Series 1 335 a industrial products. Typical series of residential buildings in g

reservoirs 13.06.2019

Viktorov D.A.,Safronova S.V., Khreschik V.V.(BGITA, Bryansk, Russian Federation)

The development of the construction of houses of the 1-335 series from development and experimental construction to the end of their construction is considered. The advantages and disadvantages of various modifications of this series are determined. The main directions of increasing the level of operation of the buildings under consideration are given.

1-335 - the most common throughout former USSR a series of panel 5-story residential buildings that appeared along with the houses of the K-7, II-32, II-35, 1MG-300, 1-464, 1-468 series in 1959. The first house of this series 1-335 was built in Cherepovets Vologda region. Nai large quantity houses of this series were built in St. Petersburg, where they were produced by the Polustrovsky house-building plant (DSK).

Initially, the 1-335 series was an incomplete frame, consisting of one row of columns located along the longitudinal axis with a pitch of 2.6 and 3.2 m and crossbars located across the building and resting on one side of the columns, and on the other side on metal supporting consoles ("tables"). Floor slabs "per room" in size are laid on the crossbars, designed to be supported on two long sides.

External walls by constructive solution divided into two-layer and single-layer. The first had an outer layer in the form of reinforced concrete ribbed plate 30-60 mm thick and an insulating layer of non-autoclaved foam concrete 260 mm thick, the surface of which was plastered. However, as the practice of building operation has shown, the low mechanical strength of foam concrete, its weak adhesion and high hygroscopicity led to the appearance of shrinkage cracks, delamination and destruction of the panels. Cold bridges were formed in the places where the girders rested on the outer two-layer wall panels, which contributed to the corrosion of the metal embedded elements of the welded joint. In single-layer panels, made, as a rule, with a thickness of 350 mm from expanded clay concrete, no signs of corrosion of embedded elements were observed. The most common ceramic tiles for facing the outer surface wall panels was a carpet tile measuring 48x48x4 or less often 23x23x2 mm.

Interior walls these houses did not have, with the exception of stiffening diaphragms, which serve as panels staircases and intersection walls, thanks to which the principle of "free planning" could be implemented. Also, the biggest advantage of the 1-335 series was its low cost (for example, in 1971 an apartment cost an average of 5760 rubles with an average salary of 131 rubles 32 kopecks; thus, it would take 3 years 8 months to save up for housing, which is 4.76 times shorter than now).

But, despite all the advantages, the 1-335 series had a number of disadvantages. It was recognized as the most unsuccessful of all the series of residential buildings developed under N.S. Khrushchev, because due to the complete lack of experience in the construction of prefabricated buildings, the level of fabrication of structures and their installation on the construction site was very low. Also, the disadvantages of the first houses of this series included external walls with insufficient heat-shielding properties, combined bathrooms, narrow corridors without built-in wardrobes, walk-through and semi-walk-through rooms.

Figure 1 - Ordinary latitudinal section of houses of the 1-335 series (2-2-2-3)

With further improvement of the 1-335 series, standard projects of large-panel residential buildings of the 1-335K series appeared, developed by the Leningrad branch of the Gorstroyproekt State Design Institute (Leningrad GPI Gorstroyproekt) in 1961. Design difference series 1-335K consisted in the fact that instead of five prefabricated elements of the staircase, a spatial block was made. This greatly simplified the installation of houses and made it possible to facilitate flight of stairs, which, after the introduction of the three-dimensional element of the staircase, was solved combined with only one platform, and not with two, as was the case in series 1-335.

With the approval of new building codes and regulations in 1963, the construction of residential buildings of more advanced series 1-464A, 1-464D, 1-468A, 1-468B, 1-468D, 1-510, 1605A, 1-515 / 9, 1 -468A, 1-468D, 1-447, 1-511, 1-510, which included various modifications of the 1-335 series (1-335A, 1-335D, etc.).

Houses of the 1-335A series, developed by the Leningrad Zonal Research and Design Institute for Standard and Experimental Design of Residential and public buildings(LenzNIIEP), were built in the period from 1963-1967 and had improved architectural and planning solutions. In this modification, to support the crossbars, 2 more rows of columns were introduced along the longitudinal outer walls. Thus, a frame-constructive system was obtained, in which the outer walls of the building became non-bearing, that is, any outdoor panel could be dismantled. The 1-335A series was solved with changes in the designs and dimensions of the main assembly units and parts of standardized elements and an increase in the number of additional forms associated with the use of separate sanitary units, a lightweight march and other design improvements.

Modification 1-335D is structurally similar to the 1-335A series. The heat-shielding properties of the walls of these houses are higher, they are stronger, had more successful layouts apartments.

The next modification of the 1-335 series was the connection of blocks through reinforced concrete panels used in the 1-335AT series, which, unlike 1-335A and 1-335D, had an incomplete frame.

The five-story block sections 1-335Tul were designed in addition to the houses of the 1-335AT series to expand the capabilities of the architect and differed from them only in the originality of the types of houses and architectural and planning solutions. They were used to lay out projects for representative houses and individual projects houses of various lengths and volumetric and spatial solutions, depending on the conditions dictated by urban planning circumstances.

In 1969-1972, by order of the Novomoskovsk Chemical Combine, a modification 1-335TulM was produced. In this series, bindings were redesigned, instead of a combined roof, a technical floor was arranged, and technical undergrounds were replaced with full-fledged basements, for which reinforced basement panels were developed with window openings. But the main difference of the modified series was the presence of loggias. Two-way orientation of two-room and three room apartments and the presence of a wide pitch of panels in living rooms made it possible to arrange loggias in the apartment with their orientation both to one and the opposite facade and, accordingly, to obtain a greater number of options for facade solutions. If necessary (for example, when the house is located on a busy highway), all the balconies of the apartments could be removed from the street facade and oriented to the courtyard. The heads of the smoke ventilation ducts were arranged no lower than 0.6 m from the top of the roof, since the necessary exhaust was not provided in the previous modifications.

The advantages of houses of the 1-335Tul and 1-335TulM series over 1-335AT is that they made it possible to completely move away from the system of free line building with monotonous rows of identical typical houses and find a variety of spatial solutions to obtain large spacious yards. This was possible due to the formation of residential areas of any length with vertical ledges, the use of loggia inserts for making turns under straight lines and obtuse corners. Such a system made it possible to increase the linear building density and reduce the number of cold end walls, which, together with a reduction engineering networks contributed economically profitable option construction. During the construction of residential buildings from block sections of the 1-335TulM series, attached loggias were used, which were obtained by adding to the standard balcony slabs special prefabricated side walls. And with paired and even more so quadruple balconies, such a solution required less material consumption than with single balconies of the 1-335AT series.

According to the given chronology, the 1-335 series was mastered in the city of Bryansk. The first house was erected in 1959 . For houses of the 1-335 series in Bryansk, single-layer expanded clay concrete panels were produced by the Bryansk plant of large-panel housing construction (BZKD). During the installation of houses, metallization of through seams and joints was organized by spraying. When sealing the joints of the panels of the outer walls, modern materials began to be used instead of hemp ship ropes.

Experience in the construction and operation of houses has revealed the following shortcomings, typical for all modifications of the 1-335 series:

Sound insulation of airborne noise of interfloor ceilings, inter-apartment and interior partitions low;

The mass of 1 m 2 of the floor is less than 2.2 kN, which does not satisfy the condition of impact sound insulation;

The quality of welds due to their large length is unsatisfactory;

The mortar most often breaks down and flakes off in the joint, since the adhesion surface between the mortar and the panels is small;

Water and cold air penetrate into the premises through cracks in the seams, which are formed during deformations that are inevitable for a given design of houses;

The caulk does not provide the necessary water tightness and impermeability of the seams;

Floor slabs have insufficient support on smoke panels; some floor slabs have excess deflections.

The connection of hinged outer panels is unsuccessful.

Together, all these defects led to the fact that the construction of houses in this series was completely prohibited.

The physical deterioration of the buildings of 1963-1970 is much less than the houses of the first stage and, as a rule, hardly exceeds 20%. Therefore, it was decided not to demolish the five-story buildings built after 1963, but to reconstruct them. Buildings of the “unbearable” series can be destroyed if they are in an unacceptable technical condition or fall into a zone of mass demolition, where it is more economically profitable to build a modern multi-storey residential building on the site of a still fairly strong five-story building.

But to solve the housing problem in the conditions of a shortage of territories and quite acceptable physical condition existing housing stock that does not meet social and demographic needs, as well as comfort standards, is possible due to its reconstruction. The increase in area is achieved by adding additional floors, increasing the size and number of summer rooms (balconies and loggias) and adding new volumes to the reconstructed buildings. The superstructure of houses is the most effective technique expanded reproduction of the housing stock, since it does not require an increase land plot and allows you to realize all the reserves of the bearing capacity of the vertical structures of the building. Residential buildings of all modifications of the 1-335 series are of great interest as superstructure objects, since they are similar to each other in terms of the width of the building, its configuration in plan, the location of staircases and windows, and allow the use of unified structural and technological systems for attic construction.

The Central Research and Design Institute of Residential and Public Buildings (TsNIIEP Housing) proposed five options for the renovation of residential buildings of the 1-335 series:

1 - redevelopment during major repairs;

2 - redevelopment in existing dimensions;

3 - redevelopment in existing dimensions with a superstructure;

4 - reconstruction with the addition of additional volumes;

5 - reconstruction with an extension and a superstructure.

Based on the territorial programs of most subjects Russian Federation the subprogram "Reconstruction of residential buildings of the first mass series" of the state target program "Housing" was created. In Bryansk, in 2001, project No. 08-011-02 "Reconstruction of large-panel residential buildings of the 1-335 series in the city of Bryansk" was developed, in which three main reconstruction options were developed at the feasibility study stage:

1 - enlargement of apartments;

2 - consolidation of apartments and the superstructure of the attic floor;

3 - enlargement of apartments with a broadening of the building and an attic superstructure.

In all three options, measures have been developed to improve thermal protection and overhaul engineering equipment of existing floors with the same engineering and social infrastructure of residential areas. The cost of 1 m 2 of the attic floor, according to the calculations made, was about 1.5 thousand rubles. The cost of work on major repairs and improving the thermal protection of buildings as a whole amounted to 200% of the cost of the attic floor. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the reconstruction from two sources of financing: investor funds - for the construction of the attic floor, utilities - for the modernization of floors 1-5.


1 1-335 (Series of houses) [ Electronic resource] // Wikipedia [website] – URL: (date of access: 2.11.10).

2 Series 1-335 [Electronic resource] // USSR Forever!!! [website] - URL: (date of access: 2.11.10).

3 Banykin, B.N. Design and construction of large-panel houses. - M., 1963. - S. 45-51.

4 How much is housing? [Electronic resource] // Bullshit [website] - URL: (date of access: 11/30/10).

5 Types and series of houses in Moscow [Electronic resource] // [website] - URL: (date of access: 2.11.10 ).

6 This restless Shilin [Electronic resource] // Notes of local lore [website] - URL: (date of access: 11/30/10).

7 Past, present and future of five-story buildings [Text] // Ideas for your home - 2002. - No. 4.

8 Unified architectural and building systems attic floors for the superstructure of reconstructed houses [Electronic resource] // Construction Library [website] (date of access: 01/28/11).

9 SP 35-114-2003. Reconstruction and adaptation of buildings for institutions social services elderly people [Electronic resource]. Access from the information and reference system "Techexpert".

10 detailed information[Electronic resource] // Innovations to business [website] (date of access: 01/28/11).

Sample projects series 1-335-C were part of those operating from 1959 to 1971 and were used in the development of the city of Irkutsk from 1960 to 1969.

Projects of the 1-335С series were developed for seismic conditions of 7 and 8 points

Structural scheme- incomplete frame load-bearing outdoor walls, columns along the middle longitudinal axis, staircase panels and transverse diaphragms. Horizontal seismic loads in the transverse direction are perceived by internal transverse load-bearing walls and external end panels, in the longitudinal direction - by external wall panels.

Foundations. Under the columns of the central row - reinforced concrete columnar, under the bearing walls - reinforced concrete tape.

incomplete frame formed by columns along the middle longitudinal axis and girders resting on the outer longitudinal walls and columns. Column pitch 2.6 and 3.2 m.

The cross-sectional dimensions of the columns are 200×400 mm. Reinforced concrete girders with a length of 5900 mm and a section size b×h= 200 × 350 mm, laid along the transverse axes of the building.

Exterior walls buildings - panel single-layer 400 or 350 mm thick, made of autoclave-free gas-ash concrete, perceive loads from their own weight and from ceilings.

Transverse panels domestic load-bearing walls with a thickness of 280 mm are designed from heavy concrete.

Overlappings. Prefabricated reinforced concrete ceilings are made of flat panels "per room" size, thickness 100 and 110 mm. Floor panels are supported along the long sides by girders and transverse load-bearing walls.

Stairs -

Main defects: low resistance to heat transfer of walls and attic floor, there is no anticorrosion protection of reinforcing products in wall panels.

Major Damage are observed mainly in external wall panels : corrosion of reinforcing meshes and frames, delamination of a textured layer, delamination of panels along reinforcing meshes, destruction of concrete above and below the sills and along anti-seismic seams, disorder of joints of external wall panels.

3.7. Large-panel buildings series 1-335AC and 1-335KS

Typical designs of 5-storey frame-panel residential buildings of the 1-335AC series were developed by LenZNIIEP for seismicity conditions of 8 points.

Bearing frame. Houses of the 1-335AC series have a full reinforced concrete frame, the transverse frames of which alternate with internal load-bearing walls. External wall panels are self-supporting.

Vertical loads from floors and roofs are perceived by transverse frames and walls, walls of stairwells.

The spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the joint work of the transverse frames of the frame, stiffening diaphragms, panels of external walls and stairwells, united by floor disks that are rigid in their plane. Longitudinal diaphragms are installed near the walls of staircases.

Foundations. A typical project of the 1-335AC series provides for the use of two types of foundations - strip foundations for external and internal transverse load-bearing walls and stiffening diaphragms, as well as columnar foundations - for frame columns.

AT strip foundations monolithic reinforced concrete columnar foundations are built under the outer walls at the places where the columns are installed.

The basement walls are made of foundation blocks FBS24.4.6 and plinth panels 1.0 m high.

Frame. The transverse frames are formed by prefabricated reinforced concrete columns and girders. Column pitch 2.6 and 3.2 m.

Runs with a length of 5800 mm and a section size b×h= 200×350 mm, stacked along the columns in the transverse direction. Design grade of concrete M300.

Reinforced concrete columns designed to be one floor high. The columns of the middle row have sectional dimensions of 200 × 400 mm, the outer rows - 200 × 200 mm. Design grade of concrete M300.

Joints of columns with girders - platform on steel embedded parts.

transverse walls - load-bearing, made in the form of prefabricated reinforced concrete panels 140 mm thick.

Overlappings. Interfloor and attic floor are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete panels the size of a “room” with dimensions of 5770 × 3170 × 110 and 5770 × 2580 × 100 mm. Design grade of concrete M300. Structurally, the panels are supported along the long sides by girders and transverse load-bearing walls.


The outer walls of the building are self-supporting, made of prefabricated reinforced concrete panels.

Wall panels with nominal dimensions of 3185×2690 and 2585×2690 mm are single-layer 350 mm thick, made of non-autoclaved gas-ash concrete. Design grade of gas-ash concrete M50, bulk density 1000-1200 kg/m 3 .

Interior partitions– gypsum boards with a nominal thickness of 80 mm, inter-apartment- double.

stairs two marching, made up of prefabricated reinforced concrete marches and platforms.

Roof- attic hip with wooden truss system and a coating of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets (slate), an external drain, organized or not organized.

Major defects and damage correspond to the list for buildings of the 1-335C series.

Residential building series I-335 (Komsomolsky prospect, 13)

Series I-335(1-335) The most common series of panel 5-storey residential buildings throughout the former USSR. In the form of individual inclusions are found even in Moscow. The first house of this series was built in Cherepovets. The largest number houses of this series were built in St. Petersburg, where they were produced by Polyustrovskiy DSK. On the this moment the share of operated houses in Russia is the largest in Omsk - 170 houses of the I-335PK series with an incomplete frame (more than 2% of the total volume of this series in the country).

The houses of this series include the so-called "lightweight" five-story buildings with outer walls insulated with a layer of mineral wool. The facades of the houses of this series are finished with small ceramic tiles (mainly in blue and blue tones). This makes them much more attractive externally, but inside the same minimalism as in any Khrushchev - the layouts of the apartments are similar to the series I-507. There are also balconies and rather large closets, however, in this series, the bathrooms in all apartments are adjacent. It soon became clear that for climatic conditions Moscow and St. Petersburg, the light "three hundred and thirty-fifth" series of houses is not suitable, so the production that began in 1959 was suspended in 1966.

The series was recognized as the most unsuccessful of all the series of residential buildings developed under Khrushchev. At the same time, oddly enough, they were not included in the list of houses demolished in Moscow in the first place. The houses of this series were built from 1958 to 1966, after which they switched to the construction of the modernized I-335K, I-335A, I-335AK and I-335D series, which were produced until the end of the 1980s. Within Moscow, the presence of houses of the improved I-335 series is not reliably known.

External difference of the I-335 series from other series in Moscow - wide windows(double-leaf windows look square), iron 4-pitched roof and elongated windows almost the entire height of the panel on the stairwells. The end walls consist of 4 panels with windows on the outer ones. Usually there is an external fire escape at one of the ends of the house. In another modification, including the one built by the Polyustrovskiy DSK (it is also found in the Moscow region), there may be flat roof no attic at all. There are 4 apartments on the site.

1-2-3-room apartments, ceiling height - 2.55 m. The central room is a walk-through. Bathroom combined. Water and heat supply is centralized.

There is no elevator or garbage chute.

On the basis of the modernized series, houses with 7 and 9 floors were also built.

Currently being reconstructed.

Using the panels used in the construction of such houses, kindergartens of the I-335A-211 series were also built (there were two options - one-story for 140 children and two-story for 280)


This series of houses was designed for mass construction in 1959. Since then, it has undergone a number of significant design changes.

Initially, a scheme with a so-called incomplete frame was taken as the basis, i.e. with an inner frame and load-bearing panels of external walls 2.6 and 3.2 m long. The inner frame consisted of reinforced concrete columns one floor high, installed along the longitudinal axis of the building with a step equal to the size of the rooms, and girders based on columns and panels of the outer walls. On the runs, overlappings from flat reinforced concrete slabs 10 cm thick.

The advantage of the incomplete frame scheme was the use of the bearing capacity of the outer wall panels. A characteristic feature of this series of large-panel houses was the use as load-bearing longitudinal walls double-layer panels instead of single-layer.

Initially, it was assumed that two-layer panels, consisting of a thin-walled reinforced concrete ribbed slab and a layer of non-autoclaved foam concrete, would replace the scarce thermal insulation materials. However, as the practice of building operation has shown, non-autoclaved foam concrete turned out to be of little use due to low mechanical strength, weak adhesion to the inner surface of the reinforced concrete ribbed panel and high hygroscopicity. Shrinkage cracks, delamination and destruction appeared on the panels. But the most significant drawback turned out to be the unreliable support of the girders on the outer two-layer wall panels, since cold bridges formed in these places, which contributed to the corrosion of the metal embedded elements of the welded joint. It should be noted that in single-layer panels, no signs of corrosion of metal embedded elements in the places where the girders are supported were observed.

After examining many operated houses of the I-335 series in various regions of the country, it was decided to abandon the incomplete frame scheme and support the girders on special wall columns (I-335A series). In this way, new series I-335A became frame-panel.

In the new version, the I-335 series has lost its significant advantage in terms of using the load-bearing capacity of external wall panels. The installation of the house became more complicated due to the increase in the number of columns with software (for a 100-apartment building) up to 360, the length of the welds increased. In addition, it was found that for large-panel houses up to 9 and even 12 floors, frame schemes are less economical than frameless ones. Another typical example was large-panel residential buildings widespread in the 60s (K-7 series designed by V.P. Lagutenko). These houses in many constructive characteristics seemed very progressive. Its main load-bearing elements were reinforced concrete thin-walled partitions (beam-walls), which combined three structures at once: firstly, these are beams that carry floors; they are also partitions that separate the room from the room, and, finally, the column, since through the wall thickenings that form columns at the ends of the partitions, all loads are transferred from top to bottom. Under these conditions, the beam-wall worked only on a local load within its storey, transferring pressure to the ends, i.e., to the vertical ribs. According to them, the entire load was transferred to the foundation pillows through the supporting short foundation pillars (columns). Thus, the main massive element of the house was a reinforced concrete partition, which combined three structural elements of the house. In these houses, the zero cycle was excluded. The following remained to be completed: digging trenches with slopes and installing prefabricated reinforced concrete pillars with foundation cushions along the outer walls of the building and along its longitudinal axes after 2.8 and 3.6 m. An important structural element of the house was the ceiling. It is known that 60% of the total consumption of reinforced concrete for a house goes to the ceiling. It is also known that in monolithic ribbed reinforced concrete floors the reduced thickness (slab together with beams) is 10 cm. In multi-hollow floorings with oval voids, the reduced thickness is 10 cm, and with round voids it is 12 cm. Thus, in relation to reducing the consumption of reinforced concrete for the ceiling, precast concrete has not made any progress. In addition, such a reduced thickness is necessary based on the load of 75 MPa, generally accepted for interfloor floors in residential buildings. The question arose: is it correct to proceed from the load of 75 MPa on the ceiling, when the load useful for residential buildings is only 15 MPa? However, this additional weight is necessary in order to provide the necessary sound insulation (by filling and partitions). Hence the idea arose: to consider the ceiling as a combination of two elements - the floor and the ceiling. For the floor, a thin-walled ribbed panel per room was created, and for the ceiling, a panel made of lightweight material. Thus, the floor and ceiling turned out to be separate from each other, and the air gap thus formed should, according to the author of the project, fully satisfy the requirements for sound insulation. An additional "useless" load from the floor was thus removed. In general, the design turned out, as it seemed at first glance, to be very expedient from all technical and economic points of view. However, the experience of building and operating many of these houses revealed the following:

  • soundproofing ability of inter-apartment and inter-room partitions - low;
  • the sound insulation of the interfloor floors, despite being separate, remained unsatisfactory due to the fact that there were eight holes in the floor through which the clamp brackets were passed during installation, and sealing these holes made it extremely difficult Finishing work and reduced sound insulation;
  • since the weight of 1 m 2 overlap with false ceiling became less than 2.2 kN, then according to the norms, it did not satisfy the condition of sound insulation from impact noise;
  • the quality of welds due to their long length in these houses is unsatisfactory;
  • the applied caulk did not provide water resistance and impermeability of the seams;
  • most often the solution collapsed and exfoliated precisely in the jointing of the seam, since the adhesion surface between the solution and the panels is small;
  • during deformation, inevitable for this construction of houses, the solution exfoliated from the panels and water and even cold air penetrated into the premises through cracks formed in the seam;
  • unsuccessful was the connection of hinged outer panels;
  • manufacturing of suspended ceilings turned out to be non-industrial.

The analysis carried out by specialists showed that a continuous floor of 10 cm thick per room is much more rational, since the lower surface turns into a clean ceiling and there is no need for a suspended structure.

Together, all these defects led to the fact that the construction of houses in this series was completely prohibited.

List of I-335 Series Residential Buildings

The outside House number of storeys Year of construction Note
1st Mechanical 2 5 1965
1st Mechanical 3 5 1968
1st Mechanical 13 5 1964
Vladimirovskaya 9 5 1965
Vladimirovskaya 12 5 1963
Vladimirovskaya 13 5 1965
Vladimirovskaya 14 5 1964
Vladimirovskaya 16 5 1964
Station highway 17 5 1963
Heroes of labor 35 4 1962
Heroes of labor 37 4 1962
Dmitrova avenue 9 5 1967
Dmitrova avenue 11 5 1967
Dmitrova avenue 13 5 1967
Dostoevsky 3 5 1966
Dostoevsky 5 5 1966
Komsomolsky prospect 13 5 1968
cubic 93 3 1962
cubic 95 3 1962
cubic 97 4 1963
cubic 101 4 1966
Lenin 73 5 1965
Lenin 77 5 1965
Lermontov 12 5 1964
Marine Avenue 9 4 1960
Marine Avenue 13 4 1961
Novoselov 1 4 1964
Novoselov 3 4 1963
Panel Lane 3 4 1962
Pervomaiskaya 186 5 1969
Siberian 28 5 1965
Soviet 53 5 1964
steppe 2/1 5 1966
Syzran 8 4 1965
Syzran 10 4 1966
Physical education 23 5 1964
Chapaeva 2 4 1963
eihe 9B 5 1965

My text. So, the further evolution of the design of residential buildings led to the emergence of a "half-frame" scheme, and the Leningrad branch of Gorstroyproekt developed the 1-335 series according to this principle, which was destined to become a "hit". It is not difficult to distinguish the series, it is enough 1) to look at the end of the house and note the location of the windows. 2) look at the house from the stairs. Continuous glazing of stairwells (4 rows of frames per panel or glass blocks) - also feature 1-335. These houses were built everywhere from Kaliningrad to Pacific Ocean. For each climatic and seismic zone, its own modification of the project was developed. Oddly enough, in Moscow 1-335 is a very rare guest. Only 20 photos.

Photo 1 house series 1-335 under construction

In the capitals, the house was built in a slightly different guise (moreover, concrete goods were brought to Moscow from other regions). Outwardly - differences in roofing.
Photo 2. St. Petersburg. The roof is flat, its device is identical to the OD series. Most houses are finished with gray ceramics.

Photo 3. 1-335 in Moscow. Roof - gable. Panels are always painted.

The cost of construction of 1 sq.m of living space for frame-panel houses of the 1-335 series was 95 rubles. in 1961 prices - the lowest figure among the entire history of industrial housing construction in the USSR. What is a "half-frame" can be seen from the drawing. Longitudinal bearing wall replaced by columns with load-bearing beams. Internal partitions the same (except for inter-apartment) - light, made of gypsum concrete. Moreover, the section of the columns during the evolution of the series was reduced (1-335 k)
Photo 4. "Semi-frame" scheme of series 1-335

The layout of the apartments is a "step back" in relation to K-7 (od). 2-room and part of 3-room apartments with walk-through rooms, bathrooms combined. The height of the ceiling is the required hygienic minimum of 250 cm. True, in all apartments - balconies. Starting from 1-335, in the lexicon Soviet man the definition of “mother-in-law’s room” appeared - this is a pantry in “kopeck piece” and “three-room apartment” - it is quite large.
Photo 5. Layout 1-335.

Photo 6

Photo 7. Furnishing option 1-335 from designers. I note that the common (passing room) is conceived as non-residential.

They tried to diversify the houses of the 1-335 series and “revive” the quarter with artistic coloring of houses and simple decor (along the “red” line of streets)
Photo 8.

Or the use of mosaic panels in houses with ceramic finish facade panels
Photo 9.

Or the use of glass blocks in the glazing of stairs
Photo 10.

In the process of evolution of the series, the end windows moved closer to the center of the building (there are no such houses in Moscow or St. Petersburg).
Photo 11 "transitional" version 1-335 in Tomsk

Photo 12. Project 1-335A-2. The windows of the butt "fixed" in a new place.

Trouble 1-335 - the destruction of the slabs of the balconies was also defeated
Photo 13. Brick consoles of balconies

Back in the days of the USSR, the operation of houses of the 1-335 series of some DSKs revealed serious problems with the quality of reinforced concrete products
Photo 14. Lamination of facade panels

What needed a major overhaul
Photo 15.

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