Design of a children's room for a boy (36 photos): we select a project. Design of a children's room for a boy: design features Room design for a 10 year old boy

Engineering systems 30.08.2019
Engineering systems

In order for the interior of the children's room for boys to turn out to be modern and harmonious, when planning, you need to take into account not only the wishes of the children, but also carefully think over all future design elements yourself. This approach is necessary, since it is the design of your own room that directly affects the mood of the child and the formation of his character as a whole. In addition, the boy's room is not only a place to sleep and relax, but also a world of entertainment and games. General style the nursery should not be gray and boring, but please with colors and cheer up the baby and his friends who come to visit. In today's material, we will tell you what to look for and how to correctly design the interior of a children's room for boys, photos of the best ideas of which are presented below in the article.

Choosing the interior of a children's room for a boy according to his age

When creating a design for a boyish children's room, first of all, you need to focus on the age of its owner. Children of different age categories have very different interests, as well as take into account the dimensions of the room. When creating the interior of a small children's room for a boy, you need to focus on functionality, and choose furniture that is as safe as possible for your son.

Interior ideas for a child's room for a boy

A three-year-old child, due to his age, cannot yet express his preferences, therefore, by selection colors for the interior of the nursery, the parents themselves are engaged. At this age, the child has an active development of personality, and certain life values. That is why, in the design of a nursery, it is worth adhering to the following rules:

  • Decorate walls in light colors with bright accents
  • Be sure to equip the play area
  • Furniture that is as safe as possible for sons, it should not have protruding and sharp elements

Interior of a children's room for a 5-year-old baby

At the age of five or six, the baby shows individuality. The child becomes very energetic and curious, hobbies appear and interests develop, which can change very quickly. That is why, in the interior of a children's room for a preschooler boy, it is necessary to provide individual places for creativity and exercise.

Interior of a children's room for a boy of 7 years

The age of seven years is the beginning of school life, the time when the child goes to the first grade and study becomes milestone his life. In the setting of a children's room for a schoolboy, there should certainly be a comfortable writing desk with a comfortable chair or armchair, as well as a closet for storing toys and school textbooks. good decision will divide the room into two zones: study and play, which will allow the child to do homework without being distracted by games.

Interior of a children's room for a boy of 10 years

From about ten years old, the youth begins to form his personality, idols appear and love for any sports games. It can be cartoon characters, musical performers or movie actors. That's just their images and can be applied in the design of the room, decorating the room with photo wallpapers or large posters. See below for interesting interior options for a children's room for a ten-year-old boy.

How to decorate the interior of a children's room for two boys

If both children in your family are boys, then when planning a design interior decoration a children's room for 2 boys, you must definitely take into account the opinions of two children. But, it often happens that their tastes are very different, so you have to look for a compromise that will suit both. Arrangement inner space rooms for two guys just seems complicated. In fact, there are many excellent design ideas that will allow you to create comfortable conditions for children even in not very big room.

The interior of the children's room for boys: the organization of places to sleep

In the ideal case, when the dimensions of the nursery allow, a separate bed is purchased for each son, but in the case of a small-sized nursery, a bunk bed would be a logical solution, which will save a lot usable space in room.

Interior of a children's room for teenage boys

The decor of the youth room for teenage guys is not very different from that for schoolchildren, but here it stands with special attention take into account the wishes of children, since in adolescence it is not easy to please them. A good option would be to use photo wallpaper with idols or your child's favorite cities for wall decor. Often, teenagers choose dark colors to decorate a room, but for a positive effect on the psyche of a growing child, they also need bright colours. The interior of the children's room for teenage boys is shown in the photo below.

Modern interior of a children's room for boys on 30 photos updated: January 17, 2018 by: Andrey Zinchenko

The room must bring pleasant emotions, delighting the owner with the interior, regardless of the purpose: a nursery or a living room. Decoration Materials in the nursery, only environmentally friendly and not causing health problems are used. Parents who decide to children's room renovation, as a rule, are captivated by stereotypes that this room is recommended to be blue or blue, Photo room design projects for boy dispel those stereotypes.

Children's room for a boy

After all, childhood is a passing time and the baby will carry the memories of it for the rest of his life. The choice of materials presented in stores is diverse and each parent can create the interior that his son dreams of.

Interior of a children's room for a boy

Before starting repair work, you need to figure out how much money you are willing to invest in this event and, based on this, start working on the interior. After all, perhaps you will make interior updates (change of wallpaper or floor covering) or aim to replace everything from furniture to wall clocks.

Boys room in football style

A nursery for a boy is drawn up at the stage of preparation for the appearance of a child in the family. For these purposes, the walls are made neutral, because the baby needs peace and comfort. As the child grows older, they gradually bring into the room bright accents: wallpaper with a pattern and thematic stickers, curtains in rich shades, changing the cradle into a bed. This is the time when the interior is carefully thought out, supplemented with photo wallpapers or vinyl stickers.

Spacious and bright children's room

Theme for registration

At a conscious age, the child's hobbies change, idols and heroes appear. Designers show with their projects many themes and styles for the interior of a nursery for a boy, but the more common ones are:

Bright children's room in a modern style

  • Automotive theme. In it, the bed occupies a central place and is made as a car. The bed is easy to make on your own, but if desired, parents buy in stores. Now cabinet furniture manufacturers specialize in themed furniture, so choosing such a bed for a child is not difficult. One of the subspecies of this style is racing: in it, the cage of the flag used at the finish of the race is used as a decorative component for the facades of the wardrobe, bedside tables, pillowcases, a rug on the sofa, sofa cushions, etc.

    Small and bright children's room

  • Marine theme. Is not a budget option repair, which includes a hanging bed in the form of a ship. Recommended room colors: blue, blue shades and White color. Decor elements: ship's anchor, lifebuoy, compass, maps, marine life. The doors of the linen closets should be turned into portholes, and a rope ladder should be hung on one of the walls. One of the subspecies of the marine theme will be the pirate style. It must have a spyglass, nautical charts, a cocked hat, a pirate flag.

    Light colors in the design of the children's room

  • The next successful theme for decorating a boy's room is space.. To give the interior a touch of space orientation in the room, it is recommended to install a projector with a night sky or a night lamp. It will be useful to install or suspended planets, shuttles, rockets, comets, stars, satellites.

    Children's room for a newborn boy

  • Sports theme. The design of the room in this style gives a lot of room for imagination and motivates the child to play sports. The accent of such a nursery will be decorative cups and medals. Over time, the child will replace them with real ones. Suitable here frameless furniture, for example, an armchair (for example, in the shape of a soccer ball) on which it is convenient to sit with friends and watch TV. One of the options for such a room is a stadium. To do this, the floor is covered Green colour like grass.

    Spacious children's room with bright design

Sports theme for decorating a children's room

Interior according to age

Tip: It is important that the chair and table fit the height of the baby, and the storage systems in the bedside tables and wardrobes are equipped with sliding mechanisms like a wardrobe. Furniture should not have hinged doors.

Large children's room with bright decor

Children's room with a bright design of photo wallpapers with cars

  • A room for a child over six years old should not only meet his needs in the game, but also have a place for learning. Recommended desk with a comfortable adjustable chair. Despite the fact that the son is growing up, you should get comfortable modern systems storage.

    Original layout for a children's room

    For creativity and development, it is worth equipping the nursery with magnetic blocks or Velcro fabric strips. In the window area, in order to optimize space, apartment owners often use the transfer of radiators, putting in this place workplace where it falls sunlight. These square meters are perfect for embedded storage systems.

    Children's room for a car lover

  • Nursery for son school age. The son is growing up, hobbies are gradually replacing the games, so the storage systems are being repurposed into places for storing sports attributes and books. When repairing, it is important to zone the room by dividing it into a zone for games, recreation and study, then the space will be functionally and rationally used. If a schoolboy son is fond of geography or history, then they use geographic Maps. They will give originality and brightness to the interior and will be of interest to the child.

    Photo design of a children's room with bright accents

  • The nursery for the young man is the most difficult task for parents, because he has his own preferences and rigid preferences for the decor of his room, which parents do not always like. The design project is developed depending on the size of the room, the abundance of light, the interests and hobbies of the son and the financial capacity of adults. Often in such rooms one wall is accentuated with brickwork or wild stone wallpaper. This emphasis brings brutality to male interior and adds personality to the space.

    Kids Room Design Ideas

    It looks interesting to decorate the walls with wallpaper with photo printing of extreme sports, graffiti, comics. Usually teenagers prefer cold, dark and gloomy colors, it seems to parents that this is not the most the best way for the interior, but they can always be organically diluted bright details(textiles, paintings, watches, original accessories).

Nautical style for children's room design

Brothers room renovation

It seems that if children have different interests and ages, then it is simply impossible to solve the issue of repair, but this is not so. It is enough to provide each of the boys with their work and sleeping place, but what to do with the eaten square meters space?

Stylish children's room for two boys

The best arrangement option would be a bed with two tiers or a loft bed combined with a full bed for the eldest son. If the sons are of the same age, then the presence of two beds in the nursery and a table on which both sons will study will help to solve the problem.

Original children's room with photo wallpaper

Bright colors for decorating a child's room

Design of a children's room for a boy

Renovation of a children's room for a boy 5 0 photo ideas:

In the children's room, the child plays, learns, sleeps and receives guests. This is his world in which he creates and fantasizes. Therefore, design correct design A child's room for a boy is paramount for anyone. We offer you to learn how to quickly and easily create a real amazing universe for a child.

Before you make repairs and create a unique design, you need to think about the age of the child and what ideas are suitable for decoration. Definitely Corner 16 summer teenager differs from the room of a baby of two or three years and when designing a room for each of the children, numerous factors should be taken into account, as well as their character and preferences.

From birth to 3 years

If we talk about the interior of the room for a baby 1-3 years old, the decor has characteristic features:

  • safe furniture;
  • comfort, warmth;
  • game Zone;
  • contrasting accents on light colors.

The boy does not yet have pronounced interests, so it makes no sense to decorate the room in some way. It is important that the occupant of the room is comfortable and the furniture is safe. Buy toys, a crib, a play mat.

Choose furniture with rounded corners. The crib should be low, the furniture for study is proportional to the growth of the child. Shelves for toys should be nailed at the level of the baby's hands. Before creating a design, it is better to study a few photo examples.

3 to 5 years

At this age, the boy shows his individuality. Teachers call this age magical, because the baby turns into an inquisitive why and becomes active and mobile. When decorating a room, you need to take into account its activity and place gymnastic devices, wall bars, rings or a rope.

Many children wake up creative skills. If possible, equip a creative corner and buy materials for drawing and modeling. A child at this age perceives everything in game mode, when designing decor, build on this fact.

5 to 8 years

It is important that the children's room for a boy of this age be zoned, because the child has the first duties in the form of preparing homework. Nothing should distract the student from the lessons. Clearly separate the play area. How to zone the space in a child's room, you can look at the photo on the site, which presents options for both rooms of 9 sq. m. and 15-16 sq. m.

8 to 12 years old

The student has favorite characters, books, cartoons. You can use the knowledge about this character in the design of the child's room. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it so that a 10-year-old kid does not get tired of his beloved hero. In the interior, one thematic image on the photo wallpaper is enough, plus a couple of objects that are stylized according to the theme. If a student of 10 years old changes interests, the room can be easily converted to new preferences.

12 to 16 years old

When you make repairs even in a room of 9 sq m, you should understand that your child of 14 years old is a mature personality. He has interests, beliefs, social circle and, perhaps, goals. Therefore, be sure to ask the young man about how he sees his space. Perhaps part of the room will have to be given over to hobbies young man 14 years. A boy under 16 may want to create a sports corner, separate a place for drawing or musical instruments.

Properly select furniture for student study and recreation. The body at the age of 14 grows and forms especially sharply. It is important to correctly select a chair in accordance with growth, choose an ergonomic table, a good mattress. Before buying, pay attention to the photo of furniture on our website.

Creating an interior depending on the area

Up to 12 - 13 sq m

If you are limited to 12-13 square meters, you will have to leave functional furniture in the room. If you plan to make repairs in the room of a preschool child, the table can be neglected. In this case, it will remain more space for games. Install only narrow cabinets for toys and clothes. Furniture with great depth both visually and practically narrows the room.

If you have a child a schoolboy under 13 years old, his personal space can be ennobled with transforming furniture. Any boy will be delighted with a loft bed, which will save a lot of space.

Up to 14 - 15 sq m

A room up to 14-15 sq m for a baby allows you to make repairs with a comfortable play area and separate a place to sleep. At the same time, parents do not need to save every meter in order to free up a lot of space.

More than 15 - 16 sq m

A large room for a boy of 15-16 square meters is freedom for a flight of fancy. You can embody all ideas, design a sports area or put a large bookcase. There are much fewer restrictions, the child can safely pursue his hobbies. In this interior of a children's room for a schoolboy boy, you can fit a map of the world or space motifs.

Before you come up with room decor, heed the following tips:

  • how less area rooms, the more functional should be all its elements;
  • the darker the room, the more light shades, mirrors and glasses should be. It is important that all these glasses and mirrors are safe, because we are talking about a room for children under 16;
  • for a large number of children, use bunk beds, multifunctional drawers and bedside tables;
  • subordinate everything to style. Let every little thing correspond to the theme or style that you have previously chosen;
  • finance. If you are on a budget, don't plan on a huge renovation. Decorate the room on your own, show your imagination, and skillful loving hands parents will be able to create a nursery no worse than professional craftsmen.

Design Options

Next, consider the most interesting options to create a unique design of a children's room for a boy. Ditch the fancy classics. A boy's room is often a robber's lair! Even if he is already 16. The main thing is that the room for the boy is atmospheric, created with courage and inspiration.

Room "Catch the wave!"

"Catch the wave" is a marine theme. The room can be decorated in the form of a submarine, a cabin, a ship, in a pirate style. This is an amazing solution! If the boy loves adventure, is passionate about Pirates of the Caribbean or Fifteen-Year-Old Captain, and his favorite character is some one-legged John Silver with a parrot on his shoulder and a hook instead of an arm, then he will like this room. The main colors should be blue, cyan, indigo, sea ​​wave. As accessories, a lifebuoy, a rope, a globe, an anchor, a map, a compass, flags of the countries of the world, a steering wheel, chests are suitable.

High tech

A high-tech room will be an ideal solution for fidgets under 16 years old. If your boy's preferences change all the time, he loves change, organize a high-tech world for him. The interior in this style has one unique feature– furniture can be transformed as you like. Plus, a characteristic feature of such style direction are bright colors. It is important to observe one more condition of this style, which is free space. With compact transforming furniture, this is not difficult to achieve.

Room for a nature lover

Such a room will be an excellent solution for both a girl and a boy under 16 years old. The main colors are neutral, namely green, yellow, blue, beige. Accessories will be an aquarium, photographs of animals, a large indoor palm tree.

Inspired by technology

A technical-style room will definitely reflect the child's hobbies, whether it be airplanes, space, tanks or trains with cars. The main shade can be any. Bright posters decorate the room, homemade models wood crafts. If you want to make a completely non-trivial nursery, reveal the technical ideas of the steampunk atmosphere. If we are talking about the room of a student or teenager, of course, he will appreciate your efforts. Steampunk is a futuristic retro, where the incongruous is combined, as demonstrated in the photo selection. Accessories in this style will be a computer keyboard in the form of a typewriter, a door in the form of a bunker, an airship on the wall and others.


Great ideas for teenagers. Minimum details, all items are functional and simple. Repair in this style will allow you to express yourself, so it is better to leave the walls empty. Teenagers have many hobbies, the child will decorate the walls with posters and photos. Very soon, a music system, a prefix, sports equipment will appear in the room. All this will require space, so leave only the most basic items.

Art Nouveau room

When developing this direction in the interior of the nursery, consider the interests of the child, his age and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. You do not need to strictly adhere to the style of the direction, but you should place emphasis on the fact that this is a children's room. Let the decor elements have something in common and have a specific children's purpose. For example, a children's pattern on a bedspread and curtains may overlap. Toys are best stored in closed closet. Put albums with children's photos there.

Sporty style

If the boy is desperate for sports, support him with the appropriate environment. Create a room in red and white. Build a sports corner, hang a punching bag, diplomas and achievements on the wall in frames. Don't forget posters with your favorite athletes.

Furniture selection

Remember that cabinet furniture only clutters up the space. Free the nursery from it, replacing it with built-in cabinets, drawers under the bed and shelving, examples of which can be seen in the photo. To save space, furniture should be multifunctional. Apply ideas: sofa bed or chair bed. Everything can recline, open up and move out of the walls.

Upholstered furniture should be as functional as possible. If we are talking about a chair, it should spin and adapt to the figure. The upholstery should be such that it can be easily cleaned. Choose ascetic and dark shades of furniture.

Whatever ideas you come up with for your young fidget schoolboy, let it all be created with inspiration, touching parental love. To do this, it is not necessary to order innovative transforming furniture or super-expensive, stylish curtains. The main thing is that the child was pleasant and comfortable.

Each child must have a personal space, since it is necessary for the development and formation of a personality that is not constrained by frames and conventions. If your apartment has two, three or more rooms, you will, of course, give one of them to your child.

Today we will talk about how to equip a nursery for a boy under the age of 10 years.

  • Enough daylight should enter the room.

Choose for children the brightest room: what is located on the southeast, southwest side, or the one in which the largest windows.

Do not forget that in the evening you will also need to intensively illuminate the space of the nursery so that your eyes are comfortable while reading, studying or playing. In addition to the main light source under the ceiling, install a local one in the form of a sconce, floor lamp or table lamp and a decorative night lamp.

  • Natural high-quality materials should be used in surface cladding.

So, as a flooring, choose wooden planks, parquet. The walls can be sheathed with panels one third from the floor, the rest of the distance to the ceiling can be pasted over with wallpaper with a washable surface. The ceiling, if its surface is even, can simply be painted water-based paint, or use a tensile or suspended structure.

  • When choosing furniture for a boy's children's room, you should be guided by the criteria of convenience, safety and quality.

So, for a mischievous by nature, a very mobile child, you should not buy a bed with metal corners. It is better if, together with your son, you pick up a stable bed with a frame made of beech, oak, walnut.

The desk and seating furniture must be appropriate for the age of the child in terms of dimensions, meeting the rules of ergonomics. A chest of drawers, a wardrobe and a rack should be chosen roomy, but proportionate to the dimensions of the room, in which the area for outdoor games, gymnastic exercises should not be constrained by anything.

  • Natural dense fabrics are needed in the boy's room for sewing functional curtains, chair upholstery, pillow covers.

All this will be tested for strength, therefore, must withstand constant cleaning and stress (children love to pull the curtains).

  • Reliable installation of all suspended and hinged structures.

Cornices, shelves, hangers, chandeliers, sconces, sockets and switches must be installed securely and thoughtfully, there can be no negligence here, because from quality installation such items, sometimes depends on the health of the child.

  • In the nursery - only children's things.

In the nursery, only the things of the child should be placed, leave porcelain vases and glass figurines for the living room. Also, remove the massive dark closet or an uncomfortable old sofa.

  • Arrange comfortable areas in the room.

The room in which your little son will live from now on should contain several functional areas: sleeping, playing (sporting), for classes. But when the dimensions of the room are small, you can try to combine one of the zones with the other, leaving more space for the third.


Children's for a boy, decorated by age

Over time, you will have to make some changes to the interior of the nursery, as the son will have new hobbies, needs and preferences regarding the environment around him. Next, we divided the article into four paragraphs, devoting each to the characteristics of a particular age of a boy from 0 to 10 years old.

Children's for a boy from birth to 3 years

The age from birth to three years of a child is considered by many to be the most interesting, because during this period the baby is constantly changing, delighting parents with his achievements, unique facial expressions, and kind hooliganism.

In the first year of life the boy needs nothing but a cozy bed, gentle hands and amusing toys. In the nursery of a newborn boy should be installed bed with adjustable bed height, low rack for toys(rather, for the convenience of parents), dresser for things and some kind of seating furniture to make it comfortable for an adult.

Your son will only learn to walk by the year of his life, falling and stumbling every now and then - take care of a soft carpet and remove unnecessary objects blocking his path.


Boy to two years old with great interest learns the world around, and tries to taste it and color. Make sure that there are still no fragile and small objects in the room, it is better to hang Roman blinds or blinds on the windows, and if curtains, then with a reliable, tightly screwed cornice.

In order not to have to change the wallpaper every two or three years, paste over the walls with neutral ones, without a pattern. Then they can be decorated with funny pictures, panels or a garland.

Choose all surfaces and materials with a dense texture so that in case of contamination, you can easily clean or wash with plain water. If you have laid a rug, it is better to give preference to the one with a short pile; during this period, it is better to cover the chair with a removable cover or sew a special cover


About three years the boy appears a large number of educational toys: cars, cubes, coloring books, board games etc. All this will now need to be placed somewhere, accustoming the child to order and care for his room.

The room should appear rack, children's table and chair, extra rug. Give your son a special travel case for pencils and paints, plasticine and crayons - the boy will be delighted.

Develop aesthetic taste in your son from an early age. This means that the design of the nursery must be approached creatively, if possible avoiding patterns in its design. So, the usual use of blue, blue and gray with red shades can be supplemented with white, cream, gently in green. Let the baby get used to seeing the harmony of shapes and color combinations around him from childhood. Do not chase after cartoon images, filling the children's room with them: the hobby will pass, and the son will get bored with such a neighborhood. Be mindful of neutral pastel shades that can form the basis stylish interior children's.


Children's for a boy 3 - 5 years old

This age is the time when it is time to change the crib for a more “adult” version of it. For example, purchase an unusual wooden bed with a painted headboard or install a bunk, in the lower part of which you can arrange a zone for creativity or games.

The boy may clearly show the ability to draw, sculpt, play sports or music. Now it is already possible to install a compact Swedish wall in the nursery, place a good table and chair by the window, put a DVD player or tape recorder on the chest of drawers. Carefully look at your son's hobbies in order to create all the conditions for him in time for harmonious development.

If you are re-choosing curtains for a boy's nursery, feel free to ask him for his opinion about the preferred color of the fabric. The same applies to bed linen or rugs.


Children aged four or five years are already quite conscious of their things, and therefore, the boy will no longer spoil the wallpaper, outlining with felt-tip pens, although the need for reliable, easy-to-clean surfaces is only increasing.

Let your son decorate the walls of the room or the desktop with bright, educational pictures with animals, technology, marine themes, even if he saw them in a thematic publication. So, you can carefully cut out a figurine or a whole plot from an airplane magazine, and glue it to a white base - a passe-partout, and then enclose it in a frame. It's fast, interesting, and most importantly, you can change the image to any other at any time.


Children's room for a boy 5 - 7 years old

This age is a period of preparation for school, the child learns perseverance and attention. In the nursery, it is necessary to provide a study area, especially if there was no good desk in the room before. We advise you to place it in the most illuminated place, ideally, by the window. Complete with drawers or cabinet for books, paper and accessories.

high quality artificial light proper fit chairs will ensure the preservation of the vision and health of the child's spine

Teach your son not to mix toys and books, allocate a special container for some, and a rack for the latter. So the little person will get used to the idea that every thing has its place.


Aged up to seven years the boy develops his own special concept of what his room should be like. And you can help him create the desired image, while the son is already able to join the repair process, albeit not for long, but only partially, for example, paint small plot walls or give you nails during the installation of panels.


Ask what subject is closest for the boy: sports, music, technology, space or ships. This can serve as a guide to action when it comes time for repairs. For example, you can mount a sail above the bed, attach a basketball hoop to the wall, and for stretch ceiling choose a starry sky pattern with built-in LEDs.


Children's room for a boy 7 - 10 years old

Boys of school age often invite friends over and want to be proud of their room. A child of eight or ten years old is no longer the kid you knew him, he wants to imagine himself an adult, demonstrating this in every way.

So, in the design of the nursery, one should help the son and understand his position, since the boy may be afraid that his friends will make fun of him if they see something too “childish” in it: a blanket in daisies or a fluffy hare.

Explain to the child that it is not worth being ashamed and, moreover, getting rid of such things. You can beat the decor of the room in a different way, for example, repaint one or two walls in a more saturated, deep beautiful colour, put a stylish floor lamp in the corner, place a leather chair. In general, use purely masculine techniques in design, and then cute naive objects will not embarrass anyone.

In the adult's room 10-summer boy it is necessary to create conditions for the implementation of lessons, concentrating his attention on them. The desk area should be designed in accordance with the task: place a world map above the table, or put a globe, attach shelves for textbooks and notebooks to free up the surface of the tabletop as much as possible. Get a dimmable table lamp and, if possible, refrain from using a TV in the room.


Remember that the appearance of the children's room and the order in it do not depend on the gender of the child, but on how quickly you can teach him to keep clean.

27.04.2017 Read in 9 min.

In order to raise a scientist passionate about science, a connoisseur of beauty, an artist capable of conveying the beauty of the world around him, a lover of travel and a person in love with life, one should take care of the competent upbringing of a child from childhood. plays an important role competent organization space around the baby. Creating a comfortable and aesthetic nursery interior is one of the first tasks that young parents have to solve.

The designers of the Fundament Group of Companies not only think over the functional layout, stylistic and color solutions of the children's room, but also take into account ergonomics, and also choose safe materials, taking care of the child's health. The portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies presents photos of the interiors of children's rooms for a girl and a boy: these ideas can become a source of inspiration and form the basis of your project. In this review, we will consider the design features of a children's room for a boy: how to equip a sports area, a sleeping area, and an office area, as well as allocate enough space for a playroom.

In the photo: Interior of a nursery for a boy with marine motifs

Boys room design ideas. Photos of interiors

In a children's room, it is important that the interior is not only beautiful, but also contributes to the harmonious development of the child. At the same time, the room should not look like a “classroom”: nevertheless, first of all, it is a space for relaxation, but it is a personal space, so your baby’s personality must be present in it.

1. Bed in the form of a racing car

In the photo: Design of a nursery 12 sq. m with a bed in the form of a racing car

Many boys are addicted to cars, trains and motorcycles - why not make your little one happy by turning a boring bed into a racing car? A panel on the wall with your favorite cartoon characters adds color to the already bright interior of the nursery.

2. Wall - slate and magnetic board

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy with a Swedish wall and a bed in the form of a racing car

During the period of the kid's hobby for "rock art", many parents have to think about a new renovation in the children's room. This can be avoided by prudently organizing a suitable place for the work of a young artist. For example, turn an entire wall into a slate and magnetic board, on which the child can not only draw, but also play with the magnetic alphabet and figures.

3. Mini-observatory of a young researcher

In the photo: "Mini-observatory" of the future scientist

If a boy likes to look at the stars and asks "non-childish" questions about the structure of the universe, definitely, a telescope should be installed in his room. Today there is a huge selection of telescopes for children and teenagers, and many are as good as the "real" ones. modern appliances.

4. Tent for games in the nursery

In the photo: Children's room with a play tent

As a solution for a play area in a boy’s children’s room, a tent is perfect: with the help of it and imagination, you can organize a lot exciting games. For example, imagine yourself as the Leader of the Redskins, who plays pranks on his kidnappers, or "go" on a multi-day campaign.

5. Green carpet and starry sky above the bed

In the photo: Interior of a children's room for a boy with a wall in the form of a starry sky

The children's room is divided into play and sleeping areas with the help of colors and decorations that evoke natural associations. "Subjecting to the laws of nature" - this is how the design idea of ​​this room could be called. Starry sky in the sleeping area, and a carpet resembling a green lawn in the play area - perfect solution for visual zoning of the children's space.

Design of children's rooms for a boy with a sports corner

A sports corner is relevant in any children's room, but especially for a boy. Many parents give up on the idea of ​​organizing a corner in the room for their child due to insufficient space or because these shells do not “fit” into the interior. Using the example of apartment design projects from the portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies, we will make sure that a sports corner with competent planning will not take up extra space, and will even be able to decorate the interior of the nursery.

6. Yellow and blue children's with a sports corner for a teenage boy

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy 12 square meters. m in yellow and blue colors

7. Functional partition in the loft nursery

In the photo: Functional partition and sports corner in the nursery

It is convenient to divide the functional areas with the help of a functional partition, which is an open rack in which you can place toys and books.

8. Sports corner and slate in a small children's room

In the photo: The interior of a small nursery with a sports corner and a board

The small area of ​​​​the children's room is not a reason to deprive the interior of it functionality. The sports corner is located in a niche formed between two spacious shelves, and the wall in this area has been turned into a slate and magnetic board, which will be appreciated by the inquisitive young owner of the room.

9. Multi-colored sports corner - space divider

In the photo: Design of a bright play area in a nursery with a sports corner

In the children's room for two boys, the sports corner divides the interior into two functional zones. The bedroom and play area are separated from the office, equipped by the window, where there is a desk for both children.

10. Design project of a children's room with the motifs of a knight's castle

In the photo: Design project for a children's room 14 sq. m with a panel and a sports corner

If the boy is fond of adventure and knightly exploits, in his room you can reproduce the atmosphere that he will like. Chandelier from medieval castle, a colorful panel with a romantic landscape will awaken the fantasy and imagination of the child. But what kind of knight can do without good physical training? A sports corner in green colors, equipped at the entrance, will help with this.

11. Playroom with a sports corner on the loggia

In the photo: Play area with a sports corner on the loggia

If the nursery has a balcony or a loggia, then this space can be effectively used by equipping a mini-sports corner and a play area. Bright and light shades will visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe loggia, in the width of which you can put a sofa - where you can sit down to relax or read a book with your baby.

Organization of a play and office area in a children's room for a boy. Planning and zoning

Apart from sports corner, in the children's room it is important to provide a comfortable space for games, activities (not only for a teenage student, but also for a baby), as well as a place to store toys and things.

12. The idea of ​​​​the interior of a children's room for a boy 1-4 years old

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a boy 1-4 years old with dinosaurs

In the photo: Play area in the nursery with elements of fairy-tale nature

The playing area occupies most rooms, which is optimal in a room for a child 1-4 years old. Each piece of furniture not only performs its function, but is also part of the overall "landscape": a wardrobe in the form of a fairy-tale house with a clock, a rack with boxes for storing toys, over which mountain hills rise, another rack - for books - is made in the form of a bright spreading palm trees.

14. Cabinet area in a room for a teenage student

In the photo: Cabinet area by the window in a room for a teenager

In a room for a teenager, on the one hand, there should be nothing superfluous so that nothing distracts from classes and homework, on the other hand, everything should correspond to his true needs. For example, if a child is fond of music, it will not be superfluous to install a synthesizer. The furnishings of the cabinet area near the window in the minimalist style contribute to concentration on study.

15. Extended window sill as a desk

In the photo: Design of a children's room 12 sq. m with office area

To save space and to increase the cabinet area, a window sill is used, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is expanded to the size of a full-fledged desk. Books for classes and notebooks are conveniently placed in a rack located near the side wall.

16. Rug in the form of a palette of colors in the playroom

In the photo: Design of a play area in a nursery with a bright rug

An interesting rug in the form of a palette of colors will undoubtedly decorate the nursery interior. Wardrobes in the form of white fairy houses, on the one hand, and a bright sofa with colorful sofa cushions form a play area with soft pouffes-cubes and an original rug.

Ideas for organizing a sleeping area in a modern children's room for a boy

It is known that children do not like to go to bed. To help tune the baby to a strong and healthy sleep, it is necessary to consider the design of this part of the room - most likely, the design of the sleeping area will have its own differences - in color solution or decorating techniques.

17. Design a room for a teenager in the style of minimalism

In the photo: Children's room for a teenager with an area of ​​​​11 square meters. m in the style of minimalism

The design of the ceiling in the form of a starry sky above the head of a child going to bed sets in a calm and meditative mood. Monochrome and minimalism in the interior of a room for a teenager helps to relax from physical activity and emotional overload.

18. Zoning a teenager's children's room

In the photo: Design of a room for a teenager with a division into functional areas

A sleeping area in a niche created by the designer - this solution allows you to separate a place to sleep not only visually. You can further emphasize the division into zones by hanging a curtain: then it will partially play the role of a canopy.

19. Decorative tree in a bright nursery for two boys

In the photo: Organization of a sleeping area in a nursery for two boys

In a common children's room for two boys, it is not necessary to install bunk bed, as can be seen in the example of this interior. decorative tree with functional shelves will perfectly cope with the task of dividing the sleeping area into two parts and, in addition, will significantly transform the entire interior.

20. Curtain in the spirit of Japanese minimalism in a teenager's room

In the photo: Dividing a room for a teenager into two zones using curtains

A curtain in the spirit will help separate the sleeping area from the rest of the room with an office and a seating area. Japanese minimalism which can be completely removed if desired. Such Constructive decisions will appeal to teenage students.

21. Provence style in the design of a children's room

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy 9 square meters. m with elements of Provence style

In the photo: A loft bed in the form of a knight's castle in the nursery

For a teenage boy who is fond of stories about knightly campaigns and adventures, you will like a bed in the form of a medieval castle or fortress. It is worth noting that not only the bed, but also all interior items reflect the chosen concept: the chandelier, desk and shelves are made in the same style, which makes the interior of the room truly fabulous.

23. Functionality of furniture in the nursery

In the photo: Interior of a nursery for a boy with functional furniture

Many parents lament that their child scatters toys everywhere, and it is sometimes difficult to enter his room because of a large mountain of cars and railway parts. If you teach a child to order from childhood, he will soon be happy to arrange his toys in boxes and writing instruments. Beautiful and functional furniture in the nursery with many shelves and drawers will help to teach the child to put things in their places.

24. Bright interior of a nursery with a car bed

In the photo: Car bed in the nursery for a boy

Your favorite red car can expand to the size of a real bed, which will delight your little one. A rug in the form of a road and other interior details fit into the "thematic" design of the room in the same style.

25. Yellow and green shades in the nursery

In the photo: Children's room 10 sq. m for a boy in yellow and green shades

The picture depicting a "city landscape" with a blue sky on the ceiling makes you feel like a part of a single macrocosm, and eco-motifs in a children's room in green and yellow shades are not only a fashionable accent and interior decoration, but an opportunity to teach a child to take care of plants.

Specialists of the Fundament Group of Companies will not only develop the design of a children's room for a boy, but will also perform high-quality turnkey apartment repairs in strict accordance with the project. When developing a design project and carrying out repairs, wishes and preferences for stylistic and functional solution interior, while our customers will be able to benefit from advice and recommendations professional designers with many years of experience.

Text: Natalia Savushkina

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