The main pros and cons of a log house made of wood. Round log: pros and cons of the material Pros and cons of log houses

landscaping 20.06.2020

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the characteristics of round logs
  • How to choose a good rounded log
  • What are the pros and cons of a log house?
  • What myths are walking about houses made of logs

The rounded log is very common in Russian housing construction as the main element for the construction of a classic wooden frame. Chopped logs in our country have been used in housing construction for centuries, this explains their popularity. Today, this time-honored method of construction is being introduced the latest technology making the process of building a house easier and faster. About the pros and cons of a house made of logs and will be discussed in this article.

Key characteristics of rounded logs

A rounded log (OCB) is a piece of a tree trunk, peeled from the bark and upper soft layers of wood with the help of milling equipment. The advantage of using this technology is to ensure the same diameter along the entire length of the material, which is important for the stability and strength of the building.

In order for the finished log to have the required parameters, it needs to go through several stages of production:

  1. sorting raw material by diameter;
  2. milling the workpiece in a rounding machine, which removes the upper soft layers of wood, leaving a hard and least shrinkage core part, and at the same time evens out the diameter of the log along the entire length (according to the standards, the maximum difference in diameters along the length of the log is 4 mm);
  3. secondary sorting of processed material by size;
  4. drying logs by force or naturally;
  5. if necessary, a compensation cut can be made (if there is a corresponding requirement of the customer);
  6. sawing the material into standard length segments or manufacturing a finished house kit at the request of the customer.

A house kit is a set of rounded logs prepared for building a house and resembling a construction set. Contains marked elements ready to be assembled according to the design of the house.

On the given time in the world there is no normative document, which regulates the parameters of the OCB and the technology of its production. Large enterprises independently develop STO (or STP) standards - organization (or enterprise) standards that contain all the requirements for product sizes, their possible deviations from the norm, for the quality of logs and for the storage conditions of raw materials.

Some aspects of the manufacture and storage of rounded material, taking into account the pros and cons of its use, are still regulated by the current state standards(GOST).

In general, logs are classified according to the following criteria:

Classification sign



Chopped log.

being processed hand planer to give it a cylindrical shape. With the same tool, bowls are formed in the prepared log. The material created in this way is used in log cabins in the style of a traditional Russian hut.

Round log.

For processing, a rounding machine is used, which provides the most accurate geometry of the log and correct location landing bowls and grooves on it.

Log with natural moisture.

At Russian enterprises for the production of OCB, products in most cases are dried in a natural way. This is a rational solution, since forced drying is difficult to ensure uniform drying of the material along the entire length, while the cost finished products while it will increase.

Dried rounded log (thermal log).

The technology for the production of OCB with a certain moisture content (about 18-20%) is being actively mastered by manufacturers today, having both certain pluses and minuses. This technology will be described in more detail below.

log profile

Finnish, lunar.

wood species

Karelian or Arkhangelsk pine


breeds deciduous trees

Groove location

Longitudinal (the groove is located along the longitudinal axis of the log)

Diagonal (used to form non-standard architectural forms (bay windows, etc.))

Cross (or landing bowl)

By diameter: from 160 to 320 mm;

By working height: from 139 to 272 mm, depending on the diameter;

In length: from 1 to 6 p.m.

Considering the pros and cons of a house made of logs and choosing a material for this, you should pay attention to pine. In terms of price-quality ratio, it is considered the most popular option. In addition to price and quality, there are other advantages of using pine: the strength of wood, its low thermal conductivity, the resistance of the tree to external influences, and the attractive structure of the tree. The Arkhangelsk pine variety is also practically not subject to cracking.

Spruce is close in properties to pine, containing fewer knots and easier to process. Cedar, having the same advantages, is less popular due to its high price. The same can be said about larch. According to its performance, it is an excellent raw material for the production of rounded material. Its wood is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes, has high strength and suitable density. However, a larch log is 2 times more expensive than a pine counterpart. Therefore, when erecting a log house, larch is usually used only in part - to form the lower crown.

How to choose a quality rounded log

A quality log for a log house is made from hardwood to provide the required strength and toughness. Poor quality material used in construction may require repair or complete replacement over time.

The wood should be free of any signs of decay, mold and fungus, signs of insects. When choosing a material for a log house, you need to carefully inspect it for the presence of the above signs, otherwise in the future they can seriously slow down or stall the construction process. In addition, it is extremely important to choose wood without deformations and with a minimum number of defects in order to preserve all the advantages of its use.

The choice of the right rounded wood is preferably carried out together with a specialist or an experienced carpenter who understands the pros and cons of materials for building a wooden house.

The following tips will also help you make your choice:

  1. Immediately before choosing all kinds of options, it is worth analyzing the prices on the market. The range of prices from different suppliers can sometimes be significant. The final price of the material depends on the quality and type of wood, the size of the log and the number of units available. Therefore, before choosing options, you need to carefully study all the offers on the market, their pros and cons.
  2. When choosing rounded material, first of all, you need to pay attention to their quality, and only then look at the quantity and type of wood. Having chosen high-quality material in advance, evaluating its pros and cons, you will save yourself from many problems in the future during the operation of the house. As a rule, quality material is sold under the brands of well-known brands.
  3. You should immediately decide on the required length of logs. This, firstly, will eliminate unnecessary loss of wood, and secondly, will allow you to save as much as possible on the material.
  4. The next thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an OCB is its thickness and width. For a log house, thick logs are best suited. Compared to thin ones, they are more durable and more economical in terms of the required amount of thermal insulation.
  5. Analyze the composition of the wood for knots, cracks, holes and other defects, as well as fungus and mold. Characteristic holes appear after knots fall out as a result of overdrying of the tree or damage to it by a fungus. If this seller 1-2 low-quality specimens come across, they are rejected, and the selection continues. If in the whole batch every third or fourth rounded log is defective, it is worth choosing another supplier.
  6. Next, you need to check the top layer of wood by scratching deeply on the surface of the material. Some sellers tint their products to improve the appearance of their products, thereby trying to increase sales, deceiving inexperienced and too gullible buyers. Without properly checking the true color of the wood, you run the risk of buying poor quality softwood material.
  7. Logs with cracks and broken ends are sometimes processed chemicals, which fill in the existing defects. You can check this by rubbing a hard object against the surface of the material.
  8. Deformed material should be avoided. If such copies are found at a given supplier, it is worth abandoning the entire batch.

Let's evaluate the pros and cons of the OCB in comparison with other materials.

Advantages of a log house

High speed stswarming and its excellent quality will be ensured using rounded logs. Other types of materials in these parameters noticeably lose.

Due to the fact that rounding occurs using special equipment under industrial conditions, the final cost of OCB will be higher than the cost of ordinary logs. However, the price pays off with the speed and ease of assembling a high quality log house.

The undoubted advantage of using rounded material is that it does not require cutting, cutting out locks, further fitting, etc. The required amount of work is limited to assembling finished elements with laying insulation, drilling holes and installing dowels. Thus, the amount of work is minimized, construction time and construction costs are saved.

Oddly enough, the advantage of rounded logs is their relatively low cost. Despite the high manufacturability of the rounding operation, processing affects only a small part of the raw material, so the final cost of the finished product is not much more expensive than the raw material. For comparison, glued and profiled timber are subjected to more processing, therefore, their value increases more strongly. Savings are expressed not only in the maximum preservation of the natural profile of the material, but also in minimizing construction costs and maximizing the speed of building a house.

The tree has the ability to keep warmth in the house. And this is another plus of the rounded wooden material in front of brick and concrete - the thermal conductivity of wood is very low. The heat loss resistance of a log wall with a thickness of about 300 mm is comparable to the same resistance brick wall at least 50 cm thick.

Let us now compare a log wall with a timber wall. A beam is obtained by cutting slabs from a log, so a beam wall is thinner than a log wall. At the same time, the log wall protects the house from blowing through and getting cold inside due to the tight and precise fitting of its elements to each other.

Light weight and strength characteristic of a log cabin. The tree gives a relatively low weight, and numerous connections between the logs provide a log house high strength and rigidity. In addition, a log structure is difficult to destroy - its structure will resist the destructive force to the last with all its connections.

Savings on finishing work- a significant plus when using the OCB. With clear geometry and smooth surface, a log cabin does not need a serious fine finish. It is enough to protect the walls both outside and inside with a transparent varnish. In places at the joints, additional caulking may be required.

Basically, all finishing is limited to the following types of work:

  • surface coating with transparent varnish;
  • grinding (optional);
  • decorative caulking joints (optional).

Agree, such processing will not cause much trouble.

Due to the light weight of the frame, the load on the foundation is reduced. This implies another plus of using a log house for a house - foundation savings. A lightweight foundation on piles or poles is suitable for a log house from the OCB. The lower rims of the log house, due to their rigidity, serve simultaneously as grillages, relying on the foundation only at some points. As a result, both the material for the foundation and the time and effort for its construction are saved.

A distinctive feature of wood material is its uhecology. There are no toxic substances in raw wood, although during the process of cylindering the material is treated with antiseptics, due to which the environmental friendliness index of the tree is somewhat reduced. Despite this, the OCB is in the lead in terms of this indicator among other building materials. The advantage of a log cabin is also that it allows the house to “breathe”, creating a favorable atmosphere inside. At the same time, a house made of rounded logs is aesthetically pleasing: it looks good, its walls are pleasant to the touch and impregnate the interior with a light woody aroma.

Cons of a log house

The main disadvantages of OCB are related to the shortcomings of wood in general. Among them are combustibility, a tendency to rot, crack and warp. All these disadvantages of wood can be eliminated by treating it with protective substances (antiseptics, fire-repellent impregnation), strengthening the frame with screw and spring ties, equipping it with a relief groove device and fixing the crowns of the frame with dowels.

A log house is sensitive to seasonal fluctuations, which result in its atcage. Therefore, in the process of building a log house, you need to allocate time for shrinkage of the future house. During this period, the crowns of the log house finally fall into place, compacting and balancing their own humidity with the humidity of the air. As a result, the overall height of the log house is reduced by 3-10%. The difference in height before and after shrinkage depends on the initial and final moisture content, the quality of the rounding and the subsequent assembly of the frame. The shrinkage of the log house forces to shift the deadlines for putting the house into operation.

Even after the end of shrinkage, the walls of a log house continue to respond to seasonal changes, which is expressed in a slight fluctuation in the height of the walls. For this reason, door and window openings, as well as some other wall elements, should be mounted on casings - sliding fasteners that allow vertical vibrations of the log crowns, but at the same time prevent cracks or an undesirable increase in load.

The next disadvantage of a log cabin is its susceptibility to rot or fungus. To a large extent, the lower crowns of the house are subject to this because of their most frequent contact with water. To prevent and combat this phenomenon, there are various antiseptic and antifungal drugs. Measures to protect the house from this disease must be taken in advance, periodically checking the condition of the log house.

The wood used is plant material and exposed to insects. Therefore, a serious danger to a log cabin is considered to be its Pinsect damage. To protect the wood from insects, appropriate impregnations are also used.

Wood conducts sound well, so inhigh sound conductivity a log house can be considered more of a minus than a plus. For comparison, the sound conductivity of a house made of rounded wood is higher than that of a stone house. This fact must be taken into account if the construction site is located next to a busy highway.

One of the serious disadvantages of using rounded wood is its fire hazard. A log, like any material made of wood, burns perfectly. A house from a log house that has undergone a fire can no longer be restored.

It is also worth highlighting another disadvantage of a log house - during its operation dadditional insulation is not possible. In other words, if you want to preserve the original appearance of the walls made of rounded wood, using all its advantages, it will not be possible to insulate the walls later. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the thickness of the walls of the erected house does not always cope with the preservation of heat in the cold season, so year-round living in the house will no longer be comfortable. For this reason, before choosing a material for construction, be sure to check the standard thickness wooden walls specific to your region.

The disadvantages of a log house sometimes include its design features: strong relief of the walls, the necessary removal of the ends of the logs beyond the boundaries of the corner locks. However, these disadvantages may not be considered as such, depending on the personal aesthetic preferences of the owner of the house. On the contrary, often for the sake of precisely these features, a choice is made in favor of a log cabin.

The importance of each considered plus and minus of a log house has a different weight in each specific project. All advantages and disadvantages are evaluated individually according to the preferences and tastes of the customer at home. For example, he may like the bulging appearance of a log house, while others may like flat and even walls. In one case, saving on materials is important, in the other case, on the contrary, it makes sense to overpay to realize an ideal home. Therefore, before choosing the right type of house and materials for its construction, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Myths about log houses

The myths about the rounded log were born as a means of unfair competition from the manufacturers of houses from chopped material, trying to reduce the churn of customers in this way. The spread of these myths served the purpose of compromising the CCB as a building block.

Let's just say that you should not take the myths discussed below seriously. Any existing building material, having its pros and cons, can be used if it is correctly chosen in accordance with preferences and financial capabilities.

Myth #1: Sapwood serves protective layer wood.

Adherents of manual processing are convinced that during the mechanical rounding of a log, the so-called sapwood is removed - an important layer of a tree trunk that protects its inner part. To begin with, let's figure out what sapwood actually is.

Sapwood is the outer young layer of a tree adjacent to the bark and bast.

An article on the Wikipedia website says that the sapwood stands out in a lighter color against the background of the tree core. At the same time, it is softer than neighboring layers, contains more moisture and is less susceptible to insects and fungus. Water is transported along this layer up the trunk.

A similar definition can be found in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia:

“Unlike further inner layers (core), consisting of hardened wood cells, sapwood differs more light color and lower density and strength; along it, during the growing season, juices rise from the root system to the crown, and that is why in timber sapwood is the part of the wood that is most susceptible to wear and damage, both by mechanical action and decay fungi

The sapwood of pine trunks in the summer can be painted with a dark blue or greenish light throughout its thickness. This indicates the presence of a fungus that gives the sapwood its characteristic color and does not affect the quality of the wood. The fungus that infects the sapwood layer feeds on the substances in it. This fungus does not bring any harm, except for a change in color, to wood.

So, why is such a soft layer considered by some to be protective for the harder layers of wood? What are its advantages specifically when building a house?

Let's accept the logic of these people and assume that the sapwood really protects the core of the tree trunk. In this case, many lumber such as glued or profiled timber are completely devoid of this protection and should not be of any value in construction! Following this logic, all the supporting and load-bearing structures of houses must be made not from beams, but from logs roughly hewn by hand with an ax.

Let's draw a simple conclusion from what has been said. Removing the sapwood layer absolutely does not detract from all the advantages of rounded material. On the contrary, by removing the sapwood, they get rid of the excess layer of wood, which can become a source of decay.

To understand the process of rounding a log with the removal of sapwood, let's imagine ourselves in the place of a manufacturer.

Suppose we purchased raw materials with a diameter of 220 to 300 mm with a total volume of 2500 cubic meters. m. The production of rounded logs begins with the removal of a layer of sapwood, according to supporters of manual cutting, to the core of the trunk (that is, 30-40 is removed from the original diameter of the raw trunk). At the end of the season at the exit, after several treatments, we get rounded logs with a diameter of 200 to 240 mm. In terms of volumes, this comes out to about 1,500 cubic meters of the finished product at a cost of at least 10 thousand rubles per 1 cubic meter.

Agree, it would be a ruin. In reality, out of 2.5 thousand cubic meters. m of harvested raw materials, we will get about 2.3 thousand cubic meters. m of finished building material. In fact, it is mandatory to pre-sort the raw materials by diameter, so that it is enough to remove only 1-3 cm of wood.

Myth #2: A log house is cold.

This is possible when a house of 250 sq. m is made of logs with a diameter of 180 mm, plus it is heated from a single oil heater.

Therefore, when designing a house, you need to take into account the relevant parameters:

  • log houses for year-round use should be made of OCB with a diameter of 240-320 mm, it makes no sense to use thicker logs;
  • the larger the total area of ​​​​the house, the greater the volume of air you need to warm up and, accordingly, the more difficult it is to keep warm in the house;
  • the roof and floors of the first floor require insulation - this allows you to save from 17% to 23% of the total amount of heat lost.

Rounded wood, with all its disadvantages, has good thermal insulation and attractive appearance. Its quality is determined by how well it was made, and what kind of wood was used. As a rule, the further north a tree grows, the better it is considered.

Of great importance is correct assembly log house with the installation of dowels, laying interventional jute sealant and felt insulation. Roofing, installation of doors and windows, calculation of wall shrinkage and their caulking should be carried out by specialists using only quality tools and materials.

Myth #3: Round logs crack.

Any kind of wood natural material with a certain humidity is subject to shrinkage and shrinkage over time. Abundant formation of cracks in the OCB should not occur, if this is not facilitated. Existing cracks in the log walls can be repaired with the appropriate type of sealant.

How to avoid further cracking?

Firstly, the ends of the logs of the folded log house should be treated with lime or PVA glue. Due to this, the moisture present in the material will come out most evenly, reducing the internal stress of the wood.

Second, the CCB high content moisture is not recommended to be varnished, covering the surface of the log with a film.

Thirdly, excessive cracking of log walls appears mainly due to an incorrectly turned on heating system. Builders should instruct customers as fully as possible on the correct commissioning of the house.

Myth #4: You have to stick with it traditional ways rather than chasing new technologies.

According to this logic, workers should ride horses and not use cars. In fact, modern technologies not only do not interfere, but rather help to build a building faster and better, providing it with greater durability. You can be convinced of this by looking at the first buildings built from OCB - they have been standing for more than 70 years and look at least as good as their hand-cut counterparts. Obviously, there are more pluses than minuses in using the CCB.

Thank you for reading this article to the end

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Nowadays, for the construction of wooden houses, rounded logs, which have excellent aesthetic and operational properties, are increasingly being used.

It is much easier to work with rounded logs than with other material. This is because the logs are standardized to special machines.

This building material is well suited for the construction of residential and country houses, bath complexes. However, in order to give preference to the specified building material, you should find out all the pros and cons of round logs.

The general concept of rounded logs, the technology of its production

Such a modern building material as a rounded log is a tree trunk, freed from branches, specially processed on a complex of woodworking machines, having a smooth and even cylindrical shape, the same along its entire length.

To obtain this building material, larch and almost all coniferous trees are used. The diameter of the logs can be different and is in the range from 160 mm to 320 mm.

All stages of the production of rounded logs can be divided into the following:

  • sorting;
  • cylindering;
  • cutting;
  • cup;
  • final.

The sorting stage of production includes the distribution of the incoming wood by diameter, delimbing, trimming the butt, and surface treatment of the trunks.

The rounding stage of production consists in the actual rounding, i.e. giving the tree trunk, peeled from the top layer, a perfectly even and smooth appearance. The entire production process is fully mechanized. The raw material is fed by a hoist to the processing area, where it is securely clamped by strong mechanisms and processed on special machines, which are of a through-flow or positional type. It should be noted that on through-type machines, the processing process is much faster, but the log is obtained with a slight curvature. Positional type woodworking machines give the log an ideal shape, but this process will take much more time.

The cutting stage of log processing includes cutting into trimming machine blanks of special sizes in accordance with the required project of the house.

At the cup stage of production, the connecting elements of the logs are made - bowls. Here, laser marking is used for greater accuracy. The bowls can have a Russian and a Finnish profile, each with its own adherents. When using high-quality heaters and with proper installation, any profile will be good.

And, finally, the final stage of work includes the processing of round logs ready for building a house with flame retardant and antiseptic compounds, fungicides, which significantly increases their service life.

Ready-made sets of wooden houses are packed in transport packages and sent to the assembly site.

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Requirements for the quality of rounded logs

When rounding wood, different manufacturers can get different results. You should understand what to look for when choosing a rounded log, explore all the pros and cons. The main requirements for the quality of the specified building material are as follows:

  • all blanks for one housing construction must be of the same breed;
  • not allowed on the logs of wormholes, rot, various mechanical damage;
  • logs to secure them natural humidity should not be harvested from dead wood;
  • diameter, longitudinal dimensions, curvature, etc. must be within the allowable values ​​specified in the specification;
  • at the end of each product there must be a marking corresponding to the specification;
  • storage, warehousing, transportation, unloading of logs should exclude any contamination and mechanical damage to the surface.

Knowing the basic requirements when choosing high-quality rounded wood, it is necessary to take into account its pros and cons.

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Cons of rounded logs

The main disadvantages of rounded logs include a small number of shortcomings identified in the process of its use. These include:

  • log cracking;
  • twisting it;
  • arching;
  • high humidity in the house;
  • fire hazard;
  • exposure to natural phenomena.

During the first years of operation of a structure made of logs, as a result of shrinkage, they may crack, leading to a lack of protection of the tree from natural phenomena: rain, wind, sun, etc., and the loss of the aesthetic appearance of the house. This is due to violations in production technology.

Many people know that as a tree grows, as a result of the action of winds, the tree trunk twists like a spiral. After felling, the tree trunk can unwind in the opposite direction, forming large gaps that adversely affect the entire building as a whole. A cut down tree keeps its protective layer from unwinding.

If the production technology for rounding logs is violated, in the future they may bend out of the general structure, which will adversely affect the thermal insulation of the room and the aesthetic appearance of the house. Therefore, when buying such a building material, you should carefully choose its manufacturers.

Undried rounded logs before installation due to the lack of a protective layer during the first years of use will actively release moisture as a result of natural drying. In such a house it will be damp and uncomfortable.

To mitigate some of the shortcomings identified during the operation of such a building, a number of measures can be taken:

  • drying logs up to 5 years before rounding will avoid increased release of moisture and their cracking;
  • when collecting a log house from logs, metal studs are installed ( Finnish technology) or staggered dowels to help reduce buckling and twisting of the logs.

In order to avoid a fire hazard, a house made of rounded material should be treated with special fire-fighting impregnations, the installation of electrical wiring should be entrusted to professionals, and electrical appliances should be used carefully.

To natural phenomena- the sun, rain, wind, etc. - did not destroy the logs, it is necessary to take care of the walls of the house in a timely manner: to clad, paint or varnish.

Undoubtedly log house, unlike foam block buildings, has large quantity merits. It, like a brick house, can last for quite a long time, and being in it is good for human health. But use it as country house or giving is undesirable.

Log house features

Log houses, the design of which you can choose yourself, have a long service life with permanent residence in them. With the daily heating of the house with the help of a stove, not only the room is heated, but also its ventilation. When a fire burns, air enters from the room and exits through the chimney. Fresh air comes in its place and thanks to this, damp, stagnant zones do not appear in the house. This process provides such a dwelling with a long service life.

For this reason, those houses that are not heated, or if this happens irregularly, quickly become unusable. One day of visiting a log house in winter with a natural furnace at the same time has the same effect on the log house as the annual cycle of the change of seasons. If you use it only in the summer, then there is no need for its quality factor.

Ready log house has traditional cuts and connections and, without having practical skills, it is almost impossible to perform the work qualitatively.

Pros and cons of log houses

Wood has been used for housing since antiquity. And today it is one of the most popular materials. It has enough advantages - environmental friendliness, reliability, durability, and at the moment houses made of this material successfully compete with other materials.

The durability of a log house directly depends on the quality of its construction.

The most popular for construction is round logs. Houses made of such material are suitable for both seasonal and permanent residence. And the available modern projects wooden houses allow you to build a building of any category of complexity - from a small building with a veranda to a solid building with open terraces and balconies.

Energy-saving houses made of timber are cozy and warm. Due to their low thermal conductivity, they are fresh in hot weather and warm in winter. The air in such houses is much “lighter” due to the phytoncides emitted by the tree. The main types of wood for construction are pine or spruce. They have sufficient strength and at the same time have a low cost. For the lower crowns of the house, larch is used, which has greater moisture resistance and strength than pine or spruce.

To protect wood from pests and negative external influences, it is impregnated with a special impregnation liquid.

Except a large number pluses, this material has. The most important is its fire hazard. Therefore, the walls of a wooden house are treated with flame retardants. In addition, a log house has shrinkage, which significantly increases its construction time.

When choosing a material for building a house, you should pay close attention to rounded logs (OCB). It is the best option building for many reasons. To be sure and accept the right decision, you need to learn about its shortcomings and evaluate the advantages.

Undoubted advantages

The main advantages of houses made of rounded logs are related to the technology of its production: it is a processed tree trunk from which the bark and upper loose layers have been removed. As a result, the house is assembled from the most durable and dense wood, which allows us to talk about its durability. In the manufacture, modern equipment is used, and all locking elements are cut with mathematical precision.

The main advantages of a log house:


Analyzing the pros and cons of a log house, pay attention to a number of disadvantages that are common to almost everyone. building materials woody origin. Rounding is exposed to various threats, and it must be constantly protected from premature destruction. Consider the most serious shortcomings round houses:

Many of the disadvantages of log houses are associated with low-quality building materials, which, unfortunately, are not uncommon. Choose manufacturers carefully: it is best to consider the offers of large companies that can ensure the proper quality of wood processing through the use of high-tech equipment.

Myths and reality

Many of the disadvantages of cylindering, which are indicated on construction sites, do not correspond to reality. This is confirmed by both professional research and feedback from residents. The disadvantages of rounded logs are associated with the peculiarities of its structure, but practice shows that this does not reduce its strength and durability.

Consider a few persistent stereotypes:

The downside of a rounded log is also called its cost, which is higher than that of a conventional round log, which requires the creation of connecting elements manually. Although rounded logs are more expensive, it is difficult to attribute this to disadvantages.

Hand felling takes more time and requires the hiring of professional builders, and their work also costs a lot. From the cylindering, the walls can be easily erected on their own, since the crowns are already carefully fitted to each other. In addition, you will need a minimum caulk. An ordinary log house will have to be constantly insulated, and every year new cracks may appear in the walls.

As a result, we see that a house made of logs, the disadvantages of which can be counted on the fingers, is actually warm and durable. You can verify this again by reading the reviews of the residents.

Thus, many myths about CCB are not true, and they should not become an obstacle when choosing a material for construction. own house. It is possible to order cylindering today in many companies that guarantee its high quality.

You can use pine, fir, cedar, spruce and others tree species and a variety of finishes to choose from. A house made of OCB is a great opportunity to build a comfortable and beautiful home that will serve several generations.

Log houses are very popular, especially in recent times. More and more people prefer to make this type of building for both permanent life in them, and for a temporary or country option. But at the same time, few people think about whether it is always advisable to build such a house. After all, a house based on a log house has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Log houses do not need additional external and interior decoration. You can live in the building immediately after construction.

But before starting to consider the 5 main positive and 5 main negative qualities, one should take into account the fact that not necessarily certain subtleties of such buildings will in all cases be harmful or beneficial. A lot of things change depending on the situation and conditions.

Positive traits

So, first consider the advantages of log houses. Usually, different specialists and see them completely differently. However, it would be more acceptable to consider those components that will be common and positive for absolutely everyone.

Log buildings from a log house look very beautiful both from the outside and from the inside, even if the wood is not processed.

  1. Ecological component. An undoubted positive feature of a log house is its environmental friendliness. And this is not only the safety of the material, but also its usefulness. Any natural wood releases resins that have a beneficial effect on human body. At the same time, conifers have exceptional benefits.
  2. practical component. This refers to the use of the premises during the period of operation. If the chopped house is supported optimum temperature and always have access fresh air, then the material will serve for a long time without causing trouble. So, in winter you need to warm the air in the room, and in summer let in as much air as possible from the street. Then you will be able to avoid dampness or overdrying of the logs.
  3. functional component. Log buildings from a log house have an excellent property - the so-called temperature self-regulation. This feature lies in the fact that in warm weather the house perfectly retains and retains heat. But in the cold indoors, freshness prevails, due to which there is no stuffiness or intense heat.
  4. aesthetic component. Wooden houses always looks very nice both outside and inside. And this is noticeable even in the case when the wood is not processed. If the tree is also processed with patterns, the view will be amazing. It is important that the building retains its original naturalness.
  5. Finishing component. It lies in the fact that the log house does not require a special type of decoration. You will need to at least process a well-rounded log and remove sharp parts on it. You don't need a frame or expensive tools for mounting.

Negative sides

Those were the positives. But you should also be aware of the cons. This type of construction also has negative sides, although in terms of quality, the pros, of course, greatly outweigh them. So, the disadvantages can be noted as follows.

One of the main disadvantages of building a house from logs is the impossibility of installation without the help of specialists.

  1. As the main negative property, it should be noted the high degree of fire hazard of such houses made of logs. As you know, wood burns very well. Therefore, even a weak careless fire can cause a large fire. Of course, special impregnations are being developed these days that will prevent combustion, but perfect material not yet invented. However, even in the context of this minus, there is a plus: when burning, the tree does not emit harmful substances, unlike other modern building or finishing materials.
  2. The second quality that wears negative character, is the complexity of the installation of a wooden building. The process cannot be done independently, without the help of specialists. If you make even a minor mistake, you can fix it for a long time.
  3. Another disadvantage is the inability to carry out finishing work inside the house. The rounded log is a living material, which, immediately after a thorough installation, must stand for some time and get used to the place. However, it can shrink. It is better to carry out facing works of a round log house in 1-2 months after the end of construction work.
  4. It is inappropriate to build a log house from round logs if you do not expect to live in it permanently. If this is a summer residence or temporary housing, then it is better not to use it for construction good log house. With intermittent warming up of the house from the inside, dampness will quickly start up there, which will entail a fungus, and in extreme heat without sufficient air access, the wood can crack and deteriorate.
  5. Log houses need to be strengthened from time to time. This refers to the fact that due to minor changes in the size of wood in the process of temperature fluctuations environment the bottom of the building above the foundation or the roof may deteriorate. These areas of the house need to be cleaned frequently. by special means, and if necessary, and knock out additional boards.

So, main advantages and cons of houses made of logs are considered.

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