The alphabet of indoor flowers. Indoor flowers catalog with photos and names

Encyclopedia of Plants 14.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

There are indoor plants that cannot be kept at home - I would like to mention the photos and names of these flowers in this article. We all subconsciously strive for unity with nature, someone has country cottage area, and someone, in his absence, seeks to create a green corner in his apartment. Sometimes we are impressed by the beauty, bright colors of the next flower, we strive to acquire it as soon as possible in order to decorate our home.

When buying a flower, we do not always think about the consequences and sometimes we start to feel bad or our pets suddenly get sick. Among the inhabitants of the green world there are a lot of poisonous representatives, sometimes the most beautiful of them are absolutely unsuitable for home maintenance.

What kind of indoor plants can not be kept at home? Of course, it is not possible to describe them all here, but I would like to focus on the most common - those whose attractive appearance we admire in the windows of flower shops. Some varieties contain toxic compounds, emit poisons and harmful pollen into the atmosphere. Some flowers are not recommended to settle where you sleep. If you have small children or inquisitive four-legged pets who strive to try everything by mouth, you should be doubly careful when choosing home flowers.

What kind of indoor plants can not be kept at home?

The simplest safety rules are the use of garden or regular latex gloves when in contact with green dwellers. If you are pruning or removing branches, foliage, then use a special knife. Those tools that you use in the kitchen should not come into contact with plants. Hands, as well as all cutting or auxiliary objects, should be thoroughly washed at the end of care work. Remember that individual flowers can actively release toxic substances during irrigation or watering.

Indoor poisonous plants - photos and names

Oleander is very beautiful during flowering, but its aroma can cause dizziness, nausea, or even fainting. Leaf juice, stems can cause allergies or burns on the skin. Do not allow oleander juice to get into your eyes - the consequences can be very deplorable, up to loss of vision.

Potted euphorbia looks very exotic, thanks to its large, rich green leaves. In fact, the Euphorbia family has a lot of varieties: some look like cacti, others resemble miniature palm trees. Some types of milkweed have spines, the injection of which poses a threat to the body, as they are very poisonous. The leaves and stalks of milkweed contain juice, which, when it enters the esophagus, causes severe poisoning, and when it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, it leads to burns and irritation.


Dieffenbachia attracts the eye with its large decorative leaves with a colorful pattern. Its milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes; on contact with the skin, it causes burns, redness, and itching. When it enters the mouth or esophagus, it provokes severe burns of the mucous membranes, poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, it is better not to plant this plant!

Dieffenbachia, photo:


Alocasia is an ornamental deciduous plant that is very poisonous. Any work with it should be carried out by wearing protective gloves, and not only the juice is poisonous, but even evaporation from the roots. In all thematic forums, experienced flower growers strongly recommend using protection when transplanting alocasia. If you disturb the root (for example, cut it), you can feel a clear cyanide smell, which is not recommended even to inhale for a long time. If it gets into the eyes, alocasia juice can cause loss of vision, even if a child or animal inadvertently licks a small drop of juice, a long-term ailment is guaranteed. All parts of alocasia are poisonous: they contain hydrocyanic acid, mercury, sublimate.

This green giant came to us straight from tropical and subtropical regions. He is loved all over the world because he is extremely unpretentious in care. Croton can reach a meter in height.

Bright croton leaves will decorate any interior, be it an office or an apartment. The plant has no flowers and no characteristic aroma.


This well-known flower is considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants. And not in vain. Geranium flowers have different shades, so choosing a plant that matches the color scheme of your home is not difficult.

Geranium is not too whimsical to care for, the main thing is to pluck the fading flowers so that the flowering does not stop. In addition, geranium has bactericidal properties, which made it a permanent inhabitant of apartments and offices in megacities.


Another name for this beautiful plant is "women's happiness." It is believed that when the spathiphyllum begins to bloom in the girl's apartment, she will soon meet her betrothed.

Women's happiness, both real and floral, requires increased attention to yourself and special care. So those who decide to purchase this plant will have to work hard to create comfortable conditions for it. Spathiphyllum does not tolerate drafts, a large amount of moisture during the period of active flowering, does not like direct sun rays. In the non-flowering period, it is advisable to water it through the settled water cycle.


Perhaps some of you have noticed a beautiful red flower in foreign Christmas films. Many people call the poinsettia "Christmas star" due to the bright red color and shape of its flowers. Poinsettias are native to South America. It was from there that the first Spaniards brought this truly magical flower.

It is believed that the poinsettia has strong healing properties, and also ionizes the air in the room.

indoor rose

Rose is a classic synonym for the phrase "the most beautiful flower." Few would object to the fact that the same beautiful roses bloomed on his windowsill as on the garden plot.

If there are daredevils who are ready to devote a lot of time to this plant, then they will definitely not be disappointed with the result. indoor roses can't live without sunlight, therefore, it is worth growing them in a lit place. Such a rose blooms all year round every 7 weeks.


Another classic homemade fuchsia beauty. Bright fuchsia flowers will decorate any home.

The ancient Incas considered this plant sacred and decorated their dwellings, as well as holy places of worship with flowers with it. Fuchsia is undemanding in care and loves sunlight.


Violets will be a good choice for a small apartment. The variety of colors of flowers is in no way inferior to geraniums.

The size of one plant can be different: from 6 to 60 cm buds in diameter.


Another bright representative of the tropics is a shrub. Its flowering begins in spring and ends in autumn.

Hibiscus does not tolerate sudden temperature changes and drafts, so settle it in a well-lit and warm room.


Phalaenopsis are sometimes referred to as house orchids due to the similarity in color. There are many types of this plant, so there is one for every home.

These flowers do not tolerate direct sunlight, so it is better to protect them from heat and bright light.


Oddly enough, but flowering cacti are in no way inferior in beauty to deciduous plants.

There are a huge number of flowering cacti of various colors on the market, which do not require special care and are pleasing to the eye almost all year round.

ficus benjamina

For those who have always dreamed of a small tree at home, ficus is a great choice.

With proper care and love - this is very important - the plant reaches 2-3 meters in height.


Fans of plants in cold shades should pay attention to hyacinths.

Their unusual shape and bright colors will help to decorate any room. One has only to take into account the characteristic aroma of this flower.

They grow quickly, do not require special care, and are unpretentious to temperature conditions. They exist in different shades.


Another flower unpretentious to temperature.

Looks good in composition hanging pots because it is a climbing plant.


This unusual flower is a distant relative of the pineapple. sharp leaves and bright flowers will decorate any room.

Indoor flowers are an island of nature in a residential interior.

Today, the markets have a huge number of plants and flowers with a variety of requirements. Choose the ones that suit your lifestyle and home design.

Almost all domestic plants have come from distant countries. And each of them requires an individual approach. One needs the sun, while the other can die from its influence and prefers the shade. Some need plenty of moisture, but there are those that should be forgotten. And in order for the plant to please the grower with its appearance, you need to know the rules required for care. Consider a catalog of popular indoor flowers.

Classification of indoor plants

All homemade plants can be divided into 4 groups, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. Groups:

  • decorative leaves. This group, if you follow all the rules for care, will be with flower growers for a long time. Their leaves are mostly green all year round. The only thing is that there are species that should be cleaned in cool rooms in winter.
  • decorative flowering. This group of flowers are classified as centenarians. Their leaves do not die off after flowering, it's just that in some of their species they become not so attractive. Among the indoor plants of this species, some need to be provided with coolness in winter, and some should be taken out to the garden for the summer.
  • decorative blooming potted plants. Such species are mainly used for a variety of flower arrangements. After they have lost their appearance, they are simply disposed of. But, if some types of tubers are left, then it is possible to use them next year. That is, plants of this group can be decorative-flowering for a short time.
  • cacti. This is the most famous and popular type. Their stems are thorny and hairy. Sometimes cacti have ordinary leaves. Many of the cacti can bloom. They are long-lived and quite unpretentious.

Catalog of indoor flowers

Consider the names related to decorative foliage, which are valued for beautiful leaves, as well as decorative flowering, capable of boasting excellent flowering.


This is a shrub that attracts with its exotic appearance. It has a rosette of straight-stemmed leaves that develop into a trunk over time. Depending on the species and age, it can reach three meters.. The leaves of this home plant are juicy green. elongated shape. Dracaena, with proper care in room conditions, can last up to 15 years. Types of dracaena:

  • dracaena tree
  • dracaena cinnabara
  • dracaena deremenskaya
  • dragon tree
  • fragrant dracaena
  • dracaena Godzefa

Dracaena is an unpretentious shrub that will not cause much trouble to the grower if the following care rules are followed:

  1. dracaena photophilous plant but must be kept out of direct sunlight.
  2. moisture-loving, requires abundant watering. It must be done as soon as it is dry. upper layer soil by 2 cm approximately.
  3. Before watering, it is desirable to loosen the soil.



Refers to coniferous crops. It is not demanding in care, it will take root in a new place easily. He is very photophilous and is not afraid of sunlight. In low light, cypress may die. It does not tolerate drafts and strong winds, but the room where it grows needs to be ventilated regularly.

The plant loves moisture, so it must be sprayed, you can also put water containers next to the pot. Cypress need to be watered regularly, watching this every day to prevent the soil from drying out. AT winter time Water less frequently to prevent root rot.

Cypress in May - September needs to be fertilized with fertilizers. It can be purchased in specialized stores.

Decorative-flowering houseplants are loved because of their exquisite flowers. They are also among themselves differ in appearance, care requirements, smell. Examples of decorative flowering: saintpaulia, acacia, anthurium and others.

Saintpaulias or Ozambara violets

These indoor flowers are almost perfect, because they bloom almost all year round, mostly without taking up much space on the windowsill. Many colors of flowers, there are both delicate shades and bright flashy ones. In order for violets to bring joy with their flowering, they need to create the necessary conditions. Rules for the care of Saintpaulias:

The lower leaves and faded flowers are cut off. If in the spring Saintpaulia gave a second outlet, then it must be cut off and put in water.


It has a shortened stem that can be above ground or below ground. Its leaves are green in color, reaching a length of 15 cm., and a width of 7 cm, flowers come in a variety of colors. Anthurium care rules:


It is a stemless houseplant with a short root. Kinds:

  • cannophyllum spathiphyllum - differs from its other species with a wonderful flower aroma. Its leaves are juicy green. Blooms in spring and winter.
  • spathiphyllum profusely flowering - can bloom throughout the year.
  • Spathiphyllum Willis - perfect for growing indoors.
  • Spathiphyllum heliconium - quite large, reaches a height of up to 1 m.

Rules for the care of spathiphyllum:

Indoor plants, the photos and names of which you see below, belong to decorative flowering potted plants. Difference from the previous type in that such indoor flowers can only spend a short period of time in living quarters. If the plant begins to fade, then the days of this flower are already numbered.

Only a few species can be saved. Therefore b Most plants are thrown away, some are kept by moving them to a cool place, while others can be stored as bulbs until the next planting.

The short life span of such cultures is the main drawback. These include flowers such as azalea, chrysanthemum, poinsettia, gloxinia.


It is considered an evergreen branching flowering dwarf plant. Types of indoor azaleas:

  • Azalea Indian. The height of this evergreen shrub is up to 50 cm, its leaves are small, no more than 3.5 cm.
  • Japanese azalea reaches a height of 50 cm, it has white shiny leaves, which are smaller than those of its previous species.

Basic rules for caring for indoor azalea:

Cacti are a separate type of indoor crops that delight the grower with their unpretentiousness.


A fairly large cactus with a dark green stem in the shape of a ball or cylinder. chief the difference from all other cacti is the presence of papillae from which needles appear. The roots are, as a rule, on the surface, only the root system in the center goes deep. Types of mammillaria cactus:

  • Mamilaria shide - a miniature view, shaped like a ball with a diameter of 4 cm.
  • Mammillaria krupnosochkovaya - this species is distinguished by its large size, up to 30 cm high.
  • Mammillaria snow-white is also a fairly large species.
  • Mammillaria Teresa - this type of cactus has very large flowers, reaching 3 cm in diameter and, as a rule, they are purple in color.
  • Mammillaria prickly is a medium-sized cactus, often not branched in the shape of a cylinder.

Basic care rules:


It's classic cactus with a stem in the form of a ball, a cylinder. Her flowers are yellow, pink, white, red. Lobby types:

  • lobivia backeberga is a dwarf with a gray color of the stem. In diameter, it does not exceed 5 cm, the color of the flowers is cream.
  • bolivian lobivia - a stem in the form of a cylinder, with a gray-green color. The height of this type of cactus reaches 10 cm.
  • lobivia densispina - this cactus consists of a number of species that are diverse in shape of the stem, color of flowers, thorns. Their main feature is their large size and bright coloring.
  • lobivia zhazhoyana - this type of cactus is distinguished by its spherical stem, not exceeding 10 cm in diameter.

Basic rules for caring for room culture:

Having considered the types and names of the presented crops, the grower will be able to independently choose the most suitable one for himself. because depending on their type, indoor flowers vary requirements for home care.

Gelksina Soleirolya, or Soleyroliya Soleirolya (Helxine soleirlii syn. Soleirolia soleirolii) is a low-growing perennial herbaceous plant with creeping shoots from the Nettle family. Native to the Mediterranean. The only species of the genus was found by Captain Soleyrol in the 19th century. in the humid forests of the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, and the genus and species of the plant were named after him. The flower of saline resembles a green fluffy ball, ...

Ruellia (Ruellia) is a flower that, in its external characteristics, is very similar to representatives of the Gesneriev family. In particular, the buds of this plant are similar to the inflorescences of streptocarpus. But in fact, Ruellia belongs to the Acanthov family and this is clearly visible in her care, since she loves warmer conditions of detention, while representatives of the Gesnerievs ...

Setcreasea is a plant of the Kommelinaceae family. Homeland - Mexico, southern United States. Setcreasia flower in nature lives in Mexico. It is a representative of the Komellinov family and is similar to Tradescantia. Unlike Tradescantia, she needs a little more sun, because from a lack of light, the lilac-reddish leaves and stems of stunning beauty will ugly stretch and turn green. Netcreasia, as seen in…

Euphorbia is the most beautiful (most beautiful) or poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) - a plant of the Euphorbia genus, Euphorbiaceae family. The genus Euphorbia has about 2000 dissimilar species. It includes annuals, biennials and perennials, evergreen or deciduous, as well as trees, shrubs and succulents that naturally grow in a variety of habitats. Common to them is the inflorescence in ...

Chrysalidocarpus (Chrysalidocarpus) - plant family: Palms. Homeland - Madagascar and Comoros. Chrysalidocarpus is a palm tree of the Arecaceae family, widely distributed in room culture. The genus got its name due to the yellowish color of the fruit. Translated from the ancient Greek chryseus - golden, karpos - fruit. Sometimes the palms of this group are called the outdated name of areca. The genus includes about 20 species. Local …

Tabernemontana (Tabernaemontana) is a plant of the Kutrovye family. Homeland - India, Singapore. It bears the second name "ervatamia". Looking at a photo of a tabernemontan flower, we can assume that it is a relative of gardenia or jasmine due to some similarities with these plants. In fact, it has nothing to do with them, unlike oleander, periwinkle and mandevilla, which belong to the same family as ...

Stromanthe belongs to the Marantaceae family. Under natural conditions, it grows in the tropics of America. Stromanta is one of the most spectacular indoor plants, which surprises not only with its beauty, but also with its difficult character. tropical beauty demanding in care, so breeding it should be done only by those who can create all the necessary conditions for it. Thanks to its unusual coloring, this…

Rapis (Rhapis) is a plant from the Palm family. Homeland - China, Japan. The name of this plant comes from the word "rhapis", which translates as "rod" or "stick". That is why in everyday life the tree is sometimes called a stick palm. Thanks to a thin reed-like tubular trunk covered with felt-mesh fibers, the rapis palm tree is distinguished by its elegance and perfection of form. However, it is worth considering that all representatives of this genus ...

Smithiantha belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of America. Smitianta is a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant with shoots. The leaves of the smitianta are very beautiful - velvety green with red-purple veins and stains. The bell-shaped flowers of smitianta on high peduncles are yellow-orange or orange-red in color, collected in racemose inflorescences, up to 4 cm long. A scaly rhizome spreads along the soil, from which ...

Turmeric is a highly decorative perennial herbaceous deciduous plant. The genus Turmeric (Curcuma L.) belongs to the genus perennials ginger family, includes about 60 species. Homeland - tropics South-East Asia. Its complex root system consists of a yellowish-gray, short (3-10 cm), almost round, tuberous rhizome, up to 4 cm in diameter. The leaves of turmeric are large, beautiful, basal, up to ...

The orchid of the genus Miltonia (Miltonia) belongs to perennial, herbaceous plants of the Orchidaceae family. Her homeland is Central and South America. It got its name in honor of one of the collectors of these beautiful flowers, English scientist Milton Adligen. In the people, this plant has another name - " pansies". This is due to its buds, which in their structure are very similar to ...

Calamondin or tender citrus (Citrus mitis) is a member of the Rut family. The birthplace of culture is South China. Calamondin is a highly decorative plant, also known as citrofortunella or "golden orange". It is believed that this is a hybrid between kumquat and mandarin. From the mandarin, the fruit got its appearance and aroma, and from the kumquat - resistance to frost and sweet taste ...

Ctenantha (Ctenanthe) belongs to the Maranth family. Homeland - South America, namely moist forests located in the tropical zones of this continent. It is there that the culture has the opportunity to grow in natural conditions that are comfortable for it - in areas with swamps under the cover of foliage of tropical trees. An indoor flower called ctenante is a perennial ornamental herbaceous rhizome plant with a height of ...

Dionea (Dionaea) is a monotypic genus. Belongs to the Rosyankovye family (Droseraceae). Her homeland is North America: in nature, Dionea grows in the swampy plains and pine savannas of the Atlantic coast (in Georgia, North and South Carolina). Dionea, also known as the Venus flytrap, is a carnivorous plant. Due to its unusual appearance and way of eating, it is popular among lovers of exotic flowers. AT …

Maranta (Maranta) belongs to the Marantaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of Brazil. In some countries, this genus is also called the "ten commandments", a prayer herb or a prayer plant. Indoor arrowroot flower is a beautiful ornamental plant, 20-25 cm high, with tuberous thickenings on the roots. The leaves, 10-15 cm long, have a bizarre pattern of dark green, red-brown, sometimes almost black velvety spots ...

Calceolaria (Calceolaria) belongs to the family Norichnikovye. Homeland - Central and South America. Calceolaria - herbaceous abundant flowering plant. Has dark green, slightly pubescent soft leaves and unusually shaped bright yellow-orange speckled flowers. In the people, this plant was nicknamed "lady's shoe." Blooms from the second half of March to May for 3 to 5 weeks in a row. Calceolaria hybrida…

Caladium is a flower popularly known as the "heart of Christ", "angel wings" or "elephant ears", famous for the shape and color of its foliage. The fruit is a panicle with berries. The root system is tuberous. Caladium is a perennial ornamental deciduous plant with beautiful arrow-shaped leaves: white, carmine, purple, pink and yellow colors predominate in color. The leaves can be plain, with a darker ...

Epipremnum: species and varieties, care and reproduction Epipremnum flower (Epipremnum) is a representative of a small genus of vines, distinguished by their longevity. It represents both high climbing and small specimens. There are about 30 varieties of epipremnum, which are distributed mainly in the rainforests of India, as well as in Southeast Asia. Family: Araceae. Homeland - Solomon Islands, Southeast Asia. …

Currently, “bottle trees” are gaining more and more popularity - unpretentious, rather large plants with a characteristic “bottle-shaped” stem shape. This group includes plants from various genera and families. They may differ greatly from each other in appearance, but all of them are characterized by the formation of specific tissue with reserves of moisture and nutrients in order to survive in arid natural ...

Gynura is a perennial deciduous plant of the Compositae family. Homeland - tropical Africa, Southeast Asia and the island of Madagascar. Stem erect, branching, up to 1 m high, quadrangular in cross section. Over time, the stems wilt and spread along the ground. The leaves are oval-shaped, 5-8 cm long, fleecy, painted blue-violet on top, and burgundy on the underside. Leaves …

Epiphyllum (Epiphyllum) is a bright representative of the Cactus family. Homeland - tropical forests of Central and South America. In nature, most of these cacti grow as epiphytes. The name comes from Greek and literally refers to the presence of leaves on the plant: “eri” - “from above”, “phyllum” - “leaf”. Popular names are phyllocereus, phyllocactus. The first description of culture was made by E. Haworth. Happened …

A cactus called Echinocactus (Echinocactus) is a member of the Cactus family. The homeland of the plant is the southwestern regions of the United States and northern Mexico. This is a very slow growing succulent, which is also known in scientific circles as a hedgehog cactus, since the Greek word "echinos" in translation into Russian means "hedgehog". The stem of this cactus is spherical, over time turning into a barrel-shaped, dark green color. …

Bouvardia belongs to the Rubiaceae family. Homeland - Mexico. Also, the plant is often found in Central America. This is a beautifully flowering evergreen plant with an average height of up to 90 cm. Depending on the species, plants can be found with a height of about 50 cm, the largest grow up to 1.5 m in height. It includes up to 30 subspecies, each of which has ...

Jacobinia (Jacobinia) belongs to the Acanthus family, its homeland is South America. Botanists often use other names for this plant - justice or justice. Small shade-tolerant shrub up to 1.2-1.5 m high. For indoors, meat-red jacobinia is most interesting, blooming all summer and autumn. Stem shoots are distinguished by their density and smooth surface greenish-pink. Internodes in a shrub ...

Aspidistra's home flower, like asparagus, is one of the most unassuming. It can tolerate the lack of bright lighting and is undemanding to temperature conditions. If the plant is happy with everything, the aspidistra will thank you with flowering, however, this happens infrequently at home. The main advantage of the culture is the clustered lanceolate leaves on thin, high petioles. Aspidistra (Aspidistra) belongs to the family ...

Domestic hippeastrums, like most bulbous plants, are in dire need of a dormant period when they cannot be watered, loosened, and other active manipulations can not be performed. It is better for this time to "forget" about the flowers altogether, without making any agricultural practices. Hippeastrums are also suitable for growing in hydroponic culture, that is, on such substrates that do not contain soil impurities. Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum) refers to ...

Amaryllis flower (Amaryllis) is one of the most beautiful flowering houseplants. This is a perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. The homeland of indoor amaryllis is South Africa, from there the flower was brought to European countries, where it immediately gained great popularity. Amaryllis leaves are long (up to 70 cm) dark green, belt-like. The flowers are white-pink, orange or red, up to 8-10 cm in ...

The radermacher plant is not suitable for growing in rooms with too dry air. In this case, you will have to wipe the leaves daily with a damp cloth and give her a shower twice a day. But if the air in your room is humid, caring for a Radermacher flower at home will be easy. Familiarize yourself with the botanical characteristics of the crop and recommendations for its cultivation. …

Allamanda (Allamanda) belongs to the Kutrovye family. The plant is native to tropical America. Spectacular vine with leathery leaves up to 3 m tall. The flowers are large, tubular, golden yellow, bright yellow or orange. Some species have pink flowers. They bloom on the very tops of the shoots, rather large funnel-shaped, up to 6 cm long. The allamanda plant blooms all summer, starting in May ...

Nerine flower or nerina is classified as a monocotyledonous plant, in its natural habitat it is represented by 13 species. Outwardly, it resembles a lily, but its flowers are more elegant, thin-petalled, with long stamens that go far beyond the petals. Many types of nerine are highly valued and are on the same level with orchids on the hierarchical ladder. Nerine plant (Nerine) belongs to the Amaryllis family. …

The medlar plant or eriobothria is one of the earliest fruit-bearing trees with small yellowish fruits. original taste. In warm seasons, medlar fruits, reminiscent of a combination of pears and cherries, ripen by the end of spring. True, this is possible only in subtropical regions. In the middle lane, the cultivation of medlar is practiced at home. Medlar, loquat (Eriobotrya) refers to ...

The name of the flower ceropegia comes from the Greek word Ceropegia, which means "candelabra". Indeed, the flowers of this plant with two-lobed outer lobes and stamens fused into a tube have a bizarre shape and resemble ancient lamps. For successful care of ceropegia, it is recommended to grow this culture in compositions with succulent plants. Ceropegia (Ceropegia) belongs to the Kutrovye family. Motherland - ...

Howea palm, along with chamedorea and date palm, is a frequent visitor to home greenhouses. Its large-pinnate leaves can decorate both a winter garden and an office space, as they are able to be content with artificial light. One of the main advantages of the hovea houseplant is its absolute undemanding to air quality, so it can be placed even near a heating radiator. Howea or kentia (Howea) ...

Vriesia or bromeliad is an ornamental home plant native to Central or South America. In botanical reference books, the vriesia indoor flower is most often called friesea (not to be confused with freesia from the Iris family). To achieve flowering vriesia, you will have to work hard, and above all, protect the plant from drafts and the negative effects of sunlight. How does vriesia (bromeliad) bloom? Vriesia flower...

The sansevier houseplant is one of the most popular in home floriculture due to its unpretentiousness in care. Like many cacti, this culture can not be watered for a long time, loosened and replanted without losing its decorative qualities. At home, sansevera practically does not bloom, but the interesting color of the leaves fully compensates for this shortcoming. What does sansevier look like at home ...

Many, with a fleeting glance at the Rhipsalis indoor flower, cannot immediately understand that it is actually a cactus. It doesn't look like a prickly succulent at all. On the contrary, the Rhipsalis plant seems delicate, almost weightless due to its thin branches strewn with dense beads of berries or graceful flowers of a yellow or orange hue. Sometimes you can meet the Rhipsalis cactus with white ...

Mammillaria cactus is another type of succulent widely used in home floriculture to create floral arrangements. Caring for Mammillaria at home is not difficult, so given plant along with Gymnocalycium recommended for purchase by beginner cactus growers. The flowering of the Mammillaria cactus, as a rule, is abundant, often the flowers are arranged in a circle, forming a beautiful crown on the succulent. How the cactus Mammillaria blooms ...

One of the most popular ornamental plants in widespread use is the saxifrage. Due to the fact that in its natural habitat this plant grows in rock crevices, at the foot of mountains and in lowlands with rocky soil, it is most often used for decoration. alpine slides, rockeries and retaining walls. However, it feels quite comfortable on …

Vallota flower is a deciduous bulbous plant that grows in the tropics and subtropics. All varieties of this beautiful plant, of which there are about 50, are known to amateur flower growers under the common name "amaryllis". Family: Amaryllis Homeland: South Africa Rhizome: bulbous, elongated ovoid or pear-shaped pink-brown. Stem: even thick peduncle from 10 to 60 cm in height, depending on ...

Very often, flowering plants from flower beds, borders and alpine slides can be seen on terraces, loggias and balconies. They are planted in boxes and pots of various sizes, large floor flowerpots and tubs. This is explained by the simple desire of flower growers to admire their flowering for as long as possible and inhale the aroma of summer. Among such plants that often migrate from the garden to ...

Along with decorative properties, many home flowers are medicinal: for example, Kalanchoe, geranium, golden mustache, crassula and many others. With their help, you can get rid of or significantly alleviate many disturbing symptoms. Below you can see photos and names of useful house flowers and learn how to use their healing properties to treat certain diseases. What house flowers - ...

Orchids are one of the oldest families that appeared in the late Cretaceous era. These flowers are unparalleled in their beauty. There are so many varieties and types of orchids that the special Sander's List of Orchid Hybrids is updated every five years. Below you will find out what types and varieties of orchids are, and what varieties indoor orchids grown at home. …

Catharanthus (Catharanthus) is a small genus of annual or perennial herbs and shrubs belonging to the kutrov family (Apocynaceae). Most of species are endemic to Madagascar, one is an inhabitant of the tropical regions of Asia, they are used in culture as flowering flowerbeds and houseplants. Family: kutrovye. Origin: Madagascar, India. Rhizome: rod-type root system. Stem: erect, ascending or decumbent, branched. Leaves: Opposite, ...

Everyone loves flowers, but not everyone dares to breed them at home, fearing the difficulties in caring for them. However, there are plenty of hardy houseplants that are perfect for your apartment or office. Below you will find out which indoor flowers are the most unpretentious, and you can also see their photos and read the recommendations for caring for these ...

Cattleya is a genus of perennial herbs of the orchid family (Orchidaceae), native to the tropics of Central and South America. Most species are distinguished by exclusively decorative flowers, grown as indoor and greenhouse crops. Family: orchids. Origin: Central and South America. Rhizome: creeping aerial roots. Stem: shortened succulent, in the form of a pseudobulb. Leaves: fleshy or leathery. Fruit: box. Reproductive ability: reproduction by division. …

Botanical name: Castanospermum, monotypic genus evergreen trees belonging to the legume family (Fabaceae). Includes a single species, Australian castanospermum, or southern (C. australe). In culture, it is grown as a houseplant, in regions with a warm climate it is used for landscaping garden plots and streets. Homeland chestnut: Australia. Lighting: photophilous. Soil: slightly acidic, nutritious, loose consistency. Watering: ...

Indoor bromeliad plants are capricious to growing conditions, they are demanding on air temperature and humidity. Bromeliad plants are distinguished by sophistication and beauty and are popular. Below on this page are the main bromeliad plants with a photo. Plants of two groups of this most interesting family are suitable for decorating a room. Plants of the third group, the so-called earth stars (Cryptanthus), require increased ...

Oxalis (Oxalis) is a genus of annual or perennial herbs of the sour family (Oxalidaceae), living mainly in the tropics and subtropics of all continents, much less often in the forests of the cold and temperate zones. Many species are grown as indoor plants, some are planted in flower beds in the open field. Family: sour. Homeland: South and Central America, Africa, Europe. Rhizome: creeping, often in ...

Genus Phalaenopsis (Phalaenopsis) belongs to the Orchid family. AT natural conditions plants live in humid lowland and mountain forests of Southeast Asia, Northeast Australia, and the Philippines. The name of the genus comes from the Greek words phalania (“night moth”) and opsis (“resemblance”): the flowers resemble butterflies. Phalaenopsis is an epiphytic plant, with a very short stem and a rosette of three to five double-row arranged large fleshy ...

The genus Cycas (Cycas) or Cycad belongs to the Zamie family. Plants are common in the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere (India, islands Pacific Ocean, Mascarene, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, Java, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Indochina Peninsula, Northeast Australia). Cycas has an ovoid hairy stem covered with scales. According to the description, the cicada resembles a palm tree - pinnate dark green leaves with a thickening along the edge depart from the top of the stem. Young …

Homeland ardiziya (Ardizia) - mixed broad-leaved and coniferous forests of subtropical regions of China, Korea, Japan, India. About 400 species of plants of the Myrsinaceae family belong to the genus Ardisia. Oblong-lanceolate leathery smooth shiny green leaves with wavy edges are located on long stems. Ardisia flowers are white, pink or red with a pleasant aroma. They are collected in inflorescences and are located on ...

The genus Pilea belongs to the Nettle family. Pileas are distributed throughout the subtropical and tropical regions, as well as in temperate zones. The genus name comes from the Latin pileus ("hat, cap"): one of the tepals in many species of pili has the shape of a hood. Types of Pilea Pilea Cadieri (Pilea cadieri) is a bushy herbaceous plant with erect stems up to 40 ...

The genus Columnea belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. In nature, these semi-shrubs and shrubs with creeping thick shoots are found in the tropics of South and Central America. There are many garden forms Columnea plants that bloom profusely every year in spring and summer with yellow, orange or red tubular flowers. Types of columna At home, more than ten species are cultivated indoor flower columnist…

The genus Camellia (Camellia) belongs to the Tea family and unites more than 200 species of shrubs and small trees common in the subtropical regions of Southeast Asia. The description of camellia was first given by the Jesuit missionary and naturalist G. Kamelius, it was in his honor that the genus was named. Thanks to Camelius, this plant came from the Philippines to Europe in the 18th century. In room conditions, camellia blooms ...

The genus name Callisia comes from the Greek words kalos ("beautiful") and lis ("lily"). Representatives of the genus grow in humid, semi-shady places in the subtropics and tropics, forming dense sods. In nature, the callisia plant is common in Mexico, North and South America, and the Antilles. Types of callisia and their photo Callisia graceful (Callisia elegans) is a perennial herbaceous plant with creeping ...

Hypoestes is an evergreen plant of the Acanthus family, common in the tropical regions of South Africa and on the island of Madagascar. The genus got its name from the Greek words hypo (“under”) and estia (“house”), which is associated with the structure of the flower: the calyx of the hypoestes flower is covered by a bract. Types of hypoesthesia with photos Hypoestes phyllostachys (Hypoestes phyllostachys) in young age is a beautiful low bush, ...

Bacopa (Bacopa) - unpretentious ampelous plant Norichnikovye family comes from South Africa and the Canary Islands. The second name of the plant is suter, this flower can spread along the ground in the form of a ground cover, rooting at each node. Bacopa flowers are also used as a screen, setting up supports, directing the shoots up and fixing them. In culture since 1993. Possesses…

The fittonia flower can easily be attributed to indoor shrubs, because in the process of growth its shoots become woody and become like bush branches. Fittonia home flower grows in bright rooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. You can see the different types of Fittonia in the photo below and read the descriptions. Fittonia plant The genus Fittonia is included in ...

The myrtle flower can be successfully grown at home, if you follow some rules of plant farming. Basically, home myrtle is distinguished by shade tolerance and the absence of special demands on the conditions of its growth. However, in many ways, the success of cultivation depends on the correct choice of a suitable variety. We offer you a material that tells about the rules for breeding and caring for myrtle in indoor ...

Clerodendrum (Clerodendrum) is a genus of tropical perennials from the Lamiaceae family, among which there are various plant forms: herbs, vines, shrubs, shrubs and trees. Some flowering species are grown as ornamental plants, including in room culture and greenhouses. Family: Lamiaceae. Homeland: tropics of Asia and Africa. Rhizome: Roots are strong but fragile. Stem: erect or curly. Leaves: simple, ...

Cyperus (Cyperus) is a funny herbaceous plant with long narrow leaves, collected on top of thin stems in umbrella-shaped panicles. The second name of this plant is syt or sitovnik, sometimes it is called the Nile papyrus. Domestic cyperus grows rapidly, perfectly cleans the air and is a favorite delicacy of pets. The genus includes about 400 plant species distributed in swampy areas and ...

Balsam (Jmpatiens) is a perennial herbaceous plant with succulent erect shoots, bright leaves and numerous delicate flowers. Thanks to the simple care of balsam at home, easy propagation and long flowering, this plant has long been one of the most beloved for flower growers around the world. The Latin name of the genus Impatiens can be translated as "pressure-resistant". That's why …

An epiphytic cactus grows in the tropical regions of Mexico on trees and rocks, clinging to numerous cracks. aerial roots. In room conditions, a whip-shaped aporocactus (Aporocactus flagelliformis) is grown, called the "rat's tail" for long (up to 1 m) and thin (about 2 cm in diameter) with indistinct ribs, light green shoots that first grow vertically, but rather quickly are acquiring...

The plant scindapsus is ideal for vertical gardening of living rooms and office spaces. It does not require much effort to take care of yourself. Differs in fast growth and excellent decorative qualities. We offer you to look at the plant scindapsus in the photo, read its description, familiarize yourself with the types and rules of care at home. We hope that golden scindapsus will become your reliable companions in …

The syngonium plant has a rich color and an amazing foliage shape. This makes it attractive to grow as a landscaping crop at home, in the office or in public areas. Syngonium at home grows and develops beautifully, despite various unfavourable conditions in the form of dry air and excessive temperature in winter. Syngonium description with photo Syngonium - ...

Sansevieria home flowers are a common indoor plant among flower growers that has decorative foliage properties. Most often they can be found in public places, offices and shopping centers as a kind of interior decoration. This is not surprising, since caring for sansevieria at home does not require special skills and knowledge. Description of sansevieria and photo We offer you a description of sansevieria. …

Passiflora (Passiflora) is an evergreen or deciduous liana with very unusual beautiful flowers. Since this plant belongs to the genus Passionflowers, it is often called the passion flower. Some types of passion flower used in indoor floriculture can also please with delicious exotic fruits. In nature, there are more than 500 species of passionflower flowers, common in America, Asia, Australia and Madagascar. AT …

Ferns are one of the oldest plants on Earth, preserved in the tropical forests of both hemispheres and the subtropical regions of Japan and New Zealand. Better than many species, the Nephrolepis fern (NephroLepis) has adapted to the dry air of apartments. It was on the basis of the home fern nephrolepis that various varieties were bred. Types of indoor fern nephrolepis and their photo Nephrolepis sublime (Nephrolepis exaltata) - ground ...

Dipladenia or Mandevilla (Dipladenia, Mandevilla) is an evergreen, beautiful and long flowering liana that has not yet received worthy recognition among Russian flower growers. However, real lovers of indoor flowers use diplasia as a colorful accent when creating various compositions. Due to its rapid growth and dense foliage, it is able to completely wrap around the proposed support. This allows you to create various ...

Palm - for most people it is a symbol of well-being and a source of special pride. Slender and majestic at the same time, they give the interior a special "exotic" flavor. In home culture, shrub species of indoor palms are mainly used, characterized by slow growth rates, adapted to low humidity and warm conditions. Types of palm trees In nature, there are, according to various sources, from 2500 ...

Indoor ficuses have long been used for landscaping interiors. it undemanding plants, which can withstand shading, and are not particularly demanding on the temperature and humidity characteristics of the surrounding air. Various varieties are used for growing at home. indoor ficuses. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them. Ficus plant at home Ficus at home is a perennial evergreen ...

Cactus hymnocalycium (Hymnocalicyum) - one of the first spherical cacti in indoor floriculture. Representatives of the genus Gymnocalycium are diverse in size and color of flat-spherical stems, with strong curved spines and large, with characteristic tubes, white, pink or light yellow flowers that appear from areoles located closer to the top and persist for several days. The genus name comes from the Greek words gymnos...

Hibiscus (Hibiscus) is sometimes called Chinese rose or Chinese rose. It is an unpretentious evergreen tree or shrub growing up to 2 m in cultivation, with glossy dark green leaves and large bright flowers. In a culture, indoor hibiscus is a more compact plant (up to 2 m), which already at a young age begins to bloom profusely. For a long period of cultivation of rosan, forms have been obtained ...

Thanks to indoor flowers, it is possible to create ideally in the apartment Beautiful places for relaxation or vice versa, creative work, activities for the soul. Indoor flowers always manage to easily transform the look of a room, enliven it, and become an accent of the interior. Many flowering indoor plants, photos and names of which are presented, become favorite inhabitants of the home, especially if they are unpretentious, requiring minimal care for themselves.

Some of them are not at all scary to leave, leaving for a short time on business or on vacation, and upon returning from a trip, make up for the missing attention to your favorite flowers by watering them, rinsing them under a warm shower and feeding them.

Violet, or saintpaulia - it can be placed on any of the windows, except for the south one (so that the leaves do not burn), because of the superficial root system, it does not like to be heavily watered, with excess moisture, the roots rot.

This plant is also considered compact, because it is more convenient for flowers to grow in small flowerpots: the root system freezes less, and flowering lasts longer.

Koleriya, or Colombian beauty - flowering of an interesting form with flowers continues until winter, then the plant needs a dormant period, if it is not provided, the next year the color will not bloom.

To prepare for the dormant period, the shoots are cut off at the flower, put in a cool dark place. During the growing season, the flower feels great in a room with subdued light, it also needs moderate watering and periodic top dressing.

spurge mile- a succulent with pretty thorns and small, cute flowers, so unpretentious that several missed waterings will not spoil its appearance at all, almost will not affect its flowering. Placed in a bright place, periodically watered, spurge is ready to bloom all year round.

spurge mile

Clivia- ready to grow and bloom under any conditions, they say about her that clivia can be placed where other flowers would not survive. The only thing that will destroy her is a clear excess of water.

She can do without fertilizing and moisturizing sprays, puts up with the lack of bright lighting, so the clivia is placed in shaded hallways and bedrooms. Flowering begins in February with red or orange bells.

Top - 5 most unpretentious indoor flowers

Such plants are ready to forgive their owners for their busyness, constant lack of time, continuing to grow for their joy. The main thing is to initially create the required conditions for such flowers: if they are shade-tolerant, they can be settled in rooms with windows facing north, light-loving ones - in sunny rooms, still provide periodic watering.

adenium- a very interesting indoor flower-tree, growing up to 60 cm tall, belongs to the genus of succulents, has a fleshy trunk in which moisture accumulates in reserve, so frequent watering is not needed.

When adenium blooms, it is beautiful - the branches of the plant are plastered with flowers, resembling something between lilies and roses in white, light pink or mixed colors. It is placed on bright windows, protecting it from direct sunlight, the lack of watering in the room is easier to tolerate than when outside.

blooming kalanchoe- another of the beautifully blooming succulents, ready to grow in "Spartan" conditions, without leaving the owners. It calmly tolerates low humidity in the room, is not demanding on the composition of the soil, it is easier for them to survive short-term drying than abundant watering.


It is advisable, of course, to adhere to the frequency of watering, to feed Kalanchoe with complex fertilizers 1 or 2 times a month in order to provide it with the possibility of abundant flowering.

It is important! Kalanchoe will suffer from an overabundance of fertilizer, especially in the cold months of the year, with fertilizer irrigation it is worth following the principle: it is better to give less than to pass.

Spathiphyllum- although the flower has the additional name “female happiness”, it courageously endures the lack of indoor humidity, is ready to put up with diffused lighting, can do without watering for up to a week or more.


When its leaves begin to dry out, the spathiphyllum is given a slightly cool douche in the shower room, it quickly leaves, continues to grow. Responsive to watering 2-3 times a week, actively bushes, blooms with beautiful white flowers, similar to callas on tall thin legs.

Decembrist- a fast-growing flower, does not act up at slightly inappropriate temperatures. Flower growers love this unpretentious, beautifully flowering plant, and breeders are actively working for them, annually bringing out all new hybrids of the Decembrist, blooming in orange, coral, lilac shades, so that the plant blooms two or three times a year, it is enough to provide it with diffused light and watering as the top layer of soil dries out.

Decembrist (Schlumbergera)

Balsam- undemanding, easy to propagate, and also blooms all year round in a variety of shades - it is one of the most popular indoor flowers. For a plant for long flowering, bright light is enough for only a few hours a day, it is ready to accept if it is determined in the far corner.

With a lack of moisture in the flowerpot, it will not wither, it will drop only the lower leaves, reducing the evaporation area. With sufficient watering, the leaves return their elasticity, it is desirable that the soil be constantly moist.

Curly indoor creepers

With the help of climbing houseplants used in vertical gardening, thanks to their flexible long stems, it is possible to create unique interior compositions and decorate your home with them. Creepers do not take up much space, since their densely leafy stems can be given any direction, they are tied to a support, then giving the opportunity to fall, creating an atmosphere of a tropical forest.

Passionflower- a liana with interesting, inimitably beautiful complex flowers, a real exotic in indoor plant growing. It is impossible to describe it in words, the flowers of the plant are so unusual.

Surprisingly, this multi-meter liana easily takes root, grows rapidly, is relatively unpretentious, loves sunlight, and requires annual pruning. Blooming flowers live only one day, but new ones bloom to replace them. If the right conditions are created for Passiflora, she will throw out enough buds to admire her flowers.

It is important! Passiflora stems definitely need supports, with their help the stems are directed in the right direction: the stems quickly become stiff, it is important not to miss this period.

Kobeya- also a very beautiful liana, blooms with lilac or white flowers resembling bells. The plant looks very decorative, quickly grows up to 5 meters, but in the first year it does not bloom intensively, gaining strength for the next season.

Stephanotis- an overseas miracle, a winding flower with dark glossy leaves and white, like porcelain flowers in the shape of stars. If the stephanotis is properly looked after, its liana grows up to 6 m, densely leafy lashes can be placed vertically using a wall grate, decorating windows, walls, you can arrange a kind of backstage from several flowers. In the heat it likes to be watered and irrigated, in the winter months it prefers to be kept cool.


Clerodendrum Thomson- a powerful, fast-growing and originally flowering liana, the flower also has beautiful large emerald-colored leaves, so it deserves to become an adornment of any, even the most sophisticated home interior.

Clerodendrum Thomson

Clerodendrum lashes grow constantly, they have to be pinched from time to time in order to somehow limit growth (if the dimensions of the room require it). For even more decorative flower, you can build supports in the form of a pyramid or arch, a ball, and guide shoots along them, fixing them.

Clerodendrum needs diffused lighting, watering is very frequent, up to several times a day, to compensate for the moisture that the foliage evaporates.

The most persistent and not picky ampel houseplants

The ampelous group is united by the presence of a flexible long stem, creeping along the surface or wrapping around the supports. There are three types of ampelous:

  • succulents;
  • blooming;
  • decorative leafy.

Most of them are imported from hot countries with an arid or humid climate, you need to choose the right place for their permanent location so that adaptation to local room conditions is less painful for them. By creating conditions close to natural, the grower will have a chance to have a beautifully growing and developing plant in his house.

It is important! From the moment budding begins, ampelous flowers, except for watering, no longer carry out any care procedures.

For symmetrical development of the plant, it is advisable to periodically rotate different sides to the light, the more often this is done, the more harmonious the appearance of the plant will be.

Hoya carnosa(wax ivy) - a sample of consistency, does not disappear even in the northern rooms, due to the ability of multiple leaves to accumulate a sufficient supply of moisture, it can easily do without watering for a couple of months. Transplants to new flowerpots are needed only when there is very little room for roots in the old pot.

With normal care - light, regular watering and with the addition of nutrients- very beautiful, with thick falling lashes covered with umbrella inflorescences.

Chlorophytum- one of the simplest and most unpretentious to care for, can survive on a closet in the far corner of the room, where almost no sunlight reaches, without watering for a long time. It can easily tolerate excess moisture, draft or stuffiness.


Only it is hardly worth starting a flower in order to create extreme conditions for it, albeit minimal is better, but care:

  • once every 7-10 days, watering with room water;
  • once every 2 weeks feeding;
  • periodic transplants on time;
  • preferably rare bathing in the shower.

It is important! The fact is that chlorophytum (which is clear from the name) is an excellent absorber of all harmful substances in the air, so that the purification process takes place more intensively, it is better to keep the surface of chlorophytum leaves clean.

The flowers of the plant are formed at the edges of long shoots, shaped like small white stars.

Fuchsia ampelous- elegant, cheerful, as if illuminating the space around it with stems descending in a cascade, on the edges of which there are bright flowers. Fuchsia has a long flowering period, for almost half a year it is ready to give joy and mood.

The plant can grow in partial shade, the care of many varieties is simple, requiring no effort and time. It will look very elegant in hanging baskets and planters, two-tone fuchsias look especially charming.

Indoor plants bloom all year round

What amateur grower does not want to grow flowers that will delight him with flowering almost all year round? There are several dozen varieties that, without much effort on the part of the owner, will delight him with their flowering continuously, it is enough for them to provide a room where the plants feel comfortable and provide standard care: watering, top dressing, timely transplants, if possible, taking them outside for a period of warm months.

Abutilon- his abundant flowering begins in the spring and continues until early winter, when daylight hours are significantly reduced, then the plant begins to drop flowers and hibernate. If the flower is artificially illuminated and the irrigation regime is maintained, flowering will not stop.


Phalaenopsis- from the genus of orchids, prefers to grow on windows facing east, he is afraid of the abundance of bright sunlight. It is better to water the flower once a week, in the morning, with small volumes of water, while making sure that the soil is thoroughly dry.


Ruellia- with original dark green large leaves with a white stripe in the center and light veins extending from it, in the middle of which crimson flowers bloom. She needs watering for year-round flowering only when the earth dries up, ruellia does not like shading, it is better to place a flower on the eastern windows.

Jasmine- it is not demanding at all, it will be enough to place the plant in a room where there is a lot of diffused light, water it abundantly with heated water every 5-6 days, fertilize with preparations with a high content of potassium.

Top 5 Most Popular Constant Blooming Indoor Flowers

These flowers not only delight with beautiful flowering all year round, but in return they do not require too much attention from their owners, do not take away their strength and means of maintenance.

Hibiscus, growing in the form of a tree or shrub, flower growers fell in love with their not capricious character: as long as he is satisfied with the conditions of care, he is ready to throw out all the new flowers throughout the year to replace the faded ones.

hibiscus or chinese rose

In order for this cycle to continue, it is necessary to do something without which the flower cannot be so beautiful:

  1. The plant needs to receive a sufficient amount of diffused light.
  2. It needs to be trimmed every week to keep the flower original shape and allowing young shoots to grow on which it forms flowers.
  3. Water the hibiscus as needed, usually twice a week.
  4. In winter, it is better for a flower to create cool air in the room, an excellent temperature for it is 15-17 degrees.

Begonia is also famous for its unpretentiousness, but, of course, loves to take care of itself, it can bloom all year without rest, and very abundantly. It does not impose special requirements on the composition of the soil, it must be watered abundantly, but without stagnant water, in order to create a microclimate with high humidity, the begonia is placed in a pan on a layer of expanded clay, then water is poured so much that the level does not reach the bottom of the flowerpot.

Blooming begonias need a lot of bright light, in summer the windows are curtained so that the leaves do not get burned from direct sunlight.

Pelargonium (geranium)- the favorite flower of the older generation, still not out of fashion. Besides the fact that pelargoniums are beautiful, they improve the indoor air due to the release of essential oils.


The flower does not like shaded rooms, where it turns pale, loses its high decorative effect, the stems stretch out. In winter, it is useful for pelargonium to stay at low temperatures, so it better lays buds for flowering, pruning and moderate watering are also needed.

indoor roses as if they were created for this, so that residents of megacities who do not have their own land plot grow miniature rose gardens. It is better to place flower pots on the east or west side of the house so that the leaves do not suffer from sunburn hot summer months.

indoor roses

After the purchase, the bushes must be carefully examined to determine their condition, immediately transplanted into the purchased special soil and put for several days to adapt in a shaded area.

Primrose compact bushes with large leaves and bright, all kinds of colors of flowers with yellow centers adorns the windowsills of many houses. Plants with proper care have a long flowering period, hardy, drought-resistant. To create an extended flowering period, it is necessary to remove yellowed leaves and flower stalks with faded flowers in a timely manner.

Decorative blooming indoor flowers

This is a special large group of plants, capable of surprising and delighting with its appearance, sometimes even unusual, they have always been of interest to lovers of indoor plants.

Ornamental floriculture is literally replete with a wide variety of species and hybrids of flowers, adapted by the efforts of breeders to living at home, many of them had to change the conditions inherent in their natural habitat.

Cultivated for their beautiful flowers, they do an excellent job of their main task - these wonderful plants decorate homes and offices. They are divided according to life forms that help to determine the care of plants:

  • annuals;
  • shrubs;
  • treelike;
  • ephemeroids;
  • succulents;
  • epiphytes, others.

Gardenia jasmine is an evergreen thermophilic fragrant compact shrub with shiny, dark green leaves and delightful, long-lasting white or cream flowers.

gardenia jasmine

But all this magnificence is achieved thanks to appropriate care, which is not entirely easy at home:

  1. Creating high humidity, the plant will have to be sprayed, but not to moisten the opened flowers and buds. Summer temperature should not exceed 25°C, winter 18°C, otherwise there will be a rapid growth of green mass to the detriment of flowering.
  2. Providing gardenia with sufficient lighting, it must be protected from direct sunlight, so the best place for it will be windows facing west or east, and rearrange the flower on the south window in winter.
  3. Those who decide to have gardenia in their homes should tune in to provide these and other conditions for the flower so that the exotic miracle grows, blooms and smells sweet in the apartments.

Clerodendrum- a very interesting flower, in the form of a compact bush, the top of which is strewn with spectacular flowers from spring to autumn, during the flowering period, the klerodendrum needs regular care: regular and fertilizing watering, the soil in the pot should always be moist, but not wet.


At low humidity, the flower is sprayed with room water, to which 1-2 drops of liquid complex fertilizer can sometimes be added.

pachistachis- a kind of firework flower, against the background of fleshy dark leaves, its amazing inflorescences resemble candles flying upwards, it is often chosen as an unpretentious original plant that can decorate any room corner.


Pachistachis prefers rooms that are often ventilated without drafts, cool air, so it should not be placed near heating appliances. Scattered light, moderate watering with settled water, periodic top dressing, Fresh air- all this will help the pachistachis to bloom long and magnificently.

vriesia- one of the most decorative flowering representatives of the flora world, a perennial herbaceous epiphyte (growing on other plants or attached to them).

Leathery leaves with smooth edges form a rosette, spike-shaped bracts form on long peduncles, on which, in turn, small flowers bloom. They quickly fade, while the bracts themselves last a very long time, giving the plants an unusual and elegant look.

Indoor plants that bloom in winter and give summer on the windowsill

Fans of indoor plant growing cherish these flowers so much, because in winter they are able to make up for the atmosphere that is so lacking in the winter cold months.

Basically, such plants are brought from tropical and subtropical humid regions, require additional attention and, possibly, special conditions when growing. But their ability to brighten up the dullness and despondency, the lack of sun, the ability to cheer up, outweigh the potential difficulties that they will have to face when keeping them in houses.

The most beautiful poinsettia- it was not without reason that such an epithet was assigned to this flower, a really beautiful plant that cannot go unnoticed, it has such a bright and festive look.


Protection from sunlight is required, so it is better to place the flower on a stand near the south window or on the southeast or southwest window sills.

It is important! Poinsettia juice, if it accidentally gets into the eyes, can cause irritation of the mucous membrane, if it gets into the stomach, it causes vomiting and diarrhea.

Poinsettia blooms in winter, but watering is carried out once a week, in summer it is watered more often and more abundantly.

Persian cyclamen- in the forefront in popularity of indoor plants blooming in winter. But the flower has its own characteristics: after the flowering period in the autumn-winter months, the flower has a long dormant period.

Persian cyclamen

Having dropped the leaves, the plant loses its decorative qualities, it must be able to be preserved until the next flowering season, therefore cyclamen is most often used once, as a long-lasting bouquet.

Flowering bulbous perennials

Home bulbous plants are valued for their beautiful and lush flowering, their flowers last for a long time, thickened root formation is available for division during reproduction, it is necessary to properly maintain dormancy in caring for them - this is perhaps the only difficulty faced when growing bulbs.

It is important! Some bulbous poisonous ones, before buying a flower you like, you should collect more information about it so as not to harm yourself, children, and pets.

These flowers need a lot of light, it is better to place them closer to the source of sunlight, only for the dormant period do the bulbs provide a dry and cool dark place. Watering at this time is minimal, preventing the earthen clod from completely drying out.

Valotta purple- very similar to a lily, blooms from the end of summer, an unpretentious bulbous plant delights with bright, large, elegant flowers.

The refined valotta also has decorative dark green leaves, reaching a length of 60 cm, an adult bulb can throw out several peduncles at the same time, on top of which up to 8 funnel-shaped flowers are formed. Proper care gives valotta the opportunity to bloom twice a year, flowering lasts up to three weeks.

The perennial needs bright light, but not on the southern windows, where it will be hot: it is difficult to tolerate high temperatures. In winter, watering to a minimum, from spring to autumn - moderate, combined periodically with top dressing.

Hipperastrum- a flower that looks restrained and solemn at the same time: wide linear leaves, a tall peduncle, crowned with umbellate large, brightly flowering inflorescences. About 90 species of perennial onion are known, its inflorescences consist of 3-8 buds, blooming in various shapes and colors with flowers.

In order for the hipperastrum to bloom in winter, it is taken out of dormancy before the start of winter, placed in a bright room and not watered until the leaves appear. Then moderate watering is carried out, the hipperastrum should be watered along the edge of the pot, avoiding direct water on the bulb, otherwise rotting will begin.

It is important! you need to plant a flower in a tall pot so that there is enough space for putting out long roots, the pot should be narrow, in a wide container the hyperstrum does not bloom for a long time.

Colchicum- its large, delicate double flowers delight the eye all summer, the plant is low, up to 20 cm in height, it will not be difficult for him to find a place on the windowsill.


hymenocallis- differs in quite unusual in form, original white flowers, pleasantly smelling. The flower is unpretentious, you can pick up any bright place for it, it is not afraid of direct exposure to the rays of the sun.


Refers to bulbous, not shedding leaves, having a relative dormant period. If it is possible to arrange additional lighting for the flower in winter, lowering the temperature is not needed, in case of impossible additional lighting, the temperature is reduced to 14-15 degrees.

Zantedeschia- a very popular beautiful bulbous plant, extremely light-loving, it will ideally feel on the southern windowsill with diffused light to protect the flower from sunlight.


The bedspread of the zantedeschia, depending on the variety, has a variety of shapes and amazing, sometimes unexpected colors.

It is important! Zantedeschia the entire growing season needs in large numbers moisture, in the spring and summer months, its tray is filled with 3-5 cm of water.

Indoor Rare Blooming Curiosities

Florists, lovers of growing exotic and surprising acquaintances and strangers with it, always want to have rare and unusual plants in their collection. These enthusiasts do not get tired of looking for unusual flowers, not so common with the original look, without even fearing the possible difficulties of growing.

But the beautiful representatives of the plant world, which are compared with jewelry, deserve to be given a little more attention when growing than other flowers that are not so whimsical.

Lashenalia aloes- the only flower out of 90 species grown as an indoor culture, decorative flowering, very aesthetic appearance. The flower has wide, pleasant green leaves with specks, high peduncles, loose inflorescences with yellow and red bells, sometimes there are multicolor flowers. Lashenalia is especially pleased with the fact that it blooms in the dead of winter, when bright colors are so lacking.

Lashenalia aloes

It will bloom brightly and for a long time if it is placed on a frost-free loggia, where the temperature would not fall below 50 C, at temperatures above 200 C there is an active growth of leaves, the flowers lose their saturation.

Columnea- a magnificently flowering climbing plant, quite rare in houses and apartments, although the beauty of flowers, somewhat similar to orchids, can easily outshine other houseplants.

Refers to epiphytes, preferring to live in natural conditions on trees, grown indoors as ampelous flower. It is considered capricious when caring for her:

  • lighting is most suitable diffused;
  • does not tolerate lime water, only filtered or distilled water should be used;
  • do not allow stagnant water;
  • systematic irrigation is necessary, especially in the heat, at low humidity sheds leaves and does not bloom.

The flower is also susceptible to attack by spider mites and whiteflies, the column should be periodically inspected in order to identify pests in time.

Strelitzia royal- its bright unusual shape the flower resembles a bird of paradise, in order to compensate for moisture, the excess of which the root system does not tolerate, strelitzia is constantly sprayed with warm water. Even in winter, when watering is not needed, they arrange wiping the plants with a damp cloth.

Strelitzia royal

Takki- representative of perennial tropical plants, for lovers of the exotic - a valuable version of mysterious flowers, very rarely found on sale, difficult to grow with seeds, but unusual flowers with a purple tint find their fans who manage to breed such a rare color in their homes.

Large flowering houseplants

Large indoor plants fit perfectly into spacious living rooms, halls, study rooms, they are grown in large outdoor pots, such flowers easily fit into interiors, filling the space.

A lot of air, light, space allows large flowers to grow to impressive sizes, with their help original compositions are created, they do an excellent job of landscaping a living space.

Anthurium- unusual beauty, soft aroma, long flowering, a variety of bizarre inflorescences - all this is about one plant, popularly called "male happiness".


It does not tolerate sharp fluctuations in temperature, does not tolerate drafts, and by its origin requires a careful attitude. Anthurium needs high air humidity - up to 85-90%, especially in summer, this is a rather capricious representative of the plant world.

Eucharis- even in a non-flowering state beautiful view due to large shiny leaves up to 60 cm high. When eucharis blooms, it becomes beautiful, flowering occurs two, sometimes three times a year, forming several buds on high peduncles.

There are a lot of flowering indoor plants, the flowering period varies from several days to several months, there are very simple flowers, there are breathtaking specimens, all the names are listed, but it is impossible to show a photo, but it's so beautiful when there are many flowers, it means a lot of joy.

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