Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze. Biography

Engineering systems 13.10.2019
Engineering systems

Name: Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze

State: Russian empire, USSR

Field of activity: Revolutionary, commander of the Red Army

Greatest achievement: Successful fighting into the Civil War. Victory over the armies of Kolchak and Wrangel

Mikhail Frunze was born into the family of a paramedic in January 1885 in Kyrgyzstan.

He entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute.

As a result of active work in the name of revolutionary ideas, Mikhail was arrested and even sentenced to death. But each time, under the pressure of public opinion, the execution was replaced by hard labor in Siberia.

During military operations in Turkestan and the Caucasus, he discovered the talent of a military commissar, revealing himself as a far-sighted strategist and tactician.

Despite the lack of military education, he is appointed commander.

A man who went through hard labor, military operations in the fields civil war, who had so many ideas and plans, could not resist a heart attack.

Mikhail Frunze was born into the family of a paramedic in January 1885 in Kyrgyzstan. He was left without a father early, but thanks to the efforts of his mother, he graduated from the gymnasium with excellent marks and entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. Participation in the events of 1905 led to expulsion from the institute, but brought him even closer to the revolutionaries and strengthened his choice. As a result of active work in the name of revolutionary ideas, Mikhail was arrested and even sentenced to death. But each time, under the pressure of public opinion, the execution was replaced by hard labor in Siberia.

In 1916, upon returning to Moscow, he received the post of head of the Minsk police, but the Civil War changed his life. During military operations in Turkestan and the Caucasus, he discovered the talent of a military commissar, revealing himself as a far-sighted strategist and tactician. At the end of the Civil War, he returned to Moscow and was a member of the Council of People's Commissars. As an educated and deeply decent person, he enjoys great respect among the people and party colleagues.


After being expelled from the institute, young Mikhail Frunze settled in Ivano-Voznesensk. There he caught the revolution of 1905. In the same place, he shot at an official, for which in 1907, by court order, he was sent to hard labor, which seriously undermined his health. He came out of hard labor a convinced Bolshevik.

Returning back to Ivanovo-Voznesensk, he continued his agitation and became the leader of the labor movement in the city. There he met the revolution of 1917 and soon became the commissar of the Yaroslavl military district, along the way creating workers' self-defense units.

Civil War

During the Civil War, Mikhail Vasilyevich fights in the East, where he has to fight against the admiral. Despite the lack of military education, he is appointed commander. Many doubted: will it work? But he not only managed, but was also recommended for the post of Commander-in-Chief of a group consisting of 4 armies.

Frunze was sent to where it was necessary to quickly assess the combat situation and immediately begin to act. He passed through the Urals, Bukhara, Turkestan, fought against in Ukraine. One of the most difficult operations was the assault on the Perekop fortifications - a fierce battle, as a result of which the city was wiped off the face of the earth.

Thanks to the Perekop operation, the army under the command of Frunze occupied the Crimea. Later there was the organization of the armed forces in Ukraine, the fight against banditry. The next stage was party work in Moscow.

It was planned that he would also head the Fleet. But fate decreed otherwise. A man who went through hard labor, military operations on the fields of the civil war, who had so many ideas and plans, could not resist a heart attack.

In the newspaper "Izvestia" dated November 13, 1925, a speech by Leon Trotsky dedicated to the memory of Frunze was published. Trotsky was persecuted as part of the "witch hunt", it was only the beginning of an era Stalinist repressions. Under pressure from the trio of leaders Zinoviev-Kamenev-Stalin, Trotsky was forced to leave his post, and Frunze took the place of the military commissar. The positions of Frunze and Zinoviev converged on many issues.

But, despite the fact of his resignation, he respected Frunze as a comrade-in-arms in promoting the ideas of Bolshevism. Here is a part of Trotsky's speech dedicated to the memory of Frunze:

Per last years we lose one by one the best sons Soviet country. On October 31, I received a telegram signed by Comrade Stalin, which said that Frunze had died. We all knew that Frunze was ill, but who among the older generation of fighters for our cause is not ill now? Everyone believed that Frunze would definitely return to duty. I tried to read something encouraging between the lines of the telegram, but the fact remains that Frunze is no longer with us. One of the most worthy fighters has passed away and will be buried near the Kremlin wall, on Red Square. My first desire was to go to his colleagues and together with them pay tribute to the memory and respect for this man. Whole Soviet Union these days he wears mourning, flags are flown at half mast in memory of the glorious fighter. Being in Kislovodsk, I am mentally near and in solidarity with the leadership of the country and all progressive forces. The Communist Party has lost one of its best sons.

85 years ago, on October 31, 1925, the 40-year-old chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs Mikhail Frunze died in the Botkin hospital after a stomach operation. The causes of his death are still being debated among historians, politicians, and medical experts.

Version of the writer Pilnyak

Officially, the newspapers of that time reported that Mikhail Frunze had a stomach ulcer. The doctors decided to perform an operation. It was held on October 29, 1925 by Dr. V. N. Rozanov. He was assisted by doctors I. I. Grekov and A. V. Martynov, anesthesia was performed by A. D. Ochkin. In general, the operation was successful. However, after 39 hours, Frunze died "with symptoms of heart paralysis." 10 minutes after his death on the night of October 31, I. V. Stalin, A. I. Rykov, A. S. Bubnov, I. S. Unshlikht, A. S. Yenukidze and A. I. Mikoyan arrived at the hospital. The body was examined. The dissector wrote down: the underdevelopment of the aorta and arteries discovered during the autopsy, as well as the preserved thymus gland, are the basis for the assumption of the body's instability in relation to anesthesia and its poor resistance to infection. The main question - why did heart failure occur, leading to death - remained unanswered. Confusion about this leaked to the press. The note "Comrade Frunze is recovering", published by Rabochaya Gazeta just on the day of his death, saw the light of day. At work meetings they asked: why was the operation done; why Frunze agreed to it, if one can live with an ulcer anyway; what is the cause of death; Why is misinformation published in a popular newspaper? In this regard, the doctor Grekov gave an interview, published with variations in various publications. According to him, the operation was necessary, since the patient was in danger of sudden death; Frunze himself asked to be operated on as soon as possible; the operation belonged to the category of relatively easy and was performed according to all the rules of surgical art, but anesthesia was difficult; the unfortunate outcome was also explained by the unforeseen events discovered during the autopsy.

The end of the interview was pointedly politicized: no one was allowed to see the patient after the operation, but when Frunze was informed that Stalin had sent him a note, he asked to read this note and smiled joyfully. Here is her text: “Friend! I visited Comrade Rozanov today at 5 pm (me and Mikoyan). They wanted to come to you, they didn’t let me in, the ulcer. We had to submit to the force. Don't be sad, my dear. Hello. We will come, we will come… Koba.”

Grekov's interview fueled distrust of the official version even more. All the gossip on this topic was collected by the writer Pilnyak, who created The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon, where everyone recognized Frunze as Commander Gavrilov, who died during the operation. Part of the circulation of Novy Mir, where the story was published, was confiscated, thereby, as it were, confirming the version of the murder. Director Yevgeny Tsymbal repeated this version once again in his film "The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon", in which he created a romantic and martyr image of a "real revolutionary" who swung at unshakable dogmas.

Romantic "folk bloodletting"

But let's see what kind of romantic was the country's youngest military commissar in reality.

From February 1919 M.V. Frunze consistently led several armies operating on the Eastern Front against the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral A.V. Kolchak. In March, he became commander of the Southern Group of this front. Parts subordinate to him were so carried away by looting and robbery local population that completely decomposed, and Frunze sent telegrams to the Revolutionary Military Council more than once with a request to send him other soldiers. Desperate to get an answer, he began to recruit his own replenishment " natural method”: took out trains with bread from Samara and invited people left without food to join the Red Army.

More than 150,000 people took part in the peasant uprising against Frunze in the Samara Territory. The uprising was drowned in blood. Frunze's reports to the Revolutionary Military Council are full of figures of people shot under his leadership. For example, in the first ten days of May 1919, he killed about 1,500 peasants (whom Frunze calls "bandits and kulaks" in his report).

In September 1920, Frunze was appointed commander of the Southern Front, acting against the army of General P.N. Wrangel. He led the capture of Perekop and the occupation of the Crimea. In November 1920, Frunze addressed the officers and soldiers of the army of General Wrangel with the promise of complete forgiveness if they remained in Russia. After the occupation of Crimea, all these servicemen were ordered to register (refusal to register was punishable by execution). Then the soldiers and officers of the White Army, who believed Frunze, were arrested and shot directly according to these registration lists. In total, during the Red Terror in the Crimea, 50-75 thousand people were shot or drowned in the Black Sea.

So it is unlikely that any romantic associations were associated with the name of Frunze in the popular mind. Although, of course, many then might not have known about the military "arts" of Mikhail Vasilyevich. Most dark sides he carefully concealed his biography.

His own commentary on the order to reward Bela Kun and Zemlyachka for atrocities in Sevastopol is known. Frunze warned that the awarding of orders should be done secretly, so that the public would not know what exactly these "heroes of the civil war" were awarded for.

In a word, Frunze fit perfectly into the system. Therefore, many historians believe that Frunze's death was purely due to a medical error - an overdose of anesthesia. The reasons are as follows: Frunze was a protege of Stalin, a politician completely loyal to the leader. In addition, it was only 1925 - 12 years before the execution of the 37th. The leader did not yet dare to carry out "purges". But there are facts that are hard to dismiss.

A series of "accidental" disasters

The fact is that 1925 was marked by a whole series of "accidental" disasters. In the beginning - a series of tragic incidents with senior officials of Transcaucasia.

On March 19, in Moscow, the chairman of the Union Council of the TSFSR and one of the chairmen of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, N. N. Narimanov, suddenly died “from a heartbreak”.

On March 22, the First Secretary of the Zakkraykom of the RCP (b) A.F. Myasnikov, the chairman of the ZakChK S.G. Mogilevsky and the authorized representative of the People's Commissariat of Posts and Telegraphs G.A. Atarbekov, who flew with them, died in a plane crash.

On August 27, near New York, under unclear circumstances, E. M. Sklyansky, Trotsky’s permanent deputy during the civil war, was removed from military activity in the spring of 1924 and appointed chairman of the board of the Mossukno trust, and chairman of the board joint-stock company"Amtorg" I. Ya. Khurgin.

On August 28, at the Parovo station near Moscow, a longtime acquaintance of Frunze, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the 6th Army, died under a train during the Perekop operation, a member of the bureau of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk provincial party committee, chairman of the Aviatrust V. N. Pavlov.

Around the same time, F.Ya. Yes, and Mikhail Vasilyevich himself fell out of a car at full speed in early September, the door of which for some reason turned out to be faulty, and miraculously survived. So the “eliminations”, apparently, have already begun. Another question is whether Stalin or someone else from the political elite had a reason to eliminate Frunze? Who did he cross the road to? Let's turn to the facts.

Participant of the "cave meeting"

In the summer of 1923, in a grotto near Kislovodsk, a secret meeting of the party elite was held under the leadership of Zinoviev and Kamenev, later called the "cave". It was attended by vacationers in the Caucasus and party leaders of that time invited from nearby regions. At first, this was hidden from Stalin. Although the question was discussed specifically about limiting his powers in connection with Lenin's serious illness.

None of the participants in this meeting (except Voroshilov, who, most likely, was the leader's eyes and ears there) died a natural death. Frunze was present there as a military component of the "putsch". Could Stalin have forgotten this?

Another fact. In 1924, at the initiative of Frunze, a complete reorganization of the Red Army was carried out. He achieved the abolition of the institution of political commissars in the army - they were replaced by assistant commanders for political affairs without the right to interfere in command decisions.

In 1925, Frunze made a number of transfers and appointments in the command staff, as a result of which military districts, corps and divisions were headed by military personnel selected on the basis of military qualifications, but not on the basis of communist loyalty. Stalin's former secretary B.G. Bazhanov recalled: "I asked Mekhlis what Stalin thought about these appointments?" What does Stalin think? Mehlis asked. - Nothing good. Look at the list: all these Tukhachevskys, Korkis, Uboreviches, Avksentievs - what kind of communists they are. All this is good for the 18th Brumaire, and not for the Red Army.

In addition, Frunze was loyal to the party opposition, which Stalin did not tolerate at all. “Of course, shades should be and will be. After all, we have 700,000 party members leading a colossal country, and it is impossible to demand that these 700,000 people think the same way on every issue, ”wrote the People’s Commissar for Military Affairs.

Against this background, an article about Frunze, The New Russian Leader, appeared in the English monthly Airplane. “In this man,” the article said, “all the constituent elements of the Russian Napoleon were united.” The article became known to the party leadership. According to Bazhanov, Stalin saw in Frunze the future Bonaparte and expressed strong dissatisfaction with this. Then he suddenly showed a touching concern for Frunze, saying: “We do not at all monitor the precious health of our the best workers”, after which the Politburo almost forced Frunze to agree to the operation.

Bazhanov (and not only him) believed that Stalin killed Frunze in order to appoint his own man, Voroshilov, in his place (Bazhanov V.G. Memoirs of Stalin's former secretary. M., 1990. P. 141). They say that during the operation, just the anesthesia was used, which Frunze could not endure due to the characteristics of the organism.

Of course, this version has not been proven. And yet it is quite plausible.

Mikhail Frunze is a famous party leader and military leader of the Red Army during the Civil War. During the revolutions and the war he was known under the pseudonym Arseniy. Frunze is known as a military theoretician.

Mikhail Vasilyevich was born in the family of a military paramedic. The place of birth was the Kirghiz SSR. Father - Vasily Mikhailovich - served in Pishpek, where his son, the future "red" military leader, was born. Mother was the daughter of a Narodnaya Volya.

He was educated in the city of Verny (modern Alma-Ata) - the gymnasium gave the future revolutionary not only good knowledge, but also for the first time showed the breadth of revolutionary ideas. Frunze was engaged in a circle of self-education. After high school he studied at the University in St. Petersburg. During the years of study in higher educational institution became a true revolutionary by joining the Bolshevik Party.

Beginning of party work

Having joined the Social Democratic Party, Frunze began to actively participate in the political and public life of the country. He was arrested for the first time, and during the revolutionary events of Bloody Sunday he was wounded.

After Bloody Sunday, the revolutionary said that it was this event that became decisive in his future activities. The revolution of 1905-1907 developed in him an active personality, a revolutionary with an excellent talent as an organizer. Conducted party activities during the entire revolution in Moscow. He became a member of the committee of the RSDLP.

In May-July 1905, a strike of textile workers from Ivanovo-Voznesensk was organized. Frunze acted not only as an active participant, but as one of the organizers of the events. In addition, he became one of the participants in the uprising in Moscow in December 1905.

The development of Frunze's personality was influenced by his acquaintance with V. Lenin. This event took place during the congress of the RSDLP, which was held in Stockholm in 1906.

After being elected as a delegate to the Fifth Congress, he was arrested and convicted for party activities. Frunze was sentenced to several years in hard labor. When Mikhail Vasilyevich was serving his sentence, he participated in several acts of armed resistance to the police. For attempting physical violence against a guard, he was sentenced to death, but the sentence was commuted and replaced by tougher conditions and 6 years of hard labor.

At the time when the First World War, Frunze stayed in places of exile and several hard labor prisons. In 1915, he managed to escape - he lived under an assumed name and worked as an extra. Frunze's goal was to return to Moscow - for this he had to change his name again (he was known under the surname Mikhailov).

The Zemstvo Union sent Frunze-Mikhailov to Belarus, where he dealt with the supply of the Western Front. Frunze's competence extended to providing the rear. At the time when the revolution of 1917 began in Russia, Frunze was appointed as a guard of order in Minsk. During the war, Mikhailov-Frunze continued to engage in party revolutionary work.

The October Revolution and the Civil War: the activities of Mikhail Frunze

After the Kornilov uprising, Frunze was one of the fighters against this anti-revolutionary movement. He showed himself most actively and fully during October revolution. He arrived to fight against anti-revolutionary elements with an armed detachment from the city of Shuya, where he was engaged in party work.

During the revolution, Frunze was a military commissar, and at the end of 1918 he was appointed commander of the Reds on the Eastern Front. He actively fought against the "white" troops. The most successful were the operations carried out by the "Reds" against the troops of Alexander Kolchak.

Under the command of Frunze, the Red Army successfully advanced to the East - towards the Urals. At the second stage of the war, this region was under the control of the "whites" for some time. Frunze managed to drive out the "whites" and seize the territories of the Middle and Northern Urals.

At the third stage of the fighting of the Civil War, Frunze was sent to Central Asia. On the Turkestan front, he successfully carried out an operation during which the "whites" were defeated, and Bolshevik Russia restored contact with Turkestan. AT Central Asia Frunze's activities did not end with operations in Turkestan - he continued the fight against the anti-Bolshevik regimes in Bukhara and Khiva. On the territory of Central Asia, the Bolshevik regime was established largely thanks to Mikhail Frunze.

After the events in Central Asia, Frunze's troops were sent to the Crimea. There he fought against the "white" troops of Wrangel. Frunze successfully conducted operations in Tavria and the Crimea and was appointed commander of the Ukrainian troops.

As a commander, he proved himself to be a decisive leader, accurately calculating each blow, an excellent tactician and strategist, who always accurately singled out the main points of impact in order to weaken the enemy as much as possible.

In 1921-22, when an important peace treaty was signed between the Ukrainian SSR and Turkey, Frunze was the head of a diplomatic mission.

After the end of the Civil War

When the hostilities ended, Frunze became deputy people's commissar for military and naval affairs. In addition, he served as head of the military academy. In the mid-20s, when the military reform was carried out, he was one of the leaders and ideological inspirers of this event. He occupied a significant place in the Central Committee of the RCP (b).

After the war, Frunze published his works based on military experience. Frunze's writings were aimed at strengthening the military power of the USSR.

Frunze's death is one of the mysteries of history. The main version is that the cause of death was blood poisoning after a stomach operation. Unofficial sources said that Frunze's death was a consequence of his political influence - he was killed by opponents.

The military leader died in 1925.

Representatives of the younger generation of the modern era, including schoolchildren and students, hardly remember that during the years of the birth of Soviet power, this man was a major and authoritative figure on the political Olympus. But today, young men and women are presented with a whole arsenal of modern sources, from which it will not be difficult for them to find out what his biography was. Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich is both a revolutionary and statesman, and an army commander, and a military theorist.

Many historiographers tend to believe that the life of this hero of the revolution resembles a novel with a fascinating plot. Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze, short biography who was known to all pioneers and Komsomol members, was twice sentenced to death, but reckless prowess saved him from this terrible fate. However, the death of a revolutionary, which occurred in 1925, is covered with an aura of mystery.

Political scientists and historians put forward the most odious versions of his death. Some believe that this is the work of the "leader of the peoples", others believe that Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose brief biography has long been carefully studied by scientists, was mortally wounded while hunting, others argue that one of the doctors during the operation unsuccessfully made anesthesia "poisonous "Chloroform. One way or another, but the point in this matter will not be put soon. So who is he, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose brief biography is today described by historians in all details? Let's consider this question.

Years of childhood and youth

So, Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze. It will not be possible to briefly talk about him, since all stages of his life contain many remarkable and interesting facts.

He was born on February 2, 1885 in Kyrgyzstan ( locality Pishpek). The father of the future revolutionary worked as a simple paramedic in Turkestan. Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, whose brief biography is little known to modern youth, received his secondary education in today's capital of Kazakhstan (then the city of Verny). Moreover, for special diligence in studies, the young man was awarded a gold medal.

student time

In 1904, Frunze went to the city on the Neva and became a student at the Polytechnic University.

It was then that young man views began to take shape political structure in the country. Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich chose the path of a romantic idealist, who generally supported the theory of populism. However, he interpreted it in his own way: it is not necessary to be useful in the countryside or work for the good of the village, work can be done in the city, the main thing is to actively contact workers in factories.


And after a while, Frunze's political views underwent significant changes. Mikhail Vasilievich transformed into an ardent anti-statist, becoming a radicalist with a clearly "leftist" bias. The young man soon left the university, concentrating his efforts on revolutionary propaganda.

In 1904, Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich, whose photo had previously been published in textbooks on the history of the USSR, became a member of the RSDLP. He participated in the events of the First Revolution in Russia and was wounded in the hand. After that, the pseudonym "Comrade Arseny" was firmly entrenched in Mikhail Frunze (many associates knew his other "call signs" - Vasilenko, Trifonych, Mikhailov).

The revolutionary began underground work to overthrow tsarism in Russia. Soon he initiates a strike of textile workers in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, rallying around him a fairly large team of like-minded people. In the same city Frunze Mikhail Vasilyevich ( real name in the "party" environment - Mikhailov, Vasilenko) creates the Soviet of Workers' Deputies. Subsequently, he will repeatedly use this political platform for pickets, demonstrations, processions.

At the end of 1905, Mikhail Vasilyevich, together with his associates, took part in an armed uprising that broke out in the capital on Presnya. Soon fate brings Frunze to the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ulyanov. Their acquaintance takes place at the next congress of the RSDLP, which was organized in the Swedish capital.

Terror and exile

Carrying out revolutionary work, Frunze often resorted to terror. For example, at the beginning of 1907, Mikhail Vasilyevich initiated an attack to seize the Shuya printing house, as a result of which a law enforcement officer was injured. The sentence for the revolutionary turned out to be more than severe: he was twice sentenced to death. But the public prevented justice. Some of its representatives considered the punishment excessively cruel, in the end the authorities made concessions, mitigating Frunze's punishment. Mikhail Vasilievich was exiled to hard labor, and then sent to Siberia in the status of an exile (Irkutsk province).

And he had to stay in it until the end of his days.

Return to the underground work of a revolutionary

In 1916 he escaped from exile. First, he ends up in Irkutsk, then in Chita, where, under the name Vasilenko, he gets a job at the local resettlement department. But party comrades did not forget about Mikhail Vasilyevich. His place in the party was one of the key ones. Frunze receives a task: to ensure revolutionary work among the soldiers. After some time in the army, he was able to establish himself as an experienced propagandist and revolutionary. In 1917, a landmark for the country, "Trifonych" fought on the side of the revolutionaries in Moscow.

After October

When the Bolsheviks were able to seize power in the country, the nature of the work performed by Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich also changed. Interesting Facts from his biography only confirm that he simply had to make a dizzying career in political sphere. Before the October Revolution, its main task was to demoralize the army and abolish bourgeois state institutions. After the victory of the Bolsheviks, he was elected a deputy of the Constituent Assembly from the "left".

In 1918, Frunze headed the Ivanovo-Voznesensky Provincial Committee of the RCP(b) and received the post of military commissar of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Governorate. After some time, Mikhail Vasilievich was entrusted with the duties of the military commissar of the Yaroslavl military district, to which eight provinces were subordinate.

Shortly before this, an uprising broke out in Yaroslavl against the new government, so Frunze needed to consolidate soldiers loyal to Bolshevism around him, who would become the backbone of the Red Army.

The essence of the military

Of course, "Trifonych" did not have wide theoretical knowledge in terms of competent and flawless preparation and conduct of combat operations. However, Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich in the Civil War tried to use the knowledge and experience of military experts, albeit former officers. He regularly contacted people competent in military affairs, asking them for advice on how to act in a given situation. Naturally, Frunze filled in his gaps in the theory of the art of combat with the help of specialized literature. One way or another, but the fact that Mikhail Vasilievich possessed leadership qualities, thanks to which he was able to rally and lead numerous detachments of the Red Army, it would be a mistake to question it. He himself did not hesitate to take a rifle and personal example show how to deal with the enemy. And as a result of such battles in 1919, in the vicinity of Ufa, Frunze received a shell shock.

But the main merit of the revolutionary was that he was able to quickly establish and coordinate the work of headquarters and mobilize the rear in emergency situations.

Victories at the front

In 1919, "Trifonych" led the 4th Army of the Eastern Front and began to lead the Southern Group of Forces of the front, which entered into resistance with the White Guard forces, Frunze conducted several successful military operations (Buguruslan, Belebeiskaya, Ufimskaya), as a result of which the positions of the Whites were first pushed back to the Urals, and then to Siberia.

Then Mikhail Vasilyevich ended up on the Turkestan front. He was able to break through the blockade of Turkestan and liberate the province from the Whites. Frunze won battles with the Separate Orenburg, Separate Ural, Southern, Semerechinsky armies.

At the next stage of his military career, Mikhail Vasilyevich wages war on the Southern Front against General Wrangel. After the end of the Civil War, Frunze gained fame as a commander in the fight against the Ural Cossacks, Kolchak and Wrangel.

In the early 20s, "Trifonych" fought in Ukraine with criminal elements and Makhno's detachments, where he received a bullet.

Later career

When the peak of the political confrontation between Stalin and Trotsky came, Frunze headed the Headquarters of the Red Army and became an assistant to the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. Some time later, he was entrusted with the responsible post of people's commissar for military and naval affairs. In this capacity, he continued to reform the army along the lines of Trotsky. At the same time, Mikhail Vasilievich did not join the ranks of Stalin's group, adhering to neutrality in the political confrontation.

But in the army, "Trifonovich" enjoyed great prestige, which could not but alarm the representatives of the political elite of the USSR.


He died in the autumn of 1925 on the operating table. Recently, Frunze has worsened pain in the abdomen. Doctors repeatedly recorded internal bleeding in Mikhail Vasilyevich. According to doctors, the cause of death was a general blood poisoning.

In the Soviet Union, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, a city in Moldova, numerous villages and towns, motor ships, Mountain peaks in the Pamirs and an airfield in Moscow. An outstanding figure in the revolutionary movement, the author of the first Soviet military doctrine, a reformer of the Red Army. He became a legend during his lifetime and is still perceived by many of us, especially the older generation, as a legend.

Biography of Mikhail Frunze

He was the son of a Moldavian and a Russian peasant woman. The surname Frunze in translation from the Moldavian language means "green leaf". Mikhail was born on January 21, 1885 in the Kyrgyz city of Bishkek. His father was a military paramedic, passed away when the boy was only 12 years old. The mother alone raised five children. Mikhail graduated from the gymnasium with a gold medal. He knew seven foreign languages and recited the whole of Eugene Onegin by heart. Frunze himself wrote poetry in his youth, however, under a somewhat sinister pseudonym - "Ivan Mogila". The young man dreamed of becoming an economist, for which he entered the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. However, even in the gymnasium, he became interested in revolutionary ideas.

In 1904 he became a member. Soon he was arrested for the first time, and then expelled from the institute as unreliable. During a manifestation on Palace Square in St. Petersburg, known as "Bloody Sunday", he was wounded. Frunze received the party pseudonym "Comrade Arseniy". He is assigned to work in Moscow, as well as in nearby cities - Voznesensk and Shuya. He took an active part in the December armed uprising in Moscow. He was repeatedly arrested by the police, and twice was even sentenced to death.

Thanks to the efforts of lawyers both times the death penalty was replaced by ten years of hard labor. Conclusion Frunze served in the Vladimir, Alexandrov and Nikolaev hard labor prisons. After seven years of imprisonment, he was sent to a settlement in the Irkutsk province. There he creates an underground organization of exiles. He runs to Chita and lives on a false passport. In 1916 he returned to Moscow. serves as chief of the Minsk police. Frunze is elected Chairman of the Council of Deputies in the Minsk province.

During the revolutionary days, Mikhail Vasilyevich falls in love and marries Sophia Koltanovskaya. From this marriage two children were born. In 1918, Frunze became the military commissar of the Yaroslavl military district. Interestingly, until this moment he had never served in the army. During the civil war he commanded the Turkestan army. Then it is transferred to Eastern front and to Turkmenistan, where he became extremely famous cruel ways fight against the Basmachi. Defended Samara from Kolchak. After a brilliant victory over Kolchak, Frunze was entrusted with the command of the Turkestan Front. Soon Turkestan becomes Soviet.

In the autumn of 1920, Frunze finishes off the remnants of the baron's army in the Crimea. The soldiers of the white army were guaranteed forgiveness. Tens of thousands believed it, and paid with their lives. Until 1924, Frunze occupied many leadership positions and took part in punitive operations against that part of the population that continued to be in opposition to the Bolsheviks. He receives the second Order of the Red Banner for the defeat of Makhno's troops. For the first time in the history of the Soviet Republic, he is holding diplomatic negotiations with Turkey.

By military reform unity of command was introduced in the army, its number was significantly reduced. The influence of the political departments on the command staff of the army has significantly decreased. After Trotsky's political defeat, Frunze replaced him in all command posts. He died on October 31, 1925 as a result of an unsuccessful operation to remove a stomach ulcer.

  • The writer Boris Pilnyak, in The Tale of the Unextinguished Moon, considered Frunze's death a disguised political assassination from outside.

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