How to care for viburnum buldenezh in the fall. Growing decorative viburnum: how to propagate buldenezh

Site arrangement 13.06.2019
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To have on your site such a beautiful plant in all respects as the decorative viburnum Buldenezh is not only useful. Such a bush will become a real decoration for any park, vegetable garden or flower bed. This bush is a type of common viburnum. From his relative, he took all the most useful qualities. But, besides this, it simply amazes with its beauty and sophistication of flowers.

O medicinal properties There is no need to talk about viburnum - everyone knows about it. Its fruits and flowers are widely used in folk medicine for the preparation of various kinds of tinctures and decoctions. And all because its substances contain great amount useful vitamins and minerals.

But this kind of viburnum like Buldenezh does not have berries and seeds. Therefore, its main task is to please the eyes. But, besides this, its bark and flowers are widely used for the preparation of medicinal infusions for cosmetology. There is an opinion that tinctures on Buldenezh flowers make the skin younger, tone it up and cleanse it.

This type of viburnum grows rather quickly. In height adult plant can reach up to 4 meters. Its crown has a spreading shape, which allows you to hide under it in the shade during summer heat.

What is the difference between the variety?

Kalina Buldenezh is a vigorous plant. But besides the impressive size, as for an ornamental plant, the bush also impresses with its large long leaves. In some cases, they can reach up to 12 centimeters. The crown of the bush is very beautiful, even without flowers it has an attractive appearance. It is quite spreading, it can reach 4 meters in width.

If you lead Buldenezh behind Kalina proper care, then in a year it can grow by 40 centimeters. The most large plant becomes after 10 years of growth.

The bush seems to be covered with snowballs, which, of course, do not melt under the hot sun. The width of such "balls" can reach 15 centimeters. There may be several hundred of them on a bush. And such beauty will delight the eye from mid-May to the third week of June.

This variety of viburnum also has a Latin name - Viburnum Boule de Neige. French scientists gave it to erase Buldenezh. It translates as "a ball of snow".

Viburnum Buldenezh has several varieties:

  • Viburnum vulgaris Buldenezh is a type of viburnum that looks like simple form and the composition of nutrients;
  • decorative viburnum Buldenezh - has more beautiful shape than common, but cannot produce berries;
  • viburnum Buldenezh Roseum - has unusual double flowers, which in the final phase of flowering acquire a pinkish tint.

The decorative viburnum Buldenezh is very beautiful, which, in addition to its beautiful appearance, also has a practical application - in the hottest weather, such a bush will always hide from the sun under its branches.

How to plant correctly

This kind decorative viburnum how Buldenezh looks very nice as in joint landings with barberry, mountain ash or hawthorn, and in singles.

Buldenezh is a rather moisture-loving plant, so it is very convenient to plant it near water bodies. There, such a viburnum will grow very strong, have an unsurpassed appearance... By the ponds different shapes and purpose, you can create whole compositions from this plant.

Planting of this kind of plant is carried out according to the scheme of 2x2 meters. After planting, you need to compact the soil around a little so that the roots have better contact with the ground.

But above all, you need to prepare for this. If you need to plant a single bush, then you should prepare a hole in advance, 60 centimeters wide, 60 centimeters long and 80 centimeters deep.

After its preparation, the pit must be filled with a large volume of water. This must be done in cases where the landing site is not in a lowland, but on a flat area or even one that is on an elevation.

The bottom of the pit must be covered with drainage. This will prevent the water from lingering at the root all the time. In the role of drainage, you can use tree bark, stones, sand and other materials that pass moisture well.

80 percent of the entire pit needs to be filled with some kind of nutrient mixture. It may include:

  • humus;
  • old leaves;
  • ash;
  • potash and phosphorus fertilizers;
  • garden land.

After carrying out this procedure, the soil in the pit must be watered again with abundant water.

The manger pit was prepared with high quality, then for many years the plant will be able to feed on useful substances from there. As a result, you get a beautifully growing bush that will decorate any corner of the site.

During planting, you need to make a small depression in the mixture, into which the plant is seated.

You need to deepen the neck of the root by at least 5 centimeters. After that, you need to dig in the plant with ordinary earth from the garden and water it again.

The land around the young planting should be mulched. In the role of mulch, old sawdust, leaves or needles are usually used. This action will help the soil stay moist and loose for longer, and a hard crust does not form on top.

On which side is it better to plant a shrub

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh is very fond of moisture, so it is better to plant it in such areas that will provide it with such a component. To do this, you can choose places near or areas below, where there will be no shortage of moist soil.

If it is impossible to find such a place on the site, then you will have to hold the soil in the desired state yourself. If the shrub is well poured under the root, then it tolerates heat very easily.

Humidity is the most important point when choosing a planting site for viburnum varieties Buldenezh. In all other respects, it does not show any whimsicality, it grows well on any type of soil.

It is very important to tie up a young plant. It has a very delicate and fragile wood, and strong wind can break it very easily.

Buldenezh very well protects from the summer heat, so it is very useful to plant it near benches or other recreation area on the site (near a gazebo, etc.).

Care and watering

Viburnum decorative Buldenezh is very unpretentious plant, he doesn't need special care, but the minimum is still required. Moreover, if there is a desire for the bush to grow as quickly as possible, and bloom as brightly and abundantly as possible.

Caring for such a plant includes the following points:

Mandatory watering. If the plant is not located near a body of water or in a place with well-moistened soil, then it will need (and often) be watered. Especially if the summer is in full swing, which does not please with frequent rains. If the viburnum bush Buldenezh will required amount moisture, then it will delight its owners with large flowers and a good growth rate.

From time to time, the bush needs to be fed. It is not the third year after planting that you can begin to deposit. It all depends on how well the pit was prepared for the plant. The fertilizers that were applied there should be enough for a young bush for two or three years.

The first feeding needs to be done in early spring when the first leaves appear. The second is in the fall, before the leaves begin to fall.

Cleaning the plant. This procedure for the Buldenezhi bush should be carried out every year. In such cases, the branches will grow much better, and the flowering will only improve. You can trim the decorative viburnum immediately in early spring, or in late autumn, after all the leaves have fallen off. You need to start cleaning after two years of plant growth.

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh will burn to decorate any site, give it taste and grace. Her snow-white flower balls will only become larger and more beautiful if you take proper care of this very unpretentious plant.

What pests can disturb Kalina Buldenezh and how to deal with them

Almost every plant (and viburnum Buldenezh is no exception) has some kind of enemies - pests. If you do not fight them, the bush may die. Owners of viburnum Buldenezh should be prepared to combat such pests:

  • viburnum leaf beetle - can completely eat leaves from a bush, leaving only veins;
  • viburnum aphid - lives on leaves, makes them weak and unhealthy (curl up, fall off);
  • viburnum gall midge;
  • lilac hawk moth;
  • barberry moth.

The leaf beetle leaves its eggs under the viburnum bark in late spring or early summer. Those larvae that grow out of them begin to destroy the leaves immediately.

You can destroy pests and return the plant to a healthy look with an aqueous solution. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • bitter ;
  • sagebrush;
  • other aromatic herbs or spices.

Insist the components of the solution for several days, add several tens of grams to it laundry soap... It promotes better adhesion. Take 50 grams of infusion per 10 liters of water.

Spraying should be carried out in the evening, after the heat subsides.

Also available for purchase special preparations for a plant that can be found in flower shops.

What diseases should be feared

Healthy viburnum leaves are the key to the health of the bush

Often gardeners when growing viburnum decorative Buldenezh encounter diseases such as rust or powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew appears as white bloom on the leaves. To overcome this trouble, you need to dissolve foundationazol in water in a proportion of 20 grams per 10 liters. The plant needs to be processed only once.

If there is a yellow or orange bloom on the leaves, then it is safe to say that the bush was struck by rust. Bordeaux liquid will help from this scourge. She will be able to help only if the disease has not yet been started.

If the disease has passed into a late stage and the bush is completely affected, then it must be completely removed from the site so as not to infect other plants.

How to properly prune and shape a bush

To get multi-stemmed, a young viburnum plant must be cut off at a level of 20 centimeters from the ground. And so that next year Buldenezh will bloom profusely big flowers, you need to cut off the first inflorescences before they bloom. And at the end of July, young shoots need to be pinned.

With further pruning, you need to start forming the shape of the crown. You need to cut off shoots in June, after flowering stops. If you do this procedure during this period, then by the end of the year new buds will have time to sprout, which will bloom next year. Pruning is strongly discouraged in the spring - it will only weaken the plant.

In spring, only branches damaged or broken by the wind can be removed. All summer you can correct the shape of the crown - shorten some branches, thin out the bush.

Kalina buldenezh - decorative variety viburnum with large, spectacular white inflorescences in the form of a ball with a diameter of 15-20 cm, thanks to which it got its name. Buldenezh is a lush bush with abundant flowering, which looks gorgeous in a summer cottage or in a garden. Translated from French "Boulede Neige" - " snowball". This plant is highly valued by summer residents, as well as landscape designers who are ready to decorate almost any gardens and summer cottages... The plant is unpretentious. It does not need complicated care, so it is often used instead of other plantings. In our article, we will talk about planting and caring for buldenezh viburnum.

Viburnum varieties buldenezh

There is another variety of decorative viburnum buldenezh - Viburnum ordinary Roseum or terry look decorative viburnum buldenezh. At the beginning of its flowering, the flowers are white, sometimes with a green tint, and at the end they acquire a pale pink color. This is the difference between the Roseum variety and the decorative viburnum. It is a large shrub reaching a height of more than 3 meters. The shrub is used in standard plantings. The conditions of care, planting and characteristics of the variety are similar to those with decorative viburnum.

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Planting viburnum buldenezh

For the viburnum bush Buldenezh, a semi-shady area with loose and nutritious soil... On open place not protected from the bright sun, the leaves of the plant can be damaged. And in deep shade, flowering will be poor and short-lived.

In addition, viburnum loves moisture, so it feels good next to a pond. However, water should not stagnate at the planting site, so you need to take care of good drainage in advance.

Kalina is planted in spring and autumn. Since the bush develops a fairly voluminous root system, the planting hole should be at least 50 cm deep and about 60 cm in diameter.It is filled with drainage, and then with a mixture of 3-4 buckets of compost, 2 glasses of ash, 1 glass of nitrophoska. You can also add some peat and sand.

The seedling is buried so that the root collar is located 3-4 cm below the level of the soil surface. After planting, the bush is abundantly watered and mulched with humus or peat, and the shoots are shortened by 1/3 so that the plant takes root better.

Fertilizers and feeding of viburnum buldenezh

For abundant and long-lasting flowering, Kalina Buldenezh needs to be fed regularly. In the first 2-3 years, the plant has enough nutrients laid in the planting hole. In subsequent years, it is fed in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers or compost, in the fall - with phosphorus and potash. Fertilizers can be scattered in the trunk circle, loosened with a rake and watered abundantly. In order for all the nutrients to get directly to the roots, another method is used:

  • around the entire circumference of the trunk circle, holes are made in the ground with a depth of 20-30 cm using a garden drill, crowbar or wooden stake;
  • a little fertilizer is poured into each;
  • the entire rate calculated for a tree is divided by the number of holes;
  • then the trunk circle is spilled with water.

Fertilizer rates indicated on the packaging should not be exceeded. The plant will not be able to assimilate them. This will lead to weed growth and soil contamination with nitrates and other chemicals.

Before flowering, viburnum can be sprayed with a complex fertilizer containing boron. This trace mineral stimulates profuse flowering.

Pruning viburnum buldenezh

The seedlings need to form a crown in a year or two. Then the bushes will be neat and lush. For this, no more than four pairs of buds are left, which are located at the base. This is done until the desired type of plant is obtained. The viburnum that blooms poorly is cut at the root, leaving the stem at a level of up to 30 cm.

For 2 years, a shoot with a stem height of about a meter appears. It is left as the trunk of the plant, and the rest are pruned.

Form a crown after the bushes have faded and new buds begin to form. You can thin out the branches until autumn.

Pests of viburnum buldenezh

Kalina Buldenezh is not afraid of frost. If the ends of the branches freeze, which is not more than 12 cm, they are simply cut off. On flowering, this is not displayed in any way. Bushes and trees should be sheltered only in the northern regions of the middle latitudes. They wrap only forked, laurel, black, evergreen. In this way, they are protected from freezing. But mostly these varieties are grown in the south.

Some summer residents have a question why this exquisite plant does not decorate so many areas.

In late spring, insects settle in the leaves of the viburnum. The aphid that appears contributes to their twisting, the beetles gnaw the plates, leaving only veins. This will not happen if pests are detected in time and begin to fight them.

Sometimes one treatment is not able to cope with insects. Then spray the bushes again. For such a purpose better fit sprayer with a long boom.

Preparing viburnum buldenezh for winter

Kalina Buldenezh is a fairly frost-resistant plant and freezes only in very harsh winters. To help her move them, you need to prepare the plant for winter.

  • Do not feed with nitrogen fertilizers in the second half of summer.
  • Do not allow young shoots to grow, starting in late August. Pinch them if necessary. Reduce watering from the last decade of August to the end of leaf fall.
  • After leaf fall, carry out water recharge irrigation.
  • Mulch the trunk circle with a layer of mulch of at least 10 cm.
  • Cover additional young plants in a mini greenhouse.

Proper preparation mobilizes all the strength of the plant, and it will safely survive the winter, showing all the frost resistance given to it by nature.

Anyone landscape designer sooner or later, the idea arises to use a viburnum of the Buldenezh type in their work. After all, the plant looks luxurious and is recognized as a win-win option. Viburnum Buldenezh can be grown in landscape design as a standard tree or a single bush. They use it both as an individual object and for creating original composition... It is a good idea to plant a plant near a fountain or body of water. Reflection of flowers in water creates an interesting picture, giving originality to a park or garden.

If all conditions are met, your garden will be replenished with another beautiful ornamental plant... Kalina Buldenezh in landscape design can occupy any niche. This is a beautiful single planting, a group planting with conifers or lilacs, the center of the composition, a living fence and much more that will tell your imagination.

With the help of viburnum, high fences are decorated. For this purpose, Buldenezh is planted along the fence with a tree or a bush. The stamp crown begins to form when still a young bush.

Its main difference from the usual viburnum in the structure of the inflorescences... In the common viburnum, they resemble umbrellas, and large white sterile flowers are located only at the edges. Buldenezh's inflorescences are collected in a strong ball, like a snowball - hence the name.

When it blooms

In viburnum buldenezh, all the flowers in the inflorescence are sterile (it does not produce berries) and are collected in a dense ball with a diameter of 8-10 (sometimes up to 15) cm, similar to a snowball or a pompom. The "snow globe" blooms in late May - early June, blooms for 2-3 weeks.

First greenish, then creamy and finally snow-white inflorescences (there are forms with pink flowers) hang at the ends of twigs gracefully curved under their weight.

The "snow globe" does not produce fruit, therefore, in the fall, it is decorated only with foliage, which acquires red tones and does not fly off the branches for a long time.

Where it looks better

Buldenezh is frost-hardy and requires shelter for the winter only in the north of Central Russia. Single bushes and small groups of this viburnum look especially good against the backdrop of a well-groomed green lawn at the corners and bends of the paths, near a well, a bench or a gazebo.

Groups can consist only of viburnum or include other shrubs, for example, low spireas or dwarf red-leaved barberry: these plants will cover only the lower part of the stems of the viburnum buldenezh, allowing you to admire its inflorescences and shade them dark color foliage.

Choosing a landing site

"Snow globe" is not very picky about soil conditions and lighting. However, shading, dry and poor soils have a significant effect on the size and number of inflorescences.

Landing: choosing a place for planting, you need to dig a hole 40x40 cm (if the soil is fertile) or slightly larger, up to 60 cm, where the soil is poor. The pit is filled with nutritious compost, to which you can add rotted manure, and mineral fertilizers are applied.

Seedling preparation: the seedling must also be prepared for planting. To do this, the shoots are cut to 1/3 - 1/4 of their length. With a spring planting, this is done immediately, and with an autumn planting - in the spring of next year. The ends are cut off at the roots so that they fit well in the pit and grow more actively.

Planting a bush

The bush is planted so that the root collar is 2-3 cm below the soil surface. Then the plant is abundantly watered and the trunk circle is mulched with peat or rotten leaves (layer 6-7 cm), or simply spud.

In this case, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil in the trunk circle so that a crust does not form. Under the mulch, the soil remains in a normal state for a long time, so only weeding and watering are needed.

Watering the plant

It is useful to water adult bushes of the "snow globe" at least once a year, at the beginning of flowering. In cold and rainy summers, you can do without watering, and in hot and dry summers, you should water several times. It must be borne in mind that excessive dryness and heat lead to a reduction in flowering time.

Kalina Buldenezh will grow in the neglected area, but this will make it difficult to care for her or negate its results. In order for watering and fertilizing to benefit the bush of the "snow globe", the trunk circle with a diameter of 1 m must be free of weeds.

Top dressing

Depending on the condition of the plant and the nature of the soil feeding is carried out annually or every two years, in the spring, after the soil dries up. One bush requires 5-8 kg of nutritious compost, 25-30 g of ammonium nitrate, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-25 g of potassium salt.

Mineral fertilizers can simply be spread evenly under the bush and embedded in the soil by loosening. If the trunk circle is kept under mulch, then it is removed for the time of irrigation and fertilization.

Pruning viburnum Buldenezh

Kalina buldenezh, like any shrub, needs pruning, which is carried out to form, thin out and rejuvenate the bush.

Before pruning, it should be remembered that the flower buds of this shrub are formed on the shoots of the second year of life, so a heavily pruned bush will not bloom next summer. But in a year it will delight you with a particularly lush flower cascade.

Crown formation

Young 2-3-year-old plants, planted in a permanent place and having a thin aerial part, need pruning of the formation. To get a lush bush, each shoot is cut off, leaving 3-4 pairs of buds from the base.

This is done annually until the bush reaches the desired density and shape. Adult plants undergo shaping pruning only to correct the crown after damage or to reduce its size.

Plant thinning

Thinning is carried out as needed and consists in the removal of weak and dead branches or part of the branches in too dense areas of the crown. Inspection of bushes of all ages must be carried out every year.

Rejuvenation: old, poorly growing and flowering bushes need rejuvenation. For this, the plants are cut, or rather, cut off "on a stump" at a height of 15-30 cm or more.

After this operation, the dormant buds located below the cut start to grow, forming strong young shoots. Such a rejuvenated plant needs shaping pruning.

All types of pruning are carried out in early spring.- start leaving when the entire above-ground part is free of snow. After pruning, the bush needs to be well fed, then the young shoots will be strong and strong.


Unfortunately, the viburnum buldenezh suffers greatly from pests, especially from the larvae and beetles of the viburnum leaf beetle and from the viburnum leaf-rolling aphid.

As a rule, these pests do not appear on the bushes every year, but if this happens, then you have to admire not a "snow globe", but a bare bush with remnants of leaves hanging here and there.

However, modern facilities plant protection allows you to avoid adversity. If in the spring, before budding, the bushes are sprayed with a solution of nitrafen or inta-vira, then no pests will be afraid of the viburnum.

Propagation by cuttings

The "snow globe" is propagated only in a vegetative way: with green (summer) cuttings, which are used by the shoots of the current year beginning to lignify. They bend well, but do not break. Severely lignified shoots are not suitable.

Cuttings 4-5 cm long with 1-2 internodes are cut with a sharp knife. Slices should be oblique, the lower one - under the kidney, the upper one - above it.

Sliced ​​cuttings are immediately planted in a greenhouse in a layer of humus 8-12 cm thick, covered with 3-4 cm of sand on top. Planting depth is 1.5-2 cm. Cuttings should be sprayed and watered, shaded from bright sunlight.

It shouldn't be too cold in the greenhouse. Rooting begins in 2-3 weeks, and during this period it is especially important frequent spraying water.

In the second half of August, when the cuttings are sufficiently developed root system, they are transplanted to a garden bed, where, before the onset of cold weather, they manage to get stronger and take root well.

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Watch also the video, which tells about the cultivation of viburnum buldenezh. Our Garden program.

There are two main ways to reproduce viburnum "buldenezh": seed and vegetative. At the same time, gardeners should be aware that buldenezh viburnum, which is reproduced by sowing seeds, does not inherit all the qualities of its variety. It is best to choose a vegetative method that is more feasible for implementation in own garden... To do this, you need to spud the shoots, separate the bushes with special layering of the horizontal and vertical type. Kalina "buldenezh" also tolerates well. Uterine bushes undergo hilling every 2-10 years in autumn and spring. It is required to huddle the soil near the bush up to eight centimeters. The next summer usually three to six young shoots sprout. Subsequent hilling should be carried out after they grow up to about twenty to twenty-five centimeters.

A mound of sand after hilling requires constant moisture. If the care turns out to be effective, the shoots will "acquire" a strong root system by the autumn season. They must be disconnected from the bush, and then planted on a certain land plot where the new plant will develop further. Kalina "buldenezh", the reproduction of which is quite simple to produce, may be subject to other effective method... it is quite possible with the help of lignified cuttings, which will be kept in water for three or five days, after which they should be planted in a cool place under the shelter of the cuttings. The latter has a certain composition, it includes humus and sand (in equal amounts). Cuttings require hydration, which can be provided with special humidifier.

For viburnum "buldenezh" reproduction using this method is quite acceptable due to its simplicity and availability. After about thirty days, you can observe the rooting of cuttings; by the first month of autumn, the seedlings will already rise high enough above the ground, and they can be transplanted. The advantage of this method is the absence of a hot period during the rooting of the plant, which occurs in the first or second month of spring, so there is no need to create an artificial shade.

More difficult way for viburnum "buldenezh" - reproduction with the help of green cuttings, since in this case additional stimulation of the growth of the root system will be required. As a rule, the period of strengthening the root in the ground falls just on the hot and dry summer period, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the result. Usually with such unfavorable conditions cuttings grow poorly, so the growth period is lengthened by as much as three months. At the same time, you can try to grow and root green cuttings in an amount of up to five pieces, using the usual flower pot under a jar (glass) turned upside down. For the preparation of the substrate, sand and peat are used in equal amounts.

It should be noted that the viburnum "buldenezh", for which it was chosen as the only method, grows quite full-fledged and lush with the proper organization of activities for caring for it. In the case of cultivation with green cuttings, they must be prepared before mid-June, the leaves located at the bottom must be removed, the top two leaves must be cut by two-thirds to avoid wilting of the remaining leaves. The cuttings tied in a bundle should be placed in a special solution (heteroauxin) to a depth of three centimeters. After that, you need to stand for about 20 hours, take them out and transplant them into a pot (depth - 2 cm), then cover with a jar, put on the windowsill and constantly moisten.

Editor Plants and Trees 8914

Snezhnik, snow bush - viburnum bul denezh in Russia had such names since the eighteenth century. It was during this time that keen gardeners were growing the most diverse forms of this ornamental shrub... In the gardens one could see viburnum:

Most of all, the bushes attracted the eye, in which the flowers were collected in globular, white, like snowballs, inflorescences.

Viburnum Boule de neide or snowball, as the name of this magnificent shrub is translated from French.

Buldenezh, general description, varieties, where to plant

Viburnum bul denezh is an ornamental deciduous shrub that is a sterile form of Viburnum vulgaris. All flowers of this viburnum are sterile, they have neither pistils nor stamens. Enough large flowers collected in spherical inflorescences.

The shrub begins to bloom after the twentieth of May, at the beginning of flowering the flowers are pale green, gradually opening up to become white or pink. The flowering period lasts a whole month.

In some varieties of the sterile viburnum, the snow-white inflorescences turn pink, this occurs in the Roseum, Pink Senation forms.

Important! The flowering branches of the Bulldonezh are great for cutting. Bouquets of them remain fresh for a week. The plant is also suitable for forcing.

Buldenezh has five - or three-lobed, pointed, green leaves, there are varieties with variegated foliage.

Many varieties of sterile viburnum reach a height of 2 m to 4 m, there are compact forms up to one and a half meters in size, but there are also dwarf plants, they are not higher than 60 cm. Kalina bul denezh is grown:

  • in bush form;
  • in one barrel;
  • in the form of a standard tree.

To get healthy and beautiful bulldonezh bushes, you need to choose the right place to place this plant.

The optimal location is a sunny area well protected from the wind. The plant can withstand partial shade, but at the same time it loses some of its decorative effect.

It grows on any soil, but it is preferable to plant on loose, loamy and sandy loam soils. It is demanding on the amount of moisture, therefore, in the dry summer, the viburnum bul de nezh needs regular abundant watering. Adequate moisture is especially important for young plants. During the rooting period of seedlings, in the first year following planting, the shrub needs regular watering.

Bulldonezh does not like strongly alkaline soils; it is optimal to plant shrubs on slightly acidic soils with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5.

Reproduction, planting and caring for viburnum bul denezh

Kalina bul denezh in some cases can give a small amount of berries that contain seeds, but this form of reproduction is very difficult, since the seeds of the common viburnum a long period rest. And after many months of preparing seeds for sowing, seedlings do not appear immediately, and grow very slowly in the first three years. Therefore, it is advisable to use a vegetative breeding method for bulldonezh.

Important! Viburnum ordinary, sterile form, reproduces well by layering, dividing the bush, summer green cuttings.

Green cuttings are best cut from three-year-old shrubs. Cuttings about 10 cm long are cut from the shoot cut from June to July.The upper cut is made straight, the lower cut obliquely.

Cuttings soaked in a growth stimulator are placed in a box filled with peat and sand. At a temperature not lower than + 25 degrees, observing the humidity regime, almost all cuttings take root.

Kalina boules until tender, grown from cuttings, blooms already in the second - third year.

Before planting viburnum seedlings in a permanent place, you need to dig up the selected area with the simultaneous introduction of up to ten kilograms of humus per square meter. meter and complex mineral fertilizer according to the instructions.

The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the root system of the bush, but should not be less than 40 cm in depth and width. At a seedling set in a planting hole, the roots are straightened, covered with soil, lightly tamped and watered with at least 15 - 20 liters of water. After watering, the trunk circle is mulched with compost.

In subsequent years, viburnum bul, until tender in early spring, needs:

  • sanitary pruning;
  • mineral feeding;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weed removal.

V middle lane young plants must be protected from frost. To do this, it is enough to cover the root zone in the fall with a layer of peat or garden soil.

If the bulldonezh needs formative pruning, then it can be carried out only after the end of flowering. Spring pruning can greatly weaken the bush, viburnum bul de nezh will lose its decorative effect.

An important part of care is disease prevention and pest control. The main preventive measure in prevention powdery mildew and spotting for bulldozing can be the treatment of plantings with a solution of copper or ferrous sulfate. This should be done in early spring, before bud break. You can take one part of the rotted manure, fill it with three parts of water and leave everything to infuse for three days. Then dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Viburnum treated with such a solution gets additional resistance to diseases.

Against the main pests of viburnum:

  • viburnum aphid,
  • viburnum leaf beetle,
  • sawyer,

spraying with a solution of laundry soap, carried out before and after flowering, helps well.

In landscape design, buldenezh is indispensable for the design of reservoirs, in single and group plantings, in combination with deciduous and conifers... The shrub grows well as on suburban areas and in settlements, so it can be used for urban greening as well.

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