Business plan for building a greenhouse. What equipment is needed for a greenhouse business

landscaping 30.09.2019

Some are convinced that winter time of the year is a time of rest and accumulation of forces, while others use this period to earn money.

How can cold weather be used effectively? You can think of a winter greenhouse as a variant of your own business. This way of earning is perfect for both a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur, as initial stage large investments are not required.

The following can be successfully grown in a greenhouse:

  • Any greens: dill, parsley, onion, spinach, cilantro and so on.
  • Almost all types of flowers.
  • Any vegetables that are in demand: cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots and more.

In addition, you can use the winter greenhouse to grow exotic fruits, the demand for which is consistently high at any time of the year, and it significantly exceeds the supply available on the market.

If we talk about growing vegetables, then here it is necessary to take into account not only the demand of the crop, but also the ripening period, as well as the profitability of the venture. For example, carrots, beets and potatoes ripen in about four months, therefore, you will not be able to make a profit in this case. These vegetables can be stored for a long time and therefore are considered a seasonal product, and greenhouses are best used for growing fast growing crops.

The most viable option would be cucumbers and tomatoes. So, to get the maximum profit from the greenhouse, it should be planted with fast-growing vegetables that give a high yield.

Greenhouse construction

When building a warm greenhouse, it is better to use durable and thermally insulating materials. There are three possible options:

  1. Polycarbonate. This material has a lot of significant advantages. First, it transmits the sun's rays. Secondly, the construction of such a structure does not require the construction of a foundation, which significantly reduces construction costs. However, polycarbonate itself is considered quite an expensive material.
  2. Polyethylene. The main and only advantage this material is its cost. Among the shortcomings - low throughput(vegetables grow slowly) and low strength. A polyethylene structure has to be repaired almost every year.
  3. Glass. Glass structures- a very expensive pleasure. But there are a lot of advantages here: excellent throughput, long term operation and the possibility of using the facility all year round.

Equipment and heating

It is important to understand that any crop grown in winter in greenhouse conditions requires careful handling, as it will be much weaker than its seasonal counterpart. Particular attention should be paid to the soil, no matter what you plant in it. The composition of the soil should be balanced and saturated with minerals and fertilizers. It is worth noting that the established concentration should be strictly adhered to, since an excess of nutrients harms plants, they can “burn out”.

Requires special attention and climate zone, which you have chosen for the construction of the structure. If the air temperature is below 5 degrees, then the greenhouse needs to be insulated or even installed. heating system. As heaters you can use:

  • Boilers for coal, fuel oil or wood.
  • Heaters.
  • Gas boilers with heating catalyst vessels.
  • Buleryany.

There is also the option of connecting the greenhouse to a home steam heating system. All of these options have one common drawback - the lack of uniform distribution heat, according to the laws of physics, it is collected at the top of the structure, and its lower part is not fully heated.

For the arrangement, not only heating is required, but also additional lighting.

For growing crops in greenhouse conditions, special lamps are produced that emit the spectrum needed for photosynthesis. These lamps are not very expensive, but they are difficult to install. Suitable for lighting and mercury energy-saving, fluorescent and LED lamps.

It is also necessary to prepare beds in the greenhouse at least 20 centimeters high from fertile soil and humus. You have to install a special irrigation system although it can be watered by hand.

You can see the arrangement of such a structure in Siberia in the following video:

Sales organization

Basically, products from the garden and greenhouses are sold on the market. Selling vegetables directly is a great option for a beginner farmer. To do this, you need to open a tent or rent a trading place.

You can sell grown crops to shops and supermarkets. These outlets sell a fairly large amount of vegetables daily. True, in this case, you will have to register your activities, and these are additional costs. But, nevertheless, if you plan to grow large volumes of products, then you should not miss such a profitable sales channel.

Investments and profitability

A winter greenhouse is a fairly promising and profitable business that can provide an entrepreneur with continuous profit. To assess the profitability of such a business idea, a number of factors should be taken into account: the material of construction and glazing, climatic conditions, crops grown, distribution channels, and so on. On average, the construction and arrangement of the structure requires about 400 thousand rubles.

It is extremely difficult to determine the size of the expected profit from organizing a business, since income depends on a number of conditions.

First of all, they depend on the region in which the greenhouse is located. The climate of some areas allows you to grow up to four crops per year, while others - a maximum of two. The remoteness of the greenhouse industry from the city also plays an important role - transportation costs, available distribution channels and much more directly depend on this factor. If we talk about the expected payback period for invested funds, then the period of two or three years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the project

Of the positive aspects, one can note relatively low construction costs, a simple solution to organizational issues and a stable demand for grown products. However, there is still the issue of price. The pluses include the payback period of investments, but here everything largely depends on the scale of the economy.

The disadvantages include the high costs of paying for electricity (the construction of a large area needs to be illuminated almost around the clock) and the seasonality of the business. Of course, in winter period demand for grown products will be stably high, but in summer time It is quite difficult to sell goods at a good price. In addition, you need to consider that it will be your task to deliver the goods to the buyer, and this implies additional costs.

The greenhouse business is one of the many areas.

With the help of greenhouses, you can ensure the harvest almost all year round. Moreover, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce - this is only a small part of what can be grown in greenhouse conditions.

Moreover, the northern climate, with its changing seasons and off-seasons, limits the opportunities for multiple harvests during the summer. And the greenhouse makes it possible! And so the greenhouse business is promising!

Advantages and disadvantages

The greenhouse business is an ideal solution where the weather does not favor warmth.

The fact is that the greenhouse itself is a structure designed to accumulate heat. But under the direct sunbeams inside this structure, a very high temperature is reached, which is liked by almost all plants.

Therefore, this type of business:

  • requires large initial investments for the arrangement of the greenhouses themselves. After all, in order for something to grow in them, a certain temperature regime and humidity level. For example, even such a heat-loving crop as a cucumber, if it is hot, will shed its embryos and not produce a crop;
  • requires hired labor. Otherwise, who will look after the plants and serve them;
  • constantly demands. Especially at the very beginning - for seed, for fertilizers, for the import of soil, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to think about the payback of greenhouses. In other words, they must be loaded for a year or almost the entire year in order to reduce the level of costs associated with their downtime. Therefore, you should take care of differentiation of greenhouse business areas, i.e. Don't stop at just one type of culture.

However, the greenhouse is not only disadvantages, but also serious benefits:

  • complete independence from the weather. Plants in a greenhouse are not afraid of cold, so even in early spring or before frost, you can get a fresh crop. As for the heat, many greenhouses are equipped with a ventilation system or even ventilation;
  • the opportunity to harvest all year round. Therefore, even on March 8, if the company is busy growing flowers, you can please with fresh bouquets. And in the New Year - fresh salad and herbs;
  • in the greenhouse, you can equip hanging gardens, which seriously save space and provide large area sowing. And this leads to a decrease.

But in order to have fewer shortcomings in the greenhouse business, you will need to plan plantings. Those. it is necessary to decide what is most profitable to grow in them.

The nuances of organizing a greenhouse business are discussed in the following video:

What is more profitable to grow in greenhouses?

There are crops that are financially murderous to try to grow in a greenhouse and are simply impossible - potatoes, carrots, beets, zucchini, cabbage, etc. The fact is that for some vegetables it is required long distance between plants. For example, there should be at least 60 cm - 1 m between zucchini. Moreover, they grow well in open ground.

For other vegetables, huge fields are needed to pay for their planting. This applies to potatoes, carrots, beets and other similar crops. Moreover, their processing requires technology, and therefore keeping them in a greenhouse is unprofitable.

But there are cultures that perfect fit for greenhouse conditions. In particular, this traditional cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, various greens - parsley, dill, sorrel, cilantro, pepper, onion and much more. Such an assortment is especially in demand in winter and spring - at this time it will cover any expenses.

One of the fastest payback types of greenhouse business are flowers! Oddly enough, flowers are in demand all year round and especially on certain dates - March 8th, New Year, Birthdays, September 1st, etc. Moreover, roses, carnations and a number of simple but exquisite plants are considered the most popular - tulips, daffodils, etc. To determine the range, you should look at flower shop. And you should not limit yourself to the flowers that go into bouquets - any woman strives to surround herself at home with beautiful plants in pots.

An excellent option for the greenhouse business is considered Strawberry. This is an expensive berry, but very popular. And many people want to see it on their table in the winter.

However, when choosing one or another type of plant, you should remember: it is not so easy to organize a fruit change in a greenhouse. The fact is that growing a new crop takes time and money, and also entails the loss of clientele.

Let's take an example. For New Year's Eve lilacs, it will take at least 5 weeks before the plant is ready to bloom. And it will take more time and special conditions to achieve flowering. But during this time the greenhouse will lose money. And cucumbers, in order to be in time for the winter holiday, will take much less days if maintained for the plant right conditions. Thus, a repeated crop of cucumbers can bring more profit than expensive lilacs. Moreover, it is exotic only for a holiday, and cucumbers will always be in demand. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to support the fruiting of the crop that is needed on the table all year round. However, lilac can also be profitable if separate conditions are created for it, under which it will bloom all year round in parallel with cucumbers. In other words, the greenhouse business must be differentiated and there should be no rush to irrevocably replace one culture with another.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest this can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant at your plant and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed with an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

What type of greenhouse business to choose?

The point is not so much in the design of the greenhouse, but in its scale and in.

If the greenhouse business designed for year-round work, then:

  • first of all, it will be necessary to solve the problem of heating and independence from central heating communications. Those. about autonomous system. And this requires investment. But if, for example, there is warm room, then the construction of a shed greenhouse, which should be adjacent to a warm building on one side, will help partly save on heating, but it will complicate lighting;
  • if you grow crops in winter, then you need to solve the problem with a short daylight hours, which is so necessary for any plants for growth and fruiting;
  • winter is snow. And its presence on the roof of the greenhouse is a threat to the integrity and strength of its structure, as well as the difficulty of natural lighting. Therefore, it is necessary to resolve the issue of snow removal or install such a greenhouse design that will avoid the accumulation of snowdrifts immediately. For example, an arched or gable greenhouse eliminates this problem;
  • the earth must rest periodically in order to give good harvest. Therefore, with a year-round business, technologies will be required that will allow the soil to stay fallow, but at the same time receive a crop. And this requires investment.

But a year-round greenhouse business means a guaranteed income all year round and maintaining a constant connection with customers.

If choose seasonal greenhouse business, you may encounter the following problems:

  • simple greenhouses for several months, which will have to be paid;
  • growing a new crop requires preliminary preparation of greenhouses and land, and this entails costs;
  • there is a risk of non-germination of seeds;
  • time wasted on growing a new crop;
  • Rebuilding relationships with customers is essential.

But the seasonal business does not require a solution to the problem of heating and lighting, which reduces the amount of capital investment. In addition, the land is resting, which allows you to get a good harvest from it.

If you are in the greenhouse business within a normal suburban area, for example, 25 or 50 acres, or even less, then there are some difficulties:

  • the cost of the grown crop will be higher than that of large farms;
  • less harvest;
  • The crop must be sold directly to the final consumer. Then this will make the maintenance of greenhouses profitable;
  • great difficulty in organizing year-round harvesting.

But small business is an opportunity to experiment; it's savings on hired labor force and independence from large wholesale buyers.

Technology and communications

Now on the market of greenhouse complexes there is a wide choice, in which there are both large manufacturers and less well-known ones.

Here are some of the current offers:

As for communications, all greenhouse complexes are already initially equipped with the necessary systems. But you need to choose the option that is most complete and has:

The market is now dominated by multi-row and tunnel complexes. Therefore, when choosing between them, you should consider the following:

  • tunnel systems are much cheaper than multi-row structures;
  • less technologically advanced than multi-row greenhouses;
  • both options are suitable for year-round cultivation of vegetables, flowers, seedlings, fruits and mushrooms;
  • equally suitable for operation in all climatic zones.

And if you build a greenhouse business in the country? In this case, it is worth choosing small greenhouses that are built with my own hands or purchased ready-made:

  • if wood is used in construction, then such greenhouse complexes will require replacement in a few years. Moreover, the tree attracts ants, and they attract aphids, which destroy plants. In addition, the use of fresh wood in the construction of greenhouses can take part of its strength from the soil, as well as deform. Therefore, the tree must be aged;
  • flexible plastic frames are most suitable for temporary greenhouses. But plastic does not rot, does not corrode and does not deform - therefore it is often used in the construction of greenhouses. However, their service life does not exceed 10 years;
  • therefore, it is worth choosing galvanized frames - they are more durable, strong, do not corrode and do not collapse. At the same time, they cost more, but pay off faster;
  • ordinary film will not allow you to grow crops in the winter;
  • a greenhouse made of glass or polycarbonate will require ventilation and heating. However, polycarbonate is more preferable than glass - it is more reliable!

For heating a small greenhouse, which was not originally equipped with such a system, wood (solid fuel) boilers can be used, if not gas heating. Such boilers are a more economical option than electrical equipment.

The nuances of a business plan

First of all, one should identify crop types that will be grown. Depending on this, the area and technology of the greenhouse complex, and its arrangement are selected. Now many are turning their attention to hydroponics, which allows you to harvest more than one crop from small areas and reduces the cost of products and greenhouse maintenance. But first you need to find out whether everything can be grown using this technology. In addition, it is necessary to find out which types of crops can be adjacent to each other, i.e. find options that can be grown in the same greenhouse. This will reduce the cost of maintaining the crop.

Next, find out level of competition. If you rely on traditional types of crops - onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, etc. - you will have to put up with a large number of competitors. Therefore, it is worth looking for a niche, but you do not need to give up traditional species plants, because they are always in demand.

To minimize competition, you must not forget about. In other words, you should look for ways to sell products that will allow you to reach the end consumer.

For example, open your own store. Usually large farms sell their products to wholesale customers, not seeking to find direct contact with ordinary retail buyers. By the way, it is precisely in the presence of such contact that the advantage of a small farm is.

Where to get money? The most painful question. But there are a number of answers to it:

  • external private ;
  • under which some banks give a loan;
  • to support start-up farmers.

Depending on the scale of the planned greenhouse farm, the list of funding sources may expand, for example, by attracting for a small greenhouse complex and internal borrowings - friends or relatives, for example.

Do not forget that funds are needed not only for opening, but also for maintaining the business at first. working capital necessary for fertilizers, for the delivery of products to the end consumer, for the purchase planting material, to pay employees, etc.

An important part of a business plan that everyone is interested in is the payback period. Its value depends on the scale of the economy itself, the initial contribution and the size of the sales market. But it is usually believed that this period ranges from 2-3 years, and the level is from 15%.

It is also important to consider:

  • the presence of a number of communications that will reduce the cost of building the complex and its maintenance;
  • the degree of remoteness of the transport interchange and the sales market;
  • buying or leasing land.

Today, any direction in the farming business is promising and profitable. Therefore, if you build greenhouses, then regardless of their scale, they will allow you to extract a good income. But this is a lot of work! And you should be ready for this.

An example of opening a greenhouse is shown in this video:

Attention! The free business plan provided for download below is an example. The business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

To come up with a more profitable production than agriculture (especially off-season), to this day, no one has succeeded. The profitability of agribusiness with a competent approach breaks all records. This means that the business plan for the production of greenhouses and crop production in greenhouse farms will be of more and more interest to enterprising people.

Profitable business

Modern technological progress has reached a unique high level. With the use of the latest offers of agricultural machinery, the use of physical force is practically reduced to zero.

The yield of highly productive new varieties and hybrids with unique resistance to negative climatic factors gives the entrepreneur confidence in the return on investment.

And only seasonal natural "quirks" can definitely spoil the deal.

How to stand against the May sub-zero temperatures(when the thermometer needle drops to -10C)?

Or against drought/rain for several weeks, when the soil at a depth of more than 30 cm turns into dust/dirt?

It is easy and simple to prevent the disastrous consequences of such climatic excesses - to build a greenhouse on the planting area. Calculate financial expenses using a typical, ready-made greenhouse business plan - this significantly increases the guarantee of agricultural activity.

Sample business plan - the beginning of success

Actually, it is possible to fill farming with a guarantee of a stable high yield at any stage. There is no need to invent something cosmic in order to escape from anomalous climate changes.

It is quite enough to think over the greenhouse business plan and, armed with such a shield, go to success. Of course, consider already finished example, as an ideal option for implementation on your site, is an erroneous position.

The specifics of soil and climatic conditions and social factors a particular region - everything is too individual.

It is for this reason that at the very beginning of farming or before sectoral changes, it is imperative to carry out a series of marketing research. During these economic studies it is easy to find out the following defining parameters:

  • - the level of demand for specific products in the regional market;
  • - calculate the financial costs of agricultural technology of this particular plant (the need for chemical treatment, the use of pesticides, green manure, fertilizers);
  • - the need for irrigation and heating in the greenhouse.

There are many Internet sites where you can find and download a greenhouse business plan in a few seconds. But will this option really be suitable? There is only one solution - to create your own, working business plan with the help of high-level specialists.

The entrepreneur will not make the largest investments in the implementation of the agrotechnical measures described above. 30% of all costs fall on high-quality construction and technical equipment of the greenhouse.

The next factor, which is clearly important for the correct assessment of the cost of this agricultural project, is the amount of wages of employees.

Indeed, depending on the scale of the greenhouse economy (for example, a business plan for growing strawberries in a greenhouse, which can occupy tens of hectares), it will be impossible to process such land areas on your own.

In conclusion, it is worth determining the amount of tax payments. Products even from one hectare can no longer be considered a small subsidiary plot.

Here, the authorized bodies will require not only the registration of the owner as a private entrepreneur, but also a series of relevant sanitary and medical permits for the production and sale of these products.

Good to know!

We respect your choice, but we want to remind you that the least risky, relatively easy and comfortable start of a business can be organized under the wing of a successful company on a franchise basis. We invite you to get to know.

Why it is easier and more convenient to start a business with a franchise can be found in the selection of articles published in the section:

Greenhouse farming brings the greatest profit during the off-season growing season.

Developing a business plan for a winter greenhouse for growing vegetables, herbs, flower crops, this project will become several times more profitable than greenhouse farming in summer (even under the most unfavorable anomalous conditions).

In conclusion, it remains to add folk wisdom: “The road will be mastered by the walking one!”. So, any whim of the weather can be restored under favorable consequences.

The greenhouse business plan, which can be downloaded for free on our website, will help you think over and avoid unreasonable waste.

The demand for environmentally friendly agricultural products is always quite high. Therefore, the profitability of agribusiness is beyond doubt!

Watch video: “Business secrets: Maxim Kashirin”

Obviously, the greenhouse as a business is becoming more attractive today for entrepreneurs. Her products are in demand.

Statistics from the Moscow Research Institute of Nutrition claims that the average citizen of the country should consume 87.6 kg of vegetables per year. Of these, approximately 13 kg are grown in greenhouses.

According to the report of the same research institute, the share of vegetables in the general diet of the population should be increased by 30%. The experience of many countries testifies to the growing component in their crops of greenhouse products. This is promising.

At present, the share of Russian greenhouse products per average citizen is only 4 kg. Of course, this is not enough. The remaining 9 kg are Dutch strawberries, Israeli greens, Iranian cucumbers, Turkish tomatoes. The agro-industrial complex is tasked with fully providing the population of Russia greenhouse vegetables domestic production.

Governmental support

A turning point in the current situation seems to have arrived. Unfortunately, this business has been "choking" for more than twenty years. The needs of this entrepreneurship were not previously heard by society in the face of energy suppliers operating with the help of discriminatory quotas.

The necessary adjustments were made by the Russian Government program agricultural development 2013–2020 (Government Decree No. 717 of 07/14/2012). Increasingly, entrepreneurs are interested in the question - where to start a greenhouse business?

Where should greenhouses be built?

Greenhouse farming is critical of the geography of this type of farming. If, for example, in the same Spain, a greenhouse can be built anywhere, anywhere, then, unfortunately, Russia is characterized by the prevailing zoning in the area of ​​increased risk for agriculture.

Harsh winters, insufficient sunlight, unsustainable summer - these factors for a business on closed ground mean an increase in energy costs. Greenhouse vegetable crops require maintaining the thermal regime of their germination and cultivation. At the same time, the heating of these agricultural buildings should function adequately to external temperature changes.

The business plan of the greenhouse business should minimize energy costs, since they make up at least 90% of the total costs of greenhouse farms. Therefore, it is possible that the reproaches of Russian agrarians against the energy sector are justified because of the insufficiently balanced prices for energy carriers within the entire national economic complex. So far, minimization of costs, and hence the maximum profitability of the greenhouse business, is possible only in the southern regions of the Russian Federation.

Planning for future sales

An entrepreneur, preliminarily evaluating whether the greenhouse business is profitable, monitors an important factor in the availability of water, gas and electricity for heating and lighting. In addition, a certain role belongs to the minimization of transport costs. Therefore, indoor business is especially in demand near million-plus cities.

The established direct deliveries of freshly grown products to nearby network food supermarkets are a priority for entrepreneurs. At the same time, the maximum profitability of the greenhouse business is achieved and there are virtually no product losses that occur during longer delivery.

However, even in the case of significant transport costs, the costs of transporting vegetables grown in Russia from south to north are much lower than the estimated energy costs if the greenhouses in which these fruits were grown were located in the northern regions.


Novice entrepreneurs should not be scattered, picking up a "bouquet" of various greenhouse crops for cultivation. In modern entrepreneurship on closed ground high yield achieved only with a narrow specialization. This idea is confirmed by many years of experience of the Dutch, recognized leaders on the issue we are discussing. They say that specialization in two cultures is already an excess.

In a word, the greenhouse as a business is created on the basis of common sense and sober calculation. When entering it, amateur performance is not welcome. First, the market is investigated, it is determined which greenhouse crop is most in demand. A usable area is planned in advance, reasonable yield parameters are laid down (greenhouse agriculture assumes 3-6 crops per year).

What is more profitable to grow?

However, independent monitoring is not enough, agronomic knowledge is important. One way or another, before entering the agribusiness on closed ground, you will have to hire a technologist who has the knowledge of an agronomist. It is with him that the IP clarifies the question: what is more profitable to grow in greenhouses? Even with the initial specialization in a particular crop, the agronomist will tell you the variety you need.

Here are some recommendations for entrepreneurs on their choice of specialization. If close cooperation with wholesalers is planned, then there is a direct benefit to produce tomatoes - a crop that is stored for a relatively long time. Greens (parsley, celery, lettuce, dill) are beneficial when an entrepreneur trades directly with retailers. Retailers are also interested in "greenhouse" radishes, strawberries, and seedlings (in spring). Lettuce cultivation can be based on direct contracts with restaurant owners.

In a word, for IP it is important for initial stage find out what is profitable to grow in a greenhouse for sale.

Yield planning and business parameters

We recommend that even before the start of investment activities in the greenhouse business, decide on the buyers of your future products. We need firm agreements, reliable buyers. Priority should be given, as we have already mentioned, to large chain supermarkets.

Then, in order of priority, opportunities should be sought in wholesale trade. And only then - in retail. Therefore, the answer to the question of where to start a greenhouse business will be your agreements with large guaranteed buyers. The distribution system must, in principle, be planned in advance.

To understand how a greenhouse works as a business, let's imagine a simple calculation. First you have to make investment project. The very first step for an entrepreneur should be the acquisition of a project. Thus, the entrepreneur determines the preparation of the territory, the purchase of equipment, its installation, the purchase of planting materials, links with cash flows maturation cycle, terms of product sales.

The main guidelines for you should be, on the one hand, the maximum possible profit (which you should strive for), and on the other hand, the minimum profit that preserves the prospects for business development

Purchased greenhouses

Consider typical business plan greenhouse business built on an industrial basis. It is standard, so it is widely demanded. A land plot of 1 ha for greenhouses can be bought for about 100 thousand rubles.

Soil preparation is underway. Individual entrepreneurs purchase standard sections of industrial greenhouses. The coating is often polycarbonate, less often glass.

A section of such a prefabricated structure has following options: width - 6 m, length - 4 m, height - 3.3 m. It costs 110 thousand rubles. How to roughly estimate the cost of significantly longer greenhouses? It is generally accepted that with an increase in length, every 2 running meters will cost 30 thousand rubles. Sections are installed in rows, in the direction from east to west.

Heating and watering

The most rational heating system is air (with the supply of heated air through special openings in the air ducts from heat generators).

The preferred irrigation system is drip irrigation. The cost of it is small - several thousand rubles for supply hoses. Be sure to purchase greenhouse lighting systems, fertilizers, chemicals. A warehouse and a room for inventory should also be equipped.

Benefits and costs

Is a greenhouse business built using purchased prefabricated greenhouses profitable? Only with a well-designed business plan and strict adherence modern technologies. Investments in a greenhouse complex with usable area 1 hectare will amount to about $ 30-35 thousand. About 90% of the current costs will be for gas and electricity.

Annual wage manager, agronomist and 10 workers will be approximately $ 55-60 thousand. With the proper efficiency of the greenhouse business, the profitability of the business is 15%. Such greenhouse technologies provide a return on investment in it in 3-4 years.

Briefly about hydroponics

The most cost-effective technology is hydroponics. The cycle of growing vegetables on it is three weeks. Harvest from one hectare with this technology in 1 day - up to 3 tons of vegetables. Housekeeping in a backyard home greenhouse complex is usually carried out by the family living in the house. If hired workers are involved, then 1-2 people, and then for planting or harvesting (the most laborious period).

In this case, it should be taken into account, in particular, that the greenhouse business based on hydroponics is more suitable for growing flowers, because the taste of vegetables will be significantly inferior to garden ones. In this case, consumers often complain about the "plastic" taste of products. However, the greenery "passes" with a bang.

Economy option for greenhouse business

If the funds for the initial investment are still limited, the “launching pad” for you can be own site in front of the house.

In this case, greenhouses are usually built on their own: frame - 2.5 m in width - and shed, deepened into the ground.

Consider their specialization in cucumbers. This crop, unlike tomatoes, does not require ventilation, which simplifies cultivation. The most economical option is greenhouses deepened into the ground (only 1 m above the surface, outwardly it looks like a greenhouse). The entrance to the greenhouse is on a slope, like in a cellar. The frame is made of steel wire, on top is a polyethylene film.

Heating is laid at the edges of the greenhouse - two pipes fed from a domestic boiler. Watering is frequent, cucumbers love water. Such structures are erected in the east-west direction along the entire length of the site. Greenhouse technologies, as we see in the case household plots based on maximum economy.

Maintaining the temperature regime in home greenhouses

It is important to observe the temperature regime. At a temperature of 25 ° C, cucumbers will germinate in 3 days, if 18 ° C - in a week. Further, 18 ° C is also suitable for germination, but no less, since at temperatures below 14 ° C, the growth of cucumbers generally stops. The problem arises when the temperature drops outside the window are significant. What to do then? The answer is simple. Control and measuring equipment should function in greenhouses. As an option, you can install a relay alarm with an audible signal in the house. Then, according to the “Alarm” signal, the temperature of the domestic boiler should be increased.

If the owners are unwilling to use a domestic boiler for heating backyard greenhouses, an alternative option is possible - a stove for greenhouses. Usually this is a small economical potbelly stove of a simple design, designed for 20 hours of operation without supervision, insensitive to the type of fuel. It is desirable to provide in its design a chimney, a gas shutter, an ash box, an oven door. They are heated in greenhouses with peat chips or sawdust.


The recently adopted Russian agro-industrial development program has already contributed to the growth of greenhouse vegetable crops: in 2013, the growth rate was 6.7%. It is indicative that, compared with the previous year, the yield growth dynamics in the Ural region amounted to 28%. The leading position is traditionally occupied by the greenhouse business of the Volga District - 184 thousand tons of vegetables and herbs. In 2014, it is planned to get a crop of 720 thousand tons.

However, the Achilles' heel of the greenhouse economy remains its gas and electricity consumption. Suppliers of these energy resources, without taking into account the production characteristics of greenhouse farms in Russia, set consumption quotas, penalizing them for exceeding them.

Decree No. 717 Russian state took over the compensation of 20% of the energy costs of greenhouse entrepreneurs. It is planned to modernize the existing technical complexes, increasing their traditional productivity by 2 times, as well as to build new ones. By 2014, the total area of ​​greenhouses has been increased from 2.6 to 3.0 thousand hectares. And by 2020, the total area of ​​greenhouses will be 4.7 thousand hectares, and the planned harvest will be 1,720 thousand tons. The reserves are obvious, for comparison: the area under closed ground in Spain is 52 thousand hectares.

The most important indicator that indicates whether a greenhouse is effective as a business is the yield of vegetables per square meter. Due to the introduction of new technologies, it is expected to increase from 18.8 kg/m 2 (average level for 2010) to 36.8 kg/m 2 in 2020.

As we can see, the general macroeconomic situation demonstrates the growing attractiveness of this business for private entrepreneurs.

The greenhouse business is a unique business activity based on the use of specialized equipment designed to create optimal conditions for various plants, therefore, even in winter, it is possible to grow various greens, berries, fruits or vegetables that use in high demand, so the profit from the work will be high. A greenhouse business plan will greatly facilitate the organization of this business.

Project description

Before starting work, you should decide what exactly will be grown in the greenhouse, where it will be located, what elements will be equipped, and when the activity will be carried out.

Targets and goals

The main goal is to make a profit, for which the following tasks are performed:

  • creating optimal conditions for growing certain plants or crops;
  • finding permanent and large distribution channels;
  • monitoring competitors in order to obtain certain competitive advantages;
  • creating jobs for employees in the process of business development.

Selection of greenhouses

A greenhouse business can be based on work exclusively in the summer or all year round. In the first case, special summer greenhouses are purchased that are not equipped with a heating system and artificial lighting. Seasonal products that are in high demand are selected for cultivation. Such a business will bring good income, but it will be seasonal, so you will have to distribute the profits received in the fall for the whole year.

Year-round greenhouse business is considered profitable and in demand. It involves equipping greenhouses with special heating and lighting systems, therefore, optimal conditions for growing plants even in winter. Initially, you will have to spend quite a lot of money on such activities, but it will bring high profits, and especially in winter.

What can be grown?

It is important to decide in advance on the plants grown in the greenhouse. Most often chosen for these purposes:

  • flowers;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • greens: parsley, green onion or basil.

Important! All of the above plants are in demand, therefore, with their help, high profits will be obtained, however, it is advisable for an entrepreneur to choose a line of work that is close to him.

Industry Analysis

Before starting work, you should study the market and competitors. This will allow you to determine the complexity of entering the industry, as well as assess the main features of other companies.

Region Analysis

Initially, it is important to assess the state of greenhouse farms in the region where it is planned to carry out activities. Additionally, the target audience is determined, and it completely depends on what exactly will be grown in greenhouses.

The planned quantity is calculated in advance potential buyers because it is important that all grown produce be sold as soon as possible. This is due to the short shelf life of the product.

Competitor analysis

Competitors are certainly taken into account at the planning stage of starting a business. It is important to identify all similar organizations, after which factors are evaluated:

  • what products they grow with the help of greenhouses;
  • whether they operate only in the summer or all year round;
  • what volume of products they sell in a certain period of time;
  • Are customers satisfied with the products and services provided?

Based on this information, you can take advantage of the competitive advantage, which will ensure the attraction of numerous buyers.

Risk Analysis

Cultivation Based Activities different plants in the greenhouse, as well as any other business, is accompanied by certain risks. However, there are opportunities to increase profits, so all factors of future work are certainly evaluated:

Difficulty in selling finished productsIn optimal greenhouse conditions, vegetables, fruits and herbs are grown quickly, so you can get up to 4 crops per year
High competitionThe business is simple, therefore accessible to every entrepreneur
Limited sales marketsBuild and equip greenhouses simply and quickly
Seasonality of pricesOpportunity to receive a government subsidy
Short product shelf lifeLaunching a business in just a couple of months
High monthly costs for a winter greenhouseNo need to buy a large area of ​​land
Due to the location of the land at a distance from the city, its cost will be low
Fast return on investment

Important! The key to success is to establish constant contacts with buyers, and they can be not only end users, but also various intermediaries, for example, shops or markets.

Production plan

Equipment and inventory

A business based on the use of greenhouses requires an initial rather high investment, as it is acquired:

  • direct greenhouses, and they can be made with your own hands or bought at ready-made, and designs made of polycarbonate or glass are considered the most optimal;
  • equipment for artificial lighting, irrigation and heating, if it is planned to carry out activities not only in summer, but also in winter;
  • various equipment for caring for plantings, and this includes shovels, choppers, earth baking powder, watering cans, etc.

After preparing everything necessary for planting plantings, the search for seedlings begins.

Saplings and other material for greenhouses

It is allowed to grow different plantings using seeds or seedlings. In the first case, seedlings are grown at home, which are then transferred to open ground. When buying planting material, it is important that they are of high quality and healthy.

In addition, various fertilizers and medicines for plants will be needed for work.

organizational plan

The business is being formalized for official work. The search for workers is carried out if it is not possible to independently engage in work.

Required personnel

If an entrepreneur starts work with a limited number of Money, then he can perform all the actions independently. As the business develops, additional staff will be hired. Initially, only the services of a professional accountant may be required.

Important! It is advisable to initially hire an agronomist with unique knowledge in the field of growing various crops.

Business registration, required documents

For a greenhouse business, it is allowed to register an individual entrepreneur, for which an application is prepared, and also provided in tax authorities copy of passport and TIN. If you start pre-drawing up a competent and accurate business plan, you can immediately receive a subsidy from the state.

For official work, documents for greenhouses and land are required. What taxes pays IP can be found here -

Opening schedule

The process of opening this business is divided into stages:

  • search for land for activities - 1 week;
  • conclusion of a lease agreement or purchase of land - 1 week;
  • selection, purchase and installation of greenhouses - 2 weeks;
  • equipment of greenhouses with various equipment and summing up communications - 3 weeks;
  • search for employees - 2 weeks;
  • purchase of seeds, seedlings, fertilizers and other elements for work - 2 weeks.

Thus, it will take about 3 months to open a business, after which the direct planting of different crops or plants in the greenhouse begins.

Financial plan

To open a greenhouse business, you will need 470 thousand rubles:

  • purchase of 5 greenhouses - 190,000;
  • organization of irrigation, lighting, heating and ventilation systems - 150,000;
  • purchase of consumable items (seeds, fertilizers, seedlings and other chemicals) - 65,000;
  • purchase of inventory - 65,000.

Monthly expenses are 208 thousand rubles:

  • rent land plot – 45 000;
  • utility bills - 8,000;
  • salary - 120,000;
  • taxes - 15,000;
  • purchase of seeds, fertilizers and other consumables - 20,000.

The profitability of a business with proper marketing is about 20%, so investments pay off within two years. Monthly profit is usually 35 thousand rubles, which is considered a good result for a business in agriculture. However, these figures may differ significantly, as they depend on the crops grown and the market situation.

Thus, if it is reasonable to approach the process of opening a greenhouse business, then this activity will bring high income with low investment of funds. It is considered interesting, promising and exciting, and also appears all more people who want to purchase high-quality and natural products grown in the city of their residence at any time of the year, therefore, an increase in demand and profit is expected.

A short video about a young successful entrepreneur

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