediments are observed in the northern deepwater area. In the process of sedimentation, the role of organic substance of autochthonic origin increases. In ILA, an increase in the content of organic matter compared to clays is noted.

At the turn of Boreal and Boreala about 9,000 years ago, the level of Ladoga is again reduced due to the recession of the Baltic to marks below the current position, which is fixed according to the study of bottom sediments in the shallow southern part of the lake 8.

Ladoga and Baltic dismemberment occurs, the Heinoioksky strait dries, and many Lakes of the Karelian Isthmus are isolated, in which organogenic ils are formed, and peatlands are formed in the mouths of the rivers. According to different authors, the radiocarbon age of peatlands is 7870 ± 110 years in the Pitkyaranty area, 7970 ± 260 and 7960 ± 230 years at the mouth of the river, 7110 ± 170 years on the Vyun River, 6900 ± 70 years on the Olonka River 9.

The flow of the Ladoga at that time was headed through the system of the duct of the lake-river system of Vuoksa to the Vyborg Bay, and the threshold of the runoff from Ladoga was located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe modern p. Broadco (Finnish name Heinoi) at an altitude of 15.4 m above sea level.

The most interesting and discussion period in the history of Ladoga is the length of the last 5000 years. This stage that received the name of Ladoga Transgression in the literature corresponds to the interval of 5,000-3000 years ago (Fig. 8). The reasons for this transgression are interchangeable. M. Saarsno 10 The main reason was seen in the ahead of the isostatic raising of the earth's crust on the northern coast of the Finnish and Baltic Bay, as a result of which the stock of water from the Siemena System of the lakes stopped into the Finnish Bay.

As a result of the skew, there was a new threshold of the runway through the regional ridge of Manene Salpauselkia-I in the city of Imatra to the system r. Vuoksus, who at that time flowed from Ladoga to Baltic. WATER The largest Saimen Lake System of Finland, which is bombarded by the moraine Salpausselki, on the representation of M. Saarsnisto, broke through in Ladoga, dramatically increasing the parish part of the water balance of the lake.

According to A. V. Schnitnikov 11, the development of Ladoga transgression was due to the next centuries-old rhythm of fluctuations in overall moisture, which was widely manifested in this period of Golocene and could lead to a breakthrough of water from OZ. Saima and to a significant increase in the runoff in a laugh from a vast hydroide basin. Apparently, during this period, the action of several factors, endogenous and exogenous, which contributed to the essential transformations of the hydrographic network of the basin and the water balance of the Ladoga were affected.

The result of the development of Ladoga transgression, as was customary, was overflowing the ladodies through the Mginzo-Tosnensky watershed and the formation of the Neva River. Most researchers, starting with G. de Geera, Y. Isilio, E. Hyppya, in which he later referred to D. D. Kvasov 14 believed that the Nevsky duct between the lady and the Baltic was formed mainly as a result of the glossyizostatic raising of the northern lump and skew the Ladoga Basin , as a result of which the water of the lake flooded her southern part and were introduced into the valley of the r. Pra-MGU, driving in Ladoga.

They achieved the height of the Mginzo-Tosnensky watershed, represented by the Grocery (about 18m), folded by the Mary Suglink, blurred it and carried out the descent of the water of the Ladoga in the valley of the river. Pratosnas, which took place earlier in the Finnish Bay. At the same time, the lower parts of the valleys were expanded and deepened with the drain of the lady (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. A map showing the modern outlines of the Lake Ladoga (oblique hatching (2)) and during the maximum of the Ladoga transgression (black painting (1)) to breakthrough p. Not you.

The time of the Ladoga transgression maximum and the beginning of the formation of the Neva River from different authors has different dates. Yu. Isilio 15 and S. A. Yakovlev 16 believed that Neva arose in the period of 4500-4000 years ago. Later, K. K. Markov with co-authors 17 pointed to the short-term Ladoga transgression, which fit into part of the subboral period. O. M. Znamenskaya et al. 18 dates it 2000 years ago, and D. D. Kvasov 19 considered it in the interval 2300-1200 years ago. According to M. Saarsnisto and T. Grenlund 20 r. Neva arose about 3100 years ago.

In the work of D. B. Malakhovsky et al. 21, new conclusions are given about the time of the Ladoga transgression and the formation of the Neva River, which are refined to dating upstands and the roof of peatlands, the underlying sediment of transgression in the context of Nevsky Forest park (3000-2800 years ago) and overlapping them in the context of the "Nevsky Piglet" (2400 years ago).

Thus, on the basis of this data, in a short period of time, about 400 years, the level of Ladoga dropped from 18 m to 5-6 m, which is quite real, given that the South Lake Water Separate was made by loose sedimentary rocks, while the North - Heinoioksky - crystalline .

As the northern part of the Karelian Isthop is heated and the HayniOksky Strait, as the lake-river-river-lines of the Priozersk - Vyborg - Vyborg, took place. During the regression of the Ancilant Lake and the continued raising and skew of the northern part of the Ladoga, the level of Ladoga and Baltika compared.

It was at this time that the new stock from the north was broken from the Siemene system of the lakes and his bifurcation arose. Partially this stock went on the old waters of the Heinoioksky Strait to the Priozer Bay, and part of the runoff continued in the Baltic. Large volume of inlentic behavisions went along the western coast of Ladoga and contributed to blocking the runoff from the palm of the Lake Sukhodolsky Lake (the former Oz. Tvuto).

We studied by the powerful sand coastal of subborne-time, with a height of more than 17 meters adjacent to glacial sediments, (the ancient RAM, stretching from the north to the south almost from Priozersk to the Pyrachka), are fixed along the West Bank of Ladoga. They were broken by water flow in 1818. in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern mouth r. Stormy (Tipole Bay).

It must be emphasized that the estimated overlapping of the runoff from Ladoga could be realized only as a result of the time-combined block movements on the Karelian covo, caused by the activation of the isostatic lifts of northern lines, an increase in moisture and a change in the direction of flow from the Synamian system. The relative lowering of the southern part of the basin could lead to a breakthrough of water from the Ladoga and the formation of p. Neva (or a significant increase in the runway in the direction of the right-Neva, if he existed to these events, i.e. there was a bifurcation of flow from the lady).

The violent river was formed as a result of a sudden water breakthrough. SUVTO (Sukhodolsky) through the man-made canal and its descent in Ladoga only in May 1818. Level Oz. Suvanuto dropped to 11m, and its bottom was exposed on the square more than 5000g. The duct arose from it to the west in the river. Vuoksus, completely dryed, a rocky pasture was formed in her place. From now on, p. Vuoksa reversed and began to fall into the laugh, and the numerous Lakes of the Karelian Isthmus sharply lowered their level and rough.

This happened as a result of a decrease in 10-11m OZ. SUVTO and other local bazis of erosion in the Vuoksus pool. Significant changes were also caused by further artificial increase in the flow rate on the r. Vuoksa - Oz. SUVTO in 1857 and the formation of Losevian ducts. This event 119 also reflected on the entire hydrographic network of the Karelian Isthmus and entailed the appropriate restructuring in the structure of its landscapes.

The numerous Lakes of the Karelian Isthmus sharply lowered their level, roughly and significantly reduced the size of the waters as a result of a decrease in local erosion bases in the r. Vuoksus. Comparison of the area of \u200b\u200bthe largest lakes on the cards of the Karelian Isthmus of the beginning of the XIX century and in 1983, shown to one scale, showed that, for example, the area of \u200b\u200bOz. Sukhodolsky decreased by 32.4%, oz. Balakhanovsky - by 59.5%, Oz. Cancer - 88.6%, dozens of small lakes completely disappeared.

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