How to build a new roof for a house. The roof of the house - what you need to know before building! Installing a gable roof ridge

Landscaping and planning 30.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

To install a gable roof yourself, average carpentry skills and an understanding of its manufacturing technology are enough. All this is easy to understand. It is also necessary to involve an intelligent assistant in the process, because many operations cannot be performed by one person alone. Therefore, many without a doubt take up this work and successfully cope with it.

Do-it-yourself gable roof device

Building country house is associated with significant costs. Therefore, many people are looking for options to reduce the cost of this process by using modern materials and technologies. Currently very popular frame buildings with double pitched roofs. This happens largely for the reason that even a person with minimal knowledge of the construction business, with appropriate preliminary preparation, can carry out such a design.

A gable roof is formed by triangular truss trusses, interconnected by a longitudinal upper beam (ridge run) and a crate

However, the construction of the roof is a crucial moment that requires a serious attitude. Need to calculate:

  • correct angle of inclination;
  • rafter length;
  • the distance between them;
  • ways to connect different parts to each other.

Without experience in the production of such work, you should not take on complex structures, but build small house with a simple gable roof, do it yourself.

Design features of gable roofs

Such a roof consists of two inclined planes located at a certain angle. Gables are arranged along the end walls, which are a vertical continuation of the walls. In shape, they are isosceles or arbitrary triangles, if the slopes are arranged at different angles to the horizontal. In the case of a gable sloping roof, the gables are trapezoid-shaped.

When building a roof, a rafter system is created, which is the supporting element of the roofing pie. The rafter system can be made in the form of hanging rafters if there are no capital partitions inside the building box. If available, a floor frame is arranged when the span is supported by three or more points.

Depending on the configuration of the building, a gable roof can be built according to different schemes.

How to make a gable roof yourself

Depending on the design truss system its main elements may be different, but the main details are present in all options:

  1. Rafters are the main load-bearing element of the structure, on which roofing material is mounted through the crate.
  2. The ridge run - also called the spinal beam, combines all the rafter legs into a single whole, evenly distributes the load on the Mauerlat.
  3. Rack - used in floor structures as an additional support on a major internal partition.
  4. Lying - a horizontal bar on which the racks rest, serves to uniform distribution loads on the Mauerlat.
  5. Mauerlat - a support beam between the walls and the upper structure of the building, intended for attaching rafters.
  6. Sheathing - flooring from a board 25 millimeters thick for fixing the roof finish.

Regardless of the type of truss system, there are always several basic elements in it.

Roof design

In the process of designing a truss system, it is necessary to optimally place all the elements of the frame in order to ensure a uniform load on the roof over its entire area. The main types of load are:

  1. Snowy - occurs under the action of a layer of snow lingering on the roof. At high rates for the construction region, the angle of inclination of the roof is increased so that the snow comes off it as it accumulates.
  2. Wind - associated with the force of the impact of the wind. In open, blown places, it is higher. The means of counteracting wind loads is to reduce the angle of inclination of the roof.

Thus, it is necessary to find the optimal combination of these indicators with simultaneous exposure to wind and snow. Data on specific loads for the construction region can be found on the Internet.

Two pitched roofs with a simple design, they give the house an elegant and festive look.

Photo gallery: projects of houses with gable roofs

The gable roof allows you to arrange a small attic room on the second floor. The angle of inclination of the gable roof is selected based on the intensity of the winds and the average snow load in the construction area Despite the simplicity of the design, a gable roof can be a central element overall design buildings Roof slope angles do not have to be the same

Calculation of the parameters of a gable roof

Determination of the main characteristics of the roof is necessary already at the stage of designing the foundation for calculating the impact total weight buildings on a foundation.

Area calculation

With a symmetrical gable roof, it is enough to determine the area of ​​​​one slope and double the result.

The height of the roof depends on the chosen angle of inclination of the slope. Usually it is in the range of 30-45 degrees. In the first case, the height will be half the distance from the projection of the ridge to the Mauerlat axis. Using the Pythagorean theorem and after doing the calculations, we get that the length of the slope for a building of 10x9 m will be 5.05 meters. The slope area is defined as 5.05 x 10 = 50.5 square meters. And the total roof area will be 50.5 x 2 \u003d 101 m 2.

In cases where a gable roof has a non-equilibrium roof, i.e., the axis of the ridge is offset from the axis of the building, the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach slope separately is calculated using the same method and the results are summarized.

However, this calculation does not take into account the area of ​​the roof overhangs. Usually they are 0.5–0.6 meters. For one slope, the overhang area will be 0.5 x 5.05 x 2 + 0.5 x 10 \u003d 4.1 + 5 \u003d 9.1 m 2.

The total roof area will be 101 + 9.1 x 2 = 119.2 m 2.

Most rafter calculations are done according to the Pythagorean theorem, reducing the design to a set of rigid figures - triangles

Calculation of the section of the rafters

The size of the cross section of the rafters depends on several factors:

  • the magnitude of the load on them;
  • the type of materials used for rafters: log, timber - homogeneous or glued;
  • rafter leg length;
  • types of wood;
  • the distance between the axes of the rafter legs.

All these parameters have long been calculated, and to determine the cross section of the rafter legs, you can use the data below.

Table: rafter section size

With an increase in the installation step of the rafters, the load on each of them increases, which leads to the need to increase the cross section.

Common sizes of the main parts of the truss system:

Determining the angle of inclination

The angle of inclination of the roof slope is determined by the requirements of its finishing coating:

One of the reasons for reducing the angle of inclination is the desire to make the attic or attic space as large as possible. This intention is also the reason for the installation of a sloping roof.

Calculation of the distance between the rafters

This parameter depends on the type of finish coating, or rather, its weight. For the heaviest material, the distance should be minimal, from 80 centimeters. In case of application soft roof, which has no big weight, the distance can be increased up to 150 centimeters. The calculation of the number of rafters and translations is carried out as follows:

  1. The length of the building (10 meters) must be divided by the distance between the rafters, presumably 120 centimeters: 1000 / 120 = 8.3 (pieces). We add 1 to the result, we get 9.3.
  2. Since the number of rafters cannot be fractional, the result is rounded up to an integer - 9.
  3. The distance between the rafters is finally set: 1000/9 = 111 centimeters.

With this distance, all rafters will be equidistant, and the load from the roof will be distributed evenly.

The length of the rafters is calculated according to the Pythagorean theorem, as already shown above.

Do-it-yourself installation of a gable roof

Work on the installation of the truss system begins with the installation of the Mauerlat.

Mounting the carrier on the wall

Mauerlat is made from high strength wood - oak, larch, etc. In the absence of such materials, pine can be used.

The bar is of standard length - 4 or 6 meters. Therefore, the connection of several parts along the length is inevitable. It is made with a cut of the connected ends “half a tree”, for example, for a beam with a section of 150x150 millimeters, a sample of 75x150 with a length of 300 mm is made. The ends are overlapped. Fastening is carried out with two or four screws M12 or M14 with the installation of washers of large diameter. By the same principle, the bars are connected at the corners. The finished structure is a regular rectangle, which is installed on the upper plane of the wall around the perimeter.

Two beams are spliced ​​by sampling wood on each of them. Then they are bolted together.

The Mauerlat installation technology provides for its placement strictly along the axis of the wall or with an offset in any direction. In this case, you can not place the support beam closer than 5 centimeters from the edge. To increase the service life, the Mauerlat should be installed with waterproofing on the wall surface. Most often, ruberoid is used for this.

Methods for attaching the Mauerlat to the wall

  1. Anchor bolt installation. Perfect option with monolithic walls. Threaded studs are immured into the wall when it is cast.
  2. Wood dowels. They are hammered into the drilled hole. With such fixation, additional metal fasteners are used.
  3. Forged staples. They are used with pre-installed embedded parts made of wood.
  4. Stud or armature. The pins are immured during the laying of the wall and are removed through the support beam along drilled holes. The diameter of the fasteners should be 12–14 millimeters, the protrusion above the surface of the timber should be 10–14 centimeters.
  5. Steel wire. A bundle of two or four wire strands is installed when laying the wall 2–3 rows before its completion. The Mauerlat is tightened using a crowbar. Often used as an additional fastening of the support beam.
  6. When constructing a reinforcing belt, fastening to studs or anchor bolts is also used.

The mounting points should be located approximately in the middle between the rafter legs.

Video: installing a Mauerlat on an armored belt

Photo gallery: ways to mount the Mauerlat on the wall

The studs are immured into the wall during its pouring, then a Mauerlat is put on them and fixed with bolts. The wire is also installed at the stage of laying the wall. staples

Types of roof systems and their installation

The choice of roof truss design is determined by the configuration of the building. If there are no internal capital partitions, a hanging truss system is constructed.

In the presence of capital partitions, it is necessary to use a floor mounting scheme.

Manufacturing of truss pairs

This is the name of a pair of rafter legs connected in an arch with the installation of a spacer element in the form of a puff for a hinged system or a crossbar for a flooring system.

Installation of truss pairs is carried out in three ways:

  1. Assembly is done at the top after the translations are installed. They are covered with a flooring made of wood, nailed.
  2. The formation of truss pairs is performed on the ground in the immediate vicinity of the house. Only blanks are assembled, which are a rigid triangular structure. The lifting of products is carried out when the rafter pairs for the entire system are ready. For this, it is possible to use lifting devices in the form of a manual or powered winch, which presents certain inconveniences and additional costs. On the other hand, assembly on the ground is much easier and more accurate.
  3. The assembly of the roof directly at the installation site is carried out in detail.

With any option, the rafter legs are mounted according to the template, which is the first truss. For more high precision assembling the details of the next pair, it is desirable to fix them to the previous one with clamps.

When assembling roof systems on the ground, all structures are made according to the template, which is the first manufactured truss. This makes installation more accurate.

The procedure for installing the truss system

Prefabricated roof elements are installed in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to install the front rafter pairs and fix them with temporary fasteners. by the most important point is the verticality, which is checked by a plumb line. This installation order is possible when all rafter pairs are at the top.

    Front truss structures are installed first

  2. A building cord must be pulled between opposite frontal structures in order to control the coincidence of the supporting surfaces of subsequent rafter pairs.
  3. Next, the trusses are installed one by one on each side. Each arch is carefully installed in its place, its location in space is verified in all planes, and then regular connections are mounted with the previous rafter pair.

    Intermediate trusses are mounted one on each side and are connected by standard jumpers to previously installed structures

  4. After installing the last arch in the middle of the roof, you need to establish all the connections for the project and attach the ridge beam.
  5. It is recommended to connect parts using metal plates - flat and in the form of corners. The most loaded nodes are best connected with bolts, the rest - with self-tapping screws. Nails are used only for initial fixation during installation.

    Rafter legs are attached to each other and to the Mauerlat using metal corners

Fastening parts of the truss system

For reliable connection of the elements of the roof frame, various auxiliary elements are used, made of galvanized steel up to 1.5 mm thick.

The use of additional fasteners ensures a solid assembly of the truss system

When assembling with the use of additional connectors, labor productivity increases and strength characteristics buildings.

To connect the elements of the roof of wooden buildings, special fasteners are used. So, the upper joint of the rafters is often connected using a hinge. This is due to the frequent movements of the building, including seasonal ones.

The swivel joint avoids high stresses at the junction of the rafters during seasonal movements of the log house

For the same purpose, sliding fasteners are used on houses made of this material.

Reliable sliding connection of rafters with Mauerlat relieves this node from stress during structural deformations

Video: quick rafters

Before installing the crate, the roof is insulated. For this:

  1. The inner crate is stuffed from the side of the attic or attic.
  2. The vapor barrier film is stretched.
  3. The heater is installed.
  4. A moisture-proof film or membrane with one-sided permeability is laid.

Thus, in addition to insulation, a ventilation system of the under-roof space is created. It starts to work after the installation of the coating.

It is more convenient to lay a layer of insulation from the outside on the inner crate with a vapor barrier coating

Under certain conditions, roof insulation can be performed from the inside, it is not so convenient, but you can safely work at any weather conditions. The formation of the roofing cake is carried out in the reverse order. Each layer of insulation as the flooring needs to be strengthened in the openings between the rafters.

Creating a frame gable

Before proceeding with the design of the pediment, you need to arrange the crate and lay the finish coating of the roof.

When forming the crate, the type of future roofing is taken into account. It is made from edged boards with a thickness of 25 millimeters. The crate happens:

  1. Solid - boards are stuffed at a distance of 2-4 centimeters from one another. It is applied when using a tile or a soft roof.
  2. Sparse - the distance between the boards is 15–25 centimeters. Such a crate is arranged under a metal tile, corrugated board, slate and other similar materials.
  3. Rare - the distance between the boards is from 0.6 to 1.2 meters. It is used when the length of the coating sheets is equal to the length of the slope with an overhang. This cover is only made to order.

The crate should be taken out of the gable rafters for the overhang device.

On the front rafter trusses, a frame is mounted for fastening the material of the front finish

Roofing installation

Before laying the crate, the roof is insulated and a moisture-proof layer is laid. Further:

  1. Roof covering is being laid. The installation sequence is from bottom to top in order. The straightness of the first row is controlled by a stretched cord.
  2. Roofing sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws using shock-absorbing pads.

When installing the finishing coating of the roof, you cannot save on fasteners, protective layer must be strong, able to withstand wind and snow loads.

Sheets of metal tiles are laid from the bottom up, starting from the corner of the roof

Installation of gables

The crate of the frame gables is made based on the characteristics of the material intended for the front finish. For this, the following products can be used:

After installing the crate, it is necessary to lay moisture protection from polyethylene film 200 microns thick. It can be fixed construction staples. This work is done outside. On the film, you can sheathe the outer surface with the selected finishing material.

Gables need to be insulated with rolled or tiled heaters. The thickness of the protective layer should be at least 10 cm, and for areas with a cold climate - at least 15 cm. An internal moisture-proof film layer is stretched over the insulation.

On top of it, a crate for the front finish is stuffed, for which bars measuring 50x50 millimeters are used. Finishing of the entire building is carried out simultaneously, after the insulation of the roof.

In the process of facing the pediment, windows are installed if they are provided for by the project, and in some cases doors.

Gable wooden house with a gable roof is most often finished with clapboard

Registration of overhangs

Roof overhangs, both gable and cornice, except for a purely decorative function, are designed to protect walls and foundations from water or snow. Their sizes are usually 50-60 centimeters. Overhangs are made with various materials:

  • planed board, installed end-to-end or overlapped;
  • grooved lining;
  • lining block house;
  • sheet plastic;
  • sheet profiled or smooth metal;
  • finished products made of metal or plastic - soffits.

There are several ways to arrange overhangs:

  1. By the rafter. In this case, the filing of the space under the roof on the overhang is carried out with fastening directly to the ledges of the beams.

    Hemming along the rafters is made along the lower edge of the rafter leg

  2. On the rafters inside. Planks are attached to the rafter leg, to which the board is hemmed. The lower part of the rafter remains open, and the opening under the roof is closed.

    When filing along the rafters from the inside, the rafter beams remain open

  3. In a box For this method, a bar is installed perpendicular to the wall from the end of the rafter. The second bar is installed on the wall and attached to the rafters. Sometimes a jib is installed between them. Hemming is done to these slats.

    For filing with a box, it is necessary to make a frame from mutually perpendicular bars

Ventilation holes must be made along the lining. They can be of any size, but large ones must be covered with a fine mesh of any material. This avoids the penetration of birds and harmful insects into the under-roof space. Soffits are sold with ready-made ventilation grilles.

Ventilation is arranged only on cornice overhangs; it is not needed for gable ledges.

When finishing with soffits, the ventilation holes do not need to be drilled - they are already made at the factory

Video: do-it-yourself gable roof device

With modern abundance building materials and their quality, you can install a gable roof yourself. The cost savings will be quite significant. But it can also turn into losses if you do not carefully consider every step you take during construction. I wish you success!

To solve the problem of how to properly make the roof of the house so that it lasts a long time without repair, information on the Internet and technical literature on this topic will help the homeowner. Certain skills and knowledge are needed about the individual elements of the roof structure, its nodes and details, about the types of material and technology for carrying out work on the arrangement of the roof covering.

Variety of modern roofs

Modern roofs they make flat and pitched, one-color and multi-colored, with and without attics, from different roofing materials, and even use straw (see: ""). When developing projects, experts classify roofs into sloping (pitched) and those that do not have a slope. flat roofs imply the presence of a small angle of inclination - no more than 5 degrees.

In turn, pitched roofs are divided into:

In reality, there are more geometric roof structures and the choice largely depends on the preferences of the developer. When designing a building, the form pitched roof largely depends on its architectural appearance and the purpose of the under-roof space. It can be either a flat slope or a broken bizarre design with a variety of curvature.

The roof frame, regardless of what the roof is, is always a truss system or a truss. A crate is attached to the rafters, necessary for the installation of roofing material.

Building materials for building a roof

After choosing the shape of the roof, it is necessary to determine the material from which the roof surface and the truss structure will be created, and calculate its quantity. The tile covering is considered the most durable, but compared to metal sheets and slate weighs much more due to the fact that it is made from baked clay. The choice of material will further affect the durability of the roof.

To build a rafter system, you will need to purchase lumber from natural wood- timber, boards, slats, and for this you need to know how to calculate the volume of the forest. It is also necessary to buy a film for waterproofing, thermal insulation, fasteners, including self-tapping screws and nails. The consumption of materials also depends on the size of the house, the complexity of the structural solution of the roof and the type of coating.

Elements of the truss system

The main part of the rafter system is the rafter. In addition, the design contains the following main elements:

Roof slope angle

The slope depends on the parameters of the roof structure (its height) and the width of the building, so the roofs are:

  • with a slight slope
  • with an average slope;
  • with a strong slope.

Also, the magnitude of the slope of the slopes is affected by:

  • design decision regarding the design of the building and its appearance;
  • type of roofing material, since for each of them there is a recommended angle of inclination;
  • the ability of the roof structure to withstand wind loads and precipitation. The stronger the wind in a given area, the smaller the slope of the slopes should be. Otherwise, with an increase in the angle of inclination, the wind resistance decreases and the windage increases - as a result, the roof can simply be demolished. On the other hand, on a steep slope, snow and rain do not linger for a long time, unlike the roof, which has a minimum angle of inclination.

How to measure the pitch of a roof

AT technical documentation(in the drawings and diagrams) the slope of the roof is usually denoted by the letter "i". As already mentioned, it is measured in percentage terms or in degrees. You can find out the angle of inclination either by mathematical calculation, or using a geodetic device called an inclinometer. Also, electronic and drip levels with inclinometers are used for measurement.

When there is no such device, mathematical calculations are performed. To do this, you need to know the vertical distance from the ridge to the roof eaves (H) and the length of the segment between the upper and lower points of the slope horizontally (L). The formula for calculating the angle of inclination of the slope is as follows: i = H:L. The result obtained as a percentage is recognized by multiplying it by 100.

Minimum slopes and roof coverings

Before making a roof correctly, choose a roof covering based on the slope of the roof slope.

According to normative documentation, minimum slope should be:

  • for a surface of bituminous roll materials laid in 3 or 4 layers - from 0 to 3 degrees or 5 percent;
  • for roofs made of bituminous 2-layer roll coatings, no more than 15%;
  • if slate is used - 9 degrees or 16%;
  • for ondulin coating - at least 5 degrees;
  • when ceramic or bituminous tiles are used, the minimum slope should be 11 degrees;
  • in the case of using metal tiles - about 14 degrees.

Sprengel roofing system

Elements truss system subdivided into details, which turns out to be:

  • load, which applies to both the truss structure and the truss.
  • Arrangement of a roof with thermal insulation

    The regulations governing how to make a roof correctly require the creation of insulating layers to provide reliable protection. interior spaces building.

    The roofing "pie" looks like this:

    • the first layer, the lowest one, is a vapor barrier, it is necessary to protect the insulation;
    • the second layer is a heat-insulating material;
    • the third layer is a waterproofing film;
    • the fourth layer (finish) - roofing.

    Experts advise before how to mount the roof, place a heater between the rafters. Most often used mineral wool because it is durable, environmental safety lightness, wear resistance. Styrofoam, on the contrary, is not recommended for use due to high toxicity and flammability. The layer of heat-insulating material to be laid, depending on climatic conditions should be between 5 and 10 centimeters.

    Creating a ventilated roof

    When creating a warm roof, it is required to ensure ventilation of the under-roof space, between the insulation and the roof. This is primarily due to the need:

    • preventing the formation of condensate on the crate from the cold attic;
    • ensuring the natural movement of air masses in the attic, by creating ventilation openings, exhaust shafts, special ventilation windows, etc.;
    • removal of moisture from the thermal insulation layer and wooden elements of the roof structure;
    • reducing the possibility of ice formation on the roof surface.

    To ensure air entry, gaps are made on the lower surface of the eaves, the total width of which cannot be less than 20 millimeters if the filing is made of wood. When it is made of plastic siding or aluminum, perforated materials must be used for hemming.

    In order for the air, which is helped by the difference in pressure to circulate, to leave the under-roof space, an exhaust ventilation outlet is arranged in the direction from the ridge to the eaves. It is made at a distance of about one meter from the ridge.

    The height of the ventilation ducts and the dimensions of the ventilation inlets are made depending on the angle of inclination of the slope and the humidity of the inner roofing layers. If the slope of the roof does not exceed 5 degrees, then the height of the ventilation duct should be equal to 100 millimeters, when it is from 5 to 25 degrees - 60 millimeters. In the event that the size of the slope is 25-40 degrees - 50 millimeters, when the angle exceeds 45 degrees - more than 40 millimeters. The given values ​​​​are relevant for a slope length of up to 10 meters. If this parameter is greater, then the height of the ventilation gap must be increased by 10% or the installation of aeration pipes should be provided. Such a ventilation gap parameter as height is at the same time the size of the bar for the counter rail. The standard length of the bars is 3 meters.

    Before putting the roof on the house completely, on top of the waterproofing installed on the rafters, they mount the counter-rail using 90 mm nailed nails, they are hammered at a distance of about 5 centimeters from the edge, keeping a gap of no more than 50 centimeters.

    How to equip roof overhangs, details in the video:

    Arrangement of pipe junctions

    The arrangement for bypassing the locations of pipes for different roofing is different. It is carried out using components for the roof. To make the connection of roofing materials to pipes correctly and aesthetically is a particularly important event. It is not difficult to cut slate or tile, more problems causes the installation of abutment, because it is impossible to prevent the occurrence of future leaks.

    For example, for metal tiles or metal profiles and similar materials, metal adjoining strips are used in accordance with the color of the coating. For roofs made from slate sheets, cheaper galvanized components are used.

    In case of roofing shingles the junction with the pipe is provided by the valley carpet. For natural tiles, a special adhesive tape is used along with a metal apron in accordance with the color of the roof covering.


    To save money, the owners of country houses prefer to do some of the construction work with their own hands. How to make a roof in a private house - many developers ask this question. But before carrying out work, you should study all the information about the roofs. You need to know what roofs exist, familiarize yourself with their shapes and design features. It is no secret that these elements perform many functions. The range of their characteristics is not limited to the protection of the internal space of the house from the penetration of moisture, cold air currents and snow. Our article will tell you all about the features of roofs, and the construction of the roof will also be described in detail.

    The device of the roof of a private house and their types

    modern building found application various types roofs of houses. Of course, each type requires an individual. Let's talk about the most common, as well as their advantages and features.

    Do-it-yourself roof of a private house: preparation

    In addition to choosing the type of roof, consider what material will be used to cover it (more: ""). Based on this, the parameters of the truss system are determined. The weight of the roofing affects its pressure and loads. Therefore, it is important to resolve the issue with the method of fastening roofing elements. Finally, it is worth deciding on the additional parts of the truss system.

    The best option for calculating the material for the rafter system and roofing is the presence of a roof drawing. The diagram usually indicates all the attachment points of the truss system. They, in turn, reinforce the elements.

    The greatest weight has a roof made of ceramic tiles. The rafter system and foundation (+ walls) must take into account the weight this material. For the rafter system, wood is most often used. conifers. At the same time, its humidity should be no more than 20%. Wood should not contain knots and blue.

    Tools for arranging the truss system:

    • vapor barrier material;
    • waterproofing film;
    • insulating material;
    • iron staples;
    • self-tapping screws, nails, screws;
    • roofing tools.

    How to build a roof of a private house: truss system

    The device of the rafter system implies the support of the lower end of the rafter on the Mauerlat. In this case, the upper end rests both on the skate and on the opposite rafter. As a result, roof trusses are created. They are connected using a ridge beam or two boards that form a ridge. To strengthen the rafter legs, special spacers, struts, struts, stretch marks and crossbars are installed. All these elements make the truss structure sufficiently rigid and durable.

    equipping gable roof, the first two structures of the truss system (triangles) must be assembled on the ground. Only after complete assembly, you can lift them to the roof. Spacers are used for temporary reinforcement. Then, the elements are connected using a ridge beam or boards on both sides. Next, the installation of the remaining rafter legs is carried out. For the convenience of workers, floor beams are usually laid on the Mauerlat. also in without fail temporary flooring must be present.

    For fastening the truss system, they use not only tie-ins and cuts, but also iron staples, metal corners, self-tapping screws and nails. The rigid frame of the truss system will provide struts, crossbars, ties and stops. Sometimes it becomes necessary to lengthen the rafter legs. In this case, the first step is to splice two rafter boards. At the junction, shorties are installed on both sides.

    Roof construction of a private house: crate

    Having finished installing the rafters, you can fill the crate. For its arrangement, you will need boards (2.5 cm thick) or bars. The crate can be either solid or have gaps. But before that, waterproofing should be laid along the rafters. When creating a living room in the attic, it is best to insulate the roof in advance. Insulation is placed in the space between the rafters. The material can be mineral wool or polystyrene.

    To create a residential "warm" room in the attic, lay the insulation in a double layer. The thickness of one layer should not be less than 50 mm. The insulation layer contributes to the absorption of noise from outside the room. A vapor barrier membrane is laid on the insulation. It protects the material from the formation of condensation on it. To once again do not spend money on repairing the roof of a private house, follow all the instructions and recommendations. Try to properly lay the layers of the roofing cake.


    Perhaps the main stage of the whole work. The arrangement of the frame with roofing material is a very important procedure. Today you can find a wide range of materials for every taste and price category. The most affordable and reliable material is slate. However, many are confused by its appearance. As an alternative, you can use modern polymer variants of slate - euroslate or ondulin.

    Today, more and more developers prefer another roofing material - metal tiles. The coverage is relatively inexpensive, while it has its customers appearance and excellent operational characteristics. The downside of the metal tile coating is the low level of sound absorption.

    Roof shapes, professional advice, video details:

    Thus, the roofs of houses are made both by hand and by specialists. But it is worth noting that the first option can sometimes outperform the work of experienced installers. This is due to the fact that the owners of country houses are trying to make high-quality roofing work. It is logical that a well-designed and executed roof will last for many years, so you should order from trusted specialists. At the same time, it is very important not to waste your financial resources for further repairs. It is better to carry out all the work with high quality once and arrange comfortable housing for yourself and your loved ones.

    Having completed the assembly of the roof, you can begin to arrange drainage system. How to carry out such work can be found in the article: "". We recommend that you watch photo and video materials on this topic in order to be aware of all the innovations in the construction market.

    Many owners of country houses prefer to perform some construction works on one's own. In this way, you can save a significant amount of money. It is better to entrust the construction of the foundation and walls to professionals, but the installation of the roof can be done independently. But first you should decide what kind of roof is best to build for your home. After all, they exist in different types, shapes and configurations. Do-it-yourself roof construction should be carried out step by step in accordance with all requirements and recommendations. In this case, it will reliably protect inner space from cold, moisture, rain and wind.

    In this article

    Variety of roofs

    Some people believe that there are two types of roofs: pitched and flat. This statement is true, but experts distinguish 5 types of roofs. Let's take a quick look at their features and benefits.

    • Shed. The support of the roof in this case occurs on the walls of the house. This design is rarely used for the construction of residential buildings. Often they are used in areas that are blown by strong gusts of wind. In our area, such a design can be seen on outbuildings, garages, sheds. It does not require the construction of a truss system and an attic space. Such a construction is budgetary, because the consumption of roofing material and lumber is minimal.
    • A gable roof visually consists of two rectangles connected at the top by edges. They form two fronts - two triangles. In this case, triangles can acquire irregular shape, and the length of the slopes - to increase. In such a house, there is often a large attic room, which allows you to store a lot of unnecessary things. Many owners are converting this space into a living space. Roofing is easy. You need to know some installation features.
    • Hip (Danish). Visually it consists of triangles and trapezoidal planes. Triangles are often located at the top of the fronts. A prerequisite is the presence attic space. This part must be insulated with foam. Building a Danish roof with your own hands is much more difficult than installing a gable roof.
    • Four-slope. This type is also common in our country. It has the form of four triangles (often of different sizes), which are interconnected by vertices at one point.
    • A gable or multi-pitched roof is the most time-consuming type of installation. It consists of many complex structural elements and connections. The construction of this type of roof involves careful arrangement of the truss system and roofing.


    Much depends on the slope of the roof. His choice must be taken seriously. If the area where you live often rains, it is better to give preference to a roof with a slope of 45 degrees. If frequent winds are observed, then the roof should be flat.

    The slope also depends on the chosen roofing material. Some materials (slate, tiles) need to be laid on rafters, with an angle of inclination of more than 22 degrees. Otherwise, water will get into the joints and linger.

    Experts say that shed roofs should have an angle of inclination from 20 to 30 degrees, and gable - from 25 to 45.

    The angle of inclination also affects the cost of the structure. The greater the angle of inclination, the more expensive the construction of such a roof will cost. After all, it will take more roofing material and foam.

    All these features must be specified in the building design. It is not recommended to draw it up on your own, it is better to contact specialists.

    roof construction

    The type of roof and the angle of inclination have been determined, now it is necessary to choose a high-quality and reliable roofing material, taking into account which it is possible to determine the parameters of the truss system. The weight of the material exerts pressure and load on the rafters, so the issue of high-quality fastening material to the base.

    To facilitate calculations of the construction of the truss system and the number required material, it is better to pre-prepare a design drawing of the roof. All fasteners must be listed here. You can make it yourself, but it is better to turn to specialists.

    The largest weight (and, accordingly, the load) is given by such roofing material as ceramic tiles. All components of the building (foundation, walls, truss system) must take into account the weight of the roofing material.

    The construction of the truss system comes from coniferous wood. The moisture content of the timber should be about 22%. It is not allowed to have various knots and blue spots on the wood.

    For the construction of the roof of the house, it is necessary to prepare:

    • Waterproofing, insulating, vapor barrier material;
    • Special screws, self-tapping screws, iron staples;
    • Instruments.

    Remember, using high-quality materials, you guarantee long-term operation of the roof. In addition, after the installation is completed, such a roof will not require repairs for many years.

    truss system

    The rafter system consists of rafters, lathing, struts and Mauerlat.

    There are such truss systems:

    • Layered;
    • Hanging.

    The triangle is the main figure in the roof. With their ends, the layered rafters rest on bearing walls buildings, and in the middle - to the intermediate supports. A support hanging rafters are only Mauerlat or walls.

    Mauerlat is the upper crown of a log house in wooden houses or a special beam in brick buildings. The rafters are connected to each other in a run located at the top of the rafter system. At the last stage of installation, a roof ridge is installed on it.

    The design of the roofing pie is hydro, vapor barrier materials, a foam layer, a crate and a roofing material. Sometimes it consists of more layers. It depends on the climatic conditions of the area in which the building is being built.


    Mauerlat is laid on the load-bearing walls. Fastening takes place with anchors. Previously, a waterproofing layer is spread under it - roofing felt or roofing material. After the rafters are laid.

    The rafter system is ready, it is necessary to carry out the installation of the crate. It can be either continuous or through a step. The choice directly depends on the roofing material. For example, for soft tiles it is logical to use a continuous plywood crate.

    If, for example, a metal tile is used as a roofing material, then the crate should have a certain step - 40-50 cm. When constructing the crate, you need to ensure that it has a small overhang that forms a cornice.

    Does your project involve the presence of an attic as a living space? In this case, a vapor barrier material must be laid under the roofing material. In construction, many types of this material are used. Often use isospan or yutafan. If the slope is broken, it is necessary to carefully lay all the layers. Remember that in places from the connection, the insulating material must be overlapped.

    After that, a heat-insulating layer is laid, which will help to keep the heat in the house in the future. Many developers today are building only warm roofs using foam. Often use mineral wool, isover or ursu. Embossed insulation, it is necessary to use the material that is resistant to frost, moisture. Of course, it should not emit an unpleasant odor and harmful substances.

    Remember, there must be a space of at least 50 mm between the crate and the insulation. Thus, condensate will not damage the surface of the foam. For the construction of space, a counter-lattice is used, installed from bars along the rafters.

    roofing material

    Now you can start installing the roofing material. Often this process starts from the bottom up. The material is collected on the roof, like a constructor. If there are no special fasteners, then the sheets are laid out on the rafters, leveled and attached with special nails or self-tapping screws, which are often included. They must have rubber seals. The color of such nails should match the shade of the roofing.

    Particular attention should be paid to the valley, if the house under construction has complex roof. These places are often exposed to moisture, which accumulates and negatively affects the roofing cake.

    Upon completion of the installation of the roof, proceed to the installation of overhangs and snow retainers. Without them, the roof will have an unattractive appearance, and operation will be problematic. Their installation is simple, but requires care and accuracy.


    In the under-roof space, it is imperative to build a ventilation system. It affects the duration of the operation of the roof in the future, protects it from dampness and circulates air. It can be built by various methods: natural draft, special devices.

    By following all the stages of roof installation, you will avoid the possibility of making mistakes when building a roof. Remember, there is nothing to miss here. Every element matters! And in no case can you save on it. Remember that labor protection, safety is what you should worry about in advance. After the completion of the work, your work will be appreciated. After all, you built your house on your own, and a high-quality roof will last a long time.

    Before starting to describe step by step construction roof, you need to deal with its device as a whole. As a rule, all roofing systems include three separate parts, together, representing a single roof structure:

    1. Most main part roofs can be called its supporting frame, which consists of a truss system, battens and ridge boards. For the device of the supporting frame, materials such as reinforced concrete, metal and wood can be used.

    However, when building a private house, most often they still use wood, which not only has low price, but also in principle easy for roofing. It is this roof construction option that will be discussed below.

    At the same time, we note that for the device of the truss system it is best to use boards 5 cm thick and 10 cm wide, and boards 2.5 cm thick and 10-12 cm wide are suitable for battens.

    2. The second part of the roof is an insulating layer, on which the service life of the roof depends.

    As practice shows, one of the main problems of the roof is evaporation and the appearance of condensate, which has a significant impact on load-bearing structure in general, and can simply lead it to an unusable state. And to prevent this from happening, you should choose the right insulation layer for the roof structure. For this, roofing material is mainly used, as the cheapest material, but it is also very common to find the use of a vapor-waterproofing film or glassine.

    3. And the last equally important part is the roofing material, which can also be of different types.

    The most common and cheapest roofing material is, of course, asbestos-cement and bituminous slate. The second place in popularity, most likely, is occupied by ondulin, which is very similar to wavy slate and has excellent resistance to negative influences. Metal tiles are less in demand, which, although considered the most practical material, causes some difficulties during installation.

    All these parts of the roofing system must be made of sufficient quality, since the reliability of the entire finished structure depends on them. And the roof, no matter what kind it is, must be able to perform the following functions:

    • the roof must withstand wind and snow loads;
    • must be waterproof;
    • the roof structure should not accumulate condensate;
    • the roof should provide in the house normal humidity and even temperature
    • there must be good resistance to temperature extremes and chemical influences;
    • and lastly, the roof must be constructed so that it can be cleaned of dirt and repaired.

    Roof construction steps

    As we mentioned earlier, we will consider the most commonly used wooden roof structure in the construction of private houses, we will take the cheapest materials - roofing felt and slate - as the insulating and roofing material.

    Note that there are two methods of attaching the lower part of the supporting frame of the roof to the wall of the house: the frame is either attached to the floor beam, or the frame is attached to a special Mauerlat, which is a thick wooden beam size 15x15 cm in cross section, laid along the axis of the wall.

    Mauerlat helps to evenly distribute loads at the points of support of the roof structure along the entire wall of the building, but most often you can do without it, that is, use the first option, but keep in mind that the strength of the beams themselves and the walls of the house must be so high to withstand all roof.

    When describing the stages of construction, the supporting frame of the roof is attached to the floor beam.

    Step 1 Rafter device

    We begin to build a supporting frame. To do this, first of all, using nails 1.5 cm long, it is necessary to fasten the rafters together in the form of an end connection at the top point. Then, stepping back a little lower from the top point, by about 60-65 cm, you additionally need to fasten the rafters together with a board, you should get a design in the form of the letter “A”.

    Next, first of all, the extreme rafters are installed, while their lower ends are laid on the wall of the house with a release of about 20 cm. rafter board, and the other to the ceiling beam.

    Then it is necessary to install the rafters in the center of the house and mount the ridge board on top, which will give the rafters a stronger connection with each other. After all this work has been done, you can install the rest of the rafters according to the same principle as they did earlier. It must be remembered that, ideally, the distance between the rafters should be no more than 50 cm.

    Step 2 Sheathing

    Before proceeding to this step, we note that the lathing system can be of two types, which have their own specific design features and are designed for a certain type of roofing material.

    The first and most time-consuming is considered to be a continuous type system, which, as a rule, consists of two continuous layers, the seams of which intersect in each row. The first layer of such a system is mainly made of edged boards, and waterproof plywood is used as the second layer.

    The second most common and simplest type of sheathing is the thinned system, which is commonly used for hard roofing material. And in our case, we will use this particular type of crate. To do this, the boards for the crate are laid at a distance of about 5 cm from each other with a release of approximately 25 cm beyond the extreme rafters. The batten boards are also fastened with nails, that is, there are two nails for each rafter leg.

    Step 3 Insulation

    To organize insulation over the crate, it is necessary to lay roofing material rolls vertically with an overlap of at least 15 cm. You can fix the roofing material to the crate with medium nails with a wide hat.

    At this step, you should also mention warming. If it is assumed that the house will be without an attic or with a residential attic, then it is recommended to lay insulation material between the rafters, which is most often used as foam plastic or mineral wool.

    Step 4 Roofing

    The last step in the construction of the roof is the laying of the roofing material, in our case 6-wave slate. It is always necessary to start laying slate from the bottom. At the same time, when laying the first three rows, it is imperative to check how even these rows are, otherwise, if one of the slate rows has even the slightest deviation from a flat line, then the entire roof will have to be re-covered.

    When laying, it should also be taken into account that the overlap of the second row of slate on the slate of the first row during longitudinal laying should be at least 10-15 cm, and during transverse laying, the overlap of one sheet of slate on another should be at least one “wave”. Fastening of slate sheets is carried out with the help of special slate nails.


    As you can see, the construction of the roof consists of just a few simple steps, while the proposed version of the roof system is good for reasons such as:

    1. The construction of such a roof does not require huge amount building materials, and, consequently, high material costs;
    2. The installation of the roof, described above, is so simple that you can easily and quickly do it yourself, and, therefore, you can save on hiring a team of builders.
    3. And lastly, building a roof with your own hands, you will always be sure that all the work has been done with high quality and the roof will not let you down in inclement weather.

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