Sewerage. Autonomous sewerage at home - cesspool

Site arrangement 20.06.2020
Site arrangement

Modern apartment good already because there are no problems with the discharge of effluents. A private house in this regard, it lags far behind, because there is no central drainage system in it. The only way to ensure comfortable living in the house is the furnishing cesspool, into which all the waste products of people living in this house could be dumped.

Therefore, a cesspool in a private house is of paramount importance if there is water in the house. In the absence of a hole wastewater, displayed on adjoining territory, can pollute the earth very quickly, harming not only nature, but also people.

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the type of cesspool, because its design can vary significantly.

The most simple pit is a reservoir with an earthen bottom through which water is absorbed. Such a pit does not require frequent pumping and is the most popular option. But with a large water consumption, an earthen filter may simply not be able to cope with its cleaning functions.

In addition, such a hole may be unsafe for natural environment, especially if drains from the toilet are dumped into it. Of course, if the hole is dug in clay soil, then the water from it will depart extremely slowly or even require regular drainage by a special machine.

Cesspool of sealed type absolutely safe for environment but requires frequent cleaning. With a solid consumption of water by the residents of the house, the need to pump out the pit can occur almost every week. Such a concrete cesspool is ideal for modern cottages that are not equipped with a drain system. For its construction, mainly ready-made concrete rings are used, which are installed on top of each other and sealed.

The most advanced type of cesspool is a septic tank. Its bottom is lined with large stones, cinder block, gravel, broken red brick. Such a filter is able to mechanically purify water, which does not further pollute the soil. The hole itself fills up rather slowly.

It should be noted that due to drainage from rocks, water is purified by bacteria, so the septic tank can be considered the most modern look toilet for a private house.

How to make a drain hole in a private house

Construction drain pit starts with calculations. It is necessary to determine the level of groundwater in the area.

If, for example, this level is 5-7 meters, then the depth of the pit can be 2-2.5 meters. do more deep hole not recommended, as problems may arise when pumping it out.

You also need to decide on the size of the hole.

The average water consumption per person per day is 150 liters.

Therefore, this figure is multiplied by the number of family members, getting the expense for one day. The cesspool should have a volume of at least 4 times this indicator.

How to make a cesspool yourself? To do this, a hole of given dimensions is dug.

The thickness of future walls should be taken into account, so the dimensions of the pit should exceed the calculated ones.

If the pit is made airtight, then its bottom is concreted.

The walls of the pit are laid out with red brick, reinforced concrete columns, or simply poured with concrete. You can use ready-made concrete rings that are stacked on top of each other.

There is a very simple way to deepen concrete rings into the ground. The ring is simply located on the surface of the soil in a given location. With a shovel with a short handle, soil is selected from the middle of the concrete ring. The ring itself gradually descends. Then a second ring is placed on it and the soil is selected again.

In order to avoid distortion of the ring when lowering, its verticality is periodically checked by the building level.

When laying walls, it is necessary to provide for the entry of sewers into the cesspool, which should preferably be located below the freezing level of the soil.

The laid out walls must be sealed from the outside, for this purpose they use:

  • oily clay,
  • ruberoid,
  • bitumen.

From above, the cesspool is closed with a concrete cover, in which there must be a hole for pumping out the contents of the pit. You can cover the pit with sheets of corrugated slate, laying boards or beams as a support.

Concrete rings are ready-made blanks for the construction of a cesspool. Concrete is more resistant to aggressive environments than brick, and round form pits are not so conducive to siltation.

For the manufacture of the overflow pit, pits are prepared for two containers from concrete rings. Concrete rings are laid in these containers, the joints of the rings are sealed and the soil is compacted around the containers.

The top rings of each pit must have holes for laying sewer pipes. If there are no such holes, then they are punched with a perforator.

AT concrete wells pipes run. It is best to use plastic pipes, as they are not clogged with deposits and are resistant to aggressive environments.

Adjacent concrete tanks are interconnected by drain pipes so that the drain outlet from the first tank is 20-30 centimeters below the entrance to the pipe tank from the house. Such a distance in height between the pipes is necessary to avoid clogging the inlet pipe with floating sewage.

How to make a toilet pit

The toilet also needs a cesspool. Usually, a small hole is dug for this, to which they provide access when it is cleaned. The pit can be lined with bricks or filled with concrete around the entire perimeter.

The ideal option is to use concrete rings.

The depth of the pit for the toilet is chosen arbitrary, depending on the underlying soil. It is advisable to dig a hole to a sandy layer that will absorb liquid. It is recommended to cover the bottom of the pit with gravel, broken bricks or crushed stone, which will contribute to better cleaning pit contents.

The width and length of the cesspool are determined on site, taking into account the dimensions of the toilet. Ventilation is desirable. For this purpose, you can use a ventilation pipe that rises above the toilet roof to a height of 50-70 cm.

A cesspool in a private house, the scheme of which is chosen in accordance with existing requirements and rules, is able to collect domestic sewage without the risk of soil contamination. Despite the fact that the device of the pit is simpler than, for example, construction, there are certain nuances that directly affect the effectiveness of such sewer system and, accordingly, the comfort of living.

The advantages of cesspools are determined the simplicity of their design. You can build such a structure quite quickly. In addition, its cost will be low - they often use the most available materials including used ones.

The minus of the cesspool is, first of all, the need to pump out sewage. Depending on the circumstances (the volume of the pit, the number of people, the presence of a water-consuming household appliances) the frequency may vary, but the services of a sewer truck will always be one of your expenses.

Important: The maximum depth of the cesspool should not be more than 3 meters, otherwise there may be problems with its pumping.

Another significant drawback that you need to be aware of before you make a cesspool in a private house with your own hands is sanitary "unreliability", if we are talking about its leaky version. It is necessary to carefully consider the location of the cesspool and its design, calculate the required volume so that the structure does not poison the existence of the inhabitants of the house with unpleasant odors and, even worse, does not cause the garden to fall into the soil harmful substances or the occurrence of infectious diseases.

Types of cesspools

The arrangement of cesspools in a private house largely depends on how the suburban building is used. For not a large number drains and periodic residence, you can choose a pit without a bottom, but if a family of several people constantly lives in the house, it is better to prefer a sealed storage tank. Each of the options deserves more detailed consideration.

Cesspool without a bottom

A cesspool without a bottom is a kind of "well", the walls of which prevent runoff from entering the upper layers of the soil, and instead of the bottom, a kind of filter made of crushed stone or gravel is arranged. Passing through it, the effluents are partially filtered, after which they enter the soil and, passing through it, are cleaned better. The advantage of this option is that there is no need to constantly call for vacuum trucks. It will not be possible to do without cleaning at all, but its frequency can be significantly reduced.

expedient waste separation and arrangement of separate pit latrines. In this case, the toilet pit will fill up more slowly (and, accordingly, less likely to require the call of special equipment), and drains from the shower, bathroom, kitchen sink with a minimum amount of insoluble inclusions will almost completely go through the filter into the soil.

It is important to know that such a do-it-yourself cesspool for a private house has "contraindications".

  • The close location of groundwater excludes the possibility of installing a model without a bottom, since when their level rises during a flood or during heavy rain, the pit can spontaneously fill. In addition, under such conditions, the quality of filtration is noticeably reduced - effluents do not pass through the soil, being cleaned, but immediately fall into ground water.
  • Clay soil has too low water permeability to ensure timely removal of the contents of the cesspool.
  • The volume of such a cesspool should not be more than 1 cubic meter.

Sealed cesspool

Sealed structures with a bottom are only accumulators. Effluent is to be pumped out using a sewage machine. Despite the need to pay for the services of special equipment, this option has its advantages:

  • sanitary safety and exclusion of the possibility of soil contamination and the spread of pathogenic bacteria,
  • Can be used on all types of soil.

For sealed structures of small volume, ready-made waterproof containers are often used. A large cesspool in a private house, the scheme of which involves the collection of effluents from a large number of points, is most often built from one or another material that is suitable for its characteristics.

Cesspool Materials

Having considered the features of the materials often used for the construction of such structures and comparing them with the conditions of a particular object, it is possible to decide which cesspool in a private house will be the most efficient and economical.

Finished goods

Usage finished products can significantly reduce turnaround time construction works and, in some cases, their complexity.

  • Tires cars are used as blocks - they are installed one on top of the other, fixing with clamps, waterproof glue and sealing joints. In most cases, tire cesspools do not have a bottom. The advantages of the option are low cost, light and quick installation.
    A cesspool made of tires is one of the cheapest options for organizing sewage.
  • concrete rings- Another option for block construction of cesspools. They weigh a lot, so lifting equipment will be required to install them in the pit. At the same time, construction will not take much time, and the resulting structure will be strong and durable. Concrete rings can be used for the construction of both hermetic storage tanks and filter structures without a bottom. In the first case, the rings are installed on a concrete foundation. Seal joints and process internal and outer surface concrete products with waterproofing compounds (one of the most available options- ordinary bitumen, although special mastics can be purchased if desired) is recommended regardless of the type of product.
  • iron or plastic require a minimum of effort during installation, but their significant drawback is their small volume. As a drive, they are only suitable for summer cottages, and to equip a cesspool with a filter, the bottom will need to be removed. Iron products require application waterproofing coating with external and inside for corrosion protection.
  • Plastic storage models fixing to the foundation is required to prevent them from floating up during a flood. In addition, at the stage of backfilling the mounted structure, it is recommended to fill the container with water to prevent its deformation due to squeezing with soil.

Construction Materials

Usage building materials slightly increases the construction time. At the same time, a significant advantage is that a do-it-yourself cesspool in a private house in this case can be arranged in any configuration, taking into account sanitary requirements and the layout of the site. It can be round or rectangular, including narrow and long, if it is more convenient to place such an option on the territory.

  • Concrete poured structures are made using formwork by gradually increasing the height of the wall.
  • Brickwork can be done in a circle, but more often, for reasons of convenience, brick pits are made rectangular.

Both options can be used for the construction of storage or filter structures and in most cases require the application of a double-sided waterproofing layer.

Rules for choosing a place and volume

The volume of the cesspool should, according to sanitary standards, be no less than a three-day water consumption rate. The estimated number is considered to be the value of 200 liters per day per person, however, it is important to know that this figure is relevant for permanent residence. With a periodic visit to the dacha, it is less, and water is not consumed daily.

In a house with permanent residence for a family of 3, a pit of at least 1 cube is needed. Sometimes it is more convenient to use two small holes than one large hole. The scheme of a cesspool in a private house should take into account the necessary distances from significant objects - at least 30 m from the place of the fence drinking water, not less than 3 m from the garden and garden plants and 5 m from the road. At the same time, storage models should be positioned so that the sewage truck can easily drive up to it.

If your site has a low groundwater level and you decide what suits you, then we will help in its construction with our advice.

For self-pumping of the cesspool you will need. You will learn about their choice from another article.

And the nuances of choice well pumps described in this article

Cesspool cleaning

You should be aware that the operation of vacuum trucks does not guarantee complete cleaning of the tank. It is possible to pump out only liquid, while sediment will remain and accumulate at the bottom. Speaking about in a private house, it should be noted that cleaning can be optimized by using special preparations.

  • Bioactive complexes, which are colonies of bacteria, work effectively, eliminate odor and are environmentally friendly. However, at temperatures below +4 ° C, microorganisms die, so it is impossible to use such products in winter.
  • Among chemicals Nitrate oxidizers are preferred as they are non-toxic and do not pose a risk to humans, pets or plants. They are usually used in the cold season.

Important: To eliminate odors from the pit, which will be if not used special preparations, requires ventilation of a cesspool in a private house. For its device, plastic sewer pipes with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 60 cm, which are installed in the upper part of the pit, are suitable.

Proper arrangement of a cesspool in a private house will allow you to safely dispose of wastewater with minimal effort and without significant costs. In this case, the capacitance will not be a source bad smell.


In this subsection, you can watch a video on the topic of our article, which shows the intricacies of installing a cesspool in a private house with your own hands.

For seasonal living in the country or with a small amount of water consumed, it is not necessary to install an expensive treatment plant. The best place for waste disposal will be a do-it-yourself cesspool without pumping. Its design is very simple, but the construction process is laborious.

The layout of the cesspool

Types of cesspools

The simplest and most proven option for autonomous sewage is a drain pit. By design, they are of three types:

  • Sealed containers in which wastewater accumulates. They are environmentally friendly, easy to install, but require fixed costs for pumping.
  • A pit without a bottom is arranged to collect all domestic wastewater discharged into the soil.
  • Septic tank - the design of the structure provides for the sedimentation and purification of polluted water.

Frequent pumping of the drain pit is an expensive service that accompanies the spread of an unpleasant odor. It is possible to completely abandon it only when installing a biological station, but it is quite realistic to reduce the call for vacuum trucks to once every 3-4 years.

Cesspool device without pumping

Absorbing tank without bottom - affordable way autonomous sewage devices, which the owners implement on their own. Its design is made in the form of a well, on the bottom of which a layer of filtration materials is poured. Household drains by drain pipe enter the pits, the liquid seeps through the filter at the bottom, and large fractions are retained. Microorganisms in the soil recycle organic matter from drains and disinfect them.

The size of the pit is selected according to water standards per person, which are 150-200 liters per day. The liquid leaves the reservoir after 3 days, so the daily volume is tripled. For a family of 3, a 1.5 cubic meter pit is needed. m.

Attention. Bacteria will not be able to cope with a large volume of water, and there will be a threat of contamination of the soil. At daily consumption over 1 cu. m of water, it is necessary to install a septic tank.

Advantages of a drain pit:

  • simple design;
  • affordable cost of materials;
  • quick installation.


  • bad smell;
  • environmental threat;
  • laborious installation by hand.

Choosing a place for a hole

The placement of a facility for collecting wastewater is determined by special rules and regulations. These recommendations allow you to protect water sources, the foundation of the house and green spaces from pollution in the event of an increase in the water level in the drain pit. Sanitary rules define the following distances:

  • to the reservoir - 30 m:
  • up to the well sandy ground- 50 m, with clay - 20 m;
  • to trees - 3 m;
  • to the foundation of the house at least 5 m;
  • to the border of the neighboring plot - 2 m.

It is important to take into account the relief of the territory, a low-lying area is not suitable for a drain tank. During heavy rains and snowmelt, water will fill the hole. The depth of groundwater is also taken into account, it should be 1 meter lower from the bottom of the reservoir.

Design features of a cesspool on various soils

Waste disposal time depends on bandwidth soil. Sandy or peat soils are characterized by a high rate of liquid absorption, but their filtration qualities are insufficient. Polluted runoff can reach the aquifer and poison it. In this case, part of the bottom and wall of the reservoir is concreted in order to reduce the area through which drains pass.

On clay soil, the opposite situation arises - the liquid slowly seeps into the soil and there is a constantly high water level in the pit. The problem is solved by creating an additional drainage system. Several plastic sewer pipes filled with gravel are buried in the bottom of the pit to a depth of 1 meter. Their upper edge protrudes 1 meter from the bottom of the tank, and the walls are perforated. The design serves at the same time for filtration and removal of drains.

Another method will require additional costs; it involves the construction of a second well nearby, connected to the pit by an overflow. When the water level rises, it will flow into a neighboring structure, and the drainage area will double.

Preparatory work

Having decided on a place for the drive, earthworks begin. This is the first stage in the construction of any type of autonomous sewage system. The pit is dug according to the calculations made for the optimal volume of the cesspool. The depth of the sump should not exceed 3 meters, this will allow, in case of silting, to pump out from the very bottom. The walls of the pit are leveled for the subsequent installation of the selected material.

Advice. You can save on calling an excavator to dig a pit if you do it simultaneously with the construction of the foundation of the house.

Materials for making a pit: pros and cons

To make a cesspool cheap, site owners are ready to use improvised materials: bricks, cinder blocks, tires and boards. If the first two materials are strong enough, then the rest are suitable for temporary construction, since under the action of moisture and chemical reactions quickly fall into disrepair. A high-quality and durable drive is built from monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete rings and bricks.

Drainage pit made of reinforced concrete rings

If you can dig a pit yourself, then you will have to order to install heavy rings crane. The dimensions of the pit must exceed the standard diameter of the rings by 50 cm so that waterproofing can be performed. When installing several products, one must be with factory perforations, specially made for seepage well. If whole rings are purchased, then you can fill the holes with your own hands. Their diameter is 5-8 cm, and the distance from each other is 30 cm, the holes are staggered.

The bottom of the pit is covered with a layer of sand to a depth of 20 cm and a layer of gravel or crushed stone to a height of 20-30. These rocks will become a filter that traps fecal waste in the pit.

The joints of the rings are covered with cement mortar, their outer part is covered with bituminous mastic for waterproofing. An entry hole is cut into the top ring sewer pipe. The pipeline itself is laid in a trench below the soil freezing line. The design is covered concrete slab ceiling made with a hatch.

Pit made of concrete rings

Storage Pros:

  • durability;
  • quick assembly from prefabricated parts;
  • high performance.
  • the complexity of installation;
  • the need for pumping is not completely excluded.

Cesspool made of bricks

The shape of the sump is chosen arbitrarily; square, round and rectangular drives are built. The material used is red. solid brick laid on cement mortar. At the bottom of the excavated pit, a sand cushion 20 cm high is arranged. A formwork of boards is laid on top of it and a concrete screed is poured.

Advice. For better water drainage, before pouring concrete, wells up to 1 meter deep are drilled to wall up perforated pipes.

Brick laying is carried out in two ways - with an interval of half or a quarter of a brick. Thanks to this design, water is discharged evenly. From above, the drive is closed with a concrete slab, which you can make yourself.

Drainage pit made of bricks

Floor manufacturing

The plate should protrude beyond the perimeter of the pit by 30 cm on each side. The work area is marked with pegs with a stretched rope. A sheet of tin is laid on the pit and covered plastic wrap. Reinforcing strapping is performed on top of the waterproofing in increments of 20 × 20 cm. When preparing the reinforcement, a frame is inserted that bounds the hatch. A ventilation pipe is installed to remove gases. Planed boards are taken for formwork and placed along a stretched rope. Finished construction poured with concrete, rammed and leveled. The manhole cover is made simultaneously with the stove or they buy metal. After the concrete has set, the tinplate is removed in the place left for the cover.

Concrete cover

Advice. During the 4 weeks while the concrete is curing, it is not recommended to carry out floor loads.

The plate must be airtight and rise above ground level. This will avoid catastrophic filling during rain. AT winter period the manhole cover is insulated so that the pit does not freeze.

  • affordable price;
  • simple installation;
  • good outflow of liquid into the ground.
  • siltation of the walls;
  • destruction of bricks under the influence of effluents.

How to extend the life of a cesspool

The technology of an eternal cesspool should include several prerequisites:

  • the use of strong and durable material that is not susceptible to corrosion;
  • the use of anaerobic bacteria that contribute to the decomposition of organic waste;
  • a two-part pit device, after filling the first storage tank, the liquid flows down the pipe into the second one, the volume of the pit doubles.

A structure that meets all requirements will be a two-chamber cesspool made of monolithic concrete. The walls of the structure are poured over the formwork, an overflow pipe is installed in the partition at an angle. The outer part of the walls is treated with bituminous mastic to protect against moisture. A mixture of crushed stone and gravel is used as a filter layer in a bottomless storage tank. The pit is covered with a concrete slab with a hatch and a ventilation pipe.

The addition of biological preparations reduces the formation of odor and accelerates the process of decomposition of organic matter. Anaerobic bacteria do not tolerate low temperatures so that they do not die in winter, the pit needs to be insulated. Microorganisms are sensitive to the composition of effluents, so chemicals should not be poured into the sewer.

A cesspool is necessary for suburban areas; making it yourself will allow you to arrange a structure with the lowest financial costs.

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When it comes to arranging a sewerage system in a private house, two options can be considered - a storage cesspool and a cesspool with overflow.

The latter type of construction is used today much more often, because it has many significant advantages:

Cesspool with overflow

  • no need for frequent use of the services of a sewage truck;
  • the possibility of processing large volumes of wastewater;
  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • the ability to reuse purified water, for example, for irrigation.

Cesspool device with overflow

You can even equip such a drain pit with your own hands - this is another plus.

Pit design with overflow

In order to get a better idea of ​​what a cesspool with overflow is, you should consider the features of its device.

It consists of the following elements:

So you can understand that the design of the drain pit with overflow is quite simple.

These are two or three containers connected by pipes. The last container usually does not have a bottom.

But, it should be borne in mind that the water obtained at the outlet does not differ in ideal purity, it is considered simply clarified.

It can pollute the environment.

In order to achieve higher treatment rates, it is recommended to make three chambers, and in the first one add special biological preparations that speed up the process of wastewater processing, making it more efficient.

Cesspool with overflow from 4 tanks

When designing a cesspool with overflow, you should remember that you need to accurately determine the volume of the receiver, as well as the location of the pit itself. Here you should be guided by the norms of SNiP.

They note that the cesspool should be located at least 5 meters from the house, 1 meter from outbuildings and at a distance of 30 meters from the well.

It is also very important to observe the slope of the sewer pipe through which the drains will move - the average is 1.5 cm per meter of pipe.

Scheme of a cesspool with overflow according to SNIP

Budget options for arranging a pit with overflow

The cost of arranging a cesspool with overflow will vary widely. It depends on the volume of the pit, as well as on the materials used in its construction.

Speaking of the most budget options, then there will be several of them:

by the most simple structures cesspools are used for the disposal of sewage. However, among them there are options that differ from each other in terms of design, principle of operation and efficiency. A properly equipped cesspool made of concrete rings without a bottom can become very convenient fixture, the need for cleaning of which will occur much less frequently than during the operation of conventional storage tanks.

All types of sewer tanks of this type can be divided into several main types.

At the same time, there are some limitations in terms of the possibility of installing such a treatment plant.

  • Water through the filter will freely go into the ground only if if the soil on the site is sandy, loose, with good moisture permeability. Clay or loam may allow runoff to pass at first, but will soon become an almost airtight barrier.
  • Another condition is low level of groundwater. It is believed that groundwater should run no closer than 50-100 cm from the bottom of the treatment structure to avoid mixing with contaminated wastewater and spreading harmful substances.

The choice of the volume of tanks of any type is normalized by sanitary norms and rules and must be at least the daily volume of effluents multiplied by 3. This amount can be calculated based on the norms of water consumption per person - 200 liters per day. Obviously, the minimum volume of a cesspool for a summer residence may be less due to the frequency of its use. At the same time, it should be remembered that the smaller the volume of the tank, the more often you will have to call a sewage truck and pay for its services.

Important: Installation of a cesspool from concrete rings without a bottom is possible only if the volume of daily drains does not exceed 1 m³.

In bottomless pits and two-chamber models can be used to promote the decomposition of organic impurities. This will help to reduce the rate of filling the tanks.

Installation location

A do-it-yourself cesspool from concrete rings can not be built anywhere. It is especially difficult to choose a place on a site with difficult terrain.

  • On the one hand, placing the treatment plant at the lowest point increases the risk of groundwater contamination.
  • On the other hand, by placing it on a hill, it is difficult to provide the necessary slope of the sewer pipeline (2 cm per meter of length).

There are also sanitary and building codes that stipulate the necessary disposal treatment facilities from the main objects. When deciding how to make a cesspool out of concrete rings, it should be remembered that an entrance for a sewage truck will be needed to clean it, at the same time, the structure should not be located closer than 2 meters from the main road.

Minimum distance from the cesspool to other objects is:

  • before front door at home and to any of the windows - at least 5 meters,
  • to the source of drinking water - at least 30 m,
  • before fruit trees and garden - at least 5 meters.

Installation of cesspools from concrete rings

The construction of a cesspool from concrete rings requires the involvement of lifting equipment, for example, a truck crane. can have a different diameter (up to 2 meters, but models with a diameter of 1 meter are more often used), but in any case they are too heavy to be installed manually in the pit.

Rental of special equipment requires additional costs, however, the use of ready-made blocks significantly reduces the time of work. The installation of the rings, the supply pipe and the coating of the tank walls with a sealing compound can be completed within one working day. After that, it is important to withstand the curing time of the sealing compounds before proceeding with the backfill.

When building a model with a bottom (drive) certain time may be required for hardening and curing of a concrete-filled screed. Only after that you can install rings on it.

Installation of cesspools has its own nuances depending on the design features.

Is organization possible? We have discussed this issue in a separate article.

Instructions for arranging a cesspool from automobile wheels are located. This option is one of the easiest to implement.

About the types of trays for storm sewer we told on this page

General rules for the installation of cesspools from concrete rings

When constructing such treatment facilities, it is important to follow certain rules and advice.

Effluent pumping

The device of a drain pit made of concrete rings provides for a hole in the top cover for installing a ventilation pipe, as well as hatches for pumping out the contents. Hatches, like the covers themselves, must be insulated, otherwise upper layer the contents will freeze in the cold season, which will complicate the pumping process.

To control the filling level in expensive volatile septic tanks and local treatment plants are used automatic systems and sensors. In conventional cesspools, it is not difficult to monitor the level using a float device.

A cesspool device made of concrete rings is shown in the video.

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