The difference between thyme and savory. What is the difference between thyme and thyme, similarities and differences of plants

garden equipment 21.05.2019
garden equipment

The similarity of plants in terms of names and useful properties has created confusion between the two plants: savory and thyme. Small plants with a fragrant smell and small flowers have been known for a very long time, but are used for different purposes. It is quite easy to distinguish them externally. The issue of differences and similarities between these plants will be described in our article.

Thyme and savory: difference and similarity

Many gardeners are sure that savory is one of the varieties of thyme and is its relative. The similarity in the name created such a situation. In fact, these are dissimilar plants in appearance.

The common features of savory and thyme are as follows:

  • both belong to the family Lamiaceae;
  • are melliferous, spicy medicinal plants;
  • similar composition useful substances: vitamins, essential oils, trace elements, tannins, antioxidants;
  • used in medicinal purposes: antiseptic, expectorant, source of vitamins, choleretic and diuretic, heal wounds and soothe;
  • added to cooking as a condiment.

That's all the similarities between savory and thyme. There are many more differences.

Outwardly, savory and thyme are easy to distinguish:

thyme bush

savory bush

thyme flowers

savory flower

The use of these plants in cooking is different. Savory is used as a spicy seasoning, replacing, added at the end of cooking. Thyme is placed at the beginning or middle of cooking and used as a fragrant remedy. The seeds are used for pungency. Dried leaves and flowers are brewed into tea.

In Rus', thyme was called Bogorodsk grass and used as a sedative. In ancient Egypt, it was used for embalming.

Savory: description

Savory refers to dicotyledonous flowering plants. Homeland savory - Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor. Garden savory is grown in gardens. It is more odorous than other types of savory. Mountain savory grows in mountainous areas: it is more frost-resistant, blooms much later garden species and only on open places. It has a strong smell of balsam.

In Georgia, savory is used as a seasoning for meat dishes. He is called kondari. The seasoning is prepared from savory species that grow in these areas.

What does savory look like?

it herbaceous plant bush up to half a meter high. It has small flowers at the top of the branch. blooms different colors at the end of July-August. Seeds ripen in autumn.

Dried savory is made from the whole plant: the twigs, along with the leaves, are crushed and dried dark-colored greens are obtained. Seeds are used as a separate seasoning in various dishes. Great for rabbit and beef meat dishes.

Where does savory grow?

Savory spread to the entire continent of Eurasia. It also occurs in middle lane Russia. Often found in the Moscow region, Leningrad and Nizhny Novgorod regions. There are many in the south and in Europe. Does not tolerate severe frosts. Grows on any soil and mountain slopes. Loves a large number of sun. Therefore, it is found in Asia and the steppe zones.

Savory is rich in useful substances, vitamins and microelements. Used for treatment various diseases and use the concentrate for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal properties of savory:

  • Antiseptic, disinfectant.
  • Helps with digestion: improves appetite, copes with bloating, indigestion and vomiting.
  • Helps with cough and respiratory diseases.
  • Improves the functioning of the gallbladder, kidneys and lymph.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Soothes and helps fight cancer.

Savory is consumed in the form of tea or decoction. A small amount of herbs is brewed with hot water.

At the same time, do not forget about contraindications:

  • allergies;
  • acute diseases of the digestive system;
  • complex heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnancy.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Thyme: description

Thyme is a perennial plant. In one place grows up to 5 years. Garden thyme is more often grown in gardens. There are also other types of thyme. One property unites them is that they are all medicinal. Thyme is used in medicine and cooking as a seasoning.

Thyme is a type of thyme. In fact, they are one and the same.

What does thyme look like?

Depending on the species, thyme grows in height from 5 cm to 30 cm. Small leaves are located on the petiolate stems, white, pink or pink flowers bloom on the top of the head. purple. blooms almost all summer.

One bush forms a large cap of spicy aroma grass with honey flowers. The stem with flowers is cut and dried for winter use and storage. The stems are crushed and dried. Dry thyme is a light beige color, common for dried herbs. Exudes a delicate aroma.

Where does thyme grow?

Thyme is found in sunny glades, in the steppes. In Russia, it is often found in the southern steppe zones, mountain slopes in Altai.

Grows in the middle lane:

  • Moscow region;
  • Leningrad region;
  • Nizhny Novgorod Region;
  • and other temperate regions.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of thyme have been known to man for a long time. Thanks to the presence essential oils The plant has been used in medicine.

Decoctions and teas from thyme help with diseases:

And also thyme is used for nervous disorders, stress and depression. Copes with heavy and fatty foods, aiding digestion. Ointments and compresses are used for wound healing and as an antiseptic. Thyme flowers help with alcohol addiction.

The use of thyme or thyme is contraindicated in diseases:

  • cardiosclerosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • pregnancy.

Types of thyme

Some popular types of thyme:

Growing and caring for herbs in the garden

Savory and thyme are not whimsical in growing in the garden. They do not require much care and excessive attention. To grow good harvest these fragrant and medicinal herbs, follow simple rules.

Savory cultivation

Savory cultivation technology includes the following:

Recommendations for growing thyme:
The system itself waters the garden, which of course has a good effect on the crop. I have never had such tomatoes and cucumbers! Now I want to spend another one in the greenhouse. I recommend."

Collection and preparation of herbs

Savory and thyme are harvested in approximately the same way:

Provencal herbs

Provence herbs include garden savory and thyme species - thyme.

Provencal herbs have a special aroma that gives dishes an unusual taste.

In addition to savory and thyme, the composition includes:

  • Oregano. A small plant with similar flowers, like thyme. It has healing properties especially for women.
  • Rosemary. evergreen shrub with special notes of pine needles and citrus. Used in cooking in various dishes.
  • Marjoram. Outwardly, it resembles mint: soft leaves are located on a red stem. A common spice in cooking. Used almost everywhere.

Provencal herbs are united primarily by the smell. All of them are spicy plants with a coniferous-citrus aroma. They belong to the same family. Plants have a large number of nutrients, essential oils, vitamins and trace elements.


Savory and thyme are similar in medicinal properties and micronutrient composition. Two spicy herbs are used in medicine and in cooking. Teas and decoctions are popular. Leaves and seeds are used as seasoning.

Outwardly, they are easy to distinguish by height and flowers. Savory is taller and more fragrant, and thyme is a low bush with a delicate and delicate aroma of needles and citrus fruits.

It is no secret that many non-professionals can easily get confused by the variety of different spices on the shelves. There are times when seasonings that seem similar in taste and aroma have different names. This happened with thyme and thyme.

AT various sources you can find a variety of information telling about the true origin of these herbs. In fact, thyme and thyme are the same plant, which is the basis of the famous seasoning.

What is the difference between thyme and thyme?

Like any plant, thyme has many varieties and types. Depending on location, soil, humidity and quantity sun rays plants can grow dissimilar in appearance to each other. The two most common types of thyme are:

  • common thyme;
  • creeping thyme.

It is the creeping subspecies that is commonly called thyme. Unlike ordinary thyme, creeping thyme grows better in dry soils and is more actively used for medicinal purposes. The leaves of the thyme plant contain many useful essential oils that are used both in pharmacology and in medicine. folk medicine and for cosmetic purposes.

Among the most useful properties of thyme are:

  1. antiseptic effect.
  2. Anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Calming action.
  4. Painkiller.

What is another name for thyme basil or thyme?

Such confusion with the names of plants and spices occurred due to the many different languages ​​​​in the territory of one country in the past. If we consider what else is commonly called thyme, basil and thyme, then you can find more than a dozen different options.

As a rule, thyme is most often confused with cumin, although these are two completely different plants that are not similar in taste or aroma. The differences are so striking that even a non-specialist, seeing two spices, will not be able to confuse them.

Thyme is also often referred to as savory. Again, this is wrong, since these are two different cultures. Savory has a more spicy and sweetish flavor. However, it is not customary to eat it fresh. Immediately after harvesting, the plant is dried and ground into powder.

In many ways, the taste of a plant depends not only on the variety, but also on the place where it grew. So basil or thyme that grew in Central Asia, will be radically different in appearance and in palatability from a plant native to Europe. To distinguish what is the difference between different varieties, you can best try a few options. Each region is famous for its spices and sauces, which are prepared from them.

thyme and thyme during pregnancy

The choice of seasonings, spices and sauces should be especially carefully approached during pregnancy. The reason is that many natural ingredients, such as thyme (lemon thyme), have quite strong properties and can lead to an increase in uterine tone, dizziness, and a decrease in blood pressure.

If you are used to drinking tea with thyme or cumin, then during pregnancy it is better to replace these herbs with chamomile or regular green tea. It is important to consult with your doctor about which herbs you can and cannot use.

As for the use of thyme as a spice, in very small quantities during normal pregnancy it is not harmful, but rather improves digestion.

Based on the foregoing, one conclusion can be drawn - it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of spices and seasonings, since they largely affect the taste of the finished dish. Knowing the characteristics of plants and their beneficial properties can help not only in cooking, but also in medicine.

Due to the similar names, savory and thyme are associated with the same plant, which causes confusion among lovers of herbs. But the difference between thyme and savory still exists. They belong to the same Yasnotkov family, but have a number of distinctive features.

Characteristic features of thyme

Thyme refers to ground cover perennials, which forms creeping or erect stems. Another name for thyme is creeping thyme. Botanical description:

  • bush height up to 30 cm;
  • woody stems;
  • leaves are oval, slightly elongated, arranged oppositely;
  • inflorescences capitate, oblong;
  • small pink-violet flowers.

The fruits are formed in September and form a box with 4 nuts inside. Due to their bitter taste, they are used in cooking. Collect leaves and not lignified tops of shoots at the beginning of flowering. The differences between savory and thyme are primarily related to their appearance.

Thyme garden is a type of wild perennial thyme, covered with white flower heads and has a characteristic odor. This is a well-known spicy plant that blooms throughout the summer, forming a bright and fragrant carpet.

Composition and use in medicine

Chemical composition includes a high% of essential oils, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotene or provitamin A, tannins and organic acids, saponins, biologically active compounds. There is also a complex of minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium.

Doctors have long "adopted" spicy grass. Thyme is useful as an expectorant, antibacterial agent and is used in the treatment of colds of a bacterial nature. This is a good antispasmodic with an analgesic effect. Thyme tea has calming properties, which is useful in our stressful lives.

Use in cooking

The difference between thyme and savory extends to the field of cooking. Due to the presence of essential oils in the composition, these are popular spices with different flavors. Thyme has a sharp and strong smell and a spicy, bitter taste. As a seasoning for dishes, both fresh and dried leaves of the plant are used.

Thanks to the presence of thyme in dishes, their taste is enriched, an additional aroma with a hint of bitterness appears. This is a seasoning for second courses, marinades, sauces. Fans of this spicy smell add dry collection to scent tea.

Spicy thyme leaves are introduced into the dish for initial stages its preparation, and savory - before readiness. Thyme is a useful seasoning for fatty foods, which helps its absorption without causing discomfort.

Garden decoration

Due to the compactness of the bushes, which do not grow in breadth, they are used in garden design. And although single plants are not particularly decorative, their mass planting looks interesting.

Thyme is planted:

  • as a carpet and ground cover plant in free spaces;
  • in rockeries as an additional color spot;
  • along the edge of the flower garden, giving it finished shapes;
  • along or massively - to strengthen the slope.

An unpretentious plant fills any free areas and its undemanding to growing conditions pleases flower growers, helping to decorate the site without much hassle.

Savory features

What is this savory and how does it differ from thyme? Savory or pepper grass refers to herbaceous annual plants. His appearance are distinguished by the following features:

  • height 40-50 cm;
  • linear leaves with a grayish tint;
  • straight, slightly branched stem;
  • the arrangement of flowers in the axils of the whorls;
  • flowers from white to purple.

Flowering occurs from July to August, and brown nuts are formed in September. Savory is harvested for medicinal and culinary purposes at the end of flowering.

Composition and therapeutic effect

The main component of savory is an essential oil, which gives the plant a tart, balsamic aroma. Vitamin composition includes carotene and vitamin C. The presence of phytoncides determines the antibacterial properties of the herb, and tannins have an astringent effect. The plant is rich in minerals.

It is an antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic and analgesic herb "in one bottle." It has an expectorant and diaphoretic effect, which relieves the symptoms of a cold.

If an insect has bitten, then a savory leaf should be tied to the wound site, which will relieve pain and remove swelling.

Supplement to culinary dishes

The use in cooking is associated with the special bright aroma of savory and its taste of hot pepper, which organically fits into vegetable and fish dishes, giving confectionery products spicy and spicy notes. Seasoned with dried seasoning, poultry, beef.

Greens are used fresh, as well as dry, salted or pickled. In any form, it retains its taste.

Savory is not common ornamental plants, it is usually grown in medicinal gardens or spice beds.

Sometimes the plant is used as a border, which is planted along the edges of paths, alleys, paths.

Similarities and differences between thyme and savory

Two consonant named plants have some similarities. It is connected not only with the names, but also with the purpose: savory and thyme are classified as spicy herbs. They are found in nature and perfectly take root on summer cottages. First of all, they are valued for their aroma, and then for their decorative effect. These are excellent honey plants. Due to the wide range of useful substances used for medical purposes. And given their belonging to all the Yasnotkovs, it is quite easy to confuse them.

In plants different origin. Thyme in ancient Egypt was an important component in the embalming of the corpses of important people. And the inhabitants Ancient Greece savory was added to food as a seasoning.

What is the difference between savory and thyme from a botanical point of view? Appearance plants is significantly different, as can be seen from the photo and description. Savory differs in height and bush form, and thyme is shorter and more flowering shrub. Thyme spreads along the ground, forming a floral "carpet". The shape of the leaves, flowers, their arrangement is also different.

Savory has a sharper and richer smell, while thyme has light and fresh shades, which suggests the use of these spices in the preparation of different dishes, experimenting and finding new and interesting combinations of foods and herbs.

Both plants are rich in essential oils and are widely used in cooking. They have a pronounced bactericidal effect, which allows them to be used as an additional tool in the treatment of infections.

Now that the difference between savory and savory is clear, it’s not difficult to plant them on your site, part of which is reserved for a “medicinal garden”. They will always be at hand and will not only be included in the daily menu and become an addition to your favorite dishes, but will also help as folk remedy in the fight against a number of ailments, while remaining on guard of health and longevity.

Due to the consonance of names, many believe that savory and thyme are the same plant. Let's try to study savory and thyme separately and identify the differences. Indeed, for a long time, gardeners cannot come to a consensus - savory and thyme or thyme are one and the same, or is it various plants. In the article we will analyze the plants and find out how savory differs from thyme.

What is savory

herbaceous annual, reaching 40-50 cm in height. The stem is straight, slightly branched, 15-45 cm long. The leaves are of a gray-green hue of a linear or linear-lanceolate type, the leaf length is about 15-25 mm. Small flowers of white, lilac and pink color interspersed with purple are located in axillary whorls. Savory blooms from July to August, fruits ripen in September - nuts Brown color. Savory has another name - pepper grass.

Important! Harvesting of medicinal raw materials of savory is done after the end of flowering, and thyme - before.

The composition of the savory plant consists of mineral salts, essential oils, thymol, cineol, carvacrol, dipentene, cymol, borneol, carotene, phytoncides, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, selenium, zinc, resins and tannins. The homeland of savory is the Mediterranean, the plant was brought to Europe in the 9th century as a budget seasoning. Nowadays, young savory leaves are often used in cooking, as they give vegetables, fish, cheese and pastries a special expressive flavor.

Dried savory goes well with rabbit meat, poultry and beef. The cosmetics industry uses essential oil in the manufacture of their products.

For treatment, savory is used to obtain a result in the form of an antiseptic, diaphoretic, analgesic, tonic, diuretic, astringent, antispasmodic and expectorant effect. Savory infusions will get rid of worms, remove toxins, improve blood composition, cleanse the kidneys and liver, normalize sugar in diabetes, help with heart disease and tachycardia.

Description and types of thyme

Thyme (semi-shrub)perennial up to 30 cm tall, numerous woody stems erect or recumbent. Small petiolate leaves of an elongated oval shape with convex veins are arranged oppositely. It blooms almost all summer with small flowers of white or purple-pink hue, which form a capitate elongated inflorescence.

By September, the fruits ripen in the form of boxes, in which there are four balls-nuts. They are used as a bitter spice in cooking. Thyme garden is a variety of perennial thyme with flowers white color, slightly smaller, its aroma is a classic smell of thyme.

Plant composition: thyme consists of essential oils, vitamin C, flavonoids, carotene, magnesium, calcium, potassium, tannic and bitter substances, organic acids, saponins and biologically active substances thymol, borneol and cymol.

Thyme herb, fresh or dried, is used as a spice. to meat, fish and first courses, when preserving vegetables and preparing tea. Thyme preparations are used as an anticonvulsant, antibacterial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, expectorant, choleretic, diuretic, sedative, anthelmintic and wound healing remedy.

Did you know? Thyme and savory have a bactericidal effect equally well.

In total there are more than 150 types of thyme. Most Popular:

  • common thyme - undersized variety up to 15 cm tall, underside small leaves pubescent, flowers white or lavender. A variety of this type of thyme is lemon, young leaves have a yellowish tint, eventually changing color to pale green. The heat-loving plant is distinguished by the fragrance of the spicy smell of lemon. Gardeners like the Elfin variety, whose height is up to 5 cm, and the plant itself resembles a dense cloud with a diameter of 15 cm.
  • creeping thyme - perennial up to 15 cm tall, prefers slightly alkaline, moderately nutritious soil. The stems of this type of thyme are creeping, the shoots are pubescent, the leaves are lanceolate up to 10 mm long, small flowers are white and Pink colour form a capitate inflorescence. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer. It is thyme that creeps and is known as thyme.
  • Bogorodsky Semko - the stems of this variety are thin creeping, capable of rooting, the leaves are gray-green, have a bitter taste and a bright aroma, the flowers are pink or purple.
  • iridescent - plant height up to 25 cm, erect shoots, gray-green leaves with a specific bloom, small flowers of a purple-pink hue are located in groups in the leaf axils.

Important! As a seasoning, thyme is added to the dish at the beginning of cooking, and savory - a couple of minutes before cooking.

Sometimes the question arises: what is the difference between thyme and thyme? Gardeners and traditional healers are of the general opinion that thyme and thyme are one and the same plant. A variety of creeping thyme is thyme. It is believed that thyme and thyme are outwardly different - thyme has a thin stem with bright inflorescences and a long main root, and thyme has a wide sloping crown and more branched root system. External differences do not affect useful properties plants, therefore they are often identified.

Savory and thyme: what is the difference

Savory and thymeThese are plants of the labiate family, the ground parts of which contain a large amount of essential oils and have found worthy use for medicinal purposes and as spicy seasonings for various dishes. Let's try to understand the plants savory and thyme and what is the difference between them.

To begin with, it should be noted that savory and thyme have a difference in the official name: savory is kondari or saturea, and thyme is thyme. Outwardly, these plants are absolutely different, the savory is taller and grows in the form of a bush, the thyme is undersized, beautiful flowering plant, which, spreading on the ground, covers it with a thick carpet. In addition, plants have a different shape of leaves and flowers. The aroma of savory is rich spicy and balsamic, while thyme has a lighter fresh aroma of herbs.

Savory and thyme are very consonant, which is why many tend to confuse these two plants with each other. However, in fact, they have much more differences than similarities. They are grown mainly as herbs, but thyme is also widely used for medicinal purposes. In our area, these plants can be found both in nature and in summer cottages, where they are valued mainly for their spicy aroma, and only then for their decorative qualities.

Similarities between savory and thyme

Despite the fact that many of us have heard both names at least once in our lives, we have not been able to fully understand: are savory and thyme the same thing or not? After all, these plants belong to the same family of lamb, have a decorative character, spicy. Also, both are spicy plants. Both are honey. Perhaps this is where their similarities end. In all other respects, these are two completely different plants. They have more differences than similarities.

Characteristics of thyme

Savory and thyme: what is the difference, how to distinguish them? Before answering this question, it is necessary to characterize each of these plants. Thyme is a ground cover plant, the height of which can reach 15-20 centimeters. It acquires special decorative effect during the flowering period, which lasts quite a long time - from June to August. During this period, the soil is covered with fragrant rose bushes.

Thyme can be used both for flower beds as a carpet plant and for spicy beds. They can decorate flower walls, rockeries, as well as the border of a flower garden. Looks great in decor garden paths. Also, this plant can be found in the design and strengthening of the slopes.

Cultivation of thyme

Savory and thyme: what is the difference (the photo will demonstrate this clearly)? Now this question worries the masses. First of all, it should be noted that thyme in one place can grow for about 4-5 years. Landing is carried out according to the 30x40 scheme, and in one seat two or three plants can be placed at the same time.

Thyme is very fond of calcareous soil, which, in addition, should be light, permeable and fertile.

thyme in nature

Savory and thyme, the differences and features of which have already become obvious, have adapted perfectly in gardens. However, they can also be found in the wild. Let's say great place for the habitat of this plant are stony sandy soils. It can be found in the forest-steppe, steppe zone Europe. At the same time, in our country, this plant is often found in the wild; it is still rarely cultivated in gardens.

The use of thyme

Savory and thyme - the same or not, where are these plants used? This question is asked by many of our fellow citizens. It is known that the thyme found quite wide application in medicine, in addition, it is widely used in cooking. However, if you study the composition of some seasonings, you can find that both savory and thyme are included in them at the same time. This indicates that the plants are still different.

Thyme is used in Food Industry mostly non-lignified tops, which are harvested even before flowering. In this form, the plant can be used as a seasoning for salads, soups, fish and meat dishes, marinades and sauces. Also, many people use thyme as a fragrance for tea.

Medical use of thyme

Thyme and savory, the difference between which is already obvious, are also used in medicine. In particular, thyme is used not only as an expectorant, antibacterial and antispasmodic, but also as an analgesic and sedative.

No matter how herbs seem to be safe and harmless in relation to human body, however, even they have contraindications. Thyme is no exception. It can not be used during pregnancy, with various kinds of diseases of the kidneys and liver, as well as with violations of cardiac activity.

Savory cultivation

We continue to consider savory and thyme. The difference, photos of these plants are clearly demonstrated in this article. However, many gardeners would like to know what exactly savory is. Most often this annual plant, less often it can act as a biennial. In appearance, it is quite discreet, but it can conquer anyone with its aroma. The flowers are white-purple in color.

Savory is used for planting on spicy beds, but curb use is also possible, and in this case, cutting can be done twice a season. The plant is cut at the very beginning of flowering, making a cut at the level of branching of the stems.

What other features do savory and thyme have? What is the difference how to care for these plants? Everything is more or less clear with thyme, but it is recommended to plant savory, observing a gap between plants of 10-15 centimeters. Between the rows it is better to leave 20-30 centimeters. This plant does not impose special requirements on the soil, however, it prefers light and fertile ones. It was on them that the best cultivation results were achieved.

The use of savory

How are savory and thyme used? What is the difference and where are they used? Above, we clarified this issue in relation to thyme, but now we have to find out the scope of savory. This plant has found great use in cooking: fresh, dry, salted or pickled greens, which taste like hot peppers, can be used as a seasoning for various kinds of salads, meat and fish dishes, and vegetables.

Savory in medicine

Savory and thyme are very different. What is the difference between these two plants? As you know, both of them have been used for medical purposes. However, their scope is somewhat different. Savory has bactericidal, astringent, hypotensive properties, and also has antispasmodic and carminative effects. In addition, there is a weak diuretic, anthelmintic, antiseptic effect.

This plant also has contraindications. For example, during pregnancy, its large dosages are contraindicated.

Savory mountain

Savory garden may not be the only inhabitant of our gardens and orchards. There is also a mountain savory, which is very valuable for its resistance to various natural anomalies. For example, it has increased drought resistance, is resistant to frost, grows well in partial shade, however abundant flowering can only be achieved in a sunny area.

Savory and thyme are equally valued by gardeners. What is the difference between them and what is of primary importance for the gardener? It should be noted that the mountain savory has a rather late flowering time, which falls on the period from July to September. The flowers of this plant are white-pink in color with purple splashes. The balsamic smell is characteristic, which is clearly manifested just at the peak of flowering.

Planting savory and thyme

Savory and thyme are grown in seedlings. However, thyme can also be effectively propagated by dividing the bush. This procedure does not require special preliminary preparation, unless you need to find suitable soil. Before boarding, you can add organic fertilizers, which will favorably affect the further growth and development of your plant. Mineral additives, also previously introduced into the soil, have also proven themselves well.

plant care

After you have planted savory or thyme on your site, some care must be taken for them. Although the plants are unpretentious, they also have their own agricultural technology. For example, in no case is it recommended to allow excessive waterlogging of the soil. Watering should be very moderate. In a shaded area where drafts prevail, you will not be able to grow lush and beautiful bushes. In addition, in such places the plants will get sick.

The soil for planting plants should be chosen loose, first get rid of weeds. Top dressing of thyme and savory is done twice a season. The first time this procedure is carried out in the spring, and the second - after the first harvest, when the period of mass flowering begins. It is important to know that you can not feed these plants with fresh manure, this can have a detrimental effect on them.

Finally, it became more or less clear to us how savory and thyme differ from each other, as well as where they are used and what features of agricultural technology have. Of course, there are other criteria by which these two plants can be compared, but they have a narrower focus and are used mainly by specialists or plant growers who are professionally engaged in growing thyme.

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