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\u003e\u003e History: Peoples of the USSR in the fight against the German fascism

Peoples of the USSR in the fight against the German fascism

1.Mnogonational Soviet people on the fronts of war.

2. Economics of the Union republics during the war years.

3. National movements during the war years.

4. National policy.

Multinational Soviet people on the fronts of war.

3. Tell us about the attempts of the Hitler's leadership to use national movements in the USSR. What are the results of these attempts? Why did they end in general unsuccessful?

4. Determine your attitude to collaborationism during the war years. Is it possible to justify the actions of the collaborators of the idea of \u200b\u200bfighting the Stalinist regime?

Expanding vocabulary:

History of Russia, XX - early XXI century: studies. For 9 cl. general education. institutions / A. A. Danilov, L. G. Kososulina, A. V. Pyzhikov. - 10th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003

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Multinational Soviet people on the fronts of war.
Planning an attack on the USSR, Hitler believed that the multinational Soviet power would fall apart under the strike of his armies, "as a card house." But this not only did not happen, but on the contrary, the multinational Soviet people ruling even more in a minute of mortal danger. The protection of a single state was perceived in the most remote corners of the country as the national task of each of the more than 100 of its peoples.
In the ranks of the Red Army, from the first days of the war, representatives of all nations were fighting (XSR. Tensheres of national divisions and brigades, in which, along with Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, fought warriors from among the peoples of the Volga region and North Caucasus, Far North and Siberia, Transcaucasia and Central Asia, Baltic and the Far East.
Among the defenders of the Brest Fortress, the first to hit the Hitler's troops, the representatives of 30 nationalities were killed and died. Friendship and mutual execution of soldiers of various nationality equally manifested itself when the common capital of Moscow, the capitals of the Union republics of Kiev, Minsk, Chisinau, Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, the Centers of the Autonomous Repubies and the regions - Maikop, Terrible, Nalchik, Cherkessk, Ordzhonikidze. Heroes of different nationalities stood to death, defending Odessa and Sevastopol, Kiev and Kharkov, Novorossiysk and Stalingrad, Smolensk and Tula.
The exploits of Russian heroev A. M. Matrosov, A. K- Pankratova, V. V. Vasilkovsky, the breast of closing the ambrusuras of enemy jams, repeated Ukrainian A. E. Shevchenko, Estonian I. I. Laar, Uzbek T. Erdjigitov, Kyrgyz Ch. Tuleberdiev, Moldavian I. I. Soltyys, Jew E. S. Belinsky, Kazakh S. B. Bai-Bahambetov, Belarusian P. V. Kostyukhek, hundreds of fighters of other nationalities.
Representatives of 33 nationalities were awarded a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union for the forcing of the Dnieper.
On the territory of Belarus, fought with an opponent of partisans and underground workers more than 70 nationalities of the USSR, in Ukraine - more than 60.
For the courage and heroism of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on the fronts of the war were awarded 8160 Russians, 2069 Ukrainians, 309 Belarusians, 161 Tatar, 108 Jews, 96 Kazakhs, 90 Georgians, 69 Uzbekov, 61 Mordvin, 44 Chuvash, 43 Azerbaijanis, 39 Bashkir, 32 Ossetina, 18 Marijtsev, etc.


The peoples of the USSR in the fight against the German fascism

Economy of the Union republics during the war years.
From the first days of the war, the friendship of Soviet peoples manifested itself in restructuring on the military economy of the country's economy. Evacuation of enterprises to the Eastern Union and Autonomous Republic has led to moving along with them millions of refugees. They were placed in the local families of the Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijanis, and others, who were divided with evacuated Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians not only shelter, but also food. Most of the enterprises displaced in the Republic of Transcaucasia and Central Asia were left in them after the end of the war, significantly strengthened the economic potential of the Union republics.
The initiators of important cooked in the industry during the war years were Russian E. G. Baryshnikov and Kazakh S. Bekbrosov, Belorus D. F. Bosy and Georgian N. V. Geladze, Tatar, G. B. Maksudov and Ukrainian E. M. Chukhnyuk. In agriculture, collective farmers of different nationalities were equal to P. N. Angelina, Ch. Bersheva, M. I. Brórsko, D. M. Garmash, P. I. Kowardak, T. S. Maltseva, etc.
In all national regions of the country from the first days of the war, the movement of people of different nationalities for collecting funds, clothing and shoes, food to help the army, refugees and migrants. 2.5 thousand combat aircraft, several thousand tanks, 8 submarines, 16 military boats were built on the means of the nations of the country during the war years of tanks, and thousands of guns and mortars were created.
Since 1943, all the peoples of the USSR were included in the creation of a special fund of assistance to liberated areas. The battles still continued, and the workers of different nationalities have already been restoring enterprises in the autonomies of the North Caucasus, the central regions of Russia, in Ukraine and in Belarus.


The peoples of the USSR in the fight against the German fascism

National movements during the war years.
The war, at the same time, caused the revival of national movements, as a rule, in those regions of the country where the policies of the authorities in the pre-war years caused the most strong protest local population. Nationalist organizations were created, which aimed at achieving national independence. The largest of them was the organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN), operating in Ukraine since the late 20s. Similar, but less numerous organizations also acted in Western Belarus, Baltic States, Crimea, the mountainous regions of Chechen-Ingushetia.
With the beginning of war, especially as we approach german troopsThe activity of these organizations has intensified. The creation of armed detachments to combat the Red Army began. In Ukraine, OUN created his own Ukrainian rebel army (UPA). The Crimean Muslim Committee, the Special Party of the Caucasian Brothers (Chechen-Ingushetia), and other cases of attacking armed nationalist groups on retreating or surrounded parts of the Red Army.
The Germans tried to put national movements in the USSR under their control, in order to facilitate the task of the military defeat of the Red Army. From the prisoners of Soviet soldiers who wished to cooperate with the enemy, the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) was formed under the command of General A. A. Vlasov, as well as battalions and shelves from Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, some nations of the North Caucasus. Many of them were headed by the former generals and officers of the White Army.
However, despite the measures taken, the Germans never managed to create a rather serious military force from national formations and shake the friendship of the peoples of the USSR.


The peoples of the USSR in the fight against the German fascism

National policy.
The activation of national movements could not not cause even greater tightening policy of the country's leadership. Any manifestation of national specifics, and even more armed opposition was declared betrayal. Often, in betrayal, not only those who really collaborated with the Germans were accused, but all the representatives of this nation.
In this regard, during the war years, the deportation of entire peoples and the elimination of a number of national autonomy was carried out.
941. The "saboteurs and spies" announced all the German population of the country (almost 1.5 million people), to be evalted in Siberia and Kazakhstan. The Soviet of the Germans Volga region was eliminated. At the same time, more than 50 thousand Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians were deported to Siberia.
In October 1943, almost 70 thousand Karachai were evicted and Kyrgyzstan, and 93 thousand Kalmykov were sent to Siberia. Soon, only 40 thousand Balkarians were shipped during the day and sent to the East. Then 15 thousand Balkarians who fought Pa Front were exiled to Kazakhstan directly from the front. Exceptions did not even do for the heroes of the Soviet Union and the party-state leadership of autonomous republics and regions. The difference consisted only in the fact that they were brought to the places of reference not in "TWORCH", but in a second-class or even coupe cars.
On February 23, 1944, a large-scale operation on the deportation of Chechens and Ingush began. People were invited to rallies dedicated to the Day of the Red Army, after which they put on his knees and read the order of eviction. They were given 15 - 20 minutes to take a nodule with meals and things, after which they drove to railway stations and uploaded to the commodity wagons. In total, 650 thousand Chechens and Ingush were exported. Soon the Chechen-Ingush ASSR itself was abolished.
In April - May 1944 were exported from Crimea in Uzbekistan more than 180 thousand Crimean Tatars. Following them, Armenians, Bulgarians, Greeks were deported. The Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Ossetians, Abazines, Avars, Nogai, Lazy, Lakatsi, Tavlin, Darginians, Kumyki, Dagestanis were also partially relocated.
As a result of the deportation, up to 200 thousand Chechens and the Ingush, half of the entire Kalmyk people, each second balciete, every third Karachaith, was killed.
Such an approach of Stalin to National Policy not only did not solve the problems that had interethnic relationshipsBut also inevitably led to the formation of the waves of national movements in the post-war years.
Thus, Hitler's calculations on the disintegration of the Union Soviet state under the blows of the Wehrmacht were not justified. The moral and political unity of the multinational Soviet paroda became the most important condition for his victory in the Great Patriotic War.


The Second World War, unleashed by Hitler's Germany, brought the innumerable disasters and suffering to humanity.
She claimed the lives of tens of millions of people, hundreds of cities, thousands of villages and settlements were erased from the face of the earth. Europe lay in ruins, and the extent of the damage is not allowed to account. But the fascist Germany, hatching and implementing his plans of world domination, did not take into account the factors who inevitably led her to collapse. Hitler's aggression against the USSR, in particular, was calculated that the numerous peoples would not support the central government and thus Will provide Germany a lightweight victory. However, the enemy calculates. And as the experience of war, the peoples of the USSR showed, regardless of their nationality, their religion, as one rose to fight the invaders. At the same time, they showed genuine heroism, wonders of courage and dedication. The enemy collided with an unprecedented monolithium and cohesion of the peoples of the USSR. It turned out to be the most powerful and decisive weapons with whom it was necessary to face occupiers.
For the peoples of the Soviet Union, who fought in a single building, Germany was a common enemy, and each of them had their own historical experience in the protection of the Fatherland


Armenia in the Great Patriotic War

War 1941-1945 It was for the Armenian people another test in his centuries-old history.

In 1920, the population of Armenia was only 700 thousand people. By the beginning of the war, it increased to 1.5 million people. Nevertheless, the republic remained the most small in the Soviet Union (1.1% of the USSR population). And yet in the ranks Soviet army From 1941 to 1945, more than 500 thousand people were gone. Armenia and Armenians in the Great Patriotic War suffered large losses. Each second did not return from the front. The losses of Soviet Armenians can be compared with the loss of the American army (more than 300 thousand). The losses of the Armenian Diaspora are unknown to us. The first 10-15 years of the post-war period in the demographics of Armenia there were great changes, the male population sharply decreased. This was especially noticeable in villages, where old men, women, children remained mostly.

Armenian warriors served in many births of the Red Army's troops: in the infantry, armored troops, aviation, artillery, in the navy, in border, rear and sanitary parts. The Armenian warriors were both ordinary fighters and commanders of all degrees, rightfully To commander of divisions, corps and armies.

At the beginning of the war (from June 1941 to January 1942), military compounds were formed in the Soviet Army, and even more strengthened its combat power.
Tens of thousands of Armenian warriors have honored, orders and medals. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned to 107 soldiers and officers (including 38 - posthumously). Three orders of glory, which is equal to the title of the hero, were awarded 27 warriors.

An interesting fact captured the story - a military feat of the Armenian village of Chardahlo. 1250 Residents of this village went to the front. 853 Of them were awarded orders and medals, 452 fell dead by brave on the battlefield. This village was given the birthplace of two Marshals (Baghamian, Babajanyan), four heroes of the Soviet Union, many officers of the senior command staff. In all likelihood, not only in our former country of the Councils, but it is also difficult to find a similar village like the 16th-century Artsakh Chardahlo.
During the war years in Armenia, about 30 enterprises were commissioned, 110 workshops and workshops. There were more than 300 types of products in the republic necessary for the front.

It is not left away from the fight against fascism and foreign Armenia. The campaign to assist the Soviet Armed Forces launched such organizations as the "National Council of American Armenians" in the United States, the National Front of Armenians in France, "Armenian National Council of Syria and Lebanon", "Union of Friends of the USSR in Iraq", "Union of Friends of Armenian Cultures in Egypt "," Armenian Front in Romania, "Cultural Union of Argentine Armenians", "Union of Assistance to Armenia", operating in many Latin America, a number of progressive organizations in Cyprus, in Jordan, and other countries.


Crimean Tatars during the Great Patriotic War.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, many Crimean Tatars were called to the Red Army. However, the service was short. It was worth the front to get closer to the Crimea, like desertion and passing among them took a massive character. It became obvious that the Crimean Tatars are waiting for the arrival of the German army and do not want to fight. The Germans, using the established situation, scattered from the planes of the leaflets with promises to "decide, finally, the question of their independence" - of course, in the form of a protectorate as part of the German Empire. From the number of Tatars, who surrendered to Ukraine and other fronts, prepared frames of agents, which were thrown into the Crimea to strengthen the anti-Soviet, affected and protashist agitation. As a result of the portion of the Red Army, equipped with the Crimean Tatars, turned out to be non-visible and after the entry of the Germans to the territory of the peninsula, the overwhelming majority of their personnel deserted. Everything is said about this in the statement of the Deputy Commissar of the USSR of the USSR B.Z. Kobulov and the Deputy Complex of the USSR internal affairs and .A.Serova in the name of L.P.Baryia, dated April 22, 1944:
"... everyone designed to the Red Army amounted to 90 thousand people, including 20 thousand Crimean Tatars ... 20 thousand Crimean Tatars deserted in 1941 from the 51st Army during the retreat of her from the Crimea ..." .
As we see, the desertion of the Crimean Tatar was practically virtual. This is confirmed by data on individual settlements. Thus, in the village of Couche from 132 designed in 1941 120 people were deserted into the Red Army.
Then began serving the invaders.
"From the very first days of his arrival, the Germans, relying on the Tatar nationalists, not the robes of their property openly, as they came with the Russian population, tried to provide good relationship To the local population, "the head of the 5th partisan district of Krasnikov wrote.
Already in October 1941, the Germans began to involve the Crimean Tatars to fight the partisans and to form self-defense companies from them. At first, the creation of self-defense detachments was inorganized and depended on the initiative of local German chiefs.
Many Tatars were used as conductors punitive detachments. Separate Tatar units were sent to the Kerch Front and partially on the Sevastopol section of the front, where they participated in the battles against the Red Army.
Tatar volunteer detachments were performers of mass executions of Soviet citizens. The duties of Tatar punitive detachments lay the detection of the Soviet and party asset, the prevention of partisans and patriotic elements in the rear in the Germans, the security service in prisons and CD camps, prisoners of war camps. In this work, Tatar nationalists and occupation authorities involved the wide layers of the Tatar population.
But the sample of official recolt propaganda:
"Of course, it is impossible to deny the fact of cooperation between Crimean-Tatar persons with the fascist military command and special services, their direct participation in police punitive operations, in the fight against partisans and in battles against the Soviet army. However, even if you proceed from the above digital data (about 20 thousand people from about 200-thousandth Crimean-Tatar people), the total number of such fighters will be less than 10%. All this suggests that in the treacherous union with the Hitler's occupiers did not entered the majority, but only a relatively small part of the Crimean Tatars. "
And how many Crimean Tatars fought on our side? Immediately throw fantastic figures:
"A total of about 50 thousand Crimean Tatars were awarded, and the number could be much greater, if mass awards were mainly carried out at the final stage of the war - in 1944-1945, when the Crimean Tatars had no idea for high awards."
"The stigma of the" traitor "with the devilish art was imposed on the whole of the people, although the Crimean Tatars were designed to the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, every second died by the death of brave."
For completeness, the picture remains to find out how many Crimean Tatars turned out to be among the partisans. As of June 1, 1943, 262 people were 262 of the Crimean partisan detachments, of which 145 Russians, 67 Ukrainians and ... 6 Tatars. On January 15, 1944, according to the party archive of the Crimean Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, there were 3733 partisans in Crimea, from them Russians - 1944, Ukrainians - 348, Tatars - 598 people. Finally, according to a certificate of party, national and age-related partisans of Crimea for April 1944, among the partisans were: Russians - 2075, Tatars - 391, Ukrainians - 356, Belarusians - 71, other - 754 people.
After the liberation of Crimea, the hour of payback came by Soviet troops:
"State Committee of Defense, Stalin I.V.
1. All the Tatars from the territory of the Crimea and settle them for permanent residence as special settlers in the areas of the Uzbek SSR. Eviction shall be entrusted to the NKVD of the USSR. Observe the NKVD of the USSR (Tov. Beria) Evaluation of the Crimean Tatars to finish by June 1, 1944
2. Set the following procedure and conditions for eviction:
a) Allow special belongings to bring personal belongings, clothing, household equipment, dishes and food in the amount of up to 500 kilograms per family.
The remaining property, buildings, surviving buildings, furniture and household lands are accepted by local authorities; All productive and dairy cattle, as well as poultry accepted by NCOMMOMASOLPROM, all agricultural products - Narkomzag of the USSR, Horses and other working cattle - drug addict of the USSR, tribal cattle - drug addicts of the USSR.
Reception of livestock, grain, vegetables and other types of agricultural products to produce from the emergency exchange receipts to each settlement and each economy.
Instruct the NKVD of the USSR, Nicrome, NarkomMyasomolprom, People's Commissaries and Nicknames of the USSR by July 1, S.G. submit to the USSR SNK proposals on the procedure for returning on exchange receipts to the Special Fleets received from them livestock, poultry, agricultural products;
b) for the organization of admission from the Special Flemners left in places of eviction of property, livestock, grain and agricultural products to be sent to the place of the SCSR SNA Commission composed of: Chairman of the Commission, T. Gritsenko (Vice-Chairman of the SNK RSFSR) and members of the Commission - T. Peasaninova (Member of the Commiss Comm Comm Communication USSR), T. Sujar (member of the NKMYMP board), t. Pleasovova (members of the boarding school of the USSR Narc Commission), T. Kabanova (Deputy People's Commissar of Sovzhozov of the USSR), t. Guseva (Member of the NKFina College of the USSR).
To oblige the USSR addict (t. Benedictova), the NCMP of the USSR (t. Subbotina), NKMIMP of the USSR (t. Smirnova), Narkomovshozov of the USSR (t. Lobanova) to ensure reception from special verteons of livestock, grain and agricultural products to be sent, in coordination with t. Gritsenko , to Crimea required amount employees;
c) obligate the NKPS (t. Kaganovich) to organize the transportation of special fleets from the Crimea to the Uzbek SSR specially formed echelons according to the schedule compiled in conjunction with the NKVD of the USSR. The number of echelons, loading station and destination station on the application of the NKVD of the USSR.
Calculations for transportation to produce prisoners at the fare;
d) the USSR drug addresses (t. Mielyrev) to allocate for each echelon with special advice, on time as agreed with the NKVD of the USSR, one doctor and two nurses with the appropriate reserve of medicines and provide medical and sanitary services in the path in the way; Nikardovga USSR (t. Lyubimov) provide all the echelons with special food and boiling water lines.
For the organization of food specialists in the way to allocate drug users in quantity, according to Appendix No. 1.

3. To oblige secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Uzbekistan, t. Yusupova, Chairman of the SNKS UZSSR T. Abdurakhmanova and the People's Commissar of the Interior of the Uzbek SSR T. Kobulova before June 1, this year To conduct the following activities on the reception and resettlement of special trains:
a) to accept and settle within the Uzbek SSR 140-160 thousand people of the Special Counsel - Tatars directed by the NKVD of the USSR from the Crimean ASSR.
The resettlement of specialists to produce in the state-owned villages, existing collective farms, utility farms of enterprises and factory embracing for use in agriculture and industry;
b) in the regions of the settlement of the Special Flemies, to create commissions in the chairman of the regional executive committee, secretary of the regional committee and the head of the UNKVD, putting on these commissions to carry out all the activities related to the reception and the placement of arriving specialists;
c) in each area of \u200b\u200bthe University of Special Flems to organize regional three as part of the Chairman of the Rain Executive Committee, Secretary of the district office and the head of the RO NKVD, putting preparations for them to accommodate and organizing the reception of arriving specialists;
d) prepare a friendly transportation for transportation of specialists, mobilizing transportation of any enterprises and institutions for this;
e) provide the empowerment of those who arrived by the Special Councils and assist in the construction of houses by local building materials;
e) to organize in the areas of settlement of special specialists of the NKVD special committee, taken by the content of them due to the estimates of the NKVD of the USSR;
g) Central Committee and SNK UZSSR by May 20, this year. Present in the NKVD of the USSR t. Beria the project of the settlement of special trains by regions and areas indicating the station unloading of echelons.
4. To oblige Agriculturalbank (t. Kravtsova) to issue special tramplers sent to the Uzbek SSR, in the places of their settlement, loans for the construction of houses and on economic in order to 5,000 rubles per family, with installments under 7 years old.
5. To oblige the USSR drug commerce (t. Subbotin) to allocate at the disposal of the SNK of the Uzbek SSR flour, cereals and vegetables for issuing special tramons during June-August of this year. Monthly equal number, according to Appendix No. 2.
Issue to special fleets flour, cereals and vegetables during June-August S.G. produced free of charge, perhaps agricultural products and livestocks accepted in places of eviction.
6. To oblige NPOs (t. Chruleva) to convey during May-June of this year. To strengthen the vehicles of the NKVD troops placed by garrisons in the areas of resettlement of special trains - in the Uzbek SSR, the Kazakh SSR and the Kyrgyz SSR, cars "Willis" - 100 pieces and freight - 250 pieces that came out of repair.
7. Observe the Glavnefesnab (t. Wesomy) to allocate and ship up to May 20, 1944 to points to indicate the NKVD of the USSR of Authenticenzina 400 tons, at the disposal of the SNK of the Uzbek SSR - 200 tons.
Delivery of Autobannya to produce uniform reduction in supply to all other consumers.
8. Observe the Harnersnables at the SCC of the USSR (t. Lopukhov) due to any resources to put the NKPS 75,000 carriages of 2.75 m each, with the supply of them until May 15 s.g.; Transportation of the NKPS boards to produce with their own means.
9. People's Commissariat of the USSR (T. Zverev) release the NKVD of the USSR in May S.G. From the USSR SCA Reserve Fund for Special Events 30 million rubles.
As a result of these events:
A) seized the anti-Soviet element 7833 people.
including 998 people spies.
B) Specialkotent guide 225,009 people are evicted.
C) seized illegally stored in the population of weapons 15 990 units.
including machine guns 716 units.
D) 100 million ammunition pcs.


Belarusians during the Great Patriotic War

The first in the territory of Belarus, border guards of the 17th Brest, the 86th of August, 87th of the Brest, the 88th Shepetov border crossings were joined into battle with the advanced parts of the enemy. The garrison of the Brest Fortress almost a month resisted the enemy.
Brutal battle flared over the entire front line. In extremely difficult conditions, the fighting in the neighborhood of Grodno and Belostok (now the territory of Poland) troops of the 10th and 3rd armies. In the area of \u200b\u200bMinsk, the defenses were kept the 2nd and 4th rifle buildings of the 13th Army. Here the superiority of the forces was on the side of the Wehrmacht, and in the evening of June 28, the German tanks broke into the capital of Belarus.
Exceptionally stressful battles were walking on the Dnieper, especially in the Mogilev area, where the defense was kept the compounds of the 61st Rifle Corps of the 13th Army under the command of General Major Fedor Alekseevich Bakunin. The city was defended by the 172nd Division of Major Major Mikhail Timofeevich Romanova and folk militia detachments.

In accordance with the ENK directive of the BSSR and the Central Committee of the CP (b) b d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d dated July 6, 1941, more than 200 formations of the national militia were created, which included over 33 thousand people. People's militia - voluntary military and militarized formations that were created to help the operating Red Army.
By early September 1941, the entire territory of the republic was occupied by the German-fascist invaders. In Belarus, a hard occupation regime has been established.

On the territory of Belarus, the Nazis created more than 260 death camps.
Over the years of war, more than 2 million 200 thousand civilians and prisoners of war were destroyed in Belarus in Belarus, about 380 thousand people were exported into Germany.

The partisan movement in Belarus was international. In it, along with Belarusians (65.2%), Russians (25%), Ukrainians (3.8%), representatives of other peoples of the Soviet Union were active participation (25%). About 4 thousand foreign antifasists, including 3 thousand Poles, 400 Slovaks and Czechs, 235 Yugoslavov, 70 Hungarians, 60 French, 31 Belgians, 24 Austrians, 16 Dutch, about 100 Germans, representatives of many others, were fought in the ranks of the people's Avengers. European peoples.

One of the most important types of combat activities partisans were sabotage in enemy communications. The main stream of the enemy's military cargo was on the front of railways, the total operating length of which was in Belarus on the eve of the war 5743 km

For courage and heroism shown in the fight against german fascist invadersMore than 140 thousand Belarusian partisans and underground workers were awarded orders and medals, 88 of them were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

The liberation of Belarus began in the fall of 1943. As a result of the autumn-winter onset of 1943-44, 36 districts of Belarus, 36 district and 2 regional centers - Gomel and Mozyr were released completely or partially. From November 1943 to April 1944, 35 partisan brigades and 15 separate detachments (more than 50 thousand people) of the Vitebsk, Mogilev, Gomel and Polessian regions were connected with the Red Army. Over 45 thousand partisans entered into the ranks of the Red Army.

Finally, the territory of Belarus was released during one of the largest strategic offensive operations of the Red Army, which was held from June 23 to August 29, 1944 under the codenate name "Bagration". During the operation, the troops of the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belarusian fronts destroyed a large grouping of the enemy in the Vitebsk area and June 26, Vitebsk was released, 27 - Orsha. The troops of the 2nd Belarusian front spent the Mogilev surgery and began on June 28 Mogilev. The troops of the right wing of the 1st Belorussian front were surrounded and defeated the Bobruisk grouping of the enemy and released Bobruisk on June 29 on June 29. The troops of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belarusian fronts conducted from June 29 to July 4, the Minsk Operation and July 3 freed the capital of Belarus Minsk, from July 4 to July 11, the parts of the Wehrmacht had fallen into the Minsk boiler. The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front took possession of Baranovichi on July 8, on July 10 - Slonim, defeated the Lublin and Brest of the enemy, on July 28, the assault was mastered by the city of Brest and completed the liberation of Belarus.

At the fronts of the Great Patriotic War in the Red Army, more than 1.3 million Belarusians and natives of Belarus were fought. The military compounds during the war commanded 217 generals and admirals - Belarusians.


Jews during the Great Patriotic War

Participation in the Red Army:
According to the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, during the war with Germany in the army there were about 501 thousand Jews, including 167 thousand officers and 334 thousand soldiers, sailors and sergeants. According to the same archive, during the war years, the fights died in battles, died from wounds and diseases, 198 thousand Jewish servicemen were missing. According to some data, about 120-180 thousand Jews died at the front and about 80 thousand were killed in camps for prisoners of war. The surviving 300 thousand warriors of 180 thousand were injured, of which more than 70 thousand were wounded hard. As the historian Pavel Pollas writes, 27% of the Jews went to the front by volunteers, 80% of the Jews of an ordinary and junior commander served in combat units.
Of the 800 thousand women who participated in the war, 20 thousand were Jewish. 44% of them served in ground forces, 29% - in medicine, 11% - in troops of communication, 10% - in air defense and 6% - in aviation. The high percentage of Jews was among the engineering and technical and team composition of engineering troops, as well as military doctors. A high percentage of officers, a stake in engineering troops and other technical services, sources explain the relatively higher fraction higher education Among the Jews.
In the command of the Red Army, there were 305 Jews in the rank of generals and admirals, 38 of them died in battles. According to the birth of troops, the generals were distributed as follows: general-friendly generals - 92, generals of engineering and technical service - 34, generals of artillery - 33, generals of aviation - 26, generals of tank troops - 24, generals of engineering and aviation service - 18. The Jews were 9 armies commander and flotillas, 8 headquarters of headquarters of fronts, fleets, districts, 12 commander's commanders, 64 commander of divisions of various kinds of troops, 52 commander of tank brigades. During the war years, the number of Jews-generals, directly fought at the front, amounted to 132 people.
Only 7 Jews were delivered to the title of Colonel-General: Grigory Stern, Yakov Smushekhevich, Vladimir Kolpacci, Yakov Crazer, Alexander Tsirlin, Leonte Kotlyar, Lion Mehlis.
Feats of soldiers and officers - Jews
For a year earlier Alexander Matrosov, on February 22, 1942, closed the ambrusura of the enemy jott, Abram Levin, closed the ambrusura. The day after Taran Nikolai Gastello, directed his burning aircraft into the thick of the enemy troops Isaac Pressesen. Subsequently, this feat repeated Isaac Becis, Isaac Irzhak, Zinoviy Levitsky, Isaac Schwartzman, Ilya Katunun and others. Four taires-Jew made an air raid. The commander of the 164th rifle regiment Naum Pisakhovsky under the enemy's dense fire by a personal example of fighters in the attack on the Reichstag building and received the hardest wound. For this feat, he was represented by Marshal Zhukov by the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Jews prisoners of war:
Special Directives of the German command indicated that the Jews taken captivated. Often, the prisoners of war of the Jews were killed on the spot, in other cases they separated from other prisoners of war and subsequently went to the death camps. All Soviet Jews-prisoners perigital died. The main way of destroying the prisoners of war were massive executions.

In partisans:
The main part of the Jewish partisan movement was in Belarus, to a lesser extent in Ukraine and in Lithuania. Most partisan Jews were getto refugees. The largest partisan detachment, which consisted of the Jews, was created by Brothers Belski in 1941 after the invasion of the German troops in Belarus and mass races over the Jewish population. The first deputy head of the Belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement was the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPB Grigory Eydinov. On the territory of Lithuania after the destruction of Vilnius Ghetto fought the Jewish partisan detachment "Nekama" ("Revenge") under the command of Abba Kuner. The total number of partisan Jews in Ukraine is about 4,000 people. In the 70 pure Jewish partisan detachments in the territory of the USSR, approximately 4,000 people were fought. In total, partisan detachments on the territory of the USSR have numbered from 15 to 49 thousand Jews.


Ukraine in the Great Patriotic War

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War of Ukraine met by the stubborn resistance of the Soviet troops by the German-fascist invaders. The South-West and South Fronts were formed here, who assumed the strikes of the Hermann Army Army Group. Prints of 1941, such as Tank Battle 23-29 June under Dubno, Lutsk, Rivne, played an important role in the breakdown of attempts by the Hitler's command by combat march to go to Kiev.

Ukraine sent about 2.5 million of its fellow citizens to the ranks of the Soviet Army and the Navy.

In the troops 1-4 Ukrainian fronts in the construction, mainly infantry parts and compounds, Ukrainians accounted for 60-80% and took the most active part in the liberation of their homeland from the fascist invaders.

650 fighter battalions were created, in which 150 thousand fighters were numbered. IN civil uprising About 1.3 million people joined. Over 2 million participated in the construction of defensive frontiers.

In difficult conditions from July to October 1941, more than 500 large enterprises were evacuated from Ukraine, which continued to operate in different parts of the Soviet Union.

Among the marshals and the generals, who headed fifteen fronts, which acted during the Great Patriotic War, there were many Ukrainians by origin. Among them: Commanders Fronts I.R. APANASENKO, M.P. Kirponos, S.K.Timoshenko, A.I. Eremenko, I.D. Chernyakhovsky, R.Ya. Malinovsky, F.Ya.Kostenko, Ya.T. Cherevichenko.

About 2.5 million soldiers and warriors are awarded orders and medals, including the title of Hero of the Soviet Union awarded 2069 people.

Partisan traffic in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War.

"The history of wars does not know a single example when the partisan movement would play such a role that it played in the last war. According to its size, it represents something completely new in military art. " These are the words of one of the Hitler's generals, in practice he has fallen a power of guerrilla strikes. On the outfit area of \u200b\u200bUkraine in 1941-1944, 3992 underground party committees, organizations and groups, 558 underground Komsomol and youth organizations and groups, in which more than 103 thousand underground workers took part in earlier.
In addition, about 1 million 400 thousand citizens of Ukraine took part in other forms of combating the enemy.

Liberation of Ukraine

After the defeat of German-fascist troops near Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-1943, the liberation of the territory of Ukraine began. December 18, 1942 was the first to be released with. Brewery of the Melovsky district of the Voroshilovgrad region. After Kursk battle 1943 began mass expulsion of the German fascist invaders from the left bank of Ukraine.

As a result of the wide onset of Soviet troops in August-September 1943, Sumy, Chernihiv, Poltava, Zaporizhia, Dnepropetrovsk and Dneprodzerzhinsk were liberated. By the end of September, it was completed by the defeat of the Nazis in the Donbas.
One of the largest and bloody battles in the history of the Great Patriotic War was the battle for the Dnieper. In the 2nd half of September 1943, Soviet troops came to the Dnieper at a 750-kilometer border from Loeva to Zaporizhia, with the go in many places forced the river and seized the bridgeheads on the right bank.

On March 26, 1944, the Soviet Army came out on the border of the USSR and Romania. In April - May 1944 as a result of the successful implementation of the Crimean and Sevastopol offensive operations, Soviet troops were cleared of Crimea from the Hitler's invaders, in July - August after the Lviv-Sandomira operation - almost the entire Western part of Ukraine.

Completed the liberation of Ukraine East Carpathian operation, which lasted from September 9 to October 28, 1944


Georgians during the Great Patriotic War.

More than 700 thousand people took part in Soviet peoples from Georgia from Georgia, of whom more than half. As you know, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded the Sons and the daughters of all the peoples of the USSR, including 91 Georgians. He returned about 400 thousand. German troops did not enter the territory of Georgia, although they were severely under the North Caucasian region.

Battle for the Caucasus:
It was one of the largest battles of the Second World War, from July 25, 1942 to October 9, 1943. In domestic historiography, she was in the shade of other great battles: for Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Leningrad and Berlin.
The plans of the German military monitance included the rapid seizure of the Caucasus with the aim of early getting into the rear of Russia. In the summer of 1942, the fascist troops came to the foothills of the main Caucasian ridge and tried to break into Abkhazia, but in the fall they were from there were knocked out and discarded for the main Caucasian ridge. General losses german fascist troops In the battle for the Caucasus amounted to 580 thousand soldiers and officers. It should be noted that most of all Georgians died here and in battles for Kerch.

Reichstag assault:
On April 29, fierce battles began in the Reichstag area. The storming of the building itself, which was defended by more than a thousand German servicemen, began on April 30 by the forces of the 171st and 150th rifle divisions. The first assault attempt made in the morning was reflected by the strong fire defending. The second assault was started at 13-30 after powerful artillery preparation. On April 30, 1945, the All-Union Radio, broadcasting also on foreign countries, was a message that at 14 people 25 minutes, the Soviet soldiers of Egorov and Cantarians were developed the banner of victory over Reichstag. The basis for this was the reported commanders of parts stormed by Reichstag.


Ossetians in the Great Patriotic War

The workers of the North-Ossetian ASSR, as well as all Soviet people, showed heroism, self-sufficiency and high labor activity during the war years.
In response to the appeal of the Central Committee of the Party and the Soviet government, the Ossetian people, the working people of the republic were sent to the front of the best sons and daughters to the front. In the first rows of these patriots were the Communists and the Komsomol members.

Sons North Ossetia Fought with the enemy as part of almost all types of armed forces and childbirth forces. They participated in the defense of Moscow and Leningrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kiev, Minsk, Kerch, Tula, Brest, Soviet Polar, Novorossiysk, Caucasus and Stalingrad, they showed courage and heroism in offensive battles on a Kursk arc, during the forcing Dnieper, in battles for Liberation of Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Baltic republics, as well as Poland, Hungary, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria and in the final battle for Berlin, in partisan movement and underground struggle in the rear of the German fascist invaders and in the European resistance movement.

At the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, every fifth resident of the republic fought.

Motherland highly appreciated the feats of their citizens, 72 soldiers from North Ossetia were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, two of them I. A. Pliev and Major General I. I. Fesin - were awarded this title twice.

In the areas of fierce hostilities - under the villages of Gisell, Maigamadag, dawn, Narh, Surh-Digoroi, Akhsarisar, Tolstzgun, Haznidone and Elchotovo - Population (young men, girls, old people, old women) drove water, food and provided medical care Soviet soldiers directly on the front line, repaired bridges, roads, technique.
During the Great Patriotic War, the working hours of the North Ossetian ASSR made out of their savings to the country's defense fund of 170 million rubles, collected and sent 747 thousand sets of various warm things and gifts to the front.


The peoples of the USSR in the fight against the German fascism.

Uzbeks during the times of the Great Patriotic War.

At the fronts of the Patriotic War, together with the whole Soviet army, showed courage and heroism and the sons of the Uzbek people.
"Roads of War"
Heroically fought with the fascists artilleryman Abdusattar Rakhimov. He destroyed the fire and combat technique of the enemy by fire. The courage and the courage of Rakhimov, who passed the glorious path from Moscow to Berlin, was repeatedly marked by orders and medals. He was awarded the high title Hero of the Soviet Union.
The death of brave died by the Tashkent girl - Military Radine Elena Stempkovskaya, the price of his life saved the battalion of the Soviet Army. Stempkovskaya was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
Bravely fought the daughter of the Uzbek people Student of the Moscow Theater Institute Volunteer Sniper Zebakhon Ganiev. She destroyed 28 fascists. For the courage and courage, Ganiev was awarded the Order of the Martial Red Banner.
Steadily moved to the center of Berlin batteries of the Heroes of the Soviet Union Batyr Babayev and Saliha Umarov. Behind the assault Berlin was awarded the Order of Lenin Guard Colonel M. Uzakov. The victorious path from Moscow and Stalingrad to Berlin was held by the Justa Tajiyev, Kurban Abdurakhmanov, Mahamad Ibragimov, Salman Saidov, Mahmekov Kurbanov and many others. 1706 Uzbekistan's warriors were awarded the medal "For Taking Berlin."

"Replaced those who went to the front"
Thousands of patriots appealed to the military registration and enlistment offices with a request to send them by volunteers to the front.
Namangan Kabir Rakhimov asked him to send him to the forefront. Professor A. V. Mirtov, speaking at the rally of the Tashkent Pedagogical Institute, said: "... I spent my son in the Red Army. I regret that it is no longer young, but if you need, not only our sons, but we, fathers, become breasting for our expensive homeland. " The group of students of the Tashkent Transport Institute requested to enroll them into the Red Army with medical sisters. Skolotnica Asalya Abdullayeva, speaking at the meeting of Women's Karasui district, Tashkent Region, said: "Many women sitting here will still remember that terrible time when they were powerless slaves. The German fascists want to return us back, to the past slavery, to Paranzh, and to use. Never be it! For our conquest, for the homeland, every Uzbek woman will fight as a man! ". The people of Uzbekistan took an active part in the restoration of Russian and Belarus and Belarus destroyed by the Hitlermen. The republics created a fund for the population of Stalingrad, Donbass, Kharkov and other centers.


Russians during the Great Patriotic War

It was necessary to turn the whole life cool and consciousness. soviet people, morally and ideologically organize and mobilize them on heavy and long-term
fight with fascist invaders. All means of spiritual impact on mass, agitation and propaganda, political and mass work, printing, movies, radio, literature, art -
it was used to clarify the goals, character and characteristics of the war against fascist Germany, solving military tasks in the rear and at the front, to achieve victory over the enemy. Excernting documents have been preserved - suicide notes of some Soviet soldiers. Strits of notes are resurrected in front of us in all the beauty of the appearance of people, courageous and irrelevance of loyal homeland. Unsupported by the faith of a collective will of 18 members of the underground organization of the city of Donetsk: "Friends! We perish for the right thing ... Do not fold, restrave, Bates the enemy at every step. Farewell, the Russian people. ". The Russian people did not regret neither the strength, no life in order to get closer
victory over the enemy.

In all majesty, it appears the legendary feat of the landing
detachment under the command of Senior Lieutenant K.F. Olshansky. Detachment B.
composition of 55 sailors and 12 Red Army teams in March 1944 committed a deer
ride on a German garrison in the city of Nikolaev. Eighteen fierce
attacks reflected Soviet soldiers during the day, destroying four hundred
hitlerians and having having several tanks. But the paratroopers suffered huge
losses, their forces were on the outcome. By this time, Soviet troops,
becoming to Nikolaev bypassing, achieved decisive success. The city was

All 67 participants of the landing, of which 55 are posthumously, awarded the title of Hero
Soviet Union. During the war years of this high title, 11525 people were awarded, in
including 104 people were awarded two medals "Golden Star" and three
three. Over seven million people received orders and medals. Hundreds of thousands
soviet soldiers awarded several times.

Associated the orders of the Soviet Union of 5300 thousand
man, and medals for feats and differences in battles - 7580 thousand people. Among
awarded - about 870 thousand ordinary, sergeants and foreman who received
order of Fame, of which more than 46 thousand have two orders, and over 2,200 soldiers
they are cavaliers of the glory of all three degrees. In addition, more than 22
million medals were received by military personnel for defense, taking and
liberation of cities, as well as for victory over Germany and Japan.
A bright example of courage and extraordinary courage is combat
activities of the hero of the Soviet Union V.A. Molttow and his combat
comrades I.N. Petrenko, Yasha Gordienko and others. Settling on the task
state Security Authorities in the catacombs Odessa occupied
the enemy, and experiencing the greatest difficulties (not enough products, German
the fascists traveled them with gas, littered the entrances to the catacombs, poisoned water in
wells, etc.), intelligence group V.A. Molttow for seven
months regularly transferred valuable intelligence data to Moscow
opponent. V.A. Well done and his combat comrades were captured
gestapovians and were sentenced to death. They stayed to the end of their
Motherland. On offer to submit for a pardon of V.A. Well done on behalf
he stated his comrades: "We are not asking for the enemies of pardons on our land."

Tire workers.

Throughout the war, advanced workers, collective farmers, engineering
technical workers and scientists, overcame the greatest difficulties, showing
huge resistance, selflessly killed the guns of the victory. "Everything for the front,
everything for victory! "," In work as in battle! "," work not only for yourself, but also
for comrades who went to the front! " - Our people worked under such slogans
in the rear.

Advanced workers, applying innovative methods of labor, performed two
and even three or five standards. There were new warriors of labor that gave ten
and more standards. Wide fame received labor affairs
movement of thousands of a notable milling mill in Nizhny Tagil D.F.
Bare, Machinist N.A. Lunina, Baikal Rudnikov Baikal Rudnikov A.I.
Semirevos and many others.

The struggle for bread was the most important condition for the provision of victory, and
the Soviet peasantry understood it well. The struggle was not easy.
Excellent results achieved advanced tractor brigades D.M. Garmash
PN Antelney, M.I. Browchko, Combineer A.I. Oskin, cotton N.
Tursuncles. Solving the problem of mechanical personnel took over
youth, especially girls. Seats behind the wheel of the tractor and the combine, girls and
the young men worked without tired, not returning home for weeks.

A huge contribution to the victory over the enemy brought Soviet
intelligentsia. Selfless I. creative labor Our scientific and technical
frames contributed to the rapid creation of new enterprises, introduced in
production newest scientific achievements. So, for example, a scientific institute,
headed by Academician E.O. Patan, teaches Ural Tank Troaster
for the first time in global practice, apply the tank armchawer method in
mass production conditions. Designers and engineers worked on
to arm the Soviet soldiers of the most perfect technique. Not enough
raw materials, tools. Often had to replace some materials by others
enter new labor techniques, risk. Inexhaustible key Bila
creative thought of thousands of innovators-engineers, as well as representatives of others
professions of multimillion Soviet intelligentsia.

Soviet people are deeply grateful to a huge army
medical professionals who saved the lives of millions of fighters and returning them
on labor and combat fronts.


Thus, war with merciless force exposed a beastful look
hitler's army and revealed the inconsistency of the reaction ideology
fascism. German and Japanese armies who fought under the flag of racism,
they were the army of marauders and rapists.

At the same time, the war showed depth, advanced character, spiritual
the strength of the Soviet people. In the harsh time of the war throughout the greatness manifested
spiritual power of our people, selflessly devoteed by his homeland, stubborn in
battle for the right thing, tireless in work, ready for any victims and deprivation
in the name of the prosperity of the Fatherland. Eternal memory of those who died in this war, Glory
russian people!


The war demanded from the people of the greatest tension of the strength and huge victims in a nationwide scale, revealed the resistance and courage of the Soviet person, the ability to self-sacrifice in the name of freedom and independence of the Motherland. During the war, heroism became massive, became the norm of the behavior of Soviet people. Thousands of soldiers and officers did realized their names during the defense of the Brest Fortress, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kiev, Leningrad, Novorossiysk, in the battle near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, in the North Caucasus, Dnieper, in the foothills of Karpat, during the storm of Berlin and other battles.
For the heroic feats in the Great Patriotic War of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, over 11 thousand people were awarded (part - posthumously), of which 104 were twice, three - three times (G.K. Zhukov, I.N. Kozhevube and A.I. Tincan ). The first days during the war of this title were awarded the Soviet pilots M. P. Zhukov, S. I. Health, and P. T. Kharitonov, tagged fascist aircraft on the approaches to Leningrad.
In total, over eight thousand heroes, including 1800 artilleryrs, 1142 tankers, 650 warriors of engineering troops, over 290 telecommons, 93 warriors of the air defense system, 52 military rear warriors, 44 doctors, were raised in the land forces. in air force - over 2400 people; in the navy - over 500 people; Partizan, underground workers and Soviet intelligence officers - about 400; Border Guards - Over 150 people.

Among the heroes of the Soviet Union - representatives of the majority of nations and the nationalities of the USSR
Nations number of heroes
russian 8160.
ukrainians 2069.
belarusians 309.
tatars 161.
jews 108.
kazakhs 96.
georgian 90.
armenians 90.
uzbeks 69.
mordva 61.
chuvashi 44.
azerbaijanis 43.
bashkirs 39.
ossetians 32.
tajiki 14.
turkmen 18.
lithuanians 15.
latvian 13.
kirgiz 12.
udmurt 10.
karelia 8.
estonians 8.
kalmyki 8.
kabardians 7.
adygei 6.
abkhaza 5.
buryats 4.
yakuta 3.
moldovans 2.
chechens 1.
results 11506.
Among the servicemen awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, ordinary, sergeants, elders - over 35%, officers are about 60%, generals, admirals, marshals - over 380 people. Among the heroes of the Soviet Union of Wartime 87 women. The first of this title was awarded Z. A. Kosmodemyanskaya (posthumously).
About 35% of the heroes of the Soviet Union at the time of assigning the title were under the age of 30, 28% - from 30 to 40 years, 9% older than 40 years. By the time of the end of the war, 102 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union twice.
Four Heroes of the Soviet Union: Artillery A. V. Aleshin, the pilot I. G. Drachenko, the commander of the rifle platoon P. Kh. Dubinda, Artilleryman N. I. Kuznetsov - for combat feats were also awarded the orders of the glory of all three degrees. Over 2500 people, including 4 women, became complete cavaliers of the Order of Glory of the Three Degrees. During the war over the courage and heroism, the defenders of the Motherland were awarded over 38 million orders and medals. Motherland highly appreciated the work feat of Soviet people in the rear. During the war years of the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor, 201 people were awarded, about 200 thousand were awarded orders and medals.


Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin
Born on September 18, 1918 in p. Teplovka Volsky District Saratov region. Russian. After the end of the factory school, he worked on the Moscow meat processing plant, at the same time he studied at the aeroslobe. He graduated from Borisoglebok Military Aviation School of pilots. He took part in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. Made 47 combat departures, hit 4 Finnish aircraft, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star (1940).
In the fights of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. Produced more than 60 and combat departures. In the summer and in the fall of 1941, fought near Moscow. For combat differences was awarded the orders of the Red Banner (1941) and the Order of Lenin.
In the Great Patriotic State of Talaliachina - Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 177th Fighter Aviamal, which was part of the 6th Fighter Aviakorpus, who covered the sky of Moscow. Late in the evening on August 6, 1941, Talalikhin on the fighter I-16 flew to reflect the next route of enemy aviation to the capital. At an altitude of about five kilometers above the villages of Dobrynich and Scheggyevo, the pilot noted the German bomber "Heinkel-111". Victor immediately went on rapprochement with the enemy and, having caught the "German" at the sight, opened fire. "Hakel" twice skillfully dodged the machine-gun queues of the Soviet "hawk". Finally, Talalichine managed to hit the right engine of the bombarder, but he, gradually decline and leading a retaliatory fire, continued to move stubbornly to Moscow ...
Bullet talalicin wounded in hand. And cartridges, as in sin, ended. "It is necessary to tash", "said the pilot and, dramatically increasing the speed - if it would be! - Threw his "Ishchka" on the tail of Heinkel ... Night Taran (on the clock it was 23.28) turned out to be successful. The enemy bomber helplessly bored down.
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal "Golden Star" Viktor Vasilyevich Talalichine was awarded by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 8, 1941 for night Taran. enemy bomber. It should be noted that Talaliahin was not the first pilot that applied the night ram. On October 25, 1937, in the sky of Spain, the Soviet senior lieutenant Evgeny Stepanov at his I-15 successfully tagged the bomber "Savoy-Marketti-79". But in the Russian sky, Talalikhin performed the first night Taran.
Soon Talalikhin was appointed commander of the squadron, he was awarded the title of lieutenant. The glorious pilot participated in many air battles near Moscow, shot down five more enemy aircraft personally and one in the group. He died by the death of brave in an unequal battle with fascist fighters on October 27, 1941. On October 27, Viktor Talalikhin went on the head of the link from six fighters to cover the terrestrial troops to the Podolsk area. Above the village of Kamenka, the link was attacked by the six "Messerschmit-109". Talalikhin accepted the fight and hit one enemy aircraft. There are three "Messer" immediately on him. In an unequal battle, Viktor managed to light another opponent. But here the projectile broke up next to his plane ...
Burodelen V.V. Talalikhin with military honors at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. By order of the People's Commissar of the USSR defense of August 30, 1948, forever enrolled in the lists of the first squadron of the Fighter Aviation Regiment, as part of which he fought with the enemy near Moscow.
The names of Talaliachina were named streets in Kaliningrad, Volgograd, Borisoglebsk Voronezh region and other cities, a marine vessel, GPTU No. 100 in Moscow, a number of schools. At the 43rd kilometer of the Warsaw highway, over which there was an unparalleled night duel, an obelisk was delivered. In Podolsk, a monument was installed, in Moscow - Bust Hero.


Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevyub.
(1920- 1991), Marshal Aviation (1985), Hero of the Soviet Union (1944 - twice; 1945). In the Great Patriotic War in Fighter Aviation, the commander of the squadron, Deputy Commander of the Regiment, spent 120 air bonds; hit 62 aircraft.
Three times the hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Nikitovich Kozhevitub on La-7 hit 17 enemy aircraft (including the IM-262 jet fighter) from 62 of the La fighters knocked down during the war. One of the most commemorative fights of Kozhevub held on February 19, 1945 (sometimes indicated on February 24).
On this day, he flew to a free hunt in a couple with Dmitry Titarenko. On the traverse Oderer, pilots noticed the plane, quickly approaching Frankfupta-on-Oder. The plane was walking along the river bed at an altitude of 3500 m at a speed, much more than could develop La-7. It was Me-262. Kozadub instantly accepted the decision. The Pilot M-262 was hoping for the speed qualities of his car and did not control the airspace in the rear hemisphere and below. Keldadub attacked from the bottom on the counter-retractable course, hoping to hit the jet plane in the belly. However, before Kozhevab, the fire opened Titarenko. To the considerable surprise of Kozhevab, the premature shooting of the slave went good.
The German unfolded to the left, towards Kozhevubu, the latter remained only to catch the messerschmitt in the sight and click on the gay. Me-262 turned into a fireball. In the cockpit was 262, there was a Unter-Officer Kurt-Lange out of 1./kg(j )-54.
On the evening of April 17, 1945, Kozhedub and Titarenko performed the fourth in the day the battle departure to the Berlin area. Immediately after the intersection of the north of Berlin, the front line hunters found a large group FW-190 with suspended bombs. Kozhevub began to gain a height for attack and reported to the command point to establish contact with a group of forty fockey-vulvof with suspended bombs. German pilots seemed clearly as a couple of Soviet fighters went to the clouds and did not assume that they would appear again. Nevertheless, the hunters appeared.
Rear from the top of Kozdadub in the first attack knocked down the leading closure group of focker. The hunters sought to create an impression from the opponent from the existence of a significant number of Soviet fighters in the air. Kozhevuba threw his La-7 straight into the thick of the opponent's aircraft, according to the Lavochkin left and right, the speakers led by short queues fire from guns. The Germans succumbed to the trick - Fokke-Wolfs began to free from bombs that interfere with the air battle. However, the Luftwaffe pilots soon set the presence of only two La-7 in the air and, using the numerical advantage, took the guards in turnover. One FW-190 managed to go to the tail of the Kozhelub fighter, however, Titarenko opened fire before the German pilot - Fokke-Wulf exploded in the air.
By this time, the help - a group of La-7 of the 176th regiment, Titarenko and Kozdadub were able to leave the battle on the last fuel residues. On the opposite way, Kozadub saw a single FW-190, who was still trying to reset the bombs into Soviet troops. AU speech and hit an enemy aircraft. It was the last, 62nd, shot down by the best allied fighter German aircraft.
Ivan Nikitovic Kozhevyub also distinguished himself in the battle on the Kursk arc.
The total counseling is not included, at least two aircraft - American fighters R-51 Mustang. In one of the battles in April, the German fighters from the American "Flying Fortress" were trying to move the fire of guns. The US Air Force Escort fighters mistakenly understood the intentions of the La-7 pilot and opened a barrage with a large distance. Kozhevuba, apparently, also accepted "Mustangi" for Messers, left the coup from under the fire and, in turn, attacked the opponent.
One "Mustang" he damaged (the plane, smoke, left the battle and, a little flying, fell, the pilot jumped up with a parachute), the second P-51 exploded in the air. Only after the effective attack Keltub noted the White Stars of the US Air Force on the wings and fuselages of the aircraft shot down. After landing, the commander of the regiment, the Colonel of the Chupikov advised Kozhevubu to pose about the incident and gave it a photocompulite film shown. On the existence of a film with the krads of burning "Mustang" became known only after the death of the legendary pilot.


Alexey Petrovich Maresyev
Maresyev Alexey Petrovich Pilot-fighter, Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, Guard Senior Lieutenant.
Born on May 20, 1916 in the city of Kamyshin of the Volgograd region in the family family. Russian. In three years, he was left without a father who died shortly after return from the First World War. After graduating from 8 classes of secondary school, Alexey entered the FMU, where he received a specialty mechanic. Then she filed an application to the Moscow Aviation Institute, but instead of the Institute for the Komsomol Pourevka, the Komsomolsk-on-Amur was set off. There he sawed the forest in the taiga, built barracks, and then the first residential neighborhoods. At the same time he studied at the aerocluba. In the Soviet Army was called in 1937. He served in the 12th aviation border project. But, according to Maresev himself, he did not fly, but "put the tails" by airplanes. He really climbed into the air already in the Batay military aviation school of pilots, which he graduated in 1940. He served in it a pilot instructor.
He performed his first combat departure on August 23, 1941 in the area of \u200b\u200bKrivoy Rog. The battle account lieutenant Maresev opened in early 1942 - knocked down Ju-52. By the end of March 1942, he brought the score of the fascist aircraft to four. On April 4, in air combat over the Demyan Bridgehead (Novgorod region), the Maresev fighter was shot down. He tried to land on the ice of a frozen lake, but early released the chassis. The plane began to lose height and fell on the forest.
Maresyev traveled to His. He frowned his feet feet and they had to amputate. However, the pilot decided not to give up. When the prostheses did him, he trained hard and stubbornly and achieved permission to return to the system. Newly studied to fly in 11 spare airbraid in Ivanovo.
In June 1943, Maresyev returned to line. He fought on a Kursk arc as part of the 63rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, was the deputy commander of the squadron. In August 1943, Alexey Maresyev, during one fight, hit three enemy fighters FW-190 at once.
On August 24, 1943 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Guard, the senior lieutenant Maresyev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Later fought in the Baltic States, became the assault regiment. In 1944 he joined the CPSU. A total of 86 fighting departures, hit 11 opponent aircraft: 4 - before injury and seven - with amputated legs. In June 1944, the Guard Major Maresyev became an inspector-pilot of the Department of Higher Educational Institutions of the Air Force. The legendary destiny of Alexei Petrovich Maresev is dedicated to the book of Boris Polevoy "Tale of the Real Man."
In July 1946, Maresyev with honorable was fired from the Air Force. In 1952, he graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU, in 1956 - graduate school of the Academy of Public Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee, received the title of historical sciences. In the same year, he became the responsible secretary of the Soviet Committee of War Veterans, in 1983 - the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee. In this position he worked until the last day of his life.
Colonel in resignation A.P. Maresyev was awarded by two orders of Lenin, the orders of the October Revolution, the Red Banner, the Patriotic War of 1 degree, two orders of the Labor Red Banner, the Order of the Friendship of Peoples, the Red Star, the Sign of Honor, "For merits to the Fatherland" 3 degrees, medals, foreign orders. He was an honorary soldier of the military unit, the honorary citizen of the cities of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Kamyshin, Eagle. Its name is called small planet Solar System, Public Fund, Youth Patriotic Clubs. He was elected by the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The author of the book "On the Kursk Dug" (M., 1960).
During the war, the book of Boris Polevoy "Tale of the Real Man" was published, the prototype of the main character of which Maresyev became a prototype (the author changed only one letter in his surname). In 1948, on the book on Mosfilm, the same film was shot by Alexander Stolpinet. Maresyev even offered to play a major role to play, but he refused to fulfill the professional actor Pavel Kadochnikov.
Successively died on May 18, 2001. Buried in Moscow at Novodevichy Cemetery. May 18, 2001 in the theater Russian army The solemn evening was scheduled for the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Maresev, but an hour before the start, Alexey Petrovich had a heart attack. He was taken to the intensive care of one of the Moscow clinics, where he died, not coming into consciousness. The solemn evening was still held, but he began with a minute of silence.


Sergey Krasnokovrov, Sergey Leonidovich
Sergey Leonidovich Krasnokrov was born on July 23, 1923 in the village of Pokrovka Chernushinsky district. In May 1941, the volunteer went to the ranks of the Soviet army. The year studied at the Balashovsky Aviation School of Pilots. In November 1942, Pilot-attack aircraft Sergey Krasnopers arrived in the 765th assault airlock, and in January 1943 he was appointed by the Deputy Commander of the Squadron of the 502nd Asturial Aviation River 214th Assault Aviation Division of the North Caucasus Front. In this shelf in June 1943, he joined the ranks of the party. For combat differences awarded the orders of the Red Banner, the Red Star, the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree.
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned on February 4, 1944. He died in battle on June 24, 1944. "March 14, 1943. The pilot-attack aircraft Sergey Krasnopers makes one by one two departures to the storming of the port of the Temmer. By keeping the six" Ilov ", he settled at the port of the port of the boat. In the second departure of the enemy shell pleased in the motor. Bright flame for a moment It seemed to Krasnoperov, the sun was eclipsed and immediately disappeared into a thick black smoke. Krasnokov turned off the ignition, blocked the gasoline and tried to lead the aircraft to the front line. However, after a few minutes it became clear that the airplane would not succeed. And under the wing - solid swamp. Outdoor : Going to land. A barely burning car touched the fuselage of swamp bumps, barely managed to jump out of it and a little run away to the side, frightened an explosion.
A few days later, Krasnopers are back in the air, and in the magazine of hostilities commander of the 502nd assault aviation regiment of the younger lieutenant Krasnopernova Sergey Leonidovich appeared a brief record: "03/23,43". Two departures destroyed the autocolonna in the area of \u200b\u200bArt. Crimean. Destroyed cars - 1, created firefighters - 2. On April 4, Krasnopers stormed live strength and fighters in the height area of \u200b\u200b204.3 meters. In the next fly, I stormed artillery and firepoints in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Crimean station. At the same time, destroyed two tanks, one gun and mortar.
Once the youngest lieutenant received a job on a free flight in a pair. He was leading. Hiding, on the shaking flight, a couple of "Ilov" penetrated deep into the rear of the enemy. They noticed on the road of cars - attacked them. Detected the accumulation of troops - and suddenly wrapped on the heads of the Nazis devastating fire. From self-propelled barge, the Germans unloaded ammunition and weapons. The combat sunset - Barge flew to the air. The commander of the regiment Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov wrote about Sergey Krasnoperov: "Such heroic feats of Comrade Krasnopernov are repeated in every fighting. The pilots of his link became masters of assault business. The link is solid and occupies a leading place. The most difficult and responsible tasks command always entails him. His heroic feats He created himself combat fame, enjoys well-deserved military authority among the personnel of the regiment. " And indeed. Sergey passed only 19 years, and for the feats, he was already awarded the Order of the Red Star. He passed only 20, and his chest was decorated with a golden star of the hero.
Seventy-four combat departures committed Sergey Krasnopers in the days of battles on the Taman Peninsula. As one of the best, he trusted 20 times to led to the storming of the group "Ilov", and he always performed a combat task. They personally destroyed 6 tanks, 70 cars, 35 carts with cargo, 10 guns, 3 mortars, 5 points of anti-aircraft artillery, 7 machine guns, 3 tractors, 5 dzottsi, warehouse with ammunition, dried boat, self-propelled bar, two crossways destroyed through Kuban


Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich
Matrosov Alexander Matveyevich - the shooter of the 2nd battalion of the 91st separate Rifle Brigade (22nd Army, Kalininsky Front) ordinary. Born on February 5, 1924 in the city of Ekaterinoslava (now Dnepropetrovsk). Russian. Member of the VLKSM. Early lost his parents. 5 years brought up first in Ivanovo children's house (Ulyanovsk region), and then in Meleksky. In 1939 began working on the Kuibyshev car repair plant, but soon ran from there. In October 1940, Alexander Matrosov was convicted for 2 years in prison, which was serving in the Ufa Labor Colony. At the end of the 7th grades, it remained to work in a colony assistant to the educator. However, now there is another version of the origin of Matrosov. According to her, the present name of the hero - Shakiryan Yunusovich Muhamedyanov, a native of the village of Kunakbaevo (now - in the participation of Bashkortostan). The surname of the sailor's sailors, an unrest, allegedly took himself in an orphanage. According to the third version, the sailors - a native of the village of New Malykla in the Ulyanovsk region.
In the RKKA Matrosov A.M. Since September 1942. In October 1942 he entered the Krasnocholm infantry school, but soon most of the cadets sent to the Kalininsky front. In the army since November 1942. He served as part of the 2nd battalion of the 91st separate Siberian Volunteer Brigade of the Stalin (later she was reorganized in the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment and became part of the 56th Guards Rifle Division). For some time, the brigade was in the reserve. Then she was transferred under Pskov to the area of \u200b\u200ba large crowded boron. Right from the march, the brigade entered into battle.
On February 28, 1943, the 2nd battalion received the task of attacking the support point in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Chernushki (Lokansky district of the Pskov region). As soon as our soldiers passed the forest and went to the edge, they fell under a strong machine-gun feed of the enemy - three enemy machine guns in jotes covered approaches to the village. One machine gun suppressed an assault group of machine gunners and armorboards. The second Dzot destroyed another group of armorboos. But the machine gun from the third dressing continued to fake all the hollow in front of the village. Attempts to make him silence were not crowned with success. Then in the direction of the dzota crawled ordinary sailors A.M. He came to the ambrusura from the flank and threw two grenades. The machine gun was silent. But as soon as the fighters rose to the attack, the machine gun came to life again. Then the sailors rose, the jerk rushed to the dumplings and closed the embrasure with her body. At the price of his life, he promoted the fulfillment of the combat task by the unit.
After a few days, the name of Matrosov became a well-known country. The feat of Matrosov was used by chance at a part of a journalist for a patriotic article. At the same time, the regiment commander learned about the feat of the newspapers. Moreover, the death date of the hero was transferred to February 23, timed to the feat of the Day of the Soviet Army. Despite the fact that the sailors were not the first to commit such an act of self-sacrifice, it was his name that was used to glorify the heroism of Soviet soldiers. Subsequently, over 200 people committed the same feat, but it was not widely covered. His feat has become a symbol of courage and military valor, fearlessness and love to their homeland.
"It is known that Alexander Satrosov was far from the first in the history of the Great Patriotic, who made such a feat. More precisely, he had 44 predecessors (5 in 1941, 31 in 1942 and 8 - until February 27, 1943) and the very first closed the enemy machine gun with his body Politruk Pankratov A.V. Subsequently, a self-sacrificial feat was made by a lot of commanders and the fighters of the Red Army. Until the end of 1943, 38 warriors followed the example of Matrosov, in 1944 - 87, last year Wars - 46. The latter in the Great Patriotic War closed the ambrusura machine gun with his body of Guard Sergeant Archka Manita. It happened in Berlin 17 days before the victory ...
134 Of 215, the Heroes of the Soviet Union were awarded the heroes of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Some exploits were appreciated only many years after the war. For example, the Red Armyman of the 679th Rifle Regiment Abram Levin, closed by the body of the Dzoto Ambrusura in battle for the village of Holwez on February 22, 1942, was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree only in 1967. Documented and cases when the bravets who committed the "sailorovsky" feat remained alive. These are Udodov A.A., Ryz R.Kh., Maiborsky V.P. and Kondratyev L.V. " (V. Bondarenko "One hundred Great Penits of Russia", M., "Veche", 2011, p. 283).
The title Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Matveyevich Matrosov was posthumously assigned on June 19, 1943. Buried in the city of Great Luki. On September 8, 1943, the Order of the People's Commissar of the USSR Defense, the name of Matrosov was assigned to the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment, he himself is forever (one of the first in the Soviet Army) in the lists of the 1st company of this part. The monuments of the hero were installed in St. Petersburg, Togliatti, Great Luki, Ulyanovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, and the streets and squares of Alexander Matrosov in the cities and villages of the former USSR there are no less than a few hundred.

Plan: 1. Multinational Soviet people on the fronts of war. 2. The USSR economy during the war years. 3. National movements during the war years. 4. National policy.

1. The war did not leave the other nations of the USSR in their fight against fascism. Dozens of national divisions and battalions have been created. Representatives of 33 nationalities were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. For courage and heroism, this title was awarded: 8160 Russians 2069 Ukrainians 309 Belarusians 161 Tatarore 108 Jews 96 Kazakhs 90 Georgians 69 Uzbeks 61 Mordvin 44 Chuvash 43 Azerbaijanis 39 Bashkir 32 Ossetian 18 Mariy residents.

Felix Baltushis-Zhemaitis, General Maletor, Commander of the 16th Lithuanian Rifle Division. Guard Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union Sabir Rakhimov, Commander of the Army of the Belarusian Front.

Rev. Assistant Commander of the platoon 1st Rota 390 -to Rifle Regiment 89th Rifle Division 18th Army North. Caucasian Front, Hero of the Soviet Union Senior Sergeant. Mom Mama Manshuk Marthercher 21st Guards Rifle Division 3rd Army of the Kalininsky Front, Guard Senior Sergeant. The first Kazakh woman who was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kim Il Saint, Major, battalion commander of the 88th separate rifle brigade. In the future, President of North Korea.

The main slogan of the rear in those years was the slogan "Everything for the front, everything for victory", which was steadily performed. Hundreds of factories and factories were evacuated in Central Asia, along with engineers, workers. 2, 5 thousand combat aircraft, thousands of tanks, 8 submarines, 16 military boats, tools, mortars were created for the means of nations.

In those areas that were attached to the USSR later than others, and those in which repression, collectivization struck most of all with the arrival of fascists grew by nationalist sentiment, in which Hitler and Reich were presented as liberators. Especially actively it was in Western Ukraine and Belarus, Baltic States, Crimea, Chechen-Ingushetia, etc.

Special cruelty and atrocities differed in the Ukrainian rebel army (UPA), created by nationalists in the occupied territories. Of these, headlights and policemen were distinguished by more cruel than German invaders. Victims of Up

From the prisoners of Soviet soldiers, the Russian liberation army was formed at a voluntary basis, which was headed by the Vlasov traitor. Many white geerineal emigrants were transferred to the fascists.

The activation of national movements led to the tightening of national policies. In the summer of 1941, "saboteurs and spies" were announced by the Germans of the Volga region. (1, 5 million people) and sent to Siberia and Kazakhstan. At the same time, by the same charges, 50 thousand Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians were deported to Siberia. In October 1943, 70 thousand Karachayvtsev were evicted to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and 93 thousand Kalmykov, 40 thousand Balkarians in Siberia. Many were filmed right from the front Despite posts and titles and also deported. On February 23, 1944, 650 thousand Chechens and Ingush sent to the east, and in May 1944, 180 thousand Crimean Tatars were sent to Uzbekistan. As a result of the deportation, tens of thousands were killed in the way. Waiting for deportation. Germans of the Volga region at the station.

Peoples of the Soviet Union in the fight against fascism

Multinational Soviet people on the fronts of war. Planning an attack on the USSR, Hitler believed that the multinational Soviet power would fall asleep under the blow of his armies "as a card house". But this not only did not happen, but, on the contrary, the multinational Soviet people rushed at a minute of mortal danger. The protection of a single state was perceived in the most remote corners of the country as the national task of each of the more than a hundred of its peoples.

In the ranks of the Red Army from the first days of the war, the envoys of all the peoples of the USSR were fought. Taking into account the national identity increased during the war years, dozens of national divisions and brigades were created, in which, along with Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians, representatives of the peoples of the Volga region and the North Caucasus, North and Siberia, Transcaucasia and Central Asia, Baltic States and the Far East were fighting.

Among the defenders of the Brest Fortress, the first to hit the Hitler's troops, the representatives of 30 nationalities were killed and died. Friendship and mutual execution of soldiers of various nationality equally manifested itself when protecting the common capital of Moscow, the capitals of the Allied Republics of Kiev, Minsk, Chisinau, Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, the Centers of the Autonomous Republics and the regions of the North Caucasus - Maikop, Terrible, Nalchik, Cherkessk, Ordzhonikidze.

Feats of Russian heroes A. M. Matrosova, A. K. Pankratova, V. V. Vasilkovsky, Bucket closed the ambrusuras of enemy Dzotov, repeated Ukrainian A. E. Shevchenko, Estonian I. I. Laar, Moldavan I. I. Soltyys, Jew E. with . Belinsky, Kazakh S. B. Baybagambetov, Belarusian P. V. Kostyukhek, hundreds of fighters of other nationalities. Representatives of the 33rd nationalities were awarded a high title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the Forcing of the Dnieper. On the territory of Belarus, fought with an opponent of partisans and underground workers more than 70 nationalities of the USSR, on the territory of Ukraine - more than 60. For the courage and heroism of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on the fronts of the war, 8160 Russians were awarded, 2069 Ukrainians, 309 Belarusians, 161 Tatar, 108 Jews, 96 Kazakhs, 90 Georgians, 69 Uzbeks, 61 Mordvin, 44 Chuvas, etc.

Economy of the Union republics during the war years. From the first days of war, the friendship of Soviet peoples manifested itself and translated into military rails of the country's economy. Evacuation of enterprises to the Eastern Union and Autonomous Republic has led to moving along with them millions of refugees. They were placed in the local families of the Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijanis, and others, who were divided with evacuated Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians not only shelter, but also food. Most of the enterprises evacuated in the Republic of Transcaucasia and Central Asia were left there after the end of the war, significantly strengthened the economic potential of the Union republics.

Representatives of all nations and nationalities of the country participated in the All-Union Socialist Competition, various forms of production of innovatory production. The Russian E. G. Baryshnikov and Georgians N. V. Geladze, Tatar, G. B. Maksudov and Ukrainian E. M. Chukhnyuk performed initiated by the valuable coat. In agriculture, collective farmers of different nationalities were equal to P. N. Angelin, Ch. Bersheva, M. I. Brórsko, T. S. Maltseva, and others.

In all national regions of the country from the first days of the war, the movement of people of different nationalities for collecting funds, clothing and shoes, food to help the army, refugees and migrants. 2.5 thousand combat aircraft, several thousand tanks, 8 submarines, 16 military boats were built on the means of the nations of the country during the war years of tanks, and thousands of guns and mortars were created.

Since 1943, all the peoples of the USSR were included in the creation of a special fund of assistance to liberated areas. The fights still continued, and the workers of different nationalities have already begun the restoration of enterprises in the autonomies of the North Caucasus, the central regions of Russia, in Ukraine and in Belarus.

National movements. The war revived national movements, as a rule, in those regions of the country where the tough policy of the authorities in the pre-war years caused the most powerful protest of the local population. Nationalist organizations were created, which aimed at achieving national independence. The largest of them was the organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN), created in Ukraine in the late 1920s. Similar, but less numerous organizations also acted in Western Belarus, Baltic States, Crimea, the mountainous regions of Chechen-Ingushetia.

With the beginning of the war, especially as German troops approach, the activities of these organizations have intensified. The creation of armed detachments to combat the Red Army began. In Ukraine, OUN created his own Ukrainian rebel army (UPA). The Crimean Muslim Committee, a special party of the Caucasian brothers (Chechen-Ingushetia), and other cases of attacking armed nationalist groups on retreating or surrounded parts of the Red Army, became interested in an armed struggle against Soviet power.

The Germans tried to put national movements in the Western areas of the USSR under their control, in order to facilitate the task of defeating the Red Army. From the prisoners of Soviet soldiers who wished to cooperate with the enemy, the Russian Liberation Army (ROA) was formed under the command of General A. A. Vlasov, as well as battalions and shelves from Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, some nations of the North Caucasus. Many of them were headed by the former generals and officers of the White Army.

However, despite the measures taken, the Germans never managed to create a rather serious military force from national formations and shake the friendship of the peoples of the USSR.

National policy. The activation of national movements could not not cause even greater tightening of the national policy of the country's leadership. Any manifestation of national specifics, and even more armed opposition was declared betrayal. However, in betrayal, not only those who really collaborate with the Germans were accused, but all representatives of this or that nation. The most reactionary feature of the Stalin National Policy was the deportation of whole peoples and the elimination of a number of national autonomy.

In the summer of 1941, the "saboteurs and spies" announced all the German population of the country (almost 1.5 million people), to be evalted in Siberia and Kazakhstan. The Soviet of the Germans Volga region was eliminated. At the same time, more than 50 thousand Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians were deported to Siberia.

In October 1943, almost 70 thousand Karachai were evicted in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and 93 thousand Kalmyks were sent to Siberia. Soon they were immersed in the commodity wagons and sent to the east of 40 thousand Balkars. At the same time, the Balcarians who fought on the front were exiled to Kazakhstan directly from the army.

On February 23, 1944, the most large-scale operation on the deportation of Chechens and Ingush began. People were invited to rallies dedicated to the Day of the Red Army, after which they put on his knees and read the order of eviction. They were given 15-20 minutes to take a nodule with meals and things, after which they drove at the station and uploaded to the commercial wagons. In total, 516 thousand Chechens and Ingush were exported to the east. Soon the Chechen-Ingush ASSR itself was abolished. The authorities tried to destroy the memory of the indigenous people of these places.

In April-May 1944, more than 194 thousand Crimean Tatars were taken out of Crimea to Uzbekistan. Following them, the Armenians, Bulgarians, Greeks were also deported. Partially relocated were touched by Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Ossetians, Abazines, Avarians, Nogai, Lazy, Laktsi, Tavlin, Darginians, Kumyki, Dagestanis.

Losses in the way of following hunger, cold and disease led to huge victims. As a result of the deportation, more than 144 thousand people died, including half of the entire Kalmyk people, each second Balkaret, every third Karachaith.

These cruel repressions caused a new surge of national movements in the post-war years.

What you need to know on this topic:

Socio-economic and political development Russia at the beginning of the XX century. Nicholas II.

Internal policy of tsarism. Nicholas II. Strengthening repression. "Police Socialism."

Russian-Japanese war. Causes, turn, results.

Revolution 1905 - 1907. Character, driving forces and features of the Russian revolution 1905-1907. Stages of revolution. Causes of defeat and value of the revolution.

Elections to the State Duma. I State Duma. Agrarian question in the Duma. Duma overclocking. II State Duma. Coupling June 3, 1907

Treysian political system. Electoral Law on June 3, 1907 III State Duma. Settlement political forces In the Duma. The activities of the Duma. Government terror. The working movement in 1907-1910.

Stolypin agrarian reform.

IV State Duma. Party Composition and Duma factions. The activities of the Duma.

Political crisis in Russia on the eve of the war. Summer movement in the summer of 1914. The crisis of the tops.

International Regulations Russia at the beginning of the XX century.

The beginning of the First World War. Origin and character of war. Russia's accession to war. Attitude towards the war of parties and classes.

Military course. Strategic forces and plans of the parties. Results of war. The role of the Eastern Front in the First World War.

Russia's economy during the First World War.

Working and peasant movement in 1915-1916. Revolutionary movement in the army and fleet. The growth of anti-war moods. Formation of bourgeois opposition.

Pussa culture XIX - early XX century.

The exacerbation of socio-political contradictions in the country in January-February 1917 the beginning, prerequisites and nature of the revolution. Uprising in Petrograd. The formation of the Petrograd Council. Temporary Committee of the State Duma. Order N I. Education of the Provisional Government. Subject of Nicholas II. The causes of the occurrence of dwellers and its essence. February coup in Moscow, at the front, in the province.

From February by October. Provisional government policy regarding war and peace, in agrarian, national, work issues. Relationship between temporary government and advice. Arrival V.I. Lenin to Petrograd.

Political parties (Cadets, Suns, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks): Political programs, influence in the masses.

Crisis of temporary government. Attempting military coup in the country. The growth of revolutionary moods in the masses. Bolshevization of metropolitan councils.

Preparation and holding of an armed uprising in Petrograd.

II. All-Russian Congress Soviets. Decisions on power, peace, land. Formation of government and management bodies. The composition of the first Soviet government.

The victory of armed uprising in Moscow. Government agreement with the left ester. Elections to the Constituent Assembly, convening it and overclocking.

The first socio-economic transformations in the field of industry, agriculture, finance, worker and female issues. Church and state.

Brest peace treaty, its conditions and meaning.

The economic tasks of the Soviet power in the spring of 1918. The aggravation of the food issue. Introduction of food dictatorship. Working jobs. Combs.

Mount of left speakers and collapse of the bipartisan system in Russia.

The first Soviet Constitution.

Causes of interventions I. civil War. Military course. Human and material losses of the period of civil war and military intervention.

The internal policy of the Soviet leadership during the war years. "Military Communism". Plan Goello.

The policy of the new government in relation to culture.

Foreign policy. Contracts with border countries. Russia's participation in the Genoese, Hague, Moscow and Lausanne conferences. The diplomatic recognition of the USSR is the main capitalist countries.

Domestic policy. The socio-economic and political crisis of the beginning of the 20s. Hunger 1921-1922. Transition to new economic Policy. The essence of Nap. NEP in the field of agriculture, trade, industry. Financial reform. Restoration of the economy. Crisis during the NEP period and its turning.

Projects for creating the SSR Union. I Congress of the Councils of the USSR. The first government and the USSR Constitution.

Disease and death V.I. Lenin. Internartian struggle. Start the formation of Stalin's power regime.

Industrialization and collectivization. Development and implementation of the first five-year plans. Socialist competition - purpose, shape, leaders.

Formation and strengthening state system Economy management.

Course on solid collectivization. Spicking.

The results of industrialization and collectivization.

Political, national-state development in the 30s. Internartian struggle. Political repression. Forming a nomenclature as a layer of managers. Stalinist regime and the Constitution of the USSR 1936

Soviet culture in the 20-30s.

Foreign policy of the second half of the 20s - mid-30s.

Domestic policy. Growth of military production. Emergency measures in the field of labor legislation. Measures to solve the grain problem. Armed forces. The increase in the number of the Red Army. Military reform. Repressions against the RKKKA and RKKF team frames.

Foreign policy. Pact for nonsense and the contract on friendship and borders between the USSR and Germany. Entrance of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus in the USSR. Soviet-Finnish war. The inclusion of the republics of the Baltic States and other territories to the USSR.

Periodization of the Great Patriotic War. The initial stage of war. Transformation of the country into a military camp. Military defeats 1941-1942. And their causes. Basic military events. The capitulation of fascist Germany. The participation of the USSR in the war with Japan.

Soviet rear during the war years.

Deportation of peoples.

Partisan struggle.

Human and material losses during the war.

Creature antihytler coalition. Declaration of United Nations. The problem of the second front. Conference "Big Troika". Problems of post-war peaceful settlement and comprehensive cooperation. USSR and the UN.

Start " cold War". Contribution of the USSR into the creation of a" socialist camp ". Education of CEV.

Internal policy of the USSR in the mid-40s - early 50s. Restoration national economy.

Public and political life. Policies in the field of science and culture. Continuation of repression. "Leningrad business." Campaign against cosmopolitanism. "Case doctors."

The socio-economic development of the Soviet society in the mid-50s - the first half of the 60s.

Public and political development: XX Congress of the CPSU and the condemnation of the cult of the personality of Stalin. Rehabilitation of victims of repression and deportations. Internartian struggle in the second half of the 50s.

Foreign Policy: Creation of ATS. Enter Soviet troops in Hungary. The aggravation of Soviet-Chinese relations. Split "Socialist Camp". Soviet-American relations and the Caribbean crisis. USSR and the third world countries. Reducing the number of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Moscow Treaty on the limitation of nuclear tests.

The USSR in the mid-60s - the first half of the 80s.

Socio-economic development: economic reform 1965

Crack of difficulties economic Development. The fall in the pace of socio-economic growth.

Constitution of the USSR 1977

The socio-political life of the USSR in the 1970s - early 1980s.

Foreign Policy: Agreement on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Fastening post-war borders in Europe. Moscow Treaty with FRG. Security and Cooperation Meeting in Europe (CSCE). Soviet-American agreements of the 70s. Soviet-Chinese relations. Enter Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan. The exacerbation of international tensions and the USSR. Strengthening the Soviet-American confrontation in the early 80s.

USSR in 1985-1991

Domestic policy: an attempt to accelerate the socio-economic development of the country. An attempt to reform the political system of the Soviet society. Congresses of people's deputies. Election of the President of the USSR. Multi-Parliament. The aggravation of the political crisis.

Aggravation of the national question. Attempts to reform the National-State Device of the USSR. Declaration on the state sovereignty of the RSFSR. "Novoyagarevsky process." Disintegration of the USSR.

Foreign policy: Soviet-American relations and disarmament problem. Contracts with leading capitalist countries. The conclusion of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan. Changes in relations with the countries of the Socialist Commonwealth. Disintegration of the Council of Economic Mutual Assistance and the Organization of the Warsaw Treaty.

the Russian Federation In 1992-2000

Domestic Policy: " Shock therapy"In economics: price liberalization, stages of privatization of trade and industrial enterprises. Fall of production. Strengthening social tensions. Growing and slowing down the pace of financial inflation. The aggravation of the struggle between executive and legislative power. The dissolution of the Supreme Council and the Congress of People's Deputies. October Events 1993 local bodies of Soviet power. Elections to the Federal Assembly. Constitution of the Russian Federation 1993. Formation of the Presidential Republic. The exacerbation and overcoming of national conflicts in the North Caucasus.

Parliamentary elections 1995 Presidential elections 1996 Power and opposition. Attempt to return to the course liberal reforms (Spring 1997) and its failure. The financial crisis of August 1998: Causes, Economic and political consequences. "The Second Chechen War." Parliamentary elections in 1999 and early presidential elections 2000. Foreign policy: Russia in the CIS. Participation of Russian troops in the "hot spots" of neighboring countries: Moldova, Georgia, Tajikistan. Relations of Russia with foreign countries. The withdrawal of Russian troops from Europe and neighboring countries. Russian-American agreements. Russia and NATO. Russia and the Council of Europe. Yugoslav crises (1999-2000) and the position of Russia.

  • Danilov A.A., Kososulina L.G. The history of the states and peoples of Russia. XX century.

During the classes

I. Introductory part.

II. The main stage.

4. National policy.

Homework: p.35

Topic: Peoples of the USSR in the fight against the German fascism

Purpose: expand the horizons of students.

Educational: repeat, summarize and consolidate educational material.

Correctional and developing: the development of speech, enrichment of the active dictionary, thinking of students; Development of communicative skills, check the skill of students to work with the card and with additional literature.

Equipment: Computer, Presentation, Map "Common World War II (1.IX.1939 - 2.IX.1945),

Portraits soviet military commander, prominent partisans, students of underground movement, political and public figures; Reproduction of paintings.

During the classes

I. Introductory part.

II. The main stage (study of the new material).

III. Summing up the consolidation of the material.

II. The main stage.

1.Mnogonational Soviet people on the fronts of war.

2. Economics of the Union republics during the war years.

3. National movements during the war years.

4. National policy.

3. Tell us about the attempts of the Hitler's leadership to use national movements in the USSR. What are the results of these attempts? Why did they end in general unsuccessful?

4. Determine your attitude to collaborationism during the war years. Is it possible to justify the actions of the collaborators of the idea of \u200b\u200bfighting the Stalinist regime?

Homework: p.35

We recommend to read
