Changes in the concept of foreign policy activities of the Russian Federation 90.

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To protect their national interests, any state holds a certain (successful or unsuccessful) foreign policy. This is the activities of the state and other political institutions Societies to implement their interests and needs in the international arena.

The foreign policy is the continuation of domestic policies, its distribution to relations with other states. Like internal politics, it is closely connected with the dominant economic entry, public and public Building Societies and expresses them on the world stage. Its main goal is to ensure favorable international conditions for the realization of the interests of a state, ensuring the national security and well-being of the people, preventing a new war.

On the basis of foreign policy activities of individual states, certain international relations are developing, that is, a combination of economic, political, cultural, legal, military and other relations and relations between nations, states, economic, political, scientific, cultural religious organizations and institutions in the international arena.

The purpose of this test work is to analyze the foreign policy of new Russia in the 90s in the context of the collapse of the USSR, which caused the cardinal political changes, as well as its place in the system of international relations in the conditions of the economic crisis in the country.

Foreign policy of Russia in the 90s (decay)

Relationship with the West

With the collapse of the USSR, the world has changed dramatically. The "Cold War" ended, the ideological confrontation in the world ceased. In the post-Soviet space and dozens of new states appeared in Europe.

Russia has become the adviser of the USSR and inherited his place in international organizations. Including, she became a member of the UN Security Council.

but international Regulations Russia could not be called favorable. By level and number of conventional weapons and nuclear weapons Russia remained the second power in the world, but its military opportunities decreased. The country lost military bases in the former Soviet republics. Due to the lack of money, the number of armed forces and financing the development of the army had to reduce the number of armed forces. If the NATO European countries exceeded the usual weapons of the USSR, then by the end of the 1990s, Russia inferior to them by military expenditures 20 times.

It was restless along the borders of Russia: in some former Union republics, military conflicts took place.

The country has lost traditional allies in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America.

At the same time, foreign policy realities changed for Russia: the countries of the West were no longer enemies, and the countries of Eastern Europe were no longer friends.

Under these conditions, Russia had to develop a new foreign policy concept and build new relations with the world.

In 1992, President Yeltsin said that Russia's nuclear missiles are no longer aimed at the United States and other NATO countries. Signed declaration of termination " cold War" Course to establish partner, friendly relations with the countries of the West.

In 1993, a contract for the reduction and restriction of strategic offensive arms (START-2) was concluded between Russia and the United States. Two countries pledged to reduce their nuclear potentials by 66% by 2003.

In 1994, Russia joined the NATO Partnership program in the Name of the World, which involves military cooperation.

In 1996, Russia entered the "Greater Seven", uniting the group of seven of the most developed countries. Thus, the "big seven" is transformed into the "G8".

Began to line up deep economic and political relations With the West, Russia entered the global economic system.

For the sake of establishing partnerships with former enemies, Russia often marked compromises and one-sided concessions. However, these concessions were often perceived in the West as a sign of weakness. The leaders of Western countries were not going to come in their interests for the sake of friendship with Russia. The leadership of the Russian Federation understood this not immediately. But in the second half of the 90s, the country's foreign policy line changed noticeably.

Since 1996, Russia has become actively opposed to the unipolar world led by the United States and for the creation of a multipolar world, in which the hegemony of one country is excluded, and security is not built on force, but on the right. The Balkan crisis of 1999 was a turning point in relations between Russia and the West, when NATO, contrary to the decision of the UN and the protests of Russia, has deployed military operation Against Serbia, who was trying to suppress separatism in the Albanians of the Serbian province of Kosovo. Russia performed sharply against the bombing by the airplanes of NATO Serbian cities. For the first time after the collapse of the USSR, Russia and the West took directly opposite positions in solving an acute international problem. The crisis in the relationship was deepened and because of the position of the West on the Chechen issue. Many Western politicians and international organizations advocated the branch of Chechnya from Russia or tried to impose their mediation in the settlement of the Chechen problem.

Under these conditions, the foreign policy of Russia has undergone major changes, becoming more adequate existing international realities.

Section of the USSR and access to the international arena of Russia. After the crash Soviet Union And the gap of the Warsaw Covenant (July 1, 1991) the world device that established over a few decades was violated. Russia, as the adviser of the USSR, has entered the world's arena with borrowed from the predecessor ambitiousness and self-confidence, albeit with other tasks. But the main thing is not that our country, often, could not solve its tasks in foreign policy, and the fact that she has ceased to be the deterrent, a kind of counterweight, for states such as the United States, United Kingdom and other countries participating in the NATO block And especially for the entire North Atlantic Alliance. As already mentioned, the former world order was disturbed, with the result that, the old "bipolar" way was replaced by the concepts of "unipolarity", popular in the US concept illuminating their "world leadership". New foreign policy problems and tasks. It was very difficult to "addictive" Russia to the new unipolar world. It was not quite clear how it would look like new systemwhich will replace the Bipolar World (see the article "Evolution of the World Economy and Political System in the 1980s - 90s"). It created for all states, including Russia, difficulties in determining their foreign policy line. On the one hand, it seemed as if the world was moving towards mutual understanding of all countries based on democratic values. On the other hand, opposite trends appeared: access to the world arena new potential leaders, such as China, India and Brazil, an increase in the influence of radical nationalism and religious extremism, the emergence of global terrorist networks. For Russia, these problems were many times aggravated due to the fact that in fact it was a new state, never previously existed in their current boundaries. The main tasks of Russia's foreign policy in the 90s: the preservation of territorial integrity and independence; security favorable conditions for development market economy and inclusion in the world community; Russia's recognition as the succession of the former Soviet Union; providing financial assistance to Western countries in conducting market reforms; development foreign trade Russia S. foreign countries (including with the former republics of the USSR); Preservation of the status of the Great Power. Unity modern Russia And the preservation of its international prestige would be impossible without maneuvering in foreign policy in the 1990s, which is often considered to fail, weakness or capitulation. The bipolar world collapsed, one of the leaders entered the stage of the acute crisis. Therefore, Russia objectively could not preserve at first international influence comparable to the influence of the USSR. History showed that the retreat was painful, but not catastrophic. Russia and NATO, the signing of the "Partnership for Peace" program. Relations between Russia and NATO were established in 1991. Russia joined the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. In 1994, Russia began to participate in the program partnership for the sake of peace. Created in 1994, the NATO military cooperation program with European states and the former Soviet republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asiawho are not members of the organization. Originally covered 24 states, their number periodically changes with the accession of new states to the program or entry of States participating in the NATO program. In the program "Partnership in the name of the world", 22 countries that are not members of NATO participate. Political dialogue began to actively develop. The focus was focused on issues of interaction with the United States in the settlement of local conflict situationsAlready not related to the past Soviet-American rivalry, as well as reducing strategic nuclear arsenals, preventing the spread of nuclear weapons. However, NATO continued to keep a strict distance with Russia. " Russian factor"Due to weak predictability, perceived as a source of possible danger. Russia and the European Community, deepening relationships. The community has developed in relation to Russia new politician. It should be noted that the community policy in relation to countries in the Commonwealth of Independent States (including Russia) has not been aimed at such far-reaching goals as the policy of the same community in relation to states Central Europe. The main reason for such a situation was that the CIS countries, including Russia, were not going to join the community, and the communities never intend to conclude agreements with them that distribute the principles of the EU domestic market on the part of the former Soviet Union. As a result, the community decided to develop an agreement on trade and cooperation with the USSR 1989. To conclude agreements on partnership and cooperation with ten republics of the former Soviet Union. The first agreement on partnership and cooperation, which entered into force, was an agreement with Russia dated December 1, 1997. This agreement is mainly based on the forms of cooperation used in the Agreement on Trade and Cooperation with the USSR 1989. In addition, the Agreement contains significantly more bold Measures aimed at trade liberalization. The initial stage for such measures is to establish the mode of the greatest faults between Russia and the European Union, which subsequently can lead to the creation of a free trade zone. The agreement on partnership and cooperation does not include framework provisions that allow the freedom of movement of workers between the European Union and Russia. On the contrary, Russia is included in the list of non-members of the European Union, whose citizens are obliged to have a visa to intere the external borders of the European Union. The innovation contained in the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation is the Head of Structural Political Dialogue. Such a dialogue should guarantee the existence of a forum in which Russia and the European Union will be able to discuss issues of interest to both parties. For the most part, these are political issues and security issues. The disintegration of the Soviet Union did not affect one-sided measures, the positive results of which was used by the USSR. On the contrary, they began to be automatically applied to new states resulting from decay. With the entry into force of the Amsterdam Treaty in May 1999, the European Union appeared new toolFirming its overall foreign policy and security policy towards third countries. This tool is called "General Strategy". In June 1999, the European Union accepted its first overall strategy that emphasizes great importance Russia for the European Union. According to this general strategy, closer cooperation between Russia and the European Union is the only way to solve the tasks that faces Europe as the continent. Consequently, the European Union hopes that he will be able to contribute to the strengthening of democracy, legitimacy, the construction of a legal state and in support of civil society institutions in Russia, to the integration of Russia into the pan-European economic and social space. Scheduled cooperation should lead to the most efficient resolution common tasks, such as energy and nuclear safety, environment and health, as well as the struggle against organized crime, money laundering, illegal trafficking in persons and drugs. The European Union believes that this is the only possible way to strengthen stability and security in Europe and beyond.

Problems of OSCE relationships.

Overcoming crisis phenomena in the economy and strengthening Russia's position in the world at the beginning XXI century. The practice of Russian vulgarized pseudomotarism led to chaos in the economy, which arose as a result of shock "liberalization" of prices and followed hyperinflation (for January 1992, consumer prices increased by 245%, by the end of 1992, 26 times, then during 1993 - more 4 times, in 1995 - 2.3 times). The collapse of the national currency led to the dollarization of the economy. In fact, the inflationary confiscation of population savings and the inflationary redistribution of public wealth was carried out, which, in combination with almost free distribution of state property, new owners ( money Evaluation Funds of enterprises turned out to be repeatedly understated relative to their real value, sometimes - in many thousands of times) and inflationary and preferential lending to commercial banks - led to the implementation of a certain historical analogue of the initial accumulation of capital. In 2004, when summing up privatization, it was estimated that the state budget received from the implementation of privatized property and objects of the amount of 9 billion dollars; For comparison, it can be noted that in Bolivia, where in the 1990s also privatization was also carried out, more than $ 90 billion were obtained, while the scale of the economy of this country, the procedure below Russian and privatized a significantly smaller share of the public sector. The robbery of the population was continued further by criminal activities of private "funds", banks and "financial pyramids". During this period, the consolidation of the social forces occurred, in whose interests were carried out in the economy. This is a nomenclature official, quantitatively increased by 2 times and the "conversion of the authorities", the administration of enterprises (on average, which was 5% employed in enterprises) and criminal circles. By the end of the 90s. In the Russian economy, certain positive changes occurred. It was mostly achieved by the saturation of the consumer market, the degree of computerization was significantly increased, the development of services was developed, some elements of the market infrastructure arose. Expanded opportunities for manifestation of economic initiative and business activities. However, these positive shifts turned out to be impaired by the progressive destruction of the production, scientific and technical and, in general, the civilization potential of the country.

Question 68.

Foreign policy of Russia in the 90s of the XX century

1. Formation of a new extern political courses

2. Russia and the countries of the neighboring countries.

3. West and East in Russia's foreign policy.

4. Results of foreign policy.

1. After the collapse of the USSR and the CIS creation, a fundamentally new foreign policy situation has developed. Deep changes to the geopolitical and geostrategic setting demanded to rethink the role and place of Russia in the system of international relations.

In the new geopolitical situation, Russia faced with large quantity Problems. As a result of the changed economic, political and ideological situation, its foreign policy activity has sharply decreased in the country. With the reduction of economic potential, the country's defense capability suffered. Russia lost half of seaports and direct access to worldwides in the West and in the south. Russian fleet Developed traditional bases in the Baltic States, argued with Ukraine about the basing of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia in Sevastopol. The former republics of the USSR nationalized the most powerful shock military groups located on their territory.

The main directions of foreign policy. In front of Russia, the task of integration into the world market and harmonization of the political course with the policies of the world's leading powers.

After the cessation of the Cold War, the role of the central confrontation was noticeably declined, but at the same time increased the threat of regional conflicts, the spread of weapons of mass destruction and rocket technologies. Near the borders of the CIS, the belt of unstable states was formed. Gradually realizes as an important task of at least partial restoration of the status of Russia as an influential power in the world. The basis for this is the still preserved significant economic and military potential of the country, its foreign policy and economic ties.

2. In relations with the countries of the near abroad, Russian diplomacy has encountered many difficulties since the very beginning: economic disintegration, the problem of the formation of national armies and the USSR ownership section, creating borders. The main problem was the disadvantageous nature of economic cooperation in the transition to the world stock prices of energy trading.

In 1992, the conclusion of Russian troops from Baltic, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Armenia began. In relations between Russia with the countries of the Baltic States, the question of the rights of the Russian-speaking population residing there. In addition, in the 90s. Wide distribution received forced migration. Refugees appeared. In 1990-1991 The process of the re-emigration of the Russians became ubiquitous (the exception is Ukraine and Belarus). In relations with Ukraine, the problem of the status of Sevastopol and the conditions of the section of the Black Sea Fleet partially specified in the Russian-Ukrainian Treaty of May 31, 1997 remains

The situation in this area was also aggravated by the fact that in the first years of independent Russia, the priority in the foreign policy doctrine was given to the countries of the West, and not neighboring countries.

3. Throughout the 90s. Preference in foreign policy continued to persist in Western countries, primarily the United States.

In late 1991 - early 1992, the President of Russia announced that nuclear rockets were no longer aimed at the US objects and other Western countries. In 1994, the nuclear missiles of Russia and the United States were oversized from objects in each other - in non-heated areas of the Earth. In the joint declaration of the two countries (Camp David, 1992), the end of the Cold War was recorded and stated that Russia and the United States do not consider each other as potential opponents. Their relationships are based on elements of mutual trust and the overall commitment of democracy and economic freedom. Russia also acceded to the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. In January 1993, a new agreement was concluded between Russia and the United States on the restriction of strategic offensive arms (OSNV-2). According to the Agreement, by 2003, a reduction in the nuclear potential of the two countries for 2/3 compared with the level determined by the Treaty of OSNV-1 should be reached.

The Russian leadership faced a new problem - the expansion of NATO east. Russian diplomacy tried to prevent the introduction of former members of the organization of the Warsaw Treaty, as well as the Baltic countries in NATO. To this end, she spoke with the idea of \u200b\u200bproviding countries to central Europe cross-guarantees of security from both Russia and the Western European countries. The proposal was not adopted by the former allies of the USSR. The leadership of the North Atlantic Union in turn announced an interim version of cooperation with these countries: without providing the status of a full-fledged NATO member, they could sign the partnership program in the name of the world. By the summer of 1994, it was signed by more than 20 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including CIS members. On June 22, 1994, Russia joined it.

Russia and Japan. In the summer of 1997, Japan's leadership actually announced the concept of new diplomacy against Russia, which was based on the principles of confidence, mutual benefit and long-term perspective. From now on, Tokyo separates the problem of "northern territories" from the whole complex of issues of bilateral relations. Informal meetings of the highest leaders of the two countries were concrete steps in the implementation of the new course. A joint Russian-Japanese Commission on Economic Cooperation, as well as a forum, within which negotiations will be conducted to conclude a peace treaty between the two countries, which has not been concluded since the Second World War.

Eastern direction performs on modern stage The most important reserve of increasing the foreign economic activity of Russia. Here our country has retained direct access to the global market, its basic, in many respects, not developed export resources is focused. Therefore, the zone of the Asia-Pacific region becomes of particular importance. In one of the main trading partners of Russia in this region there has been China. There are prospects for the development of traditional cooperation with India, Vietnam, Korea.

Certain shifts outlined in trading relations with Japan, South Korea, ASEAN countries, including the weapons market.

4. After 1991, the Russian Federation received international recognition As the heiress of the USSR in foreign policy. The Russian Federation confirmed the continuity of agreements and arms control agreements, solving global international problems, a pan-European process.

Russia is facing the task of confirming the role of the leader within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States. To do this, to seek real integration process In all areas - political, economic, military.

However, exacerbated in modern conditions The confrontation between the leading trade and industrial centers displaces Russia from the world division of labor, narrows its already limited opportunities in the way of creating an open economy, integration into the world economy. Reorientation to the West did not lead to the improvement of trade economic relations. Russia continues to remain a country of high investment risk.

Principles of foreign policy. The collapse of the USSR changed the position of Russia in the international arena, its political and economic ties with the outside world. The foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation has advanced the preservation of territorial integrity and independence, ensuring favorable conditions for the development of a market economy and including the world community. Russia's recognition was to achieve as the successor of the former Soviet Union in the UN, as well as the assistance of Western countries in conducting a reform course. An important role was assigned to foreign trade in Russia with foreign countries. Foreign economic relations were considered as one of the means to overcome the economic crisis in the country.

Russia and non-foreign countries. After the August 1991 events, the diplomatic recognition of Russia began. For negotiations S. russian president The head of Bulgaria J. Jale arrived. At the end of the same year, the first official visit B.N. Yeltsin abroad - in Germany. On the recognition of the sovereignty of Russia, about the transition to her rights and obligations former USSR The countries of the European Community said. In 1993-1994 Partnership and cooperation agreements were concluded between the EU countries and Russian Federation. The Russian government has joined the NATO Partnership for Peace Program. The country was included in the International Monetary Fund. She managed to agree with the largest banks of the West on the deferment of payments for the debts of the former USSR. In 1996, Russia entered into the Council of Europe, whose competences were issues of culture, human rights, environmental protection. European countries supported the actions of Russia aimed at integrating into the global economy.

It has noticeably increased the role of foreign trade in the development of the Russian economy. The destruction of national bonds between the republics of the former USSR and the decay of the Council of Economic Communication was caused by the reorientation of foreign economic relations. After a long break of Russia, the greatest faults in trade with the United States was provided. Constant economic partners were the states of the Middle East and Latin America. As in the previous years, in developing countries, with the participation of Russia, heat and hydroelectric power plants (for example, in Afghanistan and Vietnam) were built. In Pakistan, Egypt and Syria were erected by metallurgical enterprises and agricultural objects.

Trade contacts between Russia and the countries of the former SEA are preserved, in the territory of which gas and oil pipelines Western Europe. Energy exported on them was sold to these states. Preposted trade subjects made medicines, food and chemical goods. The share of Eastern European countries in the total volume of Russian trade decreased by 1994 to 10%.

Relations with the states of the CIS. The development of relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States occupied an important place in the foreign policy of the government. In 1993, the CIS included, except Russia, even more eleven states. At first, the central place in relations between them occupied negotiations on issues related to the section of the property of the former USSR. The boundaries were established with those from countries that have introduced national currency. Contracts were signed, identifying the conditions for transporting Russian goods on their territory abroad.

The collapse of the USSR destroyed traditional economic ties with the former republics. In 1992-1995 Padal turnover with the states of the CIS. Russia continued to supply them fuel and energy resources, primarily oil and gas. The structure of imported revenues prevailed consumer goods and food. One of the obstacles to development trade relations The financial arrears of Russia from the Commonwealth states was formed in the previous years. In the mid-1990s, its size exceeded B billion dollars.

The Russian government sought to preserve the integration links between the former republics within the CIS. On his initiative, the Interstate Committee of the Commonwealth Countries with the Center for Hesting in Moscow was created. Between six (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.), States were concluded by a collective security agreement, the Charter of the CIS was developed and approved. At the same time, the Commonwealth of countries did not constitute a single decorated organization.

Interstate relations between Russia with the former republics of the USSR were not easy. A sharp disputes with Ukraine were conducted due to the section of the Black Sea Fleet and Ownership Crimean Peninsula. Conflicts with the governments of the Baltic States were caused by the discrimination of the Russian-speaking population living there and some territorial issues of some territorial issues. The economic and strategic interests of Russia in Tajikistan and Moldova were the reasons for its participation in armed clashes in these regions. The most structurally developed relationships between the Russian Federation and Belarus.

The activities of the Russian government within the country and in the international arena testified of his desire to overcome conflicts in relations with states of both far and near abroad. His efforts were aimed at achieving stability in society, to complete the transition from the previous, Soviet, development model to the new socio-political system, to the Democratic Legal State.

The process of adapting the Russian foreign policy to new reality in the world turned out to be long and painful. Transition state russian societyThe struggle for power, the most severe economic crisis has seriously complicated the implementation of foreign policy problems. In the 1990s, the new Russian diplomacy solved the task of several key elections. They concerned the permission of uncertainty in the conditions of multiple alternatives: between integration into European civilization and its independence; between the empire and the national state; between isolation and openness; Between Economic I. political liberalism and the values \u200b\u200bof the paternalist state; between individualism and collectivism; between mobilizing and innovative development type; Between the construction of the political and imperial nation.

Russia's foreign policy of the early 1990s. In many respects, he was a continuation of "restructuring diplomacy". It was characterized by the desire to integrate into the Western community and global economic structures. Since the summer of 1992, the close cooperation of Russia has begun with International Monetary Fund (IMF). In 1995, Russia filed an application for entry into World Trade Organization (WTO). During the 90s. XX century There was a phased inclusion of Russia into the activities of the informal international organization "G8", in the center of the discussion of which actual questions Politics and economics. Finally, Russia continued to remain an effective participant. Organizations on security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

In early 1996, the shift of landmarks in foreign policy is supported by personnel permutations: Prosapadnaya A.V. Kozyreva as the Minister of Foreign Affairs changed E.M. Primakov, former before this head of the foreign intelligence service. After appointment by the Minister of Foreign Affairs E.M. Primakov The course for compromise with the West was not changed, but Russia's foreign policy line became more nuanced. At the same time, E.M. Primakov began to take demonstrative steps designed to emphasize Moscow's attention to Asia countries - China and India, the prospect of rapprochement with which could be an alternative to the US orientation.

On the initial stage Proclaimed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs A.V. The concept of the strategic Union of Russia and the United States, later transformed into an idea of \u200b\u200ba strategic partnership, suggested the loyalty of Russia in relation to Western values \u200b\u200bin exchange for Western's help in implementing liberal reforms. In June 1992, during the visit B.N. Yeltsin in Washington was signed by the Charter of the Russian-American Partnership. For the first time, the situation of North America and Europe's security has emerged in it, which meant close cooperation between Russia and NATO. The first part of the Charter was particularly important, where the principles were stipulated, which was obliged to follow the Russian leadership in conducting their domestic policy. They were attributed to them democracy, freedom, protection of human rights, respect for minority rights, including national.During this period, a number of steps to strengthen international security were made. On January 3, 1993, during the visit of US President J. Bush to Moscow, a Russian-American agreement was signed on the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (START-2). He provided a decline in January 2003 by the number of nuclear warheads in Russia and the United States up to 3,500 units. The contract was ratified by the US Congress in January 1996, but in State Duma This process has been stretched from 1995 to 1997 due to the exacerbation of Russian-American disagreements on the issue of Yugoslav settlement and NATO expansion.

By the mid-1990s. The question of the expansion of NATO at the expense of Eastern European countries has become the main for Russian diplomacy. The Russian government adhered to a negative attitude towards the expansion of NATO, but in fact it did not try to counteract him. It still An NATO transformation into a political organization similar to OSCE functions was possible. In January 1994, NATO established a "partnership for peace" program to promote cooperation between the Alliance and Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (included about 20 countries, including Russia). At the end of 1994, the United States decides on the inclusion of the former allies of the USSR in the ATSR, despite Russia's tough objections. On December 10, 1996, the NATO Council session in Brussels authorized the beginning of expansion.

On May 27, 1997, a fundamental act of mutual relations, cooperation and security between the Russian Federation and NATO was signed in Paris. By content, he wore the character of the advisory package and did not contain legally binding provisions. NATO and Russia no longer viewed each other as opponents.

Russia received an officially fixed promise from NATO not to place armed forces on the territory of its new members on an ongoing basis. The Russia-NATO Permanent Council was created, within which consultations were supposed to be held. In March 1998, a Russian representative office was opened in Brussels at NATO headquarters.

In the course of the Kosovo crisis of 1999, Russia opposed the power resolution of the conflict and breeding the warring parties by NATO. But when by the summer of 1999 it became obvious that the commissioning of foreign troops in Kosovo is inevitable, russian government At the request of the Serbian leadership and, at the invitation of the NATO Command, they agreed to send a military contingent to the composition of multinational forces so that it was placed in the areas of compact serb to Kosovo to protect them.

An important direction of the actions of Russian diplomacy was the formation of cooperation between the Russian Federation and the European Union. In 1994, these ties were proclaimed by the highest priority of Russian foreign policy and economic relations. On June 24, 1994, on the island of Corf, Russia and the EU signed the "Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation" for a period of ten years. The strategic task of cooperation was proclaimed the creation of "Space of security, stability and cooperation in Europe", as well as free trade zones. In 1997, Russia became a member of the Council of Europe.

One of priority areas Russian foreign policy was the preservation of influence in the post-Soviet space. On December 21, 1991, in Almaty, eight republics of the former USSR signed a protocol on accession to Belovezhsky agreements previously signed by Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Thus, the CIS officially entered 11 states, except the countries of the Baltic and Georgia. The capital of the Commonwealth became Minsk. On January 22, 1993, at the summit of the Ten CIS countries in Minsk managed to coordinate and adopt the Charter of the Commonwealth, which, with reservations from some countries, entered into force in January 1994. Officially, members of the Commonwealth became Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In the late 1993 - the first half of 1994, Georgia and Moldova entered the CIS.

In the initial period of the existence of the CIS, the Russian leadership attempted to find primarily organizational forms military-political cooperation in the post-Soviet space. May 15, 1992 in Tashkent Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,

Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan signed a collective security agreement for five years with the possibility of subsequent automatic extension. In the following years, the CIS has developed a development strategy "multicotted" integration aimed at establishing bilateral relations and the formation of economic projects.

In 1995, the formation began between Russia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan Customs Unionallowing more free movement of goods and capital of these states. In March 1996, these countries signed an agreement on the deepening of economic and humanitarian integration, which became another step towards interaction. However, the CIS organization remained in many ways amorphous and vague structure having an indefinite international status. Its functioning was complicated not only by the desire of Russia to play a leading role in the Commonwealth, but also an increase in conflict situations in bilateral relations (for example, with Georgia and Ukraine).

As a result of the purposeful efforts of Russia's attitude with most countries of the Asia-Pacific region (ATP), they also reached new frontiers. Since 1996, Russia has become official partner ASEAN (State Association South-East Asia). In 1998, Russia became a member of APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation), which marked new stage, called the "New Eastern Policy". The attention of Russian diplomacy to the APP was dictated by a number of important circumstances: 1) contradictions in the space of the CIS (the formation of alternative anti-Russian or pro-Russian projects); 2) the growth of the role of China and India, especially noticeable against the background of a certain reduction in the influence of Japan and the strengthening of ASEAN; 3) search for new resources and development opportunities; 4) Safety problem. The key event was the formation Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO.) As part of China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. In 1996, agreements were signed in Shanghai "On strengthening confidence in the military sphere in border areas". In April 1997, an agreement was held in Moscow "On the mutual reduction of the Armed Forces in the Border Region". At the initial stage, the main task of the organization was called the struggle against terrorism, national separatism, religious extremism (the struggle against the "three angry"). Subsequently, the goal and the SCO strategy has gained more global coverage.

Thus, the main tasks and objectives of Russia's foreign policy in the 90s. XX century concerned full participation in building a system of international relations; ensuring a stable and secure environment, consolidation of the country's military-political and economic positions; Development of links with the CIS and participation in integration.

Control questions

  • 1. What are the main approaches to the interpretation of globalization processes? What are their similarities and differences?
  • 2. What is the impact of globalization on political, socio-economic and cultural processes in the world?
  • 3. How is the role of the national state in globalization?
  • 4. What are possible scripts further development Globalization processes?
  • 5. What are the causes of anti-globalistic movement? What are his goals and tasks?
  • 6. What are the causes, nature and main difficulties of socio-economic reforms in Russia in the 90s. XX century?
  • 7. What was the causes of the Russian default 1998? What were his consequences for economics, politics and society?
  • 8. What were the main problems and contradictions of the process of the formation of Russian statehood?
  • 9. What are the main characteristics of the Russian society in the 90s. XX century?
  • 10. What was the difficulties and contradictions of Russian foreign policy in the 90s. XX century?
  • The main events, trends and facts of international life, submitted by this section, are given as a whole: the system history of international relations. 3M.: International relationships, 2003.
  • Korshunov S.V. Foreign policy of modern Russia: strategy of electiveness. M.: Ed. GU HSE, 2009.

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