Phlox subulate care. Phlox subulate, planting and care

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Living stone decoration

Now it is very fashionable to make ponds in the garden with your own hands, alpine slides, rockeries from stones. It is really beautiful and gives some flavor to the landscape. But it is important not only to dig a depression and fill it with water, arrange the stones in the flower beds, but also combine them with certain plants. Ground cover flowers and grasses are the most demanded inhabitants of rock gardens or stone gardens, and among them there is phlox. But not the one that grows tall bushes, and the one that spreads. If it is not growing yet, then the topic of the article will be of interest to you, but it sounds like planting an awl-shaped phlox and caring for it.

On a note! Phloxes are quite diverse flowers, which have their own species, which include varieties - high, low, ground cover.

Meet the creeping flowers

We think that after reading the article, you will definitely want to plant subulate phlox in the new season. What are their advantages? In general, all ground cover plants are very practical, because they cover the entire surface, suppress the growth of some weeds, and retain moisture for other cultivated plantings. In addition, for the most part, creeping flowers or grass are unpretentious, and phlox are awl-shaped proof of this. Take a look at the photo, how the landscape transforms if it is decorated with stones and ground cover flowers.

Flowers and conifers complement each other

Subulate phlox is a species, it has many varieties. A big plus is that all flowers are rich in colors - white, red, lavender, variegated, striped and others. Phlox can be planted either separately, by combining varieties, or together with plants - lemon-scented thyme, saxifrage, crocuses, spruce. The compositions are very decorative and tasteful. Now subulate phlox is one of the most popular and sought-after colors.

If we talk about the varietal description, then it will be as follows:

  • plant height - up to 20 cm;
  • color - different;
  • leaves are dark green;
  • grows in a dense carpet, covering the soil;
  • inflorescences in diameter - 2-4 cm;
  • frost-resistant and unpretentious;
  • multiplies easily and takes root quickly;
  • homeland - North America;
  • blooms - from the second decade of May to the second decade of June.

On a note! If we talk about the disadvantages of subulate phlox, then this is a short flowering, but it can be extended with the help of good care and feeding.

Phlox subulate and spread apart - what is the difference?

Many inexperienced summer residents often confuse two types of flowers - widespread and subulate. Many people think that these are the same phloxes, but this is a mistake. The difference in species is quite obvious - the height of the spread out varieties is up to 30-40 cm, they are not so diverse in colors, they are afraid of severe frosts and snowless winters, they are more demanding on the composition of the soil, the bushes are loose. Subulate phlox in nature can grow on poor soils, bloom well, the difference is visible in the photo. Experienced summer residents found out that in a very fertile soil ground cover phlox bloom worse.

The splayed look is looser

Popular varieties

Bayern Munich

Delicate and lovely flowers

This is one of the most sought-after varieties. The inflorescences have two shades at once - the petals are white, they have lavender stripes on them. They delight with their flowering twice a season - in June and August. Height - up to 15 cm. Very decorative variety, grows in diameter to half a meter.


Simple and tasteful

The uniqueness of the variety is that it grows very quickly and well. One season can change your flower bed, making it a delicate lilac color. The variety winters well, is not afraid of trampling. Height - 5-15 cm, blooms in late spring and early summer. One of the most undemanding varieties.

A very popular variety

Here you can just look at the photo of the styloid phlox in landscape design, and everything will become clear. The flowers are candy-like, striped and very decorative. It blooms in late May and June, requires only watering and feeding 1-2 times. Winters well in all regions. Height - up to 15 cm, diameter - 60 cm or more.


Striking deep shade

It is also an unpretentious variety and is very often found in the flower beds of summer residents. It goes well with primroses, suitable for various landscape solutions. The variety creates a very dense carpet up to 20 cm in height. It blooms in late spring and early summer.

Snow white miracle

These subulate phlox, as you can see in the photo, are snow-white. Decorate any flower bed, rock garden, border. You can plant the variety in flowerpots. It will grow no more than 15 cm, it blooms, like most varieties, for a month - at the end of May and June, but it will also please in August and September.

For information! Phlox subulate have hybrid varieties and simple. Each has pluses, but the latter are more hardy. If you have bad conditions, the climate is harsh, the soil is poor, it is better to choose them.

Noble shade

The variety is decorative both with inflorescences and leaves. This gives an advantage, since after flowering the plant still looks very aesthetically pleasing. Height - no more than 10 cm, petals - lilac shade. It blooms in late May and early June. Diameter - up to 50 cm.

Of course, there are much more varieties, but today we are talking about planting subulate phlox and caring for it. When choosing flowers for your garden, try to choose the types not only according to the principle - which you liked will grow, but also so that they are combined with each other in shade and appearance. Also choose plants so they can bloom in turns - the club will always be beautiful. And let's move on to the main secrets of growing.

Agrotechnics. Phlox subulate

Planning a flower bed

Create a rough outline on paper

To make the site look aesthetically pleasing and tasteful, it is better to plan in advance what and where to plant. Ground cover plants can be planted next to a reservoir, diluting the greens, which are also needed there. Saturated shades of red, purple look very beautiful on the background natural stones, undersized conifers. White phlox is best combined with burgundy, lavender. It must be taken into account that the plants grow strongly and leave an empty space in the flower bed in advance. You can see examples of how you can arrange a site with subulate phlox in the photo in our article.

Now what about important conditions... Phloxes do not like excess water in the place where they grow. Plants immediately lose their decorative effect, bald spots appear, the shade of flowers fades. It is best if the earth is loose, there is a lot of sun in this place. It is also better to remove malicious weeds in advance, since during weeding they will be pulled out together with the surface roots of phlox.

Simple and beautiful decor

Choosing the timing

Seeds of subulate phlox can be sown on the site both in spring and before winter - they will undergo stratification and germination will be maximum. The shoots, if you do not grow flowers from seeds, can be planted both in spring and autumn. But the second option is even preferable, since the seedlings will take root in September and October and will bloom two weeks earlier in May.

Preparing the soil and planting flowers

Phloxes do not require special care

Let us first analyze the method of preparing the soil and planting phlox, which are grown from ready-made seedlings. The space for them must be freed from plant residues... If the soil is heavy, difficult to weed or loosen, then add sand until the soil becomes crumbly. Neutral soil for phlox is best suited, if you have acidity, then add a glass of slaked lime per square meter.

If you are sowing seeds, then the correct technique is done by stratifying the seeds. In the fall, you should prepare the soil with humus, garden soil, and sand. Place it in a container, moisten it slightly and sow seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other. This is done at the end of November-December. Further, the crops are taken out into the street and covered with a high layer of snow. In March, sprouts will begin to hatch, now they need to be brought into the greenhouse or onto the balcony, watered as needed. At the end of April, phloxes are planted in a permanent place in holes with humus and sand.

On a note! Some summer residents plant seeds directly into the ground, sprinkle them with nutritious soil that has been prepared in the fall, and cover them with snow. In the spring, the seedlings are not touched until they grow up, then they are divided into their places.

Care of styloid phlox

Mulch retains moisture and warmth

They landed, what now? Yes, everything is simple, because flowers require a minimum of attention. When they begin to sprout, they need watering so that the soil does not dry out, but at the same time it is not wet. It is immediately necessary to remove weeds, loosen the soil very carefully, since the roots are on the surface. Surprisingly, phlox may never begin to bloom, but only produce greens if the soil is full of nutrients. 1-2 phosphorus-based feedings are enough for them, you can buy a complex liquid feed for flowering. Water before flowering or during and after flowering.

A subulate phlox is very easy to dilute. It propagates by seed, you already understood how to plant. You can also split the root or take cuttings. This is done in the spring, fall, and even summer. While digging, simply separate a part of the root and plant it in a new place, or cut off the stems, put them in water, where you can add "Epin", "Kornevin". They also shed seedlings that were separated by the root, so they take root faster.

When the cuttings are rooted, you can plant them already on the site. Less often, subulate phlox are bred by dividing the leaf. To do this, tear off the leaves together with the stalk and place them in the nutrient soil at an angle, cover them with a film on top. When the seedlings have taken root, they are transferred to a permanent place.

This is all you need to know if you want to plant styloid phlox. In fact, everything is simple, you will be surprised how unpretentious and beautiful they are.

Thyme or thyme? Or maybe thyme or bogorodskaya grass? How is it correct? And right in every way, because under these names one and the same plant, more precisely, one genus of plants from the Lamb family, "passes". There are many other popular names associated with the amazing property of this shrub to emit a large amount of aromatic substances. About growing thyme and its use in garden design and cooking there will be a speech in this article.

Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. The cultivation of this plant bears little resemblance to the classic care of indoor crops. And even relatives of the Uzambar violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Irrigation is often referred to as the “weirdest” point of care for violets, which prefer non-standard watering to the classic method. But the approach will also have to be changed in fertilizing.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These annuals have long moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, decorated the beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas are today able to pleasantly surprise with their diversity. Firstly, there are both tall and miniature plants among marigolds.

The system of protection of fruit and berry plantations is based on the use of mainly pesticides. However, if pesticides can be used in the protection of pome gardens during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting period for each drug, then in the protection of berry crops they can be used only before the beginning of flowering and after harvest. In this regard, the question arises of what drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reducing crop losses. Someone might say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in in this case pay off handsomely. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that "babies" have always been considered more fashionable, to the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterning, degree of prickle, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

Sponge cake with chocolate cream - light, fluffy and airy, with a delicate fondant cream based on milk powder, cocoa and cream. It will take very little time to prepare this dessert, and the products are simple, inexpensive and affordable. Homemade cakes evening tea- pleasant and cozy moments of life that any hostess can organize for her family or friends-girlfriends. The coconut flakes in this recipe can be substituted for toasted walnuts.

It often happens that chemical insecticides, especially those that have been on the market for a long time, stop acting on pests due to the development of resistance (resistance) to the active substance, and then biological preparations can come to the rescue, which, by the way, have a number of advantages. In this article, you will find out how Lepidocide protects vegetables, berries, decorative and fruit crops from leaf-eating pests.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses as early as 500 years before the advent of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses that bloom as soon as the snow melts. However, flowering times may vary depending on species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest crocus varieties that bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup from early young cabbage on beef broth - hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook a delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup in this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is put into the pot at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike fall cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready-made cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The present cabbage soup is tastier than the freshly cooked one.

Blueberry is an uncommon promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberries are a source of biologically active substances and vitamins, they have antiscorbutic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, restorative properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyanins, trace elements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberry berries taste like a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties "for yourself". The main thing is to delve into the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have a lot of energy and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of room nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, Coleus today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants... They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding as to suit everyone, Coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, the bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon ridge baked in Provencal herbs - "supplier" tasty pieces fish pulp for light salad with fresh leaves of wild garlic. Champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then sprinkled with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled mushrooms and are better for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill get along well in one salad, emphasizing the aroma of each other. The garlic pungency of wild garlic will saturate both the flesh of the salmon and the pieces of mushrooms.

At the sight of bright May rugs of awl-shaped phloxes, an optimistic and beautiful about ... sewing sundresses and light dresses from chintz ... immediately pops up in my head. Probably because I associate the flowers of subulate phlox with chintz, and because these are (at least in my garden) the first spring flowers with such gorgeous, almost summer blooming carpets.

Dealing with the names

As a rule, all cushion phlox blooming in May are called subulate. In fact, in those varieties and hybrids that grow in our gardens, you can find the genes of several close natural species phlox subulate ( Phlox subulata), Douglas phlox (Phlox douglasii), northern phlox (Phlox borealis) and some others. These species are very similar to each other both externally and in terms of flowering, but they may differ slightly in the shape of the flowers and the rate of growth.

They all come from the dry highlands or hilly regions of North America, and therefore require similar living conditions in the garden. These stunted evergreens herbaceous plants or semi-shrubs with needle-like leaves form sprawling der-mimki, decorative all season, and bloom (in the middle lane) in the second half of May.

Modern varieties subulate phlox (we will call them that way for simplicity) are different. first of all, in height (from 10 cm to 20 cm), color, corolla shape, flower size, as well as the growth rate and density of the turf. There are variegated varieties and varieties with a rather strong aroma. The flowers are white, as well as all shades of pink and lilac, often with a contrasting stripe in the center of the petals.

Subulate phlox - we grow and propagate

An ideal place for planting subulate phlox is an alpine slide, a rocky garden, a high flower bed or a retaining wall. The main conditions that must be observed are light, well-drained, moderately fertile soil, no spring stagnation of moisture and maximum sun. In the shade, phlox will grow, of course, too, but lush bloom you will not receive.

It is often written that it can be affected by various diseases (powdery mildew, etc.) and pests (for example, a nematode). But for more than 15 years of growing subulate phlox, I have never encountered this.

Like other groundcover, phlox has a shallow, but rapidly growing to the sides of the root system. However, its branches grow very quickly - in 2-3 years up to 40 cm, forming flowering rugs in spring, and green pillows in the rest of the year. Subulate phloxes are quite frost-resistant and perfectly tolerate low temperatures

tours. However, in very contiguous and warm winters shoots and leaves can weed out. Fortunately, they quickly recover, and after a year the plants will regain their former appearance.

Phlox care is essentially about trimming them after flowering. This gives the turf a neat look and prevents overgrowth. With an annual haircut, subulate phloxes can grow in one place for more than 10 years and do not require dividing the bush and replanting.

Phlox reproduces just fine, and throughout the season. To do this, it is enough to pinch off the rooted piece of its shoot. It instantly takes root in a new place and quickly begins to grow.

The shoots 5-7 cm long remaining from the shearing can also be used for reproduction. They are rooted in a light substrate (preferably in a greenhouse or under a jar). Cuttings root without stimulants, but if you decide to play it safe, use only powdery ones. Cuttings rot in water in a matter of hours.

And if you need to take them somewhere, then in no case wrap them in wet paper or cloth. Just put them in a plastic bag and tie them up. This way the cuttings can be stored for several days. I once kept them like that in the shade (in anticipation of the friend they were supposed to be) for almost two weeks, after which they took root perfectly.

My container experiments

Since I really love growing everything in containers, I tried to do it with awl-shaped phlox. This is very convenient - at the time of flowering, plants can be placed in the most prominent place, and then removed, replacing them with the next actively flowering ones. For a couple of years my experiment was quite successful.

Planted in the spring in large (about 12-15 liters) plastic low (like basins) phlox pots have grown well by autumn.

For the winter, just in case, I covered them with spruce branches, and in early spring exposed in the sunniest place on the south side of the house, by the porch. In May (even earlier than phlox growing in the ground) my container plantings delighted me rapid flowering... Under the flowering pillows of different shades, the basins were not visible!

Alas, after a couple of years the experiment ended on its own. Somehow, either because of a too harsh winter, or because of a very long and wet spring, or because of something else, the bushes, alas, almost completely died.

And I also have a dream - a high retaining wall of stones and multicolored waterfalls of subulate phlox falling from it. And what could be more beautiful than flowers that make you dream!

Phlox carpets

We are accustomed to the fact that phlox are “grandmother's” favorite flowers that delight us most of the summer. But in nature there are also phloxes that bloom in spring. main feature such phlox is that they form dense pillows and carpets on the ground. There are several types of spring-flowering phlox, but the most common is the subulate phlox, it also has varieties with flowers of different colors - pink, white, lilac, etc.

Phlox subulate I saw once in a magazine in a picture; since the article was not about him alone, only the name was signed there - and a couple of words about this plant. I began to search and found several varieties of this plant. In general, there are not so many varieties of creeping phlox compared to bush species, but I still find them and grow them successfully.

A place for them

Carpet phlox like to grow in the sun, where they form lush curtains. Well, maybe in a very light partial shade, they will also show their beauty. But my all grow in sunny places. The height of the plants is small - about 10-15 cm.

The undergrowth spreading on the ground, when in bloom, is wild delight, and even after flowering they are good because the lush greenery remains. You don't need to invent any lawn. The land they need is loose and fertile.

The foliage of subulate phlox is preserved under the snow, and when spring comes, when the sun is shining with might and main, the snow melts, but the soil is still cold, the plants are at risk of desiccation. I advise covering the foliage during this period with a transparent agrotextile (white). The moisture will not evaporate as much from the foliage.

As soon as the soil warms up, all processes will go naturally, and the shelter can be removed. With a protracted spring, there is a danger of the leaves of such phloxes drying out. But here we can only hope for a successful exit from under the snow.

I grow varieties of phlox subulate with different flowers... The Aurora variety has white flowers with a pale pink tint, their petals are narrow. I found it with difficulty. White flowers with wide petals, a yellow eye and a red ringlet in the Avalanche cultivar. Phlox Sprite has elegant pink-crimson flowers, and its ring is darker. Nettleton Variegata has pastel pink flowers with a raspberry ring.

It is unusual not in flowers, but in variegated light green foliage with a cream edging. But original flowers Phlox Candy Stripes boasts: its petals are pink, outlined with a white border around the edges, a purple eye with a crimson ring. Delicate lavender blue G.F. Wilson has small, star-shaped flowers. Tellaria has lilac petals with a lilac ring.

Subulate phlox is a perennial ground cover plant. This type of phlox is popular for lawns, curbs and alpine slides... The plant blooms in May and forms a colorful floral carpet.

The name of the species originated from the narrow and tough leaves, the pointed ends of which are similar to the tip of an awl. Phlox are unpretentious plants that can tolerate unfavourable conditions... Growing this species is within the power of even a beginner in gardening.

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    Species characteristic

    The homeland of phlox subulate is North America, from where it was brought to Europe in the 18th century. "Moss carnation", as the Americans call it, is a plant with recumbent stems not exceeding 15-20 cm in height. Each stem is dotted with closely spaced awl-like leaves up to 2 cm long and ends with a peduncle of one, two or more flowers. The diameter of the flowers is small - 2-2.5 cm, but due to huge amount the stems covering the soil give the impression that a "flower blanket" has been spread on the ground.

    The color of the flowers of phlox subulate is varied. There are varieties with white, purple, pink, purple, blue and purple flowers... Petals are solid or with bright eyes, strokes, stripes. Phlox blooms can be admired throughout the month from mid-May. Some varieties with favorable conditions bloom twice - in May and August-September, but autumn bloom is not so abundant.

    Ground cover phlox is called an "evergreen" plant, it is winter hardy and retains its emerald green color even under snow. In one place, a "moss carnation" can grow for 8-10 years without a transplant.

    Plant varieties

    No matter how loved by domestic flower growers the phlox subulate, its varieties garden forms bred by breeders of the USA, Japan, and leading European countries.

    Plants with white flowers look spectacular, which in the garden landscape look like fluffy snowdrifts. The most popular among gardeners are the varieties "Aurora", "Avalanche", "Amazing Grace", « Maischnee "," White Delight ".

    Varieties with pink flowers and a different color eye: "Thumbelina", "Coral Eye", "Daisy Hill", "Moerheimii", "Samson", "Vivid" .

    An interesting variety "Candy Stripes" with white flowers 1.9 cm in diameter. A distinctive feature is a wide pink stripe passing in the middle of the petal. Long-lasting abundant flowering and two-tone color make this plant popular and beloved.

    Widespread variety "G.F. Wilson" - phlox with star-shaped flowers and lavender-blue color. The diameter of the flowers is 1.8 cm, the height of the abundantly branching stems is 20 cm. "GF Wilson" reproduces well and is one of the vigorous varieties.

    Among the subulate phlox, there are variegated forms, for example, "Netteleto Variegata". Its leaves are dark green with a white-pink border that turns bright pink in bright sunlight. Due to the spectacular color of the leaves, "Netteleto Variegata" is used in flower arrangements as an ornamental-leafy plant.

    It is worth noting a few more varieties that are popular among ground cover lovers:

    • "Tellaria" - star-shaped lilac flowers with a carmine eye;
    • "Atropurpurea" - carmine pink flowers with a dark eye;
    • "Temiscaming" - bright crimson-purple flowers;
    • "Thomasini" - a plant with purple-blue flowers;
    • "Ronsdorfer Schone" - salmon-pink flowers;
    • "Leuchtstern" - flowers with pinkish-red petals.

    Soil preparation

    Phlox subulate is considered unpretentious plant... Its cultivation is possible even in an unfavorable environment. But if you create optimal natural conditions for the plant, it will thank you with long and abundant flowering.

    Loose, poor and dry soils are ideal for subulate phlox. Stagnant water is extremely harmful to it, therefore it is undesirable to plant the plant in wet and clayey areas... On the fertile soils phloxes will grow green mass, "forgetting" about flowering.

    Under natural conditions, the plant lives on infertile soils with neutral acidity. If the cultivation of subulate phlox is planned on acidic soils characteristic of the Moscow region, then liming must be carried out before planting the plant.

    The earth is limed by digging it up with the addition of dolomite or lime flour. Depending on the acidity index of the soil, the dose of lime additives is 200-400 g per 1 sq. M. at a planting depth of 20 cm. Plants do not need a deep layer of soil, as their root system occupies from 5 to 15 cm. Heavy soil can be improved with sand.

    In addition to improving soil characteristics, it is necessary to carefully remove weeds from the rhizome area, which can subsequently spoil appearance flower "carpet". It is best to do this before planting - when the plant blooms, weed control will be difficult.

    When and how to plant a flower?

    Like many ground covers, he loves abundance very much. sunlight and subulate phlox, planting of which is recommended in a well-lit place during the day. It is undesirable to grow phlox in areas where strawberries or strawberries previously grew. The nematodes left in the ground are the main pests of the "moss clove" and can harm young plants. For phlox, the best predecessors are calendula, marigolds, lawn grass and garden crops that repel nematodes.

    Perennial phloxes are planted and transplanted at any time. But experienced gardeners it is recommended to divide the bushes in early spring before the start of active growth, and for cuttings, choose the time before flowering or after it.

    When dividing phlox, it is divided into bushes with at least 1-2 stems. The plants to be transplanted must have well developed roots. Young bushes are planted at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. Phlox grows quickly - after one or two years, the space allotted for them will be braided with star-shaped flowers. To make the plants cover the entire area faster, their shoots can be bent, directed in the right direction, pinned to the soil and sprinkled with soil. After planting, the plants need to be watered well and shaded a little.

    Attention: When buying planting material in nurseries or garden centers, choose plants small size - Onorcheaper. Bdue to the ability to grow rapidly, by the end of summerphlox subulate YesstsplA great green carpet that will be covered with flowers next year.

    Reproduction methods

    Subulate phlox rarely propagates by seeds. This is due to the fact that at seed reproduction species characteristics are not preserved. As a result of sowing seeds, you can get a plant that only vaguely resembles the mother.

    Phlox seeds are sown in open ground in early spring, as soon as the snow melts. In mid-spring, young shoots are transplanted to a permanent place.

    The most common breeding method is by rooting stem or leaf cuttings:

    • The process of cuttings is carried out in early spring when the shoots grow back before budding or during the summer after flowering.
    • For cuttings, shoots 6-8 cm long are separated from the mother plant, containing at least two nodes. Experts recommend not cutting, but tearing off the cuttings by hand - this way young plants take root faster and better.
    • Stem cuttings are planted in boxes with a fertile mixture to which river sand is added. They are watered, shaded from bright sun rays at first after landing.
    • Rare varieties of phlox are propagated by leaf cuttings. Leaves with a part of the stem are planted in boxes with wet sand.
    • Boxes with leaf cuttings are covered with glass or transparent polyethylene. Seedlings are periodically sprayed.
    • From the planted cuttings, small plants will form, which are planted in open ground and take care of them like adult specimens.

    Attention:Growingphlox subulate is also practiced by lovers of indoor plants. For propagation, apical cuttingsrootimmediately in flower pots.

    Care activities

    Caring for phlox styloid includes traditional techniques:

    • Watering.

    Plants need watering only in dry and hot summers. Excess moisture can lead to wilting.

    • Weeding.

    If, when planting a "moss clove", it is good to clear the area of ​​rhizome weeds, then weeding is needed only at first. In the future, the plant grows and begins to "choke" the weeds itself.

    • Top dressing.

    Phlox subulate is fertilized in the middle of summer with complex mineral fertilizers, which include nitrogen and potassium. As a root top dressing, gardeners are advised to use a solution of wood ash, which will not only enrich the root system, but also prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

    • A haircut.

    After flowering, phloxes are trimmed, cutting off the faded stems and giving the bushes the desired shape. Thanks to shearing, the plant is able to bloom again at the end of summer.

    Attention: Cutting phlox must be donestraightawayafter flowering. Flower buds are laid in the summerandif you cut off the ends of the shootsin the fall, thenthe plants will not bloom next year.

    Subulate phlox is able to grow in one place without transplanting for up to 10 years. But experienced gardeners recommend renewing the plant every 5-6 years. The reason for this is the aging of the flower. During this time, the leaves die off, the stems grow woody, the bushes “go bald”, forming open areas. In addition, old plants are no longer able to look spectacular, because the flowers become smaller with age and lose their former beauty.

    Plant care in areas with winter subzero temperatures provides for the need to cover phlox for the winter. Spruce branches are used to protect against frost. Shelter from dry foliage is undesirable because it is unable to reliably protect the plants.

    In early spring, when the snow melts, phlox can be watered with a solution of low concentration humus. Top dressing will help restore flower growth and root development. You should not be zealous with additional nutrition, otherwise the plant "will not want" to bloom, but will direct its forces towards the formation of green mass.

    Diseases and pests

    The main danger to phlox subulate are:

    • powdery mildew;
    • rust;
    • caterpillars;
    • spider mite.

    Powdery mildew appears as white, cobweb-like spots. It affects first the lower part of the stems, and then the whole plant as a whole. The first sign of the disease is the wilting of the flower and drying of the leaves. If the necessary measures are not taken, powdery mildew can spread to nearby bushes. To prevent the onset of the disease, it is necessary to treat the plant with a solution of colloidal sulfur of low concentration, starting in June.

    Rust develops after prolonged rains in cool weather or excessive watering. Thickened plantings and excess nitrogen content in fertilizers contribute to the development of the fungus. Sick plants must be removed from the site by pulling out the stems and breaking off the leaves. The remaining phloxes must be treated with any fungicide or 3% copper sulfate solution.

    Signs of an insect attack are leaf discoloration and curling. It is recommended to tear off the damaged parts of the plant and apply chemicals against pests. Experts in growing phlox advise, when attacked by caterpillars, transplant the "moss clove" to another place.

    For the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to control watering, not to get carried away with fertilizing and thin out the plants.

    Use in landscape design

    Subulate phloxes will decorate any garden, balcony or terrace. Florists grow these plants on alpine hills, rockeries and rocky gardens. Mixborders with phloxes in the foreground and borders along paths or gazebos look great. The plantings of "moss carnations" along streams or along the banks of artificial reservoirs look harmonious.

    Planting in containers makes it possible to decorate a balcony, terrace or set a flower arrangement at the entrance to the veranda. But phlox look most impressive when decorating a lawn or large areas in the garden.

    Large parklands planted with groundcover phlox take on a mesmerizing look when millions of stars bloom on the ground in May. A vegetable canvas painted by nature itself, combined with the color of the sky and green foliage, creates magnificent landscapes.

    The subulate phlox is indispensable for gardeners, especially since caring for it is simple. With minimal labor costs, the plant will delight you with an abundance of bright "stars", and after flowering - with a solid green carpet.

    Phlox subulate (Latin Phlox subulata) - herbaceous perennial from the Sinyukhov family. Its homeland is North America. The stem is erect or creeping. Leaves - with an even edge, lanceolate, in the form of an elongated oval, pointed upward, bright green, remain so even under snow. The flowers are bright, in different shades: pink, red, blue and white, with a peephole in the center, with a pleasant aroma, collected in inflorescences of different sizes. The fruit is an oval box.

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    Family: Cyanotic.

    Homeland: North America.

    Bloom: mid-May, re-flowering possible in August-September.

    Growth: from 10-20 cm to 120-150 cm.

    Light: shade-tolerant, light-loving.

    Temperature: the plant is not demanding for a certain temperature regime, winter hardy.

    Air humidity: prefers medium humidity.

    Top dressing: in spring before flowering - with nitrogen fertilizers, in July and August - with a full range of mineral fertilizers.

    Transfer: August - mid September.

    Reproduction: rooting of creeping shoots, dividing the bushes in early spring and grafting before and after flowering (until early August).

    Types and varieties

    Phlox subulate got its name from the thin and sharp leaves, resembling an awl in shape. He is very popular with landscape designers, and the range of its application is wide enough. It is successfully grown as border plant framed by flower beds, culture rugs look very beautiful along the paths or as a bright spot on the lawn. And, of course, it is difficult to imagine a rock garden without bright "pillows" of this flower. For alpine slides, it is an ideal option, since it easily tolerates drought and does not tolerate waterlogging.

    There are several different varieties of the crop. Let's consider the most popular ones.


    The flower is very delicate, white, in the shape of a large star (2.4 cm), with a barely noticeable shade of pink. In the flower garden, it resembles a snow sweep (pictured).

    Amazing Grace

    Height about 12 cm, flowers are snow-white (1.8 cm) with a purple-carmine eye.

    G. F. Wilson

    The height of this variety is up to 20 cm (one of the highest), highly branched. The flowers are pale blue in the form of stars. Widely used in green design (curb planting).


    One of the most amazingly beautiful and short representatives of this species. Its dazzling white flowers form "snowy" meadows, which is of great interest to designers (planting in rock gardens).

    Thumbelina (Dujmovotcshka)

    Flowers of this variety Pink colour with a dark carmine eye, flower size up to 1.6 cm. Leaves are dark green. Height up to 15 cm. It grows very intensively and covers the soil.

    Coral Eye

    This variety has a flower - an asterisk (2 cm), pale pink, a carmine eye. Height is about 12 cm. It grows well and quickly forms a mat (planting on a lawn, alpine slide).

    Candy Stripes

    Original color flower: white, with a pink stripe in the center. The height is about 10 cm, and the flower size is 2 cm. The flowering is quite lush and long.

    "Candy Stripes"

    Nettleton Variegata

    The flowers of this variety are about 1.5 cm in diameter, pink in color. Very low, up to 10 cm. Interesting color of the leaves: dark green with a narrow whitish-pink border (planting in rock gardens and lawns).


    Plant up to 12 cm in height with large (about 2 cm) lilac stars, carmine eye. A feature is long flowering.


    Grows up to 15 cm in height. This variety is distinguished by a very rich raspberry color, rapid growth and regrowth of new branches (planting in rock gardens, borders).


    Phlox (regardless of the variety) reproduces in traditional ways for its species: dividing the bush, layering, cuttings, seeds.

    Seed propagation

    It should be noted right away that seed reproduction is not very popular among amateur gardeners. This method is mainly used for breeding purposes to develop a new variety. It can multiply by seeds and self-sowing. His seedlings are very delicate, planting, growing and caring for them are quite difficult, so this method should not be used.

    Dividing the bush

    The most popular way is to divide the bush:

    • in the fall, the plant is dug up, cleared of the ground and carefully divided into separate bushes, which are immediately planted in the right place;
    • planting consists in preparing a fossa with good drainage, nutrient soil and abundant watering.

    In the future, they are routinely looked after.

    Reproduction by layering

    You can propagate the culture by layering. To do this, it is enough to pin the branches to the ground, and they will begin to take root. Care for young bushes and their cultivation in this case is greatly simplified.

    Propagation by cuttings

    Another way of propagation is by cuttings. The cut twigs are rooted in a container, keeping the soil moist, and then they are planted in a permanent place. Phlox is very unpretentious and frost-resistant enough. The basic requirements for good growth and long active flowering are:

    • good illumination;
    • the absence of stagnant water (he is especially sensitive to this);
    • light soil with good drainage.

    The ideal option would be a place where, in the midday heat, there is the possibility of light shading, so the flowers retain their color saturation longer.

    Care and cultivation

    Caring for phlox is simple, it consists in the timely removal of weeds and watering in dry times.

    For good development and long flowering, the plant needs top dressing:

    • the first time - in the spring during active growing season, fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium are applied;
    • the second time - around July, the plant is revitalized with a full range of fertilizers.

    It is best to feed it after a heavy rain, or you will need to water it generously after fertilizing.

    When feeding, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will get abundant greens, but few flowers, the seeds will be useless.

    After the plant has faded, caring for it consists in a complete pruning. The cut branches must be collected and burned. This promotes the active growth of young shoots in spring and reduces the risk of infection with fungal diseases.

    Phlox flower buds for next year are laid at the end of summer, so in no case cut it off in the fall, you risk being left without a bright flower rug.

    Subject to all requirements for the place of cultivation, soil and good care the culture will delight you with bright flowering and its decorative effect for about 5 years without transplanting. Although this species is quite resistant to severe frosts, in very harsh winters its flowers can freeze in places, but new ones will quickly grow in their place in spring. Also, when damping in damp winters, with a thaw, the curtain has the ability to quickly recover.

    Among the possible diseases of the plant, it should be noted powdery mildew, white spot, verticillary wilting, can be affected by nematodes. Plants should be inspected regularly. If plaque is detected on the leaves, sudden wilting or any other uncharacteristic changes, diseased bushes must be removed, and the remaining plants must be treated with antifungal drugs (Topaz, copper sulfate, soda ash, Fundazol suspension). At correct selection varieties (depending on natural conditions), the place of planting, compliance with agrotechnical requirements, phlox will delight you for more than one year with emerald greenery and bright flowering, decorating your garden.

    You will learn more about this culture by watching the video.

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