We free up space for an office on the balcony: tips for competent organization and design of space Do-it-yourself chic office on the balcony: before and after photos Working area on the loggia

Engineering systems 12.08.2019
Engineering systems

In most cases, an unglazed balcony is used as a storage room and a place for drying clothes. Many people keep old things on the balcony, which have no place in the apartment (as well as the use of these things), but they don’t want to throw them away. But the balcony is valuable meters of your living space. If you properly dispose of these meters, you can get almost a separate tiny room, another cozy corner. We used to write about, it's time to talk about how to make an office on the balcony.

Many dream of a separate workplace in the apartment, their own office, which will allow them to concentrate on work even in a nice home interior. Separates them from the dream is just a balcony that is not used to the maximum.

How to make a workplace on the balcony

If you decide to make an office on the balcony, then you need to glaze it and make it. Windows will protect you from dust and dirt, from precipitation and, of course, from temperature changes. However, windows alone are not enough. It is also necessary to carefully insulate the balcony. Penofol is perfect for a small space, which will not “steal” your area, since the thickness of the material is only 4 mm. By their own thermal insulation characteristics this material is comparable to 50mm thick foam. Before proceeding with the installation of penofol, you need to carefully seal all the cracks and corners with airtight tape. You can also use sealant, but working with it is much more difficult.

An additional insulating layer will be required, and only then you can finish the balcony.

Pay attention to the floor. If you have the opportunity to make underfloor heating on the balcony, then this option should definitely be used. The warm floor will create the necessary temperature regime even in the most severe frosts. Suitable for regions with warmer climates conventional laminate. If necessary, you can use a small heater.

Finishing and decorating the office on the balcony

Before proceeding with the cosmetic decoration of the room, carefully consider the design project of your balcony. You need to anticipate everything important little things that will be needed in the future. For example, spare sockets or additional shelf mounts.

To finish the balcony, try to use bright hues They visually enlarge the room. white ceiling, for example, will give the interior lightness. If you have the opportunity to make glossy ones on the balcony stretch ceiling, use it. Gloss will reflect light, which will also add extra volume to the space.

Try to use natural materials or their analogues: light wood can be replaced with a wood-textured laminate. Thus, you can make your office more comfortable.

We do not advise you to experiment with contrasting and bright colors. AT small room bright colours may look too noisy and even aggressive, and such an interior quickly tires. If you want to add some color to your office, then choose one interesting accessory that will draw attention to yourself. This approach will help you successfully combine the work area with the recreation area. As an accessory, you can use, for example, a fluffy rug or an original painting.

Be sure to consider the fact that a balcony can combine several functions: not only a study, but also a place of rest.

However, the main area should be the work area. You need to place a small but comfortable desktop and an ergonomic chair on the balcony. Insofar as workplace usually associated with large quantity important papers and documents, then provide a small rack or cabinet for papers. Great solution for a small balcony there will be hanging shelves.

Remember that the furniture on the balcony should be roomy, but shallow. Otherwise, it will absorb all the free space.

You can equip a small library on the other side of the balcony, put a bookcase there and a small comfortable ottoman or a pear chair. Thus, you can not only work in the office, but also fully relax.

To give your balcony freshness and coziness, place a few beautiful plants to the balcony. You can use a small window sill or you can attach the plants to the wall using a planter. Small plants will look great next to books on high shelves or even on open shelves in a closet. Just remember to water them.


Don't forget to choose the right lighting for your office. In the daytime you will come to the rescue sunlight, and on cloudy days and at night, use lamps that mimic natural light.

You can place lights on the ceiling or walls, original solution becomes a "table lamp" built into a shelf above your desk. If you can adjust the brightness of the light, then this will give you both productive work and good rest.

Do not buy large chandeliers and lamps with large shades, on small balcony they will look out of place.

If your balcony faces sunny side, then you also need to think about protection from bright sun rays. It can be special curtains for plastic windows or ordinary translucent curtains made of lightweight material. You can block out the light by using blinds, but this décor item is more suitable for office space. Blinds can deprive your office of coziness and the feeling of home warmth.

Equip Personal Area on the balcony is not easy, but such a change functional purpose balcony will help you make your life better. The balcony should not be a storage of unnecessary things, valuable square meters should not be lost. Moreover, if you have a large balcony, then you can equip as many as two jobs. You will have to sacrifice a closet, but you will have a very comfortable office for two.

You do not have a place in the apartment for arrangement working area and the balcony is used as a pantry? There is nothing easier than creating an office right on your balcony. As a result, you will get a beautiful well-groomed balcony, equipped as a do-it-yourself study.

Surely you are wondering: how to make an office out of a balcony with your own hands? Before answering this question, it is worth thinking about the insulation of the balcony, since you will spend time on it not only in summer, but also in winter, so tightness, competent warming with glazing and heating are paramount tasks. Further, the design of the walls and ceiling, the purchase of furniture for the office, which should be as compact and comfortable as possible.

Having thought through all the steps from construction work to decoration in detail, you will achieve your goals with maximum accuracy. If you don’t know how to equip an office on the balcony, the photos below the article will help you decide on the choice of design.

In order to create your dream office on the loggia, you first need to make a list of work related to the insulation of the room, heating options, decoration and furnishing. After that, you need to decide on a budget. It will be much more profitable to carry out a complex repair on your own, but if there is a question about installing a warm floor and double-glazed windows, in this case you should seek help from professionals.

If you decide to create a residential area on the loggia, you should take care of proper insulation. After all, the office does not mean seasonal work, when it is warm, but year-round. Accordingly, you should be comfortable regardless of the season. If you plan to insulate the loggia on both sides, contact professionals who will carry out high-quality construction works. If you can't, then internal insulation balcony is recommended to approach with all responsibility.

Organization of a workplace on the balcony

Insulate walls and ceiling

Since the loggia is small in size, in order to save space, the material for insulation should not be chosen as thick and as dense as possible. Penofol, which has already proved itself well in practice, is perfect for this. It does not emit harmful fumes, has a small thickness and is easy to install. After all the cracks are covered adhesive mixture, you can safely lay penofol on the surface, fixing it with dowels-fungi. The next stage of work is the laying of an insulating layer with a vapor barrier, after which you can start laying electrical wiring.

We warm the floor

Even in a cool room, you can feel cozy if you put your feet on the warm floor. Therefore, floor heating on the loggia is one of the most convenient and best solutions for heating this type of room. There are several options for installing underfloor heating, you choose what will be more convenient for you.

For example, a film infrared heating system. The system is laid on a screed with an insulating layer. infrared heating involves laying on top parquet board or laminate. If you have made your choice on natural stone or tiles, then a reinforcing mesh must be laid on top of the film system, which is then poured cement mortar- screed. After that, you can safely lay the selected material.

If you decide not to resort to floor heating with any systems, you can use the same penofol for insulation. To do this, you must first fix the material on balcony slab, then fill it with cement mortar 5 cm thick, and carpet can be used for finishing. Such flooring will create in the interior of the future office a unique comfort, coziness, and will be an excellent solution as a heater.

Mini office on the balcony

Attention! Treat the insulation of the balcony with due attention, check that all work is done with high quality.

We heat the loggia

As central heating it is unlikely that it will be possible to bring it to the loggia (for this it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant services), experts advise stopping at such a heating option as modern electric heaters. They are equipped with a thermostat that reacts even to a slight change in temperature, so you do not face excessive energy consumption. What's more, they are thoughtfully designed and can easily fit into your work area.

It is also a plus that they do not dry out oxygen. To date, the market offers a lot of options with the possibility of installing floor equipment and even with the option of mounting on the ceiling, which allows you not to clutter up the space.

We select the design for the future office

The main purpose of this stage of work is the selection of material for the design of space. Do not opt ​​for dark color solutions, as they visually reduce the space. Also don't stop at motley color scheme with large drawings. On the one hand, this is fun, on the other hand, it is very annoying and distracting from work.

Designers advise to beat a small room according to the principle of division into zones. For example, this can be done using two options for wall decoration: the work area can be done in beige and brown tones using brick or wood texture, and the relaxation area can be done in any of the soothing shades.

Wall decor options:

  • use as paint acrylic paint(if the walls and ceiling are covered with drywall);
  • gluing wallpaper on a previously leveled surface;
  • surface decoration with decorative wood panels.

Arrangement of the working area

Since your balcony will later be used as an office, you need to decide where the computer will be placed. Often this involves the installation of a computer desk. For small spaces a compact design is also suitable, which allows you to place everything you need, since our primary task is not to litter the balcony, but to make it as comfortable, cozy and, one hundred and more importantly, spacious as possible.

Workplace on the balcony - design option

If your loggia is spacious enough, in addition to the working area, you can also add a small library by installing a bookcase near or opposite the workplace. Also on the same balcony you can part of the zone by installing a small soft sofa and a coffee table.

A nice bonus of a spacious loggia is that you can install an executive chair near the computer desk. But if you are limited in space, then the tabletop can be used by competently beating the window sill, or you can attach it to the wall, and use a comfortable chair with a back instead of a chair.

The desktop is better to choose a small and compact size with many drawers and shelves. If you are unable to install computer desk on the balcony the way you want, you can get by with a tabletop attached to the wall.

Do not forget that the workplace should be not only ergonomic, but also comfortable. Therefore, in no case should you be cramped or uncomfortable. You will quickly get tired of this, and the office, along with work, will no longer be a joy.

Pay close attention to the stage of furniture selection. Not only interior design, but also a comfortable stay at the workplace will depend on what kind of furniture you choose.

Shelving, shelves for books or documents are best placed near the work area. And place them so that you can easily reach them.

An important factor is the lighting of the room. Apart from general lighting rooms - spot or chandeliers, it is necessary to install individual lighting above the desktop, for example, table lamp to make it comfortable for you and your eyes to work in the dark.

Making a recreation area

Agree that installing a small one for relaxing is great, but even better if the footage of your balcony allows it. And even if you are limited in the size of the room, you should not deny yourself this. After all, even by installing a small chair on the balcony, you can relax and relieve stress by listening to birds singing or turning on relaxing music. It will be no less pleasant to sit in an armchair with a magazine or a book and a cup of coffee. In the recreation area, you can place several flower pots or a tree, they also have a positive effect on nervous system, soothe and relax. Caring for flowers, watering them, you are distracted from work for a while.

Seating area on the balcony

Thus, by arranging a loggia for an office on your own, you get a separate workplace created by you and designed based on your taste preferences. In addition, you will free up space in the apartment if before that you occupied the living space with office equipment and other work attributes.

We decorate windows

Given that the windows on the balcony and loggia are large, in the daytime the room is perfectly lit. But if the windows face the sunny side, then this can significantly complicate work, for example, at a computer. To avoid this, it is worth installing on windows roller blinds, blinds or roman blinds. Such a solution will allow you not to clutter up the space, and they will cope with their function perfectly.

Manicure room on the balcony

Not only a study with folders, shelving, documents and a computer can be realized on the balcony.

There are many options and solutions on how to design a space for a working area for sewing, a mini-hairdresser, a make-up artist's office, a massage therapist and, of course, a manicure room. The latter is extremely profitable to implement on the balcony, because if the master receives clients at home, the smells from acrylic, gel extensions, varnishes will not spread throughout the apartment.

manicure parlor on the loggia, the photo of which is presented in the gallery of our website, involves the installation of a table and two chairs on the sides for the master and the client. You also need to take care of the table lighting.

Decoration of the working area of ​​​​the manicure room on the balcony

If you provide pedicure services, here you should take care of a comfortable chair for the client and no less comfortable for yourself. You can decorate the office with green plants, paintings, install a built-in wardrobe or shelving for inventory, music that will relax customers, and decorate windows with curtains.

By creating an office on the balcony, carefully considering the design of the room, based on your own preferences, you will learn a comfortable, full-fledged and cozy office at home, where you will be happy to spend working and free time.

Video "how to equip your office with your own hands"

Mini-office on the balcony Workplace on the balcony - design option Making the working area of ​​the manicure room on the balcony Manicure room on the loggia Workplace - computer desk on the balcony Small work area on the balcony Organization of the workplace on the balcony

free work schedule, distant work via the Internet or even ordinary office papers, or maybe notebooks, notes that were taken home for further analysis and processing ... require a separate workplace. Ideally, an office.
How to turn a little-used room, such as a loggia or a balcony, into a full-fledged working area of ​​a modern person, we will try to tell in our article.

An office on a balcony or loggia: the pros and cons

There is a balcony or loggia in any modern apartment, but, almost always it is small, but, very effective area we do not use it as correctly and rationally as we would like. Apparently, the stereotype works: a balcony is a pantry. But, this is far from being the case, a balcony or a loggia is perfect place to create a sports corner for children or a mini gym for adults, a small summer kitchen, beautiful winter garden or so necessary modern man- a separate working area, office.

It is about the study on the balcony or loggia that we will tell in more detail.
Why choose a balcony or a loggia as a place to organize a working area? Consider all the pros and cons.

The advantages of placing a study on a balcony or loggia:

- illumination: a balcony or loggia is equipped with a large number of windows, therefore, during the daytime, sunny, natural light prevails as a source of illumination. And given that natural light is very favorable for the eyes and, in general, for the mental and psychological state of a person, work in such an office will be both pleasant and productive.

- ventilation: only in a well-ventilated room can the human brain work at full capacity! And on the balcony or loggia this contributes a large number of windows.

- privacy: balcony or loggia - as a rule, places in the apartment with the greatest distance from the hallway, corridors, in the depths of the apartment or room. Therefore, even when a balcony or loggia is attached to a room, with the subsequent organization of a working area on it, a certain isolation remains, again, contributing to fruitful work.

The disadvantages include the complexity and cost of transformation ordinary balcony or a loggia into a full-fledged study.

An office on a balcony or loggia: where to start

Before starting any repairs in the apartment, you need to have a good idea of ​​the end result, in this case, how it will be organized, how the office will function and look on the balcony or loggia. And in order to do it right, you need to know what, in general, there are types of cabinets on the balcony.

According to the method of organizing space, all study rooms on a balcony or loggia can be divided into:

- individual: this is a full-fledged office on the loggia, isolated from the main space of the room window block with a door. In this case, the design of the study balcony may be different from the design solution of the whole room, be more minimalistic and functional.

- attached: in this case, a balcony or loggia acts as a study, but not as an isolated room, but as a part, a zone of the room to which it is attached. In this case, the design of the office should be in perfect harmony with the design of the entire room.

According to the type of furniture used on the balcony-office, study rooms on the balcony or loggia can be divided into:

- stationary workrooms: in fact, this is a real small office, which has everything (tables, cabinets, shelves, computer, printer, etc.) and at the right time.

- mobile workrooms on the loggia: most often have the form of an office on demand. The furniture in such an office on the balcony is arranged in such a way that at the end of work, everything slides in easily, quickly and compactly, closes and hides, for example, in a built-in closet. And the balcony or loggia continues to perform a completely different function: a place of rest, a gym, etc.

Having a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe office on the loggia, the design of which is perfect for you, you can start working on creating your own office on the balcony.

Cabinet on the loggia: stages of creation

Here are the main stages of arranging a study on a balcony or loggia and what you should pay attention to Special attention in their implementation:

  1. Glazing: required condition to organize an office on the balcony. At the same time, it is better not to save money and install triple-glazed windows.
  2. Wiring: not a single office can do without office equipment, and an office on the balcony is no exception, that is, sockets are needed, as well as, in addition, artificial ceiling lighting and switches for it. To do this, you need to lay strobes, and this is a dusty and dirty task, therefore, it should be done on initial stage. At the same time, to save time, effort and money, it is worth taking the wires out of the adjacent room, and placing the strobes on the wall separating the balcony and the room.
  3. Warming: Depending on whether it is a balcony or a loggia, the degree and method of insulating the floor, ceiling and walls will vary. So, for the insulation of the balcony, light materials with high heat-insulating properties, dry screed are suitable. But the loggia can be insulated more thoroughly: a screed is poured onto the floor, but the walls and ceiling are still insulated with mineral wool or polystyrene foam, the layer necessary for better thermal insulation. Naturally, the insulation also includes the organization of hydro and vapor barrier so that the condensate does not destroy the internal finishing not only the balcony itself, but also furniture, as well as office equipment, which is so necessary for a full-fledged study, as well as rough finish moisture resistant drywall or plaster.
  4. Heating: unfortunately neither good windows, not the same capital insulation will not be able to fully ensure comfortable work, both for a person and equipment in harsh winter frosts. That is why you should also take care of heating your balcony or loggia. As a heating device, they can act as electric underfloor heating (easy to install, but quite expensive during operation, if you do not take care of buying and installing temperature sensors and a thermostat) or stationary heating radiators placed on the loggia (but this requires permission from the relevant building bodies, the project is quite expensive and time consuming, but economical and convenient in subsequent operation.
  5. Interior finish: subject to all the above points, materials for interior decoration balcony-study, you can choose absolutely any: laminate, decorative plaster, wooden or plastic lining, tiles, wallpaper, etc. - what is more comfortable and pleasant for you to work in.
  6. Workspace organization: the office is working, convenient, practical furniture. Given the fact that the balcony is not quite a standard place, then the furniture on it should be the same, that is, made to order, built-in (comfortable and space-saving).

A balcony with access from the nursery is a great opportunity to expand the existing space, and should be used to the maximum. Moreover, modern balcony glazing systems and insulation materials will allow you to create another full-fledged room or zone.

How to insulate a balcony

Whatever design ideas you decide to implement it on the balcony, the first thing to do is to start insulating the space. High-quality work will allow you to use the attached area both in summer and in winter, while maintaining a comfortable temperature in the nursery at any time of the year.

Cozy balcony combined with a children's room

To do this, the internal elements of the balcony are additionally lined with bricks - the thicker the walls are, the less they will freeze through. However, it is better to use lightweight materials, not forgetting about allowable loads on balconies. Proper high-quality glazing is no less important when arranging a balcony.

Insulation of the walls of the balcony with foam

Balcony glazing should be done by professionals. In addition, do not forget to specify when ordering windows that you will turn the balcony into living space. This will allow you to immediately select a double-glazed window with optimal energy-saving and soundproofing performance. You should also provide for high-quality fittings that will work without failure for a long time, and protective structures - fences and mosquito nets.

The floor also needs good thermal insulation.

For the thermal insulation of the balcony, the lightest materials are used - so that no critical loads are created for overlapping. This is especially important for balconies based solely on beams - loggias in this regard are considered more durable structures because they have side walls.

Balcony heating with wall-mounted infrared heater

Inside the balcony, a layer of thermal insulation is necessarily laid. This should be done on all surfaces, including walls, floors and ceilings. Materials are laid without gaps. Optimal in terms of price and performance characteristics heater is mineral wool. It is environmentally friendly and non-flammable, but absorbs moisture. For this reason, work with it is carried out in dry and warm weather, and waterproofing is also required. By the way, among the advantages of mineral wool, good sound-proofing properties can be noted, which will be an important factor for a nursery.

wall heater

And after the issue with the insulation of balcony surfaces is resolved, heating should be arranged. A standard heater is hardly suitable here, since you need to heat the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony, and the heat should be distributed evenly. Therefore, they often choose warm floor- It is convenient, economical and easy to install. It is also possible to install an air conditioner for heating and cooling, or infrared heater placed under the ceiling.

Options for arranging a balcony for children

Workplace, sports section or a spacious playroom - all this can be arranged on the balcony next to the nursery. The most popular and popular options are:

  1. . It is assumed that the balcony block separating the balcony and the room will be dismantled, and the wall will be partially removed. The playroom is covered with bright carpet, it is provided here - and the personal space for the child is ready. You can even leave the window sill, turning it into a comfortable table for drawing and creativity. And the walls are designed as dynamically and brightly as possible - let your favorite cartoon characters, cars, aliens, funny little animals live on them.
  2. Workplace. If the room is intended for a student, then on the balcony you can equip an excellent work area. Balcony door dismantled, and in place of the window opening, shelving for books is made. With this design of the balcony, warm neutral shades should lead so that you can focus on the classroom. The desktop is installed at the "short" wall or along the balcony. If the room is carefully insulated, then the equipment will be safe here, so feel free to install a computer on your desktop.
  3. Children's workplace on the balcony

  4. Can be taken out to the balcony place for creativity if two children live in the nursery, and there is a certain lack of space. You can even make a room for one of the children on the balcony, but in this case the nursery itself will turn out to be a walk-through.
  5. Library, workshop, scientific laboratory- on the balcony you can allocate a place for a personal corner of the child, where he will be engaged in modeling, embroidery or reading. Such isolation will be extremely beneficial. And the balcony is ideal for such purposes, because in regular room there is almost never a place for all this.

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