Non-standard one-story houses in the Wright style. Beautiful projects of houses in the style of wright

Landscaping and planning 14.06.2019
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Frank Lloyd Wright

Dreaming of a Wright-style home? But you do not know how to realize your goal, whom to contact and where to start. We are one of the many involved in creating projects like Wright's style.

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Frank Lloyd Wright (June 8, 1867 – April 9, 1959) was an American pioneering architect. He had a huge impact on the development of Western architecture in the first half of the 20th century.

During his life, Wright created more than a thousand projects, among which were not only residential buildings but also churches, schools, museums, office buildings and skyscrapers. He used various styles and their elements, but the main emphasis, of course, was on organic architecture. Over time, the popularity of "prairie houses" has grown markedly, and style direction named after its creator.

Frank Lloyd Wright

Created "organic architecture" and promoted open plan in architecture.

Organic architecture is a trend of architectural thought first formulated by Louis Sullivan based on the principles of evolutionary biology in the 1890s. and found the most complete embodiment in the works of his follower Frank Lloyd Wright in the 1920s - 1950s.

Architectural Style: Prairie House

Wright is best known for the Prairie Houses he designed from 1900 to 1917. "Prairie Houses" were created within the framework of the concept of "organic architecture", the ideal of which is integrity and unity with nature. A supporter of the idea of ​​the continuity of architectural space, Wright proposed to draw a line under the tradition of deliberately highlighting the building and its constituent parts from the outside world, which has dominated Western architectural thought since the time of Palladio. According to Wright, the form of a building should each time follow from its specific purpose and those unique environmental conditions in which it is built and exists.

In practical terms, Wright's "prairie houses" served as natural extensions of the surroundings. natural environment, like an evolutionary form natural organisms. They are characterized by an open plan, horizontal lines prevailing in the composition, roof slopes far beyond the house, terraces, finishing with raw natural materials, rhythmic divisions of the facade with frames, the prototype of which were Japanese temples. Many of the houses are cruciform in plan, and the hearth-fireplace located in the center unites the open space. Wright paid to the interiors of houses Special attention, creating furniture himself and ensuring that each element is meaningful and organically fits into the environment it creates. The most famous among the Prairie Houses are the Willits House, the Martin House and the Robie House.

In contrast to functionalism, organic architecture sees its task in creating buildings and structures that reveal the properties of natural materials and organically fit into the surrounding landscape. A supporter of the idea of ​​the continuity of architectural space, Wright proposed to draw a line under the tradition of deliberate separation of the building and its components from the surrounding world, which has dominated Western architectural thought since the time of Palladio. In his opinion, the shape of the building should each time follow from its specific purpose and those unique environmental conditions in which it is erected and exists.

In practical terms, Wright's "prairie houses" served as natural extensions of the natural environment, like the evolutionary form of natural organisms. The most influential representative of organic architecture in Europe was Finn Alvar Aalto. The individualism of organic architecture inevitably came into conflict with the needs of modern urbanism, and it is not surprising that country mansions for wealthy originals, lovers of modern art became the main monuments of this trend. In the 1950s, both Aalto and Wright began to move away from organic architecture and generally moved towards designing buildings in a more universal, international style.

An example of a house built in the prairie style

The revival of interest in organic architecture at the beginning of the 21st century is associated with the emergence of bio-tech aesthetics, which, unlike Wright, recognizes the possibility and significance of direct external analogies. architectural forms with organic forms.

Prairie School or prairie style - architectural direction late XIX- the beginning of the 20th century, distributed mainly in the Midwest of the United States. It is one of the currents of "organic architecture".

The style is characterized by an abundance of horizontal lines, the predominance of flat roofs, wide protruding cornices and intricate ornamentation. Prairie School marked a break with tradition 19th architecture century. The horizontal details of the buildings resembled the landscapes of the Great Plains, which explains the figurative name of the school. At the same time, the style was influenced by the designs of Japanese temples, which the Americans first met shortly before the emergence of a new trend in architecture.

Distinctive features of houses in the style of Wright

Wright-style mansions and cottages are very diverse, but they all have common features:

  • All lines are horizontal. A prairie-style cottage of 2 or more floors will still visually “spread”, “snuggle” to the ground.
  • Angularity, sharp lines minimalism. The style has a peculiarity in that, with pronounced rigor external forms they try to merge with nature, fitting perfectly into the space.
  • The presence of hinged flattened roofs, which suggest the location of a large number of long balconies. Such a roof is the “right” hand of horizontality, because it is thanks to it that even a high-rise building can be “grounded”, divided.
  • Segmentation. Interfloor ceilings, roofs divide the building into sections, columns become auxiliary elements, which serve as vertical dividers. The peculiarity is that such a structure from the side looks like it was built from many solid cubes.
  • Naturalness. As for the decoration, such materials as stone and wood prevail here (of course, on a par with concrete and glass). Today, siding fits perfectly into the outlines of prairie-style houses, and mixing several types of materials is also popular, which further emphasizes the geometric, segmented division of the structure. For example, the room in which the kitchen is located can be isolated from the outside with a stone, etc. - everything is in your hands and depends on the imagination and skill of the architect.
  • Unity with nature. Such residential buildings should not create a contrast in the existing landscape. Key moment architectural style- Eastern orientation, which allows us to perceive the building as a single whole with nature.
  • Panoramic glazing. Correct forms building, its smooth high walls are conducive to the placement of large windows. This is a great tactic that works both outside and inside the home. Such a structure reflects the environment, merging with nature, and the internal areas become brighter, more spacious thanks to a large number natural light.

The houses look very concise and cozy, no pretentious details, complex elements, everything is simple and functional.

Wright style architecture

Initially, the layout of such houses was T-shaped or in the form of a cross: rectangular elements intersected at right angles, forming a non-standard, but very convenient and reliable design. Modern projects They are predominantly rectangular and L-shaped, which saves building space.

The houses are low, even if there is a second and third floor, and the impression of earthiness is further enhanced by the horizontal orientation of the buildings. The angularity of the buildings is given by numerous rectangular ledges - bay windows, multi-level extensions, square columns. There is no basement and high foundation, but the house itself is most often built on a hill. The roofs are 3 and 4 pitched, with a slight slope, sometimes almost flat. characteristic feature roof structures are very wide overhangs, borrowed from oriental architecture.

The interior of houses in the style of Wright

Form specifics

The first thing that catches your eye is the integrity of the common space and furnishings. Each piece of furniture is selected in such a way as to emphasize the horizontal extent and elongation of the direction as much as possible. Visually, it is done so that there are as few vertical lines as possible, and at the same time they are shorter. Due to the fact that high ceilings, large spaces, panoramic windows are thought out in the rooms, the house is spacious and filled with natural light. In terms of functional orientation, prairie-style cottages resemble loft houses. Segmentation and angularity are present not only in architecture from the outside, but also in the design of interior spaces. A special atmosphere is created by interesting angular lamps, which not only emphasize the geometry of the style, but also resemble paper lanterns in Asian motifs. Often the choice stops at simple plain cabinets, but at the same time their color should be slightly different from the shade of the walls. Therefore, in such houses it is customary not to divide the space with walls, but by zoning (using various finishes, masonry, smoothly turning into painted walls, etc.).

Convenience, practicality

These moments are achieved thanks to the minimalist bias. Therefore, the interior contains everything you need - everything so that nothing "clutters up" the space, but only contributes to maximum functionality. When ordering the construction of a cottage in the Wright style, you need to remember that you will receive not only an aesthetically perfect building that is pleasing to the eye, but also a comfortable home that promotes relaxation of body and soul. When choosing furniture, these points are also taken into account - it is geometrically correct, simple, comfortable (squat and strong beds, square cabinets made of durable wood). The interior will “speak” about the reliability of the home, while in no way losing its lightness.

Color solutions

The colors for Wright's style are chosen to be calm and neutral, but they always interspersed with bright spots to add color and enliven the overall picture. The neutral range of prairie style is gray, brown, sandy white shades. There is no place for randomness in this style; carpets with fancy patterns or wall decor with elaborate ornaments will look out of place here. Wright's style is a combination of elements and objects that are perceived as neutral, it is a natural simplicity and a pronounced segmentation of both the decor and the entire decoration as a whole.

Finishing facilities

The rooms are decorated to match the outer walls - brick, marble, gypsum plaster. It is these materials that create a sense of security, weight on large areas at home. There are no restrictions on the use of only natural components - eclectic intersection with modern ones is allowed.

Accessories are also present

Let minimalism have everything you need, and in Wright's style there is always a little more. To the natural simplicity, clarity of forms, details of the ethnic group, it is possible to pick up any details, both specially selected for the style, and simply insanely liked. At the same time, it is important to know when to stop - in prairie-style guest houses there should not be chaos and an overabundance of details that can lead to a violation of the basic concept of style. It is beautiful in itself, and too much jewelry can only spoil everything.

Furniture items in this style are deliberately selected in such a way as to emphasize the horizontal elongation of the forms, of course, there are also vertical elements, but much less.

But this approach does not mean at all that the room will become awkwardly squat. On the contrary, Wright's style is characterized by very high ceilings, and there is always a panoramic windows from floor to ceiling. With such functionalism, this style is somewhat similar to the loft style. However, the loft gave rise to a historical need, while Wright's style became an innovation in the history of design and architecture.

The design of the interior decoration necessarily adopts the style of the segmentation of the exterior architecture of the building. The highlight of this style can be strict square emphatically geometric lamps. As a rule, for this style, furniture is chosen as functional as possible, somewhat ascetic, monophonic, but differing in color from the tone of the walls, which creates the integrity of many interior segments.

10 Architecture Lessons From Frank Lloyd Wright

1. "An architect must be a visionary ... a visionary in the true sense of the word ... if he cannot foresee at least ten years ahead, he cannot be called an architect."

2. “Every great architect must great poet. He must be a great interpreter of his time."

3. “There should be as many styles of houses as there are people. A person with his individuality has the right to express it and to his own original living environment.

4. "Where Nature is taken as the basis, the building should grow as if from the earth and its form should be in harmony with the environment."

5. “The house should not stand on a hill. It must be a hill. Be a part of it. The house and the hill must exist together, be in unity.

6. “Architecture is the mother of all arts. Without our own architecture, our civilization will have no soul.”

7. One day in 1957, Wright told American TV presenter Mike Wallace: “I want architecture to be free. I want the architecture to fit into the environment and be an ornament to the landscape, not its ugliness. Letters from our clients tell how the buildings we have built have changed the course of their entire lives, their entire existence. It has completely changed. I would like to do this for the whole country."

8. "A good building does not spoil the landscape, but makes it even more beautiful than it was before it was built."

9. “Architecture is life, or at least form, created by life, and therefore is the truest monument to the life of the world of yesterday, today and the future.

10. “Architecture is the mother of all arts. Without our own architecture, our civilization will have no soul.”

Frank Lloyd Wright was a pioneer modern architecture and controversial personality. He became famous for his views and beliefs. His ideas, words and vision continue to inspire architects and artists today.

Frank Lloyd Wright - American architect, founder of organic architecture - was born on June 8, 1867 in the city of Richland Center, Wisconsin in the family of a church leader and teacher. Getting knowledge at home, he did not attend a comprehensive school. Studied for a year in the engineering department of the University of Wisconsin. After that, he left "on free bread" and in 1887 moved to Chicago, where he ended up in the architectural workshop of Joseph Lyman Silsby. In 1893, Wright already had his own workshop in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park. Innovative in Wright's work was the use of precast concrete blocks with reinforcement, panel heating, the use of air conditioners, diffused lighting. He also suggested designing, first of all, from landscape conditions, and during his career he managed to build 363 objects.

1. Roby House (Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1910)

It belongs to the "Houses of the Prairie" series, so named because of the abundance of horizontal lines, cornices and flat roofs that resemble the prairies. Asymmetrical shape, strip glazing, horizontal orientation. Large roof overhangs give a sense of security, protection from the sun's rays. The core of the house is the fireplace. The scale of the building to a person is clearly traced.

2. House over the waterfall (Beer Run, Pennsylvania, USA, 1939)

By the 1930s, after a very fruitful period, Wright's work stagnated. In order to improve his situation, the architect organized an art studio "Taliesin" in his residence. Edgar Kaufman comes to study there. It is thanks to this acquaintance that Wright receives an order from Kaufman's parents for the project. country house, which became one of the most famous creations of the architect.

3. Complex "Taliesin" (Spring Green, Wisconsin, 1911-1925)

The project, like Roby House, belongs to the Prairie Houses. Character traits complex: low shingled roofs, stone walls, terraces cutting into the landscape. The main building of the complex has a U-shaped plan. One of its wings is Wright's residence with 3 bedrooms, dining room, kitchen and loggia. After construction, the house suffered from fires twice and was completely rebuilt.

4. Yamamura House (Ashiya, Japan, 1924)

The only building designed by Wright that has survived in Japan. A long road through a picturesque valley leads to the house. At the main entrance, right in the walls, there are lavas for relaxing and contemplating the surroundings. The heart of the interior is the fireplace - Wright often used this technique in his projects. As a tribute to Japanese traditions, the walls are partly made of clay. A series of trapezoidal pipes managed to fit advantageously into the landscape. Also noteworthy are the vaulted ceiling and the elongated southern balcony, from which the mountains, the sea, and the city landscape are visible.

5. BethShalom Synagogue (Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, USA, 1959)

The building is designed in modern style. An expressive element is a translucent pyramidal roof, symbolizing Mount Sinai. The architect was also inspired by the Mayan buildings, so the volume is formed using 2 triangular prisms, placed on top of each other and forming a hexagon in plan - the star of David.

6. Hotel Imperial (Tokyo, Japan, 1915)

In the project, it was important for Wright to take into account the seismological features of the area and achieve the stability of the building. Thanks to the cantilevered suspension of the floors, as well as a powerful “floating” foundation that goes into the ground by 18 m, the building survived the earthquake in 1923.

7. Office of the Johnson Wax Company (Racine, Wisconsin, USA, 1936)

The project is interesting because the 69×69 m building has no windows. In the interior, the architect used special tree-like columns. Special lighting creates favorable conditions to work despite the lack of a direct sunlight. Furniture was also designed by Wright, as in many of his other projects.

8. House of Herbert Jacobs (Middleton, Wisconsin, USA, 1944)

The solar semicircle is the name of the plan that Wright came up with for designing in northern climates. The building has the shape of a semicircle, the northern side of which is on a hill and is completely insulated, and the southern side is composed of double-layer windows and doors to allow solar heat to penetrate the house even in winter.

9. Office of the Larkin Company (Buffalo, New York, USA, 1906)

The red sandstone building is 61 m high and 41 m wide. Here Wright used stained glass windows with steel frames and sculptural elements to decorate the facade. Internal walls were made of a combination of light-colored brick and vitreous material to allow sunlight to enter unhindered. In connection with the bankruptcy of the Larkin company, despite the protests of the architectural society, in 1950 the building was demolished.

10. Solomon Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art (New York, USA, 1959)

Named after its founder, Robert Solomon Guggenheim. Built and designed for 16 years. Outside, the museum is an inverted spiral, while inside the interior resembles a shell, in the center of which is a glazed courtyard. As conceived by the architect, the viewing of the exposition should begin from the top, taking the elevator. The descent is supposed to be along the ramp, along which (as well as in the halls adjacent to it) there are works of art. The reality is that the inspection takes place from the bottom up.

The project of a single-family residential building in the Moscow region.

Design 2014 Implementation 2015-2016

The total area of ​​the house, including balconies and terraces, is 422 m2, living area is 291 m2

And now, the charm of reality - autumn 2016 ... built!

More of our news

The process of creating this project is described in detail in the article, in which specific example explained .

The project was very meaningful, especially from the side of the customer. The customer knew what he wanted, but was not tied to any example or style. This is a rather rare state when wishes are clearly defined. At the same time, the customer did not spend independent work looking for examples on the Internet, but came to us. The architect in this case has a complete picture of the initial data, sometimes mutually exclusive, but necessary for execution, and most importantly, freedom (flexibility, if you want) is preserved in the search for a specific planning solution.

They designed quickly and with passion, managed to include interior solutions in the project, the terraces grew, but they were allowed to.

We designed everything that was possible: AP kits - Architectural solutions ( ), KR – Constructive decisions ( ), HV - heating and ventilation and VK - Water supply and sewerage.

In this project, the AP set contains 44 sheets, and the CR set contains 31 sheets. This is exactly the volume that will save you money, nerves, time during the construction process and, most importantly, guarantee the desired result. A house that meets all the wishes of your family, because in the design process, we threw out all the unwanted ones.

The project is your strategy!

This living room is a design created by an architect!

The living room spills through the panoramic windows onto the terrace, along the steps - into the courtyard. It is boundless and at the same time the terrace protects it and the space is very cozy. Increasingly, in our projects, we manage to implement our favorite topics - placing a fireplace directly by the window. I emphasized and will continue to emphasize that the interior is not only a sofa, a carpet and .... it is a mood that changes throughout the year. A burning fireplace against the backdrop of a golden garden, a snow-covered courtyard or a spring shower is, in my understanding, an interior. And the sofa has nothing to do with it.

In the layout, the living room is allocated an independent volume - there is no second floor above the living room, which allows making it one and a half light, as well as creating three-sided lighting. The volume of the living room can be seen in the section in axes 5-6.

The layout of the house is very functional. This house is for several generations, except for a young family with children, the older generation will live. For this, a separate “apartment” is provided - a bedroom, an office, a bathroom. node.

The kitchen is common for everyone, everyone meets here. And I immediately recall the dialogue from the movie “For Family Circumstances”:

- Do you have a big table? - Let's eat. - You don't have a big table. So, when in the evening the whole family gathers at such a table - children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. three or four generations. What's wrong with that, I ask you? Who is this bothering? And now I'll ask you where such families are. I don't even ask you where these tables are.

Here is a table! This is where the family will live.

Well done.

Let's call houses for two or three generations - wise houses. They should be such that each person has a personal space and a space that unites everyone ... at a large table, for example. In such houses they do not quarrel, because the houses are WISE!

Another we designed in May 2015, look, very interesting.

We invite you to design large and small houses! Together we will pick best solution for your family. , consultation is free

And yes! House structure:

  • Foundation - shallow foundation slab;
  • Walls made of aerated concrete blocks, 400 mm thick with thin-layer plaster and painting, locally - facing with clinker tiles and natural stone;
  • Ceiling over the 1st floor - prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, ceiling over the 2nd floor insulated on wooden beams;
  • The roof is a wooden truss structure with a seam coating.

Architectural solution buildings with a garage, the creation of an architectural ensemble, you can see there you will also find photos of the construction

Nothing pleases the architect and the customer more than the approaching completion of construction. Facade works. August, 2016:

August, 2017, the house in all its splendor meets:

Thank you for your interest!


Katerina Ponomareva

The main idea of ​​the "Wright" style in architecture is maximum harmony with nature. Such buildings organically fit into the surrounding landscape, become a natural addition to the landscape and combine simplicity, comfort and functionality. it perfect option for suburban construction, and therefore houses in the style of Wright are becoming more and more popular every year.

The style of organic architecture was created in the early 20th century by American pioneering architect Frank Lloyd Wright. He was an opponent of complex and bulky structures, the monotony of buildings, and therefore actively involved the natural landscape in his projects. The flat steppes of America inspired him to create squat houses, as if trying to merge with the horizon, and this direction became known as the prairie style.

During his life, Wright created more than a thousand projects, among which were not only residential buildings, but also churches, schools, museums, office buildings and skyscrapers. He used various styles and their elements, but the main emphasis was, of course, on organic architecture. Over time, the popularity of "prairie houses" has grown markedly, and the style direction began to be called the name of its creator.

Distinctive features

Wright-style mansions and cottages are very diverse, but they all have common features:

  • horizontal orientation of buildings;
  • angularity and squat;
  • visual division of the facade into many sections;
  • open plan;
  • finishing natural materials in various combinations.

The houses look very concise and cozy, no pretentious details, complex elements, everything is simple and functional.

style architecture

Initially, the layout of such houses was T-shaped or in the form of a cross: rectangular elements intersected at right angles, forming a non-standard, but very convenient and reliable design. Modern projects are predominantly rectangular and L-shaped, which saves building space.

The houses are low, even if there is a second and third floor, and the impression of earthiness is further enhanced by the horizontal orientation of the buildings. The angularity of the buildings is given by numerous rectangular ledges - bay windows, multi-level extensions, square columns. There is no basement and high foundation, but the house itself is most often built on a hill. The roofs are 3 and 4 pitched, with a slight slope, sometimes almost flat. A characteristic feature of the construction of the roofs are very wide overhangs, borrowed from oriental architecture.

Materials for construction and decoration

Brick is widely used for building walls. ceramic blocks, natural stone. For overlays - wooden beam and concrete. But frame structures for Wright's style are not typical, as well as completely wooden houses. Eclecticism is welcomed in the decoration: a combination of concrete and glass with natural wood and rough stone. There are many options for combining stone and smoothly plastered walls.

The most common type of exterior finish is the façade cladding with decorative bricks or ragged stone, divided into sections by horizontal strips of concrete. The borders of ledges, parapets and awnings, sometimes windows are also framed with concrete. The tree is used for filing cornice overhangs, finishing terraces and outbuildings, erecting partitions. As a roofing material, the most popular is natural and soft tiles, less often - corrugated board.


The windows in such houses are adjacent to the roof itself, they can be located along the perimeter of the building with a continuous tape. As a rule, they have a square or rectangular shape, a small number of lintels, and no shutters. Window openings are always framed with concrete strips or thick boards. Expensive projects suggest the presence of panoramic windows on both sides of the main entrance.


The layout of the houses necessarily includes the presence of a wide open terrace, and sometimes more than one. Interior spaces are also quite spacious, despite low ceilings, and the smooth transition from one room to another creates a sense of continuous space. Doorways wide, strict rectangular shape. arched structures not typical for this style.

Wright houses: color palette
facades and interiors

Color spectrum

The color design of Wright-style houses includes predominantly neutral and warm natural colors: beige, sand, all shades of gray and brown. White is rarely used, and is always combined with other shades. The roof should be darker than the walls, and the overhangs should be light-colored (usually white or beige). Design elements of corners and openings are matched to the color of the roof.

House "Kenneth Laurent"

Facade decoration in the style of Wright

It is very difficult to design and build a building in the Wright style on your own if you do not have an architectural education. But with the right finishes, you can transform standard housing and make it look like prairie houses. To make the facade seem squat, at the level window openings around the perimeter of the house you need to mount a wide concrete cornice or. The same cornice must be installed along the upper edge of the walls.

For cladding suitable tile under a wild stone or torn brick - this finish looks great, and it’s easy to do it yourself.

Preparatory stage

Exterior walls before finishing should be properly prepared. Cladding requires a strong, reliable base with a flat surface, without vertical deviations. Having cleaned the walls of dirt and dust, they carefully inspect them for defects: cracks, chips, fungus damage, peeling of the old coating. Everything that does not hold tightly, crumbles, should be removed to a solid base, otherwise a high-quality finish will not work. The areas affected by the fungus must also be cleaned with a scraper, and then treated with any agent containing chlorine.

Protrusions of more than 15 mm are knocked down with a chisel and a hammer.

After that, a level or an even long rail is applied to the wall plane in several places to determine the degree of surface curvature. If there are many irregularities and differences in height are more than 15-20 mm, leveling with plaster should be done according to beacons.

Before leveling, the walls are primed and allowed to dry well.

For plastering, you can use the usual cement-sand mortar or purchased mixture on the cement base. It is a little more expensive, but much better in quality: it does not shrink, has increased resistance to moisture, and dries quickly. Applied plaster mix in 2-3 layers, each of which, after drying, is rubbed and polished. Finally, the walls are again covered with a primer.

Installation of facade cornices

When building prairie houses, the horizontal demarcation of the facade is done with concrete strips during the laying of the walls. In our case, we can use wide facade cornices made of polyurethane or fiber-reinforced concrete, which look just as good. You can buy them at any hardware store.

Advice. In order for the cornices to match the style of decoration, you should choose products of a simple rectangular shape, with the least pronounced relief. Optimal Height eaves - 140-150 mm.

To install polyurethane cornices you will need:

If fiber-reinforced concrete cornices are chosen for finishing, you will additionally need dowel-nails for fastening, as well as drills and a drill.

Step 1. Determine the height of the cornice on the facade. If the house is two-story, the cornice is attached between the floors and along the upper edge of the facade. In one-story houses, the demarcation line can run at the level of the lower or upper edge of the window opening, or in the center of the window. If the walls are high, you can mount two cornice belts.

Step 2 At the selected height, a horizontal line is beaten off along the perimeter of the house. Along the marking line, the walls are primed to the height of the eaves. It is desirable to take the soil with quartz filler.

Step 3 Glue is prepared: pour the dry ingredients into a container with water and stir with a mixer until smooth.

They take a polyurethane cornice, cover the back side with glue and form grooves with a notched trowel. The wall is also covered with a uniform layer of mortar, after which a cornice is applied to the surface. Check the location with a level, press it to the base along the entire length of the product. Excess glue along the edges is carefully removed with a narrow spatula.

Step 4 They take the next element, glue the back side and the end of the cornice with glue, apply it to the wall, tightly joining with the previous one. The rest of the elements are fixed in the same way, constantly controlling the horizontal. When finishing corner joints the ends of two adjacent cornices are cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 5 When the glue dries, the surface of the cornice is sanded with fine sandpaper, sweep the dust, seal the seams with sealant. Finally, the finish is primed and painted white.

Fibre-reinforced concrete cornices are much heavier than polyurethane ones, so glue alone is not enough. In this case, holes for fasteners are carefully drilled from the back of the product, in its upper part, deepening by half the thickness of the cornice. The distance between the holes is 40-50 cm, the extreme holes are located 10-15 mm from the ends. The same holes are drilled in the wall, exactly observing the specified distance.

Dowel-nails are inserted into the holes in the wall, then an adhesive solution is applied to the wall and to the cornice, the product is applied to the surface so that the fasteners fit exactly into the holes. Having aligned the horizontal, the cornice is pressed against the wall and the excess mortar is removed with a spatula. Finishing performed in the manner described above.

Facade cladding

For cladding, artificial stone is ideal, which in appearance practically does not differ from natural stone, but it has less weight and is easier to install. You can choose two types of stone that differ in texture and color, then the lining will look even more impressive.

In the process of work you will need:

Before starting work, experts recommend spreading stones from 2-3 packs on the ground to see how the finish will look on the wall. This will help determine the optimal width of the seams between the elements, select the pattern of the masonry.

Advice. Before installation, you need to inspect the back side of the stones: if it is glossy or has traces of cement milk, additional processing with a metal brush is required.

Step 1.: pour the dry component into a container with water and stir with a mixer until smooth. Be sure to adhere to the proportions specified by the manufacturer, otherwise the quality of the masonry may decrease.

Step 2 The stones of the first row are laid face down and the back side is moistened with water. While the water is absorbed, the adhesive solution is applied with a spatula to the wall, starting from the bottom of the corner. The layer should be even and not too thick. A notched trowel is carried out over the applied layer, forming a relief.

Step 3 A solution is also applied to the back side of the stone and it is leveled with a spatula with a layer of about 6 mm thick. They are pressed against the wall, leveled and pressed into the mortar with zigzag movements. Additionally, you can trim the element with a rubber mallet.

Step 4 The next fragment is fixed, leaving a seam of the required width between the stones. If glue gets on the front surface, gently wipe it off with a damp sponge.

During installation, it is necessary to check the horizontalness of the row by applying a level to the upper edge of the stones. For ease of installation, special corner elements are attached to the corners.

Step 5 Having completed the laying of the first row, proceed to the second. To prevent the stones from slipping and to ensure the evenness of the seams, wooden wedges of appropriate thickness are inserted between the lower and upper stones. Vertical seams should not match, so you need to start the row not with a whole stone, but with a half. The material is easy to process, and cutting it with a grinder is not difficult.

Step 6 All subsequent rows are laid in exactly the same way, observing the dressing of the seams and controlling the horizontal level of the lining. During the installation process, try to evenly alternate the stones in size and color, so the finish will look more aesthetically pleasing.

Step 7 After 3-5 days, you can start processing the seams. To do this, knead the grout solution, collect it in a special bag and gently squeeze the mixture into the cavity of the joints between the stones. Joints must be filled to the same depth, but not less than 5 mm from the base.

Step 8 About half an hour after application, when the grout begins to set, it is smoothed out with a joint or a narrow spatula. Excess mixture is carefully removed from the lining with the same spatula or brush.

After the solution has completely dried, the lining is treated with a water repellent. You can apply the composition with a brush, but it is more convenient to use a sprayer, especially if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade is large enough. Before treating the surface with a water repellent, you should carefully study the instructions for its use.

Unitarian Meeting House - architect Frank Lloyd Wright

Video - Wright style houses

Video - Stone cladding

Video - Installation of the facade cornice

Our company is developing standard solutions in different architectural directions. One of the most interesting - finished projects houses in the style of Wright (Prairie). Its creator, American Frank Lloyd Wright, became famous for the idea of ​​​​building cottages that fit so perfectly into the landscape that they merge with surrounding nature. That's why they're called prairie-style houses. Character traits:

  • horizontal surfaces, flat roofs;
  • open terraces and podiums with hanging cornices;
  • numerous windows merging into a single gallery.

Finishing colors are dominated by natural tones: brown, gray, cream. A typical one-story house with a Wright-style veranda simultaneously resembles a Japanese building and a South Asian pagoda (project No. 59-87K, 114 m 2).

Projects of modern cottages in the style of Wright

The architects of our company have created several different projects for the construction of houses and cottages in the style of the prairies. The customer can buy a project with drawings and, together with specialists, adapt it to a specific area. Professional designer will help to design the appearance of the house in full accordance with the philosophy of the famous American and in harmony with the surrounding nature.

Although more famous one-storey cottages in the style of Wright, our catalog also includes projects of spacious houses with 2 floors. They respond more to Russian climatic conditions and more comfortable to live in. At the same time, the typical features inherent in this exotic direction are fully preserved.

If you look closely at the projects of houses presented in the section, you will notice that none of them is similar to the other. This is also a continuation of the ideas of the architect, who believed that each building should be unique, since it corresponds exactly to the place where it was built. For example, option No. 93-59L (200 sq.m.), looks completely different with a plaster and light stone finish and decorated with natural brown bricks.

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