How to open an online pet store? How to open a pet store: we sell goods for pets.

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How to open a pet store from scratch?

Specialists of veterinary clinics and marketers note that in Russia more and more people are choosing ready-made animal feed. This means that the business associated with their sale does not lose its profitability even in a crisis. Moreover, pet stores sell not only food, but also toilet fillers, leashes and collars, clothing for animals and other necessary things.

Opening a pet store does not require too much financial investment, but this business has a number of features that a novice entrepreneur needs to know.

How to open a pet supply store from scratch and draw up a business plan with calculations? The answer is contained in the materials of our new publication!

Most often, pet stores are opened by people with experience in keeping animals. They are familiar with the range of retail outlets in their city, they know the order of prices.

However, before deciding to create own business, you will have to conduct a deeper analysis of the market. It is necessary to specify how many shops and veterinary pharmacies work in the area you are interested in, what they offer, whether they plan to expand.

Think over the assortment of the future store. Most often it includes:

  • dry and wet food for cats, dogs, rodents, birds;
  • treats, vitamins, nutritional supplements;
  • simple medicines that do not require a prescription;
  • houses, bedding, bowls, carrying bags and other equipment;
  • leashes, collars and harnesses;
  • magazines and special literature about animals.

It is advisable to maintain a wide price range, offering both the cheapest and mid-price and expensive feeds. Very popular service– sale of dry food and fillers by weight.

Do not limit yourself to the assortment of the nearest supermarket. The pet store should have all the popular brands, as well as a few promising new products to attract attention.

Many pet stores sell animals: aquarium fish, birds, rodents, reptiles. Animals can be taken for sale from breeders. Pets attract the attention of buyers, but require additional care and special conditions to accommodate.

Having decided on the assortment of the store, keep it up to par. It is very bad when half of the declared positions are not on sale.​

Choosing a place for a pet store

You can open a pet store from scratch on the ground floor of a house overlooking a busy street or in mall.It is important that there are no competitors nearby, to share small plot with another outlet is very unprofitable.

You can open a store in the new building block, because many residents probably have pets. Very often, one of the apartments on the ground floor is redeemed for a retail outlet. The store can also be located in the basement or basement.

Some owners of pet stores have them near veterinary centers, parks, and transport stops. It is also possible to place it on the same square with another outlet. The new store will need prominent signage and numerous signs.

Even the most small shop should not be less than 50 sq. m.

It is advisable to fence off part of the room for a mini-warehouse, where feed stocks and empty containers will be stored. If the store has extra space, they can be subleased. This is very profitable option for start-up entrepreneurs.

How to open an auto parts store from scratch and what documents are required for this, you can read

How to choose a room for a pet store?

Pet shop equipment

Basic furniture in a pet store - racks for product display. It is usually in the public domain small room allows you to control buyers.

Racks can be metal, plastic or wood, The choice depends on the budget. The interior will be complemented by a counter with a cash register and a refrigerator for medicines and food additives. The equipment may be the simplest.

How to open your flower shop, as well as choose equipment and premises for it - read

Pet shop business plan with calculations

After studying the market, start creating a business plan. It is necessary for accurate calculation of costs and future income. In the course of work, the plan will be adjusted and supplemented.

The business plan states:

  • brief market analysis;
  • target audience and competitors;
  • store assortment;
  • a full calculation of the cost of renting or purchasing premises, the purchase of equipment and goods, salaries of sellers and other expenses;
  • source of funds (own, borrowed, attracting investors or partners);
  • estimated number of buyers and average check;
  • estimated revenue and payback period of the project;
  • promotion methods.

The business plan can include development prospects (for example, building a network) and other important points.

The cost of opening a store depends on its location, size, assortment:

  1. To open a point of 60 sq. m on the ground floor of a residential building will have to spend about 300,000 rubles, including the cost of equipment, repairs and rent.
  2. The cost of purchasing goods - from 400,000 rubles. Estimated average markup - from 40%.
  3. you will have to spend 30,000-35,000 (two sellers working in shifts).
  4. Monthly expenses for maintaining a working store - from 100,000 rubles.

and draw up a business plan with cost and income calculations, you can read in the article at the link.

The profitability of the pet store is average, usually it pays off in 1-1.5 years.

While maintaining a stable assortment and enhanced promotion of the outlet, it is possible to calculate a non-monthly profit of 40,000 rubles (net of expenses). A stable income can be received in 3-4 months after the start of work.

How to attract customers to the store?

Very important point- Promotion of a new store. The most important advertising medium should be a sign. You can decorate the windows of the outlet with the help of promotional stickers from feed manufacturers.

How to attract customers to the pet store?

The more such promotions take place in the store, the more often buyers will go there.

Promote your store actively. Scatter flyers around mailboxes nearest houses, promising a small bonus upon presentation of an invitation. Communicate on thematic forums, talking about special offers, promotions and discounts.

A small pet store can become not only constant source profit, but also a platform on the basis of which you can build a whole network. How bigger business, the more interesting it is for suppliers. By receiving significant discounts and bonuses, you can expand without spending additional funds on promotion.

How to open a pet shop step-by-step instruction, recommendations for creating a store and selling pet products are contained in the following video:

Starting your own business is always a risk that justifies possible future prosperity. Owning your own business is a dream for many. But thinking about a potential business, the question arises of which field of activity to give preference to.

In this article we will talk about how to open a pet supply store, what documents to prepare and what to expect from entrepreneurial activity.

Every entrepreneurial path has its advantages and disadvantages. In the event that the advantages of a business justify its disadvantages, it can be profitable.

Benefits of a pet store:

  • demand (for this moment every third family has a pet that needs care and attention);
  • the possibility of obtaining a stable income;
  • in case of profitability, it can pay off in a short time;
  • the market of pet products is annually enriched with a variety of new assortment;
  • average level of competition.


  • at first it will be quite difficult to decide on the range of products. After a while, it will be clear what the locals prefer;
  • a high degree of risk (its profit will largely depend on how well the store is geographically located);
  • a characteristic smell in the room, which is extremely difficult to get rid of;
  • a high degree of responsibility for the animals that will be sold in the institution.

As we can see, there are still more advantages, which means that investing your money in the pet business is not such a fantastic idea. Competent plays a decisive role in this matter. territorial location store and its business plan.

The step-by-step process of organizing such a business is presented in the following video:

Required Documents and Permits

In order to start your business, you will need the following list of documents:

  • registration . The choice of the first or second format will depend on how large the store you plan to open. For a zoo tent, you can, but a large point will require;
  • licenses and certificates for the entire range of products offered due to its specificity;
  • veterinary certificates (in case the store sells animals);
  • medical certificates for each employee of the future institution.

In addition to the package of documents described above, you may also need permission to trade in a particular premises from the following authorities:

  • sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • fire protection.

Only after their approval can the work be legal.

Format Options

Immediately after you have assessed your opportunities and risks and collected the required list of documents, you should think about which store format would be more preferable for you. Among all options the following can be distinguished:

  • Large store with a wide range designed for both common animals and exotic species. In it, as a rule, you can also find a variety of types of food, clothing and toys. And the staff of sales consultants has more than ten people in one shift.
  • An institution of any scale, the main principle of which is self-service. This format allows you to keep only 2-3 sales assistants, who can also be cashiers at the same time.
  • Medium size store. The range of this format is quite diverse, but still inferior to the first option. It can sell some types of animals: fish, birds, etc., different types of feed, animal care products and much more.
  • small shop, which specializes exclusively in the sale of feed for different types animals and care products. The presence of specific pharmacology is allowed.
  • Small Animal Department in a large shopping center or hypermarket, the range of which has a narrow focus.
  • Establishment of any size with narrow specialization, which offers products exclusively for cats and dogs, or, conversely, for exotic pets.
  • Score on the Internet or in social networks . At the current level of development of trade in the network, this option may well turn out to be cost-effective.
  • Opening zoological center. Its peculiarity is that the center includes several departments at once, for example: a veterinary pharmacy, a clothing store for pets, possibly a veterinary clinic, and so on.

The choice of one format or another will depend on how solvent the residents of the area where you are going to open an institution.

What are the best animals to trade

Any such store implies the presence of some animals for sale. This is a big responsibility for the owner, but the risk can be justified if you choose the right object of trade.

If you are just opening an establishment and do not yet have a very good idea of ​​how in demand it can be in a particular area, then you should not provide too wide a range of animals. This can be very risky.

It is best to start trading with small kittens, puppies, inexpensive fish and birds.

As the outlet gains its reputation, it will be possible to sell other types of animals, such as iguanas, hamsters, chinchillas and more.

Please note that if you decide to go into the animal trade, you will also need to take care of related products. Otherwise, who wants to buy a chinchilla if you don’t have the opportunity to get specialized food for it.

And one more piece of advice in this regard: at the beginning of the work, you should not start selling expensive pets. Earn the trust of your customers and then it will be possible to think about how to start supplying more expensive copies.

Related products

This is perhaps the rare case when the range of products can be as wide as possible, despite the fact that the quantity of each type of product can be relatively small. Even if the winter down jackets for dogs sold will be sold in a single copy, but you will know that next time they can be ordered from suppliers in several units.

It must be remembered that each pet has a number of features that your potential buyers always strive to take into account. Therefore, let them find everything they need in your institution.

When compiling the proposed assortment, take into account the following list of goods, which can be expanded if necessary:

The success of the enterprise largely depends on the coordinated and trusting work with suppliers. The best option to search for suppliers is the Internet.

Give preference to those that have positive reviews. Equally important is the experience and extensive interaction with different companies.

Paying attention to the price set by suppliers, also find out about the possibility of returning the goods in case the quality does not suit you. Responsible companies always provide this opportunity to their customers.

Location selection

The determining value of the future profitability of the institution is its territorial location. Ideal location for any store regional cities. If you place a retail outlet in a large city, then there is a risk of not being able to withstand the competition and eventually fail.

And as for too remote corners, for example, villages and villages, here such a store most likely will not be in demand.

When starting such a business, carefully research the future location of the store and the solvency of local residents.

Conduct an analysis of the area. If it already has too many pet stores, then it makes sense to consider some other area.

Necessary equipment and personnel

The number of staff in your establishment will depend on how large it will be. When choosing personnel, pay attention to their education, it is good if it is veterinary. However, there are people who are infinitely imbued with love for our smaller brothers and know more about them than any specialist. Such employees will always be the face of your store.

You will also need the following equipment:

  • trade racks different sizes and designs for the presentation of small and large goods;
  • counter and showcase structures;
  • houses, aquariums and animal cages (if you are going to sell them);
  • customer service equipment (luggage offices, cash registers, etc.).

Restaurant advertising

As you know, advertising is the engine of trade. When opening a point from scratch, try to make it known as much as possible more people. come up with original name and creative slogan. If you have no thoughts on this, contact an advertising agency.

In the first months after the opening, it makes sense to use the services of promoters who distribute leaflets on the streets.

Project costs

Statistics have shown that a successful pet store pays for itself in the first year his work. However, at the start, it will still require serious capital investments. The costs will be directed to:

  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of goods to be put up for sale;
  • the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • staff payments;
  • taxes;
  • current expenses.

Every year the pet products market grows by about 40%. Today it is already quite difficult to find a family in which there is no pet. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​opening a pet store from scratch does not seem banal or stupid. You can really make good money on this.

There are four types of stores:

  1. small retail outlets;
  2. large stores;
  3. specialized sites;
  4. departments in supermarkets.

The choice of option is up to you.

Legal registration

What does it take to open a pet store? First, you register your business. If this is a large point - like an LLC, if it is a small one - like an individual entrepreneur. You will also need permission from the Department of Trade and an extract from the State Register. After that, you become registered with the Tax Inspectorate and the Pension Fund.

From Government controlled veterinarians of the region / region, you get all the necessary documentation and permission to import birds, fish and animals.

As for the premises in which you are going to trade, it must be inspected by the fire service and the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

Premises for trade

How to open a pet store and where is the best place to do it? You need to find the right place. The “correct” is often understood as the location near large shopping centers and other retail outlets (markets or supermarkets), near residential neighborhoods and parking lots. It shouldn't be very small room, because it should also include a utility room and a storage room.

Take care of the sign in advance: it should be bright and noticeable so that any passer-by immediately notices it and marks for themselves where your pet store is located.

Retail store equipment

For such a point, you do not need to buy anything pretentious or extraordinary. To trade you will need:

  • counters;
  • racks;
  • showcases;
  • desktops.

If there are feeds, formulas and preparations that will be sold by weight, you will need to buy an additional scale.

There is an option that allows you to save on equipment. So, for example, you can arrange with suppliers of goods to receive plastic racks that they have in stock. Sometimes such items are inconvenient to use, but the main plus is the bright and beautiful design that pleases the eye.

As long as you display the products of these suppliers on such racks, you are entitled to use them free of charge. All other equipment is purchased from the hands. Be prepared to spend time looking for it, but this will cut costs.


Decide on the entire range in advance. It can be exclusively pet products or also animals. For the first option, you can use small area, you will not need to spend a lot of money, obtain licenses or hire highly qualified personnel. But, and incomes will be smaller.

Do you want to sell animals? The area should be large, the cost of purchasing goods, renting the necessary premises, hiring qualified employees, and obtaining all the necessary documentation will increase. Animals need to be fed and cared for properly. In this case, the income will be much greater, but a lot of effort will be made.

They open their outlet, start selling the most popular goods, and only when you see income, you will meet regular customers, they will leave orders for you, you will be able to climb a step higher, expanding the range and services.

What is a hot commodity in this business? This is a product for dogs and cats - the most frequent pets:

  • Feed;
  • goodies;
  • toys;
  • toilet fillers;
  • remedies for ticks, fleas, worms;
  • shampoos, combs and other care products;
  • harnesses and collars;
  • carriers and cages.

If you open in big city, you can offer clothes for cats and dogs. Why is it worth doing it in a big city? Because such goods are more popular among the urban population than among the rural population. Also, the range can be expanded with furniture for animals.

The problem with such a market is that it can be quite difficult to initially determine which range of goods will be in high demand. But, in the process of work, you can always make your own adjustments.

Qualified personnel

To increase the popularity of your pet store and outperform your nearest competitors, hire a veterinarian on staff to either act as a salesperson or as a receptionist. If this is the second option, then you must notify buyers of the specialist's visiting hours.

In any case, you can choose a competent and decent person as a regular seller. It is not necessary that he had a veterinary education. The main thing is that he should have an idea about the assortment, the purpose of the goods, and also be able to advise the buyer if necessary.

The profit you will receive depends largely on your staff. If people want to work and earn, receiving percentages from sales, quarterly bonuses, and so on, then they will give all the best in their work.

The financial side of the issue

Many people wonder if it is profitable to open a pet store from scratch? First you will need to spend a certain amount of money on:

  • Renovation of the premises;
  • area lighting;
  • placement of a sign;
  • arrangement of the heating system (if not available) and ventilation;
  • acquisition of new equipment for the placement of goods and its sale;
  • inventory for 1-2 months.

The total amount of all expenses will directly depend on the condition of the entire premises, the materials and equipment that you are going to use, the size of the entire area, etc.

About 220,000 rubles will be spent on repairs and a signboard, 1,600,000 rubles on goods, 150,000 rubles on equipment, working capital- 250,000 rubles. According to the latest calculation, depending on the products and the area of ​​​​the premises, the approximate costs will be from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 rubles.

The monthly profit of such a store can be planned in advance. If your pet store is located in a city with a population of 300,000 to 500,000 people, then it will bring the owner up to 1,500,000 per year. The absolute payback of the entire project will come in 18-24 months.

Your approximate income per month:

  • Monthly revenue - 1,100,000;
  • cost price - 760,000;
  • gross profit - 340,000;
  • expenses - 220,000;
  • income before tax - 120,000;
  • tax - 20,000;
  • net income - 100,000.

Such profits will be stable if you choose the right place to trade, prices will be competitive, service will be of high quality, assortment will be wide.

Possible risks

How to open a pet store without risks? This is difficult, because risks arise directly in the process of trading. The only thing you can do is to prepare for them in advance.

  • Risk one: small city/big city. In the first case, you will not be able to do business because of the agricultural land nearby. The second is unacceptable because of the great competition. The best option- Regional center. In doing so, you must also take into account the level of income local population because the demand may be too low. Based on demand and taking into account the small nuances, you can always choose an assortment that is considered the most profitable.
  • Second risk: appearance. Sometimes a lot of customers visit your direct competitors just because they don't like the look of your store. Many clients are visuals, and they just like a tidy place, bright shelving, a cozy atmosphere. Regardless of the prices and assortment, they can leave you just because they did not like the sign or the interior. Therefore, even redecorating the area you rent will be appropriate.
  • Risk three: unskilled/rude staff. Often it is the staff that scares off customers. The sales assistant must be friendly, he must also understand the assortment.
  • Risk Four: Frequent Experimentation. It is very difficult to calculate which product from the assortment will be popular in a particular area. You can experiment, but don't do it too often. Wait a little, so that later you can navigate according to the requests of your regular customers.
  • Risk Five: Live Goods. Due to relatively low demand, possible fines, as well as permit fees, keeping animals in stores can be unprofitable.

We advise you to re-read all the information collected if you want to go into such a business. Like any other type of entrepreneurial activity, it can be quite risky, but you can still make a profit if you think carefully.

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Animal lovers spend on their pets, according to rough estimates, from two thousand rubles a year. And many and much more. It follows that the business associated with animals can bring good profits. And if you love animals and are well versed in all aspects of their maintenance, this will bring you considerable pleasure. Do you want to sell everything that pets need, and maybe pets themselves? So you need a pet supply store. How to open a pet store will consider in this article.

Before planning the opening of your store, you need to deal with a considerable number of questions: how much money you need to spend on buying everything you need, what licenses and documents are required, where it is best to open such a store, what range of goods is needed, how to find suppliers, etc.

Marketing research

Let's ask ourselves a question: how many animals are kept in our population?

According to the results of surveys conducted by statistical centers, the alignment is approximately as follows: 35% of families keep cats, 20% dogs, 3% fish and birds, 1% turtles and hamsters.

Other exotic animals - chinchillas, rabbits, iguanas, pygmy pigs, etc. are less common and account for less than one percent.

And all the owners of these animals are worried about their pets being fed, healthy (and sometimes even dressed and shod) and happy with life. Then the owners will feel happy. Your goal is to satisfy these needs.

The pet products market is huge, but the competition is high. Therefore, before deciding to open a pet store, you need to figure out how many similar stores exist in your city and in your area, are there enough of them to meet all the needs of the townspeople, are there unoccupied niches and areas where there is not a single pet store.

You can get information from the Internet by talking on thematic forums in your city. You will find out who is praised and for what, which sellers and manufacturers are criticized, what pet owners in your city or area lack. When you decide to open a pet store, all this information will be very useful.

If you yourself have pets and you have considerable experience in keeping them, it will be much easier for you to understand the topic and understand how best to act in this particular case.

Legal registration

Usually small shops , large . But in any case, both options are possible. In addition, you will need permission from the Department of Commerce. You must receive an extract from the state register, and then register with the Pension Fund and the Tax Inspectorate. When you must indicate what you will be doing retail th.

To sell animals, you need to obtain a veterinary certificate and other documentation from the State Veterinary Administration of your region or territory (permission to import animals, birds, fish, etc.). Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Fire Department is required.

A patent from the licensing chamber is not needed when opening a pet store.

You will need cash register and an apparatus for cashless payments through plastic cards.

Pet shop format

Decide which pet store you need:

  1. A large store with several departments with a wide range of various animals, fish and birds, as well as everything you might need in caring for these pets. In such a store, several dozen sellers and consultants can work. Animals can be featured here different breeds and species, as well as rare and exotic animals.
  2. A self-service pet store with several consultants and 1-2 cashiers.
  3. A medium-sized store that sells several types of animals, as well as accessories, food, medicines, furniture, and clothing. Such a store is served by 2-3 sales assistants.
  4. A small shop selling pet food and care products.
  5. Department of pet supplies in a large hypermarket.
  6. Special shop. Perhaps this is exactly the store that is missing in your city - specializing in fish, or only in dogs, or in clothes for animals - there are a lot of options.
  7. Online store. In some cases, this is a very convenient form of trading. It can be both an independent enterprise and an addition to your offline store. In this case, you will need a delivery service, which you can either organize yourself or contact couriers.
  8. Another interesting form: zoocenter. This is an association of several enterprises specializing in animals under one roof: a veterinary clinic, a veterinary pharmacy, a pet store, specialized stores of various kinds, a hotel for animals, a hairdresser for pets, etc.

small pet shop

The easiest and least expensive option is to open a small shop or department that will mainly sell cat and dog food, toilet fillers, as well as accessories: collars, leashes, muzzles and care products: shampoos, combs, etc. P. The above positions are the most popular goods, daily necessary for pet owners and bringing the fastest profit.

The area of ​​such a store can be quite small - about 10 square meters. m. It does not have to be located in the city center, but the place should be fairly accessible: next to other shops or a veterinary clinic, close to a bus stop, on a busy street.

You will not need a license if you do not sell veterinary drugs.

Medium pet shop

The next option is a full-fledged pet store and medium-sized animals. Its area must be at least 70 sq.m. It can be located both in the center and in any other area, it depends on the size and needs of your city. The range of such a pet store should include:

The store should have catalogs of rare and exclusive goods supplied to order.

Suitable conditions must be created for animals, they must be properly cared for. The staff of such a store must be highly qualified, preferably with a veterinary education. In any case, the store must have at least one certified veterinarian - this is necessary for licensing. In addition, a consultant veterinarian will increase the prestige of your store and increase the confidence of customers.

Specialized pet shop

It is good to open a highly specialized store for those who themselves understand the chosen area and, perhaps, are its fans. For example, if you love aquarium fish and are well aware of everything related to them, then your hobby, when you open a store, will bring you good profit.

A store specializing in aquarium fish should have the following product categories:

Additionally, you can provide services for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of aquariums. With good advertising, this type of activity will certainly bear fruit, since aquariums are a fashionable and prestigious interior detail, not only in private apartments, but also in many trade and service enterprises.

Product Suppliers

Suppliers of pet products are found in wholesale markets and warehouses, on the Internet, in directories and catalogs of enterprises in your city. If you are planning to open a pet supply store in small town or a village, then it is better to buy goods in a large regional center, where they will be cheaper. You may be able to take the goods directly from the manufacturer's factory if it is available in your area or from an official supplier of imported goods to Russia. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of the product, and the prices will be lower than those of dealers.

If you are opening a small shop, then it will be more convenient for you to work with one major supplier products with a wide range. For a larger store, cooperation with several suppliers is necessary in order to be able to choose the most best deals and the best prices.

An experienced supplier can advise you on which of the products he has are most in demand among pet owners, what sells faster, what is slow, but should still be presented in the store. It is worth listening to his advice.

Most likely, at first you will make some mistakes in choosing a product, but after a couple of months you will figure out what your customers need and what is most beneficial for you.

Animals for sale in the store are taken in nurseries. If there are none in your area or city, or you are not satisfied with their assortment, you can arrange deliveries from other cities. They can also be taken from the public. Among lovers of hamsters, parrots, rabbits and other small animals, there are many who breed them.


You can generally do without attracting additional advertising resources. If the initial budget of your store is small and you want to save money, then it will be enough to order a bright sign and customers will find you themselves. Of course, for this, your store must be located in a busy area.

If you have sufficient funds and you are opening a large pet supply store, it is a good idea to advertise on local television or radio, as well as in newspapers or magazines. In addition, you can distribute booklets and flyers advertising your store among the population of the area.

On the opening day of the store, organize a holiday, decorate the entrance with balloons to attract customers, announce discounts and gifts for the first customers. Be sure to give discount cards to those who constantly come to your store.

Make sure that your store has a pleasant, conducive to shopping atmosphere. Goods must be placed in showcases thematic groups, it should be clearly visible and have price tags. Cages with animals should always be cleaned, and the animals should look healthy and flourishing.

Keep in mind that pet stores often smell bad. This problem can be solved with good ventilation and special flavors.

Your salespeople should be welcoming, friendly, and always available to answer customer questions. But you need to warn them against excessive obtrusiveness. Let the buyer not buy anything today, but if he likes you, he will definitely come next time and recommend your store to his friends.


Is it profitable to open a pet shop? Let's study this issue in more detail.

The main costs are:

  • Rent or purchase of premises. Including repair, lighting, air conditioning, signage.
  • Retail store equipment. Counters, racks, showcases, cash registers, refrigerators for medicines, etc.
  • Product.
  • Employee salaries.

Opening an average pet store will cost approximately 1.5-2 million rubles. A larger store with an expanded assortment and staff will require from 3 million rubles.

The margin on goods in a pet store is approximately the following: on average it is 30%. For animal feed - from 10 to 20%, for accessories, furniture and clothing it can be from 20 to 50%, for rare types of goods it can reach up to 200%.

A pet store pays off in an average of 1.5 - 2 years, the profitability of such a store is from 20 to 30%.

You can draw up a business plan for a pet store yourself if the store is small or you have relevant experience, or you can turn to specialists, it will be more reliable.

Here are the approximate calculations for a mid-range store located in a city with a population of 500,000 people. The store sells a wide range of pet products, but does not sell animals.

Store capital costs:

  • Repair and signage - 220,000.
  • Commercial equipment - 150,000.
  • Inventory - 1,600,000.
  • Working capital - 250,000.

Thus, the capital costs required to open this store amounted to 2,210,000.

Now - the calculation of the monthly profitability of the same store:

  • Revenue - 1,100,000.
  • Cost price - 758 621.
  • Gross profit - 341,379.
  • Expenses - 219 560.
  • Profit before tax - 121,819.
  • UTII tax - 20,000.
  • Net profit 101,819.

Your store will be in demand and bring you the expected profit if it is located in right place, the service in it will be of high quality, the prices will be competitive, and the assortment will be quite wide.

Almost every family has a pet. Many people have a cat or dog at home, a hamster or budgerigar, exotic reptiles, aquarium fish and turtles. Who is not kept in apartments now. Recently, it has become very fashionable to have Madagascar cockroaches, snakes, chinchillas, iguanas and even chameleons. There is no limit to human imagination.

Each person goes to a pet store and buys an animal based on their preferences and wallet capabilities. When purchasing a pet in the house, do not forget about the responsibility that you take on. You will be required not only to give affection and love to the pet, but also to take on certain obligations to care for him.

Animals act on humans as a kind of sedative. They are able to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house. If you come home from work tired and irritated, then when you see the kind and devoted eyes of your four-legged friend, you will understand that life is good.

Do you want to start your business from scratch and are wondering where your knowledge and skills will be most useful? Try opening a pet store from scratch. The demand for these products has always been and will always be. Even if the economic situation in the country is not very favorable, people will never give up pets.

This type of entrepreneurial activity attracts many businessmen. The reason for this is quite simple: the pet store will be in demand in any locality, even in the smallest.

The Significance of a Pet Shop Business Plan

How can you make money selling pet products? You can answer this question by composing detailed business plan pet store with calculations. Opening any business, first you need to delve into its essence, decide what exactly you plan to sell to customers.

A novice businessman can go the wrong way by starting to immediately sell animals and accessories. This, of course, brings a good profit, but do not forget that their care will require money, and you don’t have too much of it yet. The maintenance of one thoroughbred cat, for example, costs about 3.5 thousand rubles a month. This is not counting cages, vaccinations at the vet, etc. Therefore, it is better to start with various little things and feed.

A business plan is a description of the future concept of your business. He will not allow you to deviate from your goal. With its help, you can calculate the costs of opening as accurately as possible, calculate all possible risks and prospects. By strictly adhering to the plan, you will not miss a single detail. Finally, another advantage of a business plan is that it will help you attract those who want to invest their money in the development of your business.

The conclusion follows from this: the step-by-step instruction "How to open a pet store" is your first step on the path to success. Without it, your actions may be insecure.

When drawing up a business plan, you need to follow the following instructions:

  • your store;
  • analyze the market and opportunities potential buyers your city;
  • study your competitors well;
  • study the target audience;
  • describe the organization of the entire workflow;
  • describe the service and the product being sold;
  • make the necessary financial calculations.

Market analysis. Competition

Before you open a pet store, study the market, if possible, try to analyze the mistakes of competitors. If there are already similar stores in your locality, don't be discouraged - it means that the demand for this species product exists.

Despite the periodic difficulties in the economy that arise in our country, the domestic market for animal products is one of the most promising. This market segment is quite resistant to economic downturns. Even if you have to cut costs family budget, rarely will anyone agree to cut the cost of a pet.

There are more than 30 million domestic cats and about 22 million dogs in Russia. Leading experts of the zoo market unanimously argue that the growth in demand for pet products is constantly growing. The annual growth of the pet food market is 25-30%.

There is a lot of competition in this business. The market of goods for pets completes its formation. His condition at the moment can be described as "on the rise."

By lowering the price of products a little, you can lure competitors to your customers. Pay attention to what items are missing from your opponents store and place your bet on it. Customers love being given gifts. Small little things donated to the buyer can play a decisive role in the future in choosing a store. If you provide ancillary services (for example, grooming animals, manicures for cats and dogs), this will bring additional profit.

Don't forget that many people don't have time to go shopping. If you organize the delivery of goods to your home, this will be a significant plus for your business.

Goals, objectives, target audience

Target that every future owner of this business should set for himself is the satisfaction of the needs of the city's population in goods for animals. You will need to try to make sure that the assortment of goods on the shelves of your store pleases the buyer, and customers do not go to other outlets in search of the things they need.

We must strive to achieve our goals tasks i.e. customer acquisition various methods, improving customer service, increasing and updating the range.

Knowledge target audience is half the battle. V this case The target audience of this business is quite large and diverse. As we have already said, everyone loves animals, and almost every Russian family has a favorite animal. And all of them, as you know, want to eat, need care products, vitamins, toilet fillers, etc. Therefore, you will always have customers.

What documents are needed to open a pet store?

The documents should indicate that you will be engaged not only in retail trade, but also in services for the population. You can’t do without this if you decide in the future to open a small atelier where you will sew clothes for our smaller brothers, or a grooming salon where you can cut the animal, wash its ears, eyes, and brush its teeth.

After you are given in your hands, you will need to register with the Pension Fund and tax office to get the status. If your plans include the sale of veterinary drugs, then you will need to obtain additional permits. To sell medicines, your company must have a veterinarian on staff, you will need a special license. Permission is also required to sell animals.

Presently individual entrepreneurs in retail trade they work according to, but on one condition: the trading area should not be more than 150 sq.m. If this condition is not met, then you need to switch to (in this case, all income and expenses are taken into account).

Pet shop assortment

The range of goods should be focused on a buyer with an average income. Your store must have big choice products. Without which no pet store is possible:

  • feed for all kinds of animals;
  • drinkers, bowls, feeders;
  • toys, combs, shampoos;
  • special literature on the rules for keeping animals;
  • aquarium accessories;
  • leashes, collars, muzzles;
  • toilets and fillers for them;
  • vitamins;
  • houses for pets. Mattresses for dogs. For cats - sharpeners for claws;
  • anthelmintics;
  • drops for removing fleas;
  • drops for ears and eyes;
  • contraceptive preparations;
  • if your store is located near the private sector, do not forget about such things as mineral feed for farm animals and accessories for horse farming.

Attracting buyers

In order to attract customers to your store, you must meet the following requirements:

Is it profitable to open a pet shop?

In order to find out the expected level of income, you need to make a list of all costs. The average markup on goods in a pet store does not exceed 30%. The highest markup can be set to medicines and accessories (from 50 to 100%). For hot goods - no more than 20%.

We understand that the exact cost and payback figures will depend on many individual factors. Therefore, consider approximate costs for a medium-sized store in a city of about 500,000 people:

  • repair of the premises and a sign - 200,000 rubles;
  • purchase commercial equipment- 100 - 150,000 rubles;
  • stock of goods - 1,500,000 rubles;
  • working capital 250,000 rubles.
  • Total: 2,100,000.

Now oh arrived the same store monthly:

  • revenue - 1,000,000 - 1,100,000 rubles;
  • the cost of goods - 758,620 rubles;
  • gross profit - 341,379 rubles;
  • expenses - 219,500 rubles;
  • UTII tax - 20,000;
  • net profit - 100,000 rubles.

Payback will directly depend on the money invested in opening and on the volume of sales. A small store will justify itself somewhere in 6-7 months. A large store will pay off in at least 2 years.

Profitability pet store - 20-25%. These are quite high figures.

Your store will only generate good profits if it is in the “right” location and customer service is professional.

As for prices, they should not be higher than those of competitors. The product range needs to be constantly updated and replenished with the quantity of goods. If you follow these recommendations, opening a pet store will bring you a good profit.

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