The history of the world after World War II. World Economy: before and after World War II

Gardening 22.09.2019

After World War II in international Policy There were serious changes. The UN is the role of UN. Some decisions were embodied in life, and some were not realized. The leaders of the fascist criminals were punished.

From November 20, 1945, from September 1, 1946, an international tribunal was sentenced, which was judged by fascist criminals. 12 people were sentenced to death penalty7 people on long deadlines and lifelong conclusion. For the first time in history, the war perpetrators were punished internationally.

Race of arms and "Cold War"

After the war, the arms race began. In 1945, the Americans experienced an atomic bomb in Japan and began to think about dominance in the world by applying this terrible weapon.

After creating the United States, the USSR atomic bomb also decided and took all measures to keep up. And in 1949, the atomic bomb was created and tested.
In 1952, the United States created a more terrible weapon of mass destruction - a hydrogen bomb. Its power was equal to 10 thousand tons in TNT equivalent. The USSR possessed the same weapon after a year. At the same time, the United States created aircraft capable of bringing nuclear weapons to the goal. The USSR also managed to create an intercontinental rocket. Nuclear submarines were created. Thus, the stock of weapons was created mass lesioncapable of destroying humanity several times.

It's a little time and began " cold War" Her initiator was W. Churchill. He put the task of fighting "Eastern Communism". This is confirmed by the "Doctrine Truman", designed to assist Greece and Turkey, and on June 5, 1947, the Marshall Plan on the provision of 16 European states on June 5, 1947.

As a result of a sharp aggravation of relations between two great powers, two military-political bloc were created.

Separation of peace and Europe into two parts

The first was created by the North Atlantic Block (NATO) on April 4, 1949 in Washington with the participation of 12 states (USA, Great Britain, France, Canada, Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Holland, Norway, Portugal). His commander-in-chief was appointed American General D. Eisenhuer.

On October 1, 1949, the Communist People's Republic of China was established. In 1950, an agreement on friendship and mutual assistance was signed between the USSR and China. The ego strongly conquered the United States. With the creation of the PRC, the formation of the "World Socialist System" was completed. In 1955, NATO entered the FRG. (Currently, NATO members are countries like Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Czech Republic, Estonia.) In response to this, on May 14, 1955 countries of Eastern Europe - Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, GDR - created their military political union, which was called the Warsaw Treaty. Thus, the world was divided into two parts.

Korean War

After World War II, the Northern part of Korea won the USSR army, and the South-USA. As in Germany, two states and two governments were formed here. In 1949, the USSR and the United States brought their troops from Korea. On June 25, 1950, North Korea, violating the border, began an offensive for South Korea. The United States has achieved a discussion of this issue in the UN. The UN recognized North Korea as an aggressor and allowed the fighting against her.

September 15, international forces were thrown on the Korean Peninsula, they suspended the offensive of the Army of North Korea and expelled them from the territory South Korea. In late October, the US Armed Forces seized the capital of North Korea. Pyongyang. After that, the People's Republic of China sent its armed forces to help North Korea. It became obvious the possibility of interference in the Korean War and the USSR. Only after that the United States was forced to suspend their hostilities in North Korea. In 1953, a truce agreement was concluded. In accordance with it, the boundaries of both Korean states were restored in a pre-war position (t e. 38 parallels of latitude). So ended korean War. However, the country remained divided into two parts. North Korea has established close contacts from the USSR, and South - from the USA.

Middle Eastern conflict

After World War II, the great powers began to support the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a Jewish state in Palestine.
At the same time, on November 29, 1947, the UN decided on the creation of two states in Palestine (Israel and Palestine). Moving thousand Jews from all parts of the world aggravated the relationship between Jews and Arabs. .

According to the five-year plan (1946-1950), agricultural production should have exceeded the pre-war level by 27%, and it did not even reach the level of 1940, the unwillingness to go to reforms similar to the NEPA, which stimulate the development of production was affected. The Stalinist leadership was limited to the use of non-economic, forced management methods that preserved the chronic difficulties of the village associated with the collective farm building.

The economy remained militarized. Many plants had both civil, and military profile at the same time. In other words, the economy was peaceful in words and military essentially, she returned to a pre-war model. Further development received military Industrial Complex (MIC). Huge funds were sent to the implementation atomic project. Work on the creation of an atomic bomb was carried out in the USSR since 1942. After the war, Beria was headed, the scientific officer of the project was academician I. V. Kurchatov. The secrets of atomic weapons managed to receive the Soviet exploration from Americans, which has created a wide intelligence network in the US.

In parallel, the technical re-equipment of the army was accumulated, the saturation of it with the latest patterns of small arms, artillery, tanks. Huge funds were allocated to the creation of reactive aviation and rocket systems for all types of troops. Such a shift in favor of military industries created an imbalance in the development of the economy. The militarized economy was a heavy burden on society, abruptly limited the possibility of improving the material well-being of the people.

Tightening political and ideological measures. New wave of repression.To preserve the Soviet regime, to combat the richest powers of the world - the US dictator recreated the atmosphere, allowing to keep the people in fear, isolated it with the "iron curtain" from the rest of the world. It was all under the accompaniment of communist, anti-American Propaganda. Russia was proclaimed the birthplace of almost all inventions and discoveries, and modern discoveries in Western countries were proclaimed false. Was declared reactionary lzhenauka cybernetics, geneticsCreated quantum physics, the theory of relativity.

In 1946, the authorities launched a wide campaign against any manifestation of intellectual creativity, where the so-called "foreign influence", "Western decline", "fine-bourgeois individualism", "art for art", found cosmopolitanism, low-planness in front of the West. The ideological leadership of this campaign was carried out in person by Zhdanov, so it was dubbed "Zhdanovshchina". The CPSU Central Committee collapsed with criticism primarily on the magazines "Leningrad" and "Star", accused of holding an alien ideology, especially after the publications of the works of the poet A. Akhmatova and Satirik M. Zoshchenko, who were excluded from the Writers' Union.

Another decree of the Central Committee criticized the "non-idle" films - "big life", "Admiral Nakhimov" and "Ivan Grozny". In 1948, the same trends "found" in music. A. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich, A. Khachaturian, V. Muradel, and others were called representatives of the formalistic direction in music.

Soon there was a ban on contacts and marriage of Soviet citizens with foreigners. Criticism of cosmopolitanism quickly acquired an increasingly frank anti-Semitic character.

In January 1953, the exposure of the "terrorist doctor of doctors", employees of the Kremlin Hospital, was announced. 9 high-ranking doctors were arrested, in most Jews, including Personal Doctor Stalin Academician V. N. Vinogradov. He paid for the fact that he advised the elderly leader to leave on peace. They were accused of acting on the tasks of American and English intelligence, they killed party leaders and the state by knowingly incorrect treatment.

Stalin, organizing a new big terror, pursued the following objectives: frightening the people, suppressing any, even potential opposition and psychological preparation for war. In the activities of the media, state propaganda the dominant direction was the formation of an enemy's image, creating works on the anti-American theme.

Fight for the Stalinist heritage.It was officially believed that the so-called collective manual came to power from the nearest environment of Stalin - M. Malenkov, V. M. Molotov, L. P. Beria, N. S. Khrushchev, L. M. Kaganovich, A.I. Mikoyan, N.A. Bulganin, K.E. Voroshilov. Three key figures were determined - Malenkov, Beria, Khrushchev. The first place in the new hierarchy was taken by Malenkov, who received the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers and stood at the head of the Central Committee; Beria, a close companion of Malenkov, headed the reunited MIA and MGB; Khrushchev did not have public posts, but ranked second in the secretariat of the Central Committee. And Malenkov, and Khrushchev, afraid and hating Beria, united for the sake of removing and the arrest of the latter.

Arrested "Care of Beria" It still remains insufficiently clarified. There is no consensus about the personal position of Beria. It is believed that Beria was preparing a conspiracy in order to establish a personal dictatorship. There is a version of the Beria reformer that it is punished with a nomenclature for an attempt by large-scale transformations. He could show radicalism, wanting to somehow get rid of the bloody image.

With the elimination of Beria Malenkov lost a dangerous, powerful ally. The position of Malenkoves weakened, his political competitor Khrushchev - intensified. Malenkov could no longer be based on the organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs MGB, as they were delivered under the control of the party. In addition, since the autumn of 1953, Khrushchev became the first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, significantly expanding its powers. The heirs of the leader of the Volia-Neils were forced to go along the path of transformation of the regime of personal power, leaving the leader's model.

However, named Malenkov is associated with the so-called "New course". On March 10, 1953, at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee of Malenkov, he declared the need to terminate the "politician of the cult of personality".

The turn in politics also manifested itself in the economic and social field. With the name of Malenkov, the collective farms bind a fairly significant decline in the agricultural machine (by 1954 - 2.5 times), an increase in the size of household farms. In April 1953, a decline in food prices and consumer goods was carried out in the post-war period. In August 1953, at the session of the Supreme Council of Malenkov, a new economic course was formulated, providing for the priority development of an easy industry, the production of consumer goods. It was about the first time spent in the Soviet history social reorientation Economy.

Meanwhile, the situation itself in the country demanded decisive actions. Sources of social tension were a zone of pynequoral labor in the system of the Gulag and a ruined collective farm village. Prisoners of Gulag after the death of Stalin and the arrest of Beria awakened hope for amnesty and rehabilitation, caused a powerful wave of uprisings and riots in the camps in 1953-1954. It seemed that the hopes were confirmed: in September 1953, a special meeting was eliminated at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other extrajudicial bodies ("Troika", "Pyats"), in April 1954, the "Leningrad business" was revised and convicted party and economic leaders were rehabilitated. A year later began rehabilitation According to political processes of the 30s - early 50s. For 1954-1956 7679 people were rehabilitated, many posthumously. Tens of thousands of people came from prisons and camps to the XX Congress.

The new leadership has a great concern for the conclusion of agriculture from a protracted crisis, an increase in food production. Received by peasants by working Mounted only 20.3% of the family's money income. The peasants were fed mainly at the expense of the personnel who were engaged in working in a collective farm. 22.4% of collective farms in 1950 were not issued at work at all. Starting from September 1953, on the initiative of Khrushchev, a series of effective measures was taken: investments were significantly increased, the state purchasing prices for collective farms were increased, sown areas were expanded, development began virgin and landlord lands in Kazakhstan, Siberia and Volga region. The measures taken were justified by: in 1954-1958. The average annual growth rates of agricultural production amounted to 8% (in 1950-1953. It was 1.6%), cash income of collective farms - more than 3 times.

At the January Plenum of the Central Committee in 1955, Khrushchev accused Malenkov in insufficient maturity, the desire for a "cheap popularity" among the people, in an erroneous statement in favor of accelerating the growth rate of the production of the group B "and others. The session of the Supreme Council in February 1955 took resignation Malenkov, as Chairman of the Council of Ministers, N. A. Bulganin changed him.

XX Congress CPSU. Liberalization of the regime.Changing the political course of the new leadership, its gap with numerous Stalinist postulates and traditions were confirmed XX Congress of the CPSU, held on February 14-25, 1956, analyzing a new international situation, the Congress put forward a number of theoretical provisions on world development issues: on the peaceful coexistence of states with various social systems, on the possibility of preventing world war in modern conditions and about the diversity of countries for the transition of countries to socialism.

In domestic policy, the Congress spoke for the restoration and strengthening of the Leninist principle of collective leadership, democratization of the country's socio-political life. Before the end of the congress in a closed meeting, Khrushchev came with a report "On the cult of personality and its consequences". From the secret report, the participants of the congress learned about the "testament" of Lenin, the existence of which until he was denied the leadership of the party. For the first time, it was said about the retreat from the principles of democracy, about gross violations of socialist legality, mass repressions, the largest miscalculations and vicious methods of leadership admitted by the will of Stalin.

The criticism of the cult of personality and liberalization of society accompanied by the awakening of society, a massive movement in the form of assembly, the emergence of disputes, discussions, informal discussions. All this, as well as the return of rehabilitated from the camps, aggravated the situation in the country. The Hungarian crisis of 1956 also played a negative role, which caused the repetition of a similar attempt to a radical renewal in the Soviet leadership and in the USSR. Input soviet troops In Hungary, also caused an ambiguous reaction from the population.

The elimination of the most obvious species of Stalinskins began shortly after the death of the dictator. This process has acquired a more or less consistent nature after the XX CPSU Congress (of course, in a limited framework of the existing socialist system and values). Democratization, let the limited, touched almost all institutions of the political system of society.

In January 1957, a resolution of the CPSU Central Committee was adopted "On improving the activities of the Councils of Deputies of Workers and Enhancing their Mass Relations", providing for some expansion of the powers of the Soviets, attracting the public to their work. It was decided to increase the number of workers and collective farmers in the composition of deputies. In 1957-1958 They accounted for about 60% in the local councils and the Supreme Council of the USSR. However, the real power remained in the hands of the party bodies, the tips functioned under their care.

Khrushchev made an attempt to awaken public organizations from bureaucratic stupor. The rights of trade unions were somewhat expanded, the sanatoriums and holiday homes were transferred to their maintenance, they began to participate in the reception and dismissal of workers, the distribution of housing, etc. The growth of public activity touched and the Komsomol. About 350 thousand young men and girls left for the development of virgin and departure lands, 300 thousand went to the largest construction sites. International contacts expanded: in 1957, the VI World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow was held, which became an unprecedented event for a closed country.

XX Congress of the Party brought rehabilitation not only by prisoners and prisons, but also the restoration of the rights of whole peoples affected by Stalin's time. In February 1957, the national autonomy of the Balkar, Chechen, Ingush, Kalmyk and Karachai peoples was restored. However, the Germans of the Volga region, the Crimean Tatars, the Meskhetians Turks did not touch it.

As a reaction to the exposure of Stalin and the growth of personal influence of the first person in the manual arose antichevsk opposition ("Anti-Party Group"). But she was defeated.

In March 1958, Khrushchev, removing the Bulganin, took the post of head of government. Now he combined the highest party and state positions.

The transformation of Khrushchev in the sole leader had contradictory consequences for fate. "Thaw". Having lost the opposition, Khrushchev began to show more voluntarism, Numerous reorganization and campaigns. In 1959, the XXI CPSU Congress concluded that socialism in the USSR won a complete and final victory, the country joined during the deployed construction of communism. In 1961, the XXII CPSU Congress adopted a new, third party program - construction program communism. The task of creating the material and technical base of communism was raised by 1980, there was a sharp increase in the well-being of the population, the broad democratization of society. Voluntarist policy, despite her utopism, caused new illusions from the masses, restored faith in "bright ideals", gave birth to public activity. Began movement for the communist attitude towards work. The enthusiasm of the masses, as in all periods of Soviet history, to a certain extent stimulated the development of the economy, compensated for the defects of the administrative management system.

In 1955-1959 Measures to improve the standard of living of the population were carried out. In April 1956, Anti-Workers Act 1940 was canceled, attaching workers to enterprises. The minimum salary in the public sector was raised by about 35%, the size of pensions almost doubled, the retirement age was reduced to 60 years for men and 55 years for women. Consumption of industrial and food products has increased significantly. For 1950-1958 Real income of workers and employees rose by 60%, and collective farmers - by 90%. In 1956-1960 The translation of workers and employees on 7-hour, and on underground work - on a 6-hour working day. The working week was reduced from 48 to 46 hours. Forced state loans were canceled.

Finally, for the first time in the history of the country, it was deployed mass housing construction. City Housing Foundation in 1955-1964 increased by 80%. Despite this, the housing crisis failed to overcome. In general, the second half of the 50s remained in the collective memory of society as time when the financial situation, in particular the position with housing, began to improve.

Foreign policy.Starting from the XX Congress of the CPSU, foreign policy started taking into account new realities of modernity, which led to some mitigation of international tensions. According to Khrushchev, in the course of peaceful coexistence, socialism should demonstrate its advantages to the world as a system, and the movement of humanity to socialism will become irreversible. In this policy, it was skillfully alternated pressure with compromise, allowing to avoid military collision of opposing blocks.

Some improvement in relations with Western powers has been achieved. In 1965, a peace treaty was concluded with Austria, which ensured the neutrality of this country. In 1956, a declaration with Japan was signed, providing for the cessation of the state of war and the restoration of diplomatic relations in exchange for the transfer of Japan two South Rooms. By agreement with the United States in 1958, cooperation in the field of culture, economics, exchange of various delegations developed. 1959 was marked by an unprecedented event - the visit of Khrushchev in the United States, which was of great importance, strengthened the international prestige of the USSR, to which the United States should have been treated almost as an equal partner. Relations with Yugoslavia were normalized.

However, the development of events was contradictory, alternated with serious complications. During these years, relations with China and Albania sharply complicated, it came to open confrontation.

Some warming in relation to the West alternated with sharp crises, often initiated by the actions of our party.

In the fall of 1962, it broke out, perhaps the most dangerous crisis - Caribbean, who who put mankind on the edge of the atomic war. It was initiated by the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba. It was done under the pressure of Fidel Castro as a factor of the US intimidation. On October 22, in response, President Kennedy established the sea and air blockade of Cuba, led to the readiness of the troops, demanded from the USSR to dismantle and withdraw the rocket. The world balanced on the verge of war. Two leaders showed wisdom, reached a compromise and avoided the catastrophe: the USSR brought his nuclear missiles from Cuba, and the United States refused to capture Cuba and from placing their missiles in Turkey. Although the prestige of the USSR was strongly undermined, but the won world cost him. Between the White House and the Kremlin was installed "hot" line. In 1963, an agreement was signed on the prohibition of nuclear weapons testing in three environments: in the atmosphere, space and under water. This was the first agreement on restriction of strategic weapons.

Post-war collapse colonial system Created favorable conditions To activate Soviet foreign policy in "Third World": In 1957-1964 Moscow exchanged visits more than 30 developing countries, signed over 20 different cooperation agreements. Wanting to strengthen its international positions, the USSR sought to engage in its orbit more and more countries that announced themselves if not on socialist, then on a non-capitalist path.

In general, by the mid-60s, a certain stabilization international relations . The USSR and the United States came out of dangerous conflicts, acquired an important experience of interaction in the conditions of confrontation of military-political blocks.

During this period, the USSR achieved notable success in the field of science and technology. In the late 50s and early 60s, he became the world leader in rocket technology and a pioneer in the development of space. In 1957, for the first time in the world, the launch of a multistage intercontinental ballistic missile was launched. On October 4, 1957, the first Soviet satellite was started, derived from space orbit. April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin Made the first person in the history of a person in space.

Thus, in the post-war world, the political and military influence of the USSR has increased significantly. However, due to serious contradictions, the anti-Hitler coalition broke up to hostile blocks. The "Cold War" began and the arms race, which led to the confrontation of two systems. "Cold War", the militarization of the economy led to economic difficulties, tightening the regime, the new wave of reprehension. Transformations conducted in the social, political and spiritual life of society 1953-1964 were very significant. They gave the impetus to the spiritual renewal of the people, gradually overcoming the Stalin heritage, were told the totalitarian regime.

Topics of abstracts

  1. USSR and the creation of a socialist block of states.
  2. Alternatives to the post-war development of the USSR.
  3. "Cold War" of the USSR and the USA: origins and move.
  4. Post-war repression - features and scope.
  5. The fate of German prisoners of war in the USSR.
  6. The historical meaning of the XX Congress of the CPSU.
  7. Post-war political processes.
  8. Historical portraits: Molotov, Khrushchev, Kaganovich, Mikoyan, Malenkov.
  9. The case of Beria.
  10. Creation of the USSR Rocket and Nuclear Shield.
  11. The development of virgin and landfill lands.
  12. The Caribbean crisis of 1962 and the threat of the Third World War.
  13. Housing construction in the USSR.
  14. First flight of a Soviet man into space.

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