Repressions of the Crimean Tatars 1944 reasons. Deportation of the Crimean Tatars

Engineering systems 23.09.2019
Engineering systems

Exactly 70 years ago - May 11, 1944 - the resolution of the State Committee on the Beginning of Stalin's Deportation crimean Tatars 1944 - Evaluation of the indigenous population of the Crimea Peninsula in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan ...

Among the causes of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars from the Crimea were called, including their collaborationism in the period of the Great Patriotic War.

Only in late-drawing years this deportation was recognized as criminal and illegal.

Formally stated cause of the deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944 served as a partnership of the Germans of the population of Tatar nationality from 1941 to 1944, during the seizure of Crimea by German troops.

From the decision of the State Committee for Defense of the USSR on May 11, 1944 talking about full list - Treason Motherland, desertion, the transition to the side of the fascist enemy, the creation of punitive detachments and participation in brutal sprapers over partisans, mass extermination of residents, assistance in the departure of population groups to slavery in Germany, as well as other reasons for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944, conducted by the Soviet government .

Among the Crimean Tatars of 20 thousand people belonged to either police detachments, or were in the service in the Wehrmacht.

To avoid the Stalin deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea, it was possible to the collaborators who were sent to Germany to the end of the war to create the Tatar mining regiment of the SS. Among the same Tatars, who remained in the Crimea, the main part was calculated by the employees of the NKVD and convicted. For the period from April to May 1944, 5,000 accomplices of German invaders of different national affiliation were arrested in Crimea.

Stalin's deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea and that part of this people, who fought on the side of the USSR. In a number (not so many numerous) cases (as a rule, it was touched by officers with military awards) of the Crimean Tatars were not expelled, but they had a ban on accommodation in the Crimea.

For two years (from 1945 to 1946), 8995 war veterans belonged to the Tatar people were deported. Even the part of the Tatar population, which was evacuated from the Crimea to the Soviet rear (and, of course, in respect of which it was impossible to pick up a single reason for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944) and could not be involved in collaborationist activities, was deported. The Crimean Tatars, who held senior posts in the Crimean Committee of the CSP and the Sovnarkom of the KassR did not compile an exception. As a reason, the thesis was put forward to the need to replenish the management of the authorities in new places.

Stalin's deportation of the Crimean Tatars from the Crimea, based on the national criteria, was characterized by political totalitarian regimes. The number of deportations when the basis was taken by only the national affiliation, in the USSR for the period of the reign of Stalin for some estimates approaching 53.

The operation on the deportation of the Crimean Tatars was planned and organized by the troops of the NKVD - only 32 thousand employees. By May 11, 1944, all clarifications and adjustments were carried out in the lists of the Crimean Tatar population, checking their addresses of residence. The secrecy of the operation was the highest. After preparatory operations, the deportation procedure itself began. She lasted from 18 to 20 May 1944.

Three people - an officer and soldiers - came in early in the morning at home, read the reasons for the deportation of the Crimean Tatars of 1944, gave the maximum half an hour for the fees, then thrown out in the literal sense to the streets of people collected in groups and sent to railway stations.

Resisted shot straight near the houses. At the stations, about 170 people were placed in each carrier car, and the trains were sent to Central Asia. The road, exhausting and heavy, lasted about two weeks.

Those who managed to take food from the house could hardly hold out, the rest died of hunger and caused by the conditions for transportation of diseases. First of all, older people and children suffered and died. Those who did not endure were discharged from the train or dressed not far from the railway.

From eyewitness memories:

Official data aimed to report Stalin confirmed that 183 155 Crimean Tatars were deported. The fought Crimean Tatars were sent to labor army, and demobilized after the war were also deported.

For the period of deportation from 1944 to 1945, 46.2% of Crimean Tatars died. According to official reports of the Soviet authorities, the number of dead reaches 25%, and according to some data - 15%. The data of the OSA WEESSR suggests that for six months, 16,052 immigrants died for half a year.

The main points of destination of echelons with deported were Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Also, part was sent to the Urals, to the Mari ASSR and Kostroma region.. Living deported accounted for in barracks practically not intended for living. Products and water were limited, the conditions were practically unbearable, which caused a lot of deaths and diseases among those who moved moving from Crimea.

Until 1957, the regime of special settlements acted in relation to deported, when he was forbidden to be prohibited from the house by 9 km, and each settler was obliged to be celebrated in the commander of the settlement. Disorders caught extremely strictly, up to long lasting Camps, even for unauthorized abdomen in the next settlement, where relatives lived.

Stalin's death has little changed the situation of the deported Crimean population. All national signs repressed were conditionally divided into those who were allowed to return to autonomy, and those who were deprived of the right to return to the seats of initial residence. The so-called "rooting" policy was conducted in the places of compulsory settlement. The second group treated the Crimean Tatars.

The government continued to the line of charges of all Crimean Tatars in the awareness of the German invaders, which gave a formal basis for banning the return of settlers in the Crimea. Until 1974, in formally, until 1989 - in fact - the Crimean Tatars could not leave the place of reference. As a result, in the 1960s there was a wide mass movement for the return of the rights and the possibility of returning the Crimean Tatars to its historical Motherland. Only in the process of "restructuring" for most deported, this return has become possible.

Stalin's deportation of the Crimean Tatars from Crimea also affected the sentiments and on the demographic situation of the Crimea. For a long time, the population of the Crimea lived in fear of possible deportation. Added panic expectations and evictions Bulgaria, Armenians and Greeks living in the Crimea. Those areas that were inhabited by the Crimean Tatars before deportation remained empty. After returning, most of the Crimean Tatars were deseminated not to their previous places of residence, but in the steppe areas of the Crimea, whereas before their houses were in the mountains and on the southern shore of the peninsula.

May 11, 1944, shortly after the liberation of the Crimea, Joseph Stalin signed a resolution State Committee Defense of the USSR No. Goko-5859:

"During Patriotic War Many Crimean Tatars changed their homeland, deserted from the portions of the Red Army, defending the Crimea, and moved to the side of the enemy, the volunteer Tatar military units formed by the Germans were joined, fought against the Red Army; In the occupation period of Crimea german fascist troopsBy participating in the German punitive detachments, the Crimean Tatars were particularly different from their brutal sprapers towards the Soviet partisans, and also helped German invaders in organizing the violent hijacking of Soviet citizens to the German slavery and the mass extermination of Soviet people.

Crimean Tatars actively collaborated with German occupying authoritiesBy participating in the so-called "Tatar National Communities" organized by the German intelligence and were widely used by the Germans for the purpose of throwing into the rear of the Red Army of Spies and Diversants. "Tatar National Committees" in which main role The White Guard-Tatar emigrants played, with the support of the Crimean Tatars directed their activities for the persecution and oppression of the Netariological population of Crimea and conducted work on the preparation of the enforced rejection of the Crimea from Soviet Union With the help of German armed forces.

Considering the above, state defense committee

1. All the Tatars from the territory of the Crimea and settle them for permanent residence as special settlers in the areas of the Uzbek SSR. Eviction shall be entrusted to the NKVD of the USSR. Observe the NKVD of the USSR (Tov. Beria) Evaluation of the Crimean Tatars to finish by June 1, 1944

2. Set the following procedure and conditions for eviction:

a) Allow special belongings to bring personal belongings, clothing, household equipment, dishes and food in the amount of up to 500 kilograms per family.
The remaining property, buildings, surviving buildings, furniture and household lands are accepted by local authorities; All productive and dairy cattle, as well as poultry accepted by NCOMMOMASOLPROM, all agricultural products - Narkomzag of the USSR, Horses and other working cattle - drug addict of the USSR, tribal cattle - drug addicts of the USSR.
Reception of livestock, grain, vegetables and other types of agricultural products to produce from the emergency exchange receipts to each settlement and each economy.
To entrust the NKVD of the USSR, Nicrome, NarkomMyasomolprom, People's Commissariat of Commissaries and Narkomzaga of the USSR by July 1, p. G. Submit to the USSR SNK proposals on the procedure for the return on exchange receipts to the Special Councils taken from them livestock, poultry, agricultural products;

b) for the organization of admission from the Special Flemners left in places of eviction of property, livestock, grain and agricultural products to be sent to the place of the SCSR SNA Commission composed of: Chairman of the Commission, T. Gritsenko (Vice-Chairman of the SNK RSFSR) and members of the Commission - T. Peasaninova (Member of the Commiss Comm Comm Communication USSR), T. Sujar (member of the NKMYMP board), t. Pleasovova (members of the boarding school of the USSR Narc Commission), T. Kabanova (Deputy People's Commissar of Sovzhozov of the USSR), t. Guseva (Member of the NKFina College of the USSR).
To oblige the USSR addict (t. Benedictova), the NCMP of the USSR (t. Subbotina), NKMIMP of the USSR (t. Smirnova), Narkomovshozov of the USSR (t. Lobanova) to ensure reception from special verteons of livestock, grain and agricultural products to be sent, in coordination with t. Gritsenko , to Crimea required amount employees;

c) obligate the NKPS (t. Kaganovich) to organize the transportation of special fleets from the Crimea to the Uzbek SSR specially formed echelons according to the schedule compiled in conjunction with the NKVD of the USSR. The number of echelons, loading station and destination station on the application of the NKVD of the USSR.
Calculations for transportation to produce prisoners at the fare;

d) the USSR drug addresses (t. Mielyrev) to allocate for each echelon with special advice, on time as agreed with the NKVD of the USSR, one doctor and two nurses with the appropriate reserve of medicines and provide medical and sanitary services in the path in the way; Nikardovga USSR (t. Lyubimov) provide all the echelons with special food and boiling water lines.
For the organization of the nutrition of special trains on the way to allocate product drugs in quantities, according to Appendix No. 1.

3. To oblige secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Uzbekistan, t. Yusupov, Chairman of the SNK UzSSR T. Abdurakhmanova and the People's Commissar of the Interior of the Uzbek SSR T. Kobulov until June 1 p. G. To carry out the following activities for the reception and settlement of special trains:

a) to accept and settle within the Uzbek SSR 140-160 thousand people of the Special Counsel - Tatars directed by the NKVD of the USSR from the Crimean ASSR.
Requirements of special trains to produce in state-owned villages, existing collective farms, utility farms of enterprises and factory villages for use in agriculture and industry;

b) in the regions of the settlement of the Special Flemies, to create commissions in the chairman of the regional executive committee, secretary of the regional committee and the head of the UNKVD, putting on these commissions to carry out all the activities related to the reception and the placement of arriving specialists;

c) in each area of \u200b\u200bthe University of Special Flems to organize regional three as part of the Chairman of the Rain Executive Committee, Secretary of the district office and the head of the RO NKVD, putting preparations for them to accommodate and organizing the reception of arriving specialists;

d) prepare a friendly transportation for transportation of specialists, mobilizing transportation of any enterprises and institutions for this;

e) provide the empowerment of those who arrived by the Special Councils and assist in the construction of houses by local building materials;

e) to organize in the areas of settlement of special specialists of the NKVD special committee, taken by the content of them due to the estimates of the NKVD of the USSR;

g) Central Committee and SNK UZSSR by May 20 p. G. Present in the NKVD of the USSR T. Beria The project of the settlement of special trains by regions and districts indicating the echelon unloading station.

4. To oblige Agriculturalbank (t. Kravtsova) to issue special tramplers sent to the Uzbek SSR, in the places of their settlement, loans for the construction of houses and on economic in order to 5,000 rubles per family, with installments under 7 years old.

5. To oblige the USSR drug commerce (t. Subbotin) to allocate the SNK of the Uzbek SSR flour, cereals and vegetables for issuing special trains during June-August with. G. Monthly equal number, according to Appendix No. 2.
Issuance to special flour, cereals and vegetables during June-August with. produced for free, perhaps for adopting in places of eviction of agricultural products and cattle.

6. To oblige NPOs (t. Chruleva) to convey during May-June with. G. To strengthen the vehicles of the NKVD troops placed by garrisons in the regions of the settlement of special trains - in the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR and the Kyrgyz SSR, Villyan cars - 100 pieces and freight - 250 pieces that came out of repair.

7. Observe the Glavnefesnab (t. Wesomy) to allocate and ship up to May 20, 1944 to points to indicate the NKVD of the USSR of Authenticenzina 400 tons, at the disposal of the SNK of the Uzbek SSR - 200 tons.
Delivery of Autobannya to produce uniform reduction in supply to all other consumers.

8. Observe the Harnersnablis in the USSR SCC (t. Lopukhov) due to any resources to put the NKPS 75,000 carriages of 2.75 m each, with their supply until May 15 p. g.; Transportation of the NKPS boards to produce with their own means.

9. People's Commissariat of the USSR (T. Zverev) to release the NKVD of the USSR in May with. G. from the USSR SCA Reserve Fund for a special events of 30 million rubles. "

The draft decision has prepared a member of the GCO, the People's Commissar of the Interior L. P. Beria. The departation operation was entrusted to the Deputy Commissioners of the State Security and Internal Affairs B. Z. Kobulov and I. A. Serov.

The bulk of the Crimean Tatar collaborators was evacuated by the occupying authorities to Germany, where the Tatar Mining Hansky Regiment of SS was created. Most of The remaining in Crimea was identified by the NKVD authorities in April-May 1944 and convicted as traitors of the Motherland. In total, in the Crimea during this period, about 5,000 collaborators of all nationalities were revealed.

The deportation operation began early in the morning of May 18 and ended on May 20, 1944. It was involved in the NKVD troops (more than 32 thousand people). Deported was completely a bit of time for fees. Officially, every family had the right to take up to 500 kg of baggage, but really allowed to pick up significantly less, and sometimes nothing. After that, the trucks deported were taken to train stations.

On May 20, Serov and Kobulov reported in a telegram in the name of the People's Commissioner of the internal affairs of the USSR L. P. Beria:

"We hereby report that begun in accordance with your instructions on May 18 p. G. Evaluation Operation of Crimean Tatars is completed today, May 20, at 16 o'clock. A total of 180,014 people were evicted, submersed in 67 echelons, of which 63 echelon number 173,287 people. Sent to destination, the remaining 4 echelon will also be sent today.

In addition, the Railoenkoms of Crimea mobilized the 6,000 Tatars of the draft age, which, according to the outfits, the primordial form of the Red Army are directed to the city of Guryev, Rybinsk and Kuibyshev.

From among those sent by your instructions to the Trest "MOVOGOL" 8000 people of specialkotting agent 5000 people. Also make up the Tatars.

Thus, 191,044 people of Tatar nationality were exported from the Crimean ASSR. "

Deportation of the Crimean Tatars in last year The Great Patriotic War was a mass eviction of the local residents of the Crimea in a row of regions of the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR, the Mari ASSR and other republics of the Soviet Union. It happened immediately after the release of the peninsula from the Hitler's invaders. The official cause of the action was called the criminal assistance of many thousands of Tatars with invaders.

Collaborators of Crimea

The eviction was carried out under the control of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in May 1944. The order of the deportation of Tatars, allegedly included in the collaborationist groups during the occupation of the Crimean ASSR, Stalin signed shortly before that, on May 11th. Beria substantiated reasons:

Desertion of 20 thousand Tatars from the army for the period 1941-1944; - the unreliability of the Crimean population, especially pronounced in border areas; - the threat to the security of the Soviet Union because of the collaborationist actions and the anti-Soviet moods of the Tatar of Crimea; - Hyon 50,000 civilians in Germany with the assistance of the Crimean Tatar Committees.

In May 1944, the Government of the Soviet Union has not yet had all the figures relating to the real position in the Crimea. After the defeat of Hitler and the counting of losses, it became known that 85.5 thousand new "slaves" of the Third Reich was actually stolen in Germany only from among the civilian population of Crimea.

Almost 72 thousand executed with the direct participation of the so-called "noise". Schuma - auxiliary police, and in fact - punitive Crimean-Tatar battalions submitted by the fascists. Of these 72 thousand 15 thousand communists were brutally tortured in the largest concentration camp of Crimea, the former collective farm "Red".

Basic accusations

Part of the collaborators after the retreat of Nazis took with them to Germany. Subsequently, a special regiment of the SS was formed from their number. Another part (5,381 people) were arrested by security officers after the release of the peninsula. During arrests seized a lot of weapons. The government feared the armed inside of the Tatars because of their proximity to Turkey ( last Hitler I expected to draw into the war with the Communists).

According to Russian scientist research, Professor of the history of Oleg Romanceko, during the war, 35 thousand Tatars of Crimea could somehow help the fascists: served in the German police, participated in the shootings, issued communists, etc. For this, even distant relatives of traitors rely on reference and confiscation of property.

The main argument in favor of the rehabilitation of the Crimean-Tatar population and his return to the historical homeland was the fact that deportation was actually not carried out on real acts specific people, but by national sign.

Even those who did not contribute to the fascists went to the link. At the same time, 15% of men-Tatars fought together with other Soviet citizens in the Red Army. In the partisan detachments, 16% were the Tatars. Their families were also deported. In this mass, the concerns of Stalin were reflected in this, that the Crimean Tatars can succumb to the protests, raise the rebellion and be on the side of the enemy.

The government wanted to quickly eliminate the threat from the south. The eviction was carried out urgently, in commodity wagons. On the road, many gibbles because of cramped, lack of food and drinking water. In total, about 190 thousand Tatars were sent out of Crimea during the war years. 191 Tatar died during transportation. Another 16 thousand died in new places of residence from mass hunger in 1946-1947.

Specs on history is the most terrible type of speculation. Because the result of such actions is the growth of hatred. And the result of hatred can be new War or a new conflict. Therefore, such is: you want peace and friendship - do not speculate on stories, you want to sow a future war - immediately start pedaling the topic, distort the facts and pump emotions.

I don't want to talk about the Eurovision contest at all. Instead of the competition of the national identity of the peoples of Europe, which he once thought he turned into a bright manifestation of the blurry, which would almost always appear on english language. To be clear? And do not understand. Write the name of the song, tell me about it, and we will enjoy the Greek, Polish, Bulgarian and german languages. But since the sense of the contest is lost, and it is completely reborn, then participation in this competition for our country is not at all fundamentally, it is necessary to relate to it without punishment. Perfectly realizing that this is a politically engaged show, working on the principle of liberals "no matter how people vote, it is important that the jury believes that no one knows!". It means to send to Eurovision "need nationally colorful performers singing in Russian (and definitely not in English). Buranovsky grandmothers - just right. In 2017, I would send the Sergey Shnurone there. Let him show. Talk. Popot. Looking at him, we will definitely get pleasure. And how there who vote and thinks - so we don't care about it! To a frivolous competition, where the talent does not solve anything, and it is necessary to treat with humor, frivolous.

But enough about this truly wretched glossy competition, inflated advertising to incredible sizes. The current results of "Eurovision", on which the enemies of our country speculate, require only one of us: an honest story about what happened in the Crimea in May 1944. Why did the leadership of the USSR decided to evict the Crimean Tatars and how was it carried out? The truth is to say it is important - a lot of speculation on this topic. Well, that the ultimate goal of speculation on this topic of Kiev and Washington with Brussels is the organization in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bbloodshed - so it can be seen by the naked look.

So begin.

In June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War quickly went to the Crimea. On September 24, 1941, seven German divisions together with the Romanian corps as part of the 11th German army of the Army Group "South" under the command of General Erich von Manstein begin the offensive on the Crimea from the territory of the occupied Soviet Ukraine through Perekopsty. Without going into the details of the fighting, we note that in 1941 the Crimea and Sevastopol could not take the Germans. May 7, 1942 commander of the 11 Army of the Wehrmacht General Manstein he began the operation "DROF HUNTING". Its outcome was defeated our Crimean Front and a sharp strengthening of the Natius of the Nazis on Sevastopol. The heroic defense of Sevastopol, the main base of the Black Sea Fleet, lasted 250 days and nights. On July 1, 1942, the resistance of the defenders of Sevastopol was broken, and only certain groups of Soviet soldiers and sailors fought for subsequent couples weeks.

On the occupied territory of Crimea, the Nazis unfold their tools of terror. In this sense, Crimea did not differ from Belarus, Ukraine or Latvia, where mass executions started at the arrival of "German liberators" and concentrated concentration camps. During his stay in Crimea, the Nazis shot 72 thousand Crimeans, suffered in prisons and camps - more than 18 thousand. In addition to the civilian population, 45 thousand Soviet soldiers who were in captivity were destroyed. Local Dakhau became the state farm near Simferopol "Red", which was converted to the death camp. It contained both Soviet prisoners of war and residents of the Crimea. During the occupation, only daily executions took the lives of more than 8 thousand people.

In Crimea, the Germans were not original. How and everywhere they For the protection of concentration camps, local "elements" were used. It is no secret that many Nazi death camps (in particular, Sobibor) were guarded by the Ukrainian nationalists. According to testimonies, the camp in the state farm "Red" on the same German "scheme" was guarded by Tatar volunteers from the 152nd battalion of the Shuma Auxiliary Police. The Nazis began their favorite tactics of the praises among themselves, which we saw fully and after the state version in Ukraine, during the unfolding Donbasse tragedy. Where the population was not multi-substantly used other division methods. Therefore, we see such strange things when in one Bryansk region, in the countryside, mostly Russians, was the local area and Dyatkovo district. The first functioned self-government and a brigade under the command of the Kaminsky, who focused against the partisans, and in the second there was a full-fledged Soviet government and the Germans did not come there at all. And this is within the framework of one Russian region! Someone helped the Germans to fight the partisans and civilians, others destroyed the invaders.

So if we tell the truth, then it is all ...

This is what was written on August 18, 1942 by Stalin The head of the partisan movement of the USSR P. K. Ponomarenko: "The Germans use all the means to attract to the fight against partisans ... contingents from our population of occupied regions, creating military units, punitive and police squads from them . This, they want to achieve the partisans get bonded in the struggle not with the Germans, and with the formations of local population... Around the formations is mad nationalistic propaganda ... This is accompanied by the incitement of the national retail, anti-Semitism. Crimean Tatars, for example, received gardens, vineyards and tobacco plantations selected from the Russians, Greeks, etc. ".

When it comes to collaborationism during the Nazi occupation of the Crimea, many people remember the Crimean Tatars. For the most part, this myth became a consequence of the national tragedy - the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people. However, it is worth noting that firstly, not all the Crimean Tatars chose the path of collaboration. Secondly, not only the Crimean Tatars collaborated with the occupying administration. People who were active accomplices of the occupiers were appointed to the posts of chiefs of local self-government. By the way, V. Maltsev was appointed to the position of Yalta Burgomist. The one that is on the night of 1 august 1946, together with General Vlasov and other top officers, the so-called "Russian Liberation Army" (ROA) was heating in the yard of Butyrsa prison. Collaborationist combat formations, helming in the struggle against the Crimean partisans played a major role. The number of them for the entire occupation period was as follows: in Russian and Cossack parts - about 5 thousand people, in the Ukrainian parts - about 3 thousand people, in parts of the eastern legions - about 7 thousand people and in Crimeanotar formations - from 15 to 20 thousand people. From June 1943, a recruitment point of the Vlasovsky "Russian Liberation Army" appears on the peninsula. It should be said that he did not use popularity. If the Germans easily played on national contradictions in the Crimean Tatar environment, then from Russians for all time they hardly managed to gain only a few thousand people in the ranks of the ROA (including trickling in concentration camps). And then closer to the beginning of 1944, at least one third of them moved to the side of the partisans.

Thus, talk about collaboration in the environment only Crimean Tatars root incorrectly. It is also important to note that, according to the 1939 census, the Crimean Tatars were the second nationality of the peninsula - 19.4% (218,179 people) from the total population (Russians - 49.6%, 558,481 people). Therefore, based on the national policy, which was held by the Nazis, they were in priority even compared to Ukrainians, which at that time on the territory of the peninsula was only 13.7%. And the main efforts of the Germans were directed to oppose each other by Russian and Crimean Tatars. However, not all representatives of the Crimean Tatar people chose this path. For example, the head of the southern headquarters of the partisan movement Comrade Seleznev is closer to the spring campaign of 1944 for the liberation of the Crimea in the Radiogram reports: "Atrocities, robbery, the violence of Germans exacerbate and annoy the population of occupied territories. Discontent with invaders is growing daily. The population awaits the arrival of the Red Army. Characteristic that crimean Tatars Masters go to partisans». So, the commissioner 4th partisan brigade was Mustafa Selimov. In the brigade itself, there were 501 Crimean Tatar, which was about a quarter of its numbers. In general, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars have defended our country along with its other people. In particular, Abdraim decided to serve as a commander of the bombarding aviation regiment. For the whole war, he made 222 combat departures and awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Akhmethan Sultan's pilot personally hit 30 German aircraft, for which he was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The 15 fascist tanks were chopped by guns under the command of Setnafa Sireliyev during the defense of Odessa, in battles under Kerch and Sevastopol, in the battle of the Kursk arc and during the operation "Bagration".

For 26 months of struggle against the occupiers, 80 partisan detachments have been operating with a total of over 12.5 thousand people, as well as 220 underground groups and organizations. During this time, more than 29 thousand German soldiers and policemen were destroyed, more than 250 fighting and 1600 operations were held. In response to the actions of the guerrilla, the Nazis began to trigger. For example, in the mountain Crimea, 127 was burned and destroyed settlements. In the Greek village of Laki on March 24, 1942, the Germans burned alive 38 people. In the village of Ulusala (now synapny), which is located 18 kilometers southeast of Bakhchisaraya, in the upper reaches of the river Kacha, the Nazis burned 34 people alive - old people, women and children. At the same time, all of them, with the exception of one person, were the Crimean Tatars.

In May 1944, Crimea was liberated by our army. And almost immediately it was decided to deport the Crimean Tatars. In addition to the Tatars from the peninsula, Bulgarians, Greeks, Armenians were evicted. Most of all, the Crimean Tatars were injured. However, estimating these events, you need to understand, in what conditions decisions were made, what cruelty was going around around the Nazis and their accomplices and in what terrible war our country participated.

On May 10, 1944, L. P. Beria's note with a draft decision on the eviction of the Crimean Tatars fell on the table of Stalin. After that, the Resolution of the State Committee of Defense (GKO) was adopted, in which there were such items:

  • All the Tatars from the territory of the Crimea and settle them for permanent residence as special settlers in the areas of the Uzbek SSR. Eviction shall be entrusted to the NKVD of the USSR.
  • Install the following procedure and conditions for eviction: a) Allow special settlements to bring personal belongings, clothes, household equipment, dishes and food in an amount of up to 500 kg per family. The remaining property, buildings, surviving buildings, furniture and household lands are accepted by local authorities ... Receiving livestock, grain, vegetables and other types of agricultural products from discharge exchange receipts to each settlement and each economy. To entrust the NKVD of the USSR, Nicrome, Narkomcomyaso Moltrom, People's Commissariat and Narkomzagov of the USSR from July 1, p. Present in SNK proposals on the procedure for returning to exchange receipts to special safety plants taken from them livestock, poultry, agricultural products.
  • ... To allocate for each echelon with special tramplens, in terms of coordination with the NKVD of the USSR, one doctor and two nurses with the appropriate reserve of medicines and provide medical and sanitary service of special settlers on the way ... Provide all echelons with special safety plants daily hot nutrition and boiling water.
  • ... to issue special trampers directed to the Uzbek SSR, in the places of their settlement loan to the construction of houses and on the economic building up to 5,000 rubles for a seven with installments under 7 years.

The deportation operation of the Crimean Tatars began on May 18, 1944, that is, almost a week after the liberation of the peninsula. And already On May 20, 1944, the telegram was sent to the People's Commissioner of the Internal Affairs of the USSR L. P. Beria.

"We hereby report that started in accordance with your instructions on May 18 with g, the eviction of the Crimean Tatars is completed today, May 20, at 16 o'clock all 180,014 people were sewed, in 67 echelons, of which 63 echelon number 173,287 people sent to Purpose of destination, the remaining 4 echelon will also be sent today.

In addition, the Railoencomats of the Crimea mobilized the 6000 Tatars of the draft age, which, according to the outfits of the Red Army, were sent to the city of Guriev, Rybinsk and Kuibyshev. From among those directed to your instructions at the disposal of the Trest "MOVOGOL" 8000 people of specialkontinger 5000 people also make up the Tatars.

Thus, 191,044 people of Tatar nationality were exported from the Crimean ASSR during the eviction of the Tatars arrested anti-Soviet elements of 1137 people, and in total during the operation - 5989 people seized arms during eviction: mortars - 10, machine guns - 173, automata - 192, rifles - 173 2650, ammunition - 46 603 Packages During the operation, the mortar - 49, machine guns - 622, automata - 724, rifles - 9888, ammunition - 326 887 pcs

When carrying out operation, no excesses had a cobuli, sulfur of Simferopol.

One of the common myths states that they evicted all the Crimean Tatars. It is not true. From the eviction, the participants of the Crimean underground and members of their families, front-line and their relatives were released. They left in place or even returned back to the Crimea of \u200b\u200bwomen who married representatives of other nationalities. In 1967, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council was adopted, who removed the accusations of collaboration from the Crimean Tatars and recognized them with full-fledged Soviet citizens. But the Crimean Tatar people could return to the small homeland only in 1989, after the post-war deportation was recognized as illegal. Today, when Russia has gained the Crimea again, Crimean Tatar has become one ofthree state. "The Crimean Tatars returned to their land. I believe that all necessary political decisions should be taken, which will complete the process of rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatar people, decisions that will restore their rights, a good name in full, "said President Putin in his appeal on March 18, 2014.

Today, trying to ignite the hatred of Russian and the Tatars can only enemies. The enemies of the people are fully, because as suffering and blood in new conflicts always fall out to the rust of the people. And who can wish to their people and suffering? Only the enemy ...

But is it necessary to remember the story? Sure. But only it is necessary to talk about what brings us closer, makes us strong and fills pride. And terrible pages? Were. But passed. Closed. Errors are recognized, crimes are convicted. Point.

That's what you have to talk about. You can even sing. And what is very unifying and beautiful it will sound. Song about the Yalta Conference of the Three Allied Powers! She passed bya year after the liberation of the Crimea - from 4 to 11 February 1945and in her the work was attended by I. V. Stalin, F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, representatives of the General Headquarters of the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom. It is here B. an agreement was achieved about the United Nations Conference, which began work on April 25, 1945 in San Francisco. In fact, on February 11, 1945, the leaders of the USSR, the United States and the UK publicly declared determination to establish the UN.

So Crimea once again became the center of world politics. This is necessary to remember, speak and sing.

(The article uses the materials of my joint with Dmitry Belyaev book, which, and now.

P.S. This is how they speculate on history, a visual example.

Tomorrow in Ukraine "Day of Memory" of the Crimean Tatars deported in 1944. Dubious date, even taking into account the fact that the heiress of the Soviets of the Soviets recognized the illegality of the event in relation to civilians.

After Jamal won Eurovision with the song about "Stalin and Crimea", it became particularly interesting to understand what was actually in 1944.

We go to the Wikipedia, and the first thing we see:

"Tatar Gorno-Hhesents Regiment SS - a division from Crimean Tatar collaborators who fought on the side nazi Germany In the second half of 1944. "

No reproaches at present, only historical facts:

The desertion of the Crimean Tatars from the army in the first months of the war was massive (about 20 thousand people, that is, the vast majority of the called).

According to some reports, in December 1941, representatives of the Crimean Tatar community from Turkey Edig Kyrymal and Musdzhip Ulküsal went to Berlin and led negotiations with Hitler about the creation of a separate Crimean Tatar state!

During the occupation of the Crimea, the Muslim committees were organized by German soldiers there, which "conducted the recruitment of Tatar young people into volunteer detachments to combat the partisans and the Red Army.

In 1943, the Turkish emissary Amil-Pasha came to Feodosia, who also called on the Tatar population to support the events of the German command.

Tatar B. ratio german army And in partisans more than 30 K 1.

Those were the circumstances that Stalin forced (in no way take to justify his actions) literally "clean" the Crimea. At the same time, for example, in the United States, all the Japanese population was placed in concentration camps as possible enemy accomplices. Realities of wartime, nothing more. Where, tell me, the day of the Japanese genocide? I will tell you more, the Japanese as if forgiven and forgotten Hiroshima, Nagasaki and 110 thousand Japanese with American citizenship sent to concentration camps.

There are many stories, according to which the Crimean Tatars, exported from the peninsula, had to be extremely difficult. They were not given water and food, did not harbor the dead (200 people from 200 thousand transported). They miss, however, the fact that everything is starved (and Russians including), and for the Red Army, which was transporting the Tatars, they were all potential enemies and traitors.

It is believed that Stalin saved the Crimean Tatars from the Samoy, who would inevitably wait for them after the war. The people could not forgive betrayal, the revenge would be much more cruel than deportation.

Here are some unproved facts pointing to the "Mercy" from the leader:

It was allowed to take "personal belongings, clothes, household equipment, dishes and food" on the family.

By decree, at each echelon, a doctor was to be present and two nurses with medicines (the number of dead and sick talk about the opposite).

It was indicated to allocate land, purchase areas And even issue loans for construction.

And I remind you that these were hungry, the times. In which none of the Russians or other nationalities did not even count on food, not something for any money.

It is possible that the victims would be much more if there were no deportation. If the plans of the Crimean Tatars under the influence of the SS were realized how many people would have killed in other nationalities? What would happen now with the long-suffering peninsula?

Today, forbidden in Russia, the Majlis of the Crimean Tatar actively appeals to the memory, trying to awaken anger and anger to Russia in the Crimean Tatars. Perhaps the fact of deportation is the only thing that is trying to manipulate the association. They want to achieve recognition of "genocide", which was not. And frankly erased from memory the fact that tens of thousands of their ancestors were on the side of Nazism.

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