Advertisement for a playroom for children. How to open a children's entertainment center and recoup it in six months

Site arrangement 12.10.2019
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Nursery rooms have become a godsend for young parents who need to periodically spend time away from their little ones, for example, shopping or attending various events. And if earlier such rooms existed as an auxiliary part of the main business (shop, cafe or recreation center), now they have become a separate segment and represent a rather interesting commercial idea. To implement it, it is not necessary to have a large start-up capital and special knowledge. It cannot be called highly profitable, but it can bring a stable income and has certain development prospects. In this article, we will look at children's game room as a business, and tell you what it takes to organize it.

How to open a playroom for children

A children's playroom is a specially equipped place where children spend their leisure time under the supervision of an adult employee. The purpose of creating such enterprises is not the organization of educational or educational process Therefore, licenses for these types of activities do not need to be obtained. The main task that needs to be solved is the organization of a safe and interesting pastime for children during the period of their separation from their parents.

A children's playroom is a low-budget and easy-to-organize business. To start such a project, you will need:

  • premises (recommended area from 40 sq. m.);
  • bright design;
  • equipment;
  • children's furniture;
  • kits for creativity and stationery;
  • 2-3 employees.

If your goal is to make an entertainment facility, then you can also locate it in a densely populated residential area, where the sphere of children's entertainment is poorly represented. The format of such a game room will be somewhat different: you will need to take care of creating a waiting area for adults, conduct a full-fledged advertising campaign to attract customers, and work on the range of services offered. You can organize various show programs, offer small visitors face painting (drawing a picture on the face with paints), conduct outdoor and role-playing games, etc.

What you need to pay special attention to

The business idea of ​​opening a children's room will only be profitable if you manage to create a positive image for your business. There is nothing else that a person worries about more than safety, health and good mood your child. Therefore, in order for your customers to be satisfied, it is necessary to develop a set of rules for visiting the game room.

According to the experience of companies already operating and successfully developing in this direction, the main conditions for finding a child in a nursery should be:

  • age from 1 to 10 years, while babies under the age of three must be under the supervision of one of the parents;
  • filling out a questionnaire by parents indicating basic information about the baby;
  • child has no allergic or infectious diseases(children with obvious signs of a cold or viral diseases you should not be allowed to visit the room, as healthy babies may become infected, and you will be blamed for this);
  • compliance with the safety requirements for the use of gaming equipment;
  • a ban on the use by children in the territory of the playroom of sharp, piercing objects that can cause harm to health through negligence (for example, toys with metal parts, etc.);
  • compliance with basic sanitary standards - you must take off your outerwear and shoes at the entrance, do not bring food and drinks with you.

Important! When a child is left in the playroom, be sure to discuss with adult escorts or also write in the questionnaire who has the right to pick him up.

Preparing the premises and setting up the business

In addition to the fact that the room for opening a children's room must have the indicated quadrature, it must be bright, warm and well-appointed. When preparing a children's room for opening, it is recommended to be guided by SanPiN, developed for preschool organizations. To be more precise, those requirements that are provided for enterprises providing childcare and childcare services that are not related to education, and without the organization of sleep and nutrition.

To get started, you will need to register your activity with the tax office. To do this, read how to without errors. A suitable organizational and legal form is an individual entrepreneur. To obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, you need to prepare a number of documents (see), including an application for registration of the established form. Species codes should be indicated in this application economic activity which you will be doing. In our case, we can choose the following:

  • 88.91 Provision of day care services for children;
  • 93.29 "Other entertainment and entertainment activities".

Simultaneously with registration, it is recommended to choose the appropriate tax regime. For such an enterprise, a simplified system (USN) or (UTII) is suitable. The possibility and conditions for the application of one or another special regime must be clarified with the local tax authority, since such issues are regulated by territorial legislation. The next thing to do to open a children's room is to select and purchase equipment and play equipment.

Approaching the issue of equipping a room for children's leisure, it should be understood that the main principle when choosing certain structures, complexes and other items is safety. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase everything you need only from reliable manufacturers who can provide quality certificates for their products.

What equipment for the nursery do you need? In the following table, we have presented the most popular items and approximate retail prices:

In addition to equipment, you will also need to purchase toys for children of various age categories: constructors, cars, dolls, balls, etc.

The following furniture is required:

  • wardrobes and shelves for shoes;
  • children's tables and chairs;
  • benches;
  • staff furniture.

Important! Be sure to prepare a first aid kit for first aid. medical care child in case of need.

The list is completed with stationery and kits for children's creativity. In total, about 400,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of equipment, furniture, toys and everything necessary.


In order to look after children, it is not necessary to have a pedagogical education, but its presence will be a plus in the selection of candidates for a vacancy. Try to hire responsible, active, friendly and pleasant people. The number of employees depends on how many children the playroom will be designed for and on the work schedule.

Possible profit

To evaluate a children's room as a business, you should make an approximate profit forecast and calculate the payback period for the initial investment.

The amount of start-up capital starts on average from 500,000 rubles. This amount includes the cost of registering a business, renting and preparing premises for work, purchasing equipment and advertising. Operating expenses will consist of rent, wages, taxes and utility bills.

As far as income is concerned, average cost game room services is 200 rubles. for 1 hour (for one child). According to the reviews of businessmen engaged in such activities, you can earn from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles a day. depending on the day of the week, the season of the year, and on how many children the room is designed for at the same time.

If the average daily revenue is at the level of 4,000 rubles, then the company will bring about 120,000 rubles a month, of which about 45,000 rubles will fall on the net profit. In such conditions, the return on investment will be achieved in 10-12 months of work. It should be noted that the demand for the services of children's rooms is usually stable, but in summer time(holiday season) there is still some decline.

It is considered profitable today. By opening your own store selling goods in this category, you can make good money even in times of crisis.

It is possible to increase efficiency by expanding activities, providing additional services (holding photo shoots, organizing holidays, etc.), as well as an advertising company. For example, the Internet will be a great way to promote. Advertising on websites dedicated to children and motherhood, promotion on social networks, distribution of coupons through the Internet - all these measures usually lead to a good result. As one of the investment options, we recommend that you consider, which will be discussed later.

Game room based on the franchising model

Franchising in the field of children's entertainment is presented quite widely, you can find an offer for every taste: from creative zones to robotics clubs. The children's playroom franchise is interesting in that it involves the use of completely ready-made solutions:

  • the franchisor carries out branding of your enterprise and you start working under the auspices of a well-known company;
  • you get the opportunity to purchase equipment and everything necessary materials on the favorable conditions under franchisor contracts;
  • the partner provides support in the design and decoration of the room, teaches you their work standards, etc.

The cost of such transactions will differ depending on which format of activity you prefer. So, the franchise of the children's playroom "Smeshariki" from the company "Marmalade Media" will cost 150,000 rubles. (lump contribution) at the start and 10,000-12,000 rubles. monthly (royalties). At the same time, the company puts forward certain conditions for cooperation: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises is from 200 sq. m, the amount of initial investment from 1 million rubles. The stated payback period is 24 months.

Economic performance of the game room, located on 75 sq. m. and, subject to the lease of premises in a large shopping center of the regional region.

The playroom is a place where children can spend their leisure time under the supervision of staff. The very first playgrounds began to appear at large shopping centers about ten years ago. To this day, such a business is a promising business, and with its proper organization, an entrepreneur will be able to make a good profit.

Market analysis

In order for the initial investment to justify itself, and for the maintenance of the playground to become profitable, it is first necessary to analyze the market for services to ensure children's leisure in a particular region. To this end, it is important to find out:

In order to assess the demand for game rooms, a business may issue an announcement about the opening of such a site. In the case of calls and active requests on the Internet, it can be judged that the idea will generate income.

During the analysis of the market, it is also worth paying attention to the presence and number of potential competitors, which include:

  • playrooms for children of different age groups;
  • combined entertainment centers for the whole family;
  • child development centers and private kindergartens;
  • museums and other similar institutions that include master classes and other practical events with the participation of children in their programs.

Registration and organization of business

To legally open a business for the organization and maintenance of a game room, at the initial stage, it is necessary to carry out the following sequence of actions:

Location, room and interior

One of the important factors influencing the success of a children's entertainment room business is choosing the right location for it. To this end, it is important to decide whether the room is planned as a separate type of business, or will be an addition to the main services, when the income represents a part of the profit from the main enterprise. In the second case, this refers to the equipment of the playground at such places as:

  • cinemas;
  • Cafe;
  • restaurants;
  • beauty salons, etc.

While creating private room for a children's game, in which each visitor will be taken into account, it is best to pay attention to the places located:

  1. In large shopping centers or shops. In such institutions, a large flow of people is expected. At the same time, adults will be happy to leave their child under supervision in order to calmly make purchases.
  2. In the sleeping areas of the city. As a rule, their residents do not have enough time to constantly get to large shopping centers to make purchases or simply entertain their children, so they will be happy to take them to a playground located near their home, school or kindergarten.

When choosing a suitable room for the equipment of a children's room, it is recommended to take into account a number of nuances:

  • if it is located in a shopping center, it should be located near the entrance, and not in the distant areas of the building, where customers with children very rarely go;
  • if it is located in a remote area of ​​the city, it should be located on the ground floor and have a separate accessible entrance;
  • the future room should be spacious and bright, and also have a high-quality finish;
  • it is obligatory to have toilets within the territory of the room itself or near it;
  • The minimum floor area must be at least 30 sq. m.

The size of the playground depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur (the amount he is willing to pay for renting the premises) and the number of visitors expected to serve at a time.

As for the interior of the playroom, it is important to remember that children at any age prefer different bright colors, and therefore, when designing it, it is necessary to focus on the tastes of young customers.

When finishing, black and pale tones are prohibited.

It is also important to divide the site into at least two parts: a play area and a recreation area, and if desired, a dining area can be allocated.

Game room equipment

The opening of a game room involves not only the selection and design of a suitable room, but also its equipment. necessary equipment. In the list of devices and devices provided for children's entertainment and games, you need to consider:

  1. Labyrinth. Manufacturers offer a wide variety of these complexes. They can be single-story or multi-story, equipped with slides, obstacles, passages, stairs, a dry pool, etc.
  2. A small trampoline, if space permits.
  3. Devices and structures for role playing: houses, kitchens, stages, etc.
  4. Other entertainment items for children of different ages: Stuffed Toys, dolls, cars, designer, pencils and paper.

    In this case, it is important that the playing places, a table and a chair, fenced areas are also thought out.

  5. Lockers for clothes and shoes.
  6. Armchairs or chairs for room staff, as well as chairs, armchairs and sofas for visitors themselves.


Future playground employees should be able to properly handle children and understand the degree of responsibility that will be entrusted to them. In addition to the fact that a playroom specialist must love children and be able to communicate with them, in his official duties includes the following tasks:

  • ensuring the safety of children on the site;
  • conducting excursions around the territory of the room with young visitors to familiarize them with the playground equipment;
  • monitoring the serviceability of equipment;
  • maintaining the playground clean and tidy;
  • managing financial transactions with clients.

As a rule, two administrators are required to work in the game room, who will work in shifts.

Most often, students of pedagogical universities or former employees of children's institutions become the staff of such sites.

Organizational moments

When designing a business for the maintenance of a game room and already in the process of its implementation, an entrepreneur needs to take into account a number of important organizational issues:

  1. The standard work schedule of such sites is 12 hours (from 9.00 to 21.00). As a rule, for visiting a room in weekdays one payment is established, and on weekends and holidays tariffs are raised. For the entrance of parents and adults accompanying children, a separate hourly fee is provided, with the exception of children under three years of age.
  2. The presence of the child in the room should not exceed four hours in a row. This item must be reflected in the visiting rules so that parents know when they should pick up their child.
  3. An employee of the company must accept children only upon presentation of the passport of one of the parents, and information about the child and his entrance to the site must be entered in a special log.
  4. The administrator of the room should accept only healthy children who do not have pronounced signs of various diseases.

In the process of organizing services to ensure children's leisure in the form of a playroom, it is worth considering that its highest occupancy occurs in the evening hours of weekdays.

At this time, parents pick up their children from schools and kindergartens. Therefore, in order to attract customers in the morning and afternoon, it is necessary to develop an attractive discount program.

The financial component of the business

When drawing up a business project for opening and maintaining a game room, it is important to take into account not only its organizational issues, but also evaluate economic efficiency. As a rule, in order to determine the financial component of entrepreneurial activity, the following indicators are calculated and calculated:

  • the cost of opening and maintaining;
  • the amount of future income;
  • payback period.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The cost of opening a game room maintenance business directly depends on its volume. For example, if you calculate the initial investment required to open an average room of 75 sq. m. and capable of simultaneously receiving up to 70 children, their amount will be approximately 1 million rubles. It will include:

In the future, the entrepreneur will also have current expenses associated with the maintenance of the site. Most of The amount of monthly expenses will consist of rent and wages. Assuming maximum size rent, then the cost of maintaining the business will be approximately 150 thousand rubles per month.

Size of future income

To determine the amount of future income, it is important to consider the region where the business is opened:

  1. In not big cities one hour of the game room costs an average of 100 rubles. According to statistics, the attendance of such an institution is up to 10-12 people per working day. This means that the amount of revenue per month will be about 40 thousand rubles.
  2. In megacities, sites opened on the territory of large shopping centers are visited by at least three children in one hour, and its cost today is set at around 200 rubles. This means that the monthly revenue of the business will reach 216 thousand rubles.

Payback period

According to the data obtained, the monthly profit of a game room located in a small region can vary from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, which makes it possible to recoup the initial investment in three years of operation. If we talk about a site in large cities, then the amount of monthly net profit received from them can reach 60-80 thousand rubles. The starting capital for such a room will pay off in 1-1.5 years.

But in order to subsequently bring a stable income and develop entrepreneurial activity, the entrepreneur needs to take care of the parallel opening of related areas: holding holidays, competitions and creative master classes within the site, as well as opening a children's cafe.

Business related to the provision of services for children has always been in demand. Both in big cities and in the regions, the opening of a children's playroom cannot but attract the attention of "small customers", and parents are unlikely to be able to refuse their child. By placing it in a passing place, you can recoup your initial investment in a few months and receive a stable income.


The entertainment room is a place where a child (a group of children) can play and spend their leisure time. At the same time, they are constantly looked after by an adult.

For the first time, such places began to appear in large entertainment and shopping centers. As a rule, it is difficult for parents with children to go to all departments of interest. Leaving the baby in the playroom for children in shopping centers, they could safely go shopping, and their child could have fun with their peers.

Today, such corners can be found in:

  • shopping or entertainment center;
  • supermarket:
  • hotel or boarding house;
  • cafe or restaurant;
  • cinema, etc.

Stages of building a business

Before opening a children's playroom, it is necessary to analyze the external and internal factors. To successfully implement a business idea, you need to do:

  1. monitoring the market for children's services;
  2. choice of location, conclusion of a lease agreement;
  3. decor permits;
  4. purchase of equipment, room decoration;
  5. recruitment;
  6. advertising.

Financial part

Start-up costs depend on the chosen specifics of the business. Consider the starting costs for opening a small room of 30 m² in a shopping and entertainment center:

  1. purchase of equipment, installation of a labyrinth - 250 thousand rubles;
  2. preparation of the premises - 10 thousand rubles;
  3. registration of permits - 15 thousand rubles.

Monthly payments:

  1. rent - 35,000 rubles;
  2. payroll fund - 30 thousand rubles;
  3. payment of taxes - 10 thousand rubles.

Is it profitable to open a children's playroom? On average, 40-50 children visit such an institution per day for several hours. The cost of spending time depends on the functionality of the room and additional services and is 100-150 rubles. You can earn from 5000 rubles per day, per month (with one day off on Monday) - 130 thousand rubles.

Having paid all monthly payments, the net income per month will be 55 thousand rubles. In this case, it will be possible to recoup the starting costs in 5 months.

Selection and preparation of premises

The choice of premises depends on the specifics of the proposed services:

  1. a small corner is best placed in the shopping center, where there is a large flow of people;
  2. a separate room is suitable for a wider range of services - babysitting, children's parties, planned events.

Regardless of the specifics, the playing space must be divided into zones:

  1. a mini-dressing room, possibly in the form of a small bookcase with cells, in which visitors can put clothes, things, shoes;
  2. reception desk, in which, in addition to a computer and working devices, there should be wet wipes, water, and other improvised means for small clients;
  3. a place for parents (a small sofa or a whole area with tables and chairs, depending on the specifics);
  4. main play area.

Room requirements:

  • bright lighting;
  • good ventilation;
  • the presence of a sanitary facility nearby;
  • area from 30 m².


Equipment for a children's playroom depends on the chosen concept and the scale of the business. A small room in a shopping or entertainment center consists of a labyrinth, which is metal structure from 2-3 floors. Each zone of the labyrinth contains a variety of game and educational elements. You can fill each section with a slide, balls, a tunnel, an obstacle course, a dry pool, a trampoline, a punching bag, a basketball hoop and more.

Also, the game room may contain places for more relaxed games - creativity, drawing, relaxation.

Required documents

How to get started with obtaining permits? At the first stage, register as an individual entrepreneur (it will take about 5 working days to register) by selecting OKVED code 92.7 "Other activities for the organization of recreation and entertainment".

This direction does not require a special license, but the premises and equipment must comply with the standards of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspection, be safe for small children. Each employee of the room must have a sanitary book.


For effective work There are enough rooms for two employees who will work in shifts. The main requirement is that children like it and be responsible. Some companies insist on teacher education when recruiting, others do not attach any importance to this. The duties of an employee include:

  • look after the children, ensuring their safety;
  • keep the play area clean;
  • monitor the operation of the equipment;
  • communicate with children, teach them games and entertainment.


If you want to attract customers from all over the city, use as many information channels as possible:

  • Internet (creating a business card website, information on social networks, blogging, media advertising, etc.);
  • distribution of leaflets, flyers in places of accumulation of the target audience - in schools, kindergartens, parks, squares, clinics, etc.);
  • posters, business cards in development centers (since these organizations offer related services, you can agree on the exchange of promotional products);
  • outdoor advertising;
  • information on the radio, local media.

But the most effective source is word of mouth. If your organization delivers quality services, happy parents will recommend them to their friends, who in turn will want to use them.

Availability of franchises

Newcomers in this segment can organize a franchise business. Having paid the starting and monthly fee, the novice entrepreneur is provided with finished model organization and management. The franchise buyer gets the right to use the name of well-known children's studios, detailed business plan and comprehensive support at all stages, from the search for premises to the daily control of work. Popular franchises:

  • Children's game center "Club of friends" Smeshariki ";
  • Studio "Town of Masters".

Business risks

Despite the high demand and the relative simplicity of the organization, the idea has some risks and pitfalls that should be considered when developing a business plan for a children's playroom:

  • working with children is a specific area, in which one should remember all the responsibility for each little visitor;
  • high demand leads to considerable competition; even in small towns, small game rooms are sure to work.

Only a competent strategy and tactics to achieve it can overcome all difficulties and organize a profitable business.

Commercial offers

If you are a manufacturer or supplier of equipment, an expert or a franchiser in this field, then write to us through the Contacts page.
Below we will place information about your offer and your contacts.

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In this material:

It is worth drawing up a business plan for a children's playroom and starting a successful business as an entrepreneur in order to make a solid profit. Today, this problem of organizing children's leisure is very relevant. This service is a promising idea for a profitable stable business.

Business activity concept

A children's play complex is a place where kids and teenagers spend their leisure time. The opening of such complexes in a cinema, a large supermarket or a cafe to leave your baby here for a while has become a real salvation for many parents if they need to leave. In a specially equipped comfortable room, kids and teenagers can have fun under the supervision of adults.

This business is stable. Only in the summer season does the demand for this service fall, as the main flow of customers leaves the city. Parents willingly leave their kids in the playroom while shopping. How to open a children's playroom to become a successful entrepreneur? The profitability of a business increases when the range of services expands. You can invite animators to spend birthdays and holidays in the entertainment center.

The benefits of such a business:

  • services of such children's play complexes affordable for any parent;
  • for the implementation of this business project a significant start-up capital not required;
  • there are no problems with suppliers, accounts payable and receivable;
  • specialized knowledge is not required to provide such a demanded service;
  • the business is fast-paying;
  • even during the economic crisis, the demand for this popular service does not decrease.

Business cons are minimal. At the initial stage, it will be very difficult for a beginner with zero reputation, since solid competition arises due to high demand.

Business preparation stage

To start the project launch, it is necessary to assess the demand for the service and analyze the competition in this segment. Today, this niche in the field of children's entertainment has not been fully mastered. The current situation in this market segment needs to be carefully studied in order for your investment in the entertainment business to turn into income.

Legal aspects of business:

  1. AT legal order you need to register your business. You can establish a legal entity, create an LLC, or register as individual entrepreneur in the field of entertainment and entertainment. The preferential tax scheme, in which 6% of profits are deducted to the state treasury, is the most profitable.
  2. A solid documentary base should be at the heart of your business. Authorized bodies have the right to conduct scheduled or unscheduled inspections. Such activities do not require licensing.
  3. Before the full functioning of your entertainment business, it is important to obtain a package of necessary permits and documents in a timely manner. SanPiN contains regulatory requirements for preschool organizations that must be met.
  4. There are no special requirements for the level of education and qualifications of employees. Each employee of your entertainment center must have a medical book.
  5. After your request in writing, specialists from the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate, inspect the premises in order to issue permits or recommendations to the entrepreneur. The issue of fire safety is extremely important.

Renting a room is a crucial moment:

  1. The good location of the entertainment center is the main thing. Typically, such complexes are created at large shopping centers, the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be about 30 m².
  2. A lease agreement must be signed. Inner space should match regulatory requirements fire safety and Rospotrebnadzor. The bathroom must be located near the game room. In order for parents to be able to watch their children, partitions are either interior walls can be made from transparent material.
  3. The room needs natural air circulation, there must be enough space for play equipment, so high ceilings are needed. There should be no drafts in the playroom. Ventilation and good lighting are required.
  4. The production of children's play complexes can be ordered by specialists. There are certain requirements for the placement of gaming equipment. Within the framework of the national GOST R system in without fail certificates of conformity for the equipment of the play area for children must be obtained. Security is a basic requirement for your center's play equipment.

Starting a business

Need a business plan for a children's playroom.

You can choose the direction of business:

  1. A very large audience from teenagers to toddlers can be covered by a game club. When arranging such a room, it is necessary to allocate several separate zones for children of different ages.
  2. Children's corner in the form of a hairdresser or beauty salon. The target audience of such a game room will be girls who are interested in this type of leisure.
  3. A children's playroom equipped with slides, labyrinths, a dry pool with balls, soft modules, cubes, ladders, and many different toys for boys and girls. This is the most profitable option children's corner, which is located in a large shopping center.

Playground staff

Recruitment should be taken seriously. The best option will hire 2 employees. Students or seniors can look after the kids in the playroom. They must be able to communicate with children and be responsible.

Calculation of business profitability

To start this entrepreneurial activity, start-up capital is required, so it will not work to open a game room from scratch. For 180-200 thousand rubles, you can buy 1 maze, designed for 20 kids. It can be placed in small room area of ​​30 m². Up to 70 children can be invited to a room of 60 m² at the same time, where an attraction is installed, the price of which is 1 million rubles. Monthly expenses for wages and maintenance of the room in the first case will amount to about 50 thousand rubles, in the second - about 100 thousand rubles. The payback period in both cases will be about six months.

This business activity related to the provision of services for children is very profitable.

All obstacles can be successfully overcome if the implementation of a business idea for entertaining kids is approached competently.

The children's playroom will become very profitable.

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Investments: Investments from 590,000 rubles.

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Investments: Investments 25,000,000 - 40,000,000 rubles.

opening idea children's project, different from template entertaining and scientific centers, came to its founders - Alexey and Elena Tikhonov in 2012. The main concept of the project was the creation of a unique play space, where any child has every opportunity for creation, creativity, fantasy, and the realization of his dreams. The task of employees is to monitor and support, create comfortable and safe conditions…

Many people seeking to discover own business don't know where to start. Some have difficulty finding an idea, while others have difficulty implementing it.

One of the simple and not too expensive ideas is to open a children's playroom.

Market and competitor analysis

The business related to children is currently one of the most dynamic and profitable, since all parents are interested in, on the one hand, comprehensively developing the child, and on the other hand, making his life more diverse, fun and interesting.

That is why it is possible to allocate enough a large number of potential competitors:

  • Family entertainment centers that provide a wide range of services - from a cinema to slot machines. Their main advantage is a wide range of services aimed at different age categories. On the other hand, prices in such institutions are usually quite high, and children cannot be there without parental supervision. The same group includes cinemas, amusement parks, bowling, etc.
  • Private kindergartens and development centers - are educational institutions with small groups in which you can leave the child for a certain amount of time. The advantage is that qualified specialists are engaged with children, and they can be left for the whole day. However, parents are more likely to do things on weekends, when such organizations do not work.
  • Museums hosting workshops – some museums are becoming child-friendly even without the presence of parents. They organize excursions, special lessons, allowing children to learn something new. Their main disadvantage is that the family will have to spend extra time on the road to the institution, then on the return to the store or another place, and after that - on the next trip for the child.
  • Other children's rooms. This category of competitors has the most significant impact on the business being opened, so it is important that there are no such rooms within one shopping center or any other similar place.

Accommodation options

The children's playroom can act as independent business or as an auxiliary part of it (then the visit for children will be free, and the entrepreneur wins by making a profit from the main business). In the latter case, this applies to the following cases of its placement:

  • Cinemas.
  • Beauty Salons.
  • Cafes and restaurants, etc.

In the case of an independent business, game rooms are most often located in shopping centers or shops, as well as in hotels, airports and train stations.

Such points are becoming more and more popular, as they allow adult customers to have time to buy the necessary goods or receive services. In this case, not only buyers and children benefit (who do not have to go with their parents on uninteresting business), but also those establishments that are located next to the game room: the more time adults have to shop in the store, the higher their average will be. check.

It is also possible to open a separate children's room, which can be located in a residential area (subject to compliance with the requirements). In this case, it will be an independent business, which is likely to require fewer costs, but much more large quantity efforts to promote and attract customers.

Production plan

When opening such an institution, it is necessary to install high-quality equipment, since it will be used by a large number of children, which can lead to various kinds of breakdowns. Therefore, to ensure durability, it is necessary to choose products made of wood or durable plastic.

In addition, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of furniture and various equipment. To do this, you need to understand the number of potential visitors to the room. Otherwise, a situation may arise between children fighting for some kind of entertainment, which will lead to negative emotions and a loss of desire to come to this playroom again.

Finally, some rules must be observed:

  • The room should have good lighting.
  • The room must be ventilated.
  • Employees need to issue medical books.
  • Constant wet cleaning is required.
  • Children with signs of infectious diseases cannot be admitted to the room.

In the following video you can see what a similar game complex consists of:

organizational plan

To open such a company, you must do the following:

  1. Decide on the concept of the business, roughly calculating the level of costs, profitability, identifying possible locations, etc.
  2. Explore legal basis for the organization of such a project - this applies to both the legislation of the Russian Federation and local acts that are valid only in the territory where the organization will operate.
  3. Prepare Required documents and – the period is from 1 to 2 weeks.
  4. Pick up a room - from 3 to 4 weeks.
  5. Make repairs to the premises and purchase equipment - from 1 to 2 months.
  6. Find the right employees.
  7. Organize the work of the institution.
  8. Attract your first customers.

To successfully make a profit, it is necessary to change equipment from time to time: on the one hand, this will protect children from dangerous games with broken things, and on the other hand, it will allow those guys who come to you often not to get bored.

Financial plan

The largest costs will be spent on the purchase of equipment - it will cost 200-800 thousand rubles, depending on its quality, quantity and size of the room. In addition, you will have to pay for rent from 30 thousand per month, provided that many landlords require payment for several months in advance.

From the staff will be required administrator With salary from 25 thousand rubles per month, as well as 1 or 2 child care professionals (wage from 30 thousand in case of full-time work). Most often, it is not necessary to pay for cleaning services, since shopping centers have specially hired staff.

In addition, the entrepreneur will face the following expenses:

  • Repair and design of the premises - from 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of the necessary documentation and permits - 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising expenses - from 7-8 thousand rubles per month, etc.

For a stable profit and payback within 9-12 months, it is necessary to set the average price of a visit in the region of 100-200 rubles per hour of stay.

On condition start-up costs in the region of 1 million rubles and the average number of small clients from 50 people per day after reaching payback profit will be 170-250 thousand rubles per month.

Marketing plan and advertising

When opening, it is important to consider that best to start in autumn, since in the summer most children will spend time on the playground (many shopping centers and shops build similar facilities and allow children to play for free).

Additionally, you can hold entertainment events for children or for the family as a whole free of charge - this will attract more customers.

In order to increase the flow of visitors, first of all, you need to come up with an interesting, sonorous name, a beautiful logo and a bright sign. In addition, you should print business cards or flyers and distribute them near the place where the game room is located.

It would be a good idea to create a group in social network, in which various kinds of drawings can be held. For example, an important source of income is the holding of children's holidays. Accordingly, in one of the drawings, the prize may be a free organization of an event for children.

Risk Analysis

The main risks are related with the wrong location: in particular, this may apply to the situation of placement in a shopping center where there are several direct and indirect competitors, as well as the case when the room is located in an impassable place.

In the case of focusing on a very narrow target audience (for example, children aged 5-6), the entrepreneur runs the risk of seriously reducing the profitability of the project and increasing the payback period.

Therefore, it is very important to purchase equipment and zone the space in such a way that the stay in the room is interesting for both very young children and older children.

Thus, if there is a competent approach to organizing a children's playroom, you can quickly recoup the costs and start receiving high level arrived. This business is not too complicated in terms of organization and is accessible to many people. One of the main conditions for success is the presence of love for children and the desire to develop in this area.

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