Which of the Soviet pilots first produced a ram. First Night Air Taran

The buildings 23.09.2019
The buildings

Famous fact, the first aviators did not fought in the sky, but welcomed each other.
In 1911 and the French and Russians simultaneously equipped aircraft with machine guns and rushed the era of air battles. In the absence of pylons, a ram was used.

Taran - acceptance of an aviation battle, designed to derive an opponent's aircraft, terrestrial goal or a pedestrian.
For the first time was applied by Peter Nesterov on September 8, 1914 against the Austrian scout aircraft.

There are several types of Taranov: the punch of the chassis on the wing, a shot with a propeller on the tail plumage, blow by the wing, blow by the fuselage, punch with a tail (Taran I. Sh. Bikmukhametova)
Taran, performed by I. Sh. Bikmukhametov, during the Great Patriotic War: Going to the head of the enemy with a slide and turning bikmukhametov, hit the tail of his aircraft on the wing of the enemy. As a result, the enemy lost control, fell into a corkscrew and crashed, and Bikmukhametov could even bring his aircraft to the airfield and land safely.
Taran V. A. Kulyapina Taran S. P. Subbotina, a taran on the jet fighter, was used in air combat in Korea. Subbotin fell into a situation where the enemy caught up at the decline. After releasing the brake shields, Subbotin dropped the speed, actually substituting his plane under the blow. As a result of the collision, the enemy was destroyed, Subbotin managed to catapult and stayed alive.


The first air ram applied Peter Nesterov on September 8, 1914 against the Austrian scout aircraft.


During the war, 28 opponent aircraft were shot down, of which one in the group, and 4 aircraft shot down Taran. In three cases, the Coversan on his aircraft MiG-3 returned to the airfield. On August 13, 1942, on the aircraft La-5, Captain Kovzan discovered a group of bombers and opponent fighters. In battle with them, he was chosen, he wounded his eyes, and then the CZZAN sent his plane to the enemy bomber. From the blow of the CZZAN, he dropped from the cab and from a height of 6000 meters with a non-fully discontinued parachute, he fell into a swamp, breaking the leg and a few Ryubers.


There was a damaged plane to the nominal target. According to reporters, Vorobyov and Rybas, the burning aircraft Gastello made a taran of a mechanized column of enemy technician. At night, the peasants from the nearby village of Deccents removed the corpses of pilots from the plane and, wrapped the body into parachutes, buried them next to the place of falling a bombarder. The feat of Gastello was to some extent canonized. The first taran in the history of the Great Patriotic War committed the Soviet pilot D. V. Kokorev on June 22, 1941 approximately 4 hours 15 minutes ( for a long time The author of the first Taran in the history of the Great Patriotic War was considered to be I. I. Ivanov, but in fact he made his randa for 10 minutes. Later Kokorev)


On the Light Bombarder Su-2 shot down one German fighter ME-109, the second tagged. From the blow of the wing in the fuselage "Messerschmitt" broke in half, and the Su-2 exploded, while the pilot was thrown out of the cab.


The first on August 7, 1941 applied the night Taran, hitting the HE-111 bomber near Moscow. At the same time he left alive.


On December 20, 1943 in his first air combat, destroyed two American bomber B-24 "Libertor" - the first of the machine gun, and the second air rag.


February 13, 1945 in the southern part Baltic Sea When an end transport attack is a displacement of 6000 tons to the plane of Nosova V. P. got a projectile, the plane began to fall, but the pilot sent his burning plane directly to the transport and destroyed it. The crew of the aircraft died.


May 20, 1942 flew by plane and-153 to interception of the JU-88 enemy intelligence officer, photographed military facilities in the city of Yelts Lipetsk region. The opponent's airplane fell, but he remained in the air and continued flight. Barkovsky talked his plane to the ram and destroyed the JU-88. Pilot died in a collision.


On November 28, 1973, a Taran F-4 "Phantom" of Iran's Air Force was performed on the MiG-21cm jet fighter (in violation of the last state border of the USSR in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mugan Valley of AzSSR), the captain of the city of Eliseev died.

10 Kuliapin Valentin (Taran Kulyapin)

Made a Tranio Airplane CL-44 (LV-JTN room, Transportes Aeree Rioplatense airline, Argentina), which made a secret transport flight along the Tel Aviv - Tehran route and unintentionally invaded to Armenia's airspace.

Last time we disassembled. Today I would like to remind you about the existence of another type of tasks - this is the eighth task of the EGE (in addition to information). It is devoted to the events of the Great Patriotic War, that is, all questions in this task will be associated with the period of 1941-1945. Let's see what is the task in the demo version of the USE.

Exercise 1

A) ____ Conference "Big Troika" took place in 1943

Missed elements:

    Yalta (Crimean)

    N.F. Gastello

    Station Prokhorovka


    V. V. Talaliahi

    Dubosekovo crossing


Three proposals, six missed elements. The answer is made as follows: under the letter you write a suitable digit, and then in the answer form No. 1 transfer the resulting combination of numbers.

We read offers.

A) _____ The conference "Big Troika" took place in 1943

We know that the "big troika" - the leaders of the USSR, the USA and the United Kingdom - they met three times: in Tehran, in Yalta and Potsdam. What are the options in the missed elements? Yalta (Crimean) and Tehran conferences. 1943 is the Tehran Conference. The Yalta conference was held in February 1945. But you can, if you doubt, think so: in general, in the Crimea at the end of 1943 it was possible to meet the meeting of state leaders? In order to make a meeting in the Crimea, you need it to be released to german fascist troops Were moved from the territory very far. Otherwise, how to secure security? That is, Yalta and 1943 are not combined.

B) One of the first taranans in the night air battle was made by the Soviet pilot ___, knocked up an enemy bomber at the approaches to Moscow.

What surnames do we have? N. F. Gastello and V. V. Talalikhin. Remember: Gastello - the commander of the crew, who sent a knockdown burning plane into a column military equipment. These are summer battles in Belarus. Talalikhin is a pilot who made the first night tranue in the battles near Moscow. Choose this surname - 5.

C) During the Kursk battle, the largest tank battle in ___.

There are options for answers: Station Prokhorovka and Dubosek's travel. We remember. This is generally a very famous battle. About 1,200 tanks at both sides participated in the battle near Prokhorovka. Well, Dubosek's travel, if you remember, is associated with a Moscow battle, where heroes-Panfilovtsy can be said, the path of the Nazis were blocked by their lives. The famous words of Politruck Klochkov: "Great Russia, and nowhere to retreat: behind Moscow." That is, we choose paragraph 3.

As a result, it turned out such a combination of numbers: 453. We are transferred to this combination of numbers in the answer form number one.

Task 2.

Let's draw another task on one task.

Fill in passages in these proposals using the list below: for each sentence, indicated by the letter and containing the skip, select the number of the desired item.

Missed elements:

    Kursk battle

  1. Nuremberg

    Operation "Bagration"

Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

Let's decide this task.

A) completed the root fracture ___.

It is clear that this is some kind of battle. What battles we have in the list? Kursk battle I.

operation "Bagration". The root fracture in the Great Patriotic War It is associated with the Stalingrad battle and victory under Stalingrad, when the Army of Paulus, and the Kursk battle, was surrounded and destroyed. Kursk battle completed the root fracture. We choose it. Operation "Bagration" for the liberation of Belarus is an event that happened after the root fracture, in the summer of 1944, one of the famous ten "Stalinist blows".

B) the international tribunal over the fascist criminals focused in the city ___.

We have cities: Berlin, Nuremberg, Potsdam, Prague. But clearly not in Prague. In Potsdam, the conference of the winners held. The international tribunal could pass there, but passed in another place. He passed and not in Berlin, but in the town of Nuremberg, who was considered the place where it was born fascist movement Germany. Nuremberg Tribunal can be remembered simply as the name "Nuremberg Tribunal".

But here it is clear that it is not about Potsdam. We know that it is not Potsdam. Therefore, we have a real choice between Berlin and Prague. But the Berlin garrison capitulated on May 2, but after the signing of the overall surrender, one of the groups of German troops continued to resist in Prague. And the two Soviet tank armies were transferred to the territory of Czechoslovakia. Prague was released.

We have a combination of numbers: 136.

And one more task of the same type.

Task 3.

Fill in passages in these proposals using the list below: for each sentence, indicated by the letter and containing the skip, select the number of the desired item.

BUT) ___ - A sergeant of the Red Army, famous for the defense of the house during the battle for Stalingrad (subsequently the house was named after his last name).

Missed elements:

    V. Zaitsev

  1. F. D. Roosevelt

    K. Rokossovsky

    Ya. Pavlov


Write in the table selected numbers under the appropriate letters.

The resulting combination of numbers write down as an answer without spaces and any punctuation marks.

Let's decide.

BUT) ___ - Sergeant of the Red Army, famous for the defense of the house during the battle for Stalingrad (subsequently the house was named after his name).

Remember: House Pavlova. He was not restored after the war. This is such a kind of monument to those fierce battles that took place in Stalingrad.

V. Zaitsev is the famous sniper, also glorified during the Battle of Stalingrad. But famous for others - like a sniper.

B) Potsdam Agreement 1945 on behalf of the United States signed President ___.

The list is two American president: Roosevelt and Truman. Roosevelt headed the country from 1932 and during the war, but he died at the time of the Potsdam conference, and a new US president came to her, former Vice President during Roosevelte - Harry Truman. So choose his surname.

C) Parade of Victory on Red Square accepted Marshal ___.

Commanded Rokossovsky parade, took the beetles.

As a result, it turned out: 562. We introduce this combination of numbers in the answer blank.

Good luck on the exam!

The author of the first night Taran in the air combat over Moscow on August 7, 1941, Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin at the beginning of his labor biography, hardly presented himself with a military pilot, although his senior brothers learned.

In 1933, 15 years old, he hired a worker on the Moscow meat processing pan, which soon assigned the name of his progenitor - the then addict food Industry USSR Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan. Enterprise where the future pilot of the hero Soviet Union, for many years, the main supplier of the Kremlin of various boiled and smoked sausages, ham, pate, other meat delicacies.

Vitya Talalikhin, working at the beginning of the spareths, at the same time he was taken to the school FMU (factory-factory learning) of the plant, where he received a higher qualification of the ripper. Difficult, not for everyone, profession: According to the standards of that time, each employee was required for one shift to share at least six carcasses of the animal, completely separating their meat from bones and tendons.

In the Soviet Union to settle on the meat processing plant meant to really help not only the family, but also relatives. At each such enterprise, the leaders were given to employees with the opportunity daily for free or at challenging prices to get meat bones (they went to soups), sausage trimming (non-store, garbage, and factory, high-quality - they were in hungry years were a delicacy for one generation of Muscovites) and Other so-called "waste production". On the meat processor, where the future hero will worked, meat soldering were relying every two weeks, products of which employees were sold at a discount of 75 percent. The meat kit included: up to 1.5 kg of meat on the bone, 1.5 kg of a lever (this is the liver, kidneys, heart, light, diaphragm, trachea in their natural connection), and also picked boiled sausages.

Butcher, the future famous pilot worked for more than three years. But he was called up to the Red Army and at the same time he entered the Borisoglebsk military aircraft school of pilots.

Brief biographical certificate

Talaliahin Viktor Vasilyevich was born 18 octbanyar in 1918 in the village of Teplovka of the Volsk district of Saratov province. In the juvenile age, together with the family he moved to Moscow. From 1933 to 1937 he worked on the Moscow meat processing plant. In 1938 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk military aircraft school of pilots in the Voronezh region and received the title of younger Lieutenant. The participant of the Soviet-Finnish war, during which on Biplane I-153 made 47 combat departures, hit 4 enemy aircraft. Awarded the Order Red Star. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, retraining courses were held. Appointed Department of Squadron 177 Aircraft, which came into Moscow air defense. On the night of August 07, 1941, a successful Taran of the Heavy German Bombarder did not-111 held the first of the counsels of the sky of the sky. Talaliahine was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. He was also appointed commander of the squadron. He died in battle over the Podolsky of the Moscow region on October 27, 1941. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

On November 30, 1939, the war began between the USSR and Finland, on which Viktor Talalichin received a combat experience, which many of his colleagues in the sky over Moscow in 1941.

At the Finnish war, one-caps, a modest smiling guy from Moscow was remembered by the fact that the opponent was knocked down in the first battle. Another memorable milestone of those fights was the salvation of the Talalicin of his commander Mikhail Queen. He skillfully compartment from his side, and so fairly fond of anti-aircraft enemy, and then destroyed German FW-190 ("Fokker").

But, of course, the chief act of the battle biography of the pilot was the first in the history of the night Taran, perfect in the sky over the capital on the night of August 7, 1941.

After the Finnish war, Viktor Talalikhin lived in a wedge, in the vicinity of which his squadron was based. After the first raid of German aviation to Moscow on July 21, 1941, one of the main tasks of the pilot is the so-called "free hunt". Usually it was carried out in a pair with another fighter immediately after reports from distant approaches about the approximation of enemy "scorers".

Soviet pilots tracked their goal, cut off from the group and destroyed. Life in any aircraft during big war, in essence, the same, and every day it differs little from the other. Rest, Food, Combat Departure, Rest, Check maintenance His side, again departure to war.

Norms of nutrition in the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War were regulated by the decisions of the USSR SCC and the Central Committee of the WCP (b) No. 1357-551rs of 15.05.41. and order of NPOs for № 208 of 24.05.41. Very decent standards, opening the possibilities of the full life and ordinary composition, and officers. With the invasion of the Nazis to the territory of the USSR, the food reserve has decreased dramatically. From the Western regions, almost 70% of military NHs could not be evacuated. Power standards in the Red Army had to cut, but the Air Force remained in a privileged position.

In the summer - at the beginning of the fall of 1941, the pilots of air defense air services, defeated the sky of Moscow, in one of which was Viktor Talalikhin, received a binding three-time hot food a day.

How to feed flyers

  • 400 grams of rye and wheat bread
  • 390 grams of meat
  • 190 grams of cereals and macaroni

  • In the daily diet of crews were also included:
  • polkulo potatoes
  • 385 grams of other vegetables
  • 80 grams of sugar
  • 200 grams of fresh and 20 grams of condensed milk
  • 20 grams of cottage cheese and cheese
  • 90 grams of butter
  • 5 grams of vegetable oil
  • 10 grams of sour cream
  • half chicken egg

  • In addition, in every board in case unforeseen situation It was believed to put 3 banks of condensed milk and 3 canned meat banks, 800 grams of gallets, 400 grams of chocolate or 800 grams of cookies, 400 grams of sugar per crew member.

    Chronicle August 7.

    From the reports of Sovinformbüro, signed by his head and at the same time, A. Shcherbakov's headquarters:

    "The 18th Army Army Army Army broke the front of the 8th Army Defense and on August 7th came out on the coast of the Finnish Bay in the area of \u200b\u200bKunda, cutting the iron and highway Leningrad - Tallinn. Soviet troops who fought in Estonia turned out to be dissected into two parts. ".

    "The 26th Army of the South-West Front inflicted Consturdar in the direction of Boguslav and released the city as the next day, creating a threat to the rear of the 1st tank group of the enemy."

    "During August 7, our troops continued to conduct stubborn battles with the enemy at Kexgolm, Kholmsky, Smolensk and Belotserkovsky directions."

    Sovinformbüro on the same day appreciated the loss of Germany since the beginning of the war: 6 thousand tanks, 7 thousand guns, 6 thousand aircraft.

    RKKA losses in the message: 5 thousand tanks. 7 thousand guns, 4 thousand aircraft.

    August 7, 1941 - Thursday, the seventh week of the USSR war with Germany. On the same day, the Moscow City Executive Committee received two decisions. The first for number 30/15 "On the organization of points of assistance to the charming". The document, in particular, was prescribed to the Chairpersons of District Councils on the daytime to organize regional items of help to chasers and allow the use of Evacopunks under these objectives.

    The second decision for No. 30/16 is entitled "On Plan overhaul Residential Fund of the Moscow Council in 1941 and on the 2nd half of the year. "The document, in particular, states:" To change the decision of the Moscow City Executive Committee of 24.02.41 No. 8/1 to approve the amounts of funding for the overhaul of the residential houses of the Mossovet for the 2nd half of the year and For 1941, in general, incl. For emergency restoration work, fire fighting events, special work.

    From other events of the day in the capital. In the highways of the Moscow railway station, students of the Moscow Railway School No. 4 were launched. After 8 months of study, they began to work for stammers. On the same day, female brigades of the city went to peat workers, and in the CPCC them. Gorky and Sokolnichesky Park The USSR State Library named after Lenin opened its summer branches.

    And on August 7, 1941 - another day of mass collection of scrap metal. Even unfit to the use of samovars, primuses, irons.

    On this day was the 16th software and one of the last large raids of Hitler Aviation to Moscow.

    Viktor Talalikhin himself told Military journalists the circumstances of his night Taran (quote on their record):

    "Going from the side of the moon, I began to seek an opponent aircraft and saw" Hayekel-111 "at an altitude of 4800 meters. He flew to me and went to Moscow. I went to the tail and attacked. I managed to bother the right engine bombarder. The enemy sharply unfolded , changed the course and with a decline flew back. Together with the opponent, I dropped to a height of about 2500 meters. And then I had an ammunition. There was one thing - to try. If I perished, so one, I thought, I thought, and fascists in the bombard four. Solving the screw to wrap the opponent's tail, I became close to seabed to him. Here are some nine-ten meters. I see an armored belly of an enemy aircraft. At that time, the enemy let the line from the large-caliber machine gun. Obigor right hand. Immediately gave gas and no longer with a screw, but at once my whole car rammed the enemy. There was a terrible crackling. My "hawk" turned up the wheels. It was necessary to emit a parachute as soon as possible. "

    Neither add - do not donate. Jumping from the doomed car, Viktor Talalichin flew about 800 meters, without opening the parachute - was insured against the bullets of German aircraft. Lifel to Ozerzo near Podolsk. And safely reached the airfield of the basing of his squadron.

    By that time, the witnesses of the fight from the Soviet side recorded a ram. The command was brought and deciphering radio equipment of the negotiations of the Luftwaffe pilots, in which the "crazy Russian pilot" was reported, which destroyed the heavy German bomber who destroyed his car.

    Paradigm of history is unpredictable. But always explained. It was August 7, 1941, the far aviation of the RKKU Air Force for the first time bombed Berlin, leading to the rage all the Nazi leadership. On August 9, Soviet newspapers printed the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the assignment of the pilot of Viktor Talalichine the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded him the "Gold Star" medal and the Order of Lenin.

    The brave pilot died in two months and 20 days after his feat, shot down in the sky there, above Podolsky. In the air combat received a heavy machine-gun wound in the head. And managed to manage your fighter or throw out of it with a parachute simply could not.

    Who else performed Tarana

    The famous Russian airborne, the creator of the classic of the highest pilotage, among which the famous "loop Nesterova", Peter Nikolayevich Nesterov made the world's first Taran on August 26 (September 8) of 1914 in the sky over the small town of Zholkiyev Lviv province. Walked first world War. Russia fought with Herman. A heavy Austrian airplane "Albatross" was unfailed for tools from Earth. Without thinking, Peter Nesterov raised his "Moran" into the air. And since no weapon (as, however, parachutes) on board was not, he just rammed and destroyed the opponent's plane. But he died himself.

    "Consciously despusting a personal danger, deliberately rose, overtigid and hit the enemy airplane with his own car, and died, crashing about the Earth," said the headquarten of Nesterov's headquarters, the legends of Russian aviation. A, in essence, a ram - air combat technique, not so rarely used in different wars of various times.

    It is known at least 7 species of Taran. This is a blow to the chassis of his side on the wing of the opponent's aircraft, a shot with a propeller on the tail of the tail of the goal, blow the wing on the enemy car, the blow to the whole fuselage. Other types of Taranians wear the names of their "authors" - the pilots of Ibrahim Bikmukhametov, Valentina Kulyapina, Seraphim Subbotin. At the same time, the last two pilots "invented" their tarana are already in the era of jet aircraft, mainly during the participation of the Soviet Air Force in the War in the Korean Peninsula.

    In any case, the ram is the last hope for the destruction of the enemy in air combat, when all other reserves are exhausted. Here, and in the years of the Great Patriotic War, "Stalin's Falcons" went to the ram, mainly, in extremes: or refused weapons and equipment or ended ammunition.

    Tarana and other feats of the first day of battle with the Nazis are not too advertised, because the confusion and practical ignorance of the details on June 22, 1941 were "Curse" military history, and now only in general features It is known for which heroism was the warriors of the Red Army. In the documents, in particular, you can find that only 22.06.41. 6 Taranians recorded. They were committed by senior lieutenants I. Ivanov and A. I. Moklyak, Lieutenants L. G. Batvin, E. M. Panfilov and P. S. Ryabtsev, Senior Politruk A. S. Danilov and Junior Lieutenant D. V. Kokorev . Not everyone remained alive, but the invaders were destroyed.

    However, in the history of the war there were those who walked to the ram repeatedly. And survived. And this is, above all, the military pilot Boris Czzan. It is 4 times and anyhow - without consequences destroyed enemy aircraft Taran. He died his death in Minsk in 1985 in the rank of colonel aviation in stock. And yet, most of the Taranans for the Great Patriotic War - "Fires". They were committed from last forces 237 Park Air Force pilots on their baked and burning machines, directing them to the accumulation of enemy troops, technology, railway stations, bridges and other strategically important objects. Nikolay Frantsevich Gastello and Alexander Prokofievich Gribovsky are most famous among these heroes.

    And the ashes of the "author" of the first night Taran in the air combat over Moscow Viktor Vasilyevich Talaliachina rests on the main cemetery of the country - Novodevichy. In his honor, streets are named in the capital, Borisoglebsk, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk and other cities. In Podolsk, in the vicinity of which a brave pilot was killed, he was installed a monument.

    Evgeny Kuznetsov

    The air force of the Third Reich (Luftwaffe) from the very beginning of the war with the Soviet Union had to experience the rage of Soviet Sokolov. Heinrich Gering, Reichsministra of the Imperial Ministry of Aviation in 1935-1945, was forced to forget his boastful words about what "no one will never be able to achieve the benefits of the air over Germans!"

    On the very first day of the Great Patriotic War, German pilots collided with such a reception as an air ram. This technique was first suggested by the Russian aviator N. A. Yatsuk (in the journal "Vestnika aeronautics" No. 13-14 for 1911), and at the Practice was also first applied by the Russian pilot Peter Nesterov on September 8, 1914, when he shot down the Austrian aircraft scout.

    In the Great Patriotic War, the air taran was not provided for by the military charter, any instructions or instructions and Soviet pilots resorted to this receipt by order of command. Soviet people Moved love for the Motherland, hatred for the invaders and the rage of battle, a sense of duty and personal responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland. As the main Marshal of Aviation (since 1944), twice the hero of the Soviet Union, Alexander Alexandrovich Novikov, who from May 1943 to 1946 by the commander of the Soviet Air Force: "The air ram is not only a lightning calculation, exceptional courage and self-control. Taran in the sky is primarily a readiness for self-sacrifice, the last test on loyalty to its people, its ideals. This is one of the highest forms of manifestation of the most moral factor inherent. soviet manwho did not consider and could not take into account the enemy. "

    During Great War Soviet pilots made more than 600 air taranas (the exact amount of their number is unknown, since the research continues and at present, the new exploits of Stalin's Sokolov are gradually known). More than two thirds of Taranov falls on 1941-1942 - this is the most difficult period of war. In the fall of 1941, a circular was even sent to the Luftwaffe, which forbidden to approach Soviet aircraft closer than 100 meters to avoid air taran.

    It should be noted that the pilots of the Soviet Air Force used a ram on all types of aircraft: fighters, bombers, attack aircraft and scouts. Air tasans were made in single and group battles, day and night, in large and small altitudes, above their territory and over the territory of the enemy, in any weather conditions. There were cases when the pilots tagged the ground or water target. Thus, the number of terrestrial taranans is almost equal to air attacks - more than 500. Perhaps the most famous terrestrial taran is a feat that has done on June 26, 1941 for DB-3F (IL-4, two-door distant bomber) Create Captain Nikolai Gastello. The bomber was brought against the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery fire and committed so H. "Fire Taran", hitting the enemy's mechanized column.

    In addition, it is impossible to say that the air taran necessarily led to the death of the pilot. As statistics show, when performing air taran, about 37% of pilots are skirt. The rest of the pilots not only remained alive, but even retained the aircraft in a more or less efficient state, so many cars could continue the air battle and committed a good fit. There are examples when pilots made two successful taran in one air combat. Several dozen Soviet pilots committed so many. "Double" tarana, this is when the enemy's first time did not succeed and then had to finish it with a second blow. There is even a case when the Fighter-fighter-fighter Kilgovatov to destroy the enemy, four-tuning strikes had to commit. 35 Soviet pilots committed two Tarana, N.V.Terukhin and A.S. Clamps - three.

    Boris Ivanovich Kovezan (1922 - 1985) - This is the only pilot in the world, who made four air taran, and he returned to his native airfield on his aircraft. On August 13, 1942, on a single-engine fighter La-5, Captain B. I. Kovzan made the fourth ram. The pilot found a group of enemy bombers and fighters and joined them into the fight. In a fierce battle, his plane fell. The enemy machine gunway accounted for a cockpit of the fighter, the dashboard was broken, the pilot's head was commissioned by fragments. The car burned. Boris Kovezan felt a sharp pain in his head and one eye, so hardly noticed, as one of the German aircraft went to his frontal attack. Machines quickly come closer. "If the German will now not stand and turn up, then it will be necessary to tash", "Czzan thought. Wounded in the head of the pilot on a burning plane went to the ram.

    When the aircraft collided in the air, the cuba from a sharp blow was thrown out of the cab, so on. Belts simply burst. 3500 meters he flew, without revealing the parachute in a half-conscious state, and only over the earth itself, at an altitude of only 200 meters, woke up and pulled out for the exhaust ring. The parachute was able to reveal, but the blow of the Earth was still very strong. Soviet speakers came to himself in the hospital of Moscow for the seventh days. He had a few wounds with fragments, turned out to be broken clavicle and jaw, both hands and legs. The right eye of the pilot doctors could not save. For two months, the treatment of Czzana continued. Everyone was well understood that only a miracle was saved in this air battle. The verdict of the commission for Boris Cause was very heavy: "You can not fly more." But it was a real Soviet falcon who did not imagine life without flights and the sky. Czzan sought his dream all life! His at one time did not want to take to the Odessa military aircraft school, then the Czuzan attributed to himself a year and thus stunned by the medical commission doctors, although she did not finish 13 kilograms of weight to the norm. And he achieved his goal. His hard confidence was led if it was constantly striving for the goal - it will be achieved.

    He was wounded, but now healthy, head in place, hands and legs recovered. As a result, the pilot reached the master committee of the Air Force A. Novikov. He promised to help. A new conclusion of a medical examination was obtained: "It is suitable for flights on all types of fighters." Boris Czzan writes a report with a request to send it to the warring parts, receives several failures. But this time achieved his own, the pilot was enrolled in the 144th division of anti-heart defense (air defense) near Saratov. In total, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet pilot committed 360 combat flights, took part in 127 air battles, hit 28 German aircraft, and 6 of them, after severe injury and being one-eyed. In August 1943 he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Kovzan Boris Ivanovich

    Soviet pilots during the Great Patriotic War used various techniques Air Taran:

    A shock by the propeller of the aircraft by the tail of the enemy. The attacking aircraft comes on the enemy from behind and strikes the propeller on his tail plumage. This blow led to the destruction of an enemy aircraft or loss of manageability. It was the most common air taran technique during the Great War. With the right execution, the pilot of the attacker aircraft had pretty good chances to survive. When a collision with the aircraft, the enemy usually suffers only a propeller, and even if he failed, there were chances to plant a car or jump with a parachute.

    Blow by wing. It was produced both with a frontal convergence of airplanes and when entering the enemy from behind. The blow was applied by the wing on the tail or the fuselage of the enemy aircraft, including the cabin of the pilot of the aircraft target. Sometimes the frontal attack was completed by such a reception.

    Punch fuselage. It was considered the most dangerous for the pilot a view of the air taran. This technique also includes the collision of airplanes during the frontal attack. Interestingly, even with such an outcome, some pilots survived.

    Punch with a tail of the aircraft (Taran I. Sh. Bikmukhametova). Taran, who committed Ibrahim Shagihamimedovich Bikmukhametov on August 4, 1942. He comes out in the forehead to the enemy aircraft with a slide and turning the tail of his fighter on the wing of the enemy. As a result, the enemy's fighter lost control, fell into a corkscrew and died, and Ibrahim Bikmukhametov was able to even bring his lagg to the airfield and safely sit down.

    Bikmukhametov graduated from the 2nd Borisoglebsk Red Banner Military Aviation School of pilots. V. P. Chkalova, in the winter of 1939 - 1940 participated in the war with Finland. In the Great Patriotic War, the Junior Lieutenant participated from its very beginning, until November 1941 served as part of the 238th Fighter Aviamar (JEP), then in the 5th Guards JaP. The regiment commander noted that the pilot "bold and decisive."

    On August 4, 1942, the sixth and single-engine fighter fighters of the 5th Guards JaP headed by Major Major Grigory Onufrienko flew to cover ground troops in Rzhev. This group included the link commander Ibrahim Bikmukhametov. Behind the front line, Soviet fighters met 8 enemy fighters Me-109. The Germans walked a parallel course. Began a speed air scramge. She ended with the victory of our pilots: 3 Luftwaffe aircraft were destroyed. One of them hit the commander of the squadron of Onufrienko, two other Messerschmitt I. Bikmukhametov. The first M-109 pilot attacked on the battle turn, hitting him from the gun and two machine guns, the enemy's aircraft went to the ground. In the fear of the battle I. Bikmukhametov lately noticed another enemy aircraft, which came from above in the tail of his car. But the commander of the link was not confused, he vigorously made a slide and went to the German with a sharp turn. The enemy could not stand the attack in the forehead and tried to unscrew his plane. The enemy pilot was able to avoid a meeting with the blades of the air screw of the machine I. Bikmukhametov. But our pilot was illuminated and, sharply trusting the car, annea swipe The tail of his "iron" (so called the Soviet pilots this fighter) on the wing "Messer". The enemy fighter fell into a corkscrew and soon fell into the thicket of thick forest.

    Bikmukhametov was able to bring a strongly damaged car to the airfield. It was the 11th enemy aircraft, shot down by Ibrahim Bikmukhametov. The pilot during the war was awarded 2 orders of the Red Banner and the Order of the Red Star. The brave pilot was killed on December 16, 1942 in the Voronezh region. During the fight with the superior forces of the enemy, his plane was bent and during a forced landing, trying to save the fighter, the wounded pilot crashed.


    The first tarana of the Great Patriotic War

    Researchers are still arguing about who made the first ram on June 22, 1941. Some believe that it was a senior lieutenant Ivan Ivanovich IvanovOthers call the author of the first Taran of the Great Patriotic War of Junior Lieutenant Dmitry Vasilyevich Kokorev.

    I. I. Ivanov (1909 - June 22, 1941) served in the ranks of the Red Army since the fall of 1931, then he was sent according to the Komsomol journey to the Perm Aviation School. In the spring of 1933, Ivanov sent to the 8th Odessa Military Aviation School. Initially, he served in the 11th Lögobombardi shelf in the Kiev Military District, in 1939 he participated in the Polish campaign for the liberation of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, then in the "Winter War" with Finland. At the end of 1940 he graduated from fighter pilot courses. He received a appointment in the 14th mixed aviation division, deputy commander of the squadron of the 46th IAP.

    Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov

    At dawn on June 22, 1941, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ivanov rose into the sky for combat alarm at the head of the I-16 level (for another version, the pilots were on I-153) on the interception of a group of enemy aircraft, which were approaching the Mlyn airfield. In the air, the Soviet pilots found 6 two-dimensional HE-111 bombers from the 7th squader of the KG 55 Squader. Senior Lieutenant Ivanov led the link fighters in the attack on the enemy. The link of Soviet fighters spliced \u200b\u200bon the lead bomber. Arrows bombers opened fire on Soviet aircraft. Coming out of the dive, I-16 repeated the attack. One of the "Heinkels" was shot down. The rest of the enemy bombers, dropped bombs without reaching the goal and began to go to the west. After a successful attack, both led Ivanov went to their airfield, because, leaving the fire of the enemy shooter, maneuvering, they spent almost all fuel. Ivanov skipping them for landing, continued persecution, but then, also decided to sit down, because Fuel ended, and the wiping ended. At this time, an enemy bomber appeared above the Soviet airfield. Noticing him, Ivanov went to meet him, but the German, leading machine-gun fire, did not turn from the course. The only way to stop the enemy remained a ram. From the blow of the bomber (Soviet aircraft compartment with a screw tail of the German car), which led Unter-Officer H. Rolfeil, lost control and crashed into the ground. The German crew died all. But the aircraft I. Ivanova was badly damaged. Because of the low height, the pilot could not use parachute and died. This ram took place at 4:55 minutes in the morning at the village of Zagor, Rovno district of the Rivne region. On August 2, 1941, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov posthumously became the hero of the Soviet Union.


    At about the same time, his ram made a junior lieutenant Dmitry Vasilyevich Kokorev(1918 - 12.10.1941). The native of the Ryazansk region has a service in the 9th Mixed Aviation Division, in the 124th IAP (Western Special Military District). The regiment was stationed in the border aerodrome highly - Mazowieck, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Zambrov (Western Ukraine). After the war began, the regiment commander Major Polunin instructed the young pilot to explore the situation in the state border area of \u200b\u200bthe USSR, which was now the line of combat contact of the Soviet and German troops.

    At 4 o'clock 05 minutes in the morning, when Dmitry Kokorev returned from the intelligence, the Luftwaffe was made on the airfield the first powerful blow, since the regiment interfered with the span of the country. The fight was cruel. The airfield was very destroyed.

    And then Kokarev saw the dorne-215 scout-bomber (for other information, a multi-purpose aircraft Me-110), giving away from the Soviet airfield. Apparently, it was a Hitler's scout, which performed the control of the result of the first strike on a fighter airlip. The anger blinded by the Soviet pilot, steeply rushing the high-altitude fighter "MiG" in the battle turn, Kokorev went to the attack, he opened the fire ahead of time. She missed, but the German arrows hit a label - the lines of breaks flashed the right plane of his car.

    The enemy aircraft at the maximum speed went to the state border. Dmitry Kokorev went to the second attack. He reduced the distance, not paying attention to the mad shooting of the German arrow, coming to the distance of the shot, Kokorev pressed the gay, but the buzz was over. Long the Soviet pilot did not think that the enemy could not be released, he sharply added speeds and threw the fighter to the enemy car. "MiG" rushed with a screw near the tail of Dornery.

    This air taran occurred at 4 hours and 15 minutes (according to other data - at 4.35) in front of the infantry and border guards who defended the city of Zambles. The fuselage of the German aircraft was broken in half, and Dorney collapsed to the ground. Our fighter fell into a corkscrew, his engine stalled. Kokorev came to his senses and could snatch the car from terrible rotation. Chose a glade for landing and successfully landed. It should be noted that the younger lieutenant Kokorev was the usual Soviet ordinary pilot, which were hundreds in the air force of the Red Army. Behind the shoulders of the younger lieutenant was only a flight school.

    Unfortunately, the hero did not live to victory. He made 100 combat departures, hit 5 aircraft enemy. When his regiment fought near Leningrad, on October 12, the intelligence reported that at the airfield in Sivev found a large number of enemy "Junkers". The weather was not harmful, the Germans did not rise into the air in such conditions and did not wait for our aircraft. It was decided to strike on the airfield. A group of 6 of our dive bombers of PE-2 (they were called "pawns"), accompanied by 13 MiG-3 fighters, appearing over Siversk, became a complete surprise for the Nazis.

    The incendiary bombs with a low height hit exactly in the target, machine-gun fire and fighter reactive shells endorsed the defeat. The Germans were able to raise only one fighter into the air. PE-2 was bombed and left, only one bomber behind. Kokorev rushed to his defense. He knocked down the enemy, but at that time the contrary defense of the Germans woke up. Dmitry's aircraft was shot down and fell.

    First ...

    Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko (1916 - September 12, 1941) became the first woman on the planet, which made an air ram. Zelenko graduated from Voronezh AeroLub (in 1933), 3rd Orenburg Military Aviation School. K. E. Voroshilova (in 1934). He served as part of the 19th Light Bombarding Aviation Brigade in Kharkov, was a tester pilot. For 4 years, she mastered seven types of aircraft. This is the only pilot woman who participated in the "Winter War" (as part of the 11th Lung-Bombardy Aviation Regiment). Was awarded the Order of the Red Banner - made 8 combat departures.

    In the Great Patriotic War, he participated from the first day, fighting as part of the 16th Mixed Aviation Division, was the Deputy Commander of the 5th Squadron of the 135th Bombarding Aviation Regiment. I managed to take 40 combat departures, including night. On September 12, 1941, she made 2 successful intelligence military departures on the SU-2 bombarder. But, despite the fact that during the second flight, Her Su-2 was damaged, Ekaterina Zelenko flew on the same day for the third time. Already returning, in the city of Romna, two Soviet aircraft were attacked by 7 enemy fighters. Catherine Zelenko was able to knocked down one ME-109, and when she ran out by the wiping, she rammed the second German fighter. The pilot destroyed the enemy, but at the same time he died herself.

    Monument to Catherine Zelenko in Kursk.

    Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin (1918 - October 27, 1941) Made a night Taran, which became the most famous in this war, having knocked down on the night of August 7, 1941 on I-16 in the area of \u200b\u200bPodolsk (Moscow region) HE-111 bomber. For a long time it was believed that this is the first night ram in the history of aviation. Only later it became known that on the night of July 29, 1941, the fighter pilot of the 28th IAP Petr Vasilyevich Eremeev By plane MiG-3, the enemy bomber "Junkers-88" was shot down by a shuffle. He died on October 2, 1941 in air combat (September 21, 1995, Eremeev for courage and military valor, posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia).

    On October 27, 1941, 6 fighters under the command of V. Talalichina flew to the cover of our forces to the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Kamenka, on the shore of Nara (85 km of the capital). They ran into 9 enemy fighters, in the fight Talalikhin knocked down one "Messer", but the other was able to beat him, the pilot fell by the death of the brave ...

    Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin.

    Crew Viktor Petrovich Nosov From the 51st Minno-torpedoral regiment of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, the first in the history of the War of the vessel was performed using a heavy bomber. The lieutenant commanded the Torpedon-Main A-20 (American Douglas A-20 Havoc). February 13, 1945 in the southern part of the Baltic Sea, when attacking enemy transport in 6 thousand tons, the Soviet aircraft was shot down. The commander sent a burning machine directly to the transport of the enemy. The plane fell into the goal, an explosion occurred, the enemy ship sank. Airplane crew: Lieutenant Victor Nosov (commander), Junior Lieutenant Alexander Igoshin (navigator) and Sergeant Fedor Dorofeyev (Radist's shooter), died by the death of brave.

    The taran as an intake of air combat has never been and will not be the main, since the collision from the enemy often leads to the destruction and fall of both machines. Thalene is admissible only in a situation where the pilot has no other choice. For the first time, a similar attack was performed in 1912 the famous pilot Peter Nesterov, shot down the Austrian-Relief. His light "Moran" hit the heavy enemy "Albatross" from above, on which the pilot and the observer were. As a result of attacks, both aircraft were damaged and fell, Nesterov and Austrians died. At that time, the aircraft were not installed on the aircraft, so the ram was the only way to bring down the enemy airplane.

    After the death of Nesterov, the tactics of the taranny strikes was carefully worked out, the pilots began to strive to knock the enemy plane while retaining her. The main way of attack was the blow to the blades of the air screw over the tail of the opponent's aircraft. The rapidly rotating propeller damaged the tail of the aircraft, which led to the loss of its controllability and fall. At the same time, pilots of attacking machines often managed to safely plant their planes. After replacing the cut screws, the machines were ready for flights again. Other options were used - blow by wing, keel, fuselage, chassis.

    Night taranis were especially difficult, since in conditions of poor visibility, it is very difficult to perform a blow. For the first time, the night air ram applied on October 28, 1937 in the sky of Spain Soviet Evgeny Stepanov. At night over Barcelona on the "I-15" he managed to destroy the Italian bomber "Savoy-Marketti" to destroy the Italian bomber. Since the Soviet Union officially did not participate in the civilian in Spain, the pilot of the pilot was preferred for a long time.

    In the course of the Great Patriotic War, the first night air Taran was performed by the fighter pilot of the 28th Fighter Petr Vasilyevich Eremeev: July 29, 1941 by the MiG-3 plane, he destroyed the enemy bomber "Junkers-88". But the Night Taran of the Fighter Fighter Taran Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhina became the more famous: on the night of August 7, 1941, on the aircraft "I-16" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe suburban Podolsk, he knocked down the German bomber "Heinkel-111". The battle for Moscow was one of key moments Wars, so the pilot feat was widely known. For the manifested courage and heroism, Viktor Talaliahine were awarded the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. He died on October 27, 1941 in air combat, destroying two opponent aircraft and having received a deadly wound with a broken projectile.

    During the battles with fascist Germany, the Soviet pilots performed more than 500 taranne attacks, some pilots used this technique several times and remained alive. Boots were used and later, already on jet machines.

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