As the process of forming the global colonial system occurred. Formation and development of the global colonial system

Encyclopedia plants 22.09.2019
Encyclopedia plants

1. Formation of the colonial system in the world.

European countries, having completed modernization, received huge benefits compared to the rest of the world, which was based on the principles of traditionalism. This advantage affected the military potential. Therefore, after the epoch of the Great geographic discoveriesrelated mainly to intelligence expeditions, already in the XVII-XVIII centuries. The colonial expansion of the east of the most developed countries of Europe began. Traditional civilization due to the backwardness of their development were not able to withstand this expansion and turned into a slight prey of their stronger opponents. The prerequisites of colonialism originated in the era of great geographical discoveries, namely in the XV century, when Vasco da Gama opened the way to India, and Columbus reached the shores of America. In a collision with the peoples of other cultures, Europeans demonstrated their technological superiority (oceanial sailing ships and firearms). The first colonies were founded in the new light of the Spaniards. The robbery of the states of the American Indians contributed to the development of the European banking system, the growth of financial injections into science and stimulated the development of the industry, which, in turn, demanded new raw materials.

For the colonial policy of the initial capital accumulation period, the desire to establish a monopoly in trade with conquered territories, seizures and looting of entire countries, the use or planting of predatory feudal and slave forms of operation local population. This policy has played a huge role in the process of initial accumulation. It led to concentrations in European countries of large capital on the basis of the robbery of colonies and slave trade, which was particularly unfolded from the 2nd half of the XVII century and served as one of the transformation of England in the most developed country of that time.

In the enslaved countries, the colonial policy caused the destruction of the productive forces, detained the economic and political development of these countries, led to the plunder of huge areas and the extermination of entire peoples. Military confiscation methods played main role In the operation of the colonies at that time. A vivid example of using such methods is the policy of the British East India company in the winning Bengal won in 1757. The consequence of such a policy was hunger 1769-1773, the victims of which were 10 million bengalants. In Ireland during the XVI-XVII centuries, the British government was confiscated and transferred to English colonists almost all the land belonging to the indigenous Irish.

At the first stage of the colonization of traditional societies, Spain and Portugal were leading. They managed to conquer most South America.

Colonialism in a new time. As they transition from manufactory to a large factory-factory industry in colonial policy, significant changes occur. Colonies are more economically closely associated with metropolis, turn into their agrarian-commodity appendages with the monocultural direction of the development of agriculture, in the markets of industrial products and sources of raw materials for the growing capitalist industries of metropolis. For example, exports of English cotton fabrics in India from 1814 to 1835 increased 65 times.

The spread of new methods of operation, the need to create special colonial governance bodies that could consolidate domination over local peoples, as well as the rivalry of various layers of the bourgeoisie in the metropolises led to the elimination of monopoly colonial trading companies and the transition of captured countries and territories under state administration of metropolis.

The change in the forms and methods of operation of the colonies was not accompanied by a decrease in its intensity. Huge wealth exported from the colonies. The use of them led to the acceleration of social economic Development In Europe and North America. Although the colonizers were interested in the growth of the marketability of the peasant farm in the colonies, they were often supported and secured feudal and prefabricated relations, considering the feudal and relatives to know in colonized countries as their social support.

With the beginning of the industrial era, the largest colonial power becomes the United Kingdom. By defeating France during a long struggle in 18-19 centuries, it increased its ownership for her account, as well as at the expense of the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal. The United Kingdom subordinated to India. In 1840-42 and together with France, in 1856-60, the so-called opium wars velated against China, as a result of which the contracts beneficially benefited by themselves. She captured Senthany (Hong Kong), tried to subordinate to Afghanistan, seized the supporting points in the Persian Gulf, Aden. The colonial monopoly, together with the industrial monopoly, provided the Great Britain the position of the most powerful power throughout almost only 19 V .. The colonial expansion was carried out and other powers. France subjugated Algeria (1830-48), Vietnam (50-80s. 19th century), installed his protectorate over Cambodia (1863), Laos (1893). In 1885, Congo becomes the ownership of the Belgian king Leopold II, a system of compulsory labor is established in the country.

IN mid XVIII in. Spain and Portugal began to lag in economic development and as sea powers were moved to the background. Leadership in colonial seizures passed to England. Starting from 1757, the trading Out-India English Company has seized almost all of the Industry for almost a hundred years. Since 1706, active colonization of the British began North America. In parallel, the development of Australia was going on, on whose territory the British sent convicts for the focus works of criminals. The Dutch East India Company captured Indonesia. France has established a colonial government on the Islands of West Indies, as well as in the New World (Canada).

African continent in the XVII-XVIII centuries. The Europeans were mastered only on the coast and was used mainly as a source of slaves. In the XIX century Europeans advanced far deep into the continent and by the middle of the XIX century. Africa was almost completely colonized. The exception was two countries: Christian Ethiopia, which was resistant to Italy, and Liberia, created by former slaves, migrants from the United States.

IN South-East Asia The French captured most of the indocidant territory. Relative independence has retained only Siam (Thailand), but also a large territory has been taken away.

By the middle of the XIX century. The Ottoman Empire has undergone strong pressure of developed countries in Europe. Levanta countries (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine), who were officially considered part of the Ottoman Empire during this period, became the zone of active penetration of Western powers - France, England, Germany. In the same period, Iran has lost not only economic, but also political independence. IN late XIX. in. Its territory was divided into spheres of influence between England and Russia. Thus, in the XIX century. Almost all countries of the East fell into one or another form of dependence on the strongest capitalist countries, turning into a colony or half colonia. For Western countries, colonies were a source of raw materials, financial resources, labor, as well as markets. The exploitation of colonies by Western metropolises was cruel, predatory. The price of merciless exploitation and robbery created the wealth of Western metropolis, was maintained a relatively high standard of living of their population.

2. The colonies

According to the type of management, settlement and economic development in the history of colonialism, three main types of colonies were distinguished:

    Migrating colonies.

    Commodity colonies (or operated colonies).

    Mixed (migratory commodity colonies).

Migrating colonialism is the type of colonization management, the main goal of which was the expansion of the living space (the so-called Lebedsrauma) of the title ethnos of the metropolis to the detriment of autochthonic peoples. The migrant colonies occurs a massive influx of immigrants from the metropolis, which usually form a new political and economic elite. The local population is suppressed, it is displaced, and it is often destroyed physically (i.e. genocide is carried out). The metropolis often encourages the resettlement to a new place as a means of regulating the number of own population, as well as how new lands use for references of undesirable elements (criminals, prostitutes, recalcitable national minorities - Irish, Basque and Others), etc. An example of a modern migrating colony is Israel.

The key points when creating migrating colonies are two conditions: low density Autochthonous population with the relative abundance of land and other natural resources. Naturally, migrating colonialism leads to a deep structural restructuring of the life and ecology of the region compared with resource (raw colonialism), which, as the rule, is sooner or later ends with decolonization. There are examples and mixed migrant colonies in the world.

The first examples of the migrant colony of the mixed type became the colony of Spain (Mexico, Peru) and Portugal (Brazil). But it was the British Empire that, after it, the United States, the Netherlands and Germany, began to pursue the full genocide of the autochthonous population in new captured lands in order to create homogeneously white, English-speaking, Protestant migrant colonies, later transmitted to the dominion. After committing a mistake in relation to 13 North American colonies, England softened his attitude towards new settlement colonies. From the very beginning they were administered administrative, and then political autonomy. Such was the settlement colonies in Canada, Australia and New Zealand. But the attitude towards the autochthonous population remained extremely cruel. Worldwide fame received the road to the USA in the USA and the Politics of Belaya Australia in Australia. No less bloody were reprisals of the British with their European competitors: "Great Starching" in the French Acade and the conquest of Quebec - the French migrating colonies of the New World. At the same time, the British India with its fast-growing 300 million people, Hong Kong, Malaysia turned out to be unsuitable for British colonization due to its densely population and the presence of aggressive Muslim minorities. In South Africa, the population was already quite numerous in South Africa, but institutional segregation helped British to allocate certain economic niches and land for a small group of privileged British colonists. Often for marginalizing the local population, white settlers attracted the third groups: Negros-slaves from Africa in the United States and Brazil; Jews refugees from Europe in Canada, bars from South countries and of Eastern Europewho did not have their colonies; Hindus, Vietnamese and Javanese-Kuli in Guiana, South Africa, USA, etc. The conquest of Siberia and America by Russia, as well as their further settlement of Russian and Russian-speaking immigrants, also had a lot in common with migrating colonialism. In this process, in addition to Russians, Ukrainians, Germans and other nations participated.

After time, migrating colonies turned into new nations. So there were Argentines, Peruvians, Mexicans, Canadians, Brazilians, US Americans, Creoles Guiana, Calido New Caledonia, Breona, Franco Acadians, Kazhuna and Franco Canadians (Quebecs). With the former metropolis, they continue to bind the language, religion and community culture. The fate of some migrating colonies ended tragically: Parya Nouary Algeria (Francoalzhitsa), from the end of the twentieth century, European settlers and their descendants are intensively leaving the countries Central Asia and Africa (repatriation): In South Africa, their share fell from 21% in 1940 to 9% in 2010; In Kyrgyzstan from 40% in 1960 to 10% in 2010. In Windhuk, the White share fell from 54% in 1970 to 16% in 2010. Their share is also rapidly reduced everywhere in the new world: it fell in the USA from 88% in 1930. up to about 64% in 2010; In Brazil from 63% in 1960 to 48% in 2010.

3. Features of the management of colonies.

The colonial domination was administratively either in the form of "Dominion" (direct control of the colony through the vice-king, a captain-general or general governor), or in the form of the Protectorate. The ideological substantiation of colonialism went through the need to spread culture (Cultricraterery, modernization, westernization is the spread of Western values \u200b\u200baround the world) - the "burden of a white man."

The Spanish version of the colonization meant the expansion of Catholicism, Spanish through the Encombend system. Encomenda (from Spanish Encomienda - Care, Protection) The form of the dependence of the population of Spanish colonies from colonializers. Introduced in 1503. Canceled in the XVIII century. The Dutch version of the colonization of South Africa meant apartheid, expulsion of the local population and conclusion of it in reservation or bantustan. The colonists have formed fully independent from the local population of the community, which were completed from people of various estates, including criminals and adventurers. Religious communities (Puritans of New England and Mormons of the Wild West were also widely distributed. The power of the colonial administration was carried out according to the principle of "divide and conquer" by steering the local religious communities (Indians and Muslims in British India) or hostile tribes (in colonial Africa), as well as with the help of apartheid (racial discrimination). Often, the colonial administration supported oppressed groups to combat their enemies (oppressed Hutu in Rwanda) and created armed detachments from the natives (Sipia in India, Gurkhi in Nepal, Zuyava in Algeria).

Initially, European countries did not bring in the colony of political culture and socio-economic relations. Fabricating the ancient civilizations of the East, which have long developed their own traditions of culture and statehood, the conquerors sought, primarily their economic subordination. In the territories where statehood was absent at all, or was at a fairly low level (for example, in North America or Australia), they were forced to create certain state structures, to some extent borrowed from the experience of metropolis, but with greater national specificity. In North America, for example, the authorities concentrated in the hands of the governors who were appointed by the British government. Governors were advisors, as a rule, from among the colonists who defended the interests of the local population. Government bodies played a big role: the collection of representatives of the colonies and legislative bodies - the legislative.

In India, the British did not interfere in political life And they sought to influence local rulers through economic means of impact (boal loans), as well as providing military assistance in the internecine struggle.

Economic policy in various European colonies was largely similar. Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, England originally transferred feudal structures into their colonial possessions. At the same time, plantational economy was widely used. Of course, these were not slave-owned "classic type plantations, as, say, in ancient Rome. They were a major capitalist economy working on the market, but using coarse forms of out-economic coercion and dependence.

Many consequences of colonization were negative. The robbery of national wealth, the unreacted exploitation of the local population and poor colonists. Trading companies have been imported to the seized areas of mass demand and sold it at high prices. Of the colonial countries, on the contrary, exported valuable raw materials, gold and silver. Under the onslaught of goods from the metropolis of Hirelo Traditional East craft, the traditional forms of life were destroyed, the values \u200b\u200bsystem.

At the same time, Eastern civilizations were increasingly drawn into a new system of world ties and fell under the influence of Western civilization. Gradually took place the assimilation of Western ideas and political institutions, the creation of capitalist economic infrastructure. Under the influence of these processes, the traditional oriental civilizations are reforming.

A vivid example of changing traditional structures under the influence of colonial policy gives the history of India. After the elimination of the East India Trading Company in 1858, India became part of the British Empire. In 1861, a law was adopted on the establishment of law-broadcasting bodies - Indian Soviets, and in 1880 the law on local government. Thus, it was necessary to begin a new one for Indian civilization - elected bodies of representation. Although it should be noted that in these elections only about 1% of the population of India had the right to take part.

The British carried out noticeable financial investments in the Indian economy. The colonial administration, resorting to loans from English bankers, built railways, irrigation facilities, enterprises. In addition, in India, private capital, which played a large role in the development of cotton, jut industry, in the production of tea, coffee and sugar. The owners of the enterprises were not only the British, but also the Indians. 1/3 of the share capital was in the hands of the National Bourgeoisie.

From the 40s XIX century The British authorities began to actively work on the formation of the National "Indian" blood and color of the skin, in tastes, morality and the warehouse of the mind, intelligentsia. Such an intelligentsia was formed in colleges and universities of Calcutta, Madras, Bombay and other cities.

In the XIX century The modernization process took place in the countries of the East, which were not directly in colonial dependence. In the 40s XIX century Began reform B. Ottoman Empire. Transformed administrative system and court, secular schools were created. Nemusulman communities (Jewish, Greek, Armenian) were officially recognized, and their members received admission to the public service. In 1876, a two-bearet parliament was created, which several limited the power of Sultan, the basic rights and freedoms of citizens were proclaimed in the Constitution. However, the democratization of Eastern Despoty was very fragile and in 1878. After Turkey's defeat in the war with Russia, there is a rollback to the initial positions. After the public coup in the empire, the despotian reigned again, the Parliament was dissolved, the democratic rights of citizens are essentially cut.

In addition to Turkey, European standards in Islamic civilization began to master only two states: Egypt and Iran. The rest of the huge Islamic world until the middle of the XX century. It remained susceptible to the traditional lifestyle.

Certain efforts to modernize the country did China. In the 60s. XIX century Here, the policy of self-esteem was widely popular. In China, industrial enterprises, shipyards, Arsenals for re-equipment of the army actively began to be created. But this process did not receive a sufficient impulse. Further attempts to develop in this direction with large interruptions resumed in the XX century.

Further of all of the countries of the East in the second half of the XIX century. Japan advanced. The peculiarity of Japanese modernization is that in this country the reforms were carried out quite quickly and most consistently. Using the experience of advanced European countries, the Japanese modernized the industry, introduced a new system of legal relations, changed political structure, education system, expanded civil rights and freedoms.

After the state coup, 1868 in Japan, a number of radical reforms were held, called the Restoration of Maidzi. As a result of these reforms in Japan, it was fined with feudalism. The government eliminated feudal deals and hereditary privileges, princes-daim, turning them into officials who were headed by province and prefectures. Titles are preserved, but the class differences were canceled. This means that with the exception of the highest dignitaries, in the current attitude of the princes and samurai were equated to other estates.

The land for ransom passed into the property of the peasants, and it opened the way for the development of capitalism. The wealthy peasantry, freed from tax - rent in favor of the princes, got the opportunity to work on the market. Small landowners thoroughly, sold their sites and either turned into rumbers, or went to work in the city.

The state assumed the construction of industrial facilities: shipyard, metallurgical plants, etc. It actively encouraged merchant capital, giving him social and legal guarantees. In 1889, the Constitution was adopted in Japan, according to which the constitutional monarchy was established with the great rights of the emperor.

As a result, all these reforms Japan for short term sharply transformed. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Japanese capitalism turned out to be quite competitive in relation to the capitalism of the largest Western countries, and the Japanese state turned into a powerful power.

4.Respad of the colonial system and its consequences.

The crisis of Western civilization, so distinctly manifested at the beginning of the XX century. As a result of the First World War and formed deep socio-political changes in the world, influenced the growth of anti-colonial struggle. However, the winner countries with joint efforts managed to bring down the distinguished fire. Nevertheless, the countries of the West under the conditions of the growing crisis of civilization were forced to gradually change their idea of \u200b\u200bthe place and the future subject to them the peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America. The latter gradually drawn into market relations (for example, the trade policy of England in colonies, starting from the period of the Great Crisis of 1929-1933), as a result of which private property was strengthened in dependent countries, elements of a new non-traditional social structure were formed, western culture, education, etc. This was manifested in timid, inconsistent attempts to modernize the most outdated traditional relations in a number of semi-colonial countries in the Western model, which ultimately rested in the primary problem of gaining political independence, but the growth of totalitarian trends in western world It was accompanied by an interwar period in the strengthening of ideology and policy of racism, which, of course, increased the resistance of the metropolis of anti-colonial movement in general. That is why only after World War II with the victory of democracy forces on fascism, the emergence of the alternative capitalism of the socialist system, which traditionally supported the anticolonial struggle of oppressed peoples (according to ideological and political reasons), there have been favorable conditions for the decay and the subsequent coloration of the colonial system.

Stages of colonial system

The question of the system of international custody (in other words, the colonial problem) in accordance with the agreement of the heads of the Government of England, the USSR and the United States was included on the agenda of the Conference in San Francisco, established in 1945. UN. Soviet representatives aggreed for the principle of independence for colonial peoples, their opponents, and above all, the British, who presented the largest colonial empire at that time, so that the UN Charter was said only about the movement "towards self-government". As a result, a formula was adopted, close to the proposed Soviet delegation: the UN guardianship system should lead the territories in the direction "to self-government and independence".

For ten years, more than 1.2 billion people were freed from the colonial and semi-colonial dependence. On the world map, 15 sovereign states appeared, in which over 4/5 of the population of former colonial possessions. Provided the release of the largest English colonies in India (1947) and Ceylon (1948), the submanent territories of France - Syria and Lebanon (1943, the conclusion of the troops - 1946), Vietnam freed from Japanese colonial dependence, which won independence from France during the eight-year-old war (1945-1954 ), defeated the revolution of a socialist nature in North Korea and China.

From the mid-50s. Became began colonial system In its classic forms of direct subordination and dictate. IN

1960 The UN General Assembly on the initiative of the USSR adopted a declaration on the provision of independence to former colonial countries.

By the end of the Second World War, about 200 million people lived at 55 territories of the African continent and a number of adjacent islands. Formally, Egypt, Ethiopia, Liberia and Dominion of Great Britain - the South African Union, who had their governments and administration were considered independent. A huge part of Africa's territories was divided between England, France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Italy. 1960 entered the story as "the Year of Africa". Then the independence of 17 countries of the central and western part of the continent was proclaimed. In general, the process of liberation of Africa ended by 1975. By this time, 3.7% of the world's population in the continued colonies lived in the remaining colonies, which was less than 1% of the land of the globe.

In total after World War II, more than 2 billion people were released from colonial yoke. The collapse of the colonial system is, of course, the progressive phenomenon in the modern history of mankind, since the possibilities of independent choice of the path, national self-expression, access to the achievements of civilization opened for the vast mass of the world's population of the planet.

At the same time, a number of serious problems of liberated countries called developing countries, or third world countries. These problems are not only regional, but also a global nature, and therefore can be solved only with the active participation of all countries of the world community.

To developing countries, in accordance with a sufficiently mobile classification of the UN, it is customary to attribute most countries of the world, with the exception of developed industrial countries.

Despite the tremendous diversity of economic life, the countries of the third world have similar characteristics that allow them to combine them in this category. The main one is the colonial past, whose consequences can be found in the economy, politics, culture of these countries. They have one way of the formation of the current industry structure - the widespread predominance of manual production in the colonial period and the transition program to industrial methods of production after independence. Therefore, pre-industrial and industrial types of production are closely adjacent in developing countries, as well as production based on the latest achievements of the scientific and technical revolution. But mostly the two first types are dominated. The economy of all countries of the Third World is not characterized by harmony in the development of the sectors of the national economy, which is also explained by the fact that they have not fully underwent consistent phases of economic development as leading countries.

For most developing countries, the policy of etatism is characterized, i.e. Direct state intervention in the economy in order to accelerate the rates of its growth. The absence of a sufficient number of private capital investments and foreign investment Makes the state to take on the functions of the investor. True, B. last years In many developing countries, the policy of privatization of enterprises began to be carried out - privatization, supported by measures to stimulate private sector: preferential taxation, import liberalization and protectionism against the most important private property enterprises.

Despite the important general characteristics that combine developing countries, they can be divided into several single-type groups. At the same time, it is necessary to be guided by such criteria as: the structure of the economy of the country, export and import, the degree of openness of the country and its involvement in the world economy, some features of the state economic policy.

Least developed countries. The least developed countries include a number of Tropical Africa states (Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Chad, Tanzania, Somalia, Western Sahara), Asia (Campuchea, Laos), Latin America (Tahiti, Guatemala, Guiana, Honduras, etc.). These countries are characterized by low, or even negative growth rates. The agricultural sector (up to 80-90%) prevails in the structure of these countries (up to 80-90%), although it is not able to provide domestic food needs and raw materials. The low profitability of the main sector of the economy does not allow relying on the internal sources of accumulation for such necessary investments in the development of production, the preparation of the qualified labor force, the improvement of technology, etc.

Countries with an average level of development. The numerous group of developing countries with an average level of economic development includes Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Algeria, Philippines, Indonesia, Peru, Colombia, and others. The structure of the economy of these countries is characterized by a large specific weighing industry compared to the agricultural sector, more advanced internal and foreign trade . This group of countries has large potency in development due to the availability of internal sources of accumulation. Before these countries should not be so acute the problem of poverty and hunger. Their place in the world economy is determined by a significant technological gap with developed countries and large external debt.

Oil-producing countries.Significant specificity of the economy differ oil-producing countries: Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, etc., previously carrying the characteristic features of lagging states. The world's largest oil reserves that are actively operating in these countries allowed them in a short time to enter the number of the richest (in terms of annual per capita income) of the states of the world. However, the structure of the economy as a whole is characterized by extreme one-sidedness, imbalance, and therefore the potential vulnerability. Along with the high development of the extractive industry, the remaining industries do not actually play a significant role in the economy. In the system of world economy, these countries firmly occupy the place of the largest oil exporters. Largely due to this this group countries are becoming the largest international banking center.

New industrial countries. Another group of states with high rates economic growth make up new industrial countries, including South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, India, etc. The state policy of these countries includes the orientation for attracting private (domestic and foreign) capital, reducing the public sector due to the expansion of the private enterprise. Nationwide measures include the rise in the level of education of the population, distribution of computer literacy. They are characterized by the intensive development of industry, including scientific industries focused on export. The industrial products of them largely meets the level of world standards. These countries are increasingly strengthening their place in the global market, as evidenced by numerous modern production issues and dynamically developing in these countries with the participation of foreign capital and transnational corporations. The so-called new transpectionals competing with the US TNC appeared in countries such as South Korea, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Brazil, etc.

New industrial countries are developing through a skillful borrowing, selection of indisputable achievements of Western civilization and their skillful application to national traditions and estimates. It should be noted that such an assessment or European vision of the prospects for the development of liberated countries (whether they include the Arab-Islamic, Indo-Buddhist or Sino-Confucian worlds) are characteristic of the Marxist school. Thus, most of the Soviet scientists believed (as well as a significant part of the bourgeois researchers) that after the liberation of the country of the third world will begin rapidly catch up with developed countries. The only difference in this approach was different, or rather, the polar assessment of the merits of capitalist and socialist selection models, capable of ensuring the pace and the final success of development. And this difference in the approach was to a certain extent justified by the fact that after the liberation, developing countries, as it were, were in the orbit of a political camp: socialist or capitalist.

It is known that after the victory of liberation movements (in the interpretation of Soviet researchers - People's Democratic Revolutions), a number of developing countries rose on the path of socialist construction (Vietnam, Laos, North Korea, China). About 20 developing states, including Algeria, Guinea, Ethiopia, Benin, Congo, Tanzania, Burma, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Mozambique, Angola, and others, elected the way of socialist orientation (or non-capitalist development). The total territory of this group of states to the beginning of the 80s. accounted for 17 million square meters. km, and the population is about 220 million people. However, most of the liberated countries sought to strengthen their political and economic positions in the path of capitalist modernization, which began in the colonial period. And in the 60-80s. A number of these countries have achieved serious success. This is Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, "Oil ELITE Countries", new industrial countries and some others.

However, neither the orientation to the West, nor socialism ensured the enormous majority of the liberated countries of such development rates, which would allow them to catch up with developed countries. Moreover, many third world countries not only do not catch up with advanced, but even lagging behind them even more. Today it became apparent that many developing countries do not want, and not able to repeat the universal path of development, whether the Western, capitalist version or the socialist model. Understanding this truth with a vast majority of the third world countries led to the emergence (back in 1961) and the consolidation of the Non-Aligned Movement, which in 1986 united 100 states with a total population of 1.5 billion people.

Apparently, illusions in relation to the potential possibilities of the third world countries are both in Europe. This is happening as Western civilization is released from the crisis of the first half of the XX century. And returning it to humanistic values \u200b\u200bin the post-industrial era.

In other words, the understanding of the fact that the only possible version of the development of world civilization is an equal dialogue, cooperation based on the synthesis of values \u200b\u200baccumulated by the West and East (under the East, the various types of civilizations include the countries of the Third World). As well as the understanding that the Western development option led to the emergence of global problems that threaten the existence of humanity, while the Eastern option retained the values \u200b\u200bcapable of providing invaluable assistance in solving these problems. However, once again it should be emphasized that this dialogue is possible on the basis of the full refusal of the West from the recurrence of non-colonialism policies. And apparently, only on this path is possible progress and survival of both Western civilization and solving problems of lagging, poverty, poverty, hunger, etc. In the countries of the Third World.

In the world-historical process XX century. It was an era when the territorial section of the world was completed at her beginning between the leading powers, and at the end, the colonial system was disassembled. An important role in granting independence to colonial countries was played by the Soviet Union.

For the same historical term, only new industrial and oil-producing countries achieved certain success in economic development. Countries developed after liberation on the path of socialist orientation remain among the least developed.

For most countries of the Third World, there are sharp problems of hunger, poverty, employment, lack of qualified personnel, illiteracy, external debt. Thus, the problems of the third world countries, where about 2 billion people live - the global problem of modernity.

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  • World history contains great amount events, names, dates that are placed in several dozen or even hundreds of various textbooks. Different authors have different views on certain circumstances, but they are combined by facts that should be described in one way or another. In world history, phenomena, which appeared once and for a long time, and others appearing several times, but for short periods. One of these phenomena is a colonial system. In the article, we will tell you what it is where it was spread and how it went into the past.

    What is a colonial system?

    The world colonial system, or colonialism, is a situation where developed in the industrial, cultural, economic aspect of the country dominate the rest of the world (less developed countries or thirds of the third world).

    The domination was usually established after armed attacks and subordination to itself. He was expressed in the plantation of economic and political principles and the rules of existence.

    When it was?

    The concerns of the colonial system appeared in the 15th century in the era of great geographical discoveries along with the opening of India and America. Then the indigenous peoples of open areas had to recognize the technological superiority of the Inomers. The first real colonies were formed by Spain in the 17th century. Gradually began to capture and distribute their influence United Kingdom, France, Portugal, Netherlands. Later they joined them and Japan.

    By the end of the 19th century most of The world was divided between great powers. Russia has not been actively involved in colonization, but some neighboring territories also subordinate to themselves.

    Who belonged to whom?

    Belonging to a particular country determined the course of the colony. As far as the colonial system is spread, the table below will tell the best.

    Belonging to country colonizers
    Metropoli State State-colony Exit time from under the influence
    SpainCountries of Central and South America, Southeast Asia1898
    Portugal Southwest Africa1975
    Great BritainBritish Islands, Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, Australia and Oceania
    FranceNorth and Central America, North and Middle East, Oceania, IndochinaThe end of the 40s - the beginning of the 60s. XX century
    USACountries of Central and South America, Oceania, AfricaEnd of the XX century, some countries have not come out of the influence still
    RussiaEastern Europe, Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Far East1991

    There were smaller colonies, but from the table it is clear that they were not subject to a draw of the influence of Antarctica and Antarctic, because there were no raw materials and platforms for the development of industry, economics, and life in general. Colonies were managed through the Governors of the Governors appointed by the ruler or through the constant visit to them the same colonies.

    Characteristic features of the period

    The period of colonialism has its own characteristic features:

    • All actions are aimed at establishing a monopoly in trade with colonial territories, i.e., the metropolis countries wanted to set the colonies trade relations only with them and no more
    • armed attacks and looting of entire states, and then submission to themselves,
    • the use of feudal and slave forms of exploitation of the population of the colonies, which turned them almost into slaves.

    Thanks to such policies among countries that owned colonies, capital reserves quickly emerged, which allowed them to enter the leading places on the world stage. So, it is thanks to the colonies and their financial means England became Samoa developed country that time.

    How did you sing?

    Colonial disintegrated immediately, simultaneously. This process took place gradually. The main period of the loss of influence over country-colonies fell on the end of the Second World War (1941-1945), since people believed that you could live without the oppression and control from another country.

    Somewhere, the exit from under the influence occurred in a peaceful way, with the help of agreements and signing agreements, and somewhere through military and rebel actions. Some African and Oceania countries are still under the rule of the United States, but no longer experience such an oppression as it was in the 18-19 centuries.

    The consequences of the colonial system

    The colonial system is difficult to call the definitely positive or negative phenomenon of the life of the world community. She had both positive and negative sides for both the metropolis states and the colonies. The collapse of the colonial system led to certain consequences.

    For metropolies, they were as follows:

    • drop in own production capacity due to possession of markets and resources of colonies and, therefore, the absence of stimuli,
    • investing capital in colony to the detriment of the metropolis,
    • standing in competitive struggle and development from other countries due to increased concerns about colonies.

    For colonies:

    • the destruction and loss of traditional culture and lifefriend, the complete extermination of some nations;
    • devastation of natural and cultural reserves;
    • reducing the number of local population of colonies due to the attacks of metropolis, epidemics, hunger, etc.;
    • the emergence of its industry and intelligentsia;
    • the emergence of the foundations for the future independent development of the country.

    Great geographical discoveries of the middle of the XV - mid XVII century. They were associated with the process of initial capital accumulation in Europe. The development of new trade routes and countries, the robbery of newly open lands contributed to the development of this process, marked the beginning of the creation of a colonial system of capitalism, folding the world market.

    Pioneers of the great geographical discoveries became in the XV century. Countries of the Pyrenean Peninsula - Spain and Portugal. Waving in the XIII century. His territory among Arabs, Portuguese in the XIV-XV centuries. They continued the war with Arabs in North Africa, during which a significant fleet was created.

    The first stage of Portuguese geographic discoveries (1418-1460) is associated with the activities of Prince Enrique of the Marithelist, a talented organizer of maritime expeditions, in which not only the noblemen participated, but also merchants. Back in the 20-30s of the XV century. The Portuguese opened the island of Madeira, the Canary and Azores, advanced far to the south along the western coast of Africa. Having reached the Cape Bohador, they reached the coast of Guinea (1434) and the islands of the Green Cape, and in 1462, - Sierra Leone. In 1471, they examined the coast of Ghana, where they found rich golden placers. Opening in 1486 Bartolomeo Diambolus of the Cape of Good Hope on the southern tip of Africa created a real opportunity to prepare an expedition to India,

    Far seaside travel has become possible in the second half of the XV century. As a result of considerable success in science and technology. Until the end of the XVI century. The Portuguese walked in front of other countries not only by the number of discoveries. The knowledge gained by them during travel was given to the navigaters of many countries a new valuable information about sea currents, tides and lowers, wind direction. Application on the map of new lands pushed the development of cartography. Portuguese maps differed great accuracy and contained data on previously unknown Europeans in the world. In many countries, reports on Portuguese maritime expeditions, Portuguese navigation manuals were published and reprinted. Portuguese cartographers worked in many European countries. At the beginning of the XVI century. The first Harts appeared, on which the lines of tropics and equator and the latitude scale were applied.

    Based on the teachings on the softenness of the Earth, the Italian scientist, astronomer and the cosmograph of Paolo Toskanlyli amounted to the world map on which Asia's shores were marked on the west coast Atlantic Ocean: He believed that it was possible to reach India, Swing. I West from the banks of Europe, the Italian scientist incorrectly imagined the length of the Ecquator Ecquator, making an error of IA 12 thousand, km, subsequently said that it was a great mistake that led to the Great Opening.

    By the end of the XV century. Navigation devices have been significantly improved<компас и астролябия), позволявшие более точно, чем раньше, определять положение корабля в открытом море. Поя-лился новый тип судна — каравелла, которая благодаря системе парусов могла идти и по ветру, и против ветра, достигая скорости 22 км в час. Корабль имел небольшой экипаж (!/ю экипажа гребной галеры) и мог взять на борт достаточно продовольствия и пресной воды для дальнего плавания.

    At the end of the XV century. The new trade routes were looking for the Spaniards, in 1492, the Genoese navigator Christopher Columbus (1451 -1506) arrived in the courtyard of the Spanish kings of Ferdinand and Isabella (1451 -1506), a little known about the preceding period of life of Columbus. He was born in Genoa in a weaver family, in his youth participated in maritime travel, he was an experienced pilot and captain, he read a lot, knew the astronomy and geography, Columbus offered his Spanish monarchs, approved by Toskanjelli, the project - to reach the shores of India, floating west through Atlantic. Prior to this, Columbus was in vain off its plan to Portuguese king, and then the English and French monarchum, but received a refusal. The Portuguese by this time were already close to the opening of the way to India across Africa, which predetermined the refusal of the Portuguese king Alfons V. France and England did not have enough fleet for the expedition equipment at this time.

    In Spain, the situation was more favorable to implement Columbus's designs. After the restoration in 1492 Granada and the completion of the last war with Arabs, the economic situation of the Spanish monarchy was very heavy. The treasury was empty, the crown no longer had at his disposal free lands for sale, income from trade taxes and industry was insignificant. A huge number of nobles (Hidalgo) remained without livelihood. Pupils of centuries reconquists, they despised all economic activities - the only source of income for most of them was war. Without losing the desire for rapid enrichment, the Spanish Hidalgo was ready to rush into new conquest. The crown was interested in sending this restless noble freestyle from Spain, over the ocean, in unknown land. In addition, the Spanish industry needed markets. By virtue of its geographical location and long-term struggle against Arabs Spain in the XV century. It turned out to be cut from trade in the Mediterranean Sea, which was controlled by Italian cities. Expansion at the end of the XV century. Turkish conquests made more difficult for Europe trade with East. The path to India around Africa was closed for Spain, since Promotion in this direction meant a collision with Portugal,

    All these circumstances were decisive for the adoption by the Spanish Courtyard of the Columbus project. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe overseas expansion was supported by the tops of the Catholic Church. It was approved by scientists of the University of Salamancan, one of the most famous in Europe. A contract (capitulation) was concluded between the Spanish kings and Columbus (capitulation), according to which the Great Marinee was appointed by the vice-king of newly open lands, received the hereditary rank of admiral, the right to VIO part of the income from newly open possessions and] / part of the profits from trade.

    On August 3, 1492, flotilla from the three Karavel was saved from Harbor Palo (not far from Seville), taking the course to the southwest. After passing the Canary Islands, Columbus led the squadron in the north-west direction and after a few days of swimming reached Sargassov Sea, a significant part of which is covered with algae, which created the illusion of the proximity of the Earth. Flotilla fell into the Passatove zone and quickly moved forward. For several days, ships wandered among algae, but the shore was not visible. It caused a superstitious fear among the sailors, the stresses were called on the ships. In early October, after two months of swimming under the pressure of the crew, Columbus changed the course and moved to the southwest. On the night of October 12, 1492, one of the sailors saw the land, and with the dawn of flotilla came to one of the Bahamas (Guanahani Island, called Spaniards San Salvador), during this first trip (1492-1493) Columbus opened the island of Cuba and explored him Northern shore.

    Having accepted Cuba for one of the islands off the coast of Japan, he tried to continue swimming on the West and opened the island of Haiti (Espanyol), where he met more gold than in other places. The coast of Haiti Columbus lost his biggest ship and was forced to leave a part of the crew on Espanyol. Fort was built on the island. Having strengthened it with cannons from the deceased ship and leaving the garrison of food and powder stocks, Columbus began to prepare x reverse swimming. Fortress on Espanyole - Navidad (Christmas) - # T * La First Spanish settlement in a new light.

    Open lands, their nature, appearance and classes of their inhabitants

    see did not resemble the rich lands of Southeast Asia described by travelers of many countries. The natives had copper-red skin, straight black hair, they went naked or wore pieces of cotton fabric on the hips. There were no signs of gold mining on the islands, only some of the inhabitants had gold jewelry. Capturing several Tu1etems, Columbus in search of gold mines examined the Bahamas of Islands. Spaniards saw hundreds of unfamiliar plants, fruit trees and flowers. In 1493, Columbus returned to Spain, where the collapse was accepted with great honor.

    The discovery of Columbus was conquered by Portuguese. In 1494, through the mediation of the Roman Pope, an agreement was concluded in the city of Tor-Desiley, according to which Spain was transferred to the right to own the lands to the west of the Azores, and Portugal to the East.

    Columbus made three more travels to America: in 1493-1496, 1498-1500 and in 1502-1504, during which small Antilles' Islands were opened, "Puerto Rico Island, Jamaica, Trinidad and others, and also surveyed the coast of the Central America. Columbus, until the end of his days believed that he found a western torment to India, hence the name of the "Western India" lands, which remained in official documents until the end of the XVI B, however, did not find the rich fields of gold and precious metals in the following journeys, income from New lands only slightly exceeded the costs of their development. Many were doubt that these lands were India, the number of Irags of Columbus grew. Particularly great was the dissatisfaction of the nobility-conquistadors in the new light, which Admiral Surovo Kalars for disobedience. In 1500, Columbus was accused of exceeding power and was sent to Spain in the shackles. However, the appearance of the famous navigator in the Spain in the Spain and under arrest caused the perturbation of many people who belonged to various layers of society, including the approximate Queen. Soon, Columbus was rehabilitated, he returned all his titles.

    During the last travel, Columbus made great discoveries: he discovered the mainland coast to the south of Cuba, surveyed the alone south-western coast of the Caribbean for 1500 km. It was proved that the Atlantic Ocean is separated by land from the "Southern Sea" and the coast of Asia. Thus, the admiral did not find a pass from the Atlantic Ocean to Indian.

    During swimming along the shores of Yucatan, Columbus collided with more developed tribes; They made colored fabrics, used bronze dishes, bronze axes, knew the melting of metals. At that moment, the admiral did not attach importance to these lands, which, as it turned out later, was part of the Mayan state - countries with high culture, one of the great American civilizations. On the way back, Columbus ship was caught in a strong storm, Columbus with great difficulty reached the shores of Spain. The situation there was unfavorable. Two weeks after his return, Queen Isabella died, patronized Columbus, and he lost all support at the court. For his letters to King Ferdinand, he did not receive a response. In vain, the great navigator tried to restore his rights to receive income from newly open lands. His property in Spain and Espanyola was described and sold for debts. Columbus died in 1506, all forgotten, in full poverty. Even the news of his death was published only 27 years later.

    Opening of the sea route to India, the colonial captures of the Portuguese. The tragic fate of Columbus is largely due to the successes of Portuguese. In 1497, the Expedition of Vasco da Gama was sent to India around Africa. Changing the cape of good hope, Portuguese sailors went to the Indian Ocean and opened the mouth of the River Zambezi, moving towards the north along the coast of Africa, Vasco da Gama reached the Arab shopping cities of Mozambique - Mombasa and Malindi. In May 1498, with the help of the Arab Lotsman, the squadron reached the Indian port of Kali-Kut. All swimming in India lasted 10 months. By purchasing a big cargo of spices for sale in Europe, the expedition went to the opposite way; He took a whole year, during the trip, 2 / s crew died.

    The success of the Vasco Daughter of Gama's expedition made a huge impression in Europe. Despite the big losses, the goal was achieved, there were huge opportunities for the trading operation of India. Soon, thanks to the superiority in weapons and marine equipment, they managed to displace the Arab merchants from the Indian Ocean and seize all maritime trade into their own hands. The Portuguese became incomparably more cruel than Arabs, the exploiters of the population of the coastal regions of India, and then Malacca and Indonesia. From Indian Prince, the Portuguese demanded the cessation of all trade relations with the Arabs and the expulsion of the Arab population from their territory. They attacked all ships as Arab and local, robbed them, brutally destroyed carriages. A special ferocity was distinguished by Albuquerque, who was first the commander of the squadron, and then became the vice-king of India. He believed that the Portuguese should strengthen the entire coast of the Indian Ocean and close the Arab merchants all exits in the ocean. The squadron of Albuquerque has a defenseless cities in the southern shore of Arabia, hovering horror with their attempts, attempts by Arabs to outpace Portuguese from the Indian Ocean failed. In 1509, their fleet with Dia (North Coast of India) was defeated.

    In India itself, the Portuguese did not capture extensive territories, but they sought to master only supporting points on the coast. They widely used the rivalry of local raffle, with some of them the colonialists concluded alliances, built on their territory and placed their garrisons there. Gradually, the Portuguese captured all the trade relations between the individual regions of the Indian Ocean coast. This trade gave huge profits. Moving on the East from the coast, they traded the transit trading paths with spices, which were brought here from the islands of the Zonda and Molukkogo archipelagments. In 1511, Malacca was captured by the Portuguese, and in 1521 their farms originated in the Molukskie Islands. Trading with India was announced by the monopoly of the Portuguese king. The merchants who brought spices to Lisbon received up to 800% of profits. The government artificially supported high prices. Every year, only 5-6 ship spices were allowed from huge colonial possessions. If the delivered goods turned out to be more than it was necessary to preserve high prices, they were destroyed.

    Capturing in his hands control over trading with India, the Portuguese persistently searched for the West way to this richest country. At the end of the early XVI century. As part of the Spanish and Portuguese expeditions, traveling to the shores of America made the Florentine navigator and astronomer Amerigo Vespucci. During the second trip, the Portuguese squadron passed along the shores of Brazil, having counted her island. In 1501, Vespucci took part in the expedition examined by the Brazilian coast, and came to the conclusion that Columbus opened not the coast of India, but a new mother who was named after America. In 1515, the first globe with this title appeared in Germany, and then atlases and cards.

    Opening of the Western way to India. First around the world journey. The Vespucci hypothesis was finally confirmed as a result of Magellan's Around the World Travel (1519-1522).

    Fernando Magellan (Magyillian) was a leaving from the Portuguese nobility. In early youth, he participated in maritime expeditions, being in the service of the Portuguese king. He made several travels to the Molukskogo islands and thought they were much closer to the shores of South America. Without accurate information about the length of the newly open continent, he considered it possible to achieve them, moving to the West and rich again the open continent from the south. At this time, it was already known that the South Sea of \u200b\u200bPanama is the "South Sea", as the Pacific Ocean called. The Spanish government who has not received large revenues from newly open lands at the time, reacted with interest to the project of Magellan. According to the concluded by the Spanish king, the agreement with Magellan should have sailed to the southern tip of the American mainland and open the West way to India. He complained of the titles of the ruler and the governor of new lands and the twentieth part of all revenues that will flow into the treasury.

    On September 20, 1519, the squadron of five ships came out from the Spanish Harbor of San Lucar, taking the course to the West. A month later, the flotilla reached the southern tip of the American mainland and moved three weeks along the strait, which is now wearing the name of Magellan. At the end of November 1520, the flotilla entered the Pacific Ocean, the swimming for which was continued over three months. There was an excellent weather, a passing wind blew, and Magellan gave the ocean such name, not knowing that at another time he was stormy and terrible. For all the time the path, as the satellite of Magellan Pig Fetta wrote in his diary, the squadron met only two deserted islands. Ship teams suffered from hunger and thirst. The sailors were fed on the skin, swinging it in seawater, drank rotting water, suffered from Qinggi. During the swim, most of the crew died. Only on March 6, 1521, the navigaters reached three small islands from the Mariana Group, where they were able to stock food and fresh water. Continuing the path to the West, Magellan reached the Philippine Islands and there soon died in a skirmish with natives. The remaining two ships under the command of D "Elkano reached Molukkskiy Islands and, capturing the cargo of the spices, moved to the West. The squadron came to the Spanish port of San Lucar on September 6, 1522. From the crew of 253 people returned only 18.

    New discoveries led to the exacerbation of the former contradictions between Spain and Portugal. For a long time, experts of both parties could not accurately determine the borders of Spanish and Portuguese ownership due to the lack of accurate data on the longitude of the newly open islands. In 1529, the agreement was achieved: Spain abandoned his claims to Molukki Islands, but retained the rights to the Philippine Islands, which received their name in honor of the heir to the Spanish throne, the future king Philip I. However, for a long time no one decided to repeat Magellan's journey , and the path through the Pacific Ocean to the shores of Asia did not have a practical value.

    Spanish colonization of the Caribbean. Conquest Mexico and Peru "in 1500-1510. The expeditions headed by the participants of the travels of Columbus examined the North Coast of South America, Florida and reached the Gulf of Mexico. To: Gget time, the Spaniards captured the large Antilles: Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, small antilles (Trinidad, Tabago, Barbados, Guadelupe, etc.), as well as a number of small islands in the Caribbean Sea. The large antillest islands have become the outpost of the Spanish colonization of the Western Hemisphere. Special attention to the Spanish authorities paid a Cuba, which was called "the key to the new light" "the fortresses were built on the islands, villages for immigrants from Spain, roads were laid, cotton plantations, sugar cane, spices arose. The gold deposits found here were insignificant. To cover the costs of maritime expeditions, the Spaniards began the economic development of this area "enslavement and unreacted exploitation of the indigenous population of large Antille Islands, as well as epidemics brought from the old light led to a catastrophic reduction in the population. To replenish the resources of the workforce, the conquerors began to get into the antilles of the Indians from the small islands and from the coast of the mainland, which led to the devastation of entire areas. At the same time, the Spanish government began to attract here migrants from the northern regions of Spain. The resettlement of the peasants, who were given the plots of land, they were exempted from taxes for 20 years, they were paid to premiums for the production of spices. However, the workforce was lacking, and from the middle of the XVI century. African slaves began to import African slaves.

    From 1510, a new stage of the conquest of America began - the colonization and development of the internal regions of the continent, the formation of a system of colonial exploitation. In historiography, this stage, which lasted until the middle of the XVII century, is called the Konkista (Wedge-on-on). The beginning of this stage was made by the invasion of conquistadors on Panaman's stakes and the construction of the first fortifications on the mainland (1510). In 1513, Vasco Núñez Balboa crossed the experiencies in search of a fantastic "Gold Country" - Eldorado "going to the coast of the Pacific Ocean, he watered the banner of the Castilian King on the shore. In 1519, the city of Panama was founded - the first on the American continent. Here the detachments of the conquistadors sent to the mainland began to be formed.

    In 1517-1518. Ernando de Cordoba and Juan Grichoalva, landed on Yucatan's coast "in search of slaves, were encountered with the oldest of pre-agricultural civilizations - the state of Maya. The gorgeous cities surrounded by the fortress walls, rows of pyramids, shocked, are richly decorated with threads with images of gods H religious animals. In the temples and palaces, the Spaniards found many decorations, figurines, vessels made of gold and copper, chased gold discs with types of battles and scenes of sacrifice. The walls of the temples were decorated with rich ornaments and frescoes, distinguished by the fineness of the work and the wealth of paints.

    Indians who have never seen horses, frightened the appearance of the Spaniards. The horseman for a horse seemed to them a huge monster. Special fear inspired firearms to which they could oppose only onions, arrows and cotton shells.

    By the time of the appearance of the Spaniards, the territory of Yucatan was divided between several cities-states. Cities were political centers around which agricultural communities were united. The rulers of cities collected payments and taxes, were made by military affairs, foreign policy, they also performed the functions of the Supreme Priests. The Mayan community was an economic, administrative and fiscal cell of society. The land being processed was divided into sections between families, the rest of the land together. The main workforce was free community peasants. Inside the community, the process of property separation and class differentiation has already entered. Priests, officials, hereditary commanders were distinguished. The work of slaves were widely used in their farm, debtors, criminals and prisoners of war were paid to slavery. In addition to collecting taxes, rulers and priests used the workforce of communities on the construction of palaces, temples, roads, irrigation systems.

    Maya is the only one of the peoples of Decolumbovy America, who had writing. Their hieroglyphic letter resembles the writing of ancient Egypt, Sumer and Akkada. Maya books (Codes) were written by paints on the long papers, made on vegetable fiber, and then placed in cases. In the temples there were significant libraries. Maya had its own calendar, knew how to predict solar and lunar eclipses.

    Not only the superiority in service, but also the internal struggle between cities-states facilitated the Spaniards of the conquest of the Maya state. From local residents, the Spaniards learned that the precious metals are brought from the country of Aztecs lying north of Yucatan. In 1519, the Spanish squad headed by Ernan Cortez, headed by Ernan Cortez, went to the conquest of these lands - the poor young Hidalgo, who arrived in America in search of wealth and glory. He hoped to win new lands in small forces. His detachment has consisted of ML 400 soldiers-infantry, 16 riders and 200 Indians, had 10 heavy cannons and 3 light guns.

    The State of the Aztec, the conquest of which the Cor-Foc went, stretched from the coast of the Mexican bay and the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Numerous tribes conquered by Aztecs lived on its territory. The center of the country was the Valley of Mexico City. Here ** Lo numerous agricultural population, the work of many rocoles was created perfect system of artificial oro-

    K1Sni, high crops of cotton 1 corn, vegetables, cestecs, like other people of America, did not tame home

    Evoy, did not know the wheel traction, metal tools of labor, the phewless system of Aztecs was largely reminded by the state _ Aya. The main economic unit was a neighboring community. There was a system of labor subsidity of the population in favor of Gos-Mr. on the construction of palaces, temples, etc. The craft from the Aztecs * was not separated from agriculture, in the community lived as farmers, CSH and artisans "stood out a layer of representatives of nobility and casicians who had large plots of land and used the work of slaves. In contrast to Maya, the state of the Aztec reached a significant centralization, the transition of the hereditary authorities of the Supreme Ruler was gradually carried out. However, the lack of internal unity, the internecine struggle for power among representatives of the highest military nobility and the struggle of the tribes conquered by Aztecs against the conquerors facilitated the victory of the Spaniards in this unequal struggle. Many conquered tribes switched to their I Jound and participated in the fight against the Aztec rulers. Thus, at the last siege of the capital of Aztec, tenochtitlase, 1 thousand Spaniards and 100 thousand Indians participated in the battle. Despite this, the siege lasted 225. More. The final conquest of Mexico was stretched by Aolee than two decades. The last polylot Maya was captured by the Spaniards only in 1697, i.e. In 173 after their invasion of Yukatai ml. Mexico acquitted the hope of conquerors. Here were the Iiyden rich deposits of gold and silver. Already in the 20s of the XVI century. The development of silver mines was swinging. The unreaccious exploitation of the Indians in the mines, on construction, mass epidemics led to a rapid reduction in the population. For 50 years, it decreased from 4.5 million to 1 ml.

    Simultaneously with the conquest of Mexico, the Spanish conquistadors were looking for a fabulous country of Eldorado and on the coast of South America. In 1524, the conquest of the territory of this Columbia began, GLE was founded by the site of the site-March. Hence the Spanish Conquistor X and Less Kesada, moving up the Magdalene River, reached the possessions of the Chibric Muisa tribes who lived at the Plateau of Bogota. Here was developed a lot of agriculture, pottery and weaving production.

    handling copper, gold and silver. Chibcha was especially famous as skillful jewelers, made decorations and dishes from gold "silver, copper and emeralds. Golden discs served in their equivalent in trade with other areas. Conquering the largest principality of Chibric Music, Jimenez Cesada founded the city of Santa Fe de Bogota in 1536.

    The second stream of colonization was walking from Panama to the south along the Pacific coast of America. The conquerors attracted the factory rich country to Peru, or a virgin, as its Indians called. In the preparation of expeditions to Peru took part rich Spanish merchants from Panama Isthmus. One of the detachments was headed by Francisco Pisarro Estremadura Francisco, in 1524, along with his countryman of Diego Almagro, he went on south along the West Coast of America and reached the Guaya Kiel Bay (modern Ecuador). Here stretched fertile densely populated lands. The population was engaged in agriculture, the flock of Lam, which was used as pack animals. Meat and milk las went into food, and from their wool was made of durable and warm fabrics. Returning to Spain in 1531, Pisarro signed the capitulation with the king and received the title and the rights of Adelantado - the leader of the detachment of conquistadors. The expedition joined his brother and 250 idallo from Extremadura. In 1532, Pizarro landed on the coast, quite quickly won people who lived there behind the backward broken tribes and captured an important support point - the city of Tumbes. In front of it, the path to the conquest of the state of the Incas - Tauantisuyu, the most powerful from the states of the New World, who worried at the time of the Spanish invasion of the highest recovery. From ancient times, the territory of Peru inhabited Indians - Kechua. In the XIV century One of the Kechucian tribes - Inca - won numerous Indian tribes who lived in the territory of modern Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. By the beginning of the XVI century. The Inca State included part of Chile and Argentina. From the tribe of the conquerors, Vyoyoye was formed, and the word "Inca" acquired the meaning of the title. The center of Ink, Power was the city of Cusco, located high in the mountains. By carrying out their conquests, the Inci sought to assimilate the conquered tribes, moved them to the depths of the country, put on the language of Kechua, introduced a single religion - the cult of the Sun God. The Temple of the Sun in Cusco was a pantheon of regional gods. Just like Maya and Aztec, the main cell of the Inca society was a neighboring community. Along with family puts, there were "Inci Fields" and "Pala Sun", which were processed together, and the harvest with them was on the maintenance of rulers and priests. From community lands already allocated fields of nobility and elders, who were their property and transmitted by inheritance. The supreme owner of all lands was considered the ruler Tauantisuyu - Inca.

    In 1532, hedda, several dozen Spaniards took a trip to Peru, in the state Tauantisuyu, a fierce civil war went. The tribes of the North of the Pacific coast, conquered by the Inics, supported the conquerors. Almost without meeting resistance, F. Pharroy reached an important center of the state of the Inca - Cauchamki city, located in the Alporn District of Andes. Here the Spaniards captured the ruler Tauantisuyu Atagalpu and concluded him to the dungeon. Although the Indians collected a huge redemption and filled the dungeon of the captive leader with gold and silver jewelry, ingots, vessels, the Spaniards were executed by Atagalpu and appointed a new ruler. In 1535, Pizarro made a campaign on Cusco, who was conquered as a result of a severe struggle. In the same year, the city of Lima, which became the center of the conquered territory. A straight maritime path between Lima and Panama was installed. The conquest of the territory of Peru was stretched for more than 40 years. The country was shaken by powerful folk uprisings against the conquerors. In the hard-to-reach mountainous areas, a new Indian state occurred, conquered by the Spaniards only in 1572.

    At the same time, with a campaign of Pisarro in Peru in 1535-1537. Ade-L.Stado Diego Almagro began a campaign in Chile, but soon she should have been nervous in Cusco, who precipitated the rebeling Indians. In the ranks of the conquistadors, the civil struggle began, F. Pisarro, his brothers Hernando and Gonzalo and Diego D "Almagro were killed. The conquest of Chile was continued by Pedro Waldivia. The Araucan tribes who lived in this country had stubborn resistance, and the conquest of Chile was finally completed only in End of the XVII century. From 1515, the colonization of La fees began, the lands were conquered for the flow of La Plata and Paraguay. The detachments of conquistadors, moving from the southeast, entered the territory of Peru. In 1542, two colonization fluxes were connected here.

    If at the first stage of the conquists the conquerors captured the precious metals accumulated in previous times, then from 1530 in Mexico and in the territory of Peru and modern Bolivia (top Peru) began the systematic operation of the richest mines. In the area of \u200b\u200bPotosi, the richest deposits of precious metals were found. In the middle of the XVI century. Power mines gave 1/2 world silver mining.

    Since that time, the nature of colonization is changing. Conquerors refuse to the economic development of conquered land. Everything you need for Spanish immigrants began to bring from Europe in exchange for gold and silver new light,

    The American colonies were sent exclusively nobles, the purpose of which was enrichment. The noble, the feudal nature of the colonization predetermined the fatal circumstance for Spain "that the gold and silver of America fell mainly in the hands of the nobility, accumulated in the form of treasures or was spent on supporting Catholic conspiracy in Europe, on the military adventures of the Spanish kings. This new direction of colonial exploitation has enforced influence on the formation of the Spanish colonial system.

    By virtue of the characteristics of the country's historical development (see Gl, 4), the Spanish feudalism was characterized by some specific features: the Supreme Power of the King over the disheveled lands, the preservation of peasant free communities, the labor service of the population in favor of the state. An important role in the economy along with the difficulty of feudal dependent peasants played the slave labor of captive-Muslims. At the time of the conquest of America, the socio-economic and administrative system of Spain turned out to be compatible with the formations of the Company's organization, which existed in early-grade suases of new world.

    The Spaniards retained the Indian community in Mexico, Peru and in a number of other areas where there was a dense agricultural population, they used various forms of the labor service of communities in favor of the state to attract the Indians to work on the mines. Spaniards retained the internal construction of communities, crop rotations, tax system. Harvests with "Inca Fields" now went to the payment of taxes by the Spanish king "and with the" fields of the Sun "- on the church tith.

    At the head of the communities preserved the old elders<касики, ку-раки), их семьи освобождались от налогов и повинностей, но должны были обеспечить своевременную уплату налогов и рабочую силу для рудников. На службу испанскому королю привлекалась местная знать, которая слилась с испанскими завоевателями. Потомки многих из них были затем отправлены в Испанию.

    All newly conquered lands became the property of the crown. Since 1512, laws were published, prohibiting the Indians to turn into slavery. Formally, they were considered submitted by the Spanish king, they should have paid a special tax "Tributut" and serving a labor service. From the first years of colonization, the struggle between the king and noble-konkistadors for power over the Indians, for the right to land ownership. During this struggle in the late 1920s, XVI a. There was a special form of exploitation of Indians - Encomed. For the first time it was introduced in Mexico E. Cortes. Encomotend did not give the rights to the ownership of land. Her owner - Encomedder - received the right to operate Indians-communists who lived in the territory of Encomkda.

    Na.Zhkomtendero was entrusted to promote Christians "Miiii of the population, follow the timely payment of the" tributo "and the execution of labor service on mines, on construction, agricultural work. With the creation of Encomed Indydea-G * "* The community was included in the Spanish colonial system, Eleli communities were declared its inalienable property. The ggakovization of the forms of colonial exploitation was accompanied by co-Hi, nither see the strong bureaucratic apparatus of the colonial administration. For the Spanish monarchy, it was a means of struggle J against separatist trends K1 * Klestador. I in the first half of the XVI century. In general, the system has developed! Management of Spanish colonies in America. Two 1 vice-kingdoms were created: New Spain (Mexico »Central America, Venezuela and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea) and Vice-Korole» SGVO PE-RU, covered by almost the rest of South America, with the exception of Brazil, vice-kings were appointed From the highest scrap, they went to colonies for three years, did not have Meriv Bragin with themselves, to buy land and real estate there. Answered by entrepreneurship. Activities vice-kings "<м*тролироаал "Совет Индий", решения которого имели слету »люна.

    Colonial trade was undervalued by Sevil-1JU Chassal Chamber (1503); She carried out the customs<мотр всех грузов, собирала пошлины, держала под наблюдением миграционные процессы. Все остальные города Испании были лн- * нк"кы права вести торговлю с Америкой минуя Севилью. Главной щраслью хозяйства в испанских колониях была горная промышленность. В связи с этим в обязанность вице-королям вменялось обеспечение королевских рудников рабочей силой, своевременного поступ-нния доходов в казну, в том числе подушной лодэти с индейцев. Нице-короли обладали также полной военной и судебной властью.

    Single-sided development of the economy in the Spanish colonies had a detrimental consequence for the fate of the indigenous population and the future \\ l * of the continent. Until the middle of the XVJJ in. There was a catastrophic reduction in the number of indigenous population. In many areas by 1650, it decreased by 10-15 times compared with the Yunster of the XVI century., First of all, due to the distraction of the able-bodied male population to mines for 9-10 months a year. This forced to decline the traditional forms of agriculture, a decrease in fertility. An important reason was frequent hunger and epidemics that mowed whole areas. Starting from the middle of the XVI century. The Spaniards became "Having sat down the Indians to new villages closer to the mines, introducing a community device into them. Residents of these villages besides public works were to handle land, supply their families to feed and pay "tributo". The most severe exploitation was the main reason for the extinction of the indigenous population. The influx of immigrants from the metropolis was insignificant. In the middle and second half of the XVI century. In the colony, predominantly Spanish nobles moved, peasant emigration in Peru and Mexico was actually prohibited. So, in Potosi in 1572 there were 120 thousand inhabitants, of which only 10 thousand were Spaniards. Gradually, in America there was a special group of Spanish immigrants who were born in the colony, constantly lived there, almost without having ties with the metropolis. They did not mix themselves with the local population in a special group called Creoles.

    Under the conditions of colonization, there was a rapid erosion of the Indian ethnic groups and tribal communities, the displacement of their Spanish languages. This largely contributed to the lining of the Indians from different regions in the villages in the mines. Representatives of various tribes spoke in different languages, and gradually the Spanish became their main communication language. At the same time there was an intense process of mixing Spanish settlers with the Indian population - mohethisation, quickly increased the number of methots. Already by the middle of the XVII century, in the moment of momentary areas there is a numerous Mulatto population from the marriages of Europeans with black women. It was characteristic of the Caribbean coast, Cuba, Haiti, where the plantational economy dominated and where African slaves were constantly imported. Europeans, Indians, Metisians, Mulati, Negro existed as closed racial-ethnic groups that are strongly distinguished by their social and legal status. The formated custom building was fixed by Spanish legislation. The position of a person in society was primarily determined by ethnic and racial signs. Only Creoles were relatively full. Metisama was forbidden to live in communities, to own land, wearing weapons, engage in some kind of crafts, at the same time they were exempted from labor service, from paying "Tributo" and were in the best legal status than the Indians. This largely explains the fact that in the cities of Spanish America, metis and mooleli constituted the majority of the population.

    On the coast of the Caribbean and on the islands, where the indigenous people were exterminated at the very beginning of the conquest of America, the Negro and Mulatto population prevailed.

    Portuguese colonies. The colonial system, which pretended in Portuguese possessions, was distinguished by a significant originality. In 1500, the Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvalls Kabral landed on the coast of Brazil and announced this territory of the possession of the Portuguese king. In Brazil, with the exception of individual areas on the coast, there was no sedentary agricultural population, the few Indian tribes, which were at the Rhodeploy-MN stage stage, were pushed into the depths of the country. The absence of precious metals and significant human resources determined the originality of the colonization of Brazil. The second important factor was the significant development of commercial capital. The beginning of the organized colonization of Brazil was made in 1530, and she passed in the form of economic development of coastal areas. An attempt was made to put the feudal forms of land tenure. The coast was divided into 13 captains whose owners had all the completeness of power. However, there were no significant excessive population in Portugal, so the colony population went slowly. The absence of peasants-immigrants and the small number of indigenous population made it impossible to develop feudal forms of farm. The most successfully developed areas where the plantation system arose, based on the operation of black-related refrigerations from Africa. Starting from the second half of the XVI century. The importation of African slaves is growing rapidly, in 1583, in the entire colony, 25 thousand white settlers lived and millions of slaves. White settlers lived mainly in the coastal strip with rather closed groups. It did not receive a big sweep of mohethisation; The influence of Portuguese culture on the local population was very limited. The Portuguese language did not become the dominant, there was a kind of communication of the Indians and Portuguese - Langua Geraal, which was based on one of the local laws and the main grammatical and lexical forms of Portuguese. On Langua Geraal, the entire population of Brazil has spoken over the next two centuries.

    Colonization and Catholic Church. The Catholic Church, which, both in Spanish and Portuguese possessions, has become a major role in the colonization of America, and in Portuguese possessions. The opening and conquest of America was considered by the papacy as a new cross campaign, the purpose of which was to be a Christianization of the indigenous population, in connection with this, Spanish kings were entitled to dispose of church in colony, lead missionary activities, to establish churches and monasteries. The church quickly turned into the largest land owner. The conquistadors understood well that in the consolidation of MX domination over the indigenous population, the Christianization is designed to play a big role in the first quarter of the XVI century. Representatives of various monastic orders began to arrive in America: Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustines, later - Jesuits who have gained great influence on La Plata and Brazil.

    The groups of monks followed the detachments of conquistadors, creating their settlements - mission; The centers of missions were churches and houses serving residents for monks. Subsequently, schools for Indian children were created in the missions, at the same time a small fortified fortress was built, where the Spanish garrison was located. Thus, the missions were both prepositions of Christianization, and border points of Spanish possessions.

    In the first decades, Konkista Catholic priests, conducting a Christianization, sought to destroy not only local religious beliefs, but also to eradicate the culture of the indigenous population. An example is the Franciscan bishop of Diego de Landa, who ordered the destruction of all the ancient books of the Maya people, cultural monuments, the very historical memory of the people. However, soon Catholic priests began to act in other ways. Having conducted a Christianization, spreading Spanish culture and Spanish, they began to use elements of the local ancient religion and culture of conquered Indian peoples. Despite the cruelty and destruction of the conquists, Indian culture did not die, she survived and changed under the influence of Spanish culture. The new culture was gradually based on the synthesis of Spanish and Indian elements.

    Catholic missionaries were forced to contribute to this synthesis. They often erected the Christian temples on the site of the former Indian shrines, used some images and symbols of the previous beliefs of the indigenous population * including them in Catholic rites and religious symbolism. So, near the city of Mexico City at the site of the destroyed Indian temple, the Church of the Virgin Mary Gwad was built, which became the place of the pilgrimage of the Indians. The church argued that the wonderful phenomenon of Our Lady occurred at this place. This event was devoted to many ions, special rituals. On these icons, Virgo Maria was depicted with the face of Indiana - "Small Madonna", and in her cult was felt the echoes of previous Indian beliefs.

    Geographical discoveries in the Pacific Pool. In the second half of the XVI - early XVII century. Spanish navigators committed a number of Pacific expeditions from the territory of Peru, during which Solomon Islands were opened<1567), Южная Полинезия (1595) и Меланезия <1605), Еще во время путешествия Магеллана возникла идея d существовании ""Южного материка"» частью которого были вновь открытые острова Юго-Восточной Азии. Эти предположения высказывались в географических сочинениях начала XVII в., мифический материк был нанесен на карты под названием "Терра инкогнита Аустралиа*1 <неизвестиая южная земля), В 1605 г. из Перу отправилась испанская экспедиция, в ее составе было три корабля. Во время плавания к побережью Юго-Восточной Азии были открыты острова, один из которых А, Кирос, стоявший во главе эскадры, принял за побережье южного материка. Бросив на произвол судьбы своих спутников, Кирос поспешил вернуться в Перу, а затем отправился в Испанию, чтобы сообщить о своем открытии и закрепить за собой права на управление новыми землями и получение доходов. Капитан одного из двух покинутых Киросом кораблей — португалец Торрес — продолжил плавание и вскоре выяснил, что Кирос ошибся и открыл не новый материк, а группу островов (Новые Гебриды) ♦ К югу от них простиралась неизвестная земля — подлинная Австралия. Плывя далее на запад, Торрес прошел через пролив между берегом Новой Гвинеи и Австралии, впоследствии названный его именем. Дойдя до Филиппинских островов, которые были владением Испании, Торрес сообщил испанскому наместнику о своем открытии, это известие было передано в Мадрид. Однако Испания не имела в это время сил и средств для освоения новых земель. Поэтому испанское правительство в течение целого столетия держало в тайне все сведения об открытии Торреса, опасаясь соперничества других держав.

    In the middle of the XVII century. The study of the coast of Australia began the Dutch. In 1642, A. Tasman, floating from the shores of Indonesia to the east, reinforced Australia from the south and passed along the coast of the island called Tasmania.

    Only 150 years after the trip Torres, during the seven-year war (1756-1763), when the British who fought against Spain were captured by Manila, documents on the opening of Torres were discovered in the archives. In 1768, the English navigator D. Cook examined the Islands of Oceania, reserved Torres Strait and the East Coast of Australia; Subsequently, the priority of this discovery was recognized as Torres.

    The consequences of great geographical discoveries. Great geographical discoveries of the XV-XVII centuries. Has a huge impact on world development. It is known that a lot of Europeans visited the coast of America, they traveled to the shores of Africa, but only the discovery of Columbus laid the beginning of the permanent and diverse relations of Europe and America, opened a new stage in world history. The geographical discovery is not only a visit to the representatives of any civilized people of the previously unknown part of the Earth. The concept of "geographical discovery" includes the establishment of a direct connection between the newly open lands I focus of the culture of old light,

    The great geographical discoveries have significantly expanded the knowledge of Europeans about the world, destroyed many prejudices and false ideas about other continiers and inhabiting their peoples.

    The expansion of scientific knowledge gave an impetus to the rapid development of industry and trade in Europe, the emergence of new forms of financial system, banking and loan. The main trading routes moved from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.

    The most important consequence of the discovery and colonization of the new lands was the "Revolution of Prices", which gave a new impetus to the initial accumulation of capital in Europe, accelerated the formation of capitalist defendant in the economy,

    However, the consequences of colonization and conquest of new lands were ambiguous for the peoples of metropolis and colonies. The result of the colonization was not only the development of new lands, it was accompanied by the monstrous exploitation of the conquered peoples, doomed to slavery and extinction. During the conquest, many foci of ancient civilizations were destroyed, the natural course of the historical development of entire continents was disturbed, the peoples of colonized countries were forcibly drawn into the emerging capitalist market and their work accelerated the process of the formation and development of capitalism in Europe.

    Geographical discoveries of the XV-XVI centuries. Changed the course of world history, putting the beginning of the expansion of leading Western European countries in various parts of the globe and the emergence of colonial empires.

    The first colonial powers were Spain and Portugal. Already a year after the opening of the Islands of West Indies, Christopher Columbus, the Spanish Crown demanded confirmation of the Pope Roman (1493) of its exclusive right to open and new light. By concluding Tordesillasiy (1494) and the Saragossky (1529) contracts, Spaniards and Portuguese divided the new light on the spheres of influence. However, the contract of 1494 on the division of the spheres of influence on the 49th Meridian seemed to be too close both parties (the Portuguese, contrary to him, could take possession of Brazil), and after the world's trip to Magellan lost its meaning. All newly open lands in America, with the exception of Brazil, recognized by the possessions of Spain, which, besides, captured the Philippine O-Wa. Brazil and land along the coast of Africa, India and Southeast Asia went to Portugal.

    The colonial activity of France, England and Holland until the beginning of the XVII century. It was reduced mainly to the preliminary exploration of the territories of the new light, not conquered by the Spaniards and Portuguese.

    Only the crushing of the Spanish and Portuguese domination on the seas at the end of the XVI century. Created prerequisites for the rapid expansion of new colonial powers. The struggle for the colonies began, in which the Public-Bureaucratic System of Spain and Portugal was opposed by a private-winning initiative of the Dutch and the British.

    The colonies became an inexhaustible source of enrichment of Western European countries, but their merciless exploitation turned into disasters for indigenous people. The natives were often subjected to crowded destruction or pushed out from the lands, used as cheap labor or slaves, and their admission to Christian civilization was accompanied by the barbaric extermination of the original local culture.

    With all this, Western European colonialism has become a powerful lever of the development of the global economy. Colonies ensured capital accumulation in metropolis, creating new markets for them. As a result of the unprecedented extension of trade, the global market was formed; The center of economic life moved from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic. The port cities of the Old World, such as LisaBon in Portugal, Seville in Spain, Antwerp and the Netherlands turned into powerful trading centers. Antwerp became the richest city in Europe, in which, thanks to the regime of complete freedom of transactions established there, large-scale international trade and credit transactions were carried out.

    The era of the Renaissance, originated in the second half of the XIV century. and fully entered into their rights from the middle of the XV century, was the greatest progressive coup, who broke the framework of the old Orbis Terrarum, which laid the foundations for the later world trade, for the transition of the crafts into a manufactory, unheard of lifting of productive forces; and put the start of the process of development of modern European nations based on bourgeois societies.
    By the end of the XV century. Europe, ahead of east, both in the field of material and spiritual culture, becomes a carrier of progressive trends of world history. The great geographical discoveries of the XV - XVI centuries contributed to a significant expansion of European policies.
    Already from the middle of the XV century. Portuguese navigaters began promoting south along the western bank of Africa, and in 1488 Bartolome Diash coiled her southern tip. In 1498, Vasco's ships da Gama entered the Indian port of Calicut. As a result of the successful struggle against Arabs and Egyptians, the Portuguese has soon become the undeniable owners of the Western Indian Ocean. Then they enter into contacts with China and in 1557 they base the first European colony in the Chinese territory in Macau. In 1500, they opened and from 1530. Actively colonized Brazil. Thus, a small country, thanks to its military and maritime superiority, created a huge colonial empire.
    At the same time, Spain takes energetic actions to search for new ways to rich in India. During this process, Columbus opens America (1492). The colonization of new lands began with the West Indian Islands, where the first Spanish plantations and mining mines were emerged. Soon, it was found that local Indians were physically weak labor force, they could not withstand difficult conditions, dying or hit the run. Because of this, from 1518, the delivery of enduring black slaves from Africa begins to West India.
    In 1519-1521, using the help of Indian tribes, Cortez's detachment conquered a rich empire of Aztecs. In 1532 - 1533. Another conquistor - Pissaro mastered the rich Empire of Inca. Here, on the Peruvian Earth, the richest mines were found, Peruvian silver was hung to Europe.
    The Spanish Colonial Empire has become the basis of Spain's political hegemony in Europe in the XVI century.
    Great geographical discoveries gradually led to the movement of trade routes and to a change in the ratio of forces in Europe. The Mediterranean Sea lost its importance as a focus of marine trade, yielding to its Atlantic Ocean, which favored the growth of the global trade authority of Antwerp and the Netherlands in general. In the second half of the XVI century, the strengthened Netherlands bourgeoisie was able to successfully deal with the independence of the country from Spanish domination.
    In the XVI century The colonial expansion of Spain went to the northern shores of Africa, but it did not reach any special success.
    So, Antwerp becomes a geographical center for a new emerging world market. His crafts and manufactories worked mainly on the foreign market, while England and France's manufactory were sold mainly in the domestic market. In 1531, the stock exchange was opened in Antwerp, which became a cursuit of the establishment of the developing global financial market. However, the role of the global credit and financial operations centers later passed to the Amsterdam Stock Exchange and Amsterdam Bank. In addition, Amsterdam became the global center for the redistribution of goods, price and curse education.
    In 1609, the long struggle against the Netherlands against Spanish dominion was completed, and the recognized republic of the United Provinces appears on the European political arena. Since that time, Amsterdam Bank began to play a decisive role in the world market's credit and financial system. The stock exchange was worked intensively, the bill of exchange was the main form of the loan and payment, and industrial development was successfully developed, the growth of productive forces. A high-speed industry has become a trade of weapons and military equipment. Based on a developed sea fleet, a strong Amsterdam market, a low credit percentage of Amsterdam Bank, Dutch merchants universally suppressed the desire of competitors.
    In 1602, Dutch merchants created a monopoly East India Company on trade and mastering the colonies. In 1621, a West-India Company was established that served as a cover for the maintenance of military-pirate and smuggling operations on oceanic expanses, as well as slave trade. Robbery began, predatory extermination of natural wealth and productive forces, enslavement and actual destruction of entire peoples.
    England also acted expanding participation in this process. British merchants actively searched for new ones, increasingly remote markets for their products, opening ways to unknown edges. There are "adjustable" and "mutual" companies. The first presented merchant corporations of a national scale, received special patents from the Royal Court to a monopoly trade in any area. Participants of such companies did not combine their capital, leading each of each fear and risk. Individualism gave rise to competition, contributed to the development of the initiative and business grip, so necessary in brave entrepreneurship of the adventurous era. "Adjustable" companies led trading mainly in the near European markets - in France and Holland.
    Search for new markets has been engaged in "mutual" companies. The latter was a Russian company that arose in 1554 as a result of the visit to R. Chensler of the Moscow state. In 1588, a Guinea company was founded, a monopolized slave trade, which soon became one of the most important sources of enrichment of the nation. In 1600, Queen Elizaveta signed the Charter on the creation of the East India Company, putting the beginning of the "legalized" penetration of the British in India.
    The struggle for sales markets led to the collision of British and Spanish interests. For a long time, this struggle went on the vast expanses of the Atlantic. In England, special merchant companies have arisen for equipment of pirate expeditions. In the last quarter of the XVI century. They, in fact, led an undeclared war against the Spaniards, the Grabbie Spanish colonies and vessels, who were sown with a precious cargo from the New World. The British authorities were very condescendingly related to the robberies of pirates, a favorable state.
    In 1578, one of these pirates Francis Dreyk, passing through Magellan Strait, robbed the settlements of the Spaniards in Chile and Peru, crossed the Pacific Ocean and, having encouraged the cape of good hope, returned to England, making the second after Magellan (1520). The queen welcomed the lucky adventurerist, complaining him the title of nobleman. When Elizawa, the Navy Fleet England has been significantly updated. Instead of cumbersome vessels with a high surface part, low elongated ships, fast and maneuverable were built. Along with the changes in the sea battle tactic, this allowed England in 1588 to defeat the victory over the Spanish invincible Armada.
    In 1589 - 1590. New expeditions are equipped with new expeditions of the British in West India and in the Pacific Pool in order to displace Holland with the "Islands of Spices", and the Portuguese from Indian Waters. Piracy becomes one of the methods of creating the foundations of the British Colonial Empire. The English-Spanish war lasted until 1604. She clearly dragged into a very burdensome, and her ending was met in England with relief.
    The Anglo-Spanish maritime war led to a violation of the regular trade of England with Europe, to the closure of part of the English markets on the continent. Losses associated with this began to exceed the profits from piracy and robbery of the Spanish and Portuguese colonies. From the beginning of the XVII century. Of particular importance is the organization of the actual English colonies sanctioned by the state seizure of colonial sources of raw materials and markets.
    In the fight for the capture of colonies, France actively participated. Moreover, the French sought to establish their colonies in the very center of American possessions of Portugal and Spain. But in 1560, the Portuguese destroyed the French settlement from Rio de Janeiro existed from 1555 (Brazil), in 1565 the Spaniards have just crushed the French Protestant Colon in Florida, and in 1583 the United Spanical Portuguese forces were Liquidated French colony in Paramemba (Brazil). It was obvious that at that time France lacked forces for confrontation with powerful rivals. In addition, she had to solve complex political problems in Europe. Barfolomeevian night (1572) again won France in the Puchin of Religious Wars.
    So, with full right we can say that the Renaissance has become not only the most important progressive coup, but also the epoch of the great geographical discoveries, the era of the initial accumulation of capital, preparing the conditions for the first bourgeois revolutions in Europe. The first of them, the Netherlands, leads to the emergence of the bourgeois republic of the United Provinces, which, in itself, has become the most important result of the XVI century. 1609 was the year of birth of the first state of the winning bourgeoisie. The Netherlands Revolution had exceptionally great international importance.
    Already in the first decade of the XVII century. Holland reached such economic growth, which caused the surprise of all European countries. Soon the Netherlands became the Great Sea and Colonial Power, which had so much courts that exceeded the number of vessels of all other European countries. Amsterdam became the center of the international payment system, the largest banker of the new world market.
    Such an impressive and significant was the yield of Holland in the arena of world politics. Having a powerful fleet, the United Provinces were strong enough to take a course on the decisive displacement of old owners and the creation on the places of their former possessions of their own colonial empire. It was already the beginning of the real wars for the redistribution of the colonies, the beginning of the era of trade wars of European nations, the beginning of the birth of a new world colonial system, whose arena was the whole globe.

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