What plants like shade in the country. Shade-loving fruit shrubs for the garden

Landscaping and planning 29.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

Depending on the need for light intensity, plants can be divided into light-loving, shade-loving and shade-tolerant. For the development of light-loving plants, more than 3-5 hours of open midday sun are needed. Shade-tolerant plants can bear fruit in partial shade.

In the literature, penumbra means about 3 hours of direct sun in the morning or evening with a shadow in the middle of the day, or good illumination without direct sun throughout the day. full shadow- about 3 hours direct daylight in the middle of the day and limited light the rest of the time. Sparse shadow - sunlight penetrating throughout the day through the sparse foliage of trees or other partial obstruction.

Worst case

The worst option for planting is if not a single direct ray of sun hits the plants during the day. For example, a narrow strip between a house and a high fence. In this case, you can recommend a landing shade-loving plants(yew) or large-sized (relative to shade-tolerant species, such as cherry and cherry plum), which will be able to climb over the fence faster and use the light of the open sky.

Growing specifics

All plants adapt to light conditions, but a healthy plant will only grow in conditions that suit its needs. Therefore, when placing fruit and berry plants in the garden, it is necessary to take into account their requirements for lighting conditions.

It must be understood that with a lack of light, if fruits are tied, they have a mediocre taste, fruiting is shifted to the periphery of the crown, and the fruit twigs quickly begin to die off, which leads to bare trees. The shoots become poorly developed, with long internodes, the leaves are thin, light green, and the root system also suffers.

Usually, plants in the shade bear little fruit, due to poor maturation of the wood, they cannot normally go through the hardening period and are damaged. winter frosts, frost holes appear on them more often.

We grow the main fruit

Almost all fruit are photophilous. The southern crops are the most in need of lighting - peach, apricot, cherry, then apple, pear, but cherry, cherry plum and plum are more shade-tolerant. Cherry and cherry plum can bear fruit satisfactorily even with relatively strong thickened plantings, while in apple trees in such cases, fruiting is observed only in the upper part of the crown.

More shade tolerant berry plants, but even they, with a lack of light, greatly reduce the yield, and shading has the greatest effect on strawberries and raspberries, and weaker on the gooseberry crop. Black currant is more shade tolerant than red currant. Redcurrant tolerates lateral shading well, but is demanding on the top light.

What to plant?

In conditions of shady zones, it can be advised to grow mainly plants characteristic of forest communities. The best representatives in terms of shade tolerance, hazel, chokeberry (chokeberry), alpine currant, barberry species, gooseberries are relatively shade-tolerant dogwood, irga, viburnum. From lianas that beautifully decorate the walls of a house or fence, we can recommend types of actinidia (acute, kolomikta) and lemongrass, from ornamental plants in the openwork shade of trees, types of hydrangea and rhododendron will feel good, boxwood is quite shade-tolerant, white snowberry, holly magonia, euonymus (European and winged), and the yew is even shade-loving.

There is a widespread belief among gardeners that it is impossible to create a beautiful one in the shade. Therefore, many do not even consider the shaded corners of their garden as decorative and in vain! Author of the book Stylish Flower Garden. Popular Encyclopedia ”Rimma Anatolyevna Karpisonova completely debunks the myth about the complexity of organizing a picturesque flower garden in the shade.

What is the shadow

The sun and its beneficent rays do not reach everyone equally. There are many areas under the canopy of trees, in the shade of the house and household, where the luminary looks only occasionally. However, tired gardeners often rest here, preferring soft diffused light, calmness and air saturated with the aromas of trees and herbs. The attractiveness of these shaded places, their aesthetics can be increased by creating a colorful ground cover of flower-ornamental plants.

The arrangement of such a cover is one of the most difficult problems for a gardener, since most crops do not grow well in shading conditions. In addition, there is often not enough moisture, since shrubs act as competitors for it, as well as for light and nutrition.

However, the shadow is different. So, for example, one character she has under the trees, the other - under the deciduous, the third - from the wall of the house. Degree shading is determined by the density of the trees, the height of attachment of their crowns, the density of the crown itself, and the size of the building.

The percentage of illumination compared to open areas is as follows:

  • under a closed canopy, and the illumination is 5-10%,
  • in sparse stands, for example - 30-60%,
  • under separate trees, it reaches 90%.
Illumination varies throughout the year and during the day. So, in dense gardens, 80% of sunlight enters under the trees in winter, in early spring(before the dissolution of leaves on trees) - 30-50%, in summer - up to 5%. The life of plants is also affected by the fact that in the shade the composition of the light is different, there are practically no ultraviolet rays.

Thick, dense shadow

In an ordinary garden plot, such a shadow occurs under the canopy of old, often planted apple trees, on the north side of the shadberry bushes, coniferous trees. Many gardeners find it difficult to select plants to decorate areas on the north side of the house. In such difficult conditions, interesting flower beds can also be created. The following plants will grow well here: magnificent, uvularia, various trilliums, arizema, ground cover plants such as heart-leaved tiarka, shoot-bearing, European.

On the north side of the building, on clay, well-moistened soils, a flower garden looks great, which includes:

  • spring blooming plants - , ;
  • blooming early summer kupena, dark geranium, ozhiki, arizema;
  • summer blooming plants - , ;
  • blooming autumn .

A border in such a place can be created from, hosts, rusty. Of the vines, an arcuate wrestler is recommended here. Most can be grown in conditions ranging from deep shade to full sun, but it is in shady, moist soils that their leaves look healthier, fresher. Particularly beautiful in shaded, damp places are thickets of ostrich feathers, groups of 2-3 male shield bushes, and individual chistotus bushes.

Plants for flower beds in dense shade

As a rule, the design of the corners of the garden, where the sun practically does not hit, causes the greatest difficulty for the gardener. Therefore, it is worth giving a specific list of plants for such flower beds. spring Arizema, brunners, anemones, primroses, corydalis, glandular teeth will be as decorative as possible in the foreground. The middle plan will be made up of hellebore and common ostriches (ostriches), and in the background there will be good smelly ogs and simplocarpus.

In summer And autumn a shady flower garden will be decorated with a low, hoof, rusty-spotted sedge, shoot-bearing stonecrop, heart-leaved tiarka. The average level will be supported by astilbes, kupena, chistous, shield-bearers, geraniums and common ostriches. The background will be made up of such plants as elecampane magnificent, common volzhanka, arcuate wrestler, black cohosh, various ozhiki.

light shadow

Such a shadow is created under the canopy of trees with a rare, openwork crown, such as, cherry,. All of them are distinguished by a superficial root system, so frequent digging of their tree trunks is undesirable. Here you can create rabatki with medicinal plants that will not only please the eye, but also benefit. dense, beautiful shape medicinal bushes emphasize beauty, and thickets can serve as a backdrop for black cohosh bushes,.

Needs tree species in well-drained lungs fertile soils meet the needs of most (, snowdrops, lilies) and crops such as,. Here, the ground cover looks great from, fragrant woodruff, spring umbilical. However, it is undesirable to plant primroses and astilba under these conditions, since they need more clayey moisture-intensive soils and do not tolerate drying out.


This type of shade is found in areas where there is only morning or evening sun, for example, on the east and west sides of the house, along the edges. This light penumbra is one of the most optimal habitats for the vast majority of flowering plants.

When selecting crops for a flower garden in the shade, it is important how long their life will last, therefore it is the most interesting for growing. The brightest and most attractive flower gardens can be created here by the imagination and hands of a gardener. Most of the recommended plants grow well in partial shade.

In our market you can pick up planting material for shaded corners of your garden. To do this, take a look at the selection.

Melissa Turkish (snakehead) Gorgon 25 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Melissa Freshness 14 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Melissa officinalis Kholodok® 16 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Melissa Lemon 14 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Melissa officinalis lemon flavor 17 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Melissa officinalis Isidora* 17 rub LOOK
Russian Garden

Important nuances

In the shade, not only the light changes, but also the microclimate. It is more humid there, which is essential for some plants. In conditions of dense shade, the temperature is usually lower in summer than in open, strongly lit areas, and, which is very important for plants, there is a smaller daily temperature difference.

The humidity of the air and soil is higher here, as they warm up less. In addition, as a rule, in dense shade, the wind is weaker, and, accordingly, the drying of the soil is less. Therefore, in general, the conditions here are milder. In areas with light shade and partial shade, the specificity of the microclimate decreases. There is no longer such humidity, and on a hot day the temperature is almost the same as in places lit by the sun.

An important feature of shaded places located under the canopy of trees and shrubs is the annual fall of leaves. If the litter is not removed and dug up, it rots within a year and forms a loose layer rich in humus and minerals. This layer is the custodian of soil fertility, a habitat for beneficial soil microflora and microfauna, it reduces the consumption of moisture for evaporation, promotes the transfer of surface water runoff into the soil, and protects the upper soil horizons from compaction and the appearance of weeds.

The litter of trees such as apples, pears, maples, especially stands out for its ability to increase soil fertility. Chemical properties fallen leaves and the speed of decomposition are different for different types of trees. In addition, the litter plays a protective role in winter, protecting grasses from freezing. This is clearly noticeable in severe winters, when flower plants that were in free places were damaged to a greater extent than those covered with leaves.

In spring, the soil under leaf litter warms up more slowly, and does not dry out so much. In summer, there are less diurnal temperature fluctuations than in open space. Therefore, if the fallen leaves are not damaged by any, it is advisable not to remove them in the fall, and in the spring to rake only from the most ceremonial flower beds, leaving them in other areas until they are completely decomposed.

It is especially good to cover flower beds before winter with oak and linden leaves, which prevent the development of fungal diseases, as they release phytoncides. It is also useful to mulch plantings of flower plants with wood chips, bark, large chips that imitate litter. This has a beneficial effect especially on moisture-loving plants (astilbe, hosta), as it protects the soil from compaction, retains moisture in it, and favors the vital activity of worms.

In the book "Stylish flower garden. Popular Encyclopedia, which can be purchased at, contains information on almost 200 shade-tolerant perennials. High-quality illustrations will help to make right choice and create beautiful corners of the garden.

Even from the school biology course, we remember that plants need sunlight. Without exposure to light, the process of photosynthesis in leaves and stems stops, and eventually the plant dies. Therefore, all recommendations for planting vegetables and berries begin, as a rule, with one sentence “choose a site well-lit by the sun”.

But in any country house there are places where the sun's rays rarely look. Under the crowns of fruit trees, by a fence, behind a house or behind a bathhouse, there is always an ownerless piece of land where one would like to plant something useful, but after all, a shadow. And what to plant in the shade if nothing grows there? It is not true, some vegetables and shrubs are acceptable in the shade, grow well and produce a crop, despite the meager “light ration”.

Immediately make a reservation that the shadow in the southern regions, in middle lane and in the north - these are different concepts. And if in the south in partial shade you can grow cucumbers, and zucchini, and pumpkins and watermelons, then in the north you will have to do with greens and salads. Here we will consider crops that can be easily planted in shaded areas of the middle lane.


A versatile vegetable whose sour stems can be used to make anything from soups to desserts. Rhubarb bushes grow well in the shade, if you do not forget about timely watering. If you want to plant rhubarb, it is better to ask your neighbors for a part of the rhizome - then the bush will grow faster, gain strength and give juicy stems. When planting seeds, you will have to wait a year or two until the plant gets stronger.


Lettuce, Odessa curly and other types of leaf and head lettuce, sorrel, spinach, chard, arugula, watercress, mustard leaf feel great in a shaded garden. Perhaps they will not give such powerful leaves as in the sun, but they will remain tender for a long time, will not coarsen, will not be bitter, and will not go into color for a long time.


Ramson or bear's onion, a plant that combines the taste of garlic and onions, is considered medicinal plant. By adding a couple of wild garlic leaves to your spring salad, you will provide yourself and your family with an additional portion of vitamins. Since in nature the wild garlic grows in the forest, under the powerful crowns of trees, a thick shadow for her is her home.

Borago - borage

In the spring, when their cucumbers have not even been planted for seedlings, the aroma and taste of a fresh cucumber in a salad will be provided by the leaves of cucumber grass - borago.

This plant is not afraid of shading and short-term frosts, is practically not affected by pests and does not cause any trouble in growing. But early vitamin greens are regularly supplied to the table by borage.


For those who are not fond of canning vegetables for the winter, do not like hot sauces, do not dry garlic for powder, but grow it exclusively as a spicy seasoning that does not need much, you can easily plant garlic in the shade under apple trees, plums or between currant bushes. The heads, perhaps, will be smaller, but then a whole garden bed will be freed up for more light-loving vegetables.

Greens and herbs

Some spicy herbs, for example, basil, will not survive without the sun, but parsley, celery, cilantro, mint, oregano, lovage, tarragon, lemon balm, thyme will grow in the twilight and delight you with their aroma. If you decide to grow a “green garden” under apple trees, do not forget to cover the plantings with a film while spraying apple trees with chemicals to prevent poisons from getting on edible greens.


Gardeners growing beetroots are divided into two categories: some believe that beets should be powerful and large, others prefer small root crops, which are both tastier and more convenient to cook. If you are closer to the second position, then feel free to plant beets in the shade of trees. Rare sunlight penetrating through the crown will be enough for her, and the root crops will not outgrow. You can also grow root parsley and parsnips in the shade.

perennial bows

Chives and slime thrive in partial shade, and their greens become more juicy. Chives grow well and in a couple of years can fill all the space allotted for it without your participation. In addition to early greenery, chives produce beautiful lilac flower caps that delight people and attract insects to the site.

Beans and bush beans

Not all beans and bush beans grow well and bear fruit in the shade, but you can pick up shade-loving varieties. It is especially recommended to plant them under apple trees and, after harvesting, leave the tops as a green fertilizer to improve and enrich the soil.


Horseradish is the king of the shadow. Plant it in dark place vegetable garden, it will still grow and produce an excellent crop of tender leaves for use in pickling cucumbers.

Berry bushes growing in the shade

Shrubs that naturally grow under the forest canopy tolerate shade well: irga, viburnum, chokeberry (chokeberry), blue honeysuckle. With them, the shady area will turn from a barren place into a real berry conveyor - just have time to collect.

Many wild roses are shade-loving. In the first half of summer, you will rejoice at their bright fragrant flowers and a cloud of useful bumblebees curling around, and in the fall you will harvest vitamin berries for drying.

If you have an unoccupied dark patch of land along the fence, plant fragrant raspberries there - raspberries in the shade will be larger and juicier.

In the south, only in the shade can you plant red and black currants. Accustomed in nature to the moisture of swamps, the currant will not tolerate the southern drought if it grows in the sun. In the middle lane, currants (especially red ones) can also grow in the shade, but the berries will ripen later.

Use the shaded areas of your garden to the maximum, do not be upset if some of the recommended shade-loving vegetables do not work out for you - there are many options, and one of them will definitely turn out to be yours.

We wish you success and great harvests!

Shaded areas can be effectively used by planting them with fruit and ornamental plants. Various shade-loving shrubs for the garden will be a real find. They will decorate the territory with lush foliage and flowers, divide it into zones, and also delight with generous harvests of juicy berries.

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    Features of garden breeds

    Some shrubs feel comfortable in the shade. In a darkened area, they have a bright color, long and densely bloom. In conditions of abundance of light, shade-loving plants are not entirely comfortable. Their delicate leaves can burn in direct sunlight. Places unprotected from the sun are not suitable for shade-loving species. However, these plants need light. The constant deep shade under the northern wall of the house will be a difficult test for them. The best option is diffused light under the canopy of trees.

    Unlike shade-loving species, shade-tolerant shrubs prefer areas that receive direct sunlight. But they do quite well in dark areas. Under the shade of trees, they may have less vibrant colors and fewer flowers.

    Since most shade-loving shrubs in vivo live in the forest, then appropriate soil should be prepared for them. It should be fertile and neutral in acidity. These conditions are suitable for most species. Although there are some shade-tolerant shrubs that prefer acidic soil. When the earth meets the requirements of the plant, it will be lush and bright. If you choose a plant that grows well in this region, you will not need to create special conditions for it.

    To plant a shade-loving bush, you need to choose a free area so that the plant is not crowded. Undersized specimens are best placed on a hill, this is done to strengthen and decorate the embankments. Their shape, height and flowering is regulated by pruning.

    Between the trees, the soil can dry out a lot, as the crowns of the trees cover it from the rain. If the space around the bushes is filled with creeping shade-tolerant plants, the drying of the soil can be prevented.

    High views are suitable for zoning the garden, masking unattractive buildings and equipment. cozy places recreation.

    Garden shrubs can be planted in multi-stage cascades, with higher views at the back and low ones at the front. Alley planting looks beautiful when the plants are planted at an equal distance from each other in 1 or 2 rows.

    Usually seedlings are sold with a closed root system, so they can be planted in the ground at any time. But the rest period is optimal - late autumn or early spring.

    Barberry and blackberry

    Elderberry red is perfect for planting in a shady area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden. It is not demanding on the soil and can grow in almost any soil, even with excess moisture. In May or June, the elderberry is covered with small white flowers, collected in paniculate inflorescences up to 20 cm in size. During this period, it looks very impressive. From the end of July, red berries begin to appear on the plant. The fruits of the shrub are eaten and used in medicinal purposes. Red elderberry has the ability to repel mice. For her, it is better to choose a place protected from the wind. Decoctions are prepared from young shoots and flowers of the shrub to protect plants from pests.

    Landed on personal plot barberry will become a source of valuable and tasty sour berries. The plant has a wonderful color of the leaves. Depending on the variety, it is yellow, purple, purple, green, variegated and with edging around the edges. This suitable plant for creating garden compositions(mixborders) and single landing. It can be planted on the slopes and on the banks of reservoirs. A beautiful hedge is formed from the barberry. Due to the abundance of small spines, it will become impenetrable to animals. From dwarf varieties of barberry, you can create a magnificent border fence. The shrub lends itself well to artistic curly (topiary) haircuts. From it form balls, pyramids and other figures. This shade-tolerant plant is drought tolerant and wind tolerant, but does not like standing water in the soil.

    Spreading gooseberry bushes feel great under the crowns of trees. They calmly tolerate the drying of the soil and are resistant to weather conditions. Fruiting steadily. Ripe gooseberries are red in color. Their scattering colorfully stands out against a green background. An excellent amber jam is prepared from the fruits.

    Blackberries can be planted in the garden. This melliferous plant in August is covered with raspberry-like black berries. They have a great sour taste. The branches of the shrub can reach a height of 2 meters, so it must be planted at a distance of at least 2 meters from other plants.

    On a garden plot in the shade of trees, hazel will easily take root. The shrub is unpretentious and with minimal care will regularly produce generous harvests of hazelnuts. Cultivated varieties can have different leaf colors and decorate the garden.

    Ornamental crops

    The bright color of the leaves and flowers of the shrub will transform a gloomy garden area covered with shade.

    Few plants can compare with the beauty and abundance of flowering with rhododendron. They are literally buried in flowers from June to July. The shrub has beautiful glossy dark green foliage. The color of flowers, reaching a diameter of 3.5-4 cm, can be very different. The plant does not like wet soil and intolerant of winds. For rhododendron, neutral ground must be acidified with special peat. The shrub calmly tolerates early spring and late autumn frosts. But for the winter, most varieties should be covered.

    Luxurious hydrangea attracts attention with the size of the caps of inflorescences. Lush and openwork balls reach 25 cm in diameter. Hydrangea blooms from July to September, when other shrubs have already faded. Looks great alone or in composition with evergreen ornamental shrubs. The plant loves abundant watering, especially during the dry season. Not all varieties of hydrangea easily endure winter. Therefore, it is advisable to plant them closer to the buildings. Tree hydrangeas can withstand the harshest winter and deep shade. ornamental shrubs for the garden it is better to plant on lawns, near terraces and garden arbors, at the entrance to the house or in the front garden.

    Dogwood blossoms in early spring, in mid-March or early April, when there are no leaves on the trees yet. For a whole month, he will delight you with many lush pink or golden yellow flowers, densely covering the crown. Flowering dogwood looks amazing. Its early flowers attract many insects. This is an early honey plant. All summer, the shrub decorates the garden with emerald foliage, and by autumn it is covered with scarlet berries. They make wonderful jams and compotes. Dogwood is undemanding to growing conditions and is practically not susceptible to diseases. But for the winter it is recommended to cover it.

    In spring, a magnificent mahonia will decorate the garden with golden large inflorescences. Its flowers look great against the backdrop of shiny dark green leaves. By the end of summer, the bush is covered with purple berries that look like grapes. Mahonia is easy to care for. The plant tolerates pruning very well. So that the bushes are thick and do not stretch upwards, they are cut after flowering. Magonia is resistant to pests. Shrubs for the garden are used in the design of rocky slides, borders and undersized compositions. Magonia looks beautiful as a single plant.

    evergreen species

    Shade-loving evergreen shrubs will decorate the garden all year round. They create hedges, borders, backstage, ornamental stripes (arabesques) and even garden figures.

    Yew berry does not need careful care. It is frost and wind resistant. Grows in poor soils and easily tolerates drought. A variety of figures are formed from the bush, they create hedge. It looks good in a group and as a single plant. Yew berry does not tolerate excess moisture in the soil.

    Holly holly looks like a real one Christmas tree. During the winter holidays, it can be dressed up and turned into Christmas tree. Viable plant easily takes root on different soils. During drought, it should be watered abundantly. It can grow even in deep shade. The branches of the shrub grow slowly and very densely. The plant is formed after the fruiting period. If you plan to collect fruits, then you need to plant several plants, as the shrub needs cross-pollination. Holly reaches its peak of beauty in late autumn. In winter, it is covered with green leaves and blood-red fruits.

    Popular garden plant is boxwood. It must be planted in places protected from the wind. The shrub is especially vulnerable to spring winds. Boxwood is resistant to heat and grows on any soil. If the soil is poor, then the bush will grow small, but very dense. Figures, borders and hedges are formed from boxwood. It is recommended to cover the plant for the winter. For spherical shapes, special boxes made of wood or plastic with holes are used. Hedges and borders can be covered with cloth. Bushes for the winter should be tied up so that they do not break under the weight of snow. With the onset of heat, the insulation must be quickly removed so that the boxwood does not rot and get sick.

    Calmia is a favorite garden shrub in the USA, Canada and European countries. The evergreen leaves of Calmia resemble bay leaves. The shrub blooms beautifully with large inflorescences of pale pink and white flowers. Calmia is drought tolerant but needs to be watered frequently during hot weather. She needs acidic soil.

    How to choose a shrub

    It is recommended to give preference to disease-resistant and undemanding plants that do not require special care. Many species require regular pruning to control shape and size. If you do not want to do pruning, it is better to choose a plant that does not require it. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account maximum height varieties so that the plant does not grow beyond the boundaries allotted for it.

    The shrub must be adapted to the available climatic conditions and soil. Under inappropriate conditions, the plant will be weak or die.

    It is advisable to choose a plant that will decorate the garden all year round. Most suitable option will be an evergreen plant. Among deciduous shrubs especially popular are those that bloom profusely all summer, have attractive flowers, beautiful and tasty berries, and have a fragrant aroma. Such shrubs need to form a beautiful crown so that it looks aesthetically pleasing in winter.

    Conifers and juniper

    In addition to shrubs, you can use coniferous plants for garden. Thuja is one of the most beloved plants of landscape designers. From her crown create interesting architectural forms. It is planted to create alleys and hedges. Dwarf types of thuja look better. Rounded dwarf shrub Danica grows very slowly. It is great for small garden areas.

    Juniper can grow in the shade of trees. The plant will fill garden plot wonderful aroma with healing properties. The horizontal juniper, creeping along the ground, looks interesting. It is planted to decorate alpine slides.

    Gray spruce looks very romantic. Its needles can have shades from light green to blue and golden. In gardens, dwarf conifers are usually planted.

    Shade-tolerant trees will help decorate a shady area. Large dissected maple leaves in autumn acquire a surprisingly beautiful color. The tree grows rapidly and forms a rounded spreading crown. Hornbeam and beech are also planted for landscaping. There are special garden varieties and forms. They are easy to cut and shape. They look great in a group and individually.

    It is impossible to imagine a cottage or Vacation home without vegetation. Any owner will be pleased to take the territory of their possessions for landing vegetable crops or fruit trees, which will not only please the eye with their picturesqueness, but also bring a bountiful harvest. Food grown with love on your own plot is much tastier and healthier than bought in a store.

    In order to grow and bear fruit, most crops need an abundance of sunlight. But, one way or another, in every dacha there are shady areas unsuitable for planting tomatoes, watermelons, peppers and potatoes that are familiar to everyone. Many owners do not want to leave such territories unclaimed. The question "What to plant in the shade in the country?" can lead to a dead end, but in fact the list of shade-loving plants is quite wide - each gardener will be able to choose the options that he prefers.

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      Features of geographical location and climate

      When choosing crops for planting in the shade, consider:

      1. 1. Geographic latitude. It is important to know that the "shadow" in different geographical latitudes has different characteristics. For example, in the southern regions, many grow well in the shade. light-loving plants: and tomatoes, and watermelons, and peppers. But the northern shadow does not spare almost anyone.
      2. 2. Area of ​​residence. Various areas the same strip can create different conditions for plant life. Climatic conditions each district is unique, their importance should not be neglected.
      3. 3. The amount of light on the site. It is important to define the meaning of the term "shaded area". Not a single plant will survive in pitch darkness, and therefore it is pointless to plant even the most shade-tolerant specimens where sunlight does not reach at all. Suitable for planting food (or ornamental) crops is an area illuminated at least 2-3 hours a day. Many types of vegetables will thrive with access to light for just 4 hours a day.
      4. 4. The nature of light. different light has different properties. In diffused light, many varieties of pumpkin grow well, cucumbers or zucchini. So areas shaded by crowns fruit plants, certainly will not be empty.

      The shade-tolerant vegetables and berry bushes listed below are mainly adapted to the conditions of existence in the middle latitudes.


      Many amateur gardeners are used to the fact that cucumbers are exceptionally sun-loving vegetables that, without proper lighting, immediately rot. However, this is not entirely true. Modern breeders, through trial and error, have bred several varieties that are resistant to penumbra conditions:

      • F1 Danila;
      • F1 Moscow evenings;
      • F1 Arina;
      • F1 Company secret;
      • F1 Master.

      Cucumbers of the listed varieties grow best in diffused light. It will be convenient to arrange a cucumber bed under fruit trees or near bushes. Growing in partially shaded areas, cucumbers retain their ability to bear fruit much longer and produce more yield. However, shade-loving varieties also have a drawback: almost all of them are considered late.


      Rhubarb is especially prized for its sour stems. From them you can cook whatever your heart desires: soups, jams, cereals and even desserts. Also, this vegetable is used for conservation.

      Rhubarb is not afraid of shadows, in such an environment it grows and develops beautifully. The most important thing in growing rhubarb is not to forget about timely watering, because the plant loves moisture very much and begins to wither in the absence of proper care.

      Planting rhubarb can be done using:

      • seed,
      • parts of the root.

      If you decide to sow the plot with seeds, you can do this both in autumn and in spring. But remember that it will take a long time to grow a full-fledged bush from seeds: it will take a year or two before the plant gets stronger and can please you with a harvest.

      When planting with a rhizome, the growing process is greatly facilitated: the bush takes root faster and gains mass, its stems become strong and juicy, and the plant itself is no longer as vulnerable as specimens grown from seeds.


      Garlic is versatile, it can be used in most various purposes: for preserving vegetables, cooking hot sauces, drying garlic powder, etc.

      When a person uses garlic as a seasoning for salads and first courses, not much is needed. In this case, it makes no sense to allocate a whole bed for growing garlic. The plant can be planted under apple or plum trees, areas between currant bushes are also good.

      When growing garlic in such conditions, you should be prepared for the fact that its heads are slightly crushed. Nevertheless, their palatability garlic will not be lost. And the vacated garden bed can be taken to grow more popular vegetables.


      Some gardeners believe that beet roots should be large and juicy, while others prefer small "representatives", because they are an order of magnitude more tender and softer, and it is easier to cope with such when cooking.

      For adherents of the second option, growing beets in shaded areas is the best fit. Planted in the shade, beets will not suffer from a lack of sunlight. Even rare rays are enough for her to grow sweet, medium-sized root crops.

      Parsnips and root parsley are grown in a similar way.


      For horseradish, a garden in the shade will not be an obstacle, but a favorable environment for growth. This plant is able to survive even in the most shady areas, while it will grow large succulent leaves, reaching a length of up to one and a half meters.

      When it comes to "populating" a shady area, the best option than hell, it's not worth looking for. In cooking, it will certainly serve you well: any part of this plant (except inflorescences) can be eaten. The leaf will go into conservation, and the root can be used to make sauces and dressings or for medicinal purposes.

      Horseradish sometimes suffers from an excess of moisture in the soil, so keep an eye on watering. Dry summer is a comfortable and favorable environment for the growth of horseradish.


      It should be noted right away that legumes love the sun, however, this does not hurt to pick up shade-loving varieties: breeders worked hard to breed them. Bush beans also tend to adapt to partial shade.

      The most the best part garden for planting legumes - a bed under apple trees. Experienced gardeners recommend planting beans and bush beans here.

      As soon as the harvest has passed, it is advisable to leave the green tops on the site: this will enrich the soil with organic matter and minerals.

      perennial bow

      Varieties such as slime onions or chives are attractive in that they take root perfectly in the shade and partial shade, and also delight the owners with a harvest for more than one year in a row. Perennial onions grown in such conditions can boast more juicy greens.

      The beauty of chives lies in their amazing ability to "conquer territories". In a couple of years, the plant will flood the entire area, while the gardener will not have to make any effort at all.

      Chives produce early greens and bloom with pleasant lilac buds. First, they decorate the view of the garden. Secondly, these small flowers attract a large number of pollinating insects to the site, which help not only the onion itself to reproduce, but also neighboring vegetables / herbs.

      The slime onion "comes to life" after the first thaw, that is, in early spring. At this time, there is no other garden greenery in sight, which is why this variety of onion is so valued: in early spring it is practically the only option for fresh herbs, it is actively used in the preparation of salads and dressings.


      Ramson - or bear bow, as it is popularly called, - amazing plant, combining the taste of both garlic and onions. In the wild wild garlic lives in the forest. Lush and dense crowns of trees obscure the plant from the sun, so it has adapted to shady conditions.

      Traditional medicine resorts to the help of wild garlic quite often: with beriberi, cholesterol and skin diseases. Therefore, keeping such a plant in the garden is not only desirable, but necessary!

      Salad with the addition of wild garlic will help strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with an additional portion of vitamins.


      Borago - the so-called borage grass, which pleases the owners of the garden with juicy greens already in early spring. A feature of the herb is its taste, very reminiscent of a fresh cucumber. For this, borago is valued - cucumbers in early spring yet and are not ready for seedlings, and the fragrant borage grass will bring the taste of these vegetables to any salad or dressing. The plant is generally unpretentious. It is not afraid of frost, perfectly adapts to life in the shade. Cucumber grass pests rarely touch: borage is almost of no interest to harmful insects.

      To grow borage, gardeners do not need to put in almost no effort. Regular watering is desirable but not required. Even if you visit the "cucumber" garden once a week and sometimes forget to water - it does not matter! Borago will survive in such conditions.

      This plant is rich in vitamins, during the spring shortage of fresh vegetables and herbs, it will save you from weakening the immune system. Therefore, you will not regret at all by populating a garden bed in the shade with borage grass.


      Most different types lettuces (both head and leaf) adapt well to shaded locations. Lettuce, spinach, sorrel, chard, watercress and arugula, as well as mustard - all of these representatives will grow well in beds lit by weak sunlight for 2-3 hours a day.

      When these varieties of plants are planted in light areas, their leaves grow excessively, quickly coarsen and can give off unpleasant bitterness. With specimens planted in the shade, this will definitely not happen: although their leaves will be a little smaller, they will acquire the ability to remain soft and tender for a long time, retaining the original flavor.

      Spicy herbs, herbs

      The herbs that came to us from the south are mostly sun-loving. For example, basil will definitely not grow without light. However, the following types of greenery are quite unpretentious, and therefore perfectly adapt to the shade:

      • parsley;
      • mint;
      • oregano;
      • celery;
      • tarragon;
      • Melissa;
      • thyme;
      • lovage;
      • cilantro.

      These herbs will not only bring a harvest of lush greenery, but also delight with their aroma.

      If spices and edible greens grow under fruit trees or among currant bushes, they must be covered with a protective film when spraying these same trees and bushes with poisons against insect pests. Otherwise chemicals will settle on plants, which will affect both their benefits and their taste.

      berry bushes

      For growth a large number berry bushes are great for twilight. Under natural conditions, shrubs such as blue honeysuckle, shadberry, chokeberry (or chokeberry) and viburnum live under forest cover. These plants are naturally shade-loving. If you can't decide what to plant in the shade behind your house, take a look at these bushes: they all ripen in different time, thus throughout the summer you will be provided with delicious berries that are extremely beneficial to health.


      Raspberries in the shade take root as well as possible. If you have an unplanted area somewhere under the fence, you can safely take it for planting raspberry bushes. Raspberries ripened in shady conditions will be sweeter, juicier and larger.

      Rose hip

      Rosehip is a plant for all occasions. Few people know about the ability of rose hips to adapt to the lack of sunlight. It is simply necessary to have such a shrub on your site. At the beginning of summer, he pleases the owners with his flowers, delicate aroma and the ability to attract bumblebees to the garden. And in the fall you will get the opportunity to collect such healthy, full of vitamins berries.

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