Ready-made business plan for a wedding salon. How to open a draft beer shop

Site arrangement 12.10.2019
Site arrangement

The idea of ​​opening a beer store on tap in Russia is promising, and therefore popular. According to statistics, it is beer that is the leader in the list of the most consumed alcoholic beverages. In addition, today our country occupies the 4th place in the market of alcoholic beverages, the quality level of which is last years changed for the better.

Market analysis and location selection

"Live beer" differs from the usual goods in glass and bottles in many advantages: full taste, smell and best quality and is considered more attractive to customers. All this plays into the hands of businessmen who decide to create their own beer enterprise. But let's deal with the main problems, risks, and most importantly, the costs of such a business.

The buyer of beer by weight cannot be absolutely all people who are in locality, city. Here, like any other product, there is a certain circle of customers: men and women of middle age. Based on this indicator, you need to choose a place for your store.

Consider a few of the most commonly used beer business options:

  • beer shop - a specially equipped building for the retail sale of goods;
  • a beer department in a supermarket, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is usually rented;
  • beer pavilion - separate commercial facility with the presence of communications, storage space.

Most often, at the initial stage, entrepreneurs prefer to rent a building, but most profitable option the opening of a beer pavilion is considered, since according to the established laws of the Russian Federation, in order to rent a room, you need to pay 1,800 rubles per square meter, and a fixed amount of 9,000 rubles is charged for its registration. If you are going to create a beer point in a supermarket, get ready to reckon with and rely on the rules and requirements of the owner.

The location of the beer store should be closer to the sleeping areas of the city, youth gatherings, parks, recreation areas, the main traffic artery. There are several nuances associated with legal restrictions:

  • If this is a residential building, then it must be transferred to the status of non-residential.
  • Retail trade is possible only in stationary objects.

The beer store should not be located in the "forbidden zone", that is, a place located next to children's organizations, educational institutions, sports facilities, hospitals, railway stations, airports, military facilities.

Pay attention to the income level of the residents of the selected area, because with the right knowledge you will be able to better form the range of products offered, and the competitiveness of existing outlets.

Main provisions of the project

The development of a business project is impossible without the competent creation of its main stage - the documentary base. You do not need to obtain special permits and approvals (SES, administrations, other bodies) to open a beer business, it is enough to notify the Rospotrebnadzor authority about the start of activity. However, it must be remembered that organizations and entrepreneurs must know and comply with sanitary rules, rules fire safety, which can be found in the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

Next, you need to register a legal or individual as an entrepreneur in tax authority. More often, lawyers advise establishing an LLC, which will reduce future costs for the ever-tightening legislation rules for individual businessmen.

In the future, the main papers in the beer store will be documents indicating the source of receipt and confirming the quality and safety of the products sold, the availability of appropriate conditions for its storage and sale.

It is equally important to choose a good beer supplier. Experts believe that it is more profitable to buy a drink from the manufacturer if you already own several outlets. It is better for novice entrepreneurs to cooperate with distributors, since their margin is low, but there is a delivery service to the buyer's store. Here are some tips to help you choose the right supplier.

  1. Criterion. It is not always necessary to buy products from lowest price for the assortment of beer you need. If the price is low, and the delivery is paid, then it will not be cheaper.
  2. Advice. Terms of sale and delivery
  3. Price. Choose a supplier with flexibility pricing policy, that is, the possibility of delay and the availability of discounts.

It will also be a big plus Additional services for the provision and maintenance of bottling equipment. To reduce shipping costs, prefer local manufacturers. Before signing the contract, find out about the experience of the supplier, ask for waybills, certificates of conformity or declarations of conformity for all types of beer.

When you decide on the building, the supplier, arrange all Required documents and make repairs, you need to go to the next paragraphs of the business plan.

Necessary equipment and personnel for the operation

The mandatory list of equipment should include a cooler that maintains the temperature of beer, a rack for installing taps, a counter, a refrigerator, kegs for transporting beer from a supplier and storing products, a beer tap, a special hose, gas cylinders and a pressure reducer. All this equipment does not have to be bought at once, but can be rented, the monthly cost of which usually ranges from 2-10% of the price of new equipment, depending on the type of equipment.

Recently, thermal chambers or kegerators have become increasingly popular. With a beer storage system in separate room, cooled centrally, has a number of advantages:

  • The system allows you to reduce the cost of equipment (coolers) and rental. Especially noticeable for large points - from 30 varieties with a good strait.
  • Eliminated unpleasant odors from the trading space.
  • Not only connected kegs are cooled, but also those that are being replaced.

With regard to commercial equipment, here you need cash register, scales, a universal showcase for displaying goods and tables with chairs if you plan to sell beer on tap in mugs.

For the normal functioning of a beer store, 2-4 sellers are enough. Their number depends on the work schedule and the number of clients. When hiring, pay attention to the ability to communicate with customers, knowledge of beer varieties, or at least a vision of the difference between the proposed assortment. We advise you to give preference to former bartenders. Not unimportant factor is the appearance of a person, it should have to itself. Do not forget to keep an eye on the work of your staff, as often the income of a beer store on tap suffers due to the tricks of the sellers. However, if wage employee is worthy, he is unlikely to want to deceive the employer and customers.

How to advertise the store and attract customers

First you need to create a positive image of the store. Help with this original name, external and internal design. On the street, it is necessary to make an outdoor sign with a catchy slogan and a price list for drinks, which should attract not only pedestrians, but also drivers. Decorate themed showcases and take care of good lighting. interior must be made in the same style, branded clothing for sellers is welcome.

Even at the initial stage, you can find regular customers, a bright opening ceremony with a tasting of beers, coupons and discounts for the first buyers will help in this. To further attract people, it is worth conducting certain services, for example, ordering beer by phone, home delivery. A WEB-page on the Internet, all kinds of promotions and gifts for customers will not interfere.

Possible dates for opening a beer outlet

Open a quality store for short term- not an easy task. Businessmen will have to face a number of problems and delays, which we dealt with earlier. Difficulties may arise if you do not have experience in this field.

For a faster return on investment, it is better to open a store draft beer spring or summer, because it is during this period that the demand for this drink increases.

Thus, it may take 1-2 months to open a beer outlet.

Fixed and variable costs

Consider the costs of a businessman who is about to open a beer store on tap and lease the building. The initial costs will be associated with paperwork, the purchase of the necessary interior items and assortment, and the organization of advertising.

  • IP registration: 100 rubles
  • Repair: 50,000 rubles
  • Purchase of chairs and tables: 15,000 rubles
  • Sign order: 30,000 rubles
  • Outdoor advertising: 15,000 rubles
  • Equipment: 200,000 rubles
  • Purchase of an assortment of beer: 100,000 rubles

Total: 410,100 rubles.

In the future, the costs will go to the development of the enterprise, the payment of taxes, salaries to sellers, and improving the quality of products.

  • Rent: 30,000 rubles
  • Salary (including insurance premiums and tax): 100,000 rubles
  • Raw materials: 250,000 rubles
  • Advertising: 5,000 rubles
  • Monthly costs: 385,000 rubles
  • Profit before tax: 95,000 rubles
  • Tax: 14 250 rubles
  • Net profit: 80,750 rubles

According to market analysis and the experience of entrepreneurs in the beer business, the profitability of the business is 30%, which is an excellent indicator, and the payback period is six months. During this time, the beer store on tap will rise and be able to bring in a significant net profit.

As a result, we advise novice businessmen to take a responsible approach to creating their own business plan and not to forget about the main risks of production: seasonality, shelf life of products, control by government agencies.

In contact with

Beer is a fairly common drink in Russia, so there is a great demand for it. Many buyers have already given their preference to draft beer, leaving bottled beer aside or on the shelves of hypermarkets, because they differ from each other not only in taste, but also in quality. Opening a draft beer shop is a good idea for a business, as the demand for it increases every year, despite the fact that such a business is in the seasonal category.


Store location- one of the main parameters of whether you will have a profit from the business or not. As you may have noticed, most often draft beer stores are pinpoint. They are located in shopping centers, and at the exit of the supermarket, and near the subway, that is, in places with high traffic of people. In such stores, beer is bought to take away, and a small rental rate allows you to quickly pay off and start making money. There is also a point of sale, in the form "shop-bar". They are located on a larger area and require a good bar and chairs. There are also beer boutiques, which are small pubs.

When choosing a location for a store, it is important to take into account the existing "no-go zones", which include medical, educational and sports facilities. Before renting space, it is important to study the area in which your future store will be located. The advantage is given, of course, to sleeping areas, as they have more residents and fewer competitors (restaurants, cafes, bars).

The supermarket will also become a competitor, as it is sometimes easier to buy beer along with groceries than to go somewhere else on the way home. And, as already mentioned, they also often already sell draft beer, so if the sale is not carried out by you, then, alas, only a variety of varieties at your outlet can increase the number of customers. It is not advisable to open a point near business centers. It is unlikely that someone will come to you for a whole liter of drink during work, so you will only have to hope for the arrival of visitors after a working day.

It is also undesirable to open a store in the basement of a residential building, and this time the influencing factor is not traffic, but the possibility of fire safety problems, following which retail outlets should have two exits. Accordingly, you may be there and stay for some time, but the store will close quickly enough.

Student dormitories or recreation parks can increase the number of buyers, and it is also advantageous to locate such stores on the outskirts of the city. Many people want to buy a bottle of fresh draft beer on their way to their country house.

One important permit would be a liquor license. and who can get it?

What do you need to open a tire shop? What documents to prepare and equipment to purchase?

What do you need to open a store?

We have already talked about where it is better to locate the future store. Now let's dive into the list of documents (usually: a specific package) needed to open.

Documents for a draft beer store

  1. If you are going to carry out street trading, you need the appropriate approval from the local authorities.
  2. If the store will be located in a shopping center, you must obtain a permit to sell beer
  3. Registered Sole Proprietor or LLC.
  4. The conclusion of the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service) is required.
  5. Conclusion of the State Fire Supervision. (The space for a draft beer store must comply with fire safety standards).
  6. Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor.
  7. A contract concluded with the landlord (owner or tenant) of the area.
  8. Employment contracts with employees who have sanitary books.
  9. Registered cash register.

What requirements can SES put forward for a draft beer store?

As a finish, it is better to use tiles or non-toxic paint. Lighting should be both natural and artificial. Emergency lighting also needs to be installed. Conducted central heating. It is also important to observe the conditions of hygiene of employees. It is better to discuss the details of these requirements with the employees of the SES.

Attention is paid to the safe conduct of electricity. Cables must be laid at a certain height, they must be protected from possible damage. A cutter is a must. Don't forget to buy fire extinguishers and make an evacuation plan.

The fire department will require you to comply with these rules:

  1. The room must have an emergency exit, the doors of which must open from the outside.
  2. Safety instructions should be developed. All store employees must be trained.
  3. Signs with the number of the fire department, as well as plans for an evacuation exit, should be hung in the premises.
  4. Fire detectors must be installed.

This is, of course, an incomplete list of necessary requirements. In order to comply with all the rules, it is better to consult with a specialist.

Draft beer shop equipment

Equipment can either be bought or rented. It depends on your funds, as well as your intentions for the duration of the business. If you are going to open a place that will exist for a long time, the equipment is worth buying - the less hassle.

Now let's move on to exactly what you need.

  1. cooler. This device will be able to maintain the temperature of beer around +5 degrees. It is necessary to meet the needs of the client, because no one will come to you after buying warm beer from you again. This pleasure is not cheap - about 20,000 rubles. But it is necessary, there is nothing you can do about it.
  2. Rack for installation of pouring cranes.
  3. Counter.
  4. Kegs. This is a container of of stainless steel, which is used to transport beer.
  5. Beer column. It is not only a beer dispensing device, but also important element design.
  6. drip tray.
  7. Beer faucet (if beer is to be poured into glasses).
  8. Beer hose.
  9. Gas cylinders. They are needed in order to force the beer out of the keg.
  10. Reducer to maintain pressure in the cylinder.
  11. Refrigerator.

Design and interior

The interior of your store can be very different, but it is better to stick to established standards. It is better to build on the interiors of an Irish or Czech pub. Combinations of brick structures and wooden structures will make your store truly stylish. If you arrange a few bar stools around the counter, subdued lighting will be a plus.


Choose pleasant employees, because not only you, but also the buyer will need to deal with them. They will become the face of your establishment. Look for future bartenders with experience so that they can work with dishes and that nothing falls out of their hands. They should also be considerate and bold to politely refuse a client.

Do not forget about those cases when a person cannot pour more, so it is better to give up 100-200 rubles of profit and tell the person “no” in time.

Usually, beer shops work in shifts, so two employees with a schedule of 2 through 2 will be enough for you. It is better to pay for work from a percentage of the sale. This will give them motivation. To prevent employees from stealing, you can put “controllers” between the keg and the tap. This way you will be able to monitor whether the sale is being recorded correctly.

You will also need an accountant and a cleaner.

Beer vendors and beer shop assortment

For successful trading, you need at least 7 varieties of beer offered. It is recommended to sell light and dark beer, as well as 1-2 imported varieties. You can diversify the assortment with unfiltered products. Cider, mead and cherry beer are gaining more and more popularity. Try to add them to the range. With their sale, you will also have a female buyer.

Add more snacks to the sale of beer. A rare buyer who wants to spend the evening after a hard day's work will deny himself the pleasure of buying dried fish for beer or other snacks. You will get additional profit from this.

Beer storage

Kegs count best storage beer, especially in a draft beer store. In them, the drink is hermetic and especially tasty. The shelf life of draft beer in such a keg ranges from 30 to 90 days. It depends directly on the variety.

Kegs themselves are not recommended to be stored on the floor. It is better to use wooden flooring for them and not keep them near the battery. The ideal storage temperature is +10 degrees. To maintain quality and shelf life, it is best to transport the keg to the room where it will be opened 24 hours before use.

The beer cooler should be placed in a ventilated room. If suddenly the beer in the keg is frozen, turn off the cooler. The gas cylinder must be in a vertical position.

Sample business plan for a beer store

Now let's summarize by drawing up a rough business plan with the calculation of equipment costs:

  • Registration of sole proprietorship or LLC, legal consultation- 25,000 rubles.
  • Rent for a draft beer shop 40 sq. m - 30-50,000 rubles per month. (Depending on the area).
  • Realtor services - 20,000 rubles.
  • Renovation of the premises and interior design of a draft beer store - from 40,000 rubles.
  • Equipment - 180,000 rubles.
  • Beer - 100,000 rubles
  • The salary of an accountant (outsourcing) is 5,000 rubles per month.
  • Sellers (service of two people) - 35,000 rubles per month.

Total: approximately 460,000 rubles.

The monthly expense will be about 250,000 rubles. It turns out that you should earn more than 9,000 rubles per day. If the minimum order value is 300 rubles, then 30 buyers will be enough for you to pay off. Agree, not so much.

In conclusion, we would like to wish you success in your business. Remember that compliance public services, a sober approach to business, as well as dedication to your idea, will help you achieve incredible results and profit.

Beer is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in Russia and CIS countries. According to statistics, one drinking person consumes about 50 liters per year. Mostly they are men aged 18 and over. Our task is to understand how to satisfy this demand, namely, to understand how to open a beer store from scratch.

Seasonality is very important!

Before you start planning a business, it is very important to realize that a beer store is a seasonal business. In summer, revenue is rapidly increasing by 40% -60%, and in the cold season, the store operates at zero. It's quite normal. The main thing is that it never works in the negative.

If in the off-season the beer store will bring big profits, then we can assume that you have achieved great success. How to achieve this, we will tell further.

Unfavorable market situation

In 2011, a law was signed that prohibits the sale of beer in tents. Across the country, there was an unmet demand for quick access to beer. It was then that some entrepreneurs sensed this and began a boom in the opening of new beer stores. Someone opened a couple of stores in the city and calmed down, and some were looking in every possible way for funds to open a dozen stores in order to multiply their profits.

To date, the boom has long passed and all demand is satisfied. Competitors have occupied all profitable points and it is not at all profitable to open next to them. However, if you want to break into this market, you have every chance to do it and get a good income. How to open a beer store on tap and bypass all competitors, we will describe in detail in the paragraph "Step 1 - selection of premises and war with competitors."


The sale of alcoholic products has a number of restrictions that you should be aware of. These are not critical restrictions, because there are no strict bans that would sharply limit our revenue.

Before starting the search for a suitable premises, you should understand where you can not open a beer store:

  • In children's institutions - camps, schools, tourist camps, youth palaces
  • V medical institutions hospitals, ambulances, clinics
  • In sports facilities - stadiums, sports facilities
  • In crowded places - metro, bus stops, train stations, waiting rooms

It is allowed to open a beer shop at a distance of 25 to 150 meters from the objects listed above. Measurements are taken from the door of your store to the territory or building of the prohibited object. V different regions may vary in distance. This issue needs to be addressed with the local authorities.

In addition to the location in this business there are the following restrictions:

  • The room in which you will trade must be stationary. In other words, it must be located in a building with a foundation and communications.
  • Warehouse and trading place must be separated.
  • Alcohol sales are prohibited from 23:00 to 08:00. Local authorities may impose additional restrictions.

Where you can open a beer shop: 3 options

As mentioned earlier, beer shops are allowed to open only in stationary premises, that is, to open, we need to find a building with a foundation and communications connected to it. There are three most popular and profitable options.

1. In a residential building

Some entrepreneurs are wondering if it is possible to open a beer shop in a residential building. The answer is yes, you can. Such a store is designed for the target audience, which, on the way home, comes to you and buys beer.

For more visitors must enter from the side of the street. Many people buy alcohol at night, and in winter it gets dark much earlier. Therefore, you should not save money on a large and bright sign that can be seen from a distance.

The area of ​​such a store will be about 50 square meters.

2. In the supermarket

Small grocery stores or supermarkets have a fairly large traffic. If in the previous case, customers purposefully go to your store in order to buy beer. In this case, customers buy beer along with some other purchases.
For work, it will be enough for us from 5 sq.m. up to 13 sq.m. It is best to be located near the entrance and exit.

Since the location in supermarkets has a high traffic, this option is less subject to seasonality. And perhaps in the winter you will have a good profit.

If you didn’t manage to rent a room in a supermarket for your beer store, then you can open it right next to the supermarket.

3. In a separate building

Luxury beer shops are usually located in separate buildings. A lot of money is invested in a high-quality logo, signage and repairs. The assortment is dominated by expensive varieties beer.

If you want to choose this option, be sure to conduct a detailed analysis of the target audience of local residents. open shop v bad place may not be profitable at all. Usually such beer shops are located in the city center.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a beer store from scratch

Creation own business is a complex activity that requires careful planning. For the convenience of solving sequential tasks, you can make a checklist.

Check list:

  • Selection different options premises
  • Room analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Choosing the best room
  • Conclusion of a lease agreement
  • IP registration (OKVED 52.25.16)
  • Registration with the tax office
  • Assortment compilation
  • Search for suppliers of beer and other products
  • Search for equipment suppliers
  • Negotiations with suppliers
  • Creation of a design project
  • Search for a construction team
  • Purchase of building materials
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Repair
  • Installation
  • Selection software for trade (1C)
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Equipment installation
  • Creating a sign design
  • Signboard development order
  • Installation of a sign
  • Creation of internal accounting forms
  • Search for an outsourced accountant
  • Hiring employees
  • Opens a beer shop

Looking at the checklist, you can imagine what awaits you. Next, we will go into more detail about some of the steps.

Step 1 - selection of premises and the war with competitors

This step is the most important if you want to open a beer shop and make money from it. At the beginning of the article, we talked about the fact that competitors have taken all the advantageous places, and it is here that we will tell you what can be done about it.

Most likely you will not be able to compete with competitors. If they have been working for more than one year, then they have proven themselves well and they already have regular customers. Loyal customers can only be taken away more low prices, but you are unlikely to be able to significantly lower prices.

It is especially difficult to deal with franchises that have spread throughout the city. If a person is faced with the choice of going to a store whose name they have already seen or heard somewhere and your new beer store, the client will choose the first option.

What to do with it? It's simple, follow the real estate market and open your stores in new houses or areas. Also, you need to monitor the construction of new supermarkets. Try to become the first and only beer store in the area and then all the profits are yours.

Your target audience is the people who come to you on their way home. You should not open a beer store in office districts. Even if there is a very large traffic, you will not receive enough profit.

After you pick up and rent a room, you need to make repairs. It will be enough to spend about 100,000 rubles for this.

Step 2 - IP registration

On the early stages entrepreneurial career, we do not recommend opening an LLC. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur by selecting OKVED for retail beer sales on 52.25.16. The main advantage is simplicity. You will be automatically registered with the Pension Fund and FFOMS. And also, accounting will be much easier.

To reduce costs and increase profits accordingly, after opening your business, you must apply for the transition to UTII. For us, this will be beneficial for two reasons:

  • Calculations are carried out from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room
  • Reducing taxes through social contributions

Taxation for UTII is calculated relative to the area of ​​the trading floor, while we do not consider the warehouse. The trading floor includes the space where the buyer is usually located and showcases with goods. Since the beer shop will not be very large, this taxation system is very beneficial.

What documents are needed to open a beer shop?

To create any business, you need to collect a certain list of documents. The beer store is no exception.

No special licenses are required for operation, but the following is required:

  • Coordination with the Ministry of Emergency Situations on compliance with their requirements- an application is written, then an inspector comes to you and if everything is fine with you, after 2 weeks you will receive the necessary document.
  • Notification of Rospotrebnadzor about entrepreneurial activity – a completed written form is sent (Post. No. 584, 16.7.2009)

Some are wondering if permission is needed from the district administration? The answer is no! Local authorities can put you on the commercial register, but they cannot prevent the retail sale of alcohol.

Your store should always have a list of documents that you are required to issue at the first request of a client or inspector:

  • Conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor
  • Garbage collection agreement
  • Certificates of conformity or product declarations
  • Declarations on volumes of retail sale of beer in the form No. 12
  • Commodity references
  • Commodity-transport invoices

In the corner of the consumer should be:

  • Registration certificate
  • Evidence of the type of activity
  • Selling Rules
  • Law on Consumer Protection
  • Book of reviews and suggestions

Step 3 - where to get the equipment?

To open a beer shop you need equipment. There are two options for purchasing it with their pros and cons:

  • Buy. The disadvantage of this option is that you will have to spend about 200,000 rubles.
  • To rent. A huge plus of this option is that you do not have to spend 200,000 rubles. This is especially true for novice entrepreneurs who have not yet mastered this area and do not want to make large investments. As a rule, beer manufacturers rent equipment, so you will be required to sell only their products.

The ideal option would be if there is some popular brand of draft beer in your city. Which is on everyone's lips, and which everyone regularly buys. It will be very profitable to get equipment for rent from such a brand. Customers will know what they are buying, and you will not have to invest 200.000 rubles.

Below you can find a list necessary equipment for a beer store and its approximate cost.

Name Price, rub Qty. Cost, rub
Cooler for 6 circuits 33.000 2 66.000
CO2 bottle with pressure reducer 11.000 1 11.000
Intake head 2.500 12 30.000
Column for 12 taps 5.000 1 5.000
Defoamer 3.500 12 42.000
Tap 2.100 12 25.200
Fasteners and hoses 3.000 3.000
Accessories 5.000 5.000
refrigerators compartment 25.000 1 25.000
bar counter 15.000 1 15.000
Furniture 10.000 10.000
Total: 237.200

Step 4 - choose the assortment

According to statistics, the lower classes of the population buy beer much more often than the middle class. We should definitely take this fact into account and pick up a few cheap varieties.

The following distribution works best:

  • 50% - cheap varieties
  • 25% - varieties of average cost
  • 25% - premium varieties

After opening your establishment, of course, you need to analyze which varieties are bought most often and adjust the purchase plan.

Good revenue will bring the sale of beer snacks:

  • Chips, croutons
  • nuts
  • And other snacks

No license is required to trade such goods, but the suppliers of these products must provide you with quality certificates.

Step 5 - Hiring Staff

Trade in beer is allowed from 8:00 to 23:00. In the morning, it is not bought so often, which means that the working day can start at 10:00 and end at 23:00. To work, it will be enough to have two sellers.

special skills and higher education employees are not required. So, the salary in total will be about 35,000 rubles. per month. All that a potential employee should have with him is a health book and a desire to work.

Step 6 - Acquiring Clients

To attract customers to a beer store, you do not need to create complex marketing plans. Everything is simple here. the best advertising there will be a store itself, which should be located in a passing place of a residential area.

The ban on sale in tents and kiosks has led to a decrease in the consumption of packaged beer. But the number of outlets with draft offers is constantly growing. If the store format and location are chosen well, this business brings good income.


Relatively low entry threshold and quick payback- a feature of the beer business. But it’s not enough to know how to open a draft beer store from scratch. To avoid having to close it after a year, you need to take into account the legislative nuances. There are two main forms of beer retail:

  • catering point: bar, cafe, pub, restaurant - spill and use at the point of sale;
  • score: commercial premises, a place in a supermarket - takeaway retail.

For the first, there are no restrictions on the time of work and location. Attendance is more stable, less seasonal fluctuations. But financial expenses pretty high. Take-away beer retail is more seasonally sensitive, yet it is consumed less in winter. The costs, however, are substantially lower, and there is also the potential to save on taxes and rent as no big square. If you choose a store, you need to understand:

  • where is it better and in what format to open it
  • in what order and how to register a point
  • Is it profitable to open a franchise business?

Store Format

Since 2013, sales have been prohibited at non-stationary trade points - pavilions, kiosks, summer tents. It was through them that most of the so popular "live beer" was sold. Now for trading use:

  1. non-residential premises houses, arranging small retail outlets;
  2. rented space or retail space in a supermarket;
  3. specialized stores in a separate building or part of it.

Shop in a residential building

The traditional type of beer retail. The most advantageous is the location in a residential high-rise area, or places of mass congestion of a youth audience. The entrance is obligatory from the street, the area of ​​the store is from 30 to 50 sq.m. The territorial coverage is small, within a radius of 400 to 800 m. The assortment includes up to 10 varieties, the focus is on the middle, low price category, popular brands of local producers. It really depends on the season, the proximity of competitors.

Renting a retail space in a supermarket

An obvious plus is a large through traffic. The most successful place is the location opposite the grocery checkout or near the entrance. The cost of rent, of course, is higher, but you don’t need a lot of space to accommodate equipment: usually 5-12 squares are enough, from 5 to 15 beers are sold, more than half of them are inexpensive. In advance, you need to take a closer look at who goes to the store, what kind of contingent it is: the main part potential buyers- men from 20 to 40 years old.

According to the magazine "Pivnoe delo", after 2013 the redistribution of buyers actively changed in favor of modern species sales, flowing into mini and supermarkets. Now this process has slowed down, but their share already significantly exceeds the share of traditional species retail - convenience stores.

Specialty beer shop

The location of a luxury store is usually chosen in the center, next to the prestigious shopping malls. A good repair is being carried out, the design and clothing of the staff reflect a certain flavor. The assortment is as expanded as possible, contains 20-30 varieties of drink, including non-alcoholic varieties. Solid commercial equipment, cooling chambers, defoamers, racks for fish, cheese, shrimp are being installed. The share of revenue from related sales is about 25%.

Store opening step by step

In general, it differs little from the organization of other types of trade, with the exception of one feature. Beer belongs to alcoholic beverages, its circulation is limited by the relevant law (No. 171-FZ, 11/22/1995). Below we will look at what it takes to open a draft beer store, where to start, and several options for franchising. If you do everything in order, then you need:

  1. choose a location, taking into account restrictions and prohibitions;
  2. register an enterprise; choose a taxation system;
  3. obtain the necessary approvals, notify of the commencement of activities;
  4. prepare and place in the store all the required documents.

Restrictions on area, location, mode of trade

The location actually determines the entire chain: the number and contingent of buyers, assortment, price category, choice of suppliers, and ultimately revenue. Note that the choice is limited.

  1. The premises for sale must be stationary; Own or rented, it doesn't matter. It should be a building (part of it) on a foundation, connected to utilities.
  2. There are no minimum requirements for the total area, however, a separate trading place and storage room must be allocated.
  3. Stores cannot be placed:

    in children's, educational, medical, sports institutions and in the territory adjacent to them; the list includes camps, tourist bases, sports complexes, youth palaces - regardless of whether they are public or private; hospitals, polyclinics, ambulance stations (except pharmacies); stadiums, sports facilities;

    in crowded places: at stations, stops, waiting rooms, metro, cultural and recreation organizations; the prohibition does not apply to the sale of beer at the same time as the provision of catering services.
    Regularly there are questions about the definition of the allowable distance. It is established by the order of local authorities, as well as the list of relevant objects. In different regions: from 25 m to 150 m. Measured from the entrance of the store to the door of the object, or the entrance to the territory if it is fenced.

  4. Trading is prohibited from 11 pm to 8 am. Regional authorities may impose additional restrictions, up to a complete ban. The restriction does not apply to low-alcohol drinks (up to 0.5%).

Company registration and registration

Organizations and private entrepreneurs can transport beer and sell it at retail. The latter - do not have the right to engage in production, wholesale, import. If large scales are not planned, the easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur at the place of residence. It will take no more than 5 days, they will automatically register with the FIU, FFOMS. Benefits: simplification financial statements and cash discipline.

See how the EGAIS system works in the retail sale of alcohol

Own business or franchise?

At the start, almost every entrepreneur considers such an option as opening a franchise draft beer store. The advantages of using a proven business model are known, it saves:

  1. on advertising (designed brand, symbols, branded clothes);
  2. on the purchase of equipment (often included in the franchise package);
  3. on the price of the product (supplier discounts due to large purchase volumes).

There are also disadvantages. Some sellers ready business set limits: by the population of the city, by location. It is not always possible to find a suitable format, assortment, and it is often more profitable to work with local suppliers. Below is short description three draft beer franchises.

  • "Buchen House". The cost of a lump-sum contribution is 10,000 (up to 10 varieties) - 60,000 (more than 20 varieties) rubles. The premises and equipment are provided independently. Centralized deliveries, in the range of up to 30 imported (Germany, Czech Republic, Belgium) and Russian brands. It is possible to reduce the contribution to zero, the amount of royalties is negotiated individually.
  • "Beer Boutique". The entry fee is from 185,000 rubles, includes: repair and decoration of the premises, installation of a bar counter, equipment rental, first delivery of goods, staff training, assistance in accounting. Rent of premises (8-12 sq.m.) at the expense of the franchisee. There are no royalties, but there are deductions for advertising.
  • "Beer&Co". Initial payment from 300,000 rubles, royalty-free. Own investments - from 1,100,000 rubles. Specialized shops, area 50 - 120 sq.m. The assortment of drinks and snacks (snacks, seafood) is issued in the corporate style only from one supplier "Pivzavoz".

If the concept of a franchise fits well into the plans - convenient option. But many merchants choose independence and the ability to flexibly manage their business.


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A new area in the business, which is rapidly going up, is the sale of draft drinks and all more people want to learn how to open a draft beer shop from scratch.

Let's be frank, so it would probably not work out completely from scratch. You can’t come to the store and get food without giving money. However, it is difficult today to imagine a business that requires less investment than draft beer, and we will tell you how to open it with minimal investment.

How much can you earn in a draft beer store?

Your personal income per sold liter of beer will be approximately 40% - 50%. It is very cool! For example, on most food markup is only 10% - 20%.

It all depends on you, of course. From the place you choose, from how you communicate with customers, from the beers you order. But let's just say, in a draft beer store, in a year it is quite possible to earn 100,000 - 200,000 rubles net. By the standards of 2016 and most likely 2017, 2018, 2019, this is very good money. There are those who earn 350,000 rubles a month, but to reach this level, you will have to try hard and put your whole soul into it.

Pros of opening a draft beer store

Let's disperse your interest in this business a little and talk more about the pros.

  • Affordable shop equipment, which will be partly provided by your beer supplier.
  • High net profit.
  • Beer is one of the most popular products that people will still take, despite all sorts of crises and so on.
  • A small group of goods for purchase. Perhaps you do not think this is a plus, but in vain. The fact is that if you decide to open a small food store, you will have to purchase enough large group goods and it will turn out that one thing is over, then another, and everything needs to be in stock. One gets the feeling that you seem to be earning, but all your money is in circulation. With draft drinks, the situation is easier. 10 - 12 pints of different types of beer, nuggets and bottled beer, in principle, not so much and it is easier to feel your personal income from this.
  • Low cost of entry into the business.
  • Fast payback period.

There are also disadvantages

  • Draft beer spoils quickly (7-10 days)
  • You can trade only until 23.00 and persons over 18 years old

Another important information!

  1. You don't need an alcohol license to sell draft beer
  2. Individual entrepreneurs can sell draft beer
  3. You will need to submit information to EGAIS on the volume of purchases.
  4. To trade draft beer (and beer in general), the size of your premises must be at least 50 square meters. meters. It does not have to be a trading floor, 50 sq. meters can enter the total area together with the warehouse.
  5. It is better to open in season (summer). The ideal opening month for such a store is March-April.

What is required for the sale of beer and draft drinks.

Premises for a draft beer shop.

Most importantly, the premises you have chosen should not be located in cultural buildings, schools and kindergartens, gas stations, railway stations, military installations and sports facilities.

Let's look at the most popular options for renting premises for draft beer shops:

Rent in a grocery store format near the house or in grocery stores - 40,000 rubles a month

Rent in a chain grocery store - 80,000 rubles a month

Win a retail space from the Moscow government - 60,000 rubles a month + repair 500,000 rubles

It is clear that the prices are relative and averaged, but let's look at each option in more detail.

Rent in a grocery store format near the house or in grocery stores

Many owners of convenience stores are not averse to renting out a couple of square meters. For the first time, 5 - 10 meters will be more than enough for you, and this can cost you 30,000 - 50,000 rubles. per month. There are still a bunch of grocery stores where you can also rent a room for example with the same price tag.

The advantage of this option is a small price.

Cons, not always high traffic, it may be difficult to install a sign and you will always be a guest inside someone else's business.

Rent in a chain grocery store

Pyaterochka, Magnit, Lenta, Seventh Continent and others, actively rent square meters at the entrance and in them, departments with draft beer are also often installed.

You are practically guaranteed high traffic, but this option will cost a lot. This option can cost 60,000 - 90,000 rubles. per month.

Win a retail space from the Moscow government

In this figure, we see that a room of 57 sq.m, in the center of Moscow, costs 367,000 rubles. per year, or 30583 rubles per month. With timely payment, the premises are given to you for 10 years.

The Moscow government is ready to allocate you a retail space for a period of 10 years and it is worth saying that sometimes very good options come across. Most importantly, pay on time.

However, most of these premises are in a terrible state and require repair. Given that you need at least 50 sq. meters, repairs will cost 1,000,000 rubles at best. However, if the selected room is not killed in the trash, there is a chance to meet 500,000 rubles.

Another plus of this option is that having rented a room in this way, 20 sq.m will be enough for the needs of a draft beer store, the rest of the space can be subleased.

Equipment and furniture for draft beer

It may seem surprising to you, but for draft beer it is absolutely not necessary to buy equipment. Most often, it will be provided by the beer supplier. Everyone has different conditions and the equipment is also different, but it is still possible to find suppliers with very interesting offers. Yes, by the way, the installation of this equipment is also done by beer suppliers.

You will have to buy furniture yourself. If you open chain store, then you will have to meet the specified quality standards, this option can cost a pretty penny. If you are not dependent on networks, then for the first time you can easily get by with just one rack on which the cranes will be placed.

You can search on the Internet and find quite a few offers where they will do it for you within a week. ready kit all necessary furniture. This option can cost 50,000 - 100,000 rubles.

However, in order to maximize savings, there were also such examples when boards were simply bought on construction market and independently, in the garage, a beer stand was made with his own hands. It all depends on you, but it is quite realistic to meet 20,000 - 30,000 rubles.

Beer in kegs

On average, one keg with a capacity of 50 liters will cost you 2000 - 3000 rubles, expensive varieties are naturally more expensive.

For the first time for small shop draft beer will be enough 6 -7 taps + 2 - 3 taps for kvass and lemonade. You will also need to stock up on snags. A pack of snakes, which costs 80 rubles in retail in a store, will cost you 60 rubles in wholesale.

In total, it will take you around 30,000 - 35,000 rubles for the beer itself and goods.

How much will it cost to set up a draft beer store?

And now let's calculate the option at the lowest cost.

Let's imagine that you work as a seller yourself and do not use the services of hired personnel. If you do not have the opportunity to stand behind the counter, then you need to lay another plus 25,000 rubles a month for the seller.

It is better to immediately take into account the rent for several months in advance. The approximate payback period for a draft beer store is 3-6 months. Well, let's say that everything went well for you, and you reached the break-even point (began to pay off the rent) already in the 3rd month.

Registration of IP - 10,000 rubles

Rent - 120,000 rubles (3 months)

Rack - 25,000 rubles

Purchase - 30,000 rubles

The total amount is approximately equal to 185,000 rubles. Round it up and add any unaccounted expenses and get 200,000 rubles.

From the standpoint of the issue of creating your own business, 200,000 rubles is a penny sum. Yes, that kind of money is not lying on the road, but what area can you remember where entry would cost less money?

Today, the opening of a draft beer store, perhaps, is the most best idea. You can remember how in the middle of the zero years the tourism market was gaining popularity, and everywhere opened travel agencies. Many small, private agencies opened, some of which soon closed, and some continue to provide well for their owners to this day. Now about the same, reigns in the market of draft drinks. Points of sale of draft beer are opening everywhere, some of them will close, unable to withstand the competition, others will turn into a strong business for many years to come. Especially enterprising ones will be able to develop in the network and compete with existing ones. grid companies. So - what you need to seize the moment!

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