Flowers in the garden title. The best perennial flowers to give: a catalog with names and photos

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Here is a list of the best perennial hardy flowers that are perfect for any garden, especially if you are a beginner!

Gaillardia is a drought-resistant wild perennial that has enough long flowering in a sunny area with poor soil. Red, golden or brown, daisy-like, single or double perennial flowers 8 cm in diameter can be seen throughout the summer and early autumn. Although these plants are often short-lived, they are easy to re-grow from seed.


Veronica 15 cm peaks bloom on top of 30-60 cm blue or red plants from early summer to autumn. In the northern latitudes, Veronica prefers the sun, but she is shade-loving in conditions southern climate. plant this perennial flower in front of the flower bed.

tall garden phlox

Phlox paniculata garden, tall or - grows 90-120 cm in height and forms large clusters of fragrant flowers from summer to early autumn. This is an old favorite plant that has few competitors due to its rich color range and subtle sweet aroma. It looks good on the back of the garden.

Russian sage

This beautiful perennial, 90 cm wide and 150 cm high, forms clouds of blue flowers and suitable for large gardens. Russian sage loves the sun and is tolerant of drought and heat. These perennial flowers are best planted in the background of the flower beds and free up space around for further growth.

perennial sage

A gardener's favorite relative, the hybrid perennial sage combines 50cm peaks of blue, purple or white perennials with attractive grey-green foliage. Plant your sage in the front or middle of your border in a sunny location.


Main element autumn garden- asters - burst forward with their star-shaped perennial flowers in late summer and autumn. They have in their arsenal rich pink, blue, purple and burgundy-red shades. Asters can grow up to 150cm tall depending on the species and are great for flower beds and borders, as well as cut flowers to admire indoors.


Echinacea purpurea

This is a wild meadow flower that spreads its petals horizontally like a daisy. Echinacea easily tolerates heat and drought and blooms all summer. It reaches 70 cm in height and looks great in the middle or in the background of the flower bed.

ornamental millet

A beautiful meadow grass native to North America, perfectly complements the aesthetics of the garden and is easy to maintain. Varieties reach from 60 to 180 cm in height and form airy, lush caps. Some cultivars have intense red or purple autumn.


Even if you've never had a garden before, you can grow yarrow without much effort or skill. This is an amazing hardy perennial that can withstand heat, drought and cold. These perennial flowers are prized in the garden for their grey-green to dark green, spicy-scented foliage and showy, flat clusters of pink, red, white, or yellow buds that appear from late spring to early fall.


Possessing a pleasant sweet aroma, the peony is a long-lived perennial plant 60–120 cm tall. In the flower garden forms bouquets-bushes. Its numerous varieties offer a wide range of colors - almost all shades and their combinations, except for blue. The flowering period is from late spring to early summer.

thin-leaved coreopsis

Coreopsis comes in a wide range of sizes and colors. Thin-leaved cultivars of these perennials, such as 'Moonbeam' and 'Zagreb', produce bedspreads of small, daisy-like flowers in yellow or pink hues with soft leaves in the form of a fern throughout the summer. (In hot areas, flower growth may be slower.) Large-flowered varieties(“Early Sunrise” is one of the most popular) produces large orange-yellow flowers. Give this plant a central place in the flower garden.

Siberian iris

Siberian iris adds color to the flowerbed at the beginning of summer and vertical accents throughout the summer. Like most irises, these are moisture-loving plants, but when they are established in the ground, they can also tolerate dry soil. The flowers appear atop bare stems 60 cm high. Its hues include white, blue, yellow, purple and many combinations of these. Siberian iris not only decorates the garden, but also looks great in cut bouquets.


Penstemon produces attractive peaks of tubular perennials in pink, blue, lavender, white or red. 'Husker Red' has white flowers and purple leaves, creating a beautiful contrast when combined with plants with light green foliage. Put this gem a meter tall in the middle or back of the flower bed and give it plenty of sunlight.


Narcissus Pink Charm

Daffodils are proven perennial bulbs that bloom in early, mid or late spring, depending on the variety. The flowers have a central tube (corolla) - the length varies depending on the variety - surrounded by a collar of petals (perianth), which can be different color. Shades include yellow, orange, white, red and peach. Some daffodils have a pronounced aroma. The narrow, strap-like leaves appear before the flowers and are slightly shorter than the stems.


Scabiosa produces exquisite blue flowers all summer and fall, making it one of the longest flowering plants in perennial arrangements. Very fond of sun or partial shade, and looks best in front of the flower bed. Variety "Blue Butterfly" 30 cm in height tolerates heat better than others.

styloid phlox

Ideal for rock gardens or paved areas, front perennial gardens or as a groundcover on a slope. styloid phlox forms a dense, creeping mat up to 15 cm high and 60 cm wide, its small leaves are slightly prickly, and in spring the whole plant is covered with fragrant white, pink, blue, lavender or red flowers. Phlox leaves are semi-evergreen in the northern edges and evergreen in the south.



Rudbeckia is an American icon. From mid-summer until frost, its orange or golden yellow flowers appear again and again. The cultivar 'Goldsturm' shown here is 60 cm tall, making it ideal for the center or back of a flower bed. Black-eyed Susan loves the sun and is drought tolerant.

Any summer resident who wants to decorate his site, with the approach of spring, begins to think about what flowers to plant in the country. Magazines for gardeners are full of bright pictures and offer a lot of exotic plants capable of beautifying the area. However, if you do not want to waste money and time, do not rush to purchase seeds or seedlings of the first visually pleasing varieties.

The issue of choosing flowers for giving should be approached thoughtfully, having decided how much time and effort you can spend on caring for them, as well as evaluating the conditions on the site. Today we will introduce you closer to the most popular and unpretentious country flowers, their varieties and cultivation features.

What to look for when choosing?

Flowers are an important part suburban area

Not all types garden flowers successfully take root in any conditions and are easy to care for, so it is necessary to analyze the place where it is planned to set up a flower garden, paying attention to humidity, shading and soil composition.

If the site is too sunny, it is worth planting the most unpretentious and light-loving plant species there, for example, echinacea or daylily. And for wet and shaded flower beds, on the contrary, it is necessary to select shade-tolerant plants - ferns, honeysuckle, geraniums and others.

Another important parameter that you need to decide before purchasing flowers is the desired duration of their life cycle. In other words, will your flowers be annual or perennial. Caring for them does not differ much, so here you should rely on your preferences - it is more important for you to save on seeds and seedlings or the opportunity to experiment with new species every year.

Perennials for summer cottages: breeding nuances

Consider the features and benefits perennials. As already mentioned, perennials for summer cottages are a very profitable solution. In addition to saving on seedlings, they, if selected frost-resistant species, allow you to reduce labor costs by saving gardeners from the annual planting of flowers. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of a place for them and to provide proper care.

All perennials can be divided into two main groups:

  • Plants resistant to temperature extremes and hibernating in the ground.
  • Requiring digging and transfer to storage for the winter.
Perennials are good for giving

The first group includes peonies, lilies of the valley, delphiniums, lupins, phloxes, Turkish carnations and others. The second group includes gladioli, dahlias, begonias, and hyacinths. Naturally, the maintenance of flowers that require wintering indoors will be more troublesome and, when making a choice, this must also be taken into account.

Perennials are very diverse, so choosing the plants that are best suited for your site is not difficult. If you decide to arrange a bed of several varieties of perennial flowers, it is worth planning their location in advance, taking into account the height of the plants and how they fit together.

The tallest flowers, as a rule, are planted in the center of the composition, and the medium height and undersized ones are placed around them. Species that bloom in one period, it is better to choose in the most harmonious color scheme or, on the contrary, play on the contrast.

Advice! If you want a flower bed with perennials to always look fresh and interesting, you should leave room for annuals, which can be updated annually.

What are annual flowers good for?

Plants that live only one season can of course be more of a hassle with their annual planting, but they also have advantages. Annual flowers do not have to be prepared for wintering, and there will be many more opportunities for experimenting with the design of flower beds. In addition, their distinguishing feature, which pleases the owners of the dacha, is a longer flowering period than most perennials.

Annual flowers always look fresh

Usually, seeds are sown in the ground, less often, pre-prepared seedlings are planted. Some varieties release the first buds in May and continue to bloom until mid-autumn. A considerable selection of varieties of annuals, from very small to luxurious and climbing liana-like, opens up wide possibilities for landscape design.

The smallest of them, such as lobelia, purslane, undersized marigolds, dwarf phlox and escholtia are great for decorating and garden paths. Varieties that can branch and grow well are also very popular, for example, petunia and castor oil.

Curly species are also in demand. They are especially relevant for owners of plots with chain-link fences. The most common of them are imopea, dolichos, kobeya and sweet peas. They grow very quickly, and rich color palette their buds will transform and decorate your dacha until the very cold.

Interesting design flower beds

Unpretentious flowers for a summer residence - a solution for beginner gardeners

Of course, not everyone can visit the country every day and spend a lot of time caring for flowers. But what if you still want to decorate the site? In this situation, unpretentious flowers for a summer residence will come to the rescue, with the cultivation of which even a novice gardener can handle.

A flower bed in the form of a butterfly will delight you all summer!

It is advisable to choose species that tolerate heat well, are undemanding to the composition of the soil, are little susceptible to various diseases and are not particularly attractive to pests. Among the low and medium-sized flowers, marigolds are quite consistent with all of the above criteria. They always look appropriate and, thanks to their bright colors, are able to enliven even the most nondescript corner of the country house.

Also unpretentious in the care and calendula. This sunny orange flower not only can decorate your garden, but also is a medicinal plant. In addition, she can delight you with her flowers until October-November.

Lawn of poppies and cornflowers

Another interesting solution- a lawn of poppies or cornflowers. special care they will not require, but will look luxurious. Such a flower meadow will give a feeling of closeness to nature and create the illusion of a small home meadow.

Flowers in the country, blooming all summer: is it real?

So that the flower beds delight you all summer period, it is necessary to take into account the timing of flowering of all planted species and arrange them properly, or simply plant plants that bloom almost continuously.

climbing roses

Flowers in the country that bloom all summer are often annuals, but there are also their perennial counterparts. Among them are some of the most popular in our area, namely:

  • Clematis. They will decorate your cottage with bright colors from early summer to autumn.
  • Gypsophila. Its flowering period is July-August.
  • Roses standard and climbing. Without a doubt, the rose is the queen of the garden. These varieties are able to give their beauty almost all the warm season with short breaks for 1-2 weeks.
  • Phloxes. These bright perennials will also not disappoint you, blooming all summer.
  • Mountain cornflowers. The beauty of their bright blue flowers is fully revealed from May to August.
  • Daisies. Most often they bloom from April to July, but with sufficient humidity they can re-bloom in the fall.

Flowers in flowerpots: practical

Flowers in flowerpots can be placed anywhere

Flowers in flowerpots deserve special attention. Such ornamental plants very convenient for their mobility. They can be placed almost anywhere - on the veranda, along the paths, near the pool or bench, and if necessary, they can be easily moved from place to place. In addition, they tolerate weather changes better and, for the most part, are able to bloom all season.

For planting in a variety of pots and containers, the most suitable varieties are presented below:

  • Dahlias and asters. They are used in large flowerpots as tall, focal flowers placed in the center of the arrangement.
  • Pansies. When creating a flowerpot, these flowers are usually called background and planted as a border for higher varieties.
  • Ageratum. Similarly pansies, white, lilac and purple ageratums serve as a magnificent frame for asters or dahlias.
  • Limnantes. Its delicate lemon-white buds make a great backdrop for bright focal plants.
  • Petunia. One of the most popular flowers both for planting in a flowerpot and for decorating various flower beds. Due to their splendor and variety of shades, petunias look good not only in combination with other flowers, but also on their own.

According to landscape designers, it is the flowers that play the leading role in creating comfort at their summer cottage. Choosing the right suitable varieties, even a novice gardener will be able to turn his dacha into a real oasis. Therefore, you should not deprive yourself of the pleasure of enjoying your vacation in a gazebo entwined with decorative vines or stroll along garden paths surrounded by fragrant flowers.

Lungwort begins to bloom very early, immediately after the snow melts, flower stalks appear from the ground and small cute flowers open. The flowers of the lungwort are initially bright pink, gradually changing their color to blue-violet before withering. Lungwort blooms from April to May , peduncles elongate, form a lush bush, on which you can see both pink and blue flowers at the same time.

The name of this flower "lungwort" prepares for itself, this is the earliest honey plant, on which many bees flock. The lungwort has other folk names - honeydew, bear grass, bee grass, honeydew, honeydew.

19 mar 2019

Imperial hazel grouse - large-flowered species from the genus Fritillaria, which is part of the lily family. There are about 150 species of hazel grouse, but the tallest and brightest of them is the imperial hazel grouse. It is easily distinguished by its straight tall stem covered with lily leaves. A long peduncle is formed on the upper part of the stem, it ends with a green tuft of leaves, under which large bright flowers- bells.

Blooming hazel grouses look solemn, elegant, their flowers are yellow, orange and red-orange in color. . Grouse often play leading role in a flower bed, they are placed in the center or in the background as the tallest plants.

12 Jan 2019

“Vanka is touchy”, “light”, as the balsam is called, this folk flower is grown at home on the windowsill and in the garden, in a flower bed, in flowerpots or in balcony boxes. Balsams are perennial plants, but they come from the warm tropics, so they are planted on the street as annual flowers that delight with abundant and long flowering all summer without rest.

29 dec 2018

Tuberous hybrid callas of various varieties can be grown as indoor flowers in pots and as garden flowers. Graceful calla flowers framed by lush greenery are a wonderful decoration in the house and in the flower bed. Kala will bloom for at least a month, and bright greenery will remain until autumn, but then the plant tuber hibernates until spring.

Tuberous callas should not be confused with rhizomatous white or Ethiopian calla . White callas are originally from Africa, where they grow along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, preferring wet areas, so this species has its own requirements for growing.

Tuberous callas are basically hybrid plants created from two species - Eliot's calla and Remenni's calla. Calla cultivars may have plain leaves. Green colour or with white specks, as well as their flowers, or rather, bracts have various colors- yellow, pink, lilac, violet with an overflow of several shades.

30 but I 2018

Orange lilies are one of the oldest varieties, as many natural species lilies have natural orange flowers. For example, tiger lily or lanceolate , grows wild in China and Japan, where the sweet bulbs of this plant are eaten. The flowers of the wild species are bright orange with dark specks and are very attractive. The culture has several interesting varieties lilies, the progenitor of which was the tiger lily.

Lily tiger terry It has original shape flowers with up to 30 petals, as the flower opens, the first rows of petals fold back, the last row of petals almost does not open, so this lily has no stamens with anthers. The flowers on the peduncle look straight, and since this plant is quite tall with a stem 100-120 cm high, the flowers are clearly visible. Terry lily blooms at the end of July. The color of the flowers is peach with dark spots on the petals.

16 oct 2018

Stonecrop prominent (Sedumspectable)- an ornamental perennial plant with erect stems, with juicy green leaves and large inflorescences at the tops. This is a plant from the group of autumn flowers, but stonecrop has an attractive appearance all season. In spring, a bluish-green rounded bush is formed from young shoots and leaves, by the end of summer the shoots rise to a height of 50-70 cm and numerous small flowers begin to open on large inflorescences.

22 july 2018

Chamomile flowers associated with the sun, in the center of the flowers there is a yellow circle, it is framed by long petals like rays. There are many plants with inflorescences similar to daisies, they can vary in size and color, but the structure of daisies flowers is similar. Here are collected the most beautiful views daisy flowers:

Nivyanik has inflorescences with the classic appearance of daisies- a yellow button in the center and a row of white narrow petals. Nivyanik is often called garden chamomile. Large white daisies look beautiful in the company of bright flowers - poppies, bluebells, cornflowers, these flowers are a real symbol of Russian nature.

07 june 2018

Kochia, an annual cypress or "crown grass", so our grandfathers called this plant and grew it mainly for knitting brooms and panicles. When they created varieties of kochia with a compact beautiful shape, this plant was appreciated by gardeners and flower growers began to use it for landscaping plots and decorating flower beds.

Kochia looks great in a flower garden, on a lawn, among stones or along garden paths., single green bushes look spectacular or in a group, in a linear planting like a miniature green hedge. Kochia is a surprisingly plastic plant, harmoniously fits into any garden composition, as background for bright colors, as landscaping among stones and statues in a rockery or on an alpine hill, as a green border in a flower bed or along a path.

Kochia is an annual herbaceous plant , reaches a height of 50-100 cm, forms an upright lush bush with cylindrical shape. Numerous twigs of cochia are covered with thin long leaves, like needles, so this plant is often compared to miniature conifers.

16 Apr 2018

Cute spring liverwort flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. The real name of the plant copse blue (Hepatica). The liverwort blooms in early spring in April-May, in deciduous forests, when the trees are not yet covered with leaves, so the flowers have enough sunlight.

In the forest, the liverwort often coexists next to goose onions, corydalis, lungwort, anemone. These spring flowers represent the purity of spring nature. In the forests of Russia in the European part, the noble liverwort or blue copse grows. The heavenly color of flowers attracts with its purity.

Kind of liverworts includes about 10 species of herbaceous evergreens with rhizomes. An interesting name for this plant was given back in the Middle Ages, when healers believed that plants similar in shape to any organ could heal it. Since the liverwort has three-lobed leaves similar to the shape of the liver, the plant got its name.

09 mar 2018

As soon as the snow melts, freeing the ground, bright spring flowers appear in open areas of meadows, hills, and on the edges of the forest. Nature in spring gives a wide variety of primroses - snowdrop, white flower, backache, hellebore and many more types of flowers, each of them has its own charm.

Of all the spring flowers, a sunny mood is given adonis flowers, this plant is called by many adonis for its bright flowers, like lights flashing in the meadows. Adonis has many more popular names - Montenegrin, yellow flower, golden flower, heart color, hare poppy, mohnatik, field dill. Several types of adonis grow throughout Russia, they can be planted in the garden in company with other spring flowers.

Adonis is known as medicinal plant, it contains special substances - glycosides, which help the work of the heart and soothe nervous system. Collection medicinal herb adonis is carried out in the spring during the flowering period - from April to May. You can find tablets and infusions from adonis in a pharmacy, but you need to take any medications only under the supervision of a doctor, since this plant is considered poisonous.

The suburban area is famous place for experiments with the garden and vegetable garden. Recently, of course, the dacha is increasingly used for relaxing with friends, and not for growing something, but if there is a desire to break into adjoining territory a small (or large) flower garden, you must first decide what exactly will grow in it.


Of course, any gardener. even for a beginner, I want him to land plot have been decorated with flowers for many years. So that you do not have to re-buy seeds every year and plant flower beds. Think. it's impossible? Not at all. At least three types of flowers grow in one place for more than one year. These are dahlias, peonies and clematis. The last one pleases the eye all summer large quantity inflorescences, it also has curly stems.

Therefore, clematis can easily be used as a decoration for gazebos, entrance groups or gratings.

Dahlias and peonies rightfully occupy one of the leading positions among the preferences of gardeners, both amateurs and owners of many years of experience. Not only are they quite unpretentious in their care, they have been pleasing the gardener's eye with their flowering for more than one year. Compliance with elementary rules like watering and hilling from weeds will give excellent result. They are resistant to changes in weather and soil temperatures, and because of this, their roots only become stronger over time, which allows them to bloom again and again.


The selection of annuals is slightly larger than their perennial counterparts. They are also quite popular among summer residents and gardeners, because every year they can be used to decorate the site in different ways. Most of them require special treatment and specific care, but the result is worth it.

  1. Mirabilis is one of those plants. Its flowers bloom in the evening and at night and exude a wonderful aroma until dawn. That's why people call him night beauty. Miraboles has a tuberous root system, as a result of which it is quite resistant to dry weather. Before planting it in the ground, the seeds are kept in a small seedling container for a month. The strongest escape remains alive. Most often, mirabilis is located along the tracks or in the central part. flower arrangement on the flower bed. When planted in a sunny place, its height can reach one meter.
  2. Snapdragon- a plant that does not need special introduction. Even inexperienced amateur gardeners know him. Loves very much sunlight and does not respond well to stagnation of moisture in the soil. Seeds germinate rather slowly in the first days, but then, with proper care, their growth rate increases, and then they begin to delight the summer resident with the first inflorescences. Usually snapdragons are planted along the borders or in a group in the center of the flower bed. To date, a variety has been bred that grows well in tall flowerpots.
  3. Marigold- no less popular garden plants. Has incredibly bright color combinations, and in some varieties, the petals can generally be two shades at once. Likes water, and in the first few weeks - mineral fertilizers. If you want to see marigolds in all their glory, choose a sunny place to plant. In the shade, they will also grow, but will not achieve such attractive flowering.
  4. Nasturtium- a beautiful scarlet flower, long known to professional gardeners. Incidentally, it is widely used in folk medicine, as it has a lot of useful substances. It should be watered often, but until the first inflorescences appear. Then the frequency of watering is reduced. dried inflorescences are cut off: this will stimulate the growth of new ones in the future.
  5. kosmeya- another annual flower, which has been loved by summer residents for many years. It has a yellow center and petals around the edges, which can be white, pink or blue. It is extremely unpretentious in care: it is enough to water it and weed it from weeds. To stimulate flowering, dried inflorescences break off.

A bright, colorful dacha is an object of pride for many lovers of countryside pastime. Flowers will help to make the site unusual and conducive to relaxation. Some will allow you to change annually appearance plot, and others will surprise you with their independence and longevity.

Popular country flowers

Dacha and flowers are inseparable components suburban area. A beautifully, stylishly and effectively designed area evokes only positive emotions and helps to quickly recuperate. An important point in this case is right choice plant varieties.

Perennial beauty

If you are interested in how to decorate the cottage with flowers for a long time, pay attention to perennials. With proper care, they will delight you year after year without requiring a transplant.

The most common types are:

  • roses;
  • asters;
  • lilies;
  • delphiniums;
  • phloxes;
  • pansies, etc.

The following flowers in the country are also popular with many gardeners: hydrangea, perennial poppy, peonies, Canberra gladioli, Dahlia dahlias.

A beautiful dacha with flowers will also turn out when planting wild perennials. They absolutely do not require time from you, multiply on their own and bring a touch of stylish negligence to the site.

For the implementation of this idea, the most suitable:

  • sage;
  • tansy;
  • yarrow;
  • stork, etc.

Do not try to limit wild flowers to strict flower bed shapes or a slide.
They will surely spoil the idea, as they literally "scatter" their seeds and grow very easily.

Bright one-year-olds

If you like to update your summer cottage every summer, same-year flowers will suit you.

They are the ideal basis for a wide variety of decors:

  • mixborders;
  • modular flower beds;
  • rock gardens (as part of them).

Annuals should be selected based on size. Many of them are very profitable country flowers: blooming all summer, they will not discolor your site for a moment.

How to place flowers in the country

Original flower beds

What to make a flower bed Instruction
old tires Old tires are a great way to decorate a site.

To create flower beds in them, carry out preliminary preparation:

  1. Rinse thoroughly and dry the base.
  2. Paint it in a bright color or apply a pattern (for example, using a stencil).
  3. Use a few tires to create a colorful nook.
Plastic/glass bottles The bottles will help insulate the flower bed from the rest of the area or path.
  1. Collect bottles. Greens will look very natural, browns will resemble hemp.
  2. If the containers are plastic, fill them with sand for stability.
  3. Make small holes around the perimeter of the future flower bed. The distance between them should be no more than 2-4 cm.
  4. Place the bottles upside down to create an original barrier.

For coloring decorative elements use the paint in cans. The best option– aerosol dyes for cars: they easily fit on any surface, are resistant to weather pranks, so they will retain their color and texture for a long time. The average price of one unit will be 180-400 rubles (depending on the brand).

Spectacular slides

Slides of flowers, plants, herbs and accessories are one of the most fashionable country decorations today. The second name of this design refinement is rock garden (or " alpine slide"). The spectacular appearance of such a structure makes many people think about how to make a flower slide in the country with their own hands.

When creating a colorful corner, pay attention to the following tips:

  • use the bumps and hills available on the site whenever possible- this will avoid the need to create it artificially;
  • use if desired decorative stones, choose copies of the most natural look and different sizes;
  • use original lighting whenever possible: buying or renting a diesel generator for a summer residence is not needed if it is solar-powered.

Flowers for the slide deserve special attention. They should be hardy, perennial, have moderate growth and passively breed.

Most suitable options experts believe:

  • edelweiss;
  • primrose;
  • undersized phloxes;
  • mountain cornflowers;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • cat paws;
  • violets, etc.

climbing vegetation

Climbing plants look very stylish and spectacular. The best place for their placement are arches for flowers in the country. With their help, you can decorate the entrance or delimit the space by separating the garden from the relaxation zone. Also, an arch with flowers will look great at the entrance to the house.

Gradually climbing plants completely cover the base, so you should not be especially meticulous in choosing the material and design of the arch. The main thing is that she can withstand the growing flowers for the summer cottage. best models solid metal arches are recognized.

You need to install them like this:

  1. Choose a place where the arch will organically fit into the landscape.
  2. Dig holes in the ground (about 10-20 cm).
  3. Place the ends of the decor in them and fill the holes with earth (tamp it carefully so that the arch is well fixed).

Bricks and other "weights" will not be able to hold the arch if it suddenly starts strong wind or bad weather.
It can fall over and seriously injure children/animals.
By burying the jewelry in the ground, you will securely and permanently fix it.

Another way to use curly flowers is wall decor. For example, in this way you can decorate the outside country houses from block containers or experimental materials.

With this method, for attaching flowers, it is necessary to create a basis, which is suitable for:

  • nylon net (with large cells);
  • long stakes set close to the wall;
  • metal grid.

Whatever goal you pursue: the decor of the site, its zoning or hiding defects, Special attention give the choice of vegetation.

The most beloved garden loaches are:

  • girlish grapes;
  • morning glory;
  • bougainvillea;
  • actinidia;
  • climbing rose.


Even novice gardeners can arrange a cottage with flowers on their own. To make the decor memorable, original and bright, actively use your imagination and various decorative tricks. The video in this article will tell you about the useful points of using flowers in the country.

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