Phlox subulate planting and care outdoors in siberia. Phlox subulate - (Phlox subulata) Phlox subulate candy

Site arrangement 14.06.2019
Site arrangement

The soil is good, poor, loose with neutral acidity. It is good if the predecessors are calendula, chamomile, rudbeckia, nasturtium, marigolds. All these flowers not only create a boring microclimate in the soil, but also expel the release of phytoncides of nematodes that are so fond of root system phlox.

Phlox are planted with cuttings, plots and seeds. Next, consider how to grow subulate phlox from seeds.

As soon as it comes, steady negative temperatures phlox seeds are sown in designated areas and sprinkled with prepared dry soil or sand. The distance between the seeds is about 3-4 cm.

Root plots of subulate phlox are planted in prepared pits 15 cm deep at a distance of 25 cm.When phlox is planted, wood ash is brought in about the floor liter cans in a hole or around a bush. This type of phlox grows rapidly and stretches by 10 cm in a year. Phlox can grow in the same place for ten years. After the winter months, young shoots can be seen next to the phlox plantings, this is the result of self-seeding. Such plants can be dug up and planted on a new piece of land.


Like many flowers, subulate phlox needs weeding, loosening, feeding and watering. Top dressing begins in early spring with urea or other nitrogen fertilizer, using 30g per 1m². During the period of intensive growth, they are fed with fertilizer, which contains potassium and nitrogen. In mid-July, a complex mineral fertilizing is introduced into the soil. Phlox subulate after flowering is fed with potassium and phosphorus salt. It is worth remembering that root dressing is applied to well-moistened soil and it is better to do this in the evening.

Phlox is watered abundantly once a month, and if there is a prolonged drought, water is required every week.

Phloxes practically do not need weeding, since they themselves can suppress the growth of weeds.

Caring for phlox subulate after flowering consists of pruning and fertilizing. Many growers often ask how to properly cut the subulate phlox? Meanwhile, pruning phlox does not present any difficulties. For pruning, use a trimmer or garden shears. If phlox plantings take up a significant area, you can use the lawn mower by raising the legs to the highest limit.

Pruning after flowering stimulates the growth of young, healthy shoots. The plant can even bloom again while maintaining its decorative qualities.

In autumn, before the onset of frost, the tops must be cut off, and the bushes must be sprinkled with soil mixed with peat in a ratio of 1: 1. In regions with harsh winters, it is recommended to cover phlox with hay or straw, as well as spruce branches.

Diseases and pests

Phloxes most often suffer from powdery mildew or variegation is when an unnatural pattern appears on the leaves. In the spring, as soon as the above-zero temperature is established, the phlox plantings are treated with Bordeaux liquid. If the symptoms of these diseases began to appear on individual plants, then they must be removed. Common phlox diseases are septoria (reddish spots on foliage) and phomosis (drying of leaves and fragility of leaf stems). These diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. In order to prevent phloxes in spring, they are sprayed with a solution of well sulfur (20-30 g of powder is stirred in a 10 liter bucket of water). After 12-14 days, the treatment must be repeated. If the plants are already infected with phomosis, the soil and phloxes are treated bordeaux liquid.

Deformation of inflorescences and fragility of plants indicates damage to roots and leaves by nematodes. In this case, the plants are dug up and burned. And the land is treated with phytoverm (0.2% powder) or 40% carbation, calculating 2 kg of the drug per 10 m².

When purchasing new varieties of phlox even before planting, it is worth keeping the plots in a manganese solution. Experts do not recommend planting phlox in the place where it grew garden strawberry since there is a high probability of nematode infestation.


Phlox subulate is not a tall plant, the growth of which varies in the region of 16-18 cm. It is a flower creeping along the ground with narrow leaves. Some phlox varieties can have up to three peduncles at a time. Phlox subulate blooms in white, purple, pink, burgundy, blue and purple flowers... Also, this species of phlox has a two-tone color. The flower stalks bloom in mid-May. In total, flowering with short interruptions lasts until September.

Subulate phlox varieties are used in mixborders, rock gardens and flower beds. The most popular varieties are:

Wilson is a lilac color.

Emerald Blue is a cornflower blue color.

Bayern are white flowers with blue touches.

"Candystripe" - white with pink flowers, 1.9 cm in diameter.

"White Delight" - white flowers with a diameter of 2 cm.

Emerald Cushion Blue - blue with blue splashes.

"Maischnee" - white flowers with a diameter of 1.5 cm.

"Moerheimi" is a lilac shade.

"Temiscaming" - dark crimson color, flowers 2cm in diameter, carpet 15cm high. This variety propagates well by cuttings.

"Coral Eye" - star-shaped flower shape, pink color with a carmine heart.

"Tellaria" - lilac star-shaped flowers with a carmine center. This variety is distinguished by abundant and long flowering.

In this article, you can clearly see the varieties of subulate phlox with a photo, so you can easily choose the ones that you like. The blooming of phloxes coincides with the blooming of forget-me-not flowers, tulips, irises and crocuses. Based on what, you can combine these plants.

Alpine carnations, bells, garden geranium, badan, cereal herbs, sedum, tradescantia, conifers shrubs and trees and other plants.

28.08.2018 265 Views

The beauty of phlox attracts the attention of not only people, but also exotic butterflies

A subulate phlox is not a capricious plant. It takes root in different soils and does not require special growing conditions, therefore it successfully adapts to different situations... But still in order to charming bloom pleased for a long time, phlox needs to be created optimal conditions... Which ones - we will tell you in detail.

  • What is known about phlox?
  • Popular varieties
  • Breeding options
  • Planting and care rules
  • Diseases and pests
  • A riot of colors in one bouquet

    Phlox: description of the species and characteristics

    This kind phlox is successfully used in landscape design, as this plant grows rapidly on fertile soil, creating a bright flower spot. Phlox can be miniature - only 25 cm in height or a giant up to 1.2 m. color palette may also surprise: purple, pink, red - all shades.

    Note! Individual specimens can be bicolor, which makes them decorative effect even more attractive.

    The magic of phlox fields fascinates and makes you believe in a fairy tale

    It is also worth knowing that the plant in question is a perennial. spring bloom... Homeland subulate phloxNorth America... This species is successfully used for growing in rock gardens. It looks great on slopes, and due to the powerful root system, you can also strengthen the necessary areas. Due to the rapid formation of soil cover, phloxes are successfully used in cascade compositions.

    Popular phlox varieties (photo)

    There are many of them, but there are the most popular ones, among which:

    Candy Stripes
    White with a pinkish stripe in the center
    Dazzles with whiteness, due to this it received the greatest distribution
    Asterisk shape, lilac, marked by long flowering
    Intense pink color, grows quickly


    Phlox subulate: breeding options

    Before considering leaving, you should familiarize yourself with the breeding options for phlox. Let's take a closer look at the methods.

  • Division of the bush. This method is the simplest and most popular one. If you notice that the bush has grown a lot, it should be dug up and divided into parts. It is important that there is a piece of root in each part. The optimal time for the procedure is spring, before flowering.
  • Shoots. They should be pinned to the ground and covered with soil. It is important that the stem nodes fit snugly against the ground, in which case the roots will grow from them. As soon as young growth appears, the new bushes can be separated from the mother. The plant is transplanted to a convenient location.
  • Cuttings. Such propagation is not often used, but it can be a measure of rescuing accidentally broken off stems. From the bottom of the branch, you need to remove all the leaves, dig the stalk in a shady area and wait until it grows. After that, you can transplant to a permanent place.
  • Seeds. Another method that is not used very often. Sowing seedlings should be carried out at the end of winter. Seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks. After 2-4 true leaves grow, you can pick into separate containers. For the successful growth and development of seedlings, the soil must be constantly moist.
  • 15

    Rules for planting and caring for styloid phlox

    Important! In order for the styloid phlox to successfully fulfill its function, preference should be given to a sunny and dry area. It is worth checking the soil under it: infertile, but dry and loose is allowed. Acidity - slightly alkaline or neutral.

    Important! If you plant phlox on wet chernozem, you will get a lot of greenery, but it will practically not bloom.

    You need to plant the plant to a depth of no more than 15 cm, the root system is not very deep. A distance of 20-30 cm should be left between adjacent bushes. When choosing a place, you should pay attention to the predecessor. The best is any perennial herb.

    Phlox in the landscape design of a summer cottage

    Advice! You should not plant bushes after strawberries. These plants have common pests - nematodes. If they were with strawberries, then they will probably also settle on phlox.

    Care procedure:

  • Loosen the soil regularly under each bush.
  • Destroy weeds as they appear.
  • Moderate watering with warm water. If you use cold, you can get cracked stems.
  • Inflorescences wither during the season, they need to be removed.
  • Advice! To ensure a lush and long flowering subulate phlox must be replanted every 5 years.

    Particular attention should be paid to preparing for wintering. Although the flowers are considered frost-hardy, this is realized only when they are covered with a large layer of snow and there is no thaw. In order for the snow to become reliable protection, you should spend autumn pruning tops, and sprinkle the roots with earth and peat. Additional cover can be made from straw, spruce branches, fallen leaves.

    A warm winter with regular thaws will bring inconvenience, since during periods of warming, the plant needs to be opened, and when it gets cold, it should be covered again. If this is neglected, phloxes can simply vanish.


    Fertilizer for phlox

    For annuals, top dressing is needed four times per season, for perennials - five times. The application scheme is something like this:

    Fertilizer type
    liquid manure diluted in water
    the beginning of June
    also manure with added superphosphate
    early July
    liquid manure
    end of july
    potassium and phosphorus. Moreover, it is better to make such top dressing in the evening.

    Advice! Fertilization with ash shows good results. To do this, it should be prepared as follows: 350 g of ash, pour 2 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. After that, let it brew until completely cooled. It is a concentrate and should be diluted with 10 liters of water. You can fertilize phlox with ash both under the root and on the leaves..

    By following the tips for caring for plants, you can enjoy the beauty of the site for a long time.

    Note! To accelerate the growth of the root system after winter, it is useful to water the bushes with humus.

    Diseases, pests and treatment of styloid phlox

    Phlox is most susceptible to powdery mildew disease. It is often attacked by caterpillars, which damage the stem, which can lead to the death of the plant. You can notice the first traces of pests by the brownish bloom on the leaves, they will also curl.

    You can avoid the rapid spread of phlox disease by regularly examining the stem and leaves of the plant.

    Important! If the caterpillars have destroyed the bush, it must be dug up and burned. Phlox cannot be re-planted in the old place for 2-3 years.


    Plants also suffer from lack of water and thickening. Therefore, when planting, you should maintain the correct distance between the bushes. In general, the styloid phlox is an excellent groundcover that produces a powerful, intense, beautiful flowering. All he needs is a little grooming and the right place.

    Cute flower bed design: every bush has plenty of space and light

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After all, they perform two main functions - protecting the soil and roots of perennial plants from drying out and decorating the site with emphasis on the beauty of rock gardens and rockeries. One of the brightest representatives such a plant is subulate phlox. We will talk about planting and caring for him in this article. This flower is very popular when creating flower arrangements among ordinary gardeners and professional designers landscape. Photos of phlox subulate can often be found in popular catalogs and magazines about decorative design garden plots... All this is due to the beauty of the plant and its unpretentious care.


Phlox subulate is a frost-resistant, profusely flowering plant that came to us from North America. He received special love thanks to the widest assortment colors and varieties. On average, the plant height does not exceed twenty centimeters. Phlox stems densely line the surface of the ground with sharp, dark green leaves. At the top of each shoot is a peduncle. During the flowering period, which lasts about three weeks (May to June), the plant becomes covered with large quantity small flowers - from two to four centimeters. The most common shades are white, lilac and pink. Repeated flowering in August and September can be achieved with more painstaking and careful care.

The most beautiful varieties

The best representatives phlox subulate are considered bicolor varieties such as Blaze of the eye, Mint Twist and Bavaria. The latter is distinguished by magnificent lilac flowers bordered with snow-white stripes. The delicate aroma exuded by the flower during the flowering period is another advantage of this variety over others. Phlox Bavaria - hardy and fairly unpretentious plant rich flowering. Phlox varieties subulate Maischnee, White Delight, Apple Blossom are often used to complement mixborders and retaining walls.

Soil selection

In general, the plant does not require much soil fertility. Light dry soil is preferred after growing lawn grass or calendula. Too much nutrient soil does not allow getting profuse flowering due to overgrowth of the root system and stems.

If the soil in your area is too hard, then you can loosen it by mixing with sand. But the increased acidity of the soil will return to normal with a small amount of lime or dolomite.

Planting phlox subulate

The ideal time to plant this plant is mid-April. In spring, these flowers take root better and begin to bloom a little later than those planted in autumn. Autumn planting produced in late September or early October, so that the plant has time to take root before the first severe frosts. The phlox should be watered abundantly and frequently for the first two weeks after planting. And for better survival of rhizomes before planting, they should be immersed in Kornevin's solution.

The site chosen for planting subulate phlox should be cleared of weeds, since it will be much more difficult to do this during the period of growth and flowering. Landing undersized varieties carried out at a distance of at least 20 centimeters, tall - about 80 centimeters between plants. Acceleration of the fouling process can be achieved by fixing the stems with hairpins and sprinkling with earth with their further direction in the right direction. Flowers are transplanted only after the end of the flowering period.

Growing features

To obtain hybrid and especially valuable varieties of this plant experienced gardeners use seeds. It is very important to properly prepare them for the planting process. In this section it will be about stratification - a procedure without which the seeds simply will not germinate. It is carried out in the fall, before the winter planting. The site for planting phlox is cleared of snow, the seeds are laid out on the ground (at a distance of at least five centimeters from each other), then sprinkled with a layer of earth and sand, and on top with a thin layer of snow. Such preparation increases the percentage of seed germination up to eighty percent. The main thing is not to carry out stratification in late autumn, when frosts become permanent.

The first shoots appear in early spring... Fortified shoots are transplanted into prepared, fertilized beds only after two or three leaves appear. The distance between the planted plants should be between twenty and thirty centimeters. One and a half to two weeks after the phlox transplant, it should be fertilized with saltpeter.


Phlox subulate, like any other plant, requires only timely watering, hilling and moderate fertilization. In extreme heat, watering should be increased to 2-3 sprays per day.

The most effective fertilizer for subulate phlox is the simplest wood ash. All micro- and macroelements contained in its composition fully nourish and saturate the plant. And it is very simple to prepare such a solution: for this, about 200 grams of ash are diluted in a liter of water, after which it is boiled, cooled and filtered. Ready solution diluted in ten liters of water and used as a foliar fertilizer. Too frequent and intensive enrichment of the soil with minerals leads to excessive development of leaves and poor flowering.

On the winter period time, phlox should be protected from frost. Spruce branches are considered the best option, since, unlike autumn foliage, it does not allow phlox to rot. Humus can be used to restore the plant after wintering. This nutrient will quickly put the subulate phlox in order, accelerate the growth and flowering process.

The plant is rejuvenated every five years. Since at this age the stems of the plant coarsen, flowering becomes less intense and decorative. Moreover, more adult plant becomes weaker and more prone to various diseases much stronger than the young.

Reproduction of phlox subulate

One of the methods of reproduction of this plant is by dividing the rhizomes. To do this, use adult flowers with a formed, overgrown root system. A phlox bush is dug up, which is divided into several parts with a shovel. An important condition the survival of such a plant in the future is the presence of several roots and points of growth on each of the obtained parts. Delenki are planted in pre-dug holes with prepared, loose soil.

The subulate phlox can also be propagated by cuttings. This method is preferred by most of gardeners because of its lightness. WITH different parts the plants must be cut off the strongest and healthiest shoots, which are planted in a slightly shaded area. For faster rooting, frequent and abundant watering is important. It is best to use stems, shoots, petioles and roots collected in spring. Such planting material it takes root better over the summer and gives plentiful, dense flowers the next year.

To obtain valuable varieties, use the method of propagation by leaf cuttings. To do this, a stalk with a leaf is planted in moistened sand and covered with glass or plastic jar, the use of film is permissible. Planting and leaving the styloid phlox in open ground in this case is carried out after the final engraftment of the cutting, which must be frequently sprayed with water.

Diseases and pests

During the period of reproduction and growth, subulate phlox is quite often affected by powdery mildew. It is quite simple to recognize this disease - the presence of white bloom on the leaves and flowers of the plant. Treatment is carried out through the use of various chemicals.

Attractively this plant and for many pests such as caterpillars and nematodes. Their invasion most often leads to the complete death of the plant due to the destruction of most of the leaves, stems and flowers. Having found a damaged flower, it should be immediately eliminated, and the soil contaminated with pests should be treated with insecticides for three to four weeks.

Frequent watering and excessive fertilization leads to the appearance of various kinds of rot and rust. That is why it is important to follow the rules for caring for the styloid phlox, especially since it is not at all difficult.


Today we have shared with you a photo of the styloid phlox, planting and caring for which it is quite easy to deal with - you could be convinced of this by reading our article. Do not be afraid to experiment with the design of your site, and it will definitely delight you with its appearance.

Subulate phloxes usually bloom twice a summer: first from May to mid-June, the second time in August-September.

Seat selection

In nature, the favorite places of this plant are dry and sunny hills and sandy slopes, rocky areas.

Insufficient ventilation is bad for these flowers. They will bloom poorly if planted too closely or under a solid wall. Better to plant them at a distance from the fence or choose more openwork, breathable barriers.

Subulate phlox, like all evergreens, need snow cover in winter.

These flowers will grow quickly and take up the area intended for them. Shoots grow more than 10 cm per year and root well.

Timing for boarding

By the beginning of summer, phlox should take root well in the soil.

The subulate phlox is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Cuttings are cut in early spring, planted in seedling boxes or prepared beds, watered with warm water.

Young plants from boxes are transplanted into open ground.

Such cuttings root perfectly in late spring-early summer, and by autumn they become adult plants.

Soil preparation

The root system of subulate phlox is located at a depth of 15 cm. Due to the fact that they require a thin layer of soil, these flowers adorn rocky areas and alpine hills.

How to grow a delphinium in the garden, read.

The soil for planting subulate phlox should be dry and good. In addition, it is important to know what has grown on this land recently: pests may remain from last year. So, if strawberries grew on the site in the previous season, the likelihood of phlox infection with roundworms is very high.

The safest way to plant subulate phlox is in areas where lawn perennial grasses or flowers such as marigolds (tagetes) and calendula grew.

It is important to clear the area from the roots of perennial weeds. Phlox, intertwining with stems, form turf through which a strong weed can break through and spoil appearance plot. It will be very difficult to remove such a weed and not damage the flowers.

Liming is a must for acidic soil

Acidic soils - as, for example, in the Moscow region - need to be limed. For this, lime or dolomite flour is thoroughly mixed with the soil.

On the square meter 200-400 grams of lime is consumed or less, depending on the situation.

In very heavy soils, a little sand is added before planting flowers.


Not too abundant watering, timely weeding and fertilizing 2-3 times per season - usually this is enough for awl-shaped phlox to be healthy and look great.

Areas with old plants need to be rejuvenated.

If your phlox is five years old or older, they may develop leafless fragments and bloom less abundantly.


Before flowering, from about the end of April to mid-May, nitrogen-potassium fertilizers are applied to the soil. If necessary, a complete mineral fertilizer is added in the middle of summer.

Wood ash is both a phlox fertilizer and a pest control

One of better ways top dressing - wood ash.

It contains all the necessary macro- and microelements, although there is no nitrogen. Ash solution also helps as a means of pest control.

If you overdo it with fertilizers, as well as for a very fertile soils subulate phloxes will produce a dense green carpet but rarely and poorly bloom.

The best conditions for their flowering are created on relatively dry, poor soils.


Water subulate phlox should be very moderate. This drought tolerant plants, excess moisture harms them. Outwardly, signs of waterlogging may look like this: the plants are weakened, the flowers are rare, there is no solid carpet effect.


It is enough once a year, after flowering, to remove old stems and correct the shape of the green massif. In the spring, after the snow melts, dry shoots can be cut off.

Pests and diseases

To protect plants from powdery mildew, preventive treatment before and after flowering - for example, with the Topaz composition.

In case of damage by caterpillars, insecticides are used.

Also read how.

To find out how to plant a daylily in the garden, click.

Application in landscape design

Various varieties of subulate phlox make it possible to create real artistic compositions.

The flowers of subulate phlox can be monochromatic or decorated with stripes, contrasting borders, with bright stars in the middle. Color - from the purest white to deep purple, including all shades of pink and lilac, cyan and blue-violet. Leaves of different varieties also differ in color saturation and shade.

The dense greenery between flowering periods looks great on rocky areas of the garden, on the slopes, terraces and alpine coaster... A subulate phlox often frames multi-level flower beds - mixborders.

During flowering, the effect of a solid carpet allows, by combining varieties of different colors, to obtain delightful compositions on lawns and very small flower beds.

The most beautiful and popular varieties of subulate phlox are presented in the photo gallery:

Photo: Phlox subulate - Phlox subulata

It so happened that our gardens and flower gardens are simply unthinkable without spectacular and impressive phlox. They, like guards, rise above the general background or in a single landing. Bright flowers collected in a lush inflorescence, and a wide variety of colors allow you to choose a variety for every taste and for the most demanding garden interior. Translated from Greek, the name "phlox" means "flame". It was first presented to the plant by Karl Linnaeus, apparently, having met a certain tall species with a fiery color of petals. Now it is simply impossible to list the entire palette of colors. Among the selected varieties and garden forms The subulate phlox attracts attention, which will be discussed further.

Botanical description

Phlox subulata (Phlox subulata) is a typical representative of the Sinyukhovye family. It is named so due to its leaves, resembling an awl in shape - the same narrow, pointed, strong. Often it can be found under the name carpet or creeping, and in its homeland (North America) it is called a moss carnation. The original biological species is practically not found in gardens; numerous hybrids and varieties are widespread. A true subulate phlox is not high - 15-17 cm. On the surface of the earth it forms a kind of carpets that remain under the snow. The creeping stems are covered with small leaves. In their upper part, peduncles with flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter.

Breeding and varieties

For the first time varietal plants appeared in Foggy Albion. Initially, in the gardens of aristocrats, the species form brought from the New World was actively used. Over time, breeders selected the most desirable and outstanding forms with the necessary traits resulting from hybridization and natural mutations. Therefore, it will be completely fair if we say that the current phloxes have little in common with their original appearance, since they were created over several centuries. The earliest written message about subulate phlox dates back to 1696. You will not find domestic hybrids in stores, all that is there are foreign varieties, originally from England, Germany, France, Holland and, of course, the USA. When buying plants, the information on the package will help you to decide on the variety: height, shade, shape of flowers and their size. Photo: Phlox subulate - Phlox subulata - popular varieties

Some varieties known among experienced florists:
Aurora - large flowers star-shaped (up to 2.4 cm in diameter) at first glance look white in a group planting, but in fact they have a barely noticeable pink tint, like the first glimpses of dawn in the sky. When it grows, it forms real rugs up to 12 cm high, rather resembling snowdrifts against the general background of greenery.
G.F. Wilson - lavender-blue flowers have a diameter of up to 1.8 cm.This variety of subulate phlox grows quickly, branches abundantly and forms an even carpet up to 20 cm high
Thumbelina - plant height up to 15 cm, dark green leaves and stems grow quickly, flowers are pale pink cold shade, reach 1.6 cm in diameter, the middle is carmine-red.
Nettleton Variegata - variety with pink flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, has decorative dark green leaves with a pink-white border.
Whichever variety you prefer, you know that all subulate phloxes after spring flowering retain decorative view until late autumn, withstanding the first frosts, their emerald green sod leaves under the snow. The flowers of the plant are not very large, however, there are so many of them that they form "pillows" of a wide variety of shades. It is thanks to these qualities that phlox is appreciated in horticultural floriculture and among landscape designers.

Place on the site

The subulate phlox can be safely attributed to the group of the most unpretentious and easy-to-care plants. Another advantage is the ability to adapt to conditions. environment, but sometimes to the detriment of decorativeness. To achieve lush and long-lasting flowering every year, the plant should create an environment as close to natural as possible - rocky slopes, dry sandy hills with good drainage system and without moisture stagnation. Phlox is demanding on lighting and thermophilic - this must be taken into account first of all. Secondly, exclude areas where moisture constantly accumulates. On them, the flower will be weak, flowering is poor, and ultimately this will lead to decay of the root system. Thirdly, like all plants, styloid phlox can be affected by diseases and pests. Therefore, it is not out of place to observe competent prevention. Since phlox styloid is the most susceptible to nematode, its best predecessors at the planting site will be various perennial lawn grass, calendula, marigolds, saffron. The pest does not like them, in this regard, the soil will be safe. Do not use areas where garden strawberries used to grow. Fourth, the plant needs shelter in winter, so give preference to a place where there is a high snow cover in winter.

The soil

The original phlox species, which gave rise to many hybrids and garden forms, grows in nature on mountain slopes. Therefore, the plant prefers poor soils, but dry and well-drained. The same conditions are required for the garden styloid phlox. The soil environment should ideally be close to neutral. Too acidic soil interferes with the absorption of macroelements by the plant, and alkaline, on the contrary, of microelements. In this regard, before planting, liming of the soil is practiced, that is, the introduction of lime in certain quantities. If the soils are clayey and heavy, it is also recommended to add coarse river sand to loosen the structure. Organic-rich soil, where manure, humus or compost was previously applied, is also not very good for this. garden plant... Of course, it will develop well, only all its "strength" will go to the green, and flowering will be minimized.

Planting subulate phlox

The plant is a ground cover, therefore it has a specific root system. It lies shallow (up to 15 cm), but grows to the sides rather quickly. Can even be removed before boarding upper layer soil and, mixing it with lime and sand, removing the roots of perennial plants and weeds, put back. In this place you need to plant subulate phlox at a distance of 25-30 cm, then in a year or two, with proper care, you will have a solid flower carpet... You can regulate the shoots of the plant yourself in the right direction, digging them in certain places or fixing them with a metal arc for quick rooting and the formation of a new bush. An evergreen plant is characterized by rapid growth, their branches grow in 2-3 years up to 40 cm long. The most favorable time for planting is spring, when the weather is warm enough during the day, and the soil is still saturated with moisture. In the same place, the styloid phlox can vegetate for up to 5 years, after which it is advisable to renew or plant the bush in order to avoid the development of the disease and the loss of its decorative appearance.

Photo: Examples of the use of phlox subulate in landscape design

Plant care

This group garden flowers very unpretentious, the main care for them consists in timely weeding, watering and feeding with complex organic and mineral preparations during a certain growing season. Moreover, the first point is of particular importance. A subulate phlox covers the ground with a solid carpet, the weeds growing from under it spoil not only the appearance, but can also damage the root system if pulled out carelessly or in the process of active growth. A well-chosen position on the site and good soil allow you to grow strong and beautiful plants in one place for 4-5 years. Phloxes are quite frost-resistant and in the presence of deep snow cover they perfectly tolerate low temperatures. However, in the snowiest and warm winters shoots and leaves can rot, losing their attractiveness. You should not be upset, if proper care the plant recovers quickly.
All growers should remember that one should not "overfeed" subulate phloxes with organic matter and potash fertilizers, since the green mass will actively grow, and flowering will slow down. Most the best option- this is mulching the soil around the bush in spring and autumn with good humus, as well as feeding with a solution of wood ash, which also has disinfecting properties and prevents the development of diseases and the appearance of pests. It is not difficult to prepare it. Pour 300 g of ash with two liters of water, and boil the solution for 5-10 minutes, after which it should be cooled. The liquid is quite concentrated, therefore, before use, it should be diluted in 10 liters of water.
If winters in your region are very harsh, then it is recommended to cover phlox for the winter with coniferous spruce branches. The best thing for these purposes is a spruce. Do not use fallen dry leaves, under them the shoots, most likely, will rot and rot. Like many others perennial plants phlox requires rejuvenation.

Pests and diseases

Reproduction of subulate phlox

You can get new plants in two ways: seed (very rare in the styloid phlox) and vegetative (grafting and dividing the bush). In the first case, sowing should be carried out in early spring, then by autumn you will have a small, but strengthened plant. This method is suitable for those who want to grow new and exclusive varieties on their site. Dividing a bush is a less time consuming but very effective way. Due to the fact that small bushes separated from the mother plant already have their own roots, development and growth is faster, and the sod is denser and more durable. In the process of dividing the bush, one way or another, small broken off sections of the stem remain from the plant, which are small branches without roots. They can be used for propagation by cuttings. To do this, remove the leaves from the bottom of the stem and dig in it, keep the soil moisture constantly until rooting occurs. At first, the plants are best shaded with a special woven material. Cuttings can be carried out both before and after flowering, but the division of the bushes is best done towards the end of summer.

Video: Carpets of subulate phlox during flowering in a park in Japan.

In the sphere landscape design and landscaping phlox styloid is rightfully considered a real lifesaver. Per short term it is able to form lush floral carpets of the most diverse palette of colors, while it is unpretentious and resistant to weather conditions. The plant will look most harmoniously and naturally on alpine hills, warm slopes, in group plantings on a green lawn or along garden paths from natural stone and tiles.

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