Paving slabs for paths, popular options and selection rules. Do-it-yourself path in the country from ceramic tiles Path from the remains of tiles in the country

Site arrangement 29.08.2019
Site arrangement

If after the repair you still have leftovers ceramic tiles, do not rush to get rid of them. Perhaps, inspired by the examples from this article, you decide to start decorating your home or summer cottage with beautiful and original ceramic crafts. But it is still practical and profitable!

So what can be made from broken tiles, or leftover solid tile samples? First of all, these are various decorative crafts and decoration of interior items. Good decision will lay out a mosaic floor of broken tiles. For owners country houses there are just a lot of opportunities for using old or broken tiles in decorating facades, porches, garden paths, flower beds.

It is important to note that the use of remnants of ceramic tiles should not be seen as purely whims of the designer soul. Tile trims do not lose their performance and are of great practical use - the products decorated with them, be it flower pot or kitchen apron will serve you much longer the usual time, and a garden path correctly laid out from the remains of a tile will become a comfortable and reliable place for movement and walks. At the same time, you will not be wasted on new materials, optimizing your costs to the maximum.

Mosaic from the remnants of tiles

As a rule, after the repair there is a lot of broken or cut tiles. It is these waste products that are most often used to create mosaics. Much less often, a whole old tile is used for these purposes. We have already described in detail how to make a mosaic from broken or whole tiles in this article. Therefore, we will not dwell on the technical part of making the mosaic itself.

Now let's take a closer look at what can be made from the remnants of a tile, no matter in what form they are presented.

Crafts from the remains of ceramic tiles

As a rule, at the end renovation works you have an unused amount of tiles, or all kinds of clippings and fragments accumulate. Someone sees in this accumulation of broken ceramics just a mountain of rubbish, while others - a wonderful opportunity to create home “hand made” decor.

If you are still in doubt about which beautiful crafts from the leftovers tile can be created, check out our selection of the best samples in this area.

Supports for dishes

Let's start from the very simple solution- creating from the remains of ceramic tiles holders for glasses, cups, and other tableware. Such a solution seems to be ideal if you have unused tiles of small sizes - 10x10, 15x15.

In this case, it is enough just to wash them from dust and a wonderful stand is ready.

The remains of the mosaic can be used in the same direction. Due to the fact that the mosaic chips are glued to the mesh, this solution will be convenient to use, and will protect your countertops from scratches that dishes can leave on it.

Decorating flower pots with mosaics from the remains of tiles.

Make nondescript clay or plastic flower pots and vases bright and attractive. Decorating a flowerpot with broken ceramics also significantly increases its service life.

It should also be remembered that ceramic shards can be excellent drainage.

Ceramic mirror frame.

Using the remnants of ceramic tiles to decorate the mirror will create a modern and stylish solution... It is not too complicated to implement, but it will noticeably refresh the space of your bathroom.

For this task, both the remains of solid tiles and broken samples that you could not use in the cladding are suitable.

Choosing a glossy multi-colored mosaic for cladding, you can provide spectacular reflections and diffusion sunlight throughout the room.

Photo on a tile instead of a frame.

Another effortless way to use unnecessary tiles is to glue photos of relatives onto them. By hanging the tiles in a conspicuous place, you will remind in such an original way of your love for your loved ones.

Facing the countertop with the remnants of tiles

If your kitchen table already worn enough, covered with scratches and chips, renew it with the existing tiles. Thus, you will significantly extend the life of the table, and also make it a real work of art.

Kitchen apron from the remains of ceramic tiles.

No less practical option on using a bat or simply unnecessary tiles - revet a kitchen apron with it. Usually this small area and you don't need too many tiles.

Broken tile floor.

For cladding the entire floor, the remnants of the tile, of course, will not be enough for you. But decorate small area- quite. Such a decorative blotch will add zest to the interior. Especially if the floor is monochromatic and the decorative tile insert is made of multi-colored mosaic pieces.

Specialists of the Keramatsentr company note that when choosing a material for flooring from the remains of a tile, pay attention to too sharp ends - it is better to grind them. In all other respects, the technology of laying broken tiles on the floor is no different from the usual one.

How to use old or broken tiles in the country

By good tradition, we hide everything unnecessary and unnecessary on the balcony or take it to the dacha. Many summer residents accumulate a lot of all sorts of things, without much need for that.

Meanwhile, the dacha economy requires regular attention and care, and the issue of cleanliness and order is one of the most pressing. There are a lot of places here, in the improvement of which you can effectively use the remains of ceramic tiles.

Garden paths from broken tiles.

Remains of broken tiles make a good and useful addition to your garden path. They can perform both an auxiliary role - to strengthen the surface, and the main one, depending on how many broken tiles you have.

But there is one caveat, if the tile is glossy (left after the wall cladding), then it is not recommended to make the entire track entirely from it - in the winter season, or after precipitation, it can be slippery. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to individual inserts for the purpose of decoration.

Flower beds from broken tiles.

Ceramic tiles will make your artificial flower beds not only more protected from harmful effects nature, but also beautiful.

Benches and garden furniture.

The use of old tiles in the country can and should meet considerations of utility and practicality. As you have probably already noticed, we are trying to focus on examples where the remains of tiles are used to ennoble household items that have a functional load, and not play an exclusively decorative role.

So now we want to offer some wonderful examples for your inspiration, where the already well-worn garden furniture, and other household items, acquire a second life, thanks to the imposition of broken tiles on their surface.

Cladding of stairs and facades.

From broken tiles, you can make partial or complete decoration of walls or stairs in the country. True, in this case, the composition will only play a decorative role.

So, we tried to show all the options for what can be done from the remains of a tile. You can easily implement any of the proposed solutions in your apartment or in your summer cottage. And don't forget that ceramic tiles are durable, environmentally friendly clean material... She will always find a place in the household.

One of the most popular and demanded building materials used for landscaping a summer cottage is tile. The paths laid out of such material are durable and beautiful, while the technology of their laying does not require special professionalism, therefore, if desired, it is understandable and accessible to everyone. The assortment of tiles for country paths presented on the domestic market allows you to choose the most suitable option corresponding to certain external characteristics, technical parameters and financial capabilities.

Varieties of tiles for country paths

Variety of tiles you can use for paving paths at the dacha is large, therefore, without creating a certain classification, it is quite difficult to make a choice in favor of one type or another. So, depending on material manufacturing distinguish the following types of tiles, intended for masonry paths, namely:

  • paving slabs;
  • polymer sand tiles;
  • rubber tiles.

Concrete-based paving slabs. This is perhaps The most common a type of tile that has an affordable price and acceptable performance. It can be produced using two different technologies - vibrocasting and vibrocompression. The technology of manufacturing tiles by vibrocasting involves pouring a concrete mixture in special forms, which fit on the vibrating table.

After the composition has settled, the tiles are dried about 12 hours in a warm place. The main advantage of this material is appearance which can please the eye in various forms, texture and color. A significant drawback can be called low rates strength and frost resistance. Such a tile, by the way, is quite simple to make at home, which is actually what smart summer residents use.

Vibrocompression is considered to be a more advanced technology, which ensures the tile proper strength and stability to sudden changes in temperature. The concrete mixture is poured into a mold, which lends itself to constant ramming until the mortar has a characteristic density. The disadvantages include scanty color gamut and a small number of forms.

Polymer sand tiles

The main difference from the above types of tiles is the replacement of the primary binding element of cement with a polymer component. Because of which increase significantly the performance of this material. Possess high level heat resistance, lack of sliding, high strength and a slight level of surface abrasion. Compared to concrete tiles possess greater plasticity, which eliminates the likelihood of their cracking;

The production technology of this material has arisen relatively recently, but the absence of any shortcomings except, of course, high cost really amazing. Such a coating can last more than 10 years without any changes in color and texture. Rubber tiles have elasticity and injury safety, which is especially important in winter time of the year, and rich color palette able to please everyone.

Any of the above types of tiles can have varied texture, and the most popular for paths in the country are such forms of tiles as:

  • coil;
  • square;
  • wave.

Cost and specifications

The price range inherent in the tile for paths allows you to satisfy any financial requests, so let's take a look at what the building materials market can offer us today.

The greatest demand is for vibropressed paving slabs, which have the most acceptable cost and technical indicators:

  • its density is 2000 kg / m 3;
  • frost resistance is in the limit of 200 cycles;
  • the abrasion index does not exceed 0.55 g / cm 2;
  • water absorption reaches 6%;
  • the cost of such material, depending on color, shape and thickness, varies from 320 to 580 rubles / m 2.

Vibrated paving slabs have an acceptable cost, which varies from 300 to 400 rubles / m2, which is self-evident about lower performance indicators, namely:

  • the average density of the material is about 2300 kg / m3;
  • abrasion coefficient - 0.2 g / cm2;
  • frost resistance - from 250 to 400 cycles.

Polymer sand slabs have more high parameters, while their cost is not much different from the previous options:

  • the average density is about 1780 kg / m3;
  • mass water absorption not more than 0.15%;
  • abrasion index 0.1 g / cm2;
  • frost resistance exceeds 100 cycles;
  • price for given view products are set in the range of 480-600 rubles / m 2.

The rubber tile has the highest performance characteristics, as evidenced by their cost, which on average is 1650 rubles / m 2, which is three times more in comparison with concrete and polymer sand material.

  • the density of the rubber coating can vary from 850 to 1000 kg / m3, depending on the customer's requirements;
  • frost resistance exceeds 200 cycles;
  • indicators of abrasion, resistance to mechanical damage and permissible loads outnumber all expectations.

Paving slab track laying technology

Styling paving slabs does not require any specific knowledge and great experience, therefore, armed with patience and good spirits, you can begin to prepare all necessary materials and tools. So, for fruitful work you will need:

In general, the entire technology can be broken down into certain stages, the essence of which is described below:

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in the hand-made masonry of the path in the country house, so you should not delay so fascinating activity and get to work faster. After all, the result will surely please you, and the finished track, with proper care, will serve you faithfully not one year.

The path in the country performs many functions, including the connection of the entrance part with the house, the house with the garden, etc. Therefore, when arranging it, it requires paying due attention to the choice of materials and the process of its installation. Optimal material for laying on a path for a summer residence is a tile. We will consider further how to lay tiles in the country.

Options and materials for the construction of a path in the country

There are many options for arranging a path at a summer cottage. The choice of this or that depends directly on the desires of the owners, the general exterior of the building, the type of soil on which the path is being erected.

The use of natural stone makes the exterior noble and truly beautiful. Although the cost of this finishing material very high. Curved paths are made using natural stone. The arrangement of stone elements is chaotic, so with their help it is excellent to build a beautiful bend.

When registering suburban path in country style, it is possible to construct it from wood. By applying special impregnations and varnishes, it turns out to improve the natural texture of the wood. This path looks extraordinary.

If the cottage is built of brick stone, then a brick is also suitable for the construction of the path. Its combination with pebbles will enhance the appearance of the walkway. In addition, the use of ordinary bricks is impractical, it is better to use a brick adapted to the tile, since it has a high level of moisture and frost resistance.

The most long term operation differs from paving stones or paving slabs. With the help of multi-colored paving stones and a certain scheme of its installation, they make a variety of drawings or ornaments that will suit the individual style of each garden.

More budgetary and inexpensive option is the construction of a gravel path. Its installation is appropriate in the wild or in the design of a naturalistic summer cottage.

In addition, for the construction of the track, which will be distinguished by its uniqueness and chic, ordinary concrete is used, which is poured into special silicone molds. A combination of several materials will also serve in a good way experiment in the country.

Tile in the country: features of choice and application

The suburban path is constantly exposed to the influence of the environment, so the material for its decoration must be of high quality in order to serve its owner for many years.

The path in the country house is under the influence of people who move along it, garden carts and equipment, water is spilled on it, dirt or dust is brought from the garden area, in addition, there is a constant effect of rain and snow with ice, which periodically need to be cleaned. Therefore, the requirements for the construction of a summer cottage track are very high.

Tile in the country photo:

The best material for finishing a garden path is material in the form of paving slabs. We will familiarize ourselves with the features of its choice below:

1. Pay attention to the material from which the tiles are made. Since the main components of the solution greatly affect its durability. In addition, the technology of its manufacture plays an important role. With this information, in mandatory, must be owned by the seller. Otherwise, look for another place to buy it. In addition, we recommend that you inspect the certification of products and documents confirming their quality.

2. The size and thickness of the tile also plays a role in the process of its use. If the garden path is intended for pedestrian traffic, the recommended thickness is three centimeters. When installing sites for the location of vehicles, choose tiles with a thickness of five centimeters or more. You should not choose a tile that is too large, since it has been practically proven that what less tiles, the more it is resistant to mechanical damage and cracking.

3. The appearance of paving slabs will also help determine its quality. If the tile has bright color and a smooth surface, this does not mean that it is of high quality. It is the smooth texture that testifies to a large number water in solution, and brightness - about the use of cheap synthetic dyes that improve the friability and reduce the strength of the material. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a tile surface that is too smooth leads to injuries when slipping, especially in winter or in the rain. Therefore, before buying a tile, you should clearly define its texture, color and pattern. To check the strength of a tile, you should hit one tile on the second, if there is a ringing sound, the tile is strong, otherwise it is loose.

4. It is possible to buy one tile that you like for a thorough examination. If there are various kinds of stains on the back, it is better to refuse to buy. Since in the production of such tiles, sand was used with big amount clay, which significantly degrades the quality of the tiles. Clay is never combined with cement mortars, as it degrades its quality and leads to looseness. The next step is to split the tile into two parts to inspect the uniformity of the texture on the inside. In the absence of paint stains, clay or sandy areas and pores - feel free to buy tiles for the construction of the path.

The path is an important part of the cottage, so it is better to think about its location even at the stage of the construction of the building itself. To facilitate the calculations, it is better to make an approximate drawing using special online programs. After identifying important points, connect them using paths of a straight or curved nature.

It is advisable to place on the diagram all the objects present on the territory. These include a garden plot, a vegetable garden, a greenhouse, a bathhouse or a gazebo. Tracks provide communication between these objects.

Choose a finish that matches the material used to build the walkway. environment... You should not make all tracks of the same kind. It is possible to combine solid paths with step-by-step paths, curved paths with straight ones.

When designing a site, you should indicate the location of the future location of plants and bushes. When staying in climatic zone with heavy rainfall, take care of the arrangement drainage system, which involves the construction of drains, on the sides of the walkway. With their help, water will be removed and stagnation will not appear. In the process of building a summer cottage path, it should be remembered that water that freezes on its surface reduces the service life of the coating on the path by several times. Avoid planting powerful trees near the path, as they root system, over time will destroy their integrity.

Laying tiles in the country: technology of the process, the initial stage

After purchasing high quality tiles for a summer residence, a series of works should be carried out to install it. If you take this procedure lightly, then even the most good tile over time, it will require replacement, due to non-compliance with the technology of its installation.

Before laying paving slabs in the country, it is necessary to study the instructions from the manufacturer of the tiles for its installation.

The initial stage of the work is the design and marking of the territory for the construction of the track. All calculations from a previously prepared project should be transferred to the surface of the earth. To carry out the marking, you will need to measure the width and length of the track, gradually installing the pegs at the marking points. A tension thread is pulled on the pegs, a slope, if any, and turns are affixed.

You should decide on the type of tile to buy in advance, but buy it only after the markup is ready. Since it is with her help that it will be possible to calculate required amount tiles for laying. It is preferable to take tiles with a margin of several pieces in order to replace the material in case of accidental crumbling.

The next stage is based on excavation work to remove the soil layer before laying the tiles. The thickness of this layer is influenced by factors such as the size of the tiles, the drainage pad and the amount of concrete needed to reinforce the base. In addition, it must be borne in mind that over time, soil shrinkage will occur, and the height of the tile installation will decrease. The correctness of these calculations depends on the type of soil located at the summer cottage, the size of the track and the base for it.

The most accurate calculation is made by a specialist who is directly at the place of installation of the tile. The interval between the values ​​for removing the soil layer is from 8 to 40 cm.The first number determines the thickness of the tile, for example, 5 cm, the second - the sand cushion - 4 cm, if necessary, in the arrangement of paving with increased bearing capacity, it makes a deepening by another 8 cm.

Do not forget about the arrangement of the rain slope, which is being built at the work site. Its value is one centimeter per 1 m². In addition, there is a need to make lateral indents of 8 cm on both sides. They are necessary to carry out the installation of curb stones.

The third step in laying tiles is the installation of curbs. The main requirements for them are evenness and uniformity. In addition, they must be exposed at a certain slope. The stone is installed using a liquid solution. Try to adhere strictly to the markup.

Continues the installation procedure - filling the base cushion. Crushed stone is used as the bottom layer, with a fraction of two to four centimeters. After its laying, the tamping and leveling of the first layer follows.

When creating a surface with increased load-bearing capacity and strength, the pillow has a slightly different look. Sand is poured onto the crushed stone, then non-woven geotextiles are laid, which improves the quality of the pillow and prevents sand shrinkage. Then another sand layer, 10 cm thick, is laid on the surface. A vibrating plate or roller is used to compact it. Then another layer of sand is poured, 4 cm thick, it does not require tamping. Tiles are being laid directly on this sand.

The final process is the direct laying of the tiles. To do this, a rope is pulled along which the installation of the first row is equal. Start laying solid stones, leaving gaps of a few millimeters between them. When laying each brick stone, it is required to hit it with a rubber hammer, for better compaction in the sand cushion.

Styling next row it is made not with whole, but with half stones. Thus, it will turn out beautiful decorative pattern... In order to achieve even joints between the paving slabs, it is recommended to purchase special crosses installed in the gaps between each of the tiles.

After finishing laying the tiles, fill in the joints between them with sand or a sand-cement mixture. Thus, they will be reliably sealed. Several times it is necessary to wet the seams with water and wait until they are completely dry.

  • when carrying out work, use only special tools, because there is a risk of damage to the tiles;
  • be sure to buy tiles with a small margin to compensate for damaged material;
  • if a standard bearing capacity is required, the tiles should be laid on a surface with a dry mix or a sand cushion; if necessary, installed on a car site, the tiles should be laid on the base using concrete mortar.

A tile path in the country is an extraordinary solution

Simple and budget option is the independent production of paths in the country from old tiles.

To create it, you will need:

  • old ceramic tiles or new tiles the cheapest cost;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • gravel;
  • mixing tank;
  • peg;
  • cord;
  • shovels;
  • roulette;
  • level.

For self-made such a track, first of all, it is required to make markings along its width and length. According to the previously done markings, it is necessary to dig a trench, its depth is 15 cm. The trench should be sloped by one, one and a half centimeters. On the sides of the future track, attach wooden formwork... Compact the bottom of the trench and level with a roller. Please note that the slope must be maintained.

Fill the bottom of the trench with sand, in a layer of 5-8 cm, then crushed stone, 6 cm. Take up the preparation of concrete mortar, watch its consistency. It should be mushy. The surface of the track should be several centimeters higher than the surface of the ground. Smooth the concrete surface, get rid of excess air. Break the ceramic tiles into shards, if desired, and install them based on your own preferences and imagination. Wait until the concrete solution is completely dry, it will take about 6 days and use the track as directed.

Please note that this version of the track does not imply too heavy loads on its surface, and serves more as a decorative element.

Paving slabs in the country video:

Garden path design with broken tile mosaic

Mosaic tracks on garden plot can be made from broken tiles. It may seem that the laying of broken pieces of tile is done as needed, but in fact it is done according to certain rules that provide symmetry and strength to the garden path.

Principles of laying mosaic from broken tiles

To lay out the outer edge of the track, large pieces of broken tiles are used, which must have at least one straight edge.

Pieces of various shapes spread in the center of the track.

Shards irregular shape used to fill the voids between the laid out elements.

The coverage of such a track depends on the source material and the imagination of the paver.

Broken Tile Mosaic

Here interesting example broken tile mosaic paths - with fun inserts: bat and a frog.

The process of laying a mosaic garden path

Before laying, you need to select and sort the pieces of tiles by size, shape and color, if you plan to lay out the path in a certain colors... The sorted pieces should be placed near the stowage area so that the essentials are at hand.

Bright paths - mosaic of broken tiles

Now you need to make a base for this track. Take off upper layer turf and tamp the bottom of the trench. If the soil is very loose, then it should be removed and covered with oily clay with a layer of 10 cm and carefully tamped.

We fill in a layer of sand 5 cm thick, level the surface and compact. After that, they start laying out the tiles, having previously pulled the marking cord at the desired level.

Along the perimeter of the path along the cord, the existing tiles with straight edges are laid dry. Next, mix a little cement mortar, lift the first tile, put the mortar under it and press the tile while rotating.

You need to make sure that it sits well in place and only then proceed with the laying of the next tiles, each time checking the horizontal position. Or you should check the slope of the track if it has one.

Broken tile mosaic - patio in the country

Having laid the tiles around the perimeter, the center of the path is made from large pieces of irregular shape, laying them directly on the sandy base on the prepared mortar, if necessary, removing or adding sand to the base.

After you have installed all the center tiles, check the center and perimeter level. To do this, put a wooden block on the path and level the tiles by tapping on them with a hammer.

Broken Tile Mosaic Area

Remaining free space between large pieces of tiles, should be filled with small pieces of irregular shape, securing them mortar... To do this, apply the mortar to the lower part of the tile with a trowel and lay it on the base.

Broken tile mosaic laying scheme

In order to level the track canvas after small fragments have been laid, you should use wooden block and a hammer. The joints between the tiles should be filled with liquid cement mortar, which will ensure the strength of the coating. In order to prevent the retention of rainwater on the path when joining the joints, small holes need to be made.

You can achieve decorative effect when laying out a mosaic path, if you skillfully combine different ways styling and various materials.

Garden path mosaic tiles

Now it is very popular to lay out a mosaic path using thick colored glass. Some people will want to get a quilt-like track using the most unusual and vibrant materials. Then feel free to combine colored glass, a natural stone and tiles.

In any case, the path can become a decoration of the garden and the pride of the owners. But do not overuse the number of combined surfaces, intricacy of the pattern and the number of colors.

It is better to skillfully use different surface textures, rather than color contrasts in the material. Sometimes the diversity is appropriate, for example, among the green lawn or on the path leading to the playground.

A path of decorative plates and large natural stones can be laid out along the bank of an artificial stream, then its channel will set the direction of the path.

Mosaic tiles don't have to be expensive. Here you can combine red brick, cobblestone, concrete, wood cuts. The mosaic path should be arranged and designed in accordance with the available material suitable for covering.

Example of round mosaic tiles

The main disadvantage of a mosaic coating with various materials- this is the difficulty of maintaining the track. In winter, the surfaces will need to be cleared of ice, or from autumn all paths should be protected from water with a layer of polyethylene.

Mosaic of broken tiles in garden paths by Antonina Romanyuk

I have always been impressed by those people who, working on their land, transform and decorate the space. How much do I walk summer cottages, I always pay attention to those of them where the handwriting of an enthusiastic personality is visible.

We contacted Antonina after she commented on my post with a mosaic of broken tiles, saying that she was also creating tracks from this junk material. We talked and Antonina sent me her little story with photographs. Let's admire the author's tracks!

Further, Antonina's text:

We bought the house four years ago. At first, they grabbed the head: the site was unkempt, the grass was waist-deep, the trees were in disrepair. But the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

True, we had to take into account our modest capabilities, since we are still, albeit young, but pensioners.

modern way registration of the territory near the house. It allows you to create tracks and surfaces with unusual patterns, different colors and textures. Let's see which this material has pluses, varieties and how to do it yourself.

Advantages of paving slabs for

This material has the following advantages:

  • A huge assortment of shapes, shades and textures. Paths in the country house made of paving slabs are especially beautiful, they allow you to realize a complex design idea and;
  • Ease of use. Puddles do not form on the paths, since excess moisture is removed through the tile seams;
  • Wear resistance. The coating does not deteriorate from ultraviolet exposure, atmospheric precipitation and temperature extremes. It is a durable material that can be used for 15-20 years;
  • Maintainability. If the coating element is damaged, it is easy to replace it with another component;
  • Ease of installation. Even a beginner can install the tiles; this does not require any special tools.

Varieties of paving slabs

The product is made of cement and sand or concrete mix with the addition of granite chips. There are two types of material: vibrocast tiles and vibropressed.

Features of vibrated tiles

Special plastic mold filled with concrete mixture and installed on a plane that constantly vibrates. The concrete is compacted and set in a warm place for half a day and then removed. The technology allows you to create a perfectly smooth coating and give any shape. Then the detail can be of any color. However, the vibration casting technology also has disadvantages:

  • low strength
  • low degree of resistance to low temperatures
  • complexity of production
  • high price

Features of vibrocompression

The concrete mix is ​​placed in a mold, which is installed in a special vibrating equipment. The material is subjected to pressure, which seals it. Such a product cannot be given a variety of shapes, colors and made smooth surface... However, vibropressed tiles are durable and resistant to low temperatures. Its surface is porous, so the material has shock-absorbing properties, that is, it can be installed where there is traffic. You can also create unusual ornaments on the coating.

As for the price, vibrocast tiles are more expensive than pressed ones, since they use manual labor... And for the production of vibropressed tiles, automated equipment is used, which simplifies production.

Advice! If non-standard geometric shapes and a variety of colors are important to you, vibrocast tiles are an excellent option. If you need to make a durable track, it is recommended to choose vibropressed products.

Parameters for choosing paving slabs for a summer residence

  • The composition and features of production. These parameters are usually indicated on the seller's certificates or on the label of the building material;
  • Tile thickness. If the walkway is to be used for walking, its thickness can be no more than 3 cm. If vehicles are going to move along it, the thickness of the product must be at least 5 cm;
  • Tile sizes. Small elements are more difficult to break, while large tiles can crack from any strong impact;
  • The quality of the tiles. It is quite simple to determine it just by looking at the product. For it is not recommended to buy smooth coatings, as they will slip from moisture;
  • Nice appearance. There should be no stains or inclusions on the back side of the tile, the composition should be homogeneous, which guarantees high wear resistance of the product.

Of course, these are only the basic selection criteria, but even using them, you can choose a fairly high-quality product.

Advice! To check how high-quality a tile is, hit one element against another: if the sound is sonorous, the product is good, if it is deaf, various mixtures were added to it during production.

The choice of installation method and option for paving slabs

The method of laying the tiles is determined, first of all, since it depends on it what the shape and dimensions of the product will be, and how much material is required. Popular installation methods:

  • The classic version. This is the laying of paving slabs paths the traditional way: items are arranged one after the other. Usually tiles in the form of a square or rectangle are used (they are easier to fit together).

Tip: to make such a path more unusual, you can use tiles.

  • Offset. That's enough too standard method laying paving slabs: the elements are arranged in such a way that their joints do not coincide. Here, too, you can use a combination of multi-colored elements, but they must have the same shape.
  • Herringbone. The tiles are laid at right angles or 45 degrees. For installation, curly parts or elements are used rectangular... You can use more difficult option laying - braid: the elements are also installed at an angle, but alternate, first along, then across. It is recommended to use only 2 colors to give the picture clarity.
  • Chess. For styling, elements of a square shape in two colors are used. This method seems simple, but it allows you to create quite effective tracks.
  • Geometry. Various geometric shapes are created from parts: squares, rectangles, zigzags, etc. You can use different colors, but the elements must have the same shape.

Features of installing paving slabs

You can lay out the track yourself by making necessary elements do it yourself. On the one hand, it seems more time consuming than buying a ready-made coating. On the other hand, you will be sure of its quality. In addition, you can create a unique ornament, which would take a lot of time to find in the store.


  1. Make a solution. Mix 1 to 3 sand and cement, add water and mix well.
  2. Prepare the form. The average parameters of the formwork are 35 by 35 cm, the height is about 7 cm. To prevent the elements from sticking to the walls of the formwork, they can be treated with oil. You can also add dyes to the mixture so that the tiles are not gray.
  3. Smooth the surface and let dry. In this case, the sun's rays should not fall on the tile.
  4. After about 7 days, the elements can be removed, but they do not need to be laid yet - they should dry out for some time. When the tiles are completely dry, you can start laying them.
  5. Prepare the surface. Remove the grass, stones, etc. You can install the tiles on any surface: concrete, sand, gravel, or just on the ground.
  6. At the tile installation site, create a mound of cement and sand, compact it with your hands and level it with a rule. As a result, an even strip with a thickness of about 20 centimeters should form.
  7. Make drains and slopes for rainfall, secure curbs.
  8. Lay the bedding. For this, you can use sand without clay.
  9. Fasten the slats to level the surface
  10. Pave the walkway. Any method can be used: herringbone, braid, scatter, etc. Fill the distance between the elements with sand or soil.

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