Homemade ski lubrication mount. How to make a self-made ski processing machine: photo, video, drawings

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

Why do you need a ski table?

If you are slowly riding in the winter on a ski door or even you are an athlete of an amateur, then it is very likely to use additional means to improve the driving qualities of your skis, such as paraffins, musical ointments, accelerators and emulsions. These funds allow you to significantly improve the slip of your ski, thereby increase your motivation if you are a lover or improve the speed characteristics and the time of passing the distance if you train the result.

Special ski tools are used to apply these additional funds: scrapers, brushes, iron, polishing devices and much more. How to apply ointment and paraffins on skis This is a topic of a separate article, and in this we will talk about an indispensable adaptation, without which all ski products and tools will not be able to be fully applied -.

Ski table or machine is special adaptationwhich allows you to firmly fix the ski sliding surface up for further quality application of ointment or paraffin.

  • Ski table. The ski table is called enough massive designallowing you to fix a couple or several pairs of skis, as well as install additional ski vise. The table is used for professional training One or more couples ski. As a rule, specialists in training ski in ski teams are used by skiing tables, in cases where you need to quickly prepare several pairs of skis. The weight of the table and his dimensions Require its transportation by car.
  • Skiing. The ski machine is a lighter and compact design to which you can fix only one ski. This is necessary and sufficient to qualitatively treat the sliding surface of one set. At the same time, the weight and size of the folded machine does not exceed the size of the usual ski kit and is easily and quickly installed and is transported.

Comparison of RU-SKI and Master-SKI machines.

On the this moment Russia presents two high-quality and inexpensive manufacturer of RU-SKI and Master-SKI skiing machines. Once it was one production, manufacturing machines under the Master-SKI brand, subsequently divided into Master-SKI and RU-SKI. Both manufacturer use a time-tested design and materials, but the machines have differences. In this article we want to objectively assess the properties of each machine.

The first version of the article was written at the end of 2015, but at the time of writing this article (the beginning of 2018) it turned out that changes occurred in the designs of the machines. Therefore, in the article we will tell not only about current form Machines, but also as far as the manufacturers have changed the design and what came out of it.

Immediately, we want to note that for some reason on the Internet in many online stores placed images of two-year-old machines. And actually shops sell another machine! For example, this image is taken from the Master-SKI manufacturer. All entrained elements at the moment (2018) or changed, or even absent.

Appearance of machine tools

We made images of both machines purchased at the beginning of 2018.

MASTER-SKI machine (2018) RU-SKI machine (2018)

Bed and guides

The length of the bed at the Master-SKI -120 cm machine, and RU-SKI is 150 cm. If you put the Master-SKI guides to the Master-SKI machine as much as possible, it is possible to install a bike with a length of 197 cm. For Ski 200 or more Master-SKI length. In this case, the speeding of the skates on the Master-Ski Taurus (T-part) is at the maximum output and has a big shoulder! Such an installation may cause a number of problems with some types of ski processing, since part of the skiing will hang in the air without stop. This is quite important for processing part - sock and heel. For example, when applying a structure, pressure pressure may result in an irreversible brand bending. In addition, without the support of the ski, the structure may lie incorrectly or shallow.

Maximum departure of guides on machines.

As can be seen from the comparative photo on the MASTER SKI machine, the short length of the bed (120cm.) Is compensated by large than Ruski departure guide. Even this does not allow reaching length 205 or 210 to handle long classic ski. Given the length of the lever, which occurs with the maximum departure, the load on (especially the right hole) will be unambiguously higher than that of Ruski. We hope that Maskerski has spent all the necessary tests and strength of such a design will be sufficient for ski processing.

Due to the elongated bed on the RU-SKI machines, you can perform the work of any complexity without fearing the damage to the machine and its ski. As a prototype, the RU-SKI machine was selected a SWIX machine, which has a length of the bed 160 cm. The profile of the RU-SKI machine is painted with high-quality frost-resistant PVC paint in a special painting chamber.


The difference between the guides is detected only in the socks element. In Ruski, it is made solid together with the guide with the brake layer of soft foamed polyurethane. In the Master-Ski Machine Sock is the painted wooden baroK (with selflessness).

Fixators of guides

Guides can move freely on the bed within the framework of the specified technological grooves. In the Master-SKI Machine, each guide is fixed by the free-flowing pair of nuts and a bolt with a "lamb". To fix the guide must be kept her hand, at the same time somehow manage to wind the nut on the bolt. The nut and bolt must also be held that it is quite uncomfortable - all the parts are dangling until they are tightened. If you collect the machine in the cold, then your fingers stop listening and the bolt with the nut can be easily dropped into the snow.

The Ru-Ski machine, the nut is rigidly applied to the bed, so it is enough to install the guide with one hand, and the other twist the bolt with a large "lamb". It can be done even in gloves!

The design of the guides and fixators at the RU-SKI machine allows you to collect the machine much faster and convenient if you need to prepare several skips of different risks or to adjust the length of the guides for the first time.


The design of the legs of both machines in 2015 was solid - each pair of legs were bonded by two rods - at the top and bottom (spacer).

At the time (2018) in the new machines of both manufacturers, the design of the legs changed. It became easier and, as a result, easier.

A pair of legs on the Ruski machine lost to the upper fastening rod, which was logical, as the fixation of the legs at the top occurs due to the bolt with the lamb - right to the bed. The lower transverse rod has become solid (was with a hinge and strut) and began to be made from a more powerful tube with rigidity ribs.

The Master-SKI manufacturer went further and removed the cross strut design. The design looks sustainable, but what will happen if it should be pressed on such a machine, for example, when applied to a stroke or enhanced pressed by a brush. Whether the legs will be discouraged in this case - unknown. Upset what independent assembly Master-SKI machine One person was quite complicated - now, to fasten the legs to the bed, it is necessary to keep each leg and the face at the same time in a certain position and screw the bolt, demonstrating the wonders of agility and equilibrium. The whole design has to hold so that it does not crumble. When assembling the machine (the total time for assembling MASTERSKI took about 6 minutes) the main time went on the legs. If you collect the machine on the cold, then try not to lose bolts and nuts!

Master-SKI legs RU-SKI legs


In 2015, both manufacturer used rivets.

At the RU-SKI skiing machine, all rivets had a response part, eliminating falling out or loosening the riveting, which was a better and reliable connection - the coolness was fixed at two points. The Master SKI machine used exhaust aluminum riveting - fixation at one point.

At the time (2018 g) in MastReski machines, a regular exhaust coolcloth is still used, and Ruski has some changes in the hinge - now the connection is used by the bolt and nut. In our opinion, such a way more maintainable. Any coolness eventually can come into disrepair and a bolt with a nut rises in her place. Ruski decided to immediately install such a connection. By the way, in Masterski, when the riveting is destroyed, it will be necessary to somehow drill the leg.

Fastening lock

Both clamps look quite brutally - their function is performed. It is not clear why Master SKI stains the holder - after the first connection of the ski attachment, the paint will begin to roll out.


Both manufacturers have a shelf for accessories and a trash-layout holder.

The shelf tight sits on the profile. The size of the shelves from both producers is small, but the Master-SKI area is more than that of RU-SKI.

Master-SKI garbage holder is attached to the face, and RU-SKI on the guide. Our personal opinion - the garbage package does not save you from sweeping, because part of the paraffin still falls on the floor when removing the scraper. And when applying paraffin using an iron, its drops can also fall on the floor. In addition, you will need to have a clothespin with you to mount the package. Therefore, in our opinion, it would be better for the manufacturers further reduced the price, but did not use this holder.

When preparing long skis (200cm and more) the package holder on the Master-SKI machine turns out to be partially closed bed - there is a chance that the garbage does not fall into it.

MASTER-SKI machine in the analysis

RU-SKI machine in the analysis.

Conclusions and reviews

Master Ski. RU SKI
Stanina 120 cm (ski max. 197 cm) 150 cm (ski max. 210 cm)
Legs 4 separate, without connecting 2 pairs, connected by a profiled barbell
Hinged joints exhaust rivets bolt, washer, nut

wooden sock

metal sock with foam
Fixators of guides

bolt, nut with a lamb

scangled to the bed Nut, bolt with a lamb
Shelf 31x14cm 25x16cm
Price on the Internet 5200-5500 r. 5300-5500 p.

Master SKI manufacturer, in our opinion, uses more simple assembly, trying to reduce the construction. But for some reason it does not affect price - the cost of machines is almost the same.

In favor of the quality of Equipment, RU-SKI says the fact that the famous Russian skier Nikita Kryukov appreciated the class of machine tools and simulators RU-SKI, as reported in his article.

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To achieve the specified standards for running skiing, it is necessary not only for a long time and hard to train, but also use professional ski equipment and accessories. First of all, pay attention to skis for a skate or classic stroke, because from their weight, dynamic characteristics and quality of the sliding surface depends on how long you can maintain a high pace.


Sport classes should always be as high as possible and comfortable, only then will be achieved a high result without the slightest disappointment. Very much depends on the sporting equipment. Clothing for running necessarily has air permeability, retains heat, actively removes moisture, supports dryness, protects against wind, has ultralessness. Running is a fairly effective sport, easy and affordable, so wishing to lead a healthy lifestyle is only added, respectively, the demand for sportswear only increases. Run in heavy jackets that are not able to adjust and maintain the right temperature modeIt would be simply impossible, very hard and hot. That is why, today there is a lot of different sportswearcapable of presenting athletes maximum pleasure on jogs, not to shy movements, give ease and airiness. It is especially important to keep track of your clothes when you have to run for long distances. Low-quality clothing from synthetics will surely provoke " greenhouse effect"The sweat will be hung harder, the moisture will begin to accumulate and lead to a strong itching, burning, discomfort during running. Good mood The athlete will instantly evaporate, such a workout can be considered spoiled. And it is unlikely to make a desire to repeat such experience. Similar trouble causes and cotton, because such a cloth quickly wet and dries long, respectively, even with a strong heat, a person can quickly catch a cold. The athlete will not receive from running any pleasure, he will constantly overcome the desire to stop classes and remove hated clothes. Plus to all, it is heavy jackets that will lead to the fatigue of the athlete, and not physical exercises. So, the privilege is definitely on the side of the high-quality polyester jackets. If the jacket for running meets the following requirements, it means that it is selected as correct as possible: it has excellent strength, but at the same time its weight is completely insignificant. The texture is pleasant when touched. Adjusts the temperature regime in accordance with the year. Protects the user's body from any atmospheric precipitation. In the jacket at the beginning of the distance, somewhat cool, but at the end of the workout an athlete feels only warmth, comfort and elevated comfort. Sports windbreaker is selected in size, it must perfectly lay down to the body, not to shy movements, be comfortable and practically merging together with its owner, be absolutely imperceptible. Qualitative models for a long time retain their shape, bright and rich shades, durable, protected from ultraviolet exposure. Excellent quality summer windbreaker will provide an opportunity to enjoy every movement, soaring ease, incredible comfort throughout the workout. Dynamic natures will always be chosen from a wide range of suitable models for the style and color decision. If you wish, you can even experiment with the way why not? A sufficient choice of sports windbreaker gives every chance to assume that the conceived business is crowned with success. Despite times aggressive external environmentThe athlete will always stay confident, surrounded by unshakable comfort. Summer windbreaker for running Mac in a Sac Ultra - a worthy choice The fact is that adherents healthy image life, professional athletes, lovers can not miss training, therefore, go on a jog at any time of the year and with different weather - high humidity, strong windCool. In this case, do not do without light sports windbreaks - excellent summer optionThe product "breathes", regulates the temperature balance, convenient to operate. A vivid example of such jackets is the Mac in A Sac Ultra model. Windbreaker is made of high quality materials, polyester. It has a small moisture resistance sufficient to protect against the drizzling rain. It is incredibly light - with unrequisite, it is neatly folded into the bag, which can always protect against wind and rain, is not blown away. Athletes only dream of such a fashionable product, accessible in the most bold and bright colors. The material used is not capable of provoking the occurrence of allergies. For convenience, the jacket is equipped with front pockets on lightning, light reflectors, a ventilated spin is provided, adjustable hood. Windbreaker weight in the bag is 185 grams. A two-year warranty is offered to such clothes, a super light jacket fits men and women, designed for exploitation in summer, winter and autumn.

Whether the ski machine was created with their own hands, or in industrial conditions it does not matter. Who loves skiing knows how important the quality of the inventory is. To achieve reliability and stability, use the machine to prepare ski.

To deal with ski sports, an athlete skills are needed, and inventory, reliable, high quality. Provide speed helps ski equipment in good condition, with saved factory parameters.

According to servicemen, people who prepare inventory for competitions, design for equipment plays main role. After all, the prepared gear is better sliding. Even lubrication does not affect the machine processing.

Skiing lots. Therefore, the inventory is chosen different. Racing models have a different structure and the level of the aggressiveness of the material from which they are made. Professional athletes know how to choose inventory depending on climatic conditionsin which they are going to "drive." But sometimes it does not suit the factory structure, or the wear has already reached the limit. Then the machine comes into business to prepare skis.

Fix the damage to the sports equipment is difficult. Return the surface slide and former properties will help the device. Not all available factory equipment. In this case, we advise you to make a ski machine with your own hands.

Design features for different ski species

Ski editing machine is a two-profile metal design or natural treewhich is placed on the edges of the aluminum base. On some modifications, supports, elements in the form of legs are fixed on the base. The basis is a fragment on which the success of use in the future depends.

For processing, equipment is placed on the design so that the sliding plane is directed upwards, and the ends touched the profiles. The fastener element for the boot is inserted with a metal loop, which is stretched until the equipment bar accept the desired configuration.

This provision is fixed, facilitating the further workflow.

To reduce the weight of the device, the base is made from aluminum tube. Since the equipment is required at any time, it can be worn with you.

Main details

Winter sports lovers need to regularly update the inventory. To do this, a toolkit that supports equipment in good condition has been developed. Buying a factory model, sometimes becomes aimless. Therefore, self-made adaptation is useful to fans of ski entertainment.

Today there are many elements on sale to make models that indulge with the simplicity and convenience of repairing equipment. Options for drawings such designs can be found on the Internet, and create a model that liked. Difficult schemes are not required, because even the simplest model prepare inventory to training or competitions.

Applicated structure by homemade equipment Long serves. Yes, and the design is always at hand. This allows you to achieve equipment sliding at a convenient time, anywhere. Lovers are happy to put in order inventory before the start of the ride season.

What is the processing of inventory for? To achieve a good slip, without the "duties" on the parties, it happens when wear. It is necessary to consider that the equipment is processed in different ways, and special machines are designed for it. And if the snowboards and equipment with metal cants are treated with a strong pressure on the sliding plane, then running equipment requires a careful relationship. Preparation of cross-country models are carried out with caution, accuracy.

Over the state of the sliding surface, you must carefully follow:

  • keep dry
  • regularly wash off the spent lubricant;
  • processing ointment;
  • for storing or transporting inventory to flood plastic by transport paraffin.

Strict compliance with the rules for the care of equipment will allow for a long time not to use rigid machinery using elaborate circles necessary for severe inventory deformation.

Manually hand-made ski processing is enough to provide a slight slip, give skiers the ability to achieve high indicators.

Wooden supports

It is about creating a collapsible equipment consisting of two parts. Both parts are identical. The base is a square tube of metal. A support made from a natural tree is installed on top of it.

The quality of processing depends on the nuances of the design. Mandatory moment - correct location And holding planks on the bed. An important nuance The production is considered.


When creating this item, attention should be paid to the following recommendations:

  1. Wooden support is attached to the base with self-draws.
  2. The head of self-pressing is carefully interpreted.
  3. Supports should be with the deflection so that the equipment fit on the face right.

The base of metal square pipes, which are connected by a wooden plank inserted in both pipes - a good option.

Ski hold brackets

When creating a homemade design, it is necessary to know that the bracket is an element to which the planks are attached at the time of preparation for further operation. Therefore, processing depends on the correctness of its choice.

The height bracket is regulated, in accordance with the requirements. For durability, the detail is made from the cut of the steel of a circular cross section. To secure the bracket, it is better to breed it. It is reliable, because to prepare modern inventory before training, you need a device. Otherwise, if the design is shaky, it is impossible to fulfill full preparation.

Important nuances in the manufacture

Use for the manufacture of the machine you need light and reliable materials. Works carry out, observing safety equipment. The homemade design should be responsible for sizes and requirements, otherwise it is impossible to handle equipment correctly.

Getting Started to make the device, you need to make sure that the necessary parts are prepared. Boards for design Choose dry so that over time they are not "led" when drying. Accuracy in the creation will correctly process the inventory.

Create homemade design Without a drawing it will not work.

Advantages of the machine

A number of advantages that the device possesses is:

  • mobility, compact;
  • structural strength and resistance to power loads;
  • convenience in operation;
  • easy to manufacture.

People who own the factory models consider self-made devices by non-ideal, from a technical point of view. But it is impossible to deny that the designs made independently have many advantages. A light weight, fast installation, adjustment along the entire length of the planks, stability due to the square profile at the base. With the advent of new materials possible creation fantastic things.

Performance homemade device For processing winter equipment, useful, fascinating occupation. This design gives high slip rates. And success in the manufacture of one machine will be a useful skill in life.

In addition to the main equipment, professionals and lovers of classic cross-country skiing and skiing have to spend money on all sorts of lubricants, cream, auxiliary equipment. Dear specimens require particularly gentle handling during preparation. The cheapest sports equipment training device in the store is at least 3 thousand rubles. Applying a little smelting, you can make it yourself.

The simplest machine You can make from a conventional geepboard suitable in width. Ski need to put on it, cover the contour and cut off the jigsaw. There are options more complex and convenient to use. For example, the machine can be made solid, stationary, and can be folded. In the latter case, it can be easily stored and transported from place to place.

To make the machine for your own hands you may need:

  1. Metal square tube, or a base for the base.
  2. Solid wood or plywood (for a lightweight machine version). Two supports are peaked out of it, which will be laid by the ski.
  3. Foamed soft material, foam rubber or tape for noise insulation. It is glued to the surface of clamps, so as not to damage the veneer of sports equipment.
  4. Metal loop. One side is screwed to the base of the machine, and the other is inserted into the attachment for the boot. Need for reliable fixation, by creating the required deflection of plastic.
  5. Lobzik.
  6. Drill.
  7. Drills for metal and wood.
  8. Saws.
  9. The skin is coarse and small for handling wooden bars.

Mastery Machine Stepgovoye

To make a ski machine, whose drawings are presented below, you need to take a wooden bar. Approximate parameters of 1650 x 250 x 40 mm. Values \u200b\u200bdepend on the ski length.

A pair of bolts with a length of 50-60 mm with carrying nuts, fastening plates, measuring 40x80 mm and a diameter of 10 mm holes, as well as clamps for mounting the machine to the table or other horizontal surface.

Step 1. Select and saw the machine part according to the drawing.

Step 2. In Brukes, drill holes, elaborating future fastenings of metal plates. Clean the tree with a skin.

Step 3. Broke Broi Rounded on the one hand, cover the soft material from above: PLALON, noise insulating tape, etc.

Step 4. We screw the clamping plates. On their ends, it is best to wear pieces of rubber hose so that they do not leave tracks on skis.

Step 5. We are trying to use the elements that they fit to each other if necessary.

For the manufacture of a ski machine with their own hands, the drawings of which provide for the fixation of the poloz in the center for the mount. For this you need to make metal loop, fasten it to the base.

IMPORTANT! The loop must be adjustable so that with its help it can be increased and reduced the power of ski tension.

The bracket is better made of a round piece of steel and a long bolt. Two of these billets need to be accepted to each other. The nut in which the fastener loop is screwed to securely fasten on the basis.

To the pros homemade adaptation relate:

  • cheapness;
  • ease of construction;
  • stability;
  • the possibility of manufacture, taking into account the individual ski parameters;

You can paint the ski machine with your own paint hands or cover with colorless varnish. So he will serve longer, keeping an attractive appearance.

The minimum skier set consists of: a set of lubricants for different temperatures, with a rigid nylon pile, a special scraper, a natural cork, fierokus, a cleaner, iron.

  1. A pair of lubricant words. It must be three types, for different temperatures: above zero, to -8, below -10 degrees. It is important to remember that the temperature of the snow on 2 degrees is colder than air temperature.
  2. Cooking sports equipment is needed on the day of workout, because per night weather may change.
  3. Before throwing on the snow, let them stand upright in the vertical position to adapt to the air temperature, otherwise the snow can stick to the warm seals.
  4. Keep skiing needs to be connected, sliding surfaces to each other. Between them you need to pave a soft gasket. It is unacceptable to leave the sports venture random near the heating devices, to use a balcony with straight sunshine.
  5. So that the base does not oxidize, for spring, summer, autumn needs to be "canvate", that is, apply a grain layer of soft paraffin on a slip.

Homemade machines for - budget alternative to expensive shopping options. Due to the manifold of the schemes, the wide selection of their components in stores, the design of the construction does not take much time, but will save money that can be spent on the purchase of additional inventory.

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