The emergence of fascist movements. What is fascism? The ideology of fascism, definition

The buildings 25.09.2019
The buildings

The war and the events that followed it led to the intensification of nationalist movements in a number of European countries. In some cases, nationalism was used as a means of mobilizing people to achieve military victory. In others, he was needed to strengthen the foundations of newly emerged independent states. They also treated those who were defeated in the war or considered themselves offended and was looking for "guilty." The general basis of nationalist sentiment was the ideas of exclusivity and superiority of one people over others. Often they have grown into a sense of national hostility, intolerance. In the period under review, these ideas were widespread in public and political life range of countries. In some cases, this led to far-coming historical consequences.

The emergence of the fascist movement in Italy

Since March 1919, the "Fasci Di Combattimento" ("Fasci Unions") began to be created in Italy. Their participants (mostly former front-line) united extremely nationalist, chauvinistic views, the rejection of socialist ideas, the desire for strong power. He headed the movement B. Mussolini, who had certain political fame by that time.

Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) Born in the family of an artisan. In his youth joined the Socialist Party. Public activity began as an eloquent speaker and journalist. I published the newspaper "Class struggle," where I criticized the "all and all": the monarchy, militarism, the rich, social reformists, etc., is ambitious and energetic, Mussolini soon achieved the post of chief editor of the Central Newspaper of the Socialist Party "Avanti!" ("Forward!") From which he was released in 1914 for campaigning in favor of Italy's entry into the war (the socialist party at that time opposed the war). After a month, Mussolini began to publish the newspaper "Popolo d'Iitalia" ("People of Italy"), where criticized the policy of the socialist party. Now he made a bet on the ideas of the National Magicity of Italy. Having visited the front, Mussolini accepted the appearance of the hero, the defender of the interests of an offended nation (the judgment that Italy did not "have walked around" in the division of the countries winning in world war was very popular at the time). Going to other political positions, Mussolini has not changed in the main thing - the desire to break up the top. At this time, the springboard was to become an emerging fascist movement.

The program of the initially small organization of the fascists was designed to win support for the broad masses. It contained the following requirements: the abolition of the Senate, Police, Privileges and Titles; Universal voting law, guarantees of civil liberties; convening the constituent assembly; Cancellation of secret diplomacy and universal disarmament; progressive capital tax; Establishing an 8-hour working day and a minimum of salary; Participation of workers B. technical management enterprises; land transfer to peasants; prohibition of labor of children under 16; Universal education and free libraries, etc.

Along with campaigning, movement used to strengthen its positions and other methods. In the autumn of 1919, the Fascists began to create armed groups, which included front-line officers, nationalist-minded small owners, students. They attacked the participants of the working demonstrations, satisfied the pogroms in the editorial board of socialist newspapers (the editorial office of Avanti newspaper was defeated). During the raising of the working speeches, the fascists put forward the task of "fight against Bolshevism". The nationalist and anti-brave direction of movement, calls for strong power attracted the attention of the ruling circles. The movement began to receive financial support. It was even more inspired fascists.

In the first half of 1921, the fascist detachments defeated and set fire to 119 labor chambers, 59 folk houses, 107 premises of cooperatives, 83 buildings of the peasant leagues, 141 premises of sections and circles of workers' parties, 28 trade union committees, edited by many workspapers. Mussolini subsequently justified these actions by the "highest national interests": "We needed to pave our way through violence, through the victims, through blood to establish the order and discipline as masses, and it was impossible to achieve this Slyunti propaganda."

The arrival of fascists to power

In the fall of 1921, the movement took shape to the National Fascist Party, which began the open struggle for power in the country. Workers and socialist organizations acted with protest strikes, in a number of cities, armed clashes of workers with the fascists took place. Mussolini put forward the requirement to provide fascists in the government. He stated: "We, fascists, are not going to go to power through the" black stroke ", now the question of power becomes a question of force."

On October 28, 1922, armed columns dressed in the black shirts of the fascists moved to the "campaign on Rome." The central government did not have a determination for the struggle. With the consent of King Viktor-Emmanuel Mussolini on October 30, he took the post of Prime Minister Italy. On the same day, the fascists were triumphantly after the central streets and squares of the eternal city. At the same time, pogroms began in the working quarters. The new government did not want to lose time for nothing.

In the next years in Italy, a system of totalitarian fascist state was created. The government focused in the hands of Mussolini, Duchu (Chief). Parliament turned only into its appendage. All political parties and organizations, except for the fascist, were dissolved and declared outside the law, and many of their leaders are brutally killed. The law "On the protection of the state" was introduced the death penalty For opponents of the regime. The fascist "Militia of National Security" became part of the State Machine.

Gradually established hard control of the state and in the field of economics. This was achieved by creating a system of production corporations, which included representatives of entrepreneurs and the fascization of trade unions. Official propaganda argued that corporations should "end the class struggle and lead to social cooperation." In fact, they were used to regulate economic and social relations in the interests of the fascist state.

The fascist ideology and the cult of Trude was approved in all spheres of society. In education and culture was the tasks of the education of young people in the fascist spirit. Mussolini, forgetting about her youthlessness, concluded an agreement with the Vatican, which provided the fascist regime support from the powerful Catholic Church. Pope Piya Xi called him a man, "Nasiushenaya Italy Providence".

Narium Nazism in Germany

At the same years, the national-socialist movement in Germany appeared. It happened in Bavaria. During the turbulent events of 1919, not only the left forces proclaimed the Soviet republic were activated here. Purpicial organizations appeared, including the German Workers Party, which was originally from all of several people. In the autumn of 1919, the Efreitor of the German Army A. Hitler came to her. He was sent to a party as an agent of military circles, striving to spread its influence on various political organizations, but soon decided to talk his career seriously with her.

Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in the Austrian town Brownau. Without passing the graduation exams in high school, he tried to become a student of the Academy of Arts in Vienna, but unsuccessfully. Once without profession and work, interrupted by random earnings. In the years of World War, he entered a volunteer in the German army. The defeat of Germany caused his feeling of bitterness and bite on the "national traitors" and "socialist politicians", which, as he believed, with his actions in November 1918 led Germany to collapse.

Soon the party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), and Hitler became its chairman. He wanted to make a lot of mass. The 1920 party program provided for events against "wrong capitalism": withdrawing non-nursing income and military profits, transition to the state of large enterprises, expanding the pension provision, the transfer of department stores for rent with small merchants, carrying out land reform and prohibition of land speculation and others.

In the struggle for the political influence, the Nazis used the power methods. Since 1921, paramilitary units of the Nazi Party were created - "Storm detachments" (CA). Dressed in a brown form with a sign of a swastika (cross with lowered edges) attack aircraft committed taxes on the working quarters, the editorial office of workers newspapers, etc. During the exacerbation of the political struggle in Germany in the fall of 1923, Hitler, with the support of the famous since the world war, General E. Ludendorf tried to make a coup. At the rally in one of the Munich Beer, he declared the government deposited, and he himself was a dictator. "Beer Putch" was depressed, and its organizers were sentenced to imprisonment. In the prison, Hitler wrote a famous book "Main Campf" later ("My struggle"). Despite the fact that the first attempt to break through to power failed, he hoped to wait for his hour.

Completing the consideration of the events of 1918 - the beginning of the 1920s in Europe, it is impossible not to note their complexity and inconsistency. The desire for freedom and justice intertwined with the cruelty of revolution and counter-revolution. In the acute struggle there was a placement of political movements and parties. Communist movement was separated from Social Democracy. During the same years, the rightradical, fascist and Nazi forces declared themselves. Proclaimed the ideas of "new order," they rushed to power where the revolution was recently raised.

Aleksashkina L. N. / Universal history. XX - The beginning of the XXI century.

Arthur Zeiss-Inquart

The younger son from six children of his parents, Arthur was born in the Moravian village of Stonazov, which was then part of Austro-Hungarian possessions. His father was the school director. Later in 1907, the family moved to Vienna and changed its Slavic name (go) to the German Zeisss-Inquart. In the 16th year, he married, born three children and learned at the University of Vienna on the Legal. During the First World War, he left the volunteer to the front and fought in the Tyrolean Hhehent regiment in Russian, Romanian and Italian fighting fronts, was awarded more than once for courage and honor. After severe injury on cure, she ended his university. From the 21st leads its advocacy practice and cooperates with ultra-right organizations later known as the domestic front. However, completely distant from the national socialists. However, from 1933 entered the fascist government of Dolfus. After the murder of the latter becomes an adviser under the Austrian Chancellor. It understands that the association of Austrian and German lands inevitably. The NSDAP enters the ranks and pierces them the position in the government of the Austrian Shushenig. Minister of internal affairs is made by blackmailing a military invasion. In March 38 Shushenig resigns, and Zeyss-Inquart addresses the military presence to nazi Germany. Gets the ranks in the SS and NSDAP and becomes actually the ruler of Austria. After the 39th, it was approved by the Minister without a portfolio in the German government. He became the responsible deputy franc on Polish territories. Jewish ghetto and emergency measures were in its jurisdiction at the suppresses of Polish uprisings. After the occupation of the Dutch lands appointed by Reichomissar and there. After the arrival, any party except the NSDAP is canceled here, any subversive activity is suppressed and any resistance to "new order" is personally pursued. During his reign, he signs at least eight hundred sentences to execute. For other sources there were one and a half thousand. Collected and sent the Jews to the camps and ghetto. In addition to them, the works of the Germanic needs of more than half a million Dutch are attracted. Resisted removal work force to the East. I did not agree with the retreat from the Dutch lands with the theory of the scorched land. He imposes a ban on the supply of food by the Dutch occupied territories, but then does not impede the allies to conduct humanitarian support to the distortion of the Dutch. After the suicide of Fuhrera Zeisss-Inquart replaces the ribbentrop in the Government of Dennica. 08.05.45 surrendered to allies in Hamburg. On the Nuremberg process He was impulsed against peace and humanity, the tactics of making an aggressive war, a military crime and against humanity. It is found guilty of all articles with the exception of a criminal conspiracy. Execution.

Fascism is a plague that swept in the 20th century Europe and destroyed tens of millions of people. There was long, but the consequences were terrifying. The birth of fascism as ideology refers to the end of the XIX century. It was then that writers and philosophers appeared, promoting ideas that have formed the basis of Hitler's policies and Mussolini.

The origin of the term

Translated from the Italian "fascism" means "bunch", "beam", "Association". Fully innocuous words. However, the origin of fascism led to the genocide of the Jewish people and the Second World War. In the USSR after the WFI, a long term was associated with Germany. The words "fascist" and "German" Many in the Soviet Union perceived almost as synonyms. But the foundation of fascism as a political movement was laid on Mussolini's homeland.

It was in Italy at the end of the XIX century there were various radical political groups that used the FAS as a symbol - bundles of birch or ledgear bars pulled by a red cord. Initially, Fascies was the attribute of the rule of rulers in ancient Rome.

Friedrich Nietzsche

In the emergence of fascism, theses of Nietzsche played a decisive role, according to historians. Soviet researchers called him "amoral singer of cruelty." He preached the war and challenged social inequality as a culture engine. It was the postulates of his theory that led to the emergence of fascism and Nazism. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuperman is the main guilt of the emergence of a political movement, which led to World War II. Such a common opinion on the role of Nietzsche in the formation of fascist ideas.

Yet, some modern researchers, including Russian, believe that the theories of the German philosopher were the national socialists are unrecognizable. Basic information about the emergence of fascism should be sought in the story of FIN DE SIèCLE. And what does this French phrase mean, told below.

FIN de Siècle

Translated from the French language, this term means "End of Light". Findiecl - common name social and cultural phenomena characteristic of end XIX. century. In recent decades, Writers, poets and philosophers appeared, in the works of which Euphoria was present in anticipation of the future. At the same time, the public was observed in society and fear of coming. Menitious people increasingly spoke about the ephemeryness of being, and, as it often happens in recent years, centuries spent the myths about the end of the world.

The characteristic features of Fin de Siècle are individualism, refusal of public moral norms. In order to avoid the catastrophe, many were believed, you should come up with a new theory - a theory that can save humanity. Max Nordau, Hans Delbryuk, Benedetto Croce, and, of course, Friedrich Nietzsche became prominent thinkers of this period. The concept of superman of the latter had a huge impact on public attitudes and the origin of fascism in Italy and Germany.


The lawyer and sociologist Gaetano Moska developed the theory according to which, in every society there is an organized minority and an unorganized majority. The first dominates the second. The origin of fascism in Germany and Italy influenced the ideas of Charles Morras. The French thinker promoted integral nationalism, which calls for the organic unity of the nation. His compatriot Georges Sorel is radical measures for the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and capitalism.

The reasons for the origin of fascism

The war caused the revival of nationalism in most European countries. The political movement based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe superiority of one nation over the other was used to mobilize people to achieve victory. In peacetime, it was necessary to strengthen the foundations of newly educated states.

Nationalism became a saving agent for those who lost in the war. For those who considered themselves offended and sought the guilty. The biggest humiliation in the First World War experienced Germans. But, as already mentioned, the birthplace of Fascism ITALY. The birth of this movement inspired representatives of national socialists in Germany. German fascism ultimately surpassed Italian.

The idea about the superiority of a certain nation over others is early or late, aggression, as evidenced by the events of 1939-1945. The creation of the theory of the exclusiveness of the people is the reason for the origin of fascism in Europe. But not the only one. Such ideas could find a response from citizens only in difficult times. For example, during the economic crisis that has engulfed the world in the twenties. The fascist movement was developed not only in Italy and Germany, but also in a number of other countries. But it was in these states that such active figures like Hitler and Mussolini were in power.

Backgrounds of the emergence and development of fascism - lesions together with Russia, Great Britain and France, fought against Germany and England. In 1917, defeated in the battle of Caporpetto. The Austrians suddenly broke through the French positions, which caused panic and confusion. Italy lost part of its territory, in addition, was forced to abandon the dream of new lands. It was a defeat, after which the country almost ceased to participate in the war.

The defeat with Kaporpetto plunged the Italian ruling circles into the despondency. Several hundred soldiers simply refused to fight, preferring desertion or captivity. The results of the battle at Caporpetto showed the world's military weakness of Italy. But even in this difficult period There were people calling for rally and protect their homeland. One of them was a 36-year-old journalist Benito Mussolini. It is noteworthy that in his youth he was a socialist and an opponent of war. In 1914, turned into an ardent militarist.

When Italy joined the war, Mussolini voluntarily went to the front. In the defeat at the kaporpetto, the future leader of the Italian fascist movement accused his comrades covered by anti-war moods. In addition, he hated Vatican and Catholic pacifists. He believed their traitors who had fallen into his back.

The enemies of the nation undermined the Military Spirit of the Italian Army - so I thought Mussolini and his like-minded people, who during the First World War there were some more. Humiliation with kaporpetto turned some political and public figures In militant nationalists.

The crisis in Italy formally won a victory in the war (at the expense of allies). But the position of ordinary inhabitants was becoming all heavier every day. Difficulties were both economic, and social character. You can briefly say about the emergence of fascism to briefly: the people who were on the verge of poverty were ready to cling to the national idea, which, as the dictators argued, will lead to a new, happy, peaceful life.

But there would be no National Socialism, or the next, the most terrible, war, if B at a certain point, no speakers were not able to inspire militaristic ideas. In the emergence of the fascism of the history of the ascent of Hitler and Mussolini, not the last role play. Recall the interesting facts from the biography of the leader of the Italian NFP.

Son of the Militant Socialist

The man who wore the title of Trude, and in April 1945, the outskirts of the village of Metziteg was executed by the outskirts, born in 1883 in the province of Forl-Cesena, in the family of blacksmiths Master. Mother was a devout Catholic. Father - Yarym Socialist. Mussolini-senior also adhered to nationalist ideas. He had a huge influence on his son.

Already in 1900, Benito joined the ranks of the Socialist Party. After graduating from the gymnasium, it was settled to work as a teacher, but there was no success on the teaching field. He spent several years in Switzerland, and when he returned to his homeland, broke with the socialists.


At the beginning of World War II, Mussolini changed the position. Working a journalist, he wrote articles permeated by militarist and nationalist theories. Then began to drive around the country with public performances. After the end of the war, Mussolini was finally convinced of the collapse of socialism and joined the fascist movement.

In power

The fascist organization was founded in January 1915. Political career Mussolini began in 1917. Thanks to its categorical judgment about the "strong hand", which is necessary for the Italian people, quickly acquired fans. At the beginning of the twenties, he has already firmly occupied positions in the policy of Italy. However, Mussolini had a lot of opponents. Their number reduced the repressions that began 1924.

Germany in the 20s

In 1929, began the global economic crisis. In the same year, the Communists defeated the elections in Germany. Meanwhile, the National Socialist Party was gaining popularity. In 1932, the number of unemployed in Germany reached six million. Communists did not hold back their promises - in four years they did not manage to bring the country from the crisis. Grew discontent. The Germans needed a new leader, tougher and decisive. And he soon appeared. They became Adolf Hitler, who just like Mussolini, participated in World War II. Then they were on different sides of the barricades. But for 15 years a lot has changed.

After the victory in the elections, in 1933, Hitler wrote Mussolini a letter in which he expressed admiration for the politics of the Italian leader. But there were obstacles to rapprochement of these two dictators. Admitted the likelihood of a Jewish threat, but, unlike Hitler, considered the unreasonable provocation of international Jewry. And the idea of \u200b\u200bsterilization of representatives of the "defective" peoples for Italy and was inadmissible at all - the Catholic society did not lose force and after establishing

Adolf Gitler

Burning in Italy, fascism was developed in Germany, the inhabitants of which were more suffering from the results of the First World War than the Italians. It is not known how the story would have developed if in 1933 the election did not defeat Adolf Hitler.

For more than fifteen years in Germany, a terrible unemployment was observed. Hitler delivered compatriots from this misfortune, and then launched large-scale promotions to help in need of the population. He managed to improve the quality of the life of the Germans and, as a result, to conquer their confidence. A considerable role was played by the oratory talent, in which Hitler was not equal. Each of his speech was accompanied by approving exclamations. And he said, as a rule, about revenge for defeat in the First World War.

Hitler banned the first communist, and then the Social Democratic Party. All dissenters sent to concentration camps. An important part german fascism Became anti-Semitism. Began the pogroms, arrests, executions. The decision of the "Jewish question" led to genocide, and since 1939, the ENDLESUNG operation was carried out already outside of Germany.

(Definition from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia)

Fascism (ITAL. Fascismo, from Fascio - a bundle, a bunch, association) - ideology, political movement and social practice, which are characterized by the following [six] features and features: justifying the racial sign of superiority and exclusivity of one, proclaimed by virtue of this dominant nation; intolerance and discrimination with respect to other "alien", "hostile" nations and national minorities; denial of democracy and human rights; planting a regime based on the principles of totalitarian-corporate statehood, single-partyness and leadership; approval of violence and terror in order to suppress the political enemy and any forms of dissent; Militarization of society, the creation of militarized formations and justification of war as a means of solving interstate problems.

Fascism He leads to a complete denial of human rights and freedoms, he carries a potential and real threat to the world and security of humanity.

The prohibition of discrimination and the right to defense from any discrimination becomes a generally recognized principle and the norm of international law, it receives consolidation in many international legal instruments in the field of human rights: in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Art. 2, 7), in the International Covenant about civil and political rights (art. 26), in the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Article 14). In 1965, the UN General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, which entered into force on January 1, 1969.

The current Code of the Russian Federation contains a number of articles establishing criminal liability for characteristic fascism actions and allowing to conduct an effective struggle with the most dangerous criminal acts of profascinity particularly such as the organization of mass riots accompanied by violence, pogroms, arson, the destruction of property (Art. 212); excitement of national, racial or religious hostility (Art. 282); Public calls for the unleashing of the aggressive war (Art. 354); Genocide (Art. 357).

Revival in recent years some manifestations fascism In Europe, it brought the task of combating them to the pan-European level. The heads of state and governments of the members of the Council of Europe at their meeting in Vienna (1993) decided to form the Committee of the Council of Europe, the purpose of which is to create and strengthen guarantees against any manifestations of racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance, in stimulating activities in this direction local, national and European levels.

  1. I.A. ice Fascism // ATP "Code"

at the beginning


nazism Germany dictatorship

Nazism. What does this word mean?

It would seem that a simple definition: Nazism is one of the names of the German fascism, the word comes from the name of the National National Socialist of the Party of Germany (Nazi). But how much is in this all laid, how many people suffered, suffer and will suffer? After all, this is a totalitarian regime, somewhere in the depths it exists so far.

The problem of Nazism and is now very relevant, which is dangerous future.

The purpose of my work is to find the sources of the origin of Nazism, trace how it developed, and to what consequences it led all.

Objectives are led from the goal: to get acquainted with the literature on this topic, find out who was the founder of the Nazi movement, familiarize himself with the biography of the leader.

To fight this phenomenon, we need to know his story and its essence.

In general, my job about the Nazis. As is known, Nazism is one of the names of fascism. Therefore, for a start, I will take the definition of fascism.

Fascism - socio-political movements, ideologies and state modes of totalitarian type. In the narrow sense, fascism is the phenomenon of the political life of Italy and Germany 20-40s. 20 V.

In any kind of varieties, fascism opposes the institutions and values \u200b\u200bof democracy a new order and extremely tight means of its allegation.

Fascism relies on the massive totalitarian political party (coming to power, it becomes a state-monopoly organization) and the continued authority of the "leader", "Fuhrera".

Total, including ideological, mass terror, chauvinism, turning into xenocide xenophobia with respect to "foreign" national and social groups, to hostile values \u200b\u200bof civilization - indispensable elements of ideology and politics.

The fascist regimes and the movements of fascist type are widely used by demagogy, populism, socialism slogans, imperial power, apologetics of war. Fascism finds a support predominantly in socially disadvantaged groups in the context of nationwide crises and modernization cataclysms.

Many features of fascism are inherent in various social and national movements of the right and left sense. With the apparent opposites of ideological attitudes (for example, the "class" or "nation"), according to the methods of political mobilization of society, the receptions of terrorist domination and propaganda to fascism are close to the totalitarian movements and the regimes of Bolshevism, Stalinism, Maosima, "Red Khmer" and others.

2. Prerequisites for the origin of Nazism in Germany

Economic crisis and its social consequences

Crisis 1929 - 1933. In Germany, he was particularly acute and deep.

  • Production decreased by almost 40%
  • Real wages - by 50%
  • The number of unemployed exceeded 9%
  • Hundreds of thousands of employees turned out to be no livelihood

Many small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and merchants went bankrupt. The credit and financial system shocked a number of bankruptcies of large banks.

Prevented overcoming crisis such factors as:

  • Financial dependence of Germany from external sources
  • Narrowness of the domestic market
  • Payment of reparations
  • Lack of colonies as a reserve of material resources

High level of production and monopolization concentration, which restrained the fall in prices.

The economic crisis and its social consequences determined the deep crisis of the party-political system of the Weimar Republic.

The crisis of the Weimar Republic. The arrival of the Nazis to power

With the beginning of the economic crisis, the coalition of parties, which relied on the government in parliament, broke out.

Social Democratic Party (SDPG) left the opposition

Saving bankruptcies from bankruptcies, the state embarked on the path of "sanitation" (recovery) of the banking system, nationalized the largest Dresden Bank and established control over most banks.

In the party-political system of the Weimara Republic there was a rearrangement of forces. The center was blocked, which was supporting the republic. Sharp dressing expressed in polarization of political forces

On the one hand, the effect of the left parties has retained - Communist and SDPG.

On the other hand, he was rapidly gaining supporters and turned into a mass batch, the name of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) was turned into a massive party.

In Germany there were other right-wing groups, but only the Nazi party managed to create a mass base and possessed an irrepressed desire to seize power.

It was these circumstances that determined the bet of the largest corporations on the Nazi Party to create a "strong hand" and revision of the Versailles system.

Elections in Reichstag (May 1928 - November 1932) (% of votes filed, data rounded)

Party 20.05.192814.09.193031.07.19326.11.1932kpg11131517SDPG30252220SDPP3025222015CDP2,6183733

From the table, it is clear that by the end of 1932, in the most apogee crisis, voter sympathies were almost completely divided between the left parties (Communist Party and SDPG) and the extreme right, fascist NSDAP.

The center narrowed sharply and lost its independent strength.

The Nazi Party swallowed intermediate bourgeois parties and their voices. Such was the alignment of the forces and in the Reichstag.

Why so rapidly increased the influence of the Nazis?

Note some circumstances:

  • The activity of the party itself
  • Financial "feeding" of her big business
  • Socio-psychological motivation of voter behavior

The economic crisis destroyed the political foundation of the Weimar Republic. The guilt for disasters the Germans pinned the republican regime and representing his political parties, first of all the SDPG. Small-bourgeois layers of the population were inclined to the adoption of political and state totalitarian theories of National Socialism. Before the start of the crisis, the ideology of the Nazis was not popular. However, as the crisis and its deepening social consequences The behavior of the mass voter began to change.

The most important weapon of Nazi propaganda:

  • Nationalism
  • Borrowed from the documents of workers' parties slogans of social justice, the elimination of non-educated income, the revolutionary update of society, the nationalization of trusts, the elimination of "speculation and usury", etc.

Preaching "National Socialism", NSDAP claimed the expression of national interests, but represented them as an exclusively interest of the "chosen Aryan race".

The cult of strength, racial superiority, anti-Semitism and planting the enemy were an integral part of the ideology of Nazism.

The spread of chauvinistic ideas contributed to the infringement of the Versailles Agreement of National Sensings of the Germans.

The social demagogue of the Nazis appealed to various layers of society:

  • Workers promised full employment
  • The middle layers of the population - the creation of a "healthy middle class" and exemption from "interest slavery"
  • Low-earth peasants - Earth in the East

The top of this pyramid promises was the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a "new world order".

Hierarchical organizational structure And the inner discipline was distinctive features of the NSDAP.

Built according to the principle of "FUURERSTENCE" from the bottom of the back, the Nazi party also had special militarized detachments (sa - assault detachments), which not so much guarded the rallies and the marchs of the fascists as they were the gun of terror and the struggle with the left parties and trade unions.

The group of the largest industrialists of Germany, fearing the strengthening of the influence of the left parties, sent a letter to President Hindenburg with the requirement to convey the right to form the Government of Hitler.

january 1933 Hindenburg instructed Adolf Hitler to present the composition of the government. Nazism came to power in Germany.

Is it possible to prevent the arrival of the Nazis to power?

As can be seen from the table of election results in November 1932, the CPG and the SDPG had supported 37% of voters, that is, there were more votes than the Nazis. In parliament, they had 220 seats against 200 seats at NSDAP.

However, firstly, the Communists and Social Democrats are the danger and threat of fascism.

Secondly (it was the main thing), both parties since the November revolution were hostile to each other.

Communists adhered to as a whole and the Comintern, erroneous tactics to celebrate from social democrats and eliminating the joint actions of the left parties in the fight against fascism. The Communist Party considered the Social reformist parties as the "left wing" of fascism.

SDPH, in turn, responded with anti-communist rhetoric.

Sectarianism was the cause of the separation of left forces

Until the last moment, that is, before the arrival of Hitler to power, the Commission did not remove the slogan of the socialist revolution.

At the same time, in Germany, as in France, the alternative was another - fascism or democracy.

The disunity of the two left working parties and the erroneous estimates of the situation in Germany led to the fact that in search of a new political orientation to the Nazis, a significant part of the average layers turned to the Nazis, providing a NSDAP mass base.

Setting totalitarian dictatorship

The formation of the government headed by the Chancellor Hitler appeared to the usual change of the Cabinet - to the government, except for the Nazis, entered several representatives of the bourgeois parties. In fact, the main levers of power were Nazis

There was not just a change of government, but a change of one form of public administration - bourgeois democracy with another form - totalitarian dictatorship.

For the first two years of the Nazi regime, the main foundations of the Weimara Republic were eliminated:

  • Reichstag became a powerful body
  • Party destroyed
  • The electoral system was canceled

The bourgeois-democratic system was eliminated, and a totalitarian dictatorship was established with ideological dispaturated, domination of the centralized party-state nomenclature, the destruction of political opponents, the unification of culture. In August 1934, in connection with the death of President Hindenburg, Hitler became in one person to represent the "Führera" of the Nation, Chancellor and President.

5.Militarization of the economy

At the same time, with the formation of totalitarian dictatorship, a large-scale policy of state centralized regulation and planning was carried out.

In 1933, the law on the country's food estate was subordinated to the country's agriculture and the agricultural regulatory system was created from below, the Food and Agriculture Minister.

A similar structure of the vertical control of the industry was created on the basis of the 1934 Law on the preparation of the organic structure of the economy.

The industry was divided into seven industries, which were forcibly combined groups of enterprises:

  • Industry
  • Energy
  • Crafts
  • Trade
  • Transport
  • Banking
  • Insurance business

The leader was the largest industrialists and bankers.

Labor reserves were to ensure the economy so-called "labor front", replacing loose trade unions and actually monitored the system of forced labor.

Why was such a centralization of the economy needed?

Since 1936, a four-year-old economic development plan was operating in Germany, the main goal of which Hitler raised Germany to war.

The slogan of anti-fascists of that time "Fascism is a war" accurately reflected the essence of events in Germany.

In addition to violence against the opponents of the regime, the Nazi regime carried out a course of social policy to mobilize the population to implement Nazi plans and establishing a social world in the country.

Foreign Policy of Nazi Germany

In the 1930s, 2 periods are allocated in the foreign policy of Nazi Germany.

First period (1933-1935)

Germany canceled all restrictions on the re-equipment of the country recorded in the Versailles Agreement.

The audit of the contract allowed Germany to bring the universal military service, increasing heavy weapons, occupy the Rhine demilitarized zone, etc.

Second period (1936-1939)

Transition to direct acts of aggression in Europe. Czechoslovakia capture, Avshluus (accession) of Austria, assistance to the statement of Franco in Spain - the main events of the period. This chain of aggressive actions was completed by the attack on Poland on September 1, 1939 and the unleashing of World War II. Union relations are established, topped with "axis" Berlin - Rome - Tokyo.

Software installations of Nazism

The main ideas of Hitler who have developed by this time were reflected in the NSDAP program (25 points), the rod of which was the following requirements:

) Recovery of the power of Germany by combining all Germans under the unified state roof;

) approval of the domination of the German Empire in Europe, mainly in the east of the continent - in the Slavic lands;

) Purification of the German territory from the clogging of its "foreigners", primarily the Jews;

) The elimination of the rotational parliamentary regime, replacing it with the corresponding German spirit of the vertical hierarchy, in which the will of the people personifies in the leader, endowed with absolute power;

) Liberation of the people from the world dictate financial Capital and all the support of small and craft production, creativity of persons of free professions.

These ideas were set forth in the autobiographical book of Hitler "My struggle"


Nazism brought an unprecedented tragedy to the peoples of peace and Europe. The most enlightened continent faced the most sophisticated barbarism, with aggression and Holocaust, with a deliberate extermination of millions of people on a national basis - Slavs, Jews, Roma.

Nazism wherees of international terrorism today was the enemy of human dignity, the most sacred freedoms and values, first of all - the right to life. He did not hide his goals for the peoples of Europe and the whole world - enslavement, assimilation, ethnic cleansing. In a fight with such an enemy, no agreements and reconciliation were impossible. For our people, as for many others, the defeat meant the loss of national sovereignty, statehood, physical extermination.

In this struggle, the United Nations were obliged to win and won. For the first time in the world history, the peoples and countries collided and realized the overall danger. Ultimately - rallied forces in the fight against the global threat. It was a truly victory of good over evil, faith over blind fanaticism. The victory is not only the strength of the weapon, but also the strength of the spirit of many nations. Creature antihytler coalition - The coalition of the United Nations can be rightfully called the largest political achievement of the twentieth century.

It was the combination of their political, economic and military resources that became one of the decisive factors of the defeat of the aggressors.

Loyalty to such values \u200b\u200bas freedom and humanism rallied our peoples in the joint struggle with Nazism - with the ideology of violence, aggression and racial superiority. And today, democracy and freedom, justice and humanism are still uniting us in the construction of a safe and civilized world.

But in the conditions of weakness of democratic institutions, the possibility of developing the movements of the fascist type and turning fascism in a serious threat is preserved.



* I would not believe that Hitler died, even if he heard it from himself.

Yalmar Shakht

* Hitler had to be such a mustache, which were. But look! The following can be curls and bundlebards!

Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

* The addition of reaction ideas with revolutionary feelings is as a result of a fascist type of personality.

Wilhelm Reich

* If Hitler invads hell, I will pronounce panegirik in honor of the devil.

Winston Churchill

* I have no conscience! My conscience is called Adolf Hitler!

Herman Gering.

* The will of the Fuhrera is our constitution.

Hans Frank

Adolf Gitler

* While I lead the party, it will not discussion club For fierce writers and salon Bolsheviks.

* No one asks the winner, the truth he said or not.

Friedrich Nietzsche

* Do not confuse: The actors are dying from negligence, real people are from short-lived.

* Other and does not know how he is rich, as long as he does not know what rich people still rob him.

* Majestic natures suffer from doubt in their own greatness.

* You call yourself free. Free from what, or free for what?

* Culture is just a thin malice over hot chaos.

* Fanatics are colorful, and mankind more pleasant to see gestures than to listen to arguments.

Fragments from books Nietzsche

"Will to power"

"Will to power. The experience of the revaluation of all values \u200b\u200b"- in this formula, a certain opposing movement is expressed in relation to the principle and the task - a movement that will someday in the future will change perfect nihilism, but for which it is a prerequisite, logical and psychological, which may arise exclusively after it And from it.

Values \u200b\u200band their changes are due to an increase in the force of the person establishing value.

From under the sacred names, I learned destructive trends: God called what weakens, teaches weakness, infects weakness ... I discovered that the "good person" is a form of self-affirmation of decades.<…>

Problem: How depleted achieved to become legislators of values.

Where did the fascism originate?

Or otherwise: how did the authorities reached the authorities? How did the instinct of the man's animal started upside down?

Life has no other values, except the degree of power, if we assume that life itself is willing to power.


I teach you about superman. Man is something that should surpass. What did you do to surpass it?

From all written I love only what is written by his blood. Write blood - and you know that the blood is the spirit.

The state is called the coldest of all cold monsters. It is cold of it; And this lie crawls from his mouth: "I, the state, the people".

Tags: History of Nazism in Germany Test History

A lot of literary works were written about the benefits of unity, demonstrated by bunch of rods, which cannot be broken together, but each individually. This idea of \u200b\u200buniting people to the union, in which each person is separately weak and defenseless, but together they are invincible strength, ascends their roots to an ancient Rome. Such a bunch of Pruhov was called in Latin of Fascia and symbolized the power and power of the magistrate.

Italy became the country in which the fascist regime was established before all. The idea of \u200b\u200bassociation of people has formed the basis of various radical political groups, which set themselves the goal of fighting crime and communists, achieve a higher social and economic status by joining other nations to their. They chose fascia (fasci from Italian) with their symbol. The movement of this kind began to be called "fascism", and representatives - the fascists. After the First World War, they swept the deep public shocks, the crisis, the desire of people to change, which was the reason for creating such unions.

The official founder of this political direction is Benito Mussolini. In 1915, they were created by a general -ifying fascist organization in Milan.

The history of the emergence of fascism

And later in 1919, after the end of the war, Mussolini united the Milan fascists called the Italian Faxes (Union) of the struggle. Other fascities were created under such names with a common goal to counteract the king and government subject to pacifism, which did not give the opportunities of Italy to reap the benefits of victory.

Italian fascism has always been associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bwar. Mussolini unconditionally understood that without a union with a regenerating Germany, he did not create an empire. The rapprochement between these two countries gradually resulted in the military-political union of these states.

After World War II, Germany lost about 13% of its territory, including all the overseas colonies, its army was strongly reduced, all weapons, including the Navy, was confiscated, Germany paid numerous reparations. All this happens after the signing of the Versailles Agreement. The Germans were psychologically suppressed and hardly experienced the national humiliation of the country. According to historians, these events are the cause of Nazism in Germany.

German society was prepared for the perception of the most radical methods to exit the situation. These methods included panthermanism (cultural and political movement, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe political unity of the German nation), the requirements of the abolition of the Versailles, anti-Semitism (hostile attitude to the Jews as an ethnic or religious group), the requirement of a strong central government, a decisive confrontation of the communist ideology , cleaning the territory from foreign people, improving the living conditions of the population, the elimination of unemployment, the mass distribution of a healthy lifestyle, the development of tourism, physical education and sports.

So came the Nazis to power in Germany. Immediately after that, the process of unifying the life of the country began. The parliamentary system in Italy was finally replaced by dictatorship. Racism was elevated to the rank of public policy. Racial theory allowed to bring up the feeling of superiority of a kind of other and thereby to bring aliens under the policies of the genocide, i.e. Policy of persecution and destruction. As in Italy, the fascist party in Germany was proclaimed by the State Party. For the ideology of the Nazis, in general, like the fascists, aristocracy based on charity to simple man, Sick and weak. They proclaimed their main task to create a "racial-pure state", i.e. Leave in the state only representatives of the Aryan race and the expansion of the "living space". Hitler believed that for this, the Germans should repair the "defective" peoples in a racial attitude, and part of them to destroy.

But despite all this, in the Nazi program there are positive parties: the elimination of non-educated income, the participation of workers in profitable large enterprises and the death sentence for speculators - which explains its greater support.

Summarizing all the above, we conclude that there are also differences between the Nazism and fascism.

Both ideologies are at the heart of chauvinism, but if this chauvinism is aimed at strengthening the state, the revival of the former Roman Empire and the unity of representatives of this nation, then Nazism is the theory of superiority of one nation over the other.

Nazis dominates the racial idea brought to anti-Semitism. A. Hitler: "I will never agree that other nations be equal with German, our task is to enslave other nations."

The fascist state, from the point of view of Mussolini, is the state - Absolut. Compared with it, all other persons or groups are relative importance. Mussolini sharply condemned the Nazi theory of racism and anti-Semitism. He did not support the idea of \u200b\u200bHitler. B. Mussolini said: "Fascism - the concept of historical, in which a person is considered exclusively as an active participant in the spiritual process in a family and social group, in the nation and in the history where all nations cooperate."

It is in this that the differences between these political directions are concluded. But not alone and not others could not realize all the evil, which they commit, which led to a merciless bloody World War II!

Where and when did fascism appear?

Fascism (from Ital. fascio. - Bunch, bunch, association, see also fascia) is a totalitarian political direction arising in the XX century; The philosophical and political concept and form of the municipal device coming from the priority of municipal interests over all others.

Fascism in power is an open terrorist dictatorship, aimed at oppressing democratic freedoms and public movements. The ideology of fascism is a militant chauvinism, racism, anti-communism, violence, the cult of the leader, the total power of the country, universal control over the person, the militarization of all spheres of society, anger. Bunch of rods (fascia) was the emblem of power system in ancient Rome. Almost in all, the ideology of German fascism was painted, and even the title: the first empire was proclaimed by the medieval sacred Roman Empire of the German civilization, the 2nd - the German Empire of 1871-1918, the third should have become the refreshing, which took after the defeat in the First World War and Revolutions are new state Germany, which typed to surrender thousands of years (3rd Reich, thousand-year-old Reich).

Fascism is considered in modern political science as a combination of three essential parts:

  • economic Systemfinancial essence Fascism lies in the hypertrophied role of the country in the presence of a market economy (that is, the government does not have all major means of production, but only keeps under control the main leverage of the impact on the economy);
  • politicians - this is a dictatorship, usually based on the personality of the charismatic favorite, the "leader of the nation";
  • ideology - Fascism is manifested in propaganda of state exclusivity, "superiority" of one ethnic group over all others.
  • Therefore, the definition of fascism is the opportunity to give only taking into account all these three levels.

    In other words, fascism is a controlled market economy, dictatorship and nationalism as the official ideology of the country.

    Fascism appeared in Italy at the end of World War II 1914-1918. German Nazism (National Socialism) There is only one of the countless varieties of fascism. Between the first and 2nd world wives, in almost every European country, there were their fascist parties, groups and movements: for example, phalanxists in Spain, Legion Archangel Misha in Romania, supporters of Ferenz Salashi in Hungary, English Alliance of Fascists in England, etc. . In its own external policy, all fascist regimes conducted a colonial, aggressive, expansionist line. For example, Mussolini led the war in Abyssinia, the Hungarian fascists wanted to capture the entire pool of the Danube River, the phalanxists rushed their eyes on African mainland and even at the neighboring Portugal. Almost always, fascist regimes were installed in power evenly, often even democratic way, as in Germany. This regimes were often preceded by a shock: defeat in the war, humiliation as a result of unequal international treaties, economic crisis.

    Until the 2nd World War, the fascists believed that they have common philosophical principles: a favorite, a single-party system, social darvinism, elitarism, with all this, each government adhered to its state model of fascism - for example, the Portuguese Clean Corporate New Government under the control of Salazara, Spanish phalangists, Hungarian Nilashists. In 1945, the surviving fascist regimes were marked from Nazism - so as not to be equivalent to the convicted world public of the Hitler's variety of fascism.

    Italian fascism - authoritarian, nationalist policy, which was held in Italy from 1922 to 1943 Prime Minister Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) - Sleeping of the Blacksmith, past Socialist, then Teran, official title - duch (IT. "Leader").

    Etymologically, the term "fascism" comes from the Italian "Fascio" (league), also from Latin Fascia (bunch) is an ancient sign of the Roman administration. Mussolini accepted fascia as a sign of the fascist party in 1919 in the development of Fasci Di Combattimento (combat leagues).

    In political science, Italian fascism is assigned as a syncretic model of ideology and the form of the board, from which other varieties of fascism developed.

    The main ideas of the Italian fascism were set out in the "Doctrine of Fascism" book, also in the works of Giovanni Gentile, the founder of the theory of "actualistic idealism", which became the basic for the fascists. The doctrine proclaimed the world of actions in the field of the population of the Earth, rejected the "eternal world" as something burden. The fascists argued that the person and the population of the Earth could not live in the absence of war.

    "The Doctrine of Fascism" B. Mussolini The first time was posted in 1932 in 14 Tome of the Italian Encyclopedia Enciclopedia Italiana Di Scienze, Lettera ED Arti as an introduction to the Fascismo article (fascism). In the work of Mussolini, he wrote that he was disappointed in the doctrines of the past, including in socialism, the active conductor of which he was many years. He believed that new ideas should be found, because political doctrines come and leave, and the peoples remain. Mussolini was convinced that in the case of the XIX century was an age of individualism, the XX century will be a century of collectivism and, as it should, countries.

    In search of his own recipe for people's happiness, he expressed subsequent provisions:

  • Fascist concept of a comprehensive country. There is no human and spiritual values \u200b\u200boutside it. Fascism - totalitarian, and the fascist government contains all values \u200b\u200b- interprets, develops and produces all human activities.
  • Fascism understands the prerequisites for which socialism and trade union movement appeared and developed, because it assigns the corresponding importance to the corporate system in what divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized within one country.
  • Fascism is completely opposite to liberalism both in politics and in the economy.
  • The fascist government manages the economy as far as the rest of life - through corporate, social and educational institutions, through the political, economic and spiritual forces of civilization, organized in proper associations operating in the state.
  • Mussolini does not perceive the racial definition of civilization forming the government: "Nation is not a race, or a certain geographical locality, but the group lasts in history ..."; "Race is a feeling, not reality; 95% feeling. "
  • On June 18, 2010, the Kirovsky District Tribunal Ufa ruled on the recognition of the Extremist book. The decision of the Tribunal proved the fact that the federal law "On counteracting extremist activities" Proceedings of the Governorate of the Fascist Party of Italy obviously includes the number of extremist materials. The result of the decision was the inclusion of a book in the "Federal List of Extremist Materials".

    At the current time, fascist ideas develop different neopheshi and nationalist organizations - for example, the batch of yobbik in Hungary. The opposition to fascist ideologies, organizations and governments are known as antifachism.

    Sources and additional materials:

  • - Zgursky G.V. Dictionary of historical definitions. M.: Eksmo, 2008. P. 375. ISBN: 978-5-699-27092-7;
  • wikiznanie.Ru is the material from the electrical encyclopedia of Vikival:
  • - Shcherbina O.S.

    The history of fascism in Western Europe

    What is fascism? // Collection of scientific papers SevkavgTu. The "Humanities" series. Vol. No. 10. Stavropol, 2003. (in format.pdf);

  • - How is the risk of slipping of the Russian Federation in fascism?
  • - Dubineansky M. "Fascism VS Nazism" (article in the newspaper "Mirror of the Week", Ukraine, December 9, 2006)
  • Additionally on

  • What is the biography of Adolf Hitler?
  • What is the biography of Paul Josef Goebbels?
  • Where on the Internet to find information about the history of the Third Reich?
  • When is the International Resistance Movement Day marks? (in one answer)
  • When did you start celebrating the international day of the victims of fascism?
  • What is the "fifth column"?
  • What is a yobbik?
  • What is Abver?
  • What is antifachism?
  • What is anti-communism?
  • What are fascia?
  • What decent attention is the opportunity to read in the "Dictionary of Historical Terms"?
  • Source material website 1 2 3 4 MIST

    Ridge 1. Istorіya fascism

    1.1 Mock the cause of vicinen fascism

    1.2 Іstorіya fascism to Kіntsya ІІ Svіtovoi

    1.2.1 Іstorіya fascism in іtalії

    1.2.2 Іstorіya fascism in nіmetchinі

    1.2.3 Іstorіya fascism in the mouth

    1.3 Neofashism

    Ridgel 2. Characteristics of fascism Yak polrty mode

    2.1 Visnochnya Condivated "Fascism"

    2.2 іdaini principles fascism

    2.3 Mechanism Fascist Korement

    2.4 Econichna Polіtika fascism


    List of whistles jerell

    People can not live, not Pam'yatayuchi Urokіv Istorії. Tіlki on the pіdtstі dosvіdu, passed by the people, to break the Sudzhnіshniy і tom tomorrow day. Tsii Vollіvsky once pіdtreju іdomu іstina about those, Scho without a passionless Maudennya і I can't Bethotnoe. Delivered Tsієї Kuroçovo Roboti - Domelіditi One of the Nizhlivі-Fascism is a fascism. Rocky fascist launch Buli scary rocks violence І terror. Ludi does not have to be forceding the fascist fascist, їx zhakhlі zlocini, Zdіysneni in Radyantskomoy Soyui, Polavі, Franzії, the pasties. Ludia is not in the right of Zabuvati and Speach, Yak Holocaust, Auschwitz, Khotyn, Babin Yar. The Tsyu the topic is tricking the spirit of terrible speeches, to that Dz.Zhuvati ї without Emotsiy, Lishe is about the magnitude of the Mislasi.

    Actual Danaїї тем є Sovili is great. Nab_lyche Vona Pisa Kaza Iz Turn the sewn of the Tsієї іdeologії. Bo HTO WINNS In this, Ocho Fascism is not becoming in English? Yak is not paradoxically, Ala Fact: Maiyuchi Dosvіd Officon Svіtovo Vіini, the shortness of the suspension does not swell on the back of himself to complain about the recurrence of fascism. It is here, then there can be a chance about NeofashiStski organіzazy. Through the Stilki Rockіv pіsl Peremogi over Gіtler Z'Razyuyuzhuya "Skіnheti" Create a flawless, whistling is clearly fascist symbol, aims to make such a іdeologіya. To this Vivchennya fascism є Sovili is relevant, we can proper in the Bournozhi ztzyu problem. Adje, Yak Vіdomo: "Love of Vortes, Treka pіznaty". Great Maitni Maitni in us, the Rіznі Neofashistskі Ruhi in Skіdnіyi єvropі Ryuhko. Especially GOSTO TSIA NOTE IN RESION І Ukraine.

    Until the reasons of the Tsієї, it is possible to visit those, Shaho noise, a kind of pіdіimyum, navalo fascism і neofashimism, not t_lki positively funkiyu in the Plani Visitlennnya Problems, and in the Lorn in the plan of ї enterprise. Zadyaki grades Masovo іnformazії іntternetu Be cheaper Bazhechiy Mozhey Diasti Zіkabluchu I іnformakiya, whether there is a deceased chi propaganda character.

    Usi Vizhyssezagadani Cause to see what Vivchennya Patten fascism є is relevant to our hour.


    Narium of fascism and nazism

    Kathagoria Polіtics Іdeologії.

    The item is duplex. Pol_tichna Іdeologіya fascism і neofashism

    META DOSELIMENT. Meta Tsієї Roboti - Delzlіditi Naziistskaya Vchenkhnya in the Siberian Survivors, sank the characteristic of neofashism.

    Delivanny Deliva:

    · Vivests basic cause fascist іdeologії та Tu ї Ukraine

    · Dacy cast the characteristic of the fascist western

    · Explain, herself SAME Fascism Calibling to River'aznnya Officon Svіtovoi Vіini

    · Explain Riznitzia Mіzh Fascism I and National Social Socialist

    · Skropsonuati Mozbli Shati River'aznna Problems of Neofashimism in Ukraine

    Jerellina Base Divіzhenna warehousely s pіdruchenikіv, critic Montographer Vіdomih іdeologіv, Riznanki articles in the science of magazines on Dan theme

    Methods, Vicarista at Doslіzhennі Danania.

    1) Porvnyaliy (comparative) Method method - Method of whistles with the sobrenniality of the VIDMINNIONS OF THE MOTRYSTO FASISTSKOY ІDEOLIKIA, FOR ACHIKE ITALIA TA NIMECHCHINI. Riznitzі Mіzh Fascism Catherine XX Art. І crust neuofashism.

    2) Estoric method - whiskers with the zobrennі embodiment, the genesis of the fascist wedding.

    3) Social and psychological method - for the additional method of the central method, Delivogeno, whose essentials in such farms, Yak Utalіya, Ta Nіmetchina originated fascism. І Yakі Cause, Shah Vіn Nabav is a wide sewn in the kra.

    4) Psychologist's method - whiskers at Dzorzhenni Neofashimism, the reasons for Yochi Viknunnya Ta Mozhvi whitewash.

    It is practical than the meaning of the village of Zasuyvati warehousely with the pіddymody to Vistae Chi Dopordіdi on Danu the themes, at pіddypu, to practical to occupy the І renovine of the science of science.

    Withclude Tsyu Introducing the character of the village of Juvano, ї акkt, and Torzozh, the subject, the METU, Jerelelyn Base, is practical than the tavern of Tsoy Doszlіzhenna І Metodi, Vicarista with writing Danania Currency Roboti.

    Ridge 1. Istorіya fascism


    Fascism originated on the Catherine of the XX Art. In the young hedgehog in іtalії - sulk Yak Cultural-Mustec, Yavishek, Yak form protest, which appeared on that hour of the bourgeoisії, yak, it came to the will of the Suspili-Pol_tichnya Ruh Zi, ISTorіюu, L_derai І іdeologіu.

    Rannі _deologists Fascisam Vіyni's Fasho Svіtovoi ійyniyi ідаповали і и ідисенся ідеми і і і и полкали рерotobiti svіt і Lyuduin wrapped Vіkinennya Morality Principle. Ale Pіsl 1918 ROCK FASHISTY Based Bazowati's own іdeologіyu on the patrotichnye, the revengery soils, whitenovychi riddled by the image of the Nermannya, econichnu, the crisis of Tu Іnski Negativnі Suspіlnі Momenti. For the same hour, the Namagna Namagna Nazistiv Vicerovyvati has a two cinniki, the yaki of the Zenom became visnalines - the tradition of the tradition of Relіgі.

    Pershі Favistskі Organizatsії - "Firey de Combattimato" (Zvіdsey І Names of the Vacific Ruhu) - SAKAYAI in Іtalії in Berezni 1919 Rock. In Zhovtnі 1922, Rock Italіyskі Fascist ("Duche"), B. Mussolіni, having enjoyed PRAM'єr-Mіnіstra. Fascist Dictaturi decorated in 1926 ROCI.

    Catherine 1919 Rachi Viknikl Fascist Schedule in Nіmetchchini. In Lyudo 1920, Roca Bula attached the name - National-Social-Socialistichna Nіmezka Robіtnich Partіya. Zvіdi to like the name of the Nіmetsky Risnovide fascism - Nazism. In Sichnі 1933, Rock Nazis, they added to Vyatsychchini.

    The scrape is called a divine, the yak could be standinally so, Scho in Nіmetchini Tu ITalії, in some svibіlsh culturally, the fascism of ZMІG, not devils, and y getting the stilki.

    Alya Delzizuychi Siturati in Togo-shaped Іtalії і імемечини инілити и и и дина комених и по постания

    l Zagalnonazіonalnі Krizi, Yaki Zachіpili at the Tiy Chi Іnshіy Mіrі Usi Suspіlnі Nastriks і Grup, i yakі grew up to interі soci_alnі superkі;

    l Reloblenya Real news Lyondo-Democratic Dervyi, ї ї ї їнналить спастоваться и і і и изуватичи и и и и и и кризих

    l Railed by Mizijiyiyiyiy Cyche, already up to ї ї и и \u200b\u200bицінальный поднижана, каз Це мильшина Місце at Vipadki Z Nіmetchinyu, Yaku Zemusili Pіdpisati Versailles Mirny Treaty;

    l Waving included Lіvich Partіy (Comunion, Social-Democratic), Yaki Lyakali Revolutionary Perspective Perspective Not Lishe Kattalіstіv, and in Seredniy Clas;

    l Waving the Fascist Ruhiva Charismatichny L_derіv, Yaki Vmіlo Manіpulyuva Masami, Ryatiyuyuchi vivest the land of the Krizyi Schwidki Schuchi DIY;

    l Retailor Suspity in the L_Beral II Democratic Tsinnikov;

    l Nestab_lnіst, Yaka Porodgwalla Natsіonalіstichnі, Мілітаророрскі тововальникі

    l Pіdtrimka Fascist Large Bourgeois_yu, which Rosrakhovaloval Vicorochi fascist organіzatsatsya in the yakosti of a sorry Timchaso method in Bournozhі s vortes.

    SingoMasna revealing Usichich Factor_v drew the fascism of Rippovyuzhenna in the region in the 20-30s of the rocks, pulling the Bіlshіt destroy in Nab_ls large-scale Blood-Platy. Kimm, it is necessary to bring inquiry to the folding of the M_Inzіniyii in Tsiyiy. Won was characterized by the head of the head of the fascist ogrezi, the superthesis, a reflection of the Rіznomanki aggression "Karіtnzi". Franzіia Bula Zatsіklivaa in Zeberezhnі Versailleski Systems, Vona Pragne Torn Tsієї Tsіlі schitrioti єVurropiesky powered block. The English І USA Buli does not support the village of inno-ecionic potentity of Nіmechchini, do not allow the French Gegemon, head of the Farian, head, hidden aggression of ambіції фашима на кахіd z Perspective Vіini Mіzh Nіmetchiny І SRSR.

    Radyantissy Union is Vіdadavav Perevia, the plan of the cooder of the Systems of Collectively Geeks. Ala Podrikchchya Kraїnt-participation of diplomatic negotiations і і ї ї імннна имновна перекировнии от цієї system. Zonylіtarovanna Rinsochino zoni іідстуність Рісучих и ивітової спілити дости зрброння Оксия заїники L_dderіv fascist regime at the absence of half a seizure of the aggressive stupid of the territory.

    1.2 Іstorіya fascism to Kіntsya ІІ Svіtovoi

    1.2.1 Іtalіya

    Ranisch, Nіzh in the innovation of the Ohvropi fascism originated І By approved in Іtalії. Vikinennynya і І Distilitics Іtalіyski fascism Buli visnanі і і і вумолині истьічний оконичины, socially і politician problems, Shcho Vizhi in XIh Storіchі і Buli Zagniki's result of Pershio Svіtovoi Vіini.

    Wsi's іtalіya twisted in Prshiy Svіtіyi Vіinі a number of grave praises, Ale Vona Bula ONDIA from the Kroad-Pozhtzіv, Schopravda Nab_lsh Z succant. Promislovad, Fianci, Silsk, the gentlemen found in Zakhlovoye. Nіde did not buoy such verbaltia і kuvosti.

    In the result of Vіini Іtalіya twisted Pivdennes Tіrol і Іstіj z Tієstom, ale іїya brought to Vіdmovitiya Vіd Dalmatinskiy Uzterezhka to Kinno Yugoslavі, Todі Yak Fіuma Bulo Todded Vіlnym Mist. Gulzka Dumka іtalіji ached in reign on this Rіshnnya Alliedi-Vi on the abroad weakly іtalіyskoye Vlad.

    Before the reinforcements of the qich of the National Diagnostic Eden Emotsіyi Іtalіyskiy Siberian Sea, іtalіyskі Vіyski, rally іtalіyskі vіyski, loaning the pіd kerіvnitztva gabr_elі d'Inunzio, did not wicked oscore about Vіdhіd і 12 Veresnya 1919 ROCA Svavіlyly eyepowed Misto Fіuma. Little 16 Mіsyatsіv D'Isti, Izvytich's Todі SE Elementei Paradichnaya Style, Todі SiSti, Radi-Masovі's Paradine Podposhniy, Viozniki Pіsnі, Vіtnnya, dvanyovskiy І І І.

    The feasible crumble in the forestered fascism was the coordinant of the organіzatskyi Frontovikіv "Boyovo Zagon" ("Fasci Di Combattimento"), a sacrificing mussolіnі in Mili 23 birching 1919 ROCA, Yaka sat down the politician style of D'Annzio for the bias. 7 leisurefall 1921 ROCA MUSSOLІNІ ZUMIV OGODNATAY SVIY RUCH IN NATSIONALNY NATSIOVSKIE PATERIY І FOR PROMYSHUKHUCHE SHORT HOUR OF ORGANIZATI MASYSIVY RUCH, IK-LIA LAST FOR CHAIR 1921 ROCK NA NALIKUVAVAVAVA 200 ° C. Tsi Usіkh Podalzhavіnіnі, І vіd, ідаго ідодиолії і и и идитила, и и и и итціоничниимимими ра Торожі откілілістичні ELElenti. The name of the new Ruhu was twisted, by the National Socialist Misa, head of the participant in the center of the people of the new Ruhin, the head of the participant in the center of the unrovent Rus_, it's necessary to use the power of a radical vimshennia by National Problems.

    Easp D_vіshuyu, Anіzh Program Fascistiv, Bula, Pol_tichna Tactic, Shaho on the Suti made Svіtov Vіinhu Vadyanyskoy Vіinyu. Їna represents і і и и волинацы "Squadri" ("Zagon") - Zagoni, Scho warehousing from scientists І Studentіv, and Torzni Soldi Soldi Іtlіyskiy Elіney's Sturmovich Pіdrozdіlіv - "Arditi" ("Vіdvazhnі, Zuhwalі").

    Sung-Politskyi did not devour the fascists, Alila did not get caught. Todі w fascism will remove the mighty patrovel in the specimen of the tanning of the Confederates) Soyvyovtsiv і, Soyvyiv.

    The injuries of 27 poverty 1921 ROCA MUSSOLІNІ VІDDAV AVATE SUCCESS IN NAAPOLІ ZAYADRІ PIMM PIMM in Rome. If Chornosorchnikhniki Buli Nesbroyєnі, Polіція і Vіyskovi, not brought it.

    Schwidko Svido Schvidko Schwidko Schwidko Restand: Drop Boulo Vіdkriti Straisyanin at Svetty Hodini, Yak proponed General Badolo. Ala King Casting Onthe Rishennya - appoint Mussolіni Prem'єr-Mіnіstrom Іtalії.

    28 ovander 1921 Rock, Kolya Benіto Officon Podcіino becoming glazed by the ultold, I laid the buzz of Bulo. Z 535 Deputy Parliament Parliament Lishe 35 was put to the National Patterns Partії. That Mussolіni brought to Kokalіji, to Jaco, Uzіyshli Natsіonalіsti, Lіberally, Democrati і "Popolari" (Poplari - Populist, "People's Partіya").

    Parliamentary allies Fascistiv showed preparely preinclaring 8 leaves 1923 of rock so the titles "ACERBO Law" (Legge Acerbo). According to the Central Security Council, Yaka Partіya, Scho scored the number of Viscription on the virbians, Alla is not 25%, Ale is not 25%, twitched Dvі Tertini Mishtsy to Parliament. On the Vibrats of 5 kVіrt 1924, the fasciaries are fascied by the Lіberals, Shahy Vygaliy's list of Zehchi, twisted the people of Diet Two Tertini of SIIh Mіsts І now it was laid in parliamentary. VTIM, TSY Usіkh on the Vibert Bow Movedesty Persh for all for the additional phiscory pіdtrimki zokoko ogodnannan.

    2 poverty 1925 ROCA Corporates, Scho, Pratzіvennavnavtsіv І Ptsіvennikіv, collected Kіnetsi Freight of the Profit Spirit Ruma. The warehouse of the Skin Corporations had the ideas of fascistism partії і ідідприємницикий слиів. The head of the skin of the corporate, becoming its own Mussolіnі, Vіn clearly by the i-mіniskey corporate. The law by Nadailing Corporations Vernaches of the minds of Pratsі І Vishennia, the hardship of the superior.

    Pisl is an inclined corporate Lada Mussolіnі in terms of reformuvati Parliament. Deployment of ny Bula was created by the "Chamber of Fascist Organizatsii I Corporations." Їry Cleanies were focused by the Mussolіni.

    Pisil to the Catherine on the Catherine of Fall Falls 1925 ROCA SOUNDCOVED "VISIM FASISTSIKI SOCHIKI", SHO DISCUSSED OLD OLD. Freedom Zboriv і Oh'єdnan, Freedom of the Dom Buli Zlіlnenі Polіtically, the freedom of Buli, Svilnhen's Freedom of the Die Buli Svilnіyovtsi, was scaled.

    "Vizhi Favistskі Закины" slightly one on one:

    · The fear of the professionally Soyuzіv І pol_tichnye partіi (for the Vinnyatsky Fascist School);

    · Vidnant stratum for "Pol_tichni Burning";

    · Marking of supervisional Justitzії (Tribunalіv) I ADMINІNSTATIVNIE VISINIK;

    · The liquid self-deducer system was deployed on the signs of a silin (presence).

    Anyone's meeting of Teror Cocuswaloshagus Sorry Skump "Zamach" Chi "Zovoyy". In the leaven 1926 in Rock for the time of sight of the drops on the Life of the Mussolіni Bow of the Driving 15-Rіchny Cotton. NEGAYNE ADDUWED WILL ARESTIV І SHIDS VIRIVIV.

    On the Catherine 1928 ROCK BEV of standings New Vibri law, for the kind of "Great Fascist Rada" walked before the Vibert List of the candidate, and Viberti could give Tilki to give Abo Vіknuti yo in Civo. Such a parliamentary parliamentary system in Utaly Bula is residually dicked by dictates.

    Usi Tsi DII called before, Shcho at the Chervnі 1940 ROCA Іtalіya - Partner of Nіmetchini and Japaneu on Anti-Synternіvkom Pact - Ogolanius Vіin Franzії England. Through the act of the hour, I was attacked by Wick. Іtalіyska NaziShistska Press diverted rividin about the Sweets of the Sweeper of the Great Afro-European Rimskii Іmperії. Ale Kіnets, Bow Cosim not so.


    · Principle "Chief) - one-zone dictaturi. Prema'єr-Mіnіster Bouv inequalized VID Parliament. Yogo Mіnіstri was rejected on forgiveness to Pomichnikіv, Vіdpovіdalnyi before your glory, I admitted to the і sn) in the wisdom of the remaining. Sweelectric faint rokiv (up to 1936 ROCA) Mussolіnі LIVING 7 MINISTERSKY POSTIV SOLDOY. CHAPTER TREATMENT MAK RIGHT TO VIDANYAN DEPREPIV, YAKI MALI POSITION OF THE MODIVE.

    · Ordnannya Fascist Schedule Parts. Great Rada Fascist Schedule warehousing warehousing from the first place for graduating. Head for the buoy head of the head. Rada Vіdala Constitutsiniynimi, Consolidated Niivazhlіshі bills, Vіd Nyi seen acknowledged on Vіdpovіdalnі post.

    · Third rioo Bouv Teror. The fascist mode is trimmed on the masculine sweeps. VІDPOVIMY ZOZIM visited the largest known to the flawfough of the Polіtsekiy services, Yaki Buli Creative at the Missoline mode. The National Domestic Menshini Buli Pіddanі Important Utischam, Alla Evreїv, did not seepali. І Lishe in 1937-1938 rocks, in the process of Spіvprotsі z Nіmetchinyu, Soyisnyuvati Anti-Semіtskі Aktsії.

    next page \u003e\u003e

    Who is considered the founder of the ideology of fascism?

    1. If we talk about a modern understanding, then Benito Mussolini.
      In general, the word appeared in the Roman Empire, and meant not at all that he was attributed now.
    2. Can Gebels? And they took the origins from Tibet. Swastika!
    3. Hitler bitch
    4. Mussolini based on theoretical works of Marx
    5. Trotsky. It was from his filing that Hitler's Power was erected.
    6. According to the textbooks Benito Mussolini, and the entire concept of "drawn" with ancient religious cults, in which mass sacrifices were legalized, some types of canibalism, etc.
    7. Eco wears you !! ! From the Bolsheviks yes to the fascists !!!
    8. He knows him who was the founder of the ideology of fascism as such, but A. Hitler's ideological and spiritual "father", A. Hitler was a Gottfried Federer. It is exactly the authorship of such a cute slogan: "The proletaries of all countries are gobed!". Let me remind you that this is under this slogan twice a day I went out as if the Anti-Fascist newspaper "True", it was this slogan that was drawn on the coat of arms of the USSR.
    9. There is no certain father of the founder of national socialism, fascism is a derivative of national-socialism more softened cream with an Italian flavor, and not a public how many consider.

      Where and when did fascism appear?

      The moral rationale was laid by F. Nietzsche the idea of \u200b\u200bSvexchelovka and the rejection of German classical philosophy. Malthus was attached to his hand and a number of other English philosophers recognized the superiority of Nordic Rassams later came the occult and all the Shambalu there. The ideas of Nazism supported German Burgers to the Second. floor. 19th century ratified for the expansion of life space and restrictions in the rights of Jews. In the days of the Weimar Republic, there was a "part of the people" of the nationalist sense, but did not receive great support. Mass nationalism made Hitler giving him a social orientation (attracted to his side of lumpets)

    10. Mussolini!
    11. The question is controversial.
      To be accurate, the founder of fascism as such is Mussolini.

    ATTENTION, only today!

    The psychological basis for the growth of prefashist, and then fascist sentiment was the phenomenon that the famous philosopher Erich Fromm determined as "escape from freedom." "Little Man" felt loneliness and helplessness in society, where the faceless economic laws and giant bureaucratic institutions were dominated above him, and traditional ties with his social environment were blurred or torn. Losting "chains" of the neighborhood, family, community "unity", people felt the need for some kind of community replacement. They often found such a substitution in the sense of confidence of the nation, in an authoritarian and militarized organization or in totalitarian ideology.

    It is on this soil at the beginning of the 20th century. There were first groups that stood at the origins of the fascist movement. It received the greatest development in Italy and Germany, which was facilitated by unresolved social, economic and political problems, sharply exacerbated on the overall background of global shocks and crises of the era.

    First world War was accompanied by nationalist and militarist ugar. The wave of mass chauvinism prepared by the decades of the wave of mass chauvinism was overwhelmed. In Italy, the movement of supporters of the country's entry into the war on the side of the Honor of the Entente (the so-called "interventionalists"). It closed the nationalists, some of the socialists, representatives of the artistic avant-garde ("futurists") and others. The leader of the movement was one of the former leaders of the Italian Socialist Party of Mussolini, excluded from her ranks for calls to war. On November 15, 1914, Mussolini began to produce the newspaper "Popolo D" ITALY, "which called on the" national and social revolution ", and then headed the movement of supporters of war -" Faxis of revolutionary action. "Faxe members conducted a stormy manifestations, which in May 1915 resulted In the wave of pogroms, directed against the citizens of Austro-Hungary and Germany and supporters of the preservation of the country's neutrality, in an attack on parliament. As a result, they managed to draw Italy to war, contrary to the will of most people and a significant part of politicians. In the consequence, the fascists considered this performance by the initial moment of their Movement.

    The course and consequences of the First World War became a shock for the European Society. The war caused a deep crisis of the established norms and values, moral restrictions were discarded; The usual human representations are revised, primarily about the value of human life. People who returned from the war could not find themselves in a peaceful life from which they managed to fall. The socio-political system of the enclosed revolutionary wave, which swept in 1917-1921 Russia, Spain, Finland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy and other European countries. In Germany, a ideological vacuum was added to this, which arose with the fall of the monarchy in November 1918 and the unpopularity of the regime of the Weimar Republic. The situation was aggravated by an acute post-war economic crisis, which especially painfully hit in small entrepreneurs, merchants, shops, peasants serving. The emerging complex of social problems has contacted public consciousness With the unsuccessful outcome of the war: Military defeat and the versal contract, in Germany, or with unfavorable results of the world, in Italy (the feeling of "stolen victory"). Wide sectors of society were a way out of the established position on the paths of the establishment of tough, authoritarian power. It is this idea that the fascist movements arising after the war in various European countries.

    The main social base of these movements was a radical part of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and merchants, shopkeepers, artisans serving. These layers were largely disappointed during the competitive struggle with major owners and with economic rivals on the world arena, as well as in the ability of a democratic state to provide them with welfare, stability and acceptable social status. Communicating with the declassed elements, they put forward their own leaders who promised to solve their problems by creating new system Total power, strong, national, corresponding to their views and interests. However, the phenomenon of fascism went far beyond the limits of a layer of small and medium-sized owners. He captured and part of the working people, among which were also largely distributed norms of authoritarian and nationalist psychology and value orientation. Monstrous pressure rendered on members of society by constant voltage, monotonous labor, uncertainty in tomorrow, growing dependence on powerful state and economic structures of control and subordination, strengthens the overall irrigation and hidden aggressiveness, which is easily translated into the Racism Racial and hatred and hatred towards the "strangers" (xenophobia). The mass consciousness was largely prepared for the perception of totalitarianism throughout the previous history of the Company's development.

    In addition, the spread of fascist sentiment was connected with the general change in the role of state power in the 20th century. She increasingly took over the social and economic functions former to her first, and this contributed to the growth of demand for authoritarian, forced and security solutions. Finally, the fascists supported and part of the previous economic and political elite of a number of countries, in the hope that the strong dictatorial power will contribute to economic and political modernization, will help solve economic difficulties, suppress the social movements of workers and through the concentration of forces and resources to overtake competitors on the world arena . All these factors and sentiment contributed to the arrival of fascists to power in a number of European states in the 1920s and 1930s.

    The first formed Italian fascism. March 23, 1919 At the congress of former Frontovikov in Milan, the birth of the fascist movement, headed by Mussolini, was officially proclaimed, which received the title "Chief" - "Duce". It became known as the National Fascist Party. The troops and the Faxes group quickly arose throughout the country. Just three weeks later, on April 15, the shooters of Avanti's Socialist newspaper, fascists, essentially unleashed the "crawling" civil war were shot by the editorial demonstration and destruction of the editorial office.

    The formation of a fascist movement in Germany applies to the same period. Here it was originally not issued in a single organization, but consisted of various, often competing groups. In January 1919, the German Workers Party was formed on the basis of radical-nationalist political circles, which was later renamed the National-Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), and its members began to be called "Nazis". Soon we are headed ("Führer") NSDAP has become a leaving of Hitler's army circles. Others, no less influential in that period by the organizations of a fascist sense in Germany were "Black Reichsver", "Anti-Bolshevik League", paramilitary societies, groups of adherents of the "conservative revolution", "National Bolsheviks" and others. The tactics of German fascists included terror and preparation of the armed Capture power. In 1923, ultra-right groups led by the Nazis raised the rebellion in Munich ("Beer Pulling"), but it was quickly depressed.

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