Internet: useful and harmful. The influence of the Internet on a child: pros and cons Pros and cons of the Internet ways to solve problems

The buildings 21.11.2022
The buildings

Speaking about what the pros and cons of the Internet are made up of, it is necessary to agree that everything is good only when it is in moderation. The Internet was conceived as an alternative to the types of telecommunications that existed at that time; now it is one of the main types of communication throughout the world. What is more in this single fact - negative or positive?

Most likely, this question can be answered only by considering the totality of things that relate to the Internet at the level of the individual. In this sense, the pros and cons of the computer play a much greater role, since the individual cannot come into contact with without using the computer. The PC was also conceived at first in order to make life easier for people and speed up various kinds of calculations (the terms "computer" and "computer" have much in common, but borrowing has depersonalized their meaning in Russian).

In other words, both the computer and the Internet have developed so much in the modern world that their originally defined role has gone beyond what is permitted. Can we say that, for example, the advantages of the computer are also the advantages of the Internet? Probably not. After all, the computer is considered as a tool for using the Internet in such a formulation of the question. In this sense, the pros and cons of the Internet are not the advantages and disadvantages of a computer or other devices.

It is common to read, think, look and perform various manipulations with the fingers. But today, the mentioned pros and cons of the Internet affect not only the physiology of the individual, but form his inner world and open doors to another reality. Often, people feel much more comfortable in such cyber worlds, since in such an artificial world, any person can potentially transform and become anyone in one click. In this regard, the impact of the Internet on a person as a person is similar to the effect of alcohol: an individual is able to change his state in one fell swoop, even for a while, to which he quickly gets used and, what is most dangerous, returns again and again completely uncontrollably.

It is clear that the pros and cons of the Internet are the pros and cons of the human person. This became all the more evident as the benefit of faster computing brought with it new possibilities for which the individual was completely unprepared. Already, for example, even statistics have confirmed that about half of all people who are connected in one way or another with computers and/or the Internet do not read books. This speaks not only of the decline of book publishing, but also that people's ideas about education, education and upbringing are fundamentally changing. All this testifies to profound changes in society, in morality and in life.

Biologists say that all living things are constantly changing, mutating, and that this is a completely natural and natural process of development of organisms. But in the wild, organisms obey the rules of nature, and what do people obey, dooming themselves to a voluntary mutation of this kind?

About ten years ago, communication via the Internet was mainly used for entertainment purposes: chats, social networks, ICQ and the like. But today, Internet communication is also a full-fledged work tool: webinars and Skype consultations, solving group problems in a general conversation, parents discussing school problems, clarifying information when working remotely, and even online training courses. Is it good or bad? Let's figure it out.

Online communication is a special type of communication in which people interact through gadgets and the Internet. It is worth defining what exactly is meant by communication via the Internet: email, social networks, Skype and video chats, chat rooms, online games, comments under videos or articles, forums - in general, almost everything that the Internet gives.

Features of Internet communication include:

  • Lack of information (everywhere where communication is not conducted through the camera).
  • Delay in time (the answer can be given much later than the received message).
  • Elimination of any barriers (local, temporal, language).
  • A familiar and comfortable place to communicate, which gives a person confidence and peace of mind.
  • High risk of misinformation and false representations, deceptions (Read about online security).
  • The ability to talk on any topic and talk about yourself everything. It is strange, but true: it is easier for people to tell something especially shameful and tormenting their soul (and thereby free themselves) to a stranger in the network than to a close friend.
  • The ability to be yourself or vice versa to be in some other role, image.
  • Practicing writing, if you consciously follow your speech. Internet communication can help improve literacy and improve the presentation of thoughts. And, for example, keeping a diary is a popular method of psychotherapy.
  • Deterioration of oral speech. It is easier to express your thoughts on paper (keyboard, virtual sheet). And if you do not follow the letter, then abbreviations and slang will gradually enter into speech.

An interesting fact: on the Internet, people tend to exaggerate reality, embellish their lives and their image, and also show their best side. Communicating on the Internet, we learn only 3% of information about a person.

Skype communication is close to real interaction, but still inferior to it. You can schedule the connection time, prepare for it and, if you wish, embody some kind of image.

Advantages of Internet communication

The very fact of communicating with different people, removing any barriers is a plus, especially when it comes to work. It is virtual communication that allows many people to work without leaving home. And for those who are energetically depleted by real contacts (more often people) this is a real find.

Everything related to work and connected to the Internet is a plus. Apart from the remaining nuance in the form of a lack of non-verbal elements. This can sometimes provoke misunderstandings or misconceptions about a person. But this is solvable. Let's stop there and talk about leisure pastime on the Internet.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • the ability of people suffering from complexes or to make acquaintances, find friends and partners in life;
  • voluntariness of interaction;
  • the ability to control the semantic, content, grammatical and other aspects of information;
  • the ability to immediately find additional material and clarifying facts;
  • the ability to interrupt communication and send a person to the black list (a plus, but controversial);
  • stimulating one's own motivation, increasing and giving self-confidence (for example, keeping a diary and communicating with "brothers in mind" when losing weight);
  • development of fine motor skills.

Disadvantages of Internet communication

Chatting on the Internet for entertainment seems to me a flawed form of communication. Yes, sometimes this is the only possibility (they are separated by kilometers), but in other cases I am for real contacts. And that's why:

  • In real communication, we see all the reactions of the interlocutor on the principle of "here and now": the tone and speed of speech, gestures, facial expressions, and so on. This reduces the risk of misinterpretation of information or deception.
  • Real communication is live. It does not allow you to remove the first thought. On the Internet, a person clearly filters what he writes.
  • On the Internet, we receive and see what they want to show us. While in life it is possible to discern much more, the secrets of the subconscious. You can store gigabytes of correspondence and, in fact, learn nothing about a person (and this is a waste of time and effort), or you can get a complete picture of the person in a half-hour meeting.
  • No matter how you decorate online communication with emoticons, it remains dry and unemotional. This, as I said, is good for business relationships (although not 100% either), but bad for informal relationships.
  • As a rule, on the Internet, speech undergoes changes: abbreviations, mistakes, slang. Gradually, this is assimilated and goes into real life (one virtual “SPS”, which is also pronounced by some people in life, which is worth it). The quality of speech is an important element of personality. The Internet does not develop communicative-oratory.
  • Illusory perception, the imaginary similarity of interests and views of the world, as a result - disappointment and a sense of lost time. This is especially true for online dating. What do we see if we are talking about the printed version of communication? Photos, pictures, emoticons, signs and symbols - information that they want to tell us.
  • Interaction via the Internet leaves only communication as such, although in life it is often an element of other activities (work, study, play), and deeds and actions are valued more than words.
  • Accidental sending of a letter to the wrong addressee, screenshots, records and other "compromising evidence".
  • As long as virtual communication remains virtual, you can create and maintain any of your image. This is what makes some people addicted to the Internet. Escape from reality into a fictional world is an inadequate strategy of behavior, not a solution to problems. What tricks do not people go to, they even came up with virtual sex. How can this process be virtual? Yes, there is no chance of getting pregnant or getting sick, but what is the real problem? Fear of intimacy, self-doubt, complexes, failure in life - these are the real problems.
  • Communication in virtual space, speech and ways of interacting with the world. Excessively "hothouse" conditions are harmful to the individual in the same way as chronic stress. If on the Internet a person creates his own ideal and comfortable world, then gradually he completely unlearns how to adequately respond to external stimuli (and in the real world there are always enough of them). The more often the irritation, the higher the desire to finally get bogged down in virtual communication.

Let's not forget about the possibility of anonymous communication. Unfortunately, this often results in a sense of impunity and permissiveness. Although sometimes it is easier to speak anonymously, to feel more confident, but this can exaggerate your capabilities.

By the way, the influence of anonymity and its use depends on the individual personality characteristics of a person. For example, those with an unstable psyche due to age and individual psychological problems (uncertainty, fears) are prone to the development of permissiveness, promiscuity on the Internet, which later turns into real life.

Internet communication as a way of self-expression

Of course, the entire Internet is a field for self-expression. This is what bloggers and video bloggers, magazine editors, authors of pages and groups on social networks use. All of these are forms of online communication. The opportunity for self-expression is wonderful in itself. The question is how exactly a person decides to express himself, what he wants to convey to people and what he takes himself. The main thing is that “loneliness in the network” does not arise: when there are a lot of viewers, and there are admirers, and virtual friends, and there are enough comments, but there is no happiness in life, and there is no one to turn to for help.


Summing up, I would like to say that I am for the combination of real and virtual communication. Technological progress must be used, but done wisely. For example, you can discuss something with a friend in the evening and agree that everything will be finally clarified during a personal meeting.

As is often the case, the problem of Internet communication has two sides. You can not evaluate it according to the criteria of "good / bad". It is not the fact of virtual communication that is important, but the essence of this communication and the parties involved. You can communicate with interesting people and fulfill yourself, or you can just “kill time”, run away from yourself, creating the illusion of life and communication.

Therefore, it is impossible to judge risks without knowing the specific context. In the article, I conditionally divided the facts about Internet communication into pros and cons, but, as you probably noticed, each of them has two extremes: an advantage and a disadvantage of communication within the World Wide Web.

Will virtual communication replace the real one? Maybe. Is it good? No. Man is a social being, communication is an independent activity and an integral element of many activities. Without real emotionally colored communication, we cannot develop as a person as an individual.

Virtual communication - to a certain extent. On the web, we communicate not with people, but with their images (composed by them or by us), a repeatedly processed surrogate of personality. Real communication is more complicated, the risks of resentment are higher, and there is not always a chance for a mistake and the opportunity to be imperfect, by yourself, but it is much more interesting and useful.

Topic: "Internet: pros and cons"

Target : prevention of offenses on the Internet, increasing security and legal protection in the global network.


* Formation of behavioral skills in the information society in order to ensure information security

* Development of norms and rules for the behavior of children on the Internet.

"Are your kids at home?" An unpretentious question addressed to parents is heard on television every evening. The kids are at home, but are they safe? Since the Internet has ceased to be a luxury and has come to literally every home, it has become an integral part of the life of not only adults, but also children. Even parents who once regarded access to the World Wide Web as pampering are forced to admit that the Internet contains a lot of useful information for the child, helps in completing school assignments, broadens their horizons and is a kind of “window to the big world”. On the other hand, only a very naive adult does not know how many resources on the Web that are by no means safe - especially for children who are curious and greedy for new knowledge. Judge for yourself: programs that block access to "bad" resources do not live up to expectations, because they simply cannot filter all malicious content. How should parents help children reduce these risks? There is no simple answer. The risks may vary depending on the age and computer literacy of the child. Do you, parents, know at the moment what sites your children use? Not? Very sad. This is where you need to start working for security in the Internet space.

For children and young people, the Internet is mainly a social medium where one can meet not only friends but also strangers. On the Internet, a user can be offended, intimidated and even insulted. The best defense is to use your own common sense. The most important task is to warn children about the dangers of the Internet so that they behave carefully and politely. In addition, it is necessary to discuss with children all the questions that they may have when using the Internet. Do not reject children, but on the contrary, try to place their trust as close as possible. Then you will be aware of the information that your children own. Even if the child has not experienced online abuse, it is recommended that you discuss the following questions with him:

Do not share contact or personal information, such as photographs, without carefully considering the possible consequences. An interactive friendship may end. When this happens, personal information can be sent to attackers.

On the Internet, everyone has the right to be treated with respect.

Children should be given the opportunity to talk to their parents about negative experiences.

Safe use according to age

Children under 7

During the first acquaintance with the Internet, the foundation is laid for its subsequent use and the formation of good manners in children. Preschoolers love routines and this is the perfect way to develop kids' skills to use the internet safely. Children under the age of 7 may not fully understand the information available on the Internet and, for example, may not be able to distinguish advertising from actual content. At this age, parents need to help their children find the right material. Children often do not see the difference between using the Internet and playing games or drawing on a computer. At this stage, you can establish the first internal rules for using the computer.

Computer time should be limited for health reasons.

Place the computer, for example, in the living room. When using the Internet by preschoolers, the presence of an adult is recommended.

Access to the Internet for preschoolers must be limited to a list of familiar websites selected in advance. More prepared children can find familiar sites in the "Favorites" menu of the browser.

The safest solution is to create a personal work environment for the child, in which the choice of sites is limited to only the specified sites.

Children 7–9 years old

Using the Internet at home is still allowed only in the presence of parents. This ensures that assistance is received in any problematic situation.

If the computer is installed in a room that the whole family uses, using the Internet becomes a natural part of everyday life.

A child cannot yet determine the reliability of a website on their own, so they should always ask their parents for permission before posting personal information.

Filtering programs can be used to prevent access to inappropriate sites, but it is important that parents remain actively involved in their child's Internet use.

Children 10–12 years old

Students may already know how to use the Internet for various purposes. Parents can support their child by finding out which websites can help with homework, hobbies, or other interests. The Internet can also be used to plan matters for the whole family. This provides an opportunity for parents and children to discuss the reliability of different sites, as well as sources for finding useful and high-quality information. The child needs parental supervision and control, as well as knowledge of the rules of proper work on the Web. However, a child may learn how to get rid of supervision and get around the rules if he finds them too restrictive or inappropriate for his needs:

Parents and children need to come to an agreement regarding the permitted and prohibited activities on the Internet, as well as its use. The agreement should take into account all needs and opinions. Agree on what personal information can be disclosed and when, and talk about the risks associated with disclosure.
If your child is already interested in chat rooms or IRC, you should discuss their safety with the children and monitor their experience in interactive discussions.

Many children are curious and inquisitive, so parents need to emphasize the need for safe and careful use.

The information security system also needs to be updated.

Children 13–15 years old

At this age, the Internet becomes part of the social life of children: they get to know each other and spend time, looking for information related to their studies or hobbies. With higher levels of literacy, the use of the Internet opens up many opportunities. It can be very difficult for parents to find out what their child is doing online. At this age, children are also prone to risk and going beyond what is permitted. Technical restrictions and prohibitions may not be an effective way to increase the level of security on the Internet. Children aged 13-15 may want to keep their activities private, especially if the parents have not previously been interested in or aware of how a child uses the Internet. Participation in open discussions becomes an important point for the family, and for parents - an interest in what the child does and with whom he uses Internet resources. What kind of threats await our children in the virtual world? This question is asked by many parents who have not yet encountered problems using the Internet. That's why basic the goal is to explain what threats exist and how to avoid them.Even an accidental click on a pop-up banner or following a link can lead to a site with dangerous content! So, what lies in wait for our children from the monitor screen:

Pornography. Dangerous with redundant information and rough, often perverted, naturalism. It interferes with the development of natural emotional attachments.

Depressive youth currents.The child may believe that scars are the best decoration, and suicide is just a way to get rid of problems.

Drugs. The Internet is full of news about the “benefits” of using marijuana, recipes and tips for making “potions”.

Sects. A virtual interlocutor will not grab your hand, but he is quite capable of “penetrating thoughts” and influencing views of the world.

Extremism, nationalism, fascism.All the wide possibilities networks The Internet is used by representatives of extremist movements in order to lure newcomers into their ranks.

If you don't know where to start, check out our tips p a m i t k i , which will help you teach your children how to use the Internet safely.

Encourage your children to share their experiences with you networks Internet. Travel to networks Internet with children.

Teach your kids to trust their intuition. If anything in networks The Internet will cause them psychological discomfort, let the children tell you about it.

If your children chat, enjoyinstant messaging programs, play online games or engage in networks Internet with something else that requires a user ID, help them choose that name and make sure it doesn't contain any personal information.

Prevent your children from reporting to other users networks Internet address, phone number and other personal information, including school number and favorite places to play.

Explain to the children that moral principles in networks Internet and real life are the same.

Teach kids to respect other users networks Internet. Explain to the children that during the transition to the virtual world, the norms of behavior do not change at all.

Get your kids to respect other users' property networks Internet. Tell the children that illegal copying of other people's work, including music, video games, and other software, is almost the same as shoplifting.

Reassure your kids that they shouldn't meet online friends in person. Point out that online friends may not really be who they say they are.

Teach the children to believe everything they see or read in networks Internet, you can't. Tell them that if they have any doubts about the veracity of some information, they should seek your advice.

Supervise your children's activities networks Internet using specialized software. Parental controls help you block harmful content, monitor what websites your children are visiting and what they are doing there.

Imagine an Internet without pornographic sites, dubious social networks, outright blogs, online casinos, pages promoting fascism, violence and religious intolerance - in a word, imagine a really safe Internet where you can safely “release” your child alone. Recently, one could only dream about this, but now everyone can make sure that the dream has come true - just download from the site and install the Internet Censor program on your home computer.

An undoubted plus of "Internet Censor" is that each parent can "adjust" this program for himself and his child, adapt it to his interests and hobbies. You will only need a couple of minutes to allow access to a particular page. On the other hand, if one or another "open" site seems harmful to your child, it will not be difficult to deny access to it either.

"Internet Censor" is a convenient and simple program that does not require a powerful computer and special knowledge. It is distributed free of charge, and all updates are also free - this is the principled position of the creators of the program, which they are not going to change.

Speaking about the safety of children on the Internet, the emphasis should be on the fact that the most important thing is trust between parents and the child, the willingness of adults to dialogue, discuss “difficult” issues, and just talk about “what is good and what is poorly".

The Internet was perhaps the most outstanding communication innovation in human history. Like every innovation, the Internet has its advantages and disadvantages.

However, the magnitude of its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.

Internet: is a global computer network that provides a variety of information and communication infrastructures, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

During our evolutionary transition from Homo erectus to Neanderthal to Homo sapiens, we have come a long way. Due to our constant pursuit of more amenities and a higher standard of living, we have been able to invent and discover many new things. The nineties were marked by the revolutionary inventions of the first electronic digital computers. Until then, the term Internet was virtually unknown to most people. However, today, the Internet has become the most powerful tool for people all over the world. With the advent of the internet, our earth has actually shrunk in size and taken on the form of a global village.

The Internet can be defined as a network of computers designed to receive and send data in the form of e-mail messages, blogs, webcasts, and so on. Simply put, it can be compared to a super server, with a lot of information that is used by billions of people at the same time. The Internet is a network that connects other, smaller networks. All modern technologies are connected on the Internet.

The Internet has become an indispensable business tool. Reception of news from all over the world, access to knowledge resources, and sales networks are just a click away. The Internet has huge potential, service offerings. However, like any other innovation in science and technology, the Internet comes with its own advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in this article.

Benefits of the Internet

Quick connection

The Internet is the best means of communication for the human race. New innovations every day make it even faster and more reliable. Today we can start communicating in real time with a person who is in another part of the world.

Abundant Information Resources

The Internet is a treasure trove of information; it contains knowledge on any topic. Search engines make information available.

It has become a common practice to turn to the Internet for help in solving any questions and finding answers. On the Internet, you can also find news about the latest advances in medicine, technology and other fields of science.


The Internet has become an indispensable distributor of knowledge, both through free education and through the provision of paid services. The credibility of this form of learning and whether it is safe, secure, and trustworthy tends to be on a site-by-site basis. The World Wide Web has become a wonderful opportunity for academically underprivileged people to accumulate more knowledge in the subjects they need.

There are also sites such as Wikipedia, Coursera, Babbel and TeacherTube that are dedicated to the art of imparting knowledge to all people.


Entertainment is one of the main reasons why people go online. In fact, the Internet has gained great success in the entertainment industry. Finding the latest celebrity news and browsing websites has become a daily activity for many Internet users.

There are countless games that you can download, for money or for free. Indeed, online gaming has become a phenomenal success and is in ever-increasing demand around the world.

It is impossible to imagine social life without contact, facebook or twitter. These portals have become our means to stay in touch with friends and loved ones, and stay in touch with the latest happenings in the world. Social networks have also become a great medium where you can connect with like-minded people and become part of interesting groups and communities.

In addition to finding long-lost friends, the Internet also makes it easier to find work and business opportunities in specialized forums and communities. There is a general chat where users can meet new people. For those who are looking for a mate, the internet also offers the possibility of choosing the right dating partner through secure online profiles that can be filtered according to personal preferences.

Online services and e-commerce

Thanks to numerous services, we can carry out all our financial transactions on the Internet. We can book plane tickets, transfer funds, pay utilities and taxes without leaving our homes or offices. Some websites offer quick booking schemes and itinerary planning according to the preferences of their customers.

E-commerce is used for all types of business, which includes the transfer of money over the Internet. Internet transactions have become the norm for almost all types of businesses. E-commerce, with its vast reach for a variety of products and services, makes it possible for a customer to have their order delivered to their doorstep. Sites such as eBay allow customers to bid, buy, sell, and even hold online auctions.

Internet Disadvantages

Theft of personal information

Using the Internet for banking, social networking, or other services often leaves our personal information vulnerable to theft. There is no 100% way to protect your name, account numbers, address, photos, and credit card numbers from theft or unauthorized use.

Unscrupulous hackers can access our sensitive information through insecure connections.


Spam refers to the sending of unsolicited e-mails that serve no purpose and clutter up your inbox. Such illegal activities can be very annoying.

Spammers usually use bots that bombard the receiver with an endless line of advertisements. This can be annoying as spam gets mixed in with our more important emails. Fortunately, email service providers have security systems in place to protect against spam. Also, you can mark an email as spam, and then all emails from the same email address or IP will be blocked.


One of the most annoying problems with the internet is the ease with which any malware can infect our computer. Internet users often suffer from virus attacks that damage their computers and important files. Virus programs can silently activate if you simply click on a seemingly harmless link. Computers connected to the Internet are extremely prone to virus attacks, which can eventually crash the system.


Pornography available to children is perhaps the biggest disadvantage of the Internet. Lack of control and unrestricted access to pornographic material adversely affects children. All parents can do is block harmful websites and monitor the websites their children are browsing.

The Internet makes access to shocking content so easy that it often catches our eye, whether we wanted it or not.

Social isolation, obesity, and depression

The biggest problem with having the internet is its ability to create cracks between the real and virtual worlds. The virtual world can often seem so tempting that you don’t feel like returning to real life at all.

There are addictions that include: gambling, social media, and gambling addiction. Currently, there are psychiatric clinics and doctors who specifically practice such cases that arise on the Internet. These addictions create both physical and mental problems that can lead to health complications if left unattended.

The connection between obesity and the Internet is fairly easy to trace. The more a person sits in front of a computer, the less he moves. At the end of a long list of physical and emotional illnesses is depression. Recent developments, research has gone deep enough to distinguish between ordinary Internet use and excessive use.

So, even though the internet has the potential to make our lives easy and convenient, it also has the power to wreak havoc. With a reasonable approach, we can use its unlimited potential and stay away from its negative effects.

Modern life is unimaginable without the Internet. Someone uses the World Wide Web for work, someone for study, and someone for entertainment. The Internet has penetrated into all spheres of our life. A few years ago, we could not even imagine that people would be able to earn money without leaving their homes. But any "phenomenon" has its pros and cons. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?

Advantages of the Internet

1. Rapid exchange of information

Remember, our parents sent letters by mail to different authorities, which took a long time to reach the addressee, or even could be completely lost. Today, sending a letter via email takes a few seconds.

2. Real-time communication

The same applies to real-time communication, video communication, etc. With the help of the Internet, we can communicate with relatives, friends, even with people from other countries and continents.

3. Quick access to any information

About 20 years ago, in order to get some information, you had to search for hours in the library, search through dozens of books. Today, the search engine will do all this work for you in just a few seconds. In electronic encyclopedias you can get media materials on any topic. These are both video and audio presentations. Any material is widely covered, and we have a great opportunity to study something in detail.

4. Wide opportunities of the Internet

The World Wide Web allows us to do many things without leaving home. Computer technology makes it possible to receive distance education, which is a big plus for children with disabilities. You can earn money on the Internet. Take loans from the bank, pay bills without leaving home. which saves a lot of time. You don’t have to go to stores, because there are virtual stores, you don’t have to go to a friend for a document, because he can send it by e-mail, etc. Thanks to the worldwide network, many things can be done much faster.

Cons of the Internet

But, as mentioned above, any "phenomenon" has both advantages and disadvantages. Consider what are the negative aspects of the Internet:

1. We began to communicate less live

Without the Internet, we would go to the library to do an essay. Arriving at the library, we would see the same students and not only look for an abstract, but also talk. Now young people are more likely to communicate on social networks, and before everyone went out and showed photos to each other in the real world, and not in the virtual one. Without social networks, life was completely different, more interesting.

2. The level of education is falling

If earlier everyone had to write off articles from books, today it is enough to press the CTRL + P keys, and the abstract is already on paper. Moreover, someone else's essay, downloaded from the site. Naturally, many young people do not learn the way they should.

3. Disinformation

Who checks the information on the network for accuracy? Nobody. Accordingly, there is a high probability that the information you received is incorrect, with all the ensuing consequences.

Yes, the internet has its pros and cons. But if you use it correctly, then modern technologies will make your life more comfortable and interesting.

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