Top best professions for girls. Professions interesting for girls

Encyclopedia of Plants 19.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The most profitable professions in Moscow, as well as throughout Russia as a whole, are the positions of: crisis managers, technical directors oil and gas developments, marketing directors.

Of the ordinary employees, not related to management and management, the list of the most profitable professions in Russia is headed by:

purchasing and sales managers
and logisticians.

maxillofacial surgeons,

The most profitable professions for girls

For a long time, as they say, those times when the male part of the workers earned more than the female half were left behind. Modern girls and women are usually able to more men make a career, because they have such very important qualities of resistance to stress, purposefulness, perseverance, accuracy and diligence.

Therefore, the most profitable professions for women and girls just require such qualities that allow them to achieve not only financial, but also career results. And these professions are:

The profession of a manager is the highest paid for girls and women if they learn how to properly build advertising tactics and strategies, carry out mass sales and select qualified employees. Good managers receive 100,000 or more rubles in Russia.

As for which profession is the most profitable for a girl, this is the profession of a lawyer. There has always been a need for legal services and there will always be a huge demand.

In addition to income, this profession has ample career opportunities. For example, own legal consultation is a very profitable business that brings qualified female lawyers up to 500,000 rubles in income.

Regarding the professions of an accountant or a senior manager, these positions are for women and girls who are workaholics, because in order to become a chief accountant or head a company, you need to work, as they say, around the clock. However, it is these professions that occupy the first places in the rankings of highly paid positions for girls and women in Russia.

The most profitable professions 2018

By and large, all of the above profitable professions included in the Russian ratings are also relevant in the new 2017. The profitability of the professions of managers, IT specialists, dentists and lawyers is on everyone's lips. Therefore, it is more interesting to find out whether it is possible to earn millions with real work in 2017, and not dollars, but ordinary Russian rubles.

To do this, it is necessary to get rid of prejudices that this cannot be achieved not only in the future, but in subsequent years. Real millions can be earned and earned with your own diligence and intelligence, which is confirmed by those who have the most profitable professions in Russia in 2018.

These are chairmen of the board and bank managers who earn three million or more rubles each.

These are the managers of corporations for oil and gas production, as well as companies for the processing of hydrocarbons, which have earnings of two million rubles.

These are senior managers of the same oil and gas corporations, who, probably, will receive a million or more rubles in 2017.


These professionals have the right to make decisions on management issues in order to ensure the efficiency of the company.

Income reaches 1 - 1.8 million dollars (for directors of commercial and investment banks).

The job of leaders is hard work. AT professionally they need:

know several foreign languages;
have a higher education (corresponding to the activities of the enterprise);

Have work experience (at least two years);
have an analytical mind;
have legal knowledge;
be a confident PC user.
Unlike an ordinary top manager, the director completely controls the development of the company, this is his life. Fully devoted to the cause, it is difficult to find time for the family.

Captain of the ship

The captain of a ship is a nautical term meaning an official who leads the crew of a civil ship and is responsible for its actions.

Salary - 500 thousand rubles.

The captain of the ship sets the course and speed of the ship. Any applicant for the position of captain must meet a number of conditions:

must have an appropriate navigational education;
be in excellent health;
be responsible, confident and organized;
be able to make decisions in emergency situations.
The captain of the sea is the law. He carries full responsibility for the management of the ship, ensuring the safety of navigation.

Aircraft Commander (PIC)

The commander of an aircraft (PIC) is the commander of the crew of an aircraft, helicopter or airship in civil aviation

The salary reaches 350 thousand rubles.

The aircraft commander directs the crew, oversees discipline and order, controls the safety of people on the aircraft. All responsible decisions during the flight are made only by the PIC.

According to the air legislation of the Russian Federation, the PIC is a person who has a valid pilot certificate, as well as the training and experience necessary for the independent control of an aircraft of a certain type (Article 57 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation).


An accountant is an accounting specialist working in accordance with applicable law

The salary can reach 350 thousand rubles. The income of the owner of this profession depends on the scale and prestige of the enterprise where the accountant works.

The modern labor market requires from its employee a diploma of higher education, knowledge of legislative issues. There is a whole structure of the accounting service. So, there are chief accountants, accountants-analysts, payroll accountants, etc.

Functions of an accountant:

daily control and accounting in the 1C program;
analysis of regulatory documentation;
processing of primary documentation, etc.
Gold mining technologist

Since ancient times, man has sought to develop and control a variety of technological processes. So, primitive people, creating the first tools of labor, carefully selected and preserved successful techniques and methods

The average salary is approximately 320 thousand rubles.

Technologist functions:

development of a particular process;
choice of equipment for work;
development and launch of new processes in production;
drawing up plans for the placement of equipment, equipment and organization of jobs.
Technologist must know everything regulations production, orders, reports.


In Russia, dental practice originated during the time of Peter I. The Tsar brought various devices for dental treatment from abroad, and the autocrat himself was ready to provide emergency dental services.

The average salary in the country is 250 thousand rubles

To get this profession, you need to graduate medical university as well as a long time internship.

A dentist should be distinguished from a dentist. A person with a secondary education can become a dentist. He has a narrow specialization and he can only help cure caries. The dentist can perform various mini-surgeries in oral cavity: caries treatment, tooth extraction, bridges, bite correction and much more.

Internal communications manager

The essence of the work of this specialist is to serve as a central link in the control system over communications in the organization, i.e. do not become a leader teaching others the process of communication

The salary of such specialists varies per month from 100 to 250 thousand rubles.

The job is to create corporate ethics between management and employees of the company. They must develop a corporate style and certain rules in a collective. These professionals are responsible for creating corporate press releases.

Main professional requirements to the communications manager:

high psycholinguistic level, sign level, what belongs to the category of a certain symbolization and to the category of image creation;
communication competence, which includes establishing contacts and negotiating;
conceptual competence, as well as the skills, abilities and knowledge that are associated with the creation and implementation of a specific concept.
The auditor is one of the most highly paid professions

Auditors are people who monitor financial statements companies, advise, identify violations

Salary - about 100 thousand rubles a month.

Auditors are most often non-staff employees of the organization, but may also be an employee of the firm. Auditors also audit accounting books, reports, documents. This profession is suitable for sociable people with an analytical mindset.

An independent assessment is one of the main criteria for work. Mobility, readiness for constant meetings with the leaders of large companies, teamwork - all this applies to this profession.

IT specialist

An IT or IT specialist is a professional in the field information technologies and systems

The salary reaches 70 thousand rubles a month.

The demand for this highly paid profession is due to the rapid development modern technologies. To be a generalist, you need to know foreign languages, know programming languages, as well as constantly learn and develop in this area.

The specialty is one of the oldest in the world and originates in antiquity. In Russia, documents on the existence of a legal specialty date back to the 14th - 15th centuries

The salary can vary from 40 to 200 thousand rubles per month.

Higher education, experience, an analytical mindset, solving complex legislative issues - all this will allow you to work in a good progressive company. Lawyers can provide legal services to citizens civil affairs, tax, criminal, etc. A lawyer needs the status of a lawyer only to defend in criminal matters.

A highly paid profession is a point in the plan for the life of almost every person. Experts note that in every country there is a demand for vacancies not only with a high salary, but also with opportunities for career growth and realization of one's own potential. One way or another, a candidate for a good profession cannot do without special training, long practice, experience and a share of talent. For a good position, you need not only a red diploma, but knowledge and zeal for work.

IT specialists.

The natural development of the trend of computerization. The number of requests for “IT people” of all stripes is only growing. And this trend has not yet reached its peak. The market is far from being fully saturated. If we talk about specific specialists, then these are two groups. Software developers. And "optimizers" of the enterprise. The function of the latter is often played by system administrators. However, they are also entrusted with taking care of communications, servers, video control, networks, printing equipment, etc. The boom in design IT specialties is gradually falling. The market needs skilled programmers and software developers. This is especially noticeable in the field of game production, OS mobile phones and in the web realm.

2. Engineers.

The need for these people is due to the outflow of young specialists from the region and the small number of technical universities. The main recruiters are still state-owned enterprises.

3. Marketers.

Capitalism has not been canceled. And the whole economy, as before, is built on the production and subsequent sale of goods. In the last paragraph, marketers play an invaluable role. Actually, brand managers and specialists in online advertising (promotion) can also be attributed here. After all, no matter what the company offers: from leasing services to chocolate donuts, customers need to hear it.

4. Medics.

The situation with these specialists in the West and in the CIS is very different. We have a lack of specialists at all levels of the “medical chain”. However, positive interest on the part of applicants is caused either by narrow areas or private medical centers. But general practitioners and middle medical staff are leaving the area en masse. In the West, the situation is different. General specialists are sometimes valued even more than narrow specialists (due to the volume of workloads). The average salaries of the former are about $150-180 thousand per year.

5. Specialists in the field of service.

The trend, which appeared in the late nineties in the United States, is blooming in all its glory. Thousands of psycho-trainings, success coaches and staff training centers are working tirelessly. And now in all areas of the service we see not just administrators, sellers, and consultants. We see smiling professionals with a good knowledge of psychology.

6. Nano-technologies.

The demand for these specialists is like a snake outing. Now scientists are sitting idle, then another pharmacological, biotechnological, electronic company comes to the market and immediately takes away the majority of specialists. AT global scale The demand for these professionals will only grow.

7. Logisticians.

Delivery of goods today has become not just a pleasant bonus, but an urgent need. After all, if the company does not deliver the goods, the client would rather turn to another company than to transport the goods himself. Because of this, everything acquires delivery departments large quantity firms. In connection with this, there is a growing demand for people who can competently optimize the issues of transportation between the supplier, the company and the client. If we talk about the field of mobile transportation, then specialists in vehicle insurance are also in demand.

These people are in demand in two directions. First, it is energy. Due to the influence of petroleum products on world economy. And secondly, pharmacological research. So people at the intersection of scientific chemistry and medicine will be useful.

9. Top managers.

Companies and recruiting agencies are on the hunt for competent managers with work experience. This is not even a trend, but a certain rule in the field of business. It doesn't matter what the company sells. It is important which leader is at the helm.

10. Market analysts.

The financial sector has evolved over the past two decades from a service appendage to a self-sufficient dominant area. And since the basis of many businesses is loans and banking relationships, companies hire special people to track changes in the markets. This also includes the relatively young profession of a trend manager.

AT Western Europe and the United States receives the most doctors: surgeons, anesthesiologists, obstetricians, plastic surgeons and therapists. Of course, not all doctors can count on millions of fees, high level payment applies only to extra-class specialists. Senior managers, on average, earn less than doctors, but their salaries are very high, as the Forbes magazine list clearly shows.

According to a poll by the Public Opinion Foundation, 61% of Russians are dissatisfied with their salary. At the same time, 46% are ready to work in an unpleasant job for big money.

Civil aviation pilots continue the list. The next line again belongs to doctors, this time to dentists, whose services are used by almost every inhabitant of the planet. Financial analysts are also in such high demand that they have managed to rank high, followed by lawyers. IT-specialists close the top ten of the rating. In other lists, astronomers, physicists and mathematicians are among the wealthiest, which for our realities can be considered a surprising fact.

In some countries, such as Cambodia, Mongolia, Belize and the Cape Verde Islands, work in the field of Agriculture, despite the presence of the Internet and the penetration of new technologies into the territory.

Who lives well in Russia

In Russia and many post-Soviet countries, the situation is radically different - we still have administrators different levels. On the early stages During the construction of capitalism, the richest were bankers, accountants and economists earned good money. Now these specialists have moved to the bottom of the ranking, giving way to recruiters, chief doctors of hospitals and private clinics. Among highly paid directors: financial, marketing, technical (in the field of mining).

The highest paid professions in Russia in 2017 were the captain of an ocean ship (500 thousand rubles) and the commander of an aircraft (357 thousand rubles). In third place in terms of salary were vacancies for the position of chief technologist in the gold mining industry (312 thousand rubles).

But more than others, risk managers are valued - specialists who have received a good education and have extensive knowledge. The task of the risk manager is to bring the company out of a deep crisis at any cost, often they have to make unpopular decisions. In most cases, highly experienced specialists or young people who are ready to implement their innovative ideas are able to act tough, but surely. Experienced crisis managers belong to the highly paid category, and for innovators, getting an enterprise out of a crisis becomes a test of professional suitability.

Domestic rating of highly paid professions
According to Rosstat, the average salary in the country is 20,000 rubles, but at the same time, 20 million fellow citizens are far from wealthy - their incomes do not reach the subsistence level. What profession to choose to secure a prosperous future?

The biggest salaries go to the sky and the ocean

The biggest salaries go to the sky and the ocean: the captain of an ocean ship receives 500 thousand rubles, and the commander of an aircraft - 357 thousand rubles.
1. Top manager
Senior managers do not leave the top lines of foreign and our ratings. Yes, Chairman of the Board commercial bank receives about $ 1.8 million a year, the work of directors of investment banks and heads of companies working in heavy industry is also highly valued - they receive about $ 1 million a year.

It should be noted that top managers receive money for a reason - a modern leader must be fluent in foreign languages, have a higher education, an MBA and solid work experience. The usual work schedule of a top manager consists of regular negotiations, the conclusion of complex contracts with partners. The director is obliged to develop and implement a strategic plan for the development of the company, not many people are able to withstand such a rhythm of life, while it directly depends on the top manager whether the enterprise will exist and how successful its activities will become. Practice shows that in the usual schedule of top managers there is rarely time for family, personal life, recreation, maintaining health and other things familiar to us.

2. IT specialist
This is stable work with high salary- On average, IT specialists receive 60,000 rubles per month. The demand for professionals is growing along with the level of computerization. There are enough young computer scientists in Russia, but there are still not enough high-level specialists. The work of IT specialists is highly paid, in perfection speaking languages programming and thoroughly versed in the principles of work in certain areas.

3. Internal communications managers
The salary of these specialists can reach 250,000 rubles, and on average they receive about 100,000 rubles. per month. The work of these managers is to establish communications between the management of the enterprise and subordinates, to develop corporate style and maintaining employee loyalty to the company. Without an internal communications manager, it is extremely difficult to develop corporate rules in a large enterprise.

A manager must be fluent in communication techniques, know the features of a personnel audit, and be able to compose corporate press releases and publications.

4. Accountants
Every company has an accountant. This is a responsible job that requires knowledge and personal qualities that allow you to scrupulously keep records of the company's property, charge fees and taxes, control payments, and maintain an accounting archive.

The requirements for a modern accountant are qualitatively different from those that this specialist had to meet 20 years ago. The management wants to see a specialist with a diploma of higher economic education and work experience, knowledge of the legislation in terms of financial and tax issues as the chief accountant.

High-level specialists receive up to 350,000 rubles per month, but the amount of salary depends on the capabilities of the company and the responsibility placed on the accountant.

5. Lawyers
A practicing lawyer can earn both 35,000 and 150,000 rubles. The work of a derivatives lawyer and specialists who know international law is well paid. In this profession, as in no other, a combination of rich experience and quality education is valued.

6. Sales managers, customer service specialists
A manager organizing sales earns about 45,000 rubles, working with a client base - from 25,000 rubles. In the first case, the manager must have experience working with the assortment, in the second case, he must be able to contact customers.

The success of many companies depends on the manager's ability to increase sales growth and connect with potential customers. For this reason, specialists with experience, length of service and specific knowledge related to a particular field are especially valued. For example, for trading medical equipment managers with a medical education are well suited, and for selling books - with a philological one. Psychologists successfully work with clients.

7. Purchasing manager
Specialists on average receive from 35,000 to -50,000 rubles. The purchasing manager controls the quality of goods entering the enterprise, selects reliable suppliers, and analyzes the level of prices on the market.

The position of a purchasing manager can be applied for by specialists with a secondary education who have experience in the field of trade and skills in the field of analysis, who are able to make quick decisions.

8. Marketer
Tasks of a marketer: market analysis, proposal formation, preparation of an advertising strategy and brand promotion. These specialists must understand which segment of buyers is intended for a particular product, and be able to convey information to the target audience in order to stimulate consumption.

Marketers receive a fairly high salary of 50,00 rubles for work experience and effective activities, the results of which obviously affect the financial stability of the company.

9. Logistician
Logisticians are responsible for the safety and timely delivery of goods. The average logistician receives about 45,000 rubles for his work, since the profit of the enterprise depends on the level of his competence. Particularly important in logistics is practical experience, since even confident theoretical knowledge does not allow you to optimally organize the import and export of goods, taking into account all the circumstances.

10. Auditor
The average salary of an auditor is from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles, but the amount of payment depends on the volume of financial documents that you have to work with. The task of the auditor is to monitor the correctness of accounting and reporting. Small enterprises prefer to invite a third-party auditor or an audit firm to check. Large companies traditionally have a full-time internal auditor, whose duties include not only a systematic audit, but also making suggestions for optimizing work with documentation. A well-established document management system allows you to avoid financial losses and timely identify weaknesses in the use and movement of funds.

For several years in a row, the top of the list of the most sought-after professions has been confidently occupied by IT specialists. Every year the need for them only increases. Companies of various levels require programmers, system administrators and other representatives of the IT field.

The second place is occupied by design engineers. They seriously overtake the more “fashionable” specialties from the related industry - architects and designers.

Next come the teachers. Schools still lack highly qualified specialists. Unfortunately, this is due to the low level of teachers' salaries, however, it is likely that in the near future the salary level for teachers will be revised, and this profession will become not only in demand, but also highly paid.

Lawyers are in high demand in the labor market. However, in this case we are talking only about specialists with extensive experience. It is still difficult for aspiring young lawyers to find work in this field.

Doctors, like teachers, are not the most highly paid, but very popular specialists. The demand for them is very high. There is a special demand now for speech therapists, ophthalmologists, nutritionists and otolaryngologists. Highly paid professions for girls
After doctors come marketers. Despite the fact that there are a lot of them in the country now, the demand for marketers is not falling.

These specialists are needed in almost all areas of activity, as they analyze the market and make forecasts for the future.
HR professionals are in high demand. They are also needed in every company.
In recent years, there has been a frenzied demand for qualified professionals in the beauty industry - hairdressers, makeup artists, manicurists, etc.

Close the list of the most demanded professions of ecologists. They were added to this list not so long ago. Due to the environmental situation in the country, the demand for such specialists is growing rapidly.

What is the highest paid profession in Russia

Now let's look at the professions that will bring you the most profit. The choice of such professions is rather big:

The job that will bring the most money is a high-level executive. It is the leader in terms of profit not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Executives in the banking sector receive especially a lot. The disadvantage of work is high employment. Managers of this level often spend up to 15-16 hours a day at the workplace.

High-level IT specialists on average receive from 60 thousand rubles a month. Knowing several programming languages ​​and having world-class certifications, such as a Microsoft certificate, will help you get a big salary.

Managers for internal communications can receive from 100 thousand rubles a month. They are responsible for organizing the work of the entire team in the enterprise.

Accountants with experience can get a lot - up to 350 thousand rubles. However, it must be remembered that the higher the salary, the greater the responsibility lies with the accountant.

The average salary of lawyers is in the range of 35-150 thousand rubles. To receive such money, you need to have an education of the proper level and solid work experience.

Sales managers on average receive about 45 thousand rubles. Despite the crisis, sales in the country are growing, which means that managers in this area continue to make excellent money.

Approximately at the same level the salary of purchasing managers. They perform many tasks - looking for reliable suppliers, controlling product quality, etc.

Marketers can receive up to 50 thousand rubles a month. To find a job with this level of income, you need to have not only experience, but also excellent references. It is important for the employer that his marketer really knows how to do his job.

Employers are willing to pay logisticians an average of about 45 thousand rubles, because without these specialists the company can lose many times more money. In this specialty, practical skills are valued much more than theoretical knowledge.

The list of "valuable" specialties is closed by auditors, who on average can receive about 35-50 thousand rubles. Auditors' earnings usually depend on the amount of documentation they have to deal with.

As you can see, it is always possible to find a compromise. Many specialties are included in the list of highly paid, and in the list of demanded. The main thing is to have the necessary set of knowledge, experience and business acumen, and then a high salary will not take long.

The highest paid professions for girls

There is a stereotype that it is more difficult for girls to find a job with a high salary. Let's break this stereotype. Here is a list of high-paying professions in which women can reach their potential and earn as much or even more than men:

What is the highest paid profession in Russia?

Advertising manager. It cannot be said that this profession is primordially female, however, girls in it are found more and more often. Now there is huge competition in the labor market among managers of this kind, however, if a woman manages to get a job in a good company for this position, she will be able to earn up to 100 thousand rubles a month!

Beauty industry worker. It is difficult to come up with a more feminine field of activity than this. In this area, a girl can not only earn money, but also show her talent. The range of professions in this area is huge. These are manicurists, depilators, stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers, etc. There are simply no boundary frames for salaries in this area, it all depends on the workload of the master and on his level. Popular masters with a high level of workload can earn up to 150 thousand rubles. In addition, over time, a girl can open her own salon or hairdresser, and then her income will increase significantly.

Tourism manager. This is a real dream job for those who love to travel. Managers start with small salaries, but top managers in this area can receive up to 10 thousand dollars a month. Bonus - regular travel around the world.
Photographer. Everything is simple here: if you have talent, you can achieve unprecedented heights, especially in big cities.

The highest paid professions for men

It is quite easy for men to develop professionally, almost all the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia are suitable for them. Separately, only the sphere of construction can be singled out, since it has always been considered primordially masculine. In this area, you can make good money, and specialists with experience and knowledge in construction are always needed.

Architects and engineers are most valued in the construction industry. Huge malls, multi-storey office buildings, residential complexes - all this requires a constant flow of specialists. In the construction industry, not only a special male mindset is valued, but also physical strength.

In addition, SMM specialists are also increasingly men.

A few years ago, no one knew about this specialty, but now it is not only well paid, but also very much in demand. Employers need people who are "on you" with the Internet. They are engaged in the promotion of websites, business pages in in social networks and other related tasks. These tasks are more often entrusted to men, as they are more open to experiments and find it easier to mutual language with modern technology.

Demanded and highly paid working specialties

Often people wonder - is it possible to make good money without higher education? Some are very skeptical about this issue, but in fact, it’s real to make money even without a column on the presence of a / about in the resume. In this case, the highest paid professions in Russia in the labor sphere come to the rescue.

Here are 10 jobs that will help you make really good money:

electric and gas welders;
concrete workers;

The advantage of such specialties is that they are always in demand. A person with one of these professions can work for a large or small company, or he can just work for himself or even “forge” his own team of the same specialists as he is.

Of course, you won’t be able to get much at once at such a job. You need to gain experience, as workers with good experience are most valued, who can complete any task, regardless of the level of its complexity.

TOP-3 highly paid professions for the humanities

Another popular myth is that it is impossible to make decent money if you are not technically minded. Of course, not everyone can be engineers or programmers. However, even if your mindset is 100% humanitarian, you will be able to receive a decent salary.

The most highly paid professions in Russia

There are a lot of good humanitarian specialties. Let's look at 3 of the most interesting and well-paid.

Brand manager. It is this person who makes sure that you always buy a strictly defined brand of cream, know the advertising of a particular product by heart and spend money on the products of a particular company. Such specialists are needed different enterprises. At the same time, in order to make good money and be in demand as a brand manager, you need to have a creative streak.

Etiquette Specialist. This is a relatively new profession in Russia, or rather, an old one, which was recently remembered again. Now the success of a business largely depends on the behavior of the businessman himself, so people who really know a lot about the rules of etiquette are in price. They work in the respective schools or give private lessons.

Politician. Surprisingly, this profession, which many have dreamed of since childhood, also belongs to the category of humanitarian ones. Now more and more young people are coming to power, so people up to 30 can try themselves in this specialty. Politics will help young guys and girls not only realize themselves, but also make good money.

What professions will be in demand in the future

Experts firmly believe that in the near future the demand for engineers, IT specialists and technical specialists will definitely not fall, so if you are only thinking about choosing a profession, you can safely master one of these specialties.

Chemists, physicians, and biologists will also be in great demand in the future. New professions that will soon take over the Russian labor market include professions in the field of nanotechnology and biotechnology.

The demand for quality services is on the rise. Therefore, professionals in this field will always be needed. And, finally, the active development of the hotel and tourism business in Russia requires an influx of specialists in these industries.


Once upon a time, it was indecent for women to earn money. The best profession for a woman was the absence of a profession as such. This does not mean that the girls did not know how to do anything. Girls were brought up to become a wife, it was considered the only possible and respected option to arrange their lives.

In our time, everything has changed radically. Women have actively mastered not only what is called “primordially female” specialties, but also many male professions. Now the girl is not only an attachment to a man, but she herself can earn a living and build a career. What are the best professions for girls?

The best professions for girls

One of the best professions for girls is the popular specialty of the assistant secretary. In 99 cases out of 100, you will see a girl in the secretarial position in the reception room of the general director of a company. This position does not always require higher education, there are companies where the secretary performs purely representative and simple office functions. You can print a document or make a photocopy without higher education. But, if you want to make a career in this place, then higher education, knowledge of foreign languages, computer fluency and the ability to find contact with people will be very useful. With such a range of knowledge and talents, you will definitely say that a secretary is the best profession for a woman. Assistant secretary is a very promising profession, such personnel are required everywhere, and highly qualified secretaries are worth their weight in gold and they do not linger without work.

But not only the secretarial business denotes the best professions for a woman. Recently, the professions of economist and lawyer are very popular. Accounting - also in recent years - is usually the domain of the ladies. It cannot be said that these are the best professions for a girl, but they are popular. To become a lawyer, you must have good level intelligence and excellent memory, eloquence and ingenuity. This is a rather difficult profession. But, nevertheless, it is very popular with girls. Both of these professions are very prestigious and promise a good income.

The best female professions

If working as a lawyer or accountant, and even as a secretary, does not attract you, do not be discouraged. The manager profession is also among the best specialties for girls. In addition, this is one of the most popular and sought-after professions today. There is a great variety here. Girls can work as a personnel manager, sales, advertising, public relations, tourism, protocol, customer service and many more variations. This profession allows you to communicate a lot with people, work with information in the office. The tourism manager will be able to travel a lot.

The teaching profession also passed to the ladies. The majority of school teachers and students of pedagogical universities are women. Working with children allows you to always feel the rhythm of life, to remain young in spirit. But it is also a lot of work and responsibility for educating a new generation.

The best specialties for a girl

Probably the best profession for a woman is a fitness instructor, yoga, shaping. A dance teacher can also be included in this category. All this is a great choice for a girl. These are not only respected creative professions, with a good salary and a free schedule that allows you to independently plan your working day. Such work also allows a woman to always be in great shape herself.

Creative specialties are also good for gifted female natures. Designer, artist, fashion designer, choreographer, costume designer, decorator are very suitable interesting professions for girls, they allow them to develop creatively and improve themselves. But to master such a profession, you need good training.

Another increasingly gaining momentum profession, which is still difficult to rank among the best professions for girls, but which girls, nevertheless, are actively mastering, is a business coach. This is a prestigious profession for a girl, although it requires a lot of energy and stress resistance. In this profession, you need to know psychology, have excellent oratory skills, be able to keep the attention of the audience and present information. A business coach teaches people how to make money, and he himself receives a good financial reward.

A romantic profession, sung in songs and films - a flight attendant; the best profession for girls who love to travel, get new experiences, communicate with people. Flight attendants also earn good wages. But this job requires a lot good health, since you have to fly a lot, and this is a burden on the body.

This is far from full list the best professions for girls that you can choose the fairer sex. And the choice of girls is not limited to the so-called traditionally female professions. Now all roads are open to choice, women are increasingly mastering men's professions.

The fair sex is increasingly choosing male professions. It is generally accepted that the destiny of women is only to protect the family hearth, and work and career are not for them. More than half of women applicants can safely argue with this statement.

Portal "" conducted a small study of popular professions for girls. Data for statistics are taken from job search and personnel websites. All information is provided in the public domain and is current at the time of writing.

At the beginning of April 2013, employers have opened more than 105,000 vacancies throughout Russia. About 82 professions are covered. For comparison, for men, there are more than 120,000 vacancies in 80 professions. We can say that women are not much inferior to men in terms of demand.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the statistics do not include vacancies in which the gender of applicants is not indicated at all.

The age limit for girls will be very difficult to overcome. Fairly good chances of finding a job are girls from 25 to 30 years old. It turns out that in order to build a career and receive decent wages, girls have only 5 years. Not much. Before and after this age, the number of vacancies is much less. And every year they become less and less.

Even more interesting is the case with work experience. It would seem that the more experienced the employee, the higher the demand for him. And no wonder. After all, a professional will be able to do the job better and most importantly faster than his young colleague.

But it was not there. The most demanded specialists with experience from 1 to 3 years. This is about 37,000 vacancies. If you have worked for more than 3 years, then they offer 3 times fewer vacancies. And finally, with 6 years of work or more, you will be offered only 500 vacancies.

And this, unfortunately, is the reality. Increasingly, applicants are denied only because of their professionalism. Like, we only need a performer for routine work. And you are too experienced for this job.

List of the most sought-after professions for girls

This rating does not contain the name of specific positions, but rather directions. After all, now they are required for the site, corporate, recruitment managers. We use the basic names of professions, namely accountant, manager, lawyer and others.

The first place in our rating is occupied by the profession manager. The probability of finding a job for women in this profession is very high. More than 20,000 specialists are required. On the whole, the wages are decent. This is about 46,000 rubles on average in Russia.

Among managers, sales managers are especially needed (more than 12,000 vacancies). The average salary of these specialists is 48,000 rubles. Employers are also looking for HR managers, offering salaries much lower than the average for managers. On average, only 37,000 rubles.

The second place of honor is occupied by an accountant with 8,435 vacancies. Most likely, most of the functioning firms have already recruited accountants or hire them under civil law contracts for reporting or calculating salaries. The average salary in this case is 44,000 rubles.

Chief Accountant required in 2,124 companies. Employers estimate this specialist at an average of 61,000 rubles.

In the past 5 years, the marketing profession has been called one of the most sought-after professions for girls. Now she occupies the last line of the rating. In Russia, as a whole, only 400 female marketers with a salary of 53,000 rubles are looking for.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Very good profession! How in in general terms as well as wages. But it is impossible to dream about it for those beauties who are afraid of heights and do not tolerate flights well.

This profession is in high demand. Designers are engaged not only in the selection of furniture. If someone likes to work with clothes and shoes…. Let's rejoice! There is also a clothing designer in the labor market.

It seems that the salary is not bad, and the schedule can be chosen more or less convenient .... There is one, but a huge "but"! Waitresses are often pestered by customers.

Nanotechnology is a great and bright future. Many girls strive to secure it for themselves. For this reason, the specialty rapidly "earned" demand.

P barber
Quite an interesting and creative profession. There are several downsides to this profession. The first is that a person (who has associated himself with this area) gets tired of his legs very quickly. The second minus may appear along with allergic reactions to certain "components" contained in hair dyes.

Seller - cashier
So the stereotypes "ordered" .... If we see a man standing behind a counter or sitting behind cash register, we have a mockery in our voice or a smile on our lips. Therefore, male cashiers are rarely found in stores and hypermarkets (although they cope with their duties no worse than women).

An excellent "find" for those who love communication, travel and life diversity! True, people of this profession are rarely at home. Something always has to be sacrificed.

Secretary - referent
Luck! This profession does not always “require” higher education (enough courses). But the employer will only look for a specialist who speaks foreign languages ​​and is “friendly” with a computer.

This profession is one of the "relevant forever." Advice for those who will go to study as an accountant: do not chase for a high position and for a “fabulous” salary. The profession you have chosen will not “bring” you luck right away. If you have enough patience, the career ladder will "bring" you to the light of promotion.

The most demanded position is a taxi dispatcher. However, there is a high turnover of staff. Not everyone can do this job. Call Operator - Special Skills Center this work does not require. Answering calls, negotiating, "fixing" the client base. Nothing complicated, right? But you also need to be able to do all this. And do well to pass an interview in a particular organization (company).

People in this profession are not treated with respect. The fact is that girls - secretaries "twist" novels with their bosses and sleep with them for the sake of promotion.

Stylist (beautician)
This profession gives you the opportunity to express yourself creatively, make a lot of new acquaintances. A stylist-beautician is a person who understands fashion and sees it with different eyes.

The work is low-paid, but women who love children work in the educational field with great pleasure, trying not to think about “salary numbers”.

Tourism manager
More and more people want to go somewhere to relax, to forget about problems. Thanks to this hype, the tourism business is among the win-win employment options. To work in tourism business little is needed: communication skills, a friendly voice, goodwill, perseverance and patience. What do we have to do? Communicate with clients, book flights, advise travel routes .... Without a higher education in a travel agency, you can "finish" to the director's chair!

What can be said about this specialty? Those who have a good heart and iron nerves go to work as nurses. If this “combination” does not exist, the woman has chosen the wrong “path”.

Creative, unusual and interesting specialties (professions) for girls

The profession is suitable for those who cannot live without dancing and without everything connected with them.

Imagine! There are people who get tremendous pleasure from building and decorating nails.

How much positive in this profession! So much so that you can’t tell everything about her .... The artist earns respect from others.

Singer, model, actress
In these professions, there is a sea of ​​​​opportunities for the manifestation of one's "I".

Unusual? Women like to call themselves angels. Who really lacks wings - they are looking for them in airplanes and helicopters!

Unpretentious (and not very unpretentious) women's professions. List:

What to do if it is impossible to choose a profession?

  • Continue searching. Until “what you need” is found. Patience must win here!
  • Read (in detail) about each profession separately.
    There is enough information everywhere (and in virtual world, and in books, and in newspapers, and in magazines).
  • See how others are doing. Observation (in this case) is the “guarantee” of determination. It is hard to live when the decision is in some kind of "suspended" state.
  • Consult with relatives and friends. Maybe they will "push" something if it is impossible to make an independent choice.

When choosing a profession, a girl should know the following:

  • Finding a job is not so easy.

  • They don’t hire everywhere and not always.
  • An interview (often) can be compared to the most difficult exam.
  • You should not "swing" at anything supernatural in the first days of work.
  • It is impossible to be good for all people.
  • Professions for girls are not easy!

Long gone are the days when men earned more than women. Modern representatives of the weaker sex often do good career, because they show such qualities as stress resistance, perseverance and purposefulness. Highly paid professions in Russia for girls, collected in this article, will help you choose the right direction of activity and achieve high financial results.

Advertising Manager

This is one of the highest paid professions for girls. If you learn how to competently build an advertising campaign, sell promotional products and select qualified personnel, you can earn good money. good manager from advertising receives about 100 thousand rubles a month.


Legal services are always in high demand. This area of ​​activity opens up wide prospects for career growth. In addition, your own legal advice is promising and sufficient. The monthly salary of qualified lawyers in the capital fluctuates between 20,000 and 500,000 rubles. Such a highly paid profession for girls will allow you to short time achieve complete financial independence.


The most common female profession is an accountant. She does not have a creative beginning, since such specialists work with dry numbers, but despite this, this sought-after and highly paid profession for girls opens up great prospects personal growth. If you master this specialty, you don’t have to worry about it, since accountants are in demand always and everywhere. It is also worth noting that leading specialists who work at large enterprises receive up to 200 thousand rubles a month.

Human Resources Manager

Many do not know that a personnel officer is one of the highest paid professions in Moscow for girls. HR professionals have to interact with different people and women do it much better than men. An experienced HR manager receives up to 150 thousand rubles a month. If we talk about career growth, a responsible employee may eventually take the place of the head of the personnel department or enter the board of directors of a large company. Another option is to have your own recruitment agency. This is one of the most.

Top level manager

To take this position, you need to be a real workaholic. If you are ready to work around the clock, you can rise to the position of director of a company or chairman of a bank. Such vacancies occupy the first places in the list of the highest paid professions for girls in Russia. But to achieve such a career growth, you need to work hard.

In addition, high demands are usually placed on these positions:

  • Higher education;
  • Work experience;
  • Age restrictions;
  • Foreign language skills.

IT specialists

This profession is considered male, but despite this, many women achieve great success in this area. An experienced web specialist or the head of an Internet project earns 60-80 thousand rubles a month. Such prestigious highly paid professions for girls are in great demand nowadays, so the demand for IT specialists is constantly growing. If you know programming languages, try to realize your talents in this area.

Individual entrepreneur

If you don't want to work for the "master", open your own . This field of activity does not require special education. The most important thing is purposefulness and entrepreneurial spirit.

At the initial stage, you can implement some simple one, for example, in the service sector. Here you can receive financial resources for the purchase of materials as an advance payment from customers. The most important thing in this business is to create a good reputation. In this case, you will quickly develop your own client base and will receive a good profit. Over time, when the company reaches net income, you can find out which one and open your own company.


This is a line of activity in which you can find many prestigious high-paying professions for girls. If you possess creativity and violent imagination, you can try your hand at creating scenarios for theatrical productions or entertainment mass events. But in order to get a job like this, you need to get some knowledge in the field of dramaturgy. Many theaters, film studios, advertising campaigns and holiday agencies need screenwriters. If you are able to think outside the box and creatively, try to master this interesting high-paying profession for girls. It is worth noting that in the field of advertising, earnings are much higher than in films or on television.

Creative individuals can also sell paintings, original souvenirs, exclusive clothes, and more. The main secret of success is diligence and patience. Choose one of the most and start your own business. If you constantly develop your enterprise, improve it and attract new customers, the business will bring excellent profits.

Show Business

Many girls dream of becoming famous actresses or singers. But unfortunately, breaking into show business is not so easy. If you manage to take some position in this area, the salary fully compensates for all your work.

Film and theater actresses, singers, dancers are the highest paid professions for girls in Russia. Show business stars receive huge fees for one concert or shooting. Develop your talents, participate in various competitions, that is, do everything to get noticed. In show business, you can achieve great success. But for this you need to be persistent, purposeful person, self-confident.

image maker

If you are looking for a high-paying profession for girls that can be mastered in a short time, try becoming an image maker. This is a specialist who helps a person to create an image corresponding to his status and position in society.

The services of image makers are often used business people, as well as candidates for deputies who want to please their voters. The highest position in this area is Image Analyst. He analyzes the work of the enterprise in order to identify facts that have Negative influence for the work of the enterprise. The specialist develops a strategy that allows you to solve all problems and create a good reputation for the company. Image makers and political technologists who work in elections also receive a decent salary.

Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in the World


Girls who wonder can complete florist courses. This is a very exciting creative activity that brings a good income. After you learn how to collect beautiful bouquets of different flowers, you can get a job in a flower shop. Over time, when experience appears, open your own salon or online store. Flower trade is one of the most profitable types of business for 2016, so this line of business should not be overlooked.


Such specialists are in demand in all companies related to trade. Marketers are engaged in product promotion, market analysis, developing new advertising strategies, in general, they are doing everything to promote the company's brand. It is not necessary to have a special education in order to occupy such a position. If you know,

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