Shenderovich latest publications. Viktor Shenderovich: “Putin is afraid of losing power and life

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Viktor Shenderovich is a Russian writer, social activist, publicist and human rights activist who writes his own column for The New Times magazine. Openly expresses rejection of the Russian authorities.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Anatolyevich Shenderovich was born into an intelligent Moscow family in 1958. Father Anatoly Semenovich Shenderovich worked as an engineer, often published in the humorous almanac "Crocodile". He published small satirical essays under the pseudonym Shenderov, since the national question still existed in those years.

Viktor Shenderovich himself would later say that he identified himself with the Jewish nationality only in the pursuit of education and culture. But to a greater extent, he feels like a Russian writer, brought up on works,.

The writer's mother, Inessa Evseevna Dozortseva, taught violin at a music school. Victor fell in love with the theater from childhood, he was engaged in an acting studio for children, of which he was the head.

After completing his secondary education, Victor entered the Institute of Culture at the faculty of directing amateur groups, which he graduated in 1980. After receiving a diploma, the young man went to serve in the army. Short in stature, but strong build (Viktor's height is 165 cm, weight now is up to 70 kg), the young man ended up in the Chita region by distribution. In the army, his literary talent first manifested itself, Victor began to write humorous feuilletons.

After returning to Moscow, Viktor Anatolyevich goes to work in a children's theater studio. Under his leadership, the stars of Russian cinema and began their creative careers.

In parallel with his work, Viktor Shenderovich entered the graduate school of the Shchukin School at the faculty of stage movement and graduated in 1988. After that, at the age of 30, he began teaching at GITIS in his specialty. His students were students of professors, Oleg Tabakov.

Together with the theatrical activities, Viktor Shenderovich continues to write, but until 1991 his works were not published anywhere. A breakthrough for Shenderovich's literature was the performance with his story "... It rains in the village of Gadyukino", which was broadcast on Central Television. Later, the satirist's repertoire was replenished with another early story by Shenderovich "The Puddle", describing the history of the city of Pochesalov for two centuries.

At the same time, two more of his books were published: "Flowers for Professor Pleischner" and "Seeds". A year later, the prose writer was accepted into the Union of Writers of Russia.


Since 1992, Viktor Anatolyevich began working on television, first on the ORT channel, and then on NTV. His first project was a documentary film about an actor, later a tape about Gennady Khazanov saw the light. But the most significant work that appeared under the leadership of Viktor Anatolyevich was the transfer of "Dolls".

The releases of the program have gained great popularity among the population of the country. For 8 years, humorous sketches on politics were broadcast on the NTV channel. The author of the program several times during his television career received prestigious awards, including TEFI.


  • 1991 - "Flowers for Professor Pleishner"
  • 1993 - "... In the village of Gadyukino - rains"
  • 1999 - "Moscow Landscape"
  • 2000 - "Kukliada"
  • 2005 - "Re-film Cinema"
  • 2007 - "Lame Verse"
  • 2012 - "Renovation: stories"
  • 2014 - "Brain Block 2014"
  • 2015 - "The Curse of Pelop"
  • 2015 - Flute Solo


When they want to cheat a person, they flatter him.
Do not be afraid - everything has already happened.
The border of slavery cannot be crossed illegally.
It happens that barbarians occupy leadership positions in the empire.
The weather vane was nailed down, and the wind blew doomedly in the indicated direction.

At the end of August, director Kirill Serebrennikov was detained, who is suspected of embezzling 68 million rubles, which, according to Viktor Shenderovich, is “not a figure for embezzlement” in Russia. He believes that this arrest is "a pre-election slap in the face [of the intelligentsia]", since Serebrennikov was "a model of a free artist." Thus, the authorities establish new rules of the game and make it clear who will determine them, as Shenderovich says. The writer does not believe that the director is guilty of embezzlement, since he has no motive for the crime, he does not need to steal, because he has productions, films, and he does what he loves.

“The ossification of the situation and the final tightening of the screws,” this is how Viktor Shenderovich described the further goals of the security forces, “the question of what rules will be in 2018 is no longer there.” The authorities will not go away on their own, because then "questions of the most severe nature will begin for them," the writer believes. And the fact that now the intelligentsia is actively leaving the country, he explains by the fact that the Kremlin "does not need citizens, they need cattle," and compares it with a similar situation in Cuba under Castro. “Intellectual creamer is needed when you plan to make sour cream. The Soviet government needed them, but they don’t need anything,” Shenderovich sums up.

At the end of August, blogger Stanislav Dumkin died in the hospital. On the 13th of the same month, he was beaten in Gorky Park because of his clothes. According to Shenderovich, in the "democratic" capital, such "rules of the game" - gopniks are "class close" to each other, and the dead guy was a stranger to them. “It was a meeting of civilizations and the result of our social pedagogy,” the writer explained what happened.

On August 24, NATO troops took part in a military parade in Kyiv, and Viktor Shenderovich is concerned about only one question - "how Putin should have tried to bring it to this." “Putin is a foreign policy catastrophe, and a domestic political one too,” the writer believes, “he did a lot to upset the balance.” According to Shenderovich, the likelihood of war is quite high, in which case "not he [Putin] will die, but his 86%, they will pay for their support." He drew attention to how such indicators as the deployment of troops, the budget, NATO policy have changed after the annexation of Crimea. “Here they are at the threshold, and who brought them, your mother?” Shenderovich asked rhetorically.

Program decryption:

The first question, and probably the most lively topic right now, is the fate of Kirill Serebrennikov, who, as we know, is in pre-trial detention at home, without the Internet, only, perhaps, investigators and family members can visit him, but, unfortunately, his parents are not healthy and, as I understand it, are in Rostov-on-Don. I would like to ask you: what do you think, how do you assess the reaction of the intelligentsia to this event? As I understand it, this absolutely fragmented society and fragmented it in a completely unexpected way.

The intelligentsia of the intelligentsia is different. So let's make a deal. When we pronounce this word, we have the face of Lyudmila Ulitskaya or Vladimir Menshov, what do we mean? If people with higher education, then this is a weak common denominator. I will tell you this: the intelligentsia, by definition, cannot split this issue. Because the Russian intelligentsia, by definition, stands up for the humiliated, for the weak, it painfully reacts to unjust actions, to cruelty on the part of the state, to idiocy, to stupidity, to contempt for human dignity.

If we are such a denominator, such a definition, the intelligentsia could not be divided by the story of Serebrennikov. The intelligentsia was given a slap in the face, a ringing, audible slap in the face, which, in general, was intended, in the first place, of course, not to her, of course. Serebrennikov suffered, arbitrariness against Serebrennikov is such a toolkit, as I understand it, of the victory of the security forces over conditional liberals in the government. I say “conditional” because we have lived to a time when by the word “liberals” we mean Surkov. You know, sand is an unimportant substitute for oats, but what a country - such liberals in the government. The slap was meant for them, and it reached its destination. The security forces told the liberals who is the boss in the house, who rules the show, and where their place is. Serebrennikov, who was friends with Surkov, was friends with all systemic liberals and was, in a sense, a model ...

Among the few that remain for us now, there is still the opportunity to call a spade a spade. And here, it seems, the time has come to do without metaphors: a coup has taken place in Russia. Taking advantage of the paranoia of their protege and his fear of even the shadow of real democracy, a group of security officials finally received the long-awaited carte blanche for open police violence. The police completely ousted the Constitution of the Russian Federation from the Moscow streets, - the publicist and satirist writes on his Facebook page. All opposition leaders have been illegally arrested; deployed

19:10 04.09.2018

Terrible Villainy

The further this date of September 3, 2004 goes into the past, the clearer it becomes that it was Beslan that became the point of no return for both Putin and Russia, which had been held hostage by him several years before. His accession to power immediately fell under the shadow of a suspiciously timely Chechen war, Ryazan sugar. Then there were deadly lies in the story of Kursk, and the destruction of NTV, and the arrest of Khodorkovsky, and Nord-Ost (also with the actual murder of hostages), and outright raiding , and planting a cult of personality But the trait was

17:17 15.08.2018

"Farewell, dear Eduard Nikolaevich"

In connection with the death of Eduard Uspensky, the satirist and publicist recalls on Facebook how an article denunciating by one critic about Uspensky's work affected his own army career. Oh, what sadness... Ouspensky. We were connected with him by one funny story ... Nikolai Mashovets - the name of the Young Guard critic, who in November 1981 wrote a denunciation of Cheburashka and its author, published in the Literary Gazette. I swear there was the word rootless! Rootless Cheburashka - and not a single poem about the Motherland, about the coat of arms, about bread! Children are corrupted

10:32 05.01.2018

On the question of the government's support rating

To the question of the power support rating etc. As it has just become clear, a Hwangseong-12 missile launched by North Korea in April 2017 fell on the North Korean city of Tokcheon. It should be noted that we did not hear about any protests in Tokchon about this, and, apparently, there were none. The rating of the Workers' Party of Korea in the city of Tokchon also did not suffer during the analysis of the rubble. Attention, question. Does this mean that the people of Dokchon city welcome the fall of the rocket on their heads and do not mind repeating this experience, in the process

05:08 16.05.2017

Viktor Shenderovich's blog: Stalin smiles at them through his mustache

And not even an anniversary, but just the anniversary of the launch. And not even today is the anniversary, but tomorrow, but still: the day off will not disappear! So they decorated the station in advance with portraits of Comrade Stalin and Comrade. Kaganovich, as well as a red banner glorifying the one who was the main initiator of all this underground joy. Hey, well done! Spring, people walk with their children past the portraits, Stalin smiles at them in the mustache Patriotic education, damn it. Right! If it weren't for Stalin, we probably wouldn't have a subway yet! And not so

23:45 25.01.2017

Rhino roar: Viktor Shenderovich - about the anti-Semitism of Peter Tolstoy

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05:30 11.11.2016

Viktor Shenderovich: Russia's next leadership will have to return Crimea

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13:35 01.11.2016

Viktor Shenderovich: there is no satire in Russia, but there are political prisoners

Writer Viktor Shenderovich, in an interview with Zhanna Nemtsova, told what jokes about Vladimir Putin are acceptable in modern Russia and why the dystopia genre has become popular in the country. Viktor Shenderovich is a Russian satirist and journalist who is widely known as the screenwriter of the satirical program Dolls, which aired on the NTV channel until 2002. Today, Shenderovich is a regular participant in the Special Opinion program on the Ekho Moskvy radio station. In 2016, his book My friend Ali, a descendant of Mohammed, was published - about an Iraqi who, as a child, ended up in

04:31 10.04.2016

Shenderovich talks about reputation

Our special services have recently become accustomed to special operations, to bless the beds of our opposition citizens. It turns out unexpectedly witty and this is not the merit of a dispassionate hidden video camera, but the completely sparkling talent of our budget porn actors ... Kasyanov also fired up completely and also in bed with his comrade-in-arms. Married people, by the way, but in the case of Shenderovich, a terrible lover of freebies, and in the case of Kasyanov, a complete bastard, one can be traced. One quality connects these people and makes them almost twins, this is the quality of their

17:08 01.03.2016

The satire is back. Viktor Shenderovich will show "Dolls" in Yekaterinburg

The well-known writer Viktor Shenderovich will present in Yekaterinburg a disc with a cut of the best episodes of the Doll program. The scriptwriter of the legendary show will hold an autograph session and read his stories. The event will take place at the Yeltsin Center on March 7, at 19:00. The idea to invite the screenwriter of one of the most famous programs of the 90s was born in early February. Viktor Anatolyevich will communicate with the audience in the format of a discussion for one and a half hours. He will tell about the behind the scenes of the program, share interesting stories, show fragments of “Dolls.

07:39 05.01.2016

Shenderovich: We have a lot of people who understand. Few speakers

"Dramatic events" in 2016 were predicted in a conversation with Fontanka by satirist writer and journalist Viktor Shenderovich. "Fontanka" continues to sum up the past year. As before, we start with a question about the main event of 2015. And where this question will lead the interlocutor decides for himself. Viktor Shenderovich turned out to be true to himself. - Viktor Anatolyevich, what event of 2015 would you call the most typical for the past year? It seems to me that this is the final entry of Russia into the number of repressive states. Already officially. - Explain

17:28 25.12.2015

The editors of the site "Echo of Moscow" deleted Shenderovich's interview

The text of the "Special Opinion" program, in which the writer and journalist Viktor Shenderovich discussed little-known details of the biography of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was removed from the website of the Ekho Moskvy radio station. The editor-in-chief of the Ekho Moskvy website, Vitaly Ruvinsky, explained in a commentary to RBC that he had decided to remove the broadcast with Viktor Shenderovich and decrypt it due to the fact that the writer’s statements violate the rules of the site. “I mean personal attacks, personal insults and the like. On this broadcast, they were in such quantity that

12:40 15.08.2015

Day regardless

An independent Israel is a terrible threat to peace. He's big and scary. His hooked nose hung over the industrious Arab East, casting a shadow to the rivers of Babylon. He is a Jew, and since 1948 he has not hidden it. What shamelessness, if you think about it. It impedes communication between peoples by blowing up tunnels leading out of the Gaza Strip. He is tenacious, like his forefathers, and does not want to go to the foremother. He is arrogant, for even his God could not do anything with him. And you say: the Iranian nuclear program Fig. Vasily Voznyuk The impudence of those living on this earth is comparable

02:28 07.05.2015

Shenderovich: why I didn't leave Russia

For quite a long time, different people (some with sympathy, and some with malice) are interested in: when will I leave here? Or (a variation of the wording): why am I coming back here? Frankly, I no longer have a rational answer to the last question. With television, everything has been clear for a long time: if I can appear there, then only as a bastard, as in the Dm program. Kiseleva a year ago. For some time I was still able to perform my literary programs in the cities and towns of Russia, but it is difficult to swim in hydrochloric acid with severed legs, as the army says.

16:47 03.03.2015

Shenderovich's paradoxes

Our oppositional, political pornstar burst into a furious, indignant article. Which she unpretentiously called "Paradox" In short, in this passionate but logical article, Shenderovich suspiciously often emphasizes that they say there are many of us, there are so many of us, many of us, that it involuntarily seems that he himself is hardly trying to believe in this multiplicity. He immediately proposes to take measures to preserve its significant population, as if it is already on the verge of extinction.

01:39 24.09.2014

Shenderovich called the people a herd and divided people according to "quality"

Liberals are such liberals. In their zeal for the fate of the people and the country as a whole, they do not see either the people or the country, but only amuse their own thoughts that everything could be adjusted to fit their matrix, but that’s bad luck: the country is not the same, and the people are completely unsuitable. And since the people are not suitable, then you can not especially reckon with them. And after all, Viktor Shenderovich, the tribune and the conscience of the opposition, are not considered, which is spoken about in a polemical frenzy, for example. Being a real minority in a country that he does not like so much that he

22:04 14.03.2014

Shenderovich refuses to apologize for comparing Russia to Nazi Germany

An article published on the journalist's blog on the Ekho Moskvy website angered the leader of the United Russia faction, Vladimir Vasiliev. He demanded an apology for the publication Viktor Shenderovich refused to apologize for comparing Russia with Germany in the 1930s. Photo: RIA Novosti, Vladimir Fedorenko. Moscow. 11 February. INTERFAX.RU - Journalist Viktor Shenderovich said he sees no reason to apologize for the publication in his blog on the website of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, which Vladimir Vasiliev, leader of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, considered offensive. "In my

15:17 23.02.2014

Shenderovich and a girl on skates

The scandal surrounding Viktor Shenderovich's note was fanned, as usual, by those who did not read it. Or, having read it, I did not understand anything, but I was offended. And you just need to read carefully to understand that the Olympics are not the point, and even a comparison of the two Olympics, Berlin and Sochi, has nothing to do with it. And not even a beautiful figure skater is the main theme of this text. In the center of it is the author himself, trying to deal with his spiritual break. It is obvious that Yulia Lipnitskaya's speech sincerely shocked the author. Yes, so that went to break the soul

13:47 18.02.2014

Shenderovich may be deprived of Israeli citizenship due to insults to Russia

Shenderovich, for publicly denying the role of Russia in the defeat of Nazism, for blasphemous insults to the Olympic athlete, the Knesset (Israeli parliament) is ready to revoke Israeli citizenship with a ban on visas to European and American countries. a parallel between Sochi 2014 and the Olympics in Berlin in 1936. Boroda said that Shenderovich’s post was more radical than the blockade poll on Dozhd TV.

Viktor Shenderovich is a well-known journalist, writer and human rights activist. During his life, our today's hero managed to become famous in a wide variety of industries. That is why he has long managed to become one of the brightest representatives of the world of Russian journalism.

Early years, childhood and the family of Viktor Shenderovich

Viktor Anatolyevich Shenderovich was born on August 15, 1958 in the city of Moscow. His father, Anatoly Semenovich, was a fairly well-known engineer in the USSR, and his mother, Inessa Evseevna, worked most of her life as a music teacher.

On the part of both parents, Victor has Jewish roots. During the formation of the Soviet Union, the grandfather of our today's hero, Semyon Markovich, was known as a bright political figure who was in the Trotskyist opposition. Another grandfather was a war hero.

Returning directly to the personality of our today's hero, we note that his path to fame began with a passion for theater. During his school years, Victor occasionally performed on stage as an actor, but later he nevertheless decided to choose a slightly different fate for himself. After graduating from school and serving two years in the Soviet army, Shenderovich entered the Moscow State Institute of Culture, where he studied as a director of amateur theater groups.

After receiving a diploma, our today's hero began working in one of the Moscow Palaces of Pioneers. In this capacity, Victor spent several years. However, he later decided to try himself in a slightly different area. In 1988, our today's hero underwent an internship at the Shchukin Higher Theater School, after which he got a job at GITIS, where he worked as a stage movement teacher for several years.

Star Trek of the writer and satirist Viktor Shenderovich

In the nineties, Viktor Shenderovich began working as a writer. In 1991, he presented his first collection of short stories "Flowers for Professor Pleishner", followed by two more collections - "In the village of Gadyukino - rains" and "Seeds".

Subsequently, Viktor Shenderovich began to work frequently as a publicist. He wrote articles for various newspapers and also composed comic monologues for Gennady Khazanov. As a result, many of the author's humorous essays were awarded some prestigious literary awards.

Shenderovich on television

In parallel with this, our today's hero also began working as a screenwriter on television. In 1992, a series of films about Zinovy ​​Gerdt and Gennady Khazanov was staged according to his scripts. These projects were released on the ORT channel, but subsequently Shenderovich began to work more closely with the NTV channel.

Viktor Shenderovich: transformation of jokes about Putin

Especially famous was his work on a series of humorous programs "Dolls". This project became very popular among the audience, and also brought its author the Golden Ostap and TEFI awards in the Event of the Year nomination. In 1997, Viktor Shenderovich decided to try himself as a presenter as well.

Continuing to work on new publications, as well as writing scripts for the program "Dolls", our today's hero began to work as a host on the programs "Total", "Free Cheese" and "Interference on the Air". As a rule, most of his programs were satirical in nature.

In the early 2000s, after Vladimir Putin came to power, a noticeable oppositional bias began to appear in the work of the satirist. According to one of the widespread versions, personal hostility between Shenderovich and Putin arose after the Russian president was presented in the program "Dolls" in the form of an ugly dwarf. After that, the program disappeared from the air for a long time, and subsequently began to go out only at night.

Dolls - Shenderovich's successful project

In subsequent years, Viktor Shenderovich began to appear frequently on the air of the Ekho Moskvy radio station, as well as Radio Liberty. Subsequently, on both of these radio channels, Shenderovich began to conduct his own programs ("Processed Cheese" and "Everyone is Free").

Shenderovich in politics

In 2005, Viktor Shenderovich also made an attempt to get into the State Duma of the Russian Federation. A well-known publicist and presenter participated in the elections as an independent candidate, but in the end he won only 19 percent of the vote in the University District of Moscow. A well-known Russian author wrote a separate book about his unsuccessful campaign in politics - "The Fool, or How I Defeated Mark Twain."

After 2005, Viktor Shenderovich no longer participated in the elections. However, he was active as an opposition group "Committee 2008: Free Choice". Subsequently, the well-known publicist also became one of the cultural figures who signed the open manifesto "Putin must go."

During this period, Viktor Anatolyevich did not interrupt his activities as a leader. Over the years, he hosted programs on the RTVi channel, and also released projects “In short!” and "Raisin from a Roll", which were also satirical in nature and ridiculed the authorities in Russia.

Viktor Shenderovich at present

Currently, Shenderovich continues to work as a writer and radio host. In addition, the well-known Russian satirist writes his own column in the socio-political magazine The New Times.

Personal life of Viktor Shenderovich

For many years, Viktor Shenderovich has been living with his wife, Lyudmila Chubarova. The writer's wife is also a journalist, but not as widely known as her husband. Currently, celebrities live in Moscow, and are also raising their joint daughter Valentina.

Russian satirist Viktor Shenderovich believes that after the annexation of Crimea, Russia has become a military country that treats human rights with contempt. According to him, the main fear of Russian President Vladimir Putin is lose "power along with life."

How has Russia changed since the annexation of Crimea? What are the prospects for the return of the peninsula under the control of Ukraine? What is Vladimir Putin most afraid of? To these and other questions Viktor Shenderovich answers in an interview Radio Krym.Realii.

– How did the annexation of Crimea change Russia?

Russia has become a military country with ultimate contempt for such notions as human rights and laws

Viktor Shenderovich

- The imperial vocabulary was already there, imperial moods were warmed up. And this theme: “enemies are all around, and we are the best and strongest” - has already existed in the public field for quite a long time. The annexation of Crimea made the process irreversible. Quantity turned into quality. Russia has changed noticeably and strongly. Imperial vocabulary broke out: aggressive, xenophobic, military. Russia has become a military country, with a military budget, with military priorities, and with an ultimate disdain for such things as human rights and laws.

– Under what conditions can the Russian leadership start talking about restoring Ukrainian control over Crimea?

When the food runs out, the arms race ends too.

Viktor Shenderovich

- There are two options for me. First, in Russia, instead of Putin, there is a sane political leadership. And we must go this way (de-occupation of the Crimea - KR), because there is nowhere to go. Otherwise, simply do not return to the West, do not return to the rules of the game. Where there are loans, investments... Secondly, according to the Soviet model, there is a collapse. When food runs out, the arms race ends. Then the leadership becomes much more accommodating because of the threat of food riots. Which option Mother History will choose, I don't know.

– When can this happen?

Unfortunately, nothing is coming soon.

Viktor Shenderovich

- I don’t want to escalate, but for history it doesn’t matter whether it will be during your lifetime or not. A few decades for history is generally within a small margin of error. Therefore, unfortunately, nothing can be expected soon. It could be the moment. Systems are characterized by formal stability - up to a certain minute, when everything turns upside down at once. 100 percent ratings, and then - instantly everything turns upside down.

- What do you think, five years later, Crimea–​ Russian or Ukrainian?

- There is no doubt that it was an occupation, and there was no referendum. My attitude to this is definite. Here another question should be discussed: “But what to do next?”. Of course, the occupation must be ended. But we need to make sure that what happens next is legal. And this must be done in the interests of the inhabitants of Crimea, and not in the interests of Moscow or Kyiv. The world has solved more difficult questions and problems several times.

– What can you say about the status of the Crimean Tatar autonomy for Crimea?

“I have no say in this matter. I know him very superficially. The theme of autonomy exists all over the world. There is a tragic case - Kurdish, for example. A huge people is scattered and lives in pieces in three or four states, and cannot get their own state. And since he cannot get it legally, explosions begin, guerrilla warfare begins.

And there is nothing good in it. When the topic “Crimea is ours” arose in Russia, and everyone began frantically delving into the history books, it was then that it became clear that, by nationality, by historical length, of course, Crimea is Crimean Tatar. Of course, that the Crimeans, the Crimean Tatars can put the question in this way.

Is Putin afraid of something?

Putin is afraid of losing power along with life or life along with power

Viktor Shenderovich

- In recent years, he wanted only one thing - to remain in power. He did it quite successfully. Everything else is tactics: how to stay. This he can do within the military agenda. Inside the xenophobic, inside the messianic agenda. If he is a messiah saving Russia from a hostile world, then his Lord will forgive him murders, wars, and corruption. It's all in the name of a "higher goal". He's so comfortable.

His job is to stay in power. The entire Donbass, Syria, everything that happens, including internal laws and the external agenda, is for the preservation of power. Without protection, he cannot go out to his own people. He carries with him people in ranks no lower than a lieutenant. He is afraid of an assassination attempt, he understands how much his disappearance will be a relief for a huge number of influential people. He is afraid of losing power along with life, or life along with power.

(Artem Laptiev worked on the text version of the material)

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