What is liturgy. About Divine Liturgy

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Liturgy (translated "ministry", "common cause") - the main Christian worship service, during which the sacrament of the Eucharist (preparation) is committed. Liturgy translated from Greek means a joint job. Believers are going to the temple so that together "single mouth and a single heart" to glorify God and coming around the Holy Taine of Christ (I draw attention that in order to take advantage - it is necessary to specifically prepare:, to deduct the canons, come to the church completely on an empty stomach, t. e. nothing is not drinking anything after 00-00 hours before the service).
Liturgy is simple words. Liturgy is the most important church service. This is the sacred (church service) during which you can come in the church.

What is a dinner in the Orthodox Church?

Liturgy is sometimes called lunch, as it should be done usually from dawn to noon, that is, in the premiere time.

When, what time and what days the liturgy goes into the church?

In large churches and monasteries, liturgi may occur daily. In the churches, Liturgy usually passes on Sundays.
The beginning of the liturgy is about 8-30, but to every temples in different ways. Service duration 1.5-2 hours.

Why in the temple takes place (needed) liturgy? What does liturgy mean?

This holy sacrament established Jesus Christ on a secret evening with the apostles, before his sufferings. He took her bread in his preching hands, blessed him, prevented and divided his disciples, saying: "Check, database: this is my body. "Then he took the cup with wine, blessed her and, submitting to the disciples, said:" Piece from KSI: Siaia Boy is the blood of my Novago Testament, but for many poured into the remaining sins "(Matt. 26, 26-28). Then the Savior Apostles, and in the face of them and all believers, gave the commandment to make this sacrament before the condation of the world, in the memory of his sufferings, death and resurrection, for the closest connection with him believers. He said: "We create this in my memoil" (Luke 22, 19).

What is the meaning and symbolic actions of the liturgy? What is the liturgy?

On the liturgy, the earthly life of Jesus Christ is remembered from birth to the ascension to heaven, and the Eucharist itself expresses the earthly life of Christ.

Liturgy order:

1. Ancecry.

First, everything necessary for the sacrament of communion is preparing - prosomy (translation - bringing). The first part of the Liturgy "Ancecry" is the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. Bread used in proscakes is called Disformation, which means "offering".
During the proscride, the priest prepares our gifts (prosphoras). For anointing, five official prosphoras are used (in the memoir of how Jesus Christ feed more than five thousand people in five breads) as well as prosphoras ordered by parishioners. For communion, one prosfora is used (the lamb), which is most valuable to correspond to the number of participants. Ancecry is committed by the priest in a low-voice altar with the altar closed. At this time, the third and sixth hour of character (liturgical book) is read.

Ancecry, during which wine and bread (prosphoras) are prepared for the Eucharist (communion) and the souls of Christians of the living and the deceased, for which the priest takes out particles from prosphora.

At the end of the service, these particles are immersed in a bowl with blood with a prayer "Father, Lord, the sins of all ZeDa who fell honestly by your blood of the prayers of Holie your saints." The commemoration of the living and deceased at ambassia is the most effective prayer. Ancecdia is committed by clergy in the altar, a clock is usually read at this time at this time. (In order for the priest during ancecradia to read the prayer for your loved one, you need to send a note to the candle shop with the words "at Promchadia")

2. The second part of the liturgy - Liturgy announced.

During the liturgy announced (announced - these are people who are preparing for the adoption of Holy Baptism), we learn how to live according to God's commandments. It begins with great design (jointly enhanced prayer), in which the priest or deacon reads short prayers about peace times, about health, about our country, about our loved ones, about the Church, about the Patriarch, about traveling, about in prisons or in trouble . After each donkey, the choir sings: "Lord Pommery."

After reading a number of prayers, the priest solemnly endures the gospel through the northern gates from the altar and also solemnly contributes to the altar through the royal gates. (The march of the clergy with the Gospel is called a small entrance and reminds the believer of the first yisus of Christ to the sermon).

At the end of singing, the priest with a deacon, which carries a hand-held gospel, goes to the ammon (in front of the iconostasis). Having received a blessing from the priest, Deacon stops in the royal gates and, raising up the gospel, proclaims: "Wisdom, forgive," that is, it reminds the believers that they will soon hear the gospel reading, therefore they should stand straight and with attention (sorry - means straight).
Read the apostle and the gospel. When reading the gospel, believers stand with tilted heads, listening to the holy glory.
Then, after reading the next row, the prayers announced offered to exit the temple (published sore).

3. The third part is the Liturgy of the faithful.

In front of the Ceruvim Song, the royal gates and deacon makes each. After the execution of words: "There is no living on now, I will postpone the care ..." The priest solemnly endures the holy gifts - bread and wine - from the northern gates of the altar. Having stopped at the royal gates, he prays for everyone who we especially remember, and, returning through the royal gates to the altar, puts honest gifts for the throne. (Transferring gifts from the altar to the throne is called the Great Entrance and marks the solemn procession of Jesus Christ to free suffering and the godfather).
After "Kheruvimskaya" there is a leaking object and one of the main prayers - the "symbol of faith", which, together with singers, perform all the parishioners.

Then, after a number of prayers, the climax of liturgy comes: the Holy Mystery of Eucharist is a premium of bread and wine into the true body and the true blood of the Lord of our Jesus Christ.

Then sounds the "laudatory song of the Virgin Mary" and the leakage. The most important thing is the "Prayer of the Lord" (our Father ... ") - fulfill all believers. After the "Prayer of the Lord" comes in a snooze. Opened royal gates. The priest puts the bowl with the Holy Gifts (in some churches, it is customary to get on his knees when removing the bowls with communion) and says: "Let's start with the fear of God and faith!"

Begins the communion of believers.
What to do during communion?

Particares fold hands on the chest right on top of the left. First, children are tested, then men, then women. Come to the priest with a bowl, call the name, open the mouth. You put in my mouth a piece of prosphora in wine. It is necessary to kiss the bowl in the hands of the priest. Then you need to eat communion, go to the table and take a piece of prosphoras there, and then drink. You need to eat and drink so that all the sacrament gets inside the body, and not left on the nurse or in the teeth.

Upon completion of communion, singers sing a thanksgiving song: "Yes, our mouth will be fulfilled ..." and Psalm 33. Next, the priest says release (i.e., the completion of the liturgy). There is a "multi-member" and parishioners kiss the cross.

Please note that after the communion it is necessary to read "thankful prayers".

Holy Righteous John (Kronstadt): "... There is no true life without a source of life - Jesus Christ. Liturgy is a treasurer, a source of true life, because the Lord himself is in it. The Lord of Life teaches himself in food and beings believers in him and in excess gives the life of parties to his ... Our Divine Liturgy, and in the particular Eucharist, is the greatest and constant revelation of God's love. "

Karinka depicts a photo on which the image of Jesus Christ was manifested as well as light from icons during liturgia

What can not be done after the communion?

- After the communion, it is impossible to kneel before the icon.
- It is impossible to smoke, swear, but it is necessary to behave in Christian.

Divine Liturgy - Top and the center of Orthodox worship. During the liturgy committed The sacrament of the Eucharist - The combination of faithful with Christ through the communion under the guise of bread and the wines of the saints and life-giving body and the blood of the Savior. In this compound - the basis and meaning of the life of all the faithful, components of the Unified Body of Christ - the Church.

The first part of the liturgy - proscride , or offer, is usually done when reading the third and sixth hours, secretly, in the altar - as mysterious and unknowns for many were great events, memorized on it.

At Ancecdia, the priest prays about the presence of his worthy great sacredness and prepares bread and wine for the future of the sacrament, and two most important events are familiar with the symbolic actions and words of prayer - the embodiment (Christmas) of the word God and sacrifice themselves on the cross to save people. The entire Church of the Earth and Heaven is also commemorated: from God's Mother and Saints of God to all the now living and deceased Orthodox Christians, praying for which the priest takes out particles from prosphorn - special liturgical breads. At the end of the liturgy, after the communion, these particles will be shipped into the bowl with the Holy Blood of the Lord as a petition for the forgiveness and salvation of the commemorable people. This petition has for living and deceased greater strength and meaning.

The second part of the liturgy - Liturgy announced (so called preparing for baptism, as well as, for special misconduct, not allowed before communion for the purposes of more efficient repentance) - begins by the exclamation glorification of the kingdom of the Blessed Trinity and great Ektenia . Then follows singing two antifons (on Sunday - psalms of the 102nd and 145th depicting the benefits of God's people and leaning hopes first of all on God) performed by two choirs alternately and songs "The only beggar son ...", in which we confess the incarnation of the Savior and the redemption committed by it. After a small object the so-called so-called are "Bliss" - High commandments who left the Savior to his disciples, promising for their sincere, in the whole depth of heart performance spiritual and earthly goods. Sunday antifons and "bliss" are replaced by special, festive, antifones, and on weekdays - Psalms with special chills.

While singing "bliss" a small entrance of the clergy with the Gospel is performed. , marking the phenomenon of the Savior into the world for preaching and committing the redemption of the human race. The candle, an advantage of the Gospel, symbolizes both the light of Christ the teachings and the predecessor of Christ, the Holy Prophet and the Baptist of John, who prepared people to accept the Messiah. The priest during a small entrance prays that the holy angels are participants and servers of the committed Divine Service.

After a small entrance follows singing the tropars dedicated to the holiday or events and saints are dedicated to the temple as well as "TRICE" (in some great holidays - and other chants: "The Elitsa in Christ is baptized, in Christ Eating. Alliluia).

Worship continues reading passages from apostolic messages or acts of the Holy Apostles, and then from the Gospel that symbolizes the preaching of the apostles and the very Jesus Christ. Listening to the Gospel is needed with special attention, as if the Lord itself, the signing of us. Reading from the Holy Scriptures may relate to the holiday or be "ordinary", that is, the following in the Holy Scripture one after another and readable in a row, one every day.

Liturgy announced ending with the following which sounds the prayer of the church about the many needs of living (during her the priest secretly reads the prayer of a diligent prayer, in which he asks for a generous blessing to God for all true); suffered where the forgiveness of sins and the life of the eternal departed; about announced , which is remembered by the baptism of preparing to this great sacrament. In antiquity after the last object, the announcements were published from the temple. Now, hearing the call of the diacon: "Owned, sore!"- We must think whether we wear the title of faithful, whether we are worthy of being present on the Savior's secret evening repeated for us, and should pray for the forgiveness of their sins.

The third part of the liturgy - Liturgy is true where only baptized and preserving the gracious godbatch gifts in antiquity could be present in antiquity. begins two brief objects .

Then follows Great input Mounted by the Church for the transfer of honest gifts from the altar to the throne for their sanctification. During singing of the Kheruvim song we urge to postpone all sorts of earthly worries: "Cherubs secretly form ...",that is, the mysteriously depicting (by himself) Cherubs, worthy of honoring the king of all Christ attentive prayer and worthy of the adoption of holy gifts. The priests overlook the honest gifts from the side doors in the preceding the gifts with an elevated candle. Honest gifts at the same time depict Christ himself, King Glory. All the upcoming in the temple adopt heads and pray for themselves with the words of the robber, crucified on the cross: "Remember me, Lord, probably in your kingdom", thus, asking for priests to recall them when the gifts, brought by them in a bloodless victim. After the commemoration of the ruling bishop, the entire priest and monastic rank, the party and the blessings of the upcoming people and the blessings of the upcoming people the clergy includes through the royal gates to the altar . Praying at this time should be raised their prayers for employees and for themselves. The sacred relationship reminds us of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, as well as the congestion of Jesus Christ to the place of his crucifixion and the burial of His holy righteous Joseph Arimate and Nicodemia.

After leaking and singing all believers symbol faith begins the most important part of the liturgy - Eucharist canon , during which an incomprehensible way, the delights of the grace of the Holy Spirit) of bread and wine into the holy body and the blood of the Savior. Reading the secret Eucharistic prayer, glorifying the benefits and infinite love of God to man and rejoicing the secret evening, the priest says out loud words of the Savior, spoken by him when establishing the sacrament of communion: "Press, Fly, this is my body my, hedgehog for you breaking to leaving sins" and: "Pie from DSI: Siah is the blood of my Novago Testament, Like you for you and for many poured in leaving sins" (Cm. MF. 26: 26-28. LK. 22: 19-20. 1 Cor. 11:24).

It serves as a reminder to us that we are really present on the secret evening repeated for us that we are, as two thousand years ago, the Saints of the Apostles, the Savior calls for unity with him.

Holy Minutes of the Eucharistic Canon - prayer Cancer of the Holy Spirit and in blessing of the Saints Darov alignment of them - occur after the priest's exclamation: "Your from you is brought to all about everyone and for all" - and accompanied by singing: "We sing to you, you bless you, thank you, Lord; And the molim, God, "At these moments in the altar, the very same election of bread and wine in the body and the blood of Christ, who made the Savior at the Last Savior, blessing bread and wine.

The Eucharist Canon continues the glorification of the Mother of God in the song "worthy to eat" granted to us, for church legend, an angel, and a prayer of the priest for all members of the church. After canon follows self-leaking and singing with all the believers of the prayer of the Lord "Our Father" - This sample of prayer, comprehensive all the main, spiritual and everyday, human needs. With this prayer, we once again call on the love, the necessary participants of the united meal of the Heavenly Father, and for the Forgiveness of the Middle, so that our sins also say goodbye.

Deacon led: "WONMEM" (i.e. we will be attentive), and deputy Priest: "Holy Sacred" indicating the need for cleanliness to be proceded to the final sacrament (and khor. With fear of humbly replies: "One Satoly, the Lord Jesus Christ in the glory of God Father, Amen" , but miils make earthly bow ), I. closing altar curtain it comes in involved. After it, for the starting to the sacrament usually read prayers to holy communion So in the last minutes before communion, the mind and heart did not dissipate.

At that time sacred clergy commits in the altar By doing this into the image of the communion of the apostles at the Last Supper: the priest commits himself and teaches the holy secrets of Deon. For the communion of clergy, thanks to, pray: "About Easter Grand and Sacred, Christ! About wisdom and the Word of God and Silo! Submit us anterorant you are coming up in the wilderness of your kingdoms. "

After the communion of priests, the royal gates opens - How once the Savior Coffin opened - and holy bowl for oral communion is made . This is the first phenomenon of holy gifts reminds us the first phenomenon of Jesus Christ on the Sunday, the former Holy Maria Magdaline.

Deacon led: "With fear of God and be proceeding" , but choir sings: "Blessed Grocery in the name of the Lord, the God of the Lord and come to us" For the holy gifts - Christ himself, which is for unity with the faithful. All those present in the temple make a terrestrial bow before the coming and omnipresent God. Repeating the priest of the word prayer before communion , we confess our faith in Christ and the Divine power of the Holy Gifts: "I believe, Lord, and confession, Yako, you who are really Christ, the son of God Zhivago ... I still believe, Yako this is the most preching body your own and this is the most honest Blood Your ..."- and pray for the forgiveness of the continuousness and the false communion of the holy secrets.

Starting to the communion fold on breasts In the sign of faith in saving us with a crucified Christ. With fear, feeling of their unnecessary and humility, with faith in the Safety Savings, by calling her name, they take the fatty secrets and carefully kiss the edge of the holy bowl. Choir during communion sings: "The body of Christ, the source seemlessly taste." After communion, you need to try to keep yourself from all sinful and memorial about the great and terrible mystery, mercy and love of God to us, sinful.

For the communion of Miry the priest lowers all the particles into the holy bowl that were taken out of prosphoray, asking the Lord, washed by the blood of the sins of everyone who fell into liturgy, then quietly pronounces: "God is blessed" - and B. the last time makes the holy bowl and with the words: "Always, now and dream and forever." blesses the holy gifts of believers, and we respond to earthly bow The Lord is in the holy gifts. Participants make a waist bow . The blessing of the believers of the holy bowl and its transfer from the throne to the altar marks the last phenomenon of Lord to students and his ascension to the sky. Also, it reminds us of the promise of the Savior to stay in his church with believers all the days before the protrusion of the century (Matt. 28:20).

The priest hurts: "With the world of sore" And the choir responds from the face of all praying: "On the name of the Lord", that is, with the name of God in the soul, with the world of Christ in thoughts and heart.

Followed by this thank you and so-called "Cameravonny Prayer" (read by the priest before the ammon), in which the blessing of believers and their sanctification, the preservation of the Church, the custody of the world to the world. Thereafter the choir sings three times: "Budy the name of the Lord is blessed from now on and before the century". Then the priest utters the release (final prayer service) , but choir sings multi-formations , I. liquor, attached to the Holy Cross (And participants also listening to prayers after the Holy Communion), go out of the temple, thanks to God and trying to preserve the female enlightenment in his soul.

From the book "Veligid Vigil. Divine liturgy. The sacraments of the church "Publishers of the Holy Trinity Sergiye Lavra

Ancecry, liturgy announced, antiphip and objects - what they mean all these words, says Archimandrite Nazari (Omelyannenko), teacher of the Kiev Spiritual Academy.

- Father, Liturgy, John Zlatoust, is performed in the Orthodox Church throughout the year, except for the Great Post, when it serves on Saturdays, to the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin and Wija. When did Niturgy John Zlatoust appeared? And what does the word "liturgy" mean?

- The word "liturgy" is translated from Greek as a "common cause". This is the most important worship of the daily circle, during which the Eucharist is committed. After the Lord rushes into heaven, the apostles began to make the sacrament of communion every day, reading the prayers, psalms and sacred writings. The first Chin of Liturgy was compiled by the apostle Iakov, the brother of the Lord. In the ancient church there were many cyan surrenders of the Liturgy in the territory of the Roman Empire, which for the IV-VII centuries were unified and in the same form are now used in the Orthodox Church. The Liturgy of John Zlatoust, which is committed more often, is an independent creation of the saint on the basis of the text of Anaphor of the Apostle Jacob. Liturgy Vasily the Great will serve only 10 times a year (5 Resurrection of the Great Post, the Great Thursday, the Great Saturday, the Christmas and Epiphany Christmas Eve, the Day of the Saint Memory) and represents the abbreviated version of Liturgy Jacob. The third liturgy - the required gifts, the editorial office of which is attributed to the Holy Gregory Dobeslov, Bishop Roman. This liturgy is performed only in the Great Post: Wednesday and Friday, on Thursday, the fifth week, in the first three days passionate saddemitsa.

- Liturgy consists of three parts. The first part is ambassading. What happens during anointing in the temple?

- "Ancecry" translates as "offering". This is the first part of the liturgy, on which the preparation of bread and wine is carried out to commit the sacrament of the Eucharist. Initially, the proscride consisted of the procedure for choosing the best bread and dissolving wine with water. It should be noted that these substances brought Christian themselves to commit the sacrament. From the IV century there is circumcision of the Lamb - Eucharistic Bread. From the VII-9th centuries, the proscride is gradually formed as complex chinocution with the withdrawal of many particles. Accordingly, the location of the proscride during worship in a historical retrospect was changed. At first she was accomplished before the Great Entrance, later, with the development of rank, was made to the beginning of a liturgy for a reverent commit. Bread for anointing should be fresh, clean, wheat, well-scale and cooked with Zakvaya. After the church reform of Patriarch Nikon for Ancecdia began to use five prosphoras (the Liturgy reform served on seven prosforas) in the memory of the evangelical miracle on saturation by Christ five bars of five thousand people. According to the appearance of prosphoras should be rounded and two-sufficient to commemorate the two Nat of Jesus Christ. For the removal of the Lamb, the prosfora is used with a special seal from above in the form of a sign of the cross, separating the inscription: ιC XS nor - "Jesus Christ wins." Wine for anointing should be natural grape, without impurities, red.

During the withdrawal of the Lamb and infringement, the priest pronounces the words of prophecy and evangelical quotes about the passions and the godfather death of the Savior. Next occurs the seizure of particles behind the Virgin, saints, living and deceased. All particles are set on the displate in such a way as apparently indicate the completeness of the Church of Christ (earthly and heaven), the head of which is Christ.

- The second part of the liturgy is called liturgy announced. Where did this name come from?

- Liturgy announced is indeed the second part of the liturgy. This name, this part won because at that moment they could pray in the temple along with the faithful and announced - people who were preparing for the adoption of baptism and passed Catechization. In antiquity, announced in the focus and gradually got used to Christian worship. This part is still referred to as the Liturgy of the Word, since the central moment is to read the Holy Scriptures and the sermon. The reading of the Apostle and the Gospel is coming to believers the life and teachings of Christ about God, and each of the readings symbolizes the spread of grace on Earth after the preaching of Christ and the Apostles.

- When do antifons come across? What it is?

- At the divine service of the Orthodox Church of Prayer, anti-appendly, i.e. alternately. The principle of singing of Psalms Anti-Poins in the Eastern Church was introduced by the Sacred Martyr Ignatius by the Godron, in the Western - Saint Amvrosiya Medialyan. There are two types of antifones that are performed on the uterine and on liturgy. The powerful antifons on the utensils are used only on the all-bedains, they are written on the reasons of the 18th caffes in imitation of windshield singing on steps when climbing in the Jerusalem Temple. On the Liturgy, antifons are divided into weeks (91st, 92nd, 94th Psalms), who received their name from use during the daily service; The pictorial (102nd, 145th psalms, blessed) are called because they are taken from the submission of visual; And the festive, which are used on the Lords of the two-month holidays and Easter and consisting of poetry selected Psalms. According to Tipikon, there is also the concept of psalter antifons, i.e., the division of the caphysis into three "glory", which are referred to as antifones.

- What is objects and what are they?

- The objects translated from the Greek - "puller", represents the dice of the diacon with the singing of the choir alternately and the final exclamation of the priest. There are the following types of objects: a great (peaceful), pupil, small, leaking, clock, about the announced, lithium, final (at the end of the Village and Country). There is also eating on various prayers, sacraments, tremors, monastic stops, harotesias. In essence, they have the structure of the above objects, only have additional passions.

- Third part of the liturgy - Liturgy faithful. Is this the most important part?

- Liturgy of the faithful is so referred to because it may only be true. Another name is the victim's liturgy, since the central place is to bring the bloodless victim, the commitment of the Eucharist. This is the most important part of the liturgy. At the beginning of this part, the singing of the Kheruvim song and a great entrance, during which the holy gifts are transferred from the altar to the throne. Further before Anaphore (Eucharistic Prayer), all believers together pronounce a symbol of faith, testifying to the unity of the confession of the Orthodox faith. During the anathematory, the priest is pronounced by the fair-sensitive prayers with the calling of the Holy Spirit to consemine the praying and offer the holy gifts. Liturgy is completed by the common communion of clergy and believers, in which the Cat Cathedral and the unity of the Christ Church is evident.

Tamed Natalia Goroshkov

The word "liturgy" first appeared in Greece and meant the case made together. When carrying out the divine ministry, the sacrament of communion is committed when, after repentance and confession, the Orthodox are tested by the body and blood of Jesus through the adoption of pieces of prosphora and grape wines.

Christian foundations of the Eucharist

Two thousand years ago, Christ at the secret evening left the commandment, take the communion in memory of him, tasted bread and wine. Modern Christians join his blood through this sacrament committed during the Divine Liturgy.

Divine Liturgy - most important worship service

In the previous times, the great worship was called lunch, Catholics spend the sacrament on Messe.

The first Christians in the Jewish society were perceived as a sect, so they were persecuted. I carry the Gospel of Christ to the world, talking about the meaning of the Eucharist, the students of Jesus were constantly subjected to society attacks, so often their worships were held under the cover of the mystery.

After the services of the pagans, the Apostle Paul defended the proposal to allow to the communion of converts of newly directed pagans without complying with the law of Moses on circumcision. In the first ministries, Psalms were read almost daily, sermons were said, prayers were sang, and all the ministries ended with remembering the secret evening. On common prayers, Christians were refracted every day and took wine, recalling the Savior's earthly life.

Later this action will be called the Eucharist, which is the central part of the Divine ministry. Unlike Jews, Christians:

  • abandoned bloody victims, adopting a single and last sacrifice, God's Liberty, Jesus Christ;
  • can handraffer any person on Earth, who adopted Christianity, and not just Aaron descendants;
  • the location of the ministry choose the whole world;
  • prayer worships can be held both during the day and night;
  • entered the clock at the time of ministry.

Liturgical hours

Prayers, the reading time of which is determined by the time of day, is called clock. During these prayers, which will last a quarter of an hour, the maximum concentration of attention is required to distract from the worldly bustle and feel God's presence in its entirety.

Wob's clock - this is a special rank of prayers, which is read in the temple in a certain

After hours, which start at six in the evening, there is ordinary worship.

Divine ministry begins with evening and ledges, which begin at 17.00 and 21.00, respectively.

Night ministry ends with a half-one, after which the morning, begins at 7 o'clock in the morning, it sounds the prayer of the first hour. The third hour is read at 9 am, the sixth - 12.00, finishes the day prayers of the ninth hour at 15 o'clock. The Divine Liturgy serves from the third to the ninth hour, although each temple has its own schedule.

The schedule of prayer hours make their adjustments, holidays and special dates. For example, in front of the Holy Resurrection, the night vigil combines such worships as the evening, the vorter and the seal.

Important! Divine Liturgy and Eucharist are not held in the Great Friday.

Sequence of Divine Liturgy

The sacrament of the communion in Orthodoxy is called the Eucharist, the worship service at which the communion is committed, and there is a liturgy. This word in Greek consists of two components, the first means public, originated from the part of the word "Litos", the second - Ergos in translation means the service.

Liturgy, as a rule, is performed before lunch and consists of three parts:

  • Proscride;
  • Liturgy announced;
  • Liturgy faithful.

The origins of the great ministry began in early Christianity, the changes occurred in the church itself, but remained unchanged both the basis and symbolism.

Liturgy Items

Worship, during which the Eucharist is committed almost daily, the exceptions make up some days during the post of the Great, Christmas, Wednesday and Friday of the Week preceding the Easter abstinence and a few days, you can learn about the temple schedule.

During the Great Worship, the life of the Savior is remembered, ranging from the Annunciation to his resurrection.


While reading the cozy and closed prayer of the door of the altar, they are closed, and the bread and grape wine for the Eucharist are preparing.

When the great gifts are ready, the third and sixth hour is read, remembering all the prophecies from the Old Testament about the birth of the Messiah and the Christmas itself, Jesus. During the proscride, the saints, prophets and apostles governed to God are remembered.

Liturgy announced

The unusualness of the name of this worship comes from the fact that not only people who have adopted Orthodoxy across baptism were allowed to him, but those who are preparing to do, announced. This part of the Divine Ministry is designed to prepare those present to the adoption of holy gifts.

Antipheral singing begins the second part of the service with singing "Only Begotten Son", then the priests endure the gospel, after which the singing continues, prokimen and the sermon starts.

Liturgy announced

The choir sings "Hallelujah" and poems from the psalter, after which the sermon is read again, which the objects completes - a prayer petition. In this part, the ministry differs from the rest of two in that each verse sounds "Amen" or "Lord, Homes," after which the believers impose a cross-country sign.

On a note! Previously announced by the temple, they currently remain in place, but only as observers, and not participants.

Liturgy loyal

The Kheruvim Song sounds before the great course, which opens the third part of the Divine Liturgy. Opening the royal gates of the altar, Deacon, reading Psalm 50, makes a turn:

  • throne;
  • altar;
  • iconostasis;
  • priest;
  • parishioners

The holy gifts are transferred to the throne, after which the royal gates closes and read the "Symbol of Faith".

Anaphor, read further, is the main part of the liturgy. This is an Eucharistic prayer in which the Last Supper is remembered, the Holy Spirit is called and there is a petitional petition for living and those who have gone into heaven. During an ephor, the divine transformation of bread and wine into the holy gifts is the body of the Lord and his blood.

Anaphor is an eucharistic prayer readable by a priest

Combination begins after reading the Jesus Prayer "Our Father". Christians before adopting the communion should be held in the post. Divine Liturgy is a symbol of playing the life of the Savior on Earth, each action of great worship has its meaning.

After the Eucharist deacon, a brief crossing is pronounced with Thanksgiving Most High for the Communion, after which they let go of the parishioners with the world around the houses.

Varieties of liturgium according to the Byzantine rite

Orthodox worship numbers are 5 great liturgies, only three of them are currently being held. As a classic version described above, a divine service is carried out, founded by John Zlatoust.

Ten times during the year the Liturgy of the Great Vasily, characterized by longer prayers, is performed.

During the Great Post, the liturgy of the honored gifts, written by Gregory Dvoyeslov, sounds. In this service there is no ambassading, the Eucharist is committed by consecrated bread and wine.

A number of arrival of the Orthodox Church abroad are carried out by the great worship of Jacob, a distinctive feature of which are some permutations in Anaphore.

The apostle Mark made a liturgy that received his worship only in 2007 at the bishop's synod of the Orthodox Church, it is committed in some foreign Russian temples.

Explanation of Divine Liturgy

Liturgy (translated "ministry", "common cause") - the main Christian worship service, during which the sacrament of the Eucharist (preparation) is committed. Liturgy translated from Greek means a joint job. Believers are going to the temple so that together "single mouth and a single heart" to glorify God and coming around the Holy Taine of Christ (I draw attention that in order to take advantage - it is necessary to specifically prepare:, to deduct the canons, come to the church completely on an empty stomach, t. e. nothing is not drinking anything after 00-00 hours before the service).
Liturgy is simple words. Liturgy is the most important church service. This is the sacred (church service) during which you can come in the church.

What is a dinner in the Orthodox Church?

Liturgy is sometimes called lunch, as it should be done usually from dawn to noon, that is, in the premiere time.

When, what time and what days the liturgy goes into the church?

In large churches and monasteries, liturgi may occur daily. In the churches, Liturgy usually passes on Sundays.
The beginning of the liturgy is about 8-30, but to every temples in different ways. Service duration 1.5-2 hours.

Why in the temple takes place (needed) liturgy? What does liturgy mean?

This holy sacrament established Jesus Christ on a secret evening with the apostles, before his sufferings. He took her bread in his preching hands, blessed him, prevented and divided his disciples, saying: "Check, database: this is my body. "Then he took the cup with wine, blessed her and, submitting to the disciples, said:" Piece from KSI: Siaia Boy is the blood of my Novago Testament, but for many poured into the remaining sins "(Matt. 26, 26-28). Then the Savior Apostles, and in the face of them and all believers, gave the commandment to make this sacrament before the condation of the world, in the memory of his sufferings, death and resurrection, for the closest connection with him believers. He said: "We create this in my memoil" (Luke 22, 19).

What is the meaning and symbolic actions of the liturgy? What is the liturgy?

On the liturgy, the earthly life of Jesus Christ is remembered from birth to the ascension to heaven, and the Eucharist itself expresses the earthly life of Christ.

Liturgy order:

1. Ancecry.

First, everything necessary for the sacrament of communion is preparing - prosomy (translation - bringing). The first part of the Liturgy "Ancecry" is the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. Bread used in proscakes is called Disformation, which means "offering".
During the proscride, the priest prepares our gifts (prosphoras). For anointing, five official prosphoras are used (in the memoir of how Jesus Christ feed more than five thousand people in five breads) as well as prosphoras ordered by parishioners. For communion, one prosfora is used (the lamb), which is most valuable to correspond to the number of participants. Ancecry is committed by the priest in a low-voice altar with the altar closed. At this time, the third and sixth hour of character (liturgical book) is read.

Ancecry, during which wine and bread (prosphoras) are prepared for the Eucharist (communion) and the souls of Christians of the living and the deceased, for which the priest takes out particles from prosphora.

At the end of the service, these particles are immersed in a bowl with blood with a prayer "Father, Lord, the sins of all ZeDa who fell honestly by your blood of the prayers of Holie your saints." The commemoration of the living and deceased at ambassia is the most effective prayer. Ancecdia is committed by clergy in the altar, a clock is usually read at this time at this time. (In order for the priest during ancecradia to read the prayer for your loved one, you need to send a note to the candle shop with the words "at Promchadia")

2. The second part of the liturgy - Liturgy announced.

During the liturgy announced (announced - these are people who are preparing for the adoption of Holy Baptism), we learn how to live according to God's commandments. It begins with great design (jointly enhanced prayer), in which the priest or deacon reads short prayers about peace times, about health, about our country, about our loved ones, about the Church, about the Patriarch, about traveling, about in prisons or in trouble . After each donkey, the choir sings: "Lord Pommery."

After reading a number of prayers, the priest solemnly endures the gospel through the northern gates from the altar and also solemnly contributes to the altar through the royal gates. (The march of the clergy with the Gospel is called a small entrance and reminds the believer of the first yisus of Christ to the sermon).

At the end of singing, the priest with a deacon, which carries a hand-held gospel, goes to the ammon (in front of the iconostasis). Having received a blessing from the priest, Deacon stops in the royal gates and, raising up the gospel, proclaims: "Wisdom, forgive," that is, it reminds the believers that they will soon hear the gospel reading, therefore they should stand straight and with attention (sorry - means straight).
Read the apostle and the gospel. When reading the gospel, believers stand with tilted heads, listening to the holy glory.
Then, after reading the next row, the prayers announced offered to exit the temple (published sore).

3. The third part is the Liturgy of the faithful.

In front of the Ceruvim Song, the royal gates and deacon makes each. After the execution of words: "There is no living on now, I will postpone the care ..." The priest solemnly endures the holy gifts - bread and wine - from the northern gates of the altar. Having stopped at the royal gates, he prays for everyone who we especially remember, and, returning through the royal gates to the altar, puts honest gifts for the throne. (Transferring gifts from the altar to the throne is called the Great Entrance and marks the solemn procession of Jesus Christ to free suffering and the godfather).
After "Kheruvimskaya" there is a leaking object and one of the main prayers - the "symbol of faith", which, together with singers, perform all the parishioners.

Then, after a number of prayers, the climax of liturgy comes: the Holy Mystery of Eucharist is a premium of bread and wine into the true body and the true blood of the Lord of our Jesus Christ.

Then sounds the "laudatory song of the Virgin Mary" and the leakage. The most important thing is the "Prayer of the Lord" (our Father ... ") - fulfill all believers. After the "Prayer of the Lord" comes in a snooze. Opened royal gates. The priest puts the bowl with the Holy Gifts (in some churches, it is customary to get on his knees when removing the bowls with communion) and says: "Let's start with the fear of God and faith!"

Begins the communion of believers.
What to do during communion?

Particares fold hands on the chest right on top of the left. First, children are tested, then men, then women. Come to the priest with a bowl, call the name, open the mouth. You put in my mouth a piece of prosphora in wine. It is necessary to kiss the bowl in the hands of the priest. Then you need to eat communion, go to the table and take a piece of prosphoras there, and then drink. You need to eat and drink so that all the sacrament gets inside the body, and not left on the nurse or in the teeth.

Upon completion of communion, singers sing a thanksgiving song: "Yes, our mouth will be fulfilled ..." and Psalm 33. Next, the priest says release (i.e., the completion of the liturgy). There is a "multi-member" and parishioners kiss the cross.

Please note that after the communion it is necessary to read "thankful prayers".

Holy Righteous John (Kronstadt): "... There is no true life without a source of life - Jesus Christ. Liturgy is a treasurer, a source of true life, because the Lord himself is in it. The Lord of Life teaches himself in food and beings believers in him and in excess gives the life of parties to his ... Our Divine Liturgy, and in the particular Eucharist, is the greatest and constant revelation of God's love. "

Karinka depicts a photo on which the image of Jesus Christ was manifested as well as light from icons during liturgia

What can not be done after the communion?

- After the communion, it is impossible to kneel before the icon.
- It is impossible to smoke, swear, but it is necessary to behave in Christian.

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