How to make a pond in the country. How to make a beautiful and stylish pond on the plot with your own hands? Choose a container for the reservoir

Reservoirs 25.06.2019

How to turn yours vacation home Or cottage in real paradise? Very easy. You only need to create beautiful placethat would bear the eye. One of these bright raisins in landscape design can be a decorative pond, located cozy among its surrounding greenery.

How to make an artificial reservoir with your own hands?

Varieties of artificial reservoirs

Before starting large-scale work and equip the whole lake with your own hands, you need to think about which goal is the construction of a pond in the country area. In terms of functionality exists four types of reservoir:

Given your capabilities and goals, you can determine the geometry of the pond, its parameters and location.

Water-style style

Water can be made in two versions With many different modifications.

  1. Regular or formal reservoir. This is a design that has a rigidly specified form. Wherein right form more suitable for plots that are withstanding in high-tech styles, minimalism or modern or in classic style. Together with rectangular forms, broken, square and round are also related to the formal type of reservoir.
  2. Landscape reservoir. The most popular option, as it has an irregular shape, its appearance has the effect of proximity to nature and the flight of fantasy creators is not limited.

An important point to which you want to pay attention to, picking up the style of the reservoir is relief area. A smooth surface allows you to make a pond of any configuration. The irregularities and differences will require much attention, but make it possible to create a pond cascade or a waterfall.

You can raise the pond in the ground above the ground and do it yourself. But honors in the technology of work is the construction of a foundation, which allows you to prevent the pond concrete bowl.

The high reservoir is simpler in care, minimizes earthworks and is suitable for families with children (the edge is equipped with railings and fence). This pond can be built near the covered terrace by making it a place of rest and part of the landscape design.

For this you need tax factors:

Pond sizes

It cannot be argued that a large reservoir is a luxury, and a small pond is an opportunity to save or budget. Everyone has it their advantages. Therefore, let's stop at the main points:

  • Length and width. Determined by the physical possibilities of the person and the size of the site.
  • Dimensions. Depend on the location of the reservoir. There are often advice on what area is obliged to occupy water - 4-15% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe plot.
  • Depth. Depends on the purpose of the structure and dimensions of the reservoir.

Material for water branch

Today the market offers many building materials for the construction of a pond. And the craftsmen recommend to make a reservoir with their own hands from the girlfriend, it makes it possible to build a small pond in the country without a lot of material costs.

We describe the materials that are suitable for the construction of the reservoir with their own hands.

Concrete Bowl. Pretty expensive option, but allows to operate with a reservoir for quite a long time. The use of concrete is an option that is more suitable for the establishment of the pool.

Plastic Bowl. The most popular option. The form made from PVC makes it possible to quickly spend all the work on the device. Purchased bowl makes it possible to make a pond in three stages: dug the pit, put the bowl and fill the sand cavities.

Polymer film. Gives limitless opportunities in the plan for choosing a pond. The most affordable and simple material in this category is considered polyethylene film. It is cheap and affordable, but serves for a short time.

Equipment and tools

In order to build a simple pond in the country with your own hands, you need to prepare pegs, cord, level, truck for the export of land, shovel, watering hose.

For capital reservoir in the country will need special equipment:

  • Pump. It makes it possible to equip water under pressure. It is used for watering the garden, injection / pumping of water, arrangement of waterfalls, fountains, filters;
  • Filter for cleaning. Montage of the filter in the ponds where the fish lives.
  • Compressor. Required for plants and fish. Aeration satures oxygen water;
  • Sterilizer. Required to eliminate algae.

Construct a pond with your own hands

As clearly, the materials that allow you to make a very much pond. We will look at how to make a pond from PVC film. The choice is explained by the fact that the film is quite affordable, it is better to take shape, the work will not require special skills.

How to choose a water reservoir film?

Coloring films:

Selecting the film, you need to pay attention to:

  • thickness. For the reservoir fits a film with a thickness of more than 0.5 mm;
  • structure. PVC is stronger, polyethylene is more fragile;
  • resistance to ultravioleti;
  • resistance to damage.

Bonding film occurs with the help of special glue (For example, Tangit PVC-U).

Scheme and sketch

Before making your own hands in the country, you need to find schemes and photos of water bodies, make a sketch on paper, and transfer it to the soil. You should also specify the width and depth of the shelves under the steps or plants. This reception will give the opportunity to avoid problems during the reservoir arrangement. Make marking more comfortable sand or garden hose.

Digger Kotlovana.

The arrangement of the pit in itself includes:

  • deleting turf;
  • digging pit. Dig better from the edge to the middle, gradually deepening at the necessary sites;
  • removal of soil, as well as stones, roots, construction garbage and what can break the film.

During earthworks, it is necessary to ensure that the shores are on the same line. If you decide to make a waterfall, you need to withstand the required height difference.

Failure of the substrate

Then, when the pit is made, its walls and bottom are tamped, go to waterproofing. It is necessary that the water does not succeed in the soil. There are several ways to create a substrate:

Flooring film

The right flooring of the film does not exclude the arrangement of the sandy layer. According to experts, this pillow makes it possible to avoid probability film damage to stones or roots.

Taking into account the relief of the shores and the bottom, any person will face the fact that the film will begin to fit the folds. Moreover, users recommend making one big fold than a lot of small. The fold can be glued to the main film or pushed by stones.

The main thing is that the film is on the surface of the pit without stretching. Otherwise, after filling the reservoir, it can stretch and break. To secure the film, it is enough to make auxiliary trench. Setting the film, you can fix it with rails and fall asleep with gravel. Then, when the film is on the floor, the stones are placed in the pita.

At the end of work, the boiler is filled with water. At the same time, it is necessary to submit it without pressure on the center of the pit. Only after the water in the pit is imagined for several days you can cut a film.

The reservoir will be a full part of the design only when it is finalized. In order to make a pond in the country, it is natural or decorative to arrange with water, you can:

Reservoir Care:

  • mutted water that keeps over several weeks, with time it goes to the bottom. In addition, the biological activity of fish will quickly make it transparent;
  • leaf protection can provide a construction from the mesh on the frame;
  • to increase water levels, it is necessary to fill it from time to time (hose without a large water pressure or bucket);
  • to clean the water from the leaves come in handy;
  • lached plants to put into the house or stroke from the cold;
  • it is necessary to monitor the growth rate of algae to limit them to limit, can be landed with nymph or rogo;
  • algicides - emergency cleaning method. Due to high toxicity, it does not need to be treated without a big need;
  • periodic cleaning will allow remove bottom garbage.

Preparation for winter

A reservoir where the plastic bowl is based on, as the bowl can withstand significant temperature differences. And so that the bowl cannot be deformed from the pressure, which is created by ice, it is enough to place a pair of empty plastic eggplants into the container. Bottles need to close tight. To avoid deformation of the bowl, grabs 1 eggplants per 1 square meter. Meter bowl.

And what to do, who has a film reservoir? If its depth exceeds the depth of the soil freezing, then you can not worry. To preserve small reservoirs, you can also use empty eggmarkets.

In this article, we looked at all the main points of the pond building with their own hands, ranging from the idea, an example photo and completing the departure. We hope that we gave you confidence in your power and dispel all doubts. Dare! And by the summer you will have a magnificent aqueous area in the country area.

In the country, urban residents love to spend free time On weekends, relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. To make a rest more pleasant to create water in the yard. From this article you will learn how to make pond in the country's own hands photo step by step. This work is under the power of everyone, regardless of the level of training and knowledge. Construction will take 5-10 days and requires purchase essential materials. As a result, you get aesthetic element of landscape design with minimal monetary costs for equipment.

Before starting work, decide on the placement and type of artificial reservoir. The best place is the lower part with sufficient sunlight during the day. It is advisable to start building away from large trees that pollute the water with fallen foliage and disturb the arranged waterproofing. The shape of the pond depends on the wishes and fantasy of the owner of the house. Its depth: 0.5-1.4 m.

Species classification of artificial water bodies

Form and dimensions depend on you. Decide with the type of pond:

  • mini. Excellent element of landscape design;
  • decorative pond. It is decorated with decorative elements and plants;
  • water. Designed to breed fish;
  • pool. Used for swimming.

Pay attention to the choice of reservoir form, especially the mini-option. It uses old baths, deep basins and other tanks from strong durable materials. The choice of foundations will determine the shape, size and depth. For a pond from the bathroom and a basin, select 3-7 species of plants.

Interesting fact! Round-size pond make easier all other types! It will suit the garden and yard country cottage. Use them to form them concrete rings, Eashawned wood and forms from durable plastic. It is allowed to use tires from cars.

The rectangular shape of the reservoir is combined with the flower beds of a similar form. it the best decision For landscape design of the inside of the courtyard. The use of incorrect forms curved lines and exotic plants - Options for fans of creative solutions and modern design.

How to choose the style of registration

It will seem challenging task. To obtain the desired result, you should read the thematic literature and our advice. The number of modifications is huge, among them you will find the right one. For fans of classics and conciseness, the formal style is perfectly suitable. Such a pond has an exact shape, simple design, minimal amount decorative elements and plants. Arrange it on the Art Nouveau Style, High Tech, Minimalism.

Romantic personalities should pay attention to the landscape decisions of the reservoir arrangement on the site. This is natural wrong forms. You are not limited defined rules And you can realize your ideas. Take care of the terrain and budget so that there are no unpleasant situations in the process of work. On an even-terrain, it is possible to create all types of ponds, and slides and bridges are suitable for sharp drops. Here you should be attentive at each stage of work, to the choice of materials, laying the film and the church of the kittle.

Selection of space to start work

This is a responsible stage. Make sure in sufficient depth groundwater On the plot to prevent unpleasant consequences in the future. The value is needed to determine the depth of the pond. Navigate to the choice of placement location, finding an area that is lit by the sun 5-7 hours a day. So lined plants will be able to develop normally and grow. Shady territories and places under high trees are the worst decision to start working on an artificial pond.

Get the reservoir to look from all sides of the site aesthetic, harmoniously, had a proportional form. On its surface in sunny weather, clouds, house, plants will be reflected. This is a beautiful landscape design element for a country cottage, available to your family now!

When choosing a place for digging, pay attention to factors:

  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe nursery section;
  • terrain;
  • soil and depth of groundwater placement;
  • the amount of time of direct sunlight.

Plot for pond - The place that the sun shines 5-7 hours a day, with good visibility from all parts of the site, a sufficient degree of surrounding gardening. Decorate ready design Can be plants in barrels. Power supply to the reservoir to provide backlight in the dark time and connecting filters, pump, musical accompaniment.

Planning is an important stage of work that should be paid attention to and consider the sequence. Decide on realizable design solutionsBuy decorative elements, plants, select the design style. Plants are planted by different schemesBy studying which you will create a unique composition.

The dimensions of the reservoirs are different. For small plot Set the capacity by 10 liters. He will not disappear, will take a bit of space and allow making the yard aesthetic. But the cultivation of plants and breeding fish is impossible in it. For him, the old bath is suitable, plastic container, basin. After choosing a place, you should dig a hole, a depth of 30 cm more than the height of the tank used. Align and compact the bottom of the pit, lower the bath in it, falling asleep free space.

To give the naturalness created by the pond, paint the bath with paint. It is permissible to use the paint of natural shades, finishing materials, mortar from concrete. Pots with flowers around the sides will be a beautiful decorative element of the created composition.

Medium-sized water original solution For owners of a spacious yard. Having created an independently such beauty, you will do the courtyard of the art, embodying in reality designer ideas. The device is complex, but you can make it in the following ways:

  • the bowl of the reservoir is made of concrete solution. This is a long and expensive method;
  • installation of purchased plastic capacitance. It will determine the size of the pond, its shape, depth. Choose between a monoloral and multi-level system;
  • film with waterproof properties. Just and quickly. You will create a unique design yourself without significant time costs.

For PVC pond prepare the film, shovel, ropes, bricks and gravel, sand, stove plates. You will need 5-7 days to work. First of all, make the pond markup using the rope and stakes. After the size mark, start digging the pit on the scheme made. For a large-size pit, rent an excavator. After inspect the bottom of the pit, remove the sharp stones, branches, roots. Cover the surface of sand, 10-15 cm thick, cover it with a prepared material, scatter and secure the edges of the edge of the film.

The next stage is the filling of the prepared pit with water. Only then should be trimmed by unnecessary edges of the film 24 hours after completion. Decorating the shores with the use of pebbles, pots, plants, landscaped figures. Install the pump by connecting the filter. Out off all pipes imperceptibly and disguise them with plants, flowers, stones. The final stage is plant landing with a pond.

Definition of the sizes of the pond

Dimensions are not always dependent on the financial capabilities of the country house owner. Dimensions of the pitchers are determined by the placement of it on panstone, width and length of selected land. Also consider zones:

  • for plant landing (10-40 cm);
  • place for deep-growing plants (40-100 cm);
  • for breeding fish (from 1 meter). Depends on the number and size of fish.

Interestingly, large ponds are easier in keeping than small. These words will confirm every master.

Dimensions can be determined by the parameters of the purchased capacity of plastic or old bath, wishes of the owner of the house, appointment of an artificial pool. Tires, Baths, PVC Molding, Concrete Solution, Tasiki, plastic bottles - All this will become the material for creating aesthetic design on the household plot in the hands of a talented person. The choice depends on you!

Rules of digging rods from specialists

By choosing a place for reservoir, mark the territory in accordance with the size of the container. Use for this sand, rope, paint, stones, severe water stream. After start digging. Small volumes are performed by yourself a shovel, and rent a special equipment for the pool and hire workers. The depth of the pit will always be 5-30 cm more than the height of the tank used.

Remove the stones from the bottom, align and confuse it. Use a layer of sand, 5 cm thick. Spend the installation of the tank or lay out the film layer, securing it with stones at the edges. After the completion of the creation stages, go to reflecting the territory around the reservoir. Try to give creation a natural look using plants planted in containers, stones, figures. Possible installation of the fountain to create a harmonious composition.

To achieve an unusual effect, use lighting and musical accompaniment, Convusting the work of a specialized company.

Do not forget to change water in artificial ponds 2 times a year. It is necessary to preserve its purity and prevent appearance. unpleasant odorWhat will happen after the start of the development of microorganisms. The process is natural, it is impossible to prevent it. To improve cleanliness, snails, water wicker, fish are used. You can catch this living nature in the river or buy in a specialized store. Economical option - to order on the Internet.

How nice in a hot summer time spend a few hours at a shady pond or lake! Of course, it is great, if there is one in the neighborhood. However, most often we spend the free summer days in the country, and not everyone has money for a large country house and services. landscape designer. In this case, nothing else remains how to make a pond with your own hands, especially since it is not so difficult.

It all depends on your imagination, the size of the plot and what is available at hand. If you make a little effort and money, then the country pond will not only delight you, but also cause a burning envy of your neighbors.

Your size and form are primarily dependent on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site allotted under these objectives. But what more square The pond, the easier it is for him to take care - the little need to be cleaned more often. If you are planning to start fish and put a lot water plants, then a small reservoir is also not suitable for you, for it is very difficult to maintain the right ecobalance.

Most. the best place For a domestic pond will be an open part of the site, at the same time protected from a strong wind. It is not worth placing a reservoir on a well-lit place: the location should be so that the sun's rays do not fall into the water for more than 6 hours in a row, otherwise it will bloom, and only frogs will be able to live there. Doubtful perspective, right? At the same time, if the lighting is insufficient, the plants will develop a slowly, and a beautiful corner for rest will not work.

If you decide to equip a small fountain, you will need a pond scheme to properly connect the pump and other equipment. Having attached a little effort, the plan can be sketched yourself. Of course, it will be necessary to think about the proximity of the location of the power supply network.

Do not have your home reservoir under the crowns of trees. First, it will lead to additional pollution of water with foliage foliage, and it will have to clean the pond much more often, and secondly, the roots of the tree can damage the reservoir bed, and it will quickly disperse.

And, of course, the whole idea will be useless if you can not enjoy beautiful view From the window or from the terrace, so, planning to make a pond on the plot with your own hands, do not forget about the aesthetic side of the question.

Rigid-based home pond

If you are a supporter of thorough, durable construction, then you can approach the process with a scope: digging the pitted size and with the help of metal reinforcement and cement to cast a pond concrete bowl. Such a design will definitely cost a lot, but it will last for many years (at least 30). If you are not an adherent of a global approach, you can do the option easier and cheaper.

So, how to make one of the most elementary ways to make a dream to reality, is a ready "bowl", which can be purchased in the store. Perhaps the main disadvantage of this option will be what come up with original shape The reservoir will not be able to be content with the proposed assortment.

The most inexpensive solution is the plastic pond of a small size, from 4 to 8 m 2. Of course, there are more molds, but they already belong to the category of pools and are much more expensive. When choosing a container, it is necessary to pay attention to its depth - it should be at least 0.8-1 meters. In the summer, water in such a pond will warm up completely, and all its inhabitants will be comfortable, well, in winter, such a reservoir will not be lazy to the bottom, which is also very important.

If you decide to organize a pond on the plot with your own hands and want to use for this finished baseFirst you need to explore the materials from which forms are manufactured - there are also several nuances here too.

The simplest and cheap option can be the usual plastic container, but it has its drawbacks. First of all, you need to be very neat during transportation and installation - such a tank can crack even with a slight bend. Also plastic has the property to collapse from sunlightSo, the life of such a product is not too large - 5-10 years.

If you want your reservoir to serve longer, choose forms from special reinforced plastic - they have a much longer life (up to 20 years). Such tanks are more plastic and less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

The most qualitative and, of course, expensive are products made of fiberglass on a rubber-based basis. Such a form is resistant to temperature difference, it does not destroy from the effects of sunlight and does not highlight into water harmful substancesIt is very important for the inhabitants of the reservoir. It will last such a reservoir for more than 30 years, in addition, it can be repaired, which prolongs the time of use practically for an unlimited period.

The construction of ponds from fiberglass bath is a simple process, and its result is quite aesthetic, since these forms are different colorsAnd on some even applied coating, imitating stones, sand or fine pebbles. This allows you to beautifully disguise the edges of the reservoir and give it the most natural look.

Build yourself

So, to build a pond on the site with your own hands, first of all you need to decide on the location and form of the reservoir. Defined? We proceed to construction work:

  1. To begin with, placing the contour of the pit. Make it very simple - set the form in the right place and outline its silhouette with the help of a regular bayonet shovel, tightly pressing the cuttings in the edge of the bath.
  2. To the resulting circuit, add about 20 cm to plug the plastic pond sand.
  3. If you have acquired a form with a ledge, then each level needs to be placed and digged separately, from more to a smaller, do not forget to add 10-15 cm on each floor for a sandy substrate.
  4. When the pit will be ready, his edges should be pretty loosen and tamped, choose all the glass, stones and roots of trees. If this is not done, you can damage the form. Then you need to pour and carefully tackle the sand with a layer of at least 10 cm - it will save your pond from drawdown.
  5. Install the plastic form and make sure that it costs exactly, for this you can use the rule. After that, carefully fill the pond with water by approximately a third, trying not to move it from the spot.
  6. The gaps between the edge of the pit and the shape carefully pour sand. It should be monitored so that no emptiness remains. For which periodically water the soil with water, but try so that the pressure is not too strong.

During the week, after installation, regularly water the water of the earth around the pond and slut the sand as needed. After the soil sedimentation stops, it is possible to completely fill with reservoir, to decorate the edges of the pond bowl by stones, tumor and plant decorative plants.

Cottage water from flexible materials

Now let's talk about how to make a pond on the plot, if you buy the finished capacity is not possible or you want to equip a large bizarre form.

Most. budget option In this case, the use of conventional polyethylene is a thickness of at least 500 microns. However, despite the fact that it costs quite inexpensively, there are quite a few minuses of such a coating. The fact is that polyethylene is a rather subtle material, it is very easy to damage, and under the action of sunlight, it becomes fragile and quickly collapsed. The reservoir on the polyethylene substrate will serve you for a maximum of 2-3 years.

PVC film for the pond - the material is also not too expensive, but much more durable, such a coating can withstand 8-10 years. Polyvinyl chloride coating is the usual and two-layer, in which a woven grid is laid for strength. Of course, PVC has the same disadvantages as polyethylene - destroyed under the action of ultraviolet, it is easily cut and rushes, but, unlike the latter, it can be repaired. For this, special sets are sold. In addition, PVC stretches better, and after filling the pond, most of the folds are stretched with time and straighten.

The most expensive, but at the same time, the highest quality is the coating made of butyl rubber: the service life of such a material is about 50 years, and the sun's sunshine is nipple. In addition, butyl rubber is not afraid of low temperatures, so you do not have to merge water from the pond in winter time. This is a very flexible and plastic material that can withstand significant loads, so if you decide to equip a spacious reservoir of an unusual form, without him you just do not do.

Location Kotlovan

To equip a pond on the plot with your own hands, you will need:

  • pegs;
  • rope;
  • film coating;
  • geotextile or felt;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone or large pebbles;
  • shovel;
  • special set for repairing film coating;
  • bricks;
  • garden hose for watering;

With the help of twine and pegs, it is necessary to place the desired form of the pit and start up to earthworks. If you plan to break the pond pretty large sizes, You can attract an excavator. During the work, it is necessary to ensure that the ledges and the descent are alternate, it will make the shores of the pond are more stable. It is also necessary to provide terraces (width of at least 30 cm) for planting plants. Descents from one level to another need to be made sufficiently gentle, with an inclination angle to 45˚.

It should be remembered that the depth of the pond should not be less than 80 cm, otherwise the water in it will freeze to the bottom, and its inhabitants will die. Thus, it is necessary to dug the pit, about 15-20 centimeters exceeding the intended sizes of the reservoir. This is necessary in order to be able to plug the terrace and the bottom of the pond with sand, to avoid drawdown and damage to the film. The sand pillow needs to thoroughly align and tamper, pre-removing from the bottom of all pebbles, sharp sticks and roots of plants.

Drainage and waterproofing

When the drainage pillow from the sand is ready, go to the next stage of work. So that the film for the pond remains as long as possible, the geotextile should be used on the sand layer, better in 2 layers. Next, we can weigh the film itself and fix it on the shores with the help of bricks or large stones. Do not try to straighten and decompose all folds - let it make water for you.

Flexible placing in such a way that its end is in the center of the future reservoir, and begin to serve water, following the pressure not too strong. As the pond is filling, the water is partially freeing the edges of the film and straighten it on the slopes of the pit. After the reservoir is filled to the edges, leave it for 1-2 days. During this time, under the severity of water, the film will place and fill all empties.

After it completely sees, you need to trim the extra pieces, leaving at least 40-50 cm for the arrangement of the shores. The edges are fixed with pegs or special metal arms, and after disguised with tilgear, large stones and pebbles. It's time to install the pump, reorganize the hoses from the fountains and do disembarking plants.

Pond over ground in the country

When there are kids in the family, then one of the main problems in the construction of the reservoir: how to make a secure pond. It is best that such a water will be slightly raised above the surface of the soil. First, it greatly facilitates care for it, and secondly, the risk of being significantly reduced that small children or pets are accidentally falling there.

In this case, you can not do without reinforced concrete foundation. Drop the pond in the deepest part of it, form the terraces for plants, as in the previous case. On the shores of the reservoir with wooden formwork Fill the concrete foundation of the desired height, it can be reinforced with a metal grid for strength. After the foundation is completely dry and disappeared (for this you need at least two days), the formwork can be removed, and the inner walls are placed before smoothness. This will help avoid breaking the film. We put it down the bottom of the pit and fill the bowl of water. At the same time, the edges of the material are fixed so that they are behind the concrete fence. After the pond is filled, we give water to settle, cut off the excessive film, fix it and decorate the edges of the bowl.

Inventory: What will take

Of course, the construction of ponds is not easy, but what you can't do for yourself, because if everything is organized correctly, the result will delight the eye more than one year.

However, it is not enough to build a domestic reservoir - you need to care for him. Here are some technical devices that you will be very useful:

Care rules for country reservoirs

The pond in the garden is definitely very beautiful, but if you do not want to become a happy owner of a personal swamp, in which frogs drink in the evenings, then you need to care for it. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the water in it does not bloom. Of course, it is best to purchase a special system of cleansing, but this is unfortunately, pleasure is not cheap. However, there is another, more available tool: Take a bag of canvas and bring it to place such a "surprise" under the water, and algae at the bottom of the pond will not remain.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the reservoir - regularly remove the garbage from the surface and topping the water as evaporation. If your pond is small, then winter It is recommended to completely dry, and for large reservoirs, complete cleaning is needed at least 2-3 times a year, the water needs to completely pump out.

From the fact that

And what to do those who do not allow the size of the site even a small reservoir? Do not get upset: a small pond can be equipped in a parisader, adapting a cropped metal barrel or just a large basin for these purposes. Such a minibar can be accommodated even on the balcony of the city apartment, reagreeing the container with brakes with pebbles or mosaic. Of course, the murmur of the fountcher at such a "reservoir" you will not hear, but the coolness and the rainy greenery of aquatic plants are provided to you.

Rest in the country is a favorite pastime of many people. Having argue with him can exit the reservoir. Having arranged an artificial pond in the country perfect place To get rid of fatigue and relaxation. Moreover, it is not difficult to arrange an artificial reservoir with their own hands, it will take only a little perseverance and fantasy.

Types of water bodies

Depending on what functionality, you plan to endure the pond erected, artificial reservoirs can be conditionally divided into several categories.


This category includes artificial water bodies with significant sizes. Such a pond, built in the country, with his own hands, as in the photo, has not only decorative properties, but also allows you to refresh yourself, or even swim, without going beyond the site.

Pond with fish

The water for breeding fish is suitable not only to fishery lovers. Members of your family, especially children with pleasure will spend time at the lake, watching bright and beautiful fish.

Mini pond in the country

A small pond, which is an element of the landscape composition. Performs exclusively decorative functions and not involving the placement around him the recreation area.

Decorative pond in the garden

Garden pondBuilt with your own hands, which is the central place of the recreation area. The combination of sufficient sizes and beautiful design will not only take pleasure to the eyes, but also will give a pleasant coolness in a hot day.


Deciding with the functional of the reservoir, it is worth moving to the style of style in which the decorative pond will be executed in the country. Two main options differ.

  1. Formal (regular) pond. Artificial reservoir strict geometric shape. Ideal if there is a desire to emphasize the geometric forms of the structure or the site itself. Creates a sense of order, it appropriate looks next to geometrically right flower beds, lawns and other elements of the decor on the plot.
  2. Landscape pond at the cottage. It is performed in arbitrary form and very easily fits into the surrounding landscape. This option is suitable for any style and looks as natural as possible. His exemption requires significantly less effort than the equipment of the geometric reservoir.

Choosing a place

Of great importance in organizing a pond in the country with their own hands as in the photo in the article has a terrain. On the smooth areas you can place a pond in the garden of any style and sizes. Plots with irregularities create more difficulties in solving the question of how to make an artificial pond, but at the same time can serve as natural cascades and elevations for waterfalls.

To arrange a pond with a fountain in the country. It is necessary in the open area in such a way that the reservoir looks throughout every corner of the cottage. The depth of groundwater depth, the quality of the soil can affect the permissible depth of the reservoir, as well as the complexity of the work and the use of additional materials. Flowing how to build a pond in the country with your own hands, besides the terrain, it is worth considering a number of others important moments.

  1. Combination with the environment. From all sides, the mini pond should be combined with buildings and green plantings on the plot.
  2. Lighting site. It is preferable to choose the most shaded place on the site for the location of the reservoir. This will prevent increased water evaporation. In addition, with long-term exposure to direct sunlight, the likelihood of active development in the water of microorganisms is large, which will negatively affect the aesthetic component.
  3. Environment. Do not abuse vegetation next to an artificial reservoir. Long and thick roots of large trees with time can cause damage to the insulating layer, which in turn will require repair and bringing the reservoir in order. The leaves falling into the water from the branches of trees, located too close to the water, can lead to its bailiness and require regular cleaning. Clear days on the surface of the water will be reflected nearby trees or buildings. Therefore, it is worth disturbing about the beautiful exterior, so that the look does not fall on the smashed shed or a dry fallen tree.
  4. Expansion of the reservoir. In the future, you may have the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir, additional functional and decorative elements. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a place for the possible expansion of the reservoir in the country of your own hands.
  5. Electrification. If you are planning to install the lighting near or directly in the reservoir, or the placement of an electric fountain or other moving structures is worth disturbing about the laying of all the necessary wiring. Place the wires are best underground, protecting them with durable boxes or corrugations.

Select size

By choosing a place on the site that will take the pond in the garden, you should decide on the dimensions of the future reservoir. Experts involved landscape design, do not give clear recommendations On this account. However, a decorative pond, with their own hands, built in the country area should not occupy more than 8-10% of the area area, because A greater design will look at a bulky and alien object.

The depth of the pond in the garden depends on the goals for which it is created, as well as from the capabilities of the host, which places the pond with their own hands on the site. The photo placed below will help you decide on the choice.

Choosing materials

Arriving the ponds in the country area with their own hands, with all attentiveness it costs to choose a material. There are many options, which material is better to use to equip a small pond in the country with your own hands.

The photo shown in the article and the following list allocate the following main categories.

Concrete water

Capital construction, which is the most expensive option to arrange a pond in the country. To the advantages of use this material You can include increased strength and durability of use.

Plastic container

Made by an industrial method of plastic of increased strength, allows us to solve the question as soon as possible: how to make a pond in the country with your own hands. Various forms and dimensions allow you to choose an option suitable for the most demanding owner.

PVC Film or Polyethylene Film

The use of these materials makes it possible to create a garden pond with your own hands with absolutely any form. The minuses of such a material should include low resistance to external influences, and as short term Services

Butyl rubber membrane

Garden pond do it yourself, made of such a film, will rand longer to the eye than a decorative pond in the photo below of polyethylene or PVC. Planning how to make a water on the site with your own hands, it is worth considering that the service life of the membrane reaches 50 years, and the increased stability of the butyl rubber to strong freezing, makes it quite favorable material.

For the purpose of saving, you can use various infringement materials. Old bath, a basin or a car tire for mini reservoir - these and other "folk" means are used by creating ponds at the cottage. Our photo gallery will tell other original ideas.

Necessary equipment

Depending on the functionality of the reservoir and the material from which it will be made, the following tools may be required during the creation: a shovel, a trolley for transporting excess soil, level, pegs and a durable markup cord, as well as irrigation hose. Such a set of tools will be enough to place a mini ponds at the cottage with their own hands as in the photo. If the planned reservoir in the garden is significant, it is worth assessing the feasibility of using construction special equipment. For a pond designed to breed fish or designed for a particularly long service life, an additional equipment installation can be justified:

  1. Aerator saturacing water with oxygen necessary for fish.
  2. Pump for filling or draining water.
  3. Cleaner filter.
  4. Device for sterilizing water and removing dead algae.

Details of the creation of a pond from the film

PVC film due to its operational qualities and relatively low cost is one of the most popular materials for the recruitment of the pond. In addition, in order to make a pond, do it yourself from the PVC film, special skills and special knowledge are not required.

For the arrangement of water bodies, it is not worth useing films with a thickness of less than 0.5 mm., And if it is planned to create a particularly deep reservoir better take a film with the most accessible thickness.

The use of a multi-colored film allows you to achieve different optical effects: black will make the bottom of the reservoir mirror, and it will clearly reflect the trees and buildings, the brown film is perfect for imitation of the ground bottom, and the film of light blue or cream tones will make the reservoir as transparent as possible that Allows you to observe the movement of fish.

The selected film should be cut down in such a way that it covers the bottom and the walls of the reservoir, leaving the stock to one meter. Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces must be connected by specialized glue or adhesive tape for such works.

Before chopping, it is necessary to thoroughly consider the size, the form of the bottom and walls of the reservoir. If you plan to create a complex multistage design, it is better to pre-draw a detailed diagram on a sheet of paper with an indication of all sizes.

Having placed the selected area, proceed to the groove of the recess. It is better to remove the soil in the direction of the future reservoir to the center, gradually deepening until the required limits. The bottom and walls of the finished pit must be carefully examined for the detection of foreign objects, sharp roots, etc. The entire garbage found must be removed to avoid damage to the film. On the rammed bottom, they lay down the cooked film, fixing it with stones and sprinkled at the edges of the soil.

Next, you need to strengthen the shores of the pond. For this you can use various materials. For geography or polymer lattice, the geogin or polymer grille is suitable, you can also use a conventional chain grid. For vertical shores, the use of piles or backups will be required.

Finish the design of the pond can be adding different decorative elements, planting plants and installation of underwater or outdoor lighting.

Plant decoration

Decorating with a reservoir in the garden by plants, it is worth understanding that they are divided into those that land on the edges of the pond, and plants that live directly in the water. The root system of coastal plants will additionally strengthen the walls of the pond. Having planting plants in the pond in the garden. It is important to keep in mind the speed of their growth, otherwise after a long absence there is a risk to detect with water, completely covered with a thick carpet of vegetation.


In order to decorate the pond in the yard do it yourself except various plants, beautiful stones and other decorative elements good effect Gives the use of backlight. Spreading from under the water Color radiance will create a wonderful design for your pond in the dark. Additional lighting can be positioned above the water.

As a decor, a different fountains can be used in the dacha. The functioning of the fountains is ensured by the operation of the pumps that can be hidden on the bottom of the crudder under the stones. Also used surface devices. Pumps are different power, which affects the height and intensity of water jets.


In the pond in the country, you can run decorative fish, when choosing which it is important to fully present the conditions for their content. Buying such types of fish that get along well with each other and do not entitle.

Pond care

A decorative pond in the country requires some care. Lached plants need to be covered from cold or transfer to warm room. At the time of the long absence, the surface of the artificial reservoir in the country is to cover with a special grid, to protect against garbage. Falling into the country pond leaves and another garbage caught a saccmier, and in case of education large number It is necessary to clean the reservoir. Water must be updated periodically using the garden hose or ordinary bucket for the topping (if there is no specialized equipment).

Photo Gallery

In our photo gallery you will see even more 33 examples of beautiful ponds in the country.

(19 estimates, average: 4,39 out of 5)

Artificial pond in the country can be a great holiday destination. Summer hot day. Those people who have country houses On the shore of the lake or river, very lucky. Well, and the rest will need to, drove the sleeves, to equip the reservoir in the country with your own hands.

Making a project

Best place for future artificial reservoir still at the design stage cottage plot . With this reservoir should:

  • not to fall under the continuous impact of direct rays of the Sun - the heated water provokes the growth of algae and the development of microorganisms. Water in the reservoir quickly becomes muddy and will have a shaft unpleasant smell;
  • to be in the open area - branches and foliage from trees quickly pollute water, and the root system can damage the bottom of the artificial reservoir;
  • it is possible to be located so that then you can expand the size of the water surface if the pond wants to remake, for example, in a full-fledged complex - with a fountain, bridge, etc.

Professional builders They advise you to make an artificial reservoir shallow - as it will be predominantly used as a beautiful element of the surrounding landscape in the garden. In addition, you immediately need to think about how you will take care of the reservoir on the site - there must be a convenient approach to it. Naturally, not through or garden.

Water in an artificial pond will need to be changed with their own hands, as it will not be cleaned naturally, in contrast to natural reservoirs. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of being located near your pond.

Selection of material for construction

Before making a pond, you need determine its base. In this case, solutions are several. Consider from which it is possible to make an artificial reservoir.

Reinforced concrete

The most durable pond in the garden can be made using reinforced concrete. The bottom and coastal zone, fortified by reinforcement and poured by concrete, will be able to withstand different additional loads - the installation of sculptural compositions, fountain, etc.

Building construction makes inappropriate this technology Organizations of small ponds in the country. The disadvantages of this decision include a significant cost. We will have to rent special equipment, use a lot of building materials, and removing the reservoir installed can only be with large labor costs.

PVC film

Budget decision for the construction of an artificial reservoir in the country. The depth and shape of this reservoir can be easily changed, reduce or increase its dimensions. The pond on a plot with a film base can be even made seasonal - for example, fall asleep with the arrival of winter and set themselves in the summer.

The disadvantages of this solution include the briefness and the fragility of the PVC coating - the film can be easily damaged, and when the integrity of the bowl is violated, water will easily go into the ground. Therefore, it is not recommended to swim in these domestic water bodies - they made small in size and used for garden scenery.

Store artificial bowls

it golden mean For people who want to have their ponds in the garden and do not suffer with construction materials for his organization. Shopping bowls for decorative water bodies are made of durable and durable materials - fiberglass or polyvinyl chloride.

The first option is much more expensive. However, the cost of the fiberglass bowl is compensated for full of excellent performance of this material. This cup can be easily delivered by your own hands, not attracting extraiming assistance to this process. The disadvantage can be considered the acquisition of already ready-made standard forms - that is, the kitty should be done under the shape of the bowl, and not vice versa.

And the possibility of facilities is lost relief irregularity The bottom for the design of natural coastlines. In addition, this method of organizing a pond in the garden will cost much more expensive than the reservoir from the girlfriend or film.

Screw materials

Pretty interesting option - The use of different primary tanks or materials. Old troughs, cast iron baths are quite suitable for construction.

The advantages of this method is that it is not necessary to build reinforced concrete bulky structures or acquire standard forms. The shortcomings can be attributed to the low decorativeness of old tanks - it will be necessary to show fantasy to make an old bath make artwork.

For example, people who have little space in the country, specialists advise to use a comfortable and simple tire pond. Old tires cheer, inside the film, and the shores decorated.

The resulting crucible can surprise even professional designers - the finished reservoir will be an exclusive element of the landscape interior.


Then, when it was determined with the material for construction, it is necessary to dug the pit. It is better to do this job in the summer when the groundwater maximum go. The depth of the pit is determined, based on the type of material from which they decided to make a bowl. If it is an old bathroom or other ready-made form, the pipe is 25-30 cm deeper than the dimensions of the form.

If you decide to make reservoir from the PVC film, then dig will need to be at a depth of about 70-90 cm - the small twig in the winter will completely freeze, quickly dry and warm in summer time. For reinforcements from reinforced concrete, it will be necessary to dug a cutting depth of more than 1.5 meters - here without special equipment can not do.

Consider the stages of work for the construction of the pond in the country with their own hands for different types selected materials.

PRC pond

When the pit is ready, it remains to clean it the bottom and open on the sides of the future mini-pond small terraces . The depth of these terraces is approximately 30 cm, and the width of about 25 cm. The bottom of the pit is rambling, pebbles, crushed stone, stones and other foreign objects are cleaned. Purified bottom sprinkle with sand and covers geotextile web. This bottom preparation will significantly improve the strength of the main coating, and will also extend the life of the film.

Further stage - laying a film coating. The size of the film can be calculated in this way: take the total length of the reservoir and add doubled the depth of the pit. The film cloth is fixed on terraces with a margin of approximately 30 cm. The laid cloth lay down with stones or bricks - it must be done to preserve her form of laying.

Then you need to fill the pond with water, check the integrity of the film and proceed to coastal zone. No need immediately crop the remnants of the film Under bricks, as it can satisfy over time.

Bath reservoir

For the construction of a pond from an old bath or other unnecessary tanks will be necessary:

  • crushed stone;
  • a piece of grid-riving;
  • sand and cement;
  • motor steel or aluminum wire;
  • beautiful stones for decorating.

After dried down the pit, it is necessary to make his edges. For what all over the perimeter of the future pond we remove the top land layer of a width of about 45-50 cm. This perimeter is plunged so much so that it is in a level with a reservoir form. A drain hole in the bathroom closes, then it is installed on the bottom of the pit.

To extend the operation of the future mini-pond, it is necessary to protect the enamel on the inner surface of the bowl. For which the side and the bottom of the bath can be treated with tile glue. After that, the bath is given to dry carefully. As a rule, for this you need at least several days.

Then all over the perimeter of the bowl lay the chain grid. It is required for reinforcing the bottom and sides of the reservoir. We apply to the grid cement-sand mixture or concrete solution and let it dry. After there is a turn final design shores.


Pitted, dug for shape, cleared from garbage, branches and other items. Walls and bottom pits are trambed. When there is a very bulk soil at the cottage - it needs to be strengthened. For the finished form, the perfectly smooth plane of the sides and bottom of the pit is required. The surface can be aligned with the help level.

Then the bottom must be filled with sainted sand, which also needs to be tamped. The sandy layer is an excellent fuse that will ensure the integrity of the finished bowl.

After that, the bowl is installed in the pit and pour water. The resulting emptiness between the ground and the sides of the shape fall asleep with sand, it is necessary to do it gradually. Initially, 20-25 cm sand, which is wetted with water. After the sand distribution, this process is needed. repeat up to full fill Between the walls of the pit and shape.

It must be done necessarily, since the form for the pond is very fragile and easily deformed. Uniform pressure on the surfaces of the bowl will not allow its curvature.

After a day, check the gap between the ground and the sides of the bowl. If emptiness remained, sanding sand. Pour water from a mini-pond, we finally clean it and pour clean water.

Selection of plants

On the coastal part of the pond small plants are planted. The picturesque picture on the banks of the pond can create hosts, and the green prefer the half, and the blue shadow.

Also, the shadow grow perfectly with narrow leaves, which sometimes grow up to 80 cm. In a fellow, an unpretentious Derbennik with attractive feels inflorescences purple color . On the sunny plot you can land the prayer.

Excellent decorate the shore of the reservoir, located in the half, fern. In a wet land, he grows perfectly. These same conditions are suitable for the Astilba. For landing near the pond, her low grades are suitable.

If the reservoir is quite large, land on the shore of the Darmer (Peltifylum) - perennial In the form of bushes with a height of up to 1 m and a diameter of up to 0.5 m with the laid round leaves.

At the second level in the reservoir traditionally placed the pita. Hybrid nymphs are characterized by a variety of colors color. Do not need to overload the pond large quantity copies, they grow up and only interfere with each other.

Solar shallow water is great place for Aira. In a small reservoir, the low AIR cereal looks organically, and in the large - swamp. Some varieties of irises also prefer low water.

Unpretentious whitefall is a rather popular plant for home ponds. At the beginning of the summer, a flower appears in the form of a scenario, and after - the berries of red. It must be remembered that they are poisonous.

Water hawthorn, smelling vanilla, perfectly grows in water, reaching 50 cm in diameter. It is a deep-water plant. It looks originally floating on the surface, miniature, coating with a water-in-water carpet of azolla. However, it will be necessary to fight it, catching periodically bushes.

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