What to do in the summer list for every day. How teenagers can have fun during their summer holidays

landscaping 15.10.2019

001. not sleep for a day
002. launch sky lantern
003. cook pizza with someone
004. take a picture of the sea
005. write something nice under someone's window
006. walking barefoot in the rain
007. have breakfast at a pizzeria
008. drink a liter of water in one gulp
009. spend the day alone
010. have a party (bachelorette party)
011. lose weight
012. confess love in the eyes
013. heart-to-heart talk all night long
014. eat a kilo of ice cream a day
015. meet the dawn on the embankment
016. read a book
017. drink champagne for breakfast
018. refuse all means of communication for a day
019. run into the water
020. fall asleep to your favorite music
021. watch the sunset on the roof
022. talk on the phone with a complete stranger
023. watch 20 movies
024. swim in clothes
025. make coffee for a dear person
026. write a verse
027. write a letter to god
028. swim in the shower
029. spin the bottle
030. sleep more than 12 hours
031. create your own cocktail
032. all day to ride a bike (rollers)
033. eat cotton candy
034. take a ride on a ferris wheel
035. roast marshmallows on a fire
036. see the rainbow
037. take a picture of a wild animal
038. "train" with a person of the opposite sex
039. visit 3 cities
040. long chat
041. meet 10 new people
042. go to the cinema to see a horror movie
043. go to a professional photo session

044. go to church
045. see a shooting star
046. collect a bouquet of wildflowers
047. have dinner by candlelight
048. listen to the birds singing at 5 am
049. talk all night on the phone
050. buy a lot of helium balloons and release them
051. Listen to music for 12 hours straight
052. all day ride in a minibus
053. cook summer soup: okroshka or gazpacho
054. talk to a foreigner via skype, chatroulette or facebook
055. take your morning photo
056. talk to a person with whom you did not dare to talk for a very long time
057. watch your favorite movie
058. take a photo from a bird's eye view
059. if you are a girl, then learn to pull up or do push-ups
060. make peace with the one you miss
061. take part in a flash mob
062. make a dream catcher
063. go skating for a change
064. go to another city, go to the cinema and come back
065. spend the whole day with your child
066. throw in mailbox loved one nice message
067. feed the pigeons
068. go to a deep forest or a field and shout as you should, shout at the top of your lungs, this is an incredibly effective way!
069. listen to all the albums of an artist for the whole day
070. try 10 types of cocktails
071. give someone a massage
072. bake a cake
073. listen to a song played on the guitar
074. leave a tip to the waiter
075. see fireworks
076. talk in the moonlight
077. complete a puzzle with 1,000 pieces.
078. not drinking coffee all day
079. slow dance with a person of the opposite sex
080. eat chocolate
081. walk down the street blowing soap bubbles
082. make fruit salad
083. douche with water
084. define your style of perfume, and always be true to it
085. feed someone from your hand
086. learn strange phrases from a foreign language
087. smeared with chocolate
088. always say yes
089. play in board game big company
090. write and mail someone your favorite poem
091. start an album of summer
092. make a summer manicure
093. learn to cook well 1 dish
094. smile at a passerby
095. Spread whipped cream on someone
096. drink on brotherhood
097. have a picnic
098. wake up from birdsong
099. meditate - just relax, turn on nice music, don't think about anything
100. every day write down 1 word characterizing this day

First, it's beautiful. Secondly, such moments are remembered for a lifetime. Away from the lights of the city, sunrises are more beautiful, so get out for the night and don't forget to set your alarm. Or you can just stay up.

2. Go to the festival

Musical, sports or something else - see what is closer to you. We have a killer option, where there is music, sports, and useful lectures at the same time. From July 27 to July 29, the most beach IT conference of the year - ULCAMP-2018 will be held. Beach - because it will take place on the beach of the recreation center "Slavic Compound" near Ulyanovsk.

The program includes interesting reports, live performances by the groups "Porn Films" and "Record Orchestra", sports competitions and a lot of fun. Surprise for Lifehacker readers: when buying a ticket on the conference website, enter the promo code LIFEHACKER and get a 10% discount.

3. Go to a nearby town for the weekend

Even if your next vacation is in October, this is not a reason to refuse travel. A couple of days is enough to walk around an unfamiliar city and explore what is interesting there.

4. Eat fruits and berries every day

If not in the summer, then when else? Try to give up sweets and pastries for at least a month, replacing all this with fruit. Both tasty and healthy.

5. Try something new

Routine makes life dull, so don't be afraid to change your habits. For example, buy a subscription to gym if you didn’t have one, go out of town for the whole weekend with a backpack and a tent, if you are used to relaxing differently. Summer is a great time to experiment, you might really like something.

6. Walk all night

Just do not say that you do not get enough sleep: summer is not for that. Besides, every job has a Friday. So gather your friends and go for a walk, sleep off on the weekend.

7. Have a water pistol fight

It seems to be best entertainment during the heat. You can arrange a fight both in the city and in nature, just be like adults and stock up on change of clothes and towels.

8. Walk more

To make it more interesting, you can change the route from time to time and get from home to work and back on roads that you have not traveled before.

9. Get at least one good habit

For example, forget about the elevator and go up everywhere and only on the stairs. Or make it a rule to do simple exercises every day: warm-up, 10 sit-ups, 10 push-ups. Even if this seems like a feat, stand at least a minute in the plank.

10. Look at the shooting stars

In August, you can admire the Perseids - this is a meteor shower that passes very close to the Earth. It is active from mid-July to the twentieth of August. The peak of the meteor shower falls approximately on August 12, so plan a night out of the city for this time. And come up with a few wishes to make on shooting stars.

11. Take a selfie every day

And not just selfies. Take more pictures, and closer to autumn, collect all the pictures in an album. Get a chronicle of the summer of 2018.

12. Tidy up the house

Shake out your clothes, sort out the food supplies in the kitchen cabinet and send any trash that you keep for no reason to the trash can. Since you haven’t needed these things so far, it’s time to say goodbye to them.

13. Start eating right

More fruits and vegetables, less fast food - even if you are not going to lose weight, it is still worth changing your approach to nutrition. You will be healthier.

14. Make a summer playlist

There are two options here: either songs about summer, or those that you personally associate with this time of year. In autumn and winter it is very cool to listen to them and remember how fun it was in summer.

15. Have a day of silence

No internet, no gadgets, no alerts. Remember how wonderful life was when phones were only for making calls. Just warn colleagues and relatives in advance so that in which case they do not sound the alarm.

16. Get a houseplant

If you are not a born grower, choose plants that will survive even with minimal care. For example, aloe, kalanchoe and rock rose look pretty and do not require constant care. Water once a week - that's enough for them.

17. Play football

Or beach volleyball - whichever you prefer. Every year ULCAMP hosts a sports day - there is football, volleyball, archery or crossbow shooting, even kayaking.

18. Make Homemade Lemonade

Everything is elementary: you need fruits or berries, some sugar and carbonated mineral water. Cut the fruits into slices, mash the berries in a puree, add sugar to taste and pour it all over with chilled mineral water. Voila, your refreshing drink is ready.

19. Spend a day at an amusement park

Ride every ride you see and take selfies on the Ferris wheel. To make it just like in childhood, you can even buy cotton candy for yourself.

20. Walk in the rain

We do not offer to stagger down the street in a thunderstorm, but to wander under a light warm rain - why not? Come home - and immediately under hot shower. Bliss? What more.

21. Learn to ride a bike

And if you already know how - go for a walk! You can even give up public transport and ride a bike to work until the fall.

22. Eat a bucket of ice cream alone

Summer is the perfect time for this. If ice cream from the store does not appeal to you, make it homemade: pour fruit or berry puree into plastic cups, stick a wooden skewer into each and send it to the freezer.

23. Change image

Get an unusual haircut or try on clothes that are completely new to you. Even if the experiment is not very successful, you at least try.

24. Come up with your own recipe

The recipe for a cocktail, dessert, meat dish - it doesn't matter, as long as it is your creation. Bring it to perfection and invite your friends to appreciate your skills. Even if it doesn't taste good, it will definitely be fun.

25. Learn something new and useful

Perhaps in your city there will be some interesting free lectures or master classes in the summer. If yes, be sure to visit them. If not, welcome to ULCAMP. Science journalist Asya Kazantseva will tell you how to make your brain work to its fullest, Ecwid CEO Ruslan Fazlyev will explain how Americans differ from Russians and how to work with it, and Yandex dialog systems developer David Dale will tell you how robots learn to understand people.

26. Cook something on a fire

Don't limit yourself to kebabs and baked potatoes. Try salmon or salmon steaks: grease the fish pieces with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, salt and pepper. Put the steaks on the grill and grill on the coals for half an hour or even less, depending on the thickness of the pieces. You can still cook burgers on the grill, just freeze the cutlets before going to nature so that they do not turn into a mess in the heat.

27. Learn to get up early

Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier each day. After 4 days you will already have an additional free hour in the morning. You can spend it on things that have never reached your hands. To make it easier to fall asleep in the evening, do not eat anything two or three hours before bedtime, and put your smartphone away for an hour.

28. Arrange a holiday for no reason

Summer is already an occasion for a cool party. Her recipe is simple: friends you haven't seen for a long time, delicious food and music, lots of music. Alcohol - at your discretion, it will be fun without it.

29. Get out somewhere every weekend

A sofa and a laptop are, of course, good, but you can seal in the winter. While it's warm outside, get yourself out of the house with all your might. Walk, play sports in the fresh air - in a word, enjoy the summer.

30. Spend the night in a tent

Here you have romance and a way out of your comfort zone. To feel more comfortable, bring warm clothes and a couple of blankets. If you don’t see the point of changing a cozy bed for a sleeping bag, ULCAMP is a worthy reason. Even if there is no tent, it does not matter: you can rent it on the site when you buy a ticket.

My daughter has big plans for this summer on her VKontakte wall. So my girlfriend is going to do the following this summer:

001. not sleep for a day

002. launch sky lantern

003. cook pizza with someone

004. take a picture of the sea

005. write something nice under someone's window

006. walking barefoot in the rain

007. have breakfast at mcdonalds

008. drink a liter of water in one gulp

009. spend the day alone

010. Write and send SMS to all allowed phone symbols

011. weigh 44 kg

012. confess love in the eyes

013. heart-to-heart talk all night long

014. eat a kilo of ice cream a day

015. meet the dawn on the embankment

017. drink champagne for breakfast

018. refuse all means of communication for a day

019. run into the water

020. fall asleep to your favorite music

021. watch the sunset on the roof

022. talk on the phone with a complete stranger

023. watch 20 movies

024. swim in clothes

025. make coffee for a dear person

026. eat nothing all day

027. write a letter to god

028. swim in the shower

029. spin the bottle

030. sleep more than 12 hours

031. create your own cocktail

032. eat only fruits and berries all day

033. eat cotton candy

034. take a ride on a ferris wheel

035. roast marshmallows on a fire

036. see the rainbow

037. take a picture of a butterfly

038. "train" with a person of the opposite sex

041. meet 10 new people

042. go to the cinema to see a horror movie

044. go to church

045. see a shooting star

046. collect a bouquet of wildflowers

047. have dinner by candlelight

048. listen to the birds singing at 5 am

049. talk all night on the phone

050. buy a lot of helium balloons and release them

051. Listen to music for 12 hours straight

052. swim in the same swimming trunks

053. make a boat and let it go on a long voyage

054. eat exotic fruit

055. take your morning photo

056. talk to a person with whom you did not dare to talk for a very long time

057. watch your favorite movie

058. take a photo from a bird's eye view

059. talk to a person in a foreign language

060. eat sandwiches

061. have three piercings in one ear

062. make a dream catcher

063. fold 50 paper cranes

064. go to another city, go to the cinema and come back

065. walk around in all white

066. throw a nice message in the mailbox of a loved one

067. feed the pigeons

068. solve 100 exam tests

069. listen to all the albums of an artist for the whole day

070. try 10 types of cocktails

071. give someone a massage

072. bake a cake

073. listen to a song played on the guitar

074. eat half a watermelon at a time

075. see fireworks

076. talk in the moonlight

077. stay a raw foodist for a week

078. not drinking coffee all day

079. slow dance with a person of the opposite sex

080. go skating

081. walk down the street blowing soap bubbles

082. make fruit salad

083. overeat donuts

084. donate blood for sugar

085. feed someone from your hand

086. take a milk bath

087. smeared with chocolate

088. take 30 pictures of your breakfasts

089. play a board game with a big group

090. write and mail someone your favorite poem

091. leave a tip to the waiter

092. sing with a big company

093. go to the cinema for a morning show

094. smile at a passerby

095. Spread whipped cream on someone

096. drink on brotherhood

097. have a picnic

098. wake up from birdsong

099. foam the fountain

100. make a book about your summer trip

101. learn one phrase in 12 languages

Summer is the shortest and busiest time of the year. You can come up with a lot of options for leisure, but in order to truly remember the summer, you need something more.

First of all, you need to appreciate every summer moment - late sunset and early dawn, a rainbow after the rain and the freshest berries and fruits, warm rain and bright sun. Therefore, the summer to-do list can be reduced to small romantic activities, such as running on the grass and sunbathing. I made this one last year and it is perfect for those who have forgotten about such small joys as walking home.

But, when children appear in the house, willy-nilly, walks in the warm rain become your everyday life, and sometimes a headache. Therefore, my to-do-list for the summer of 2016 consists of only 20 items that any family with a small child simply needs to have time to do this summer. So,

USEFUL summer 2016 to-do list for the whole family

1. Make your own ice cream

2. Family hike

I also included a hike in the spring list of things to do, but in summer the duration and comfort of the hike are many times higher, and you can choose a more remote place. For example, the Deer Streams Park - we have been going there for several years, but we still won’t get together ... done

3. Try painting with flowers

Dandelions and daisies can be found in any yard, but stamps from them are very interesting. You can also use tree leaves for stamps.

4. Water bombs

Another fun with the kids. You can buy small bombs at fix-price, there are just a lot of them in the set. In this case, you can use ordinary balls, there will be many times more splashes from them, and therefore pleasure. done

5. Organize a water battle

Water bombs and pistols, raincoats and rubber boots, friends and good mood. Such an event can only be organized on the hottest summer weekends. There simply could not be a better time for this. The battle can be team or individual, knockout or points - it all depends on the scale of the battle and the amount of supplies. The main thing is to come up with a reason to bring everyone together.

6. Campaign for berries and mushrooms

Early in the morning after the rain, put on rubber boots, take a basket and a small knife and go to the very thicket of the forest in search of fresh fragrant mushrooms - here it is, summer romance in its purest form.

7. Colorful outdoor games

Throw eggs with paints, draw with colored foam, crayons or plastic bottle with paint, making a hole in the lid. There are a lot of such games with colors, and the best place for them - in the courtyard in the open air. Fresh air multiplied by children's delight - the key to a great summer. done

8. Painting with soap bubbles

When not to play with the summer soap bubbles. The recipe is simple - soapy water, food coloring and a straw. Pour the tinted soap solution into a low container and use a straw to make a mini-geyser. When the bubbles rise above the level of the sides, we put a piece of paper on top, on which magic soap stains will instantly be printed. done

9. Bike ride with the whole family

This item is quite simple to implement, but if you don’t have a bicycle and a child bike seat, don’t be in a hurry to get upset - both a bicycle and a chair can be rented anywhere in the city. The main thing is desire, and the rest is decided. done

10. Collect leaves and flowers for the herbarium

Summer-like green leaves and beautiful flowers will be an excellent tool for various crafts, but you need to take care of their presence at home in advance. done

11. Open-air festival

Music festivals, theater and dance performances open sky and, of course, the festival of colors Holi - great way diversify your summer leisure. In this case, the main thing is to keep abreast and learn about certain events in a timely manner. For example, in Yekaterinburg the first festival of colors has already passed, but there will be another one on June 26th. Information about such events can be found on city portals, Vkontakte or Instagram. done

12. Make vegetable skewers

Meat kebab is a tradition of any outing. But what if the barbecue is made not from meat, but from seasonal vegetables? Red zucchini and garlic eggplant with onions and tomatoes are a healthy treat for the whole family. It remains to remember this, going to nature next time.

13. Ride the rides

Our baby is old enough to appreciate some of the rides. This is a great occasion to remember your childhood and take a ride on a long-forgotten Ferris wheel, swans or spinning cups. done

14. Go through the wardrobe

For summer outfits after wintering, as a rule, you have to wade through the autumn-winter wardrobe. The best way not to lose a single summer dress - to find it in time. And this is also a great occasion to get rid of those things that have long been forgotten and make room for new, bright outfits. done

15. Reduce time spent on social media

With the abundance of gadgets, we began to spend more and more time on social networks. Is it weak to set a limit on the time spent on this or that gadget? Can you manage at least one day without phones, tablets and a computer?

16. Gamako felting

Yes, there is an item on my to-do list how to be lazy properly. Hammock - perfect place where you can be lazy with the whole family and soak up the rays of the summer sun.

17. Make berry jam

I have been dreaming about strawberry jam all winter, so this year this item for me belongs to the must-do category. In general, jam can be made from a variety of berries to your taste. Homemade jam has a unique taste and persistent aroma, and most importantly, it is made with soul and therefore it is much tastier than any other. Although my talent to spoil even the most simple meals you can envy))) done

18. Smoothies and lemonade

These are two of the most summery and healthy treats you can think of. Smoothies from your favorite fruits or lemonade with fresh berries for breakfast... You can arrange a whole Fresh party in the rays of the setting sun or spend a romantic evening with your family, or you can pamper yourself different combination flavors every day. What do you think?

19. Bury the message

How to arrange such a message, where to bury it and what to write there - I still have to answer these questions, but this is already secondary. The main thing is the idea itself.

20. Video about summer

I already did this last summer and this is a great opportunity to capture on video the simplest joys of the fleeting Ural summer. I especially recommend it to those for whom a trip to warm countries in winter is a rarity. It is a great mood booster and source of vitamin D.

If this list seems too short for you, read more summer ideas ⇓.

1. Buy village milk and drink straight from the can

2. Collect a bouquet of field daisies and give it to your grandmother

3. Visit three new cafes

5. Cut off old jeans and make shorts out of them.

6. Draw with water from a bottle on the pavement

7. There are berries straight from the bush, pouring a whole handful from the palm of your hand into your mouth.

8. Learn how to make "pancakes"

9. Launch a sky lantern

10. Pick apples from branches

11. Bake charlotte with them

12. Make a nutshell boat with a leaf sail and set sail

13. Eat ice cream every day

14. Get up early in the morning to see the sunrise

16. Find at least one constellation in the sky, except for the Big Dipper

17. See the rainbow

18. Ride the river bus

19. Arrange a shootout with water pistols

20. Make a sand cake, decorate it with pebbles and leaves

21. Prepare all known dishes from cones, twigs and other improvised materials. Feed the dolls, bears and McQueen

22. Eating only berry smoothies all day

23. Dine on the summer terrace

24. Throw a foam party

25. Sleep in a tent

26. Collect a herbarium and transfer a thick book to them

27. Learn the multiplication table

28. Learn to play petanque

29. Bury, and then find "secrets"

30. Make a sundial

31. Weld raspberry jam to eat it in winter

32. Blow on dandelions and imagine that little white skydivers are flying from them.

33. Take a whole day on camera

34. Look every day different letter alphabet in the outside world and learn the entire alphabet over the summer

35. Keep a summer diary with pictures, drawings and notes

36. Buy non-popping bubbles and pop them

37. Wash daddy's car

38. Make an evening fire and tell scary stories

39. Roll off your bike high mountain in District

40. Wake up at 12

41. Jump in puddles

42. Go to the sea

43. Spend the whole day at the water park

44. Find footprints in the forest and guess who they belong to

45. Draw with crayons on asphalt

46. ​​Make Homemade Lemonade

47. Visit a petting zoo

48. Sleep in a hammock during the day

49. Jump into the "rubber band"

50. Grow dill, parsley and arugula in a mini-garden

51. Trace your shadow on the pavement with chalk

52. Make dandelion princesses and princes

53. Complete the rope maze in the panda park

54. Participate in a running bike race

55. Bake openwork pancakes for breakfast

56. Melt the ice with breath for speed

57. Spray from a hose

58. Visit a cool open-air

59. Put on a home performance and invite the audience to it

60. Make a hut in a haystack

61. Build a water wall

62. Petting a dog

63. Lie on the grass and look at the sky

64. Swim in the river

65. Go for mushrooms and cook mushroom soup

66. Catch and release butterflies

67. Play hide and seek

68. Draw flower fairies

69. Break your knee and don't cry

70. Walk barefoot on the grass

71. Draw a picture of summer with finger paints and hang it on the wall

72. Measure your height on a door frame

73. Wear sunglasses

74. Lose them

76. Feed the pigeons in the park

77. See the musical fountain

78. Attend a cooking class

79. Go horseback riding

80. Draw a twister on the grass and play a big company

81. Have a fun family photo shoot

82. Jump on a trampoline

83. Get caught in the rain and get wet to the skin

84. Find a photo booth and make faces at the photos

85. Feed sausage to a strange cat

86. See frog spawn

89. Call friends on Skype from the country, show and tell how the day went

90. Make a summer photobook

91. Wear a straw hat

92. Sleep with the window open

And do not forget that an adult simply needs at least 4 hugs a day for survival, 8 for normal well-being and 12 for growth. So hug more often!

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